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3837 Bay Lake Trail Suite 111 North Las Vegas, NV 89030-4434
Golden State FC LLC 2496 W Walnut Ave Rialto, CA 92376-3009
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across the street fm 1901 Meadowville Technology Parkway Ch 23836 1 Centerpoint Blvd.New Castle, DE 19720 1600 Johnson Way,New Castle, DE 19720 560 Merrimac Ave Middletown, DE 19709 727 N. Broad Street Middletown, DE 19709 21 Roadway Dr Carlisle, PA 17015 500 McCarthy Dr Lewisberry, PA 17339 675 Allen Rd. Carlisle, PA 17015 isle,17015 705 Boulder Drive Breinigsville, PA 18031 650 Boulder Drive,Breinigsville, PA 18031 6455 Allentown Boulevard Harrisburg, PA 17112 2250 Roswell Drive,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,15205 1000 Keystone Industrial Park Scranton, PA 18512 508 Delaware Avenue West Pittston PA 18643 40 Logistics Drive Carlisle, PA 17013 33333 LBJ FWY Dallas, TX 75241 255 Park Center Drive, Patterson City, CA 95363 1555 N. Chrisman Rd.Tracy, California, 95304 3350 Laurel Ridge Ave. Ruskin, FL 33570 1760 County Line keland, Florida 33811 1900 NW 132nd Place Doral (Miami),Florida 33182 2646 Rainier Ave.South Seattle WA 98144 1475 124th Avenue Northeast Bellevue WA, 98005 1155 Worldwide Blvd.Hebron, KY 41048 1600 Worldwide Blvd.Hebron, KY 41048



III. Effective Date
01 Aug 2014
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IV. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of these procedures, the following definitions apply: Acceptable means the vessel can be used within the scope described above, and is the only rating that allows such use. This rating results from a favourable assessment based on information that we have deemed positive and sufficient. The rating of the vessel may be affected by relevant modifications concerning safety and operational systems, changes of name, technical operator, crew, flag, etc., as well as any incident, casualty or terminal negative feedback report, PSC detention or Memoranda or condition of Class. (See also “Vetting Assessment”.) Barge, for the purpose of these procedures, means a vessel carrying goods in rivers, inland navigation, lakes and ports, not sailing on open sea or bays and restricted by Flag Administration to inland water navigations. EBIS Barge: for the purpose of these procedures, means a vessel carrying goods in European rivers, not sailing on open sea or bay CAP (Condition Assessment Programme).- Independent and thorough scheme of inspections of the actual condition of a vessel. It is applicable as established in the present Vetting Process and Criteria and as defined in the Rules of the Classification Societies members of IACS. Cargo means any kind of material subject to a contract of transportation, mainly crude oil, oil products, chemical products, LPG, LNG, Lubricants, Liquid fertilizers and dry bulk cargoes. Charter Party means contract of affreightment signed between shipowner and charterer when hiring a vessel for the carriage of goods. Chief Officer and 2nd. Engineer terminology considered equivalent to 1st. Officer and 1st. Asst. Engineer for the purpose of these procedures. COA vessel means vessels included in a contract of affreightment to lift a fixed or determinable quantity of cargo of a specified type over a given period of time. EBIS the European Barge Inspection Scheme, is used to evaluate barges, tugs and dumb barges used to distribute oil and chemicals within Europe ESP (Enhanced Survey Programme).- It is applicable as established in SOLAS XI1/2 and as defined in Resolution A.744 (18). Heavy grade Oil: o o o crude oils, having a density at 15º C higher than 900 kg/m3; oils, other than crude oils, having either a density at 15º C higher than 900 kg/m3 or a kinematic viscosity at 50 º C higher than 180 mm2/s; or; bitumen, tar and their emulsions.



35中国橡胶外企在华普利司通冰锐客SUV 冰雪专用胎上市普利司通(中国)投资有限公司日前宣布, 旗下新一代SUV/越野车用冰雪专用轮胎BLIZZAK DM-V2于9月在国内市场正式上市。

该款轮胎是为SUV/越野车量身打造的冰雪专用轮胎,除了拥有超凡的冰路性能外,SUV 车辆所需求的雪路爬坡性能、城市湿路行驶性能也得到很大提升。



在胎面花纹方面,采用了进化的4×4专用单导向花纹设计,运用3D 搓衣板细缝花纹以及多重组合花纹沟之间交叉设计,使轮胎无论在冰路、湿路、雪路上都能发挥卓越的防滑性能。


诞生于1988年的BLIZZAK 冰锐客品牌,凭借普利司通“发泡橡胶技术”等独创尖端技术与冰雪路面的超凡表现,长期占据全球冬季轮胎市场的前茅。


自2006年正式进入中国市场以来,冰锐客品牌冬季轮胎于2012年在中国成功实现国产,现拥有以BLIZZAK XG01为首的面向乘用车、SUV 、轻载车辆的丰富商品阵容,并在东三省、新疆、内蒙古等地区赢得了广大消费者的青睐。






缩写中文解释3C3个关键零件(缸体、缸盖、曲轴)4 VDP四阶段的汽车发展过程A/D/V分析/发展/验证AA审批体系ABS防抱死制动系统ACD实际完成日期AI人工智能AIAG汽车工业产业群ALBS装配线平衡系统AP提前采购API先进的产品信息APM汽车加工模型APQP先进的产品质量计划AR拨款申请ARP拨款申请过程ARR建筑必要性检查ASA船运最初协议ASB船运第二个协议ASI建筑研究启动ASP船运标准协议ASR建筑选择审查B&U土建公用BCC品牌特征中心BEC基础设计内容BI开始冒气泡B-I-S最佳分节段BIW白车身BOD设计清单BOM原料清单BOP过程清单CAD计算机辅助设计CAE计算机辅助工程(软件)CAFÉ公司的平均燃油经济CAM计算机辅助制造CAMIP持续汽车市场信息项目CARE用户接受度审查和评估CAS概念可改变的选择CDD成分数据图CGS公司图形系统CI提出概念CIT隔间融合为组CKD完全拆缷CMM坐标测量仪CMOP结构管理工作计划CPP关键途径CPP关键途径CR&W 控制/机器人技术和焊接CRIT中心新产品展示执行组CS合同签订CTS零件技术规格D/EC设计工程学会DAP设计分析过程DCAR设计中心工作申请DDP决策讨论步骤DES设计中心DFA装配设计DFM装配设计DLT设计领导技术DMA经销商市场协会DMG模具管理小组DOE试验设计DOL冲模业务排行DQV设计质量验证DRE设计发布工程师DSC决策支持中心DVM三维变化管理DVT动态汽车实验E/M进化的EAR工程行为要求ECD计划完成日期EGM工程组经理ELPO电极底漆ENG工程技术、工程学EOA停止加速EPC&L工程生产控制和后勤EPL工程零件清单ETSD对外的技术说明图EWO工程工作次序FA最终认可FE功能评估FEDR功能评估部署报告FFF自由形态制造FIN金融的FMEA失效形式及结果分析FTP文件传送协议GA总装GD&T几何尺寸及精度GM通用汽车GME通用汽车欧洲GMIO通用汽车国际运作GMIQ通用汽车初始质量GMPTG通用汽车动力组GP通用程序GSB全球战略部HVAC加热、通风及空调I/P仪表板IC初始租约ICD界面控制文件IE工业工程IEMA国际出口市场分析ILRS间接劳动报告系统IO国际业务IPC国际产品中心IPTV每千辆车的故障率IQS初始质量调查IR事故报告ISP综合计划ITP综合培训方法ITSD内部技术规范图IUVA国际统一车辆审核KCC关键控制特性KCDS关键特性标识系统KO Meeting启动会议KPC关键产品特性LLPRLOI意向书M&E机器设备MDD成熟的数据图MFD金属预制件区MFG制造过程MIC市场信息中心MIE制造综合工程师MKT营销MLBS物化劳动平衡系统MMSTS制造重要子系统技术说明书MNG制造工程MPG试验场MPI主程序索引MPL主零件列表MPS原料计划系统MRD物料需求日期MRD物料需求时间MSDSMSE制造系统工程MSS市场分割规范MTBF平均故障时间MTS生产技术规范MVSS汽车发动机安全标准NAMA北美市场分析NAO北美业务NAOC NAO货柜运输NC用数字控制NGMBP新一代基于数学的方法NOA授权书NSB北美业务部OED组织和员工发展P.O采购订单PA生产结果PAA产品行动授权PAC绩效评估委员会PACE项目评估和控制条件PAD产品装配文件PARTS零件准备跟踪系统PC问题信息PCL生产控制和支持PDC证券发展中心PDM产品资料管理PDS产品说明系统PDT产品发展小组PED产品工程部PEP产品评估程序PER人员PET项目执行小组PGM项目管理PIMREP事故方案跟踪和解决过程PLP生产启动程序PMI加工建模一体化PMM项目制造经理PMR产品制造能要求PMT产品车管理小组POMS产品指令管理小组POP采购点PPAP生产零部件批准程序PPAP生产件批准程序PPH百分之PPM百万分之PR绩效评估PR采购需求PR/R问题报告和解决PSA潜在供应商评估PSC部长职务策略委员会PTO第一次试验PUR采购PVM可设计的汽车模型PVT生产汽车发展QAP质量评估过程QBC质量体系构建关系QC质量特性QFD质量功能配置QRD质量、可靠性和耐久力QS质量体系QUA质量RC评估特许RCD必须完成日期RFQ报价请求RFQ报价要求书RONA净资产评估RPO正式产品选项RQA程序安排质量评定RT&TM严格跟踪和全程管理SDC战略决策中心SF造型冻结SIU电子求和结束SL系统规划SMBP理论同步过程SMT系统管理小组SOP生产启动,正式生产SOR要求陈述SOR要求说明书SOW工作说明SPE表面及原型工程SPO配件组织SPT专一任务小组SQC供方质量控制SQIP供应商质量改进程序SSF开始系统供应SSLT子系统领导组SSTS技术参数子系统STO二级试验SUW标准工作单位TA 技术评估TAG定时分析组TBD下决定TCS牵引控制系统TDMF文本数据管理设备TIMS试验事件管理系统TIR试验事件报告TLA 技术转让协议TMIE总的制造综合工程TOE总的物主体验TSM贸易研究方法TVDE整车外型尺寸工程师TVIE整车综合工程师TWS轮胎和车轮系统UAW班组UCL统一的标准表UDR未经核对的资料发布UPC统一零件分级VAPIR汽车发展综合评审小组VASTD汽车数据标准时间数据VCD汽车首席设计师VCE汽车总工程师VCRI确认交叉引用索引VDP汽车发展过程VDPP汽车发展生产过程VDR核实数据发布VDS汽车描述概要VDT汽车发展组VDTO汽车发展技术工作VEC汽车工程中心VIE汽车综合工程师VIS汽车信息系统VLE总装线主管,平台工程师VLM汽车创办经理VMRR汽车制造必要条件评审VOC顾客的意见VOD设计意见VSAS汽车综合、分析和仿真VSE汽车系统工程师VTS汽车技术说明书WBBA全球基准和商业分析WOT压制广泛开放WWP全球采购PC项目启动CA方案批准PA项目批准ER工程发布PPV产品和工艺验证PP预试生产P试生产EP工程样车Descriptions3 Critical Parts(Cylinder-block, Cylinder-head, Crankshaft) Four Phase Vehicle Development ProcessAnalysis/Development/ValidationApprove ArchitectureAnti-lock Braking SystemActual Completion DateArtificial IntelligenceAutomotive Industry Action GroupAssembly Line Balance SystemAdvanced PurchasingAdvanced Product InformationAutomotive Process ModelAdvanced Product Quality PlanningAppropriation RequestAppropriation Request ProcessArchitectural Requirements ReviewAgreement to Ship AlphaAgreement to Ship BetaArchitecture Studies InitiationAgreement to Ship PrototypeArchitecture Selection ReviewBuilding & UtilityBrand Character CenterBase Engineered ContentBubble Up InitiationBest-In-SegmentBody In WhiteBill of DesignBill of MaterialBill of ProcessComputer-Aided DesignComputer-Aided EngineeringCorporate Average Fuel EconomyComputer-Aided ManufacturingContinuous Automotive Marketing Information Program Customer Acceptance Review and EvaluationConcept Alternative SelectionComponent Datum DrawingsCorporate Graphic SystemConcept InitiationCompartment Integration TeamComplete KnockdownCoordinate Measuring MachinesConfiguration Management Operating PlanCorporate Product PorefolioCritical Path PlanControls/Robotics & WeldingCenter Rollout Implementation Team Contract SigningComponent Technical SpecificationDesign and Engineering CouncilDesign Analysis ProcessDesign Center Action RequestDecision Dialog ProcessDesign CenterDesign for AssemblyDesign For ManufacturabilityDesign leader TechnicalDealer Market AssociationDie Management GroupDesign Of ExperimentsDie Operation Line-UpDesign Quality VerificationDesign Release EngineerDecision Support CenterDimensional Variation ManagementDynamic Vehicle TestEvolutionary/MajorEngineering Action RequestEstimated Completion DateEngineering Group ManagerElectrode position PrimerEngineeringEnd of AccelerationEngineering Production Cntrol &Logistics Engineering Parts ListExterior Technical Specification Drawing Engineering Work OrderFinal ApprovalFunctional EvaluationFunctional Evaluation Disposition Report Free Form FabricationFinancialFailure Mode and Effects AnalysisFile Transfer ProtocolGeneral AssemblyGeometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing General MotorsGeneral Motors EuropeGeneral Motors International Operations General Motors Initial QualityGeneral Motors Powertrain GroupGeneral ProcedureGlobal Strategy BoardHeating, Ventilation ,and Air ConditioningInstrument PanelInitiate CharterInterface Control DocumentIndustrial EngineeringInternational Export Market AnalysisIndirect Labor Reporting SystemInternational OperationsInternational Product CenterIncidents Per Thousand VehiclesInitial Quality SurveyIncident ReportIntegrated Scheduling ProjectIntegrated Training ProcessInterior Technical Specification DrawingInternational Uniform Vehicle AuditKey Control CharacteristicsKey Characteristics Designation SystemKick-off MeetingKey product CharacteristicLing Lead P ReleaseLetter of IntentMachine & EquipmentMaster Datum DrawingsMetal Fabrication DivisionManufacturing OperationsMarketing Information CenterManufacturing Integration EngineerMarketingMaterial Labor Balance SystemManufacturing Major Subsystem Technical Specifications Manufacturing EngineeringMilford Proving GroundMaster Process IndexMaster Parts ListMaterial Planning SystemMaterial Required DateMaterial Required DateMaterial Safery Data SheetsManufacturing System EngineerMarket Segment SpecificationMean Time Between FailuresManufacturing Technical SpecificationMotor Vehicle Safety StandardsNorth American Market AnalysisNorth American OperationsNAO ContainerizationNumerically ControlledNext Generation Math-Based ProcessNotice of AuthorizationNAO Strategy BoardOrganization and Employee DevelopmentPurchasing OrderProduction AchievementProduction Action AuthorizationPerformance Assessment CommitteeProgram Assessment and Control EnvironmentProduct Assembly DocumentPart Readiness Tracking SystemProblem CommunicationProduction Control and LogisticsPortfolio Development CenterProduct Data ManagementProduct Description SystemProduct Development TeamProduction Engineering DepartmentProduct Evaluation ProgramPersonnelProgram Execution TeamProgram ManagementProject Incident Monitoring and Resolution Process Production Launch ProcessProcess Modeling IntegrationProgram Manufacturing ManagerProduct Manufacturability RequirementsProduct Management TeamProduction Order Management SystemPoint of PurchaseProduction Part Approval ProcessProduction Parts Approval ProcessProblems Per HundredProblems Per MillionPerformance ReviewPurchase RequirementProblem Reporting and ResolutionPotential Supplier AssessmentPortfolio Strategy CouncilPrimary TryoutPurchasingProgrammable Vehicle ModelProduction Vehicle DevelopmentQuality Assessment ProcessQuality Build ConcernQuality CharacteristicQuality Function DeploymentQuality, Reliability,andDurabilityQuality SystemQualityReview CharterRequired Completion DateRequest For QuotationRequirement for QuotationReturn on Net AssetsRegular Production OptionRouting Quality AssessmentRigorous Tracking and Throughout Managment Strategic Decision CenterStyling FreezeSumming It All UpSystem LayoutsSynchronous Math-Based ProcessSystems Management TeamStart of ProductionStatement of RequirementsStatement of RequirementsStatement of WorkSurface and Prototype EngineeringService Parts OperationsSingle Point TeamStatistical Quality ControlSupplier Quality Improvement ProcessStart of System FillSubsystem Leadership TeamSubsystem Technical Specification Secondary TryoutStandard Unit of WorkTechnology AssessmentTiming Analysis GroupTo Be DeterminedTraction Control SystemText Data Management FacilityTest Incident Management SystemTest Incident ReportTechnology License AgreementTotal Manufacturing Integration Engineer Total Ownership ExperienceTrade Study MethodologyTotal Vehicle Dimensional EngineerTotal Vehicle Integration EngineerTire and Wheel SystemUnited Auto WorkersUniform Criteria ListUnverified Data ReleaseUniform Parts ClassificationVehicle & Progress Integration Review TeamVehicle Assembly Standard Time DataVehicle Chief DesignerVehicle Chief EngineerValidation Cross-Reference IndexVehicle Development ProcessVehicle Development Production Process Verified Data ReleaseVehicle Description SummaryVehicle Development TeamVehicle Development Technical Operations Vehicle Engineering CenterVehicle Integration EngineerVehicle Information SystemVehicle Line ExecutiveVehicle Launch ManagerVehicle and Manufacturing Requirements Review Voice of CustomerVoice of DesignVehicle Synthesis,Analysis,and Simulation Vehicle System EngineerVehicle Technical SpecificationWorldwide Benchmarking and Business Analysis Wide Open ThrottleWorldwide PurchasingProgram CommencementConcept ApprovalPrograme ApprovalEngineering ReleaseProduct & Process ValidationPre-PilotPilot。



36R ecently, Hurun ResearchInstitute released the WhitePaper on Luxury Car Brandsin China 2015-2016 for the second year, a 46-page professional report based on systematic researches on luxury car owners and brand labels. Selecting the most typical nine luxury brands with big market shares in China for research — Audi, BMW, Porsche, Benz, Cadillac, Lexus, Land Rover, Volvo and Infiniti — Hurun Research Institute presents the features of the luxury car owners, differences of car owners’ images and brand images for various luxury brands as well as differences of the luxury car owners’ features and consumption habits in Europe and China.In the changing Chinese luxury car market of last year, luxury is no longer a unique characteristic of the traditional car brands and the more choices consumers have, the more difficult for the luxury car brands to survive throat-cut market competition.A change of car models, adjustment of policies and diverse choices for consumers are signif icant factorsaffecting the sales growth of various car brands. How to grab a market share in the gloomy auto market? How to timely adjust brand positioning for launching more targeted products and market strategy? How to explore the niche market for a bigger market share? All of these questions badly need the luxury car brands to consider in a bid to survive competition.Growth of the entire luxury car market is slowing downAccording to statistics from the China Automotive Industr y Association, the Chinese auto market registered a sales volume of 24.598 million units throughout 2015, up 4.7% year-on-year, which slowed down 2.18% compared with that of last year. This is the third year for China to sell more than 20 million units since the year of 2013. Undoubtedly, the Chinese market has once again registered the best performance in terms of auto sales among global carmakers.For the luxury car market, the sales performance of various luxury car brands released in 2015 shows last year the sales volume growth of most luxury cars was lower than the average growth of the entire auto market. Some luxury car brands which dominate the Chinese market for many years even demonstrated big decline. Moreover, 2015 was the first year to see a decline in China’s imported car units in the past ten years. The year of 2015 saw 1.0673 million car units being imported, down nearly 25% compared with the 1.423 million units in 2014. T he important sections of imported cars — luxury brands and SUV brands both showed a big decrease of 26.6% and 24.4% respectively. T he public concerns the winter of China’s luxury car market is coming.In spite of severe circumstances, we shouldn’t be hasty to draw conclusions. As more and more luxury car brands initiate domestic manufacturing and launch extended edition car models particularly for the Chinese market, and such good news as the car models for the Chinese luxury car market will be upgraded and the popular super luxury SUV models among the Chinese consumers will be introduced to the Chinese market, and the Chinese luxuryBy Lynn Yu Market stillPromises Staggering Growth PotentialIn the changingChinese luxury carmarket of last year,luxury is no longer aunique characteristicof the traditional carbrands and the morechoices consumershave, the moredifficult for the luxurycar brands to survivethroat-cut marketcompetition.37car market has bright prospects.Luxury car brands register narrowing sales volume gap in ChinaAlthough the total sales volume of the luxury car market is slowing down, some brands have registered good performance. Competition for the top three German brands, which dominate 75% of sales volume among the top ten luxury car brands, is becoming more fierce and the gap among the top three is narrowing. As for second-tier brands, though the sales ranking is almost the same, the sales rise or decline range varies, which will definitely affect future brand positioning and development strategy in the Chinese market.The traditional top threeGerman brands are narrowing the gap particularly in 2015The chart above shows that in the past five years, the traditional luxury car brands, Audi, BMW and Benz, have undergone no changes in terms of sales ranking, whereas the gap among these top three German brands is narrowing. Benz saw the biggest sales increase in 2015, namely 32.6% year-on-year, which is attributed to the popular new S- and C-class models. T he Chinese market replaces the U.S. market for the first time as the biggest single market across the world for Benz. BMW only registered a slight year-on-year growth of 1.7% last year, which cannot rival with Audi. BMW has another question o deal with: how to defend its market share from Benz: Audi experienced negative growth for the first time in the past five years with a year-on-year decrease of 1.4%. Audi has to seriously consider how it is going to keep its biggest share in the luxury car market.The luxury car market is ushering in the “war era ”Other luxury car brands, apart from the top three German brands, are also facing fierce competition.T hanks to the good performance of Land Rover in the SUV market, Jaguar’s Land Rover leads the second-tier brands in the last few years. But in 2015, Jaguar Land Rover saw a year-on-year sales decline of 24% inthe Chinese market, ranking fourth among the luxury car brands yet only with a leading edge of less than 10,000 units. This year Jaguar will launch five new models for the Chinese market, including the much-expected F-Pace SUV model. Jaguar Land Rover has a long way to go for rebuilding the Chinese consumers’ confidence. With a steady and moderate approach, Lexus closely follows Jaguar Land Rover. Lexus reaped a year-on-year growth of 13.1% in 2015, replacing Volvo to regain the fifth place. Home-style interior decoration style, up-to-date hybrid technologies and clear brand features all help Lexus to see sales growth in the Chinese market. After Geely controlled the share holdings, Volvo, without capital problems registered a basically fair sales volume with the previous year and it is narrowing the gap with other brands of the same kind. In 2015, Volvo launched the new f lagship SUV XC90, a masterpiece created to help Volvo regain power. Succeeding in the Chinese market is a question worth considering carefully for Volvo. Closely following Volvo, Cadillac saw staggering growth in 2015 under the help of its bestseller ATS-L, which poses much pressure on Volvo and even Lexus. T he much-expected new f lagship mode CT 6 is to go to the market. And as a combination of design and technologies, the CT6 will definitely contribute much to upgrade the brand image and stimulate sales of Cadillac. Both Porsche and Infiniti are climbing steadily and the product generation upgrading considerably stimulates sales. But as the base number of these two brands is small, the current sales volume of these two brands is far from posing threats to their counterparts.The luxury car market still has potential and a new energy luxury niche starts to make its debutIt is alright to be optimistic about the Chinese luxury car market in the future. According to the 13th Five-year plan, the Chinese economy will still maintain a GDP growth rate of 6.5%~7% by the year of 2020 for sustainable development. We believeAs for second-tier brands, though the sales ranking is almost the same, the sales rise or decline range varies, which will definitely affect future brand positioning anddevelopment strategy in the Chinese market.38Chinese luxury car owners care about high technologies, while price and fuel consumption concern European car owners.that the Chinese market will continue to top the passenger car markets across the world. In the meantime, as the government greatly supports the new energy car programs, many luxury car brands begin to nudge into this domain, faced with challenges yet opportunities. T he niche market of the luxury car brands is promising with favorable opportunities in China throughout the upcoming years!Besides, the total 9% market share of luxury brands in the Chinese car market still has room for improvement comparing with the 15-20% market share in the European market. T he chart below shows that, except the two American brands Cadillac and Infiniti, most luxury car brands have a bigger sales volume in Europe than that in the Chinese market yet with a narrowing gap, which indirectly demonstrates that the niche market of Chinese luxury car brands has great potential.Ch inese lu x u r y ca r ow ner s care about high technologies, while price and fuel consumption concern European car owners.According to the White Paper, European consumers have mature consumption concepts, while in the big auto nation of China our consumers are quite emotional with a big difference in terms of focus and purpose for buying luxury cars. T he Hurun report of this year, however, showed surprising progress. Despite the differences in terms of occupation, social status and personality among the Chinese and European luxury car owners of various brands, this year’s report shows that the Chinese luxury car owners have more positive features and like the European consumers the Chinese counterparts also attach great importance to the brand reputation and corporate social responsibility of the auto makers.Feature one: Chinese luxury c ar owners have a higher educ ation b a c k g r o u n d t h a n E u r o p e a n counterparts.According to the statistics of Hurun report, the average household income gap between the European and Chinese luxury car owners is narrowing and their identities are showing much similarity. Most of the luxury car owners both in Europe and Chinaare male — 74% in China and 62% in Europe. Apart from similar personal backgrounds, confident, enthusiastic and lively are frequently-used words to describe both the European and Chinese luxury car owners’ personalities.The biggest difference in European and Chinese luxury car owners lies in their education background— 97.6% of the Chinese car owners have a bachelor degree or above, while this ratio is only 67.7% among European car owners. Both in Europe and China, Volvo car owners have the highest education background.Some analysts hold that the human resourcing cost in Europe is much higher than that in China and the European occupations are quite equal. T he small gap between the higher degree holders and lower degree holders results in that more European car owners have a lower education background. However, in China, the human resource cost is more directly related to the education background,which means that people with a higher education background earn more than those with a lower education background. T herefore, the Chinese lu xur y car owners with a higher education background occupy a bigger part.Consu mpt ion preference is quite different between the European and Chinese consumers for luxury cars. European consumers are quite sensitive to the price, accounting for 44%, much higher than the ratio of 17% in China. Unlike European consumers, Chinese consumers care much more about the brand and sales volume. In terms of the product, Chinese consumers focus more on the advanced controlling technologies, whereas European consumers focus more on fuel consumption. This series of data indirectly demonstrates that the Chinese consumers care more about “face” when purchasing luxury cars.Feature two: Cadillac car owners have totally different identities in Europe and China.Hurun report shows that personal identity and self-evaluation between European and Chinese luxury car owners are quite different among various brands. Benz and Volvo have many similarities, whereas Cadillac owners demonstrate the biggest difference.Cadillac car owners have quite different images between Europe and China, particularly in terms of occupation. “Showing off wealth” is the common personality trait both for European and Chinese Cadillac car owners. Most Chinese Cadillac car owners are senior executives in foreign-funded companies, whereas in Europe, Cadillac is favored by the upstarts[Not sure what this means?], movie stars and the nouveau riche.Among the top three German luxury car brands, Audi and BMW car owners also have big differences r e g a r d i n g p e r s on a l i m a g e a n d impressions. Chinese Audi car owners don’t like sports, while European counterparts follow fashion trends and love sports. BMW car owners also have different group features between Europe and China, and female car owners take a much bigger ratio in39Both the European and Chinese luxury car owners think that thenegative news they have heard spark off many social problems, impacting the society to a much extentChina than in Europe.Land Rover, Infiniti and Porsche have many similarities in terms of identity features and impressions between European car owners and their Chinese counterparts. Both in Europe and China, most of the Land Rover car owners are upstarts [??]or labor contractors, male, high-profile and straightforward. Infiniti shows no obvious features regarding occupation and social status both in Europe and China. Porsche car owners are the only single group for marital status among the luxury car brands, defined by high-profile, showing off, individualism and sport fans.Both in Europe and China, the majority of Benz and Volvo car owners have a higher education background. Most Benz car owners are male and for the social status, most of them are governmental officials, corporate senior executives or entrepreneurs. Volvo car owners are normally professionals and social elites. Housewives account for a bigger ratio among the European Volvo car owners than other luxury car brands. T he interviewees regard that choosing Volvo is related with the safety consideration for dropping off and picking up their children, which conforms the fact that both European and Chinese Volvo car owners hold that they pursue quality life and care about the family.Feature three: BMW and Porsche have negative brand images among both the European and Chinese consumers.Hurun report also shows that both the European and Chinese luxury car owners attach great importance to corporate social responsibilities. They are quite sensitive to negative news about brands, and over 50% of consumers hold that negative news affect their brand choices for purchasing luxury cars. Both the European and Chinese luxury car owners think that the negative news they have heard spark off many social problems, impacting the society to a much extent. In the survey, the Chinese consumers receive more negative news than the European counterparts: 68% of the Chinese luxury car owners have heard negative social news caused by car owners’ poor personality, while only32% European counterparts have heard similar negative news.As for the brands with negative news, BMW and Porsche are mentioned by both European and Chinese car owners. In China, BMW tops the negative brand list with a rate of 55%, followed by Porsche. In Europe, above 20% respondents mention BMW and Porsche as brands with negative associations.Chinese luxury car owners are more sensitive to high technologiesUnlike pragmatic European car owners, over 80% of the Chinese lu x ur y car ow ners hold that the technical content of brands or models much affects their choices, among which intelligent vehicle interaction system, engine start- stop technology and lane departure warning are the most necessary high-tech functions. The ideal luxury cars are supposed to be equipped with such high-tech functions as inf latable explosion-proof tires, intelligent human-machine interaction, automatic driving and intelligent charging. But in Europe, consumers are only interested in whether the auto technologies are helpful for energy saving.As for luxury car owners’ attitude towards high-tech innovations, nearly 70% of the domestic car owners have tried the taxi application, whereas the ratio is only 35% in Europe.It is an interesting fact that over 50% of both European and Chinese lu xur y car owners have provideddriving services for taxi applications, regarding “making more friends” as the top reason for this, followed by “participating in social activities for public good” and “energy saving and environment protection”.Regarding social responsibilities, both European and Chinese luxury car owners pin high expectations on the auto brands. Hurun’s report shows that in the past year, more and more Chinese consumers would like to pay more for products with good corporate social responsibility.Chinese luxury car owners are getting rid of the “local tyrant ” labelT he analysis also showed that consumers’ values are affecting the auto market in a unique way. European and Chinese luxury car owners are narrowing down the consumption value gap, which is to be narrowed down even further in the future. Both external public opinions and the personal pursuit are pushing the Chinese high-net-worth group to start getting rid of or at least trying to get rid of the “local tyrant” label; instead, they turn to pursue positive social recognition and a deeper sense of happiness.T he White Paper published by Hurun Research Institute shows that only 1/4 of the Chinese high-net-worth families own at least one car, whereas a minimum of 60% of the rich European families have several cars. T herefore, the Chinese luxury car market still promises staggering potential for growth.。



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不同品牌汽车在中国的市场占有率英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The World of Cars in ChinaDriving down the streets in China, you'll see all kinds of cars whizzing by. There are fancy sports cars, big SUVs, tiny city cars, and everything in between. With so many vehicles on the roads, have you ever wondered which car brands are the most popular in China?In China, there are two main types of car brands - domestic Chinese brands and foreign brands from other countries. The domestic brands are made right here in China by companies like Geely, Chery, BYD, and Great Wall. The foreign brands come from places like Germany, Japan, the United States, and South Korea.Among the Chinese brands, Geely is currently the leader. Geely makes a wide range of cars from small hatchbacks to large sedans and SUVs. Their most popular models are the Boyue SUV and the Emgrand sedan. Closely behind Geely is Chery, anotherbig domestic brand known for the Tiggo SUV and the Arrizo sedan.BYD, which stands for "Build Your Dreams," is becoming very popular too. BYD is famous for its electric and hybrid cars that are environmentally friendly. The BYD Han and the BYD Tang are two of their top-selling models. Great Wall is another major player, especially when it comes to sturdy SUVs and pickup trucks.While the Chinese brands are doing well, foreign brands from overseas still have a very strong presence in China's car market. Leading the pack of foreign brands is Volkswagen from Germany. For many years, Volkswagen has been the top-selling brand in China thanks to popular models like the Lavida, the Bora, and the Sagitar.Another big German brand that Chinese consumers love is BMW. BMWs are considered luxury, high-end cars and the BMW 3 Series and BMW X5 SUV are among their hottest sellers in China. Mercedes-Benz, also from Germany, is giving BMW a run for its money with great models like the C-Class and the GLC SUV.When it comes to Japanese brands, Honda and Toyota have a huge following in China. The Honda Civic and the Honda CR-Vare two of the most common cars you'll see on Chinese roads. As for Toyota, the Camry and the RAV4 are extremely popular choices.From the United States, the top-selling brands are the Ford F-Series trucks, the Buick Excelle sedans, and the Jeep Cherokee SUVs. South Korean brands like Hyundai and Kia are rapidly gaining fans in China as well with their affordable yetfeature-packed cars and SUVs.While these are some of the biggest car brands in China right now, the market is always changing. Chinese brands are continuing to improve their technology and designs, while foreign brands are working hard to cater to Chinese consumers' tastes.No matter if you prefer a tiny compact car for city driving or a massive seven-seater SUV for your whole family, there's acar brand and model out there that's perfect for you. Just wait until you start driving - then you'll really get to pick your dream car!篇2The Amazing World of Cars in ChinaHi there! My name is Lily, and I'm a 10-year-old girl living in Beijing, China. Today, I want to share with you my fascination with the different car brands that you can see on the roads here in China.Driving around with my parents, I'm always amazed by the variety of vehicles we encounter. From sleek, sporty models to rugged SUVs and practical family cars, the streets of Beijing are a showcase of the world's best automotive brands.One of the most common sights is the ubiquitous Volkswagen. These German-made cars seem to be everywhere! My dad says that Volkswagen has been hugely popular in China for many years, and it's easy to see why. Their models like the Jetta, Passat, and Tiguan are stylish, reliable, and affordable for many families.Another brand that catches my eye is Toyota. These Japanese cars are known for their quality and durability. My favorite is the cool-looking Toyota RAV4, a compact SUV that looks like it's ready for adventure! Toyota has a strong presence in China, and many people appreciate the brand's reputation for safety and fuel efficiency.But did you know that China also has its own homegrown car brands? Companies like Geely, Chery, and BYD have becomeincreasingly popular in recent years. My best friend's family drives a Geely Emgrand, a stylish and affordable sedan. And I've heard that BYD is doing really well in the electric vehicle market, which is exciting!Speaking of electric cars, I'm always thrilled to spot a Tesla on the road. These futuristic-looking vehicles are like something out of a sci-fi movie! Tesla may be an American company, but their advanced electric cars have gained a devoted following in China, especially among tech-savvy consumers.Another brand that's making waves in China is the German luxury car maker BMW. My neighbor just bought a sleek new BMW 5 Series, and I have to admit, it looks incredibly cool! While BMWs are more expensive than some other options, many successful professionals and wealthy individuals in China are willing to splurge for the brand's prestige and performance.One thing I've noticed is that certain brands tend to be more popular in different parts of the country. For example, in the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, you'll see more high-end luxury cars like Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Porsche. But in smaller towns and rural areas, more affordable domestic brands like Chery and BYD seem to be the norm.It's also interesting to see how car preferences can vary among different age groups and social classes. My grandparents, for instance, tend to prefer more traditional and reliable brands like Toyota and Volkswagen. But my older cousins are more drawn to flashier, sportier models like the Mazda MX-5 or the Nissan 370Z.No matter what kind of car you prefer, one thing is certain: the Chinese automotive market is booming, and there's no shortage of choices for consumers. With so many brands vying for attention, it's an exciting time to be a car enthusiast in China!As for me, I can't wait until I'm old enough to get my driver's license. Who knows, maybe by then, we'll have even more amazing car brands to choose from, including some cool new electric or self-driving models! For now, I'll just have to settle for admiring all the different vehicles from the passenger seat and dreaming about the day when I can finally get behind the wheel myself.Well, that's my take on the diverse world of cars in China. I hope you found it interesting and informative! Let me know if you have any other questions – I may be just a kid, but I like to think I know a thing or two about the automotive scene in my country.Until next time, happy driving!篇3Car Brands in China and Their Market ShareHi everyone! My name is Lucy and I'm going to tell you all about the different car brands in China and how much of the market they have. Cars are super cool and China has a huge market for them with so many choices. Let me break it down for you!The biggest car brand in China is actually a Chinese company called Volkswagen. Just kidding! Volkswagen is from Germany but they sell a ton of cars here. In 2022, Volkswagen had around 15% of the whole Chinese car market. That's like 1 out of every 7 new cars sold was a Volkswagen! They make really affordable models like the Jetta, Bora and Lavida that are very popular. My dad drives a Volkswagen Bora and I think it looks pretty neat.Next up is another foreign brand - Toyota from Japan. Toyota had over 11% of the market in China last year. They are known for making reliable and long-lasting cars like the Camry, RAV4 and Corolla. I see a lot of Toyota Corollas driving around my neighborhood. They seem very practical for families.After Toyota, we have Honda - another Japanese brand. Honda controlled around 9% of the Chinese car market in 2022. Some of their top models here are the Civic, CR-V and Accord. The Honda Civic is one of the most iconic cars and you can really recognize that sleek design anywhere. My friend's mom just got a new Honda CR-V SUV and she loves the spaciousness.The first Chinese brand to make the list is Changan Auto with 7% market share last year. Changan is based in Chongqing and they've been around for a long time, making affordable sedans, SUVs and trucks. Their most popular models seem to be the CS75 SUV and the Eado sedan. I don't see too many Changans where I live but they are big sellers in western China.Now this one surprised me - the American brand Buick had over 6% of the Chinese market in 2022! Buick is actually owned by General Motors. Big sellers for them include the Envision SUV, LaCrosse sedan and GL8 minivan. Buicks are seen as pretty luxurious here compared to other domestic brands. My uncle has an older Buick and he loves how comfortable and roomy it is.The next brand brings us back to Germany - BMW with around 5% market share. BMW makes premium luxury vehicles that are super cool and fun to drive. The 3 Series and 5 Series sedans are their most popular models here along with SUVs likethe X5. BMWs can be pretty expensive but they have a great reputation for performance and styling. I'd love to get a BMW when I'm older!Speaking of German luxury brands, Mercedes-Benz also claims about 5% of the Chinese auto market. Mercedes is renowned for their flagship S-Class luxury sedan along with the C-Class, E-Class and various SUV models. You tend to see a lot of Mercedes cars in the richer neighborhoods around Shanghai and Beijing. My aunt's Mercedes GL is unbelievably nice inside!Let's go back to the local Chinese brands now. Geely Auto had around 4.5% market share in their home country for 2022. Geely is known for value-priced sedans and SUVs like the Emgrand, Boyue and Coolray. The quality has improved a lot over the years and Geely models are a popular choice forcost-conscious buyers. My grandpa drives an older Geely sedan and he's pretty happy with it.The next brand is FAW with about 4% of the market last year. FAW stands for First Automotive Works and they are one of the big four state-owned automakers in China along with Changan, Dongfeng and SAIC. Some of FAW's mainstream models are the Besturn X40 SUV and the Mazda-based Ousheng sedan. FAWhasn't gained as much popularity as some newer domestic brands.Nissan is the next foreign brand on the list with around 3.5% market share in 2022. Nissan is another Japanese automaker that has been quite successful in China thanks to models like the Sylphy sedan, X-Trail SUV and Livina minivan. My cousin just bought a new Nissan X-Trail for his growing family - he says it has a lot of great features for the money.Last but not least, we have Haval which is actually asub-brand of Great Wall Motors. Haval specializes in SUVs and crossovers like the H6, Chulian and F7. With their modern styling and affordable prices, Haval captured over 3% of the total Chinese auto market last year as they continue gaining popularity over other domestic SUV brands.Phew, that was a lot to cover! As you can see, the Chinese auto market is incredibly competitive with tons of different brands from all over the world. Foreign brands like Volkswagen, Toyota and Honda have been able to gain major market share due to their reputation for quality and value. But domestic Chinese brands are also stepping up their game and gaining ground, especially in the SUV segments.I can't wait to see what the future holds for the auto industry in China. Maybe one day I'll be a famous racecar driver or automotive engineer! For now, I'll just keep an eye out for all the different brands and models on the roads. Let me know if you have any other questions!篇4Cars on China's RoadsDid you know that there are over 300 million cars on the roads in China? That's a super crazy number! China has the biggest car market in the whole world. So many people here love driving cars to get around.When I look out the window on my way to school, I see all kinds of cars zipping by. There are fancy sports cars, big trucks, little hatchbacks, and everything in between. But have you ever noticed that some car brands seem way more popular than others? That's because different brands have different market shares in China.What's a market share? It's the percentage of total sales that a company gets compared to its competitors. If Brand A sells 20 out of 100 cars, while Brand B only sells 10, then Brand A has a higher market share of 20%.The car brand with the highest market share in China is actually a Chinese company called SAIC. They make cars under names like Roewe, MG, and Baojun. In 2022, SAIC had a market share of around 24%! That's almost 1 out of every 4 cars sold.Next up is Volkswagen from Germany. Volkswagen has been selling loads of cars here for decades with models like the Jetta, Passat and Lavida. They had around a 16% market share last year, making them the top foreign brand in China.Another big player is the American brand General Motors, or GM for short. Their Buick, Chevrolet and Cadillac brands give them a combined 12% share. I see so many of their Buick Excelle GTs around my neighborhood!Toyota from Japan is also super popular in China with a 10% share. Their camrys and RAV4s are everywhere. Honda has around 7% share too thanks to models like the Civic and CR-V.Homegrown brands like Chery, Geely, and Great Wall are giving the foreign automakers a run for their money as well. Chery had a 6% share, while Geely and Great Wall each grabbed around 5%.Electric car companies are trying to boost their shares too. Companies like Tesla, Nio, Xpeng and BYD sell more and more EVs every year as people look for greener transportation options.But market shares can always change over time as new models come out and companies try new sales strategies. It will be exciting to see which brands gain popularity versus which ones fall behind.No matter what, there will always be a huge variety of different vehicles plying the roads here. From giganticsemi-trucks hauling goods to sleek supercars costing millions, the streets of China are a true automobile lover's paradise!So keep your eyes peeled next time you're in the car. See if you can spot all the different brands whizzing by. Who knows, maybe one day your family will be driving the brand with the number one market share in this incredible car kingdom called China!篇5The Big Cars in ChinaVroom, vroom! Cars are so cool! Do you know what my favorite thing is? You guessed it - cars! I love watching themzoom down the road and imagining myself behind the wheel. But did you know that not all cars are the same? There are lots of different brands, and some are more popular than others in China. Let me tell you about the big car brands here!The Number One Car BrandOkay, are you ready for this? The number one car brand in China is... Volkswagen! Yup, this German company sells the most cars here. In fact, Volkswagen has been the best-selling car brand in China for like, forever! Well, at least since 2009. That's a really long time!Volkswagen has some super cool models that Chinese people love. The most popular one is the Lavida. It's a sleek sedan that looks so fancy. Another big seller is the Sagitar, which is a sporty-looking car that makes you want to put on your racing gloves! Volkswagen also makes the Jetta and the Bora, which are both quite stylish.But why is Volkswagen so popular here? Well, they've been selling cars in China for a really long time, and they know what Chinese customers want. Plus, their cars are affordable for many families. Lots of people can stretch their budget to buy a Volkswagen.The Rising Japanese StarsAlthough Volkswagen is the king of car sales in China, there are some other brands that are catching up quickly. Two of them are Japanese companies - Honda and Toyota. Japanese cars are gaining a lot of fans here!Honda sells the super cute Civic, Accord, and CR-V models in China. Lots of young people are buying Civics because they're stylish and have a nice price tag. The bigger Accord is popular with families, and the CR-V SUV is perfect for road trips!Toyota is another Japanese brand that's doing really well in China. The Camry and Corolla sedans are their top sellers here. The Camry is like a fancier version of the Corolla, but both are reliable cars that can handle China's roads. Toyota's RAV4 SUV is also a hit with adventurous families.Chinese car buyers seem to really like the quality and affordability of Japanese cars like Hondas and Toyotas. So these brands are slowly but surely gaining more and more fans.The Local HeroesChery makes super affordable cars that are great for people on a tight budget. Their most popular model is the Chery QQ, which is a tiny but spunky little city car. It's perfect for zippingaround crowded city streets! Chery also makes the Arrizo sedan, which is fancier than the QQ but still costs less than many foreign cars.Geely is another huge local brand that tons of Chinese people love. Their most well-known model is the Emgrand, a family sedan with lots of space. Geely cars aren't as cheap as Chery, but they're less expensive than imported brands while still being high-quality.Chinese people are proud to buy cars from their own country, so Chery and Geely will likely keep growing in popularity. They're proving that Chinese brands can compete with the global giants!The Three KingsSo in summary, the three biggest car brands in China right now are Volkswagen, Honda, and Toyota. But local heroes like Chery and Geely are also putting up a tough fight. Isn't the car world in China so fascinating?No matter which brand is your favorite, there's no denying that cars play a huge role in China. Our roads are filled with so many different models zipping around. Just walking down the street is like watching a fun, roaring car parade!I can't wait until I'm old enough to get my own car. Maybe I'll go for a speedy Volkswagen Sagitar, or a rugged Geely SUV for outdoor adventures. A sleek Toyota Camry would also be pretty sweet. So many awesome choices!China is definitely one of the most exciting places in the world when it comes to cars. The competition between brands is fierce, and new models are always being released to wow customers. One thing's for sure - China's car future is going to be an absolute thrill ride!篇6The Amazing World of Cars in ChinaHave you ever wondered about all the different cars you see on the roads? Well, let me tell you, there are so many cool brands and models out there! China is a huge country with a massive car market, and it's really interesting to learn about the different car brands and how popular they are.First off, let's talk about the brand that's really big in China –Volkswagen! Volkswagen is a German car company, but they've been super successful in China. Their cars are everywhere! You've probably seen a lot of Volkswagen Jettas, Passats, and Golfsdriving around. Volkswagen has been in China for a long time, and Chinese people really like their cars.But Volkswagen isn't the only brand that's popular in China. There's also General Motors, which is an American company. They sell cars under the Buick, Chevrolet, and Cadillac brands in China. Buick is especially popular there – can you believe that? In the United States, Buick is often thought of as a car for older people, but in China, it's seen as a cool and stylish brand.Then there's Toyota, the Japanese car company. Toyota has been doing really well in China too. They sell a lot of their famous models like the Corolla, Camry, and RAV4 in China. Chinese people seem to really like the quality and reliability of Toyota cars.Another interesting brand in China is Honda. Honda is a Japanese company, and they've been selling cars in China for a long time. Their Civic and CR-V models are really popular there. Honda is known for making reliable and fuel-efficient cars, which is important in a big country like China where people often have to drive long distances.Now, let's talk about some of the luxury car brands in China. There's BMW, which is a German brand that makes really fancy and expensive cars. BMWs are seen as a status symbol in China,and a lot of wealthy people love to drive them. Another luxury brand that's popular in China is Mercedes-Benz, which is also German. Mercedes cars are known for their high quality and luxury features.But luxury cars aren't just limited to foreign brands in China. There's also a Chinese luxury car brand called Hongqi. Hongqi has been around for a long time, and they make really fancy and expensive cars that are popular among Chinese government officials and wealthy businesspeople.Now, you might be wondering, how do we know which brands are the most popular in China? Well, there are companies that keep track of how many cars each brand sells in different countries. These companies look at the sales numbers and calculate something called "market share."Market share is basically a way of showing how much of the total car market a particular brand has. For example, if Volkswagen sells a lot of cars in China, they'll have a higher market share than a brand that doesn't sell as many cars.According to the latest numbers, Volkswagen has the highest market share in China, which means they sell the most cars there. But other brands like General Motors, Toyota, and Honda also have pretty high market shares in China.It's really interesting to see how different car brands perform in different countries. In some places, one brand might be really popular, while in other places, a completely different brand is the most popular.So, the next time you're in the car or walking down the street, take a look at all the different car brands you see. See if you can spot any Volkswagens, Buicks, Toyotas, or other brands that are popular in China. It's a fun way to learn about different cultures and how people's preferences can vary from one place to another.Who knows, maybe one day you'll even design your own car brand that becomes super popular in China or another part of the world! The possibilities are endless in the amazing world of cars.。



08News in BriefChina-Myanmar Border Trade Fair OpensBUSINESSTHE 16TH CHINA-MYANMARBORDER TRADE FAIR opened inDehong, a border prefecture of southwest China's Yunnan province on Dec. 26, 2017. The border trade fairattracted 280 companies from countries including Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.The fair had 480 booths — 326 from China, 54 from Myanmar and 100 fromother countries. They mainly showcased food, garments, household appliances, medicine and jewelry.Cross-border trade between Dehong and Myanmar hit nearly US$5 billion in 2016, accounting for about 40.5 percent of total trade between China and Myanmar.Since 2001, China-Myanmar border tradeexhibitions have been held annually on alternate sides ofthe border.The 16th China-Myanmar Border Trade Fair opens in Dehong in China's Yunnan province on Dec. 26, 2017.480The total number of booths at the fair$5Total value of Dehong-Myanmar trade in 201640.5%Proportion of Myanmar-China trade that goes through DehongbillionTHE NUMBER OF PEOPLE who passed through the China-Vietnamborder port of Dongxing in south China's Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region hit a record high of 9 million in late December 2017, the Chinese border control office said.Dongxing is the third largest land port in China, and the only port connecting China and Vietnam via both land and sea. Since 2013, China has allowed foreigners to apply for visas in Dongxing, which has increased the number of tourists from around the world using the city to enter China from Southeast Asia, according to the local tourism bureau.Tourism on the China-Vietnam border is booming, thanks to government policies and abundant tourism resources. Meanwhile, easy access and affordable facilities have helped draw Chinese tourists from the north to visit the area during winter, according to a border control officer.CHINA-VIETNAM BORDER CROSSING BREAKS RECORDCONNECTIVITY WORK BEGAN on a railwaythat will allow Chinese high-speed trains to reach the China-Vietnam border on Dec. 18, 2017.Construction of the 47.6-kilometer railway between Dongxing and Fangchenggang, both in Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region, will take three years and costWork Begins on High-Speed Railway to China-Vietnam Border6.48 billion yuan (US$980 million), according to the municipal government of Fangchenggang.Trains on theDongxing-Fangchenggang line will run at speeds up to 250 kilometers per-hour. Fangchenggang is already connected with regional capital Nanning by high-speed rail.Dongxing is located at the China-Vietnam border. Authorities say the line will eventually form part of a trans-Asia railway linking China with Southeast Asian countries.PROJECTCopyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。



Chinese tourism has seen asignificant rebound at the beginning of 2024, marking a robust recoverypost-Covid-19. According to Yicai Global, outbound travel bookings for the New Year holiday period from December 31 to January 2 surged nearly fivefold compared to the previous year, based on data from . This resurgence is not just limited to international travel; domestic trip bookings have also nearly tripled.A key factor in this surge is the resumption of more international flights by airlines and the easing of travel restrictions. Countries likeMalaysia and Thailand have removed visa requirements for Chinese tourists, making travel more accessible. The National Immigration Administration of China reportedroughly 1.56 million passengers entering and leaving the country on January 1, nearly reaching the pre-pandemic levels of 2019.Alibaba Group Holdings’ travelBy Rakini Bergundyplatform, Fliggy, also experienced a more than threefold increase in bookings for the New Year holiday compared to the previous year. Popular destinations for Chinese tourists included Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, the United States, and Australia.In terms of domestic travel, theChinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism reported that 135 million people traveled within China during the New Year's Eve long weekend, marking a 9% rise from 2019. Tourism revenue reached CNY 79.73 billion (about USD 11.2 billion), which is more than three times higher than the previous year.On the platform, the top five domestic destinations were Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Hangzhou. The data revealed new trends in tourism such as ice and snow tours, concert trips, self-driving tours, cruises, and customizable itineraries.The resurgence in tourism is partly attributed to various locations launching special activities on New Year’s Eve and implementing policies to promote consumption. According to a research institute of , these initiatives have kickstarted a promising year for the tourism sector.The 2024 Spring Festival in China, celebrated as the Chinese New Year, is expected to witness a significant surge in travel and passenger traffic, as reported by CGTN. This annual festival, known for its high transportation demand due to family reunions, will see an extended holiday period in 2024, lasting from February 10 to 17, a day longer than in previous years.The Ministry of Transport in China anticipates that cross-regional passenger flow and driving trips will likely reach record highs during the Spring Festival travel rush, which spans from January 26 to March 5. This increase in travel activity is expected to exert additional pressure on the transportation and logistics networks across the country.T ravel T rendsNow Boarding08 | J A N U A R Y 2024 | W W W.T H A T S M A G S.C O MSince hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics, China has experienced a remarkable surge in the popularity and development of winter sports, a trend that has spread across the nation, from its snowy northern regions to the warmer southern provinces. This post-Olympic enthusiasm has not only stimulated local economies but has also positioned China as an emerging global center for winter sports.Public interest in winter sports has skyrocketed, as evidenced by near-sold-out events like the ISU Short Track Speed Skating World Cup and Figure Skating Grand Prix Finals. This mass enthusiasm extends beyond spectating to active participation. Ski resorts like Chongli’s Genting and Heilongjiang’s Yabuli have reported record visitor numbers. Previously lesser-known regions like Altay in Xinjiang are now emerging as popular ski destinations.Yang Yang, China’s first Winter Olympic gold medalist and vice president of the World Anti-Doping Agency, noted a significant increase in youth participation in winter sports following the 2022 Olympics. Thisgrowth is supported by the constructionFresh Pow Powof indoor facilities, allowing for year-round engagement in winter sports, even in China’s traditionally warmer southern regions. Provinces like Guangdong and Chongqing are nowforming their winter sports teams, a first in their history.The economic impact of this winter sports boom is substantial. Over the past decade, the number of ski resorts in China has grown from 200 to over 700, with indoor ski resorts increasing from five in 2014 to more than 50 by 2023. This growth is creating jobsand fostering a vibrant winter sports industry. For instance, Li Qun, a skiing instructor at Guangzhou’s Bonski Resort, observes a wide range of enthusiasts, from children to seniors, dedicated to improving their skiing skills.By 2025, China’s winter sports sector is expected to reach a staggering RMB1 trillion (approximately USD140 billion), according to a report by the Asia Digital ensure transport and work safety during this busy travel period. The Civil Aviation Administration of China forecasts that air passenger trips will hit 80 million during the travel rush, marking an almost 10% increase over pre-pandemic levels. Popular domestic destinations are expected to includeW W W.T H A T S M A G S.C O M | J A N U A R Y 2024 | 09。



I t was a regular Friday in August when Wang An considered taking a stroll around her workplace in downtown Beijing. She chose a nearby recycling shop.
2 After spending half an hour in the second-hand books and clothes shop, Wang bought a hardcover original ver-sion of Harry Potter Film Wizardry.
文/莫竞西 译

2 在这家售卖二手书和二手服装的商店逛了半个小时后,王安买了一本精装原版《哈

21 41岁的孙亚旭在北京潘家园旧货市场的夜市上组织小贩售卖手工饰品、精致配饰和年轻人可能感兴趣的其他小玩意。





23 2022年4月,孙亚旭发起了为期两天的二手汉服(中国传统服饰)市集活动。


24 汉服爱好者宋柏文是参加这次市集活动的约20名商贩之一,一天内卖出了四套汉服。



介绍国潮品牌的英语作文关于服装全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce you to some cool Chinese fashion brands that are really popular right now. These brands are part of what we call the "national tide" or "guochao" in China.The first brand I want to tell you about is Li-Ning. Li-Ning is a sportswear brand that was founded by a famous Chinese gymnast, Li Ning. They make all kinds of sports clothes and shoes, and their designs are very stylish and modern. Many young people in China love to wear Li-Ning because it's cool and trendy.Another cool brand is Xtep. Xtep is also a sportswear brand, but they focus more on casual and streetwear. Their clothes are really comfortable and they have a lot of cool designs. Xtep is very popular among young people in China who are into street fashion.Last but not least, there's Peacebird. Peacebird is a fashion brand that makes all kinds of clothes for men and women. Theyhave everything from casual wear to formal wear, and their clothes are known for being very fashionable and high-quality. Peacebird is a favorite among young adults in China who want to look stylish and trendy.These are just a few of the many awesome Chinese fashion brands out there. I hope you'll check them out and maybe even try wearing some of their clothes. Who knows, you might just find your new favorite brand! Thanks for listening!篇2Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce you to some cool Chinese fashion brands that are part of the "Guochao" trend. Guochao means Chinese style, and these brands are all about celebrating and reinterpreting traditional Chinese culture in a modern way.One of my favorite Guochao brands is Li-Ning. Li-Ning is known for its sporty and streetwear-inspired clothing, with bold colors and graphic designs. I love wearing their sneakers, which are not only super stylish but also really comfortable for running and playing sports.Another popular Guochao brand is PEACEBIRD. PEACEBIRD creates fashionable and edgy clothing for both men and women.Their designs often feature traditional Chinese elements like embroidery and prints, giving their pieces a unique and distinctive look. I love how they mix modern trends with classic Chinese aesthetics.One more brand I want to tell you about is MO&Co. MO&Co is known for its chic and minimalist designs, with a focus on clean lines and elegant silhouettes. Their clothing is perfect for both casual everyday wear and special occasions. I love their attention to detail and how they incorporate Chinese elements into their designs.Overall, Guochao brands are all about celebrating Chinese culture and heritage in a fresh and contemporary way. I hope you check them out and add some Guochao pieces to your wardrobe! Thanks for listening!篇3In the big world of fashion, there is a new trend called "guochao" which means Chinese style. It's all about embracing our Chinese culture and showing off our roots in a stylish way. Today, I want to introduce some guochao clothing brands that are super cool and popular among young people.The first brand I want to talk about is Li-Ning. It's a sports brand founded by a Chinese gymnast named Li Ning. Their clothes are not only comfortable to wear when playing sports, but also super trendy and stylish. The designs often feature traditional Chinese elements like dragons and pandas, which make them unique and eye-catching.Another brand that is worth mentioning is Shein. Shein is a fast fashion brand that offers a wide range of clothing options for both men and women. They have a collection called "Hanfu" which is inspired by ancient Chinese clothing. The pieces are modernized and perfect for everyday wear.Last but not least, there is Gucci. Yes, you heard it right! Gucci has also embraced the guochao trend and released a special collection called "Gucci Tianma Series". The designs are a fusion of Western and Chinese elements, creating a fresh and unique look that has captured the hearts of many fashionistas.In conclusion, guochao fashion is a rising trend that is here to stay. These brands are just a few examples of the many options available for fashion lovers who want to show off their Chinese pride in style. Whether you prefer sporty, casual, or high-end fashion, there is definitely something out there foreveryone. Let's embrace our Chinese culture and rock our guochao outfits with confidence!篇4Hey guys, today I want to introduce you to some cool Chinese fashion brands that are super trendy right now. These brands are part of the "guochao" trend, which means they are all about promoting Chinese culture and style.The first brand I want to tell you about is Li-Ning. It was founded by a famous Chinese gymnast and is known for its stylish sportswear. Li-Ning's designs are inspired by traditional Chinese elements, like dragons and Chinese characters. Their sneakers are especially popular and have been worn by famous athletes and celebrities.Another cool brand is Meters/bonwe. It's a streetwear brand that focuses on mixing traditional Chinese culture with modern fashion. Their clothes feature bold colors and unique patterns that make them stand out. Meters/bonwe's designs are perfect for anyone who wants to show off their love for Chinese heritage.And last but not least, there's PEACEBIRD. This brand is all about promoting peace and harmony, and their clothes reflect that philosophy. PEACEBIRD's designs are simple yet stylish, witha focus on eco-friendly materials and sustainable practices. Their pieces are perfect for anyone who wants to look good and feel good about their fashion choices.So if you're looking for some fresh and stylish clothes that celebrate Chinese culture, make sure to check out these guochao brands. They're not only trendy, but they also support local designers and promote Chinese traditions. Let's embrace guochao fashion and show off our love for Chinese heritage!篇5Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce a really cool brand called "Chinese Streetwear" or "" in Chinese. This brand is all about mixing traditional Chinese elements with modern streetwear fashion.Chinese Streetwear offers a wide range of clothing items such as t-shirts, hoodies, and jackets with unique designs inspired by Chinese culture. You can find shirts with traditional Chinese characters, patterns like dragons and pandas, and even silk fabric mixed with denim for a modern twist.One of my favorite pieces from Chinese Streetwear is a jacket with embroidered dragon on the back. It looks super cool and really makes a statement when you wear it. Another coolitem is a t-shirt with Chinese characters that say "Peace and Love", which is a great message to promote unity and positivity.The best thing about Chinese Streetwear is that it celebrates Chinese culture in a fun and stylish way. You can show off your love for Chinese traditions while also looking fashionable and trendy. This brand is perfect for anyone who wants to stand out and make a statement with their clothing.So if you want to add some Chinese flair to your wardrobe, check out Chinese Streetwear! You'll love the unique designs and the high-quality clothes they offer. Let's all support this awesome brand and promote Chinese culture together!篇6Hey guys, do you know what country tide brand is? Today, I want to introduce a cool country tide brand to you all – Li-Ning!Li-Ning is a famous Chinese sportswear brand. It was founded by an Olympic gymnast, Li Ning, in 1990. The brand is known for its high-quality, stylish and functional sportswear.Li-Ning offers a wide range of products, including sneakers, apparel, accessories, and equipment for sports like basketball, running, and badminton.One of the reasons why Li-Ning is so popular is because of its unique design. The brand combines traditional Chinese elements with modern fashion trends, creating a distinctive and fashionable look. The brand's logo, a stylized image of Li Ning performing a gymnastics routine, is also very iconic and easily recognizable.Another reason why Li-Ning is loved by many people is because of its high performance. The brand uses cutting-edge technology and materials to create sportswear that is comfortable, durable, and breathable. Whether you are playing basketball, going for a run, or just hanging out with your friends, Li-Ning has got you covered.In addition to its sportswear, Li-Ning has also collaborated with famous designers and celebrities to create limited edition collections. These collaborations have attracted a lot of attention and helped to elevate the brand's image in the fashion world.So, if you want to stand out from the crowd and look stylish while staying active, Li-Ning is definitely a brand worth checking out. Give it a try and you will not be disappointed!篇7Hey guys! Today I want to introduce you to some really cool Chinese streetwear brands, also known as "guochao" brands. These brands are all about blending traditional Chinese culture with modern fashion trends. Let's check them out!The first brand I want to talk about is Li-Ning. Li-Ning is a super popular sportswear brand in China, known for its bold designs and high-quality products. They have collaborated with a lot of famous designers and artists to create unique collections that celebrate Chinese heritage.Next up is CLOT, a streetwear brand founded by Edison Chen and Kevin Poon. CLOT is all about fusing Western street style with elements of Chinese culture. Their designs are edgy and eye-catching, perfect for those who want to make a statement with their clothing.Another cool guochao brand is Peacebird, which focuses on creating chic and stylish apparel inspired by traditional Chinese motifs. Their pieces often feature intricate embroidery and exquisite detailing that showcase the beauty of Chinese craftsmanship.And last but not least, there's NEIWAI, a luxury lingerie brand that embraces Chinese aesthetics in its designs. NEIWAI'sproducts are not only beautiful but also incredibly comfortable, making them a favorite among fashionistas in China.So there you have it, some of the top guochao brands that are taking the fashion world by storm. If you want to add a touch of Chinese flair to your wardrobe, be sure to check them out!篇8Hello everyone, today I want to introduce to you some cool and trendy Chinese fashion brands that are making waves in the fashion world. These brands are part of what we call the "guochao" trend, which means they are proudly Chinese and incorporate traditional Chinese elements into their designs.The first brand I want to talk about is Li-Ning. Li-Ning is a popular sportswear brand that was founded by former Olympic gymnast Li Ning. Their designs are unique and eye-catching, and they have even collaborated with famous designers like Dwyane Wade. Li-Ning's sneakers and apparel are perfect for anyone who wants to stand out from the crowd.Another cool brand is Chen Peng. Chen Peng is known for their oversized puffer jackets that come in bright colors and bold patterns. These jackets are not only super stylish, but also superwarm and cozy. Chen Peng's designs are perfect for staying fashionable and warm during the winter months.Lastly, I want to mention Guochao 2.0. Guochao 2.0 is a collective of Chinese designers who are reviving traditional Chinese craftsmanship in their modern designs. From intricate embroidery to handmade accessories, Guochao 2.0 is all about celebrating Chinese culture in a fresh and contemporary way.These are just a few of the many amazing Chinese fashion brands that are taking the fashion world by storm. So next time you're looking for some stylish clothes with a touch of Chinese flair, be sure to check out these guochao brands!篇9Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce you to some cool Chinese fashion brands that are part of the "guochao" trend. "Guochao" means national trend and it's all about celebrating Chinese culture and creativity. So, let's check out some of these awesome brands!First up, we have Li-Ning. Li-Ning is a sportswear brand that was founded by the famous Chinese gymnast Li Ning. Their clothes are super stylish and comfortable, perfect for workingout or just hanging out with friends. Plus, they have really cool designs inspired by Chinese traditions and symbols.Next, we have INXX. INXX is a streetwear brand that is all about mixing traditional Chinese elements with modern fashion. Their clothes are colorful and fun, with unique patterns and prints that make a bold statement. Whether you're into hoodies, t-shirts, or jackets, INXX has something for everyone.Another great guochao brand is NEIWAI. NEIWAI specializes in lingerie and loungewear, but with a Chinese twist. Their designs are elegant and sophisticated, with a focus on comfort and quality. Plus, they use sustainable materials and ethical manufacturing practices, so you can feel good about wearing their clothes.Last but not least, there's 8on8. 8on8 is a high-end fashion brand that combines Chinese aesthetics with modern urban style. Their clothes are sleek and chic, with clean lines and minimalist designs. If you're looking for something sophisticated and fashion-forward, 8on8 is the way to go.So there you have it, some of the coolest guochao brands in China. Whether you're into sports, streetwear, lingerie, or high fashion, there's a brand out there for you. Embrace the nationaltrend and show off your love for Chinese culture with these awesome clothes!篇10Hey guys, have you heard about the cool Chinese fashion brands that are taking the world by storm? I'm here to introduce you to some of my favorite Chinese streetwear brands that are part of the "Guochao" trend. Let's check them out together!One of the most popular Guochao brands is Li-Ning. This brand was founded by a former Chinese gymnast and has become famous for its unique designs and high-quality sportswear. Li-Ning's sneakers, in particular, are a favorite among fashionistas and athletes alike.Another cool brand is Peacebird. This brand offers trendy and stylish clothing for both men and women. From casualt-shirts to elegant dresses, Peacebird has something for everyone. Their designs often incorporate traditional Chinese elements, giving them a modern and sophisticated look.And let's not forget about the iconic brand, Taoray Wang. This brand was founded by Chinese designer Wang Tao and has been making waves in the fashion industry with its chic andelegant collections. Taoray Wang's designs are perfect for those who want to make a statement with their outfits.Overall, these Chinese fashion brands are not only stylish and fashionable but also represent the rich culture and heritage of China. So next time you're looking for some trendy new clothes, why not give these Guochao brands a try? Trust me, you won't be disappointed! Let's embrace the Guochao trend together and show off our unique style to the world!。

介绍一个中国品牌英文作文 70词

介绍一个中国品牌英文作文 70词

介绍一个中国品牌英文作文70词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Chinese Brand: Li-NingHi! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite Chinese brand - Li-Ning!Li-Ning is a really cool sportswear and sports equipment company from China. It was started in 1990 by a super famous Chinese gymnast named Li Ning. He was the guy who lit the Olympic flame at the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony! How awesome is that?The Li-Ning brand makes the best athletic shoes, clothes, bags, and accessories. Their stuff is so篇2My Favorite Chinese Brand: Xiaomi!Hi friends! Today I want to tell you all about one of my favorite Chinese brands - Xiaomi. Xiaomi makes really coolphones, computers, and lots of other fun gadgets. I love their stuff!First, let me tell you about their amazing phones. Xiaomi phones are sooooo awesome! They have big bright screens that are perfect for watching videos and playing games. The cameras take really clear pictures too. My Xiaomi phone's battery lasts forever before needing to be recharged. And the best part? Xiaomi phones are way more affordable than other brands! My dad says they give you incredible value for your money.But Xiaomi doesn't just make phones. They also have killer laptops and computers. My cousin has a Xiaomi laptop and it's crazy fast for things like editing videos and playing intense video games. It has a sleek aluminum body that looks and feels so premium. Yet again, you get so much power and quality for a really reasonable price compared to other brands.Xiaomi even makes smart home products that are seriously cutting-edge. My family recently got a Xiaomi robot vacuum that can map out our whole house and vacuum every room all by itself! How cool is that? We also have Xiaomi security cameras to keep an eye on things when we're out. The video quality is crystal clear day or night.Those are just a few examples of Xiaomi's terrific products, but they make so much more. From fitness bands to air purifiers to electric scooters, Xiaomi has awesome gadgets for every part of your life. And they're always adding innovative new products to blow your mind.What I love most about篇3My Favorite Brand: XiaomiI really like Xiaomi! It's one of the coolest Chinese brands out there. Xiaomi makes all sorts of awesome tech gadgets like smartphones, laptops, smart home devices, and even electric scooters and robots! How cool is that?Let me tell you about why I love Xiaomi so much. First of all, their products are super affordable compared to other big tech companies. My parents were able to get me a nice Xiaomi smartphone for my birthday without breaking the bank. And it's not a cheap, low-quality device either - it has a great camera, runs super smooth, and the battery lasts forever!But Xiaomi isn't just about affordability. Their gadgets are actually really well-designed and packed with the latesttechnology. Take their latest flagship smartphone, the Xiaomi 12 Pro. It has a gorgeous curved display, a triple camera setup that takes incredible photos, and it's blazing fast thanks to the latest processor. Even professional phone reviewers rave about it!What I also love about Xiaomi is how they come up with such innovative products. They were one of the first companies to make affordable 5G smartphones and foldable phones that normal people can buy. And then there are their crazy concept devices like the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop that can autonomously clean your whole house! I really want to get one of those.Xiaomi's smart home products are the best too. We have the Xiaomi Mi Smart LED Bulb at home which we can control with our phones or voice commands. My dad uses the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness tracker to track his steps and workouts. And their Mi TV is one of the most popular smart TVs in China with great picture quality.But Xiaomi doesn't just make awesome gadgets - they also have a really cool and youthful brand image. Their mascot is this cute friendly bunny rabbit. Their product names always have a "Mi" in them like MiUI for their Android skin. And their stores have such a minimalist, stylish look with signature orangeaccents everywhere. It's the kind of brand my friends and I absolutely love.I'm such a big Xiaomi fan that I follow all their new product launches online. I still remember being glued to the live stream when they unveiled the foldable Mi Mix Fold and their first laptop, the Mi Notebook Pro. It's amazing to see how much innovative stuff a Chinese company can come up with!What truly inspires me about Xiaomi is their story of going from a tiny startup to a global tech leader. They were founded in 2010 by Lei Jun and his friends in a small office in Beijing. Their first product was just a custom Android ROM called MIUI. But through hard work, creativity, and focusing on giving value to users, Xiaomi steadily grew into one of the biggest smartphone makers on the planet. Their success really shows that with passion and perseverance, a small Chinese company can go from nothing to competing with giants like Apple and Samsung.These days, Xiaomi sells all kinds of products in over 100 countries worldwide. Their smartphones are super popular globally, especially in India where they are the number one brand. I hope Xiaomi keeps putting out innovative, well-priced products and grows into a true international brand that proudthe world over!So in summary, I adore Xiaomi because of theirvalue-for-money gadgets, cutting-edge technology, cool brand personality, and their inspiring journey of becoming a global tech leader from Chinese origins. To me, they represent the vibrant innovation happening in China's tech scene today. I'll always be a big Xiaomi fan!篇4My Favorite Chinese Brand: XiaomiHave you ever heard of a company called Xiaomi? It's one of my favorite brands from China! Xiaomi makes really cool smartphones, laptops, and all sorts of other tech gadgets. I want to tell you all about this awesome company.First off, Xiaomi's products are just so sleek and modern looking. Their smartphones have these minimalistic designs that I think look super stylish. The colors are simple but pop. And the software interface is really easy to use too. My cousin has a Xiaomi phone and I'm always borrowing it to play games because the graphics are insane!But Xiaomi doesn't just make phones - they've got their hands in all kinds of electronics. Their laptops are lightweight but powerful. The battery life lasts forever! My brother has one forschool and he never has to fight me and my sister for the charging cable. There are also Xiaomi smart watches, fitness bands, speakers, and even robot vacuum cleaners! How cool is that?What I really love about Xiaomi though is how affordable their prices are compared to other big brands. My parents don't have to take out a loan to get us new gadgets. We can get the latest Xiaomi model for a fraction of what an iPhone or Samsung would cost. And the quality is still really good!Xiaomi is able to keep prices low because they sell directly to customers online and through their own stores instead of going through carriers or retailers that take a cut. Smart move! They also spend way less on marketing and advertising than companies like Apple. I don't need to see movie star endorsements to know Xiaomi rocks.Another cool thing is how innovative and unique some of Xiaomi's products are. They were one of the first to make smartphones with insanely high screen-to-body ratios andpop-up selfie cameras. And they keep coming up with quirky new ideas all the time, like their transparent TV andanti-mosquito laptop!I also really respect Xiaomi's commitment to user privacy and data security. They've taken a stance against unnecessary data collection and shady advertising practices. As one of the biggest tech companies to come out of China, I think it's great that they're being socially responsible.What's even more inspiring is Xiaomi's origin story. It was founded in 2010 by Lei Jun and his friends who wanted to provide high-quality smartphones at affordable prices. They started operating online only and hyped up their brand through word-of-mouth and social media. From those humble beginnings, Xiaomi has grown into a giant that's challenging Samsung and Apple!Xiaomi is now a top smartphone maker in places like India and expanding rapidly throughout Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Their products are sold all over the world - even in the U.S. which usually blocks Chinese brands over security concerns. But Xiaomi's built up a lot of trust internationally.Maybe you're thinking "This kid is just obsessed with tech and going way too fanboy over Xiaomi." And you might be right!I do absolutely love tech, science, and innovative new products. Xiaomi ticks all those boxes for me as a cutting-edge and forward-thinking Chinese brand.At the same time, I feel I have good reasons to admire what they've accomplished so far. Xiaomi took on the global smartphone giants against all odds and has been hugely successful. Their products deliver amazing quality for money, which makes them so accessible. And they're doing it in a transparent, ethical way that values privacy and consumer choice.Who knows, maybe one day when I'm older I'll even get to work at Xiaomi and contribute to designing their cool products! For now though, I'll be impatiently waiting for their next gadget release and bugging my parents about upgrading. Xiaomi's quickly becoming a legendary brand and I'm so proud it came from my home country China. Keep killing it, Xiaomi!篇5My Favorite Chinese Brand: HaierHi everyone! My name is Li Ming and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite Chinese brand - Haier! Haier makes all kinds of really cool appliances and electronics like refrigerators, air conditioners, TVs and even smartphones.I first learned about Haier when my parents bought a new refrigerator for our home last year. It's this really big white one with loads篇6My Favourite Chinese Brand - XiaomiHi there! My name is Li Ming, and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to tell you about my favourite Chinese brand - Xiaomi! You've probably heard of it before, but let me tell you all about why I love it so much.First of all, Xiaomi is a really cool company that makes all sorts of amazing gadgets and electronics. They started off making smartphones, and let me tell you, their phones are awesome! My dad has a Xiaomi phone, and it's super fast, has a great camera, and lasts forever on a single charge. But Xiaomi doesn't just make phones; they also make laptops, smart watches, fitness trackers, and even electric scooters!One of the things I love most about Xiaomi is how affordable their products are. My parents always say that Xiaomi gives you a lot of bang for your buck. Their products are packed with features and perform really well, but they don't cost an arm and a leg like some other brands. That's because Xiaomi keeps theirprices low by selling their products online and through their own stores, instead of through third-party retailers.Another thing that's really cool about Xiaomi is their design. Their products always look so sleek and modern, with clean lines and minimalist designs. And they come in a range of fun colors too, like bright reds, blues, and even neon green! I think their designs are way cooler than a lot of other brands out there.But it's not just about the products themselves; Xiaomi also has a really passionate community of fans, called Mi Fans. These are people who absolutely love Xiaomi and support the brand wholeheartedly. They're always sharing tips and tricks, helping each other out with problems, and even organizing meetups and events. It's like one big Xiaomi family!Speaking of family, my whole family loves Xiaomi too. Like I said, my dad has a Xiaomi phone, but my mom also has a Xiaomi laptop that she uses for work. And my little brother has a Xiaomi smartwatch that he never takes off! We've even got a Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner that helps keep our house clean. It's like Xiaomi is a part of our daily lives.But Xiaomi isn't just about making great products; they're also really focused on giving back to the community. They have all sorts of initiatives and programs that support education,environmental protection, and even disaster relief efforts. I think it's really cool that a company can be successful while also trying to make the world a better place.So there you have it, those are just some of the reasons why I love Xiaomi so much. They make awesome products that are affordable and well-designed, they have a huge community of fans, and they care about giving back to the world. Plus, they're a Chinese brand that's making waves all over the globe, which makes me really proud as a Chinese kid.If you haven't tried out any Xiaomi products yet, I highly recommend you do! Trust me, you'll fall in love with them just like I did. And who knows, maybe you'll even become a Mi Fan too!。



My dream trip is an enchanting journey that takes me to the heart of the worlds most captivating destinations.It is a blend of adventure,relaxation,and cultural immersion that leaves an indelible mark on my soul.Setting off on the adventure:My dream trip begins with the excitement of boarding a plane,the anticipation of exploring new horizons.The first destination is the vibrant city of Paris,France.Here,I would wander the cobbled streets of Montmartre,marvel at the Eiffel Tower,and indulge in the finest French cuisine.Exploring the art and culture:Moving on from Paris,I would immerse myself in the rich history and art of Florence, Italy.The Uffizi Gallery would be a mustvisit,where I would stand before the works of the great masters like Michelangelo and da Vinci,feeling the power of their creativity. Natures wonders:After the cultural feast,I would head to the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand. Here,the dream trip would take me through the majestic fjords of Milford Sound,the serene beaches of Abel Tasman,and the thrilling adventure sports in Queenstown. Wildlife encounters:Continuing the journey,I would venture into the heart of Africa,to witness the Great Migration in the Serengeti.The sight of thousands of wildebeest crossing the plains under the vast African sky is a spectacle that would stay with me forever.Relaxation and rejuvenation:To balance the excitement of the trip,I would find solace on the pristine beaches of the Maldives.Here,I would spend lazy days basking in the sun,snorkeling in crystalclear waters,and enjoying the tranquility of island life.Culinary delights:No dream trip would be complete without indulging in the local cuisines.From the fresh seafood in Santorini,Greece,to the spicy street food in Bangkok,Thailand,each meal would be a gastronomic adventure.Cultural immersion:Finally,I would end my dream trip in Japan,where the blend of ancient traditions and modern technology is a fascinating study.I would participate in a traditional tea ceremony,explore the bustling streets of Tokyo,and admire the serenity of Kyotos temples.Reflections:This dream trip is more than just a vacation its a journey of selfdiscovery and appreciation for the worlds diversity.Each destination offers a unique experience, enriching my life with unforgettable memories and a deeper understanding of our global community.Conclusion:As I return home,I would carry with me a suitcase full of stories,a heart full of gratitude, and a mind brimming with inspiration.My dream trip would be a testament to the beauty of our world and the endless possibilities it holds for those who dare to explore.。



哈雷的广告语distinationDestination –抵达目的地哈雷这个品牌自成立以来,一直专注于摩托车的生产和销售。




这种精神和价值观就体现在哈雷的广告语上:Destination –抵达目的地。



Destination –抵达目的地,在哈雷的文化中,有着特别的地位。







Distination –抵达目的地,已经成为了哈雷品牌标志性的广告语。



Destination –抵达目的地,让我们更像一群拥有信仰和目标的人,而不仅仅是在追求形式上的存在。




As a high school student with a keen interest in fashion, Ive always been on the lookout for unique and stylish footwear that not only makes a statement but also provides comfort. Thats when I stumbled upon Inline Skates, a boutique shoe store that has quickly become my goto place for all my shoe needs.Located in the heart of the city, Inline Skates is a haven for sneaker enthusiasts and fashionforward individuals alike. The stores exterior is adorned with a sleek, modern design, featuring large glass windows that showcase the latest shoe trends. As you step inside, youre immediately greeted by the warm, inviting atmosphere and the friendly staff who are always ready to assist you in finding the perfect pair.What sets Inline Skates apart from other shoe stores is their commitment to offering a diverse range of highquality footwear. From classic sneakers to trendy boots, the store caters to a wide variety of tastes and preferences. The shelves are lined with an impressive collection of shoes from renowned brands such as Nike, Adidas, and Converse, ensuring that customers have access to the best in the industry.One of my favorite aspects of Inline Skates is their dedication to providing a personalized shopping experience. The staff takes the time to understand your needs and preferences, guiding you through the selection process and offering valuable advice on the best shoe options for your lifestyle and style. This level of customer service is truly unparalleled and has earned the store a loyal following of satisfied customers.In addition to their extensive collection of shoes, Inline Skates also offers a range of accessories to complete your look. From stylish socks to trendy shoe laces, the store has everything you need to elevate your footwear game. They even have a section dedicated to shoe care products, ensuring that your shoes stay in top condition for longer.One of the most memorable experiences I had at Inline Skates was during their annual shoe sale event. The store was bustling with activity, and the atmosphere was electric. Customers were excitedly browsing through the discounted items, and the staff was on hand to provide assistance and answer any questions. I managed to snag a pair of limited edition sneakers at a fraction of the original price, which was an absolute steal.Another notable feature of Inline Skates is their commitment to sustainability. The store actively promotes ecofriendly practices, such as using recycled materials in their shoe designs and minimizing waste in their operations. This focus on environmental responsibility resonates with many customers, including myself, who appreciate the stores efforts to make a positive impact.In conclusion, Inline Skates is more than just a shoe store its a destination for fashion enthusiasts who value quality, style, and customer service. With its diverse selection of footwear, personalized shopping experience, and commitment to sustainability, the store has earned its reputation as a mustvisit for anyone looking to elevate their shoe game. Whether youre a sneakerhead or simply looking for a stylish pair of shoes, Inline Skates is the place to be.。

韩国品牌吉库克(Hankook)胎材有限贸易公司 passenger car and light t

韩国品牌吉库克(Hankook)胎材有限贸易公司 passenger car and light t

Limited Warranty For Original EquipmentFor North America Passenger Car, Light Trucks Tiresincluding Temporary TiresLIMITED WARRANTYFOR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT PASSENGER CAR & LIGHTTRUCK TIRES INCLUDING TEMPORARY TIRES.1. WHAT IS COVERED AND FOR HOW LONG.Hankook warrants that a tire manufactured by Hankook and equipped originally on the vehicle is free from defects in materials or workmanship in normal use for the life of the original usable tread. The life of the original usable tread ends when the tire tread has been worn down with only 1.6mm (2/32nds inch) remaining, at which point the tire is considered to be fully worn out.PASSENGER CAR AND LIGHT TRUCK TIRESA. Free replacementIf Hankook Radial Passenger & Light Truck Tires fail as a result of defect in material and/or workmanship within the first 25% of treadwear, the tire will be replaced with a new, comparable Hankook Tire at no charge including mounting and balancing charges.B. Pro rata replacementTires not qualifying for free replacement will be allowed a credit toward purchase of a new, comparable Hankook Tire based upon the amount of tread actually worn. The cost of mounting, balancing and any other service charges or applicable taxes shall be paid by the user. Otherwise adjustment for compensation will be made on a prorata basis calculated by multiplying the actual current dealer selling price by the percentage of remaining usable tread depth. HANKOOK TEMPORARY TIREA. A Temporary tire weighs less and provides more trunk storage space than a conventional tire. To conserve tire tread life, temporary tire should be returned to the trunk as soon as it is convenient to have your standard tire repaired or replaced.B. If Hankook Temporary Tire fails as a result of defect in materials and/or workmanship during the first 50% of usable treadwear, the tire will be replaced with a new, comparable tire at no charge including mounting charge. No adjustment will be made for tires that are worn more than 50%.2. WHAT IS NOT COVERED BY THE WARRANTYNON ADJUSTABLE CONDITIONSA. Irregular wear or tire damage due to:Road hazards such as punctures, cuts, snags, scuffs, carcass bruises or impact breaks.- Fire, wreck or collision- Improper inflation, overloading, high speed spinning, improper mounting ordemounting, running flat, off-road use, racing, vandalism, willful damageor abuse.-Misalignment, wheel imbalance, defective brakes or shock absorber, useof tire chains.- Any tire which has failed as a result of adding materials (e.g. tire fillers, sealant, or balancing substances).- Mechanical failure or design of vehicle.B. Tires fitted to anything other than the original vehicles.C. Tire worn beyond treadwear indicator (2/32nds inch or 1.6mm tread remaing).D. Tire presented by other than the actual owner-user.E. Tire branded “NA” (meaning no adjustment) or “blem” (meaning blemished).F. Loss of time inconvenience, loss of use of the vehicle or consequentialdamage.G. Ride disturbance caused by damaged wheels or after free-replacementconditions.H. Tire with weather cracking which was purchased more than four yearsprior to presentation for adjustment.GENERAL EXCLUSIONSA. No Hankook Tire employee, retailer or dealer has the authority to makeany warranty, representation, promise or agreement on behalf ofHankook Tire except as stated in this policy.B. Tires used in racing related activities or competitive events are notcovered by this warranty.C. Limitation of remedy: to the extent permitted by law, HANKOOK disclaims liability for all consequential and incidental damages. Some provinces anstates do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Thiswaranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have the rights which vary from province to province in Canada, and from state to state in the U.S.A.3. HANKOOK’S OBLIGATIONSReplacement qualifying under this warranty will be made by a participating Hankook Dealer or a participating Car Dealer.4. OWNER’S OBLIGATIONSA. You must present the tire to a participating Hankook Dealer or aparticipating Car Dealer.B. For free replacement, a proof of purchase date such as car dealer invoiceshould be presented.C. No claim will be recognized unless submitted on a Hankook claim formcompletely filled out and signed by the owner or a participating HankookDealer or Car Dealer.WARNING FOR YOUR SAFETYT IRE DEMOUNTING AND MOUNTINGImproper tire mounting and inflation procedures may cause tire beads to break with explosive force during installation of the tire on the rim, causing personal injury and property damage. Follow the Rubber Manufacturers Association installation and safety procedure for mounting and inflating tires. Tire and rim must match in size. Rim parts must match by manufacturer’s design. Clean rim. Lubricate rim and beads. Do not exceed the maximum recommended pressure to seat beads on rim. Use remote control inflation equipment and inflation cage. NOTE: Never inflate over 40 psi to seat beads. Mount radial ply tires only on rims designated by wheel manufacturer as suitable for radial tire. Only specially trained persons shall mount tires.AIR PRESSURECheck the pressure in your tires, including your spare, at least monthly, and always before and during extended driving. Check tirescold (at least 3 hours after the vehicle has been stopped and before it is driven more than 1.6 kilometers or 1 mile). Do not reduce pressure when tires are hot, use an accurate air pressure gauge to check pressure and maintain it at the level recommended on the vehicle tire placard or in the Owner’s Manual. Underinflation produces extreme flexing of sidewalls and builds up heat to the point that premature tire failure may occur. Overinflation can cause the tires to be more susceptible to impact damage. Cold tire pressures, however, should never be higher than the limit molded on the sidewall.L OAD LIMITSNever exceed the load-carrying limits molded onto the sidewall of your tires or the maximum vehicle load limit as shown on the vehicle tire placard, whichever is less. Overloading builds up excessive heat in the tire and leads to early and/ or sudden failure.H AZARDSAvoid running over objects (e.g., chuckholes, rocks, curbs, metal, glass, etc.) which may possibly cause internal tire damage. Continued use of a tire that has suffered internal damage (which may not be externally visible) can lead to dangerous tire failure. Determination of suspected internal damage requires demounting the tire from its rim and examination by trained tire personnel.W ORN TIRESNever drive on worn tires. Tires should be replaced by trained personnel when 2/32nds inch (1.6mm) of tread depth remain, as indicated by treadwear indicators molded into the tread grooves. Use of worn-out tires (less than 2/32nds of an inch remaining tread depth) increases the probability of tire failure. In most states, it is illegal to drive with less than 2/32nds of an inch of remaining tread depth.S PEED LIMITSOperating your vehicle in excess of lawful speed limits or the maximum speeds justified by driving conditions can be dangerous. Excessive speed creates heat buildup in a tire, leading to possible tire failure.S PEED-RATED TIRESSpeed-rated tires are identified by letters S, T, H, V, W, or Z as eitherpart of the size designation (e.g., HR), or part of the service description adjacent to the size designation (e.g., 94H) and indicates the maximum speed capability of the tire when properly loaded and inflated. However, even when properly loaded and inflated, driving for prolonged periods at high speeds can cause tire damage and possible tire failure which could lead to an accident. Original equipment speed-rated tires must be replaced with tires of the same or higher speed rating if the speed capability of the vehicle is to be maintained. Consult your Hankook dealer for the tires best suited to your vehicle driving habit. Repairing of speed-rated tires must be done in accordance with RMA repair procedures and is limited to one 1/4” diameter repair in the tread area.T IRE ROTATIONRotate your tires for longer tire life. Front and rear tires perform different jobs and can wear differently. Consult your vehicle Owner’s Manual for mileage recommendations and rotation patterns.ADDITIONAL SAFETY INFORMATION FOR TEMPORARY TIREA. Air pressure.Check inflation pressure as soon as practical after installation and inflate to 60 psi. The tire pressure should be checked monthly and maintained at 60 psi while the tire is stored or in service.B. Vehicle restriction.The temporary spare tire was specifically designed for your car and should not be used on any other vehicle.C. Other restrictions.The temporary spare tire should not be used with other wheels, nor should standard tires, snow tires, wheel covers, or trim rings beused with the temporary spare wheel. If such use is attempted, damage to these items or other vehicle components may occur.TIRE SERVICE ASSISTANCE OR INFORMATIONWhen you have tire problems, Hankook provides service and assistance.Any time you see damage to your tires, contact your local Hankook Tire Dealer. If no local dealer is available around you, dial Hankook Toll Free Service Number so that you can get information on where and how service is rendered to you.FOR SERVICE ASSISTANCE OR INFORMATION。



fia formula one championship国际汽联一级方程式锦标赛fia formula 3000 international championship 国际汽联方程式3000国际锦标赛fia grand touring car championship国际汽联gt锦标赛(耐力赛)fia formula 3 intercontinental cup国际汽联三级方程式洲际杯fia cup for historic grand touring cars国际汽联杯老爷车gt赛fia cup for thoroughbred grand prix cars国际汽联杯萨罗布莱德大奖赛fia lurani trophy for formula junior cars国际汽联青少年方程式卢拉尼奖杯赛fia european challenge for historic touring cars 国际汽联老爷房车欧洲挑战赛fia world rally championship国际汽联世界拉力锦标赛fia 2-litre world cup for manufacturers国际汽联2升厂商世界杯赛fia european rally championship国际汽联欧洲拉力锦标赛fia african continent rally championship国际汽联非洲大陆拉力锦标赛fia middle east rally championship国际汽联中东拉力锦标赛fia asia-pacific rally championship国际汽联亚太拉力锦标赛fia european historic sporting rally trophy国际汽联欧洲老爷车拉力赛大奖赛fia world cup for cross country rallies国际汽联拉力越野世界杯赛fia european hill climb championship国际汽联爬坡欧洲锦标赛fia international hill climb challenge国际汽联爬坡国际挑战赛fia historic hill climb challenge国际汽联老爷车爬坡挑战赛fia european drag racing championship国际汽联直线竞速锦标赛fia european championship for rallycross drivers & fia european 1400 cup国际汽联拉力越野赛手和1.4升杯欧洲锦标赛fia european championship for autocross drivers & fia european 1600 cup国际汽联场地越野赛手和1.6升杯欧洲锦标赛fia electro-solar cup国际汽联太阳能动力杯赛。

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