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Elizabeth Barrett Browning(1806-1861)(伊丽莎白·巴雷特•勃朗宁)


Elizabeth Barrett was born in1806at Durham,cated at home,Elizabeth had written her first“epic”poem by the age of12.But when she was fifteen,a fall from her horse injured her spine.Despite her ailments,he devoted herself to study Hebrew and Greek.With her enthusiasm for her Christian faith,she became active in the Bible and Missionary Societies for her church.

Later she lived in her father’s London house under his tyrannical rule.After her brother’s death,she became an invalid and a recluse in her bedroom for5years.In1844,her Poems attracted Robert Browning’s attention and they exchanged574letters over the next20months. Regardless of her father’s opposition,they eloped in1846and settled in Italy,where her health improved and she bore a son.Her father never spoke to her again.Elizabeth’s Sonnets from the Portuguese,dedicated to her husband and written in secret before her marriage,was published in1850.She died in Florence in1861.



2.Poetic Style(诗歌风格)

(1)Her technique is uncertain,and she is never free from her characteristic faults of vagueness

and unrestraint.

(2)Her poems show sympathy with noble causes,the elevation and ardor of her moods of

and personal feeling.



3.Major Works(主要作品)

The Seraphim and Other Poems(1838)《天使及其它诗歌》


Sonnets from the Portuguese(1850)《葡萄牙十四行诗集》

Casa Guidi Windows(1848-1851)《圭迪的窗子》

Aurora Leigh(1857)《奥罗拉·利》

4.Selected Work(选读作品)

◆Sonnets from the Portuguese《葡萄牙十四行诗集》

It is a collection of forty-four love sonnets written for her,then,future husband Robert Browning.The content and tone of the sonnets change as her relationship with Browning relationship progressed.In the earlier sonnets she expresses her doubt and fear about beginning a relationship with Browning.As the relationship progressed she was able to overcome her anxieties,and eventually,they took a more accepting and passionate tone.It is generally considered as one of the most widely known collections of love lyrics in English.Admirers have compared her imagery to Shakespeare and her use of Italian form to Petrarch.

