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1. This year saw the publication of rich assortment of realistic fictions for children aged 8-12 and older.

2. People with narcissistic personality disorder have a great sense of self-importance.

3. Studies on film consumers had indicated teenage audience as a prime market, with the result that Hollywood filmmakers obsessively catered to that market, sometimes at the expense of adult fare.

4. They were seen warring, slaying and eating each other,

5. Attempting to make money from the growing legion of both female and male fans of basketball,

6. Being somewhat older than he was, they instilled into him a false idea

7. It is perhaps difficult for White South Africans, with an ingrained prejudice against communism

8. the secretary and chairman hustled back and forth between committees

9.49 people were killed and 47 injured in the stampeded.

10. I had harbored qualms about just how I might be received.

1. where the sacred and profane lived in close proximity.

2. World War I broke out after the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which ignited an already tense territorial feud between…..

3. That night Dr. Leighton concocted a plane to rid himself of this old woman,

4. with the terrific reverberations almost deafening us inside.

5. The great many of slaveholders look upon education among the slaves as utterly subversive of the slave system.

6. is as well known for its mastery of technical innovations as for enigmatic smile of the subject.

7. at t he convergence of youth and manhood in a timeless moment

8. J D was sworn in as provisional president of the CSA

defy material injure from external annoyance.

10. T he skin texture of noble was so transparent that the blue veins might be seen branching off in various directions.

1. Although it has been stressed that the confidential information should be kept in absolute secrecy somehow it is given away.

2. The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city.

3. Split personality is a severe mental disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and sometime bizarre behavior.

4. Imagination and innovation of a manager will help make the business a success.

5. People who had been suspected of contracting SARS were all under surveillance.

6. I must go now or I wouldn‟Incidentally, if you want that book I‟ll bring it next time I come.

7. People all over the world, old or young, male or female, administered help to those in Indonesia who were suffering the tsunami.

8. Included in this wave of deregulation were airlines, railroads and intercity buses.

1. Agreement replaced contrariness quiet, reasoned discussion replaced argument.

2. We warned our boys not to tangle with that group of tough boys from the other side of town.

3. it will also increase your stamina and level of control.

4. Without stirring from our firesides we may roam to the most remote region of the earth,

5. Another problem is that the richness and subtlety of Chinese is often lost or diluted

6. Since the poor begged only in the major thoroughfares and bustling marketplaces and stayed away from the quiet residential areas of rich.

conspire with others in advance to commit crimes stipulated are to be handled as accomplices of smuggling,

8. in their foray into the international market.

9. We must win the people‟s confidence with tangible achievements in the building of

10. Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily

1. dietary nourishment is better than medicinal nourishment.

2. Job stress has been known to trigger heart problems in people who already have cardiovascular disease.

3. became a syndrome as the months wore on.

4. the tree may prefer calm, but the wind will not subside.

5. There had been nary a word about the impending closures or relocations when I left town

6. We mustn‟t alienate ourselves from the masses,

7. This box is a hodge-podge of books, toys and things.

8. they emigrate to places where they are more in demand.
