Privacy Preserving Data Integration and Sharing




Privacy is a fundamental aspect of human dignity and individual freedom.It is the right to be left alone and to control the dissemination of personal information.In todays digital age,where technology has made it easier to access and share information, respecting privacy rights is more important than ever.Firstly,respecting privacy is crucial for maintaining trust in relationships.When people feel that their personal information is secure and not being misused,they are more likely to trust others and build strong,meaningful connections.This trust is essential for healthy personal and professional relationships.Secondly,privacy is a key component of personal autonomy.When individuals have control over their personal information,they can make informed decisions about what to share and with whom.This autonomy allows people to express themselves freely and to maintain their individuality without fear of judgment or unwanted attention. Moreover,respecting privacy is essential for protecting against identity theft and other forms of cybercrime.By safeguarding personal information,individuals can prevent criminals from using their data for fraudulent activities.This protection is vital in an era where cyber threats are increasingly prevalent.In addition,privacy rights are enshrined in various international human rights instruments, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.These instruments recognize the importance of privacy for the full realization of human potential and the protection of human dignity.However,respecting privacy is not without its challenges.In the digital age,companies and governments often collect vast amounts of personal data for various purposes,such as targeted advertising or national security.Balancing the need for privacy with the benefits of data collection requires careful consideration and responsible practices.To respect privacy rights,individuals and organizations should adopt privacyfriendly policies and practices.This includes obtaining informed consent before collecting personal information,using data encryption to protect sensitive information,and providing clear and accessible mechanisms for individuals to control their data. Furthermore,education and awareness about privacy rights are crucial.By understanding the importance of privacy and the potential risks of data misuse,individuals can make informed decisions about their online activities and advocate for stronger privacy protections.In conclusion,respecting privacy rights is essential for fostering trust,promoting personal autonomy,protecting against cybercrime,and upholding human dignity.In the digital age, it is the responsibility of individuals and organizations alike to prioritize privacy and to adopt practices that safeguard this fundamental right.。



大数据外文翻译参考文献综述(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Data Mining and Data PublishingData mining is the extraction of vast interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data. The initial idea of privacy-preserving data mining PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. Privacy-preserving data mining considers the problem of running data mining algorithms on confidential data that is not supposed to be revealed even to the partyrunning the algorithm. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily be tied to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task may be unknown at the time of data publishing. PPDP studies how to transform raw data into a version that is immunized against privacy attacks but that still supports effective data mining tasks. Privacy-preserving for both data mining (PPDM) and data publishing (PPDP) has become increasingly popular because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for analysis purposes. One well studied approach is the k-anonymity model [1] which in turn led to other models such as confidence bounding, l-diversity, t-closeness, (α,k)-anonymity, etc. In particular, all known mechanisms try to minimize information loss and such an attempt provides a loophole for attacks. The aim of this paper is to present a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explain their effects on Data Privacy.Although data mining is potentially useful, many data holders are reluctant to provide their data for data mining for the fear of violating individual privacy. In recent years, study has been made to ensure that the sensitive information of individuals cannot be identified easily.Anonymity Models, k-anonymization techniques have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. In order to ensure anonymization of data while at the same time minimizing the informationloss resulting from data modifications, everal extending models are proposed, which are discussed as follows.1.k-Anonymityk-anonymity is one of the most classic models, which technique that prevents joining attacks by generalizing and/or suppressing portions of the released microdata so that no individual can be uniquely distinguished from a group of size k. In the k-anonymous tables, a data set is k-anonymous (k ≥ 1) if each record in the data set is in- distinguishable from at least (k . 1) other records within the same data set. The larger the value of k, the better the privacy is protected. k-anonymity can ensure that individuals cannot be uniquely identified by linking attacks.2. Extending ModelsSince k-anonymity does not provide sufficient protection against attribute disclosure. The notion of l-diversity attempts to solve this problem by requiring that each equivalence class has at least l well-represented value for each sensitive attribute. The technology of l-diversity has some advantages than k-anonymity. Because k-anonymity dataset permits strong attacks due to lack of diversity in the sensitive attributes. In this model, an equivalence class is said to have l-diversity if there are at least l well-represented value for the sensitive attribute. Because there are semantic relationships among the attribute values, and different values have very different levels of sensitivity. Afteranonymization, in any equivalence class, the frequency (in fraction) of a sensitive value is no more than α.3. Related Research AreasSeveral polls show that the public has an in- creased sense of privacy loss. Since data mining is often a key component of information systems, homeland security systems, and monitoring and surveillance systems, it gives a wrong impression that data mining is a technique for privacy intrusion. This lack of trust has become an obstacle to the benefit of the technology. For example, the potentially beneficial data mining re- search project, Terrorism Information Awareness (TIA), was terminated by the US Congress due to its controversial procedures of collecting, sharing, and analyzing the trails left by individuals. Motivated by the privacy concerns on data mining tools, a research area called privacy-reserving data mining (PPDM) emerged in 2000. The initial idea of PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. The solutions were often tightly coupled with the data mining algorithms under consideration. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily tie to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task is sometimes unknown at the time of data publishing. Furthermore, some PPDP solutions emphasize preserving the datatruthfulness at the record level, but PPDM solutions often do not preserve such property. PPDP Differs from PPDM in Several Major Ways as Follows :1) PPDP focuses on techniques for publishing data, not techniques for data mining. In fact, it is expected that standard data mining techniques are applied on the published data. In contrast, the data holder in PPDM needs to randomize the data in such a way that data mining results can be recovered from the randomized data. To do so, the data holder must understand the data mining tasks and algorithms involved. This level of involvement is not expected of the data holder in PPDP who usually is not an expert in data mining.2) Both randomization and encryption do not preserve the truthfulness of values at the record level; therefore, the released data are basically meaningless to the recipients. In such a case, the data holder in PPDM may consider releasing the data mining results rather than the scrambled data.3) PPDP primarily “anonymizes” the data by hiding the identity of record owners, whereas PPDM seeks to directly hide the sensitive data. Excellent surveys and books in randomization and cryptographic techniques for PPDM can be found in the existing literature. A family of research work called privacy-preserving distributed data mining (PPDDM) aims at performing some data mining task on a set of private databasesowned by different parties. It follows the principle of Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC), and prohibits any data sharing other than the final data mining result. Clifton et al. present a suite of SMC operations, like secure sum, secure set union, secure size of set intersection, and scalar product, that are useful for many data mining tasks. In contrast, PPDP does not perform the actual data mining task, but concerns with how to publish the data so that the anonymous data are useful for data mining. We can say that PPDP protects privacy at the data level while PPDDM protects privacy at the process level. They address different privacy models and data mining scenarios. In the field of statistical disclosure control (SDC), the research works focus on privacy-preserving publishing methods for statistical tables. SDC focuses on three types of disclosures, namely identity disclosure, attribute disclosure, and inferential disclosure. Identity disclosure occurs if an adversary can identify a respondent from the published data. Revealing that an individual is a respondent of a data collection may or may not violate confidentiality requirements. Attribute disclosure occurs when confidential information about a respondent is revealed and can be attributed to the respondent. Attribute disclosure is the primary concern of most statistical agencies in deciding whether to publish tabular data. Inferential disclosure occurs when individual information can be inferred with high confidence from statistical information of the published data.Some other works of SDC focus on the study of the non-interactive query model, in which the data recipients can submit one query to the system. This type of non-interactive query model may not fully address the information needs of data recipients because, in some cases, it is very difficult for a data recipient to accurately construct a query for a data mining task in one shot. Consequently, there are a series of studies on the interactive query model, in which the data recipients, including adversaries, can submit a sequence of queries based on previously received query results. The database server is responsible to keep track of all queries of each user and determine whether or not the currently received query has violated the privacy requirement with respect to all previous queries. One limitation of any interactive privacy-preserving query system is that it can only answer a sublinear number of queries in total; otherwise, an adversary (or a group of corrupted data recipients) will be able to reconstruct all but 1 . o(1) fraction of the original data, which is a very strong violation of privacy. When the maximum number of queries is reached, the query service must be closed to avoid privacy leak. In the case of the non-interactive query model, the adversary can issue only one query and, therefore, the non-interactive query model cannot achieve the same degree of privacy defined by Introduction the interactive model. One may consider that privacy-reserving data publishing is a special case of the non-interactivequery model.This paper presents a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explains their effects on Data Privacy. k-anonymity is used for security of respondents identity and decreases linking attack in the case of homogeneity attack a simple k-anonymity model fails and we need a concept which prevent from this attack solution is l-diversity. All tuples are arranged in well represented form and adversary will divert to l places or on l sensitive attributes. l-diversity limits in case of background knowledge attack because no one predicts knowledge level of an adversary. It is observe that using generalization and suppression we also apply these techniques on those attributes which doesn’t need th is extent of privacy and this leads to reduce the precision of publishing table. e-NSTAM (extended Sensitive Tuples Anonymity Method) is applied on sensitive tuples only and reduces information loss, this method also fails in the case of multiple sensitive tuples.Generalization with suppression is also the causes of data lose because suppression emphasize on not releasing values which are not suited for k factor. Future works in this front can include defining a new privacy measure along with l-diversity for multiple sensitive attribute and we will focus to generalize attributes without suppression using other techniques which are used to achieve k-anonymity because suppression leads to reduce the precision ofpublishing table.译文:数据挖掘和数据发布数据挖掘中提取出大量有趣的模式从大量的数据或知识。



顶级会议第一KDD 第二SIAM ICDM中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物(数据库、数据挖掘与内容检索)序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 TODS ACM Transactions on Database Systems ACM /tods/2 TOIS ACM Transactions on Information andSystems ACM /pubs/tois/3 TKDE IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Computer Society /tkde/4 VLDBJ VLDB Journal S pringer-Verlag/dblp/db/journals/vldb/index.html二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 TKDD ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data ACM/pubs/tkdd/2 AEI Advanced Engineering Informatics Elsevier/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622240/3 DKE Data and Knowledge Engineering Elsevier/science/journal/0169023X4 DMKD Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverySpringer/content/100254/5 EJIS European Journal of Information Systems The OR Society/ejis/6 GeoInformatica Springer /content/1573-7624/7 IPM Information Processing and Management Elsevier/locate/infoproman8 Information Sciences Elsevier /locate/issn/002002559 IS Information Systems Elsevier/information-systems/10 JASIST Journal of the American Society for Information Science and TechnologyAmerican Society for Information Science and Technology /Publications/JASIS/jasis.html11 JWS Journal of Web Semantics Elsevier /locate/inca/67132212 KIS Knowledge and Information Systems Springer /journal/1011513 TWEB ACM Transactions on the Web ACM /三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 DPD Distributed and Parallel Databases Springer/content/1573-7578/2 I&M Information and Management E lsevier /locate/im/3 IPL Information Processing Letters Elsevier /locate/ipl4 Information Retrieval Springer /issn/1386-45645 IJCIS International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems World Scientific/ijcis6 IJGIS International Journal of Geographical Information Science Taylor & Francis/journals/tf/13658816.html7 IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems Wiley/jpages/0884-8173/8 IJKM International Journal of Knowledge Management IGI/journals/details.asp?id=42889 IJSWIS International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems IGI/10 JCIS J ournal of Computer Information Systems IACIS/web/journal.htm11 JDM Journal of Database Management IGI-Global/journals/details.asp?id=19812 JGITM Journal of Global Information Technology Management Ivy League Publishing/bae/jgitm/13 JIIS Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Springer/content/1573-7675/14 JSIS Journal of Strategic Information Systems Elsevier/locate/jsis中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物(数据库、数据挖掘与内容检索)一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 TODS ACM Transactions on Database Systems ACM /tods/2 TOIS ACM Transactions on Information andSystems ACM /pubs/tois/3 TKDE IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Computer Society /tkde/4 VLDBJ VLDB Journal S pringer-Verlag/dblp/db/journals/vldb/index.html二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 TKDD ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data ACM/pubs/tkdd/2 AEI Advanced Engineering Informatics Elsevier/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622240/3 DKE Data and Knowledge Engineering Elsevier/science/journal/0169023X4 DMKD Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverySpringer/content/100254/5 EJIS European Journal of Information Systems The OR Society/ejis/6 GeoInformatica Springer /content/1573-7624/7 IPM Information Processing and Management Elsevier/locate/infoproman8 Information Sciences Elsevier /locate/issn/002002559 IS Information Systems Elsevier/information-systems/10 JASIST Journal of the American Society for Information Science and TechnologyAmerican Society for Information Science and Technology /Publications/JASIS/jasis.html11 JWS Journal of Web Semantics Elsevier /locate/inca/67132212 KIS Knowledge and Information Systems Springer /journal/1011513 TWEB ACM Transactions on the Web ACM /三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 DPD Distributed and Parallel Databases Springer/content/1573-7578/2 I&M Information and Management E lsevier /locate/im/3 IPL Information Processing Letters Elsevier /locate/ipl4 Information Retrieval Springer /issn/1386-45645 IJCIS International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems World Scientific/ijcis6 IJGIS International Journal of Geographical Information Science Taylor & Francis/journals/tf/13658816.html7 IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems Wiley/jpages/0884-8173/8 IJKM International Journal of Knowledge Management IGI/journals/details.asp?id=42889 IJSWIS International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems IGI/10 JCIS J ournal of Computer Information Systems IACIS/web/journal.htm11 JDM Journal of Database Management IGI-Global/journals/details.asp?id=19812 JGITM Journal of Global Information Technology Management Ivy League Publishing/bae/jgitm/13 JIIS Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Springer/content/1573-7675/14 JSIS Journal of Strategic Information Systems Elsevier/locate/jsis一、以下是一些数据挖掘领域专家牛人的网站,有很多精华,能开阔研究者的思路,在此共享:1.Rakesh Agrawal主页:/en-us/people/rakesha/ 数据挖掘领域唯一独有的关联规则研究的创始人,其主要的Apriori算法开启了这一伟大的领域。

数据迁移 总结汇报怎么写

数据迁移 总结汇报怎么写






二、数据迁移过程(200字)本次数据迁移分为以下几个步骤:1. 数据分析:对旧数据库中的数据进行分析和评估,确定需要迁移的数据范围和类型,以及数据的结构和关系。

2. 数据清洗:对待迁移的数据进行清洗和整理,去除冗余和不合规的数据,保证数据的准确性和完整性。

3. 数据映射:建立旧数据库和新数据库的数据映射关系,确定字段的对应关系和数据转换规则,确保数据在迁移过程中的一致性。

4. 数据迁移:根据数据映射规则,将旧数据库中的数据导出,并根据新数据库的结构导入到新数据库中。

5. 数据验证:对迁移后的数据进行验证和比对,确保迁移后的数据与原数据一致。

6. 数据转换:对需要转换的数据进行处理和转换,使其适应新的数据库系统的要求和规范。

三、数据迁移的挑战与解决方案(300字)在数据迁移的过程中,我们面临了一些挑战,下面是我们采取的解决方案:1. 大数据量:由于公司的数据量庞大,数据迁移过程中可能会遇到数据导出和导入的效率低下的问题。


2. 数据转换:旧数据库和新数据库可能存在数据结构和字段的差异,需要进行数据转换。


3. 数据验证:为了确保迁移后的数据质量,我们进行了严格的数据验证和比对。




- 《Data Mining and Data Publishing》:介绍了隐私保护数据挖掘和隐私保护数据发布的概念,以及如何将原始数据转换为免受隐私攻击的版本,同时仍然支持有效的数据挖掘任务。

- 《Privacy-Preserving Data Mining and Publishing》:探讨了如何在不泄露敏感数据的情况下进行数据挖掘和数据发布,介绍了k-匿名模型以及扩展模型,如信心界限、l-多样性、t-接近度、(,k)-匿名等。




3 主要研究方向
差分隐私作为新兴的隐私保护技术,在理论研 究和实际应用方面具有非常重要的价值。该技术首 先出现在统计数据库领域,然后,又扩展到其它领 域,例如机器学习、安全通信等。数据库领域中差 分隐私保护技术的主要研究方向如表 1 所示。
和强健的保护模型。该保护模型的基本思想是对原 始数据、对原始数据的转换、或者是对统计结果添 加噪音来达到隐私保护效果。该保护方法可以确保 在某一数据集中插入或者删除一条记录的操作不 会影响任何计算的输出结果。另外,该保护模型不 关心攻击者所具有的背景知识,即使攻击者已经掌 握除某一条记录之外的所有记的信息,该记录的隐 私也无法被披露。差分隐私的形式化定义如下: 定义 1[7]. 给定数据集 D 和 D ,二者互之间至 多相差一条记录, 即 | DD | 1 。 给定一个隐私算法 A, Range(A)为 A 的取值范围, 若算法 A 在数据集 D 和 D 上任意输出结果 O (O Range(A))满足下列不 等式,则 A 满足 -差分隐私。
1 引 言
信息技术的飞速发展使得各类数据的发布、采 集、存储和分析变得方便快捷。例如,医院电子病 例记录病人基本信息、疾病信息及药品购买记录; 人口普查记录市民的家庭住址以及收入情况;金融
本文得到国家自然科学基金项目(61379050, 91024032, 91224008,91124001, 91324015), 中国人民大学科学研究基金(课题号: 11XNL010)支持, 国家 863计划项目(2012AA011001, 2013AA013204), 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题(20130004130001)资助.张啸剑,男,1982年生,博士研 究生,主要研究方向为差分隐私、数据挖掘、图数据管理.孟小峰,男,1964年生,教授,博士生导师,主要研究领域为Web数据管理、移动数据 管理、XML数据管理、云数据管理等.






同时,利用消息验证码在融合时密钥改变的特性, iESPART能够判断遭到攻击的具体节点位置。


关键词:无线传感器网络;数据融合;隐私保护;完整性检测;低能耗中图分类号:TP393.08;TP309.7文献标志码:A0引言数据融合技术能够有效地减少无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network, WSN)中的能耗,但是由于查询服务器(Query Server, QS)无法直接获取所有的数据,其安全性一直是该领域的一大挑战。

在基础融合(Tiny AGgregation, TAG)算法 [1]中,数据会沿着融合树层层上传,信任父节点会获取子节点的数据,如果链路或者父节点被监听以至捕获,隐私数据便暴露了;因此,数据融合隐私保护算法得到了广泛的研究[2-6]。

这些算法各有自己所针对的范围,如在簇状结构中使用的簇数据融合(Clusterbased Private Data Aggregation, CPDA)[2];在树状结构中使用的切片混合数据融合(SlicingMixAggRegaTion, SMART) [2]、低能耗隐私保护(EnergySaving Privacypreserving AggRegaTion, ESPART)算法[6];针对QS只获取最大最小值的模糊数据(KIndistinguishable Privacypreserving Data Aggregation, KIPDA)算法 [5]等。






1. 个人隐私保护AI机器人所涉及的个人隐私包括但不限于个人身份信息、个人行为轨迹、社交网络信息等。

为了保护个人隐私,以下策略可以被采用:1.1 数据匿名化:AI机器人在收集和处理个人数据时,应采用数据匿名化技术,将个人身份与数据分离,保证数据无法追溯到具体个人。

1.2 访问控制:建立严格的访问控制机制,确保只有授权人员才能访问和处理个人数据,并确保这些人员具备足够的安全意识和技能。

1.3 明示目的和范围:AI机器人在收集个人数据之前,应向用户明确告知数据收集的目的和范围,并获得用户的明示同意。

1.4 存储和传输安全:AI机器人在存储和传输个人数据时,应采用合适的加密和安全技术,防止数据泄露和篡改。

2. 信息安全策略除了个人隐私保护,AI机器人还需要采取一系列信息安全策略,以保护其系统和用户的数据安全。

以下策略可以被采用:2.1 强密码和多因素认证:AI机器人应要求用户设置强密码,并结合多因素认证技术,提高系统的安全性。

2.2 安全更新和漏洞修复:及时更新和修复系统中发现的安全漏洞和问题,确保系统的安全性能。

2.3 审计和监控:建立完善的系统审计和监控机制,及时检测和预防潜在的安全威胁。

2.4 用户教育和意识提升:通过培训和宣传活动,提高用户和相关人员对信息安全的重视和意识,降低安全风险。



参考文献:[1] Li H, Yiu S M, Liu Z, et al. Privacy-preserving data publishing for location-based services[C]// International Conference on Data Engineering. IEEE, 2010: 176-187.[2] Zhang G, Lv T, Takahashi K, et al. Privacy-preserving SVM classification on cloud using nonlinear kernel[C]// 2013 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. IEEE, 2013: 1177-1182.。



隐私保持 Privacy preservation
重要的是认识到数据修正会导致数据库运行性能的下降,我们有两 种方法衡量性能下降情况,一是衡量保密数据的保护程度,再就是 衡量功能性的损失。
4. 隐私保持算法回顾
•基于启发式的技术 •基于密码学的技术 •基于重构的技术
为解决以下问题:两个或更多方运行一个带有因私数据输入的计算, 但没有一方想把自己的隐私输入泄漏出去,问题是如何在保护隐私 的同时进行计算。这个问题就是安全多方计算问题Secure Multiparty Computation(SMC)即在一个分布式网络中每一方拥 有一项输入保证了输入之间的独立性和计算的正确性,以及除一方 的输入输出外没有其他信息泄漏。
3. 隐私保持的分类
许多方法被隐私保持数据挖掘所采用,我们可基于以下方面 对其进行分类: •数据分布 •关联规则中涉及到的维数 •数据修正
数据分布 Data distribution
第一种方法涉及到数据分布,其中的一些方法是基于集中式存储的 数据而开发的,另一些是关于分布式数据存储的。分布式数据存储 又可分为水平数据分布和垂直数据分布,水平型分布是指不同的数 据库记录存储在不同的站点上,其典型模型是一个中心数据仓库, n个分布站点Si(I=1, 2, ….n)。关联规则的目的是找出全局关联 规则,即满足全局最小支持度和全局最小置信度。一个项目集的全 局支持度就是所有站点上该项目集支持度的和。隐私保持的衡量标 准由局部k-频繁项集产生的全局k-频繁项集,保证各个站点只知道 本站点的频繁项集,而无法获得其他站点的频繁项集。
根据关联规则中涉及到的维数分为单维的和多维的。在单维关联规 则中只涉及到数据的一个维,例如:buy(computer)=>buy(printer) 这条规则只涉及购买维,而在多维关联规则中要处理的数据设计多 个维,这种情况下的隐私保持尚处于研究阶段。正是今后工作的主 要方向。例如:age(X, “30~39”)^income(X, “2000~5000”)=>buy(X, “HDTV”)这条规则中涉及3个维。其中量化 属性age和income已离散化。









感谢学院开设的这门课程,感谢授课的各位老师,让我在较短的时间内得以大致了解当前数据库领域中所出现的一些前沿性的成果和问题,着实获益匪浅!希望这种类型的课可以继续办下去,越办越好!关键词:多方安全计算;百万富翁;电子选举;几何位置判定目录1引言 (1)2多方安全计算概述 (1)3百万富翁问题 (2)3.1姚式百万富翁问题解决方案[1] (2)3.1.1方案定义 (2)3.1.2方案评价 (2)3.2基于不经意传输协议的高效改进方案[8] (3)3.2.1不经意传输协议 (3)3.2.2改进方案 (3)4安全电子选举问题 (4)4.1选举模型 (4)4.2多选多的电子选举方案[14] (5)4.2.1方案定义 (5)4.2.2方案评价 (5)5保护私有信息的几何判定问题 (6)5.1安全点积定义 (6)5.2安全点积协议 (6)6小结 (7)7课程感受.................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:网络隐私保护与信息扩展英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Online Privacy and the Double-Edged Sword of InformationIn the vast digital landscape we inhabit today, the concept of privacy has taken on new dimensions and complexities. As students navigating the intricate web of online networks, we findourselves grappling with the delicate balance between protecting our personal information and embracing the boundless opportunities for knowledge and connection that the internet offers.The insatiable thirst for data in our digital age has given rise to a culture of information sharing that often overshadows concerns about privacy. Social media platforms, search engines, and countless online services thrive on the collection and analysis of our personal data, promising tailored experiences and targeted advertisements in exchange for our digital footprints. However, this trade-off raises critical questions about the extent to which our private lives should be laid bare in the pursuit of convenience and personalization.One of the most significant challenges we face is the ubiquitous tracking and profiling of our online activities. Cookies, web beacons, and other invisible trackers silently monitor our browsing habits, preferences, and interests, creating detailed profiles that can be exploited for commercial or even malicious purposes. This pervasive surveillance not only infringes on our privacy but also raises concerns about the potential misuse of our data, from targeted advertising to identity theft andcyber-attacks.Moreover, the digital breadcrumbs we leave behind can have far-reaching consequences, especially in the realm of education and employment. Prospective colleges and employers increasingly scrutinize our online presence, and a singleill-advised post or comment can tarnish our reputations and jeopardize our future prospects. It is a sobering reminder that the internet has a long memory, and our digital footprints can haunt us long after we have moved on.Yet, amidst these privacy concerns, we must also acknowledge the immense value that the free flow of information brings to our educational pursuits. The internet has become a vast repository of knowledge, offering unprecedented access to a wealth of resources, research materials, and diverse perspectives. Online forums, collaborative platforms, and educational websites have revolutionized the way we learn, facilitating global exchanges of ideas and fostering intellectual discourse.Furthermore, the ability to connect and collaborate with peers from around the world has opened up new avenues for cross-cultural understanding and innovative problem-solving. Online communities and virtual classrooms have broken down geographical barriers, allowing us to engage with diverseperspectives and gain insights that would have been impossible in the pre-digital era.As students, we must strike a delicate balance between safeguarding our privacy and embracing the transformative potential of information sharing. This requires a multifaceted approach, encompassing personal responsibility, technological safeguards, and regulatory frameworks.On a personal level, we must cultivate digital literacy and adopt responsible online practices. This includes being mindful of the information we share, regularly reviewing and adjusting our privacy settings, and employing robust security measures such as strong passwords and two-factor authentication. Additionally, we should exercise caution when engaging with unfamiliar websites or online services, and be vigilant against potential phishing attempts or other cyber threats.However, individual efforts alone are not enough; technological solutions and industry-wide initiatives are crucial in protecting our online privacy. Privacy-enhancing technologies, such as end-to-end encryption, anonymous browsing, and data minimization techniques, can help shield our personal information from prying eyes. Furthermore, companies and service providers must prioritize data protection and implementrobust security measures to safeguard user information from breaches and unauthorized access.Lastly, governments and regulatory bodies play a vital role in establishing legal frameworks and guidelines to protect consumer privacy rights. Comprehensive data protection laws, coupled with strict enforcement and oversight mechanisms, can help rein in unchecked data collection practices and empower individuals with greater control over their personal information.In the end, the digital age has ushered in a paradox: the more information we share, the more vulnerable we become, yet the more we withhold, the more opportunities we may miss. As students, it is our responsibility to navigate this complex landscape with wisdom and discernment, striking a balance between privacy protection and the pursuit of knowledge.We must embrace the transformative power of information while remaining vigilant against its potential misuse. By fostering a culture of responsible information sharing, leveraging technological solutions, and advocating for robust regulatory frameworks, we can harness the vast potential of the digital world while safeguarding our fundamental right to privacy.Only then can we truly unlock the boundless possibilities of learning, innovation, and personal growth in the ever-evolving digital frontier.篇2The Tug-of-War: Internet Privacy vs. Information ExpansionIn our digital age, the internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we communicate, work, and access information. However, as technology advances, a delicate balance emerges between preserving our online privacy and fueling the insatiable demand for information expansion. This tug-of-war between these two forces has sparked heated debates and raised critical questions about the boundaries we must navigate in the virtual realm.On one side of the tug-of-war stands the fundamental right to privacy – a cornerstone of individual freedom and autonomy. The internet, while offering boundless opportunities, has also become a breeding ground for invasive data collection practices, cybercrime, and unwarranted surveillance. Our digital footprints, from browsing histories to social media activities, are constantly tracked, analyzed, and commodified, often without our explicit consent. This erosion of privacy has far-reaching implications,from personal security concerns to the potential for discrimination and manipulation.As students, we are particularly vulnerable to these threats. Our online activities, from research to social interactions, leave a trail of sensitive information that could be exploited by malicious actors or misused by institutions with vested interests. The consequences of privacy breaches can be severe, ranging from identity theft and cyberbullying to reputational damage and compromised academic integrity.On the other side of the tug-of-war lies the unstoppable march of information expansion. The internet has democratized knowledge, breaking down barriers and empowering individuals with access to a vast repository of information. This abundance of data has fueled innovation, fostered global collaboration, and facilitated the free exchange of ideas – principles that are fundamental to academic pursuits and intellectual growth.As students, we are the beneficiaries of this information explosion. Online resources, digital libraries, and open-source platforms have revolutionized the way we learn, conduct research, and engage with diverse perspectives. The ability to access and share knowledge transcends geographical boundaries, enabling us to connect with scholars, experts, andpeers from around the globe, enriching our educational experiences.However, the tension between these two forces is palpable. The more information we share and consume online, the more vulnerable we become to privacy infringements. Conversely, overzealous protection of privacy can stifle the free flow of information, hindering progress and limiting our ability to engage with the global intellectual community.Finding the delicate balance between these competing forces is a complex endeavor that requires a multifaceted approach. On an individual level, we must actively cultivate digital literacy and adopt robust cybersecurity practices, such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and exercising caution when sharing personal information online. Additionally, we should critically evaluate the privacy policies and data practices of the platforms and services we utilize, advocating for greater transparency and user control over their personal data.Institutions, including educational establishments, also play a crucial role in this endeavor. They must prioritize the implementation of robust data protection measures, adhere to strict ethical guidelines, and provide comprehensive digitalcitizenship education to empower students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.Governments and policymakers bear the responsibility of crafting fair and effective regulatory frameworks that strike a balance between protecting individual privacy rights and fostering an environment conducive to innovation and information sharing. Legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States are steps in the right direction, but ongoing dialogue and international cooperation are necessary to ensure harmonized and effective data protection standards.Furthermore, technology companies and service providers must prioritize privacy-by-design principles, implementing robust encryption, anonymization techniques, and user-centric data control mechanisms. They should embrace ethical data practices, minimizing data collection and ensuring transparent and meaningful consent processes.Ultimately, the tug-of-war between internet privacy and information expansion is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders. As students, we must embrace our role as active participants inshaping the digital landscape, advocating for our privacy rights while embracing the transformative power of information expansion.By fostering a culture of digital responsibility, advocating for robust privacy protections, and actively engaging in the discourse surrounding these issues, we can navigate this delicate balance and harness the full potential of the internet while safeguarding our fundamental rights and liberties.The path forward may be fraught with challenges, but it is a journey we must undertake collectively, guided by the principles of ethics, transparency, and a deep commitment to preserving the integrity of knowledge and the sanctity of individual autonomy in the digital age.篇3Online Privacy and the Expanding Information AgeAs a student living in the digital era, I can't help but feel both excited and apprehensive about the rapid expansion of information and technology. On one hand, the internet has revolutionized the way we learn, communicate, and access knowledge. But on the other hand, concerns over online privacy and data protection have become increasingly prevalent.In today's world, we are constantly generating data through our online activities – from social media posts and search queries to online purchases and location tracking. This wealth of personal information is a goldmine for companies and organizations seeking to better understand and target consumers. However, the misuse or unauthorized access of this data can have severe consequences for individuals' privacy and security.One of the primary threats to online privacy is the widespread practice of data collection and tracking by tech giants and advertisers. Companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon have built their empires on the ability to gather and analyze user data, which they then use to deliver targeted ads and personalized experiences. While this can be convenient for users, it also raises concerns about the extent of information being collected and how it is being used.Another issue is the prevalence of cyber crimes, such as hacking, identity theft, and online fraud. As we increasingly rely on digital platforms for sensitive activities like banking and healthcare, the risk of having our personal and financial information compromised grows exponentially. High-profile data breaches at major companies and organizations haveexposed millions of people's personal data, highlighting the vulnerability of our online presence.Despite these concerns, the benefits of the information age are undeniable. The internet has opened up a world of knowledge and opportunities that were previously inaccessible to many. Online education platforms have made learning more accessible and affordable, while social media has facilitated global connectivity and the exchange of ideas. Furthermore, the digital revolution has spawned countless innovations in fields like healthcare, finance, and entertainment, improving our quality of life in countless ways.So, how can we strike a balance between embracing the advantages of the information age while protecting our online privacy? One approach is to advocate for stronger data protection laws and regulations. Governments and international organizations have been working to establish guidelines and policies to safeguard user privacy and hold companies accountable for data misuse. The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are examples of such efforts.At the individual level, we can take proactive measures to protect our online privacy. This includes being cautious aboutthe information we share online, using strong passwords and two-factor authentication, and regularly updating our software and security protocols. Additionally, we can support companies and services that prioritize user privacy and data protection, sending a clear message that consumers value their digital rights.It is also crucial to educate ourselves and others, especially younger generations, about the importance of online privacy and the potential risks associated with oversharing personal information. Schools and educational institutions have a responsibility to incorporate digital literacy and cybersecurity into their curricula, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.As we continue to embrace the benefits of the information age, it is essential to remember that our personal data is a valuable commodity that must be protected. By advocating for stronger privacy laws, practicing good cyber hygiene, and prioritizing digital literacy, we can enjoy the advantages of technology while safeguarding our privacy and security.In conclusion, the expansion of information and technology has brought both tremendous opportunities and significant challenges when it comes to online privacy. As students andcitizens of the digital world, it is our responsibility to strike a balance between embracing innovation and protecting our fundamental right to privacy. By staying informed, being proactive, and supporting efforts to secure our digital rights, we can ensure that the information age remains a force for progress and empowerment, rather than a threat to our individual liberties.。






Respecting Privacy: Safeguarding Individual Dignity and Freedom。

In an era where information is readily accessible and digital interactions are ubiquitous, the concept of privacy has become a critical aspect of individual dignity and freedom. Respecting privacy entails acknowledging and safeguarding an individual's right to control their personal information, ensuring autonomy, security, andtrust in various spheres of life.One fundamental aspect of privacy is the protection ofpersonal data in the digital realm. With the proliferation of online platforms and digital services, the amount of data generated and collected about individuals has surged exponentially. From social media activities to online purchases, our digital footprint is extensive, necessitating robust measures to protect this data from unauthorized access and misuse.Furthermore, privacy extends beyond digital boundaries into physical spaces and interpersonal relationships. It encompasses the right to solitude, the freedom from surveillance without consent, and the ability to maintain confidentiality in communications. These aspects are vital for fostering trust in societal institutions and preserving individual autonomy.Respecting privacy also involves ethical considerations regarding data usage and transparency. Companies and organizations must adhere to stringent privacy policies, obtain explicit consent for data collection, and ensurethat data is used responsibly and for legitimate purposes only. Transparency in data practices builds trust andempowers individuals to make informed choices about sharing their information.In the healthcare sector, privacy plays a pivotal role in maintaining patient confidentiality and trust. Medical records contain sensitive information, and stringent privacy regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) in the United States are in place to protect patient data from unauthorized access or disclosure. Respecting patient privacy is not only a legal requirement but also an ethical imperativethat upholds the integrity of healthcare services.Moreover, privacy intersects with other fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and association. An environment that respects privacy enables individuals to express themselves freely without fear of unwarranted surveillance or reprisal. It also facilitates the formation of diverse communities and fosters social cohesion based on mutual respect and understanding.Educating individuals about the importance of privacyand digital literacy is crucial in cultivating a culture of respect for privacy. Teaching individuals about online security practices, recognizing phishing attempts, and understanding the implications of sharing personal information online empowers them to make informed decisions and protect their privacy effectively.In conclusion, respecting privacy is not merely a legal obligation but a cornerstone of individual dignity, autonomy, and freedom. It encompasses digital privacy, physical solitude, confidentiality, ethical data practices, and the intersection with other fundamental rights. By prioritizing privacy protection, we uphold the values of trust, respect, and personal agency in an interconnected world.---。



图书馆用户个人数据注销机制研究基于数据被遗忘权视角袁㊀帆1,李㊀佳2(1.上海第二工业大学图书馆,201209;2.华东师范大学教育学部,上海200062)摘㊀要:图书馆在利用用户个人数据实现精准服务的同时,也面临着数据安全和隐私保护的问题,个人数据隐私保护已成为重要议题㊂研究旨在深入探讨数据被遗忘权对图书馆用户个人数据的影响和挑战,以提供借鉴和建议,帮助图书馆构建更加透明㊁安全㊁符合隐私保护要求的个人数据处理机制㊂为了完善图书馆用户数据隐私管理模式,研究设计了面向图书馆资源服务平台用户的个人数据注销机制㊂通过该机制,用户可以要求图书馆数字平台删除个人访问㊁检索㊁阅读㊁下载数据,主要目的在于彻底删除用户隐私数据,从根本上避免数据泄露或滥用,进而保障图书馆服务用户的隐私信息,提升用户对图书馆信息资源与服务的使用意愿㊂关键词:数据被遗忘权;隐私保护;数据注销;数字图书馆;管理机制引用本文格式:袁帆,李佳.图书馆用户个人数据注销机制研究 基于数据被遗忘权视角[J].大学图书情报学刊,2024(2):113-119.Research on Library User Personal Data Erasure Mechanism from the Perspective of the Right to Be ForgottenYUAN Fan 1,LI Jia 2(1.Library of Shanghai Second University of Technology,Shanghai㊀201209,China;2.Department of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai㊀200062,China)Abstract :In utilizing users personal data for personalized services,the libraries also face issues of data security andprivacy protection,with personal data privacy becoming a significant topic of concern.The research aims to delve into theimpact and challenges of the right to be forgotten concerning users personal data in libraries,providing insights and recommendations to help libraries establish more transparent,secure,and privacy -compliant mechanisms for handling personaldata.To enhance the privacy management model of library users data,the study designs a personal data erasure mechanismtailored to users of the library resource service platform.Through this mechanism,users can request the library s digitalplatform to delete their personal data related to access,retrieval,reading,and downloading.The main purpose is to completely remove users private data,fundamentally preventing data leakage or misuse,thereby safeguarding users privacy information,and enhancing their willingness to utilize library information resources and services.Key words :right to be forgotten;privacy protection;data erasure;digital library;management mechanism0㊀引言大数据和云计算等新一代智能技术使图书馆得以实现基于用户个人数据的精准服务,该服务根据用户爱好和需求帮助用户挖掘其感兴趣的资源,拓宽其知识获取范围㊂借助图书馆资源与服务平台,图书馆实现了从 用户找资源 到 资源服务用户 的转变,使得个性化㊁精准化地开展资源推荐和知识服务成为可能㊂然而,实现精准服务的前提是构建用户画像,需要确定用户的基本属性㊁行为属性㊁偏好属性等多维度属性,甚至涉及宗教信仰㊁政治倾向㊁文化程度等敏基金项目:上海第二工业大学图书馆(档案馆)科研基金项目 智慧图书馆建设背景下基于小数据的精准学科服务模式研究 (TSG22KJX05)3112024年3月第42卷第2期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀大学图书情报学刊Journal of Academic Library and Information Science㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀Mar ,2024Vol.42No.2感画像㊂若个人数据不当收集㊁利用或泄露,就可能违反图书馆 以人为本 的伦理原则,造成严重后果;数据泄露也可能威胁用户隐私与安全,导致用户对图书馆失去信任,进而造成数据收集困境㊂因此,图书馆应采取适当的安全措施,遵守相关法规和伦理原则,确保用户(读者)数据安全与隐私㊂2016年4月14日,欧洲议会和欧洲理事会通过‘通用数据保护条例“(General Data Protection Regulation,简称GDPR),目的是强化和统一欧盟成员国的数据保护法律,保护个人数据隐私权㊂其中,数据被遗忘权(Right to be Forgotten)是其核心隐私权之一,允许个人数据主体在特定情况下要求数据控制者删除其个人数据[1]㊂我国虽尚未专门设定数据被遗忘权的法律条例,但在数据隐私保护方面同样采取了一系列措施,如2021年通过的‘中华人民共和国个人信息保护法“规定了个人信息的收集㊁存储㊁使用㊁传输和处理原则,并保障个人信息主体的权利,包括获取和删除个人数据的权利[2]㊂虽然未明确术语 数据被遗忘权 ,但通过规定个人信息主体的权利,个人在符合法规前提下同样拥有删除个人信息或要求数据持有方停止使用的权利㊂在数字化㊁智能化时代,个人数据的收集㊁存储和使用已成为信息社会的普遍现象,因此,数据被遗忘权成为个人数据隐私保护的重要议题㊂作为信息资源与知识服务的关键提供者,图书馆不可避免地涉及用户个人数据的收集与使用㊂图书馆遵守数据被遗忘权,是指符合法律规定的前提下,图书馆信息资源服务平台的用户(读者)有权要求数据控制者(图书馆数据馆员)删除㊁停止使用或销毁其个人数据,例如借阅记录㊁个人资料和搜索历史等,这些数据涉及用户的阅读兴趣和信息需求㊂在此背景下,作为以提供知识服务为宗旨的机构,图书馆对用户个人数据的处理显得尤为重要㊂本文旨在深入探讨数据被遗忘权对图书馆用户个人数据的影响和挑战,分析相关法律法规㊁信息管理实践以及技术手段,旨在为图书馆建立更加透明㊁安全㊁符合隐私保护要求的个人数据处理机制提供有益的借鉴和建议㊂1 研究基础在图书馆用户个人数据管理系统中,以用户为中心的个人信息不仅被长期保存,还容易被检索㊁分析㊁不当利用㊂这不仅违背了用户意愿,还使得用户隐私受到了威胁㊂为了应对互联网时代的个人隐私保护问题,国际图联在2016年2月25日发布了‘国际图联被遗忘权声明“㊂国外的图书馆制度也体现了对用户隐私保护的重视㊂例如,英国CILIP和澳大利亚ALIA 都强调了图书馆用户隐私保护的重要性,并制定了用户隐私保护实施细则,如用户个人信息搜集㊁保存㊁使用限制和披露限制等隐私保护相关政策㊂尤其注重通过技术方案来解决大数据时代个人信息保护和信息获取之间的矛盾[3]㊂在数据注销的视角下,研究图书馆对用户个人数据的隐私保护是当前国内外的研究热点㊂这一研究方向主要从法律㊁技术和管理视角入手,旨在提高图书馆的数据管理能力和隐私保护水平㊂在数据管理方面,Singley E认为学术图书馆一直被认为是用户信息的可靠管理者,但在大数据环境中,图书馆面临着安全保护能力的挑战,包括隐私保护等方面[4]㊂赵文慧等从国家层面的法律政策㊁图书馆行业规范㊁隐私保护技术措施以及馆员和用户意识等四个方面探讨了用户隐私的保护策略[5]㊂喻小继则分析了图书馆个性化服务隐私泄露的途径,并提出了图书馆服务中个人数据隐私保护框架[6]㊂在法制建设方面,Valliant K认为图书馆在法律和道德上有责任保护读者的隐私,同时面临着用户需求不断变化的挑战㊂因此,图书馆需要在用户体验和隐私保护之间做出选择[7]㊂吴高的调查发现图书馆隐私保护政策严重缺失,不利于个人隐私保护的实现[8]㊂姜明芳等基于‘公共图书馆法“,从法律㊁技术和管理层面探讨了读者个人信息保护的实践路径[9]㊂在技术保障方面,Obrien P等认为图书馆应该在安全网络协议㊁用户教育㊁隐私政策㊁知情同意以及风险和收益分析等五个相互关联的领域协调一致,以降低网络追踪对用户隐私的影响[10]㊂陆康等引用了PPDM(Privacy-Preserving Data Mining)的数据泛化㊁清洗㊁屏蔽和扭曲等方法,将数据挖掘与业务需求相融合,并以用户数据规范化使用为目标,探索智慧服务背景下的用户隐私保护机制[11]㊂综合国内外研究现状,图书馆用户数据的法律保护㊁技术保障和管理模式已成为研究重点㊂数据被遗忘权视角下的用户个人数据注销作为一种基本方案,既能应对大数据与智能环境下用户数据滥用和数据泄露风险,也能加强图书馆安全管理并建立读者与图书馆间的信任,因此,本文针对图书馆用户个人数据收集和隐私保护的新困境,从数据被遗忘权的角度对图书馆读者个人数据注销问题的法律制度㊁技术保障和管理机制进行梳理和分析㊂在此基础上,设计数据411袁㊀帆,李㊀佳:图书馆用户个人数据注销机制研究 基于数据被遗忘权视角删除制度框架以填补相关研究空白,为完善图书馆对用户个人隐私保护提供参考依据㊂2㊀个人数据注销机制实践困境在数据被遗忘权视角下,图书馆用户个人数据注销机制实践面临法律㊁管理与技术困境(表1)㊂在法律层面,需要平衡法规对数据保留的要求与用户权益,确保符合法律规定的数据删除㊂在管理层面,需要建立高效的数据注销流程,以确保数据能够被完全删除,涵盖所有数据收集点,并确保数据注销工作得到妥善推进㊂在技术层面,需要解决数据分散存储和安全删除的问题,确保用户个人数据不再被检索和恢复,真正实现数据被遗忘的要求㊂表1㊀面向图书馆资源服务平台的个人数据注销机制实践困境类型内容法律困境需要遵守法规,履行图书馆数据管理义务,还应尊重读者权利和隐私,但同时需要规避法律风险㊂管理困境用户数据管理系统需要建立高效的注销流程㊁协调各部门合作㊁加强隐私保护措施,以及平衡用户隐私权与服务需求之间的关系㊂技术困境包括数据分散㊁复杂性导致彻底删除困难,需确保数据安全性和更新系统以支持注销需求㊂2.1㊀法律困境在删除用户个人数据的实践中,图书馆需要遵循适用于个人数据的相关法规和标准,包括国家法律法规㊁地方性法规㊁行业标准以及国际标准等,以确保符合规定的数据删除操作㊂然而,图书馆在平衡用户个人数据的利用与全流程隐私保护方面面临着困难㊂我国‘个人信息保护法“虽赋予数据主体类似于 数据被遗忘权 的权利,即数据主体有权要求数据控制者删除其个人数据,而控制者有责任在特定情况下及时删除个人数据㊂这意味着如果读者要求删除其个人数据,图书馆应积极响应,以人为本,建立用户个人数据删除机制,以保障读者权力与个人隐私㊂然而,尽管数据被遗忘权是用户的基本权利,但在实际操作中,图书馆可能会受到法律法规的限制,如在法定保存期限内需要保留某些数据,或在某些情况下,图书馆可能会被要求向相关机构透露某些读者的个人信息,以配合调查㊂这使得图书馆需要在满足法规要求的同时,确保合法地删除用户个人数据,维护数据被遗忘权的权益㊂此外,数据被遗忘权的法律定义和适用范围比较模糊,这增加了数据注销实践的复杂性和难度㊂最后,图书馆在删除用户个人数据时,还需考虑到可能涉及的法律风险和法律责任,例如,在删除数据的过程中可能会导致出现数据泄露㊁侵犯个人隐私等问题,因此,需要谨慎处理数据删除的过程,以避免对读者权益和利益产生不良影响㊂2.2㊀管理困境在管理读者个人数据删除方面,图书馆面临着一系列困境,包括制定合理的管理规章制度㊁考虑不同的删除需求和目的㊁进行风险评估和制定应急预案,以及维护读者信任和图书馆形象等方面的挑战㊂首先,图书馆可能在多个系统和平台上收集和存储用户个人数据,要确保完全注销用户数据,需要建立一套高效的注销流程,涵盖所有数据收集点㊂这涉及各个部门之间的紧密合作,确保数据注销的一致性和有效性,因此,图书馆需要建立协调机制,以确保数据注销工作得到妥善推进㊂其次,图书馆为了开展数据统计㊁个性化服务和精准服务等工作,需要收集和分析各类读者个人数据㊂然而,图书馆管理系统的设计通常缺乏全流程隐私保护的考量,导致用户个人数据泄露和读者信息滥用的风险较大㊂最后,图书馆需要在删除用户个人数据时平衡用户数据隐私权和精准服务实际需求,避免删除数据可能对图书馆日常工作产生负面影响,需要仔细权衡数据注销对服务品质和资源推送的影响㊂综上所述,图书馆在管理读者个人数据删除方面需要克服多方面的困难,包括建立高效的注销流程㊁协调各部门合作㊁加强隐私保护措施以及平衡用户隐私权与服务需求之间的关系㊂这些措施都是为了确保图书馆能够在数据被遗忘权视角下合理处理用户个人数据,维护读者权益,提升服务质量,并树立良好的图书馆形象㊂2.3㊀技术困境数据被遗忘权视角下,图书馆用户个人数据注销机制实践面临一些技术困境㊂首先,我国‘个人信息保护法“规定了个人数据的访问权和数据被遗忘权是相互关联的㊂当个人请求访问个人数据时,图书馆需要向其提供数据㊂数据注销还需考虑与其他系统和服务的集成,确保数据在所有相关系统中得到同步删除,避免数据遗留问题㊂然而,由于图书馆系统的复杂性和多样性,用户个人数据的分散性和复杂性,使得同一读者的数据可能分布在不同的系统㊁数据库和应用程序中,有些数据可能还存在冗余备份,使得要彻底删除用户数据变得复杂和耗时,并存在一定的技术障碍㊂其次,图书馆需要确保数据注销过程的安全性,防止数据泄露或被不当使用㊂数据注销需要特定的技术措施,例如加密或安全删除,以保证数据不会511总第202期大学图书情报学刊2024年第2期被恶意获取或恢复㊂另外,一些老旧的系统可能没有设计数据注销功能或注销功能不够完善,这增加了数据注销实践的难度㊂图书馆可能需要进行系统更新或引入新的技术工具,以支持数据注销需求㊂3㊀读者信息注销机制前文从法律㊁管理与技术三个角度对图书馆删除用户个人数据面临的困境进行了分析,包括遵守相关法律法规㊁平衡隐私保护与数据利用㊁确保数据删除的完整性等问题㊂本部分则着眼于平衡图书馆基于用户个人数据开展信息服务与保障读者个人隐私的需求,设计了图书馆用户个人数据删除管理组织架构,并提供面向图书馆用户的个人数据删除路径,包括数据删除准备阶段㊁删除流程和删除后3个阶段图1㊀面向图书馆资源服务平台的个人数据注销机制㊀㊀图书馆用户个人数据转移机制指的是在遵循法律法规㊁技术标准和管理制度的约束下,实现读者与图书馆数字资源服务平台之间数据交互时,允许用户删除个人数据的管理机制㊂其目的在于规范图书馆对用户个人数据的管理,同时保障读者数据权益㊂本文设计的 删除请求评估 删除方案选择 数据删除监管 路径,能够清除图书馆用户在使用图书馆资源和服务中留下的数字痕迹,删除敏感信息,销毁用户画像,以保障用户数据隐私安全,提升用户对持续使用图书馆数字资源与服务的信心㊂通过该图书馆用户个人数据删除管理组织架构和删除路径,图书馆能够更好地处理用户个人数据,保护用户隐私,同时满足图书馆数字资源与服务的个性化需求㊂这将有助于建立更加信任和可持续的用户关系,提升图书馆服务质量和用户满意度,推动图书馆在数字化时代的持续发展㊂3.1㊀数据删除评估在图书馆资源服务平台中,根据中华人民共和国‘个人信息保护法“以及与用户签署的用户协议与服务条款,应当根据用户的数据删除请求,引导用户完成数据删除前期评估流程㊂图书馆资源服务平台可以设置相关合理的数据删除评估条款,但不应该阻扰或干预用户选择删除个人数据,同时应接受来自相关信息部门的审查与指导㊂用户数据删除评估的主要内容包括以下三个方面:首先,图书馆资源服务平台应主动开放用户个人数据删除渠道,并设置易于发现和查找的数据删除入口;其次,图书馆资源服务平台应以清晰简洁的方式向用户提供关于数据删除评估的说明,主动提供相关删除设置选项,允许用户自定义选择删除数据的时间和类型;最后,图书馆资源服务平台可以自主设置适度且合理的数据删除条款和评估机制,但在用户申诉时,应向数据监管机构完整公开数据删除条款㊁评估流程与结果,并接受指导部门对数据删除的审查和指引㊂通过以上措施,图书馆资源服务平台能够保障用户的数据删除权利,同时遵守相关法规,确保数据管理的透明度与合规性,维护用户数据隐私安全,以及建立信任与支持,为用户提供更加可靠和优质的数字资源服务㊂3.2㊀数据删除方案在制定科学合理的用户数据删除方案时,为了平衡用户与数据持有方的权利,并确保数据删除操作的进行,本文从数据删除方式与删除时限两个维度构建了完整的用户数据删除方案㊂同时,图书馆资源服务平台还应采取相关保障措施,一方面确保按照用户要求删除数据,另一方面应保证用户数据的安全性㊂根据用户服务使用环境与需求,本文认为用户数据删除方式可分为主动删除和被动删除两种㊂主动删除是指用户长时间不使用数据持有者的资源服务,如毕业离校或存在违规行为,图书馆资源服务平台可以采取冻结服务㊁注销用户账户㊁删除部分数据等有序推进611袁㊀帆,李㊀佳:图书馆用户个人数据注销机制研究 基于数据被遗忘权视角用户个人数据的删除进程㊂被动删除是指图书馆资源服务平台根据用户本人请求,在完成相关评估后,可以选择注销用户账号或根据用户自定义情况部分或完整永久删除用户个人数据㊂在删除时限方面,本文提出三种不同的处理方式:立即删除㊁有条件删除和限期删除㊂(1)立即删除适用于用户满足删除条件㊁通过删除请求评估㊁图书馆资源服务平台验证用户身份后,可立即执行删除操作,此删除方式不可逆,对用户数据隐私安全保护效果较好㊂(2)有条件删除适用于用户不完全满足图书馆资源服务平台设置的数据删除条款时,允许用户删除其他数据,但保留用户账号㊂(3)限期删除是一种相对较好的数据删除方式,图书馆资源服务平台可设置合理的数据删除冷静期㊂在冷静期内,图书馆资源服务平台仍保留用户个人数据,但不得利用和共享用户数据㊂用户在此期间可以随时选择恢复个人数据,重新获取信息服务㊂待冷静期结束后,图书馆资源服务平台可主动或根据用户请求完成用户数据的不可逆式删除操作㊂然而,限期删除中也存在数据泄露和隐私利用的风险,因此,图书馆资源服务平台需要进一步设置要求继续保留用户数据的规定㊂综上所述,通过科学合理的用户数据删除方案,图书馆资源服务平台能够平衡双方权益,确保数据删除的有效性和安全性,同时提供给用户删除的可选项,以维护数据隐私安全,增进用户与图书馆之间的信任与支持,为用户提供更可靠优质的数字资源服务㊂3.3㊀数据删除监管数据隐私监管部门在数据删除方面应扮演重要角色㊂一方面,它应制定用户数据删除指南,确保实现合理㊁规范㊁完整的数据删除流程,强调 以人为本 的数据隐私删除理念,并建立隐私数据泄露应急响应机制,以保障数据安全㊂另一方面,数据隐私监管部门应根据用户申诉,对图书馆资源服务平台的数据删除流程与结果进行审查,并指导图书馆数字平台进行删除操作㊂数据隐私监管部门的职责主要包括:(1)制定合理规范的数据删除指南,确保数据删除流程合理㊁规范,并遵循相关法规和标准㊂这些指南应为图书馆资源服务平台提供具体的指引,确保在删除用户个人数据时能够保护用户的隐私权益㊂(2)审查删除评估规定㊁流程与结果,对图书馆资源服务平台的数据删除流程与结果进行审查,确保其符合相关法规和标准㊂如果发现不合理的地方,要求图书馆数字平台进行完善或更正,以保障数据删除的有效性和安全性㊂(3)建立数据隐私保护员制度,对于大型图书馆资源服务平台,可以设立数据隐私保护员职位㊂数据隐私保护员能够帮助图书馆资源服务平台与用户沟通与协作,向双方提供数据删除方面的信息反馈与建议,协调双方利益,减轻图书馆资源服务平台的数据管理压力㊂通过这些措施,数据隐私监管部门能够确保图书馆资源服务平台在数据删除方面遵循合适的标准与流程,保护用户数据隐私与权益,增进用户对图书馆的信任与支持㊂同时,与图书馆资源服务平台的合作,有助于提高图书馆数字平台的数据管理水平与安全性,促进信息服务质量的提升㊂4㊀图书馆用户个人数据注销机制保障为确保图书馆用户个人数据注销机制的实践应用效力,应从法律制度㊁管理机制和技术标准三个方面建立完善的图书馆用户个人数据注销机制保障体系(见表2)㊂这一体系旨在为图书馆提供全面的支持与指导,确保用户个人数据注销操作的合法性㊁有效性和安全性㊂表2㊀面向图书馆资源服务平台的个人数据注销机制保障类型内容法律保障国家制定的以 数据被遗忘权 为代表的隐私保护法律法规,以及图书馆行业标准㊁规范等,都能为图书馆用户个人数据注销的实践提供法律依据和支持㊂图书馆应积极响应相关法律法规,与专家合作,维护用户数据隐私权益,建设 以人为本㊁以用户为中心 的数字资源服务平台㊂管理机制保障明确的注销流程㊁数据访问权限控制㊁合规数据保留和权限管理,都有利于保障图书馆用户个人隐私㊂图书馆应配备专业数据管理团队,定期进行安全评估,提高数据处理透明度,确保用户个人数据注销机制的有效实践㊂技术保障图书馆用户个人数据注销机制技术保障关键,采用加密㊁严格访问权限和数据删除方法,确保安全㊁准确㊁及时注销用户数据㊂持续更新机制以适应数据保护需求,保障用户数据被遗忘权有效实施和合规性㊂4.1㊀法律保障图书馆作为一个重要的知识传播和信息服务机构,其信息资源服务平台不仅收集了大量用户的个人信息,还承载着保护这些信息的责任㊂在数据被遗忘权视角下,图书馆用户个人数据注销机制得到法律保障,主要依赖相关隐私保护法律法规的支持,以保障711总第202期大学图书情报学刊2024年第2期。









关键字:无线传感器网络﹑数据聚合﹑数据完整性﹑同态﹑聚合签名1. 引言无线传感器网络(以下简称WSN)是由在一定区域内的大量传感器节点所组成的网络。















微博使用中可能存在的问题英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Rise of Weibo and Its Potential PitfallsAs a student in the digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. Among the various platforms, Weibo, China's leading microblogging service, has gained immense popularity, particularly among the younger generation. While Weibo offers a convenient way to stay connected, share thoughts, and access information, its widespread use raises several concerns that warrant careful consideration.Firstly, the addictive nature of Weibo poses a significant threat to our productivity and academic performance. The constant stream of updates, notifications, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) can be incredibly distracting, making it challenging to stay focused on our studies. I've witnessed numerous instances where classmates have sacrificed precious study time to endlessly scroll through their Weibo feeds, potentially jeopardizing their academic achievements.Moreover, the anonymity and lack of accountability on Weibo can foster an environment where cyberbullying and online harassment thrive. Emboldened by the cloak of anonymity, some users may engage in spreading rumors, making derogatory comments, or even threatening others without facing immediate consequences. This toxic behavior can have detrimental effects on the mental well-being of those targeted, particularly for vulnerable individuals like students who are still navigating the complexities of adolescence and self-identity.Another concerning aspect of Weibo is the spread of misinformation and fake news. In the fast-paced world of social media, unverified information can easily go viral, leading to the dissemination of false narratives and conspiracies. As students, we must exercise caution and develop critical thinking skills to separate fact from fiction, as the consequences of believing and propagating misinformation can be severe, ranging from personal embarrassment to more serious repercussions in academic and professional settings.Furthermore, the constant sharing of personal information on Weibo raises privacy concerns. Many users, including students, may not fully comprehend the implications of oversharing personal details, pictures, or locations, potentiallyexposing themselves to risks such as identity theft, stalking, or other forms of exploitation. It is crucial for us to be mindful of our digital footprints and exercise caution when sharing sensitive information online.Additionally, the highly visible nature of Weibo can create unrealistic expectations and foster a culture of comparison among students. The constant exposure to curated and often idealized representations of others' lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and even mental health issues like depression and anxiety. It is essential for us to develop a healthy perspective and recognize that the lives portrayed on social media are often carefully curated and may not accurately reflect reality.Despite these potential pitfalls, it would be naive to dismiss Weibo entirely, as it has also proven to be a powerful tool for communication, self-expression, and dissemination of information. However, it is imperative that we, as students, approach this platform with a critical mindset and develop strategies to mitigate its negative impacts.One effective approach could be to establish clear boundaries and limits for our Weibo usage. Setting dedicated times for studying and engaging in other productive activities,while consciously limiting our time spent mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds, can help strike a balance between staying connected and maintaining focus on our academic pursuits.Furthermore, cultivating digital literacy and critical thinking skills is crucial in navigating the online world responsibly. We must learn to identify and combat misinformation, evaluate the credibility of sources, and develop a discerning eye for detecting potential risks or harmful content. Educational institutions and parents can play a pivotal role in fostering these skills through awareness campaigns, workshops, and integration of digital literacy into curriculum.Additionally, promoting open dialogues and fostering a supportive community can help address issues such as cyberbullying and online harassment. By creating safe spaces for students to share their experiences and concerns, we can work collectively to develop strategies to counter such harmful behaviors and promote a more positive and inclusive online environment.In conclusion, Weibo, like any powerful tool, comes with its own set of challenges and potential pitfalls. As students in the digital age, it is our responsibility to approach this platform witha critical mindset, develop healthy habits, and cultivate the necessary skills to navigate its complexities. By doing so, we can harness the benefits of social media while mitigating its negative impacts, ensuring that our academic pursuits and personalwell-being remain our top priorities.篇2The Pitfalls of Weibo: A Student's PerspectiveAs a student in the modern digital age, social media has become an integral part of my daily routine. Among the various platforms available, Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, has gained immense popularity, particularly among the younger generation. However, beneath its alluring surface lies a host of potential issues that warrant careful consideration. In this essay, I will delve into the intricate world of Weibo, exploring the challenges and pitfalls that users, especially students like myself, may encounter.Firstly, the addictive nature of Weibo poses a significant threat to productivity and time management. The constant influx of updates, notifications, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) can create an insatiable desire to remain perpetually connected. This obsession with staying up-to-date can lead to a vicious cycle of endless scrolling, ultimately hindering academic performanceand personal growth. As a student, the temptation to procrastinate by endlessly refreshing the Weibo feed can be overwhelming, potentially compromising the ability to prioritize studies and extracurricular activities.Moreover, the prevalence of misinformation and rumor propagation on Weibo raises concerns about the credibility of the information circulating on the platform. In the age of instantaneous sharing and reposting, unverified or fabricated content can spread like wildfire, shaping public opinion and potentially influencing impressionable young minds. As students, we are taught to critically evaluate sources and rely on authoritative, fact-based information. However, the ease with which misinformation can proliferate on Weibo challenges this fundamental principle, potentially undermining our ability to discern fact from fiction.Another significant issue is the potential for cyberbullying and online harassment. The anonymity and perceived distance provided by the virtual realm can embolden individuals to engage in toxic behavior, targeting others with hurtful comments, insults, or even threats. For students, this can create an environment of fear and anxiety, impacting mental well-being and overall academic performance. The prevalence ofcyberbullying on platforms like Weibo underscores the need for robust mechanisms to identify and address such behavior, fostering a safer and more inclusive online community.Furthermore, the pressure to curate and present an idealized version of one's life on Weibo can contribute to unrealistic body image expectations and unhealthy comparisons. The constant stream of carefully crafted posts, filtered photographs, and highlight reels can foster feelings of inadequacy and lowself-esteem, particularly among impressionable youth. As students, we may find ourselves caught in the trap of measuring our self-worth against the meticulously constructed online personas of others, potentially leading to negative psychological consequences.Privacy concerns also loom large in the realm of Weibo. While the platform offers opportunities for self-expression and connection, the data collected and the potential for misuse or exploitation of personal information cannot be overlooked. Students, often unaware of the far-reaching implications of their online activities, may inadvertently expose themselves to privacy breaches or fall victim to data mining practices by third parties. Navigating the fine line between sharing and preserving privacy remains a critical challenge on platforms like Weibo.Additionally, the echo chamber effect, where users primarily engage with like-minded individuals and content that aligns with their existing beliefs, can lead to a narrowing of perspectives and a reluctance to consider alternative viewpoints. For students, this can hinder intellectual growth, critical thinking, and the ability to engage in constructive discourse on complex issues. Weibo, like many social media platforms, has the potential to reinforce biases and create ideological bubbles, undermining the pursuit of well-rounded knowledge and understanding.Lastly, the constant comparison and pressure to maintain a certain level of online presence can lead to unhealthy obsessions and contribute to feelings of inadequacy or low self-worth. The pursuit of likes, shares, and validation from virtual strangers can become an all-consuming endeavor, distracting students from more meaningful pursuits and relationships in the real world.While Weibo undoubtedly offers numerous benefits, such as facilitating communication, sharing information, and fostering communities, it is crucial to acknowledge and address the potential pitfalls that accompany its use. As students, we must cultivate a mindful and balanced approach to engaging with social media platforms like Weibo.By recognizing the addictive nature of the platform, we can implement strategies to manage our time effectively, prioritizing academic and personal growth over endless scrolling. Developing critical thinking skills and fact-checking habits can help us navigate the minefield of misinformation and rumor propagation. Additionally, fostering a culture of kindness, empathy, and respect can mitigate the negative impacts of cyberbullying and online harassment.Furthermore, it is essential to maintain a healthy perspective on the curated realities presented on Weibo, recognizing the inherent biases and unrealistic expectations they may promote. Embracing our authentic selves and finding fulfillment inreal-world experiences and relationships can counterbalance the pressures of online validation.Ultimately, as students and responsible digital citizens, we must strike a balance between the benefits and potential pitfalls of platforms like Weibo. By fostering media literacy, practicing moderation, and cultivating a critical mindset, we can navigate the virtual landscape while preserving our well-being, productivity, and intellectual growth.篇3The Rise of Social Media and Weibo's Place in Chinese SocietyOver the past two decades, social media has transformed how we communicate, share information, and interact with the world around us. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become integral parts of daily life for billions worldwide. In China, Weibo has emerged as the leading microblogging platform, boasting over 500 million monthly active users as of 2022.While Weibo offers many benefits, allowing real-time information sharing and fostering connections, its widespread use raises several potential concerns that we as students must carefully consider. In this essay, I will examine three key issues surrounding Weibo: privacy risks, the spread of misinformation, and the platform's impact on mental health.Privacy Risks and Data Security on WeiboOne of the primary issues with Weibo and social media in general is the threat to our privacy and data security. When we sign up for and use these platforms, we inevitably surrender some of our personal information, from basic details like our names and birthdays to more sensitive data like locations, contacts, and browsing histories.While Weibo has privacy policies in place, there have been instances of data breaches and unauthorized access to user information. In 2020, a hacker obtained personal data from over 500 million Weibo accounts, including real names, site usernames, and phone numbers. Such incidents underscore the risks of entrusting our data to third-party platforms.Moreover, Weibo's algorithms track our online activities to serve targeted advertisements and content, raising ethical concerns about the depth of monitoring and profiling we're subjected to as users. As students, we must be cautious about the type and amount of personal information we share on social media to protect our privacy and digital footprints.The Spread of Misinformation and RumorsAnother significant issue with Weibo is its potential to facilitate the rapid dissemination of misinformation, rumors, and fake news. The platform's real-time nature and vast user base create an environment where unverified claims and falsehoods can spread like wildfire before being fact-checked or debunked.During major events or crises, Weibo has been a hotbed for rumors and conspiracy theories, sowing confusion and distrust. For instance, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous false claims about the virus's origin, transmission, andcures circulated widely on the platform, potentially hindering efforts to contain the outbreak.As students and future leaders, it is vital that we develop strong critical thinking skills to identify misinformation on Weibo and other social media platforms. We must be vigilant in verifying information from credible sources and exercise caution before sharing or amplifying unverified claims, as doing so can have far-reaching consequences.Weibo and Its Impact on Mental HealthA third issue worth exploring is Weibo's potential impact on our mental health and well-being as students. While social media can foster connections and provide a sense of community, excessive use has been linked to increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression, particularly among young people.The constant stream of curated content on Weibo, showcasing others' seemingly perfect lives, can cultivate feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. The fear of missing out (FOMO) and the pressure to present an idealized version of ourselves can be psychologically taxing. Additionally, the instant gratification and dopamine hits from likes and shares can be addictive, leading to compulsive behavior and neglect ofreal-world responsibilities.Furthermore, the anonymity afforded by Weibo can enable cyberbullying, harassment, and toxic online interactions, exacerbating mental health struggles. As students navigating a critical period of personal growth and identity formation, we must be mindful of Weibo's potential psychological toll and strive for a healthy balance between our online and offline lives.ConclusionWhile Weibo has undoubtedly revolutionized communication and information sharing in China, its widespread use raises legitimate concerns regarding privacy, the spread of misinformation, and its impact on our mental health as students. As we navigate this digital age, it is crucial that we approach social media platforms like Weibo with critical awareness and take proactive steps to mitigate potential risks.By prioritizing data privacy, fact-checking information, and maintaining a healthy relationship with social media, we can harness the benefits of platforms like Weibo while minimizing their negative consequences. Ultimately, as students and future leaders, it is our responsibility to use these powerful tools responsibly and shape a more informed, ethical, and psychologically sound digital landscape.。



尊重隐私的英语作文Respecting Privacy: A Critical Value in Modern Society。

Privacy has always been a fundamental human need, butin the digital age, the importance of respecting privacyhas taken on new dimensions. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, our personal data is constantlybeing collected, analyzed, and potentially misused. This essay explores why respecting privacy is essential, therisks of not doing so, and how individuals and society can better protect personal information.The Importance of Privacy。

Privacy is more than just a preference; it's a fundamental human right recognized by international organizations like the United Nations. It's essential for maintaining personal freedom, autonomy, and security. When privacy is respected, individuals can freely express themselves, engage in open discourse, and make choiceswithout fear of unwarranted scrutiny. This freedom fosters creativity, innovation, and personal growth, contributingto a healthier society.The Risks of Ignoring Privacy。


➢ Xuan Guang, Fang-Wei Fu, and Lusheng Chen. The existence and synchronization properties of symmetric fix-free codes, Science China F: 28 Information Sciences, vol.56, no.9, pp.1-9, September 2013.
本年度经费主要用于开展国内外学术合作研究和学术 交流、组织召开学术会议、参加国际和国内学术会议、 研究生的科研津贴、论文版面费、图书资料费、复印 费和邮费、购买计算机和打印机、计算机网络的使用 费等。
1. 项目或课题执行过程中存在的问题和建议: 目前尚无问题。
2. 下一步工作计划: a. 研究一些著名线性码的结构性质,以便我们更加深
我们研究线性网络纠错码的构造与性能分析,给出了 线性网络纠错码的多项式时间构造算法,特别是能够 构造网络MDS码;并且详细分析了算法的性能表现。
我们研究密码学和信息安全领域一些前沿研究问题, 得到一些重要的进展。我们研究编码理论中若干关键 的组合数学和数论问题,解决了一些知名学者提出的 问题。
课题主要研究人员: 符方伟、李学良、高维东、陈鲁生、贾春福
参加人员: 一些年轻教师、20位博士生、15位硕士生
编码理论是针对现代数字通信和电子计算机中差错 控制的实际需要发展而来的,在数据传输和存储中 应用非常广泛,用于发现和纠正数字通信和存储系 统中产生的错误。编码理论的研究进展有利于提高 信息传输和存储系统的可靠性和效率,推动我国信 息编码技术的发展。
➢ Zhi-Han Gao and Fang-Wei Fu. Linear recurring sequences and subfield subcodes of cyclic codes, Science China: Mathematics, vol.56, no.7, pp.1413-1420, July 2013.



2 深度学习模型训练数据生成方案(MCGAN)
本文结合数据变形,改进了网络层补偿机制以弥补数据变 形带来的精度损失,提出了基于 CGAN的深度学习模型训练数 据生成方案 MCGAN。其中数据变形是为了保护原始训练数 据隐私,改 进 的 网 络 层 补 偿 机 制 能 增 强 数 据 可 用 性,采 用 CGAN则能生成足够与原始训练数据同分布的数据样本,满足 深度学习模型训练的需求。
(CollegeofElectronicScience& Technology,NationalUniversityofDefenseTechnology,Changsha410000,China)
为了解决这些 问 题,文 献 [11]提 出 直 接 在 上 传 数 据 前 同 态加密收集到的数据。在该方案中,虽然可以保护数据隐私, 但是同态加密不适用于复杂的深度学习模型,且同态加密大量 数据带来极大的计算开销。文献[12]提出了 GANobfuscator模 型,即 在 训 练 生 成 对 抗 网 络 (generativeadversarialnetwork, GAN)过程中加入噪声到梯度,并且使用梯度剪枝使训练过程 稳定。但是该模型只能产生无标签数据,不能用于有监督深度 学习。为了生成带 标 签 的 数 据,文 献 [13]提 出 差 分 隐 私 的 条 件 对 抗 生 成 网 络 (differentiallyprivateconditionalGAN,DP CGAN)。该模型改进 了 梯 度 剪 枝 和 噪 声 扰 动 策 略,但 该 模 型











AI将会有下一次衰落吗?什么时候出现?什么原因?当前大数据的可得性是驱动AI上的public interest的部分原因:2016年AlphaGo使用20万个游戏作为训练数据取得了极好的结果。







关于尊重隐私的作文英语Title: The Importance of Respecting Privacy。

Privacy is an essential aspect of human dignity and autonomy. It encompasses the right to control one's personal information and to maintain boundaries between oneself and others. In today's interconnected world, where information can easily be shared and accessed, respecting privacy becomes increasingly crucial. This essay delves into the significance of respecting privacy, examining its implications on individuals, relationships, and society as a whole.First and foremost, respecting privacy fosters trust and mutual respect in relationships. Whether it's between friends, family members, or colleagues, acknowledging and honoring each other's privacy demonstrates a fundamental understanding and acceptance of boundaries. When individuals feel that their privacy is respected, they are more likely to feel secure and valued in theirrelationships. Conversely, breaches of privacy can lead to feelings of betrayal and resentment, eroding trust and damaging relationships irreparably.Furthermore, respecting privacy is essential for safeguarding individual autonomy and freedom. Each person has the right to control their personal information and make decisions about what they choose to disclose to others. Without this autonomy, individuals may feel vulnerable and exposed, unable to fully express themselves or pursue their interests without fear of judgment or intrusion. Respecting privacy empowers individuals to maintain their independence and agency over their lives, promoting a society thatvalues and protects individual freedoms.In addition to its interpersonal implications, respecting privacy also has significant societal benefits.A society that values privacy is one that upholdsprinciples of fairness, justice, and respect for human rights. When institutions and governments respect citizens' privacy rights, they demonstrate a commitment to protecting individual liberties and preventing abuses of power.Conversely, unchecked surveillance and infringement on privacy rights can lead to authoritarianism and undermine the very foundations of democracy.Moreover, respecting privacy is essential for fostering innovation and creativity. In an environment where individuals feel safe to explore new ideas and express themselves freely, creativity flourishes. When people are confident that their privacy will be respected, they are more likely to engage in creative pursuits and contribute to the collective knowledge and culture. Conversely, a lack of privacy can stifle creativity and innovation, as individuals may fear the consequences of expressing unconventional or controversial viewpoints.Despite its importance, respecting privacy faces numerous challenges in today's digital age. Theproliferation of social media, online surveillance, and data collection practices has made it increasinglydifficult to maintain control over personal information. In many cases, individuals may unwittingly consent to the collection and dissemination of their data without fullyunderstanding the implications. Additionally, the rise of technologies such as facial recognition and biometric data collection poses new threats to privacy rights, raising concerns about surveillance and civil liberties.Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that involves both individual actions and collective efforts. Educating individuals about their privacy rights and the importance of safeguarding personal information is crucial. This includes teaching digital literacy skills and promoting responsible online behavior. Additionally, governments and institutions must enact robust privacy laws and regulations that protectindividuals from unwarranted surveillance and data exploitation. Transparency and accountability are essential to ensuring that privacy rights are respected and upheld.In conclusion, respecting privacy is fundamental to preserving human dignity, autonomy, and freedom. It is a cornerstone of healthy relationships, a safeguard against abuses of power, and a catalyst for innovation and creativity. In an increasingly interconnected world, wherepersonal information is constantly at risk of being compromised, it is more important than ever to uphold the principles of privacy and protect individual rights. By recognizing the significance of privacy and taking proactive measures to respect and preserve it, we can build a more just, equitable, and inclusive society for all.。

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Privacy Preserving Data Integration and Sharing Chris Clifton AnHai Doan Ahmed ElmagarmidMurat Kantarcioglu Gunther Schadow Dan SuciuJaideep VaidyaThe goal of this paper is to identify potential research directions and challenges that need to be addressed to perform privacy preserving data integration.Increasing privacy and security consciousness has lead to increased research(and development)of methods that compute useful information in a secure fashion.Data integration and sharing have been a long standing challenge for the database community.This need has become critical in numerous contexts,including integrating data on the Web and at enterprises,building e-commerce market places,sharing data for scientific research,data exchange at government agencies,monitoring health crises,and improving homeland security.Unfortunately,data integration and sharing are hampered by legitimate and widespread privacy panies could exchange information to boost productivity,but are pre-vented by fear of being exploited by competitors or antitrust concerns.Sharing healthcare data could improve scientific research,but the cost of obtaining consent to use individually identifiable information can be prohibitive.Sharing healthcare and consumer data enables early detection of disease outbreak[16],but without provable privacy protection it is difficult to extend these surveillance measures nationally or internationally.Fire departments could share regulatory and defense plans to enhance their ability tofight terrorism and provide community defense,but fear loss of privacy could lead to liability.The continued exponential growth of distributed personal data could further fuel data integration and sharing applica-tions,but may also be stymied by a privacy backlash.It is critical to develop techniques to enable the integration and sharing of data without losing privacy.The need of the hour is to develop solutions that enable widespread integration and sharing of data,especially in domains of national priorities,while allowing easy and effective privacy control by users.A comprehensive framework that handles the fundamental problems underlying privacy-preserving data integration and sharing is necessary.The framework should be validated by applying it to several important domains and evaluating the result.Concurrently,various privacy preserving distributed data mining methods have also been developed which mine global data while protecting the privacy/security of the underlying data sites.However,all of these methods also assume that data integration(including record linkage)has already been done.Note that while data integration is related to privacy-preserving data mining,it is still significantly different.Privacy-preserving data mining deals with gaining knowledge after integration problems are solved.First,a framework and methods for performing such integration is required.11MotivationThere are numerous real-world applications which require data integration while meeting specific privacy constraints.We now discuss some of these“motivating drivers”.1.Sharing Scientific Research Data:Analyzing the prevalence,incidence,and risk factors of diseases is crucial to understanding and treating them.Such analyses have signif-icant impact on policy decisions.An obvious pre-requisite to(carrying out)such studies is to have the requisite data available.First,data needs to be collected from disparate health care providers and integrated while sanitizing privacy-sensitive information.This process is extremely time consuming and labor intensive.Privacy concerns are a major impediment to streamlining these efforts.A breach of privacy can lead to significant damage(harm)to individuals both materially and/or emotionally.Another problem is the possibility of discrimination against various sub-groups from seemingly conclusive statisti-cal results.Similarly,health care providers themselves risk loss by leaking accurate data reflecting their performance and weaknesses.Privacy is addressed today by preventing dissemination rather than integrating privacy constraints into the data sharing process.Privacy-preserving integration and sharing of research data in health sciences has become crucial to enabling scientific discovery.2.Effective Public Safety and Health Care:Integration and sharing between public agencies,and public and private organizations,can have a strong positive impact on public safety.But concerns over the privacy implications of such private/public sector sharing [15]have impacted areas of national priority,including homeland security:The Terrorism Information Awareness program was killed over privacy concerns[10].Detecting and containing disease outbreaks early is key to preventing life-threatening infectious diseases.Outbreaks of infectious diseases such as West Nile,SARS,and birdflu; as well as threats of bio-terrorism;have made disease surveillance into a national priority. Outbreak detection works best when a variety of data sources(human health-care,animal health,consumer data)are integrated and evaluated in real time.For example,the Real-Time Outbreak Detection System[16](at the University of Pitts-burgh Medical Center)uses data collected from regional healthcare providers and purchase records of over-the-counter drugs to determine outbreak patterns.This system forwards all regional data to a central data warehouse for evaluation purposes.Although data is de-identified in accordance with HIPAA safe-harbor rules(by removing19kinds of identifiers), privacy concerns remain about both patient privacy and organizational privacy(e.g.,some participant organizations wish to keep the number of visits by ZIP code secret.) Public health is largely exempt from U.S.privacy rules,raising the specter of systems with inadequate privacy protection.The concerns are similar to the risks noted above for healthcare research data:External attacks or insider misuse can damage individuals,health-care providers,or groups within society.Protecting identity and liability exposure by ef-fective privacy-preserving data integration and sharing techniques will enable advances in2emergency preparedness and response,public safety,health care and homeland security that might otherwise be prevented due to privacy concerns.2Data Integration and Data MiningData Integration and Data Mining are quite closely coupled.Integration is a necessary pre-requisite before mining data collected from multiple sources.At the same time,data mining/machine learning techniques are used to enable automatic data integration.Several systems have been developed to implement automatic schema matching[11,7,4].The systems use machine learning/data mining tools to help automate schema matching.SemInt [11]uses neural networks to determine match candidates.Clustering is done on similar attributes of the input schema.The signatures of the cluster centers are used as training data.Matching is done by feeding attributes from the second schema into the neural network. LSD[7]also uses machine learning techniques for schema matching.LSD consists of several phases.First,mappings for several sources are manually specified.Then source data is extracted(into XML)and training data is created for each base learner.Finally the base learners and the meta-learner are trained.Further steps are carried out to refine the weights learned.The base learners used are a nearest neighbor classification model as well as a Na¨ıve Bayes learner.Again,there has been work on different privacy preserving classification models[17]that is applicable.Artemis[4]is another schema integration tool that computes “affinities”in the range0to1between attributes.Schema integration is done by clustering attributes based on those affinities.Clearly,a lot of work in both privacy preserving data mining as well as cryptography is relevant to the problem of privacy preserving schema integration.However,it is not yet clear how this could be applied efficiently.Record linkage also uses various machine learning techniques.Record linkage can be viewed as a pattern classification problem[9].In pattern classification problems,the goal is to correctly assign patterns to one of afinite number of classes.Similarly,the goal of the record linkage problem is to determine the matching status of a pair of records brought together for comparison.Machine learning methods,such as decision tree induction,neural networks, instance-based learning,clustering,are widely used for pattern classification.Given a set of patterns,a machine learning method builds a decision model that can be used to predict the class of each unclassified pattern.Again,prior privacy preserving work is relevant.At the other end of the spectrum,privacy preserving data mining assumes that data integration has already been done,which is clearly not a solved problem.3Privacy Preservation ChallengesAs part of the overall problem,we see the following fundamental challenges in privacy-preserving data integration and sharing:33.1Privacy FrameworkHow can we develop a privacy framework for data integration that isflexible and clear to the end users?This demands understandable and provably consistent definitions for building a privacy policy,as well as standards and mechanisms for enforcement.Database security has generally focused on access control:Users are explicitly(or perhaps implicitly)allowed certain types of access to a data item.This includes work in multilevel secure database as well as statistical queries[1].Privacy is a more complex concept.Most privacy laws balance benefit vs.risk[8]:access is allowed when there is adequate benefit resulting from access.An example is the European Community directive on data protection which allows processing of private data in situations where specific conditions are met.The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act in the U.S.specifies similar conditions for use of data.Individual organizations may define their own policies to address their customers’needs.The problems are exacerbated in a federated environment.The task of data integration itself poses risks,as revealing even the presence of data items at a site may violate privacy.Some of the privacy issues have been addressed for the case of a single database manage-ment system in Hippocratic Databases[3].Other privacy issues have been addressed for the case of a single interaction between a user and a Website in the P3P standard[6].None of the current techniques address privacy concerns when data is exchanged between multiple organizations,and transformed and integrated with other data sources.A framework is required for defining private data and privacy policies in the context of data integration and sharing.The notion of Privacy Views,Privacy Policies,and Purpose Statements is essential towards such a framework.We illustrate using the“Sharing Scientific Research Data”example of Section1.Privacy Views The database administrator defines what is private data by specifying a set of privacy views,in a declarative language extending SQL.Each privacy view specifies a set of private attributes and an owner.By definition,data that appears in some privacy view is considered private;otherwise it is not private.A simple example of a privacy view is given below:PRIVACY-VIEW patientAddressDobOWNER Patient.pidSELECT Patient.address,Patient.dobFROM PatientThis privacy view specifies that a patient’s address and dob(date-of-birth)are considered private data when occurring together.Similar definitions are possible forfields that specify “individually identifiable information”:Sets of attributes that can be used to tie a tuple or a set of tuples in a data source to a specific real-world entity(e.g.,a person).Alternatively, administrators may choose to define database IDs or tuple IDs as private data,both of which could be used to breach privacy over time.In general,privacy views can be much more complex( specifying associations between attributes from different tables).Privacy views could be implemented by a privacy monitor that checks every data item4being retrieved from the database and detects if it contains items that have been defined as private.There are two approaches:compile-time(based on query containment)and run-time (based on materializing the privacy views and building indices on the private attributes). Both approaches need to be investigated and tradeoffs evaluated.Privacy Policies Along with privacy views,it is necessary to have a notion of privacy policies.The database administrator can decide which policy applies to each view.For example,the following two privacy policies could be specified:PRIVACY-POLICY individualData PRIVACY-POLICY defaultPolicyALLOW-ACCESS-TO y ALLOW-ACCESS-TO xFROM Consent x,patientAddressDob y FROM patientName xWHERE and x.type=’yes’BENEFICIARY x.ownerBENEFICIARY*Thefirst privacy policy states that private data patientAddressDob(defined above)can be released if the owner has given explicit consent,as registered in a Consent table.The second is a default policy which allows access to patient names as long as benefit accrues to the patient.As with privacy views,more complex privacy policies are also possible.Privacy policies can be enforced by the server holding the data:data items will be shared only if the purpose statement of the requester(see below)satisfies the policy.But, in addition,every data item leaving the server should be annotated with privacy metadata expressing the privacy policies that have to be applied.These annotations travel with the data,and are preserved and perhaps modified when the data is integrated with data from other sources or transformed.Query execution becomes much harder,since all privacy views and policies must result in a single piece of privacy metadata;it is not obvious how to do that.Prior work[13] addresses a similar but not identical challenge:how a set of access control policies result in a single,multiple encrypted data instance.Purpose Statements Finally,once data has been shared and integrated,it eventually reaches an application that uses it.Here,the privacy metadata needs to be compared with the application’s stated purpose.Aflexible language is required in which applications can state the purpose of their action,and explicitly mention the beneficiary.3.2Schema MatchingTo share data,sources mustfirst establish semantic correspondences between schemas.How-ever,all current schema matching solutions assume sources can freely share their data and schema.How can we develop schema matching solutions that do not expose the source data and schemas?Once two data sources S and T have adopted their privacy policies,as out-lined in Section3.1,they can start the process of data sharing.As thefirst step,the sources must cooperate to create semantic mappings among their schemas,to enable the exchange of queries and data[14].Such semantic mappings can be specified as SQL queries.For5example,suppose S and T are data sources that list houses for sale,then a mapping for attribute list-price of source T is:list-price=SELECT price*(1+agent-fee-rate)FROM HOUSES,AGENTSWHERE(HOUSES.agentprice from the tables HOUSES and AGENTSof source S.Creating mappings typically proceeds in two steps:finding matches,and elaborating matches into semantic mappings[14].In thefirst step,matches are found which specify how an attribute of one schema corresponds to an attribute or set of attributes in the other schema.Examples of match include“address=location”,“name=concat(first name)”, and“list-price=price*(1+agent-fee-rate)”.Research on schema matching has developeda plethora of automated heuristic or learning-based methods to predict matches[14].These methods significantly reduce the human effort involved in creating matches.In the second step,a mapping tool elaborates the matches into semantic mappings.For example,the match“list-price=price*(1+agent-fee-rate)”will be elaborated into the SQL query described earlier,which is the mapping for list-price.This mapping adds information to the match Typically,humans must verify the predicted matches.Furthermore,recent work [14]has argued that elaborating matches into mappings must also involve human efforts.Schema matching lies at the heart of virtually all data integration and sharing efforts. Consequently,numerous matching algorithms have been developed[14].All current existing matching algorithms,however,assume that sources can freely share their data and schemas, and hence are unsuitable.To develop matching algorithms that preserve privacy,first the following components need to be developed:Match Prediction:How to create matches without revealing data at the sources,or even the source schemas.An initial step is to start with learning based schema matching.In learning-based approaches[11,7],one or more classifiers(e.g.,decision tree,Naive Bayes,SVM,etc.)are constructed at source S,using the data instances and schema of S, then sent over to source T.The classifiers are then used to classify the data instances and schema of T.Similarly,classifiers can be constructed at source T and sent over to classify the data instances and schema of S.The classification results are used to construct a matrix that contain a similarity value for any attribute s of S and t of T.This similarity matrix can then be utilized tofind matches between S and T.Schema matching in this approach reduces to a series of classification problems that involve the data and schemas of the two input sources.As such,it is possible to leverage work in privacy-preserving distributed data mining,which have studied how to train and apply classifiers across disparate datasets without revealing sensitive information at the datasets[12].Human Verification of Matches:Suppose a match m has been found.Now humansat both or one of the sources S and T must examine m to verify its correctness.The goal6is then to make certain such verification is privacy-preserving.The goal is to give humans enough information to verify matches,while preserving privacy.One way to achieve this can be randomly selecting some values for particular attributes and show the user only these values.It can be argued that revealing only few attribute values does not reveal anything useful about the distribution.Since two attributes are found to be similar,it can be argued that few samples does not reveal too much useful information.Definitely,a measure for privacy loss is needed in this context.We will give more details about this in section3.5. Mapping Creation:Once a match has been verified and appears to be correct,humans can proceed to the step of working in conjunction with a mapping tool to refine the match into a mapping.In this step,humans typically are shown examples of data,as generated by various mapping choices,and asked to select the correct example.It is necessary to ensure that people are shown data that allows generating mappings,but does not violate privacy.3.3Object Matching and ConsolidationData received from multiple sources may contain duplicates that need to be removed.In many cases it is important to be able to consolidate information about entities(e.g.,to construct more comprehensive sets of scientific data).How can we match entities and con-solidate information about them across sources,without revealing the origin of the sources or the real-world origin of the entities?Record Linkage is the identification of records that refer to the same real-world entity.This is a key challenge to enabling data integration from heterogeneous data sources.What makes record linkage a problem in its own right, (i.e.,different from the duplicate elimination problem),is the fact that real-world data is “dirty”.In other words,if data were accurate,record linkage would be similar to duplicate elimination.Unfortunately,in real-world data,duplicate records may have different values in one or morefields(e.g.misspelling causes multiple records for the same person).Record linkage techniques can be used to disclose data confidentiality.In particular,a privacy-aware corporation will use anonymization techniques to protect its own data before sharing it with other businesses.A data intruder tries to identify as many concealed records as possible using an external database(many external databases are now publicly-available). Therefore,anonymization techniques should also be aware of the record linkage techniques to preserve the privacy of the data.On the other hand,businesses need to integrate their databases to perform data mining and analysis procedures.Such data integration requires privacy-preserving record linkage, that is record linkage in presence of a privacy framework that ensures the data confidentiality of each business.Thus,we need solutions for the following problems:•Privacy preserving record linkage:that is discovering the records that represent the same real world entity from two integrated databases each of which is protected(en-crypted or anonymized).In other words,records are matched without having their identity revealed.7•Record linkage aware data protection:that is protecting the data,before sharing, using anonymization techniques that are aware of the possible use of record linkage, with public available data,to reveal the identity of the records.•Online record linkage:linking records that arrive continuously in a stream.Real-time systems and sensor networks are two examples of applications that need online data analysis,cleaning,and mining.3.4Querying Across SourcesOnce semantic correspondences have been established,it is possible to query(e.g.,with SQL queries)across the sources.How do we ensure that query results do not violate privacy policy?How do we query the sources such that only the results are disclosed?How can we prevent the leaking of information from answering a set of queries?Only a few general techniques exist today for querying datasets while preserving privacy:statistical databases, privacy-preserving join computation,and privacy-preserving top-K queries.In statistical databases,the goal is to allow users to ask aggregate queries over the database while hiding individual data items[1].Privacy-preserving joins and the more restricted privacy-preserving intersection size computation have been addressed in[5,2].Here,each of the two parties learns only the query’s answer,and nothing else.The techniques only apply to a specialized class of queries.Privacy-preserving top-K queries have also recently been studied.Such a query returns just the closest K matches to a query without revealing anything about why those matches are close,what the values of the attributes of the close items are,or even which site the closest matches come from.This is accomplished efficiently through the use of an untrusted third party:a party that is not allowed to see private values,but is trusted not to collude with any site to violate privacy.In the applications we envision the data about a single individual is spread across data sources R i,i=1,n(vertically partitioned).The data about all individual is expressed as a join1n i=1R i,and we would like to enable certain queries over this join while preserving privacy.Typically these queries are computed without actually materializing the join.For example if we ask for the cardinality of the join,then it can be computed as|∩n i=1Πid(R I)|, where id is the join attribute in all relations.This can be done using privacy-preserving intersection algorithms.Such simple queries only work for cross-sectional counts.Privacy-preserving data mining also provides some building blocks.However,the issue of inference from multiple queries must still be resolved.Issues include categorizing types of queries with respect to privacy policy,ensuring that query processing does not disclose information,and guarding against leakage from a set of queries.83.5Quantifying Privacy DisclosureIn real life,with any information disclosure there is always some privacy loss.We need reliable metrics for quantifying privacy loss.Instead of simple0-1metrics(whether an item is revealed or not),we need to consider probabilistic notions of conditional loss,such as decreasing the range of values an item could have,or increasing the probability of accuracy of an estimate.In general,a starting classification could measure the following:probability of complete disclosure of all data,probability of complete disclosure of a specific item, probability of complete disclosure of a random item.Privacy preserving methods can be evaluated on the basis of their susceptibility to the above metrics.Also some of the existing measures can be used in this direction.For example,one of the popular metrics(Infer(x→y))used in database security can be easily applied for measuring privacy loss in schema matching phase.In the original definition H(y)corresponds to entropy of y,and H x(y) corresponds to conditional entropy of y given x then privacy loss due to revelation of x is given as follows:H(y)−H x(y)Infer(x→y)=[4]S.Castano and V.D.Antonellis.A schema analysis and reconciliation tool environment.In Proceedings of the Int.Database Engineering and Applications Symposium(IDEAS), 1999.[5]C.Clifton,M.Kantarcioglu,X.Lin,J.Vaidya,and M.Zhu.Tools for privacy preservingdistributed data mining.SIGKDD 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