Unit 1
1. 对于主要由人类活动而迅速积累的温室气体引发了全球变暖这一事实,没有人再持有异议。除非我们协同一致,快速转向低碳经济,否则全球变暖的趋势将会愈演愈烈。这一
2. 同工业化前的水平相比,地球平均温度已经上升了0.8摄氏度(1.4华氏度左右),速度为自1975年以来每十年增加0.2摄氏度;如果我们仍然一意孤行,那么温度还会继续发生永久性的变化。这种温度变化听起来似乎不大,但事实并非如此。最后一个冰河时代时的
3. 很多权威的气候学家们都曾发出过这样的警告:如果我们现在的温度超过工业化前2摄氏
4. 《华盛顿邮报》4月刊报导到:“对于许多儿童和青年而言,全球气候变暖无异于当今的原子弹。对于环境危机的担忧正影响着这一代人,正如经济大萧条、第二次世界大战、
Unit 1 The Story of Steve Jobs
This is the text of the Commencement Address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, at Stanford University, delivered on June 12, 2005.
1 I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out
2 It started before I was born. My biological mother was
a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking, "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him" They said, "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college. This was the start in my life.
|----白勇GMAT语法全解(pdf 358)11.6MB
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|----GMAT数学概念和名词汇总(doc 22)
|----GRE词汇课笔记(doc 10)
|----2006年GRE北美模拟试题(3)(doc 41)
|----2006年GRE北美模拟试题(2)(doc 20)
|----2006年GRE北美模拟试题(1)(doc 25)
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|----2002年6月gre考试数学题库(1)(doc 28)
|----GRE考试的常见问题解答(doc 7)
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|----留学期间常用词汇(doc 20)
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硕士英语综合教程2Unit 11) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) The fascination generated by exploration will inspire our young people to study math, science and engineering, and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.(2) Upon returning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics.(3) Owning to the nature of every growing business, you will need to be on the go constantly, and also be on the go prepared to work shift work, including nights and weekends.(4) In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.(5) The Asian economy has presented a positive trend. Some countries have overcome the impact of the financial crisis and revived development. Asia has once again become the spotlight of global economic growth.(6) China’s accession to the WTO can promote not only the development of Chinese economy, but also that of the world economy and will inject new impetus into the progress of Asian economy and world economy.(7) The growing quantity of information, couple with the development of technologies, erable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.(8) The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.2) Translate the following paragraph into English.It’s actually pretty natural, and almost unavoidable, for managers to form expectations of their workers. Research has found that in an organization, our expectations of others can be tied directly to productivity, profitability, and yes-motivation! If you have high expectations of your employees, you will possess a powerful and effective tool for improving performance and motivation within your organization.Performance is often a matter of expectations. Managers and supervisors form expectations of others, which then influence how they interact with those people. If you don’t expect much from your employees, they will sense that and perform poorly. Why? Because your expectations of them affect their desire to do well. The point is that people naturally try to live up to our expectations of them, or live down to them, whatever the case may be. So expect the best from your employees and don’t be surprised if that’s exactly what you get!b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.哪些做法才能区分以人为本的公司呢?我们至少可以列出四条:第一,它们重视文化的多样性。他们根据年龄、性别和种族积极寻求一支多元化的员工队伍。第二,它们具有家庭氛围。公司通过为其员工提供灵活的工作时间以及现场托儿服务设施等帮助员工平衡工作和个人职责之间的关系。第三,它们对员工培训进
硕士英语综合教程1课后答案 交大版
硕士英语综合教程1 (参考答案)
Unit 1Low Carbon Economy(1)
Unit 2A Harmonious Society(12)
Unit 3Culture Shock(20)
Unit 4Artificial Intelligence(27)
Unit 5Success and Happiness(34)
Unit 6Urban Life(44)
Unit 7Mass Media(52)
Unit 8New Applications of Waste Materials(60)
Unit 9Car Culture(70)
Unit 10Famous Persons’ Biographies(81)
Unit 11World Cultural Heritage(87)
Unit 12Wisdom and Beliefs(96)
Unit 1 Low Carbon Economy
Text A Creating a Low Carbon Economy
→III。Key to the Exercises
1。Reading Comprehension
a。Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.
1。B2. B3. A4. C5. B
b。Fill in the blanks with the information you’ve learned in the text。
上海交大版应用型大学英语综合教程 第3册 unit 4课文翻译与答案
Unit 4
Part 1 Language Skills Development
1. Starter
A. Work with a partner and answer the following questions.
1. Do you believe in natural cures?
Your answer :
Reference answer : Not totally. While it is true that some diseases can be cured without taking traditional drugs, modern medicine is indispensable. Whenever a person is sick, he or she should consult a doctor .
2. Have you ever come across an irresponsible or ill-mannered doctor?
Your answer :
Reference answer : Yes. This kind of doctor is detestable. They totally forget their professional ethics, and more often than not, they lack the requisite specialist skills.
B. Listen to a story and fill in the blanks.
上海交大版应用型大学英语综合教程 第3册 unit 4课文翻译与答案
Unit 4
Part 1 Language Skills Development
1. Starter
A. Work with a partner and answer the following questions.
1. Do you believe in natural cures?
Your answer :
Reference answer : Not totally. While it is true that some diseases can be cured without taking traditional drugs, modern medicine is indispensable. Whenever a person is sick, he or she should consult a doctor .
2. Have you ever come across an irresponsible or ill-mannered doctor?
Your answer :
Reference answer : Yes. This kind of doctor is detestable. They totally forget their professional ethics, and more often than not, they lack the requisite specialist skills.
B. Listen to a story and fill in the blanks.
大学英语教材 上海交大
1. 全面照顾学生需求:教材采用任务型教学方法,结合学生的实际
2. 实用性强:上海交大的大学英语教材紧密结合现实生活中的场景
3. 突出文化意识:教材在培养学生语言技能的同时,注重培养学生
4. 紧跟时代潮流:教材内容不断更新,与时俱进,体现了现代化、国际化的特点。同时,教材还注重培养学生的信息获取和处理能力,提高学生对新闻、科技等领域的理解和应用能力。
1. 知名高校背景:作为上海交通大学出品的教材,其背后拥有着丰富的教学资源和教学经验。教材编写团队由一流的教育专家、外语专家和教师组成,保证了教材的质量和可信度。
2. 强调学生自主学习:教材鼓励学生在课堂之外进行自主学习,提供了丰富的学习资源和练习题。学生可以通过多媒体资源和在线互动平台来巩固所学知识,提高学习效果。
综合英语视听说教程Unit 1北交大出版社
At the Airport
II. Passage Translation
1. 大家好。搭乘17航班飞往拉斯加斯经停亚特兰大和迈阿密的乘客请注意。登机口已改至 30B。另 外,由于天气恶劣,起飞时间将稍有延误。机翼结冰,地勤人员正在清除,为起飞做好充分准备。
2019/1/1 Thank you for your patience. 综合英语写译教程 Unit 1 nine. 4
At the Airport
II. Passage Translation
2. 本周二北京、南京机场空姐上演快闪舞迎接春运首日。在北京南苑机场,空乘人 员突然随音乐起舞吸引了行色匆匆的乘客们驻足观赏。这些空乘人员均来自中联 航,他们说这支时长8分钟的舞蹈是献给游客的节日问候。同一天,华东南京禄口 国际机场,空姐们同样为乘客献上快闪舞迎接这个繁忙的航运时段。
以褒贬为依据 选择词义
分析划线词语的感情色彩,判定词义,完成句子翻译。 1. Always a supremely confident extrovert, Mailer at times seemed a publicity-seeking clown.
( ) 褒义 (√) 贬义 梅勒总是极度的自信和外露,有时看起来就像是追逐名利的小丑。 (√) 褒义 ( ) 贬义 和平不仅是我们所追求的目标,也是达到此目标的方法。 3. 发展中不平衡、不协调、不持续问题仍然突出。 ( ) 褒义 (√) 贬义 ( ) 中性
硕士英语综合教程参考答案 西安交大出版社 李欣 游建荣
b. English to Chinese
1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.
2) Read the following passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.
Text B a.
Unit 3 Culture Shock
Text A 1. Reading Comprehension
Text B
a. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.
可用Ctrl+F,在左下角会出现“查找: ”,可输入你想要查找的书籍
【中文】《中国翻译通史》(A History of Translation in China)
介绍翻译研究Introducing Translaiton Studies
【实用翻译教程】Edwin Gentzler:当代翻译理论(第二版)
Unit 1 The Story of Steve Jobs
This is the text of the Commencement Address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, at Stanford University, delivered on June 12, 2005.
1 I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?
2 It started before I was born. My biological mother was
a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking, "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said, "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college. This was the start in my life.
―― Could I see your ticket please? ―― ________________选择一项:
a。 I am not sure yet.
b. Here you are。
c。 I might be. Why?
d。I’d love one.
正确答案是:Here you are。
—— Do you mind if I open the window? —— ____________. 选择一项:
a. That’s all right
b. It’s none of your business
c. Yes, please
d。 Not at all
正确答案是:Not at all
-— Excuse me, when will the 17:15 train arrive?—— _________ 选择一项:
a. I don't tell you。
b。 You have to be patient.
c. Don't ask me.
d. It's been delayed one hour。
正确答案是:It's been delayed one hour。
-— I really appreciate your help with the task. -— __________. 选择一项:
Unit 4
Part 1 Language Skills Development
1. Starter
A. Work with a partner and answer the following questions.
1. Do you believe in natural cures?
Your answer :
Reference answer : Not totally. While it is true that some diseases can be cured without taking traditional drugs, modern medicine is indispensable. Whenever a person is sick, he or she should consult a doctor .
2. Have you ever come across an irresponsible or ill-mannered doctor?
Your answer :
Reference answer : Yes. This kind of doctor is detestable. They totally forget their professional ethics, and more often than not, they lack the requisite specialist skills.
B. Listen to a story and fill in the blanks.
西交大版21世纪研究生英语(综合教程2) 练习题答案
21世纪研究生英语(综合教程2) 练习题答案Unit One Text A Putting in a Good Word for GuiltⅢ. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) They think guilt is a bad thing for one’s psychology, and if you want to live with true liberation, you should get rid of the sense of guilt and try to believe everything and everybody is OK, no matter what you have done.(2) Under this kind of conception, people try to ignore the sense of guilt without finding out its real meaning in life. And it’s somewhat like selfdeceiving to say everything is ok because in deeper conscience, people will still feel uneasy if sense of guilt is not dealt with properly.(3) Some people can go through their lives without a moment of guilt, while the other group of people may feel guilty just for being alive.(4) A sense of guilt, as well as a sense of duty, can urge us to do the right thing when we may not feel like doing it. In that way, a sense of guilt is the great civilizer of our basic conscience and the maintainer of our behavior.(5) You can either change the opinion of a perfect image so that you’ll feel less guilty when failing to achieve something, or change the behavior in a way that is more in accord with your right conscience.2. Vocabulary(1) slaying (2) obsessively (3) ingrained (4) hustles(5) inflicted (6) commandment/stampede (7) infidelities(8) qualms (9) catatonic3. Paraphrase(1) But then it came to my mind that people have given up guilt for too long a time. During that period of time of about ten years or more, those welcome psychologists solved people’s mental problems by writing books instead of giving clinical treatment. And they are trying to advocate the concept that nobody should feel guilty for anything.(2) In the past, it was commonly thought that to love himself, everyone should first give up his guilt. For the most part of the past ten years, people deliberately ignored the sense of guilt without understanding its meaning and significance.(3) What’s more, we would never be one of those who give up their guilt while becoming more and more deteriorated in excessive admiration of themselves.(4) There are people who are tortured by unreasonable guilt. Of course we are not willing to be one of them or guide our children to be one of them.(5) In such a changeable world, our sense of duty is very likely to change our feeling. Now an old concept may conflict with a new one on what we should do. There is a great difference between our belief and the education we got, and that difference results in the sense of guilt. (6) If guilt represents the contradiction of our standards of behavior, it is a good thing full of strength and humanness. (7) In some aspect, the socalled bad feeling reflects the best nature of human being. Because we don’t want to feel guilty, we will not do bad things.(8) In that aspect, guilt can make us civilized and force us by conscience to
高等教育出版社 第二版
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人民卫生出版社 第四版
人民卫生出版社 第七版
人民卫生出版社 第七版
人民卫生出版社 第六版
人民卫生出版社 第七版
人民卫生出版社 第四版
715 口腔综合、352 口腔 《牙周病学》 综合
《牙种植技术艺术与科学》 马莲
任远 杨丽荣
2006 年
复旦大学出版社 2005 年
华中科技大学出 版 社
复旦大学出版社 2006
人民军医出版社 2004
人民卫生出版社 2000
北京大学出版社 2006
高等教育出版社 2005
2009 年
2010 年第二版
育出 版社 北京大学出版 社 高等教育出 版社 北京大学出版 社 高等教育出 版社 北京大学出 版 社、高等教 育出 版社 中国人民大学 出 版社 2003 年 北京大学出版 社 2003 年 高等教育出版 社 2006 高等教育出版 社 1999 年版 北京大学出版 社 1997 年 复旦大学出版 社 1999 年版
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1. This year saw the publication of rich assortment of realistic fictions for children aged 8-12 and older.
2. People with narcissistic personality disorder have a great sense of self-importance.
3. Studies on film consumers had indicated teenage audience as a prime market, with the result that Hollywood filmmakers obsessively catered to that market, sometimes at the expense of adult fare.
4. They were seen warring, slaying and eating each other,
5. Attempting to make money from the growing legion of both female and male fans of basketball,
6. Being somewhat older than he was, they instilled into him a false idea
7. It is perhaps difficult for White South Africans, with an ingrained prejudice against communism
8. the secretary and chairman hustled back and forth between committees
9.49 people were killed and 47 injured in the stampeded.
10. I had harbored qualms about just how I might be received.
1. where the sacred and profane lived in close proximity.
2. World War I broke out after the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which ignited an already tense territorial feud between…..
3. That night Dr. Leighton concocted a plane to rid himself of this old woman,
4. with the terrific reverberations almost deafening us inside.
5. The great many of slaveholders look upon education among the slaves as utterly subversive of the slave system.
6. is as well known for its mastery of technical innovations as for enigmatic smile of the subject.
7. at t he convergence of youth and manhood in a timeless moment
8. J D was sworn in as provisional president of the CSA
defy material injure from external annoyance.
10. T he skin texture of noble was so transparent that the blue veins might be seen branching off in various directions.
1. Although it has been stressed that the confidential information should be kept in absolute secrecy somehow it is given away.
2. The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city.
3. Split personality is a severe mental disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and sometime bizarre behavior.
4. Imagination and innovation of a manager will help make the business a success.
5. People who had been suspected of contracting SARS were all under surveillance.
6. I must go now or I wouldn‟Incidentally, if you want that book I‟ll bring it next time I come.
7. People all over the world, old or young, male or female, administered help to those in Indonesia who were suffering the tsunami.
8. Included in this wave of deregulation were airlines, railroads and intercity buses.
1. Agreement replaced contrariness quiet, reasoned discussion replaced argument.
2. We warned our boys not to tangle with that group of tough boys from the other side of town.
3. it will also increase your stamina and level of control.
4. Without stirring from our firesides we may roam to the most remote region of the earth,
5. Another problem is that the richness and subtlety of Chinese is often lost or diluted
6. Since the poor begged only in the major thoroughfares and bustling marketplaces and stayed away from the quiet residential areas of rich.
conspire with others in advance to commit crimes stipulated are to be handled as accomplices of smuggling,
8. in their foray into the international market.
9. We must win the people‟s confidence with tangible achievements in the building of
10. Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily
1. dietary nourishment is better than medicinal nourishment.
2. Job stress has been known to trigger heart problems in people who already have cardiovascular disease.
3. became a syndrome as the months wore on.
4. the tree may prefer calm, but the wind will not subside.
5. There had been nary a word about the impending closures or relocations when I left town
6. We mustn‟t alienate ourselves from the masses,
7. This box is a hodge-podge of books, toys and things.
8. they emigrate to places where they are more in demand.