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Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies Mona Baker 1993 语料库翻译学文献

Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies Mona Baker 1993 语料库翻译学文献

Corpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesImplications and ApplicationsMona BakerCobuild, BirminghamAbstractThe rise of corpus linguistics has serious implications for any discipline in which language plays a major role. This paper explores the impact that the availability of corpora is likely to have on the study of translation as an empirical phenomenon. It argues that the techniques and methodology developed in the field of corpus linguistics will have a direct impact on the emerging discipline of translation studies, particularly with respect to its theoretical and descriptive branches. The nature of this impact is discussed in some detail and brief reference is made to some of the applications of corpus techniques in the applied branch of the discipline.0.IntroductionA great deal of our experience of and knowledge about other cultures is mediated through various forms of translation, including written translations, sub-titling, dubbing, and various types of interpreting activities. The most obvious case in point is perhaps literature. Most of us know writers such as Ibsen, Dostoyevsky and Borges only through translated versions of their works. But our reliance on translation does not stop here. Our understanding of political issues, of art, and of various other areas which are central to our lives is no less dependent on translation than our understanding of world literature.Given that translated texts play such an important role in shaping our experience of life and our view of the world, it is difficult to understand why translation has traditionally been viewed as a second-rate activity, not worthy of serious academic enquiry, and why translated texts have been regarded as no more than second-hand and distorted versions of …real‟ text s. If they are to be studied at all, these second-hand texts are traditionally analysed with the (233) sole purpose of proving that they inevitably fall short of reproducing all the glory of the original. A striking proof of the low status accorded to translated texts comes from the young but by now well-established field of corpus linguistics. A recent survey commissioned by the Network of European Reference Corpora, an EEC-funded project, shows that many corpus builders in Europe specifically exclude translated text from their corpora.1 Thisis presumably done on the grounds that translated texts are not representative and that they might distort our view of the …real‟ language under investigation. It is perhaps justifiable to exclude translated texts which are produced by non-native speakers of the language in question, but what justification can there be for excluding translations produced by native speakers, other than that translated texts per se are thought to be somehow inferior or contrived? Biased as it may be, this traditional view of translation implies, in itself, an acknowledgement of the fact that translational behavior is different from other types of linguistic behavior, quite irrespective of the translator‟s mastery of the target language.The starting point of this paper is that translated texts record genuine communicative events and as such are neither inferior nor superior to other communicative events in any language. They are however different, and the nature of this difference needs to be explored and recorded. Moreover, translation should be taken seriously by related disciplines such as linguistics, literary theory and cultural and communication studies, not least because these disciplines can benefit from the results of research carried out in the field of translation. At the same time, as a phenomenon which pervades almost every aspect of our lives and shapes our understanding of the world, the study of translation can hardly be relegated to the periphery of other disciplines and sub-disciplines, those listed above being no exception. What is needed is an academic discipline which takes the phenomenon of translation as its main object of study. For many scholars, this discipline now exists. Some refer to it as the …science of translation‟, other as …translatology‟, but the most common term used today is …translation studies‟.Eco (1976:7) distinguishes between a discipline and a field of study. The first has “its own method and a precise object” (my emphasis). The second has “a repertoi re of interests that is not as yet completely unified”. It could be argued that translation studies is still largely a “field of study” in Eco‟s terms. The vast majority of research carried out in this, shall we say emerging discipline, is still concerned exclusively with the relationship between specific source and target texts, rather than with the nature of translated text as such. This relationship is generally investigated using notions such as equivalence, (234) correspondence, and shifts of translation, which betray a preoccupation with practical issues such as the training of translators. More important, the central role that these notions assume in the literature points to a general failure on the part of the theoretical branch of the discipline to define its object of study and to account for it. Instead of exploring features of translated texts as our object of study, we are still trying either to justify them or dismiss them by reference to their originals.It is my belief that the time is now ripe for a major redefinition of the scope and aims of translation studies, and that we are about to witness a turning point in the history of the discipline. I would like to argue that this turning point will come as a direct consequence of access to large corpora of both original and translated texts, and of the development of specific methods and tools for interrogating such corpora inways which are appropriate to the needs of translation scholars. Large corpora will provide theorists of translation with a unique opportunity to observe the object of their study and to explore what it is that makes it different from other objects of study, such as language in general or indeed any other kind of cultural interaction. It will also allow us to explore, on a larger scale than was ever possible before, the principles that govern translational behavior and the constraints under which it operates. Therein lie the two goals of any theoretical enquiry: to define its object of study and to account for it.Section 1 below offers an overview of the emerging discipline of translation studies and explains why translation scholars are now in a position to use the insights gained from corpus linguistics, and some of the techniques developed by it, to take translation across t he threshold of …field of study‟ and into the realm of fully-fledged disciplines.1.Translation studies: the state of the art1.1Central issues: the status of the source text and the notion of equivalenceUntil very recently, two assumptions dominated all discussions of translation and were never questioned in the literature. The first is that of the primacy of the source text, entailing a requirement for accuracy and faithfulness on the part of the translator. The second is a consequence of the first and is embodied in the notion of equivalence which has been the central concern of all discourse on translation since time immemorial. Translations should strive to be as equivalent to their originals as possible, with equivalence being understood, (235) mainly as a semantic or formal category. The implied aim of all studies on translation was never to establish what translation itself is, as a phenomenon, but rather to determine what an ideal translation, as an instance, should strive to be in order to minimise its inevitable distortion of the message, the spirit, and the elegance of the original.The essentialist question of how equivalence per se might be established in the course of translation has gradually been tempered by experience and by an explosion in the amount and range of texts which have come to be translated in a variety of ways on a regular basis. Hence, we now have a massive amount of literature which attempts to classify the notion of equivalence in a multitude of ways, and the question is no longer how equivalence might be achieved but, increasingly, what kind of equivalence can be achieved and in what contexts. This in itself is a noticeable improvement on the traditionally static view of equivalence, but it still assumes theprimacy of the source text and it still implies that a translation is merely a text striving to meet the standards of another text.1.2Developments which support a move towards corpus-based researchThe attempt to extend and classify the notion of equivalence has brought with it a need to explore not only the source text as the modal to be adhered to but also the target language, and the specific target language text type, in order to give meaning to such categories as stylistic equivalence and functional equivalence. If the idea is not simply to reproduce the formal structures of the source text but also to give some thought, and sometimes priority, to how similar meanings and functions are typically expressed in the target language, then the need to study authentic instances of similar discourse in the two languages becomes obvious.There have been other developments which have played a more direct role in preparing the ground for corpus work. One such development is the decline of what we might call the semantic view of the relationship between source and target texts. For a long time, discourse on translation was dominated by the idea that meaning, or messages, exist as such and can, indeed should, be transferred from source to target texts in much the same way as one might transfer wine from one glass to another. The traditional dichotomy of translating word-for-word or sense-for-sense is a product of this view of meaning. At about the same time that the notion of equivalence began to be reassessed, or perhaps a little earlier, new ideas began to develop about the nature of meaning in translation. Firth (1968:91) was among the first to sug(236)gest that, difficult though as it may appear, an approach which connects structures and systems of language to structures and systems in the context of situation (as opposed to structures and systems of thought) is more manageable and “more easily related to problems of translation”. Similarly, Haas (1986:104) stresses that, in practice, correspondence in meaning amounts to co rrespondence in use and asserts that “unless we can succeed in thus explaining translation, the mystery of bare and neutral fact will continue to haunt us”. Two expressions are equivalent in meaning if and only if “there is a correspondence between their uses” (ibid). The importance of this change in orientation, from a conceptual to a situational perspective and from meaning to usage, is that it supports the push towards descriptive studies in general and corpus-based studies in particular. Conceptual and semantic studies (in the traditional sense) can be based on introspection. Studies which take the context into consideration, and even more so, studies which attempt to investigate usage, are, by definition, only feasible if access is available to real data, and, in the case of usage, to substantial amounts of it.Apart from the decline of the semantic view of translation, another, and very exciting, development has been the emergence of approaches which undermine both the status of the source text vis-à-vis the translated text and the value of the very notion of equivalence, particularly if seen as a static relationship between the source and target texts. The move away from source texts and equivalence is instrumental in preparing the ground for corpus work because it enables the discipline to shed its longstanding obsession with the idea of studying individual instances in isolation (one translation compared to one source text at a time) and creates a requirement which can find fulfillment in corpus work, namely the study of large numbers of texts of the same type. This is precisely where corpus work comes into its own.1.2.1 New perspectives: polysystem theoryIn the late seventies, Even-Zohar, a Tel-Aviv scholar, began to develop a theory of literature as a polyststem, that is as a hierarchical and dynamic conglomerate of system rather than a disparate and static collection of texts. A given literary polysystem is seen as part of a larger cultural polysystem, itself consisting of various polysystems besides literature, for example politics and religion. These polysystems are structured differently in different cultures.Polysystem theory has far-reaching implications for the status of translated literature in general and for the status of the source text vis-à-vis the target text in particular. First, the theory assumes a high level of inter-dependence among the various systems and sub-systems which underlie a (237) given polysystem, as well as among the polysystems of literature in various cultures. This means that, for instance, “literature for children would not be considered a phenomenon sui generis, but related to literature for adults” and, similarly, “translated literature would not be disconnected from original literature” (Even-Zohar 1979:13). As a consequence, the status of translated literature is elevated to the point where it becomes worthy of investigation as a system in its own right, interacting with its co-systems and with the literary polysystems of other cultures. By recognising translated literature as a system in its own right, polysystemists shifted the attention away from individual literary translations as the object of literary studies to the study of a large body of translated literature in order to establish its systemic features.Second, one of the main properties of the polysystem is that there is constant struggle among its various strata, with individual elements and systems either being driven from the centre to the periphery or pushing their way towards the centre and possibly occupying it for a period of time (ibid:14). This constant state of flux suggests that no literary system or sub-system is restricted to the periphery by virtue of any inherent limitations on its value. Thus, the approach stresses that translated literature may, and sometimes does, occupy a central position in the polysystem and is therefore capable of providing canonised models for the whole polysystem. Moreover,given that polysystem theory recognises that intra- and inter-relations exist within both systems and polysystems, leading to various types of interference and transfer of elements, models, canons, and so on, it becomes obvious that “semiliterary texts, translated literature, children‟s literature—all those strata neglected in current literary studies—are indispensable objects of study for an adequate understanding of how and why transfers occur within systems as well as among them” (ibid:25). And finally, polysystemists reject the popular view of translation as a derivative activity and stress ins tead that literary translation is “a creatively controlled process of acculturation in that translators can take an original text and adapt it to a certain dominant poetics or ideology in the receiving culture” (Heylen 1993:21)This view of literature as a conglomerate of systems, as well as the growing interest in transfer and interference across systems, has gradually undermined the status of the source text in translation studies. Since the early eighties, Toury, another Tel-Aviv scholar, has been stressing that a translation belongs to one textual system only, namely the target system, and the source text has gradually been assuming the role of a stimulus or source of information rather than the starting point for analysis. Questions regarding how a translated text came into being or what type of relationship it has with a given (238) source text are becoming secondary to its classification as part of the target textual system. As Toury puts it in a more recent publication (1958:19):It is clear that, from the standpoint of the source text and source system, translations have hardly any significance at all, even if everybody in the source culture …knows‟ of their factual existence… Not only have they left the source system behind, but they are in no position to affect its linguistic and textual rules and norms, its textual history, or the source text as such. On the other hand, they may well influence the recipient culture and language, if only because every translation is initially perceived as a target language utterance.It is worth noting that similar, though not quite so radical, assessments of the status of the source text have also emerged among groups of scholars not specifically concerned with literary translation. For example, Vermeer (1983:90)2suggests that the function of the translated text is determined by the interests and expectations of its recipients and not by the function of the source text. The SL text is a source of information and, like other sources of information, it may be exploited in a variety of ways to meet the expectations of an envisaged audience.1.2.2 From equivalence to normsFrom the late seventies onwards, the source-oriented notion of equivalence has been gradually replaced by notions which clearly take the target system and culture as a starting point. Some of these notions have evolved within theories designed to account for translation within a commercial environment. They include, for example, Vermeer‟s notion of coherence, defined as the agreement of a text wit h its situation (Vermeer 1983), and Sager‟s definition of equivalence as a function of the specifications that accompany a request for translation (Sager 1993). The most important, however, has been the notion of norms, introduced by Toury (1978, 1980).Toury has developed a tripartite model in which norms represent an intermediate level between competence and performance. If we think of competence as an inventory of all the options that are available to translators in a given context, and performance as the subset of options which are actually selected by translators from this inventory, then norms are a further subset of these options. They are options which are regularly taken up by translators at a given time and in a given socio-cultural situation. In this sense, the notion of norms is very similar to that of typicality, a notion which has emerged from recent work on corpus-based lexicography and which contrasts sharply with the standard, absolute dualisms in linguistics; competence and performance, (239) language and parole.Norms, then, are a category of descriptive analysis. They can be identified only by reference to a corpus of source and target texts, the scrutiny of which would allow us to record strategies of translation which are repeatedly opted for, in preference to other available strategies, in a given culture or textual system. The concept of norms tips the balance not only in favour of the target text (as opposed to the traditional obsession with the source text), but, more important, it assumes that the primary object of analysis in translation studies is not an individual translation but a coherent corpus of translated texts. Norms do not emerge from a source text or a body of source texts. Equally, they do not emerge from the target system nor from a general collection of target texts. They are a product of a tradition of translating in specific ways, a tradition which can only be observed and elaborated through the analysis of a representative body of translated texts in a given language or culture. They can therefore be seen not just as a descriptive category but also as providing a functional, socio-historical basis for the structure of the discipline (Lambert 1985:34).1.2.3 The rise of descriptive translation studiesSince the seventies, several scholars have begun to express dissatisfaction with the heavy reliance on introspective methods in translation studies. Holms (1988:101) makes the point most clearly:Many of the weaknesses and naiveties of contemporary translation theories are a result of the fact that the theories were, by and large, developed deductively, without recourse to actual translated texts-in-function, or at best to a very restricted corpus introduced for illustration rather than for verification or falsification.Newman (1980:64) similarly suggests that the way out of the dilemma posed by the notions of equivalence and translatability is to look at actual instances of translation and to determine, on the basis of those instances, “the link of generalities that might from the basis of a theory of competence or systematic description”. It is however Toury who has done more to elaborate the concept of descriptive translation studies than anyone else in the discipline.For Toury, it is vital for translation studies to develop a descriptive branch if it is ever to become an autonomous discipline. Without this, translators will continue to rely on other disciplines such as linguistics to provide them with theoretical frameworks and the means to test their hypotheses. Descriptive Translation Studies, or DTS for short, is not reducible to a collection of case studies or comparative analysis of source and target texts. It is (240) that branch of the discipline which must provide a sound methodology and explicit research procedures to enable the findings of individual descriptive studies to be expressed in terms of generalisations about translational behavior. Its agenda consists, primarily, of investigating what translation is “under any defined set of circumstances … and WHY it is realized the way it is” (Toury 1991a:186). One of its main objectives is to render the findings of individual studies intersubjective and to make the studies themselves “repeatable, either for the same or for another corpus” (Toury 1980:81).It is perhaps worth noting at this point that although the words corpus and corpora are beginning to figure prominently in the literature on translation, they do not refer to the same kind of corpora that we tend to talk about in linguistics. Corpora in translation studies have so far been very modest affairs. Their size is not generally expressed in terms of number of words but of number of texts, and they are searched manually. For example, Vanderauwera (1958) is a study of “50 or so novels” translated from Dutch into English in “roughly the period 1960-1980” (ibid:1-2). This is a very small corpus, and yet the experience of searching it manually leads Vanderauwera to suggest that “serious and systematic research into translated texts is a laborious and tiresome bu siness” (ibid:6). Toury himself seems torn between the need to set an ambitious program for DTS and the recognition that “the larger and/or more heterogeneous the corpus, the greater the difficulties one is likely to encounter while performing the process of extraction and generalization” (1980:66-7). In an earlier publication, Toury (1978:96) argues for a distributional study of norms based on statistical techniques but concludes that… as yet we are in no position to point to strict statistical methods for dealing with translational norms, or even to supply sampling rules for actual research (which, because of human limitations, has nearly always been applied to samples only, and will probably go on being carried out in much the same way).At this stage we must be content with our intuitions … and use them as keys for selecting a corpus and for hitting upon ideas.One of John Sinclair‟s major achievements for linguistics has been his success, through the collection of computerised corpora and the development of a relevant research methodology, in providing ways of overcoming our human limitations and minimizing our reliance on intuition. His work can provide solutions for precisely the kind of problems that translation scholars are still struggling with today. (241)2.Corpus work in translation studies: the potentialThere is no doubt that the availability of corpora and of corpus-driven methodology will soon provide valuable insights in the applied branch of translation studies, and that the impact of corpus-based research will be felt there long before it begins to trickle into the theoretical and descriptive branches of the discipline. Sinclair (1992:395) touches very briefly, and strictly from the point of view of linguist, on one obvious application:The new corpus resources are expected to have a profound effect on the translations of future. Attempts at machine translation have consistently demonstrated to linguists that they do not know enough about the languages concerned to effect an acceptable translation. In principle, the corpora can provide the information.In the above statement, which is one of the very few Sinclair has made on translation, the concern is merely with improving the performance of translators and of machine translation systems in terms of approximating to the structures and natural patterns of a given language or languages. This same concern underlies most of the expressions of interest in corpus studies which are beginning to take shape in the literature.3 It is of course a legitimate concern and one which will be shared widely by scholars within and outside translation studies, theorists and practitioners alike. I would, however, like to think that the …profound effect‟ which Sinclair refers to will not be understood merely in terms of knowing enough about the languages concernedto approximate to their patterns. After all, once we are in a position to describe and account for our object of study, namely translation, we might find that approximating to the patterns of the target language, or any language for that matter, is not necessarily as feasible as we seem to assume, and that it is not the only factor at play in shaping translational behavior. Several scholars, for example Toury (1991b:50) and Even-Zohar (1979:77) have already noted that the very activity of translating, the need to communicate in translated utterances, operates as a major constraint on translational behavior and gives rise to patterns which are specific to translated texts. Thus Even-Zohar (ibid) stre sses that “we can observe in translation patterns w hich are inexplicable in terms of any of the repertoires involved”, that is patterns which are not the result of interference from the source or target language. Examples of these patterns are discussed as universal features of translation in section 2.1 below. The profound effect that corpora will have on translation studies, in my view, (242) will be a consequence of their enabling us to identify features of translated text which will help us understand what translation is and how it works. The practical question of how to improve our translations will find more reliable and realistic answers once the phenomenon of translation itself is explained in its own terms.Practical applications aside, what kind of queries can access to computerised corpora help us resolve in our effort to explicate the phenomenon of translation? Given that this question, to my knowledge, has not been addressed before, what follows has to be seem as a very tentative list of suggestions which can provide a starting-point for corpus-based investigations in the discipline but which do not, by any means, address the full potential of corpora in translation studies.2.1 Universal features of translationThe most important task that awaits the application of corpus techniques in translation studies, it seems to me, is the elucidation of the nature of translated text as a mediated communicative event. In order to do this, it will be necessary to develop tools that will enable us to identify universal features of translation, that is features which typically occur in translated text rather than original utterances and which are not the result of interference from specific linguistic systems.It might be useful at this point to give a few examples of the type of translation universals I have in mind. Based on small-scale studies and casual observation, a number of scholars have noted features which seem, intuitively, to be linked to the nature of the translation process itself rather than to the confrontation of specific linguistic systems. These include:。



2009年第5期总第117期外语研究Foreign Languages Research2009,l5Serial l117莎士比亚戏剧英汉平行语料库的创建与应用*胡开宝1邹颂兵2(1.上海交通大学外国语学院,上海200240;2.微软亚太区全球技术支持中心,上海200030)摘要:本文详细分析了莎士比亚戏剧英汉平行语料库的创建过程及其具体应用,如莎剧汉译本中/把0字句和/被0字句的应用及其动因研究、莎剧汉译本中显化的实证研究以及梁实秋和朱生豪翻译策略应用和翻译风格的比较研究等。














2012-2016《上海翻译》期刊目录2012年第01期国家机构对外翻译规范研究——以“熊猫丛书”英译中国文学为例耿强会讯文化研究与翻译研究王晓元英语科技文体:范式与翻译国外“本地化”翻译研究学术话语的构建李广荣《道德经》英译研究在中国文军;罗张回顾与反思:国内翻译伦理十年研究(2001-2010) 吴慧珍;周伟汉英文化展馆说明文字的修辞对比与翻译陈小慰科技翻译研究近些年相对停滞的原因探析范武邱政治文本翻译探析杨大亮;赵祥云科普翻译的挑战徐彬;郭红梅论公示语汉英翻译中的关联性——以无锡市为例赵芝英涉华文献翻译中的回译问题——《我们如何进入北京——1860年在中国战役的记述》译后叶红卫谈MTI培养体系中的本地化课程设置冷冰冰意境原则指导下的中国画画题翻译——以《毕瑞画集》为例刘继华会通中西的文化阐释——以安乐哲、罗思文英译《论语》为例谭晓丽对联翻译的抗译性和可译性王志娟基于关联理论的汉英格言翻译卜爱萍“译才”不只是“通才”——与何刚强教授商榷——兼评《全球化语境下的译者素养》张霄军中国高级英语学习者学术著作英译本中高频动词使用的语料库研究许瑾;杨秀文2012年第02期奎因的“翻译不确定性”到底是什么意思?——对一个译学中哲学误读的纠正吕俊西方译论与《圣经》教义的思想关联李龙泉2012年全国翻译高层研讨会会议通知定量乎?定性乎?——对构建翻译标准的理论思考刘峥贾文波原型—模型翻译理论的研究焦点与理论视角赵联斌应用翻译研究30年(1980—2010) 方梦之地名标志译写亟待国家规范乌永志论旅游翻译中译者主体性的限制因素杨萍贺龙平片名翻译中的国俗语义毛梅兰外宣翻译“译+释”策略探析卢小军MTICAT应用能力培养的探索与实践张政杨义宽视译教学的原理、步骤及内容詹成论口译实践的三个要素杨玮斌中国传统译论对于译学建设的积极意义——以“信达雅”翻译标准为例陈飘平POSSIBLY用法译评吴国良冯春灿网络时代的翻译能力与翻译技巧——以第23届“韩素音青年翻译奖”竞赛一等奖译文的生成为例万兆元平行文本与网络旅游广告英译梁君华第六届“优萌杯”翻译竞赛获奖名单“天下奇书”《山海经》及其英译——写在大中华文库《山海经》英译本出版王宏出版视角下的应用翻译研究郑艳杰第七届“优萌杯”翻译竞赛题第七届“优萌杯”翻译竞赛通知2012年第03期论翻译矛盾——从《德译中国成语故事》谈起桂乾元翻译中的认知视角——概念结构与翻译(3) 王斌动态投射与译者主体性束慧娟直译与意译:翻译方法、策略与元理论向度探讨方仪力从母语译入外语:国外非母语翻译实践和理论考察马士奎白皮书英译文本中动宾搭配调查与汉英翻译策略——一项基于汉英对比语料库唐义均地铁公示语翻译:问题与原则王树槐接受美学视角下的上海楼盘案名英译策略研究陈珊珊;高嘉正中西方修辞传统与外宣翻译的传播效果张雯;卢志宏MTI教学:基于对职业译者市场调研的实证研究丁大刚;李照国;刘霁制度文化话语口译认识论与方法论包通法;魏星妮从口译标准到口译规范:口译评估模式建构的探索王斌英语科幻小说中的新词及其汉译探析姜倩当代译论的探索者——郭建中翻译思想与实践研究王晓凤;张丽娟;张建青论勒菲弗尔对中国佛典译论译史的误读熊宣东化境:译作应比原作更好——从《林纾的翻译》说开去贾兴蓉众包翻译模式研究陆艳简评《翻译写作学》郭建中2012年全国翻译高层研讨会第二号通知本刊稿件体例及相关要求2012年第04期论应用翻译学理论范畴体系整合与拓展的逻辑基础曾利沙对立与统一排斥与互补——翻译的语言学视角冯奇万华翻译选择过程的非线性特征宋志平论译者隐身——一个社会性视角周红民程敏《毛泽东选集》英译中的策略变化巫和雄英汉翻译中的褒贬词语选择杨平英语新闻标题中的仿拟辞格及其翻译研究刘金龙戴莹多模态话语分析视角下影片《金陵十三钗》的字幕翻译研究吕健吴文智翻译学理论多维视角探索曾利沙语篇连贯与翻译策略李静民族侮慢语——国际现场口译无法回避的领域刘夏青刘白玉基于云服务的校企合作翻译教学生产平台设计研究曾立人肖维青闫栗丽走进绚丽多彩的翻译世界王宏蓬勃发展的视听翻译研究及教学——Jorge Díaz Cintas访谈董海雅ASSURE用法译评吴国良冯春灿浅谈中国社会变迁下“农民工”一词的英译刘洪泉专有名词的汉译与译者的素养杨清波杨银玲论全球化语境下科技翻译的文化共享与渗透——《时报信息》翻译个案研究吴波“无家可归”与“重返家园”:反思翻译目的论彭文青一本以培养学生翻译能力为中心的MTI教材——《高级汉英翻译》评介苏艳第五届海峡“两岸四地”翻译与跨文化交流研讨会全国翻译工作座谈会暨中国翻译协会成立30周年纪念大会在京召开第五届全国应用翻译研讨会一号公告开展翻译学的复杂性研究——一个译学研究思想观念和思维方式的革命吕俊信息化时代应用翻译研究体系的再研究王华树冷冰冰崔启亮苏、俄翻译理论文艺学派的思想演变及其研究毛志文论语境类型与翻译刘英蘋耿智《中庸》英译研究在中国陈梅文军多元互补、和谐共进——2012年全国翻译高层研讨会综述王宏罗修筠译创:一种普遍的实践黄德先殷艳论商务英语翻译的4Es标准翁凤翔且编,且译,且写——论形象片英译者身份的动态重叠吴自选专利文件要点分析及其对机译校改的启示罗建华何以用“独立成篇”取代“忠实”?——试谈翻译教学理念的创新刘季春试论宗教词汇隐喻的英译汤金汶学术模因跨语际复制的变异和对策樊林洲“邓小平理论”就是Deng Xiaoping Theory吗?——从词语搭配的视角谈唐义均语料库和应用翻译——以蚕学馆旧址纪念碑碑文的翻译为例黄海军王昌米翻译记忆系统的语境观王正《华英翻译捷诀》——近代第一本翻译教材刘明孙增德简评几本警务英语教材的翻译实例杨廷友翻译策略的理据、要素与特征方梦之和合翻译思想之整体模型研究途径钱纪芳释“对译”黄忠廉贾明秀翻译批评模式多元互补刍议——20世纪西方文论对中国翻译批评研究的启示李和庆薄振杰中国本地化行业二十年(1993—2012) 崔启亮国内语料库翻译学20年述评(1993—2012) 宋庆伟匡华吴建平中国周边涉美军事协定的“模糊战略”与翻译陷阱孟祥春全球化背景下财经报道的翻译技巧与方法黄樱运用现代技术手段英译专门科技文本——以航海技术领域论文为例汪洋彰现特色,知行并举——本科翻译专业教材编撰应处理好五个关系何刚强关注以过程为取向的翻译教学——以评注式翻译和同伴互评为例李小撒柯平翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)研究生学制问题探讨李昌银谈俗语“打铁还须自身硬”的英译张顺生《墨子》英译比读及复译说明王宏ORDER用法译评吴国良张瑜第八届“优萌杯”翻译竞赛试题伦理回归后的汉字术语译介思考——以《中国园林》英译本为例梁君华翻译研究中的词语误判与误评——以翻译与意识形态的研究为例李贵升罗国青李艳冰Translation Peripheries:Paratextua Paratextual Elements in Translation述评——翻译研究的副文本视角张玲2013年8月教育部高校外语教育中青年骨干教师高级研修班通知第八届“优萌杯”翻译竞赛通知在第五届全国应用翻译研讨会上的发言(摘要) 黄友义应用翻译学理论逻辑范畴拓展方法论——兼论译学理论创新的认识论和价值论曾利沙复杂性科学观照下翻译标准问题的再探讨——论底线翻译标准的必要性和合法李春芳吕俊应用翻译研究:原理、策略与技巧方梦之著上海外语教育出版社翻译规范理论的社会学重释王传英翻译项目管理实务(A Practical Guide to Translation Project Management) 王华伟王华树编著中国对外翻译出版有限公司,2013年出版2012年中国翻译研究评析王祥兵邹兵伍志伟国内翻译竞赛综述吕立松穆雷2013年第五届中国翻译职业交流大会隆重召开应用翻译研究的新起点方梦之简评《南京大屠杀遇难同胞》雕塑群说明文字的英译居祖纯国际会展名称英译:问题、模式与译名建构罗国华基于概念整合,追求地道译文朱音尔川菜烹饪方法英译原则及其应用张媛梁霞第四届“学府杯”科技翻译大赛翻译专业教学的国际化经验:来自澳大利亚的启示王非陈向京韩翀通识教育与翻译人才培养的关联——以西南联大外文系的课程设置为例吴自选也谈“邓小平理论”的英译——兼与唐义均先生商榷朱明炬云计算下的翻译模式研究陆艳国外机辅条件下的翻译过程实证研究王娟影视翻译中情色禁忌语的归化策略彭典贵浅谈现代日语中的外来语曾薇薇对“标本”的标本兼治——《远西奇器图说录最》有关问题稽考杨全红曾咪学好中文,做好翻译——翻译专业本科生《中文读写教程》评介王冬梅首届少数民族文库外译全国高层论坛——暨“中国少数民族文库翻译研究中心2013年第04期生态翻译学的国际化进展与趋势思创·哈格斯文本类型、翻译目的及翻译策略张美芳全球结构视野下的翻译规范研究傅敬民浅谈汉语对联英译的策略与方法吴伟雄法律翻译与法律移植——以晚清法律翻译实践为例吴苌弘文本类型学视角下《中华人民共和国产品质量法》英译研究石秀文吕明臣词源学视角下的奥巴马演讲辞翻译策略研究李国华上海市科技翻译学会顺利换届格式塔意象在类比语篇翻译中的再造——以TEM8(2013)汉译英试题邵惟韺邵志洪一项中国EFL学习者英译汉笔试成绩预测因素的实证研究张新玲刘君玲从“青衣”等京剧术语的英译看文化翻译的归化和异化张琳琳从整合营销传播视角看“中华老字号”品牌的翻译策略扈珺刘白玉APPEAL用法译评吴国良吴雷《上海翻译》扩版、编辑部迁址启事法律语篇中shall和may的翻译对比研究王子颖电子语料库在翻译教学中的应用刘稳良《老子》汉英翻译平行语料库建设汪定明李清源国家社会科学基金翻译研究立项10年观——基于翻译研究分类的统计分析年晓萍2000—2012年间西方视听翻译的研究吕洁应用翻译研究的理论化与体系化——《应用翻译研究:原理、策略与技巧》评述程敏刘金龙《商务英语翻译》的失范与误译梁雪松“翻译研究战略论坛”主题征集启事2014年全国应用翻译理论高层论坛通知2014年第01期研究接地气,文章追技道——《上海翻译》不变的办刊追求何刚强先行者、推动者、建设者——方梦之教授对我国译学建设的贡献郭建中方家译道、梦而圆之任东升翻译研究三人谈(上) 孙艺风何刚强徐志啸语义透明与汉语熟语的直译趋近万华国际公示语误译举隅王树槐Keith Wood 商务信函翻译探究慎丹丹翻译过程研究的新模式探析——从Triangulation的译名谈起王少爽高乾语篇语调翻译李发根龚玲芬翻译政策研究及其对当下中国的借鉴意义滕梅商务翻译策划——以蒙牛广告语英译失误为例周剑波蒋璐吕和发译笔带批判锋芒,阐述现宗教偏见——高大卫《论语》英译本特色评析张晓雪论早期《聊斋志异》英译中的伪翻译现象——以乔治·苏利耶·德莫朗的译本为例李海军论清末民初的译名统一及其学术意义张景华论中国政治术语英译再创建的三个维度冯雪红首届中国少数民族文库外译学术研讨会李跃平医学冠名术语的转喻及其翻译研究冯梅第四届国际生态翻译学研讨会边立红模因理论指导下的汉语歇后语英译卜爱萍第八届“优萌杯”翻译竞赛圆满落幕口译课堂训练中的“非常”之道赵燕明清译者的构成及其地域分布李亮亮贺爱军“非主流”英语文学暨中国文化走出去的翻译视角专题研讨会徐正威Whistleblower or Leaker?——管窥语言的意识形态之维潘平亮美国密苏里州别名Show Me State的文化内涵及其汉译李应清浙江省翻译协会年会暨浙江省第七届高校翻译教学与研究研讨会冯春灿中国各种山名翻译背后的学问连真然翻译的功能视角——从翻译功能到功能翻周红民2014年全国高校教师翻译教学与研究讲习班一号通知高校青年外语教师如何自我定位与发展——南京大学许钧教授访谈录黄新炎许钧经典翻译的多视角研究——《翻译与经典:文化历史中的身份变化》评介张汨文军上海大学外国语学院2014年招聘计划《上海翻译》(2014起)主要栏目设置说明“翻译研究战略论坛”主题征集启事2014年全国应用翻译理论高层研讨会通知2014年第02期应用(文体)翻译学的内部体系方梦之重过程,还是重结果?——译者的母语对英译文本的影响王建国何自然翻译研究三人谈(下) 孙艺风何刚强徐志啸功能决定形式——探讨港澳地区诗型公示语英译陈曦第九届荣鼎翻译奖全国青译赛决赛落下帷幕纪录片字幕汉英翻译研究——以纪录片《美丽乡愁》的翻译实践为例程维翻译与“国家富强”:析严复翻译之用意李涛社会学视阈下的林纾现象解读张祝祥刘杰辉翻译项目管理流程介绍蒲欣玥高军在线教翻译——基于QQ即时通讯软件的实证研究陈凌陈广益本刊开通网上投稿系统(试运行)启示网络翻译社区初探马旭燕海外《论语》漫画英译评鉴强晓元语篇的主体间性建构与典籍英译——以《孙子兵法》英译为例纪蓉琴《中国翻译家研究》组稿工作接近尾声述往事思来者明道理——有关翻译史编写的思考贾洪伟姜闽虹方梦之译学思想与方法论研究——兼论翻译学理论体系的研究路向曾利沙从迁移理论看鲁迅的翻译语言对创作语言的影响朱湘军康翠链翻译资质认证identification of translator大学英语需要从“教学翻译”向“翻译教学”过渡——评析“大学英语四、六考试新题型”中的段落翻译陆仲飞《译林回望》方梦之生态翻译学视角下翻译教学模式实证研究舒晓杨ARGUE的用法与含义种种吴国良吴雷雷刍议我国“口腔医院”的名称英译李海清刘华文国际组织中的职业译员——对布莱恩·福克斯和安妮·拉费贝尔的访谈戴惠萍曹嬿《英汉-汉英应用翻译教程》被大幅剽窃——析剽窃者的卑劣手法王冬梅基于云计算和大数据挖掘的外语学科多模态优质资源开发与应用CHL系统2014年全国高校教师翻译教学与研究讲习班二号通知目前我国译学研究的困境与出路吕俊书讯翻译中的“共注观”王斌钱锺书“化境”翻译思想新探王军平赵睿语义指向分析与翻译研究陈洁陈粤变译伦理:“舍”与“得”思考胡东平喻艳立法文本中模糊性语词的翻译原则吴苌弘英语影视剧剧本的语类及其翻译处理孔倩海关条法的语篇翻译策略探究韩健谈谈焊接标准文献中几个常见词的译法刘榴何德孚试析方梦之教授的译学思想线路图钱纪芳翻译家精神研究:以杨宪益、戴乃迭为例付智茜商务翻译项目化教学设计蒋阳建网络环境下口译课多模态教学模式的构建陈卫红“翻译研究战略论坛(2014)”通知翻译教学:继承与创新丁卫国从佛典译场管窥提高当今翻译质量的途径熊宣东第六届海峡“两岸四地”翻译与跨文化交流研讨会20世纪上半叶中国文坛对王尔德作品的不同评判袁丽梅《鹿鼎记》英译本中的语境重构与译者显形刘雪岚古代科技典籍英译——文本、文体与翻译方法的选择梅阳春试论韦努蒂翻译理论的创新与局限付仙梅译者适应与译者选择之偏差吴育红刘雅峰一场瞎子和聋子的对话——重构英使马戛尔尼访华的翻译过程刘黎历届全国应用翻译研讨会综述贾文波《马赛克重构——翻译研究的构式语法途径》述介杨子王雪明跨界的感觉林巍2014年“全国应用翻译高层论坛”如期召开第六届全国应用翻译研讨会一号通知走出去战略与出版意图的契合:以英译作品的当代转向为例王建开关于举办第二期全国高校教师翻译教学与研究讲习班的预告谈谈翻译研究的创新与规范傅敬民许志芳译学继承与发展:传统译论现代化新论陈达龚小萍我国苏俄翻译理论研究:回顾与展望赵艳秋“外宣”宣何?“外宣翻译”译何? 吕和发邹彦群“非常+名词”结构的语义特征与英译策略周永模《外语与翻译》公开发行启事网络信息技术环境下的翻译主体性徐岚文化外译之中国特色词汇:策略比较及影响因素邢杰甘露汉译英误译现象剖析单伟龙翻译工作坊教学模式探究吕亮球论大学英语翻译教学中跨文化意识的培养苏广才李双娟视译教材的编写:现状与问题许庆美刘进第三届全国公示语翻译研讨会、第三届全国旅游暨文化创意产业翻译研讨会在北京第二外国语学院召开从施莱辛格的学术轨迹看国际口译研究的发展态势王斌华翻译项目中的术语管理研究王华树张政方梦之应用翻译理论形成考黄忠廉孙秋花李亚舒认知语法视野下的《红楼梦》英译乔小六建构、质疑与未来:生态翻译学之生态苗福光王莉娜翻译与守土有责——从钓鱼岛争端中的翻译事例谈起杨全红欢迎订阅2015年度《上海翻译》杂志翻译的语义探索与语用意识——吴国良教授访谈录吴国良刘欣对一起一稿两投事件的谴责和处分创新翻译人才培养模式,提升翻译人才培养质量——全国翻译专业学位研究生教育2014年年会纪实李正栓李娜《上海翻译》投稿系统及用稿体例说明2015 TESOL国际研讨会通知进一步深入研究中国传统译论——探索构建中国传统译论体系郭建中上海市科技翻译学会成立30周年庆典活动隆重举行中观翻译研究——宏微之间的探析方梦之译学理论何为——对我国翻译学理论研究的思考蓝红军走出“文本语境”——“碎片化阅读”时代典籍翻译的若干问题思考林元彪译事双“无”议左飚翻译与中国文化外交:历史发展及策略分析孙三军文军“翻译研究战略论坛(2014)”在海口经济学院成功举行法律英语中的隐喻研究及其汉译王骞全国第二届少数民族典籍英译学术研讨会综述王维波王宏印李正栓认知-功能视角下英语定语从句的翻译耿智马慧芳论手语新闻节目中手语译员的角色定位倪兰从默会性知识论翻译教材的范例李洪金《心经》英译释要安全勇尊重史料,还原《毛泽东选集》英译历程潘卫民董维山《毛泽东选集》英译本意识形态操纵之分析潘苏悦西方语用翻译研究:述评与前瞻李占喜2004—2013中国口译研究的发展与走向王茜刘和平续说“镣铐”与“跳舞”——对“翻译研究三人谈”的延伸思考刘爱兰第十六届全国科技翻译研讨会通知西方翻译社会学研究的最新进展——《翻译与社会导论》述介覃江华关于举办第二期全国高校教师翻译教学与研究讲习班的预告“看山看水”的启迪潘文国走向复杂性科学范式的翻译学吕俊侯向群沿波讨源,守本开新——论中国传统译论的特质及我们应有的态度刘敬国公示语翻译质量评价探索冯奇第十届荣鼎翻译奖全国青译赛成功落幕翻译中认知的渐进性研究王吉会中国电影字幕翻译之“切”的原则高红“Thick Translation”研究20年:回顾与展望李红霞张政上海市科技翻译学会成功举办翻译技术沙龙文化传承视域下的艺术文献翻译宁立正汉英数字口译的极限取整策略和模糊介词的妙用王小济计算机辅助翻译课程设置与技能体系研究黄海瑛刘军平探索翻译教材建设,促进翻译专业教育——《我国翻译专业教材建设:理论构建与对策研究》述评张美芳本地化项目管理课程教学实践崔启亮第六届“华政杯”全国法律翻译大赛通知本地化翻译规范研究王传英卢蕊《孟子》译本精神构式比较研究刘翌包通法“翻译研究战略论坛”(2015)通知《大中华文库》国人英译本海外接受状况调查——以《孙子兵法》为例李宁CLAIM用法译评吴国良中-英译写要兼顾“达意”与“漂亮”——Shanghai Daily原主编张慈赟访谈录袁丽梅何刚强记老当益壮的翻译学者李亚舒教授刘金龙姜闽虹华东政法大学法律翻译学科介绍华东政法大学翻译硕士专业简介2014年全国高校教师翻译教学与研究讲习班二号通知全国ESP高端学术论坛一号通知从“异语写作”到“无本回译”——关于创作与翻译的理论思考王宏印上海翻译技术沙龙举办第三次活动王启华转向冲动与问题意识——也谈当前国内的翻译研究韩子满翻译行为研究评述与展望钱春花徐剑李冠杰网络流行语认知价值及翻译谢之君杨月华法治关键词汇及若干重要提法的译研屈文生汉英认知模式的异同与翻译的转换王子颖从语态选择的编译改动看意识形态的翻译转换徐英多维整合原则关照下的时政党政话语翻译周丽译者主体性在“对话”与“视域融合”中的彰显余斌翻译学博士生理论研究能力和创新意识的培养——来自英国赫瑞瓦特大学的借鉴穆雷邹兵董冀卿第十六届全国科技翻译研讨会顺利召开潘卫民基于培养职业意识的翻译教学思路李艳翻译教学与地方经济建设互动双赢模式探究——以四川省泸州市为例贺义辉李春慧吕毅国内外译员角色研究的进展与思考(1976—2014)——一项基于相关文献的计量分析邢星上海大学外国语学院2015—2016年招聘计划MTI口译课程设置反思——以教学实践为例朱珊刘艳芹本地化技术研究纵览王华树刘明刘殿爵典籍英译述评王亚光不可译性与意识形态对翻译的操纵刘成萍陈家晃第六届全国应用翻译研讨会顺利召开闫晶晶司耀龙《上海翻译》创刊30周年座谈会征稿。


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唐军的英文著作The English Works of Tang JunTang Jun is a renowned Chinese author who has made significant contributions to the literary world through his insightful and thought-provoking writings. While he is widely celebrated in his native China for his masterful use of the Chinese language, his works have also gained recognition and acclaim on the global stage, particularly through their English translations. In this essay, we will delve into the English works of Tang Jun and explore the depth and breadth of his literary genius.One of Tang Jun's most celebrated English works is his novel "The Jade Lantern." This captivating narrative follows the journey of a young scholar named Xiao Feng as he navigates the complexities of life in ancient China. The novel is a masterful blend of historical accuracy, cultural richness, and emotional resonance, transporting the reader to a bygone era and immersing them in the intricate tapestry of Chinese society. The novel's intricate plot, complex characters, and poetic language have earned it widespread criticalacclaim and recognition as one of the most significant works of Chinese literature in English translation.Another notable work by Tang Jun is his collection of short stories, "Whispers from the Bamboo Grove." This anthology showcases the author's versatility and mastery of the short story form, exploring a diverse range of themes and perspectives. From the poignant tale of a family's struggle to preserve their ancestral traditions to the haunting story of a scholar's quest for enlightenment, each story in this collection is a testament to Tang Jun's ability to craft compelling narratives that delve into the depths of the human experience. The English translations of these stories have been praised for their ability to capture the nuances and cultural complexities of the original Chinese texts, making them accessible and engaging to a global audience.In addition to his fiction, Tang Jun has also made significant contributions to the realm of non-fiction. His essay collection, "Reflections on the Dao," is a profound exploration of the philosophical and spiritual underpinnings of Chinese culture. Drawing on the teachings of Lao Tzu, Confucius, and other influential thinkers, Tang Jun weaves a tapestry of insights that challenge the reader to reconsider their understanding of the world and their place within it. The clarity and depth of his writing, combined with the elegance of the English translation, have made this collection abeloved resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of Chinese philosophy and its relevance to the modern world.One of the hallmarks of Tang Jun's English works is his masterful use of language. His prose is both lyrical and precise, seamlessly blending the poetic and the pragmatic. Whether he is describing the intricate beauty of a Chinese landscape or delving into the complexities of human emotion, Tang Jun's command of the English language is nothing short of remarkable. His ability to capture the nuances and subtleties of the Chinese language in his English translations is a testament to his linguistic prowess and his deep understanding of both cultures.Beyond his literary achievements, Tang Jun is also recognized for his contributions to the field of cultural exchange and understanding. Through his English works, he has played a vital role in bridging the gap between Chinese and Western cultures, introducing readers around the world to the richness and diversity of Chinese literary traditions. His writings have been praised for their ability to foster greater appreciation and respect for Chinese culture, inspiring readers to explore and engage with the country's rich heritage.In conclusion, the English works of Tang Jun stand as a testament to the power of literature to transcend cultural boundaries and bring people together. Through his captivating narratives, insightful essays,and masterful use of language, Tang Jun has left an indelible mark on the literary landscape, inspiring readers and scholars alike to delve deeper into the complexities of the human experience. As we continue to explore and appreciate the breadth and depth of his literary contributions, we can only marvel at the enduring legacy of this remarkable Chinese author.。




四、主要研究成果1、论文出版时间论文题目刊物名称2012.1 Two to tangle: Financial development,political instability and economic growth in ArgentinaJournal of Bankingand Finance2、工作论文1.Tan, B., “How Trading Cost Affects V olatility, A Dual Long-memory Analysis based on FTSE1 00”.(with Menelaos Karanasos)2.Tan, B., “Central Bank Preference and Time Series Property of Inflation, Evidence from Asia ”. (with Menelaos Karanasos)3.Tan, B., “Are Economic Growth and the Variability of the Business Cycle Related? Evidence fr om Asia”. (with Menelaos Karanasos)(4)谭滨秦伟平《证券市场法规、条例与市场有效性演变》。


(6)黄硕谭滨《区域性金融中心与地区发展不平衡,》五、重要获奖1. Vice-Chancellor's Travel Prizes for Postgraduate Research, academic year 2008-2009, Brunel U niversity.2. Conference Grant, the Verein für Socialpolitik Research Committee, 2008【金融硕士考研经验】凯程2015年考取全国金融硕士超过200人,经验分享视频见凯程光荣榜,其中基本都是跨专业的学生,还有很大一部分是本科二本的同学。



山东外语教学ShandongForeignLanguageTeaching2020年第41卷第3期2020Vol.41No.3DOI:10.16482/j.sdwy37-1026.2020-03-004“口译职业与伦理”课程教学设计与实践姚斌(北京外国语大学高级翻译学院,北京 100089)收稿日期:2020-04-05;修改稿,2020-05-13;本刊修订,2020-05-21基金项目:本文为全国翻译专业学位研究生教育指导委员会项目“MTI口译案例库建设”(项目编号:MTIJZW201702)的阶段性成果。




[摘要] 本文首先介绍“口译职业与伦理”课程的教学目标、教学计划及主要教学方法,继而以“译员中立性”原则的教学为例,介绍应用案例教学法进行口译职业伦理教育的具体步骤,最后反思此次实验性教学中的问题并在此基础上展望向更多译员培养项目推广该课程的前景。

[关键词] 职业规范;口译职业与伦理;案例教学法;中立性[中图分类号] [文献标识码] A [文献编号] 1002 2643(2020)03 0032 07PedagogicDesignandImplementationof“InterpretingProfessionandInterpreterEthics”YAOBin(GraduateSchoolofTranslationandInterpretation,BeijingForeignStudiesUniversity,Beijing100089,China)Abstract:Thispaperpresentstheobjective,planandmajorteachingmethodadoptedforanexperi mentalcourseentitled“InterpretingProfessionandInterpreterEthics”,thenintroducesspecificstepsofapplyingtheCaseMethodinthecultivationofprofessionalethicsofinterpreters,morespecifically,inteachingofneutralityprinciple,andfinallyreflectsuponthepedagogicchallengesandpointsoutthepossibilityofrollingoutthiscourseonawiderscale.Keywords:professionalcode;InterpretingProfessionandInterpreterEthics;CaseMethod;neutrali ty1.0引言2019年11月,中国翻译协会正式发布了《译员职业道德准则与行为规范》(本文简称《准则与规范》)。



南京航空航天大学金城学院毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译系部管理系专业市场营销学生姓名唐敏学号2109064116指导教师袁昊职称助教2013年 2 月network marketingPeter KenzelmannAbstract:Today,mankind has entered the era of rapid economic development of e —commerce-based network. A full range of rapid development and wide application of computer network technology on contemporary society, but also brought great changes to the enterprise marketing management。

Network Marketing the new marketing methods to adapt to the changes of the era of the development of network technology and information networks,it has changed the traditional marketing concept,marketing strategy, marketing,ways and means,will become the mainstream of the current era of corporate marketing. The face I had many problems in the SME network marketing,we should also be a clear understanding of the inevitability of its development,which requires all aspects of synergy and cooperation, to build a good network consumption environment, and promote the continued development of network marketing.Keywords: network marketing sales model of network management marketing planning SME.work Marketing TheoryNetwork marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of computer network technology, as represented by information technology。









1.克林顿VS.克林顿 [J], 方言
2.克林顿百万富翁地位受动摇——克林顿一家1997年纳税知多少? [J], 李京坤;彭学运
3.江泽民主席与克林顿总统通电话江泽民重申中国政府在台湾问题上的严正立场克林顿表示美国政府坚持一个中国政策 [J],
4.基于“导游大师工作室”的导游专业现代学徒制实践研究——以太原旅游职业学院导游专业为例 [J], 张焱
5.40名中国医生与克林顿的共同承诺——克林顿全球倡议“从城市到乡村:再生医疗技术医师培训计划”讲师召集大会召开 [J],
























1.英语听力训练时效研究——"高频少时"、"化整为零"英语听力训练模式试验 [J], 杨学云
2.职中学生英语听力训练 [J], 谭斌
3.激发职中学生数学学习兴趣的教学策略研究 [J], 张彩梅
4.提高职中学生对计算机文化基础课程学习兴趣的探究 [J], 黄亚洲
5.构建新时期职中学生青春健康教育“五+”新模式--以曲靖市职教园区为例 [J], 郭一建;周玲娟









目录一我国翻译研究与翻译教学书目(1—30页)翻译理论•翻译史•佛经翻译•翻译教学•英汉/汉英翻译•文言/白话翻译研究与教学书目二我国翻译研究与翻译教学书目(30—36页)除英语外的外国语与汉语双向翻译研究和教学书目三我国翻译研究与翻译教学书目(36—37页)少数民族地区语文翻译研究与翻译教学书目、少数民族语言与汉语双向翻译研究和教学书目四我国翻译研究与翻译教学书目(37—45页)一)台湾地区翻译研究与教学书目二)香港地区翻译研究与教学书目三)澳门地区翻译研究与教学书目五我国翻译、引进出版国外翻译研究与翻译教学书目(45—49页)六我国翻译研究、翻译教学、翻译实践工具书书目(49—51页)一我国翻译研究与翻译教学书目翻译理论•翻译史•佛经翻译•翻译教学•英汉/汉英翻译•文言/白话翻译研究与教学书目安菊梅.英汉翻译教程.重庆:重庆大学出版社,2006.巴金等.当代文学翻译百家谈.王寿兰编.北京:北京大学出版社,1989.855页.白靖宇.文化与翻译.北京:中国社会科学出版社,2000.217页.包惠南.语法与翻译.上海:上海翻译出版公司,1989.包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001.350页.包惠南,包昂.实用文化翻译学.上海:上海科技普及出版社,2001.350页.包惠南,包昂.中国文化与汉英翻译.北京:外文出版社,2004.336页.包家仁.汉英句型比较与翻译.广州:广东高等教育出版社,2002.196页.保清,符之.科技英语翻译理论与技巧.北京:中国农业机械出版社,1983.鲍刚.口译理论概述.北京:旅游教育出版社,1998.343页.鲍刚.口译理论概述.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2005.343页.北京大学西语系法文专业57级全体同学集体编.中国翻译文学简史.北京:北京大学西语系,1960.北京第二外国语学院本书编委会编.语言与翻译(论文集).北京:旅游教育出版社,1992.本社编.导游翻译经验谈.北京:中国旅游出版社,1983.121页.本书局编辑部编.英文翻译指南(2册).上海:文艺书局,1933.卞立强.卞立强:一个翻译家的轨迹.北京:中国文联出版社,2002.202页.蔡基刚.英汉汉英段落翻译与实践.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.298页.蔡小红.口译评估.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2007.266页.蔡新乐.翻译的艺术哲学——文学翻译的含意本体论.开封:河南大学出版社,1999.蔡新乐.文学翻译的艺术哲学.开封:河南大学出版社,2001.蔡新乐.翻译的本体论研究——翻译研究的第三条道路、主体间性与人的元翻译构成.上海:上海译文出版社,2005.284页.蔡新乐.翻译与汉语——解构主义视角下的译学研究.北京:中央编译出版社,2006.255页.蔡新乐.相关的相关:德里达“…相关的‟翻译”思想及其他.北京:中国社会科学出版社,2007.305页.蔡新乐,郁东占.文学翻译的释义学原理.开封:河南大学出版社,1997.曹菡艾,赵兴民.联合国文件翻译.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2007.曹雷.过去的回响——六十部译制片配音笔记.上海:上海辞书出版社,2006.240页.曹明伦.英汉翻译实践与评析.成都:四川人民出版社,2007.415页.曹明伦.翻译之道:理论与实践.河北保定:河北大学出版社,2007.289页.曹顺发.走近可译.北京:中国社会出版社,2004.158页.曹顺发.走近“形美”:古汉诗英译实践点滴.北京:国防工业出版社,2007.228页.曹汀.关于翻译标准的几个问题.北京:商务印书馆,1959.曹炜等.文言文今译方法和规律.南京:江苏教育出版社,1994.柴明颎主编.口译的专业化道路:国际经验和中国实践(论文集,英文、中文).上海:上海外语教育出版社,2006.458页.柴秀娟.翻译描述中的语域 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dictionary of translation studies 提取码

dictionary of translation studies 提取码

dictionary of translation studies 提取码1. 引言1.1 概述翻译研究作为一门学科,探讨着语言之间的传递和转换过程,并对跨文化交流起着重要的角色。



1.2 文章结构本文主要包括五个部分:引言、翻译研究概念及定义、翻译流派和理论框架、翻译实践与技巧探讨以及当代翻译研究趋势及展望。



1.3 目的本篇长文旨在提供一个权威且全面的“Dictionary of Translation Studies”,帮助读者更好地了解和掌握这个专业领域。



2. 翻译研究概念及定义2.1 翻译的涵义与范畴翻译是一种将一种语言的意义转化为另一种语言的行为。





2.2 翻译研究的历史发展翻译作为一门学科已经有着悠久的历史。






2.3 翻译研究的重要性与意义翻译研究在文化交流、知识传播和跨语言交流等方面起着重要作用。



变译理论视角下旅游材料的英译Translation of Tourism Material from the Perspective of Variational Translation TheoryIntroductionTourism is a significant industry that contributes to economic growth and cultural exchange. As a result, the demandfor high-quality translations of tourism material has increased. This paper focuses on the translation of tourism material fromthe perspective of variational translation theory. Variational translation theory emphasizes the importance of context, culture, and variations in language use. By applying this theory, translators can produce translations that capture the original meaning while also considering the target culture and language. This paper will discuss the principles and strategies of translating tourism material using variational translation theory.Principles of Variational Translation TheoryVariational translation theory is based on the belief that language is dynamic and constantly changing due to various factors, such as culture, society, and individual preferences. Therefore, a translated text should not merely be a reproduction of the source text, but rather a new text that caters to the target audience's linguistic and cultural expectations. Thefollowing principles guide the application of variational translation theory in the translation of tourism material.1. Contextual Understanding: Translators must first understand the context in which the tourism material will be used. This includes the target audience, purpose of the translation, and cultural expectations. By understanding the context, translators can adapt their translation approach to cater to the specific needs of the target audience.2. Cultural Adaptation: Translating tourism material involves more than just linguistic transfer; it also requires cultural adaptation. Translators should consider the cultural norms, values, and customs of the target audience to ensure that the translated material is culturally appropriate. This may involve making adjustments to names of landmarks, local customs, or even the tone and style of the text to resonate with the target culture.3. Variation in Language Use: Translators should be aware of the variations in language use across different regions and social groups. This includes variations in vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions. By considering these variations, translators can create translations that are linguistically accurate and appealing to the target audience.Strategies for Translating Tourism MaterialTo effectively translate tourism material using variational translation theory, translators can employ the following strategies:2. Use Literal and Figurative Language: Translators should be mindful of the use of literal and figurative language in the source text. They should aim to retain the intended meaning while considering the cultural nuances of the target language. Translating idiomatic expressions requires careful consideration of the equivalent expressions in the target language to maintain the original flavor of the text.3. Collaborate with Native Speakers: Working closely with native speakers of the target language can provide valuable insights into the language and culture. Native speakers can help translators identify appropriate terminology, ensure cultural accuracy, and assist in creating translations that resonate with the target audience.ConclusionTranslation of tourism material requires a nuanced approach that takes into account context, culture, and variations in language use. The application of variational translation theory provides a framework for producing translations that capture the essence of the source text while also adapting to the expectations of the target audience. By considering the principles and strategies outlined in this paper, translatorscan deliver high-quality translations that promote tourism and cultural exchange.。

Ah Q Zheng Zhuan's Retranslation Viewed From the Translator' Skopos

Ah Q Zheng Zhuan's Retranslation Viewed From the Translator' Skopos

校园英语 / 翻译探究Ah Q Zheng Zhuan’s Retranslation ViewedFrom the Translator’ Skopos山东外国语职业学院/滕丽梅【Abstract】This paper attempts to do researches into retranslation of literary works from the perspective of Skopos theory, taking three English versions of Ah Q Zheng Zhuan as research objects. Studying retranslation of literary works from the perspective of Skopos theory is persuasive and can help to recognize the phenomenon of literary retranslation comprehensively and deeply to some extent.【Key words】literary retranslation; Skopos; Ah Q Zheng zhuan1. IntroductionWith respect to English versions of Ah Q Zheng Zhuan, the two most popular ones at present are the version translated by Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang as The True Story of Ah Q and the version translated by William A. Lyell as Ah Q—The Real Story. The latest English version is translated by Julia Lovell in 2009. This paper chooses these three English versions as case studies because the three translators live in different ages and they have different socio-cultural backgrounds, thus determining the three different translation Skopos.2. The three translators’ translation strategies according to their different translation SkoposTranslation Skopos determine translation strategies. Depending on different situations and his own purpose, the translator can choose the most appropriate strategy he thinks.Lyell is in favor of providing plenty of notes which are very detailed and substantial enough in is translation, which is just as his translation Skopos—the translator should provide sufficient historical materials in order to let those unfamiliar with Chinese culture understand the target text. With reference to Lovell’s translation, She believes “a translation that avoids extensive interruption by footnotes and endnotes can offer a more faithful recreation of the original reading experience that a version whose literal rendering of every point dictates frequent, disrupting consultation of extra references.” Comparatively speaking, Yang’s version is between the two. Yang Xianyi insists that the translation must be loyal to the original text instead of having its own interpretation or too much creativity.3. Example and analysisThe following is one example including sufficient explanations.Source text: 我要给阿Q做正传,已经不止一两年了。



北京大学 北京外国语大学 复旦大学 广东外语外贸大学 湖南师范大学 解放军外国语学院 南京大学 南开大学 上海交通大学 上海外国语大学 同济大学 西南大学 厦门大学 中南大学 中山大学 北京第二外国语学院 北京航空航天大学 北京师范大学 北京语言大学 大连外国语学院 东北师范大学 对外经济贸易大学 福建师范大学 河南大学 黑龙江大学 湖南大学 华东师范大学 华中师范大学 山东大学 四川大学 四川外语学院 苏州大学 天津外国语学院 武汉大学 西安外国语大学 延边大学 中国海洋大学 华东师范大学 华中师范大学 首都师范大学 吉林大学 南京师范大学
美国翻译理论家Eugene A. Nida:
Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
行话 (Jargon)
Oxygen supports burning but does not burn. 氧气会支持燃烧,但自己不会燃烧。 氧气会助燃,但不会自燃。
电报: ‚母病危,速归。‛ Mom sick, back quickly.
Mom dying, back now.
An American girl fell in love with her Chinese classmate, but the young man didn’t share her feelings.



一年级推荐书目一、轻松读经典丛书(简写本)上海外语教育出版社1.The Turn of the Screw 螺丝在拧紧2.The Vicar of Wakefield 威克菲尔德牧师传3.Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记4.The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 汤姆历险记5.Tom Brown’s Schoolday 汤姆布朗的求学生涯6.Robinson Cruseo 鲁宾逊漂流记7.Four Shakespeare’s Commedies 莎士比亚四大喜剧8.Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿9.Twenty Thousand leagues Under the Sea. 海底两万里10.Tess of the D’Urbervilles 德伯家的苔丝11.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 艾丽丝漫游奇境记12.Pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见13.David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔14.The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手15.The Mill on the Floss 费洛斯河上的磨房16.The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝里费恩历险记17.Three Shakespeare Tragedies 莎士比亚三个悲剧二、上海译文出版社1.King Solomon’s Mines 所罗门王的宝藏2.The Return of Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯归来记3.The Old man and the Sea 老人与海4.The Call of the wild 野性的呼唤三、杂志及报刊1.(English Salon, Reading) 英语沙龙阅读版2. 21st Century 21世纪3. English Square 英语广场四、其他1. 书虫系列·牛津英汉双语读物曼斯菲尔德著出版日期:2004-02-272. 外研社·DK英汉对照百科读物出版日期:2002-08-153. 英语习语与英美文化(跨文化交际丛书) 平洪张国扬4. 钱钟书英文文集2005年9月出版43.9元5. 西行漫记(英汉对照) 出版日期:2005-07-15 ¥68.006. 英语的变易出版日期:2005-07-08 26.97. 看!世界第1/2/3/4辑(英语精短时文译评)(《英语学习》系列丛书)8. 解读美国第1, 2, 3级出版日期:2005-06-139. 英语词汇轻松学习法出版日期:2005-06-0810. 林语堂英文作品选12. 词语的选择与效果蔡基刚出版日期:2005-03-0213. 外语学习策略与方法潘亚玲出版日期:2004-11-0414. 你永远记得……(英文版)裴杰斯著出版日期:2004-10-1015. 爱的风景(情爱卷)(《英语学习》四十年精选本)(第二辑)16. 美语走天下:语言文化篇约翰斯顿著出版日期:2004-04-1217. 美国风俗101则Harry Collis(美)编著出版日期:2004-03-16二年级推荐书目1.The Secret Garden 秘密花园2.Grimm’s Fairy Tales 格林童话集3.Hard Times 艰难时世4.The Call of the Wild 野性的呼唤5.Lady Camelli 茶花女6.The Black Tulip 黑郁金香7.Chicken Soul ----- 心灵鸡汤系列Teacher’s Soul, Volunteer’s Soul Traveler’s Soul8.Vanity Fair 名利场9.Pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见10. Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶11. Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感12. Jane Eyre 简爱13.Uncle Tom’s cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋二、杂志及报刊1.English Language learning 英语学习2. Beijing Review 北京周报3. 21st century 21世纪三年级及以上推荐书目1.Wuthering heights呼啸山庄2.God Father 教父3.Gone with the wind飘4.The Thorn Birds荆棘鸟5.The Count of Monte Cristo基度山伯爵6.The Scarlet letter红字7.War and Peace战争与和平8.包法利夫人9. A Farewell to Arms永别了武10.Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹11.A Tale of Two Cities双城记12.A Passage to India 印度之行13.Rebecca蝴蝶梦14.American Tragedy美国悲剧二、杂志及报刊1.English World英语世界2.China Daily中国日报美国文学类读物1、The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne 《红字》霍桑著胡允恒译人民文学出版社2、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 《哈克贝利.芬历险记》马克`吐温著许汝祉译译林出版社3、The Portrait of a Lady Henry James 《贵妇画像》亨利.詹姆斯著项星耀译外国文学出版社4.Moby Dick Herman Melville 《白鲸》麦尔维尔著成时译人民文学出版社5.Martin Eden Jack London 《马丁.伊登》杰克.伦敦著孙法理译译林出版社6.The Great Gatsby F.S. Fitzgerald 《了不起的盖茨比》菲茨杰拉德著姚乃强译人民文学出版社7.The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway 《老人与海》海明威著吴劳译上海译文出版社8.The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck 《愤怒的葡萄》斯坦贝克著9.The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner 《喧嚣与骚动》福克纳著李文俊译上海译文出版社10.Catch 22 Joseph Heller 《第二十二条军规》约瑟夫.海勒著扬下程爱民邹惠玲译译林出版社英国文学类读物1.Hamlet William Shakespeare 《哈姆雷特》莎士比亚著朱生豪译人民文学出版社2.Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe 《鲁宾逊漂流记》丹尼尔.笛福著徐霞村译人民文学出版社3.Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift 《格列佛游记》斯威夫特著杨昊成译译林出版社4.Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 《傲慢与偏见》简.奥斯汀著孙致理译译林出版社5.A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 《双城记》查尔斯.狄更斯著张玲张扬译上海译文出版社6.Vanity Fair William Makepeace Thackeray 《名利场》萨克雷著杨宓译人民文学出版社7.Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 《简.爱》夏洛蒂?勃朗特著吴钧燮译人民文学出版社8.Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte 《呼啸山庄》艾米莉.勃朗特著方平译上海译文出版社9.Tess of the D’urbervilles Thomas Hardy 《德伯家的苔丝》托马斯.哈代著张谷若译人民文学出版社10、The Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad 《黑暗的心》约瑟夫.康拉德著黄雨石译浙江文艺出版社翻译类读物1 汉英词语翻译探微杨全红汉语大词典出版社12.002 英汉汉英段落翻译与实践蔡基刚复旦大学出版社15.003 中级英语笔译模拟试题精解齐乃政中国对外翻译出版公司22.004 汉译英口译教程吴冰外语教学与研究出版社19.905 实用英汉翻译教程申雨平戴宁外语教学与研究出版社13.906 英美文化与英汉翻译汪福祥伏力外文出版社11.007 汉译英实用技能训练孙海晨外文出版社16.808 高级翻译评析王大伟孙艳上海交通大学出版社14.509 同声口译金话筒侯国金大连理工大学出版社12.0010 英汉口译实用教程宋天锡国防工业出版社26.0011 英汉翻译技巧示例毛荣贵范武邱上海交通大学出版社16.5012 实用英语口译(英汉)新编崔永禄等南开大学出版社10.0013 汉英时文翻译贾文波中国对外翻译出版公司11.0014 现代汉英翻译技巧王大伟世界图书出版公司21.6015 汉英语篇翻译强化训练居祖纯清华大学出版社14.0016 英语口译教程吴守谦哈尔滨工程大学出版社17.0017 按实例学英语刘慎军等北京工业大学出版社11.0018 汉英口译入门李长栓外语教学与研究出版社17.9019 中国时尚热点新词速译朱诗向对外经济贸易大学出版社20.0020 英汉翻译综合教程王宏印辽宁师范大学出版社19.0021 实用科技英语翻译讲评范武邱外文出版社13.0022 实用口译手册钟述孔中国对外翻译出版公司12.0023 英汉翻译基础古今明上海外语教育出版社16.5024 教你如何掌握汉译英技巧陈文伯世界知识出版社17.0025 英汉翻译手册惆西董乐山等商务印书馆国际有限公司18.0026 英汉同声传译张维为中国对外翻译出版公司12.0027 高级口译教程梅德明上海外语教育出版社26.3028 高级翻译教程孙万彪王恩铭上海外语教育出版社21.0029 常用英语习语翻译与应用李军韩晓玲青岛海洋大学出版社32.0030 研究生英语翻译陶友兰查国生复旦大学出版社28.0031 高级汉英/英汉口译教程(上下册)王桂珍华南理工大学出版社32 实用英语口译教程冯建忠译林出版社39.5033英汉口译实练冯建忠译林出版社37.0034汉翻译练习集(绝版)庄绎传中国对外翻译出版公司0.8035汉英政治经济词汇内部资料36新汉英外交政治词汇内部资料37汉翻译教程(自考教材)庄绎传外语教学与研究出版17.9038译与听力(自考教材)杨俊峰辽宁大学出版社13.0039互译实践与技巧许建平清华大学出版社20.0040汉英分类口译词典世界图书出版公司28.0041.外事工作人员英语常用分类词汇(绝版)北京出版社1.1042.汉英外事工作常用词汇外文出版社48.0043.汉英分类翻译词典大连理工大学出版社58.00基础英语类读物1 英语短文阅读精华张宜马鸿大连理工大学出版社18.002 英汉介词/副词搭配词典钱建立刘立群大连理工大学出版社26.003 现代英语佳作赏析(共四册)西安交通大学出版社45.004 中式英语之鉴JOAN PINKHAM 外语教学与研究出版社22.905 实用英语表达技巧方亚中武汉大学出版社17.006 全球热点话题英语选读木村哲也外文出版社14.007 实用分类英语惯用法刘学明湖南教育出版社15.208 英语听说诵读实用文选365篇周淑杰天津大学出版社20.00。



1.语用前提恢复与语用等效翻译 [J], 杨永芳
2.从语用前提对称看语用等效翻译 [J], 杨永芳
3.语用前提恢复与语用等效翻译 [J], 杨永芳;
4.言语行为语用研究与语用等效翻译 [J], 贺咏梅
5.英汉习语的语用对比与语用等效翻译 [J], 陈圣白









所演示的语料库技术及工具包括:话语信息的机助手工标注(UAM CorpusTool、BFSU Qualitative Coder)、文本中语言特征的语篇分布统计(BFSU PowerConc、CQPweb)、多模态话语标注(ELAN、MMAX2)等。

2013语料库与话语研究专题研讨会发言名单发言内容发言人开幕式王克非梁茂成中国非英语专业本科生和研究生书面语体的多维度调查潘璠基于语料库的研究生学术写作中的壳名词研究娄宝翠中国英语学习者词串使用的语用功能分析孙海燕语料库辅助的口语语篇分析何安平学习者英语口语“语块”研究甄凤超语料库方法在语用学研究中的运用陈新仁钱永红基于语料库的翻译汉语和翻译英语语体特征的多维分析胡显耀《骆驼祥子》三种英译本中叙述话语的翻译——译者风格的语料库考察黄立波经典英译文本核心概念的短语学分析李文中语料库翻译文体学研究体系构建任晓霏汉语记叙语篇中的小句结构——基于语料的功能语法研究李文丹中国大学生英汉口头叙事中的话语评价研究许家金评价范畴在英汉语中的分布研究彭宣维刘玉洁张冉冉张萌服务于话语分析的语料库技术演示(话语信息的机助手工标注、文本中语言特征的语篇分布统计、多模态话语标注等)彭宣维梁茂成刘国兵刘磊吉洁于涛跨体裁索引行自动分类技术研究梁茂成借助用户查询日志优化网络文本检索精度熊文新基于视频语料库的老年性痴呆患者话语能力研究刘红艳语料库辅助的经济隐喻研究——以“泡沫”隐喻为例胡春雨汉语新闻话语中的季节隐喻研究马博森王荣斌隐喻研究的实证转向:语料库语言学视角孙亚中国学习者英语学术语篇中的作者身份:基于语料库的构式分析徐昉当代公共话语中的中小学教师形象研究:研究问题与设计徐浩中国语境中本土化英语的可理解度和可接受度研究高超语料库与社会语言学的新视角:以话语标记语you know为例郑群语篇的形式化表示濮建忠学术语篇中常用句干的语篇策略及学科理念研究卫乃兴闭幕式李文中论文提要汇编(依发言先后)主题一:学习者话语分析中国非英语专业本科生和研究生书面语体的多特征多维度调查华中科技大学外国语学院潘璠近二十年来,运用语料库对二语学习者书面语进行研究在国内外语言学界都引起广泛关注,但绝大多数实证研究都属于微观研究,只侧重对学习者的某项语言特征进行调查,相较而言,语体特征在学习者英语研究中未得到足够重视,对学习者语体特征依然缺乏系统的认识。



谭译录·蒙特雷讲堂 105
的,还是可能产生的结果?如果将定语从句放在前面,可以这样译: 他说董事会想搞一个让我们大多数人失业的计划。
这样翻译就显得目的性有点强,好像是董事会想让我们大家失业。如 果我们把定语从句的意思理解为可能发生的情况,则可以这样译:
他说董事会想搞的那个计划会让我们大多数人失业。 第二句话显然更客观一些,那个计划会让我们失业,不一定是董事会 存心让我们失业。这里的关键是对主句的理解。从形式上理解,“董事会想 搞一个……计划”,但从意思上来看,主句结构实际上是一个过渡,而主要 的意思是“… the plan will put most of us out of work”,表示一个可能产生的 结果。 英文的主句结构在这里起一个过渡作用,主要意思通过从句表达,这 样的情况还是比较多的。再看几句:
① He is a person who is always ready to help others. 可以翻译为:
他是一个乐于帮助别ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的人。 也可以翻译为:
他这个人总是乐于帮助别人。 ② Today we face a world filled with opportunities but also one filled with challenges. We live in a world where markets increasingly are global and our market is increasingly interdependent. 这里 we face a world 和 we live in a world 显然是结构上的过渡,真正的 意思是今天的世界是什么样子,因此我们完全可以调整主语,直接用 world 作主语: 今天的世界充满机会,但也充满挑战,市场全球化程度 越来越高,相互依存也越来越强。 在某些文体中,出于修辞的需要,当然可以按照原文的结构处理: 我们面临一个充满机会但也充满挑战的世界。我们生活 在一个市场全球化程度越来越高、相互依存也越来越强 的世界上。 不过在口译中就没有这个必要了,可以采用比较简洁的方法翻译。 □
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):计算机科学与技术学院专业:计算机科学与技术姓名:谭斌学号:07120115外文出处:Malcolm Davis.Struts—an open-source(用外文写)MVC implementation IBMSystem Journal,2006,44(2):33-37附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。


附件1:外文资料翻译译文Struts——MVC的一种开放源码实现本文介绍Struts,它是使用servlet和JavaServer Pages技术的一种Model-View-Controller实现。







JavaServer Pages(JSP)技术为网页设计人员和Java开发人员提供了一种联系钮带。




















MVC Model2Web向软件开发人员提出了一些特有的挑战,最明显的就是客户机和服务器的无状态连接。











图4显示了MVC的Web改写版,通常也称为MVC Model2或MVC2。

图 4.MVC Model2Struts,MVC2的一种实现Struts是一组相互协作的类、servlet和JSP标记,它们组成一个可重用的MVC 2设计。



图 5.Struts概览Struts概览∙Client browser(客户浏览器)来自客户浏览器的每个HTTP请求创建一个事件。









ActionForm bean在会话级或请求级表示模型的状态,而不是在持久级。

JSP文件使用JSP标记读取来自ActionForm bean的信息。





图6显示了ActionServlet(Controller)、ActionForm(Form State)和Action(Model Wrapper)之间的最简关系。

图 mand(ActionServlet)与Model(Action&ActionForm)之间的关系的UML 图ActionServlet类您还记得函数映射的日子吗?在那时,您会将某些输入事件映射到一个函数指针上。




Struts的控制器是将事件(事件通常是HTTP post)映射到类的一个servlet。










































”(摘自Gof所著的Design Patterns -Elements of Reusable OO Software)。











