Evaluation on Chinese Bread Wheat Landraces for Low pH and Aluminum Tolerance Using Hydroponic S
小学上册英语第六单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is a solar system?A. A collection of starsB. A group of planets orbiting a starC. A type of galaxyD. A cloud of gas2.Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar _____ (properties).3.I have _____ (ten/twenty) fingers.4.We are going to the ________ today.5.The ______ (植物的生态影响) is significant.6.What do you call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. HeroD. VillainA7.中国的________ (history) 充满了勇敢和智慧的故事。
8.Light travels in ______ lines.9.He is a _____ (作家) who writes thrillers.10.The _______ can be a source of food and shelter.11.The process of creating a solid from a solution is called _______.12.Which instrument is used to measure temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. SpeedometerD. AltimeterB13.The bear's ability to adapt to different environments highlights its strength and ____.14.What do we call a written work that tells a story?A. PoemB. NovelC. EssayD. Article15.The ____ lives in a tree and enjoys eating fruits.16.What do we call the process of converting waste into compost?A. CompostingB. RecyclingC. UpcyclingD. Anaerobic digestionA Composting17. A hamster runs on its ________________ (跑轮).18.The _______ is the center of an atom.19.Which fruit is orange and often associated with Halloween?A. AppleB. BananaC. PumpkinD. GrapeC20.The antelope leaps gracefully across the _____.21.How many eyes does a typical human have?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. FourB22.Which bird is known for its colorful plumage?A. PigeonB. PeacockC. SparrowD. CrowB23.Which type of tree produces acorns?A. PineB. MapleC. OakD. BirchC24.She is wearing __ shoes. (red)25.What do we call the study of insects?A. EntomologyB. ZoologyC. BotanyD. AnthropologyA Entomology26.My favorite author is _______ (名字). 她写的书很 _______ (形容词).27.What do you call the tallest tree in the world?A. SequoiaB. OakC. PineD. Birch28.The chemical symbol for ruthenium is ______.29.What do we call an animal that lays eggs?A. MammalB. ReptileC. BirdD. Both B and C30.My brother is a __________ (数据分析师).31.What is the main ingredient in pasta?A. RiceB. WheatC. CornD. BarleyB32.What do we call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres?A. Prime MeridianB. EquatorC. LongitudeD. LatitudeB33.The process by which an acid neutralizes a base forms _______ and salt.34.The _______ (The Battle of Waterloo) marked the defeat of Napoleon.35.Which animal is known for its wisdom?A. OwlB. EagleC. ParrotD. CrowA36. A base feels slippery and can turn red litmus paper ______.37.I love to go ______ with my family on weekends.38.cultural heritage) influences local traditions. The ____39.They are ___ a race. (running)40.The ancient Greeks used _______ in their architecture. (柱子)41.The __________ (历史的讨论) inspires innovation.42.The _____ (蝴蝶) loves to visit blooming flowers.43.What do you call the process of changing from a liquid to a solid?A. FreezingB. MeltingC. EvaporatingD. CondensingA44.The _______ (蜗牛) leaves a slimy trail.45.The squirrel's sharp claws help it climb trees with ________________ (轻松).46. A _______ (小浣熊) washes its food before eating.47. A __________ (社区花园) can bring people together.48. A __________ is formed when magma cools quickly.49.They are _____ (playing) frisbee.50. A __________ is a measure of how tightly packed particles are in a substance.51.The sun is shining ________ today.52.What do we call the study of the relationship between organisms and their environment?A. EcologyB. BiologyC. ZoologyD. Botany53.What do we call the act of making decisions?A. JudgmentB. EvaluationC. AnalysisD. All of the aboveD54.The __________ is famous for its volcanoes.55.The __________ (历史的多元性) enriches our collective narrative.56.What is the capital city of France?A. LyonB. ParisC. MarseilleD. Bordeaux57.What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. KilimanjaroC. EverestD. McKinley58. Wall is a significant landmark in _____ (中国). The Grea59.What do we celebrate on December 25th?A. HalloweenB. ThanksgivingC. ChristmasD. New Year60.We are learning about ________.61. A solution that contains a high concentration of ions is called a ______ solution.62.I like to share my ____ with my friends. (玩具名称)63.Which animal is known for having a long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. LionD. BearB64.The bread is _____ (fresh/stale).65.riverbank) is the land along the edge of a river. The ____66.How many legs does a spider have?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 12B67. A polymer is a large molecule made of repeating ______.68.The __________ (两次世界大战) changed global politics.69.The classroom is ______ (busy) during lessons.70.The symbol for cerium is _____.71.The girl is very ________.72.My _____ (玩具车) goes super fast.73.My ______ loves to share her knowledge with others.74.What do you call a young crocodile?A. HatchlingB. PupC. CalfD. Kit75.The __________ was a movement that aimed to end racial segregation. (民权运动)76.Planting bulbs in the fall leads to beautiful ______ in the spring. (秋天种植球茎会在春天盛开美丽的花朵。
doi:10.16736/41-1434/ts.2021.08.029小麦全粉面包加工工艺优化Optimization of the Processing Technology of Whole Wheat Bread◎ 柳思妍,吴雨轩,王 展(武汉轻工大学食品科学与工程学院,湖北 武汉 430023)LIU Siyan, WU Yuxuan, WANG Zhan(School of Food Science and Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China)摘 要:小麦全粉含有丰富的膳食纤维和维生素等营养物质,本实验选取小麦全粉为主要原料,奶粉、盐、糖、酵母为配料,采用单因素和正交试验,通过对全麦面包进行感官评价,确定了全麦面包的最佳制作配方及工艺。
最佳配方及工艺为水的添加量为55%,糖的添加量为15%,发酵时间为2.5 h。
关键词:小麦全粉;面包;工艺;感官评价Abstract:Whole wheat flour is rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber and vitamins. In this experiment, whole wheat flour is selected as the main raw material, and milk powder, salt, sugar, and yeast are the ingredients. Single factor and orthogonal experiments are used to conduct sensory evaluation on whole wheat bread. , To determine the best recipe and process for making whole wheat bread. The results show that the primary and secondary order of the factors affecting the quality of whole wheat bread is the amount of water added > the amount of sugar added > fermentation time. The best formula and process are that the amount of water added is 55%, the amount of sugar added is 15%, and the fermentation time is 2.5 h.Keywords:whole wheat flour; bread; technology; sensory evaluation中图分类号:TS213.2小麦全粉是指以整粒小麦为原料,经制粉工艺制成的小麦胚乳、胚芽与麸皮相对比例与天然完整颖果基本一致的小麦全粉。
HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2011年5月, 33(5): 422―430 ISSN 0253-9772 综 述收稿日期: 2010−10−09; 修回日期: 2010−12−04基金项目:国家重大科技专项(编号:2008ZX08010-004)资助作者简介:叶兴国, 博士, 研究员, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 小麦生物技术育种。
E-mail: yexg@网络出版时间: 2011-04-02 17:53:03URL: /kcms/detail/11.1913.R.20110402.1753.005.htmlDOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2011.00422小麦转基因方法及其评述叶兴国, 陈明, 杜丽璞, 徐惠君中国农业科学院作物科学研究所, 北京 100081摘要: 小麦是遗传转化比较困难的作物之一。
为了克服小麦基因工程育种和功能基因组学研究的障碍, 人们分别尝试利用基因枪、花粉管通道、超声波、离子束注入、激光微束穿刺、PEG(Polyethylene glycol)、电击和农杆菌等方法转化小麦, 涉及的受体材料包括幼胚、成熟胚、花药愈伤组织、幼穗、芽尖和花器官。
文章对小麦主要遗传转化方法及其应用进行了介绍、回顾和评述, 分析、比较了获得安全型转基因小麦的几种策略, 以期增强读者对小麦转基因技术和进展的了解, 促进小麦转化技术的持续改进和提高。
关键词: 小麦; 遗传转化Description and evaluation of transformation approaches used in wheatYE Xing-Guo, CHEN Ming, DU Li-Pu, XU Hui-JunInstitute of Crop Sciences , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Beijing 100081, ChinaAbstract: Genetic transformation is a valuable tool for direct crop improvement and functional genomics study. Unfortu-nately, wheat is considered as a recalcitrant plant to genetic transformation due to its low efficiency and genotype depend-ency. To overcome these problems, various transformation methods such as biolistic bombardment, Agrobacterium tumefa-ciens , pollen-tube pathway, ion implantation, laser microbeams puncture, treatment with polyethylene glycol and ultrasonic wave, and electroporation have been reported in wheat using various types of explants including immature embryos, mature embryos, anthers derived calluses, inflorescences, apical meristems, and other floral organs. In this review, several major transformation approaches and their applications in wheat are reviewed, and potential strategies for the development of safe transgenic wheat plants are discussed. The objective of this review is to provide an update on current status of wheat trans-formation, and to stimulate further research for improving transformation efficiency in wheat.Keywords: wheat; genetic transformation小麦是世界上重要的粮食作物之一, 与社会经济发展、粮食安全供给和人类营养健康密切相关。
㊀㊀2024年第65卷第4期869收稿日期:2023-05-26作者简介:骆飞(1988 ),男,江苏连云港人,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事设施农业与装备研究,E-mail:36134676@㊂文献著录格式:骆飞,徐海斌.小麦植物新品种权的价值评估研究[J].浙江农业科学,2024,65(4):869-873.DOI:10.16178/j.issn.0528-9017.20231057小麦植物新品种权的价值评估研究骆飞,徐海斌(江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所,江苏淮安㊀223001)㊀㊀摘㊀要:小麦新品种权是知识产权的一种,随着小麦品种交易的日益增多,开展小麦品种权价值研究对种业发展有着重要的意义㊂文章以江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所的淮麦植物新品种权作为研究对象,从其内涵㊁特征和其价值评估的特殊性等角度进行了阐述分析,探讨了影响小麦植物新品种权价值的因素,构建了小麦品种权的价值指标体系,进一步采用收益法对小麦品种价值进行量化评估,成功指导淮麦705转让交易㊂结果表明,该方法是一种科学合理㊁方便快捷的小麦新品种价值评估方法,能为小麦新品种交易提供科学合理的定价方法和依据,对提高小麦新品种种子成果的成功转化率具有重要意义㊂关键词:新品种权;价值;评估;小麦中图分类号:F324.6㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:0528-9017(2024)04-0869-05Study on the value evaluation of new plant variety right of wheatLUO Fei,XU Haibin(Huaiyin Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Xuhuai District of Jiangsu Province,Huaiᶄan 223001,Jiangsu)㊀㊀Abstract :New plant variety right of wheat is a kind of intellectual property right,with the implementation of thewheat plant protection system,the trade of wheat plant variety right is increasing,research on the value of variety rights is of great significance to seed industry development.This paper took Huaiyin Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Xuhuai District of Jiangsu Province as the research object,analyzed its connotation,characteristics and the particularity of its valueevaluation,and explored the factors that affect the value of the wheat plant new variety right,constructd a value evaluationmodel suitable for wheat plant variety rights,further adoptd the income method to quantitatively evaluate the value of wheat varieties,and successfully guide the transfer of Huaimai 705.The results showed that this method was a scientific,reasonable,convenient and quick value evaluation method of new wheat varieties,it could provide a scientific andreasonable pricing method and basis for the trade of new wheat varieties,and it was of great significance to improve the successful conversion rate of new wheat seeds.Keywords :new plant variety right;value;assessment;wheat㊀㊀党的十九大报告明确提出 建设质量强国 战略目标[1-2],不断提升农业发展质量,实现乡村振兴,我国种业发展形势面临着高标准㊁严要求等考验㊂良种是农业发展的 芯片 ,育种团队就是 芯片 的开发者,如何将 芯片 顺利转交到生产应用者手中,需要借助成功的交易㊂品种价值评估的公正客观,能助推品种的快速转化㊂然而在小麦新品种权转让过程中,在交易价格上难以对小麦植物新品种权进行科学标准的评估,从而难以衡量出其准确㊁可靠的价值,以致交易双方很难达成共识,从而影响新品种的顺利转化㊂当前国内研究主要集中在对有形资产的价值评估,无形资产的评估集中在专利这块,但在植物新品种权的价值评估方面还没有建立科学合理的评估规范㊂同时,从事研究植物新品种权管理的专业型人员少,高校㊁科研院所在品种权转让过程中缺乏遵循的标准,普遍存在定价随意的现象㊂因此,本研究对前人的相关研究成果进行梳理和研究,以淮阴所育成的小麦品种为研究对象,走访种子公司及育种团队,掌握小麦植物新品种权价值评估及转让过程中存在的问题,找出影响小麦植物新品种权价值的因素,为小麦植物新品种权价值指标体系及品870㊀㊀2024年第65卷第4期种权的价值评估模型构建等研究提供理论基础和实践依据㊂1㊀植物新品种权的内涵㊀㊀植物新品种在品种审定过程中须具备新颖性㊁特异性㊁一致性和稳定性[3-4]㊂植物新品种权通过审定后,国家审批机关授予植物新品种保护证书[5]㊂2㊀小麦植物新品种权的特征㊀㊀小麦植物新品种权拥有专利㊁软著等无形资产的特征,还具有形状差异㊁外观相似㊁地域性㊁长周期性等特征㊂2.1㊀同一品种性状表现差异㊀㊀小麦植物品种权的载体是小麦种子,因受环境因素差异的影响,导致同一品种在性状表现上存在差异性㊂2.2㊀外观的不易识别㊀㊀不同品种小麦的种子,其产量㊁抗病能力可能存在很大差异,但在外观形态上会比较相似,不是长期从事小麦育种的资深人士很难识别[4,6]㊂此外,种子有别于其他商品,不能用商标辨别真伪[4,7]㊂2.3㊀地域性㊀㊀小麦品种的地域性有别于专利的地域性[8]㊂某一小麦品种受气候㊁地形㊁土壤等因素影响,只能在适宜生长的地域种植[7]㊂一般来说,小麦新品种适宜种植区域越小,其品种权转让价格也越低㊂2.4㊀长周期性㊀㊀小麦品种选育要8~10a的时间,育成一个新品种的时间过长,且投资大,回本慢,技术保护不易,容易流失㊂相对于其他产品研发,品种研发潜在风险性高㊂3㊀小麦植物新品种权价值评估的特殊性㊀㊀小麦植物新品种权作为一种无形资产,具体价值不易体现和明确,对小麦植物新品种权价值进行全面系统的评估,能科学地量化新品种权的真正价值,有效促进小麦新品种权转化顺利实施㊂小麦植物新品种权价值评估具有三大特殊性㊂3.1㊀评估对象较为复杂㊀㊀基于以上特征,小麦植物新品种权的价值评估要有科学合理的计算依据才能让买卖双方信服[3]㊂3.2㊀新品种的研发相对比较复杂㊀㊀育种过程是各学科的交叉融合,研发周期长,一些常规技术不可控,成果产出缓慢,难以对其评估量化㊂此外,育出的新品种也是在父本㊁母本的基础上进行性状改良,交易价格也会受到相近品种的影响㊂3.3㊀影响价值评估的不确定因素多㊀㊀小麦植物新品种权的价值影响因素多,对其评定过程中需要综合考虑多个因素,如品种特点因素㊁地域性因素㊁自然环境因素㊁技术性因素㊁市场因素㊁品牌因素㊁外部政策因素等㊂作为品种依托载体的农作物,其地域性特点十分明显㊂当品种适宜种植在该区域时,新品种价值能得到最大体现㊂当遭受自然灾害时,某品种表现出很好的抵御自然风险能力或自我恢复和自我适应能力,相较于其他弱势品种,该品种自然显现出较高的价值㊂因此,同一品种在不同的地域㊁不同的自然环境下进行评估,植物新品种权价值会表现出显著的差异性㊂4㊀植物新品种权价值的影响因子4.1㊀小麦新品种自身状况㊀㊀良种是农业发展的 芯片 ㊂小麦植物新品种的种植产量(对比同类品种的增产情况)㊁适应性(如适宜种植区域范围㊁抗倒伏㊁抗逆性等)㊁品质(如小麦品种中粗蛋白㊁湿面筋的含量及吸水量㊁硬度指数等)㊁制种的产量等性状指标是影响其价值的关键㊂此外,评价某一品种好不好,从育种者角度,主要考虑的是品种的综合性状;从种植者角度,主要考虑的是好种;从消费者角度,主要考虑的是好吃㊂4.2㊀小麦植物新品种转让和交易方式㊀㊀小麦植物新品种权转让方式有独占㊁排他和普通许可,选择不同转让方式对农业植物新品种权价值有影响㊂我单位植物新品种转让均采取独占许可方式,一般来说,同一品种独占许可转让价格高于其他2种许可方式㊂交易方式主要有一次买断㊁保底价+分成㊁分成3种方式,我单位植物新品种转让给大公司,偏向于一次买断或者保底价+分成,希望借助大公司的雄厚资本和市场销售渠道,迅速占领市场,扩大淮麦品牌,实现研发成本的快速回笼和植物新品种权的真正价值㊂4.3㊀市场波动因素㊀㊀小麦播种具有很强的季节性,需要提前做好繁种工作,从繁种到进入市场销售存在较大的风险㊂新品种的市场供求关系不确定㊁与其他同类品种的市场竞争力不稳定都决定了品种权价值实现的不确定性㊂4.4㊀品牌效应㊀㊀品牌效应也会对育成品种的价值实现产生很大的影响㊂院士团队育成的品种和小团队育成的品种㊁种子的知名品牌和非知名品牌转让价格的差距大㊂江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所作为百年老所,育出的淮麦系列品种经过几十年的市场考验,已形成淮麦效应㊂在新品种未审定前,多个种子企业就早早地开始了田间跟踪,供不应求㊂4.5㊀转化者的能力㊀㊀购买品种经营权的种企规模㊁市场推广等能力都会对新品种价值产生影响㊂大企业拥有雄厚的资金技术实力㊁强大的生产加工能力㊁灵活高效的市场开发㊁多渠道市场销售网络,新品种转让给大公司,更容易将品种推介出去,推广种植面积就会越大㊂如江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所所培育的淮麦33,具有成熟早㊁抗旱抗倒㊁抗寒抗病㊁稳产高产等诸多突出优点,交易时刷新了全国小麦单个品种转让价格纪录,跻身小麦家族 新贵 ㊂经营淮麦33的种企资本雄厚㊁宣传推介力度大㊁市场运作能力强,使得该品种迅速进入江苏㊁安徽㊁河南等市场,年均推广面积40万hm2,淮麦品牌进一步得到种子经销商和农民的认可,品牌价值进一步得到提升㊂4.6㊀国家政策㊀㊀我国种业政策的变化对植物新品种价值产生重大的影响㊂近些年的种业改革,品种由短缺变为饱和,甚至过剩,导致国际国内种业竞争不断加剧,市场下行,供求关系的转变进一步造成植物新品种权转让形势不容乐观,影响到新品种权的价值㊂5㊀小麦植物新品种权价值指标体系构建㊀㊀根据国家部委相关文件,参考淮麦品种播种质量㊁品种质量㊁技术水平㊁经济效益㊁社会效益㊁市场环境㊁品牌效应和转化能力等主要指标分析的基础上,采用德菲尔法进行权重设置,构建了小麦新品种价值评估体系(表1)㊂在对淮麦新品种价值评估时,可请专家组对照各个指标进行评分,按照总评分高低分为优秀(86~100)㊁良好(66~85)㊁一般(46~65)㊁差(26~45)㊁很差(0~25)5个等级㊂据调查统计,㊀㊀表1㊀价值评估指标体系Table1㊀Value evaluation index system一级指标U1权重A1序号二级指标U ij权重A ij播种质量0.21抗病0.202抗倒0.203抗旱0.104抗寒0.105产量0.106适宜种植范围0.207生育期0.10品种质量0.21粗蛋白(干基)0.152湿面筋0.153吸水率0.154稳定时间0.155最大拉伸阻力0.156拉伸面积0.157容重0.058硬度指数0.05技术水平0.11生产规模0.202试种情况0.203种子产量稳定性0.204知识产权情况0.105预计品种寿命0.30经济效益0.11经济性0.252后续投资成本0.253盈利水平0.254收益0.25社会效益0.11对产业结构的影响0.502对相关产业发展影响0.50市场环境0.11市场需求程度0.402政策支持程度0.303市场竞争能力0.30品牌效应0.11品种美誉度0.602育种团队实力0.40转化能力0.11资金技术实力0.302生产加工能力0.303市场开发销售0.40淮麦20品种综合表现优秀,将近15a了仍占据市场;淮麦39表现一般,该品种寿命只有5a;其他淮麦品种大多表现良好,寿命在7~10a㊂6㊀小麦植物新品种权价值评估方法及比对选择6.1㊀小麦植物新品种权价值评估方法㊀㊀对小麦植物新品种权价值评估可参照其他技术资产评估,主要有成本法㊁市场法㊁收益法[9]㊂6.1.1㊀成本法㊀㊀参考成本评估方法,品种权价值评估值为重置成本除去功能性损失和经济性损失[9-10]㊂6.1.2㊀市场法㊀㊀市场法是把被评估资产与相同或相似的资产进872㊀㊀2024年第65卷第4期行比较从而估算其价值[9-11]㊂评估中需要把被评估置于市场中加以考虑㊂6.1.3㊀收益法㊀㊀收益法是采用本金折现等途径去判断并估算资产价值[9-11]㊂其计算公式可以表述为:P =ðni =1F i(1+r )iˑA ㊂其中:P 估值(折现值);r 折现率;n收益年期;F i 第i 年使用该品种权带来的预期收益额;A 技术分成率;i 折现年限;6.2㊀基于品种权价值评估的方法比对与选择㊀㊀不同的评估方法对于其目标来说,是没有区别的,但这3种方法有各自的使用条件和优缺点,须根据评估对象和目的选择适合的方法㊂成本法一般运用在有形资产的评估中,品种权作为无形资产,智力劳动及创新付出不可忽略,根据成本法计算品种权价值,得到的结果偏差很大;因植物新品种权交易资料会存在不全,也难以获取,可用来比较的案例少,小麦品种权价值评估也不适宜采用市场法;相比上述3种方法,收益法能弥补其不足,收益法的使用条件适用于小麦植物新品种权㊂因此,本研究最终采用收益法对小麦植物新品种权价值进行评估㊂7㊀小麦植物新品种权的定价㊀㊀本文选取新育品种淮麦705,对其价值评估方法和定价过程进行探讨㊂7.1㊀估值基准日的确定㊀㊀本研究估值基准日为2020年9月1日,估值基准日在考虑经济行为的实现与育种团队和有关单位领导协商后确定㊂7.2㊀收益期的确定㊀㊀邀请专家组对淮麦705各个指标进行评分,淮麦705总分属于良好等级㊂再考虑到我国农作物品种历史更替周期基本在5~8a 及淮麦品种一如既往的中长期品种寿命,也为了淮麦705顺利转让便于及早进入市场化推广,结合专家组和育种团队意见,综合确定其收益期5a㊂7.3㊀行业平均利润率的确定㊀㊀由于种业改革后品种审定通道放宽,新审定品种呈现 井喷 态势,品种由短缺变为饱和甚至过剩,当前农业植物新品种权转化的难度越来越大,品种权转让价格呈下跌趋势,甚至有些品种卖不出去㊂种子市场下行,据调查,淮麦品种种子零售价在4.4~5.6元㊃kg-1不等,后期直供大户的价格也在3.2~3.8元㊃kg-1不等,淮麦种子直供大户的销售利润在0.10~0.16元㊃kg -1,供给农户小包装的销售利润在0.2~0.3元㊃kg -1,平均利润率为4%㊂7.4㊀技术分成率的确定㊀㊀收益分成的理论基础源于成果技术对总收益的贡献程度㊂在无形资产评估中,可以通过销售利润分成率替代技术分成率来确定收益㊂根据‘企业所得税法“,我国对种业企业免征企业所得税,故本次评估收益额为销售利润与销售利润分成率的乘积㊂在以往的小麦转让中,淮麦销售利润分成率在20%㊂7.5㊀折现率的确定㊀㊀根据对淮麦705收集资料的情况和估值特点,采用风险累加法确定折现率㊂7.5.1㊀无风险报酬率的确定㊀㊀无风险报酬率,根据五年期国债利率确定㊂根据财政部和中国人民银行国债发行的第二期储蓄国债(凭证式)期限5a,年利率为3.97%,因此,本次估值无风险报酬率按3.97%㊂7.5.2㊀风险报酬率的确定㊀㊀目前无形资产的评估惯例,各风险系数为0~5,根据淮麦404实际情况,风险系数分别取技术风险3%㊁市场风险5%㊁资金风险4%和经营风险5%㊂考虑到小麦品种技术风险较低和对流动资金需求量较低,故技术风险和资金风险均取50分㊂因国内外市场竞争激烈,市场容量风险取值70分㊂由于管理服务对企业收益影响较高,管理服务风险均取75分㊂7.6㊀价格的确定㊀㊀采用收益法计算公式,得出淮麦705品种转让价格为250.8万元(表2)㊂2020年9月25日,淮麦705在江苏省技术产权交易市场淮安分中心进行交易,成交价为259万元,实际转让金额稍高于评估价格,分析为竞价导致㊂结果表明,本方法能够快速获取到小麦品种权较准确的价值㊂8㊀结论与讨论㊀㊀本研究提供了一种方便快捷㊁较精确对小麦植物新品种权价值进行量化的评估方法,该方法实现了小麦新品种权影响价值的各指标权重分配㊁建立价值评估模型㊁给出评价结果,为小麦新品种交易㊀㊀表2㊀淮麦705品种权价值估值表Table 2㊀Valuation of Huaimai 705variety rights年份预计销售量/t 销售收入/万元利润率/%技术分成率/%预期收益额/万元折现率/%折现年限净现值/万元2022262510504208.414.7217.32202310500420042033.614.72225.53202422750910042072.814.72348.2220253237512950420103.614.72459.8120264550018200430218.414.725109.92的转让方和受让方提供科学合理的定价方法和参考依据,对指导小麦新品种转让和提高种子成果的转化率具有重要的现实意义㊂随着我国种业 放管服 改革进一步深化,新审定品种呈现井喷之势,市场上品种饱和,甚至过剩,加剧了国际国内小麦新品种消费需求环境的变化,在今后的研究中考虑这一参数变化对小麦新品种权价值影响比重,对价值评估模型进行修正和完善,提高模型的普适性和通用性㊂参考文献:[1]㊀周跃辉.如何理解 我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段 [N].学习时报,2018-01-31(001).[2]㊀张洪海.玉米中间试验中出现的问题及解决方法[J].新农业,2018(1):9-10.[3]㊀邓宇驰,王伦旺,王泽平,等.甘蔗品种桂糖42号的种性及其高产稳产性分析与评价[J].南方农业学报,2018,49(1):42-47.[4]㊀曾庆贺.主要农作物品种审定法律问题研究[D].武汉:华中农业大学,2024.[5]㊀邓晓蕾.我国农业植物新品种权保护现状及立法完善[J].种子,2020,39(11):162-166.[6]㊀佚名.农业植物新品种权侵权案件处理规定中华人民共和国农业部令第24号[J ].电子知识产权,2003(3):13-14.[7]㊀龚辉,何文建,彭昌家,等.2016年长江上游中籼品种审定绿色通道区域试验初报[J].农学学报,2017,7(12):1-7.[8]㊀胡梦洁.我国植物新品种权保护研究[D].重庆:西南大学,2024.[9]㊀秦薇.植物新品种权的价值评估方法研究[D].北京:中国农业科学院,2019.[10]㊀梁佳楣.植物新品种价值评估研究:以玉米种子为例[D].杭州:浙江财经大学,2019.[11]㊀陈会英,高晓航,周衍平.基于实物期权的植物品种权价值评估研究[J].科技管理研究,2018,38(19):154-158.(责任编辑:王新芳)。
高产抗病冬小麦新品种—农大1108Abstract:Winter wheat is one of the most important crops in China, and its productivity and quality rely largely on the performance of cultivars. In this study, we report a new winter wheat cultivar,ND1108, developed by the researchers at China Agricultural University. The ND1108 cultivar is characterized by high yield potential, disease resistance, and high baking quality. This study aimed to investigate the agronomical and quality traits of ND1108 under different conditions, and to evaluate its overall performance in comparison with existing winter wheat cultivars.Introduction:China is the world's largest wheat producer, and wheat is one of the most important cereal crops in the country. However, the wheat production in China is threatened by various pests and diseases, which often lead to significant yield losses. In recent years, Chinese researchers have focused on developing high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat cultivars for sustainable wheat production. Methods:The ND1108 cultivar was developed by crossing the Jingdongmai and Linyoumai parents, and was selected through several rounds of field trials and laboratory analyses. The agronomic traits ofND1108, including plant height, days to heading, thousand grain weight, yield per hectare, and disease resistance were evaluated under field conditions in six different locations in China. Thebaking quality of the wheat flour was assessed using the Farinograph and the Mixograph tests.Results:The ND1108 cultivar exhibited excellent agronomic traits, including high yield potential (yield range of 7.55 to 10.39 t/ha), good resistance to wheat stripe rust and powdery mildew, and moderate resistance to Fusarium head blight. The cultivar also had a moderate plant height (80-90 cm) and a medium thousand grain weight (40-45 g). The Farinograph and Mixograph tests showed that ND1108 had good baking quality, with a higher water absorption capacity, slower dough development time, and a higher dough strength than the control cultivars.Conclusion:The ND1108 winter wheat cultivar is a high-yielding, disease-resistant cultivar with good baking quality. It offers potential benefits to farmers and the wheat industry in China. The study highlights the importance of breeding new wheat varieties that not only have high yield potential and disease resistance but also meet the quality requirements of the wheat industry. Ongoing research and development are needed to ensure the sustainable production of wheat in China.The development and release of ND1108 cultivar is a significant achievement in the breeding of winter wheat in China. This cultivar brings a new option for farmers to achieve high productivity and quality in wheat production, while reducing the risk of disease and pest damage.Among the agronomic traits evaluated, the high yield potential of ND1108 is particularly noteworthy. In different regions of China, the yield of ND1108 ranges from 7.55 to 10.39 t/ha, which is higher than the average yield of many common cultivars. The good disease resistance of ND1108 to stripe rust and powdery mildew is also a valuable trait, as these two diseases can cause severe yield losses in many wheat-growing areas of China.The moderate resistance of ND1108 to Fusarium head blight is also encouraging, as this disease has become more prevalent in recent years due to changing weather conditions and farming practices. The moderate plant height and medium thousand grain weight of ND1108 make it suitable for different planting densities, which can further optimize its yield potential and adaptation to various environments.The baking quality of ND1108 is another highlight of this study. The Farinograph and Mixograph tests showed that ND1108 has a higher water absorption capacity, slower dough development time, and a higher dough strength than the control cultivars. This indicates that ND1108 can produce dough with better texture and elasticity, which meets the quality requirements of many processed wheat products.In conclusion, the ND1108 winter wheat cultivar developed by Chinese researchers is a promising new option for wheat production in China. Its combination of high yield potential, disease resistance, and good baking quality makes it a valuable addition to the existing cultivars. The results of this study also demonstrate the importance of continuous breeding efforts toimprove the sustainability and competitiveness of the wheat industry in China.Furthermore, the development of ND1108 cultivar is significant in terms of its potential economic benefits for farmers and wheat industry. High yielding cultivars with good disease resistance can not only increase farmers’ income, but also contribute to food security and stability in the wheat market. Moreover, the good baking quality of ND1108 can enhance the competitiveness of wheat products in domestic and international markets. This cultivar can be an attractive option for flour mills and bakeries, as it can produce high-quality flour and bread while reducing production costs.However, it is important to note that the widespread adoption of ND1108 and other improved cultivars requires continuous efforts in supporting research, extension, and education programs. These programs can help farmers and extension agents to access information and technologies related to crop management, pest and disease control, and quality assessment. They can also facilitate the transfer and adoption of new cultivars and farming systems, and promote collaboration among different stakeholders in the wheat industry.In conclusion, the development and release of ND1108 winter wheat cultivar in China is a significant achievement that reflects the ongoing efforts of researchers and policy-makers to address the challenges facing the wheat industry. This cultivar can contribute to sustainable and profitable wheat production, while meeting the demands of consumers for safe, nutritious, and high-quality wheat products. Its success also highlights the importance of innovation, cooperation, and capacity building in promoting the developmentand transformation of agriculture in China and beyond.Apart from the economic benefits, ND1108 cultivar can also have environmental advantages. Its high yield potential and good disease resistance can reduce the need for pesticides and fertilizers, which can ultimately lower the environmental impact of wheat cultivation. It can also improve soil health and fertility by reducing tillage, improving water infiltration, and increasing organic matter content.In addition, the development of ND1108 reflects the growing importance of scientific research and innovation in modern agriculture. China has been investing heavily in agricultural research and development, and has made significant progress in breeding new cultivars, improving crop management practices, and applying new technologies. This has contributed to China's food security and self-sufficiency, and has also opened up new opportunities for international cooperation and collaboration.However, there are also challenges and risks associated with the adoption of new cultivars and farming practices. The introduction of ND1108 and other high-yielding cultivars can lead to monoculture and loss of genetic diversity, which can increase the vulnerability of crops to pests, diseases, and climate change. It can also raise concerns about the safety and quality of food products, especially if they are genetically modified or have high pesticide residues.To address these challenges, it is important to ensure that the development and adoption of new cultivars and farming practices are based on sound scientific evidence, rigorous testing, andeffective regulation. It is also crucial to promote sustainable and diversified agricultural systems that prioritize the conservation of natural resources, protect biodiversity, and enhance the resilience of crops and ecosystems.Therefore, the development of ND1108 winter wheat cultivar represents a major step forward for the Chinese agriculture industry, but also underscores the need for continued investment in research, education, and policy initiatives that can promote sustainable and inclusive growth in the sector.In addition to the importance of sustainable and diversified agricultural systems, it is also crucial to involve farmers and local communities in the development and adoption of new farming practices and technologies. Farmers' knowledge and experiences can be valuable in identifying the most pressing challenges and opportunities in their local contexts, and in developing and adapting appropriate solutions.Furthermore, promoting innovation in agriculture requires a multidisciplinary approach that involves not only scientists and researchers, but also policymakers, extension agents, and private sector actors. It is important to foster partnerships and collaboration among stakeholders from different sectors and disciplines, and to support the dissemination of research findings and practical knowledge through training and outreach programs. In the case of the ND1108 cultivar, it is also important to promote responsible use and management of the new variety, including monitoring and evaluation of its performance and impact on farmers' livelihoods and the environment. This can help identifypotential risks and opportunities associated with its adoption, and inform future breeding and research efforts.In summary, the development of ND1108 winter wheat cultivar represents a significant achievement for the Chinese agriculture industry, but also highlights the importance of promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in the sector. This requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the social, economic, and environmental aspects of agriculture, and involves all relevant stakeholders in the development and implementation of new farming practices and technologies.Moreover, the global food system faces several challenges such as climate change, population growth, and increasing demand for food. It is crucial to develop sustainable and resilient food systems to ensure food security for all. The ND1108 cultivar has the potential to contribute to sustainable food production by increasing yield and reducing pesticide use, and its successful adoption can serve as a model for other regions and crops.However, the adoption of new technologies and practices is not always easy, and there may be social, cultural, and economic barriers to their implementation. For instance, small-scale farmers may lack access to credit, markets, and information, which can hinder their ability to invest in new technologies or adopt new practices. Therefore, it is important to address these challenges through policies and programs that support innovation, entrepreneurship, and inclusive growth.In particular, rural development strategies should focus on creating an enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship byproviding access to land, water, and other resources, as well as financing, training, and technical support. Such strategies can also help promote sustainable agricultural practices by encouraging diversification, conservation, and ecological intensification.In conclusion, the development of the ND1108 winter wheat cultivar represents a significant milestone in Chinese agriculture, and highlights the importance of sustainable and inclusive growth in the sector. By promoting innovation, collaboration, and responsible use of new technologies and practices, we can not only increase food production and improve farmers' livelihoods, but also ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of the global food system.One way to promote sustainable and inclusive growth in agriculture is through the development and promotion of agroecological approaches. Agroecology is the study of ecological processes in agricultural systems and emphasizes the integration of social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Agroecological approaches promote biodiversity, reduce the use of synthetic inputs, and enhance the resilience of agroecosystems to climate change and other stresses.Agroecological approaches also promote social and economic inclusion by empowering small-scale farmers, women, and marginalized groups to participate in sustainable agriculture. By shifting the focus from maximizing yields to promoting ecological function and social equity, agroecology can help create more just and sustainable food systems.Furthermore, policies and programs that promote agroecological approaches can also help reduce the negative environmentalimpacts of agriculture, such as soil degradation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable intensification, which refers to increasing food production per unit area while minimizing negative environmental impacts, can be achieved through a combination of agroecological approaches and improved technologies and practices.In conclusion, the development of the ND1108 winter wheat cultivar is a promising step towards sustainable and inclusive growth in Chinese agriculture. However, sustainable and inclusive growth in agriculture requires a systemic approach that addresses social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Agroecology and sustainable intensification offer promising pathways towards more resilient and equitable food systems, but their success will depend on the adoption of supportive policies, programs, and institutions.In addition to agroecology and sustainable intensification, other strategies can also promote sustainable and inclusive growth in agriculture. These include supporting small-scale farmers through access to credit, input supplies, and markets. It is important to ensure that small-scale farmers are included in the value chain and receive fair prices for their products.Investing in research and development for agricultural technologies that are climate-smart, resource-efficient, and sustainable can also be a game-changer. This includes breeding crop varieties that are more resilient to climate change, developing agroforestry systems that promote biodiversity and soil health, and promoting sustainable approaches to livestock production.Lastly, creating an enabling policy environment is crucial forpromoting sustainable and inclusive growth in agriculture. This includes policies that support agroecological practices, promote sustainable intensification, and incentivize the adoption of climate-smart technologies. In addition, policies that promote gender equality, address land tenure issues, and ensure equitable access to resources are also important for creating inclusive agricultural systems.In conclusion, sustainable and inclusive growth in agriculture requires a holistic and integrated approach that addresses social, economic, and environmental dimensions. It is possible to achieve food security while promoting sustainability and equity, but it will require concerted efforts from governments, civil society, and the private sector. By adopting sustainable agricultural practices and empowering small-scale farmers, we can create more resilient and just food systems that benefit both people and the planet.Another key aspect of promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in agriculture is improving food distribution and reducing food waste. According to the United Nations, about one-third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted, which not only exacerbates food insecurity but also increases greenhouse gas emissions through the production and disposal of wasted food. Addressing food waste will require collaboration across the food supply chain, from reducing post-harvest loss on farms to improving food storage and transportation infrastructure.Additionally, promoting sustainable agriculture can have positive ripple effects beyond the farming sector, including job creation in rural areas and the development of local economies. By empowering small-scale farmers, creating sustainable value chainsand investing in rural infrastructure, agriculture can also contribute to poverty reduction and overall economic growth.Finally, education and awareness-raising are essential for promoting sustainable and inclusive agriculture. This includes educating farmers on sustainable farming techniques, training extension workers to disseminate information, and raising consumer awareness about the benefits of sustainable food systems. Education can also play a role in promoting gender equality in agriculture, by ensuring that women have equal access to education and training opportunities.Overall, promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in agriculture is a complex process that requires addressing social, economic, and environmental factors. However, by adopting a holistic approach and investing in sustainable practices and policies, we can create more resilient, equitable, and sustainable food systems for current and future generations.。
中国普通小麦品种醇溶蛋白组成分析吴芳;潘志芬;韩兆雪;邓光兵;余懋群【摘要】利用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(A-PAGE)方法,鉴定分析了148份我国重要小麦品种和高代品系的醇溶蛋白组成.在ω-、γ-、β-和α-四个区中,共鉴定出48种不同的组成模式.其中ω-区29种,出现频率最高的模式是A6;γ-区9种,出现频率最高的模式是B;β-和α-区各5种,出现频率最高的模式分别是B和A.148个样品共表现出114种醇溶蛋白组成类型.在所分析的样品中,ω-区的A3、C、H、M和X几种模式是以前国内外未曾报道的.另外还发现,1 BL.RS易位系在中国小麦品种中出现的频率较高,为41.2%,这可能是中国小麦品种品质普遍较差的一个原因.这些研究结果将为小麦育种工作者有效利用小麦种质提供参考.【期刊名称】《种子》【年(卷),期】2007(026)007【总页数】5页(P22-26)【关键词】遗传多样性;醇溶蛋白;APAGE;普通小麦【作者】吴芳;潘志芬;韩兆雪;邓光兵;余懋群【作者单位】中国科学院成都生物研究所,四川,成都,610041;国家粮食局成都粮食储藏研究所,四川,成都,610031;中国科学院成都生物研究所,四川,成都,610041;中国科学院成都生物研究所,四川,成都,610041;中国科学院成都生物研究所,四川,成都,610041;中国科学院成都生物研究所,四川,成都,610041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S512.1醇溶蛋白是小麦胚乳中的主要贮藏蛋白,约占贮藏蛋白总量的40%,在酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶蛋白电泳(APAGE)中可分为ω、α、β和γ四个区。
第41卷第12期2020 12中国农机化学报JournalofChineseAgriculturalMechanizationVol.41 No.12Dec. 2020DOI : 10.13733/j.jcam.issn. 2095-5553.2020.12.002山东旱作灌溉区小麦一玉米全程机械化技术模式经济效益分析与评价方法**收 :2020 8 19 :2020 12 1*基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFD0300607)第一作者:姚艳春,男,1988年出生,辽宁朝阳人,博士,讲师;研究方向为结构动力学与振动模态参数辨识方法等。
E-mail : ******************.cn 通讯作者:刘元义,男,1963年出生,山东临沂人,博士,教授,硕导;研究方向为小麦一玉米全程机械化技术与装备。
E-mail : **************.cn姚艳春1,2,刘元义】,牛国栋12,张银平1 ' 2 ,耿端阳1 ' 2 ,刁培松1(1.山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,山东淄博,255000;2.山东省旱作农业机械及信息化重点实验室,山东淄博,255000)摘要:针对山东省旱作灌溉区种植模式多样、技术模式不统一,影响全程机械化经济效益问题,研究小麦一玉米周年轮作下耕、种、管、收全程机械化技术模式,总结小麦一玉米全程机械化技术路线,构建基于区域特色的成本分析与经济效益评价方法,分析小麦一玉米全程机械化技术成本、占比及收益,筛选并比较山东省旱作灌溉区主要技术模式组合’分析发现,小麦一玉米周年轮作模式下耕种管收各环节成本支出范围为10 500〜16 500元/hm 2, 土地承包费范围为3 000〜16 500元/hm 2,经济效益为1 500#7 500元/hm 2 ;优化筛选以深翻、旋耕、免耕三年轮作+二次镇压+小麦宽苗带播种技术以及玉米免耕播种+水肥一体化+联合收获(穗茎兼收/青贮)技术的模式组合。
小学上册英语第6单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The chemical formula for potassium hydrogen phthalate is _____.2.I have a plant that thrives in _____.3.Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?A. HalloweenB. ThanksgivingC. ChristmasD. New Year4.The _____ (狮子) lives in prides in the savanna.5.My friend is a _____ (经济学家) and studies money.6.The chemical symbol for cadmium is ______.7.Oxygen is necessary for ______.8.The element with atomic number is ______.9. A ____(mangrove) forest is found in coastal areas.10.What do we call a large body of freshwater?A. OceanB. LakeC. RiverD. Sea11.I like _______ (与人交谈) in different languages.12.The first successful polio vaccine was developed by _______.13.What is 6 x 7?A. 42B. 36C. 30D. 48A14.We visit the ______ (科学馆) for educational field trips.15.We visit the ______ (科学实验室) for hands-on activities.16.What is the name of the famous Italian city known for its canals?A. VeniceB. RomeC. FlorenceD. MilanA17.What is the main ingredient in soup?A. WaterB. SaltC. SugarD. OilA18.What do we call a large body of fresh water surrounded by land?A. OceanB. SeaC. LakeD. RiverC19.I see a _____ (fox) in the woods.20.What do we call a large area of flat land?A. MountainB. PlainC. PlateauD. ValleyB Plain21.What is the main ingredient in guacamole?A. TomatoB. AvocadoC. OnionD. Pepper22.I love the smell of fresh __________ (花卉).23.The snail moves at a _________ (慢) pace.24.I enjoy taking photos of the __________ during autumn. (风景)25.The scientist discovered a new _____ (物种).26.The girl loves to ________.27.Which sport is played with a bat and a ball?A. SoccerB. TennisC. BaseballD. SwimmingC28.What do you call the act of moving your body to music?A. DanceB. SingC. JumpD. RunA29. A ______ (蝉) makes a loud sound in the summer.30.What do we call the sweet substance produced by bees?A. HoneyB. SyrupC. JamD. MarmaladeA31.________ (植物生长影响因素) are numerous.32.The ____ has a bright red color and is often seen in gardens.33.Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. BirdD. FishB Dog34.小蜜蜂) collects pollen from flowers. The ___35.The rabbit is ___ (hopping) through the grass.36.What do we wear on our head for protection?A. ShoesB. HatC. ScarfD. Gloves37.What do you call a scientist who studies rocks?A. GeologistB. BiologistC. ChemistD. PhysicistA38.The capital of Nepal is _____.39.The ancient Greeks had _______ to explain the natural world. (神话)40. A ________ (植物采集) can be educational.41.The process of breaking down food into energy is called ______.42.What do we call the act of identifying problems?A. DiagnosisB. AssessmentC. EvaluationD. All of the AboveD43.The pH scale measures how _______ or basic a solution is.44.What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into orbit?A. Sputnik 1B. Explorer 1C. Vanguard 1D. Luna 145.What is the capital of Japan?A. TokyoB. BeijingC. SeoulD. BangkokA46.The ______ (狼) howls at the moon at night.47.Recognizing that plants need varying amounts of ______ can lead to healthier growth. (认识到植物对水分的需求差异可以促进健康生长。
小学下册英语第四单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The main component of air is _______. (氮气)2.We are having ________ (野餐) by the lake.3.What is the capital of Kenya?A. NairobiB. KampalaC. Addis AbabaD. Dar es Salaam4.The sun gives us ______ (光和热).5.The chemical formula for caffeine is ________.6.The capital of Sweden is __________.7.The chemical symbol for germanium is __________.8.Hubble’s Law states that galaxies are moving _______ from each other.9. A _______ measures the amount of electricity used over time.10.The ______ of a plant can tell you about its age. (植物的年轮可以告诉你它的年龄。
)11.The ancient Greeks had _______ to explain the natural world. (神话)12.Carbon is essential for all living _____.13.The __________ (冷战) led to the space race between the USA and USSR.14.I have _____ (one/two) sister(s).15.Which food is made from corn?A. RiceB. TortillaC. WheatD. Oats16.What do we call the act of planting seeds?A. HarvestingB. SowingC. PruningD. WateringB Sowing17.The main source of energy for plants is ______ from the sun.18. A ____(hot spring) is a natural pool of warm water.19.What is the name of the famous mouse created by Walt Disney?A. JerryB. MickeyC. DonaldD. Goofy20.What is the name of the famous artist known for his surrealism?A. Salvador DalíB. Pablo PicassoC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude Monet21.Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. Rectangle22.My brother is a big __________ of golf. (粉丝)23.I enjoy playing with my ________ at home.24. A __________ is created when two or more substances react.25.What is the name of the first person to walk on the moon?A. Buzz AldrinB. Neil ArmstrongC. John GlennD. Yuri GagarinB26.My grandma loves to quilt ____ (blankets).27.We will go to the ___. (concert)28. A simple machine makes work ______.29.The ______ helps protect living organisms from harmful radiation.30.What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. KilimanjaroC. Mount EverestD. DenaliC31.I ride my _____ (bike) to school.32.What is the primary ingredient in a traditional curry?A. RiceB. MeatC. SpicesD. Vegetables33. A platypus has webbed ______ (脚).34.What is the name of the large desert in Africa?A. GobiB. SaharaC. KalahariD. AtacamaB35.I want to _______ (建立) a treehouse.36. A _____ (小马) can be very gentle and friendly.37. A mixture that contains particles that can be seen is called a _______ mixture.38.I enjoy going ________ (远足) in nature.39.The _____ (花瓶) holds flowers.40.What is the capital city of Libya?A. TripoliB. BenghaziC. MisrataD. Tobruk41.What do we use to take photographs?A. CameraB. TVC. ComputerD. PhoneA42.Chickens lay ______ for breakfast.43.The __________ is a large area of grassland in North America. (草原)44.What do we call the force that pulls objects toward the Earth?A. FrictionB. GravityC. MagnetismD. Acceleration45.What is the phenomenon where the moon appears larger than usual?A. SupermoonB. Blood MoonC. Blue MoonD. New Moon46.I want to be a ________.47.The __________ (罗马神话) included gods like Mars and Venus.48.The Earth's crust is rich in various ______ materials.49.The island nation of Japan is made up of ________ (岛国日本由________组成).50.I like to write letters to my ________ (朋友) who live far away. It’s fun to stay in touch.51.The _____ (兔子) nibbles on fresh greens in the garden.52.I think being kind is important. I show kindness by __________.53.Objects in motion tend to stay in ______.54.Which animal barks?A. CatB. DogC. CowD. Sheep55.My friend is a ______. He loves to explore new ideas.56. Wall of China was built to protect against ________. The Grea57.I enjoy ______ during the summer.58.The chemical symbol for strontium is ______.59. A rock that contains fossils is often a type of ______ rock.dybugs are often red with ________________ (黑点).61.The _____ (绿色植物) can purify the air.62.What is the largest desert in the world?A. SaharaB. ArcticC. AntarcticD. GobiC63.His favorite book is about a ________.64.The term "catalyst" refers to a substance that speeds up a chemical _______.65.What is the name of the famous American landmark in South Dakota?A. Mount RushmoreB. Statue of LibertyC. Golden Gate BridgeD. Grand CanyonA66.The _____ (groundcover) keeps soil in place.67.The ____ has a shiny shell found on beaches.68.The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be ______.69.The ______ is very friendly and loves children.70.What is the name of the famous ocean that separates North America from Europe?A. AtlanticB. PacificC. IndianD. ArcticA71.Animals that sleep during the winter are said to __________.72.What do we call the act of providing constructive feedback?A. EvaluationB. CritiqueC. ReviewD. All of the AboveD73.The _____ (树) provides shade.74.What is the name of the longest river in the world?A. AmazonB. NileC. MississippiD. YangtzeB75.This girl, ______ (这个女孩), is a great athlete.76.My grandma is a wonderful __________ (导师).77.What is the main language spoken in the USA?A. SpanishB. FrenchC. EnglishD. Chinese78.The __________ is the main body part where digestion occurs.79.What is the capital city of Germany?A. BerlinB. MunichC. FrankfurtD. Hamburg80. A sound wave can be used for communication and ______.81.What is the capital city of Canada?A. TorontoB. VancouverC. OttawaD. Montreal答案:C82.Certain plants can be grown indoors or ______. (某些植物可以在室内或室外生长。
麦类作物学报 2023,43(5):591-599JournalofTriticeaeCropsdoi:10.7606/j.issn.1009 1041.2023.05.08网络出版时间:2023 04 19网络出版地址:https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/61.1359.S.20230418.1630.006.html小麦茎基腐病抗性鉴定方法研究进展李巧云,郭振峰,郝晓鹏,唐建卫,高艳,殷贵鸿(河南农业大学农学院/国家小麦工程技术研究中心/河南省小麦技术创新中心,河南郑州450046)摘 要:小麦茎基腐病是由镰刀菌属多种真菌引起的一种世界性重要病害,严重影响小麦品质与产量。
关键词:小麦;茎基腐病;苗期抗性;成株期抗性;抗性鉴定中图分类号:S512.1;S330 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009 1041(2023)05 0591 09犃犱狏犪狀犮犲狊犻狀犐犱犲狀狋犻犳犻犮犪狋犻狅狀犕犲狋犺狅犱狊狅犳犠犺犲犪狋犆狉狅狑狀犚狅狋犔犐犙犻犪狅狔狌狀,犌犝犗犣犺犲狀犳犲狀犵,犎犃犗犡犻犪狅狆犲狀犵,犜犃犖犌犑犻犪狀狑犲犻,犌犃犗犢犪狀,犢犐犖犌狌犻犺狅狀犵(CollegeofAgronomy,HenanAgriculturalUniversity/NationalEngineeringResearchCentreforWheat/HennaTechnologyInnovationCentreofWheat,Zhengzhou,Henan450046,China)犃犫狊狋狉犪犮狋:Crownrotisanimportantdiseasecausedbynumerousspeciesin犉狌狊犪狉犻狌犿,whichseriouslyimpactsthequalityandyieldofwheat.Inrecentyears,thediseasewasoccurredfrequently,posingaseriousthreattosustainablefoodproductionandhumanandanimalhealth.Atpresent,theinoculationmethodandevaluationsystemofcrownrotidentificationinwheatisuncertain,whichseriouslyre strictstherapiddevelopmentofresistancebreedingandmechanismresearchonthisdisease.Inthispaper,theinoculationmethods,growthconditionsandresistanceevaluationsystemofcrownrotidenti ficationwerereviewedfromtwoaspectsofseedlingresistanceandadultresistance.Onthisbasis,itispointedoutthatseedlingdipinsporesuspensionandnaturalinoculationmethodwassuitableforre sistanceidentificationatseedling,usingcrownrotscoretoevaluateresistance.Foradultresistance,naturalinoculationmethodismoreappropriate,usingpercentdiseasedtillersandstemsymptomsever ityasevaluationindicesforresistanceidentification.Finally,aimingattheproblemofestablishinganefficientandunifiedidentificationmethodofcrownrot,somesuggestionsonenhancingthestandardi zationofseedlingresistanceidentificationandstrengtheningtheidentificationofadultresistancewereputforward,whichprovideusefulinformationforaccurateresistanceidentificationofcrownrotinwheat.犓犲狔狑狅狉犱狊:Wheat;Crownrot;Seedlingresistance;Adultresistance;Resistanceidentification收稿日期:2022 02 18 修回日期:2022 07 17基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(32171983);河南省重大公益专项(201300110800)第一作者E mail:lqylhy@163.com通讯作者:殷贵鸿(E mail:yinguihong@henau.edu.cn)Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.1 小麦茎基腐病的危害小麦(犜狉犻狋犻犮狌犿犪犲狊狋犻狏狌犿)茎基腐病(crownrot)是由镰刀菌属(犉狌狊犪狉犻狌犿spp.)的多种真菌复合侵染引起,从种子萌发到成熟期皆可发病[1]。
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小学上册英语第一单元测验试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I want to learn how to ______ (游泳) this summer. It looks like so much ______ (乐趣).2.What is the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit?A. 32°FB. 100°FC. 212°FD. 300°FC3.What is the opposite of 'happy'?A. SadB. AngryC. ExcitedD. Joyful答案:A4.I can ______ (说) three languages.5.What is the opposite of up?A. DownB. OverC. UnderD. AcrossA6.My teacher gives us _______ (名词) for homework. 我觉得 _______ (形容词).7.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington,C. Los AngelesD. ChicagoB8.What do you call a group of birds?A. SwarmB. FlockC. PackD. GaggleB9.What is the name of the famous American author known for "To Kill a Mockingbird"?A. Harper LeeB. Mark TwainC. Ernest HemingwayD. F. Scott FitzgeraldA10.The ____ has a long body and is very flexible.11.How many players are in a football (soccer.team?A. 9B. 10C. 11D. 12C12.What do we call a young giraffe?A. CalfB. KidC. FoalD. PupA Calf13.What is the main ingredient in pancake batter?A. FlourB. SugarC. SaltD. Baking powderA14.I have a lot of fun with my toy ____ set. (玩具名称)15.The cheetah can run very ______.16.The playground is _______ (fun) for kids.17.I like to make crafts with ________.18.What do we call the person who helps us learn?A. TeacherB. StudentC. ParentD. Friend19.Which planet has the most rings?A. JupiterB. SaturnC. UranusD. Neptune20.The ________ (turtle) is slow and steady.21.What is the capital city of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. CordobaC. RosarioD. Mendoza22.The _______ (兔子) hops around.23.The cake is ________ and delicious.24.Cacti can grow in very ______ places.25.What is the chemical symbol for gold?A. AuB. AgC. FeD. Pb26.How many bones are in a child's body?A. 206B. 205C. 300D. 25027.Planting _____ (景观植物) enhances outdoor aesthetics.28.What do we call the process of creating energy from renewable resources?A. Sustainable energyB. Green energyC. Renewable energyD. All of the aboveD All of the above29.My ________ (玩具名称) is designed for outdoor adventures.30. A __________ is a mixture that cannot be separated by physical means.31._______ can be evergreen or deciduous.32.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. VenusC. MarsD. JupiterC33. Wall served as a defense against ________ (外敌). The Grea34.What is the opposite of strong?A. WeakB. FeebleC. FragileD. All of the aboveD35.He _____ (plays/plays) soccer on weekends.36.Electrolysis is a process that uses electricity to cause a ________ change.37.What do we call a person who studies ancient cultures?A. HistorianB. ArchaeologistC. AnthropologistD. Sociologist38.What is the opposite of light?A. BrightB. HeavyC. DarkD. SoftC39.Density is mass per ______.40._____ (根系) help to absorb water and nutrients.41. A _______ is a type of chemical bond formed by sharing electrons.42.The _______ of the Earth protects us from harmful solar radiation.43. A ______ helps to break down waste.44. A _____ (小羊) bleats softly when it is lonely.45.My dad, ______ (我爸爸), enjoys fishing on weekends.46. Barrier Reef is located in _____ (32). The Grea47.I saw a _______ (蟋蟀) in the grass.48.I like to make ______ (纸飞机) on windy days.49.What is the capital city of Samoa?A. ApiaB. Pago PagoC. MulifanuaD. Lalomanu50.My favorite animal is a ________ that loves to eat.51. A solid has a definite _______ and volume.52. A strong acid can completely ionize in _____ to produce hydrogen ions.53.Energy can neither be created nor _______.54.The city of Kuwait City is the capital of _______.55.What do we call the act of cleaning a room?A. TidyingB. OrganizingC. DeclutteringD. CleaningA56.The ________ is very friendly.57.We need to ___ our homework. (do, does, doing)58.The ________ has a unique pattern on its shell.59.The _____ (bat/ball) is used in baseball.60.What is the name of the famous American singer known for "Shake It Off"?A. Taylor SwiftB. Katy PerryC. Miley CyrusD. Demi LovatoA61.My favorite sport is ______ (足球). I play it with my friends every ______ (星期).62.I like to go ________ (滑雪) in the winter.63.What is the chemical symbol for gold?A. AuB. AgC. PbD. Fe64.What is the name of the largest land animal?A. RhinoB. ElephantC. HippoD. Giraffe65.The _____ (生态恢复) projects help damaged areas.66. A _______ (蜥蜴) can be found on warm rocks.67.The _______ (小蟋蟀) chirps at night to attract a mate.68.How many players are there on a soccer team?A. 9B. 10C. 11D. 1269.Which of these animals can live in water and on land?A. FishB. FrogC. BirdD. Cat70.The _____ (草花) can add beauty to any landscape.71.My dad is very ___. (strong)72.________ (植物适应性研究) can lead to innovations.73.My sister enjoys __________ (参加) local festivals.74.What do we call the sound a cow makes?A. BarkB. MeowC. MooD. Roar75.The chemical formula for phenylalanine is ______.76.The __________ (历史的艺术) often reflects societal values.77. A butterfly's life begins as an ________________ (卵).78.I read ___ (magazines) in the waiting room.79.What do you call a person who teaches at school?A. StudentB. PrincipalC. TeacherD. CounselorC80.The _____ (青蛙) can camouflage itself among leaves.81.Matter is anything that has ______.82.Many minerals are essential for __________.83.What do we call the act of identifying problems?A. DiagnosisB. AssessmentC. EvaluationD. All of the AboveD84.What do you call the food we eat at night?A. BreakfastB. LunchC. DinnerD. SnackC85.How many sides does a square have?A. ThreeB. FourC. FiveD. SixB86.The __________ (自然资源) must be used wisely.87.The bird is ______ (flying) in the sky.88.The _____ (书包) is heavy.89.What is the primary color of a pumpkin?A. GreenB. OrangeC. YellowD. BrownB Orange90.What is the main ingredient in oatmeal?A. RiceB. WheatC. OatsD. CornC Oats91.I believe that kindness creates a positive __________.92.The first successful vaccine was developed by Edward __________ (詹纳).93.What is the main source of light during the day?A. MoonB. StarsC. SunD. LampC94.I proudly display my favorite ________ (玩具名) on my shelf for everyone to see.95.I like to help my friends with their ______ (问题). It’s rewarding to support each other.96.greenhouse gases) trap heat in the atmosphere. The ____97.The first person to swim across the English Channel was _______. (马修·韦本)98.The __________ (历史的深度) enriches insights.99.I saw a _______ (小刺猬) on the path.100.How many teeth does an adult human usually have?A. 28B. 30C. 32D. 34C。
A Chinese Wheat Breeder’s International Vision
THE Ukraine crisis, coupled with extreme weather phenomena in recent years, has driven up global food prices sharply and a grim food crisis looms large. Food security has thus become a concern for all. In April, when President Xi Jinping visited the Yazhou Bay Seed Laboratory in Sanya in south China, he stressed the importance of sourcing seeds independently to ensuring food security.How self-reliant is China in growing wheat? He Zhonghu, a research fellow with the Institute of Crop Sciences under the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), and director of the National Wheat Improvement Center has a triumphant answer to that. “Hundred percent self-reliant. All the wheat seeds planted in China have been developed in China,” he told China Today .He Zhonghu has been working on wheat breeding for more than 30 years. In China, with its large population butBy staff reporter ZHANG HUIrelatively scarce arable land, improving wheat quality while ensuring a pretty high yield is the constant pursuit of wheat breeders. But in a world where many are fiercely protective of their technical knowhow, He champions international coop-eration. This agricultural scientist’s current dream is to train more people from other developing nations so that China’s achievements in wheat production benefit more countries.A Long-Cycle PursuitTalking about wheat variety breeding, He mentioned an Australian scholar who once gave a lecture at the China Agricul-tural University in Beijing in the 1980s, when he was a graduate student there. The scholar said, for the first 10 years, you study seed breeding; the next 10 years, you follow others doing the work, still learning; then in the third decade, you can finallyIn China, with its largepopulation but relatively scarce arable land, improv-ing wheat quality while ensuring a pretty highyield is the constantpursuit of wheat breeders.start to breed your new varieties. Variety breeding is a long-cycle work, from selecting the seed parents to crossing them, obtaining the specific desired seed progeny, and then pro-moting the variety, which usually requires a decade.China is the world’s largest wheat producer, and also the largest consumer. In 2021, China’s wheat yields stood at 137 million tonnes – the seventh year in a row that it surpassed130 million tonnes. Over the past decade, China’s wheat yields per hectare have increased steadily, from over 4,800 kg in2011 to over 5,800 kg in 2021, an increaseof around 20 percent. The increment owes much to the use of advanced technologyin production, resulting in world-leading wheat varieties. China’s wheat consumptionin 2021 was 149 million tonnes.In He’s opinion, China’s progress inwheat breeding in the past decade has beenmainly embodied in the increasing yield and improved qual-ity. Another noteworthy progress is the improved drought-tolerance of Chinese wheat varieties under the climate change scenario, He noted. While there has been a persistent drought in north China, the new varieties need to be watered only twice during the whole growth period, reduced from the original three to four times. The wheat variety Zhongmai 175, one of the most widely promoted in north China, can adapt to both irrigated and rainfed fields. It is also very popular in the provinces of Gansu and Qinghai in northwest China, with a yield increase of over 20 percent compared with formerly used varieties. Moreover, the winter wheat variety Zhongmai 175, owing to its outstanding cold resistance, can be planted regularly in the spring wheat region, braving cold weather, which is impossible 20 years ago, according to He. “On thewhole, China’s wheat breeding is at a pretty high level, glob-ally speaking, and enjoys a great reputation abroad,” he said. As climate change continues to impact agriculture, phe-nomena like crop blights are growing. For example, fusarium head blight, one of the most devastating cereal diseases, oc-curred only in the Yangze River Delta about 40 years ago. But now it has been found in many provinces in north China, like Hebei, Shandong, and Henan.Since 2019, He’s team has been promoting the high-quality variety Zhongmai 578, which is not only high-yield but also blight-resistant. In 2020, the variety set a record of producing 1.26 tonnes per hectare. Zhongmai 578 is being promoted via contract production – expanding the farming scale to 10-20 hectares for each farming household or cooperative, He said. CAAS works as a bridge, connecting farmers, seeds com-panies, and flour factories to expand the production scale. “Last year, more than 30,000 hectares of farmland were included into the syndicate. This brought farmers an increased income of roughly over RMB 50 million in total,” He said. The high-quality wheat, according to him, is perfect for bread as well as good for noodles and dumplings, which explains its popularity.China’s stride in wheat breeding owes much to its open-ing-up policy, which has encouraged international exchanges and cooperation. The parents of both Zhongmai 175 and Zhongmai 578 can be traced back abroad, respectively to France and Mexico. This is why He emphasizes the impor-tance of international cooperation for a country’s agricul-tural development.Cracking the CodeIn fact, China is a latecomer in wheat breeding. The Unit-ed States established its quality testing standard for wheat breeding in the 1940s while China started research only in the mid-1980s. While doing his post-doctoral work at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIM-MYT) in Mexico in the early 1990s, He became aware of the gap between China and the world leaders in wheat quality testing and studies. “Friends often asked about the quality of China’s noodles. But back then, we didn’t even have a test-ing method for breeding programs regarding wheat used to make noodles.”Returning to China in 1993, he started doing wheat qual-ity tests. The Chinese dietary habits are different from those of the West, where bread is the staple food and cookies and cakes popular food items. On Chinese dining tables, noodles, steamed buns, and dumplings are the main staples. There-fore, the Chinese requirements for wheat quality vary. He’s first target was noodles.His team began to sample and analyze thousands of noodle specimens, finally determining the selection criteria, involving protein quality, color and luster, and starch con-tent. He also introduced the molecular marker technique, and identified the genetic markers that decide the quality of wheat used to make noodles. In this way, China’s wheat testing protocol and molecular breeding method for noodles were established.Later, He’s team also specified the quality selection criteria of wheat used to make steamed buns and dumplings. Subse-quently, an evaluation system for China’s wheat varieties and quality took shape. The genetic markers identified by He’s team are widely used in 22 countries, including the United States and Australia. For the trailblazing work, the team re-ceived the First Prize of the State Scientific and Technologi-cal Progress Awards in 2008.Besides ensuring a sufficient wheat supply, another im-In a lab of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, He Zhonghu is demonstrating the quality selection criteria of wheat used to make bread to his students in 2017. Photos courtesy of He Zhonghuportant pursuit for He’s team is to improve the food quality in China. Visiting farmers and food processing factories is a key part of his team’s work. In this way they learn about the mar-ket demands and carry out studies to cope with adversities like blight and climate change. Combining modern biological technology and conventional breeding, they have succeeded in breeding 26 new wheat varieties with high yields and improved quality. He and his team received the Shen Nong China Agricultural Science and Technology Award in 2017 for breeding the Zhongmai 175 variety and spearheading its application. It is the most comprehensive state-approved agricultural science and technology award for the national agricultural industry.Dedicated to International CooperationHe has another important identity – he has been director of CIMMYT China Office since its inception in 1997. CIM-MYT, a non-profit research and training organization, was established in 1966 to contribute to globalfood security by serving developing coun-tries, and hosts the world’s largest maizeand wheat genebank at its headquartersin Mexico.From CIMMYT, He has introduced20,000 samples of wheat seed sources toover 25 institutions in China and based onthem, more than 80 new wheat varietieshave been bred, including blight-resistantones. The new varieties have been plantedin more than one million hectares acrossChina. The program, “Introduction, Re-search and Innovative Application of CIMMYT Wheat Vari-eties,” won a prize at the State Scientific and Technological Progress Awards in 2015. For his outstanding achievements, He was also granted the title “CIMMYT Distinguished Scien-tist” by the international organization in 2012.He Zhonghu tends to speak lightly of his contribution to the progress in wheat breeding. He thinks he has simply done what a Chinese agricultural scientist is expected to do. For him, his most proud accomplishment is that he has trained many young scientists from both China and abroad. “After decades of international cooperation through CIMMYT, I’ve become deeply aware of the importance of talent cultiva-tion in an international environment. Young people need an international vision. It enables them to keep abreast of the most advanced technologies as well as carry out internation-al cooperation in the future through global ties. All countries benefit from international cooperation.”He has sent more than 150 Chinese students and scien-tists to study abroad through CIMMYT and other interna-tional cooperative programs. Meanwhile, through Chinese scholarships, he has trained many young scientists from de-veloping nations. “In the past, China benefited greatly from international cooperation. Now it’s our turn to give back,” he said.He is now planning personnel training programs with countries in Africa and South Asia. “Chinese wheat varieties have many merits. They are high-yield and blight-resistant, which would be valuable for developing countries. In addi-tion, China’s agricultural machinery is handy, effective, and reasonably priced. That would also benefit these countries.”In recent years, the Chinese government has instituted many scholarships for students from other developing countries and he wants to leverage the policy to train more interna-tional students.The CIMMYT China Office now focuses on the impact ofclimate change on wheat production. “Theimpact is far beyond our imagination. Forexample, new crop blights have appearedin some regions, and extreme weather hasshown its great impact on wheat production,”He Zhonghu enumerated. He says interna-tional cooperation would be a good way toaddress that problem effectively.He also shares one of his cherished memo-ries about Haldore Hanson, a former directorof CIMMYT and, also a distinguished Ameri-can war correspondent who interviewedMao Zedong in Yan’a n in 1938.“When I was doing my post-doctorate at CIMMYT, Han-son had retired. But whenever he learned a Chinese visited CIMMYT, he would invite the Chinese home for dinner and talked about changes in China. He had a special bond with China.” Hanson, who devoted much of his life to global food security, including donating his residence to CIMMYT, great-ly inspired He and sowed the seeds of international coopera-tion in He’s mind.China’s international exchanges in agriculture continue to expand as more and more Chinese go abroad and more and more foreigners come to China, nurturing commendable international friendship. This spirit of international coopera-tion is particularly invaluable in today’s turbulent global po-litical landscape. Global issues like food security and climate change are sounding a clarion call for countries to put aside their differences and collaborate to crack the common challenges. CChina’s international ex-changes in agriculture continue to expand as more and more Chinese go abroad and more and more foreigners come to China, nurturing commendable international friendship.。
2014年腊熟期节节麦-普通小麦八体 做抗穗发芽鉴定并计算发芽指数
提取实验材料 DNA,8%PAGE凝胶电泳
对节节麦-普通小麦八倍体连交﹑回交的后代群体做抗穗 发芽鉴定统计7天发芽籽粒数计算发芽指数。
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Characteristics of wheat dough and Chinese steamed bread added with sodium alginates or konjac glucomannanS.Y.Sim,A.A.Noor Aziah,L.H.Cheng *Food Technology Division,School of Industrial Technology,Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800Minden,Penang,Malaysiaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 27January 2010Accepted 17September 2010Keywords:DoughChinese steamed bread Sodium alginates Konjac glucomannana b s t r a c tIn this study,wheat flour was dry-blended with sodium alginates (ALG)and konjac glucomannan (KGM)at 0.2%and 0.8%w/w flour as-is moisture basis.Dough mixing and stretching properties were assessed by farinograph and extensograph,respectively.Chinese steamed bread (CSB)samples prepared were compared in terms of spread ratio,speci fic volume and staling behaviour.In general,ALG and KGM addition was found to produce dough with rigid and weak network,respectively.Chinese steamed bread with ALG (0.2%)or KGM (0.8%)addition was relatively low in spread ratio and speci fic volume,but softer and more resistant to staling on storage as compared to the control sample.Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionChinese steamed bread (CSB),a kind of wheat-based traditional fermented Chinese food has been consumed for almost two millennia in China (Su,Ding,Li,Su,&Zheng,2005).It is gaining popularity and widely consumed by people reside in the Southeast Asia region.The basic ingredients for making CSB are wheat flour,water,yeast and salt;sugar and shortening are optional (Pomeranz,Huang,&Rubenthaler,1991).There are three major types of steamed bread made in China.The Northern-style steamed bread has a very cohesive,elastic and dense texture and it is usually prepared from strong gluten flour.Whereas,the Southern-style steamed bread,is commonly known for a more open crumb structure,softer texture and a white surface,and it is usually prepared from weak gluten flour.In the very southern part of China,Cantonese-style steamed bread or bun is popular.This type of steamed bread is very unique whereby the crumb is extremely white in colour,very soft but not cohesive in texture and tastes very sweet (Crosbie,Huang,&Barclay,1998;Jiang,Hao,&Tian,2008).Consumers prefer steamed bread which has a smooth surface,a soft,moist,and uniform white crumb with higher speci fic volume (Rubenthaler,Huang,&Pomeranz,1990).The processing method of CSB is different from that of bread in which the CSB is made by cooking the fermented dough through steaming whereas bread is produced by baking in an oven.This steaming method produces product with a soft,moist,and uniform crumb texture,and a thin,smooth,white skin rather than the brown crust of traditional bread (Rubenthaler et al.,1990;Su et al.,2005).Qin,Cheng,and Ma (2007)reported that the shelf life of CSB was 1e 3days only when being stored at room temperature and the shelf life becomes shorter at higher storage temperature or reduced storage relative humidity.Most of the time bread quality loss is not due to microorganism or endogenous enzyme deteriorative activity but staling (Bárcenas &Rosell,2005).Gums consist of a number of water-soluble polysaccharides come with different chemical structures and provide diverse functional properties such as gelling,thickening,stabilising,foaming,emulsi-fying,as well as inhibiting syneresis during a freeze e thaw cycle,water-retention and textural enhancing properties,by controlling the water molecules mobility (Rosell,Collar,&Haros,2007).They have been used to retard the baked goods from staling and improve the quality of the fresh produce (Bárcenas &Rosell,2005),and to enhance frozen dough shelf life (Asghar,Anjum,Butt,Tariq,&Hussain,2007).Apart from these,guar and xanthan gums have been reported when used in bread at 7%and 2%addition levels,respectively,are able to impart therapeutic effects (Kohajdová,Karovi c ová,&Schmidt,2009).In this study,sodium alginates (ALG)and konjac glucomannan (KGM)were added to CSB.Alginates are extracted from marine brown algae of the genera Ascophyllum ,Alaria ,Cystoseira ,Ecklonia ,Eisenia ,Fucus ,Laminaria ,Macrocystis ,Nereocystis ,and Sargassum (Khotimchenko,Kovalev,Savchenko,&Ziganshina,2001).Alginate and its salts consisted of the radicals of b -D-mannuronic and a -L-guluronic acids linked with (1/4)-bonds in an unbranched chain (Brownlee et al.,2005;Khotimchenko et al.,2001).Alginate and its salts have wide applications due to their thickening,emulsifying,gelling and sta-bilising behaviours besides their capability to retain water (Draget,2000;Khotimchenko et al.,2001).The usage levels for alginates are cost-driven and ranged between 0.5and 1.5%in food application*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ6046535209;fax:þ6046573678.E-mail address:lhcheng@usm.my (L.H.Cheng).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectFood Hydrocolloidsjournal homepa ge:/locate/foodhyd0268-005X/$e see front matter Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2010.09.009Food Hydrocolloids 25(2011)951e 957(Brownlee et al.,2005).Guarda,Rosell,Benedito de Barber,and Galotto(2004)and Rosell,Rojas,and Benedito de Barber(2001a) reported that alginates showed an anti-staling effect.The ability of alginates to decrease staling rate of bread samples was attributed to inhibiting interactions between gluten and starch(Davidou,Le Meste,Debever,&Bekaert,1996).Konjac glucomannan(KGM),a high molecular weight and water-soluble non-ionic polysaccharide is extracted from the root tuber of Amorphophallus konjac C.Koch(Davé&McCarthy,1997;Nishinari& Zhang,2004).KGM is a type of neutral heteropolysaccharide consists of b-1,4-linked D-mannose and D-glucose in the ratio of 1.6:1with a low degree of acetyl groups at the C-6position(Kato& Matsuda,1969).KGM is one of the most viscous dietaryfibres known because of its effective water-absorbing ability(Chua,Baldwin, Hocking,&Chan,2010).Konjacflour has wide usage in food appli-cation as it served as an agent for thickening,texturing,gelling and water binding(Takigami,2000).It is a key ingredient to make konnyaku gels used in Japanese traditional dishes and it is also used as a gelling agent in dessert jellies(Nishinari&Zhang,2004).In making of low-fat and fat-free meat products,it may be used to offer fat replacement properties(Takigami,2000).From the literature,the influences of gums on dough functional performance and bread quality are depending upon the nature, origin,particle size,molecular structure and ionic charges of the gums,and also on the dosages of gums added to the dough formulations(Collar,Andreu,Martínez,&Armero,1999).According to Collar et al.(1999),gums added at less than1%(w/w,flour basis), are expected to provide higher water holding capacity and loaf volume,as well as decrease crumbfirmness by delaying starch retrogradation.Although the macroscopic effect of gums on wheat dough has been ascribed to structural changes induced by inter-actions between gum molecules and main components present in the wheatflour,however there is no general consensus about the mechanism of action of the gums(Rosell et al.,2007).There is scarce information on the quality of CSB added with gums of various kinds.Hence,this study was conducted in order to deter-mine the effects of sodium alginates and konjac glucomannan on wheat dough rheological properties and also study the possibility of retarding staling and enhancing shelf life of CSB.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsWheatflour with10%protein(14%moisture basis),0.47%ash and 13.3%moisture(dry basis)was supplied by United Malayan Flour Mill(Butterworth,Malaysia).Konjac glucomannan(KGM)was obtained from Hung Thong Food Technology Sdn.Bhd.(Penang, Malaysia).Sodium alginates(ALG)from brown algae(Fluka brand, product of United Kingdom)was procured from Sigma-Aldrich Sdn. Bhd(Selangor,Malaysia).Sucrose and sodium chloride(SYSTERMÒbrand)were purchased from Merck Sdn.Bhd.(Selangor,Malaysia) and Classic Chemicals Sdn.Bhd.(Selangor,Malaysia),respectively. Calcium propionate was bought from Sim Company Sdn.Bhd. (Penang,Malaysia).Crisco shortening was manufactured by J.M. Smucker Company(Orrville,OH,U.S.A.)while fresh yeast was obtained from AB Mauri Malaysia Sdn.Bhd.(Selangor,Malaysia).2.2.Farinograph testA constantflour weight method was performed on Brabender FarinographÒ-E(Brabender OHG,Duisburg,Germany)according to AACC method54-21(AACC,2000).Approximately300g of wheat flour(corrected to14%moisture basis)with or without addition of ALG or KGM was mixed in a300-g mixing bowl for50min.Parameters such as water absorption,dough development time, dough stability and mixing tolerance index(MTI)were recorded. Average of triplicate measurements was reported.2.3.Extensograph testDough was prepared in a Brabender FarinographÒ-E with formulation as aforementioned with an addition of6g of sodium chloride dissolved in part of the water.The dough wasfirst mixed for1min,rested for5min and mixing continues until a500FU consistency was reached.Water addition wasfixed by subtracting 2%of the water absorption determined by farinograph to counter-balance for salt addition effect.The dough was stretchedusingFig.1.Farinograph parameters of wheatflour with or without addition of food gums. The error bar representsÆstandard deviation(n¼3).Bars followed by the same letter and with the same capital letter are not significantly different at5%probability level.(a)Water absorption corrected to500FU,(b)dough development time,(c)dough stability,(d)mixing tolerance index(MTI).S.Y.Sim et al./Food Hydrocolloids25(2011)951e957 952Brabender ExtensographÒ(Brabender OHG,Duisburg,Germany) until rupture after45min,90min,and135min of resting time ina humidified chamber(>90%relative humidity)conditioned at30 C.This test was done following AACC method54-10(AACC, 2000).Dough maximum resistance,extensibility,and work applied to stretch the dough(area under the curve)were measured from extensogram obtained with the aid of a planimeter.Average of triplicate measurements was reported.2.4.Preparation of Chinese steamed breadRecipe formulation consisted of wheatflour with or without addition of ALG or KGM at0.2%and0.8%,80%water based on far-inograph water absorption,8%sucrose,3%fresh yeast,1%sodium chloride,2%Crisco shortening,and0.2%w/w(based on as-is moisture basis of wheatflour)calcium propionate.The levels of ALG and KGM addition were arbitrarilyfixed.No-time fermentation was used in this sample preparation.Before mixing the dough, fresh yeast was dissolved in warm water(35e40 C)containing5g sucrose and left for10min.Sodium chloride,calcium propionate, and the remaining sucrose were dissolved in warm water.To begin dough mixing,sucrose solution was poured slowly into wheatflour in a mixing bowl of KitchenAidÒMixer(Model:5KSM150PS, KitchenAid,USA)with a dough hook.Mixing was conducted at speed2of the mixer.Fresh yeast solution was added and mixed before sodium chloride solution,calcium propionate solution,and the remaining cold water were added while mixing.After being mixed for2min,shortening was added and mixing was continued for another8min until the dough was not sticky to the bowl.The dough was then divided into pieces of100-g and rounded with the balling unit of extensograph.This was followed by proofing in a proofer conditioned at30 C and85%relative humidity for30min.Finally,the dough was steamed in a steamer for15min and tested after cooling for1h.2.5.Storage study of Chinese steamed bread(CSB)The samples of Chinese steamed bread(CSB)prepared were kept in air-tight containers until analysis at27 C.The properties studied are spread ratio,specific volume,andfirmness.Average of triplicate measurements was reported for each storage period and preparation of CSB was repeated twice.2.6.Spread ratio of CSBThe heights and bottom widths of CSB were measured at three different locations with a ruler and the average was recorded. Spread ratio(width/height)was then calculated.This was modified from Lijuan,Guiying,Guoan,and Zaigui(2007).2.7.Specific volume of CSBThe volume of CSB was determined by using rapeseed displacement method.Weight of CSB was measured using a top-pan balance and measured to the nearest of0.01g.Specific volume (ml gÀ1)is the ratio of volume to weight of CSB.2.8.Textural properties of CSBFresh and storage samples were subjected to a penetration test using a TA-XT Plus Texture Analyzer(Stable Micro Systems,Surrey, United Kingdom)equipped with a30-kg load cell and a1-inch diameter Delrin ball probe.Measurements were conducted with a pre-test speed of1.0mm sÀ1,a test speed of1.7mm sÀ1,a post-test speed of10.0mm sÀ1,and5.0g trigger force.The deformation level was75%of the sample height and the samples were pene-trated once.The maximum force orfirmness of samples was determined.Change infirmness during storage was used as a parameter in the evaluation of CSB staling.Staling index or increase offirmness is calculated as follows:2.9.Statistical analysisA complete randomize design was adopted for all analyses con-ducted.For farinograph and extensograph tests on dough samples, triplicate measurements were performed.As for CSB characteriza-tion on storage,three sub-samples from each duplicate preparation were measured.Where necessary,means were compared using Duncan test at95%significance level by SPSS software for Windows Release15.0(SPSS Inc.,Chicago,Illinois,USA).3.Results and discussion3.1.Dough mixing propertiesFig.1shows the dough mixing properties of wheatflour with and without addition of sodium alginates(ALG)or konjac gluco-mannan(KGM)at0.2and0.8%addition level.At0.2%addition level,water absorption of sample added with ALG or KGM was not significantly different from the control sample, but at0.8%addition level water absorption of sample increased in the order of control<KGM<ALG.It is clearly evident that water absorption of sample added with0.8%ALG or KGM are significantly higher than those added at0.2%(Fig.1a).There means to say,to reach500FU,relatively higher amount of water is required in the presence of excessive gums.This suggests that gums molecules compete with gluten molecules for water due to the fact that gums showing higher water binding capacity than gluten(Ghodke Shalini&Laxmi,2007;Guarda et al.,2004).This observation was in line with the work of Rao,Indrani,and Shurpalekar(1985), Rosell,Rojas,and Benedito de Barber(2001b),Guarda et al. (2004),Asghar et al.(2007)and Ghodke Shalini and Laxmi(2007).Dough development time is defined as the time between the point offirst addition of water and the point at whichfirst indi-cation of weakening of dough is detected.On the other hand, stability is defined as the difference in time between the point at which the top of the curvefirst intercepts the500FU line and the point at which the top of the curve leaves the500FU line.Both parameters give an indication of dough strength and tolerance towards mixing,respectively.In general,ALG was found to be more effective in increasing dough development time and dough stability than KGM.However, when compared to the control sample,ALG at0.2%and0.8% addition levels increased dough development time;dough stabilityS.Y.Sim et al./Food Hydrocolloids25(2011)951e957953was increased and decreased at 0.2and 0.8%,respectively (Fig.1b and c).Meanwhile,samples added with KGM demonstrated lower dough development time and dough stability values than the control sample at both levels of addition.Mixing tolerance index (MTI)shows a reverse trend with dough stability.It is de fined as the difference in Farinograph unit between the top of the curve at the peak and the position of the curve measured 5min after the peak is reached.Henceforth,dough with low MTI value is commonly known to possess good tolerance towards mixing.In other words,the weaker the dough,the higher the MTI value.From the result,it is found that inclusion of KGM at both addition levels showed the highest MTI value (Fig.1d).Therefore,KGM is anticipated to be weaker relatively.This finding is consistent with the findings of dough development time and dough stability.3.2.Dough extensibilitySingh and MacRitchie (2001)have applied the knowledge from polymer science studies to explain the properties of gluten.They attributed the dough extensibility to the extension of the large glutenin molecules in a dough system.It is reported that entan-glement coupling between glutenin molecules is responsible to maintain the elasticity of the dough.According to the theory of Termonia and Smith (1987),the extensional properties of polymers are governed by two main kinetic processes,namely the breaking of secondary valence bonds and slippage of entangled chains.The relative rates of the two kinetic processes then determine the extensional behaviour of a polymer.For dough,a biopolymer system,when the rate of chain slippage is much greater than the rate of elongation of the chain,resistance towards stretching is low.As a result,the tensile strength and the elongation will both be low.However,if the rate of chain slippage is relatively low,meaning chains slippage occur insuf ficiently rapidly in response to the applied stress,the chains will break and resulting very short distance of elongation.When the rate of slippage is optimum in the sense that the chains will slip free suf ficiently rapidly to avoid breakage of covalent bonds,the entanglement points will contribute to resistance.In this case,both the tensile strength and elongation will be maximised.Henceforth,any factors that modify the degree of chain slippage and elongation will directly in fluence the dough stretching properties (Singh &MacRitchie,2001).Figs.2e 4show the extensograph properties (R max ,maximum resistance;A,work applied;R max /E,ratio of maximum resistance to extensibility)of dough prepared in this study as a function of resting time.Results showed that R max ,A and R max /E increased with progressive increase in resting time from 45to 90min,and a plateau or a slight drop was evident between 90and 135min.This indicates that 90min resting time is required for an optimum gluten network formation.This result trends might throw some light on what we might expect when dough is over proofed.WhenFig.2.Maximum resistance of dough with or without food gums added as a function of rest time.(a)0.2%addition level,(b)0.8%addition level.Typical coef ficient of variation for triplicate measurements did not exceed10%.Fig.3.Work applied to stretch the dough with or without food gums added as a function of rest time.(a)0.2%addition level,(b)0.8%addition level.Typical coef ficient of variation for triplicate measurements did not exceed 10%.S.Y.Sim et al./Food Hydrocolloids 25(2011)951e 957954rest time was prolonged,structural relaxation of the work-hard-ened dough could account for the drop in R max ,A and R max /E values (Hlynka,1955).With fewer secondary valence bonds and entan-glement couplings,chain slippage is facilitated when stress is applied,thus low resistance to extension and work done result (Singh &MacRitchie,2001).However,this phenomenon is delayed with higher level of gums addition,which could be explained by an enhanced chain e chain interaction between gums molecules and gluten molecules.Therefore,it is desirable,if not necessary to obtain gluten network formation through proper dough prepara-tion and formulation because the dough may not rise optimally during baking or steaming due to either rupture of a weaker gluten network,rigid or “heavy ”dough weight upon gas bubbles expan-sion (Campbell,2003;Hru s ková, Svec,&Jirsa,2006;Larroque,Gianibelli,&MacRitchie,1999).This will confer an impact on loaf volume and crumb texture (Goesaert et al.,2005).When compared to the control sample,extensograph properties of both samples added with ALG and KGM were found to be addition level and rest time dependent.In general,at both addition levels,R max (Fig.2)and R max /E (Fig.4)of the samples decreased in the order of ALG >Control >KGM,except for R max and R max /E of sample added with 0.2%KGM were higher than those of the control sample at 45min resting time.The energy required to stretch the dough was reduced when gums was added to wheat flour.This is clearly shown in Fig.3where A value of samples added with ALG or KGM was found to be lower than the control sample.However,the trend was different at different level of addition,i.e.Control >ALG >KGM at 0.2%level and Control >KGM >ALG at 0.8%level.In general,ALG at 0.2%addition level was found to produce dough with high R max ,R max /E,and A values.These are character-istics of a rigid dough that when being stretched,the chains could not slip suf ficiently rapidly in response to the applied stress and break apart easily,resulting in high resistance to extension but short elongation at break (Singh &MacRitchie,2001).On the other hand,KGM at 0.2%addition level has resulted in weaker dough with relatively lower R max ,R max /E and A values.At a molecular level,it could be envisaged that when KGM added dough is stretched,chain slippage is greater than the rate of chain elongation,as if spacing between entanglement knots are far enough to render the chain strands flexible (Singh &MacRitchie,2001).3.3.Characteristics of Chinese steamed bread (CSB)Spread ratio and speci fic volume of CSB :Spread ratio and speci fic volume of CSB prepared are tabulated in Table 1.Overall,spreadratio and speci fic volume of CSB was decreased upon addition of gums at both 0.2and 0.8%levels.This result trend is in accordance with result presented earlier on extensograph and substantiate the theory that a strong gluten network is crucial in giving strength to the gas cells in the dough to expand during initial stages of baking or steaming (Bell,1990;Dziezak,1991;Haque,Richardson,Morris,Gidley,&Caswell,1993;Sarkar &Walker,1995).This observation suggests that an appropriate balance between dough resistance and extensibility is important in governing the dough properties.No doubt,a high dough strength can provoke an increase in loaf volume but dough rise can be hindered when dough is too strong (Rosell et al.,2001b;Goesaert et al.,2005).On the other hand,with too much of elasticity may bring about dif ficulty to CSB processing and causing shrinkage of finished product,whereas too high extensibility may result in flat-shaped product (Hou &Popper,2007).Firmness of CSB upon storage at 27 C :Bread staling is a complicated phenomenon and it is attributable to many factors.Nevertheless,retrogradation of starch molecules remains as the main factor of bread staling (Gray &BeMiller,2003).Upon storage,the increase of firmness is usually serves as an index of bread staling (Hareland &Puhr,1998).As seen in Fig.5,at 0.2%addition level,ALG gave a softening effect to CSB and firming was delayed on storage,whilst CSB added with KGM became firmer when compared with the control counterpart.The initial staling rate as denoted by the initial slope value was found to decrease upon gums addition.However,at 0.8%addition level,control sample showed the highest firmness increment value throughout the storage and it is interesting to find out that upon addition of ALG and KGM at 0.8%level,a drastic drop in staling rate was evident.ThisleadsFig.4.Ratio of maximum resistance to extensibility of dough with or without food gums added as a function of rest time.(a)0.2%addition level,(b)0.8%addition level.Typical coef ficient of variation for triplicate measurements did not exceed 10%.Table 1Spread ratio and speci fic volume of Chinese steam bread prepared with and without gums ’addition.SampleSpread ratio Speci fic volume (ml g À1)0.2%Addition level Control 1.69Æ0.09a 4.14Æ0.20a ALG 1.61Æ0.14b 3.76Æ0.32b KGM1.64Æ0.09ab 4.16Æ0.13a 0.8%Addition level Control 1.69Æ0.09A 4.14Æ0.20A ALG 1.64Æ0.06B 3.80Æ0.10B KGM1.73Æ0.10A3.55Æ0.14CALG,sodium alginates;KGM,konjac glucomannan.Means Æstandard deviation (n ¼6).Values followed by the same letter and with the same capital letter in the same column are not signi ficantly different at the 5%probability level.S.Y.Sim et al./Food Hydrocolloids 25(2011)951e 957955support to the view that gums present in dough could hinder the development of macromolecular entanglements and retard starch recrystallization (Collar et al.,1999;Davidou et al.,1996;Gujral,Haros,&Rosell,2004).4.ConclusionsSodium alginates (ALG)and konjac glucomannan (KGM)show different effects on wheat dough and Chinese steamed bread (CSB)properties due probably to their distinctly different molecular structures and functionalities.The results from this study suggest that at 0.2%addition level ALG is better than KGM in delaying staling of CSB though slight reduction in spread ratio and speci fic volume were evident.However,at 0.8%level,KGM seems to be better than ALG in enhancing CSB properties.AcknowledgementsThis work was financially supported by Kuok Foundation and Malayan Sugar Manufacturing Co.Bhd through a research grant (304/PTEKIND/650441/K132).S.Y.Sim wishes to thank Institute of Post-graduate Studies,Universiti Sains Malaysia for fellowship support.NomenclaturesA:work applied to stretch dough ALG:sodium alginates BU:Brabender unit CSB:Chinese steamed bread FU:farinograph unitKGM:konjac glucomannanR max /E:ratio of maximum resistance to extensibility R max :maximum resistanceReferencesAACC.(2000).Approved methods of the American association of 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作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2012, 38(11): 2078−2085/zwxb/ ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail: xbzw@DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.02078中国鲜面条耐煮特性及评价指标张艳1阎俊2肖永贵1王德森1何中虎1,3,*1中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 / 国家小麦改良中心, 北京 100081; 2中国农业科学院棉花研究所, 河南安阳 455112; 3国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)中国办事处, 北京 100081摘要: 以我国北部和黄淮冬麦区的46份主栽小麦品种和育成品系为材料, 分析了品质性状与煮熟面条冲洗水中总有机物含量(TOM)、干物质蒸煮损失率、面条吸水性和黏性等面条耐煮性指标的关系。
结果表明, 小麦品种的磨粉品质、面团流变学特性、淀粉品质及TOM值、蒸煮损失率和黏性等面条耐煮性指标存在较大变异。
拉伸面积和最大抗延阻力与TOM值呈显著负相关, 相关系数分别为−0.66 (P<0.01)和−0.56 (P <0.01); 稳定时间、拉伸面积和最大抗延阻力与面条煮6 min和10 min后鲜重的相关系数为−0.55~ −0.63 (P <0.01), 耐揉指数与二者的相关系数分别为0.67 (P<0.01)和0.69 (P<0.01); 糊化温度与面条煮10 min后鲜重呈极显著正相关(r = 0.60, P<0.01), 说明提高小麦面粉的蛋白质含量、面筋强度可以显著改善面条耐煮特性, 蛋白质特性是影响面条耐煮性的主要品质因子, 淀粉糊化参数对面条耐煮性也有一定影响。
TOM值与面条煮6 min和10 min后鲜重呈显著正相关, 相关系数分别为0.66 (P<0.01)和0.69 (P<0.01); 面条煮6 min与煮10 min后鲜重也呈高度正相关(r = 0.86, P<0.01)。
不同干燥条件下挂面烹饪特性比较分析张影全1,2,惠滢1,2,张波2,郭波莉2,张国权1,魏益民2(1.西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程学院,陕西杨凌 712100)(2.中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所,农业农村部农产品加工综合性重点实验室,北京 100193) 摘要:干燥温度和相对湿度是影响挂面产品烹饪特性的主要控制条件。
为明确不同温度、相对湿度及其互作对挂面烹饪特性的影响程度,分析不同干燥条件组合下挂面烹饪特性的变化规律,本文以小麦品种宁春4号为原料,实验室仿工业小试规模制作挂面,设计温度(40、60、80 ℃)和相对湿度(65%、75%、85%)的两因素三水平全排列干燥工艺实验,测定挂面产品最佳煮制时间、烹调吸水率、烹调损失率等煮制特性,以及煮熟挂面TPA质构特性。
与传统干燥工艺条件(40 ℃/75%)相比,干燥组合60 ℃/75%条件下,产品整体烹饪质量得到一定程度的改善或提高。
关键词:挂面;干燥条件;温度;相对湿度;烹饪特性文章篇号:1673-9078(2021)01-164-171 DOI: 10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2021.01.0687 Comparative Analysis of the Cooking Quality of Chinese Dried Noodlesunder Different Drying ParametersZHANG Ying-quan1,2, HUI Ying1,2, ZHANG Bo2, GUO Bo-li2, ZHANG Guo-quan1, WEI Yi-min2(1.College of Food Science & Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Y angling 712100, China)(2.Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agro-ProductsProcessing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100193, China) Abstract: Temperature and relative humidity in drying chamber are the two main parameters affecting cooking quality of Chinese dried noodles (CDN). To clarify the effects of temperature, humidity and temperature-humidity interactions on quality performance of CDN, the flour of Chinese wheat variety Ningchun 4 was used for small-scale industrial making of CDN under different drying conditions in laboratory. Three temperatures (40 ℃, 60 ℃ and 80 ℃) and three relative humidity (65%, 75% and 85%) were selected for designing the CDN drying experiment with two factors of three levels each. The quality evaluation of CDN showed that the cooking quality and texture of cooked CDN were significantly or extreme significantly affected by drying temperature, relative humidity, and their interaction. Complex quality changes of CDN were observed with the increase of drying temperature or humidity. Drying temperature was identified as the main factor affecting the cooking characteristics of the CDN, followed by temperature-humidity interaction and humidity. Temperature (with the variation contribution rate over 70%) had the greatest influence on the optimum cooking time and texture of cooked noodles. Compared with the traditional drying process condition (40 ℃and 75% ), the quality of CDN was improved when it was dried at 60 ℃and 75%. The results in this study will 引文格式:张影全,惠滢,张波,等.不同干燥条件下挂面烹饪特性比较分析[J].现代食品科技,2021,37(1): 164-171ZHANG Ying-quan, HUI Ying, ZHANG Bo, et al. Comparative analysis of the cooking quality of Chinese dried noodles under different drying parameters [J]. Modern Food Science and Technology, 2021, 37(1): 164-171收稿日期:2020-07-21基金项目:国家重点研发计划专项(2016YFD0400200);国家自然科学基金项目(3150152);现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-03);中国农业科学院科技创新工程作者简介:张影全(1985-),男,博士生,助理研究员,研究方向:谷物加工理论与技术通讯作者:张国权(1968-),男,博士,教授,研究方向:食品科学与工程;魏益民(1957-),男,博士,教授,研究方向:食品科学与工程provide reference for the drying process optimization and quality control of CDN.Key words: Chinese dried noodles; drying conditions; temperature; relative humidity; cooking quality挂面是中国传统面制主食之一。
改革开放后的饮食变化英语作文Since the beginning of the reform and opening-up policy in 1978, China has undergone significant changes in various aspects of its society, including itsdiet and culinary habits. This essay aims to explore the transformations in Chinese dietary patterns following the reform and opening-up and to critically evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of these changes. Additionally, it willprovide recommendations for the future implications of these dietary shifts.Historical Background and DevelopmentBefore the reform and opening-up, Chinese cuisine was primarily based on traditional recipes and cooking methods that had been passed down through generations. The diet was heavily reliant on locally grown produce and staplefoods such as rice, wheat, and vegetables. Meat was considered a luxury and was only consumed on special occasions. However, with the introduction of economic reforms and increased trade with foreign countries, the availability of a wider variety of food products and ingredients began to influence Chinese dietary habits.The influx of Western fast food chains, such as McDonald's and KFC, into China in the late 20th century marked a significant shift in the country's eating habits. The convenience and novelty of these foreign food options appealed to the Chinese population, especially the younger generation. As a result, the consumption offast food and processed snacks increased, leading to concerns about the impact on public health.Perspectives and OpinionsThe changes in Chinese dietary patterns following the reform and opening-up have sparked diverse perspectives and opinions. Proponents of the shift argue that it has brought greater variety and convenience to the Chinese diet, allowingpeople to explore different cuisines and flavors. They believe that exposure to international foods has broadened the culinary horizons of the Chinese population and contributed to cultural exchange.On the other hand, critics express concerns about the potential negative effects of adopting a more Westernized diet. They argue that the increased consumption of fast food and processed snacks has led to a rise in health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, there are concerns about the loss of traditional Chinese culinary practices and thepotential impact on local farmers and producers as imported foods gain popularity.Case Studies and ExamplesTo illustrate the impact of the reform and opening-up on Chinese dietary patterns, we can examine the case of urbanization and its influence on food consumption. As China's urban population has grown rapidly, there has been a shift towards a more fast-paced lifestyle, leading to an increased demand for ready-to-eat meals and dining out. This has contributed to the proliferation of fast food outlets and the popularity of convenience foods in urban areas.Furthermore, the rise of e-commerce platforms in China has facilitated the access to a wide range of imported food products, allowing consumers to purchase foreign goods with ease. This has led to an increase in the consumption of Western snacks, beverages, and processed foods, particularly among the younger generation.Critical EvaluationThe changes in Chinese dietary patterns following the reform and opening-up have brought both benefits and drawbacks. On the positive side, the increased availability of diverse food options has enriched the culinary landscape of China, offering consumers the opportunity to experience new flavors and cuisines. Moreover, the introduction of international food chains has created employment opportunities and contributed to the growth of the service industry.However, the shift towards a more Westernized diet has raised concerns about the potential health implications, particularly regarding the overconsumption of high-calorie and low-nutrient foods. The prevalence of fast food and processed snacks has been linked to the rising rates of obesity and related health conditions in China. Additionally, the dominance of imported foods in the markethas raised questions about the sustainability of local agricultural practices and the preservation of traditional Chinese culinary heritage.Future Implications and RecommendationsLooking ahead, it is essential to consider the future implications of the changes in Chinese dietary patterns and to formulate recommendations for sustainable development. One potential approach is to promote a balanced and diversified diet that incorporates both traditional Chinese foods andinternational cuisines. This can be achieved through educational initiatives that raise awareness about healthy eating habits and the nutritional value of different food choices.Furthermore, there is a need to support local farmers and producers to ensure the availability of fresh and locally sourced ingredients. Government policies can be implemented to incentivize the production and consumption of traditional Chinese foods, thereby preserving culinary heritage and promoting sustainable agriculture. Additionally, efforts to regulate the marketing and availability of fast food and processed snacks can help mitigate the negative impact on public health.In conclusion, the reform and opening-up have brought about significant changes in Chinese dietary patterns, with the increased influence of international cuisines and the prevalence of fast food and processed snacks. While these changes have offered greater variety and convenience, they have also raised concerns about public health and the preservation of traditional culinary practices. Bycritically evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of these dietary shifts and offering recommendations for the future, we can strive to ensure a balanced and sustainable approach to food consumption in China.。
亲水胶体对小麦玉米混合粉及馒头品质的影响李文钊,史宗义,杜依登,时瀛洲,高瑞飞,阮美娟(天津科技大学食品工程与生物技术学院,天津 300457)摘要:以玉米粉和小麦粉为原料,研究了黄原胶、瓜尔豆胶、羧甲基纤维素钠、魔芋胶4种亲水胶体不同的添加量(0.5%、1%、1.5%、2%)对混合粉粉质特性(吸水率、面团形成时间、稳定时间、弱化度)和小麦玉米混合粉馒头品质(比容、硬度、弹性、感官评分)的影响。
关键词:小麦玉米混合粉馒头;胶体;粉质特性;品质文章篇号:1673-9078(2014)10-63-67 DOI: 10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2014.10.012 Effects of Hydrocolloids on the Quality of Wheat-corn Mixed Flour andSteamed BunLI Wen-zhao, SHI Zong-yi, DU Yi-deng, SHI Ying-zhou, GAO Rui-fei, RUAN Mei-juan (College of Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457, China) Abstract: Using corn and wheat flour as raw materials, the effects of four hydrocolloids (xanthan gum, guar gum, carboxymethyl cellulose sodium, and konjac gum) at different dosages (0.5 %, 1%, 1.5%, and 2%) on the farinograph properties of mixed flour (water absorption, dough formation time, stabilization time, and degree of softening) and the qualities of wheat-corn mixed-flour steamed bun (specific volume, hardness, springiness, and sensory evaluation) were investigated. The farinograph properties were analyzed by a farinograph. The specific volume of wheat-corn mixed-flour steamed bun was measured by a volume meter. The hardness and springiness were measured by a texture analyzer. The results showed that all four hydrocolloids increased the water absorption, dough formation time, and stabilization time of the mixed flour while reducing the degree of softening, albeit some differences were observed. Although the effect of xanthan gum on the farinograph properties was the most remarkable, its effect on wheat-corn mixed-flour steamed bun was out of expectation. The qualities of wheat-corn mixed-flour steamed bun were improved by adding appropriate amounts of guar gum, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, and konjac glucomannan. Specifically, the specific volume of the mixed steamed bun was the maximum with adding 2% konjac glucomannan, the hardness was the minimum with adding 0.5 % konjac glucomannan, and the springiness and sensory quality scores were the highest with adding 2% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose.Key words: wheat-corn mixed-flour steamed bread; hydrocolloids; farinograph property; quality玉米是世界上分布最广泛的粮食作物之一,也是世界公认的黄金作物,含有丰富的钙、磷、铁、纤维素、胡萝卜素、维生素B1、维生素B2、不饱和脂肪酸,还有谷固醇、卵磷脂等,能降低胆固醇,预防高血压、冠心病、心肌梗塞的发生,延缓脑功能退化。
发酵馒头制品执行标准英文回答:Fermented steamed bread is a popular traditional Chinese food made from wheat flour and yeast. It is a staple food in many regions of China and is enjoyed by people of all ages. The production of fermented steamed bread follows certain standards to ensure its quality and safety.In China, the execution standard for fermented steamed bread is GB/T 5009.3-2016. This standard specifies the requirements for raw materials, processing methods, and quality control measures for fermented steamed bread. It covers aspects such as the moisture content, pH value, and sensory attributes of the bread.To meet the standard, the raw materials used in the production of fermented steamed bread must be of good quality. This includes selecting high-quality wheat flourand yeast. The flour should have a suitable gluten contentto ensure proper dough fermentation and bread texture. The yeast should be fresh and active to facilitate the fermentation process.The processing methods for fermented steamed bread involve several steps. First, the dough is prepared by mixing flour, yeast, water, and other ingredients. The dough is then fermented for a specific period of time to allow the yeast to produce carbon dioxide gas, which gives the bread its soft and fluffy texture. After fermentation, the dough is divided into smaller portions and shaped into round buns. The buns are then steamed in a steamer untilfully cooked.Quality control measures are also important in the production of fermented steamed bread. This includes monitoring the moisture content of the bread to ensure itis neither too dry nor too moist. The pH value of the bread is also checked to ensure it is within the acceptable range. Additionally, sensory evaluation is conducted to assess the appearance, texture, and taste of the bread.In conclusion, the execution standard for fermented steamed bread in China ensures that the bread is made with high-quality raw materials, follows proper processing methods, and meets specific quality control measures. This standard helps to maintain the consistency and quality of fermented steamed bread, ensuring that consumers can enjoya delicious and safe product.中文回答:发酵馒头是一种由小麦粉和酵母制成的受欢迎的中国传统食品。