










”材料反映古代中国选官制度的发展趋势是A.君主专制在不断加强 B.皇帝选官重视军功C.重血统向重才能转化 D.君权相权不断协调2. 《新唐书》记载:“唐制……日暮鼓八百声而门闭。



”唐宋街鼓这一变化从一个侧面反映了A.社会治安明显好转 B.坊市制度已经崩溃C.都城人口急剧增长 D.城市管理更加严格3. 《论语·颜渊》曰“颜渊问仁,子曰,克己复礼为仁,一曰克已复礼,天下归仁焉。






”这就把“克己复礼”解释为A.“人伦者,天理也” B.“存天理,灭人欲”C.“宇宙便是吾心,吾心即是真理” D.“心外无物”“心外无理”4. 中国文学艺术异彩纷呈,繁花似锦。

下列表述不正确的是A.图1是东晋顾恺之的作品,反映了“以形写神”的特征B.图2是唐朝吴道子的作品,反映了吸收外来文明的特征C.图3作品的作者是关汉卿,反映了元曲通俗易懂的特征D.图4剧种在清朝同治年间产生,反映了“徽汉合流”的特征5.1900年9月,英、法、德、意四国侵略军以“未按职分保护外国人”等罪名在保定处斩三位清政府官员,对此,清政府抗议道:“即使中国官员有办理不善之处,应交中国自行处分,何得侵我自主之权?”对此,以下解读正确的是A. 侵略军这一行为的依据是《辛丑条约》B. 反映了中国正完全陷入半殖民地境地C. 表明了清政府强烈的主权意识 D.说明了清政府已失去对地方政府控制6.1945年10月8日,毛泽东发表了演说,他说:“我们要在蒋委员长领导之下,克服困难,建设独立、自由、民主、统一、富强的新中国!大家一条心,要和平、民主、团结、统一。



江苏省南通第一中学2013—2014学年度第一学期期中考试卷高二物理(选修)(本试卷卷面总分120分,考试时间100分钟)考生注意:1. 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答卷上.2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号.3. 实验题和计算题请在答卷上指定区域内作答,在试题卷上作答一律无效.4. 考试结束后,考生将答卷交回.一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题4分,共计20分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意. 1. 下列各图中,用带箭头的细实线表示通电直导线周围磁感线的分布情况,其中正确的是( )2.如图所示,实线表示匀强电场的电场线.一个带正电荷的粒子以某一速度射入匀强电场,只在电场力作用下,运动轨迹如图中虚线所示,a 、b 为轨迹上的两点.若a 点电势为ϕ a ,b 点电势为ϕ b ,则下列说法中正确的是( ) A .场强方向一定向左,且电势ϕ a>ϕbB .场强方向一定向左,且电势ϕ a<ϕb C .场强方向一定向右,且电势ϕ a>ϕ bD .场强方向一定向右,且电势ϕa <ϕb3.如图所示,一通电直导线置于匀强磁场中,电流方向垂直纸面向里,图中能正确表示该导线 所受安培力的是( )A .F 1B .F 2C .F 3D .F 44.如图所示,电动势为E 、内阻为r 的电池与滑动变阻器R 串联,已知滑动变阻器的最大阻值是r .当滑动变阻器的滑片P 由aA BCDIR端向b 端滑动时,下列说法中正确的是( ) A .滑动变阻器消耗的功率不变 B .滑动变阻器消耗的功率变大 C .内阻上消耗的功率变小 D .滑动变阻器消耗的功率变小5.如图所示的电路中,当变阻器R 3的滑动触头向上移动时(A .电压表示数变小,电流表示数变大B .电压表示数变大,电流表示数变小C .电压表示数变大,电流表示数变大D .电压表示数变小,电流表示数变小二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题4分,共计16分,每小题有多个选项符合题意,全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,错选或不答的得0分.6.如图所示是一个由电池、电阻R 与平行板电容器组成的串联电路,平行板电容器中央有一个液滴处于平衡状态,当增大电容器两板间距离的过程中( ) A .电容器的电容变大 B .电阻R 中有从a 流向b 的电流C .液滴带负电D .液滴仍然平衡7.如图所示,在等量异种电荷形成的电场中,有A 、B 、C 三点,A 为两点荷连线的中心,B为连线上距A 为d 的一点,C 为连线中垂线上距A 也为d 的一点,关于三点的场强大小、电势高低比较,正确的是( ) A .C A B E E E >> B .C B A E E E >>C .A C B ϕϕϕ=>D .B C A ϕϕϕ=>8.如图所示,足够长的两平行金属板正对着竖直放置,它们通过导线与电源E 、定值电阻R 、开关S 相连.闭合开关后,一个带电的液滴从两板上端的中点处无初速度释放,最终液滴落在某一金属板上.下列说法中正确的是( ) A .液滴在两板间运动的轨迹是一条抛物线B .两板间电压越大,液滴在板间运动的加速度越大C .两板间电压越大,液滴在板间运动的时间越短D .定值电阻的阻值越大,液滴在板间运动的时间越长2R 19.如图所示,在竖直放置的半径为R 的光滑半圆弧绝缘细管的圆心O 处固定一点电荷,将质量为m ,带电量为+q 的小球从圆弧管的水平直径端点A 由静止释放,小球沿细管滑到最低点B 时,对管壁恰好无压力,已知重力加速度为g ,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .小球在BB .小球在BC .固定于圆心处的点电荷在AB 弧中点处的电场强度大小为3mg /qD .小球不能到达C 点(C 点和A 在一条水平线上)三.实验题:本题共4小题,共计28分.把答案填在相应的横线上. 10.螺旋测微器的示数为 ▲ mm .11.某实验小组要描绘一只规格为“2.5 V 0.5 A”小电珠的伏安特性曲线,除了提供导线和开关外,还有以下一些器材:A .电源E (电动势为3.0 V ,内阻不计)B .电压表V(量程为0~3.0 V ,内阻约为2 k Ω)C .电流表A(量程为0~0.6 A ,内阻约为1 Ω)D .滑动变阻器R (最大阻值10 Ω,额定电流1 A)(1) 为完成本实验,请用笔画线当导线,将实物图连成完整的电路,要求实验误差尽可能的小.(图中有几根导线已经接好)(2) 下表中的数据是该小组在实验中测得的,请根据表格中的数据在方格纸上作出电珠的伏安特性曲线.根据I -U 图象,由图分析可知,小灯泡电阻随温度T 变化的关系是 ▲ ▲ ▲ .12.当使用多用电表测量物理量时,多用电表表盘示数如图所示.若此时选择开关对准 ×100Ω挡,则被测电阻的阻值为 ▲ Ω.若用多用电表测量另一个电阻的阻值发现指针偏离最左端角度很大,则应该换用倍率更 ▲ (填“高”或“低”)的挡位,换挡后还要 ▲ ,用完电表后把选择开关拨到 ▲ .13.为了测定一节旧干电池的电动势和内阻(内阻偏大),配备的器材有: A .电流表A (量程为0.6A )B .电压表V (量程为2V ,内阻为1.2k Ω)C .滑动变阻器R (0~10Ω,1A )某实验小组设计了如图所示的电路.利用上述实验电路进行实验,测出多组电压表读数U V 与对应的电流表读数I A ,利用U V –I A 的图象所示.由图象可知,电源的电动势E = ▲ V ,内阻r = ▲ Ω.四、论述和演算题:本题共4小题,共计56分.解答时请写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案的不能得分,有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位.14.如图所示的电路中,R 1=2Ω,R 2=6Ω,S 闭合时,电压表V 的示数为7.5V ,电流表A 的示数为0.75A ,S 断开时,电流表A 的示数为1A ,求: (1)电阻R 3的值;(2)电源电动势E 和内阻r 的值.E ,r15.如图所示,两根平行放置的导电轨道,间距为L ,倾角为 ,轨道间接有电动势为E (内阻不计)的电源,现将一根质量为m 、电阻为R 的金属杆ab 水平且与轨道垂直放置在轨道上,金属杆与轨道接触摩擦和电阻均不计,整个装置处在匀强磁场(磁场垂直于金属棒)中且ab 杆静止在轨道上,求:(1)若磁场竖直向上,则磁感应强度B 1是多少?(2)如果通电直导线对轨道无压力,则匀强磁场的磁感应强度的B 2是多少?方向如何?16.如图所示,在场强为E 的竖直向下匀强电场中有一块水平放置的足够大的接地金属板,在金属板的正上方高为h 处有一个小的放射源,放射源上方有一铅板,使放射源可以向水平及斜下方各个方面释放质量为m 、电量为q 、初速度为v 0的带电粒子,粒子最后落在金属板上,不计粒子重力.试求: (1)粒子打在板上时的动能;(2)计算落在金属板上的粒子图形的面积大小.Eθθb a17.如图所示,在两条平行的虚线间存在着宽度为L、电场强度为E的匀强电场,在与右侧虚线相距为L处有一个与电场平行的屏.现有一电荷量为+q、质量为m的带电粒子(重力不计),以垂直于电场线方向的初速度v0射入电场中,v0方向的延长线与屏的交点为O.试求:(1)粒子从射入到打到屏上所用的时间;(2)粒子刚射出电场时的速度方向与初速度方向间夹角的正切值;(3)粒子打在屏上的点P到O距离y.南通一中2013-2014学年度第一学期高二物理期中考试答案一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题4分,共计20分.分,选对但不全的得2分,错选或不答的得0分.10. 3.240 (3分)(3.239,3.241都对)11. (1) 正确连线如图甲(3分)(2) 画出特性曲线如图乙(2分)注意曲线不过原点不给分,曲线不要超过额定电压.(3)小灯泡电阻随温度T 升高而增加(3分) 12. (1)2.8⨯103(填2800也对) (2分)低 (2分) 欧姆调零 (2分)off 挡或者交流电压最高挡 (2分) 13.1.60(3分) (1.6也给分)2.75(3分) (2.7到2.8也给分)四、论述和演算题:本题共4小题,共计56分. 14.221U I R I R -==1.5A R 3=222I RI I -=6Ω 7515E ..r =+ 8E r =+解得E =9V r =1Ω (14分) 15. (1)1tan ELB mg Rθ= 所以1tan mg RB ELθ=(2) 2ELB mg R=2mgR B EL= 方向水平向左端16.解: (1) 由动能定理2012K Eqh E mv =-得2012K E mv Eqh =+ (2) 221122Eq h at t m== 圆形半径0x v t =面积2202h mv s x Eqππ==17.(1)水平方向是匀速直线运动,所以02L t v =(2)0L v t =y Eq v t m=2tan y v EqLv mv α==(3) 离开电场的速度的反向延长线在初速度所在线段L 的中点,因此y =3tan 2L α 所以2232EqL y mv =。



2023-2024秋南通市⼀中初⼀第⼀次⽉考试卷⼆、单项选择(共15⼩题,每⼩题1分,共15分)21.We have art lesson once week.A. a; anB. an; aC. the; aD. /; a22.— you and your friend free tomorrow?—I’m afraid not.A. AreB. DoC. IsD. Does23.— Jim at home?—Yes, he go to school today.A. Is; isn’tB. Is; doesn’tC. Does; doesn’tD. Does; isn’t24.—Is your name Jack Brown?— . Some people call me Mr. Brown and my friends call me Jack.A. Yes, I am.B. No, I’m not.C. Yes, it is.D. No, it isn’t.25.Jane goes to the Dancing Club every Monday afternoon.A. atB. onC. /D.in26.I have a pet dog. I’m learning how to it.A. look atB. look forC. look afterD. look up27.—How does the boy look?—He is very . He plays football for two hours every day.A. happyB. sadC. strongD. free28.I like best. I can know a lot about animals and plants.A. ChineseB. ArtC. GeographyD. Biology29.—Do you like music?—Yes, everyone in my family music.A. enjoys listeningB. enjoys listening toC. enjoy listening toD. enjoy listening30.I hope to my birthday party next Friday.A. them to comeB. they to comeC. them can comeD. they can come31.Henry often at the weekend. How about with him this weekend?A. swims; swimB. swims; swimmingC. swim; swimmingD. swimming; swimming32.— does their teacher go to the cinema?—Three times a month.A. How manyB. How muchC. How oldD. How often33. the sitting room, we have a new television. Mum and Dad are watching a film it.A. In front of; in the front ofB. In front of; in front ofC. In the front of; in the front ofD. In the front of; in front of34.—Excuse me, ?—It’s 26th June 2019.A. what is the dateB.what day is todayC. how is the weatherD. when is the date35.—You look so beautiful today.— .A. Yes, I amB. Thanks a lotC. You’re rightD.Oh no. Don’t say that.三、完形填空(共15⼩题,每⼩题1分,共15分)Lucy lives in Yangzhou with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.White. Mr. White 36 in a company. Mrs.White is a teacher in our school. She teaches 37 English. All of us are 38 to her and she loves us, too. Lucy likes eating Chinese food very much.39 Sunday morning, she usually goes to the shop and helps her mother 40 some shopping. They often buy a lot of things.But Lucy’s brother lives in a 41 near Paris in France. It is a wonderful but 42 town. People there are very kind. On the old streets, there are many 43 . You can eat a lot of nice food there. He is a 44 in a restaurant. He makes Chinese food for it. It is very 45 for people to go shopping because there are many supermarkets and shops. There is a big cinema near his home, 46 he can see great films there. People in the town will 47 feel bored ( ⽆聊) because there area lot of things to do. Also it is easy for them to take a bus to get to the city centre48 their town.However,I like the nature(⾃然)best. So I would like to live in thecountryside( 农村). Here, I can 49 the field and sunflowers. Sometimes rabbits run into my garden. I think it’s very comfortable to be in this kind of beautiful place. 50 my home! You will feel very happy here.36. A. studies B. plays C. works D. shops37. A. our B. us C. we D. her38. A. warm B. bright C. helpful D. friendly39. A. In B. On C. At D. By40. A. carry B. does C. go D. do41. A. city B. town C. countryside D. park42. A. free B. poor C. busy D. lonely43. A. hospitals B. restaurants C. museums D. schools44. A. postman B. worker C. teacher D. cook45. A. easy B. kind C. friendly D. difficult46. A. after B. so C. if D. but47. A. always B. usually C. often D. never48. A. from B. to C. on D. with49. A. miss B. leave C. enjoy D. worry50. A. Welcome to B. Go away from C. Stay to D. Play with四、阅读理解(共15⼩题,每⼩题2分,共30分)ADear Mr Green.I am not happy these days. Please help me.I want to be a member of the class volleyball team. I think I am good at volleyball. But our PE teacher says I can’t get into the team. He says I am too fat(胖的).I really want to be a good volleyball player. This is my dream. Can you help me? JaneDear Jane.I’m sorry to know that you’re not happy.You play volleyball well, but your PE teacher doesn’t like fat girls. If(如果) you want to be a good volleyball player, you must be slim. Why not go running with Mary every morning? Mary is the best volleyball player in your class. You can be like her if you try!Allan Green51.Why is Jane not happy?A.Because volleyball is not easy to play.B.Because she can’t join the class volleyball team.C.Because her PE teacher likes her very much.D.Because she doesn’t have time for volleyball.52.Who is Mary?A.Allan Green’s classmate.B.Jane’s classmate.C.Jane’s PE teacher.D.A good basketball player.53.The underlined(加下划线的)word “try” means“ ” in Chinese.A.放弃B.努⼒C.想象D.希望54.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Jane doesn’t play volleyball well.B.Jane is really slim.C.Jane’s PE teacher doesn’t like fat girls.D.Jane wants to play for the school team.BDo you remember when your grandma told you the story of Snow White? Ah, the happy days of childhood! But do you know that Snow White comes from Germany? It’s just one story from the 209 in Grimm’s Fairy Tales (《格林童话》). The Grimm brothers started to collect(收集) fairy tales in 1806. Their first book came out in 1812. Why are German fairy tales so interesting? Maybe it’s because they come from agreat place famous for its stories —the Black Forest.The Black Forest is in Southwest Germany. It’s the largest forest in the county and one of the most beautiful. It’s famous for its trees and lovely views. There are valleys and waterfalls(瀑布) there. It’s a good place to start a story.55.From the story, we know that is the hometown of Snow White.A. EnglandB. JapanC. AmericaD. Germany56.The Grimm brothers collected stories for before their first book came out.A. four yearsB. five yearsC. six yearsD. seven years57.The writer aims(旨在) to tell us that in this passage.A.who wrote the story of Snow WhiteB.some things about Black ForestC.people should visit GermanyD.Snow White is a very famous fairy taleCEvery day, you may go to school by school bus. But do you have lessons on the bus?On a small fam in Mexico, there are no schools. A bus is the school. The driver of the bus is the teacher. It’s a school bus, but it doesn’t take the children to school. It just goes round from place to place, and sometimes it comes to this farm. The bus will stay here for three months. The farmers call it a school on wheels. Every time the bus comes, the farmers will come, running to it, shouting and laughing. They warmly welcome the school bus.When the bus is on the farm, in the morning, the teacher teaches the small children. In the afternoon, the bigger children come to have their lessons because they must work in the morning. At night, the fathers and mothers come to school. They want to learn, too. However, the farmers hope that they can have a real school some day.58.The driver of the bus is .A. the teacherB. the studentC. the farmerD. the runner59.The bus school will .A.take the children to schoolB.stay here for a yearC.go round from place to placeD.take the fathers and mothers to school60.The bigger children have their lessons in the afternoon because in the morning.A.they have to workB.they can’t get up earlyC.they have to do their homeworkD.the teacher wants to teach the small children first61.What’s the best title for the passage?A.The school busB.A big schoolC.Schools in MexicoD.A school on wheelsDMorgan is very happy these days. She is in Grade 7 at L.B Clarke Middle School, the USA. She gives her journals (⽇志) to the teacher. She writes them in the summer holiday. She says,“ I read many books to finish them.”In the summer holiday, most schools in the USA ask students to read. But L.B. Clarke starts a program (项⽬) this year.Students write their journals three times a week. The journals are about books they read or their everyday life. “Good writers must be good readers,” says a teacher in the school, “Our program also asks them to read, but in a different way.”Caroline, another student, finishes six journals. She writes about her favourite books and family tips.“The program helps me learn new things,” she says, “and if I forget something, I can look in my journals.”62.How does Morgan finish the journals?A. She visits many placesB. She asks many friends.C. She asks her parents for helpD. She reads many books.63.How often do the students write journals?A. Twice a week.B. Twice a month.C. Three times a week.D. Three times a month.64.One of Carolin’s journals may be about .A.a movie called the SmurfsB.a basketball game between Lakers and HeatC.a student called MorganD.a book called the Joy Luck Club65.What does the underlined sentence mean?A.You don’t need to read many books if you want to be a good writer.B.A good reader must be a good writer.C.As a good reader, you must write very well.D.If you want to be a good writer, you must first read many books.五、词汇(共15⼩题,每⼩题1分,共15分)A)根据句意、中⽂提⽰或英⽂释义,写出句中所缺单词,使句⼦通顺。



江苏省南通第一中学2011—2012学年度第一学期期中考试卷高一数学说明:1.本试卷满分160分,考试时间120分钟;2.在答题纸的密封线内填写班级、姓名、考号,在右下角填上座位号,密封线内不要答题; 3.请将所有答案按照题号填涂或填写在答题卡相应的答题处,否则不得分。

一、填空题:1. 已知集合{}21M x x =-<<,{}2N x x =≤-,则M N = ▲ .2. lg 2lg50+= ▲ .3. 若(1)23g x x +=-,则(1)g = ▲ .4. 若函数2()1f x x ax =+-是偶函数,则a = ▲ .5.函数y =的定义域为 ▲ .6. 函数2log y x =的单调递减区间是 ▲ .7.已知32,0()log ,0xx f x x x ⎧≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩,则1(())3f f = ▲ .8. 函数2()lg(21)f x x x =-+的值域为 ▲ .9.已知0. 1.1log ,log , 1.1a b c ===,则这三个数从小到大....排列为 ▲ . 10. 定义两种运算:22,a b ab a b a b ⊕=⊗=+,则函数1()(1)2xf x x ⊕=⊗-的奇偶性为 ▲ .11. 设()f x 为定义在R 上的奇函数,当0x ≥时,()2x f x x a =++,则(1)f -= ▲ . 12. 已知{}23,(5,)A x a x a B =≤≤+=+∞,若,A B =∅ 则实数a 的取值范围为 ▲ . 13.若函数24y x x =-的定义域为[4,],a -值域为[4,32],-则实数a 的取值范围为 ▲ . 14.函数[]y x =称为高斯函数,又称取整函数,对任意实数,[]x x 是不超过x 的最大整数,则 函数[]1(0.5 2.5)y x x =+-<<的值域为 ▲ .二、解答题:15. 设全集为R ,集合{}3<7A x x =≤,集合{}28B x x =<<,求()R A B ð及()R A B ð. 16. (1) 已知(),x x f x a a -=+若(1)3,f =,求(2)f 的值.(2)设函数3()log (),x x f x a b =-且3(1)1,(2)log 12.f f ==求,a b 的值.17. 已知()f x 为定义在R 上的奇函数,且当0x >时,2()1f x x =-, (1)求函数()f x 的解析式; (2)作出函数)(x f 的图象.(3) 若函数)(x f 在区间[,1]a a +上单调,直接写出实数a 的取值范围.(不必写出演算过程)18. 如图,矩形ABCD 中, 4,3AB AD ==,,E F 分别是边,AB BC 上的点,且AE BF x ==,设五边形AEFCD 的面积为,s 周长为,c (1)分别写出,s c 关于x 的函数解析式,并指出它们的定义域.(2)分别求,s c 的最小值及取最小值时x 的值. (第18题图)19.已知函数2()1(,),f x ax bx a b x R =++∈为实数,设函数()()2g x f x kx =-, (1)若(1)0f =,且函数()f x 的值域为[0,)+∞,求()f x 的表达式;(2)在(1)的条件下,若()g x 在[1,1]x ∈-上是单调函数,求实数k 的取值范围. (3)在(1)的条件下,求()g x 在[2,2]x ∈-上的最小值()h k .20.已知定义域为R 的函数121()2x x f x a +-=+是奇函数.(1)求a 的值; (2)求证:()f x 在R 上是增函数;(3)若对任意的t R ∈,不等式2(1)(1)0f mt f mt ++->恒成立,求实数m 的取值范围._________________________________________________________________________________________ 命题、校对、审核、制卷:易丽霞BF江苏省南通第一中学2011—2012学年度第一学期期中考试高一数学答案及评分标准一、填空题:1. {}1x x <2. 2 3. 3- 4. 05. [3,)+∞ 6. (0,1] ((0,1)亦正确) 7.128. R 9. ,,b a c 10. 奇函数 11. 2- 12. 2a ≤或3a > 13. 28a ≤≤ 14. }{0,1,2,3 二、解答题:15.(1) {}283A B x x =<<---------- 分 {()2R A B x x =≤ ð或}87x ≥----------分 (2) {3R A x x =<ð或}710x ≥----------分{()23R A B x x =<< ð或}7814x ≤<----------分 16.(1) (1)3f = 132a a -∴+=----------分212(2)()27-------------------6f a a aa --∴=+=+-=分 (2) (1)1f = 3log ()1ab ∴-= 39a b ∴-=----------分3(2)l o g 12f = 2233log ()log 12a b ∴-= 221212a b ∴-=----------分 由 22732141122a ab a b a ⎧=⎪-=⎧⎪⇒----------⎨⎨-=⎩⎪=⎪⎩分 17.(1) 1 0x =时,(0)02f =--------------分 2 设0x <,则0x ->当0x >时,2()1f x x =- 22()1()1f x x x ∴-=--=- ()f x 为定义在R 上的奇函数∴2()()14f x f x x =--=-----------分 综上: 221,0()0,051,0x x f x x x x ⎧->⎪==------------⎨⎪-<⎩分(2)分 (3) 1a <-或0a >15----------分 18.(1) 4,3AE BF x BE x CF x ==∴=-=- 2(4)12212322x x x s x -=-=-+-----分343c x x =+++- 106=----分 它们的定义域都是(0,3)8---------分(2) 22(2)20212(0,3)22x x s x x -+=-+=∈∴ 当2x =时, min 1011s =-------分10(0,3)t x =∈∴ 当2x =时, min 1015c =+-------分班级__________ 姓名______________ 考试号_________________…………………………密……………………………封…………………………线……………………BEF19. (1)显然0a ≠ (1)0101f a b =∴++=----------- 分 ,()x R f x ∈ 且的值域为2[0,)=b 403a +∞∴∆-=---------分 由22101()215240a b a f x x x b b a ++==⎧⎧⇒∴=-+----------⎨⎨=--=⎩⎩分(2) 2()(2)1g x ax b k x =+-+1 当0a =时, ()(2)1g x b k x =-+,()g x 在[1,1]x ∈-上单调,∴2b k ≠2 当0a ≠时,()g x 图象满足:对称轴:22k bx a-= ()g x 在[1,1]x ∈-上单调 ∴212k b a -≤-或212k ba-≥ ①当0a >时, 2b k a ≤-+或2b k a ≥+ ②当0a <时, 2b k a ≤+或2bk a ≥-+ 综上:略----10分(3) 1 当0a =时, ()(2)1g x b k x =-+①当20b k -=,即2bk =时, ()1h k =②当20b k ->,即2bk <时, ()(2)421h k g k b =-=-+ ③当20b k -<,即2bk >时, ()(2)421h k g k b ==-++2 当0a >时, ()g x 图象满足:对称轴:22k bx a-=且开口向上 ①当222k b a -<-,即22bk a ≤-+时, ()(2)4241h k g a b k =-=-++ ②当2222k b a --≤≤,即2222b b a k a -+≤≤+时, 22(2)()()124k b k b h k g a a--==-+ ③当222k b a ->,即22bk a ≤+时, ()(2)4241h k g a b k ==+-+ 3 当0a <时, ()g x 图象满足:对称轴:22k bx a-=且开口向下 ①当202k b a-<,即2bk >时, ()(2)4241h k g a b k ==+-+②当202k b a->,即2bk <时, ()(2)4241h k g a b k =-=-++ 综上:略----16分20.(1) 由(1)(1)0f f +-=得14202311a a a -+=⇒=-----------++分 检验: 2a =时, 121()22x x f x +-=+111212(21)12()222(22)22x x x xx x x x f x ---+-++----===+++()()0f x f x ∴+-=对x R ∈恒成立,即()f x 是奇函数.5-----------分(2)证明:令2,x t =则1111211(1)22212121t t y t t t t --==⋅=-=-++++ 设1212,x R x R x x ∈∈<且 2x t = 在R 上是增函数 120t t ∴<< 设120t t << 则12121111()2121y y t t -=---++ 211111t t =-++ 1212(1)(1)t t t t -=++12121200,10,10t t t t t t <<∴-<+>+> 12y y ∴<()f x ∴在R 上是增函数10---------------分 (3) ()f x 是奇函数∴不等式22(1)(1)0(1)(1)f mt f mt f mt f mt ++->⇔+>- ()f x 在R 上是增函数∴对任意的t R ∈,不等式2(1)(1)0f mt f mt ++->恒成立 即211mt mt +>-对任意的t R ∈恒成立 即220mt mt -+>对任意的t R ∈恒成立 1 0m =时,不等式即为20>恒成立,合题意; 2 0m ≠时,有280m m m >⎧⎨∆=-<⎩即08m << 综上:实数m 的取值范围为08m ≤<16-------------分。



南通市第一初级中学一初中学 [2017] 1号关于表彰2016—2017学年度第一学期优秀学生的决定各处室、各年级部、各班级:为了加强学风建设,培养一批品学兼优的学生和敢于管理、大胆工作的学生干部,充分发挥优秀学生的典型示范和模范学生干部的管理带动作用,根据学校有关考核条例,经各班级申报,学生处考核,校长办公会研究决定,对如下学生予以表彰:杜依宬等31位同学被评为三好学生标兵;周睿安等370位同学被评为三好学生;司秦炜等92同学被评为优秀学生干部;董晨曦等230位同学被评为文明学生;冯杨等106位同学被评为优秀志愿者;刘心怡等44名同学被评为文明礼仪之星。

(具体名单见附件)南通市第一初级中学2017年2月13日附件●三好学生标兵初一年级初一09班杜依宬初一16班李安楠初一03班吴依霖初一08班袁倩初一15班朱佳怡初一05班张姝瑶初一04班顾晨露初一12班秦啸天初一13班宋叶晴初一01班夏梦蝶初二年级初二02班杨徐卿初二06班周诣超初二06班刘畅初二02班樊家明初二03班葛晨曦初二02班周杨阳初二01班陆晨皓初二12班陈黄杰初二05班张天成初二02班黄方正初二10班戴珺婷初三年级初三07班戴陈驹初三07班张扬初三07班张思齐初三12班陈加贝初三03班时姚瑶初三07班陈梓歆初三13班马欣语初三07班凌珂珂初三07班钱子亮初三13班黄骁恒●三好学生初一年级初一01班周睿安蒋盛杰曾欣影赵馨然谭樾顾雨欣初一02班易卓谢冉曾凯越耿若妤李佳一汤弘懿初一03班王佳艺顾钦元秦陆怡陈铭卞韬姜乃嘉张邢乐李江薆周灿严梦倩詹圣琳初一04班陆政宇戴施家徐凡㦤王娜喻雷黄思颖张溢群陈彦州方严初一05班严天芸李刘畅张一冉汤佳俣邵俪鑫吴沁仪袁陆俊邓雅琪张陈钱昊刘硕施瑶琴朱珺曦初一 06班徐张旎刘畅施乐娱初一07班金羽捷孙瑜陈天乐姚培源潘瑜悦周泓利陆珺姝初一08班李菁阳周翔宇甘昊圣彭诗颖陆煜榕陈敏旭李骥昀葛睿濠朱睿祾初一09班陈一诺张印馨赵思琪施铭谦马银聪周薇黄保琪初一10班石韵扬谢嘉懿黄诗娆袁吴昊陈瑜秋周思琪江乐怡初一11班张琦琪王一堰宋天雄林文清张添杨初一12班苏广智周筱颖李明陈子章任陆璐张诗琪杨致远成一涵王季鑫石雨彤王雨璐初一13班王宇涵朱博昊何曾谢锶毅沈熙包雯馨濮莉桐王馨仪顾溢初一14班周佳宁叶思娴范乐范乐铭吴欣瑜管彦懿初一15班戴冯洋陆雨萱卢丁夫姚烨天向诗琪殷姿倪欣燃金沈玥罗涵顾嘉成黄天昊陈立峰初一16班姜尧瀚司浩天陈禾顾熙熙朱妍萌顾奔叶文馨初一17班徐君涵何乐桐周亦恬吴九月宋天赐朱意诚孙若予刘若炀初一18班曹张致卞严翊帆徐可怡李赟未曹张雅曹毛毛杨谨黄蓉初二年级初二01班顾城铭刘褚雯邵天成张文浩王一帆初二02班袁蔡骏周奕姝赵瑞喆吕俊融卞义杰许静姝严周杰裴良辰孙跃然曹好好宗言颖陆少杰汤金成蔡乐然黄高瓴初二03班康尹凡张欣怡黄皙陈窦初二04班吴霜季裔彭钦骅邵胜楠张胤杰季宇曦初二05班施嘉慧马婧缪欣妍黄天天方淳靖陆圣燏薛梦凡周骏超曹杨耿诗田印晨杰初二06班江奕涵姚嘉浩茅译丹周家禾朱欣怡陈思嘉黄宇翔吴亦杨马睿博郝沈宇顾天舒张子陶丁惟乔施鑫逸包欣媛王泠然龚宸吴俊豪包宇轩金润之骆天骐张芸一初二07班张凯杰赵天润陈家辉陈丁阳朱雨茜蔡雅文初二08班张泽清王南王嘉楠朱奕鑫初二09班俞千野汤子慧陈菲宁杨铭石熠白黄铭予俞秋野张云鹏陈弈凡蔡张佳陈蕙宁初二10班杨烨陈智庞宣顾秋涵丁新宇初二11班陈璐瑶方杰吴迪睿王季洋初二12班徐昕何宇杭陈奕帆李肖雨初二13班朱一星钱妍季冰妍朱心怡任许刘天恒钱管佳初二14班朱润刘高镐楠丁佳怡周子豪符姝婷初三年级初三01班苏罗晨王靓婧初三02班顾晶晶许椒桐顾怡成思雨欧国顺尚永年初三03班范易欣顾佳丽俞聪张俊初三04班黄磊胡雨霄吴曹祎李重尔季元黄伟强吴筱丛赵成宁陆欣楠陈一鸣张怡然黄杨范子涵初三05班祝杨昊黄菲季王琦王曦璇初三06班唐佳怡袁源励马恬颖李弈陆徐京君陆亦楠唐甄王颖钱龙周恭良初三07班董一诺程诺徐沛杰张雨洁刘宣成高礼欣朱张雨阮辰钰张瞿睿包瑞骐陈果何翊东黄嘉睿陆嘉程王一茗陆杨初三08班黄薛渠吴欣茹杨严娅文初三09班刘子亘徐信阳廖莹张思雨初三10班任天赐陶嘉璐陆楠王欣初三11班袁珈慧周涵杰曹安峻初三12班朱婧李亚莉黄成沈诗博李可为朱旭孙枢尧朱昊苏蔡志鸿王天骅季雯刘范唯初三13班赵越周彦宇张涵琳顾枢奕许言果苏嘉玺黄祖玉葛宇轩初三14班顾皓玥李逸箴杨光季玉琪李冉薛博晟黄梦琳张晟葛翔曦李想陶骏●优秀学生干部初一年级初一01班司秦炜缪雨涵初一02班季姝辰张珏初一03班徐杨卢阳初一04班陈音其王奕初一05班姚望于埮婧初一06班张汤筱沈瑞庭初一07班沈奕菲曹家陈初一08班陈菲儿胡喆初一09班陈颖楠马思培初一10班朱李萌徐嘉仪初一11班林赵诣严鹤译初一12班孙邈函张静怡初一13班潘锦涵闾丘佳珺初一14班马烨楠周天晴初一15班徐怡璇程姝楠初一16班茅奕炅顾彦元初一17班姜宇晗张颖初一18班季雯张思易初二年级初二01班李金兆王季奕嘉初二02班金昊陶颖初二03班程宏烨曹符颖初二04班王媛媛韩秀荣初二05班张又友张丰华初二06班江文僖品未初二07班陈天依赵一键初二08班郭朝阳许欣然初二09班苏家和张延初二10班高原朱呈礼谦初二11班管玲玲戴袁骏初二12班王倩袁瑾仪初二13班丁雯雯蔡乐观初二14班黄诗卉王晖琇初三年级初三01班佟芊滢林雨雯初三02班温林敏江曹凡初三03班褚莹熠徐高初三04班陈果卫嘉华初三05班黄嘉铭陆祎祺初三06班顾陆荣杰张海楠初三07班施乐谦王瑞初三08班汤佳王欣怡初三09班陆鑫楠唐淇初三10班陈蒙方婷初三11班薛宇蔡睿初三12班徐颖周佳楠初三13班刘欣陈霖谊初三14班汤张昱张昊天●文明学生初一年级初一01班董晨曦刘心怡马雨晨陆晨炅倪辰贤初一02班朱江宋铖宋陈宇孙恺何子涵初一03班朱颖田雨旸李张辉刘佳诺吴昊俣初一04班孙浩张溢沣张姝涵杨浩宇张宇扬初一05班梁豪达王承昱刘曦杨天宇袁迪初一06班唐瑀璐王解锐杜林陆浩然贲梦然初一07班营可可郑铠岳钱姝彤彭雨朱婧宇初一08班刘紫阳季宗彦常译丹戴辉张佳慧初一09班查雲飞杨埮琦章一诺许施凯顾晗笑初一10班姚奕康李响陈宇杜文清陈奕潼初一11班蔡迁蓥许双翌何方琳郑恺孙司宇初一12班孙浩铭曹成安袁马婷叶文祺曹祺悦初一13班廖冯宇佘雨辰周睿康朱方静杨宇钒初一14班祁典袁天乐焦缘葛世宇朱文妍初一15班於雨乐沈家伟王俊杰仲嘉怡任慧杰初一16班黄烨季姝宇张沁雯季天笑王卉惠初一17班黄袁曦郭龚凡任雨悦黄颜徐昰琦初一18班汪宇涵陈雲格叶润瑶陶陆楠徐晨阳初二年级初二01班吴申国黄姝语於含陈冰琦陆季谦彤初二02班顾一舟吴芮徐毅博陈凌博季婧初二03班黄婕蔡雨薰戴颖张戬顾沈琪初二04班陈慧修景宇尧何菲儿邹伟豪李嘉怡初二05班盛琳婷朱同希戴铄张正阳沈佳棋初二06班沈然周立杨杨濮宁芮希雅陆子昂初二07班贾昕岳陆家炜方晨朱贤胜陆宇桐初二08班周钰婷孙季钰胡潘旭张子妍刘骁初二09班王梓浩陈天博邵朱怡邱煜炜丁琪初二10班沈晓云季洁于嘉玥杨欣怡陈嘉舜初二11班冒欣瑶成可张艺宁张迎晨林家旭初二12班陆天慧黄周黎小可邵颖季雨星初二13班周亲水万成支文杰张逸杨崔浩天初二14班康莫言周立凡钱曹栎马闻熠季斌初三年级初三01班陆颖钱程胡添乐顾婧江琦初三02班蔡余晴卫佳炜陈嘉慧张玥袁星慧初三03班吉一鸣孙天驰陈好孙陈翼赵季伟初三04班蔡亦成朱洵以杨鋆朱诚杰樊思妤初三05班孙李琴季凡皓沈思宇王雨飞初三06班朱俊楠范于成刘缪涵周灵杰王思危初三07班詹尧尧崔琭玮郭天祎胡陈晨蓝韩青初三08班马培沂陈颖陈欣鹏张佳玲尹航初三09班姜涛娄心月汪琦奇李琰瞿鹏初三10班陆郭南顾马俐袁季勋丁文轩朱刘雷初三11班黄菲儿朱子月佘罡沈小雨何骏初三12班黄翕如朱博蔡修齐尤琪吴刘蕾初三13班黄晨陆佳镭胡思敏徐博纳闫志颖初三14班袁陈铭刘沁雨圣立飞赵嘉棋刘星宇●优秀志愿者初一01班冯杨张涵顾雨欣司秦炜初一02 班张成果曾凯越董昱言宋陈宇初一04班王奕戴施家黄思颖顾晨露初一05 班李刘畅姚望于埮婧陆莹莹初一06 班施乐娱袁慧叶飞张炎宇初一07班季杨飞毛可郑铠岳初一08 班陆煜榕李菁阳葛睿濠陈敏旭初一09 班马思培陈颖楠张印馨施铭谦初一10 班徐韵达徐嘉仪周思琪姚思琪初一11 班林文清王一堰蔡迁蓥张琦琪初一12 班苏广智成一涵王季鑫周筱颖初一13 班阚陈燕钱雨馨范立言沈竞豪初一14 班周家伟陆成君马烨楠杨宇欣初一15 班殷姿庄欣宇向诗琪季阳洋初一16 班顾奔翁佳磊郭邵睿茅奕炅初一17 班成柯宇周亦恬吴九月黄颜初一18 班汪宇涵黄蓉李赟未李宇豪初二01 班张戴晓磊初二02 班戴黄奕许静姝朱添冉袁蔡骏初二03 班蔡雨薰徐慧琳曾嘉琪曹舒航初二04 班何菲儿顾韵吉建杰邹伟豪初二05 班马婧盛琳婷初二06班黄宇涵杨唯一郝沈宇朱欣怡初二07 班赵一键初二08 班王南唐炬管雯杰王嘉楠初二09 班陆瞳瞳杨玲玲陈菲宁陈惠宁初二10 班金雨馨高原沈晓云朱呈礼谦初二11 班保雪丁宁陶冠雨蔡袁园初二12 班陆天慧刘康姣初二13 班崔浩天●文明礼仪之星刘心怡姜乃嘉陆政宇张一冉刘畅金羽捷甘昊圣赵思琪陈瑜秋蔡迁蓥秦啸天宋叶晴叶思娴朱佳怡朱妍萌朱意诚黄蓉胡琳宗言颖黄皙季裔盛琳婷刘畅陆家炜王嘉楠石熠白戴珺婷王倩万成周雨夕顾婧范易欣范子涵黄嘉铭马恬颖张扬陈欣鹏刘子亘王铃丽佘罡顾怡朱婧马欣语季玉琪。






(2分)A. mó模.范模.样模.仿模.本B. méng 蒙.哄蒙.骗蒙.混蒙.昧C. jìn 禁.令禁.锢禁.忌禁.受D. jǐn 尽.管尽.先尽.早尽.快【答案】 D模样mú蒙骗 mēnɡ禁受 jīn3、下列成语中只有一个错别字的一组是()。

(2分)A.纷至踏来矫枉过正休养生息别出心裁B.应接不暇一愁莫展众志成诚因地制宜C.相形见拙融会贯通食不果腹顶礼模拜D.余音绕粱见义思迁诲人不倦轻歌曼舞【答案】 AA 纷至沓来B 一筹莫展众志成城C 相形见绌顶礼膜拜D 余音绕梁见异思迁轻歌曼舞4、下列加点词含义相同的一组是()。








A 深①内容深奥;②水井深度B 绝①②断C 举①抬;②全D 花①用来迷惑人的;不真实或不真诚的;②用;消耗5、下列各组成语,全部来源于历史故事的是()。

(2分)A.四面楚歌三顾茅庐叶公好龙B.一叶障目退避三舍完璧归赵C.指鹿为马朝三暮四卧薪尝胆D.请君入瓮洛阳纸贵高山流水【答案】 DA 叶公好龙是寓言故事B 一叶障目是寓言故事C 朝三暮四是寓言故事6、下列句子中画线的成语使用不恰当的一句是()。



江苏省南通市第一初级中学2020-2021学年七年级下学期期末英语试题一、单选题1. Tom told us ________amazing story yesterday. It’s ________story about________ shortest man in the world.A.a; an; aB.an; a; aC.an; the; theD.an; a; the2. The boy read English________every morning ________the age of ten.A.on; inB.on; atC.in; at;D./; at3. The girl in white teaches ________English, and she always does well in ________piano.A.our; playingB.our; play the; playing the; play4. I tried to make the baby ________by singing, and that worked well at last.A.stop cryingB.to stop cryingC.stop to cryD.to stop to cry5. Our English teacher looks________. All of us like him.A.friendlyB.happilyC.quicklyD.quietly6. Linda was ________short ________the books on the shelf.A.too; reachingB.enough; to reachC.too; to reachD.enough; reaching7. —Listen to the teacher carefully! Don’t miss ________ important.—Thanks, I won’t.A.anythingB.somethingC.everythingD.nothing8. —How much ________the new iPad________you when you bought it?—3,100 yuan.A.does; takeB.did; payC.does; spendD.did; cost9. ________exciting football match it was! Many people watched it.A.What aB.What anC.HowD.How a10. —______ you please tell me something about the life in Canada or America?—Sorry, I______. I don’t know either. I’m from Australia.A.Could; couldn’tB.Can; couldn’tC.Could; can’tD.Can; mustn’t11. When they go to the hill, they began to ________their tents.A.put upB.put outC.put onD.put down12. The garden is very popular because it’s beautiful and clean there. You cansee________rubbish in it.A.a littleB.littleC.fewD.a few13. Who jumped ________, Tom or Jack?A.the farthestB.furthestC.fartherD.the farther14. —There is a hole in the wall. What is it for?—We have a dog. He can get in or out ________ it.A.pastB.throughC.acrossD.over15. — I think students can have mobile phones to help with their studies.—________. They often use them to play games.A.I think so.B.Believe it or not.C.No problem.D.I don’t agree.二、完型填空You'll __________ take care of the baby today,” a woman told her husband,“ I'm not feeling well. ”“Then you must stay in bed and rest, dear. ” her husband said. “I'll be__________to look after our baby. ”“Thank you. I'll have a quiet day and I'll __________ get better. ” his wife told him.“Shall I do the __________ for you as well?” her husband asked.She was happy__________she heard this and said to him, “That will help me very much. I'll give you a list of things to buy. ”She wrote down the __________of the things and gave it to him.“You can __________ all these things at the supermarket,” she said.“You can__________ the baby in the shopping cart(手推车), then you won't have to leave him __________. ”The man __________ the baby to the supermarket and put him in the shopping cart. Then he pushed the shopping cart along the rows of things to buy and looked for the things hiswife__________him to buy.At first,__________was ok, but then the baby began to cry. He cried and cried. “Keep calm, George, ” the man said. “Don't __________George. Don't get angry, George. ”A woman in the supermarket heard him__________ these things. She walked up to him. “I think you are wonderful ,”she said. “You are so__________with your little George. ” “Madam, ”" the man said, “I'm George. He's Edward. ”(1)A.be ready toB.have toC.be willing toD.be sorry to(2)A.gladB.sadC.afraidD.surprised(3)A.neverB.alwaysC.sometimesD.soon(4)A.cookingB.washingC.shoppingD.reading(5)A.ifB.beforeC.whenD.so(6)sB.coloursC.pricesD.numbers(7)A.takeB.carryC.leaveD.get(8)A.touchB.hitC.putD.pull(9)A.outsideB.at homeC.hereD.at the supermarket(10)A.broughtB.tookC.sentD.followed(11)A.askedB.madeC.letD.allowed(12)A.somethingB.nothingC.everythingD.anything(13)ughB.cryC.singD.shout(14)A.saidB.talkingC.sayingD.told(15)A.popularB.patientC.boredD.angry三、阅读单选Millie wants to write about the rainforests.Davis,her Geography teacher,knows a lot about rainforests.So Millie is interviewing him to get some information.Millie:Where are the rainforests?Davis:Rainforests cover 6% of the Earth's surface.There are rainforests in many parts of the world but the biggest forests are in South America and South-east Asia (亚洲).There aren't any rainforests in Europe (欧洲) or North America.Millie:What's in the rainforests?Davis:About 75% of all the kinds of animals come from rainforests.Thousands and thousands of anim als live in rainforests.There are many beautiful birds,insects and reptiles.There are also thousands of different plants!It is always hot in a rainforest and the ground is al ways wet.It is also dark.Millie:Why are the rainforests important?Davis:The rainforests are very important for us.We need them!The trees and other plants in the fores t help to make the air clean.They give us wood,rubber,fruits and many of our medicines.Millie:(3)______Davis:Unfortunately,in many places,the rainforests are in danger.For example,many years ago there was a large rainforest in Java.There were thousands of different plants an d animals in the forest,but now there is nothing.The same thing is happening now in many other parts of the wold.T he rainforests are in danger.(1)In which country can we find rainforests according to David's answer?________A.In the UK.B.In Canada.C.In the USA.D.In India.(印度)(2)Which of the following belongs to a kind of"reptile"?________A.A sparrow.B.A swallow.C.A snake.D.A butterfly.(3)Which might be Millie's fourth question?________A.What's happening to the rainforests?B.What can we find in the rainforests in Java?C.Why did people cut down the trees in the rainforests?D.Why did many plants and animals disappear in the rainforests?(4)What can we learn from the interview?________A.We must learn how to survive in the rainforests.B.More and more animals live in the rainforests now.C.It is important to protect the rainforests.D.It is always cold and wet in the rainforests.Once there was a boy. He loved sweets very much. He always asked his father for sweets.The boy's father thought hard about how to stop the child from asking for so many sweets. A great man lived nearby. The boy's father decided to take the boy to him. He might be able to make the child give up sweets.So they went to the great man. The father asked the great man to help him. But the great man liked sweets himself. He told the father to bring his son back after a month.During the month, the great man tried to give up eating sweets. At last he did it. When the boy and his father returned after a month, the great man had a talk with the boy. From then on, the boy did not ask for sweets any more.The boy's father felt surprised, “Why didn't you ask my son to give up sweets when we came to you a month ago?” The man answered, “How could I ask a boy to give up sweets when I loved sweets myself? In the last mont h I gave up eating sweets. ”A person's example is always stronger than words. We should not ask others to do what we can't do ourselves.(1)The boy's father took his son to the great man because________.A.the man lived close to the houseB.the man might give him some helpC.the man was also fond of sweetsD.the man had already given up sweets(2)Which of the following is NOT true?A.The great man had a hobby of eating sweets.B.The great man gave up eating sweets in a month.C.The father and the son came back to the man a month later.D.The boy failed to stop eating sweets at last.(3)Who helps the boy give up eating sweets?A.His father.B.His mother.C.His teacher.D.The great man.(4)We can know________from this passage.A.The boy didn't give up eating sweets.B.The great man still ate sweetsC.We shouldn't ask others to do what we can't do ourselvesD.The boy's father failed to help him(5)Which is the best title for the passage?A.Eating Sweets Is Bad for ChildrenB.A Good Way to Give up Eating SweetsC.Giving Up Sweets Is Not DifficultD.Actions Speak Louder than WordsMike Myers is a teacher at Chauncey Rose High School in Terre Haute, Indiana.Last year, he taught his students about the world's rain forests.They learned that rain forests are important because the plants and animals of the rain forest give us food, wood, and medicine.Destruction of the world's rain forests is a serious problem.Unluckily, rain forests are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute!As part of a class project, Myers'students bought three acres of rain forest in Central America.They paid $25 per acre.The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and not destroyed.The students became so interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a real rain forest.So last June, Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river.They saw alligators and crocodiles.In the middle of the week, a guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest."The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest.They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at e us, "one of the students said, "It was a great learning experience for all of us, "said Myers.Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving theplants, animals, food, and culture.During the last few days the group had time to do fun activities.They went whitewater rafting and horseback riding, and visited Costa Rica's active volcano.Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.(1).How much did Myers'students pay for the rain forest they bought?________A.¥25 B. C.¥80 D.(2).What did Myers and his students do at the beginning of the trip?________A.They went into the rain forest.B.They bought acres of rain forest.C.They took a boat ride down a river.D.They visited Costa Rica's active volcano.(3).The word"Destruction"in paragraph 2probably means"the process of being________."A.destroyed B. C.described D.(4).When the monkeys saw Myers and his students,they________A.did something to protect rain forest.C.were interested in the culture of Costa Rica.B.wanted to buy the rain forest in Costa Rica.D.went to the rain forest for various fun activities.In today's world of modern science and medicine, a more traditional treatment is once again becoming popular—animal friendship.It is now well-known that people with problems such as heart disease or cancer live longer and get better more quickly if they have pets. Keeping pets lowers blood pressure and makes people less worried. Animals are increasingly important in treating older people who have memory loss and other brain problems. These people often feel nervous and upset. Activities with animals help them improve their physical condition and also give them joy, entertainment and loving friendship.Here is a case that shows the benefits of animals. John was a six-year-old mute. He had no physical problems. He just refused to talk. His older cousin, Ned, had a parrot called Sally, and John used to visit it. When he arrived, Net used to say, "Hi, John!" We all know parrots copy what they hear. After a few visits, Sally began saying "Hi, John!" when John came into the room. Then, one day, John turned to the parrot and replied "Hi, Sally!" Staying with the parrot encouraged John to begin talking.Another use of animal helpers is in schools. In some cases, animals are used to help children with physical or personal problems. In other cases, they are used to teach children to get on and share with others, and even to teach them about animals.If you want to know more about animal helper programmes, you can get in touch with organizations like Riding for the Disabled or do a search under "animal therapy" on the Internet. You don't have to be an animal trainer or a doctor to join in.(1)Which is NOT mentioned as an illness that animals can help with?A.Heart disease.B.Cancer.C.Fever.D.Blood pressure.(2)The underlined word "mute" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to "______".A.a person who speaks slowlyB.a person who does not speakC.a person who cannot hearD.a person who enjoys talking(3)The purpose of paragraph 3 is to ______.A.show how animals can help with illnessesB.discuss the problems of keeping petsC.describe how to train animal helpersD.introduce some new medical research(4)How can animals help school children according to the passage?A.They can improve children's memory.B.They can make children more popular.C.They can increase children's blood pressure.D.They can teach children to share with each other.(5)What is the best title of this passage?A.Be kind to animalsB.Talking to animalsC.The most dangerous diseasesD.Get healthy with animal helpers四、根据首字母填空A)填词(1)The police________ (look for sth. carefully) the whole city but didn’t find the young man.(2)About eight________ (世纪) ago, an Italian man called Marco Polo visited China.(3)On 10 May, Lin Tao was at home________ (独自). suddenly, he heard someone calling his name.(4)A reporter from Jiangsu Satellite TV was so ________ (not afraid) that he saved the girl from the river quickly.(5)Alice tried to work out the Maths problem, but she ________. She was unhappy.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子B)选用合适的单词并用其适当形式完成句子wide excite she little able(1)—Who has the ________food for lunch in your family?—My sister.(2)My father is like a superman. He has many different________.(3)Open your eyes________. Can you see it clearly now?(4)The students are too ________because they will go to the park for a picnic tomorrow. (5)The young lady said to ________. “Calm down, don’t be nervous. “C)选用所给动词并用其正确时态填空practise happen nod repeat hide(1)Listen! Tony with his classmates ________the English words after the teacher.(2)The lovely boy ________the bag behind the door, so his mother couldn’t find it.(3)My friend Sandy ________playing the piano hard for one hour every day after school. (4)I’m wondering what ________the following Sunday.(5)He ________to me in greeting when I entered the room.六、句型转换句型转换(1)Kate swims the fastest in her class. (同义句转换)Kate swims faster than ________ ________student in her class.(2)She gave me a violin as the birthday present two days ago. (对划线部分提问)________ ________she give you as the birthday present two days ago.(3)The old man could swim across the river when he was young. (改成一般疑问句)________the old man ________across the river when he was young?(4)He put 100 yuan into the box once a week. (对划线部分提问)How ________ ________he put 100 yuan into the box?(5)Daniel got a letter from his parents last Sunday. (同义句转换)Daniel ________ ________his parents last Sunday.七、单词填空短文填空All the students at the beach party were members of the English Club. Before they began to swim or to play games, Miss Green wanted them to learn some new w 【小题1】. She taught them how to s【小题2】beach, sea and waves(波浪)in English. The students read the new words again and again.After the English lesson, the students s【小题3】playing volleyball. Miss Green helped them to keep scores in English. The students made some mistakes, but they enjoyed t【小题4】about their numbers in English.At a later time, they swam in the sea. Most of them didn’t swim far because it could be d【小题5】to do so. Miss Green watched them very c【小题6】. When it was time for l【小题7】, everyone had a good t 【小题8】. While they were eating, Miss Green asked each member of the club a question in English. They were all glad to a 【小题9】the question. Everyone thought it was interesting to learn English and they thanked Miss Green for being s 【小题10】a nice teacher.八、回答问题In the 1930s a young traveler was climbing the French Alps(法国阿尔卑斯山).He arrived at a big piece of land without living things.It was so ugly that he wanted to hurry away from.Then,suddenly,the young traveler stopped on the way.In the middle of this large land there was an old man.On his back was a bag of seeds.In his hand was an iron pipe(铁管).The man used the iron pipe to make a hole in the ground.Then from the bag he took a seed and put it in the hole.He did this again and again.Later the old man told the traveler,"I've planted over 10,000 seeds.Perhaps only a tenth of (十分之一)them will grow.But I want to have a try." he said.Twenty years later,the man was not young.He returned to the place.What he saw amazed him.He could mot believe his eyes.A beautiful forest stood there,there were so many trees.Birds were singing,animals were playing,and wild flowers were here and there.(1)When the traveler arrived at the French Alps first,it was so ugly that he wanted toleave________.(2)The old man carried________ on his back.(3)The old man made a hole in the ground________ an iron pipe.(4)The old man put________in the hole.(5)Twenty years later,that young man________to the place again.九、书信作文假如你是David,请根据下表所提示的内容,写一封推荐信,推荐你的同学Tom(七年级四班)获取今年的最佳学生奖。



2011—2012学年度第一学期江苏省南通第一中学高二期中考试数学试卷注意事项:本试卷分试题和答卷两部分,共160分,考试时间为120分钟. 一、 填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.把答案填写在答题卡相应位置 1. 用符号表示“点A 在直线l 上,l 在平面α外”为 ▲ . 2.330y +-=的倾斜角是 ▲ .3. 若直线,a b 与两异面直线,c d 都相交,则直线,a b 的位置关系是 ▲ . 4. 若三条直线两两相交,由这三条直线中任意两条所确定的平面有 ▲ 个. 5. 过点()1,0且与直线220x y --=平行的直线方程是 ▲ . 6. 下列命题中正确的是 ▲ (填序号) ① 棱柱被任一平面截成的两部分都是棱柱; ② 棱台的所有侧面都是等腰梯形;③ 用一个平面去截圆锥,得到的几何体是一个圆锥和一个圆台; ④ 用任一平面去截球得到的截面都是圆面;7. 设变量,x y 满足约束条件3,1,1,x y x y y +⎧⎪--⎨⎪⎩≤≥≥则目标函数42z x y=-的最大值为 ▲ .8. 若圆心在xC 位于y 轴左侧,且与直线20x y +=相切,则圆C 的方程 ▲ .9. 圆012222=+--+y x y x 上的动点Q 到直线0843=++y x 距离的最小值为 ▲. 10.若⊙221:5O x y +=与⊙222:()20()O x m y m R -+=∈有公共点,则m 的范围 是 ▲ .11.过点()1,2P 作直线l ,使直线l 与点()2,3M 和点()4,5N -的距离相等,则直线l 的方程是 ▲ .12.若直线y x b =+与曲线3y =-则b 的取值范围是 ▲ .13.已知a b ≠,且2πs i nc o s 04a a θθ+-=,2πsin cos 04b b θθ+-=,则连接()()22,,,A a a B b b两点的直线AB 与单位圆的位置关系是 ▲ .14.平面上有两点(10,0),(10,0)A B -,动点P 在圆周22(3)(4)4x y -+-=上,则使得22AP BP +取得最大值时点P 的坐标是 ▲ .二、解答题:本大题共6小题,共90分. 请将解答填写在答题卡规定的区域内,否则答题无效. 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(14分)已知直线:250l x y +-=和点()3,0A (1) 求:过点()3,0A 与直线l 垂直的直线1l 的方程;(2) 若直线l 上存在点B 且AB =,求点B 的坐标.16.(14分)已知直线l 过点()2,3P ,并与y x ,轴正半轴交于,A B 两点;(1)当AOB ∆面积为227时,求直线l 的方程;(2)求AOB ∆面积的最小值,并写出这时直线l 的方程.17.(14分)已知圆221:2280C x y x y +++-= 与222:210240C x y x y +-+-= 相交于,A B 两点.(1)求公共弦AB 所在的直线方程;(2)求经过,A B 两点且面积最小的圆的方程.18.(16分)已知方程04222=+--+m y x y x . (1)若此方程表示圆,求m 的取值范围;(2)若(1)中的圆与直线042=-+y x 相交于,M N 两点,且OM ON ⊥(O 为坐标原点),求m 的值.19.(16分)已知圆()22:21C x y -+=(1) 求:过点()3,P m 与圆C 相切的切线方程;(2) 若点Q 是直线60x y +-=上的动点,过点Q 作圆C 的切线,QA QB ,其中,A B为切点,求:四边形QACB 面积的最小值及此时点Q 的坐标.20.(16分)已知平面直角坐标系xO y 中O 是坐标原点,)0,8(),32,6(B A . (1)求OAB ∆的外接圆圆C 的方程;(2)设圆N 的方程1)sin 7()cos 74(22=-+--θθy x ,()θ∈R ,过圆N 上任意一点P作圆C 的两条切线PF PE ,,切点为F E ,,求C E C F ⋅的最大值.2011—2012学年度第一学期江苏省南通第一中学高二期中考试数学参考答案1.,A l l α∈⊄ 2.5π6()0150 3.相交或异面 4. 1或35.210x y --= 6.④ 7.6 8.()2255x y ++=9. 2 10.⎡-⋃⎣ 11.3270,460x y x y +-=+-= 12.(]{1,31-⋃- 13.相交 14.2128,55⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭15.①230x y --= ――――――――7分②()()()()22222335291551235,555A B x y x x x x B =-+=-+-=∴==⎛⎫∴- ⎪⎝⎭或或,――――――14分16.①23:11x y l abab+=∴+=设 又12722ab =3,9a b ∴== ―――――――――7分②23:11x y l ab a b+=∴+=设则231ab+=≥ 24ab ∴≥ 等号成立时2314,62a b ab==∴== m i n12,:146x y S l ∴=+= ―――14分17.①240x y -+= ――――――6分②圆心12C C 所在的直线方程是230x y ++=,与直线AB 的交点是()2,1- 1C 到直线AB的距离d =2AB R ∴===所求圆方程为:()()22215x y ++-=――――――――14分18.①5m < ―――――4分:139x y l ∴+=②()()1122,,,M x y N x y 设 22224051680240x y x y m y y m x y ⎧+--+=∴-++=⎨+-=⎩1212168,55m y y y y +∴+==又()()()1212121242424816x x y y y y y y =--=-++OM ON ⊥ 则12120x x y y += 即121258()160y y y y -++= 85m ∴=又805m =∆时>成立 则85m =――――――16分说明:也可以利用斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半建立方程,本题也可以利用圆心连线与弦MN垂直这一特殊性.19.⑴ ①当0m =时 切线方程为3x = ―――――2分 ②当0m ≠时 设切线方程为()3y m k x -=-112m k m-∴=∴=切线方程为 3x =或()2132m y m x m--=- ―――――――8分⑵2Q A C B Q A C S S A C A Q ∆==⋅= 故CQ 最小时四边形面积最小,min C Q == QA CS此时:2CQ y x =- ()4,2Q ∴ ――――――16分20.①3O A AB k k == ()22,:416O A O B C x y ∴⊥-+=则圆―――6分②设,2C E C F θ=,()22221616cos 2162cos 132163216CE CE CF CP CPθθ∴⋅==-=-=- 2CP CE CF ∴⋅最小时, 最大 又CN =7 则CP 的最小值是6则C E C F ⋅ 的最大值是169- ――――――――16分。























江苏省南通第一中学 依托个性化智慧校园 建设高品质示范高中

江苏省南通第一中学 依托个性化智慧校园 建设高品质示范高中















江苏省南通中学高一年级阶段考试英语试卷江苏省南通中学高一年级阶段考试英语试卷 10.16本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。






1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In front of a shop.B. In front of a gallery.C. In front of a supermarket.2. Where can the woman send the man her letters this sum mer?A. To his home.B. To his school.C. To his brother’s home.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. Where to meet Mr Jackson.B. Whether to call Mr Jac kson.C. When to meet Mr Lackson.4. What is the woman’s favorite sport?A. Swimming.B. Skating.C. Boating.5. Why does the woman look tired?A. She was ill last night.B. She looked after Claire last nig ht.C. She went to the hospital last night.第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。


























Ⅰ. 单项选择1、What does the sign mean?A.Don’t enter B.Watch your hand C.Dry your hand D.Be quiet2、________ the time I got home, my mother had already gone to sleep.A.At B.Since C.For D.By3、On the Eve of the New Year, a large number of people gathered in Chen Yi Square, Shanghai, to welcome the new year, when people began to push each other, and even fell on top of each other. This terrible incident _______ 36 deaths and 47 injured.A.made B.caused C.produced D.provided4、--- Could you tell me ?--- Certainly. In 20 minutes.A.when will the train to Beijing leave B.when the train to Beijing would leaveC.when the train to Beijing left D.when the train to Beijing will leave5、My English teacher has taught English she came to the school.A.since B.as C.when D.for6、When Tom saw his mother ______ for him on a cold winter night, he couldn’t keep back his tears.A.wait B.waited C.to wait D.waiting7、—Nowadays, it seems that many young people can’t live without smart phones.—________. I think it’s bad for thei r health.A.I’m afraid not B.I hope not. C.Exactly. D.Of course.8、In the past, we ________ got information from paper books.A.hardly B.mainly C.loudly D.recently9、— I hope to be a volunteer on weekends.— Y ou could help to ________ the city parks.A.cheer up B.make upC.take up D.clean up10、There_____a basketball game between these two grades in the gym this afternoon.A.will B.is going to haveC.is going to be D.will haveⅡ. 完形填空11、As a student, almost everyone has his own learning method. Yet, a recent 1 with my desk mate gave me new ideas on how to study effectively.She was a typical procrastinator in our teachers’ eyes and she always finished homework 2 than me. However, what puzzled me most was how she made gradual progress while I 3 . Once, I asked her, “How do you improve your grades even doing your homework so slowly?” She answered, “Doing homework slowly doesn’t 4 that I don’t study. Instead, I just 5 and learn first, then perform.”So I suddenly realiz ed that she wasn’t procrastinating, but spending her time 6 and reviewing. When reviewing, she was looking for her 7 and then correcting them. When we learn a new thing, we remember it best8 after we’ve learned it. Then we gradually forget it. A few days later, we may keep nothing at all our mind. But reviewing helps us to better master new knowledge.When students don’t have to prepare for big9 , they should reflect on their work and learn from their mistake. Once it gets close to exams, it’s always10 to start preparing for them.So we need to know how to study effectively.1.A.fight B.game C.trade D.conversation2.A.later B.earlier C.faster D.farther3.A.mustn’t B.shouldn’t C.needn’t D.couldn’t4.A.allow B.cause C.mean D.influence5.A.go through B.go over C.go on D.go by6.A.playing B.imagining C.suggesting D.thinking7.A.advantages B.mistake C.strengths D.troubles8.A.suddenly B.usually C.immediately D.recently9.A.events B.parties C.exams D.tasks10.A.wise B.shy C.lovely D.stupidⅢ. 语法填空12、When you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives.1.is lifelong(终身的) learning important? How can it help you?You go to school and learn. You study. You take tests.2.learning doesn’t only happen in school. Learning doesn’t3.whenyou graduate from high school or college. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can4.when you go to a museum. It can5.happen when you get a job. You learn when you6.sports or when you take a trip.7.is life! We never stop learning. Every day you can improve yourself by learning something8..Let’s look at one example of lifelong learn ing in Japan. In Japan, lifelong learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new learning activities. Music, calligraphy(书法) and foreign languages are some of their9.classes.When we graduate from school, we should10.on learning. Make lifelong learning one of your goals!Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Some people think that the debate (辩论) about school uniforms is just about whether students look cool. In fact, this problem is connected with other topics, such as student performance (表现), money, and personal choice. The school uniform debate is very important to parents, teachers, and school officials—and to students, too! Many students argue (争论) that school uniforms would save their parents' money. According to Nahla, aneighth-grader, "Kids whose families don't have a lot of money wouldn't be teased for their unfashionable clothes." Besides, some students think that uniforms would help them give much attention to learning. "I think it's a great idea.Wearing uniforms would teach students that schoolwork is more important than looking good," arguestenth-grader, Heba. Others believe that school uniforms would help students study better. In the words of atwelfth-grader named Aziza, "If all students have to wear the same uniform, they will try to impress others with their schoolwork and grades, not their clothes." Some students are against school uniforms. They argue that uniforms would cost their parents more money. "Uniforms are expensive and can only be worn at school. My parents would still have to buy me other clothes to wear on weekends and after school," explainsninth-grader, Sherine. According to a twelfth-grader named Susan, "School uniforms don't allow personal choice." She feels that uniforms don't allow students to be creative or express their own decisions about what to wear. Finally, many students like eleventh grader Reema say that uniforms are uncomfortable. "Students like to wear comfortable clothes," she says.In a word, there are strong arguments on both sides of the school uniform debate. Whateverthe result is, one thing is important: before making a decision about whether to require uniforms, school officials must consider the opinions of everyone—especially the students.1.Who agrees to wear school uniforms?A.Heba. B.Sherine. C.Susan. D.Reema.2.Read the sentence: "School uniforms can't be worn for long and have to be changed often." We can most probably put this sentence in _.A.Paragraph 1. B.Paragraph 2. C.Paragraph 3. D.Paragraph 4.3.The word "teased" in Paragraph 2 means " ."A.admired B.refused C.laughed at D.looked at4.Which of the following sentences can summarize (总结) the article?A.Some students are against wearing school uniforms.B.The school uniform debate is mostly about personal choice.C.Many students think that school uniforms would save parents' moneyD.There are strong arguments on both sides of the school uniform debate.B14、The father’s role in the family is important. One researcher says babies who are cared for by the ir fathers have greater cognitive (认知的) development at one year of age than babies not cared for by their fathers. Another researcher reports that by spending time with their pre-school children, fathers can help to develop children’s language ability. Researchers also point out that for school-age children, fathers are one bridge with the outside world.Fathers who value (重视) education have children who do better in school than those children whose fathers don’t value education. What’s more, fathers who sp end quality time with their children may give their children happy memories which may last a lifetime.While each father is a unique person who educates children in his own style, good fathers have something in common.Good fathers attend their children’s school activities. They also involve the children in their lives and the adult world by taking them to see the workplace, or by taking them when the car needs to be repaired, etc.Good fathers expect a great deal from their children, but also accept and support the unique individuals (个体) that their children are becoming.Good fathers prefer explanations and reasoning to force.Good fathers know their time with children is really an investment (投资) in them.Being an involved father is good for children and good for fathers. Both children and fathers have the chance for growth and development. Today’s lifestyles are changing. More and more fathers are keeping a balance between their personal life, work, and family time.1.The passage is mainly about _________.A.how to be a qualified fatherB.the growth and development of both fathers and childrenC.the father’s role in the growth and development of childrenD.the change of the father’s role in modern society2.A unique person in the third paragraph means “a p erson who ”.A.has the same ideas as othersB.is the only one of his typeC.does everything without considering others’ ideasD.tries to do everything well3.Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to the passage?A.Good fathers a ttend their children’s school activities but never take them to their workplace.B.Good fathers expect a great deal from their children and force them to work hard.C.Good fathers try to make it clear to their children that staying with their fathers is an investment.D.Good fathers improve themselves when they spend time with their children.4.According to the passage, father’s involvement in their children’s lives may NOT lead to ____.A.the good fate(命运) of their childrenB.better reading levels of their childrenC.happy memories which may last a lifetimeD.greater cognitive development of their childrenC15、Chen Guangbiao was born in Jiangsu in July,1968. He is the chairperson of acompany in Jiangsu. Now he is one of China’s richest men and he has don ated a great amount of money to charity projects. He says he will donate everything he has to charity after he dies.When people are in need of help, he will appear at once. He helped people during the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yunnan earthquake and the Ta iwan earthquake. He also gave a helping hand in Japan’s earthquake. He has built many Hope Primary Schools to support the education in poor areas.He doesn’t do charity for honour. He wants to encourage more people to make contributions to charity. After announcing he would donate everything to charity after his death, many businesses, overseas(海外)Chinese people and common people encouraged by him have also promised to do something for charity.As a philanthropist(慈善家),he is asked for help every day. Sometimes he gets very tired, but he has never stopped caring.So far, he has received a lot of awards, including Pioneer of the Year, and National May Day Labour Medal(全国五一劳动奖章).He is considered as one of china’s top philanthropists.1.The article is probably taken from _______.A.a newspaper B.a novel C.a detective story D.a science book2.He says he will donate _____ to charity after he dies.A.nothing B.some schoolsC.everything he has D.his whole company3.What does he do charity for?A.He wants to do charity for money.B.He wants to do charity for pleasure.C.He wants to ask people to help him.D.He wants to encourage more people to contribute to charity.4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.He is from Jiangsu.B.He has visited many countries.C.He has helped people in need.D.He has got a lot of awards.5.Which do you think is the best title for the passage?A.Earthquakes. B.Hope Primary Schools.C.Pioneer of the Y ear. D.Philanthropist Chen GuangbiaoD16、Scientists have been experimenting with four-leg robots for years. They want to use robots to carry heavy things over difficult land.But providing enough power for those kinds of robots has been a problem. Now, that has changed. Engineers at MIT have designed a running robot that runs on batteries. Scientists say their robots will soon be able to run like cheetahs, the fastest land animals on Earth.One difficulty in designing these types of robots continues to be providing power. These machines are still quite heavy and they need a lot of power to run. But the cheetah-like robot designed by engineers at MIT is light enough m run on batteries.The robot weighs just 30 kilograms. The robot needs only about 700 watts of power to run. This robot can actually jump 40cm high and it can land very safely and then it can run. The robots limbs and other parts were made in a three-dimensional or 3D printer. A strong, light-weight material called Kevlar is used to make the robot's part stronger.But the development of MITs robot is not without its own set of problems. The robot's limbs must support heavy force, and sometimes they break.Scientists say the new technologies used on this robot may be used in the making of limbs for disabled persons and other machines. Some of those machines may help save humans from performing difficult and dangerous jobs.1.What is the challenge in designing the four-leg robots?A.carrying heavy things B.Running fast. C.Being light enough. D.Providing enough power. 2.What can the new technologies on MIT's robot be used for?A.For making a 3D printer. B.For making limbs for disabled persons.C.For helping people do housework. D.For helping people live longer.3.From the passage, we know that MIT's robot __________.A.can carry heavy things B.can jump 30cm highC.is made of Kevlar D.is still very heavy4.What's the main idea of this passage?A.Scientists have been working on four-leg robots.B.A new robot has been designed by engineers at MIT.C.The robots can help us do difficult and dangerous jobs.D.The difficulty in designing the new robotE17、AHelp wantedCan you spend two hours a week doing some gardening? We are in need of help from 2 pm to 4 pm every Saturday. If you word like to help out, please call Elaine at 4435—7792A Telephone MessageFrom:Jessica To:LucasDate: May5 Time:15:00Message: She says that you must put onYour sports shoes, cap and sunglasses; bringSomefood and drinks at the school gate at 8 am tomorrow.Tel: 8467-6352. Taken by:JimFoundFeb13,2016/6/30An ipad was found in the library on the morning of Feb12. Please call 3345—67898 or come to Class 2, Grade 8 to get it. LostMarch 7, 2016Lost near Man Street. Puppy is 6 months old. He is a black schnauzer (雪纳瑞狗)。

2006 2007学年第一学期江苏省包场高级中学第一次月考九年级数学试卷

2006 2007学年第一学期江苏省包场高级中学第一次月考九年级数学试卷

2006~2007学年第一学期江苏省包场高级中学第一次月考 九年级数学试卷一、选择题(每小题3分,共33分)1、若x x -=-1)1(2,则x 的取值范围是 ( )A 、x>1B 、 x ≥1C 、 x<1D 、x ≤1 2、方程1)1)(32(=-+x x 的解的情况是 ( ) A.有两个不相等的实数根 B.没有实数根 C.有两个相等的实数根 D.有一个实数根 3、 如图,已知AB 和CD 是⊙O 中两条相交的直径,连AD 、CB 那么α和β的关系是 ( )4、如果非零实数a 、b 、c 满足a+b+c=0,则关于x 的一元二次方 程ax 2+bx+c=0必有一根为 ( )A 、x=1B 、x= ─1C 、x=0D 、x=25、 一条弧所含的圆周角为120°,那么它所对的圆心角是 ( )A.60°B.120°C.180°D.240° 6、如果关于x 的方程0962=+-x kx 有实数根,那么k 的取值范围是( )A 、1<kB 、1≤kC 、1≤k 且0≠kD 、1>k 7、(南通市)如图,已知O 的半径OA 长为5,弦AB 长为8,C 是AB 的中点,则OC 的长为 ( )A 、3B 、6C 、9D 、10 8、△ABC 的周长为 10cm ,面积为 4cm 2,则△ABC 内切圆半径为 ( )cm 。

A 、0.4B 、0.8C 、2.5D 、5 9、把(2x - )……密……………………封……………………装……………………订……………………线…………………………学校:______ 班级:_____ 姓名:______ 座号:____10、(江苏省淮安市) 正六边形的外接圆的半径与内切圆的半径之比为( )A .1:3B .3:2C .2:3D .3:1 11、如图3—1,在正方形铁皮上剪下一个圆形和扇形,使之恰好围成图3—2所示的一个圆锥模型.设圆的半径为r ,扇形半径为R ,则圆的半径与扇形半径之间的关系为( )A .R =2rB .R =94rC .R =3rD .R =4r二、填空题(本题共13个小题,每小题3分,共39分) 12、在半径为5cm 的圆中,有两条平行弦的长充为6cm 和8cm ,则这两弦间的距离为 13、已知入图,∠AOB =30°,⊙M 的半径为2cm ,当OM = 时,OM 与OA 相切。





它A.如影随形....地陪伴着你,qián yí mò huà()地影响着你,切不可与浅薄的碎片化阅读B.混为一谈....。


阅读那些深刻地描写了人性的真实与复杂且具有zhèn hàn()灵魂的伟大力量的作品,需要带着一颗chéng chè()的内心,秉持C.刨根究底....的精神,熟读,精思。


1. 根据拼音写汉字。

( ) ( ) ( )2.文中加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是()A.如影随形B.混为一谈C.刨根究底D.不毛之地3.画线句子有语病,请将修改建议写在下面横线上。

_____________________4. “调查名著阅读情况”是本次活动的内容之一。


关于班级名著阅读情况,你从表中得到了什么结论?(20字以内)5. 【名著综合】活动策划小组准备了“名著回头看”环节,请根据要求完成表格。





江苏省南通第一中学2013—2014学年度第一学期期中考试高一物理试卷第I 卷(选择题 共45分)一、单项选择题:本题共7小题,每小题3分,共21分.每小题只有一个....选项符合题意. 1. 一个溜冰运动员在比赛中以半径为R 做圆周运动,转了3圈回到原位置,则运动过程中运动员位移大小的最大值和路程分别是A .0、2RB . 2R 、2πRC .0、6πRD . 2R 、6πR2.在物理学的发展历程中,下面哪位科学家首先建立了平均速度、瞬时速度和加速度等概念用来描述物体的运动,并首先采用了实验检验猜想和假设的科学方法,把实验和逻辑推理和谐地结合起来,从而有力地推进了人类科学的发展。

A .亚里士多德B .爱因斯坦C .牛顿D .伽利略3.由静止开始沿直线做匀加速运动的物体,在最初3s 内的位移为45m ,则它在第4s 内的位移为A .35mB .63mC .15mD .80m4.如图所示为做直线运动的物体的v -t 图象,第1-2s 为第Ⅰ段,第3-4s 为第Ⅱ段,第5s 为第Ⅲ段。

下列说法中正确的是 A .第Ⅰ段与第Ⅲ段的运动方向相反 B .第Ⅰ段的加速度大于第Ⅲ段的加速度 C .第Ⅰ段与第Ⅲ段的平均速度相等 D .第Ⅰ段与第Ⅲ段的加速度方向相同5.一辆汽车从车站以初速度为零匀加速直线开出,一段时间之后,司机发现一乘客未上车,便立即刹车做匀减速运动.从启动到停止一共经历t =10s ,前进了15m ,在此过程中,汽车的最大速度为A .1.5 m/sB .3 m/sC .4 m/sD .无法确定6.一物体做自由落体运动,自由下落L 时,速度为v ,当物体自由下落的速度达到v 21时,它下落的距离是 A .L 21 B .L 22 C .L 41 D .L 437.以下关于“伽利略对自由落体的研究方法”的归纳不正确...的是A.发现问题:伽利略发现亚里士多德“重物比轻物下落得快”的观点有自相矛盾的地方B.提出假设:伽利略认为,重物与轻物应该下落得同样快,他猜想落体运动应该是一种最简单的变速运动,速度的变化对位移来说是均匀的,即v与x成正比C.实验验证:在验证自己猜想的实验时,由于实验仪器不能精确测量快速下落物体所需的时间,所以他设想通过斜面落体来“冲淡重力”D.合理外推:伽利略将他在斜面实验中得出的结论做了合理的外推,从而确定了自由落体运动是初速度为零的匀加速直线运动,且所有物体自由下落时的加速度都相同。

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