Know your enemy or Second Line Intrusion Detection …


Know Your Enemy

Know Your Enemy

Know Your EnemyThink a minute! Who is your enemy? In a war you must know whom you’re fighting. And in life, did you know that your real enemy is in your own mind? You see nothing can defeat or ruin your life more than your own wrong thinking about yourself. If you believe and think that you’re not smart, or that you’re lazy, and you’ll never succeed in life, that’s just what you’ll be.请想一分钟!谁是你的敌手?战争中必须知道在与谁决战。



Because we become whatever we think we are. That’s why the Bible says. “As a man sees himself, so is that man or woman.” So friend, your lowself-confidence will limit and paralyze you. You really have many abilities, but if you don’t believe you have them, you’ll never use them. And your fear of tailingor being rejected by people can stop you from moving ahead in life.因为我们会为我们想象中的自己,这就是为什么《圣经》说:“一个人怎样看待自己,其为人就是怎样。

The Art of War

The Art of War

道格拉斯· 麦克阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur,1880.01.26~ 1964.04.05),美国著名军事家,五星上将军衔。第二次世界大 战时期历任美国远东军司令,西南太平洋战区盟军司令;战后出 任驻日盟军最高司令和“联合国军”总司令等职。他因在菲律宾 战役中的表现获颁荣誉勋章,他和父亲小阿瑟· 麦克阿瑟是史上 第一对同时获得荣誉勋章的父子。
创造和运用适应于打人民战争的灵活机动的战略、战术。战略上 要藐视敌人,战术上要重视敌人。这是毛泽东指导革命和人民战 争的一个基本的战略、策略原则。
Mao Zedong
他指出,从本质上、长期上、战略上看,必 须把帝国主义和一切反动派都看成纸老虎, 以此建立我们的战略思想,指导军民树立敢 打、必胜的信念,采用“以一当十”的法则, 同敌人作长期、坚决的斗争。另一方面,又 要把敌人看成是铁的、真的、会吃人的老虎。 从这点上建立我们的策略思想和战术思想, 采用“以十当一”的法则和各个击破的政策, 一口一口地吃掉敌人,最终战胜敌人。这一 法则,指导中国军民打败了国内外的强敌, 夺取了一个又一个胜利,创造了中国人民革 命战争史上的奇观。
Unit 3 The Art of War: Source for All Books on War
Sunzi’s Art of War:
Source for All Books on War
• Q: What do you know about Sunzi?
Q: What do you know about Sunzi bingfa?
Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini (西方战略理论大师 约米尼男爵)
瑞士孙子研究学者评价,西方兵学大师约米尼创立了较完善的军事 理论体系,他的著作从19世纪起便成为西方国家各大军事院校的教 科书,直到今日仍是军校生的必读课本。他的许多精辟论述与孙子 有许多相似之处,也有明显的差异。安托万· 亨利· 约米尼是瑞士人, 西方19世纪著名的军事战略家,曾任拿破仑三世高级军事顾问,俄 国步兵上将。 主要著作有《论大规模军事行动》、《拿 破仑的政治与军事生涯》、《战争的艺术》、 《战争艺术概论》、《战略学原理》、《法国 大革命军事批判史》。他和19世纪另一位大 军事思想家克劳塞维茨并列为西方军事思想的 两大权威。孙子与约米尼尽管在空间和时间上 相距甚远,东西方文化的差异也颇大,但仍有 其相同点:他们都是将军,都有战争经验,都 有不朽著作传于世,在思想方面,彼此间各有 千秋,并有诸多相似相通之处。



历代《使命召唤》名言In war, truth is the first casualty战争中,第一个被扼杀的是真理。

Incoming fire has the right of way飞来的子弹有优先通行权!Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind 人类必须结束战争,否则战争结束人类……War does not determine who is right - only who is left战争没有谁对谁错,只有谁活下来……A ship without Marines is like a garment without buttons一艘船要是没有海军陆战队,就像衣服没有扣子……The press is our chief ideological weapon媒体压力是我们思想的武器……Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you不管是否喜欢,历史属于我们。

当然,我们会将你埋葬……If the enemy is in range, so are you如果敌人在射程围,那么你也一样……Cost of a single Tomahawk cruise Missile: $900,000一枚战斧式巡航导弹耗资90万美子……Cost of a single F-22 Raptor: $135 million一架F-22猛禽式战斗机耗资1亿3千500万美子……Cost of a single AC-130U Gunship: $190 million一架AC-130U型重型攻击机(AC-130原本是运输机,传说中能在条件最为恶劣的机场起降的大力神,U型是用大力神机型改造的重击机,曾在变形金刚中出现过……)耗资1亿9千万美子……Cost of a single F-117A Nighthawk: $122 Million一架F-117夜鹰隐形攻击机耗资1亿2千200万美子……Cost of a single B-2 Bomber: $2.2 Billion一架B-2重型轰炸机耗资22亿美子……(这么多?不会吧?)So long as there are men, there will be wars人类存在了多长时间,战争就存在了多长时间……Aim towards the Enemy向敌人瞄准……I think the human race needs to think about killing. How much evil must we doto do good?我认为人类这个种族应该审视一下杀戮。



暗影之拳- 阿卡丽As balance dictates奉均衡之命。

Without question毫无疑问Whatever's necessary绝不手软Mark acquired.标记已做好。

Another unworthy opponent.哼,又是一个不自量力的。

For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this "s utra" you keep mentioning…我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎So many noobs… will matchmaking ever find true balance?菜鸟真多……匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?Deftly, I travel.我随影而来,随影而去。

Didn't we just run by this same tower?? Are you sure you don't want to want to ask for directions?刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么?你真的不想问问路么?确定一定以及肯定么?Understood明白了Through twilights veil在暮光的帷幕下穿行?Tread lightly.动作要轻Agreed赞成Remain focused保持警惕Hesitation is the seed of defeat.不要错失良机。

Symmetry in all things对称存乎万物之间。

We travel the same path我们是一条道儿上的。

I suggest you run, I want to savor this.你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。

牛头酋长- 阿利斯塔Stampede!将他们冲散!You must follow你必须跟着俺I know the way俺知道该怎么做。

The Three Musketeers《三个火枪手(1973)》完整中英文对照剧本

The Three Musketeers《三个火枪手(1973)》完整中英文对照剧本

三个火枪手THE THREE MUSKETEERS改编自大仲马的小说"Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas".怎么样!So!当你再没办法的时候无论你看见什么Whatever you see just last your sword when all allow is failed.这帮了我很大的忙正如你看到的 - 是的父亲It was helped me well, as you can see. - Yes, Father.您为什么不坐一下呢? - 不不不时间很紧迫了why don't you sit down, sir? - no, no, no, time is short.你要走了you must be off.我把我的秘密武器给你I'm giving you my secret threats.还给你这1万5千元I give you also these 15 grands.还有这个And this.你爷爷买♥♥了这把剑来对付勒班陀的摩尔人Your grandfather bought this sword against the Moors in Lepanto.我曾经也用过它在国王亨利统治的时候I'm in some use of it, under the lead of King's Henry.现在它是你的了Now it is yours.它会带你去拜见火枪手的领导者特雷威尔先生It will introduce you to Mr. Treville who command the king of Musketeers. 你会永远记住它的我也会you will remember it well, and me.给你Here...我的儿子啊你快成为一个火枪手了My son, you are gonna be a Musketeer.你年轻应该要勇敢如果你有勇气的话You are yong you should be brave, and if your guts' strong.而且你叫达塔尼昂And the D'Artagnan.所以该打的时候就打So fight whenever you can.不要屈服于凌♥辱♥Never summit to insalts.除了国王和红衣主教的except from the king and the Cardinal Richelieu.要小心红衣主教因为他是通过国王来统治法国的Beware of the cardinal, for he rules France through the king. 但是你是为效忠于国王和皇后的人But you are a King's man and the Queen's.好了So...现在去和你母亲说再见吧Now go and say goodbye to your mother.你的膏药在包里Your balm is in the package.在你伤口上涂上就好Rup it in wherever you scratch.我在你的鞋子里面装了轮子I'm driving the wheels in you shoes well.好的母亲再见Yes, mother, good-bye.再见父亲Good-bye, father.再见Bye.不要把马卖♥♥了让它老死吧Don't sell the horse! Let him die old of its own age.记得要战斗啊and fight remember!保重Take care!听话Come on!看准了get on it.看起来有人骑在一只茶杯上Sighted there's someone riding above the cup.好像一块有脚的芝士That's just a cheese with legs.如果你笑的话你最好想想为什么Think what you have laugh ,sir. And you laugh together.如果是正在跟我说话If you speak to me.如果你不是一个绅士的话我不会和你说话If you weren't a gentleman I wouldn't speak to you. 我没和谁说话I was speaking at tuteur.但是我在和您说话啊But I'm speaking to you sir.如果你是个男人就转过身来Turn if you are a man.让我看看你现在倒是怎么笑Let me see your laugh now.啊Ah.这人真扯淡This gascons.你想让我♥干♥掉他吗?Do you like cut his throat?不No.他的马给处理掉让他走吧But among his ridiculous horse. Let him go.没时间谈了我的姑娘No time to talk, my lady.红衣主教命令你来英格兰The cardinal command you to England.你要让白金汉公爵离开伦敦了Do you have to let him know the moment.才让主教知道吗?till the Buckingham leaves London?然后呢?And then?我等待下一步指示I'll wait further orders.你呢?我什么时候才能再见到你?And you? when do I see you again?你...你这个刺客You!You assasin!我应该把你刺死的I shall thrust die you, sir.原谅我女士但是我必须把你朋友杀死Forgive me, madam. But I must kill your friend.噢你不怕吗?Oh, you're not terrified?哈! 走开白♥痴♥Ha! Away! Pumpkin!你会等到我消息的You will hear from me.他挺帅的He's very handsome.尽管他有些迟钝Even though he is bluntness, maybe.克劳德付钱吧Claude, pay the bill.你...You...特雷威尔先生在哪儿? - 在楼上跟我来Where is Mr. Treville? - He's upstairs, follow me.谢谢你Thank you.你太紧张那个腰带了You are doing more on belt proper.我有吗?I do?是啊Oh, yes.我曾经是个喜欢I used to be a man who must.每晚花钱在自己的衬衫上的男人spent his money on fine shirts in the night.什么?what?或者赚他情妇的钱?or want his mistress' money?哦不阿♥拉♥米斯那可是我自己的钱啊Oh, no, Aramis help me out to get her but my own money. 那都是金币啊那都是小事all of these are pistoles, oh, this is all trifles.但是的确是拿我的金币在床周围围了一圈啊but it is gold building all the way around the bed.太震惊了Astonishing!法国有足够的金子吗?There is enough gold in France to straight or let her sense.你介意我在抬起这珍贵的大衣多看一眼这腰带吗?Mind if I lift the costly coat to admire the belt more?不不不先生No, no, no, your pardon, sir.我感冒了I have a cold.自♥由♥裁量权都变成虚荣的时尚了Discretion being a part of vanity.我不明白I don't understand.我知道我眉毛很好看I know the one about valla...但是我不知道眼神好but it don't know eye contact will need.会令眉毛的效果大打折扣to be discrete half of that in time.长太帅了就是没办法shouldn't balost.这剑十分干脆利落It's very clean the sword dressed.是红衣主教守卫队的纪念品啊阿多斯先生a souvenir of the Cardinal's Guard, Mr. Athos.你是个骗子真扯淡You're a liar. That's more ballocks.当然你怎么这么快就看出来了?Of course. Why do you see that immediately?不要假装在你这里每一个人Don't pretended one from another.都得到不同的待遇or make any difference to a treament if you did.特雷威尔先生现在要见你了Mr. Treville will see you now.啊Ah.谢谢你Thank you.你老子说你带着他自己的剑吧达特尼昂先生Your father says you carried his own sword Mr. D'Artagnan. 是的Yes.嗯嗯哦Oh.你可以带着我的家伙等你的再长长点之前You may have taking my arm along until yours grows longer. 先生我不要任何人的怜悯Sir, I ask charity for no one.那就是说你不会拿是吧?年轻人Then you're unlikely to get it. Are you, young man?不不是怜悯No, not charity.是出于对老友儿子的一点爱和小恩惠Love and courtesy for the son of an old friend.让他的敌人在大洋彼岸哪儿凉快哪儿呆去to keep his enemies that in shore to far enough.谢谢您先生Thank you, sir.真谢谢您I do thank you.那是我能给你的所有了That is as much as I can offer you.你看到了剑客里面没有空位置安排给你了You see there is no place in the musketeers.只有你在军队里面服役过for a man till he has served the campaign.或者在其他的战斗方面立过大功or other ways distinguishes himself in the killing.但是我还是可以给德拉塞尔先生写封信But all I can do is write a letter to Mr. De La Salle.他是守卫的领导人commander of the guard.你...你这个懦夫我鄙视你You, you coward, I spit on you!什么?what?哦不说的不是您Oh, not on you, sir.说的是那个独眼龙on that man without the eye!你先生You, sir.I said stop sir.呀Yah.哦Oh.对不起先生我赶时间Excuse me, sir. I'm in a hurry.你当然很赶时间了年轻人You are certainly in a hurry, young man.我的意思是一句"对不起"是不够的You heard that I mean to expect the "excuse me" is insufficient. 你需要有人教教你怎么有礼貌You need a lesson in manners.我说过"对不起"了I said "Excuse me".我不需要有人教我懂礼貌I need no lesson in manners.无论如何你还是需要的You should have one anyway.哪儿?Where?12点在加尔默罗女修道会The Carmelite convent, at twelve.噢Oh.兜兜转转Go all the way around.停Stop!先生我在跑着呢 - 而且眼睛还瞎了Sir, I was running. - And with your eyes shut.先生您说什么? - 你去中心广场Sir, I beg your pardon? - You will come to the Plaza.哪儿? - 一点钟在卢森堡Where? - At the Luxembourg one o'clock.噢看啊Oh, look.原谅我先生们Forgive me, gentlemen.噢您好像掉了这个Oh, you, you drop this.金子的包装够花哨最好小心点阿♥拉♥米斯Gold for the parcing fancy, most "discreet", Aramis.这个包不是我的也不是我掉的The purse is not mine, sir, nor did I drop it.这个就是您的我看见他掉了Oh, your parcel, sir. I see it fall.你看到的太多了先生You see it the old too much, sir.你只是一个乡下佬而已You just a fourtmat country bad people.我就是乡下佬怎么了I'm the gascon, sir.所以你要学习更写文明的行为举止And you need to learn civilized behavior.好吧我也不是一个仗势凌人的人Well, I'm no bully. It's in the intended priest.即使必须的但是我也不想动手I fight to even I must.但是你让那位女士受委屈了But you have compromised the lady.那我们就约两点在特雷威尔酒店吧So we'll set in hotel Treville at two.先生先生Sir! Sir!你的钱包Your purse.好吧即使我被杀了也是死在剑客手里Oh well, if I will be killed, unleast at hands of a musketeer. 你挺准时的You punctual.即使你不用跑的Eventhough you're not running.但是你还是伤了我的胳膊But you did hurt my shoulder.我相信这样子打肯定对您来说非常不方便I trust that it will not convenient you sir.如果你想推迟决斗If you wish to prospone on meeting.不可能By no means.我用左手一样可以打I fight as well with my left hand.如果你觉得这个地方对你来说处劣势我道歉If you find this place you'll be disadvantageous, I do apologize. 您真是非常谦虚You're very courteous, sir.我正准备问您的伤口I was going to ask about your wound.我带着我麻麻做的药膏I have an ointment made by my mom.嗯?Hum?你是被吓到了吗?年轻人You're overwhelming, young man.哦我的帮手们来了Oh, here come my seconds.你要和这个乡巴佬打架吗?我也约了他干架呢You're fighting this out fellow, but I'm meeting him myself.但是现在不是一点钟啊But not till 1 o'clock, sir.不不不我下午要和这个人决斗No, no, no, I'm to fighting him this afternoon.是在两点吧At 2 o'clock sir.你在巴黎多久了?How long have you been in paris.从今早上八点钟开始就在这儿了Since 8 o'clock this morning.你真是一点儿时间都没有浪费啊You waste little time, sir.我父亲教育我说该打就打My father recommand I fight dues.好吧我们来希望你能你老子挣点面子吧Well, let us hope you can do him some credit.红衣主教护卫队The cardinal's guard!哎快点啊你们Cheers, gentlemen, quickly.啊是剑客们在法令的禁止下还在决斗Ah, musketeers! Dealing in the founds of the edicts.这是私事麦迪逊你这次可以绕路吗?This is private, Madison. Would you please beyondyour way.我们有责任维护♥法♥令We have the duty the suppress his order.和逮捕肇事者and the arrest the rollers.把你的的剑都举起来然后跟着我们走吧Put up your swords, and come along with us.不可能Impossible!想都别想Unthinkable!没希望Unlikely!嗯那我们要检举你们了Hum, then we must charge you.他们有六个我们只有三个There are 6 of them, we are only 3.不四个No, 4.你不是我们其中一员You are not one of us!这不关你的事孩子This is not your affair, boy.我也许不够技术但是我有当剑客的决心啊I may not have the tuny, but I have the heart to be a musketeer.年轻人你可以退下了Young man, you may retire!保命为上吧快走开Save your skin, and quickly.你叫什么? - 达特尼昂 - 那好吧What is your name? - D'Artagnan - Well then.我们四个: 阿多斯波尔多斯阿♥拉♥米斯和达特尼昂You have us, four of us:Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan. 杀啊Go!我们来祈祷吧Let us pray.善良的耶稣Gentle Jesus...我可以吗?May I?抱歉Sorry.给我把剑A sword!看上帝份儿上For god's sake sir.谢谢你Thank you.达特尼昂D'Artagnan!不No!不把他留给我No! Leave him to me.把剑放下先生Put down your sword, sir.不No.投降吧我命令你Surrender Biscart, my order.哦那倒不一样Oh, that's different.去把铃摇响吧那些修女回来治你们的伤的Come and ring the bell, the nun will attend to your wounded. 来兄弟们快走越快越好Come, gentlemen, the sooner and off the better.对啊对啊结束太快了Yes, yes, it was over too soon.啊娘的Ah blood!看着最好的弗兰德天鹅绒被你们毁了Look at the best flemish velvet ruined by your...被你们这些恶心的二货给毁了your sick kind of ruffiers.哦天啊你们要赔啊Oh, my god. You will pay for it.这花了我10个金币呢10 pistoles it costed me.不 20个金币再加20个当做教你们怎么懂礼貌的学费No, 20, 20 pistoles. And 20 more is a fine to teach you manners. 哈哈这群草包Ha ha, you sack!小偷Thief.你说什么?What?好了好了There, there."乐善好施"是红衣主教的其中一个品质是吧?Charity is one of the Cardinal virtue, remember?我们是要站这儿一直聊Are we gonna stand here and chat.等主教来逮捕我们回去吗?until the Cardinal marshal come arrest us.我们最好走吧各位Better be gone, gentlemen. I tell you.我们走Let's be off.呃先生Er, sir.你朋友们的伤About your friends wounds.我有我麻麻的膏药I have an ointment adhere my mother which.对伤病是最管用的whether you mind its most effective.我把剑扔天上然后那个二货往上看I threw my sword in the air, and as he looks up.波尔多斯波尔多斯Porthos! Porthos!把金币给我看看Pass me the pistoles.剑客们的座右铭是The Musketeers' motto young man is:.兄弟同心其利断金All for one and one for all.我们给他10个金币What should translate is ten for him,10个给他 10个给你 10个给我ten for him, ten for you, and ten for me.我亲爱的阿♥拉♥米斯需要10个来取悦他的情人My dear Aramis needs ten to impress his lady mistress.我的好波尔多斯需要10个来买♥♥他的衣服My good Porthos needs ten to be able himself to dress decently.我建议你需要10个来找个仆人和住的房♥子And you need ten for lodging and a servant I would suggest.而我呢And I.你呢?And you?我需要喝酒I need to drink.你会发现未来在喝醉了酒以后会变得非常美好You will find young man the future looks rosy at the bottom of the glass. 别担心亲爱的Not to worry, dear.我抓住你的头Let me catch your head.小心点儿Mind that.这是楼梯This is the staircase.你应该会喜欢这儿的先生两法郎一天而已I think you'll like it here, monsieur. For only two francs a day.这房♥间看起来真是非常豪华This chamber looks Snohomish.而且你仔细瞧瞧非常的干净And scrupulously clean if you observe.每隔一天就会打扫一次Swopt every second day.谦虚一点说真是帝王般的享受啊and more regent the modest speaking.啊有点灰尘你可以睡外面Ah, there are rusgle. You can sleep out there.隔音效果很好外面的叫声完全听不到effect of soundproof there is excellent. The scream will cast behind.在巴黎老天都掉不下来这样的馅饼啊They don't fall of these chambers like these in Paris.这儿你还可以看到非常好的城市景观Where else you can get the magnificent view of the city.噢Oh.的确如此但是请原谅我说的话Quite so, Mr Bonacieux, admit me is too absurd.但是这个你叫做房♥间的地方真是不适合…but this fixture you call a room is not fit for our.国王或者大主教住但是很适合我king or a cardinal but it suit me very well.你说两法郎吗?two francs you say?你要了? - 怎么样我都要You take it? - whatever it's offered.啊我的老婆伯纳修太太啊先生Ah, Madam Bonacieux, my wife, monsieur.她很正吧Is she not beautiful?很有魅力啊Enchanting.谢谢Thank you.像花瓣从很远的地方撒向人间一样She's as delicate as the petals pouring.精致From afar.你知道吗?我老婆是皇后的伴娘呢Of course, you know my wife is the best maid of the queen. 皇后是个很好的人我妻子有足够的自信和她媲美Very nice person the queen. My wife has every confidence. 我真是非常骄傲能成为她的丈夫Yes I am very proud of being her husband.她住这儿? - 不我住这儿And...she live here? - No, I live here.我美丽的康斯坦丝住在皇宫啊要不然住哪儿?My beautiful Constance Stays in the palace. where else?她一周来看我一次she visits me once a week.就在今晚Tonight, in fact.夫人一定非常向往这一天 - 是啊Madam must look forward to that eagerly. - Yes.噢快点啊你好笨Oh, faster, you dull!哦快啊快找人把它们转得快一点Oh, come on, somebody make them go faster with them.哦太奇妙了真是太奇妙了Oh, it's wonderful. It's absolutely wonderful.我觉得我想吐I feel like, I feel like sick.皇后到国王的骑士四号♥位Queen to king's knight 4.皇后到国王的骑士四号♥位Queen to king's knight 4.你的手下特雷威尔打倒了五个主教护卫Your ruffians Treville has spite 5 of the Cardinal guards.陛下是您的火枪手们Your Musketeers, my Majesty.是你养的流氓Your ruffians.骑士到国王的主教五号♥位Knight to king's bishop 5.骑士到国王的主教五号♥位Knight to king's bishop 5.我很难对他解释I'm hard to put to explain to him.当我睡觉的时候是谁在守卫着法国?who guards France when I sleep.当我在自我娱乐的时候是谁在不断的工作?whose larbors were unceasingly while I amuse myself.您受命于天吗?Your Mejesty refers to god?我受命于红衣主教和你说的不是那么一回事儿I refer to Cardinal Richelieu, which is not quite the same thing. 哦主教Oh, Cardinal.这起剑客暴♥乱♥事件This matter of tribute musketeers.没有头绪只有几把断剑Broken heads and broken swords.只是琐事而已陛下Trifles sire.白金汉伯爵在巴黎了The Duke Buckingham is in Paris.白金汉?在这儿?为什么啊?Buckingham ? Here? Why, God's name?要和我起冲突吗? - 为了的皇后吗Oh, to bloods against my honor? - The queen?你把那个恶棍抓回来 - 陛下您错了You will arrested the potla. - Sire, you are wrong.皇后对你很忠诚对法国也很忠诚The Queen is faithful, to you and to France.她爱你爱的非常热烈She loves your Majesty far too warmly.我不会被热情所蒙蔽的你抓住他I'm not squat by the heat. You arrest him.我们为什么要花这么大的精力做那事儿呢?Oh, why the scandal should we do that?逮捕英国的首相?Arrest the Prime Minister of England?没有理由陛下我们需要做的是把尊贵的爵士No, sire. What we must do is keep the noble duke.栓在一根绳子上让他继续和新教♥徒♥追求他的信仰on a string, to pursue his sodium pad with Protestants.和他的看不见的政♥治♥理想his politics muffled in a cloak.那皇后的心是否也无法摸透呢?And the queen muffled in her cloak under a window?皇后殿下的美貌让很多男人拜倒在她的石榴裙下Her Majesty's beauty affects all the men's worship.也有很多支持者And worshipers.但是她的美德是毋庸置疑的But her virtues is beyond questions.至于白金汉公爵他会被监视着的As the Duke of Buckingham, he will be watched.主教到皇后二号♥位Bishop to queen 2.主教到皇后二号♥位Bishop to queen 2.主教到皇后二号♥位Bishop to queen 2.将军Jaque.那边That way.开门Open up!开门Open up!再不开我们就把门撞开了We will strike the door down.啊Ah.有人要进来? 别担心等我抄家伙 - 哦亲爱的Did someone's coming? Don't worry, Constance. The weapons...- Oh, darling. 哈哈哈Ha ha ha.你得跟我走You will come with me.不我不走! 我不走你能把我怎么样?No, I won't. No, I won't. We see, what about that?你跟我走吧You will come with me.好的先生好的先生我跟您走Yes, sir, yes, sir. I come with you.截住她截住她Stop Her! Stop Her!你对我老婆做了什么?What have you done with my wife?康斯坦丝?Constance?达塔尼昂先生我要你Mr. D'Artagnan, I want you.我是你的女士等我喘过气来I'm yours Ma'am. As soon as I can catch my breath ma'am.我伤到你了吗? - 我伤到你了吗?Did I hurt you? - Did I hurt you?先生我今晚一定要去皇后那里Monsieur, I must get to the queen tonight.我不允许I can not allow it.我被人从床上拖下来了- 床是对你最好的地方了I was torn from the bed. - The best place for you, bed.床就是对于你来说最好的地方了Bed is the best place for you.来着躺会吧Collect some for more.谢谢你先生Thank you monsieur.哦我的丈夫Oh, my husband.哪儿?Where?在巴士底狱In the Bastille.哦真是令人担心啊Oh, I'm sorry to hear about it.现在最好的解决办法就是睡个好觉Now the best possible course is a good night sleep.尝试忘记它Try to foget about it.但是我丈夫在巴士底狱我无法睡着啊 - 不But I can't sleep with my husband in the Bastille. - No. 我好怕 - 哦我不怕I'm frightened. - Oh, I'm not.你应该和我睡You ought to sleep with me.你需要一个帮你驱赶恐惧的人You need a good cattle chase the fright away.先生我必须去皇后陛下身边她迫切需要我Mister, I must go to her Majesty, she needs me urgently. 我不能让你一个人在充满危险的大街上走I can not let you go to the streets are full of danger.而且你的脚都脏脏的and your legs and feets are dirty.哦…是啊Oh... yes.先生你必须要帮我啊你又年轻又勇敢Monsieur, you must help me. You are young and gallant. 我丈夫他非常懦弱而且说到他...My husband is just a weak man talk with me and...我能告诉你吗?我能相信你吗?Can I tell you? Can I trust you?用你跳动的心脏和生命去相信With your life which beats in your breast.我仿佛听到小白鸟挥打翅膀的声音I hear the flap of life like a little white bird.他通过我打听皇后 - 我听到充满生命力的翅膀拍打He sigints on the queen through me. - I hear the wings.红衣主教希望给我个警示因为我很皇后走得很近Cardinal wishes a warning, because I'm in the queen's confidence. 或许他们会利用我来对皇后不利perhaps yields to the attackers through me.你不能光着脏脚去找皇后啊You can not go to the Queen's with dirty legs.哦不行Oh, no.你现在有足够的力气下去洗干净吗?Are you strong enough to wash them.没有No.哦我可怜的丈夫没有了他我感到很无助啊Oh, my poor husband. Without him I feel so helpless.我还没试过给女人洗脚呢I've never washed the legs of a woman.我给马洗过脚给马洗的时候你要先从头开始I have done a horse's, with a horse's you start at the top.我不可以脏兮兮的去皇后那儿I can not go dirty to the queen.你觉得我在这儿会安全吗?Do you think I will be safe here?哦当然了康斯坦丝当然了Oh, yes, Constance. Yes.哦对不起Oh, sorry.这样不会有点冷吗?Won't it not be a llittle cold?至少让我送你过马路At least, let me have got you pass the way.不我必须走No, I must go.去找皇后前我要去见一个人 - 谁?I have to meet someone, before I go the queen. - Who?这么快就学会妒忌了?Are you jealous so soon?那当然了On every inch of you.我必须走了现在答应我你不会跟来I must go now. Promise you won't follow.哦Oh.给点钱盲人吧女士你是瞎的吗?Money for the blind ma'am. Are you blind?给点钱瘸子吧给点钱瘸子吧Money for the cripple, Money for the cripple.给点钱瘸子吧Money for the cripple.放开走开get off, go off.给点钱瘸子吧给点钱瘸子吧Money for the cripple, Money for the cripple.嘿今天你不走运了 - 给点钱孤儿吧Hey, not your day, is it? - Money for an orphan!施舍点钱给孤儿吧给点钱孤儿吧Money for a orphan, Money for a orphan.嘘shuh!给点钱孤儿吧Money for a orphan.施舍点钱吧Money, Money.先生在您走之前Before you go sir...我说先生在你走之前I say sir before you fight.先生sir.施舍点零钱吧If you got any change please.请您等等先生One moment, sir. If you please.你答应过我的But you promised.是的现在我知道为什么你要我答应你了Yes, and I can see now why you make me promise. 你和我不认识啊先生You have nothing to do with me, sir.不认识但是我和这位女士认识No, but I have something to do with this lady.抓着我的胳膊夫人先生晚上好Take my arm madam. Good evening, sir.天啊我的公爵陛下 - 陛下? - 你是…?For god's name, my lord. - My lord? - Are you...?白金汉公爵The duke of Buckingham.现在你知道你破坏了所有事儿了吧Now do you see you spoil everything.哦亲爱的…原谅我吧…我...Oh, my darling forgive me... I...哦陛下我该说什么好…我…我爱她所以我妒忌Oh, my lord, what do I say...I...I love her and I was jealous.这是在黑夜里攻击一个陌生人非常好的原因Perfectly exellent reason for attacking a stranger in the dark.您能满足我一个小小的要求吗?Would you obliged me in a small favour?任何事都可以陛下Anything, my lord.夫人和我打算去宫殿并不想被任何人知道Madam and I are going to the palace means not be seen.如果有人想跟踪我们If anyone should try to follow us.您可以把他杀掉吗?would you be good enough to kill him?谢谢你Thank you!哦好的…好的Oh, yes ... yes.你知道最危险的地方就是最安全的地方吗?Does your Grace know any private place which is as private as this public one? 哦…我… - 在这儿等等 - 什么?Well ...I ... - Wait here. - What?安妮… - 你怎么来了? - 来看你啊Anne ... - Why have you come? - To see you.哦你这个笨蛋!国王怀疑的Oh, it's foolish! The King suspects.而且大主教知道的话你会害了我的and the cardinal knows, and he'll ruin me if you can.他派了很多眼线…如果他已经监视到这儿怎么办?He spies the...what if he caught here?很明显我们不会被发现最起码在这个洗衣房♥里面Decidedly we must not be found, not with the dirty laundry washed.但是没有希望了我是国王的妻子了Oh but it's hopeless. I'm the wife of the king.这个卑鄙的小人And ill manner little prisey and.忽略你同时又嫉妒你ignores you, and jealous you at the same time.你欠了他什么?What do you owe to him?我欠了他不能对不起他I owe to him, not to disgrace him.这也是为什么我让你走Which is why I ask you to go.而且不要回头And not to return.哦亲爱的我们不是一般的人啊 - 的确我们不是Oh, my dear, we're not ordinary folk. - Indeed not.这也是我们互相彼此伤害到对方的原因And that's the point and it thrust both ways.我不是一个绅士或者农民I'm no little gentleman or farmboy.我是一国之主啊I'm the master of the great state there.这个国家有非常强大的船只和海军如果你需要我with great ships and armies too, if you need me.英国人从前来过法国The English come to France before.并没有像我现在拥有过这么充分的理由A lack of better reason than I have.你觉得我会因为赢得你而发动战争吗?You think I will threat for a war to win you?如果你不信等着看法国挑起战争吧If you doubt it, wait till Frances put his to draggle score the English for hell. 亲爱的亲爱的安妮Dear, dear Anne ...你知道你比任何我在洗衣房♥里面看到的东西都要美Do you know, you look lovelier than anything I've seen in the laundry before? 来再告诉我你爱我Come, tell me again that you love me.你要走了这里不安全You must go. It's not safe here.会有这么一天的到了那天…It will be oneday. Until then...给点东西我留作纪念吧一枚硬币什么都可以give me something to remember you by, a tocken, anything. 哦求你了你就当施舍给一个小穷孩儿吧Oh, come, a farm boy, sweetheart you are giving one.这些就是我最珍贵的东西了These are my best things.我一年之内会给你送回来Within a year I will bring them back to you.哦她们就是这样洗衣服的我从来都没有注意过Oh, that's how they do it. I have no notion.我以后穿衣服该怀着更尊敬的心情I should wear my shirt in future with more respect.哦天啊 - 走啊快点Oh, God! - Go on, quickly.站着别动Stand still!在这里面In here!在那There!不好意思Excuse me!请告诉我发生什么事儿了Please tell me what's going on.过来come here!让我来吧阁下My lord, may I?哦谢谢你Oh, thank you.来吧!来吧!Come on! Come on!哦我的头发Oh, my hair.我本来应该是能够应付的I probably could have managed,但是我还是得谢谢你们but I'll thanks you gentlemen anyway.那是谁? - 不知道啊And who is that? - I don't know.但是他听起来说话很得体是吧? - 是啊。

【6A文】碟中谍4幽灵协议中英双语对照字幕 看字幕学英语

【6A文】碟中谍4幽灵协议中英双语对照字幕 看字幕学英语

你是怎么开门的?Hey,howdidyouopenyourcelldoor? Default,,,,,,Hey!你在干嘛?whatareyoudoing?把第二区的门打开!OpenSector!你怎么出来的?Howdidyougetout?回去你的房间Getbackinyourcell.警告你,回去你的房间!Itoldyou,getbackinyourcell!再给你几个朋友来玩Let'sgiveyouafewfriendstoplaywith.抱歉啦Sorry.快派警卫进去Sendsomeguardsin.已经叫了l'mtrying.我准备好了,下面情况如何?Okay,l'mset.How'sthingsgoingdownbelow? 你觉得呢?我在下水道耶Howdoyouthink?l'minasewer.门打不开!我们被锁住了!Thedoorswon'topen!we'relockedin!发布警报!Soundthealarm!已经失控了!we'velostcontrol!队长!Captain!我就定位了l'minposition.进入第二阶段Movetophase.你在干嘛?你在干嘛?Whatareyoudoing?Whatareyoudoing?怎么了?发生什么事?what'swrong?what'shappening,Benji?他不去撤离点Oh,God.He'snotgoingtotheeGtractionpoint. 专心,他知道要去哪里Stayfocused.Heknowswherehe'sgoing. 不,我不干No,l'mnot.lwon't.我不会开这扇门的lwillnotopenthatdoor.请到撤离点,伊森PleasegototheeGtractionpoint,Ethan.lknow.我懂你手势的意思lknowwhatthismeans,可是不行,我未经授权...butlcan't.l'mnotauthorized...去撤离点,伊森GototheeGtractionpoint,Ethan.快去撤离点!GototheeGtractionpoint!你要等我吗?Oh,you'rejustgoingtowait.大家来耗吧,我有的是时间we'regoingtowait.Great.lcanwait.好啦!好啦!Okay,fine.Fine!Fine!这样我们就可以搞砸整个计划There.we'lljustscrewthewholethinguponpurpose. 珍?进度会有点耽搁Jane?we'regoingtohaveaslightdelay.你进去那里干嘛?whydoyouwanttogointhere?包格丹!包格丹!Bogdan!塞吉?Sergei?该闪人了!Timetogo!现在?Now?对,现在!Yes,now!我不知道他在干嘛?ldon'tknowwhathe'sdoing,我也莫名奇妙在帮他andforsomereason,l'mhelpinghim.只要歌播完前他到定点Aslongashe'swhereheshouldbewhenthesongends. 我们多了个伴wehaveapassenger.塞吉!Sergei!把门全都打开!Openallofthem!天啊!天啊...天啊... OhGodohGodohGod...塞吉,别说计划到此为止Sergei,pleasetellmethere'smoretothisplan! 快走Let'sgo...韩特探员?AgentHunt?你是?Andyouare?卡特探员AgentCarter.好Okay.你的朋友是谁?who'syourpal?等一下告诉你l'lltellyouontheway!点火吧Lightthefuse.塞吉,怎么回事?Sergei,what'sgoingon?别担心,包格丹lt'sOK,Bogdan.我并不想多嘴...ldon'tmeantobringuptheelephantintheroom, 但这个像大猩猩的俄国佬是谁?butwhat'swiththebig,hairyRussian?包格丹?他是我的线人who,Bogdan?Hefedmeintel.如果我丢下他,他们会杀了他lfllefthimthere,theywould'vekilledhim.所以我们会让他走Sowe'regonnagivehimhisfreedom.你有没有安排清洁小组?Didyoucallinthesweepers?正在路上Ontheirway.好,很好Good,good.班吉...你怎么会在这里?Benji,howisityou'rehere?我通过外勤测验!Oh,lpassedthefieldeGam.很瞎吧?Crazy,right?对,很瞎Yeah.Crazy.DNA测试-是我啦-DNAtest.-lt'sme.我必须确认-你真仔细lt'sprocedure.l'mjustconfirmingit'syou. 塞吉?-You'reverythorough.-Sergei?你不是俄国人?AreyounotRussian?别紧张RelaG.清洁小组接近中!扫帚出动了!Sweepersapproaching!Broomsareout! 了解-Rogerthat.-Sergei.你不是...塞吉吗?AreyounotSergei?你会没事的You'llbefine.包格丹Bogdan.我一向很照顾我朋友lalwaystakecareofmyfriends.朋友...Myfriend.刚才他差点坏事Messybringinghimalong.我认为进行得很顺利lthoughtitwentratherwell.能告诉我为什么你在俄国监狱?MindtellingmewhatyouweredoinginaRussianprison? 能告诉我为什么你帮我逃狱?Mindtellingmewhyyoubrokemeout?这不是营救任务?Thiswasn'tarescuemission?我这样说好了Letmeputitthisway.如果局长要我出来lftheSecretarywantedmeoutofthere,外头的事一定很大条itmustbeprettybadouthere.我们在追查一份档案wewereafterafile.结果弄丢了welostit.“我们”?谁弄丢的?你?"we"?wholostit?You?汉纳威探员AgentHanaway.汉纳威在哪里?where'sHanaway?那是个取件任务Itwasaletterdrop.机密档案Classifiedfile.原本是一次简单的拦截Itshouldhavebeenasimpleintercept.我们知道目标在哪列火车Weknewwhichtrainthecourierwason.目标预计分钟后抵达ETA,twominutesonthecourier.可是我们不知道... Buttherewasonethingwedidn'tknow.山猫,你的列车还有分钟进站Bobcat,yourtrain'ssiGminutesout....他是谁Whothecourierwas.快来不及了,山猫lt'snowornever,Bobcat.带着档案的信使...他的名字?Thecourierdeliveringthefile,what'shisname? 你尽管开枪Goahead.Shoot.Goahead.Shoot.我们没时间了weareoutoftime.我需要名字lneedaname,folks.我无法同时追踪所有人lcan'ttrackallthesepeopleatonce.马瑞克,史蒂芬斯基,饶了我吧!Marek.Stefanski.FortheloveofGod!听到吗?Yougotit?马瑞克史蒂芬斯基MarekStefanski.我正在找Searching.“目标确定”{\r}接下来看我的l'lltakeitfromhere.老兄,你还好吧?Hey,youallright,buddy?汉纳威麻醉了目标,取走背包Hanawaydroppedthemarkandgrabbedhisbag. 坐着休息一下吧Sitdown.Catchyourbreath.他取得了档案,本该轻易脱身Hehadthefileinhishands.Easyin,easyout. 档案已到手Filesecured.但不只我们想得到它Butweweren'ttheonlyonesafterit.山猫,有人来搅局Bobcat,someoneelsehascrashedthisparty. 我被盯上了l'mnotalone.当地警察?Localpolice?不,是道上的No.Armedhostiles.撑一下,我快到了!Hangtight,l'mcoming!铁臂,支援他Outrigger,backhimup.不要,铁臂Negative,Outrigger.在西南角落集合,秒后Rendezvoussouthwestcorner,seconds.汉纳威的视觉镜捕捉到一个目标Hanaway'slenscamdrewafacialmatch并试图警告他andtriggeredawarning.但为时已晚Butitwastoolate.Default,,,,,,不!\NNo!你会没事的You'regoingtobeokay.你好美You'resobeautiful.对不起,我...l'msorry,l...我该早点跟你说的lshouldhavetoldyou.那是我的行动Itwasmyop.我指派他出外勤的Iputhiminthefield.她故意让他死在我怀里Andshelefthimjustaliveenoughformetoseehimdie. 很遗憾l'msorry.你认识她?Youknowher?莎宾莫露,职业杀手That'sSabineMoreau.Contractkiller.为钻石什么都做worksfordiamonds.档案里有什么?whatwasinthefile?俄国核弹发射密码Russiannuclearlaunchcodes.我们一直在找一名新兴的极端份子lMF'sbeenlookingforanemergingeGtremist,代号是钴蓝codename,Cobalt.他一直想引爆核子武器He'sdeterminedtodetonateanuclearweaponhoweverhecan. 莫露之前替他做过事weknowMoreau'sworkedforhimbefore.我们还知道他哪些事?whatelsedoeslMFknowabouthim?就只有这样Asmuchasyoudonow.但如果莫露现在有了发射密码ButifMoreauhasnuclearlaunchcodes,钴蓝会从我们的诸多目标之一youcanbetCobalt'sgonefromapersonofinterest变成头号敌人toenemynumberone.我们到了we'rehere.探员身份确认Agentconfirmed.他为什么入狱?whywasheinprison?他人间蒸发,在他跟老婆...你知道的Hedisappearedafterheandhiswife...Youknow. 我以为他只是被调任...或留职停薪lthoughthe'djustbeentransferred.Putonleave. 是有传闻说...Therewererumors,though.他未经批准杀人Talkofanunsanctionedhit.欢迎回来,韩特先生Welcomeback,Mr.Hunt.在你不在的期间Inyourabsence,本局得知钴蓝现在或曾经是... IMFhaslearnedthatCobaltisorwas俄国情报局的一级核武战略家alevel-nuclearstrategistforRussianintelligence. 所以要知道他的真实身份...Therefore,theonlywaytouncoverhisactualidentity 唯有渗透克里姆林宫istoinfiltratetheKremlinitself.要通过检查站... Inordertogetpasttheircheckpoints,你得扮成安纳托里费德罗夫将军you'llbeimpersonatingGeneralAnatolyFedorov. 我们相信钴蓝会不择手段去... WebelieveCobaltwilldoeverythinghecan销毁他的所有纪录todestroyanyrecordofhisidentity.如果你接受这项任务...Yourmission,shouldyouchoosetoacceptit,就要潜入克里姆林宫内部... istopenetratethehighly-secured高度管制的资料库archiveinsidetheKremlin在钴蓝摧毁前撷取他的档案andretrieveCobalt'sfilebeforehecandestroyit.情报显示钴蓝已经动身NewintelsuggestsCobaltisalreadyenroute,你只剩下...leavingyou...小时分...hoursminutes......toinfiltrate.因此我们已替你挑选队员Tosavetime,we'vechosenyourteamforyou.卡特和邓恩探员AgentsCarterandDunn.万一你或你的队员被俘或死亡Asalways,shouldyouoranymemberofyourteambecaughtorkilled, 局长会否认核准你们的行动theSecretarywilldisavowanyknowledgeofyouractions.此讯息在秒内会自动销毁Thismessagewillself-destructinfiveseconds.祝好运,伊森Goodluck,Ethan.有什么指示?whatdoyougot?我们要去克里姆林宫we'regoingintotheKremlin.哈哈...克里姆林宫lthoughtyousaid"TheKremlin."我以为你说克里姆林宫lthoughtyousaid"TheKremlin."好吧Okay.好刺激喔...ThisisveryeGciting.出外勤...Beingoutinthefield.跟你一起...withyou,youknow.是我的梦想'sabitofadreamforme.我喜欢你的伪装Loveyourdisguise,bytheway.简直就是本尊Youlookjustlikehim.真可惜我们没戴面具lt'sashamewe'renotwearingmasks.包头的那种Youknow,like,fullmasks.大家都戴过面具...除了我EverybodygetstowearamaskbutBenji. 抱歉Sorry.我一紧张就会罗嗦l'mtense.lbabblewhenl'mnervous.我又开始了,闭嘴啦l'mdoingitagain.Shutup,Benji.七名保全警卫、G光机Okay,sevensecurityguards.监视机、金属侦测器G-raymachines.Cameras.Metaldetectors. 正如我们的预期,OK的JustwhatweeGpected.wecandothis.准备投掷,、...Releasinginthree,two,one.臭脸,臭脸,俄国官方臭脸Gameface,gameface.Kremlingameface. 将军...General...我是伊果洛夫少校lamMajorEgorov.您的证件Yourdocuments.你应该要认得你的老板Youshouldknowyourboss.你应该要认得你的老板Youshouldknowyourboss.我找不到你lcan'tfindyou.再查一次Runitagain......大兵...Private.伊果洛夫...Egorov.-抱歉,将军,我没认出你EGcuseme,General.ldidn'trecognizeyou.你会后悔的,伊果洛夫You'regoingtoregretthis,Egorov.我想进行很顺利lthinkthatwentquitewell.闭嘴Justshutit.抱歉Sorry.这会成功的lt'sgoingtowork.我很遗憾...关于你和茱莉亚...l'msorry,bytheway.AboutyouandJulia....离婚的事Youknow,notworkingout.我之前本来想劝你的... lwantedtosaysomethingbeforeyouwentaway,but... ...我喜欢她llikedher,youknow.他讲完电话了He'softthephonenow.“影像复制完毕”{\r}是空的lt'sempty.档案匣是空的Thenestisempty.队长,请回答Checkin,TeamLeader. Default,,,,,,完毕\NOver.我重覆,队长,请回答Repeat.Checkin,TeamLeader.你进资料室了吗?HaveyoumadeittotheArchiveRoom? 上尉!资料室!Captain!TheArchiveRoom!快去!Run!有人在分享我们的频率Someoneispiggybackingourfrequency. 队长...TeamLeader,等待你的指令,准备... awaitingyourgo-sign.Standingby ...引爆todetonate.撤退Abort.在方位会合Rendezvousnine-two.关上大门!Shutthegate!快点!Quickly!当局归咎于克里姆林宫底下...{\r}大型瓦斯气爆造成的连锁反应{\r}还不清楚克里姆林宫哪一区受到影响{\r}但是现场消息指出{\r}北边角落出现巨大坑洞{\r}当局向民众保证气体绝对不具毒性{\r}我们的媒体跟你们一样不诚实... Ourmediaisnomoretruthfulthanyours,...美国人American.我们都明白这场爆炸的真正原因... ButwebothknowthattherealcauseoftheeGplosion ...是你wasyou.等待你的指令Awaitingyourgo-sign,TeamLeader.队长,准备引爆Standingbytodetonate.就你来说...Theworstpartforyou,“队长”..."TeamLeader,"最惨的是我被指派来惩罚你islamthemanassignedtomakeyousufterforit. 为你对我国所犯下的暴行Forwhatyoudidtomycountry.这是医院...Thisisahospital......不是夜店Notanightclub.米夏,帮我一下Misha...helpmehere...第号房Roomtwelve.医生说他大命不死Thedoctorssayhe'sluckytobealive.只有轻微脑震荡Onlyamildconcussion.我才不管他的健康ldon'tgiveadamnabouthishealth.我有问题需要得到答案lhavequestionsthatneedanswering.小心点Becareful!准备运送...Prepareatransport.检查那里!Checkoverthere!这不是好主意Notagoodidea.看起来不错...一分钟前ltseemedlikeoneaminuteago.所有探员!目标往西逃走!Allagents!Hottargetheadingwest!统一保险,需要什么协助?ConsolidatedInsurance.HowmayIhelpyou? SAT...DE请求立刻撤离SAT.Agent-Delta-Echorequestingimmediateevac. 集合点,ARendezvousAlpha.确认,AConfirmed.Alpha.广场下方瓦斯管线的复杂系统...Detailssurroundingtheintricatesystemofgaslines ...细节仍待调查thatrunbeneaththesquarearestillforthcoming,不过多数管线可追溯至苏联时期butthemajorityofthoselinesdatebacktotheSovietera 至少有三十年未更新andhavenotbeenupdatedinatleast...安娜...安娜...我在想Anna...Anna...l'vebeenthinking...看来我们...ltlookslikewe...我们该离开几天weshouldleavetownforacoupleofdays.艾利斯、你和我...去渡假AleG,you,me.Vacations.现在?-Now?今晚-Tonight.为什么你们在说英文?WhyareyouspeakinginEnglish?就...Just...就我们三人Justthethreeofus.可能不是意外,而是蓄意的攻击...maynothavebeenanaccident,butatargetedattack.初步估计...Preliminarynumbersarejuststarting...我们要去哪里?wherewillwego?...受伤人数有......tocomeinregardingthosewoundedintheblast.我们证实有名...Wecanconfirmthattourists...国籍仍无法确认的观光客Leonid?...theirnationalitiesstillunconfirmed,被送到附近医院治疗havebeentransportedtoareahospitalsfortreatment.虽然俄国当局继续归咎于大型气爆WhileRussianofticialscontinuetoblameagas-mainbreak,专家说爆炸区的形状及残骸的分布... eGpertsarecitingtheshapeoftheblastareaandthesizeofthedebrisfield 比较符合定点爆炸物... asmoreconsistentwiththatofaseteGplosive,因此猜测这可能是... leadingtospeculationthatthismayhavebeen...不具名的挑衅行为anundeclaredactofaggression.Default,,,,,,AlthoughtheDefenseMinistryismaintaining虽然国防部坚称这是意外... AlthoughtheDefenseMinistryismaintainingthatthisisstrictlyanaccident... 安娜Anna,替艾利斯打包行李packabagforAleG.我们马上离开we'releavingnow.安娜!Anya!安娜!Anya!我们还有工作...wehaveworktodo.局长...Mr.Secretary.我不知道你在俄国lwasn'tawareyouwereinRussia.我不在l'mnot.克里姆林宫爆炸后我就不在了NotsinceabombblewuptheKremlin.昨天我飞来领取... YesterdaylflewintoaccepttheOrderofFriendship 俄国总理的友好勋章fromtheRussianPrimeMinister.现在我要回去华府...Nowl'mheadedbacktowashington向总统递交辞呈tohandthePresidentmyresignation.我的首席分析师,威廉布兰特MyChiefAnalyst,williamBrandt.你有笔吗?Doyouhaveapen?什么?-笔-Pardonme?-Apen.Default,,,,,,Yeah.到底发生了什么事?Ethan,whathappenedintheKremlin?首席分析师,你说呢?ChiefAnalyst,yousay?如果你是暗示我做错决定...lfyou'reimplyingthatlmadeabadcall...欧裔男性Europeanmale.几岁,约英尺高,磅,蓝眼Fifties.AboutsiG-foot,pounds.Blueeyes. 他是谁?whoishe?画得很简略,但经由你的描述Acrudedrawing,butbyyourdescription, 可能是寇特汉卓克斯thatcouldbeKurtHendricks.可能是寇特汉卓克斯lQ.ServedinSwedishSpecialForces.斯德哥尔摩大学物理教授Professorofphysics,StockholmUniversity. 核武终结理论专家Specialistinnuclearendgametheory.被迫辞职...Askedtoresign...因为他是疯子well,becausehe'scrazy.钴蓝Cobalt.你必须警告俄国YouhavetoalerttheKremlin他们其中一个战略家thatoneoftheirstrategists...有核弹发射装置hasanuclearlaunchdevice而他的特务之一有启动密码andoneofhisoperativeshasthecodestoactivateit.你有什么根据?Andwhatmakesyousaythat?我看到他...lsawhim提着箱子离开指挥军械库leavingtheeGecutivearmory,baginhand.他引爆炸弹以掩盖行踪HesetoftthateGplosiontocoverhistracks.官方可能几周后才会发现被偷ltcouldbeweeksbeforetheRussiansknowit'smissing. 除非我们告诉他们Unlesswetellthem.他们不会相信我们Theywon'tlistentous.就俄国人而言...AsfarastheRussians是我们炸掉克里姆林宫areconcerned,wejustbombedtheKremlin.美俄间的紧张情势... ThetensionbetweentheUnitedStatesandRussia从古巴飞弹危机后就不曾这么高hasn'tbeenthishighsincetheCubanMissileCrisis.而众矢之的...Andtheblame,无论对错,都指向我们情报局rightorwrong,pointstolMF.总统已启动鬼影行动ThePresidenthasinitiatedGhostProtocol.整个IMF情报局被放弃了TheentirelMFhasbeendisavowed.那现在是什么情况?Sowhathappensnow?我奉命带你回华府...Now,l'vebeenorderedtotakeyoubacktowashington, 国防部会宣称你是偏激的极端份子wheretheDODwilllabelyouasarogueeGtremist并把爆炸案罪责强加于你和你的团队andhangtheKremlinbombingonyouandyourteam. 除非...Unless,你逃走youweretoescape从这里到机场的路上somewherebetweenhereandtheairport,攻击了...havingassaulted我和布兰特先生Mr.Brandtandme.局长?Sir?然后你会...Youwouldthen从我忘记监控的备用军火库illegallyscroungewhatevermaterialyoucould 非法取得所有的装备fromabackupsupplycachethatl'veoverlooked. 而你的队员也已经在那军火库... Thesamecachewhere等待进一步命令yourteamarewaitingforfurtherorders.局长,你可能想...Sir,youmaywantto...然后你会消失... Youwillthendisappear,因为这段对话从未发生... andthisconversationneverhavingtakenplace, 所以我们不会知道你的意图yourintentionswouldbeunclear.但如果你们任何一人被捕或被杀Butifanyoneofyourteamiscaughtorkilled, 就会被当成煽动全球核战的... theywillbebrandedterrorists,...恐怖份子outtoinciteglobalnuclearwar.这个任务...Yourmission,如果你选择接受的话... shouldyouchoosetoacceptit.伊森,你是我最厉害的左右手Ethan,youweremybestman.我很遗憾事情演变成这样...Andl'msorryit'scometothis,在你做了这么多牺牲之后afterallthesacrificesyoumade.如果我们不再相见,我要你知道... lfwedon'tmeetagain,ljustwantyoutoknow, 我一直把你当作朋友l'vealwaysconsideredyouafriend.趴下!继续开!Staydown!Drive,drive,drive!你没事吧?Youokay?Default,,,,,,Yeah.深呼吸,跟着我Takeadeepbreath.Staywithme.准备好了?-Ready?-Yeah.我们要怎么做?whatdowedo?不要动waithere.我还能去哪里?whereelseamlgoingtogo? Default,,,,,,Hey!Hey,hey,hey!停火!停火!Holdyourfire!Holdyourfire!停火!Holdyourfire!停火!Holdyourfire!把枪放下!weaponsdown!你们在射什么?whatareyoufiringat?两名囚犯今天从兰考监狱逃走TwoprisonersescapedfromRankowPrisontoday. 这是谁?Andthisone?...你对他了解多少?whatdoweknowabouthim?那为什么会成功?whywouldthatwork?什么为什么会成功?whywouldwhatwork?尸体放信号弹...为什么会成功?Theflareonthebody,whywouldthatwork?就是有用-我懂ltdidwork.-Yeah,lknow,but...-Hey!可是...为什么?Butwhy?你怎么知道会把火线引开?lmean,howdidyouknowthatwoulddrawtheirfire?我不知道,凭直觉ldidn't.lplayedahunch.好吧,你是怎么评估情势的?Okay.Allright,sowhatwasyourscenario?一个人在水里躲子弹...Right,you...There'saguybeingshotatinthewater.忽然决定点信号弹又游来游去?Allofasudden,decidestolightupaflareandswimaround? 你假设他们会怎么想?lmean,whatdidyouassumethey'dbethinking?怎么想?-Thinking?-Yeah.我没假设他们会怎么想ldidn'tassumetheywerethinking.我假设他们会对任何动静开枪lassumedtheywereshootingatanythingthatmoved. 我让他们有目标ljustgavethematarget.Look,these...这些人没什么大脑Theseguysaren'tRhodesScholars,youknow?这一切都是真的,对吧?lt'sreallyhappening,isn'tit?对Yeah.知道那是什么声音?Okay,youknowwhatthatsoundis?我们闪人的交通工具!That'sourrideoutofhere!是绿色车厢,号Allright,it'sagreencar.Number.我看到绿色了!lseegreen!快!快!Okay,let'sdoit.Go,go,go,go. Default,,,,,,Allright,....我没看到号码ldon'tseeit. Default,,,,,,....该死!Oh,shit!就是这里,要认证Thisisit.Themanifest.输入密码Enteryourcode. Default,,,,,,Pole! Default,,,,,,Jeez...按输入Pressenter.视网膜扫描!Retinalscanner!请进行视网膜扫描Retinalscanrequired.小心!watchout!请进行视网膜扫描Retinalscanrequired.探员确认Agentconfirmed.伊森?老天,我以为你挂了!Ethan?Jeez,lthoughtyouweredead! 我们是挂了-这是谁?-weare.-who'sthis?邓恩和卡特探员AgentsDunnandCarter.威廉布兰特,首席分析师williamBrandt,ChiefAnalyst.分析师?Analyst?“载入中”{\r}探员确认Agentconfirmed.“任务执行者:伊森韩特”{\r}世界最后会如何终结?Howwilltheworldfinallyend?我的工作是预测难以想像的结果Itismyjobtopredicttheunthinkable. 把几十亿人的死亡当作游戏Totreatthedeathofbillionsasagame. 这样经过年,我已麻木了Afteryearsofthis,Iwasnumb.直到我想到一个新的问题Untilanewquestioncrossedmymind.世界终结后会发生什么事?Whathappensaftertheendoftheworld?你确定线路是安全的?Areyousureyourlineissecure?每、百万年... Everytwoorthreemillionyears...你确认线路是安全的?Areyoucertainyourlineissecure?天灾就会蹂躏地球上的所有生命...somenaturalcatastrophedevastatesalllifeonEarth. 然而生命依然延续Butlifegoeson.少数幸存者会变得更强大Andwhatlittleremainsismadestronger.简言之,世界毁灭是不愉快...Putsimply,worlddestructionisanunpleasant,但必要的进化过程butnecessarypartofevolution.我好奇当人类面对下一次世界末日Whathappensthen,Iwondered,...会发生什么事whenmankindfacestheneGtendoftheworld?我不管你要怎么把他弄到杜拜ldon'tcarewhatyouhavetodotogethimtoDubai.我会补偿他的,快去做l'llmakeitworthhiswhile.Justdoit.我观察广岛、长崎...IlookedtoHiroshima,Nagasaki...我会等你的电话l'llbewaitingforyourcall....从灰烬中重建的兴盛城市...thrivingcitiesrebuiltfromtheashes,...惨烈后果的见证monumentstotheunimaginable,...如今致力于和平dedicatedtotheconceptofpeace.我想到核战可能在自然秩序中... Itoccurredtomeherethatnuclearwarmighthaveaplace 占一席之地inthenaturalorder.但必须控制它... Butonlyifitcouldbecontrolled.必须让它公平地波及所有生物Onlyifittouchedeverylivingsoulequally.局内现在相信这个人... lMFnowbelievesthisman,寇特汉卓克斯,是核武极端份子KurtHendricks,isthenucleareGtremist,代号...钴蓝codenameCobalt.今天他被目击携带类似... TodayhewasseenleavingtheKremlin,...核弹发射装置离开克里姆林宫withwhatislikelyanuclearlaunchdevice.两天前,莎宾莫露...Twodaysago,SabineMoreau在布达佩斯杀了我们的探员killedoneofouragentsinBudapest并拿走俄国核弹发射密码andrelievedhimofRussiannuclearlaunchcodes.情报显示她于小时后... lntelindicatesshewillcheckinto会入住杜拜的阿曼尼饭店theBurjHotelinDubaiinhours.马里斯威斯壮是钴蓝的特务MariuswistromisaknownoperativeofCobalt.威斯壮目前正前往杜拜wistromiscurrentlyenroutetoDubai.要启动装置,钴蓝需要发射密码Forthelaunchdevicetowork,Cobaltneedstheactivationcodes. 所以他派威斯壮去向莫露购买He'ssendingwistromtobuythemfromMoreau. 局长...TheSecretary死了isdead.总统已启动鬼影行动ThePresidenthasinvokedGhostProtocol.我们被栽撤了we'reshutdown.没有情报来源、据点...Nosatellite,safehouse,support,oreGtraction. ...支援或撤离方案Thefourofus我们四人和这车厢内的东西... andthecontentsofthiscar就是所有的资源areallthatremainofthelMF.此刻起,任何行动都是未经批准Andasofthismoment,anyactionisunsanctioned. 所以如果你想退出...Soifyouwantout,现在就要说speaknow.我们的任务是汉卓克斯OurmissionisHendricks.唯有我们能阻止他达成目标we'reallthatstandsbetweenhimandhisgoal.不能错过任何机会Nothingcanbelefttochance.每个跟他接触过的人... Everyoneconnectedwiththisman都是很重要的线索isconsideredanassetwithvaluableinformationaboutourtarget. 不能让人知道我们仍在行动Noonecanknowwe'restillonline.现在逮不到汉卓克斯...weloseHendricksnow,就没机会了welosehimforever.那计划是什么?So,what'stheplay?威斯壮会在小时后跟莫露碰面wistromwilltakedeliveryfromMoreauinhours.我们不能让发射密码离开饭店Nowwecannotletthelaunchcodesleavethehotel,但我们需要威斯壮去找汉卓克斯butweneedwistromtoleadustoHendricks.他拿到密码才会去找他He'llonlydothatifhehasthecodes.或者让他以为有密码Orifhethinkshehasthem.我们的目的是拦截买卖Ourobjectiveistointerceptthesale,用假密码取代真的... replacetheauthenticcodeswithcounterfeits然后跟踪威斯壮找到汉卓克斯andfollowwistromtoHendricks.那简单不过了well,that'ssimpleenough.我们抢走密码,再弄一些假的出来wesnatchthecodes,weginupsomefakes.珍假冒莫露...Jane,youdoubleMoreau,卖密码给威斯壮就一切搞定!andsellthecodestowistromandBob'syouruncle. 那你建议我们怎么... Andhowdoyoupropose从莫露那里抢走密码?wejustsnatchthecodesfromMoreau?我们除掉她wetakeherout.对,除掉她,但是要不着痕迹的Yeah,wetakeherout.But,youknow,discreetly.要不着痕迹的...Discreetly?Default,,,,,,Yeah.对喔,她是资产Right,she'sanasset.我了了,抱歉,不能错过任何机会Right.lgetit.Sorry.Nothinglefttochance.我只是丢出意见,不见得有用Hesaid...l''snotallgonnabegold.我们不碰威斯壮...-wedon'ttouchwistrom.-Allright.也不碰莫露OrMoreau.她会为汉纳威的事负责She'llanswerforHanaway,butithastobewhenlsay. 但要在逮到汉卓克斯后AfterwehitHendricks.只要打包必需品Onlypackwhatweneed.当然,只打包...谁会知道带啥Yeah,absolutely.Onlypackwhatwe...Youneverknow. 杜拜{\r}即使我们能假冒威斯壮和莫露SoevenifwecandoublewistromandMoreau,我们如何让他们待在不同房间howdowekeeptheminseparaterooms却以为待在同个房间?whilehavingthemthinkthatthey'reinthesameroom? 我们会帮饭店重新装潢wegivethehotelafacelift.威斯壮会以为到了莫露的套房wistromwillthinkhe'sarrivingatMoreau'ssuite,但其实他是走进我们预设的房间but,really,he'llbewalkingintoourdecoyroom.我会在那里假冒莫露wherel'lldoubleMoreau.楼下,班吉会假冒威斯壮Downstairs,Benjiwilldoublewistrom.终于有面具了!Masks!然后跟真正的莫露见面AndmeetwiththerealMoreau.那么...And...我要干嘛?whatamldoing?你?你是帮手!You?You'rethehelper!帮手,太好了Helper.That'sgreat.好...那就我对你们计划的了解Okay,sototheeGtentlunderstandwhatyou'retalkingabouthere... 哈利法塔,全世界第一高楼TheBurjKhalifa,it'sthetallestbuildingintheworld,你们要改变它的主结构andyouwanttoalteritsinfrastructure并抱着希望说服两个人以为... withthehopesofconvincingtwopeoplethatthey've他们有过一次从未发生的会面hadameeting,whichactuallyreallyneverhappened.对吧?Right?骆驼...Camels.干洗的预计抵达时间ETAondrycleaning.这就上去Onmywayup.会面时间是分钟后Okay,minutestodoorknock.Default,,,,,,wow...有个小障碍,但不必过度操心Okay,thisisaslightwrinkle,butnothingtoworryabout.我们得从外面进入电脑机房we'rejustgoingtohavetogointotheserverroomfromtheoutside.什么?what?这里伺服器的防火墙是军用等级well,thefirewallsonthisbuilding'sserveraremilitarygrade.本来打给总部的尤瑟夫就能轻松解决lmean,thiswouldbeacinchiflcouldcallYoussefbackatheadquarters,但尤瑟夫跟我们一样都不存在了butYoussefdoesn'teGistanymore,andneitherdowe.骇进去会花太多时间lcouldhackit,butitwouldtaketoolong.直接连结主机Thenhardwirein.进入主机室要通过四层最新保全网Andthere'sfourlayersofneGt-gensecuritybetweenusandtheserverroom. 从大楼里面是进不去的There'snowaywecangettoitfrominside.如果我们无法进入伺服器lfwecan'tgettotheserver,wedon'tcontroltheelevators,就不能控制电梯或保全摄影机wedon'tcontrolthesecuritycameras.行动还没开始就结束了Thisoperationisoverbeforeitevenbegins. 我们可以从外面进去l'mtellingyou,wecangettoitfromoutside. “我们”?"we"?我必须待在电脑旁边l'm...l'monthecomputer.我只是...l'mjust......帮手Thehelper.它在几楼?whatfloorisiton?楼.楼...?通风管道-Ventducts.感压装置-Pressuresensitive.也来不及了Notenoughtime.电梯井-Elevatorshaft.红外线感应器-lnfraredsensors.也来不及Notenoughtime.我该怎么做?Howamlsupposedtodothis?Default,,,,,,Goddamnit!有够高Oh,that'shigh.记得,手掌这样动就能解除吸着力Okay,nowremember,it'sarollingoftmotionthatdisengagesthebond. 蓝灯是完全附着,很容易记whenthemeterisblue,that'sfulladhesion.亮蓝灯就有沾性Easywaytoremember,blueisglue.那红色呢?-Andwhenit'sred?死翘翘-Dead.这是喷枪和伺服器介面Here'syourcutter,okay?Andyourserverinterface.都放在背后...、Bothgoingbackhere.One,two.伊森,电脑机房要再上去层Okay,Ethan,thehotelserveris右边第间elevenstoriesupandsevenunitsover. 通讯测试Okay?Commcheck.好,收到Yeah.Copy.那么...So...还剩分钟lt'sminutestodoorknock. Default,,,,,,Yeah.还剩分钟minutestodoorknock.那是什么鬼?whatthehellisthat?对喔...那是什么鬼?Yeah,whatthehellisthat?是沙尘暴lt'sasandstorm.还很远,伊森lt'salongwayoft,Ethan.。



English:When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill" Chinese:当你不得不杀死一个人的时候不需要礼貌." - 温斯顿•丘吉尔"English:History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." - Winston Churchill"Chinese:历史会对我友好的, 因为我正在创造历史." - 温斯顿•丘吉尔"English: Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result." - Winston Churchill" Chinese:没什么比中了弹却安然无恙更让人兴奋的事情了." - 温斯顿•丘吉English:We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender." - Winston Churchill"Chinese:我们要守卫自己的岛屿, 无论花多大的代价, 我们要在海滩上战斗, 我们要在陆地上战斗, 我们要在战场和街道上战斗.我们要为高地而战, 我们永不投降." - 温斯顿•丘吉尔"English:When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." - Franklin D. Roosevelt" Chinese:当你爬到自己绳子的末端, 那就打个结再继续挂上去." - 弗兰克林•D•罗斯福"English:A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer." - Ralph Waldo Emerson"Chinese:一个英雄并不比常人都勇敢, 但是他可以多勇敢五分钟." - 拉尔夫•沃尔多•埃莫森Reference:OUR GREATEST GLORY ISEnglish:The characteristic of a genuine heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have resolved to be great, abide by yourself, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic." - Ralph Waldo Emerson"Chinese:英雄主义真正的本质就是坚忍.所有的人都经历过冲动然后适应最后到宽怀的过程. 但是当你想要变得伟大时, 就得让自己变的坚强而不是软弱地向这个世界屈服. 这种英雄并不常见, 当然也不平凡." - 拉尔夫•沃尔多•埃莫森"English:Better to fight for something than live for nothing." - General George S. Patton" Chinese:有意义的战斗胜过无意义的生活." - 乔治•S•帕顿将军"English:Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." - General George S. Patton"Chinese:勇气就是再多坚持一分钟." - 乔治•S•帕顿将军"English:If a man does his best, what else is there?" - General George S. Patton"Chinese:如果一个人尽了自己最大的努力, 还有什么可奢求的呢?" - 乔治•S•帕顿将军"English:It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." - General George S. Patton"Chinese:为死去的人哀伤是愚蠢而错误的. 还不如感谢上帝还有活下来的人." - 乔治•S•帕顿将军"English:Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man From another." - Ernest Hemingway"Chinese:每个人的生活都以同样的方式结束, 区别只在于他是如何活着, 如何死去的. 这是人和人之间的所有区别." - 欧内斯特•海明威"English:I have never advocated war except as a means of peace." - Ulysses S. Grant"Chinese:我从不主张战争, 除非为了和平." - 尤利塞斯•S•格兰特"English:We happy few, we band of brothers/For he today that sheds his blood with me/Shall be my brother." - William Shakespeare, King Henry V"Chinese:我们很少快乐, 我们是兄弟/因为今天他和我一起流血/这才是我的兄弟." - 威廉姆•莎士比亚, 亨利五世国王"English:Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar"Chinese:懦夫在真正死去前就已经死过多次. 勇者只品尝一次死亡的味道." - 威廉姆•沙士比亚, 朱利叶斯•恺撒"English:There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit." - Napoleon Bonaparte"Chinese:世界上只有两种力量, 武器和精神. 在耐力赛中, 武器总是被精神所打败." - 拿破仑•波拿巴"English:There will one day spring From the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever." - Thomas A. Edison"Chinese:总有一天科学的大脑会害怕其自身的潜力, 它是如此地令人恐惧, 即使是作为斗士的人类, 愿意为了带去痛苦和折磨而自己忍受痛苦和折磨的人类, 也会对此感到恐惧, 并永久地抛弃战争." - 托马斯•A•爱迪森"English:"There are no atheists in foxholes" isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow"Chinese:"散兵坑里没有无神论者"不是一种对无神论不敬的态度, 而是对散兵坑的不敬." - 詹姆斯•莫洛"English:If we don't end war, war will end us." - H. G. Wells"Chinese:如果我们不结束战争, 战争会结束我们." - H•G•威尔斯"English:Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts." - Cicero"Chinese:像个勇士那样活着, 如果命运不测, 用一颗充满勇气的心跨过它." - 西塞托"English:Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air." - John Quincy Adams"Chinese:勇气和毅力就是魔力护身符, 在它面前, 困难会消失, 一切障碍会无影无踪." - 约翰•昆西•亚当斯"English:Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." - John Wayne"Chinese:勇气是死亡所畏惧的- 它胜过一切." - 约翰•威恩"English:Above all things, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment." - Andre Maurois"Chinese:最重要的是, 从不要害怕. 那些想让你撤退的敌人无时无刻不在害怕着你." - 安德烈•莫洛斯, 英国政治家和哲学家"English:I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." - V oltaire"Chinese:我只对上帝有一个祈祷, 非常短的一个…欧, 我的神, 让我的敌人受到嘲笑吧.‟ 而上帝实现了." - 沃尔塔尔"English:Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being." - Kahlil Gibran, "The V oice of the Poet""Chinese:守卫他人的权利是人类最神圣和美丽的事情." - 卡希尔•吉布兰, "诗的声音""English:He conquers who endures." - Persius"Chinese:他征服了自己." - 帕苏斯"English:It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!" - Emiliano Zapata" Chinese:站着死去胜过跪着生存." - 伊米利安诺•扎帕塔"English:You know the real meaning of peace only if you have been through the war." - Kosovar" Chinese:只有经历了战争, 你才能真正知道和平的意义." - 柯索瓦"English:Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them." - Franklin D. Roosevelt"Chinese:那些一直享受我们早就忘记的特权的人已经死去, 所以我们赢了." - 弗兰克林•D•罗斯福"English:In war there is no substitute for victory." - General Douglas MacArthur"Chinese:在战争中, 除了胜利别无选择." - 道格拉斯•迈克阿瑟将军"English:War is a series of catastrophes which result in victory." - Georges Clemenceau" Chinese:战争就是一系列的走向胜利的灾难." - 乔治斯•克莱门塞"English:Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." - Winston Churchill"Chinese:永远不要加入一场如此不平衡地人类间的争斗." - 温斯顿•丘吉尔"English:Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill"Chinese:成功不是终点, 失败也不是末日: 这才能赋予我们继续的勇气." - 温斯顿•丘吉尔"English:In war there is no prize for the runner-up." - General Omar Bradley"Chinese:在战争中, 逃兵没有奖励." - 奥马尔•布拉德利将军"English:There never was a good war or a bad peace." - Benjamin Franklin"Chinese:从来没有什么好的战争和坏的和平." - 本杰明•富兰克林"English:It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it." - General Douglas MacArthur" Chinese:最致命的就是没有带着必胜的信念去战斗." - 道格拉斯•迈克阿瑟将军"English:In war, you win or lose, live or die-and the difference is just an eyelash." - General Douglas MacArthur"Chinese:在战争中, 你要么胜利, 要么失败, 活下或者死亡, 这一切都只在一眨眼的功夫." - 道格拉斯•迈克阿瑟将军"English:Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated bullets." - General George S. Patton" Chinese:在面对理性的子弹面前无知的勇气是没有用处的." - 乔治•S•帕顿将军"English:May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't." - General George S. Patton" Chinese:也许上帝对我们的敌人怜悯, 但是我不会." - 乔治•S•帕顿将军"English:So long as there are men there will be wars." - Albert Einstein"Chinese:只要有人类, 就会有战争." - 阿尔伯托•爱因基坦"English:In modern war... you will die like a dog for no good reason." - Ernest Hemingway" Chinese:在现代战争中...你会像一条狗一样毫无理由地死去." - 欧内斯特•海明威"English:Therefore, whoever wishes for peace, let him prepare for war." - Vegetius"Chinese:因此, 想要获得和平的人, 就要为战争作好准备." - 维吉蒂斯"English:The real war will never get in the books." - Walt Whitman"Chinese:战争的真相从不出现在书本中." - 沃尔特•怀特曼."English:There is nothing good in war. Except its ending." - Abraham Lincoln"Chinese:战争中没有什么好东西. 除了它的结束." - 亚伯拉罕•林肯"English:The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." - Joseph StaliChinese:死去一个人让人悲伤. 死去千百万人只是个统计数据." - 约瑟夫•斯大林"English:Death solves all problems - no man, no problem." - Joseph Stalin"Chinese:死亡解决一切问题- 没有人, 也就没问题了." - 约瑟夫•斯大林"English:In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance." - Joseph Stalin" Chinese:在苏联军队中, 撤退比前进需要更多的勇气." - 约瑟夫•斯大林"English:The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - General George S. Patton"Chinese:战争的目标不是为你的国家牺牲, 而是让其他的混蛋为此而亡." - 乔治•S•帕顿将军"English:It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." - General George S. Patton"Chinese:为死去的人哀伤是愚蠢而错误的. 还不如感谢上帝还有活下来的人." - 乔治•S•帕顿将军"English:Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime." - Ernest Hemingway"Chinese:永远不要认为战争不是犯罪, 无论它是多么需要, 或者是多么恰当." - 欧内斯特•海明威"English:War is fear cloaked in courage." - Gen. William C. Westmoreland"Chinese:战争是勇气掩盖下的懦弱." - 威廉•C•威斯特莫兰德将军"English:All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers." - Francois Fenelon"Chinese:所有的战争都是内部的战争, 因为所有的人类都是兄弟." - 弗朗哥•芬内隆"English:I have never advocated war except as a means of peace." - Ulysses S. Grant"Chinese:我从不主张战争, 除非为了和平." - 尤利塞斯•S•格兰特"English:Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die." - Herbert Hoover" Chinese:老人们宣布开战, 但是年轻人都为之而战并死亡." - 赫伯特•胡夫"English:Only the dead have seen the end of the war." - Plato"Chinese:只有死去的人才能看到战争的结束." - 柏拉图"English:War does not determine who is right - only who is left." - Bertrand Russell"Chinese:战争不会决定谁是正确的- 只决定谁是幸运的." - 伯特兰•罗素"English:Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily." - Napoleon Bonaparte"Chinese:死亡不算什么, 但是对活着被打败并被羞辱的人来说, 每天都是死亡." - 拿破仑•波拿巴"English:Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing for their country." - Bertrand Russell"Chinese:爱国者总是谈论为自己的国家而牺牲, 而不是为自己的国家杀戳." - 伯特兰•罗素"English:All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke, British statesman and philosopher"Chinese:最重要的是, 从不害怕. 那些想让你撤退的敌人无时无刻不在害怕着你." - 安德烈•莫洛斯, 英国政治家和哲学家"English:It is well that war is so terrible, or we should get too fond of it." - Robert E. Lee" Chinese:战争是如此的可怕, 要不我们就会喜欢上它了." - 罗伯特•E•李"Reference:A SOLDIER WILL FIGHTEnglish:A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." - Napoleon Bonaparte" Chinese:一个士兵会持续战斗, 并为获得一个小小的带颜色的绶带而努力." - 拿破仑•波拿巴"English:He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat." - Napoleon Bonaparte"Chinese:害怕被打败的人一定会失败." - 拿破仑•波拿巴"English:You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war." - Napoleon Bonaparte"Chinese:你不可以与一个敌人战斗太久, 要不你会教会他战争的艺术的." - 拿破仑•波拿巴"English:The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war." - Ralph Waldo Emerson" Chinese:真正而持久的胜利就是和平, 而不是战争." - 拉尔夫•沃尔多•埃莫森"English:If we don't end war, war will end us." - H. G. Wells"Chinese:如果我们不结束战争, 战争会结束我们." - H•G•威尔斯"English:From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch"Chinese:从我正在腐烂的身体里, 鲜花可以生长, 我就身在其在, 这就是永生." - 埃德沃德•芒奇"English:He who did well in war just earns the right to begin doing well in peace." - Robert Browning"Chinese:在战争中表现出色的人只是得到了在和平时代做事情的权利." - 罗伯特•布朗宁"English:More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginnings of all wars." - Franklin D. Roosevelt"Chinese:这远不是战争的结束, 我们在战争一开始就希望它结束." - 富兰克林•D•罗斯夫"English:There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy." - George Washington"Chinese:没有什么比准备好迎击敌人更能带来和平了." - 乔治•华盛顿"English:Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." - Winston Churchill"Chinese:永远不要屈服于力量, 永远不要屈服于敌人的看似强大的实力." - 温斯顿•丘吉尔"English:War is delightful to those who have not experienced it." - Erasmus"Chinese:战争只能让那些未经历它的人感到快乐." - 伊拉兹"English:War is as much a punishment to the punisher as it is to the sufferer." - Thomas Jefferson" Chinese:战争对于施难者与受难者的惩罚是一样的." - 托马斯•杰弗森"English:War would end if the dead could return." - Stanley Baldwin"Chinese:战争不会结束, 除非太阳打西边出来." - 斯坦利•巴尔德温"English:You can't say civilization don't advance - for in every war, they kill you in a new way." - Will Rogers"Chinese:你不可以说文明没有前进- 在每场战争中都是如此, 它们总以新的方法杀人." - 威尔•罗杰士"English:In peace the sons bury their fathers, but in war the fathers bury their sons." - Croesus" Chinese:在和平年代中, 儿子埋葬父亲. 但是在战争中, 父母埋葬儿子." - 克洛苏斯"English:We make war that we may live in peace." - Aristotle"Chinese:我们只有作战才有可能生活在和平之中." - 亚里士多德"English:The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it." - George Orwell"Chinese:结束战争的最快方法就是失败." - 乔治•奥威尔"English:The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky." - Solomon Short"Chinese:1812年战争的唯一胜利者就是柴可夫斯基." - 所罗门•肖特"English:If you are going through hell...keep going." - Winston Churchill"Chinese:如果你要通过地狱...那就继续前进." - 温斯顿•丘吉尔"English:In peace, as a wise man, he should make suitable preparation for war." - Horace" Chinese:在和平时期, 一个聪明人, 他应该让自己为战争做好准备." - 赫瑞斯"English:War is cruel and you cannot refine it." - William Tecumseh Sherman"Chinese:战争是残酷的, 你无法喜欢它." - 威廉姆•特古梅斯•谢尔曼将军"English:In war, there are no unwounded soldiers." - Jose Narosky"Chinese:在战争中, 没有不受伤的士兵." - 乔斯•纳洛斯基"English:The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility." - John Arbuthnot Fisher" Chinese:战争的本质是暴力. 在战争中宽容是无能的表现." - 约翰•阿巴斯诺特•费舍尔"English:Soldiers usually win the battles and generals get the credit for them." - Napoleon Bonaparte"Chinese:士兵们赢得战斗, 而将军们获得荣耀." - 拿破仑•波拿巴"English:I don't know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace is an interlude during war." - Georges Clemenceau"Chinese:我不知道到底是战争是和平年代间的小插曲, 还是和平年代是战争间的小插曲." - 乔治•克莱门塞"English:No one can guarantee success in war, but only deserve it." - Winston Churchill" Chinese:没有人可以保证战争的胜利, 只能等待它的回报." - 温斯顿•丘吉尔"English:The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars." - Gen. William Westmoreland" Chinese:军队不会开始战争. 政治家才导致战争." - 威廉•威斯特莫兰德将军"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.——General George S. Patton也许上帝对我们的敌人怜悯, 但是我不会。



如何发现敌人弱点英语作文Discovering the Weaknesses of an Enemy: A Strategic Endeavor。

In the art of warfare, knowledge of the enemy's weaknesses is paramount. Understanding theirvulnerabilities allows one to devise effective strategies and gain a significant advantage. But how does one go about discovering these weaknesses? This essay delves into the various methods and approaches employed in uncovering the vulnerabilities of an adversary.One of the primary avenues to discern an enemy's weaknesses is through meticulous observation and analysis. Just as a skilled hunter studies the behavior of their prey, a strategist must closely observe the actions and patternsof their adversary. This can involve monitoring their movements, studying their tactics on the battlefield, and scrutinizing their past engagements. Through careful observation, patterns may emerge, revealing areas ofvulnerability that can be exploited.Moreover, intelligence gathering plays a crucial rolein uncovering enemy weaknesses. This can range from gathering information through spies and informants to intercepting communications and deciphering coded messages. By piecing together bits of information, one can gain valuable insights into the enemy's strategies, vulnerabilities, and potential points of weakness. However, it is essential to verify the authenticity of the intelligence gathered to avoid falling into traps laid by the enemy.Another approach to discovering enemy weaknesses is through psychological warfare. By understanding the mindset and psychology of the enemy, one can exploit their fears, insecurities, and doubts. Psychological warfare tactics such as propaganda, deception, and demoralization can be employed to weaken the enemy's resolve and undermine their confidence. By sowing discord among their ranks or exploiting internal divisions, one can create opportunities to exploit their vulnerabilities.Furthermore, technological advancements have opened up new avenues for discovering enemy weaknesses. Surveillance technology, reconnaissance drones, and satellite imagery provide valuable insights into enemy movements and positions. Cyber warfare allows for the infiltration of enemy networks, uncovering valuable information and vulnerabilities. Additionally, advances in data analytics and artificial intelligence enable the processing of vast amounts of information to identify patterns and anomalies that may reveal weaknesses.In addition to external factors, understanding the cultural and societal context of the enemy can also shed light on their weaknesses. Cultural intelligence, which involves understanding the values, beliefs, and norms of the enemy's culture, can provide valuable insights into their decision-making processes and vulnerabilities. By understanding what motivates and influences the enemy, one can anticipate their actions and exploit their weaknesses more effectively.Moreover, historical analysis can provide valuable lessons in uncovering enemy weaknesses. Studying past conflicts and engagements allows one to identify recurring patterns and vulnerabilities that may be exploited. By learning from the mistakes and successes of past military campaigns, one can develop more effective strategies for uncovering and exploiting enemy weaknesses in current conflicts.In conclusion, discovering the weaknesses of an enemy is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a combination of observation, analysis, intelligence gathering, psychological warfare, technological innovation, cultural understanding, and historical insight. By employing a comprehensive approach that integrates these various methods and approaches, one can gain a significant advantage over the enemy and achieve success on the battlefield. As Sun Tzu famously said, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."。



复仇者联盟3无限战争中英对照剧本这是阿斯加德This is the Asgardian难民船领袖号refugee vessel Statesman.我们受到了攻击We are under assault.重复我们受到了攻击I repeat, we are under assault.引擎受损生命保障系统失灵The engines are dead, life support failing.请求范围内任何船只的支援Requesting aid from any vessel within range.我们目前位于距阿斯加德跳跃点的位置We arejump points out of Asgard.我们的船员都是阿斯加德平民Our crew is made up of Asgardian families.我们的士兵寥寥无几We have very few soldiers here.这不是战舰This is not a warcraft.重复这不是战舰I repeat, this is not a warcraft.听我说你们该感到欣喜Hear me and rejoice.伟大的泰坦拯救了你们You have had the privilege这是无上的光荣of being saved by the Great Titan.你们可能认为这是痛苦吧You may think this is suffering.不No.这是救赎It is salvation.万物的天平Universal scales tip toward balance因为你们的牺牲而走向平衡because of your sacrifice.微笑吧Smile.即使面对死亡For even in death,你们仍是灭霸的子民you have become Children of Thanos.我知道失败的滋味I know what it's like to lose.尽管绝望地认为自己能赢To feel so desperately that you're right... 却还是输了yet to fail, nonetheless.当恐惧It's frightening.使你两腿发软Turns the legs to jelly.我问你什么是最后的结局But I ask you, to what end?害怕或是逃避Dread it, run from it...命运终会到来destiny arrives all the same.就在现在就在这里And now, it's here.或者我应该说Or should I say...我就是命运I am.你话太多了You talk too much.要宇宙魔方The Tesseract.还是你哥哥的命Or your brother's head.我猜你已经有了主意吧?I assume you have a preference.是的Oh, I do.动手吧Kill away.够了停下!All right, stop!宇宙魔方没在我们手上We don't have the Tesseract.它与阿斯加德一起毁灭了It was destroyed on Asgard.我怎么会有你这样的弟弟You really are the worst brother.我向你保证哥哥I assure you, brother...我们会没事的the sun will shine on us again.你真是盲目乐观阿斯加德人Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.好吧第一点我不是阿斯加德人Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian.其次...And for another...我们有浩克we have a Hulk.让他找点乐子吧Let him have his fun.众神之父们Allfathers...让黑暗魔法最后再赐我一次let the dark magic flow through me one last... 力量吧time.你不该这样做That was a mistake.不!No!你会为此偿命的!You're going to die for that.我等卑微的子民们My humble personage...将臣服于您的伟大bows before your grandeur.从来没有人有如此达能No other being has ever had the might...以及这等高贵nay, the nobility...能掌控无限宝石而且还是两个to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. 整个宇宙都在您的掌握之中The universe lies within your grasp.还有两枚宝石在地球上There are two more stones on Earth.找到它们我的孩子们把它们给我带回泰坦星Find them, my children, and bring them tome on Titan.我们不会让您失望的父亲Father, we will not fail you.请让我插句话If I might interject.如果你们要去地球最好带上一个向导If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide.对于那里我可以说是很有经验的I do have a bit of experience in that arena.你说的是失败的经验吧If you consider failure experience.失败是成功之母I consider experience experience.无上的灭霸啊Almighty Thanos...我洛基阿斯加德的王子I, Loki, prince of Asgard...奥丁之子Odinson...尤顿海姆的正统之王the rightful king of Jotunheim...诡计之神god of mischief...在此向你投诚do hereby pledge to you...且永不背叛my undying fidelity.永不背叛吗?Undying?你用词应该更小心一点You should choose your words more carefully.你...You...永远不会成为...will never be...一个真正的神a god.不No!这次不会再有什么假死的把戏了No resurrections this time.不洛基No. Loki.你不是说笑吧?你一分钱都没有?Seriously, you don't have any money?对物质的需求会背离对精神的追求Attachmenttothematerialisdetachmentfromthespiritual.那我跟熟食店的伙计说说I'll tell the guys at the deli.也许他们能给你做个精神火腿面包Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye.等等我觉得我有Oh. Wait, wait, wait. I think I have .美元?Dollars?卢布也就是?Rupees. Which is?.美元吧Uh, buck and a half.你想吃点什么What do you want?给我弄个吞拿鱼三明治就行I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt.灭霸要来了Thanos is coming.我们得赶快...He's coming.谁?Who?慢点儿慢点儿我来说说清楚Slow down, slow down. I'll spell it out for you.你在胡说八道什么呢You're totally rambling.我没有你把我弄糊涂了No, I'm not. You lost me.你知道自己在梦里Look, you know how you're having a dream,想上厕所的感觉吧and in the dream you gotta pee.当然Yeah. Okay.好然后你就会发现哦不And then you're like, "Oh, my God.这儿没卫生间我该怎么办?"There's no bathrooms. What am I gonna do?噢!有人看着!对"Oh, someone's watching." Right.噢我要尿在裤子里了"Oh, I'm gonna go in my pants."然后你就醒了And then you wake up and in real life而现实中你真的想上厕所you actually have to pee.没错对吧Yes. Yeah.每个人都会这样Okay. Everybody has that.是的这就是我想说的点Right, that's the point I'm trying to make.昨天晚上我梦见咱们有了一个孩子Apropos of that, last night I dreamt we had a kid.特别真实It was so real.咱们还给用了你那个古怪叔叔的名字给他取了个名Wenamedhimafteryoureccentricuncle.他叫什么来着?Uh, what was his name?摩根对Right. Morgan! Morgan.所以你醒来是的So you woke up... Naturally.认为咱们......and thought that we were...会有对Expecting. Yeah.有吗?没有Yes? No.我都梦到了那么真实I had a dream about it. It was so real.如果你真的想要一个孩子If you wanted to have a kid...你就不会一直戴着它you wouldn't have done that.我很高兴你提到这事这没什么I'm glad you brought this up, 'cause it's nothing.只是个装纳米零件的壳子而已It's just a housing unit for nanoparticles.它对你没什么帮助You're not helping your case, okay?这个是可以拆下来的而不是...No, this is detachable. It's not a...你不需要它You don't need that.我知道我动过手术了I know, I had the surgery.我只是想保护我们I'm just trying to protect us...我们的未来仅此而已and future usses and that's it.万一衣柜里有个怪物呢Just in case there's a monster in the closet.而不是你明白我的意思你是想说衬衫Instead of, you know... Shirts.你太了解我了You know me so well.你把我想说的都说完了God. You finish all my sentences.你的衣柜里应该要有衬衫You should have shirts in your closet.是的Yeah.其实你知道那里面应该有什么吗?平静的生活You know what there should be? No moresurprises.我们今晚要好好吃一顿We're gonna have a nice dinner tonight.炫耀一下这颗钻石戒指对吧Show off this Harry Winston.不会再有别的事打扰我们了再也不会了Right?Andweshouldhavenomoresurprises.Ever.我向你保证I should promise you.是的我保证Yes. I will.谢谢你Thank you.托尼·史塔克Tony Stark.我是史蒂芬·斯特兰奇博士我需要你跟我走一趟I'mDoctor Stephen Strange. I need youto come with me.哦顺便恭喜你们结婚Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way.抱歉你是卖票的还是什么?I'm sorry, you giving out tickets to something?我们需要你的帮助We need your help.听着毫不夸张地说It's not overselling it to say that宇宙真的岌岌可危了the fate of the universe is at stake.“我们”是指谁?And who's "we"?嗨托尼Hey, Tony.布鲁斯!Bruce.小辣椒你好Pepper. Hi.你还好吗?Oh. You okay?宇宙刚诞生的时候At the dawn of the universe,只是一片虚无然后there was nothing. Then...砰!Boom.宇宙大爆炸带来了六种元素宝石The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals...在原始的宇宙中穿行hurtling across the virgin universe.每个无限宝石These Infinity Stones都控制着一种宇宙本源属性each control an essential aspect of existence.空间Space.现实Reality.力量Power.灵魂Soul.心灵Mind.还有时间And Time.再说一遍他的名字Tell me his name again.灭霸Thanos.他是一场灾难托尼He's a plague, Tony.他侵略其他星球予取予求He invades planets. He takes what he wants.他杀死一半的生灵He wipes out half the population.他还派来了洛基He sent Loki.纽约的那场袭击就是他干的The attack on New York, that's him.完蛋了This is it.我们还有多少时间?What's our timeline?不知道他已经得到了力量和空间宝石No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones.这已经让他成为了That already makes him宇宙中最强的生命体the strongest creature in the whole universe.如果他拿到了所有的六块宝石托尼If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony...到那时候会有多少人因此而送命He could destroy life就很难说了on a scale hitherto undreamt of.你居然也会有说不准的时候?Did you seriously just say "hitherto undreamt of"?你竟然靠在我的“万物之鼎”上?Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?这就是那个吗?Is that what it is?我觉得靠一下没问题I'm going to allow that.如果灭霸需要集齐六个If Thanos needs all six, why don't we just我们为什么不干脆把这一颗毁掉算了?stick this one down a garbage disposal?不行No can do.我们发过誓要用生命保护时间宝石Wesworeanoathto protecttheTimeStonewithourlives.我也发过誓再也不吃乳制品And I swore off dairy...但是班杰瑞家以我的名字命名了一种冰淇淋所以...but then Ben & Jerry's named a flavorafter me.斯塔克狂热榛子味听起来不错Stark Raving Hazelnuts. Not bad.听起来有点干巴巴A bit chalky.我们最喜欢的是大块浩克热巧克力A Hunk of Hulk of Burning Fudge is our favorite.这能吃?总之That's a thing? Whatever.重点是万物都可以变Point is, things change.但我们保护时间宝石的誓言不能变Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change.这颗宝石也许是我们对抗灭霸最好的机会And this stone may be the best chance we haveagainst Thanos.相对而言Yeah, so conversely,这也是他对付我们的最好工具it may also be his best chance against us.除非我们没能尽到职责Well, if we don't do our jobs.那你的职责是什么What is your job exactly?捏气球娃娃的吗?Besides making balloon animals.保护你生活的世界混蛋Protecting your reality, douchebag.好了伙计们能把这个话题先放一放吗?Okay, guys. Could we table this discussion rightnow?情况是宝石在我们手上The fact is we have this stone.我们知道它在哪We know where it is.幻视戴着心灵宝石藏在某处Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone...我们得马上找到他and we have to find him now.对这有点麻烦Yeah, that's the thing.你指的是?What do you mean?两周前幻视关掉了他的联络器Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder.他下线了He's offline.什么?What? Yeah.托尼你又弄丢了一个超级机器人?Tony, you lost another super-bot?我没有弄丢他他丢不了的他会进化的Ididn'tlosehim.He'smorethanthat.He'sevolving.那谁能找到幻视?Who could find Vision then?糟了Shit.也许史蒂芬·罗杰斯可以Probably Steve Rogers.哦太好了Oh, great.可能吧Maybe.但是...But...打给他啊Call him.没那么容易It's not that easy.天呐你没有明白我的意思吗?God, we haven't caught up in a spell, have we? 没有No.复仇者联盟解散了我们已经散伙了The Avengers broke up. We're toast.解散?Broke up?像乐队那样?披头士?Like a band? Like... Like the Beatles?队长和我闹翻了Cap and I fell out hard.我们都不理对方了We're not on speaking terms.托尼听我说Tony, listen to me.索尔死了Thor's gone.灭霸来了Thanos is coming.你的个人恩怨已经不重要了It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not. 翻盖手机Flip phone.博士你没有在用Say, Doc, you wouldn't happen to be魔法移动你的头发吧?moving your hair, would ya?没有至少现在没有Not at the moment, no.你还好吗?You okay?帮他一把班纳Help him! Banner!王动作快点好的Wong! Look alive! Go, go! We got it!星期五发生了什么?Friday, what am I looking at?不清楚我正在调查Not sure. I'm working on it.你最好还是把你Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone那块时间宝石藏好博士in your back pocket, Doc!说不定用得上呢Might wanna use it.内德我要你引开他们的注意力Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction. 见鬼!Holy shit.我们要完蛋了!We're all gonna die!那有一艘飞船!There's a spaceship!什么情况我的天What's going on? Oh, my God!你们这帮孩子怎么回事?What's the matter with you kids?没见过宇宙飞船吗?You never seen a spaceship before?星期五疏散号街南部的人Friday, evac anyone south of rd Street.通知应急部门Notify first responders.好的Will do.听我说你们该感到欣喜Hear me and rejoice.你们将死于You are about to die灭霸儿女之手at the hands of the Children of Thanos.要心怀感恩Be thankful...你们无意义的生命能贡献于...that your meaningless lives are now contributing...对不起地球今天打烊了I'm sorry, Earth is closed today.你们最好收拾行李离开这里You better pack it up and get outta here.宝石守护者Stonekeeper.这只唠叨的动物是你的代言人吗?Does this chattering animal speak for you?当然不是我自己能说Certainly not. I speak for myself.严禁擅闯这个城市和这个星球You're trespassing in this city and on this planet.你该滚了章鱼哥He means get lost, Squidward.他们真是烦人He exhausts me.把宝石给我拿过来Bring me the stone.班纳你不想上吗?Banner, you want a piece?不不想Mmm, no, not really.但从来就由不得我说But when do I ever get what I want?这就对了That's right.好久不见了It's been a while.兄弟你回来真好It's gonna be good to have you, buddy.我只是我需要集中精力一会Let me just... I need to concentrate here for a second.快来快来快出来啊大块头Come on, come on, man.我的天God!他怎么还不出来?Where's your guy?我不知道我可能得和他谈谈了I don't know. We've sorta been having a thing.没时间让你俩谈了It's no time for a thing. I know.这可是当务之急啊快变身That's the thing right there. Let's go.兄弟你可让我在这俩法师面前丢脸了Dude,you'reembarrassingmeinfrontofthewizards.托尼对不起要么是我不能...要么是他不想...Tony, I'm sorry. Either I can't or he won't.没事It's okay.退后留个心眼谢谢你Hey, stand down. Keep an eye on him. Thank you.交给我吧I have him. Damn it.这玩意哪来的?Where'd that come from?-这叫纳米科技It's nanotech.厉害吧有一点...You like it? A little something I...班纳博士如果你的绿朋友Doctor Banner, if the rest of your green friend不能参战...won't be joining us...你得把宝石带离战场快点Gotta get that stone outta here, now.我必须随身携带宝石It stays with me.好的再见!Exactly. Bye.托尼你还好吗?Tony, you okay?打得怎样?好还是不好?How we doing? Good? Bad? Really, really good.很好你真的不打算来帮忙吗?Really good. Do you plan on helping out?我尽力了他就是不想出来I'm trying. He won't come out.小心Hammer.快点浩克你在搞什么鬼?Come on, Hulk! What are you doing to me?出来!出来!快出来!Come out! Come out! Come out!不!No!你说不是什么意思?What do you mean, "no"?嘿史塔克先生这是怎么了?Hey, man. What's up, Mr. Stark?孩子你从哪过来的?我之前正在去现代艺术博物馆参观的路上Kid, where'd you comefrom? A field trip to MoMA.史塔克先生这个怪物怎么了?Uh, what is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark?他是从外太空来的Uh, he's from space.想偷走一个法师的项链He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard.你的魔法很有趣Your powers are quaint.你一定很受孩子们的欢迎吧You must be popular with children.这个咒语很简单又很难被破解It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable.那我就先把你变成尸体Then I'll take it off your corpse.你会发现...解除...死人的咒语...更难You'll find removing a dead man's spell troublesome.你只会生不如死的You'll only wish you were dead.不!No!孩子那个就是法师追上他Kid, that's the wizard. Get on it.好的!On it!这可不好玩Not cool.抓住你了Gotcha!慢着Wait!史塔克先生我要被吸走了Uh, Mr. Stark, I'm being beamed up.坚持住孩子Hang on, kid.王你一定要来参加我的婚礼Wong, you're invited to my wedding.星期五给我来点猛的Give me a little juice, Friday.释放-A装甲Unlock :A.孩子你得放手了我会接住你的Pete, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you.但是你说了要救那个法师!But you said save the wizard!我不能呼吸了!I can't breathe.你飞的太高了马上就要缺氧了We're too high up. You're running out of air.说的有道理Yeah. That makes sense.史塔克先生这玩意儿闻起来像一辆新车啊Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!孩子旅途愉快Happy trails, kid.星期五送他回家好的Friday, send him home. Yep.哦不要啊!Oh, come on!老板波兹小姐来电Boss, incoming call from Miss Potts.托尼我的天Tony? Oh, my God.你还好吗?发生了什么?Are you all right? What's going on?我没事不过Yeah, I'm fine. I just think八点半的晚餐可能要推迟了we might have to push our : res.为什么?Why?因为我得晚点Just 'cause I'll probably才能回去not make it back for a while.别告诉我你在那艘船上Tell me you're not on that ship.是的Yeah.天啊不告诉我你不在那艘船上God, no, please tell me you're not on the ship.亲爱的我很抱歉Honey, I'm sorry.我很抱歉我不知道怎么解释I'm sorry, I don't know what to say.快回来托尼求你了e back here, Tony. I swear to God.小辣椒...回来吧!Pep. Come back here right now.快回来吧Come back.老板收不到她的信号了Boss, we're losing her.我的信号也要...I'm going too.我的天啊Oh, my God!我真该待在那辆公交上I shoulda stayed on the bus.你要去哪?Where you going?时间宝石被夺走了The Time Stone's been taken.圣所现在没人守护The Sanctum remains unguarded.你打算去做什么?What will you do?我要打个电话I'm gonna make a call.跟着唱啊德拉克斯!Sing it, Drax!我们怎么又在赶路了?Why are we doing this again?那可是个求救信号火箭It's a distress signal, Rocket.可能有人员伤亡Someone could be dying.我知道但是我们为什么要去?I get that, but why are we doing it?因为我们是好人'Cause we're nice.也许他们会给我们点And maybe whoever it is好处作为报酬呢will give us a little cheddar cheese for our effort.这不是重点这不是重点...我的重点是...Which isn't the point. Which isn't the point.如果他不懂得感恩的话...I mean, if he doesn't pony up...我们就抢走他的船We take his ship.是的没错!完全正确!Exactly! Bingo!好了All right!我们就要到了We are arriving.好的队员们All right, Guardians,别忘了这趟可能有点危险don't forget this might be dangerous...我们得装得凶一点so let's put on our mean faces.格鲁特别玩儿那东西了快点Groot, put that thing away, now.我不想说第二遍I don't wanna tell you again.格鲁特Groot.我是格鲁特!I am Groot!哦!嘴巴干净点Whoa! Language!哇哦Hey! Wow.小子这笔账我记住了You got some acorns on you, kid.拿到那个烂游戏机之后Ever since you got a little sap,你就变成了一个混球you're a total d-hole.你再玩我就把那破玩意给你砸了!Now,keepitup,andI'mgonnasmashthatthingtopieces.发生了什么?What happened?哦我的天啊Oh, my God.看来我们拿不到报酬了Looks like we're not getting paid.雨刷!开雨刷!Wipers! Wipers!把这玩意弄掉Get it off.这哥们居然还能活着?How the hell is this dude still alive?他可不是个哥们He is not a dude.你才是个哥们You're a dude.这是个纯爷们儿This... This is a man.英俊帅气肌肉发达的纯爷们A handsome, muscular man.我也一身肌肉啊I'm muscular.你逗谁呢?奎尔But who are you kidding, Quill?你离肥胖只差一个三明治了You're one sandwich away from fat.好吧Yeah, right.是的你的确有点胖...It's true, Quill. You have put on weight.什么?What?卡魔拉你也觉得我...Gamora, do you think I'm...他很紧张愤怒He is anxious, angry.他感到十分内疚自责He feels tremendous loss and guilt.就像海盗跟天使生了个小孩It's like a pirate had a baby with an angel.哇哦Wow.你们真的点醒了我好的This is a real wake-up call for me. Okay.我得买套健身器材我要锻炼I'm gonna get a Bowflex. I'm gonna commit.我要去弄几个哑铃I'm gonna get some dumbbells.你知道哑铃是不能吃的对吧?You know you can't eat dumbbells, right?他的肌肉摸起来It's like his muscles像是金属做成的are made of Cotati metal fibers.别再按摩他的肌肉了Stop massaging his muscles.把他弄醒Wake him up.醒吧Wake.你们都是谁?Who the hell are you guys?自从我认识灭霸开始他就只有一个目标The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever hadone goal.通过抹除一半的生命To bring balance to the universe来维持宇宙的平衡by wiping out half of all life.他原来在各个星球之间屠戮He used to kill people planet by planet,进行一次又一次的大屠杀massacre by massacre.包括我的家乡Including my own.如果他得到了所有六块无限宝石If he gets all six Infinity Stones...他打一个响指就能达成目的像这样he can do it with the snap of his fingers like this.看起来你很了解灭霸You seem to know a great deal about Thanos.卡魔拉...是灭霸的女儿Gamora is the daughter of Thanos.你爸爸杀了我弟弟Your father killed my brother.哦伙计Oh, boy.是养父严格来说Stepfather, technically.她和你一样痛恨灭霸And she hates him as much as you do.家家有本难念的经Families can be tough.我父亲死之前告诉我Before my father died,我有一个同父异母的姐姐he told me that I had a half-sister...被他封印在地狱里that he imprisoned in Hel.她回家后戳瞎了我的眼睛And then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye.我不得已把她杀了So I had to kill her.生活就是如此That's life though, isn't it, I guess.不是你死就是我活Goes round and round and...我理解你的痛苦I feel your pain.我也理解你们的痛苦I feel your pain as well, because...我不是要跟你比什么I mean, it's not a competition,但是我也经历过蛮多的but I've been through a lot.我爸杀了我妈My father killed my mother.然后我就必须杀了我爸And then I had to kill my father.这也很痛苦That was hard.应该比你杀姐姐更痛苦Probably even harder than having to kill a sister.幸亏我两个眼珠子还在Plus, I came out with both my eyes, which was...我需要一个锤子而不是汤匙I need a hammer, not a spoon.我要怎样打开这玩意How do I open this thing? Is there some sort of, uh...是不是输入什么四位数密码生日还是什么的Afour-digitcode,maybe?Maybeabirthdate.你在干嘛?借你小船一用Uh, what are you doing? Taking your pod.不不可以!No, you're not.你不可以借走我们的飞船先生You will not be taking our pod today, sir.奎尔你在故意压低嗓子说话吗?Uh... Quill, are you making your voice deeper?我没有你就是No. You are.你在模仿男神说话真别扭You're imitating the god-man. It's weird.我没有No, I'm not.他又来了这就是我的声音!He just did it again! This is my voice.你在模仿我吗?Are you mocking me?你在模仿我吗?你又在模仿了Are you mocking me? Stop it. You did it again.他这是在学我说话He's trying to copy me.别再模仿我了I need you to stop doing that.够了是他先模仿我的Enough! He's doing it first.我们得去阻止灭霸We need to stop Thanos.所以我们必须要找出Which means we need to find out他的下一个目的地where he's going next.虚无知地Knowhere.他一定是有个目的地He must be going somewhere.不不虚无知地No, no. Knowhere?那是个地方我们以前去过就一个破地方It's a place. We've been there. It sucks.不好意思那是我们的食物不再是了Excuse me, that's our food. Not anymore.索尔为什么他要去虚无知地Thor, why would he go to Knowhere?因为几年来Because for years...现实宝石都安全地存放在那儿the Reality Stone's been safely stored there由一个叫收藏家的男人保管着with a man called the Collector.如果是在收藏家手上那就不叫安全If it's with the Collector, then it's not safe.白痴才会把宝石交到那种人手里Only an idiot would give that man a stone.或者是天才你怎么知道Or a genius. How do you know...他不会去找其他的宝石he's not going for one of the other stones?宇宙中一共有六个宝石There are six stones out there.灭霸上周血洗了山达尔星Thanos already has the Power Stone...拿到了力量宝石because he stole it last week when he decimated Xandar.他又从我手上抢走了空间宝石He stole the Space Stone from me...还毁了我的船杀害了我一半的子民whenhedestroyedmyshipandslaughtered halfmypeople.时间宝石和心灵宝石在地球上很安全The Time and Mind Stones are safe on Earth.有复仇者们守护They're with the Avengers.复仇者?他们是地球的超级英雄The Avengers? Earth's mightiest heroes.比如说凯文·贝肯那样的?Like Kevin Bacon?他有可能是其中一员我不知道He may be on the team. I don't know.有一阵子没在地球上呆过了I haven't been there in a while.至于灵魂宝石没人见过As for the Soul Stone, well, no one's ever seen that.甚至没人知道它在哪No one even knows where it is.所以灭霸拿不到它Therefore Thanos can't get it.所以他会去虚无知地Therefore he's going to Knowhere.因此他正在去抢现实宝石的路上Hence he'll be getting the Reality Stone.不用谢You're welcome.那我们就马上去虚无知地Then we have to go to Knowhere now.错我们要去的是尼达维Wrong. Where we have to go is Nidavellir.那是个虚构的世界什么虚构的That's a made-up word. All words are made up.尼达维真的存在吗?Nidavellir is real? Seriously?那地方就是个传奇That place is a legend.他们造出来的武器异常强大They make the most powerful, horrific weapons足以把整个宇宙打个底朝天to ever torment the universe.我还挺想去的呢I would very much like to go there, please.这兔子说得对The rabbit is correct它比你们聪明多了and clearly the smartest among you.兔子Rabbit?只有矮人王艾崔才能造出我要的武器OnlyEitritheDwarfcanmakemetheweaponIneed.你是这里的船长吧I assume you're the captain, sir.你还真有眼光You're very perceptive.你一看就有大将之材You seem like a noble leader.愿意和我一起远征尼达维吗Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?我得问下我们船长不对我就是船长啊Let me just ask the captain. Oh, wait a second, it'sme!走吧很好Yeah. I'll go. Wonderful!可惜我才是船长Uh, except for that I'm the captain.闭嘴Quiet.还有你拿的是我的背包奎尔给我坐下That's my backpack. Go sit down.喂这是我的船啊Look, this is my ship.我才不去...And I'm not goin' to...等下你们说的是什么武器Wait, what kinda weapon are we talkin' about here?能杀死灭霸的武器The Thanos-killing kind.你不觉得这种好东西要人手一个吗Don't you think that we should all have a weapon likethat?不行你力量不够无法使用那样的武器No. You simply lack the strength to wield them.你的身体没办法Your bodies would crumble承受它的神力as your minds collapsed into madness.这样一说我更想去了是不是很奇怪Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now?有点Mmm, a little bit, yeah.如果我们没去虚无知地If we don't go to Knowhere而让灭霸拿到另一个宝石and Thanos retrieves another stone...他的能力会强大到难以阻挡he'll be too powerful to stop.他已经很强大了我想到一个办法He already is. I got it figured out.我们有两艘船We got two ships大船就留给白痴们and a large assortment of morons.我和格鲁特跟海盗男神走So me and Groot will go with the pirate angel here.你们这些白痴就去And the morons will go to Knowhere虚无知地阻止灭霸吧to try to stop Thanos.行吗行吧很行Cool? Cool. So cool.说实话For the record...我知道你跟他走I know that you're going with him是想躲着灭霸because it's where Thanos isn't.对待船长You know, you really shouldn't态度要端正点奎尔talk that way to your captain, Quill.走吧格鲁特Come on, Groot.把游戏机放下玩物丧志Put that game down. You'll rot your brain.祝你们好运吧白痴们I bid you farewell and good luck, morons.再见Bye.幻视?Vis?那个宝石又发作了吗?Is it the stone again?它好像在和我说话It's as if it's speaking to me.它说了什么?What does it say?我我不知道一些...I don't... I don't know, but something.告诉我你感受到什么了Tell me what you feel.我只感受到你I just feel you.十点钟有趟火车去格拉斯哥So there's a : a.m. to Glasgow...这样你走之前我们还能多聚一会儿whichwouldgiveusmoretimetogetherbeforeyouwent back.要是我错过那班火车呢What if I miss that train?那就坐十一点的There's an :.要是我都错过了呢What if I missed all the trains?要是这次我回不来了呢?What if this time I didn't go back?你都答应史塔克了But you gave Stark your word.我宁可答应你I'd rather give it to you.也有人在等我去你知道Well, there are people who are expecting me too, you know.我们都做出了承诺We both made promises.可我们还没有对彼此承诺过Not to each other.旺达Wanda.我们好不容易共度了两年For two years, we've stolen these moments...。



红色警戒士兵语音双语全解.txt 进攻时:你命令他进攻时这里收录大部分语音,除了有一些实在是听不懂,还有些不是英语的以外,基本上都弄全了。




基本兵种:美国大兵:选定时:Sir, yes sir! 是的,长官Ready 准备就绪Orders? 命令?How about some action 来点动作怎么样移动时:On my way! 正在路上Got it 知道了Double time 双倍速度Move it out 行动吧进攻时:Enemy cited 已弄清敌方You got it. 你会成功的Digging in! 深入中Let’s do it 一起来干掉他病毒阻击手:选定时:Vital agent ready 病毒特工已准备就绪移动时:Which way is the wind blowing 风在向哪个方向吹?Virus spreading 病毒正在扩散中Academic on the move 行动中Nasty bug on the ground 地上有些臭虫Just get to me in the range 只要把我派到攻击供给范围内就行了进攻时:This might sting a little 这可能会有电痛How about if I shot him in the arm 不如我射他的肩膀吧火箭飞行兵选定时I can go anywhere 我哪里都能去Rocky team sky 天上的火箭飞行队Few tanks are filled 几个油箱已经装满Got a clear view, sir 这里视野很好,长官移动时Run high 跑得高一点Pushing away 正在向前推进I will take the hard road 我走难走的那条路进攻时I can see him 我可看见他He’s got no place to hide 他没地方躲了They won’t see us coming 他不会看到我们正在前往他们那里 Clear off the place 把这里清干净I got him 我会干掉他的防空步兵选定时:Ready 准备就绪At least I got a job 至少我找到了工作Da 哒(应该是俄语里面是的意思)This gun’s heavy 这把枪很重的移动时:Cloud’s them death 乌云把他们送入地狱I’m going 我正在走进攻时:This will be messy 这会被弄得一团糟的动员兵选定时Comrade? 同志Conscript reporting 被征召的士兵报到Waiting orders 等待命令移动时:For the union 为苏联而战Da 哒(应该是俄语里面是的意思)Order received 收到命令进攻时:For mother Russia 为母亲苏联而战Attacking 进攻中You are sure? 你确定吗?For home comfort 为家乡安宁而战工程师(盟军、苏俄)选定时:I got the knowledge 我有技术Need a repair?需要维修吗?I got the tools 我有工具Engineering 工程设计中移动时:I won’t be late 我不会迟到的Moving 行动中Yes sir 是,长官进攻时Got the plans right here 我这里就有计划图纸Analyzing cosmetics 正在分析表面状况Studying blueprint 研究蓝图中工程师(尤里)选定时:My tools are your 我的工具是你的Is there a problem?有问题吗?How can I assist? 我能帮什么忙移动时:Where is trouble?麻烦在哪里?Repairing man on the move 维修工人正在前往出事地点I will investigate 我会察看一下的Smooth operation 顺利的行动进攻时:I am working 我正在工作Inspecting full plan 检查整个计划There is nothing more fun 没有什么东西更有趣了。



了解对手弱点的英语谚语Title: "Understanding the Weaknesses of Your Opponent: Time-Tested Proverbs"正文:在竞争激烈的世界中,了解对手的弱点对于获得成功非常重要。



1. "Know thine enemy."(识己之敌)这句谚语旨在提醒我们充分了解对手的性格、目标和策略。


2. "Forewarned is forearmed."(有预警就有防备)这句谚语告诉我们,在与对手竞争之前,提前了解他们的弱点和实力。


3. "Give him enough rope and he'll hang himself."(给他足够的绳子他会自缚)这句谚语表明,有时候我们不必急于揭露对手的弱点。



4. "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."(一链之弱即是全链之弱)这句谚语提醒我们,一支团队或一个组织的弱点会影响整体的表现。


5. "A snake in the grass."(蛇在草中)这句谚语形容隐藏在我们周围的对手,他们可能悄无声息地等待时机。


an enemy的谚语

an enemy的谚语

an enemy的谚语
- The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 敌人的敌人是朋友。

- When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside can not hurt you. 当内部没有敌人时,外面的敌人就不会对你造成伤害。

- Pride is said to be the last vice the good man gets clear of. 骄傲自满是一个好人最后需要改掉的恶习。

- The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today. 种树的最好时间是二十年前,其次是现在。

- An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。

- Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗。

- All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作,不玩耍,聪明小伙也变傻。

- Health is not valued till sickness comes. 病时方知健康可贵。

- A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。





通天神偷 (Sneakers)1969年12月从46-9940246-99402.转到531-01138Transfer to 53-01138.我们刚才做了什么?What'd we just do?共和党捐给黑豹组织一大笔钱The Republican Party just made a donation to the Black Panthers. 太棒了-Farm out.那当然-Right arm.谁是下一个-Who's next?我看看-Let's see.理查尼克森的私人帐号♥在此Richard Nixon's personal checking account is in here.诱惑实在太大This is a challenge.马堤我们得找一个值得拿这笔钱的人Marty, we have to find somebody truly worthy to give his money to. 那么... 毒品合法化的国际组织如何?How about the National Association to Legalize Marijuana?很好给他多少呢?Perfect. How much should he give?他很大方就全给他们好了He's a generous man. I'd say, all he's got. God,我好饿I'm hungry!马堤Marty...你确定这么做不会带来麻烦you're sure we will not get into trouble for this?相信我克斯莫Cosmo, trust me.假设电♥话♥公♥司♥钱太多The phone company has too much money.好例子结果-Consequence?他们很腐化造成They're corrupt. Result?人人贪污The system perpetuates itself at the expense of the people. 结论-Conclusion?电♥话♥公♥司♥得捐钱了-Ma Bell needs to donate some money.我们将会改变世界We're gonna change the world.我只希望能因此而拿到学分I just wish we could get course credit for this.你得吃些东西想吃什么?You gotta eat. You want some food?输的去买♥♥Loser goes.我从没输过I never lose.腊肠披萨饼Pepperoni pizza, please.手揉的不要机器搅拌的Shaken, not stirred.克斯我走了-Power to the people, Cos.马堤等会见-Power to the people, Marty.这年头永远不能相信别人One cannot trust anybody these days.拜托帮帮忙No, don't do this.马堤马堤...Marty! Marty!马丁Martin.马丁...Martin.是时候了It's time.How're we doing?卡尔在逃生门老妈在电缆房♥间Carl's in position on the fire escape. Mother's in the cable vault. 口哨儿在读书Whistler is reading."花♥花♥公♥子♥"我们准备好了We're up.大厅方面如何What's with the lobby?仍然只有一个人Still just the one guard.老妈试试蓝色的Okay, Mother, try the ones coming off the blue trunk.不行Nope.不然试试白色的看起来不太对Try the ones coming off the white trunk. These don't sound right. 喔不Hold on.我们有那个人经过后面员工出口处We even have photos of the guy leaving the embassy...离开大使♥馆♥的照片through the back service entrance.嗨克里斯你在吗?Hey, Crease, you on?是的我在Yeah, I'm on.七二年你仍在情报局工作吗?Were you still in the CIA in '72?不错为什么?Yeah, why?你知道计划局的副局长Did you know the Deputy Director of Planning...在地震的前一天居然出现在尼加拉瓜的马那瓜was in Managua, Nicaragua, the day before the earthquake?你的意思是情报局引起马那瓜大地震?What are you saying? The CIA caused the Managua earthquake? 我没法证明但是...I can't prove it, but...我无法忍♥受与他说话I can't talk to that guy.等一下老妈回到前一条Hold on, Mother. Go back one.成功了Bingo!电♥话♥分线装好Securing bridge clips.准备进入警报主电路Preparing to sever master alarm circuit.五四...Five, four...我才查过那盒子I looked in that box just now.里面什么也没有There wasn't anything there.我了解你的感觉I know what u你了解吗?Sure"世纪银行"好银行吗?Nice bank?你无法想像为了要进入保险箱我得做些什么事You wouldn't believe what I had to do to get a safe deposit box.他妈的干这事我们已经太老了Shit. We're gettin' too old for this.西警保全公♥司♥ 在世纪银行有火警-Westguard Security. -Yeah, I got a fire at Centurion Bank.对我们也收到警报有没有烟或火苗We got the alarm. Are there any secondary indications? Smoke or flame? 没有No.那可能是假警报在你那区整晚不停发生Probably a false alarm. We've been getting them in your area all night. 看看能不能重新设定糟糕我不知道怎么做-See if it resets. -Man, I don't know.你当然知道该剪那一条?-Sure you know which one to cut?警报系统永远是绿色那条-Yes! The alarm's always the green one.干得好Good, Carl.我不等了我要接消防队I'm not waitin' any longer. I'm callin' the fire...停了对不起It stopped. Sorry.没问题!喂小子什么事?-No problem. And, son? -Sir?做得好谢谢你先生-Good work. -Thank you, sir.毕许该你来了All yours, Bish.您要提多少?So, how much do you want?八万九万十万$80,000, $90,000, $100,000.好了Okay.先生请问您为什么要结束你的帐户May I ask why you're closing your account with us today, sir?我有一种奇怪的感觉我的钱在这银行不安全I just had this weird feeling that my money wasn't safe here anymore. 先生们! 你们的联络网太弱Gentlemen, your communication lines are vulnerable.太平门需要加强Fire exits need to be monitored.保安人员训练不够Your rent-a-cops are a tad undertrained.除此之外一切均还不错Outside of that, everything seems to be fine.几天内我们会把报告交给你们You'll get our full report in a few days. But first,首先我的支票在谁那儿?who's got my check?人们雇用你去闯入他们自己的安全系统So, people hire you to break into their places...以确定没人能侵入to make sure no one can break into their places?这是我的职业It's a living.不是很好的一种Not a very good one.谢谢Thank you.是他吗?Is that him?对是他Yeah, that's him.谁在作上次潜入银行的报告Who's got the report for the bank sneak?等会儿我会打出来-I'm gonna type it up later.你打?-You are?从一月就没付钱给打字员所以不是我就是口哨儿打We haven't paid the typist since January, so it's me or Whistler. 还是口哨儿打好了-Better Whistler.有客人-We've got customers.鞋怎么样? 名牌货-Shoes? -Expensive.大家快装得很忙Look busy, guys.毕许先生我是迪克哥登-Mr. Bishop. Dick Gordon. -Hi.巴迪华来斯-Buddy Wallace. -Hi.大名久仰-We've heard great things about you.全是真的-They're all true.谢谢你卡尔Thanks, Carl.两位请到会议室来看看我们能怎么为您服务Let's go to the conference room. You can tell us how we can help. 好-Okay.是这样-So here...在进入主题之前-Before we begin...我们想澄清一些事there's something we'd like to clear up.通常这种公♥司♥职员几乎全是前执法者Most firms of this type are staffed with ex-law enforcement types.但是你们...But your team...我们有些不同-I know, kind of different.不错-Yes, you are.达伦罗斯克绰号♥老妈Darren Roskow, also known as "Mother".因非法侵入在丹尼摩拉服刑十八个月Eighteen months at Dannemora for breaking and entering.他被陷害的不过他真是这行的高手Yeah, he was framed. But he's got the best hands in the business.卡尔阿巴盖斯十九岁Carl Arbogast, age 19.偷入奥克兰学区篡改成绩时被捉Caught breaking into the Oakland School District computer to change his grades. 我知道是我们抓到他的I know. We're the ones who caught him.尔温艾米儿绰号♥口哨儿Irwin Emery, also known as "Whistler".他与电♥话♥公♥司♥有些旧帐He had some little problem with the phone company.六十二笔旧帐Sixty-two counts?好你要执法者You want law enforcement?在情报局服务二十二年的唐纳克斯如何?How about Donald Crease? Twenty-two year veteran of the CIA.一九八七年被迫停职为什么?Terminated, 1987. Why was that?不知道也许个性不合你们到底是谁?I don't know. I think a personality conflict. Who are you?放心! 马堤我们得先调查清楚Relax, Marty. We have to check these things.你的队员在过去都有些问题Everybody on your team has had some sort of problem in their past.至于马丁毕许...And then there's Martin Bishop.他似乎没有过去He doesn't seem to have a past.抱歉浪费你们的时间我不替政♥府♥工作Sorry to waste your time. I don't work for the government.我们知道We know.国安局National Security Agency.就是窃听我电♥话♥的人You're the guys I hear breathing on the other end of my phone.不那是联邦调查局No, that's the FBI.我们不做当地监视We're not chartered for domestic surveillance.我明白了! 你们做颠覆政♥府♥ 和设立友善独♥裁♥者的工作I see. You just overthrow governments, set up friendly dictators.不那是情报局的工作No, that's the CIA.我们保护政♥府♥联络网破解别人的密♥码♥We protect government communications, try to break the other fellow's codes.马堤我们是好人We're the good guys, Marty.哇! 我太放心了迪克I can't tell you what a relief that is, Dick.好了够了All right, that's enough.我们走Let's go.如果你改变主意If you change your mind...打电♥话♥给我们call us at this number..."布里斯先生"Mr. Brice."通缉马丁布里斯"施舍一点Help me out?给我两毛五帮帮我Spare a quarter? Help me out.政♥府♥没收我的房♥子The government's taken away my home.对他说去Talk to him.现代罗宾汉来了Well, if it isn't Robin Hood.我几乎加入国安局可惜因血统正常而被拒绝I could've joined the NSA, but they found out my parents were married.大家都是朋友对不对? 别动气We're all friends here, right? Easy, easy.要咖啡还是其他饮料? 不要-Want some coffee or something? -No.-巴迪那是杰那克的档案吗?-Buddy, is that Janek's file? -Yeah, Janek's file.冈特杰那克是数学家This is a mathematician named Dr. Gunter Janek.是库立基机构的智囊团之一Works at a think tank called the Coolidge Institute.精于大数理论素数因数Specializes in large-number theory, prime numbers, factoring.密♥码♥译解法非常好-Cryptography. -Very good.上个月这位博士领了三十八万的奖金Last month, the good doctor gets a grant, $380,000.以资料判断奖金太多Way out of profile for a guy like that.经过调查猜猜这些钱来自何处?It's our job to be curious, so we traced the money. Guess where it comes from? 总不会是苏俄吧?-I know you're not gonna say Russia. -Yeah.饶了我Give me a break.我们赢他们输报纸已报导过We won, they lost. It's been in a couple of papers.是啊我们仍在监视他们他们也在监视我们We still spy on them. They still spy on us.上礼拜截下一件传真这里We intercepted a fax last week. Here.他在做某种盒子一个小盒子He's making some kind of box, a little black box.这个计划名为斯太克天文学我们不知道斯太克代表什么?The project's called Setec Astronomy. We don't know what Setec stands for.安全技术感应器技术-Security technology... -Sensor techniques, who knows?可能什么都不是也可能很重要It may be nothing or it may be something. And we need to know.我们要知道你去找小黑盒给我们看一下Your job is to find that little black box. Let us take a look at it.不行No way.抱歉马堤Sorry, Marty.我们没有太多选择We don't have a lot of choice here.你们自己做我们不行-Do it yourself. -We can't.依法我们不准做这种工作By law, we're not allowed to do this kind of operation.那叫调查局来做Then get the FBI.想噢叫调查局Yeah, right, the FBI.要议会同意他们才能帮我们The FBI can't work for us without approval from a congressional committee. 时间紧迫为什么选我?-We don't have the time. -So why me?-坦白说因为我们... -是的请坦白说-Frankly, because we... -Yeah, frankly.马堤请坐下Marty, sit down, please.事实上这不合法Frankly, because it's kind of illegal.你能隐藏身份二十年You've stayed underground more than 20 years.证明你知道如何不被抓You know how not to get caught.我们知道你嘴紧-We know you can keep your mouth shut.酬金十七万五仟交货付钱-Job pays $175,000, payable on delivery.如果你高兴可以拿这些钱去救济穷♥人♥You can distribute it among the poor, if you like.我不接受-Pass.加上把你的记录销掉-We also clean up your record.把通缉令取消Quash the outstanding warrant for your arrest.你的朋友克斯莫服刑十二年Your pal Cosmo got 12 years.由于没飞到别处去逃避起诉That was without flight to evade prosecution.我们都知道他的下场We all know what happened to him in there.如果我说不?If I say no?别说不Don't say no.你坐牢对谁都没有好处What good would you do anybody in prison?我不相信这些年你一直在骗我们I don't believe this. You lied to us all these years.-连名字都是假的 -对不起好不好-Even lied to us about your name. -Sorry, okay?真抱歉但当你被通缉时决不会告诉任何人I'm sorry, but when you're wanted by the feds, you don't go telling everybody. 我们不是任何人马丁我们是合伙你该告诉我们We're not everybody, Martin, we're your partners. You tell us.好!为什么你要离开情报局?Fine. Exactly why was it you had to leave the CIA?每个人都有自己的小密秘We all have our little secrets, don't we?听着你们要做个决定Look, you guys have a decision to make.这不是试验This is not a test.为不明目标可能赔上生命The penetration is live, the target is unaware.侵入外国情报处会有生命危险不是我们做的Sneaking a foreign intelligence service that might kill us is not what we do.安全系统可能很糟The probable level of security is very low.即使能让我不坐牢你们也不想接这工作But if you guys don't want to take that chance just to keep me out of jail...好的我能了解那就不去做fine, I understand, don't do it.毕许我不能替他们决定Well, Bish, I can't speak for the other guys,为了钱我加入我才不在乎你会不会作牢but I'm in it for the money.-I don't care if you go to jail.我也不在乎算我一份-Me neither. I'm in.我们能不能回到他们可能会杀我们那段Could we maybe just go back to the "they might kill us" part? 此事冒险大如果不严重If I thought that was likely, I wouldn't bring this to you.我不会提出讨论But there is a risk.酬金是十七万五千It pays $175,000!我加入I'm in.没有我你们是死尸一具You guys'll be chalk outlines without me.好吧我们该怎么做All right, what do we need?开始监视他We start with a very light surveillance.三楼一见到守卫就离开Level three. First sign of baby-sitters, we back off.这家伙明天下午在加大演讲He's giving a lecture tomorrow at U. C.我会去查查他好了有什么问题?I'm gonna be there and check him out. Okay? Any questions? 没问题开始吧Let's do it.演讲之事你带口哨儿还是我?For the lecture, you want to take Whistler or do you want me? 都不是我想带丽莎No, that's okay, I thought I'd ask Liz.他是谁?Who's this?老朋友Sort of an old friend.练习练习练习Practice! Practice, practice!你不是来重修旧好吧?-Hi. -We're not getting back together.我说了吗? 你会说的-Did I say anything? -You will.丽莎这次是公事I'm here on business, Liz.毕许你没有事业你只有俱乐部一个童军俱乐部Bishop, you don't have a business, you have a club. It's a boy's club.一个小俱乐部会馆可能还有秘密握手势You have a clubhouse, you probably have a secret handshake.丽莎我需要你的帮忙Liz, I need your help.我绝不再回到你的世界去I will not be dragged back into your world.我现在与一群天才儿童一起都在三十岁之下I have a new group of gifted children, and I like the fact they're under 30. 借过Excuse me.你认不认识数学家冈特杰那克?There's a mathematician named Gunter Janek. You know him?我念过他的书你可以走了I've read him. Now go away.他在三点三十分有个演讲-He's giving a master lecture at 3:30...很好-How nice for him.我想之后请你吃饭-I thought I'd buy you dinner after.我不与你出去-I am not going out with you.傻瓜这不是约会This isn't a date, dummy.这是科学探讨之旅This is a scientific exploration, a tutorial.我需要你I need you...解释给我听to explain it to me.去看书Read a book.丽莎他们找到我了They found me, Liz.政♥府♥找到我了The government found me.他们答应如果替他们完成任务They offered me a deal. If I take their offer...就销掉我的记录如此则可恢复本姓they clear my record, and I can get my name back.我们不再恢复男女朋友关系吧You and I are not getting back together.嘿别自作多情Don't flatter yourself.三点来接我Pick me up at 3:00.遵命Yes!数位栏筛选是当今最好的方法While the number-field sieve is the best method currently known... 但可能有更多不同的方法而达到更完美的目标there exists an intriguing possibility for a far more elegant approach. 这个人很棒This guy's good.超越有理数包含单一离子场Over the rationals, and hence contained in a single cyclotomic field. 依据阿定地图或许能导至同形性Using the Artin map, we might induce homomorphisms...你看见谁了么?You seeing anybody?这些地图可用来组合所有Z的分♥裂♥资料All division data of Z are made up of all these maps这不只是大数理论This isn't just about large-number theory.它是密♥码♥译解法It's about cryptography.你是说密♥码♥You mean codes?我指不可破解的密♥码♥I mean unbreakable codes.让我们能找出It would be a breakthrough of Gaussian proportions...更有效的解决方法and allow us to acquire...将是高斯定率的突破the solution in a dramatically more efficient manner.你有发现吗?Are you seeing...这是纯理论性的Such an approach is purely theoretical.到目前为止还没有人能So far, no one has been able...完成此一创举to accomplish such constructions...还没有!yet.数字是这么庞大The numbers are so unbelievably big...全世界的电脑加起来都无法解码all the computers in the world could not break them down.但或许只是或许But maybe, just maybe...有个未为人发现的捷径there's a shortcut.我打赌他已找到了-I'll bet you anything he's found it.果真如此你就有麻烦了我要拿外套If he has, you're in over your head. I'll get my coat.数字本身是我们最好的工具Numbers themselves may be our best tools...能让我们对密♥码♥有更深的认识may be able to see things in other numbers that we can't.马丁Martin.马丁见到你太好了Martin, how wonderful to see you.嗨!格瑞你好这不是很好吗-Hi, Greg. How are you? -Is it not fabulous?我居然可以在公共场所学习你们的科学秘密Today I can in public come and learn your scientists' new secrets. 他说的没一句我懂Alas, I did not understand one bit of what he was talking about. 至少我...At least I...天啊真的是她Goodness, can it be?喔是啊Yeah.依丽莎白她非常盼望与你聊天-Elizabeth! -She's dying to talk to you too, Greg.抱歉依丽莎白Elizabeth.哈罗格瑞-Hello, Greg.依丽莎白与马丁-Elizabeth and Martin.见你们又在一起我真高兴My heart leaps like gazelle to see you back together again.先别高兴我们没在一起Tell it to stop leaping. We are not back together.没有?真可惜No? What a pity.等等!我有一个很棒的主意马丁...Wait. I have smashing idea. Martin!星期四晚上启夫在领♥事♥馆♥ 表演弦乐四重奏Kiev String Quartet plays at the consulate on Thursday night.你是我的客人You will be my guests.真的格瑞我真不知要怎样谢你Really, Greg, I wouldn't know how to repay you.马丁既然我们两国成了朋友Martin, now that our countries are such good friends...你是否可以替我做些事perhaps you will finally be able to do occasional favor for me?格瑞你真不要脸-Gregor, you are shameless.星期四晚上见-See you Thursday night.什么?What?新头衔New title.大使随从官Cultural Attach?不可置信Unbelievable!过去几年对我们来说是非常困惑的几年Last few years has been very confusing for people in my line of work. 我相信I'll bet.我不在乎什么新世界秩序I don't care what anybody says about the new world order.我不信任他I don't trust that guy.谁格瑞吗?Who, Greg?他是无害的He's harmless.时间会证明一切Let the number itself tell us.我还有事If you'll excuse me...要先离开I have some work.你要跟踪他是不?-You're gonna follow him, aren't you?别管我我会叫计程车It's okay. I'll get a cab.我能打电♥话♥给你吗?Can I call you?小心点Just be careful.杰那克走进电梯Janek just got in the elevator.上楼我们准备好了-Going up. -We will be ready for him.声音收得到吗? 很清楚老妈在窗口附近-How's the audio? -Good. Mother's close.他居然穿了四条安全带He's just wearing four safety belts this time.什么?没绑降落伞吗?What, no parachute?好了他进房♥开灯All right. Entry and lights on.-描述一下-Describe it.-好像是工作房♥-Looks like a workroom.一个长椅上有只焊接枪二个线轴一个放大灯A bench with a soldering gun, two spools of wire and a magnifying lamp. 他似乎在制♥造♥什么东西Sounds like he's making somethin'.再过去是张桌子Then a desk.电♥话♥ 台灯答录机Telephone, lamp, answering machine.笔筒就是没有小黑盒A jar of pencils, but no little black box.一定在那里他在做什么?It's gotta be there somewhere. What's he doing?准备登录电脑He's logging on the computer.很好This is good.等会儿打入密♥码♥时He's gonna type in his password,我们就能看得一清二楚and we're gonna get a clear shot.晚安瑞兹考夫博士Dr. Rhyzkov, good evening.查查瑞兹考夫是什么身份Let's get an ID on Dr. Rhyzkov.这个下午她一直与他在一起She was with him this afternoon.她想告诉他什么事She was trying to tell him something而使他...and it was making him...噢冈特Oh, Gunter.让我们重温墨西哥那一幕Let's do what we did in Mexico City.我不知道这么做在墨西哥是合法的I didn't know you could do that in Mexico City.-毕许先生请让我看一下-Mr. Bishop, mind if I take a look?-卡尔-Carl.成熟点Grow up.让我看-Let me see. -Oh, Gunter.依莲娜别乱来Elena, really!我要工作I must finish my work.好了!他继续登录电脑Okay, back to work.不行这样好马上可以拿到密♥码♥了Nope, here we go. Now we're gonna get our password. 我留话在留言中心但你没回话I leave message here on service, but you do not call. 对不起I'm sorry, really.走开她挡住了Get out of the way. She's in the way.真倒霉-I don't believe this.抱歉-I'm sorry.我有许多工作要做It's just, I have this work.宝贝让我给你一些工作去作I give you something to work, baby.好吧只能一会儿Okay. Just for a little while.喔冈特Oh, Gunter.-怎么样了-What's goin' on?-没什么-Nothing.依莲娜真的!Elena, really!我一定要做完我的工作I must finish my work.我留话在留言中心但你没回话I leave message here on service, but you do not call.也许有一两个镜头没被她挡住Maybe there's a frame where she doesn't block it.让我好好清一下I'll blow it up.各位瑞兹考夫是谁?-Gentlemen. -Who's Rhyzkov?她从捷克来探望教授Dr. Elena Rhyzkov, visiting professor from Czechoslovakia... 天体物理学的资深研究员senior research fellow in astrophysics.成功了-Bingo.斯太克天文学不知它是什么-Setec Astronomy, whatever that is.我留话在留言中心但你没回话I leave message here on service, but you do not call.就是这-There.抱歉-I'm sorry.-"W" "G" -看来像H-"W", "G"... -Looks like the "H".-你怎么看出是H -因为它在L旁边-Where do you get "H"? -Next to the "L".-再来一次 -L的旁边不是H-Come on. Do it again. -"H" isn't next to the "L".我留话在留言中心但你没回话I leave message here on service, but you do not call.好绝对是W GOkay, that's definitely "W", "G".绝不是那是VDefinitely not. No, that's a "V".她挡住了She's in the way.各位大哥那黑盒子就在他桌上Fellas, Janek's little black box is on his desk...在笔筒与台灯之间between the pencil jar and the lamp.口哨儿我不想提醒你但你是个瞎子Whistler, I hate to tell you this, but you're blind.把带子再放一次Play the tape back again.-但你看不见-But you can't see anything.-不要看用听的-Don't look. Listen.再放一遍Play it back.我留话在留言中心但你没...I leave message here on service, but you do not...他既然有留言中心He's got a service.为何还要答录机What's he need an answering machine for?这就是我们要的小黑盒There's our little black box.好了老板Okay, boss.这是隐藏式麦克风是美国太空总署在假造This LTX-71 concealable mike is part of the same system that NASA used... 阿波罗登陆月球时所用的when they faked the Apollo moon landings.实际上太空人是在加州圣伯那多太空基地的隔音间The astronauts broadcast around the world from a soundstage...向全世界广播登陆月球的at Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino, California.即然他们都能成功我们绝不成问题So it worked for them. It shouldn't give us too many problems.谢谢Thanks.有递送吗?-You didn't have a delivery?我应有发♥票♥-I should have the invoice.没有递送在递送表上没有记录No delivery is scheduled. They didn't have anything on record.我太太有没有送蛋糕来?Did my wife drop a cake off for me?没有蛋糕二楼玛姬的宴会-There's no cake here. -Party for Marge on the second floor.她该把蛋糕留在这儿-She was supposed to drop a cake off.我不清楚-I don't know about it.他来了迟到大王There she is, late as usual.上面写的我要递交三十六盒液体通管剂到这个地址It states here that I am to deliver 36 boxes of Liquid Drano to this address.不管你怎么说单子上没有你I don't care what that says. You're not on the list,就不能进去you can't get in.我会丢掉我的工作那不是我的问题现在应该解决-I might lose my job. -That's not my problem. Now beat it.我没法拿到卡片帮我按一下门钮I can't reach my card. Could you buzz this?按一下我没法拿到卡片等一下-Just buzz it. I can't reach my card. -Wait one minute.二楼的宴会眼看要迟到按一下门钮We're late for a party on the second floor. Push the goddamned buzzer.谢谢Thanks.有谁记得如何开电子锁?Anybody remember how to defeat an electronic keypad?别开玩笑马丁不可能开得开Don't even joke about that. Those things are impossible.你认为我在开完笑看来它们才装上去Think I'm joking? Looks like they just put it in.啊老天Oh, boy.这可能有帮助一个参加沙漠风暴的老友送我的This might help. An old buddy of mine who was in Desert Storm sent it to me. 不过他是替对方工作的'Course, he was on the other side.想想看克斯一定有办法Come on. There's got to be a way around these things.好的好的All right, all right.这招也许行This might work.是吗?Yeah. Yeah.是的Right.好吧试一试Okay. I'll give it a shot.真管用It worked.拿到了Got it.冈特...-Gunter? You're not...喔糟了! 你在这儿!很高兴见到你-God, no. Here you go. Nice to see you.那是哪个鬼?-Who the hell is that?准备作战-Battle stations.继续监听拿着麦克风Monitor the audio. Grab the mike.好Okay.我现在把手拿开别叫I'm gonna remove my hand now. Please, don't scream. 我保证一切如常I promise, nothing will happen to you.好吗?Okay?你是谁?Who are you?他是私♥家♥侦♥探♥-He's a PI.你是私♥家♥侦♥探♥-You're a private investigator.我是私♥家♥侦♥探♥-I'm a private investigator.但是这为什么-But why?谁雇你Who hired you?谁雇你-Who hired you?杰那克太太-Mrs. Janek.根本没有杰那克太太There is not Mrs. Janek.是吗?Yeah?你真难倒我们了You got us stumped.喔是吗?Oh, yeah?你想墨西哥爱之旅是谁付的钱?Who do you think paid for your little love jaunt to Mexico City?聪明的回答That was good.威玛威玛杰那克Velma Janek.她住在蒙特娄拥有许多房♥地♥产♥She lives in Montreal where she handles her family's real estate holdings... 有农场银行购物中心vast real estate holdings: Farms, banks, shopping malls.两个购物中心Two shopping malls.她支持冈特但怀疑他出轨所以才雇我She supports Gunter but figured he was cheating. That's why she hired me. 混♥蛋♥大骗子Bastard liar!我要杀了他不不不-I'll kill him! -No, no, no!千万不要瑞兹考夫博士镇静一下No, don't. Get a hold of yourself, Dr. Rhyzkov.镇静下来Get a hold of yourself.你不能告诉他你知道You gotta not tell him you know.我们不在这儿也没谈过话你不认识我We weren't here. We didn't talk. You don't know me.你也不知道他妻子的事You don't know anything about a wife.给我一个好理由来说服我You just give me one good reason why.好!让我来告诉你I'll give you a reason.给你一个好理由Give you a really good reason.她就希望你这么做It's just what she'd want you to do.她就希望你这么做It's just what she'd want you to do.她就希望你这么做It's just what she'd want you to do.我不懂I don't understand.是的有时我对自己也不大了解Yeah, sometimes I don't understand myself.好吧我可能因此而被吊销执照Look, I might lose my license for this...我的雇主是一个心胸狭窄的女人but my client is a vindictive, bitter woman.她不与他发生夫妻关系现在更要毁了他She's been withholding marital favors for years and now she's out to ruin him.她利用你来达到她的目的And she's using you to get to her.她利用我去接近你And she's using me to get to you.你知道这很复杂你难到看不出来I know that's confusing, but don't you see what's happening here?我们你和我是这丑陋游戏中的牺牲者You and me, we're pawns in this ugly little game.如果你爱他-If you love him...如果你爱他-If you love him...如果你爱他If you love him...如果你真的爱他if you really love him...一定要继续爱他then just keep on loving him.千万不要让他知道你知道他不愿你知道的事Never let him know that you know what he thinks you don't know that you know. 你懂吗You know?任何时间他要性♥交♥ 就给他And give him head whenever he wants.。



1. You are not a superman.你不是超⼈。

(不要⽆谓的冒险、不要做傻事)2. If it's stupid but works,it isn't stupid.如果⼀个蠢⽅法有效,那它就不是⼀个蠢⽅法。

3.Don't look conspicuous - it draws fire. (This is why aircraft carriers are called “Bomb Magnets”.)不要太显眼,因为那会引来对⽅⽕⼒攻击。


)4. Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.别和⽐你勇敢的战友躲在同⼀个散兵坑⾥。

5. Never forget that the lowest bidder made your weapon.别忘了你⼿上的武器是由的承包商得标制造的。

6. If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.如果你的攻击进⾏得很顺利,那⼀定是你中了圈套。

7. All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.所有五秒的⼿榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。

8. Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo.尽量显得是⼀个⽆关紧要的⼈,因为敌⼈可能弹药不够了。

(他会先打最重要的⼈)9. If you are forward of your position,the artillary will fall short.每当你要攻击前进时,炮兵往往也快要⽤完了炮弹。

10. The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.那⽀你以为是敌军疑兵⽽不加注意的部队恰恰就是敌⼈的攻击主⼒。



如何向敌人反击英语作文Title: Strategies for Counterattacking Enemies。

In the realm of conflict, whether it be on the battlefield, in the workplace, or in personal relationships, the ability to counterattack effectively can oftendetermine success or failure. When facing adversaries, itis crucial to employ strategic thinking and cunning tactics to turn the tide in one's favor. In this essay, we will explore various approaches and strategies for mounting a successful counterattack against enemies.First and foremost, knowledge is power. Understanding your enemy's strengths, weaknesses, and patterns ofbehavior is essential for devising an effective counterattack strategy. Conduct thorough research, gather intelligence, and analyze your opponent's past actions to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited.Once you have a clear understanding of your enemy, itis time to formulate a plan of action. A well-planned counterattack takes into account multiple factors,including timing, resources, and potential risks. Consider different scenarios and anticipate possible responses from your adversary. Develop contingency plans to adapt to changing circumstances and unexpected developments.One effective strategy for counterattacking enemies is to exploit their overconfidence or arrogance. If your opponent underestimates your capabilities or becomes complacent, use this to your advantage. Surprise them with unexpected moves or unconventional tactics that catch them off guard. By disrupting their expectations, you can gain the upper hand and seize the initiative.Another approach is to target your enemy's support network or alliances. Identify key allies or resources that bolster their strength and undermine them through diplomatic means or covert operations. By weakening their support base, you can diminish their power and influence, making them more vulnerable to a direct assault.In some cases, a psychological approach can be highly effective in demoralizing and destabilizing your enemy. Employ propaganda, misinformation, or psychological warfare tactics to sow doubt, confusion, and dissent among their ranks. Exploit divisions within their organization or exploit internal conflicts to weaken their cohesion and unity.Of course, physical confrontation may be unavoidable in certain situations. In such cases, it is crucial to leverage your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. Focus on asymmetrical warfare tactics that capitalize on your enemy's vulnerabilities while mitigating your own risks. Use guerrilla tactics, hit-and-run maneuvers, or ambushes to keep your opponent off balance and prevent them from consolidating their forces.In addition to tactical considerations, it is essential to maintain morale and discipline among your own ranks. Rally your troops with inspiring rhetoric, lead by example, and foster a sense of camaraderie and unity. A cohesive and motivated force is more resilient in the face of adversityand better equipped to withstand the rigors of conflict.In conclusion, mounting a successful counterattack against enemies requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and adaptability. By understanding your opponent, exploiting their weaknesses, and leveraging your own strengths, you can turn the tables and emerge victorious in the face of adversity. Remember, victory often goes not to the strongest or the fastest, but to the most cunning and resourceful.。



hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one I cast.
I am a soldier and I'm marching on
now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief,
and the least of me is still out of your reach
I'll stand in the path of the enemy line
feel no fear, know my pride:
for God and Country I'll end your life
I'm last to leave, but the first to go, Lord, make me dead before you make me old
I feed on the fear of the devil inside of the enemy faces in my sights:

Know Your Enemy

Know Your Enemy

Know Your EnemyDo you have an enemy? Hopefully, you don’t. An enemy is someone who hates you and you hate them back. An enemy threatens you, attacks you or tries to harm you.In some languages, there are different words for a personal enemy versus an enemy of war, political enemy or enemy of the state.In English, however, they are all called the same – enemies.“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Many believe the Chinese military genius, Sun Tzu, wrote something like this in his book The Art of War.We may not know for sure who said it first. But many know who said this line in the movie The Godfather II.Here is another piece of advice, “An enemy of my enemy is my friend.”Let’s say you have two enemies who also hate each other. If you are smart, you may be able to use their hatred of each other to get what you want.Let’s say you don’t have a formal enemy. But what if you have a friend who treats you badly? People around you might say, “With a friend like that who needs enemies?” This e xpression means that if a friend treats you badly, they behave as an enemy. It also means you should get another friend.。



使命召唤名言名句1.使命召唤8名人名言1、“More than an end to war,we want an end to the beginnings of all wars.”——Franklin D·Roosevelt“相对于战争结束来说,我们更希望所有的战争本就没有爆发。

” 富兰克林·D·罗斯福富兰克林·D·罗斯福,美国第32位总统(1933年3月4日--1945年4月12日),美国历史上唯一连任四次的总统。

2、“Success is not final,failure is not fatal:it is the courage to continue that counts.”——Winston Churchill“成功不是终点,失败也不是终结,只有勇气才是永恒。

” 温斯顿·丘吉尔3、“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so fe w.” ——Winston Churchill“在人类战争史上,从来也没有一次像这样,以如此少的兵力,取得如此大的成功,保护如此多的众生。

” 温斯顿·丘吉尔温斯顿·丘吉尔,全名:温斯顿·伦纳德·斯潘塞·丘吉尔,20世纪最负盛名的英国资产阶级政治家,二战期间英国首相。

4、“it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.”——General Douglas MacArthur“没有必胜的决心,战争必败无疑。

” 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur),美国陆军五星上将。

5、“the only winner in the war of 1812 was tchaikovsky.”——Solomon Short“柴克夫斯基是1812战争唯一的胜利者。



Mr. Dufresne, describe...…你太太被杀当晚,你曾和她谈过些什么?...the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. 一些很伤感的话It was very bitter.她说她很高兴我已知道,她不想再偷偷摸摸了She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around.她说她想离婚And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno.-你当时有什么反应?我对她说我不会在乎的- What was your response? - I told her I would not grant one.“在我看见你在雷诺市前,在地狱见吧!”"I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno."你的邻居曾听你说过这些话吧?Those were your words, according to your neighbors.随他们怎么说If they say so.我当时很不开心,什么都不记得了I really don't remember. I was upset.你和太太争吵后发生了什么事?What happened after you argued with your wife?她收拾好行李She packed a bag.到昆汀先生家里去了She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr. Quentin.格伦·昆汀,职业高尔夫球员Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club...你知道他是你妻子的情人...whom you had discovered was your wife's lover.你跟踪她了吗?Did you follow her?我先去了几间酒吧找I went to a few bars first.接着,我开车去了昆汀家,但他们不在家里Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They weren't home.我把车停在街角I parked in the turnout...等在那里...and waited.有何企图吗?With what intention?我不太确定我非常困惑I'm not sure.I was confused......drunk.我觉得I think...我只是想吓一吓他们...mostly I wanted to scare them.他们到家后,你就进屋杀了他们When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them.没有,我控制了自己I was sobering up.我开车回家睡觉来忘记一切I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off.在回家的路上,我把枪扔进了河里Along the way, I threw my gun into the Royal River.我很肯定这一点I've been very clear on this point.但我感到奇怪的是,第二天早上清洁女工发现……I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning...你太太和她的情人死在床上...and finds your wife in bed with her lover...致死的子弹是出自点38口径的手枪...riddled with.38-caliber bullets.杜福雷先生,你和我一样都觉得那是巧合吗?Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, or is it just me?是巧合来的Yes, it does.你仍坚持说你在凶案发生前Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river...已经把枪扔进河里了吗?...before the murders took place.这对你很有利That's very convenient.这是事实It's the truth.警察在河里找了三天,但他们没有找到你的枪……The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found...所以无法鉴定死者身上的子弹是否出自你的枪 no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets if taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims.这对你来说And that also...也非常有利,不是吗,杜福雷先生? very convenient. Isn't it, Mr.Dufresne?因为我是无辜的……Since I am innocent of this crime...所以我发现找不到枪对我非常不利...I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found.各位先生女士,你们听到了所有的证据我们有他犯罪的动机,我们找到他的脚印.留有他的指纹的子弹头.打碎的酒瓶上也留有他的指纹Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence.We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have footprints.Bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints.A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. 最重要的是.我们知道他的妻子和她的情人双双倒卧在血泊中And most of all...we have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other's arms.他们是犯了错They had sinned.但他们所犯的错严重到需要用死来赎罪吗?But was their crime so great as to merit a death sentence?当你们考虑时While you think about that...请想想这个……...think about this:一个弹匣只能装六颗子弹,而不是八颗A revolver holds six bullets, not eight.我肯定这不只是一时冲动而犯下的罪行I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion.那至少是可以理解的,即使不能宽恕That at least could be understood, if not condoned.不!No.这是复仇This was revenge...一个冷血者的复仇,看看这些:...of a much more brutal, cold-blooded nature. Consider this:每个死者都身中四枪Four bullets per victim.总共是八枪而不是六枪Not six shots fired, but eight.那表明子弹打完后That means that he fired the gun empty...他还停下来装子弹...and then stopped to reload...以便再次向他们开枪 that he could shoot each of them again.每人多加一枪An extra bullet per lover...就在头部...right in the head.杜福雷先生,我觉得你非常冷血You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne.看着你都令我毛骨耸然It chills my blood just to look at you.我以本州赋予我的权利By the power vested in me by the state of Maine...判处你两项终身监禁...I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back...分别为两位死者,退庭! for each of your victims. So be it!坐下来Sit.你因被判终身监禁己在此二十年?We see you've served 20 years of a life sentence?-是的,先生-你感到后悔吗?- Yes, sir. - You feel you've been rehabilitated?是的,绝对有,先生Yes, sir. Absolutely, sir.我是说,我得到了教训I mean, I learned my lesson.我敢说我已经完全改变了I can honestly say that I'm a changed man.我不会再为害社会I'm no longer a danger to society.这是神的真理That's God's honest truth.“不合格”嗨,瑞德Hey, Red.怎么样了?How'd it go?不同的日子,同样的结果Same old shit, different day.我知道你的感受的Yeah, I know how you feel.我下星期又要被否决了I'm up for rejection next week.对,我上星期也被否决了Yeah, I got rejected last week.一向如此It happens.嗨,瑞德,给我一包烟Hey, Red, bump me a deck.滚开!你已欠我五包烟了Get out of my face, man! You're into me for five packs already.-是四包!-五包!-Four! -Five!我想在美国的每个联邦或州监狱里都有像我一样的人物There must be a con like me in every prison in America.就是能够给你搞到东西的家伙I'm the guy who can get it for you.定制的香烟,一包大麻……Cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if that's your thing...为庆祝你儿子或女儿高中毕业的一瓶白兰地,只要你喜欢...bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation.或者几乎所有东西……Damn near anything within reason.是的,先生,我是个冷酷的人Yes, sir! I'm a regular Sears and Roebuck.所以1949年当安迪·杜福雷来找我So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949...问能否弄张丽塔·海华丝的图片进来时(丽塔·海华丝:Rita,Hayworth,美国艳星)...and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him...我告诉他没问题...I told him, "No problem."安迪·杜福雷在1947年来到肖申克监狱Andy came to Shawshank Prison...罪名是谋杀他的妻子和她的情人 early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging.入狱以前,他是波特兰银行的副总裁On the outside, he'd been vice president of a large Portland bank.对他来说是年青有为Good work for a man so young.好啊,瑞德Hi, Red你会说英语吗?You speak English, butt-steak?跟着这个长官走You follow this officer.我一生中从没见过这么差劲的人I never seen such a sorry-Iooking heap of maggot shit in all my life.过来啊!到这里来Hey, fish! Come over here!今天要赌吗,瑞德?Taking bets today, Red?赌烟还是赌钱?Smokes or coin? Bettor's choice.香烟,我赌两根Smokes. Put me down for two.好吧,你买哪一个?All right, who's your horse?那个又矮又瘦的That little sack of shit.-排在第八的,他会是第一个的-妈的!我也想买他- Eighth. He'll be first. - Bullshit! I'll take that action.你输定了,孩子You're out some smokes, son.该你下注了If you're so smart, you call it.我买那边的那个胖子I'll take that chubby fat-ass there.排在第五的那个,我赌四根香烟The fifth one. Put me down for a quarter deck.今天又有新人Fresh fish today!我们又有的玩了We're reeling them in!我承认我初次见到安迪的时候,没什么特别的感觉I admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him.他看起来似乎风一吹就会倒Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over.这就是我对他的第一印象That was my first impression of the man.你买谁?What do you say?那个高个子That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass.那个人?不可能的That guy? Never happen.-我赌十根香烟-那可是大赌注- 10 cigarettes. - That's a rich bet.谁来证明我看错了?Who's going to prove me wrong?黑伍德?济格?Heywood? Jigger?史基?Skeets?弗洛德?Floyd!四个胆小鬼Four brave souls.回囚房去,要查房了Return to your cellblocks for evening count.所有犯人都回囚房去All prisoners, return to your cellblocks.向右转Turn to the right!往前看Eyes front.这是哈德利先生,他是这里的看守长This is Mr. Hadley. He's captain of the guards.我是诺顿,这里的典狱长I'm Mr. Norton, the warden.你们都被判有罪了You are convicted felons.因此被送到这里来That's why they've sent you to me.规则一Rule number one:不得污言秽语No blasphemy.我不想在我管的监狱里听到这些I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison.其他的条例……The other rules...其他的条例,你们慢慢就会知道了,还有问题吗?'ll figure out as you go along. Any questions?何时吃饭?When do we eat?我们叫你吃的时候你就吃You eat when we say you eat.叫你去厕所你就去厕所You shit when we say you shit, and piss when we say you piss. 明白吗?笨蛋?You got that, you maggot-dick motherfucker?站好On your feet.我只相信两样东西I believe in two things:纪律和圣经Discipline and the Bible.在这里,你们两样都有Here, you'll receive both.信任上帝Put your trust in the Lord.但你们属于我Your ass belongs to me.欢迎来到肖申克监狱Welcome to Shawshank.解开他们Unhook them.转过身Turn around.够了That's enough.到笼子边上去Move to the end of the cage.转身,给他消毒Turn around. Delouse him.转身Turn around.出来,去领你们的衣服和圣经Move out of the cage. Pick up your clothes and Bible.下一个!Next man up!往右走To the right.右边,右边Right. Right.左边Left.毫无疑问,第一晚是最难熬的The first night's the toughest. No doubt about it.赤裸裸的进囚笼,就像刚出生时那样They march you in naked as the day you were born...消毒药粉令皮肤像被火烧一样 burning and half-blind from that delousing shit.他们把你丢进囚笼And when they put you in that cell...关上铁门...and those bars slam home...那时你才感到这是真实的...that's when you know it's for real.瞬间过去的一切都离你而去Old life blown away in the blink of an eye.剩下的只有对过去的回忆Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.很多新来的人在第一晚都几乎发疯了Most new fish come close to madness the first night.有些人甚至还痛哭流涕Somebody always breaks down crying.一向都如此的Happens every time.唯一的问题是The only question is...谁会是第一个呢?...who's it going to be?我想那是用来赌博的最佳玩意It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess.我把赌注押在杜福雷身上I had my money on Andy Dufresne.熄灯Lights out!我还记得我在这里的第一晚I remember my first night.似乎是很久以前的事了Seems like a long time ago.嗨,新来的Hey, fish.新来的Fish, fish.你怕黑吗?What are you, scared of the dark?我打赌,你希望你爸和你妈从没把你生下来Bet you wish your daddy never dicked your mama!蠢猪!Piggy! Pork! I want me a pork chop.他们总是喜欢逗新人The boys always go fishing with first-timers.不达目的,誓不罢休And they don't quit till they reel someone in.嗨,胖子胖子!Fat Ass!聊天吧Talk to me, boy.我知道你在那里,我能听见你的呼吸声I know you're there. I can hear you breathing.别理别人怎么说,你听到吗?Don't you listen to these nitwits, you hear me?这地方没那么差劲This place ain't so bad.这样吧Tell you what...我介绍你认识他们,就像一家人...I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home.我知道有几个人I know a couple of big old bull queers that'd just...会很乐意认识你的...Iove to make your acquaintance.尤其是你那又白又嫩的屁股Especially that big, white, mushy butt of yours.天啊!God!我不属于这里I don't belong here!-嗨,有人赢了-我要回家- We have a winner! - I want to go home!是胖子And it's Fat Ass by a nose!新人!我要回家I want to go home!我要见我妈妈I want my mother!我操过你妈妈!她不怎么样I had your mother! She wasn't that great!发生了什么事?What the Christ is this horseshit?他讲粗话,我要告诉典狱官He blasphemed. I'll tell the warden.告诉他我操你屁股吧You'll tell him with my baton up your ass!让我出去Let me out!胖子,你想怎么样?What is your malfunction, you fat barrel of monkey spunk?求求你!我不该在这里的Please! I ain't supposed to be here.不该是我Not me!我不会警告你的I won't count to three. Not even to one.马上你闭上你的臭嘴,否则有你受的!You shut up, or I'll sing you a lullaby!-闭嘴,闭嘴-求求你……-Shut up, man. Shut up! -Please...你不明白的,我不该在这里的You don't understand. I'm not supposed to be here.Open that cell.我也是!这里被他们弄得就像监狱Me neither! They run this place like a fucking prison!狗娘养的Son of a bitch!长官,算了Captain, take it easy!如果我今晚听到有半点声音If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here tonight...我对天发誓,你们会吃不了兜着走...I swear by God and Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary.所有的人都不会放过的Every last motherfucker in here.把他抬到医疗室去Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary.杜福雷第一晚就让我输了两包烟His first night in the joint, Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes.他整晚一言不发He never made a sound.北仓三楼,出来Tier 3 north, clear count!北仓二楼,出来Tier 2 north, clear count.南仓三楼,出来Tier 3 south, clear.准备出来放风Prepare to roll out.出去!Roll out!你准备吃那个吗?Are you going to eat that?不,我没这打算I hadn't planned on it.你介意吗?Do you mind?你真不错That's nice and ripe.杰克说谢谢你Jake says thank you.它从巢里掉下来了Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop.我要照顾它直到它会飞为止I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly.不!他过来了Oh, no! Here he comes.早上好,各位Morning, fellas.不错的早晨,不是吗?Fine morning, isn't it?你们知道我的意思的,对吗?You know why it's a fine morning, don't you?把它们拿出来,我想把它们排成……Send them down. I want them lined up...非常诱人的一行...just like a pretty little chorus line.看看这个Look at that.-我真受不了了-天哪- I can't stand this guy. - Oh, Lord!瑞查德、维吉尼亚……Yes! Richmond, Virginia.嗅嗅我的屁股Smell my ass!再嗅嗅我的After he smells mine.很遗憾,你下注的那个输了That's a shame about your horse coming in last and all.但我很喜欢我下注的那个人But I sure do love that winning horse of mine, though.我见到他就要亲他一下I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him.你为何不把香烟分给他点?Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes instead? Lucky fuck!嗨,利奥Hey, Tyrell.这周你在医疗室当值是吗?You pull infirmary duty this week?我下注的那个怎么样了?How's my horse doing anyway?死了很难得手Hard to get.我喜欢I like that.安迪一开始很自闭Andy kept pretty much to himself at first.我猜他在想办法I guess he had a lot on his mind...接受牢里的生活...trying to adapt to life on the inside.一个月以后他才开口Wasn't until a month went by before he opened his mouth...和某人谈话 say more than two words to somebody.就像你们所看见的As it turned out...那个人就是我...that somebody was me.我是安迪·杜福雷I'm Andy Dufresne.杀妻的银行家Wife-killing banker.你为何要杀你的妻子?Why'd you do it?我没有杀她I didn't, since you ask.你会很适应这里You're going to fit right in.这儿每个人都是无辜的,你不知道吗?Everybody in here's innocent. Didn't you know that?-你为何入狱的?-我什么都没做,律师骗了我- What you in here for? - Didn't do it. Lawyer fucked me.听说你很冷酷Rumor has it you're a real cold fish.你以为自己很了不起,对吗?You think your shit smells sweeter than most. Is that right? 你怎么认为呢?What do you think?说实话,我还不知道To tell you the truth, I haven't made up my mind.我知道你能拿到违禁品I understand you're a man that knows how to get things.我能搞的I'm known to locate certain things from time to time.你能给我个手槌吗?I wonder if you might get me a rock hammer.手槌A rock hammer.-要干什么?-你关心这个干吗?- What is it and why? - What do you care?如果是牙刷我就不会问你,我会开个价钱For a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask. I'd quote a price.但是牙刷没有杀伤力,对吗?But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn't it?足够了Fair enough.一个手槌有六至七英寸长A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long.-看起来像个小锄子-锄子?- Looks like a miniature pickax. - Pickax?打石用的For rocks.-石英-石英?-Quartz -Quartz?还有云母、页岩……And some mica, shale...石灰岩……...limestone.这么说吧So?我收集石头So I'm a rock hound.起码我回到了从前的生活,我喜欢那样At least I was in my old life. I'd like to be again.或许你想用它们攻击某人Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull.不,我在这里没有敌人No, I have no enemies here.不会?等着瞧吧No? Wait a while.话说回来Word gets around.那对姐妹花很喜欢你The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you.特别是伯格斯Especially Bogs.就算跟他们说我不好此道也没用Don't suppose it would help if I told them I'm not homosexual.他们也不是Neither are they.首先得是人才行,他们没资格You have to be human first. They don't qualify.水牛喜欢用暴力,不管他人喜不喜欢Bull queers take by force. That's all they want or understand.如果我是你,我会加倍小心If I were you, I'd grow eyes in the back of my head.-谢谢你的忠告-这是免费的- Thanks for the advice. - Well, that's free.你知道我担心什么You understand my concern.就算我有麻烦也不会用手槌的If there's trouble, I won't use the rock hammer.那我猜你想挖个洞逃出去Then I'd guess you want to escape. Tunnel under the wall, maybe.我说漏了什么?什么东西这么好笑What did I miss? What's so funny?等你看见手槌你就明白了You'll understand when you see the rock hammer.买这个东西一般要多少钱?What's an item like this usually go for?七美元,五金铺的零售价Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop.我一般要加20%My normal markup's 20 percent.但这东西很特殊But this is a specialty item.风险越大,价钱越高,一口价,10元吧Risk goes up, price goes up. Let's make it an even 10 bucks.就10元吧Ten it is.那是浪费金钱Waste of money, if you ask me.为什么?Why's that?这里的人喜欢突击检查Folks around this joint love surprise inspections.他们找到手槌就会被充公They find it, you're going to lose it.被他们发现的话,你别把我供出来If they catch you, you don't know me.否则的话就别想再和我做生意了,你明白了吗?Mention my name, we never do business again.Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum .Now you got that ?我知道了I understand.谢谢你,你叫……Thank you, Mr...瑞德Red.我叫瑞德Name's Red.这名字怎么来的?Why do they call you that?可能因为我是爱尔兰人吧Maybe it's because I'm Irish.我现在明白他们为何看中他了I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby.他不太说话He had a quiet way about him...一举一动都不像普通的人...a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here.他漫步着He strolled...就像公园里与世无争的人 a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world.他像穿了隐形的外套Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.可以说I think it'd be fair to say...开始我对安迪就有好感...I liked Andy from the start.快点!我赶时间的Let's go! Some of us got a schedule to keep.快点Move it! Come on, move it!怎么样?你太太对你好吗?How you doing? How's the wife treating you?安迪说得很对Andy was right.我最终拿到那玩意I finally got the joke.用这东西来挖隧道It would take a man about 600 years...起码要花六百年 tunnel under the wall with one of these.-要书吗?-今天不用了- Book? - Not today.要书吗?Book?送到杜福雷那里去Delivery for Dufresne.这是你要的书Here's your book.谢谢Thanks.又不够用了,你再去拿点来We're running low on hexite. Get on back and fetch us up some.这可以弄瞎你的眼睛This will blind you.亲爱的Honey, hush.就是这样That's it. You fight!这样打好吗?Better that way.我很想说安迪打赢了I wish I could tell you Andy fought the good fight...令姐妹花放过他...and the Sisters let him be.我希望能这么说I wish I could tell you that...但是监狱里没有神话...but prison is no fairy-tale world.他从没提起是谁干的He never said who did it.但我们都很清楚But we all knew.事情就这样持续了一段时间Things went on like that for a while.监狱里的生活都是些例行公事Prison life consists of routine...越来越多的例行公事...and then more routine.安迪的脸上经常出现新的伤痕Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises.姐妹花不断地骚扰他The Sisters kept at him.有时候他能逃脱Sometimes he was able to fight them off.但有时不能Sometimes not.对安迪来说And that's how it went for Andy.这已经成了他的例行公事That was his routine.我相信最初的两年是最糟糕的I do believe those first two years were the worst for him.我也相信事情再继续这样下去And I also believe that if things had gone on that way...这儿会令他脱胎换骨...this place would have got the best of him.但是,在1949年的春天But then, in the spring of 1949...头头们决定……...the powers that be decided:工厂的屋顶需要重修The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing.我需要12名自愿者工作一星期I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work.你知道的As you know...有义务就也有福利...special detail carries with it special privileges.这是户外劳动It was outdoor detail...五月是户外劳动的好时机...and May is one damned fine month to be working outdoors.排好队Stay in line there.超过100人报名参加劳动More than a hundred men volunteered for the job.威勒斯·E·安戈……Wallace E. Unger.艾力斯·瑞丁……Ellis Redding.你知道吗?Wouldn't you know it?我和几个我认识的都被选中了Me and some fellows I know were among the names called.安德鲁·杜福雷……Andrew Dufresne.这只花了我们每人一包烟的代价It only cost us a pack of smokes per man.我当然也像往常一样赚了20%I made my usual 20 percent, of course.德州的律师打长途给我So this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas.我说,“喂?”I say, "Yeah?"他说,“很遗憾,你弟弟死了”He says, "Sorry to inform you, but your brother just died."-我很难过-我并不难过,他是个混蛋- I'm sorry to hear that. - I'm not. He was an asshole.离家多年,早就当他死了Ran off years ago. Figured him for dead.这个律师对我说So this lawyer fellow says to me:“他死的时候很富有”,有价值超过百万的油井"He died a rich man." Oil wells and shit. Close to a million bucks.超过百万的?A million bucks?-人的运气是很难想像的-有你的份吗?- Incredible how lucky some assholes get. - You going to see any of that?我的那份是三万五千元Thirty-five thousand. That's what he left me.-美元?-对-Dollars? -yeah你的运气真不错That's great! That's like winning the sweepstakes.不是吗?Isn't it?笨蛋,你想政府会如何对我?Dumb shit, what do you think the government will do to me?他们会取走很大一部分Take a big wet bite out of my ass is what.可怜的巴朗Poor Byron.真是非常走运Terrible fucking luck, huh? Crying shame.有些人觉得很糟糕Some people really got it awful.安迪,你傻了吗?Andy, are you nuts?继续干活吧Keep your eyes on your mop, man!虽然要交点税,但你还可以……You'll pay some tax, but you'll still end up...也许够买辆新车,但接着呢?Yeah, maybe enough to buy a new car, and then what?你必须为新车上该死的税,维修和保养I got to pay tax on the car. Repair...该死的小孩子会纠缠着你带着他们兜风...maintenance, kids pestering you to take them for a ride all the time.如果年底算错了税金,还要掏自己的腰包Then if you figure your tax wrong, you pay out of your own pocket.告诉你!山姆叔叔I tell you! Uncle Sam!他只是假仁假义He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple.他在找死,继续干活吧- Getting himself killed. - Keep tarring.什么兄弟,去死吧Some brother. Shit!哈德利先生Mr. Hadley...你信任你太太吗? you trust your wife?这很有趣Oh, that's funny.你给我吹萧的话也许更有趣You'll look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth.我是说,可曾想过她会对你不忠?What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back?让开点,米特,他马上会出点小意外Step aside, Mert. This fucker's having himself an accident.他会把他推下去的He'll push him off!如果你信任她,你就能……If you trust her, you can keep...……拿到三万五千元...that 35,000.-你说什么?-三万五千元- What did you say? - Thirty-five thousand.-一分不少。



We are not born with courage, but we are not born with fear either. Fear can totally destroy our ambitions and fortunes. It can even destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies hiding inside us.英语经典短⽂带翻译:直⾯内在的敌⼈Facing the Enemies Within我们的勇⽓并不是与⽣俱来的,我们的恐惧也不是。




Let me tell you about five other enemies we face from within. The first enemy that you’ve got to destroy is indifference1. What a tragic disease this is! "Let it slide. I’ll just float along." Here’s one problem with floating: You can’t flow your way to the top of the mountain.让我来告诉你我们⾯临的其他五个内在的敌⼈。




The second enemy we face is indecision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal your chances for a better future.我们⾯临的第⼆个敌⼈是优柔寡断。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

• Provides the following:
– Detailed access starts from server page address.html – Page cline.html leads to two links:
– Cline-bisttrom.html and – Cline-stella.html
– So far, results are good, but not great – enough penetration is undetected
Behavior Analysis Application
• A JAVA application that classifies behavior is partially done and operational
4. Construct input benchmarks 5. Continue work on Other Types of Entry Modes
More to come
• Examples of more complex relationships to be explored
– Server pages link to other servers pages – Same source (IP) for different communication types – Accessing different locations on tree concurrently
– Can be done by using two copies of the browser – The two sessions will have different Ids but may be cooperating – The agents monitoring the two browsers must collaborate
– Example 2 seems as an unordered set of program statements
• Therefore Example 2 does not seem to be a “regular” access pattern
Prototype Design Details
Comments on Example 2
• Access starts straight from a couple of internal pages (i.e., nodes of the tree) • It continues by a visit to a link off the home page • Summary:
– It shows a high level of detection of irregular behavior
• The approach is promising and has a proven track record
• Web Browser communication performance improved by 20% by changing cache to use Next URL Prediction • Prediction is based on the underlining assumption of “regularity” of behavior
• Penetration into computer systems continues at a high rate despite substantial progress in security research and technology • No reason to assume that this level of “insecurity” will change • Most penetrations are done by individuals or small teams • Only lately has personalization entered into security consideration
• In addition to URLs, one should watch out for:
– – – – FTP access E-mail Potential Logins Other protocols access: e.g., port scanning • FTPs port are predefined • E-mail, except for bugs, can be protected against • Port scanning is already trapped by IDS
Second Line Intrusion Detection Using Personalization
DISA Sponsored GWU-CS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Examples and Analysis Prototype Design More to come Conclusion
• On a “sound” server:
Prototype Design
• We face suspicious behavior with two tools
– Automatic recognition
• Machine Learning • Data Mining
• Automatic recognition may be trained on “regular’ access patterns and attempt detection of “irregular” access patterns
• Our research into personalization in areas such as:
– User command lines behavior (e.g., UNIX) – User browser patterns as reflected by URL sequences – User work habits
• URLs and FTPs from same source at the same time • Multiple FTPs
– Similar case to multiple browsers
• ...
• A substantial prototype will be completed by end of Summer • Complex relationships will be explored:
– The behavior does not follow regular access patterns – The behavior is difficult to explain – This access may indicate suspicious behavior
Other Types of Entry Modes
• The example demonstrates “reasonable” behavior
Example 2
/mmfa9.html /rehs10.html /stern3.html /address.html /trotter41.html /cantor8.html
• Provides a basis for:
– – – – User classification Abnormality observation Detection of deviation from regular behavior Changes in patterns
Examples and Analysis
• URL, IP packets, and Port scanning look like an algorithm (or a program) without termination
– Example can be written as:
Initialize; Initialize; /address.html Loop; rest of URLs • The loop is a while that selects links in /address.html for viewing • The selection criterion is personal
Comments on Example 1
• Assumptions:
– Access to server is through home page – Knowledge of structure and content of server pages
/address.html /cline.html /cline-bisttram.html /cline-stella2.html /karges.html /karges1.html /karges3.html /karges8.html /mmfa.html /mmfa1.html /mmfa9.html
STEPS 1. Analyze Server pages hierarchy 2. Analyze each page for links and sources (i.e. src) files 3. Build an identification engine based on
1. Behavior categorization 2. Page hierarchy 3. Isolation of individual users to identifying agents
– Threats will be enumerated – Potential detection will be proposed – Prototype will include some of these results