


一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1-—5 BDCCA 6—10 ABCDD二、非选择题。

更多暑假作业相关内容推举↓↓↓暑假作业答案资料暑假作业语文答案数学暑假作业三年级语文暑假作业本答案2021中小学语文暑假作业练习题初二暑假作业答案数学(一)1.B2.B3.D4.B5.C6.C7.408.平行9.a=cb10.13611.内错角相等,两直线平行;3;4;两直线平行,同位角相等12.(1)略(2)平行,理由略13.略14.(1)∠B+∠D=∠E(2)∠E+∠G=∠B+∠F+∠D(3)略(二)1.C2.B3.D4.D5.D6.C7.50°或65°8.49.平行10.9厘米或13厘米11.60°12.13.略14.略15.略16.(1)15°(2)20°(3)(4)有,理由略(三)1.20°2.厘米3.略12.FG垂直平分DE,理由略13.0.5米14.同时到达,理由略15.(1)城市A受影响(2)8小时(四)1.C2.D3.B4.A5.C6.A7.C8.B9.3010.611.,12.略13.略14.(1)直六棱柱(2)6ab15.3616.厘米(五)1.D2.D3.B4.D5.(1)抽样调查(2)普查6.;3110.1711.冠军、亚军、季军分别为李扬、林飞、程丽12.略13.略(六)1.B2.C3.C4.50;105.0.1576米26.①②③7.略8.略9.略(七)1.B2.A3.C4.A5.C6.B7.D8.(1)(2)(3)≥(4)(5)9.410.a14.-2,-115.16.b(八)1.D2.C3.C4.C5.n≤≤y≤510.11.x3(3)无解13.1,214.34,1615.(1)9≤m12(2)9(九)1.C2.B3.C4.18≤t≤225.4.0米/秒6.5,7,97.8.大于20000元9.2210.4人,13瓶11.当旅游人数为10~15人时选择乙旅行社;当旅游人数为16人时两家旅行社都可选择;当旅游人数为17~25人时选择甲旅行社12.(1)35元,26元(2)有3种方案;购买文化衫23件,相册27本的方案用于购买老师纪念品的资金更足够13.略(十)1.C2.C3.C4.C5.D6.C7.为任何实数;为08.a-19.南偏西40°距离80米10.(6,6),(-6,6),(-6,-6),(6,-6)11.5或-112.(5,2)13.(x,6)(-3≤x≤2)14.略15.(-2,0)或(6,0)16.等腰直角三角形,917.略18.略初一下册暑假作业答案苏教版数学第一单元P191.B2.D3.C4.C5.66.2a六次方b四次方7.358.49分之1259.负3分之110.(1)7(2)0(4)-1第二单元1.AB同旁内角2.85度3.58度4.80或1005.南偏西45°6.B7.A8.D10.添加:∠3=∠4∵∠1=∠2∠3=∠4∴∠1+∠3=∠2+∠4∵∠ABD=∠CDN∴AB‖CD11.∵CB‖AD∠ADB=20°∴∠CBD=∠ADB=20°∵折叠∴∠GBD=∠CBD=20°∴∠CBE=40°∵BC‖AD∴∠CBE=∠AEB=40°∵∠AEB=∠DEG=40°又∵∠G=∠C=90°∴∠EDG=180°-90°-40°=50°第三单元1.C2.B3.D5D6.A7.B8.十49.5010.5.1×10的五次方11.近似数为180cm,的整数为184cm,最小的整数为175cm,它们相差9cm,所以可能12.(1)2002年养的只数最多(2)1997年.:21998年:31999年:42000年:32001年:42002年:6(3)不是(4)很清楚形象13.D五年级下册暑假作业答案:数学P4-51、 6.9 0.72 0.007 1 0.3 1.6 0.5 4/7 12、(1)10.26(2)1/8 5(3) 50 3770(4)1.17 1又1/12 3/4 40(5)450-m+n3、 B C C C4、(1)25.5÷2.5=10(个)……0.5(千克)答:需要预备11个这样的瓶子(2)①解:设一双运动鞋需要x元,那么一套运动服需要2.6x元 X+2.6x = 3603.6x = 360X = 1002.6x=2.6x100=260答:略②300÷5-35=25(元)(3)解:设犁的质量为x千克,那么苹果的质量是2x千克2x+X = 4503x = 450X = 1502x=2x150=300答:略动脑筋:解:设乙收x吨,那么甲收(x+12.5)吨,丙收(x+X+12.5-25=2x-12.5) 吨(x+12.5)+x+(2x-12.5)=1304x = 130X = 32.5甲:x+12.5=32.5+12.5=45丙:2x-12.5=2x32.5-12.5=52.5答:略P6-71、1 32.36 10.8 0.45 506 0.4 3.4 0 10/192、(1)12个 4个(2)3/4 0.7 1(3) 12(4)长方形圆(5)4 243、简便计算3.8×2.5×0.4 0.5×12.5×8×0.2=3.8×(2.5×0.4) =(0.5×0.2)×(12.5×8) =3.8×1 = 0.1×100=3.8 = 104、解决问题(1)3.8×180÷3.6=190(个) 答:略(2)0.16×75= 12 (千克)我的体重在地球上重□千克,在月球上重0.16x□ = (千克)(3)先求面积: 10×4 + 10×1.6÷2=48(平方米)求重量: 0.15 × 4 8= 7.2 (千克)答:略动脑筋:请画示意图,切成64块,就是长宽高都平均分成4份。

初二初三暑期过渡学习资料及答案(十二)一、填空题(每小题2分)1、在实数范围内因式分解:44-x = 。
2、当x 时,代数式x--13有意义。
3、6-是 的平方根。
4、若x =3+2,则代数式162+-x x 的值是 。
5、比较大小:-72(填“>、<或=”)6、计算:20022003)23()23(+⋅-= 。
7、用4米长的铁丝围成一个平行四边形,使长边与短边的比为3∶2,则长边为 米。
8、矩形ABCD 中,E 是边DC 的中点,△AEB 是等腰直角三角形,矩形ABCD 的周长是24,则矩形的面积是 。
9、正方形的面积为2㎝2,则对角线的长是 。
10、在26个英文大写字母中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的个数共有 个。
11一个多边形除一个内角外,其余各内角的和等于2000°,则这个内角应等于 度。
12观察图形:图中是边长为1,2,3 …的正方形:当边长n =1时,正方形被分成2个全等的小等腰直角三角形; 当边长n =2时,正方形被分成8个全等的小等腰直角三角形;当边长n =3时,正方形被分成18个全等的小等腰直角三角形;…… 以此类推:当边长为n 时,正方形被分成全等的小等腰直角三角形的个数是 。
二、选择题(每小题3分)13、已知:6.3、-327-、π、-3.14、2)5(-、0.101001000…,其中无理数的个数有( )A 、 2 个B 、3 个C 、 4 个D 、5个 14、下列结论中正确的是( )A 、实数分为正实数和负实数B 、没有绝对值最小的实数C 、实数a 的倒数是a1 D 、当n 为奇数时,实数的n 次方根有且仅有一个。
15、把21)2(--a a 根号外的因式移入根号内化简,得到的结果是( )A 、2-aB 、a -2C 、-2-aD 、-a -2 16、一个直角三角形的两条边是3㎝和4㎝,则第三边长是( )A 、5㎝B 、7 ㎝C 、5㎝或7㎝ D 、不能确定17、不等边的两个全等三角形可以拼成不同的平行四边形的个数是( )A 、2 个B 、3 个C 、4 个D 、5 个 18、下列命题正确的是( )A 、对角线相等的四边形是矩形B 、对角线垂直的四边形是菱形C 、对角线互相垂直平分的四边形是矩形D 、对角线相等的菱形是正方形19、从平行四边形的各顶点作对角线的垂线,则顺次连结四个垂足所成的四边形是( )A 、任意四边形B 、平行四边形C 、矩形D 、菱形20、如图,Rt △ABC 中,∠BAC =90°,AD ⊥BC ,垂足为D ,E 、F 分别是AB 、AC 的中点,∠C =30°,BC =4㎝,则四边形AEDF 的周长是( )A 、4㎝B 、34㎝C 、)32(+㎝ D 、)322(+㎝FED CBA21、以线段a =16,b =13,c =10,d =6为边构造四边形,且使a ∥c ,则这样的四边形可作( )A 、1个B 、2个C 、无数多个D 、0个三、化简题(每题4分)22、n m n m b a b a 1052⋅⋅ 23、1--b b b (b ≥0且b ≠1)四、计算题(每题4分) 24、451-491+2)21(- 25、(3-2)2·(5+26) 26、y x 3÷2y x·553y x 五、先化简,再求值(本题6分)27、)2(365222-+⋅-+-m m m m m m m 其中154-=m六、(本题6分)28、已知,一张矩形纸片ABCD 的边长分别为9㎝和3㎝,把顶点A 和C 叠合在一起,得折痕EF (如图)①猜想四边形AECF 是什么四边形,并证明你的猜想。

初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇九年级历史暑假作业(带答案),希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢! 一、选择题(在各题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题意的。
其中1-6题为地理,每题1.5分;7-15题为历史,每题2 分;16-31题为思想品德,每题2分。
A.地动仪B.曲辕犁C.筒车D. 罗盘针

若将该气体先通过H装置,再通入E装置,可看到H中黑色粉末变为光亮的红色,E中澄清石灰水变浑浊,则该气体的组成可能有种情况,组成是(写出三种可能的情况)(1) ;
(2) ;(3) 。
⑥ 大气中CO2含量的增加会加剧温室效应,为寻找处理CO2,减少其排放的方法,同学们合作设计了下列制取CO2,并将CO2转化的实验。
Ⅰ. 写出上述实验中制取CO2的化学方程式 ;
Ⅱ. 实验中浓硫酸的作用是,CO2的收集装置为 (填装置字母);
Ⅲ. 实验流程中CO2转化的最终产物为 (填化学式),在此过程中可循环利用的物质是 (填化学式)。

1、(6分)图示为农用耕地机,它以柴油机作为动力装置.耕地机在额定功率下工作,某次耕地的平均速度是1.4 m/s, 受到阻力为6300 N ,工作时间为2h.计算并冋答以下问题.
(2)假设耕地机的效率为25%,此次耕地消耗柴油的质量是多少?(柴油的热值为4.3 × 107J/ kg)
额定电压380 V?加热器额定功率12KW
净重100k g?热水流量4.2-5 L/min
最大容积100 L?开水温度97~98℃ ^
(1)假设将直饮机接人220 V的电路中,加热器的实际功率是多少?(忽略温度对电阻的影响)
(2)直饮机在额定电压下工作时,假设热水的流量是5 L/min,不计热量损失,流过加热器的水温会升高多少?
(3)假设想提高直饮机的加热速度,把加热器的功率提高到14 KW,在原电路堪础上,应改装电路?。

(2013•湖北咸宁)13.文景之治”这一盛世景象出现的原因有( )
A.①②③④ B.①②③⑤ C.①③④⑤ D.②③④⑤
(2013•湖北咸宁)14.公元383年,哪一场战争之后,前秦的统治瓦解,北方地区重新陷入割据混战的状态?( )
A.官渡之战 B.淝水之战 C.赤壁之战 D.巨鹿之战
”的中国古典科技巨着是( )
A.《本草纲目》 B.《农政全书》 C.《齐民要术》 D.《天工开物》[来
(2013•湖北咸宁)16.1918年,在《新青年》上连续发表《庶民的胜利》和《布尔什维主义的胜利》两篇论文,颂扬十月革命、宣传马克思主义的是( )
A.陈独秀 B.胡适 C.李大钊 D.鲁迅



《一元二次方程解法》专练班级 姓名不求快,不求多,不间断。
解下例方程x 2=169; 45-x 2=0; x 2-12=04x 2=9 2x 2-3=0 12y 2-25=0;75-x 2=0; 4x 2-1=0 16x 2-25=0.x 2-214=0 3x 2-163=0 (2x+1)2=25;81(x-2)2=16 ; 3(2x+1)2=12 22)23()5(+=-x xx 2+2x+1=0; x 2+x+14=0 x 2+4x+4=0x 2-6x+9=4 x 2-4x+4=0 9x 2-6x+1=0例:用直接开平方法解方程:22)6(16)3(49+=-x x 解:开平方得,7(3)4(6)x x -=±+∴7(3)4(6)x x -=+由或7(3)4(6)x x -=-+由 ∴115.x =得,23.11x =-【点评】直接开平方法的要点是:通过等式变形变出2x n =或2()x m n -=的形式,再直接开平方; 另外注意方程解得书写格式1x 、2x . 用直接开平方法解下列一元二次方程2435x -= (2)(2)21x x -+= 2(2=9x );51)12(212=-y 4(x -3)2=25 24)23(2=+x()21-350x-=x2+2x+1=4 2269(52)x x x-+=-2216(1)9(1)x x-=+2249(3)16(6)x x-=+22((1x=x2+4x+4=0 x2-6x+9=16 x2-4x+4=10 x2+x+14=4用配方法解下列方程:x2-4x=5;x2-100x-101=0;x2+8x+9=0;y2+22y-4=0;x2+8x-2=0 x2-5x-6=0.2x 2-x=6 x²-2x-3=0 x²-4x+3=0 2x²+12x+10=0 4x²-4x-8=0 9x²-6x-8=0x 2+px +q =0 (p 2-4q ≥0).试用配方法证明:代数式x 2+3x-23的值不小于-415。
九年级暑假作业三 ---------- 一元二次方程

九年级数学暑假作业三 ----- 一元二次方程一、选择题1.如果方程232(3)10mm m x mx -+-++=是一元二次方程,那么m 的值一定是( )A .0B .3C .0和3D .1和22.若方程22(4)60x kx x --+=没有实数根,则k 的最小整数值是( ) A .2 B .1- C .1 D .不存在3.关于x 的一元二次方程(a -c)x 2+bx+04=+ca 有两个相等的实数根,那么以a 、b 、c 为三边长的三角形是( )A .以a 为斜边的直角三角形B . 以c 为斜边的直角三角形C .以b 为底边的等腰三角形D . 以c 为底边的等腰三角形4.如图,已知矩形ABCD ∽矩形ECDF ,且AB=BE ,那么BC 与AB 的比值是( ) A.12 BD5.今年我市小春粮油再获丰收,全市产量预计由前年的45万吨提升到50万吨,设从前年到今年我市的粮油产量年平均增长率为x ,则可列方程为( ) A .45250x += B .245(1)50x += C .250(1)45x -= D .45(12)50x +=6.如图,矩形ABCD 的周长是20cm ,以AB AD ,为边向外作正方形ABEF 和正方形ADGH ,若正方形ABEF 和ADGH 的面积之和为268cm ,那么矩形ABCD 的面积是( ) A .221cmB .216cmC .224cmD .29cm二、填空题7.某种商品零售价经过两次降价后的价格为降价前的81%,则平均每次降价的百分数是8.若关于x 的一元二次方程0112=+++x k kx 有实数根,则k 的取值范围是 。
9.已知实数x,y 满足()()05422222=-+-+y x y x ,则=+22y x _________。
10a =____________。
11.已知关于x 的方程kx 2-2(3k -1)x +9k -1=0有两个不相等实数根,则k 的最大整数值是 . 12.已知:关于x 的二次三项式4)42(2++-x a x 是完全平方式,则a 的值为 .13.已知x 为实数,且()()222454240x x x x +++-=,则24x x +=_________。

初三数学暑假作业九年级数学教案初三数学暑假作业一、选择题:(本大题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是正确的,请把正确的选项选出来.每小题选对得3分,选错、不选或选出的答案超过一个均记零分.)1.﹣2的绝对值等于A.2B.﹣2C.D.±22. 下列运算正确的是A. B.C. D.3.下列四个图形中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形是⑴⑵⑶⑷A.⑴、⑵B.⑴、⑶C. ⑴、⑷D.⑵、⑶4、抛物线可以由抛物线平移得到,则下列平移过程正确的是A.先向左平移2个单位,再向上平移3个单位B.先向左平移2个单位,再向下平移3个位C.先向右平移2个单位,再向下平移3个单位D.先向右平移2个单位,再向上平移35、根据下图所示程序计算函数值,若输入的的值为,则输出的函数值为A. B.C. D.6.已知实数m、n在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,则下列判断正确的是A.m>0B.n<0C.mn<0D.m-n>07. 小明用图中所示的扇形纸片作一个圆锥的侧面,已知扇形的半径为5cm,弧长是cm,那么这个的圆锥的高是A. 4cmB. 6cmC. 8cmD. 2cm8.如图,在矩形中截取两个相同的圆作为圆柱的上、下底面,剩余的矩形作为圆柱的侧面,刚好能组合成圆柱.设矩形的长和宽分别为y和x,则y与x的函数图象大致是9.已知是二元一次方程组的解,则的算术平方根为A.±2B.2C.2D. 410.袋子中装有4个黑球2个白球,这些球除了颜色外都相同,从袋子中随机摸出一个球,则摸到黑球的概率是A. 1 6B. 1 2C. 1 3D. 2 311. 如图,在直角坐标系中,矩形OABC的顶点O在坐标原点,边OA在x轴上,OC在y轴上,如果矩形OA′B′C′与矩形OABC关于点O位似,且矩形OA′B′C′的面积等于矩形OABC面积的,那么点B′的坐标是A.(-2,3)B.(2,-3)C.(3,-2)或(-2,3)D.(-2,3)或(2,-3)。

九年级数学暑假作业(二)主备: 刘立华 审核 :朱静1.用两个全等的直角三角形拼下列图形:(1)平行四边形(不包含菱形、矩形、正方形);(2)矩形;(3)正方形;(4)等腰三角形,一定可以拼成的图形是 ( )A 、(1)(2)(4)B 、(2)(3)(4)C 、(1)(3)(4)D 、(1)(2)(3)2.一个菱形的两条对角线长分别是6cm,8cm,则这个菱形的面积S 等于( )A 、48cm 2B 、24cm 2C 、12cm 2D 、18cm 23.矩形的一个内角的平分线把矩形的一条边分成3cm 和5cm 两段,则该矩形的周长为 ( )cm A 、20 B 、22 C 、26或22 D 、304.如图,平行四边形ABCD 的面积为24,E 为AB 上的中点,连接CE 、AC ,DE 、AC 的交点为O ,则三角形OCE 的面积为 ( )A .2 B.3 C.4 D.65.如图,菱形ABCD 中,AB=2,∠A=120°,点P ,Q ,K 分别为线段BC ,CD ,BD 上的任意一点,则PK+QK 的最小值为( ) A . 1B .3C . 2D .3+1二、填空题6.依次连接四边形ABCD 各边的中点所得的四边形是矩形,则原四边形 。
7.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,四边形OABC 是边长为2的正方形,顶点A ,C 分别在x ,y 轴的正半轴上.点Q 在对角线OB 上,且OQ =OC ,连接CQ 并延长CQ 交边AB 于点P ,则点P 的坐标为( , ).8.如图,直线L 过正方形ABCD 的顶点B ,点A 、C 到直线L 的距离分别是1和2,则正方形的边长是 。
9.如图,四边形ABCD 是菱形,对角线AC =8cm ,BD =6cm ,DH⊥AB 于点H ,且DH 与AC 交于G ,则GH =10.如图,正方形ABCD 中,点E 、F 分别在BC 、CD 上,△AEF 是等边三角形,连接AC 交EF 于G ,下列结论:①BE=DF ,②∠DAF=15°,③AC 垂直平分EF ,④BE+DF=EF ,⑤S △CEF =2S △ABE .其中正确结论有 (填序号) .三、解答题:11.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,过点A 作AE ⊥BC ,垂足为E ,连接DE ,F 为线段DE 上一点,且∠AFE=∠B(1)求证:△ADF ∽△DEC ; (2)若AB=8,AD=6,AF=4,求AE 的长.12.如图,△ABC 中,点O 是边AC 上一个动点,过O 作直线MN ∥BC. 设MN 交∠ACB 的平分线于点E ,交∠ACB 的外角平分线于点F.(1) 求证:OE=OF(2)若CE =12,CF =5,求OC 的长;(3) 当点O 在边AC 上运动到什么位置时,四边形AECF 是矩形?并说明理由.第4题第5题21LDCBA 第8题图HGODCA13.如图,点P是菱形ABCD对角线AC上的一点,连接DP并延长DP交边AB于点E,连接BP 并延长BP交边AD于点F,交CD的延长线于点G.(1)求证:△APB≌△APD;(2)已知DF:FA=1:2,设线段DP的长为x,线段PF的长为y.①求y与x的函数关系式;②当x=6时,求线段FG的长.14.(1)如图1,已知△ABC,以AB、AC为边向△ABC外做等边△ABD和等边△ACE.连接BE,CD.请你完成图形,并证明:BE=CD;(尺规作图,不写做法,保留作图痕迹)(2)如图2,已知△ABC,以AB、AC为边向外做正方形ABFD和正方形ACGE.连接BE,CD.BE 与CD有什么数量关系?简单说明理由.(3)运用(1)、(2)解答中所积累的经验和知识,完成下题:如图3,要测量池塘两岸相对的两点B,E的距离,已经测得∠ABC=45°,∠CAE=90°,AB=BC=100米,AC=AE.求BE的长.AB C图1AB CFDGE图2AB C图3。

一.选择题(本大题共12 小题,每题2 分,共24 分)
7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.D
二.填空题(本大题共10 小题,每空1 分,共26 分)
13.音调声源处墙漫14. 运动状态惯性重15. 偏向压强越小
16. 下沉0.2 17. B A 18. 100 250 80% 19. 1.68 乘以105 168 20. 火地21. (1)2.4 乘以10-2 (2)2.4 乘以10-2 下方(3)加液体(或换细长的容器) 22. 转动
10 圈所用的时间为t2 100t2/t1
三.解答题(本大题共8 小题,共50 分,解答29、30 题时应有解题过程)
23. (6 分)(每图2 分)
24. (6 分)(1)自下而上(2)相平(3)液化(4)低于1:2 等于
25. (4 分)(1)最小10 (2)减小B
26. (7 分)(1)变大(2)木块没有做匀速直线运动(3)压力相同,接触面越粗糙,滑动摩擦力越大(4)玻璃3、2、1(5)反映小车动能的大小动能与速度的关系。

九年级英语暑假作业题:单项选择:1. – Is Mr. Brown famous ____ his poems?–Yes, but he isn’t known ___ a great writer like his fa7月新初三ther.A. for; asB. as ; forC. in; toD. to ; in2. – Have you seen ____ book on the desk? – Is it _____ English book? I saw it just now.A.. the; /B. / ; theC. a; anD. a; /3. – What do you think of your trip to Hainan? – Wonderful. We are all ____ with the ___ trip.A. pleased; pleasantB. pleasant ; pleasedC. pleasing; pleasedD. pleasant; pleasing4. – Do you think this book is ____ difficult for children to read? – Yes, I think so.A. a fewB. a bitC. a greatD. a small5. –Many tourists ___ to the Great Wall every year. –Yes, that’s true.A. attractB. have attractedC. are attractingD. are attracted6. – Did you watch the football game on TV? – Yes, I did. I think ____ people also watched it.A. several millionsB. millions ofC. two million ofD. two millions7. –Did you go to the station to see Jenny off? -- Yes, I watched the train until it ___ in the distance.A. disappearedB. was disappearedC. has disappearedD. was disappearing8. I’m thirsty. I want ___ .A. two bottle of orangesB. two bottle of orangeC. two bottles of orangesD. two bottles of orange9. – What is the ____ of the evening party? – Love and peace.A. literatureB. additionC. languageD. theme10. ____ Li Ming got up very early this morning, he still missed the first bus.A. IfB. WhenC. AlthoughD. Because11. It’s about ___ walk from here to there.A. twenty minutes’B. twenty minutesC. twentieth minutesD. twentieth minutes’12. – How many ____ is the USA made up of ? – Fifty.A. citiesB. statesC. countriesD. companies13. – What do you want to be when you ______ ? --- A doctor.A. look upB. come upC. get upD. grow up14. -- ______ will they finish printing the newspaper? – In five hours.A. How muchB. How oftenC. How soonD. How long15. – Why not buy a radio land learn English on the radio ? -- _______.A. Sounds like a good idea!B. It doesn’t matter.C. Thanks for your help.D. Sorry to hear that.完形填空:My life as a roofing(屋顶)salesman began almost sixty years ago. I happened to meet Johnny Brown, the manager of a small company. He told me he needed a young man like myself.“The war is over, and everyone 16 a new roof,” Johnny said. “But if you just go out and ask people if they want a new roof, they will just say no. 17 you have to make up a story they’re willing to listen to.”“What’s the story?” I asked.“The story is that you are working for the RZ Advertising Company. You are 18 a home in the neighborhood to put on a new roof. If the family will permit(允许)you to put this new roof 19 , your company will photograph it, advertise it, and bring around people to look at it. For the inconvenience(不便) that was 20 to the family the company will make a plan to have the roof put on at a very low price.”“Which,” I said 21 , “is probably the same pric e that any roof would cost.”“You’ve 22 it.” Johnny said. “Now I don’t want you to think we’re doing anything dishonest. The people do get a good roof, and besides, they have something to tell the neighbors. It makes them feel 23 on their street.”“What am I supposed to do?”“You give your 24 to the wife and the husband. If they are both interested, you tell them your 25 will come by and talk to them, and you set up a meeting. Then I go in to 26 . If they buy a roof, you get 10% on the sale.”The next afternoon I was out ringing doorbells in Los Angeles. It took a week before I made a sale, but the pay was $30. And when Johnny paid me, I was so 27 that I decided I might make the roofing business my life work.16. A. makes B. needs C. protect s D. refuses17. A. But B. If C. So D. Because18. A. giving up B. worrying about C. talking about D. lookingfor19. A. on B. out C. away D. off20. A. caused B. failed C. proved D. allowed21. A. politely B. brightly C. kindly D. carelessly22. A. afforded B. expected C. got D. offered23. A. terrible B. boring C. strange D. special24. A. hope B. story C. money D. house25. A. manager B. photographer C. neighbor D. parents26. A. pay B. decide C. sell D. borrow27. A. nervous B. lazy C. famous D. excited阅读理解:AShopping in the United States changes a lot. About ninety years ago most people shopped in small stores that were owned by one person or a family. Women went from the bakery to the butcher’s to the grocer and on to the fruit and vegetable seller in order to get their food for the week. Then, about sixty years ago, supermarkets were born. In a supermarket, people could get all the different kinds of food they needed without going to different stores.The next big change in shopping in the United States was the shopping mall. A shopping mall is a group of stores under one roof. Because malls allowed people to shop without worrying about the weather, they soon became very popular. The mall became a place for people to socialize in addition to shopping. If you walk through a mall, you will see older people sitting, chatting and drinking coffee. Malls are places for teenagers to hang out. Many teens will often just “go to the mall” and spend time with their friends.The recent change in American shopping was the superstore.Large chain stores such as Wal-Mart, Office Depot and T oys “R” Us have been built all across the United States. Because they are so large, they can buy goods at a great discount and sell them much cheaper than smaller stores. Sometimes, when they are built near small towns, many of the small town stores have to close. They just cannot compete with their giant neighbors.And now, online shopping is becoming more and more popular all over the States. People are too busy to go to the physical stores, so they go shopping over the Internet. Online shopping has lots of advantages. For instance, online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. Searching or browsing online shops can be faster than browsing the physical stores. While, online shopping also has its disadvantages. People are at higher risk of being cheated on the part of the merchant than in a physical store. And privacy of personal information may be let out.28. Which of the following shows the right order of shopping development in the United States?①small stores ②superstores ③shopping malls ④shopping online ⑤supermarketsA. ①②③④⑤B. ①⑤②③④C. ①⑤③②④D.②③④①⑤29. Which is the place for people to spend time with others according to the passage?A. Shopping malls.B. Small stores.C. Supermarkets.D. Superstores.30. Why can the superstores sell products at much lower prices?A. Because they are built near small towns.B. Because they are across the United States.C. Because they sell all kinds of products people need.D. Because they can buy goods at a reduction in the price.31. What’s the disadvantage of online shopping according to the passage?A. Wasting time.B. Leaking personal information.C. Fixed prices.D. No chance to do physical activities.BWe want your stay in Australia to be as enjoyable as possible. This page contains information to help you during your Australian lifestyle experience.Australia is a land that has a surprising diversity and beauty. It is rich in lots of different types of beautiful wilderness areas, clean white beaches, interesting animals and plants, rivers and lakes, old mountains, extensive snow fields, and deserts. Australia is a new country. It is about 200 years old. It was discovered, according to English history, in 1770 by Captain Cook. There are, however, many records of other Europeans going here dating back to the 1600’s. In 1901 Australia declared (正式宣布) a nation.Aboriginals were believed to arrive around 40,000 years ago from Asia. The first European settlement (移民) began in 1788 in Sydney when Captain Arthur Phillip arrived with a small English fleet(舰队) to start a colony(殖民地). Australia was first used by Britain as a place to send its criminals. More free people came too, working in agriculture, raising sheep and making wool. Gold was discovered in 1851, and the resulting gold rush increased the population to 2.25 million by 1881. A very large population growth also resulted from the Potato Famine in Ireland in the 1840’s.By 1921, the population had risen to 5.44 million. It then increased to 7.4 million because of World War II. During this timepeople from more than 120 countries settled in Australia. The population is about 20 million now. January 26th is Australia’s National Day, which celebrates the first settlement. Other important days include Anzac Day on April 25th.32. The word “diversity” in the passage probably means ___________.A.风景B. 难度C.多样性D. 变化33. Australia became an independent nation in ______.A. 1770B. 1778C. 1881D. 190134. The first people that lived in Australia were believed from __________.A. AsiaB. EuropeC. AmericaD. Africa35. Which of the following is Not right?A. Australia has a short history.B. Aboriginals were believed to arrive in Australia in 1778.C. National Day and Anzac Day are important days in Australia.D. Australia was first used by Britain as a place to send its criminals.36. The writer mainly talks about Australian _________ in the passage.A. populationB. settlementC. AboriginalsD. historyCWhy People Get TattoosJack lay, quiet and unmoving, for thirty minutes while a stranger repeatedly stabbed (刺) him with sharp needles, causing blood to pour steadily out of his leg. Jack was getting a tattoo. His friend Tony had recently gotten a tattoo, and Jack was so impressed by Tony’s bravery and his tatt oo that he decided to get one too. Peer pressure, media influence, and personalexpression are some of the common reasons for wearing tattoos today.The desire to be accepted by one’s friends or peers can have a great influence on what a person does. Sometimes, wearing a tattoo can be a sign that you belong to a certain group. Gangs often use special clothes and tattoos to identify their particular group. Some of these groups wear only brand-name clothes. Others wear tattoos. When a person’s friends are all doing something, that person is more likely to do the same thing.The media is another big influence behind the popularity of tattoos in North America. A wide variety of media images (人物,图像) show tattoos—people appearing in commercials selling expensive cars, famous sports heroes with tattoos in magazines, fashion models wearing designer clothes that show their bodies tattooed with detailed and colourful patterns. These media images link tattoos to ideas of wealth, success, and status. As a result, many people decide to get a tattoo for its fashion and status value.Many people decide to wear tattoos in order to express their artistic nature, their beliefs, or their feelings—in other words, to show their individuality (个性). A musician in a rock band may get a tattoo of a guitar on the arm. Some environmentalists may tattoo pictures of endangered animals on their shoulders. A tattoo can be a public sign to show what is important in a person’s life.As you can see, there are many reasons why young North Americ ans get tattoos. A tattoo can be part of a group’s uniform, a sign of fashion, or an expression of individuality. The decision to get a tattoo is most often a result of the influence of friends or media or the desire to express oneself. For Jack, it was amixture of all three.37. Jack has got tattoos in order to ______.A. show his great braveryB. gain a special experienceC. make himself more healthyD. be different from others38. According to the passage, media images are linked to ______.A. traditional lifestyleB. social positionC. cultural backgroundD. public interest39. We can infer from the passage that ______.A. some people get tattoos out of pressureB. tattoo is related to religious beliefC. getting tattoos costs a lot of moneyD. most people with tattoos are artists40 Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: ConclusionDIf you know exactly what you want, the best way to get a job is to get specialized training. A recent report shows that companies like graduates in such fields as business and health care who can go to work immediately with very little on-the-job training.That’s especially true of booming fields that are challenging for workers. At Cornell’s School of Hot el Adminstration, for example, bachelor’s degree graduates get an average of four or five jobs offers with salaries ranging from the high teens to the low 20s and plenty of chances for rapid advancement. Large companies especially like a background of formal education coupled with work experience. But in the long run, too much specialization doesn’t pay off. Business, which has been floodedwith MBAs, no longer considers the degree an automatic stamp of approval. The MBA may open doors and command a higher salary initially, but the influence of a degree washes out after five years.As further evidence of companies gradually losing faith in specialized degrees, Michigan State’s Scheetz mentions a pattern in hiring practices. Although companies tend to take on specialists as new hires, they often seek out generalists for middle and upper-level management. This sounds like a formal statement that you approve of the liberal-arts (文科) graduates. Time after time labor-market analysts mention a need for talents that liberal-arts majors are assumed to have: writing and communication skills, organizational skills, open-mindedness and adaptability, and the ability to analyze and solve problems. David Birch, manager of the Boston Red Sox, says that he does not hire anybo dy with an MBA or an engineering degree. “I hire only liberal-arts people because they have a less-than-canned way of doing things,” says Birch.For a liberal-arts degree, students focus on some basic courses that include literature, history, mathematics, economics, science, human behavior, and a computer course or two. With these useful and important courses, you can feel free to specialize. “A liberal-arts degree coupled with an MBA or some other technical training is a very good combination in the market place,” says Scheetz.41. The job market is in great need of people with ______.A. special training in special fields.B. a bachelor’s degree in education.C. formal schooling and work experience.D. an MBA degree from top universities.42. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means ______.A. an MBA degree does not help in future promotionB. MBA programs will not be as popular as they are nowC. people will not forget the degree the MBA graduates have gotD. most MBA programs fail to provide students with a foundation43. David Birch says that he only hires liberal-arts people because ______.A. they will follow others’ ways of solving problemsB. they can do better in handling changing situationsC. they are well trained in a variety of specialized fieldsD. they have attended special programs in management44. The author supports the idea that ______.A. on-the-job training is less costly in the long runB. formal schooling is less important than job trainingC. specialists are more expensive to hire than generalistsD. generalists will do better than specialists in management阅读还原:Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me, “______45______.” I really got a lot from mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience( 耐心).Once we climbed a very high mountain. _______46______. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds’ singing, but as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to give up climbing. In fact, I hated itat that moment, but my father said to me,” You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can’t see before you reach the top. ____47_____”. At that time, I was too young to understand his word.____________48_________.A. But later after that, I got new hope and confidence.B. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old.C. Only there at the top, can you see all of the nice things, just like in life.D. You should have goals like climbing the mountain.阅读与表达Who are the pop stars singing all day long on your MP3 player? They may be Jay Chou, Angela Chang or S.H.E. But when it comes to a foreign singer, Avril Lavigne is the one who is worth listening to.The Canadian star's hit single Girlfriend was named the top download of 2007 by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (国际唱片业协会). She came to China last year for her "The Best Damn Tour" concerts.The pop/rock princess(公主) played at Guangzhou first on September 27, followed by other cities including Chengdu (September 30), Shanghai (October 4) and Beijing (October 6). Lavigne performed her most popular hits in the concerts, including Complicated, Girlfriend, and My Happy Ending.Lavigne has been on the music scene for six years. She has proven that she is not simply another pretty face. Lavigne prefers to wear loose (宽松的) trousers, old T-shirts and a frown (皱眉). That's not like the tight clothes and sweet smiles of many pop stars.Lavigne knew that she could never be like Britney Spears. In her high school days, "I was only around guys," she said. "I hung out with guys, playing hockey (曲棍球) and sometimes getting in fights. My band members were all guys."It was not until she got older that she started acting more girly. "From then to now, I look really different — but that's called growing up," she said.Lavigne was only 15 when she was discovered. At that time she had no idea how to make an album. "A career(职业) just came early for me. I was trying to figure out this life," she said. "My friends still don't know if they want to be a teacher or a doctor. When I talk to them, they'll tell me they have exams the next day."So what does Lavigne think about life? "Life is like a roller coaster (过山车). Live it, be happy," she said.49.Where is Avril Lavigne from?50.Has she ever been to China?51.Was she like a boy or a girl when she was in high school?52.How old was she when she began to be famous?53.What’s the difference between her life and her friends’?写作根据下列表格提示,用英语写一篇有关自己经历的短文。
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