



TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT Process)2SA966Audio Power Amplifier Applications• Complementary to 2SC2236 and 3-W output applications.Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage V CBO −30 V Collector-emitter voltage V CEO −30 V Emitter-base voltage V EBO −5 V Collector current I C−1.5 AEmitter currentI E 1.5 A Collector power dissipation P C 900 mW Junction temperature T j 150 °C Storage temperature rangeT stg−55 to 150°CNote: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and the significant change in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in thereliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings.Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“HandlingPrecautions”/Derating Concept and Methods) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).Unit: mmJEDEC TO-92MOD JEITA ―TOSHIBA 2-5J1A Weight: 0.36 g (typ.)Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)Characteristics Symbol TestCondition MinTyp.Max UnitCollector cut-off current I CBO V CB = −30 V, I E = 0 ――−100nAEmitter cut-off current I EBO V EB = −5 V, I C = 0 ――−100nA Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V (BR) CEO I C = −10 mA, I B = 0 −30 ―― V Emitter-base breakdown voltage V (BR) EBO I E = −1 mA, I C = 0 −5 ―― VDC current gain h FE(Note)V CE = −2 V, I C = −500 mA 100 ― 320Collector-emitter saturation voltage V CE (sat)I C = −1.5 A, I B = −0.03 A ――−2.0V Base-emitter voltage V BE V CE = −2 V, I C = −500 mA ――−1.0V Transition frequency f T V CE = −2 V, I C = −500 mA ― 120 ― MHz Collector output capacitance C ob V CB = −10 V, I E = 0, f = 1 MHz ― 40 ― pF Note: h FE classification O: 100 to 200, Y: 160 to 320Markinglead (Pb)-free package orlead (Pb)-free finish.indicatorCollector current I C (mA)h FE – ICD C c u r re n t g a i n h F ECollector current I C (mA)V CE (sat) – I CC o l l e c t o r -e m i t t e r s a t u r a t i on v o l t a g eV C E (s a t ) (V )Base-emitter voltage V BE (V)I C – V BEC oll e c t o rc u r r e n t I C (m A )Ambient temperature Ta (°C)P C – TaC o l l e c t o r p owe r d i s s ip a t io n P C (W )Collector-emitter voltage V CE (V)Safe Operating AreaC o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t I C (A )1.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800.−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Collector-emitter voltage V CE (V)I C – V CEC o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t I C (m A )−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE20070701-EN •The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.•TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.• The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.).These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in his document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.•The products described in this document shall not be used or embedded to any downstream products of which manufacture, use and/or sale are prohibited under any applicable laws and regulations.• The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other rights of TOSHIBA or the third parties.• Please contact your sales representative for product-by-product details in this document regarding RoHS compatibility. Please use these products in this document in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances. Toshiba assumes no liability for damage or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.。



92存储感应使用说明书吉艾科技(北京)股份公司目录1. 概述 (2)1.1 仪器外观 (2)1.2 S92感应主要技术参数及性能 (3)1.3仪器功能 (3)2.电路描述 (4)2.1 仪器使用须知 (4)2.2 电路原理框图 (4)2.3 电路板描述及检测 (4)2.3.1 存储处理板 (4)2.3.2 接收板(模拟开关板130609GY2-1F) (5)2.3.3接收板(滤波电路) (5)2.3.4 发射板 (5)3. 感应操作 (7)4. S92感应的刻度方法 (10)4.1 刻度简介 (10)4.2 刻度 (10)4.3刻度环位置图 (11)5. S92感应的维护与保养 (12)5.1仪器的组成 (12)5.2拆卸 (12)5.2.1上线路拆卸 (12)5.2.2下线路拆卸: (12)5.2.3中间探头部分拆卸: (12)5.3装配 (13)5.4探头检查 (14)6. 存储电源短节 (15)6.1 电源短节内部结构 (15)6.2 电源短节接线图 (15)1. 概述1.1 仪器外观1.2 S92感应主要技术参数及性能感应主体总长度:6260mm感应主体净长度:6040mm电源短节净长度:2316mm电源短节净长度:1848mm仪器直径:92mm最高工作温度:200℃(1小时)最高承受压力:140Mpa重量:128kg最小井眼直径:114mm最大井眼直径:508mm探测深度:10in,20in,30in,60in,90in,120in测量范围:0.1~2000Ω.m最大测速:15m/min测量精度:60,90,120in:± 1ms/m,±2%10,20,30:±2%纵向分辨率:1,2,4ft最大探测深度:24ft最大拉伸强度:50000 lbf最大压缩强度:6500 lbf仪器材质:沉淀硬化不锈钢、HT玻璃钢和铍青铜刻度环境:距地面10 ft(3.0 m);距铁磁物质30 ft(10.0 m)1.3仪器功能S92-高分辨率阵列感应测井仪(HDIL)是GI公司研制生产的存储系列感应测井仪器。

联想RT1.5kVA、RT2.2kVA和RT3kVA 2U 机架式或塔式不间断电源产品手册说明书

联想RT1.5kVA、RT2.2kVA和RT3kVA 2U 机架式或塔式不间断电源产品手册说明书

RT1.5kVA, RT2.2kVA and RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower Uninterruptible Power SuppliesProduct GuideThe RT1.5kVA, RT2.2kVA, and RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) offerings provide extended power protection with increased efficiency and simplified power management to safeguard the high-availability of Lenovo server environments. With efficiency ratings of up to 99%, these compact 2U rack or tower designs can help reduce energy usage without compromising performance or reliability.The 2U Rack or Tower UPS units can be installed in a data center rack cabinet or can be used as tower UPS units in office and distributed IT environments where extended power protection is required.The 2U Rack UPS unit with the Extended Battery Module is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. 2U Rack UPS unit (top) with Extended Battery Module (bottom)Did you know?2U Rack or Tower UPS units feature Advanced Battery Management (ABM) technology that uses a unique, three-stage charging technique that significantly extends battery service life and optimizes recharge time compared to traditional charging methods.2U Rack or Tower UPS units can enhance system availability with individual receptacle groups or load segments that can be programmed and controlled, which allows mission-critical devices to be prioritized during shutdown to preserve battery run time if there is a prolonged power outage.2U Rack or Tower UPS units come standard with UPS Power Manager software that integrates seamlessly with the major virtualization platforms, which enables you to view and manage your entire power system from your current dashboard. It also triggers live migration during power outages and avoids data loss by gracefully shutting down virtual machines and hosts in a cluster if there is an extended power outage.Click here to check for updatesThe RT1.5kVA, RT2.2.kVA, and RT3kVA 200-240 V UPS models do not ship with line cords. Table 2 and Table 3 list the compatible line cords which are suitable for RT1.5kVA and RT2.2kVA/RT3kVA 200-240 V UPS models, respectively.Table 2. Line cords for 200-240 V units (RT1.5kVA models)Description Part number Feature code Argentina 10A/250V C13/ IRAM 2073 4.3m line cord81Y23846492Australia 10A/250V C13/ AS/NZS 3112/2000 4.3m line cord81Y23836574Brazil 10A/250V C13/ NBR 14136 4.3m line cord81Y23876404China 10A/250V C13 / GB2099.1 4.3m line cord81Y23786580Denmark 10A/250V C13/SB107-2-DI 4.3m line cord81Y23826575Europe 10A/250V C13 / CEE 7/7 4.3m line cord81Y23766572India 10A/250V C13/IS 6538 4.3m line cord81Y23866567Israel 10A/250V C13/ SI 32 4.3m line cord81Y23816579Italy 10A/250V C13/ CEI 23-16 4.3m line cord81Y23806493Korea 12A/250V C13/KSC 8305 4.3m line cord81Y23856494South Africa 10A/250V C13/ SANS 164-1 4.3m line cord81Y23796576Switzerland 10A/250V C13/SEV 1011 4.3m line cord81Y23906578Taiwan 10A/250V C13/CNS 10917 4.3m line cord81Y23896531United Kingdom 10A/250V C13 / BS 1363A 4.3m line cord81Y23776577Table 3. Line cords for 200-240 V units (RT2.2kVA/RT3kVA models)Description Part number Feature codeC19 4.3m cord - NEMA L6-20P40K97726275C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - UK40K97676278C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - Europe40K97666279C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - S Africa40K97706280C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - Italy40K97686281C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - Israel40K97716282C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - Dmk/Swiss40K97696283C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - Australia/NZ40K97736284C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - India40K97766285Taiwan 16A/250V C19/CNS 10917 4.3m line cord90Y30356287C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - China40K97746288South Korea 15A/250V C19/KSC 8305 4.3m line cord90Y30346289Japan 15A/200V C19/JIS C-8303 4.3m line cord41Y92336291C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - Argentina40K97776276C19 4.3 meter Line Cord - Brazil40K97756277All 2U Rack or Tower UPS models except model 3KX come equipped with a communication bay for the installation of an optional Network Management Card (46M4110). Model 3KX ships standard with a Network Management Card (NMC) in the box.The NMC provides convenient, over-the-network UPS remote monitoring and management through a standard web browser or UPS Power Manager software. Figure 2 shows the UPS NMC.Figure 2. UPS Network Management CardEnvironmental monitoring Optional with the Environmental Monitoring Probe, 46M4113 (requires the NetworkManagement Card, 46M4110)Management software UPS Power Manager (UPM) and UPS Power Protector (UPP)Control panel Intelligent 5-button graphical LCDLED indicators Power On, On Battery, and AlarmRemote On/Off and Power Off Remote On/Off (ROO) and Remote Power Off (RPO) terminal block connectorSpecification Tower UPS (200-240VAC)Tower UPS (200-240VAC)Tower UPS (200-240VAC) The following two tables list the expected period that the 2U Rack or Tower UPS models operate based onlyon batteries, depending on the load.Note: Battery backup times are approximate and can vary with equipment, configuration, battery age, and temperature.Load Run time, MinutesPercentage Watts No EBM1x EBM2x EBMs3x EBMs4x EBMs RT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)20%288 W39171288405523 30%432 W23109188266344 40%576 W1677134191248 50%720 W115497140183 60%864 W74582119155 70%1008 W63769101133 80%1152 W5315886113 90%1296 W425497296 100%1440 W321416282RT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)20%384 W35137242346451 30%576 W2183150218286 40%768 W1357106155203 50%960 W94075109143 60%1152 W6325982114 70%1344 W52749669480%1536 W42240537890%1728 W318344365 100%1920 W315293657RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)10%270 W55242416590764 20%540 W30144247349452 30%810 W1887151214277 40%1080 W1361107153199 50%1350 W104174107140 60%1620 W8356492121 70%1890 W7295478103 80%2160 W52546678890%2430 W422405877 100%2700 W419355268Load Run time, MinutesPercentage Watts No EBM1x EBM2x EBMs3x EBMs4x EBMs RT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)20%270 W3015826737548330%405 W2010519728938040%540 W147715022329650%675 W107412517622760%810 W86110414618970%945 W7488211715180%1080 W538689712790%1215 W4326088116100%1350 W3255278105RT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)20%396 W2910118126134130%594 W166612418224040%792 W10499113217350%990 W735669712860%1188 W630568110670%1386 W42545658480%1584 W32138547090%1782 W219344964100%1980 W217304458RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)10%270 W6524043763683320%540 W3312822332041630%810 W218415221828540%1080 W145910815720550%1350 W10448011615260%1620 W8376910013170%1890 W531578311080%2160 W42649729590%2430 W323456687100%2700 W321406079Leak current: Important specifications on UPS leak current and circuit breaker recommendations can be found in Support Tip HT511959, https:///solutions/HT511959.Figure 4. Control panel on the front of the 2U Rack or Tower UPSThe following figure shows the rear view of the RT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC) (55941AX).Figure 5. Rear view of the RT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC) (55941AX)The following figure shows the rear view of the RT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC) (55942AX).Figure 6. Rear view of the RT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC) (55942AX)The following figure shows the rear view of the RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC) (55943AX).Figure 7. Rear view of the RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC) (55943AX)The following figure shows the rear view of the RT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)(55941KX).Figure 8. Rear view of the RT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC) (55941KX)The following figure shows the rear view of the RT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)(55942KX).Figure 9. Rear view of the RT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC) (55942KX)The following figure shows the rear view of the RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC) (55943KX).Figure 10. Rear view of the RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC) (55943KX)The following figure shows the rear view of the 1.5kVA/2.2kVA (top) and 3kVA (bottom) 2U Rack or Tower Extended Battery Modules.Figure 11. Rear view of the 1.5kVA/2.2kVA (top) and 3kVA (bottom) 2U Rack or Tower Extended Battery ModulesPhysical specificationsWarrantyThe 2U Rack or Tower UPS models and the Extended Battery Module (EBM), including batteries, have a 3-year limited warranty. Optional features have a 1-year warranty.Management softwareOptional software can be downloaded to be used the UPS units. This software is the UPS Power Manager (UPM) and UPS Power Protector (UPP) software. The UPM software can manage multiple devices. The UPP software is used to manage a single device. Note that a device refers to a UPS or a PDU.Tip: The UPS offers a USB port that supports the HID (Human Interface Device) Power Device Class that enables the UPS to be locally managed directly by the operating system of the attached server. UPS Power ManagerThe UPS Power Manager (UPM) software is free to use for up to 10 devices (PDUs or UPS units). It is available either as a Windows application or a virtual appliance (OVF file). Download the software from: https:///us/en/solutions/lnvo-ups-mgmtFor up to 100 devices, a Silver license can be purchased. For up to 600 devices, a Gold license can be purchased. The following table shows the part number ordering information for each version of the UPM software.Table 7. UPM part numbersPart Number Feature Code DescriptionNone None Basic (free) UPM software (1-10 devices can be managed)00YE464ATS2Silver key license (up to 100 devices can be managed)The purchase of a Silver or Gold license adds additional management features not found in the Basic license. The following table shows the UPM licenses and features for each license when managing Lenovo UPS units.Table 8. Comparison of UPM featuresFeatures of UPM BasicLicense(free)SilverLicenseGoldLicenseNumber of devices (UPS or PDU)Up to 10Up to100Up to 500Identify and monitor third-party power devices Yes Yes Yes Shut down server and host without crashing Yes Yes Yes Configuration Policy Yes Yes Yes Control rack PDUs (on, off and reboot sections or outlets) (1)Yes Yes Yes Plug-in for VMware vCenter Yes Yes Yes Enter and exit maintenance mode Yes Yes Yes Shutdown Virtual Hosts (e.g. VMware ESXi)Yes Yes Yes Shutdown Storage Yes Yes Yes Advanced Event Action with Standard Events No Yes Yes Miscellaneous Advanced Actions, Generic SSH action No Yes Yes Shut down specific, targeted virtual machines No Yes Yes Migrate virtual machines to targeted hosts No Yes Yes Virtual machines load shedding No Yes Yes Trigger targeted, automatic advanced actions No Yes Yes Safely shut down and restore high availability environments No Yes Yes Fully virtualized cluster shutdown No Yes Yes Integrated with Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization platform to facilitate guest virtualmachine shutdown or suspend, and graceful shutdown of the Hyper-V hypervisorNo Yes YesIntegrated with VMware vSAN hyperconverged infrastructure software to enablegraceful shutdown of logical data layer used by vSAN and full vSAN clustersNo Yes YesIntegrated with Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor to gracefully shut down of user VMs,controller VMs then AHV on Lenovo HX appliances running AHVNo Yes (2)Yes Manage third-party power devices No No Yes OpenStack monitoring and control No No Yes(1) Support for SNMPv1 required at target device(2) Requires UPM v1.65.221 or higherUPM brings managing various power and environmental devices under control through a single, web-based interface. The UPM software solution ensures system uptime and data integrity by allowing you to monitor, manage, and control the devices on your network remotely.The UPM user interface is shown in the following figure.Figure 12. UPM User InterfaceThe UPM software offers the following features:Monitors and manages multiple power and environmental devices from a web browser or your virtual machine management dashboardSeamlessly integrates into popular virtualization infrastructures, including VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer, and Linux KVMTriggers live migration for virtual machines during power outagesBy using a user-definable tree structure, enables grouping, access, and management of multipledevices across multiple locationsMonitors power consumption, which helps track ways to improve energy efficiencyUses auto discovery to provide fast installation by automatically detecting devices on the network Mass-upgrades firmware, which reduces network management card setup and maintenance timeFigure 13. UPP User InterfaceThe UPP software offers the following features:Helps avoid data loss by gracefully shutting down computers and virtual machines or servers that are powered by a UPS during an extended power outageKeeps servers running smoothly by automatically identifying hang-ups and rebooting the machine by using a watchdog capabilityProvides redundancy capability for dual-cord serversAn easy-to-use web browser interfaceCommunicates with the protected device directly (via USB or serial) or through the network (viaNMC)TrademarksLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of Lenovo trademarks is available on the Web athttps:///us/en/legal/copytrade/.The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both:Lenovo®System x®ThinkServer®ThinkSystem®The following terms are trademarks of other companies:Linux® is the trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.Hyper-V®, Microsoft®, and Windows® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.。

EETUQ2A272KJ中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

EETUQ2A272KJ中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

00 Nov. 2012
铝电解电容器/ UQ
■ 标准产品
耐力:85°C 2000ħ
(120赫兹) Dia.
(±20 %)
4.0 mm
tan δ
(120赫兹) (+20 °C)
■ 纹波电流频率修正系数
16 V.DC to 100 V.DC /C.F. 160 V.DC to 450 V.DC /C.F.
10 k可
4.0±0.5 2.0 max. Terminal
Top of spin
Standard terminal type doesnot require terminal trimming process.
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.

2SD965A贴片三极管 SOT-89封装三极管2SD965A参数

2SD965A贴片三极管 SOT-89封装三极管2SD965A参数

Dimensions In Inches Min. Max. 0.055 0.063 0.013 0.020 0.016 0.023 0.014 0.017 0.173 0.181 0.061 REF. 0.091 0.102 0.155 0.167 0.060 TYP. 0.118 TYP. 0.035 0.047
QA Label
Label on the Inner Box Inner Box: 210 mm× 208 mm×203 mm
Label on the Outer Box Outer Box: 440 mm× 440 mm× 230 mm
The bottom gasket
The file folder
Label on the Reel Plastic bag 1000×1 PCS
The top gasket
Seal the box with the tape
Stamp “EMPTY” on the empty box
Seal the box with the tape
Parameter Collector-base breakdown voltage Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Emitter-base breakdown voltage Collector cut-off current Emitter cut-off current Symbol V(BR)CBO V(BR)CEO V(BR)EBO ICBO IEBO hFE(1) DC current gain hFE’(2) hFE(3) Collector-emitter saturation voltage Transition frequency Out capacitance VCE(sat) fT Cob Test conditions IC=0.1mA, IE=0 IC= 1mA. IB=0 IE= 10μA, IC=0 VCB= 10V,IE=0 VEB=7V, IC=0 VCE= 2 V, IC=1mA VCE= 2V, IC = 500mA VCE= 2V, IC =2A IC=3A, IB=0.1A VCE=6V, IC=50mA VCB=20 V , IE=0, f=1MHZ 150 50 230 150 1 V MHz pF 200 800 Min 40 30 7 0.1 0.1 Typ Max Unit V V V μA μA

FOSAN富信电子 三极管 2SD965A-产品规格书

FOSAN富信电子 三极管 2SD965A-产品规格书

安徽富信半导体科技有限公司ANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.2SD965ASOT-89Bipolar Transistor双极型三极管▉Features特点NPN Low Saturation Voltage低饱和压降▉Absolute Maximum Ratings最大额定值Characteristic特性参数Symbol符号Rat额定值Unit单位Collector-Base Voltage集电极基极电压V CBO40V Collector-Emitter Voltage集电极发射极电压V CEO30V Emitter-Base Voltage发射极基极电压V EBO7V Collector Current集电极电流I C5000mA Power dissipation耗散功率P C(T a=25℃)750mW Thermal Resistance Junction-Ambient热阻RΘJA167℃/WJunction and Storage TemperatureT J,T stg-55to+150℃结温和储藏温度■Device Marking产品打标H FE230-380(Q)340-600(R)560-800(S)Mark D965AANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.2SD965A■ElectricalCharacteristics 电特性(T A =25℃unless otherwise noted 如无特殊说明,温度为25℃)Characteristic 特性参数Symbol 符号Min 最小值Type 典型值Max 最大值Unit 单位Collector-Base Breakdown V oltage集电极基极击穿电压(I C =100µA ,I E =0)BV CBO 40——V Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage 集电极发射极击穿电压(I C =1mA ,I B =0)BV CEO 30——V Emitter-Base Breakdown V oltage发射极基极击穿电压(I E =10µA ,I C =0)BV EBO 7——V Collector-Base Leakage Current集电极基极漏电流(V CB =10V ,I E =0)I CBO ——0.1µA Collector-Base Leakage Current 集电极基极漏电流(V EB =7V ,I E =0)I EBO ——0.1µADC Current Gain(V CE =2V ,I C =500mA)直流电流增益(V CE =2V ,I C =2000mA)H FE 230150—800Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage集电极发射极饱和压降(I C =3A ,I B =100mA)V CE(sat)——1V Output Capacitance输出电容(V CB =20V ,I E =0,f=1MH Z )C ob—50—pF Transition Frequency特征频率(V CE =6V ,I C =50mA)f T—150—MH ZANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.2SD965A ■Typical Characteristic Curve典型特性曲线ANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.2SD965A ■Dimension外形封装尺寸。

科尔摩根AKM 同步伺服电机 选型指南说明书

科尔摩根AKM 同步伺服电机 选型指南说明书

K O L L M O R G E N | A K o l l m o r g e n C O M PA N Y欢迎来到科尔摩根官方微信科尔摩根3目录u AKM ™ 同步伺服电机4u AKD ™ 伺服驱动器8u AKM ™ 各种选件12u AKM ™ 防水型和食品级防水型电机13u AKM ™ 系统综述14u AKM ™ 图纸和性能数据AKM1x 16AKM2x 20AKM3x24AKM4x 28AKM5x 34AKM6x 40AKM7x 44AKM8x48u L 10 轴承疲劳寿命和轴负载53u 反馈选件56u 抱闸选件60u 伺服电机连接器选件61u 型号命名67u MOTIONEERING ® Online71科尔摩根A K M 同步伺服电机选型指南克服设计、采购和时间障碍科尔摩根明白:帮助原始设备制造商的工程师克服障碍,可以显著提高其工作成效。







财务和运营稳定性科尔摩根隶属于Fortive 公司。

Fortive 业务系统是推动Fortive 各部门发展的一个关键力量。

该系统采用“不断改善”(Kaizen )原理。




IO = 4A
CC = 10pF Full temperature range CC = 10pF, 2V step
VOLTAGE 5 CURRENT, quiescent,
See note 5
RESISTANCE, AC, junction to case 4 RESISTANCE, DC, junction to case RESISTANCE, junction to air TEMPERATURE RANGE, case
TEMPERATURE, pin solder - 10s max TEMPERATURE, junction2
7A, within SOA
±20V ±VS 220°C 150°C –65 to +150°C –55 to +125°C
The PA92 is a high voltage, low quiescent current MOSFET operational amplifier designed as a low cost solution for driving continuous output currents up to 4A and pulse currents up to 7A. The safe operating area (SOA) has no second breakdown limitations and can be observed for all type loads by choosing an appropriate current limiting resistor. The MOSFET output stage is biased AB for linear operation. External compensation provides flexibility in choosing bandwidth and slew rate for the application. APEX’s Power SIP package uses a minimum of board space allowing for high density circuit boards.



2SD1043松下PA2SD1044松下PA2SD1044A松下PA2SD1045日立AF.SW2SD1046三洋LF PA80 2SD1047三洋LF PA100 2SD1048三洋LF A2SD1049富士电机80 2SD105东芝PA2SD1050日立SW2SD1051松下LF PA12SD1052东芝LF PA30 2SD1052A东芝LF PA30 2SD1053日电SW2SD1054日立SW2SD1055罗姆PA2SD1056富士电机400 2SD10572SD10582SD1059三洋PA2SD1062SD1060三洋PSW30 2SD1061三洋PSW40 2SD1062三洋PSW40 2SD1063三洋PSW60 2SD1064三洋PSW80 2SD1065三洋PA.SW2SD1066富士电机770 2SD1067富士电机200 2SD1068索尼SW2SD1069东芝40 2SD107东芝PA2SD1070日电LF PA/LS PSW60 2SD1071富士电机40 2SD1072富士电机60 2SD1073富士电机PA/Audio/Motor60 2SD1074日立PA2SD1075日立PA2SD1076日立PA2SD1077日立PA2SD1077L/S日立LF PA2SD1078日立PA2SD1079日立PA2SD108东芝PA2SD1080日立PA2SD1080L/S日立LF PA2SD1081日立PA2SD1081L/S日立LF PA2SD1082日立PA2SD1083日立PA.SW2SD1083L/S日立PS/TV2SD1084日立PA2SD10862SD1087东芝AF.PA.SW2SD1088东芝30 2SD1089东芝AF.PA.SW2SD1092SD1090东芝TV Reg80 2SD1091松下PA2SD1092东芝CRT Reg80 2SD1093日立PA.SW2SD1094日立SW2SD1095日立SW2SD1096日立PA2SD1097日立SW2SD1098日立SW2SD1099日立SW2SD11日电SW2SD110东芝PA2SD1100日立AF2SD1101日立AF2SD1102日立SW2SD1103日立SW2SD1104日立SW2SD1105松下PA2SD1106日电PA2SD1107日电PA2SD11082SD1109日电PA2SD1109A日电PA2SD111东芝PA2SD1110日电LF PA80 2SD1110A日电LF PA80 2SD1111三洋D2SD1112松下AF2SD1113日立PA2SD1113K日立40 2SD1114日立PA2SD1115日立PA2SD1115K日立40 2SD1116日立PA2SD1117富士电机PA50 2SD1117A富士电机PA50 2SD1118富士电机50 2SD1119松下LF PA1 2SD1122SD1120松下PA2SD1121松下PA2SD1122松下PA2SD1123松下PA2SD1124松下PA2SD1125松下PA2SD1126日立PA.SW2SD1126K日立PSW502SD1127K日立PSW50 2SD1128富士电机Reg/PA30 2SD1129日立PA.SW2SD113东芝PA2SD1130日立PA.SW2SD1131日立PA2SD1132日立PA2SD1133日立LF PA40 2SD1134日立LF PA40 2SD1135日立LF PA40 2SD1136日立PSW/TV Hout30 2SD1137日立LF PA/TV Hout40 2SD1138日立30 2SD1139日立PA2SD114东芝PA2SD1140东芝PA/PSW2SD1141日立PA2SD1142日电SW2SD1143日电SW2SD11442SD1145三洋D2SD1146索尼AF2SD1147富士电机PA30 2SD1148东芝PA100 2SD1149松下LF A2SD1152SD1150三洋SW2SD1151松下SW2SD1152日立AF2SD1153三洋D2SD1154松下SW2SD1155富士电机SW2SD1156三菱PA2SD1157富士电机25 2SD1158富士电机40 2SD1159三洋TV Hout40 2SD116富士通PA2SD1160东芝PSW/MD2SD1161三洋AF2SD1162日电HV LS PSW40 2SD1163日立TV Hout40 2SD1163A日立TV Hout40 2SD1164日电LF PA/LS PSW10 2SD1164Z2SD1164-Z日电LF PA/LS SW10 2SD1165东芝SW2SD1165A东芝SW2SD1166东芝SW2SD11672SD1168松下SW2SD1169松下PA2SD117富士通PA2SD1171松下SW2SD1172松下SW2SD1173松下SW2SD1174松下SW2SD1175松下SW2SD1176松下PA.SW2SD1176A松下MS SW2SD1177日立LF PA20 2SD1178日立AF.PA2SD1179日立AF.PA2SD118东芝PA2SD1180日立AF.PA2SD1181日立AF.PA2SD1182日立AF.PA2SD1183日立SW2SD1184日立SW2SD1185日立SW2SD1186日立SW2SD1187东芝PSW/DDC80 2SD11882SD1189罗姆LF PA5 2SD119东芝PA2SD1190三洋PD30 2SD1191三洋PD35 2SD1192三洋PD40 2SD1193三洋PD70 2SD1194三洋PD30 2SD1195三洋PD35 2SD1196三洋PD40 2SD1197三洋PD70 2SD1198松下LF A1 2SD1198A松下LF A1 2SD1199松下LF A2SD12松下PA2SD120日立SW2SD120(H)2SD1200罗姆LF PA5 2SD1201日立SW2SD1202日立SW2SD1203日立SW2SD1204日立SW2SD1205松下LF A2SD1205A松下LF A2SD1206松下AF2SD1207三洋PSW2SD1208东芝PA2SD1209日立AF2SD1209K日立LF PA2SD121日立SW2SD121(H)2SD1210日电LF PA/LS PSW802SD1211松下LF A2SD1215松下PA.SW2SD1216松下PA.SW2SD1217松下PA.SW2SD1218松下PA.SW2SD1219松下PA.SW2SD122日立SW2SD1220东芝PA10 2SD1221东芝LF PA20 2SD1222东芝PSW/PA/D15 2SD1223东芝PSW/PA/D15 2SD1224东芝PSW/PA/D10 2SD1225罗姆AF2SD1225M罗姆PA2SD1226罗姆AF2SD1226M罗姆PA2SD1227罗姆AF2SD1227M罗姆PA2SD1228罗姆AF2SD1228M罗姆PA2SD1229三洋PD60 2SD123日立SW2SD1230三洋PD60 2SD1231三洋PA2SD1232三洋PA2SD1233三洋PA2SD1234三洋PA2SD1235三洋PSW30 2SD1236三洋PA2SD1236L三洋PSW30 2SD1237三洋PA2SD1237L三洋PSW40 2SD1238三洋PA2SD1238L三洋PSW80 2SD1239三洋PA2SD124日立SW2SD1240三洋PA2SD1241松下AF.PA2SD1241A松下AF.PA2SD1242松下AF.PA2SD1242A松下AF.PA2SD1243松下AF.PA2SD1243A松下AF.PA2SD1244松下LF PA1 2SD1245松下PA2SD1246三洋PSW2SD1247三洋PSW2SD1248日立PA2SD1248K日立LF PA40 2SD1249松下LF PA352SD1249A松下LF PA352SD124A(H)2SD124AH日立PSW2SD125日立SW2SD1250松下PA/TV Vout30 2SD1250A松下PA/TV Vout30 2SD1251松下LF PA30 2SD1251A松下LF PA30 2SD1252松下PA35 2SD1252A松下PA35 2SD1253松下PA40 2SD1253A松下PA40 2SD1254松下PSW30 2SD1255松下PSW35 2SD1256松下PSW40 2SD1257松下PSW40 2SD1257A松下PSW40 2SD1258松下HG PA40 2SD1259松下HG PA40 2SD1259A松下HG PA40 2SD125A日立SW2SD125A(H)2SD125AH日立PSW2SD126日立PA.SW2SD1260松下LF PA35 2SD1260A松下LF PA35 2SD1261松下LF PA40 2SD1261A松下LF PA40 2SD1262松下MS PSW45 2SD1262A松下MS PSW45 2SD1263松下LF PA35 2SD1263A松下LF PA35 2SD1264松下LF PA30 2SD1264A松下LF PA30 2SD1265松下LF PA30 2SD1265A松下LF PA30 2SD1266松下PA35 2SD1266A松下PA35 2SD1267松下PA40 2SD1267A松下PA40 2SD1268松下PSW30 2SD1269松下PSW35 2SD126H日立PSW2SD127索尼PA2SD1270松下PSW40 2SD1271松下PSW40 2SD1271A松下PSW40 2SD1272松下HG LF PA40 2SD1273松下HG LF PA40 2SD1273A松下HG LF PA40 2SD1274松下PA40 2SD1274A松下PA402SD1274B松下PA402SD1279东芝50 2SD127A索尼PA2SD128索尼PA2SD1280松下AF2SD1281日立PA2SD1282日立PA2SD1283日立PA2SD1284日立PA2SD12852SD1286日电LF PA/LS PSW82SD1286Z2SD1286-Z日电LF PA/LS SW82SD1287日立PA2SD1288日电LF PA70 2SD1289日电LF PA80 2SD128A索尼PA2SD129东芝PA2SD1290松下SW2SD1291松下SW2SD1292罗姆PA2SD1293罗姆AF2SD1293M罗姆PA2SD1294东芝CRT Reg80 2SD1295松下PA2SD1296日电LS PSW100 2SD1297日电LS PSW100 2SD1298日电HV LS PSW100 2SD1299日电PA2SD13松下PA2SD130东芝PA2SD1300日立PA2SD1301松下SW2SD1302松下LV A/DDC2SD1303松下PA2SD1304松下LF A2SD1305松下AF2SD1306日立LF A/Mut2SD1307松下PA2SD1308日电LF PA/LS PSW30 2SD1309日电LF PA/LS PSW40 2SD131东芝PA2SD1310日电LF PA30 2SD1311日电LF PA40 2SD1312日电LF PA2SD1313东芝PA/PSW2002SD1314东芝PSW/MD1502SD1320松下MS PSW40 2SD1321松下MS PSW45 2SD1322松下MS PSW35 2SD1323松下MS PSW40 2SD1324松下MS PSW45 2SD1325松下MS PSW35 2SD1326松下MS PSW40 2SD1327松下MS PSW45 2SD1328松下LV A/Mut/DDC2SD1329日立PA2SD1329K日立LF PA/PSW40 2SD1332SD1330松下LV A/Mut/DDC2SD1331日立AF2SD1332松下AF.PA2SD1333松下AF.PA2SD1334松下AF.PA2SD1335松下AF.PA2SD1336松下PSW35 2SD1336A松下PSW35 2SD1337三洋SW2SD1338三洋SW2SD1339三洋SW2SD134索尼SW2SD1340三洋SW2SD1341三洋SW2SD1342三洋SW2SD1343三洋SW2SD1344三洋SW2SD1345新电元SW2SD1346松下SW2SD1347三洋PD2SD1348三洋PD10 2SD1349LS SW50 2SD1352SD1350松下HV SW1 2SD1350A松下HV SW1 2SD1351韩国电子AF.PA2SD1352韩国电子AF.PA2SD1353东芝AF2SD1354东芝AF2SD1355东芝AF2SD1356东芝AF2SD1357东芝AF.PA.SW2SD1358东芝AF.PA.SW2SD1359东芝AF.PA.SW2SD136富士通PA2SD1361东芝PA.SW2SD1362东芝PA.SW2SD1363东芝PA.SW2SD1364东芝SW2SD1365东芝SW2SD1366日立LF PA12SD1366A日立LF PA12SD1367日立LF PA12SD1368日立LF PA12SD1369东芝AF.PA.SW2SD137富士通PA2SD1370三洋AF.PA.SW2SD1371三洋AF.PA2SD1372三洋AF.PA2SD1373三洋AF.PA2SD1374三洋AF.PA2SD1375三洋AF.PA2SD1376日立PA2SD1376K日立LF PA20 2SD1377日立PA2SD1377K日立LF PA40 2SD1378罗姆LF PA10 2SD1379罗姆LF PA10 2SD138富士通PA.SW2SD1380罗姆LF PA10 2SD1381罗姆LF PA52SD1382罗姆LF PA10 2SD1383罗姆AF2SD1383K罗姆HG A/SW2SD1384罗姆PA2SD1385松下LF A12SD1386日立PA2SD1387三洋AF.PA2SD1388三洋AF.PA2SD1389三肯PA2SD139富士通PA.SW2SD1390松下SW2SD1391松下TV Hout100 2SD1392日电LF PA/LS PSW30 2SD1393三洋SW2SD1394三洋PD30 2SD1395三洋PD40 2SD1396三洋SW2SD1397三洋CRT Hout80 2SD1398三洋CRT Hout120 2SD1399三洋CRT Hout120 2SD14松下PA2SD1402SD1400三洋SW2SD1401三洋SW2SD1402三洋CRT Hout1202SD1403三洋CRT Hout1202SD1410东芝25 2SD1411东芝PSW/PA30 2SD1412东芝PSW/PA30 2SD1413东芝PSW/PA/D20 2SD1414东芝PSW/PA/D20 2SD1415东芝PSW/D30 2SD1416东芝PSW/D30 2SD1417东芝PSW/D30 2SD1418日立LF PA12SD1419日立LF PA12SD142日电PA2SD1420日立LF PA12SD1421日立LF PA12SD1422日立AF.PA2SD1423松下LF PA2SD1423A松下LF PA2SD1424松下LF A2SD1425东芝CRT Hout80 2SD1426东芝CRT Hout80 2SD1427东芝CRT Hout80 2SD1428东芝CRT Hout80 2SD1429东芝CRT Hout80 2SD143日电PA2SD1430东芝CRT Hout80 2SD1431东芝CRT Hout80 2SD1432东芝CRT Hout80 2SD1433东芝CRT Hout80 2SD1434东芝SW2SD1435日立PA2SD1435K日立LF PA100 2SD1436日立PA2SD1436K日立PSW80 2SD1437罗姆PA2SD1438东芝PA.SW2SD1439松下SW2SD144日电PA2SD1440松下SW2SD1441松下TV Hout70 2SD1442松下PA.SW2SD1442A松下PA2SD1443松下PA.SW2SD1443A松下LV PA/PSW2SD1444松下LV PA/PSW30 2SD1444A松下LV PA/PSW30 2SD1445松下LV PA/PSW402SD1445A松下LV PA/PSW402SD1448日电LF PA10 2SD1448-Z日电LF A10 2SD1449松下LN2SD1452SD1450松下LF A2SD1451日立SW2SD1452日立SW2SD1453日立SW2SD1454日立SW2SD1455日立SW2SD1456日立SW2SD1457松下PA60 2SD1457A松下PA60 2SD1458松下LF A12SD1459三洋CRT Vout30 2SD146富士通PA.SW2SD1460东芝PSW200 2SD1461松下PA2SD1462日电AF.PA2SD1463日立AF2SD1464日立AF2SD1465日立PA2SD1465L/S日立LF PA2SD1466日立SW2SD1467罗姆2SD1468罗姆PA2SD1468S罗姆PA2SD1469罗姆PA2SD1469M罗姆PA2SD147富士通PA.SW2SD1470日立LF PA12SD1471日立HG A12SD1472日立LF PA12SD1473日立AF2SD1474松下HG PA40 2SD1475松下PSW35 2SD1476松下PA2SD1477松下AF2SD1478松下LF A2SD1478A松下LF A2SD1479松下TV Hout80 2SD148富士通SW2SD1480松下PA25 2SD1481日电LF PA/LS PSW15 2SD1482松下AF2SD1483松下LF A2SD1484罗姆AF2SD1484K罗姆PA2SD1485松下PA60 2SD1486松下PA2SD1487松下PA2SD1489日立LF PA2SD149富士通PA.SW2SD1490日立LF PA2SD1491日电LF PA/LS PSW10 2SD1492日立SW2SD1493日立SW2SD1494日立SW2SD1495日立SW2SD1496日立SW2SD1497日立SW2SD1498日立SW2SD1499松下PA40 2SD15三肯PA.SW2SD150日电PA2SD1500东芝AF.PA2SD1501日立AF2SD1502日电LF PA/LS PSW15 2SD1503日立SW2SD1504日立LF A/Mut2SD1505罗姆LF PA30 2SD1506罗姆LF PA10 2SD1507罗姆AF.PA2SD1507M罗姆PA2SD1508东芝PSW/PA/D10 2SD1509东芝PSW/PA/D10 2SD151日电SW2SD1510松下PA35 2SD1511松下LF A12SD1512松下LF A2SD1513日电LF PA2SD1514新电元SW2SD1515新电元SW2SD1516松下AF.PA.SW2SD1517松下PA/PSW25 2SD1518东芝SW2SD1519东芝SW2SD152日电PA2SD1520日立AF.PA2SD1520L/S日立MS PA20 2SD1521日立LF PA10 2SD1522日立AF.PA2SD1523日立AF.PA2SD1524日立AF.PA2SD1525东芝PSW150 2SD1526松下AF.PA2SD1527日立HV A25 2SD1528松下PSW30 2SD1529松下PSW30 2SD153日电PA.SW2SD1530松下PSW30 2SD1531松下AF.PA2SD1532三肯PA2SD1534松下PA50 2SD1535松下PA50 2SD1536罗姆AF2SD1536M罗姆PA2SD1537松下AF.PA2SD1537A松下LV SW2SD1538松下LV SW25 2SD1538A松下LV SW25 2SD1539松下LV SW25 2SD1539A松下LV SW25 2SD154日电PA2SD1540东芝AF.PA2SD1541松下TV Hout50 2SD1542东芝SW2SD1543东芝CRT Hout40 2SD1544东芝CRT Hout40 2SD1545东芝CRT Hout50 2SD1546东芝CRT Hout50 2SD1547东芝CRT Hout50 2SD1548东芝CRT Hout/Reg50 2SD1549东芝SW2SD155日电PA2SD1550东芝SW2SD1551东芝SW2SD1552东芝SW2SD1553东芝SW2SD1554东芝CRT Hout40 2SD1555东芝CRT Hout50 2SD1556东芝CRT Hout50 2SD1557日电TV Vout20 2SD1558日立LF PA40 2SD1559日立LF PA100 2SD156富士通PA2SD15602SD15612SD1562罗姆LF PA20 2SD1562A罗姆LF PA20 2SD1563罗姆LF PA10 2SD1563A罗姆LF PA10 2SD1564日电LF PA/LS PSW30 2SD1565日电LF PA/LS PSW30 2SD1566日电PA.SW2SD1567日电LF PA30 2SD1568日电LF PA40 2SD1569日电LF PA30 2SD157富士通PA2SD15702SD1571东芝SW2SD1572日立LF PA40 2SD1573日立AF2SD1574松下AF.PA2SD1575松下TV Hout402SD1579日电LF PA2SD157F2SD158富士通PA.SW2SD1580罗姆LF PA40 2SD1581日电LF PA2SD1582日电LF PA2SD1583日电LF PA/PSW10 2SD1583-Z日电LF PA/SW10 2SD1584日电LF PA/PSW10 2SD1584-Z日电LF PA/SW10 2SD1585日电LF PA15 2SD1586日电LF PA20 2SD1587日电TV Vout25 2SD1588日电LF PA/LS PSW30 2SD1589日电LF PA/LS PSW20 2SD159富士通PA.SW2SD1590日电LF PA/LS PSW25 2SD1591日电LF PA/LS PSW30 2SD1592日电HV LS PSW30 2SD1593日电LF PA20 2SD1594日电LF PA30 2SD1595日电LF PA/LS PSW20 2SD15962SD1597日立SW2SD1598日电PA2SD1599日立LF PA40 2SD16三肯PA.SW2SD160富士通PA.SW2SD1600日立LF PA40 2SD1601日立LF PA40 2SD1602日立LF PA40 2SD1603日立LF PA40 2SD1604日立LF PA40 2SD1605日立LF PA30 2SD1606日立LF PA40 2SD1607日立AF.PA2SD1608松下MS PSW50 2SD1609日立LF HV A2SD161富士通PA2SD1610日立LF HV A2SD1611松下PA40 2SD1612日立AF.PA2SD1613日立AF.PA2SD1614日电LF PA22SD1615日电LF PA22SD1615A日电LF PA22SD1616日电LF PA2SD1616A日电LF PA2SD1617日电PA.SW2SD1618三洋LV A/Mut 1.32SD1620三洋 1.3 2SD1621三洋PD 1.3 2SD1622三洋LF PA 1.3 2SD1623三洋PSW 1.3 2SD1624三洋PSW 1.5 2SD1625三洋D 1.3 2SD1626三洋D 1.5 2SD1627三洋D 1.5 2SD1628三洋PSW 1.5 2SD1629日电LF PA/LS PSW10 2SD163三肯PA.SW2SD1630日电LF PA/LS PSW10 2SD1631东芝PA/PSW2SD1632松下TV Hout70 2SD1633松下PSW30 2SD1634松下PSW50 2SD1635松下AF.PA2SD1636松下AF.PA2SD1637罗姆LF PA15 2SD1638罗姆LF PA15 2SD1639三菱AF.PA2SD164三肯PA.SW2SD1640松下LF A2SD1641松下PA/TV Reg80 2SD1642日立AF2SD1643松下LF PA50 2SD1643A松下LF PA50 2SD1644松下PA2SD1645松下LF A52SD1646罗姆LF PA25 2SD1647罗姆LF PA25 2SD1648三洋AF2SD1649三洋CRT Hout50 2SD165三肯PA.SW2SD1650三洋CRT Hout50 2SD1651三洋CRT Hout60 2SD1652三洋CRT Hout60 2SD1653三洋SW2SD1654三洋CRT Hout50 2SD1655三洋CRT Hout60 2SD1656三洋CRT Hout60 2SD1657松下AF2SD1658东芝PSW/PA/D10 2SD1659日电AF.PA.SW2SD166三肯PA.SW2SD1660罗姆AF.PA2SD1660M罗姆PA2SD1661罗姆AF.PA2SD1661M罗姆PA2SD1662东芝PSW1002SD1663松下PSW802SD1665罗姆AF.PA2SD1665AM罗姆PA2SD1665M罗姆PA2SD1666三洋LF PA25 2SD1667三洋PSW25 2SD1668三洋PSW30 2SD1669三洋PSW30 2SD167富士通AF.PA2SD1670日电LS PSW65 2SD1671日电LS PSW70 2SD1672日电LS PSW70 2SD1673日电PA2SD16742SD16752SD1676日立2SD1677三洋TV Hout100 2SD1678东芝AF.PA.SW2SD1679松下LF A2SD168富士通SW2SD1680松下TV Hout70 2SD1681三洋LF PA10 2SD1682三洋PSW10 2SD1683三洋PSW10 2SD1684三洋LF PA10 2SD1685三洋PSW10 2SD1686日立AF.PA2SD1687日立AF.PA2SD1688日立AF.PA2SD1689日立AF.PA2SD1692SD1690日立AF.PA2SD1691日电LF PA/MS PSW20 2SD1692日电LF PA15 2SD1693日电LF PA15 2SD1694日电LF PA20 2SD1695日电LF PA/LS PSW10 2SD1696日电PA.SW2SD1697日电LF PA2SD1698日电LF PA2SD1699日电LF PA22SD17三肯PA.SW2SD170日立PA2SD1700日电LF PA2SD1701日电LF PA2SD1702日电LF PA22SD1703松下AF.PA2SD1704松下AF.PA2SD1705松下PSW70 2SD1706松下PSW80 2SD1707松下PSW100 2SD1708东芝AF.PA.SW2SD1709三洋SW2SD171索尼PA2SD1710三洋SW2SD1711三洋SW2SD1712松下AF.PA2SD1713松下AF.PA2SD1714松下AF.PA2SD1715松下AF.PA2SD1716松下AF.PA2SD1717松下AF.PA2SD1718松下AF.PA2SD1719松下HG PA40 2SD172富士通PA.SW2SD1720罗姆LF PA40 2SD1721日电AF.PA2SD1722三洋PSW20 2SD1723三洋PSW20 2SD1724三洋PSW20 2SD1725三洋PSW20 2SD1726富士电机25 2SD1727松下TV Hout60 2SD1728松下TV Hout60 2SD1729松下TV Hout60 2SD173富士通PA.SW2SD1730松下SW2SD1731松下TV Hout100 2SD1732松下TV Hout120 2SD1733罗姆HF A10 2SD1733F5罗姆HF A10 2SD1734松下TV Hout40 2SD1735松下TV Hout60 2SD1736松下TV Hout60 2SD1737松下TV Hout60 2SD1738松下TV Hout100 2SD1739松下TV Hout100 2SD174富士通PA2SD1740富士电机Reg/PA30 2SD1741松下PA/TV Hout15 2SD1741A松下PA/TV Hout15 2SD1742松下LF PA15 2SD1742A松下LF PA15 2SD1743松下PA15 2SD1743A松下PA15 2SD1744松下PSW15 2SD1745松下PSW15 2SD1746松下PSW15 2SD1747松下PSW15 2SD1747A松下PSW15 2SD1748松下LF PA15 2SD1748A松下LF PA15 2SD1749松下LF PA15 2SD1749A松下LF PA152SD174F2SD1750松下MS PSW15 2SD1750A松下MS PSW15 2SD1751松下PA15 2SD1752松下PA15 2SD1752A松下PA15 2SD1753松下HG PA15 2SD1754松下HG PA15 2SD1754A松下HG PA15 2SD1755松下HG PA15 2SD1756日立HV PA40 2SD1757罗姆AF2SD1757K罗姆PA2SD1758罗姆LF PA10 2SD1758F5罗姆LF PA10 2SD1759罗姆LF PA10 2SD1759F5罗姆LF PA10 2SD176富士通PA.SW2SD1760罗姆LF PA15 2SD1760F5罗姆LF PA15 2SD1761罗姆AF.PA2SD1762罗姆LF PA25 2SD1763罗姆LF PA20 2SD1763A罗姆LF PA20 2SD1764罗姆LF PA20 2SD1765罗姆LF PA20 2SD1766罗姆PA2 2SD1767罗姆PA2 2SD1768罗姆AF.PA2SD1768S罗姆PA2SD1769PSW2SD177富士通PA.SW2SD1770松下PA/TV Vout25 2SD1770A松下PA/TV Vout2SD1771松下PA/TV Vout25 2SD1771A松下PA/TV Vout25 2SD1772松下PA/TV Vout25 2SD1772A松下PA/TV Vout25 2SD1773松下MS SW50 2SD1774松下HG PA25 2SD1774A松下HG PA2SD1775松下HG PA25 2SD1775A松下HG PA25 2SD1776松下PA25 2SD1776A松下PA25 2SD1777日立LF A2SD1778罗姆LF PA40 2SD1778A罗姆G40 2SD1779日电LF PA2SD178松下PA2SD1780日电LF PA2SD1781罗姆AF.PA2SD1781K罗姆PA2SD1782K罗姆LF PA/D2SD1783罗姆LF PA30 2SD1784东芝PA/PSW1 2SD1785PSW2SD1786罗姆AF.PA2SD1787罗姆PA2SD1788LS SW25 2SD1789LS SW25 2SD178A松下PA2SD179日电PA.SW2SD1790LS SW25 2SD1791LS SW30 2SD1792LS SW30 2SD1793LS SW50 2SD1794LS SW50 2SD1795LS SW50 2SD1796PSW2SD1797富士电机PA/SW-Reg30 2SD1798日立PA2SD1799三洋PD15 2SD18三肯PA2SD180日电PA2SD1800三洋PD10 2SD1801三洋PSW15 2SD1802三洋PSW15 2SD1803三洋PSW20 2SD1804三洋PSW20 2SD1805三洋PSW15 2SD1806三洋PSW15 2SD1807松下AF2SD1808松下AF2SD1808A松下LF A2SD1809罗姆PA2SD181日电PA.SW2SD1810罗姆AF.PA2SD1811罗姆AF.PA2SD1812罗姆PA2SD1813日立AF.PA2SD1814日立AF.PA2SD1815三洋PSW20 2SD1816三洋PSW20 2SD1817三洋PD15 2SD1817*三洋PD2SD1818日电LF PA/MS PSW10 2SD1819松下AF2SD1819A松下G A2SD181A日电PA.SW2SD182富士通PA2SD1820松下G A2SD1820A松下G A2SD1821松下HV LF A2SD1821A松下HV LF A2SD1823松下LF A2SD1824松下LF A2SD1825三洋PD20 2SD1826三洋PD25 2SD1827三洋PD30 2SD1828三洋PD20 2SD1829三洋PD25 2SD183富士通PA2SD1830三洋PD30 2SD1831松下PA60 2SD1832罗姆LF PA30 2SD1833罗姆LF PA30 2SD1834罗姆PA2SD1835三洋PSW2SD1836三洋SW2SD1837三洋SW2SD1838三洋PD25 2SD1839松下PA2SD184富士通SW2SD1840三洋PSW100 2SD1841三洋PSW120 2SD1842三洋PSW150 2SD1843日电LF PA/LS SW2SD1844松下Hout60 2SD1845松下Hout60 2SD1846松下Hout60 2SD1847松下Hout100 2SD1848松下Hout100 2SD1849松下Hout120 2SD185富士通SW2SD1850松下Hout120 2SD1851三洋D2SD1852三洋D2SD1853三洋D2SD1854三洋D2SD1855罗姆LF PA30 2SD1855A罗姆G30 2SD1856罗姆LF PA25 2SD1857罗姆PA2SD1858罗姆PA2SD1859罗姆PA2SD186三洋PA2SD1860罗姆PA2SD1861罗姆PA2SD1862罗姆PA2SD1863罗姆PA2SD1864罗姆PA2SD1865罗姆PA2SD1866罗姆PA2SD1867罗姆PA2SD1868日立LF HV A2SD1869日立LF HV A2SD1870日立LF A12SD1871三菱PA2SD1872三菱PA2SD1873三菱PA2SD1874三菱PA2SD1875罗姆AF.PA2SD1876三洋CRT Hout2SD1877三洋CRT Hout2SD1878三洋CRT Hout2SD1879三洋CRT Hout2SD188日电PA2SD1880三洋CRT Hout2SD1881三洋CRT Hout2SD1882三洋CRT Hout2SD1883三洋CRT Hout2SD1884三洋CRT Hout2SD1885三洋CRT Hout2SD1886三洋CRT Hout2SD1887三洋CRT Hout2SD1888罗姆PD40 2SD1889罗姆PD30 2SD189松下PA2SD1890松下PA35 2SD1891松下PA40 2SD1892松下PA 4.5 2SD1893松下PA50 2SD1894松下PA70 2SD1895松下PA100 2SD1896罗姆40 2SD1897罗姆30 2SD1898罗姆AF.PA2SD1899日电LF PA/MS PSW10 2SD1899-Z日电LF PA/MS SW10 2SD189A松下PA2SD19日电PA2SD190日立PA2SD1900日立AF.PA2SD1901日立AF.PA2SD1902三洋PSW30 2SD1903三洋PSW30 2SD1904三洋PSW30 2SD1905三洋PSW40 2SD1906三洋PSW30 2SD1907三洋PSW40 2SD1908三洋Hout50 2SD1909松下PA45 2SD191东芝PA2SD1910日立SW2SD1911日立SW2SD1912三洋LF PA30 2SD1913三洋LF PA202SD1914三洋PD102SD1916东芝SW.PA2SD1917松下AF2SD1918罗姆AF.PA2SD1919罗姆PA2SD192东芝PA2SD1920罗姆PA2SD1921罗姆PA2SD1922日立LF PA2SD1923日立AF.PA2SD1924日立AF.PA2SD1925日立AF.PA2SD1926日立AF.PA2SD1927日立AF.PA2SD1928日电SW2SD1929罗姆AF.PA2SD193东芝SW2SD1930罗姆AF.PA2SD1931罗姆AF.PA2SD1932罗姆PD35 2SD1933罗姆PD30 2SD1934松下LF A2SD1935三洋LF A2SD1936三洋LF A2SD1937松下LF A2SD1938松下LF A/DDC2SD1939日电LF PA/LS SW2SD194东芝PA2SD1940三洋HV SW25 2SD1941日立SW2SD1942罗姆AF2SD1943罗姆LF PA/HG A40 2SD1944罗姆LF PA/HG A30 2SD1945日立AF.PA2SD1946日立LF A1 2SD1947东芝PSW/D40 2SD1948东芝PSW/D25 2SD1949罗姆PA2SD195富士通SW2SD1950日电LF PA2 2SD1951日电AF.PA2SD1952日电AF.PA2SD1953三洋PD10 2SD19542SD1955三洋PD10 2SD1956罗姆LF PA/PD40 2SD1957罗姆LF PA/PD30 2SD1958三洋TV Hout30 2SD1959日立SW2SD196富士通SW2SD1960罗姆AF2SD1961罗姆2SD1962罗姆AF2SD1963罗姆AF2SD1964松下PSW50 2SD1965罗姆AF.PA2SD1966罗姆AF.PA2SD1967罗姆AF.PA2SD1968罗姆AF.PA2SD1969罗姆AF.PA2SD196A富士通PA.SW2SD197富士通SW2SD1970日立LF PA10 2SD1971松下AF.PA2SD1972三菱LF PA15 2SD1973松下AF.PA2SD1974日立LF PA12SD1975松下PA150 2SD1976日立40 2SD1977日电LF PA60 2SD1978日立LF PA2SD1979松下LF A/DDC2SD197A富士通PA.SW2SD198松下PA2SD1980罗姆AF.PA2SD1981三洋D2SD1982日立AF.PA2SD1983罗姆PD20 2SD1984日立LF A2SD1985松下PA25 2SD1985A松下PA25 2SD1986罗姆PD35 2SD1987罗姆PD30 2SD1988罗姆PD25 2SD1989罗姆PD20 2SD199松下PA2SD1990松下PSW35 2SD1991松下AF2SD1991A松下G A2SD1992松下AF2SD1992A松下LF A/ D2SD1993松下LF LN A2SD1994松下PA2SD1994A松下LF PA/ D2SD1995松下LF A2SD1996松下Muting/DDC2SD1997三洋Motor D2SD1998三洋Motor D2SD1999三洋Motor D2SD20日电PA2SD200松下SW2SD2000松下PSW35 2SD2001松下Hout40 2SD2002三洋SW2SD20032SD20052SD20062SD20072SD20082SD20092SD200A松下SW2SD201三肯PA.SW2SD20102SD20112SD2012东芝LF PA25 2SD20132SD2014PSW2SD2015PSW2SD2016PSW2SD2017PSW2SD2018松下LF A52SD2019日立LF PA10 2SD202三肯PA.SW2SD2020罗姆AF.PA2SD2021罗姆AF.PA2SD2022罗姆PD25 2SD2023罗姆LF PA/PD/DDC40 2SD2024罗姆PD40 2SD2025罗姆PD30 2SD2026罗姆AF.PA2SD2027三洋LF PA30 2SD2028三洋LF PA2SD2029松下PA120 2SD203三肯PA.SW2SD2030日立LF HV A2SD2031日立LF HV A2SD2032罗姆AF.PA2SD2033罗姆HV D2SD2034罗姆AF.PA2SD2035罗姆G2SD2036罗姆G2SD2037罗姆G2SD2038罗姆G2SD2039罗姆D2SD204日电PA2SD2040罗姆G2SD2041罗姆D2SD2042罗姆D2SD2043罗姆D2SD2044罗姆H hFE2SD2045PSW2SD2046日立LF PA2SD2047富士电机HS SW80 2SD2048三洋PD30 2SD2049三洋PD35 2SD205日电PA2SD2050三洋PD402SD2055罗姆AF.PA2SD2056罗姆AF.PA2SD2057松下Hout100 2SD2058韩国电子PA.SW2SD2059韩国电子PA2SD206新电元PA.SW2SD2060韩国电子PA2SD2061罗姆LF PA/PD/DDC30 2SD2062罗姆AF.PA2SD2063日立LF A2SD2064松下PA70 2SD2065松下PA80 2SD2066松下PA120 2SD2067松下LF A2SD2068松下LF A2SD20692SD206A新电元PA.SW2SD207新电元PA.SW2SD2070松下G A2SD2071松下LF PA/D2SD2072松下LF LN A2SD2073松下LF A2SD2074松下LV A/Muting2SD2075东芝PSW/D30 2SD2076东芝PSW/D30 2SD20772SD20782SD2079东芝PSW/ PD30 2SD207A新电元PA.SW2SD208新电元PA.SW2SD20802SD2081PSW2SD2082PSW2SD2083PSW2SD20842SD2085罗姆H hFE40 2SD20862SD20872SD20882SD20892SD208A新电元PA.SW2SD2092SD2090罗姆PD25 2SD2091罗姆PD20 2SD2092东芝PSW/ PD25 2SD2093三洋PD45 2SD2094日立LF PA25 2SD20952SD2096罗姆G2SD2099三洋Motor D2SD21日电PA2SD2102SD2100三洋Motor D2SD2101日立LF PA30 2SD2102日立LF PA25 2SD2103日立LF PA25 2SD2104日立LF PA25 2SD2105日立LF PA30 2SD2106日立LF PA25 2SD2107日立LF PA25 2SD2108日立LF PA25 2SD2109日立LF PA15 2SD211三肯PA.SW2SD2110日立LF PA25 2SD2111日立LF PA25 2SD2112日立LF PA25 2SD2113日立LF PA25 2SD21142SD2114K罗姆LF A/Muting2SD2115L/S日立LF PA18 2SD2116三洋G D2SD2117三洋G D2SD21182SD2119罗姆PD25 2SD212三肯PA.SW2SD2120三洋G D2SD2121L/S日立LF PA18 2SD2122L/S日立LF PA18 2SD2123L/S日立LF PA18 2SD2124L/S日立LF PA18 2SD21252SD21262SD2127东芝PSW/PD25 2SD2128日立LF PA25 2SD21292SD213三肯PA.SW2SD21302SD2131东芝PSW/ PD30 2SD2132罗姆2SD2133松下LF PA2SD2134松下LF PA/D2SD2135松下LF PA2SD2136松下PA2SD2137松下PA15 2SD2137A松下PA15 2SD2138松下PA15 2SD2138A松下PA15 2SD2139松下PA15 2SD214三肯PA.SW2SD2140松下LF PA802SD21442SD2144S罗姆2SD2145罗姆LF A/Muting2SD2145M罗姆LF A/Muting2SD21462SD21472SD2148日立HVPSW2SD2149日立LF PA100 2SD215富士通PA2SD2150罗姆LF PA2SD2151松下LF PA50 2SD2152罗姆LF PA2SD21532SD2154罗姆LF PA2SD21552SD2156松下LF PA25 2SD2156A松下PA25 2SD2157松下LF PA25 2SD2157A松下PA25 2SD2158松下LF PA20 2SD2158A松下PA20 2SD21592SD215F2SD216富士通PA2SD2161日电LF PA/LS SW20 2SD2162日电LF PA/LS SW25 2SD2163日电LF PA/ LS PSW30 2SD2164日电LF PA/LS SW20 2SD2165日电LF PA/LS SW30 2SD21662SD2167罗姆G A22SD21682SD21692SD216F2SD217日电PA2SD2170罗姆G A22SD2171S罗姆LF A/SW2SD2172罗姆LF A/SW2SD21742SD21752SD2176三洋Motor D2SD2177松下LF A2SD2178松下LF A2SD2179松下LF A2SD218日电PA2SD2180松下LF A2SD2181松下LF A2SD2182松下LF A2SD2183松下LF A2SD2184松下LF A2SD2185松下LF A2SD2188罗姆H hFE30 2SD21892SD219三肯PA.SW2SD21902SD2191罗姆LF A/Muting2SD2192罗姆LF A/Muting2SD2193日立LF PA2SD21952SD2196LS SW65 2SD21972SD2198三洋PSW30 2SD2199三洋PSW40 2SD22日电PA2SD220三肯PA.SW2SD2200三洋PSW30 2SD2201三洋PSW40 2SD2202三洋PSW25 2SD2203三洋PSW30 2SD22042SD2205日电LF PA/LS SW25 2SD22062SD22072SD22082SD2209松下PA15 2SD221三肯PA.SW2SD2210松下LF PA2SD22112SD22122SD2213日立LF PA2SD2214松下MS PSW25 2SD2215松下PA15 2SD2215A松下PA15 2SD2216松下G A2SD2217日电LF PA/LS SW25 2SD2218三洋PSW20 2SD2219三洋PSW25 2SD222三肯PA.SW2SD2220松下LF A2SD2221松下PA100 2SD2222松下PA150 2SD2223三洋PD30 2SD2224三洋PD35 2SD2225松下LF A2SD22262SD2226K罗姆LF A/SW2SD22272SD2227S罗姆LF A/SW2SD2228日电LF A2SD2229日电LF A/Muting2SD223三肯PA.SW2SD2230日电LF A/Muting2SD22362SD22372SD22382SD22392SD224三肯PA.SW2SD2240松下HV LN A2SD22412SD2242松下PA15 2SD2242A松下PA15 2SD2243日电LF PA/SW2SD2244日电LF PA/LS SW2SD2245日电LF PA/LS SW2SD2246日电LF PA /SW2SD2247日立LF A2SD22482SD2249松下LF PA2SD2252SD2250松下PA100 2SD22512SD2252三洋TV Hout60 2SD22532SD2254松下PA70 2SD2255松下PA70 2SD2256日立LF PA120 2SD22572SD2258松下LF A2SD2259松下LF A2SD226松下PA2SD2260松下HV A2SD22622SD2263日立LF PA2SD22642SD2265松下PSW35 2SD2266松下PSW15 2SD22672SD22682SD22692SD226A松下PA2SD226B松下PA2SD227日电PA2SD22702SD22722SD2273松下PA45 2SD2274松下PA50 2SD2275松下PA60 2SD2276松下PA120 2SD22772SD22782SD2280三洋PSW40 2SD2281三洋PSW45 2SD2282三洋PSW50 2SD22832SD2284三洋D2SD2285三洋HS PSW40 2SD22862SD22872SD22882SD22892SD2292SD22902SD22912SD22922SD2293日立H out50 2SD2294日立H out50 2SD2295日立H out50 2SD2296日立H out50 2SD2297日立H out50 2SD2298日立H out50 2SD2299日立H out50 2SD23日电PA2SD2302SD2300日立H out50 2SD2301日立H out50 2SD23022SD23032SD23042SD23052SD23062SD23072SD23082SD23092SD231富士通SW.AF2SD2311日立H out50 2SD2312罗姆LF A/SW2SD23132SD2313M罗姆LF A/SW2SD2314罗姆LF A/SW2SD2315罗姆LF A/SW2SD23162SD23182SD23192SD232富士通SW.AF2SD23202SD2321松下LF PA2SD23222SD2323日立30 2SD23242SD23252SD2326松下LF A2SD2332SD2330松下Hout100 2SD2331松下Hout60 2SD2332松下Hout60 2SD2333松下Hout80 2SD2334松下Hout80 2SD2335松下Hout100 2SD2336松下Hout100 2SD2337日立LF HV PA20 2SD23382SD234东芝PA2SD2340松下PA50 2SD23412SD2342日立LF PA50 2SD23432SD2344日立LF PA20 2SD23452SD23462SD23472SD23482SD23492SD234G东芝LF PA/SW25 2SD235东芝PA2SD2350富士电机PA/PSW40 2SD2351罗姆LF A/SW2SD23522SD23532SD23542SD23552SD23562SD23572SD23582SD23592SD235G东芝LF PA/SW25 2SD236三肯PA.SW2SD23602SD2361松下LF PA2SD2362松下LF PA2SD2363松下PA2SD2364松下LF PA2SD2365松下LF PA2SD23662SD2367松下Hout50 2SD2368松下Hout60 2SD2369松下Hout70 2SD237三肯PA.SW2SD2370松下Hout100 2SD2371松下Hout1002SD2372松下Hout1002SD23752SD23762SD23772SD23782SD23792SD238三肯PA.SW2SD23802SD23812SD23822SD2383日电HV SW2SD23842SD23852SD23862SD23872SD23882SD2389LFA80 2SD2392SD2390LFA100 2SD23912SD23922SD23932SD23942SD23952SD23962SD23972SD23982SD23992SD24三洋PA2SD2402SD24002SD2401LFA150 2SD24022SD24032SD24042SD24052SD24062SD24072SD24082SD24092SD241三肯PA.SW2SD24102SD24112SD24122SD24132SD24142SD2415日立LF PA2SD24172SD24182SD24192SD242三肯PA.SW2SD24202SD2423日立LF PA2SD2425日电LF PA/MS SW2SD24262SD24272SD24282SD243三肯PA.SW2SD24312SD24322SD24332SD24352SD24362SD24372SD2438LFA75 2SD2439LFA80 2SD244三肯PA.SW2SD24402SD24412SD24442SD24452SD24462SD24482SD24492SD2452SD24502SD24512SD24522SD24532SD24542SD24552SD24562SD24572SD24582SD24592SD246松下PA.SW2SD24602SD24612SD24622SD2463日电LF PA/MS SW2SD24642SD24652SD24662SD24672SD24682SD24692SD247芝电PA2SD24702SD24712SD24722SD24732SD24742SD24752SD24782SD24792SD2482SD24802SD24812SD24822SD24832SD2484日立LF A2SD2485日立LF A2SD24862SD24872SD2488LFA130 2SD2489LFA200 2SD249富士通PA.SW2SD2490LFA85 2SD24912SD24922SD2493LFA60 2SD2494LFA60 2SD2495LFA30 2SD24962SD24972SD24982SD24992SD25日电PA2SD250富士通PA.SW2SD25002SD25042SD25052SD25062SD25072SD25082SD25092SD251富士通SW.AF2SD25102SD25112SD25122SD25132SD25142SD25152SD25162SD25172SD25182SD25192SD2522SD25202SD25212SD25222SD25232SD25242SD25252SD25282SD25292SD2532SD25302SD25312SD25322SD25332SD25342SD25352SD254日电PA2SD25412SD25422SD25432SD255日电PA2SD256三肯PA.SW 2SD257三肯PA.SW 2SD258三肯PA.SW 2SD259三肯PA.SW 2SD26三菱PA.SW 2SD260芝电PA2SD261日电PA2SD262索尼PA2SD2632SD2642SD265欧里井PA.SW 2SD266欧里井PA.SW 2SD2672SD2682SD2692SD26A三菱PA.SW 2SD26B三菱PA.SW 2SD26C三菱PA.SW 2SD27松下PA2SD2702SD271欧里井PA2SD272欧里井PA2SD273欧里井PA.SW 2SD274欧里井PA.SW 2SD2752SD2762SD2772SD2782SD2792SD28索尼PA2SD2802SD2812SD2822SD283日电PA.SW 2SD284日电PA.SW 2SD285日电PA.SW2SD286日电PA。



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ADI AD9652 快速入门指南说明书

ADI AD9652 快速入门指南说明书

Quick Start Guide for testing theAD9652 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Engineering Evaluation Board Using the FPGA based CaptureBoard HSC-ADC-EVALCZFigure 1: AD9652 Evaluation Board with HSC-ADC-EVALCZ Data Capture BoardEquipment Needed►Analog signal source and anti-aliasing filter►Analog Clock Source►PC►USB 2.0 port recommended (USB 1.1-compatible)►AD9652 customer evaluation board with 6VDC, 2A AC adapter.►HSC-ADC-EVALCZ FPGA Based Data Capture Board with 6VDC, 2A AC adapter.Documents Needed►AD9652 Datasheet►VisualAnalog Converter Evaluation Tool User Manual, AN-905►High Speed ADC SPI Control Software User Manual, AN-878►Interfacing to High Speed ADCs via SPI, AN-877Software Needed►VisualAnalog►SPIControllerAll documents and software are available at /fifo.For any questions please send an email to*******************************.Install software from the ADI website1.Download and install VisualAnalog, Rev or later.2.Download and install SPI Control Software, Rev or later.Setup hardware and software1.Connect the AD9652 Customer evaluation board and the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ boardtogether as shown in Figure 1. (Note these instructions are for Board HSC12048, Rev. C)2.Connect one 6V, 2A AC Adapter to the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ board.3.Connect the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ board to the PC with a USB cable. (Connect to J6)4.Verify Jumpers on the AD9652 evaluation board:a.Place Power supply jumpers: P204, P13, P206, P5, P205, P9, P209, P202b.Disable Amp: P16 and P31, jumper pins 1&2c.P15 jumper pins 2&3d.JP3 jumper should be installed5.Connect power to the AD9652 Evaluation board using the provided 6V switching wall mountAC/DC power supply adaptor.6.On the ADC evaluation board, provide a clean, low jitter clock source to connector J6 at thedesired ADC conversion rate. Note: The AD9652 has an input clock divider circuit which allows generators to drive a higher frequency clock, for this case apply the high frequency clock to J6 and program the proper divide using SPIController when it is used in a later step.The input clock level should be between 10dBm and 16dBm.a.For the AD9652 evaluation board number 12048 Rev C, the Clock Duty Cyclestabilizer should be disabled when using an input clock above 620 MHz.7.Open VisualAnalog on the PC. “AD9652” should be listed in the status bar of the “NewCanvas” window. Select the template that corresponds to the type of testing that you are performing, commonly “Average FFT”.8.If an error occurs during the automatic loading of the FPGA program file, the program can beloaded manually.a.To load the FPGA program manually, select the ADC Data Capture Settings windowand click on the ‘Capture Board’ tab (see the red box in the figure below). In theFPGA box select the program “AD9652_fifo5.bin” to configure the FPGA. Afterselecting the file, click the “Program” button to download the file to the FPGA. The‘DONE’ LED (D6) should illuminate on the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ board indicatingthat the FPGA has been correctly programmed.9.Next open the SPI Controller software. Note that pressing the Read button in the CHIP ID(1)box, the field should report the AD9652 if it is connected properly.Note AD9652in title bar.10.By default the AD9652 is configured for 2.5 Vpp input of 155 MHz or less. The ADCBase 0tabe can be used to change both of these settings.11.On the ADC evaluation board, use a clean signal generator with low phase noise to providean input signal to the analog input at connector J1 (Channel A) and/or J4 (Channel B). Use a1 m, shielded, RG-58, 50 Ω coaxial cable to connect the signal generator. For best results usea narrow-band, band-pass filter with 50 Ω terminations and an appropriate center frequency.(ADI uses TTE, Allen Avionics, and K&L band-pass filters.) In order for the input level to be near the ADC’s full scale, the generator level should be set to around 12dBm; this level depends on the input frequency and any losses in bandpass filters.12.Click the Run button () in VisualAnalog.13.Connect or enable the input signal and adjust the amplitude of the input signal so that thefundamental is at the desired level. (Examine the “Fund Power” reading in the left panel of the VisualAnalog FFT window.)14.If desired, click on File>Save Form as in the FFT window to save the FFT plot.Troubleshooting►The FFT plot appears abnormal...✓If you see a normal noise floor when you disconnect the signal generator from the analog input, be sure you are not overdriving the ADC. Reduce input level ifnecessary.✓In VisualAnalog, Click on the Settings button in the “Input Formatter” block. Check that “Number Format” is set to the correct encoding (2’s compliment by default).►The FFT plot appears normal, but performance is poor.✓Make sure you are using an appropriate filter on the analog input.✓Make sure the signal generators for the clock and the analog input are clean (low phase noise).✓If you are using non-coherent sampling, change the analog input frequency slightly.✓Make sure the SPI config file matches the product being evaluated.►The FFT window remains blank after the Run button is clicked.✓Make sure the evaluation board is securely connected to the HSC-ADC-EVALDZ board✓Disconnect power from both the ADC evaluation board and the HSC-ADC-EVALDZ board, disconnect the USB cable from the HSC-ADC-EVALDZ board and beginagain at Step 1.✓Make sure the FPGA has been programmed by verifying that the ‘CONFIG_DONE’ LED is illuminated on the HSC-ADC-EVALDZ board.✓Make sure the correct FPGA program was installed.►VisualAnalog indicates that the “FIFO capture timed out.”✓Make sure all power and USB connections are secure.✓Double check that the encode clock source is present at connector J505.AD9652 Revision: 0 April 30, 2014。

2SD596 PDF规格书

2SD596 PDF规格书

VCEsat ——
Ta=100℃ Ta=25℃
1 10 100 700
0.0 0.1
0 0.1
hFE —— IC
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.0
Ta=100 C
350uA 300uA 250uA 200uA 150uA 100uA IB=50uA
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
+0.05 0.1 -0.01
+0.1 0.97 -0.1
1.Base 2.Emitter
+0.1 0.38 -0.1
■ Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25℃
Parameter Collector - Base Voltage Collector - Emitter Voltage Emitter - Base Voltage Collector Current - Continuous Collector Power Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Symbol VCBO VCEO VEBO IC PC TJ Tstg Rating 30 25 5 700 200 150 -55 to 150 mA mW ℃ V Unit



UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD2SD965/ANPN SILICON TRANSISTORLOW VOLTAGE HIGHCURRENT TRANSISTORFEATURES* Collector current up to 5A* UTC 2SD965: Collector-Emitter voltage up to 20 V * UTC 2SD965A : Collector-Emitter voltage up to 30 VAPPLICATIONS* Audio amplifier* Flash unit of camera * Switching circuit*Pb-free plating product number: 2SD965L/2SD965ALORDERING INFORMATIONOrder Number Pin AssignmentNormalLead Free Plating Package 1 2 3 Packing2SD965-x-AB3-R 2SD965L-x-AB3-R SOT-89 B C E Tape Reel 2SD965-x-T92-B 2SD965L-x-T92-B TO-92 E C B Tape Box 2SD965-x-T92-K 2SD965L-x-T92-K TO-92 E C B Bulk 2SD965-x-TN3-R 2SD965L-x-TN3-R TO-252 B C E Tape Reel 2SD965-x-TN3-T 2SD965L-x-TN3-T TO-252 B C E Tube 2SD965A-x-AB3-R 2SD965AL-x-AB3-R SOT-89 B C E Tape Reel 2SD965A-x-T92-B 2SD965AL-x-T92-B TO-92 E C B Tape Box 2SD965A-x-T92-K 2SD965AL-x-T92-K TO-92 E C B Bulk 2SD965A-x-TN3-R 2SD965AL-x-TN3-R TO-252 B C E Tape Reel 2SD965A-x-TN3-T 2SD965AL-x-TN3-T TO-252 B C E TubeABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (Ta=25℃)PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNITCollector-Base Voltage V CBO 40 V2SD965 20 VCollector-Emitter Voltage 2SD965A V CEO30 VEmitter-Base Voltage V EBO 7 VSOT-89 500 mWTO-92 750 mWCollector Dissipation TO-252 P C 1 WCollector Current I C 5 A Junction Temperature T J 150 Storage Temperature T STG -65 ~ +150Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged.Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25℃, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITCollector-Base Breakdown Voltage BV CBO I C =100µA, I E =0 40 V 2SD965 20 VCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage 2SD965A BV CEO I C =1mA, I B =030 V Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage BV EBO I E =10µA, I C =0 7 V Collector Cut-off Current I CBO V CB =10V, I E =0 100 nA Emitter Cut-off Current I EBO V EB =7V, I C =0 100 nAV CE =2V, I C =1mA 200V CE =2V, I C =0.5A 230 800DC Current Gain(note) h FE V CE =2V, I C =2A 150Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage V CE(SAT)I C =3A, I B = 0.1A 1 V Current Gain Bandwidth Product f T V CE =6V, I C =50mA 150 MHz Output Capacitance C ob V CB =20V, I E =0, f=1MHz 50 pFCLASSIFICATION OF h FE2RANK Q R SRANGE 230-380 340-600 560-800TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSStatic CharacteristicsCollector-Emitter Voltage ( V)C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t , I C (A )DC Current GainCollector Current, I C (mA)10-1101102103104Base-Emitter on VoltageCollector Current, I C (mA)Saturation Voltage0123456 Base to Emitter Voltage, V BE (V)C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t , I C (A )10101102103104Current Gain-Bandwidth P roductCollector Output CapacitanceCollector Current, I C (mA)C u r r e n t G a i n -B a n d w i d t h P r o d u c t ,f T (M H z )Collector-Base Voltage (V)1001011021031010101010-1100101102TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSSafe Operation AreaCollector -Emitter Voltage , V CE (V)C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t , I C (A)0.010.11101000.1110100。

2SD1275AP中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

2SD1275AP中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
2SD1275, 2SD1275A
■ 特征
■ 绝对最大额定值
10 000
0.5Βιβλιοθήκη µs4.0µs
2SD1275, 2SD1275A
50 (W)
4 (A)
8 (A)
20 Collector power dissipation P
集电极 - 发射极饱和电压
I 2 A, I 8
V 10 V, I = 0.5 A, f = 1兆赫
I = 2 A, I = 8毫安,I = 8 mA,
V = 50 V
注)1.测量方法是根据日本工业标准JIS C 7030测量方法晶体管. 2. *:等级分类


松下 FT2系列焊接电源 通信接口装置 使用说明书

松下 FT2系列焊接电源 通信接口装置 使用说明书

使用说明书 通信接口装置型号:Panasonic 产品。





TSM50793-04TSMYU966TSMYU968◆适用对象:本通信接口装置需要配套FT2系列(焊接电源具体型号请与代理商联系)使用,可实现与他社机器人等控制装置连接, 同时可实现焊接电源与Panasonic智能焊接云管理系统的连接。






HP E6392A GSM 手机测试装置用户手册说明书

HP E6392A GSM 手机测试装置用户手册说明书

HP E6392A GSM MS Test Set SpecificationsRF Signal GeneratorFrequency Range:935 MHz to 960 MHz (GSM downlink)925 MHz to 960 MHz (E-GSM downlink)1805 MHz to 1880 MHz (DCS1800 downlink)Frequency Resolution: 200 kHz, at channel frequency Frequency Accuracy: Same as reference Output Level Range: −110 dBm to −50 dBm Output Level Accuracy: ±1.0 dB Modulation: 0.3 GMSK Phase Error: <5° rms typical Peak Phase Error: <15° peak typicalRF AnalyzerFrequency Range:890 MHz to 915 MHz (GSM uplink)880 MHz to 915 MHz (E-GSM uplink)1710 MHz to 1785 MHz (DCS1800 uplink)Transmitter Carrier Peak Power MeasurementRange: −20 dBm to +39 dBm (0.3 GMSK at burst/continuous or CW)Accuracy:±1.0 dB (±0.6 dB typical at 25 °C ±5 °C) at ≥0 dBm ±2.0 dB (±1.6 dB typical at 25 °C ±5 °C) at <0 dBm Resolution: 0.2 dBSpecifications describe the test set’s warranted performance and are valid over the entire operation and environmentalranges unless otherwise noted. All specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm up period of continuous operation, and within the frequency ranges defined below.Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide addi-tional information useful in applying the instrument by giving typical, but non-warranted performance parameters.These characteristics are shown in Italics and labeled as “nominal”, “typical”, or “supplemental.”Power Ramp MeasurementRange: −11 dBm to +39 dBm (0.3 GMSK at burst)Accuracy:±0.6 dB typical at 25 °C ±5 °C at ≥0 dBm ±1.6 dB typical at 25 °C ±5 °C at <0 dBm Resolution: 0.2 dBDynamic Range: ≥40 dB typicalPhase and Frequency Error MeasurementInput Level Range: −11 dBm to +39 dBmInput Phase Error Range: 0 to 20° (0.3 GMSK at burst)Phase Error Measurement Accuracy:≤1.5° rms at phase error ≥2.5°≤6.0° peak at phase error ≥2.5°Frequency Error Measurement Range: ±9 kHz (0.3 GMSK at burst/continuous or CW)Frequency Error Measurement Accuracy (average of 10 measurements):±(10 Hz + frequency reference accuracy) at GSM/EGSM ±(25 Hz + frequency reference accuracy) at DCS1800DC Power SupplyRange: 3 Vdc to 9 Vdc Resolution: 0.1 VAccuracy: 0.1 V at 100 mA load Maximum Current: 1 A, peak 2 A Ripple Noise: 100 mV p-p typicalDC Current MeasurementRange: 3 mA to 1000 mA Accuracy: ±(3 mA +2%)Memory CardType: PCMCIA (U.S.)Memory Size: SRAM 512 KBRF Input/OutputMaximum Safe Reverse Power (peak): +41 dBm (12.6 W; CW; supple me ntal characte ristic)Impedan ce: 50 Ω nominal SWR: ≤1.5:1Connector: N-type, femaleRear PanelPrinter InterfaceInterface: Centronics Connector: D-Sub 25-pin femaleSerial InterfaceInterface: EIA RS-232C Baud Rate: 9600Connector: D-Sub 9-pin maleFrequency ReferenceFrequency: 13 MHz Aging: ±0.1 ppm/yearTemperature Stability: ±0.1 ppm (20 °C to 30 °C)Reference Input: 13 MHz, 0 to +10 dBm typical,50 Ω nominalReference Output: 13 MHz, >+3 dBm typical,50 Ω nominalAsynchronous Test (Option 002)In-Band Spectrum Measurement (Option 002)Frequency Range:890 MHz to 915 MHz (GSM uplink)880 MHz to 915 MHz (E-GSM uplink)1710 MHz to 1785 MHz (DCS1800 uplink)Input Level Range:Range 1: −1 dBm to +39 dBm Range 2: −11 dBm to +29 dBmFrequency Span (from channel frequency): 0 Hz to +400 kHz or ±100 kHzAmplitude Accuracy: ±2.0 dB typical Amplitude Resolution : 0.4 dB typicalDynamic Range: ≥40 dB typical at input ≥0 dBmRF Signal Generator (Option 002)Frequency Range:935 MHz to 960 MHz (GSM downlink)925 MHz to 960 MHz (E-GSM downlink)1805 MHz to 1880 MHz (DCS1800 downlink)Frequency Resolution: 200 kHz at channel frequencyFrequency Accuracy: Same as frequency reference Output Level Range: –110 dBm to –50 dBm Output Level Accuracy: ±1.0 dB0.3 GMSK Modulation: PN9 (with training sequence), all 0, Off (CW sinewave)Phase Error: <5° rms typical Peak Phase Error: <15° peak typicalGeneral SpecificationsSize: 350 mm (W) ´ 150 mm (H) ´ 350 mm (D)Weight: 10 kgPower Voltage: 88 V to 264 VPower Frequency: 47 Hz to 63 HzPower Consumption:≤135 VAOperating Temperature: 0 °C to +40 °CStorage Temperature:−20 °C to +60 °CWarranty InformationThis Hewlett-Packard instrument product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. During the warranty period, Hewlett-Packard Company will at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective.For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by HP. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to HP and HP shall pay shipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to HP from another country.HP warrants that its software and firmware designated by HP for use with an instrument will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that instrument. HP does not warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware will be uninterrupted or error free.Limitation Of WarrantyThe foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by buyer, buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmen-tal specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Hewlett-Packard specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.For more information about Hewlett-Packard test and measurement products, applications, services, and a current sales office listing, visit our web site at: /go/tmdirYou can also contact one of the following centers and ask for a test and measurement sales representative. United States:Hewlett-Packard CompanyTest and Measurement Call CenterP.O. Box 4026Englewood, CO 80155-4026(tel)180****4844Canada:Hewlett-Packard Canada Ltd.5150 Spectrum WayMississauga, OntarioL4W 5G1(tel) (905) 206 4725Europe:Hewlett-Packard CompanyEuropean Marketing OrganisationP.O. Box 9991180 AZ AmstelveenThe Netherlands(tel) (31 20) 547 9999Japan:Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd.Measurement Assistance Center9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachioji-Shi,Tokyo 192-8510, Japan(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Latin America:Hewlett-PackardLatin American Region Headquarters5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, 9th FloorMiami, Florida 33126 U.S.A.(tel) (305) 267-4245(tel) (305) 267-4220(fax) (305) 267-4288Aus tralia/New Zealand:Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd.31-41 Joseph StreetBlackburn, Victoria 3130Australia(tel) 1 800 629 485 (Australia)(tel) 0800 738 378 (New Zealand)(fax) (61 3) 9210 5489As ia Pacific:Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Ltd.17-21/F Shell Tower, Times Square,1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay,Hong Kong, SAR(tel) (852) 2599 7777(fax) (852) 2506 9285© 1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.Technical data subject to changeFor more product information visit our web site at: /go/wirelessAvailable literature includes:HP E6392A Preview FlyerHP E6392A Product Overview。

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* Collector current up to 5A
* UTC 2SD965: Collector-Emitter voltage up to 20 V * UTC 2SD965A : Collector-Emitter voltage up to 30 V
* Audio amplifier
* Flash unit of camera * Switching circuit
*Pb-free plating product number: 2SD965L/2SD965AL
Order Number Pin Assignment
Lead Free Plating Package 1 2 3 Packing
2SD965-x-AB3-R 2SD965L-x-AB3-R SOT-89 B C E Tape Reel 2SD965-x-T92-B 2SD965L-x-T92-B TO-92 E C B Tape Box 2SD965-x-T92-K 2SD965L-x-T92-K TO-92 E C B Bulk 2SD965-x-TN3-R 2SD965L-x-TN3-R TO-252 B C E Tape Reel 2SD965-x-TN3-T 2SD965L-x-TN3-T TO-252 B C E Tube 2SD965A-x-AB3-R 2SD965AL-x-AB3-R SOT-89 B C E Tape Reel 2SD965A-x-T92-B 2SD965AL-x-T92-B TO-92 E C B Tape Box 2SD965A-x-T92-K 2SD965AL-x-T92-K TO-92 E C B Bulk 2SD965A-x-TN3-R 2SD965AL-x-TN3-R TO-252 B C E Tape Reel 2SD965A-x-TN3-T 2SD965AL-x-TN3-T TO-252 B C E Tube
Collector-Base Voltage V CBO 40 V
2SD965 20 V
Collector-Emitter Voltage 2SD965A V CEO
30 V
Emitter-Base Voltage V EBO 7 V
SOT-89 500 mW
TO-92 750 mW
Collector Dissipation TO-252 P C 1 W
Collector Current I C 5 A Junction Temperature T J 150 Storage Temperature T STG -65 ~ +150
Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged.
Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25℃, unless otherwise specified)
Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage BV CBO I C =100µA, I E =0 40 V 2SD965 20 V
Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage 2SD965A BV CEO I C =1mA, I B =0
30 V Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage BV EBO I E =10µA, I C =0 7 V Collector Cut-off Current I CBO V CB =10V, I E =0 100 nA Emitter Cut-off Current I EBO V EB =7V, I C =0 100 nA
V CE =2V, I C =1mA 200
V CE =2V, I C =0.5A 230 800
DC Current Gain(note) h FE V CE =2V, I C =2A 150
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage V CE(SAT)I C =3A, I B = 0.1A 1 V Current Gain Bandwidth Product f T V CE =6V, I C =50mA 150 MHz Output Capacitance C ob V CB =20V, I E =0, f=1MHz 50 pF
RANGE 230-380 340-600 560-800
Static Characteristics
Collector-Emitter Voltage ( V)
C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t , I C (A )
DC Current Gain
Collector Current, I C (mA)
Base-Emitter on Voltage
Collector Current, I C (mA)
Saturation Voltage
0123456 Base to Emitter Voltage, V BE (V)
C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t , I C (A )
Current Gain-Bandwidth P roduct
Collector Output Capacitance
Collector Current, I C (mA)
C u r r e n t G a i n -B a n d w i d t h P r o d u c t ,f T (M H z )
Collector-Base Voltage (V)
Safe Operation Area
Collector -Emitter Voltage , V CE (V)C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t , I C (A
