Embedded architecture co-synthesis and system integration
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“对战”形式完成教学评测。学生按时完成任务可 以获得奖励,并用来升级角色的经验值(Experience Points,XP)——这将使其角色提高战斗水平并学 习新的技能。如果一个学生违反了课堂纪律,就会 失去生命值,甚至最终导致角色在“对战”中失败。 如果学生获得经验值点数,对相应角色及其团队都 有益处;相反,如果一个学生失去了生命值点数, 其团队的其他成员角色也会受到伤害,并且大家必 须完成各种额外任务。无论如何,学生们需要共同 努力才能使团队获得成功。一般而言,没有学生愿 意自己的不当行为损害团队利益,导致他人失败。 游戏团队中,学生还可以帮助彼此成长。例如,如 果学生的虚拟角色是一名战士,而队友因为上课迟 到面临生命值点数降低,则该学生可以通过完成额 外的学习任务来挽救队友。学生知道他们在课堂上 的行为会影响整个团队的进度、这会激励他们强化 课堂上的积极行为和团队合作,提升课堂学习效率。 Classcraft 每个月都会发布新的故事情节和场景供教 育工作者选择,帮助提升学生的课堂参与感 [19]。除 了在预制故事中添加课程任务外,Classcraft 还允许 教师自己编写课程,通过上传不同的学习任务来教 授不同的科目。根据在课堂活动中收集的数据,教 师还可以查看学生的行为并进行分析。
是以游戏软件为基础的学习,教育游戏(Educational Games)的设
计与开发是当前研究的主流方向。教育游戏模糊了学习与游戏、正式 学习与非正式学习的边界 [13];但是有别于教育游戏的软件性质(见表
研究表明,随着游戏在当代文化中的地位日益 提高,其在教育中能够扮演的角色也越来越多样化。 Classcraft 作为受到游戏启发开发的教育解决方案, 它对于学习的积极作用和游戏非常相似。
Inside the Living Cell: Structure andFunction of Internal Cell PartsCytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。
The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。
集成电路设计与集成系统专业(本科、学制四年)Integrated Circuit Design & Integrated System一、专业简介集成电路设计和应用是多学科交叉高技术密集的学科,是现代电子信息科技的核心技术,是国家综合实力的重要标志。
计算机领域会议CORE Computer Science Conference Rankings Acronym Standard Name RankAAAI National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence A+AAMAS International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems A+ ACL Association of Computational Linguistics A+ ACMMM ACM Multimedia Conference A+ ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems A+ CAV Computer Aided Verification A+ CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security A+ CHI International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems A+ COLT Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory A+ CRYPTO Advances in Cryptology A+ CSCL Computer Supported Collaborative Learning A+ DCC IEEE Data Compression Conference A+ DSN International Conference on Dependable Systems A+ EuroCrypt International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques A+ FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science A+ FOGA Foundations of Genetic Algorithms A+ HPCA IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture A+ I3DG ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics A+ ICAPS International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling A+ ICCV IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision A+ ICDE IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering A+ ICDM IEEE International Conference on Data Mining A+ ICFP International Conference on Functional Programming A+ ICIS International Conference on Information Systems A+ ICML International Conference on Machine Learning A+ ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering A+ IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence A+ IJCAR International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning A+ INFOCOM Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies A+ InfoVis IEEE Information Visualization Conference A+ IPSN Information Processing in Sensor Networks A+ ISCA ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture A+ ISMAR IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality A+ ISSAC International. Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation A+ ISWC IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing A+ IWQoS IFIP International Workshop on QoS A+ JCDL ACM Conference on Digital Libraries A+ KR International Conference on Principles of KR & Reasoning A+ LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science A+ MOBICOM ACM International Conferencem on Mobile Computing and Networking A+ NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems A+ OOPSLA ACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications A+ OSDI Usenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation A+ PERCOM IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications A+PERVASIVE International Conference on Pervasive Computing A+ PLDI ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design & Implementation A+ PODC ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing A+ PODS ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Conferenceon Principles of Database Systems A+ POPL ACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Prog Langs A+RSS Robotics: Systems and Science A+ RTSS Real Time Systems Symp A+ SENSYS ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems A+SIGCOMM ACM Conference on Applications, Technologies,Architectures, and Protocols for Computer CommunicationA+SIGGRAPH ACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques A+ SIGIR ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval A+ SIGKDD ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining A+ SIGMETRICS ACM SIG on computer and communications metrics and performance A+ SIGMOD ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data Conference A+ SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms A+ SOSP ACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems Principles A+ STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing A+ UAI Conference in Uncertainty in Artifical Intelligence A+ UbiComp Uniquitous Computing A+ VLDB International Conference on Very Large Databases A+ WWW International World Wide Web Conference A+ ACM-HT ACM Hypertext Conf A AH International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems A AID International Conference on AI in Design A AIED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education A AIIM Artificial Intelligence in Medicine A AIME Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe A AiML Advances in Modal Logic A ALENEX Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments A ALIFE International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems A AMAI Artificial Intelligence and Maths A AMIA American Medical Informatics Annual Fall Symposium A AOSD Aspect-Oriented Software Development A APPROX International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems A ASAP International Conference on Apps for Specific Array Processors A ASE Automated Software Engineering Conference A ASIACRYPT International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology A ASIS&T Annual conference of American Society for Information Science and Technology A ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis A AVSS Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance A BMVC British Machine Vision Conference A BPM International Conference in Business Process Management A CADE International Conference on Automated Deduction A CAIP International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns A CaiSE International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering A CANIM Computer Animation A CASES International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems A CBSE International Symposium Component-Based Software Engineering A CC International Conference on Compiler Construction A CCC IEEE Symposium on Computational Complexity A CCGRID IEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid ACDC IEEE Conference on Decision and Control A CGI Computer Graphics International ACGO Code Generation and Optimization A CIDR Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research A CIKM ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management A CLUSTER Cluster Computing Conference A COCOON International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics A CogSci Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society A COLING International Conference on Computational Liguistics A CONCUR International Conference on Concurrency Theory A CoNLL Conference on Natural Language Learning ACoNLL Conference on Natural Language Learning A CoopIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems A Coordination International Conference on Coordination Models and Lanuguages A CP International Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint Programming ACPAIOR International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsACSB IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference A CSCW ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work A CSFW IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop A CSSAC Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference A CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition A DAC Design Automation Conf A DAS International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems A DASFAA Database Systems for Advanced Applications A DATE IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference A DEXA International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications A DIGRA Digital Games Research Conference A DIS Designing Interactive Systems A DISC International Symposium on Distributed Computing (ex WDAG)A DocEng ACM Symposium on Document Engineering A DOOD Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases A DUX Design for User Experience A EAAI Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence A EACL European Association of Computational Linguistics A EASE International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering A EC ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce A ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence A ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision A ECDL European Conference on Digital Libraries A ECIS European Conference on Information Systems A ECML European Conference on Machine Learning A ECOOP European Conference on object-oriented programming A ECRTS Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems A ECSCW European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work A ECWeb International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technology A EDBT Extending Database Technology A EKAW International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management A EMMSAD Exploring Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design A EMNLP Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing A EMSOFT ACM Conference on Embedded Software A ESA European Symposium on Algorithms A e-science IEEE International Conference on e-science and Grid Computing AESEM Internation Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement A ESOP European Symposium on Programming AESORICS European Symposium on Research in Computer Security A ESQARU International Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning A ESWC European Semantic Web Conference A EuroCOLT European Conference on Computational Learning Theory A EUROGRAPH European Graphics Conference A EuroPar International Conference on Parallel Processing A EuroPVM/MPI Euopean PVM/MPI Uswers' Group Conference A EuroSpeech European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology A EuroSPI European SPI A EuroSys Eurosys Conference A EWSN European conference on Wireless Sensor Networks A FCCM IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines A FLOPS International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming AFME Formal Methods Europe A FODO International Conference on Foundation on Data Organization AFORTE IFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And VerificationAFPSAC Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics AFSE ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc ESEC-FSE when held joInternationaly [sic])AFSR International Conference on Field and Service Robotics A FST&TCS Foundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer Science A FUZZ-IEEE IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems A GD Graph Drawing A Grid International Conference on Grid Computing A Group ACM Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work (was SIGGRoup)A HiPC International Conference on High Performance Computing A HOTCHIPS (HCS)Symposium on High Performance Chips A HOTNETS ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks A HotOS USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems A HPDC IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing A Hypertext ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia A IC3N International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks A ICADL International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries A ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming A ICALT IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies A ICARCV International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision A ICC IEEE International Conference on Communications A ICCAD International Conference on Computer-Aided Design A ICCL IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages A ICCS International Conference on Computational Science A ICCS International Conference on Conceptual Structures A ICDAR IEEE International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition A ICDCS IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems A ICDT International Conference on Database Theory A ICECCS IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Complex Computer Systems A ICER International Computing Education Research Workshop A ICGG International Conference on Grid Computing A ICIAP International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing A ICIP IEEE International Conference on Image Processing AICLP International conference on Logic Programming A ICMAS International Conference on Multi Agent Systems AICNN IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks A ICNP International Conference on Network Protocols A ICONIP International Conference on Neural Information Processing A ICPP International Conference on Parallel Processing A ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition A ICS ACM International Conference on Supercomputing A ICSC2International Computer Symposium Conference A ICSM International. Conferenceon Software Maintenance A ICSOC International Conference on Service Oriented Computing A ICSP International Conference on Software Process A ICSPC International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing A ICSR IEEE International Conference on Software Reuse A ICTL International Coference on Temporal Logic A IDA Intelligent Data Analysis A IEEE-Alife IEEE International Symposium on Artificial Life A IEEE-CEC Congress on Evolutionary Computation A IEEE-MM IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems A IEEETKDE IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering A IFIP_WG 11.3IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (was IFIP-DBSEC)AIFIP_WG 11.3IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (was IFIP-DBSEC)A IJCNLP International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing A IJCNN IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks A ILPS International Logic Programming Symposium A IM IFIP/IEEE Integrated Management (odd years sharing with NOMS)A IMC Internet Measurement Conference A INTERACT IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction A IPCO MPS Conference on integer programming & combinatorial optimization A IPDPS IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (was IPPS and SPDP)A ISAAC International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation A ISD International Conference on Information Systems Development A ISESE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering A ISMB Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology A ISR International Symposium on Robotics A ISSCC IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference A ISSR International Symposium on Robotics Research A ISSRE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering A ISSTA Internation Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis A ISTA International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Application A ISTCS Israel Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems A ISWC International Semantic Web Conference A ITiCSE Annual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education A ITS International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems A IUI Intelligent User Interfaces A IVCNZ Image and Vision Computing Conference A JELIA Logics in Artificial Intelligence, European Conference A JICSLP/ICLP/ILPS International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming (Joint)A K-CAP Knowledge capture A LCN IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks A LCTES ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Tools, and Compilers for Embedded Systems A LPAR Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning A LPNMR International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning A MASCOTS Symposium Model Analysis & Simulation of Computer & Telecommunications Systems A MASS IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems A MassPar Symposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Processing AMICRO International Symposium on Microarchitecture A Middleware ACM/IFIP/USENIX th International Middleware Conference A MIR ACM SIGMM International Woekshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval A MMCN ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking A MMSP International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing A MOBIHOC ACM Symposium of mobile and ad hoc computing A MobileHCI International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services A Mobiquitous International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services A Mobisys ACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on mobile systems, applications and services A MODELS International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (formerly UML)AMSWIM ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsANAACL North American Association for Computational Linguistics A NDSS Usenix Networked and Distributed System Security Symposium A Net Object Days Includings [sic] MATES, ENASE etc.A NetStore Network Storage Symposium A Networking 200X IFIP Networking 200X A NOSSDAV Network and OS Support for Digital A/V A NSDI Symposium on Networked Systems, Design and Implementation A OPENARCH IEEE Conference on Open Architecture and Network Programming A P2P IEEE International Conference on Peer-toPeer Computing A PACT International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques APADL Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages A PADS ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Simulation A PAKDD Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining A PDC Participatory Design Conference A PEPM ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evalutation and Program Manipulation A PERFORMANCE IFIP International Symposium on Computing Performance, Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation A PG Pacific Graphics A PKDD European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases A PPoPP Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming A PPSN Parallel Problem Solving from Nature A PRO-VE IFIP Working Conferences on Virtual Enterprises A PT Performance Tools - International Conference on Model Techniques & Tools for CPE A QoSA Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures A QSIC International Quality Software Conference A RAID Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection A RANDOM International Workshop on Randomization and Computation A RE IEEE Requirements Engineering A RECOMB Annual International Conferenceon Comp Molecular Biology A RoboCup Robot Soccer World Cup A RST International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies A RTA International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications A RTAS IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium A S&P IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy A SARA Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation A SAS Static Analysis Symposium A SAT International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing A SCA ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation ASCC IEEE International Conference on Services Computing A SCG ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry ASCOPES International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems A SDM SIAM International Conference on Data Mining A SDSDI Unix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation A SIGCSE ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Conference A SMS IEEE International Symposium on Software Metrics A SPAA Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures A SPICE Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination A SRDS Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems A SSDBM International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Data Base Management A SSPR Structural and Statistical pattern recognition A SSR ACM Symposium on Software Reusability A SSTD International Symposium on Spatial Databases A STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science A SUPER ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference A SWAT Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory A TABLEAUX International Conference on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods A TACAS Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems A TARK Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge A TIME International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning A TREC Text Retrieval Conference A UIST ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology A UM International Conference on User Modelling A USENIX USENIX Annual Technical Conference A USENIX-Security Usenix Security A USITS Unix Symposium on Internet Technologies A VCIP SPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing A VIS IEEE Visualization A VL/HCC IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (was VL)A VLSI IEEE Symposium VLSI Circuits AVLSI IEEE Symposium VLSI Circuits A VMCAI Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation A WACV IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision A WADS Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures A WICSA EEE/IFIP Working Conference on Software Architecture A WISE International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering A WoWMoM IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks A WPHOL International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics A AAAAECC International Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes B AAIM Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management B ACAL Australian Conference on Artificial Life B ACCV Asian Conference on Computer Vision B ACE Australasian Conference on Computer Science Education B ACIS Australasian Conference on Information Systems B ACISP Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy B ACIVS Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems B ACOSM Australian Conference on Software Metrics B ACRA Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation B ACS Australian Supercomputing Conf BACSAC Australasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference (now Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference)BACSC Australasian Computer Science Conference B ACSD Application of Concurrency to System Design B ADBIS Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems B ADC Australasian Database Conference B ADCS Australasian Document Computing Symposium BADHOC-NOW International Conference on AD-HOC Networks & Wireless B ADTI International Symposium on Advanced DB Technologies and Integration B AI*IA Congress of the Italian Assoc for AI B AINA International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (was ICOIN)B AISP Australasia Conference on Information Security and Privacy B ALEX Algorithms and Experiments B ALG ENGG Workshop on Algorithm Engineering B ALP International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming B ALTAW Australasian Language Techology Association Workshop B AMCIS Americas Conference on Information Systems B AMOC Asian International Mobile Computing Conferrence B ANALCO Workshop on Analytic Algorithms and Combinatorics B ANNIE Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference B ANTS International Workshop on Ant Colony B ANZIIS Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference B AofA Conference on Analysis of Algorithms B AOIR Internet Research B AOIS Agent-Oriented Information Systems Workshop B AOSE Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Workshop B APAMI Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics Conference B APBC Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference B APCC IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications B APCHI Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction B APLAS ASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems B APNOMS Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium B APSEC Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference B APWEB Asia Pacific Web Conference B ARA National Conference of the Australian Robot Association B ARES International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security B ASADM Chicago ASA Data Mining Conference- A Hard Look at DM B ASIAN Asian Computing Science Conference BASS IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium B ASWEC Australian Software Engineering Conference B ASWEC Australian Software Engineering Conference B AUIC Australasian User Interface Conference B AusAI Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence B AusDM Australian Data Mining Conference B AusWIT Australian Women in IT Conference B AWOCA Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms B AWRE Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering B AWTI Argentine Workshop on Theoretical Informatics B BASYS IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems B BNCOD British National Conference on Databases B Broadnets International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems B CAAI Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference B CAAN Workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking B CACSD IEEE/IFAC Joint Symposium on Intelligent Control B CAIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications B CATS Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium B CCA IEEE International Conference on Control Applications B CCCG Canadian Conferenceon Computational Geometry B CCW IEEE Computer Communications Workshop B CD IFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component Deployment B CEAS International Conference on Email and Anti-Spam BCEC/EEE IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce Technology and Enterprise Computing, e_Commerce and e-ServicesBCGA Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications B CHES Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems B CIAA International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata B CIAC Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity B CICLING Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics B CISTM Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management B CITB Complexity and information-theoretic approaches to biology B COCOA Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications B COMAD International Conference on Management of Data B COMMONSENSE Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning B CompLife International Symposium on Computational Life Science B COMPSAC International Computer Software and Applications Conference B CONPAR International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing B CPM Combinatorial Pattern Matching B CSL, 2 th Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic B DAC Digital Arts and Culture B DAFX Digital Audio Effects Conference B DAIS IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Inoperable Systems B DaWaK Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery B DB&IS International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems B DCOSS IEEE Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems B DICTA Australian Pattern Recognition Society Conference B DISRA IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Simululation and Real-Time Applications B DITW Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik B DLT Developments in Language Theory B DMTCS International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science B DNA Meeting on DNA Based Computers B DSOM IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems Operations and Management B DS-RT Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications B DSS Distributed Simulation Symposium B DX Diagnostics B DYSPAN IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks B ECAIM European Conference on AI in Medicine BECAIM European Conference on AI in Medicine B ECAL European Conferene on Artificial Life BECBS Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based SystemsBECCB European Conference on Computational Biology B ECEG Eurpopean Conference on e-Government B ECIME European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation B ECIR European Conference on Information Retrieval B ED-MEDIA World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications B EDOC The Enterprise Computing Conference B EEE IEEE e-technology, e-service and e-commerce conference B EGC European Grid Conference B Emnets IEEE Embedded Sensor Networks Worskhop BEPIA Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence B ER International Conference on Conceptual Modeling BERCIM/CSCLPERCIM Annual Workshop on Constraint Solving and Contraint Logic Programming B ESEA Euromicro International Conference on software engineering and applications B ESEC European Software Engineering Conference B ESM European Simulation Multiconference B ESS European Simulation Symposium B EuAda Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies B EUROGP European Conference on Genetic Programming B EuroPDP EUROMICRO Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based processing B EUSIPCO European Signal Processing Conference B EWLR European Workshop on Learning Robots B FASE Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering B FCKAML French Conference on Knowledge Acquisition & Machine Learning B FCT Fundamentals of Computation Theory B FEM International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods B FEWFDB Far East Workshop on Future DB Systems B FIE Frontiers in Education B FINCRY Financial Cryptography B FOSSACS Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures B FSENCRY Fast Software Encryption B FTP International Workshops on First-Order Theorem Proving B FTRTFT Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems B FUN Conference on fun with algorithms B GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary Computations B GLOBECOM IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference B GMP Geometry Modeling and Processing B GPCE International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering B HASE IEEE International Symposiumon High Assurance Systems Engineering B HICSS Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences B HLT Human Language Technologies B HPCN International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking B HPSR IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing B IAAI Innovative Applications in AI B ICA3PP IEEE International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing B ICAIL International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law B ICANN International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks B ICASSP IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing B ICATPN International Conference on the Application and Theory of Petri Nets B ICCB International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning B ICCBSS IEEE International Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems B ICCE International Conference on Computers in Education B ICCI International Conference on Computing and Information B ICDCN IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking B ICEBE IEEE Conference on e-Business Engineering B。
生物工程(生物技术)专业英语翻译Lesson One(4学时)Inside the Living Cell: Structure andFunction of Internal Cell Parts教学目的:使学生掌握细胞的组成结构(各种细胞器以及它们在细胞中的位置),Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。
2The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。
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Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.Agendan Brief overview of Mentor Graphicsn Overview of Automotive Embedded Solutions n Detailed discussion on AUTOSAR Solutionsn Q & An Current projects & Next stepsMentor GraphicsnElectronic design automation (EDA)industry pioneer founded in 1981nGlobal innovator ofadvanced design solutions from components to systemsn86 Offices and R&D centers worldwide nFY ’15 revenueapproximately $1.24BCritical design software used to create the world ’selectronic systemsMentor Graphics Global PresenceUnited StatesCanadaIreland United Kingdom NetherlandsGermany Denmark Sweden FinlandPoland Armenia Russia China KoreaJapanTaiwanSingaporeAustriaItalyHungaryEgyptIsraelPakistan IndiaFranceSpainSwitzerlandChile Morocco5,400 Employees WorldwideNon-U.S. employees represent 60% of baseEngineers Account for ~50% of Employees WorldwideRevenue: non-US 55%; US 45% USGreg HinckleyPresident and COOProduct DivisionsSystem Design (SDD)Design to Silicon (D2S)Emulation (MED)Design Verification Test (DVT)Analog Mixed Signal (AMS)World TradeFinanceLegalHRITMarketingMike EllowUnique Multi-OS Automotive Vendorn Android, AUTOSAR, Linux, Nucleus RTOS n326 automotive focused engineersn Mentor Linux in planned production for >50 million vehicles n Mentor AUTOSAR in >130 Car Models n 21 OEM Customers n37 Tier 1 CustomersSemiconductor,15%Industrial,9%Medical 7%Networking5%Mil-Aero 1%Consumer2%Multi-OSAndroid ●AUTOSAR●Bare metal●Linux●Nucleus RTOSSecure MulticoreFrameworkType 1 Hypervisor ●AMP ●SMP ●TrustZone EnabledToolingSourcery CodeBench ●Analyzer ●AUTOSAR Virtual Prototyping ●Requirements TracingOur Expertise-Infotainment-ECU Software-AUTOSAR, VTP and Tools -ASIL, ISO26262 support-ADAS Platforms -Video Expertise-Driver Information -Safety SolutionsSystem Development Kit (SysDK)n Integrated design kit to rapidly prototype automotive embedded systems for a widerange of applications –IVI, ADAS, digitalclusters etc.n Significantly shorter time-to-market with automotive grade reference platformn Reduced costs through accelerated product developmentn Increased reliability via on-road production proven systemsMentorConnected OS™HardwarePlatformDevelopmentInfrastructureReferenceDocumentationIn-Car ExperienceINFOTAINMENT (IVI)Using a Reference PlatformnUsing a reference platform will reduce time-to-SOPFeature ReadyTimeOS SelectionLibrary development Graphics / AudioLayersApplication IntegrationIntegration and TestPerformance TestingBoot Code OptimizationKernel Optimization SOP DeadlineOS SelectionResearch LearningTime to SOP –with reference platformnUsing a reference platform will reduce time-to-SOPFeature ReadyTimeApplication IntegrationIntegration and TestPerformance TuningSOP ReadyReference PlatformTypical Infotainment StackStandards Based Reference Platform SOC ChoiceApplicationsHMI OEM Control Tier 1 & OEM ControlProduction-Ready Embedded PlatformBootLoaderKernelMiddleware IndependentSUPER BSP & OPTstack®AccelerateSOC PlatformsJacinto 5Jacinto 6i.MX 61. 2. 3.2. 3.Supportfor new platforms1.Automotive Base PlatformIBC (Initial Boot Code)Automotive FastBoot Bootloader ¨Power-Fail-Safe UpdateLinux OSAutomotive BSP ¨Silicon Vendor Communication ¨Optimization/FastBoot ¨Configuration ¨MaintenanceAutomotiveSystem ServicesAutomotive Audio Automotive VisualsSystem Architecture Design ReviewsProfessional Engineering+ToolsSystem Libraries Board PeripheralsSourcery CodeBench YoctoC o n n e c t e d O S ™Name Fully-Programmable Cluster Connected Cluster Hybrid-Cluster + Head unitDescription High performance clusterwith a modern look and feel Cluster capable of displayingdata from an external inputConsolidated solution ofcluster and Head unit with 1or 2 displays + HUDKey Features Safety critical RTOSCar network integration Displaying incoming contentfrom external sources (e.g.decoded video from CEdevices or other ECUs)Multi-display supportOS separationShared graphics support withHW accelerationDisplayExtension toHUDüüüPricing$$$$$$Mentor’s RTOS: NucleusMost deployed RTOS; over 3 billion units shippedIntegrated Power Management–Industry First RTOS SolutionAdvanced Graphics and SecurityMentor Mixed-Criticality SolutionSafe Graphics RenderCertifiedSafe Instrument LogicSafe Graphics Driver•Graphics Planes blended in hardware,•Managed by safe driverDraws contentto separate graphics plane managed by safe driverExample Implementation-TI Jacinto 6-Fastboot-CAN andEthernetLinux-basedADAS PlatformsAcoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS)n Complete product delivery of pedestrian warning car sound systemn Spans project architecture, product development, industrialization, product qualification and certificationRegulation for EV and EHVs Effective 2013“the sound to be generated by the AVAS should be a continuous sound that providesinformation to the pedestrians and vulnerable road users of a vehicle in operation. Thesound should be easily indicative of vehicle behavior and should sound similar to thesound of a vehicle of the same category equipped with an internal combustion engine.“Reduced CostRemoval of passive noise dampening materials Accelerated Time-to-Market In-car tuning in days vs. weeksBroadband ANC Engine & Road Noise Cancellation Optimized for Vehicle AcousticsRefined In-Car ExperienceActive Noise ControlOverviewANC Demo Vehicle: Ford Lincoln MKZ HybridMentor’s AUTOSAR Solutionsn VSx Design Tools—Network and connectivity synthesis—Timing and Performance Analysis—Virtual platforms and simulation—Automated AUTOSAR ECU Configurationn VSTAR Run-Time Software—Complete AUTOSAR 4.x compliant stack—Support for OEM specific modules—Connectivity: CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet—ISO26262 Safety Certifications, Multi-Coren Professional Services—Implementation, migration from legacy solutions—Training, on-site project support—Integration, Boot-Loader development, DiagnosticsMentor ’s AUTOSAR ECU Design SuiteBidirectional OEM-Tier 1 Design Cycle CollaborationOEMArchitectural Design & ECU SpecificationTier 1ECU Design &ImplementationAUTOSAR overviewn AUTOSAR is AUT omotive O pen S ystem AR chitecture.n It is an open standard for the car manufacturers and their suppliers for designing the automotive software and electronic architectures.n AUTOSAR helps in bringing down the overall cost of a vehicle platform by enabling reuse of functionality and software.Industry Trends –Solutionn Reuse of functions andsoftwaren Fast integration of newtechnologies—Hybrid & Electrification—Advanced Driver Information n Scalable architectures—From compact to luxury—Flexible and extendablen Increased connections of functions and data exchangen Standardization n Domain architecturesn AUTOSAR and GENIVIn Integrated E/E development solutionsTrends/Requirements SolutionReuse of Features and SW on different vehiclesAdvanced Driver Info. Engine ControlAudio SystemClimate ControlActive Cruise ControlFeatureSoftware ComponentsSWC 1SWC 2SWC 3SWC 1SWC 2SWC 3SWC 1SWC 2SWC 3SWC 1SWC 2SWC 3SWC 1SWC 2SWC 3Architecture Evolutionn Developed for specific car models –not scalable and reusable n Software download to long for production and servicenSoftware with complex dependencies –everything is networked witheverything else.199820062012Source:Designed around You -Volvo ‘s all new EE Architecture and Development ProcessDr. Thomas M. M üller, Vice President, Electrical & Electronic Systems Engineering,Volvo Car Group Automobil Elektronik Kongress, July 2013, Ludwigsburg, GermanyDomain Architecture: Scalable ReuseInfotainmentCombiMulti-mediaHeads UpBodyPower WindowClimate Control Climate Seat PowertrainEngine ControlHybridInverter BEVCompactMediumLuxuryB a c k b o n e F l e x R a y /E t h e r n e tChassisABSActive SuspensionRear SteeringChassis CANSafetySeat BeltAirbags Forward RadarSafety CANAUTOSAR Activity: FY14 and beyondnAUTOSAR 3.x is decliningnAUTOSAR 4.x is growing significantly nAUTOSAR is a world-wide successnNew ECU design starts to drive the AUTOSAR 4.x demandECU4.X ECU Design Starts 2013 –2016Source: Industry events and meeting, MGC estimates0204060801001201401601802009201120132015AR 4.0AR 3.xMGC’s AUTOSAR backgroundn1998: Volcano Automotive was founded.n2000: Founding Member of the LIN consortium.n2003: AUTOSAR Consortium Startedn2004: Joined AUTOSAR as Premium Membern2005: Mentor Graphics acquired Volcano Automotiven2006: VSx product line started (Version 3.x)n2008: Won the first customer -BMWn2012: Released first complete AUTOSAR 4.0.3 solution (Design to implementation) and won the first AR 4.0.3 production project at Volvo Cars (SOP 2014)n2012/13 Majority of AR 4.0.3 ECU production projects capturedØCurrently >100 people in development, application, service and support worldwideØ400 Person Years invested in AUTOSAR solutionIdeal Solutionn Full Flow Coverage—Design –SW and System authoring—Implementation: SWC, BSW and ECU config—Test –PC, Emulation, ECUn Integrated and Modular—Full coverage without interface problems—Works with all different other tools supporting AUTOSAR (e.g. MATLAB/Simulink)n Standards Based—100% AUTOSAR compliant—Eclipse, ARTOP, SPHINX, Genivin Services—Competent AUTOSAR know-how to finishproject in time and available world wide —Training, coaching, integration, migrationn ISO26262—Functional safety from ASIL A -DOSLCMGC ’s AUTOSAR solution¨Full SolutionØAvailable off the shelf ØSeveral existing OEM and T1 customers for 4.0.x ¨Open, Modular and Integrated¨ISO26262 SupportAUTOSAR VSx Tools Overviewn System and ECU Designn SWC, CSWC and deployment n RTE, OS, COMmunication(LIN, CAN, FlexRay) stackValidation andnE/E Architecture &E/E Architecture ExplorationSWC, CSWC and deploymentAUTOSAR and EAST-ADL basedVSx Tool PlatformVSASystem Design,AUTOSAR authoringVSBECU Design BSW Configuration and BuilderVSIVirtual ValidationAPICustomer Plugin, ScriptingVSx InfrastructureAUTOSAR MetaModel Handling (ARTOP and SPHINX based)VSA COMNetwork Design LIN, CAN, FRAUTOSAR Layered Architecture: ECU Software DevelopmentBSWCommunication LIN, CAN, FREthernetCommunication StackMicrocontroller HWMCALAUTOSAR FlowECU 1ECU 2SWC 1SWC 2SWC 3Output: System DescriptionSystem Design and Communication Output: ECU ExtractECU 1SWC 1SWC 3Extract Output: ECU Configuration DescriptionECU 1SWC 1SWC 3ECU ConfigurationRTEBSWSWC 1SWC 2SWC 3VFBOutput: SWC DescriptionSWC DesignV e h i c l e V i e wE C U V i e wAUTOSARExchange (arxml)Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.Model Creation with Round-Trip WorkflowSkeleton Simulink ModelSimulink Data Objectsarxml import SW-Cdesign internal behaviormerge SW-C backc, harxmlgenerate codevalidate modelStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Completed Simulink Model*.mVSAVSA –COM Designer: AUTOSAR Network DesignnCreate communication matrix for CAN,LIN, FlexRay systemsn Capture signal timing requirementsnPack signals into frames and schedule frames on networkn Route gatewayed signalsnAnalyze signals communication delays and network utilization ECU 1ECU 2SWC 1SWC 2SWC 3Signal ATiming requirement: 100ms ECU 1ECU 2SWC 1SWC 2SWC 3ID DataFrame 1Period 50ms Signal A Timing AnalysisSignal Req Com Delay -Signal A 100 67-Signal B 150 77-Signal C 15067-Signal D 200 77SWC CompositionFlexRay ScheduleFrame PackerConfiguration SetupAndroid is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.VSB BSW Configuration EditornVSB process developed according to AUTOSAR methodologynVSB process supports an iterative development where the ECU extract can be updated and changes merged into existing configurationnVSB process supports parallel development where several users may work with different aspects of the same configurationSWC 1SWC 3RTEBSWOSConfiguring OSConfigure 1000 Communication ParametersE c u C o n f i g u r a t i o n n a v i g a t o rE c u C o n f i g u r a t i o n l o g i c a l v i e wAdvanced editor (FlexRay job list)Service and IOHW view Property editorECU ConfigurationMGC VSTAR BSW 4.0.x stackApplication LayerSWC 1SWC 3RTE BSWAndroid is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.VSI: Virtual Systems Integratorn Execution environment for AUTOSAR Systems on the desktop n Early validation of SW functionality on virtual ECU and BSW n Migration and debug for legacy applications into AUTOSAR nFull debug and interactive validation at all relevant levels ofsoftware system, OS task or executing codeMy_mod.cinitialbegin clk = 0;#10 clk = 1;forever #50 clk =!clk;end My_mod.c initial begin clk = 0;#10 clk = 1;forever #50 clk =!clk;endRTESWC 1SWC 2SWC 3Software Modeling UML T oolHand CodeModel Based DesignPC HardwareIdeal Solutionn Full Flow Coverage—Design –SW and System authoring—Implementation: SWC, BSW and ECU config—Test –PC, Emulation, ECUn Integrated and Modular—Full coverage without interface problems—Works with all different other tools supporting AUTOSAR (e.g. MATLAB/Simulink)n Standards Based—100% AUTOSAR compliant—Eclipse, ARTOP, SPHINX, Genivin Services—Competent AUTOSAR know-how to finishproject in time and available world wide —Training, coaching, integration, migrationn ISO26262—Functional safety from ASIL A -D P P P P PMGC’s Customer Basen40 AR 4.0.3 projects.n14 in VCC (Delphi, Robert Bosch, Denso, BHTC, HUF, Actia, ELTEC, Siemens, Alpine, Futjisu etc.), 14 in BMW (incl. VAP, Robert Bosch)n First sourced ECUs from GM Global B (Denso) and JLR (Borg Warner)n Strategic partnership with Delphi for all AUTOSAR ECUs n Additional ECUs at SAIC, LG。
沙行勉教授简历沙行勉 (Edwin Sha),男,博士生导师,正教授 (Full professor)。
1986年本科毕业于国立台湾大学资讯工程学系;后于1991年和1992年分别获美国普林斯顿大学 (Princeton University)计算机科学系硕士学位和博士学位。
1992年起任教于美国Notre Dame大学计算机科学与工程系,并于1995年起担任该系副系主任。
沙教授已在相关国际学术会议及国际核心期刊上发表学术论文270余篇,其中包括70多篇的国际期刊论文,30余篇IEEE 和 ACM Transactions 论文,SCI索引文章有60多篇。
曾担任很多个国际会议的评审委员会委员(program committee),并负责多个期刊的编审工作(including several IEEE Transactions)。
共获各类国家级教学、科研奖项30余项,其中包括美国Oak Ridge 大学联盟颁发的杰出青年教授奖 Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, 美国国家科学基金颁发的杰出学术发展奖NSF CAREER Award, NSF ITR grant, 美国圣母大学颁发的杰出教学奖Notre Dame CSE Teaching Award, 中国自然科学基金颁发的海外杰青,中国教育部颁发的长江学者讲座教授以及微软Microsoft Trustworthy Curriculum Award等。
主持多次国际重要学术会议,包括IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) 1994, Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDCS) 2000 and PDCS 2001, Parallel and Distributed Embedded Systems (PDES) 2005,IFIP Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC) 2006, Embedded Software Optimizations (ESO) 2006,EUC 2007, ESO 2007, International Symposium on Embedded Computing (SEC 2008), ESO 2008 等。
A类指国际上极少数的顶级刊物和会议,鼓励我国学者去突破;B类指国际上著名和非常重要的会议、刊物,有重要的学术影响,鼓励国内同行投稿;C类指国际学术界所认可的重要会议和刊物;其中,会议论文指“Full paper”或“regular paper”,会议上发表的Short paper, Poster, Demo paper, Technical Brief, summary等均不计入,所列刊物列表中,没有收入magazine。
Inside the Living Cell: Structure andFunction of Internal Cell Parts Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。
The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. Apore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。
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International Symposium on Field-Programmable ACM SIGDA
SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and ACM
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International Conference on Parallel Processing IEEE
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference IEEE/ACM
European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Springer
High-Performance Distributed Computing
Telecommunication Systems
钙钛矿结构中基本的 (AO3)4- (111) 面的密堆层
氧八面体共顶点连接,组成三维网络,根据Pauling的配位多面体连接规则,此种结构比共棱、共面连接稳定。 共顶连接使氧八面体网络之间的空隙比共棱、共面连接时要大,允许较大尺寸离子填入,即使产生大量晶体缺陷,或者各组成离子的尺寸与几何学要求有较大出入时,仍然能够保持结构稳定;并有利于氧及缺陷的扩散迁移。
图 Co/Cu多层膜的磁电阻与Cu层厚度tCu的关系曲线
31.131Abstract Here we present Depthmap, a program designed to perform visibility graph analysis of spatial environments. The program allows a user to import a 2D layout in drawing exchange format (DXF), and to fill the open spaces of this layout with a grid of points. The user may then use the program to make a visibility graph representing the visible connections between those point locations. Once the graph has been constructed the user may perform various analyses of the graph, concentrating on those which have previously been found to be useful for spatial description and movement forecasting within the Space Syntax literature. Some measures which have not received so much mainstream attention have also been imple-mented. In addition to graph analysis, a few sundry tools are also enabled so that the user may make minor adjustments to the graph. Depthmap has been implemented for the Windows 95/98/NT and 2000 platforms.1 IntroductionThe application of visibility graph analysis (VGA) to building environments was first intro-duced by Braaksma and Cook (1980). Braaksma and Cook calculate the co-visibility of vari-ous units within an airport layout, and produce an adjaceny matrix to represent these relation-ships, placing a 1 in the matrix where two locations are mutually visible, and a 0 where they are not. From this matrix they propose a metric to compare the number of existing visibility relationships with the number which could possibly exist, in order to quantify how usefully a plan of an airport satisfies a goal of total mutual visibility of locations. This type of analysis was recently rediscovered by Turner et al. (Turner and Penn, 1999; Turner et al., 2001), through considering recent developments in Space Syntax of various isovist approaches (see Hanson,1998, for further background). They recast the adjaceny matrix as a visibility graph of loca-tions, where a graph edge connects vertices representing mutually visible locations. Turner et al. then use several graph metrics as a few representative measures which could be performed on such graphs. The metrics they apply are taken from a combination of techniques used in Space Syntax and those employed in the analysis of small-worlds networks by Watts and Strogatz (1998).Here we present a tool which enables a user to perform VGA on both building and urban environments, allowing the user to perform the kind of analysis proposed by Turner et al..We call this tool Depthmap . Depthmap first allows the user to import layouts in 2D DXF format and to fill the layout with a rectilinear grid of points. These points may then be used to construct a visibility graph, and we describe this procedure in section 2. After the graph hasDepthmap A program to perform visibility graph analysisAlasdair Turner University College London, UK Keywords:visibility graph,spatial analysis,software develop-ment Alasdair Turner Center for Advanced Spatial Analysis,Torrington Place Site, University College London,Gower Street,London WC1E 6BT ,UK alasdair .turner@31.2been constructed, Depthmap gives the user several options to perform analysis on the graph,which we describe in detail in section 3. The methods include those employed by Turner et al.,but also some, such as control (Hillier and Hanson, 1984) or point depth entropy (following a formula proposed by Hiller et al., 1987), which have not been previously applied to visibility graph analysis. We supply algorithmic and mathematical details of each measure, as well as samples of results, and short explanations of why we believe these may be of interest to other researchers. In section 4 we include a brief description of extra facilities included in Depthmap to adjust the edge connections in the visibility graph, and give guidance for their use in spatial analysis. Finally, we present a summary in section 5.2 Making a visibility graph from a DXF fileIn this section we describe how the user may get from a layout to a visibility graph using Depthmap. When the user first enters Depthmap, she or he may create a new graph file from the File menu. This graph file initially appears blank, and the first thing the user must do is to import a layout to be analysed. The import format used is AutoDesk s drawing exchangeformat (DXF), and only two dimensional layouts maybe imported. Once loaded, the user is shown the lay-out on the screen, and she or he may move it andzoom in and out as desired. Figure 1 shows the pro-gram at this stage. After the DXF file has been im-ported, the user is ready to add a set of locations to beused as a basis for the visibility graph.2.1 Making a grid of locations To make a set of locations, the user selects the Fill tool from the toolbar, and then clicks on a seed point in open space to make a grid of points, as shown in figure 2. When the user clicks for the first time, she or he is given the option of choosing a grid spacing,based on the units used in the original DXF, and may use for example, a 1m grid. The grid is filled from the seed point using a simple flood fill algorithm. Points may be deleted by selecting either individual points or ranges of points. Once the user is happy with the grid,she or he may then go on to make the visibility graph.The user is restricted to a rectilinear grid of points at present. We realise that this is a problem for anyone attempting a methodological investigation of VGA,rather than simply using it to analyse environments.This is due to using a grid assumption when we calculate point intervisibility, and unfortu-nately a constraint. However, various themes on the basic grid are still available, for example by using different resolutions or by rotating the DXF prior to import, or by only partiallyfilling grids.Figure 1: Theapplication as itappears after the DXFfile has beenimportedFigure 2: The userfills a section of openspace using the filltool31.32.2 Making the graphThe graph is made by Depthmap by selecting the Make Graph option from the Tools menu. The program attempts to find all the visible locations from each grid location in the layout one by one, and uses a simple point visibility test radiating from the current location to achieve this. As each location is considered, a vertex is added to the graph for this point,and the set of visible vertices is stored. Note that this is only one way that the visibility graph could be stored. It is actually more space efficient only to store the edges, but this would lead to slower algorithms later when analysing the graph. We can write a simplified form of the algorithm in pseudocode as follows. In the algorithm we use graph set notation: V(G) is the set of all locations or vertices that exist, and v i an individual location or vertex in the graph we are making. Each vertex v i will have a set of vertices connected to it, which will labelled the set V (G i ), otherwise known as the vertex s neighbourhood.The number of vertices in the neighbourhood is obviouslyeasily calculable, and Depthmap records these neighbourhoodsizes as it makes the graph. In graph theory, the neighbourhoodsize for a vertex is commonly written ki, and may be expressed as in equation 1..(1)where E(G) is the set of all edges (i.e., visibility connections) inthe graph. Note that the set E(G) is not actually stored byDepthmap, and so k i is actually calculated using the first formof this equation. Figure 3 shows a simple layout after the vis-ibility graph has been made using Depthmap. As the actual number of connections is huge for each vertex, only k i values are shown for each location rather than the mess of actual connections. Depthmap colours k i values using a spectral range from indigo for low values through blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red to magenta for high values. The user may change the bounds for this range, or choose to use a greyscale instead, using a menu option from the View menu. Since this paper is reproduced in greyscale, all the figures shown have used the greyscale option, where black represents low values and white represents high values.Once the graph has been constructed, the user has various options, including graph analysis,which we describe in the next section, and modification of the graph, which we describe insection 4.Figure 3:Neighbourhood size calculated for a sample layout31.4 3 Measurement of the graph In this section we describe the graph measures available to a user of Depthmap. Analysis of the graph is split into two types: global measures (which are constructed using information from all the vertices in the graph) and local measures (which are constructed using informa-tion from the immediate neighbourhood of each vertex in the graph). The user may elect to perform either or both of these types of measure by selecting from the Tools menu. She or he is presented with a dialog box, as shown in figure 4. The radius box allows the user to restrict global measures to only include vertices up to n-edge steps from each vertex. When the user clicks OK, the program calculates the measures for the whole system. The key global measures are mean depth and point depth entropy, while the key local measures are clustering coefficient and control. Once the measures have been calculated, these and derived measures are given as options on the View menu, and may be exported as plain text for use in GIS and statistical packages from File menu. We now turn to a discussion of the algorithmic imple-mentation of each measure, and explore possibilities for their use within Space Syntax re-search.3.1 Clustering Coefficient Clustering coefficient, g i , is described in detail by Watts (1999) and has its origin in theanalysis of small-world networks. Turner et al. found it useful for the detection of junction points in environments. Clustering coefficient is defined as the proportion of vertices which are actually connected within the neighbourhood of the current vertex, compared to thenumber that could possibly be connected, as shown in equation 2.(2)where E(G i ) is the set of edges in the neighbourhood of v i and k i is the as previously calculated. This is implemented in Depthmap by the following algorithm for each vertex inthe graph*Figure 4: The optionsdialog box for graphanalysis * Again note that as the set of edges E(G i ) is not recorded, the information must be recovered from the vertices in the neighbourhood, V(G i )31.5Figure 5 shows the clustering coefficient calculated for a sample spatial configuration. As noted by Turner et al. junctions in the configuration are picked out. However, as they suggest,and looking at the figure, it actually seems to pick out better the changes in visual information as the system is navigated, so low clustering coefficients occur where a new area of the system may be discovered. Examining g i , seems a promising line of investigation when looking at how visual information varies within an environment - for example, as suggested by Conroy (2000) for finding pause points on journeys.3.2 ControlControl for a location, which we will labelci, is defined by Hillier and Hanson (1984), andis calculated by summing the reciprocals of theneighbourhood sizes adjoining the vertex, asshown in equation 3.(3)A simple algorithm can be used to calculate thisvalue as follows:It should be noted that in VGA many of theimmediately adjoining neighbourhoods willoverlap, so that perhaps a better definition ofVGA control would be the area of the currentneighbourhood with respect to the total areaof the immediately adjoining neighbourhood- that is, rather than use the sum the size of allthe adjoining neighbourhoods, use the size ofthe union of those adjoining neighbourhoodsas shown in equation 4. The results of applyingthis method are shown in figure 6, althoughDepthmap is also capable of calculating controlas defined by Hillier and Hanson.(4)Figure 5: Clusteringcoefficient calculatedfor a sample layoutFigure 6: Controlcalculated for asample layout31.63.3 Mean DepthThe mean path length L i from a vertex is the average number of edge steps to reach any other vertex in the graph using the shortest number of steps possible in each case. This sort of graph measure has a long history stretching back as far as Wiener (1947), and is pertinent to visibility graph analysis due to the parallels with the use of integration in space syntax theory (Hillier et al., 1993), showing how visually connected a vertex is to all other vertices in the system. We calculate L i by constructing the set of point depths, as follows. The algorithm we use is not the most time efficient, as shortest paths are recalculated for each vertex, rather than being stored in a cache. However, the memory constraints on current personal computers mean that storing all the shortest paths in the system would rapidly use up the available memory. Hence, the algorithm that follows works in O(n 2) time. It obtains point depths for all the vertices in the system from the current vertex, by adding ordered pairs of vertices and depths to the set P.An asterisk, such as in the set pair {v 1, *}, represents a wild card matching operation. For example, {v 1, *} matches any of {v 1,1}, {v 1, 2} or {v 1, 4}.Once the point depth set has been constructed, it is facile to calculate measures such as mean depth and integration. Figure 7 shows mean depth for our sample system. As has been shown, this measure would seem to be useful understanding movement of people within building environments, where it isdifficult to apply traditional Space Syntax methods such as axial analyses at high resolutions.However, in urban environments, since we are measuring numbers of turns from location to location, VGA integration quickly approximates to axial integration (albeit with each line weighted by the street area), and due to speed considerations, it may not be as beneficial to useVGA integration in these situations.Figure 7: Mean depthcalculated for asample layout31.73.4 Point Depth EntropyIn addition to calculating measures such as mean depth, the point depth set P i allows us to explore measures based on the frequency distribution of the depths. One such measure is the point depth entropy of a location, s i , which we can express using Shannon s formula of uncertainty, as shown in equation 5. Entropy occurs in many fields, including informatics,and is proposed for use in Space Syntax by Hiller et al. (1987).(5)where d max is the maximum depth from vertex v i and p d is the frequency of point depth *d*from the vertex. This is implemented algorithmically in Depthmap as follows:.Calculating point depth entropy can give an insight into how ordered the system is from a location. For example, if a doorway is connected to a main street then there is a marked disorder in the point depths from the point of view of the doorway: at depth 1 there are only a few locations visible from the doorway, then at depth 2 there are many locations from the street, and then order contained within further depths will depend on how the street is integrated within its environment. Figure 8 shows the point depth entropy as calculated by Depthmap. Other entropy-like measures are also calculated. The information from a point is calculated using the frequency with respect to the expected frequency of locations at each depth, as shown in equation 6. Obviously, what is meant by expected is debatable, but as the frequency is based on the probability of events occurring (that is, of the j graph splitting), it seems appropriate to use a Poisson distribution (see Turner, 2001, for a more detailed discussion), which has the advantage of depending only on a single variable, the mean depth of the j graph. The resulting formula is shown in equation 6 and is similar to that used by Hiller et al. for relativised entropy. So, why calculate the entropy or information from a point?The answer is threefold: firstly, it was found to be useful by Hiller et al.; secondly, it appeals intuitively to a tentative model of people occupation of a system, in that the entropy corre-sponds to how easy it is to traverse to a certain depth within the system (low disorder is easy,31.8high disorder is hard); and thirdly, it remedies the problem that VGA integration is heavily biased towards large open areas. In axial integration, because the system is dimensionless,large open areas do not unduly weight the values of the lines; that is, the large areas only weight the values by their increased connections, not through their area. By contrast, in VGA integration the measure approximates a mean of distance times area, as discussed in the previous section. Hence, by using a topological measure such as point depth entropy we eliminate the area dependence of the measure, and instead concentrate on the visual accessi-bility of a point from all other points.(6)4 Further tools available in Depthmap As well as allowing the user to make and analyse graphs, Depthmap includes the facility to modify the graph connections. We believe this will be useful when the user wishes to model something other than a two dimensional plan - for example, when modelling a building with more than one storey, or trying to include one way entrances or exit, escalators and so on. The method to modify connections in Depthmap is as follows. Once the graph has been made, the user first selects an area by dragging a select box across the desired portion of the graph, as she or he would in many computer applications. She or he may also select other areas by holding down the Shift key and then selecting again. The user then pins this selection, using a toolbar button. Now the user may select another area in the same way.Once these two areas have been selected, the user can alter the connections between them by selecting the Edit Connections dia-log box from the Edit menu. An example is shown in figure 9.The dialog box gives several options but essentially these reduce to set operations on the neighbourhoods of the selected points. The Add option simply adds the selected points in the other set to the neighbourhood, and is useful for turning points, for example a stairwell landing. The Merge option allows the user to union the neighbourhoods of the two selected sets, and is usefulfor adding seamless merges, for example, descending an incline. Finally the Remove option can be used to take away any connections from the selected set, and for example, might be useful to convert a two way entrance to a one way entrance.5 ConclusionIn this paper, we have presented a description of the Depthmap program, designed to perform visibility graph analysis (VGA). Depthmap can be used to analyse a layout to obtain various graph measures, including integration, which has been shown to correlate well with observed movement patterns when used with axial maps (see Hillier et al., 1993, for ex-ample), and also shown to correlate with movement patterns when used with VGA (see Turner and Penn, 1999). Although we have talked only about the overall application ofDepthmap to a system to make and analyse graphs, Depthmap also has many other features Figure 8: Point depthcalculated for asample layout31.9which a user would expect from a program, such as printing, summarising graph data and so on, which we have restricted to a user manual. What we do hope to have given here is a flavour of what is achievable with the program, an insight into how the graph is analysed,and our reasons for choosing the graph measures we have included.Finally, it is worth noting that Depthmap is designed to be a tool for Space Syntax researchers. This means that we have chosen DXF as the input medium, and that the pro-gram runs interactively, allowing the graph to be modified and the analysis to be reapplied. It also means that sometimes we have not used the fastest algorithm to achieve a task, but have instead designed the program to work with the memory available on most personal comput-ers today. On a 333 MHz machine running Windows 98, Depthmap takes around an hour to process a graph with 10 000 point locations, from start to finish, and the program has been tested on graphs with up to 30 000 point locations. We hope that the Space Syntax commu-nity will enjoy using our tool and we look forward to improving it with the input and insight of future researchers.References Braaksma, J P and Cook, W J, 1980, Human orientation in transportation terminals Transportation Engineering Journal 106(TE2) 189-203Conroy, R, 2000 Spatial Navigation in Immersive Vir-tual Environments PhD thesis, Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, UCL Hanson, J, 1998 Decoding Houses and Homes (Cam-bridge University Press, Cambridge, UK)Hiller, B, Hanson, J and Peponis, J, 1987, The syntactic analysis of settlements Architecture and Behaviour 3(3) 217-231Hillier, B and Hanson, J, 1984 The Social Logic of Space (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,UK)Hillier, B, Penn, A, Hanson, J, Grajewski, T and Xu, J, 1993, Natural movement: or configura-tion and attraction in urban pedestrian move-ment Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 20 29-66Turner, A, 2001, Angular analysis Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Space Syntax Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Geor-gia.Turner, A, Doxa, M, O Sullivan, D and Penn, A,2001, From isovists to visibility graphs: a methodology for the analysis of architectural space Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 28(1) Forthcoming Turner, A and Penn, A, 1999, Making isovists syntatic: Isovist integration analysis Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Space Syntax Vol. 3, Universidad de Brasil, Brasilia, Brazil Watts, D J, 1999 Small Worlds (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ)Watts, D J and Strogatz, S H, 1998, Collective dynamics of small-world networks Nature 393440-442Wiener, H, 1947, Structural determination of paraffin boiling points Journal of the American Chemistry Society 6917-20Figure 9: Editing connections。
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专业英语复习Lesson3Microprocessors (1)Lesson4Operational Amplifiers (2)Lesson8Clock Sources (3)Lesson12Personal Computer Systems (4)Lesson13Overview of Modern Digital Design (5)Lesson16Basic Concepts of DSP (6)Lesson19High Fidelity Audio (8)Lesson22Digital Image Fundamentals (9)Lesson25Choosing the right core (10)Lesson26Design Languages for Embedded Systems (11)Lesson27Choosing a Real-Time Operating System (12)Lesson28Signal Sources (13)Lesson3Microprocessors1.micron是“微米(百万分之一米)”2.data width是指算术逻辑单元ALU的字长3.MIPS Million Instructions Per Second每秒百万条指令4.Reset复位5.tri-state buffer三态缓冲器A tri-state buffer is a device that allows you to control when an output signal makes it to the bus.When the tri-state buffer's control bit is active,the input of the device makes it to the output.When it's not active,the output of the device is Z,which is high-impedance or,equivalently,nothing.There is no electrical signal is allowed to pass to the output.6.PipeliningA technique where the microprocessor fetches the next instruction before completing execution of the previous instruction,in order to increase processing speed.)流水线是一种在前一条指令全部执行完之前就开始取下一条指令,以提高处理速度的技术。
Synopsys TestMAX DFT 设计测试工具简介说明书
DATASHEET Overview Synopsys TestMAX DFT is a comprehensive, advanced design-for-test (DFT) tool that addresses the cost challenges of testing designs across a range of complexities. TestMAX DFT supports all essential DFT, including boundary scan, scan chains, core wrapping, test points, and compression. These DFT structures are implemented through TestMAX Manager for early validation of the corresponding register transfer level (RTL), or with Synopsys synthesis tools to generate netlists. Multiple codecs and architectures are supported that address the need for ever-higher levels of test data volume, test time reduction, and fewer test pins. TestMAX DFT leverages Synopsys Fusion Technology to optimize power, performance and area for the design, minimizing the impact from DFT. Key Benefits • Lowers test costs • Enables high defect coverage • Accelerates DFT validation using RTL • Minimizes impact on design power, performance, and area • Preserves low-power design intent • Minimizes power consumption during test • Integration and verification of IEEE1687 network and compliant IP • Integration and verification of IEEE 1500 access network Key Features • High test time and test data reduction • Patented, powerful compression technologies • RTL generation with TestMAX Manager • Fused into Design Compiler ® and Fusion Compiler™ for concurrent optimization of area, power, timing, physical and test constraintsComprehensive,advanced design-for-test (DFT)TestMAX DFT Design-for-Test Implementation• Hierarchical scan synthesis flow support• Pin-limited test optimizations• Unknown logic value (X) handling• Location-aware scan chain reordering during incremental compile• Core wrapping with shared use of existing core registers near core I/Os• Analysis-driven test point insertion using TestMAX Advisor• Flexible scan channel configurations to support multi-site testing and wafer-level burn-in• Multiple compression configurations to support different testers and packages with different I/O• Boundary scan synthesis, 1149.1/6 compliance checking and BSDL generation• Consistent, comprehensive DRC shared with ATPG• Enables TestMAX ATPG for compressed pattern generation• IEEE 1687 ICL creation and verification• Hierarchical IEEE 1687 PDL pattern porting• Automated pattern porting and generation of tester-ready patterns in WGL/STIL/SVF and post-silicon failure diagnostics02468101214304K436K 653K 702K 728K 1M 1.2M 3.5MT e s t e r c y c l e s (m i l l i o n s )Standard scan Scan with compression Design sizeFigure 1: TestMAX DFT delivers high test time and test volume reductionHigh Test Time and Test Data ReductionTestMAX DFT reduces test costs by providing high test data volume compression (Figure1). Using Synopsys’ patented TestMAX DFT compression architectures, TestMAX DFT saves test time and makes it possible to include high defect-coverage test patterns in tester configurations where memory is limited. With the industry’s most area-efficient solution, TestMAX DFT has virtually no impact on design timing and results in the same high test coverage as provided by standard scan (Figure 2a). For additional test time and data reduction, TestMAX DFT implements test points within synthesis, via its transparent links to TestMAX Advisor for powerful test point analysis and selection.Pin-Limited TestTo accommodate designs that require a limited number of test data pins either at the top-level or per core, TestMAX DFTgenerates an optimized architecture that ensures high quality without incurring extra test data. Several factors limit the number of available test pins, including tighter form factors, multi-site testing to target multiple die simultaneously, and core-basedmethodologies with multiple embedded compressor-decompressors (codecs). These types of techniques minimize the number of chip-level test pins available to each codec. To provide high test data volume and test application time reduction for these pin-limited test applications, TestMAX DFT generates a low-pin tester interface. Use TestMAX DFT to minimize the required number of scan I/O for pin-limited testing (Figure 2b).Input pattern values Output pattern values Input pattern valuesOutput pattern valuesFigure 2a: (left) Codec optimized for high pin count; Figure 2b. (right) Codec optimized for pin-limited testingDFT Implementation into RTLIn conjunction with TestMAX Manager, TestMAX DFT offers early validation of complex DFT logic and architecture by producing RTL. For easy adoption, commands are similar to Synopsys’ widely deployed standard scan synthesis flow. TestMAX DFT generates compression logic directly into RTL, which can be verified with the VCS® simulator or other Verilog simulation tools. In addition, all test and design constraints are automatically generated for synthesis tools. Validation of RTL DFT ensures key compression logic and connections with other DFT logic such as logic BIST and memory BIST operate as specified, prior to synthesis, leading to very high and predictable test coverage and test compression results.DFT SynthesisThe TestMAX DFT synthesis flow is based on the industry’s most widely deployed standard test synthesis flow and incorporates Test Fusion technology. TestMAX DFT synthesizes DFT logic directly from RTL or gates into testable gates with full optimizationof synthesis design rules and constraints. All test and compression requirements specified prior to the synthesis process aremet concurrently with area, timing and power optimization. TestMAX DFT also enables TestMAX ATPG to seamlessly generate compressed test patterns while achieving high test quality.Complete DFT Rules CheckingFor maximum productivity, and prior to executing TestMAX DFT, TestMAX Advisor enables designers to create “test-friendly” RTL. TestMAX Advisor identifies DFT rules violations early in the design cycle during the pre-synthesis stage to avoid design iterations. Specifically, TestMAX Advisor validates that the design is compliant with scan rules to ensure operational scan chains and the highest test coverage. The violations can be diagnosed using its powerful integrated debugging environment that enables cross-probing among violations, RTL and schematic views. For flows within Design Compiler and Fusion Compiler products, TestMAX DFT provides comprehensive design rule checking for scan and compression logic operation.Fusion Design Platform For Concurrent Optimization Of Area, Power, Timing, Physical And Test ConstraintsWith Synopsys’ synthesis flow (Figure 3), scan compression logic is synthesized simultaneously with scan chains within the Fusion Design Platform. Location-based scan chain ordering and partitioning provides tight timing and area correlation with physical results using Fusion Compiler or IC Compiler. This enables designers to achieve area, power, timing and DFT closure simultaneously. TestMAX DFT writes detailed scan chain information which Synopsys’ physical design tools read, which then perform further optimizations to reduce area impact and decrease overall routing congestion (Figure 4).RTL Creation FlowNetlist Creation Flow Figure 3: Test compression flowIntegrating DFT resources into a complex multi-voltage design can be a time-consuming and error-prone process without automation tailored for low-power flows. Once voltage domain characteristics of the design with IEEE 1801 (unified power format or UPF) are specified, TestMAX DFT automatically inserts level shifters and isolation cells during scan chain implementation. To reduce routing congestion and area impact of the DFT logic, TestMAX DFT minimizes both scan chain crossings between power/voltage domains and the number of level shifters inserted.Figure 4: These screen captures show TestMAX DFT results without the routing congestion associated with standard scanHierarchical Scan SynthesisTo handle test synthesis of very large designs, some level of abstraction is required so that the system/chip integrator can reduce design time. By abstracting the DFT information in a test model, along with timing and placement information, TestMAX DFT enables quick hierarchical test implementation of multi-million gate designs.Boundary Scan Synthesis and Compliance Checking to the 1149.1/6 Standard TestMAX DFT delivers a complete set of boundary scan capabilities including:• TAP and BSR synthesis• Compliance checking to the IEEE 1149.1/6 standard• Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) file generation• Functional and DC parametric pattern generation for manufacturing testIntegrated Setup of TetraMAX ATPG for Pattern GenerationTestMAX DFT transfers all information about the scan compression architecture and test operation to TestMAX ATPG. Working together, TestMAX ATPG and TestMAX DFT automatically generate compressed, power-aware test patterns with highest test coverage.©2021 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks isavailable at /copyright.html . All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.。
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Pacific Web Conference Springer12WISE Web Information Systems Engineering Springer13ESWC Extended Semantic Web Conference Elsevier中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机科学理论)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing ACM2FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations ofComputer ScienceIEEE3LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in ComputerScienceIEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1SoCG ACM Symposium on ComputationalGeometryACM2SODA ACM-SIAM Symposium on DiscreteAlgorithmsSIAM3CAV Computer Aided Verification Springer4CADE/IJCAR Conference on Automated Deduction/The International Joint Conference onAutomated ReasoningSpringer5CCC IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity IEEE6ICALP International Colloquium on Automata,Languages and ProgrammingSpringer7CONCUR International Conference onConcurrency TheorySpringer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CSL Computer Science Logic Springer2ESA European Symposium on Algorithms Springer3FSTTCS Foundations of Software Technologyand Theoretical Computer ScienceIndianAssociationfor Researchin 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基于ESL快速精确的处理器混合模型鲁超;魏继增;常轶松【摘要】For RTL design cannot meet the requirement of the speed of System on Chip(SoC), this paper presents a fast and accurate processor hybrid model based on Electronic System Level(ESL). It uses the proprietary 32 bit embedded microprocessor C*CORE340 based on ESL design methodology. For this target the Instruction Set Simulator(ISS) and Cache adopt the different abstraction layers to construct. Experimental results show that the simulation speeds of hybrid model is a least 10 times faster than that of RTL model, and the less than 10% error rate simulation accuracy is gotten.%RTL设计不能满足片上系统对仿真速度的要求.为此,提出一种基于电子系统级快速精确的处理器混合模型.以32位嵌入式微处理器C*CORE340为例,采用不同的抽象层次对指令集仿真器和Cache进行构建.实验结果表明,与RTL级模型相比,该模型的仿真速度至少快10倍,仿真精度误差率低于10%.【期刊名称】《计算机工程》【年(卷),期】2012(038)007【总页数】3页(P281-283)【关键词】指令集仿真器;事务级建模;电子系统级设计;混合模型;片上系统【作者】鲁超;魏继增;常轶松【作者单位】天津大学计算机科学与技术学院,天津300072;天津大学计算机科学与技术学院,天津300072;天津大学计算机科学与技术学院,天津300072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】N945.121 概述随着片上系统(System on Chip, SoC)的发展,越来越多的嵌入式微处理器和外设被集成到一个芯片上,SoC设计复杂度呈现出指数级增长的情况。
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To enable the construction of an application-speci c embedded system architecture from a high-level, an intermediate abstraction model is needed. In this work, we propose a Channel based Component Architecture Model as an intermediate abstraction model. In this model, the component architecture is abstracted as an interconnection of Processor Component Units (PCUs) and point-topoint unidirectional channels, as depicted in Figure 2(a). Communication between processor component units is based on sending and receiving data to each other via communication channels. The channel communication semantics that we use is exactly that of Hoare's CSP rendezvous 9]. In this channel model, communication is via explicit send and receive operations on a speci ed
an orchestrated combination of architectural strategies, parameterized libraries, and CAD tools for automating low-level design tasks that are error proned and time consuming. Our approach is based on a simple communi-
1 Introduction
Abstract { Embedded system architectures comprising of software programmable components (e.g. DSP, ASIP, and micro-controller cores) and customized hardware co-processors, integrated into a single cost-e cient VLSI chip, are emerging as a key solution to today's microelectronics design problems. This trend is being driven by new emerging applications in the areas of wireless communication, highspeed optical networking, and multimedia computing. A key problem confronted by embedded system designers today is the rapid prototyping of applicationspeci c embedded system architectures where di erent combinations of programmable processors and hardware components must be integrated together, while ensuring that the hardware and software parts communicate correctly. In this paper, we present a solution to this embedded architecture co-synthesis and system integration problem based on an orchestrated combination of architectural strategies, parameterized libraries, and software CAD tools.
RISC core
HW block
HW block
glue logic
communication & clocking
Figure 1: Heterogeneous embedded system architectures. multiprocessor architectures utilizing di erent combinations of software and hardware components may be required (e.g. driven by programmability, performance, and power dissipation requirements). Surprisingly, there is remarkably little CAD support today to assist the designer in this architecture cosynthesis and integration task. The key problem is in interfacing the system components together, while ensuring correct hardware/software communication. Designers spend an enormous amount of time on this task, partly in understanding how to interface to the di erent processors being used, how to get the hardware and software parts to communicate, and how to synchronize between di erent components operating on di erent clocks. This is a highly error proned task, often responsible for many lowlevel implementation mismatches, leading to a lengthy test phase after implementation. We believe that a \solution" to this problem requires cation model, as described in Section 2. The channels are automatically re ned to a low level circuit protocol, considering synchronization between di erent clocked, or unclocked, regions, as described in Section 3. Section 4 describes our strategy for integrating software programmable components. Section 5 describes our strategy for integrating hardware components. We illustrate our approach on a demonstrator in Section 6.