1系:家用小型车。1系是宝马中的小型家用车, 价格在30-40万。目前有120d 12Oi 130i等。 3 : 3系:中小型高级轿车。3系是国内常见的宝马 3 车,国产的有320i,325i.进口的有320和330.国 , 320i,325i. 320 330. 产的是四门,进口的有两门。 5系:中大型高级轿车。5系在国内由华晨宝马 公司生产有523Li,525Li,530Li.进口的有550, 但价格很高,一百多万。
X5:大型豪华SUV。X5是宝马旗下的大型豪华SUV, 目前型号有3.0i,4.4i,4.8i。价格:71.5万--131万。 M5:四门高级轿跑车。价格:146.8万。 M6:双门顶级轿跑车。价格:178.8万。 宝马旗下之-----[MINI]迷你汽车。价格:30.8万--39.5 万。 宝马旗下之----劳斯莱斯。豪车中之极品价格:幻影 618万 幻影加长718万 幻影元首级1888万。
6系:高级双门轿跑车。6系是四坐双门的高级 轿跑车,时尚,动感,高贵,但价格高昂,在国内比 较少见.6系有630i和650i两种车型。 7系:大型顶级豪华车[宝马的领军车型]。7系 7 : [ ] 7 是国内比较常见的宝马车,通常叫大7,是富 豪们的首选车之一,庄重气派高贵。与奔驰S 级,奥迪A8为同级车。有 730Li,740Li,745Li,750Li,760Li等型号.
宝马(进口 宝马 宝马 进口)-宝马 进口 宝马X6 105.50~219.00万 ~ 万
宝马(进口 宝马 宝马 进口)-宝马 进口 宝马i3 未上市
宝马(进口 宝马 宝马 进口)-宝马 进口 宝马i8 未上市
宝马(进口 宝马 进口)-Gran Coupe 进口 未上市
迷你 MINI 1956年,欧洲汽油的供应紧张到了极点,英国政府开始强制执行燃油配额供给 制度,这让英国汽车公司(BMC)下定决心,开发一辆燃油效率最大化的小车。工 程师Alec Issigonis接受了这个课题。在嘎那海滨酒店的一张餐巾纸上,Issigonis 画下了Mini的第一张草图。1959年8月26日,BMC旗下的Austin和Morris发布了 Mini的两款车型——MINI的传奇正式开始。Mini曾属于罗孚汽车公司,2000年罗孚 将Mini的经营权出售给宝马汽车公司。
斯柯达 SKODA 斯柯达创建于1894年,在1989年后,随着捷克经济体制的改变,已愈百岁 的斯柯达开始需要寻找新伙伴,1991年至2000年,经过多次股权变更,斯柯达成 为大众的全资子公司,大众投入巨资对其进行厂房技术改造,生产的小汽车继续 使用“斯柯达”这个著名品牌,并与奥迪、大众、西亚特、宾利、兰博基尼、布 加迪成为大众集团七大品牌之一。 其商标中巨大的圆环象征着斯柯达为全世界无可挑剔的产品;鸟翼象征着 技术进步的产品行销全世界;向右飞行着的箭头,则象征着前进的工艺 。
劳斯莱斯 ROLLS-ROYCE 1904年的春天,磨坊主的儿子亨利· 莱斯与贵族出身的查利· 劳斯在一列火车上邂 逅,两人一见如故,决定共同创办属于英国的高级汽车公司。该标志图案采用两个 “R”重叠在一起,象征着你中有我,我中有你,体现了两人融洽及和谐的关系。 标志除了双R之外,还有著名的飞人标志,这个标志的创意取自巴黎卢浮宫艺术 品走廊的一尊有两千年历史的胜利女神雕像,该标志代表着人类的崇高理想和生活的 欣狂之魂,并将旅途视为至高无上的享受。 返回
劳 斯 莱 斯
宝马 BMW 宝马公司创建于1916年,总部设在德国慕尼黑。80年来,它由最初的一家飞机 引擎生产厂发展成为今天以高级轿车为主导,并生产享誉全球的飞机引擎、越野车 和摩托车的企业集团。 B.M.W.是汽车制造厂的意思,标志的色彩和组合来自宝马所在地巴伐利亚州的 州徽。宝马汽车公司是以生产航空发动机开始创业的,因此很多人以为标志代表旋 转的螺旋桨,但事实并非如此,其实蓝白标记对称图形的意义非常简单,蓝白相间 的图案是公司所在地巴伐利亚州的州徽,用来提醒宝马来自巴伐利亚州的纯正血统。
标新的定位:从“舒适”转向“驾驶 面对这种情况,埃一普广告公司决定把目标市场定位于战后新一代人身 上。 这一代出生于美国的生育高峰期,与习惯于坐卡迪拉克汽车的父辈相比 ,他们有自己的个性、追求和偏好,他们渴求有一种新的品牌来标志他 们的价值观。宝马汽车优异的驾驶性能和精心的内部设计正好吻合战后 新一代热情好动;追求刺激的消费心理。
BMW ,正式全称为巴伐利亚发动机制造厂股份有限 公司(德文:BayerischeMotorenWerke AG),是德 国一家世界知名的高档汽车和摩托车制造商。 创建于1916年,总部设在幕尼黑。创始人是卡尔· 拉普和马克斯·弗里茨。
90多年来,它由最初的一家小型飞机引擎生产厂 发展到今天以高级轿车为主导,并生产享誉全球 的飞机引擎、越野车和摩托车的企业集团,名列 世界汽车公司前20名。
标新的定位:从“舒适”转向“驾驶 以“终极驾驶机器(The Ultimate Driving Machine)”写真宝马汽车,这 个广告主题及定位取得了巨大成功,因为它: · 与其他强调“坐车享受”的豪华轿车完全区分开来,突出了宝马汽车 的差异和优势。
· 吸引了人数虽少但极具活力的新一代。
因此,在这个新的市场上,宝马汽车要充分利用其优异的驾驶性能,而 不是简单地在电动车窗、皮革椅座、镀铬车身上和其他品牌竞争。
10月份,奢侈品品牌Gucci被指在华用工双重标准,并爆发“虐工门”,让这个一向在中国口碑不错的奢侈品企业,一夜之间成了千夫所指的“血汗工厂”。 2011年11月2日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐15。美国、中国、加拿大等5国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。
宝马公司的战略分析.一.公司简介BMW,全名:Bayerische Motoren Werke,中文名:宝马。
BMW 成立于1916年,总部设在慕尼黑,最初是一家发动机厂。
1929年,经过整合后的BMW推出了自己的第一辆汽车Dixi 3/15,从而开始了自己在汽车行业的传奇发展。
一、宝马公司与华晨宝马的简介宝马的正式汉字全称为巴伐利亚发动机制造厂股份有限公司(德文:BayerischeMotorenWerke AG),是德国一家世界知名的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,总部位于巴伐利亚的慕尼黑。
2002年,公司成功销售了超过100万部BMW和MINI 品牌的汽车,销售纪录首次突破一百万辆;在摩托车业务上,销量超过9.2万辆,再创销售新高。
任感官自由飞扬 全新的BMW Z4双人敞篷跑车,令您前所未 有地亲近阳光、清风和道路。灵敏的操控、上乘 的性能,还有新鲜空气的舒畅感觉,是令您深浸 其中的驾驶体验。独一无二的外观设计,完美无 瑕的工艺品质让它魅力四射, 即使静止时也是路人瞩目的焦点。现在体验BMW Z4双人敞篷跑车,让你的感官自由飞扬.
BMW公司的历史始于1916年,公司最初是一家飞机发动机制造商, 1917年还是一家有限责任公司, 1918年更名巴伐利亚发动机制造股份公司并上市。 BMW是 Bayerische Motoren Werke的缩写。在初创阶段,公司主要致力 于飞机发动机的研发和生产。BMW的蓝白标志象征着旋转的螺旋 桨,这正是公司早期历史的写照。但是现任的宝马总裁却更正说, 人们总以为蓝白标志是螺旋桨,其实应该是,宝马的总部在慕尼 黑,德国的巴伐利亚州,而巴伐利亚州的州旗是蓝白相间的,宝 马的名字又是巴伐利亚发动机公司,宝马就代表了巴伐利亚,代 表了德国最精湛的发动机技术。 1923年,第一部BMW摩托车问世。五年后的1928年,BMW收购 了埃森那赫汽车厂,并开始生产汽车。之后,BMW将许多汽车制 造史上的杰作推向市场,这些产品不断激发出强烈的感情和人们 的渴望,铸就了BMW公司作为一家汽车制造商的杰出声誉
牛津工厂:位于英国。生产MINI品牌轿车。 雷根斯堡工厂:位于德国。主要生产1系和3系旅行车,双门轿车,敞篷车, M3和M3敞篷车,Z4敞篷跑车以及四驱系统。它也为其它制造宝马3系的工厂提 供3系的底盘部件。 Rosslyn工厂:位于南非。生产宝马3系。四分之一在本地销售,四分之三 出口。 沈阳工厂:位于中国。2003建厂,华晨宝马汽车有限公司,是一个宝马集 团和沈阳华晨汽车公司的合资企业。主要生产宝马3系和5系轿车。 斯帕坦堡工厂:位于美国,南卡罗莱纳。1994年建成投产,目前生产宝马 X5和X6。 马格纳· 斯太尔工厂:位于奥地利。1979年建成。是宝马最大的发动机生产 基地。负责生产6缸汽油机和4,6缸柴油机和SAV X3,同时是宝马柴油发动机 的研发基地。这个工厂每天为宝马集团生产3,000台发动机。 Swindon基地:位于英格兰南部。为MINI车生产车身部件,仪表板和闭合部 件。 Wackersdorf工厂:位于德国。生产3系和3系敞篷车的车身。
1975-BMW 3系列
1975 3
红 火
。 一到
1989-1999 BMW 8系列
1989年,第一辆强调运动豪华的BMW 8 系
1998年,BMW收购了 英国劳斯莱斯车厂。
2002年BMW从劳斯莱 斯原来的东家大众汽 车那里买到了“劳斯 莱斯”这个商标品牌
BMW 1系运动型两厢轿车
新BMW 3 系
新BMW 3系四门轿车 的外观,明智之选。
全新BMW 3系双门轿 跑车外观,创想的力 量。
全新BMW 3系敞篷轿 跑车,驭风而行。
新BMW 5系长轴距版,雍容典雅
BMW 6系
BMW 6系双门轿跑车, 优雅与柔韧。
BMW 6系敞篷轿跑车, 优雅而坚韧
DIXI 315宝马开始生产汽车
1925年,BMW开始 研制汽车,1929年7 月,BMW推出首辆 汽车315. 它配备一 台782ml发动机,功 率为11kw。新车开 始有自己的个性和 方向。
1936-BMW 328
BMW的成功,328型跑车是 功不可没的,车身非常纤 幼,双座位设计,是从319 型改良过来,前后轴距仅 775kg,最高功率有59kW之 多,而极速也高达160km/ h。
1945年,二战结束,德国接受无条件投降,慕尼 黑的研究中心所有设施都遭受盟军炸得支离破碎, 这次重创下必须好几年时间才能复原,第二度经 历过战争的BMW,但这次的复原期切长达7年之 久,方能再次投入生产,这时的BMW生命力显得 很脆弱。
首先是前BMW工程师在Baden·Baden重建工厂振兴 BMW的汽车工业
德国代表企业介绍宝马汽车股份公司Bayerische Motoren Werhe AG公司名称:宝马汽车股份公司(Bayerische Motoren Werhe AG)成立时间:1916年所属行业:汽车制造公司总部:德国慕尼黑雇员数:约5万人宝马公司简介宝马是驰名世界的汽车企业,也被认为是高档汽车行业的先导。
宝马公司的全称是“Bayerische Motoren Werhe AG(德文巴伐利亚汽车工厂)”,BMW就是这三个单词的首位字母缩写。
宝马在“主动安全性能”和“被动安全性能”方面的研究及其FIRST (整体式道路安全系统)为公司赢得了声誉。
1916 1922
成立巴伐利亚飞机制造厂。 从巴伐利亚飞机制造厂变为宝马。
一战后,凡尔赛条约禁止德国制造飞机发动机5 年,迫使宝马转而生产摩托车。宝马仅用5周时 间就设计出BMW第一部500ml风冷水平对置式 两汽缸摩托车发动机,装配在革命性的R32摩 托车上,使公司安度危机,从此展开宝马的摩 托车制造史。
宝马3系 20.73-79.8 奔驰C级 30.8-54.8
奥迪A4L 20.8-46.45 品牌 价格(万)
宝马7系 63.3-319.8 奔驰S级 奥迪A8L 63-488 62.6-298
宝马X系 31.7-185.3 2.0\2.5\3.0\4.4 45-141.8 3.0\3.5\5.5 3.0\6.0
宝马汽车2011年销售创纪录 中国市场做出重 要贡献
综合外媒及宝马集团财务年报,受全球高档汽车需求 高涨拉动,宝马集团旗下三个高档品牌汽车——宝马、迷 你Cooper、劳斯莱斯2011年销量达创纪录的170万辆,超 过奥迪的130万辆和奔驰的138万辆,比上年增长11.8%, 高于集团制订的8-10%的长期目标。其中,集团在中国市 场售出23.4万辆汽车,增长37.7%。2011年,中国市场销 售额占集团全球销售额的14%,略低于美国(18.4%)、德国 (17.1%),居第三位。2011年,集团销售收入688亿欧元, 增长14%;净利润49亿欧元,增长51%;每股分红已从上 年的1.3欧元提高到2.3欧元,增幅达75%。受诸多利好因 素影响,集团将2012年销售目标定为200万辆,重点仍是 中国等快速增长的新兴大市场。
置 欧 是 欧 亚 * 宝 通 宝 当 德 占 的 用 轿 据 产 公 车 欧 国 了 品 司 已 宝 欧 西 已 在 连 ( 宝 欧 遍 欧 续 欧 公 普 司 轿 及 洲 年 ) 是 车 世 的 保 所 美 市 界 一 持 创 国 场 个 了 多 窗 立 通 西 个 口 * 用 欧 的 国 至 汽 轿 份 家 。 今 车 车 额 的 它 已 公 由 头 。 有 司 号 百 的 多 品 多 子 个 牌 年 公 市 * 的 历 司 场 即 位 史 * 。 。 〃 5 20 100 12%
MG-ROVER姆 吉罗孚集团
1924年,英国人Cecil Kimber 在英国伯明翰郊外创建 了一家汽车厂 MORRIS GARAGE,其缩写「MG」成为 了汽 车的商标。公司以生产著 名的MG系列敞逢跑车而闻名。 MG跑车向来以独特的设计、做 工精细和性能优良而著称。如 人形化了的车头五官齐全,每 看到它,就像见到了老朋友一 样,给人以亲切感;独有的加 油口盖及其下面的网状进气口, 更增添了几分幽默感。MG汽车 在第二次世界大战之后至1960年 代,业务蒸蒸日上,产品大量 销售到美国并且深受美国消费 者欢迎。
迈巴赫62s,排量6.0L, 售价900万RMB起。
将活从地最技牌 于。此区高术*迈 但进。水使巧巴 是入 平它夺赫 年 由到 的在天是 年 全 于一 杰上工汽 * 面 市个 作个的车 迈 停 场长 。世设历 巴 产 业达 在纪计史 赫 。 绩 初和上 由 不年 成无一 于年 佳的 为与个 战到 *沉 代伦充 争 迈睡 表比满 原 巴期 年德的传 因 赫。 间国精奇 而 活汽湛色 系 被 列再 跃车的彩 迫 轿次 于工制的 停 车复 欧业造品 产 洲 * • 2013 1941
巴伐利亚发念头制造厂(德文:Bayerische Motoren Werke,缩写为BMW),在中国大年夜陆与喷鼻港地区拥有宝马的注册商标,是一家世界有名的德国高等汽车与机车制造厂,总部与发源地位于德国巴伐利亚州的首府慕尼黑。
BMW也曾收购过英国的Rover Group(路华集团),但在短暂的经营之后因不堪吃亏而以1英镑的价值将Rover售回给英国的财团,只储存下本来属于Austin(奥斯汀)品牌底下的Mini车款,另以Mini的品牌上市发卖。
宝马公司的全称是“Bayerische Motoren Werhe AG(德文巴伐利亚汽车工厂)”,BMW就是这三个单词的首位字母缩写。
BMW宝马公司战略分析小组成员:韩敏张美娟班级: 14金融2015年12月29日目录一、公司简介 (1)二、企业愿景、使命及战略目标 (2)三、企业战略环境分析 (2)四、企业的战略选择及实施 (8)五、企业战略评估 (11)一、公司简介BMW(Bavarian Motor Works),即巴伐利亚汽车公司,以生产豪华汽车、摩托车和高性能发动机闻名的汽车公司,创建于1916年,总部设在德国慕尼黑。
● 第一代宝马3系E21(1975年-1983年)1968年至1975年之间,一款名为2002的宝马车受到了欧美消费者热烈的追捧,这款车的操控性广受赞誉,这款宝马2002就是宝马3系车型的前身。
7月,宝马集团宣布,全资子公司—宝马(中国)汽 车贸易有限公司正式成立,负责BMW和MINI品牌汽 车的进口、销售和市场营销等所有相关业务。宝马顺 利地完成了在中国的大渠道整合,将宝马进口车在中 国内地销售和华晨宝马的国产渠道配合起来。
车细分市场,在创新、设计、可持续发展和能效方面继 续为高档车细分市场树立基准,维持在销量和营收继续 增长,保证息税前利润达到8%―10%,而到202X年销 量超过200万辆。
1916 1922 1923
一战后,凡尔赛条约禁止德国制造飞机发动机5 年,迫使宝马转而生产摩托车。宝马仅用5周时 间就设计出BMW第一部500ml风冷水平对置式 两汽缸摩托车发动机,装配在革命性的R32摩 托车上,使公司安度危机,从此展开宝马的摩 托车制造史。
◆ 一贯以高档品牌为本,正是企业成功的基础。 BMW集团拥有BMW、MINI和Rolls-Royce(劳斯 莱斯)三个品牌。
BMW的总体目标 作为最成功的高档汽车和摩托车生产商立足于国际市
BMW的近期目标 成为亚洲豪华车市场的绝对领导者
BMW的具体目标 宝马将继续实施NumberONE战略,专注于高档汽
1.观念上的劣势 2.舒适性欠缺 3.营销策略较为随意 4.离消费者较远,售价较 高
1.营销能力相比较差 2.美国克莱斯勒并购案 的失利,使其资本损失 巨大,并影响其风险投 资
1.品牌认知度不如宝马 奔驰 2.本土化产品的更新换 代比较迟缓
下面是小编为你整理的宝马公司简介英文,希望对你有用!宝马公司简介BMW and some car big brother, such as Fiat, Ford, Renault, Rolls-Royce, etc. compared to the next is a very young car factory. But in the 1930s it produced the world's best sports car and limousine, which recovered from the destruction of World War II and the fiscal recession of the 1950s. In the early 1970s, it became one of the protagonists in the world's high-performance and luxury sedan markets and continued to this day. BMW's full name is the Bavarian car factory. It was registered by a company that made an aircraft engine in March 1916. The first successful product of the company was the inline six-cylinder engine designed by Fitz, which was assembled on the German fighter during World War I. German ace pilot Ernst Udter attributed a significant portion of their success to the BMW engine.宝马公司历程In 18 November, the end of the First World War, Germany became a defeated country, their aircraft were "the Treaty of Versailles" as "war weapons" to prohibit the production, so the company carried out a series of reorganization, and the purchase of Healy The manufacture of the Austrian factory, but later found helios motorcycle nothing, almost the BMW dragged down.In 1922, BMW developed the first motorcycle engine, although not adopted, but has set an important direction for the depot, and then in the nuremberg victoria-worke plant to re-create a design by Max Fitz Of the 500ml air-cooled level of thetwo-cylinder motorcycle engine, assembled in the revolutionary r-32 motorcycle, its power is through the drive shaft rather than the chain to the rear wheel, r-32 for the classic BMW motorcycle Set the sample. In 1924, BMW put the r-32 into the market and soon succeeded.Before 1992, BMW in China is not called the BMW, and was translated as "Ba Yier". This is because BMW's full name is "BayerischeMotorenwerkeAG". At that time, although the BMW has been famous in foreign countries, but the Chinese people on the car brand is still very strange. Chinese name changed to BMW, the consumer attention, sales have gradually expanded. "BMW's name highlights the noble luxury with the BMW car, but also with the Chinese traditional title seamless, while pronunciation is also similar to the BMW." BMW's Chinese high-level once explained the "BMW" the origin of the name.宝马公司产品历史The Twentieth Century BMW 315BMW wanted to make his own car, but it did not want to challenge the big Daimler-Benz car at that time, so decided to try some small cars. At that time a factory called Essoni transport industry has a name called Walter Fort (wartburg), later renamed Dixi (dixi) car brand. At that time, Dixi car sales are poor, so to the British Austin (austin) depot to apply for the right to manufacture 7 cars in Germany, 1927 officially put into production, renamed dixi315dai (da that the German version), this by the German customers welcome Of the British and German mixed race, so that the depot rejuvenated. In the eyes of the shareholders of BMW, Eisenhower and BMW merger is a best opportunity to improve brand competitiveness, and finally in 1928 the two merged. July 1929, BMW launched the first car 315, is thebeginning of the production of dixi315 transferred to the experts do not agree with the dixi315 BMW is the first car, in any case, the BMW 315 has been produced until the end of 1932, lasted nearly 6 year. Dixi is a very basic means of transport, but it makes BMW into the four-wheel world. It did not look like a car, but the owner of Dixi can not wait to start the test on the track, it is surprising that a Disi car actually in the 1929 Alpine rally in the success.March 1932, the factory from 315 improved 320 was born, it is equipped with a 782ml engine, the new car began to have their own personality and direction, power from 11 kilowatts to 15 kilowatts. In 1933, at the Berlin Motor Show in Germany, BMW demonstrated their latest 303, evolved from 320, with a 6-cylinder, double carburetor, 1173ml cylinder capacity, 22-kilowatt high-performance double Door four seats car, the front cover accounted for half of the body, both sides of the same ventilation design to the center line, compartment space is adequate and comfortable. 303 and then extended to 315,319,320 and 321 type, BMW's creative source is flowing. In addition, it seems that BMW has a soft spot for the sports car, 1935 BMW's first sports car 315-1 come out, it is 315 improved version, equipped with three Solix carburetor six-cylinder engine power increased to 29 kilowatts, Speed up to 130 km, this car is also low fuel consumption, safe and easy to control and well-known in the world. Its elegant design highlights the rigorous demands of BMW for performance. The 315-1 two-seater was manufactured in 1935 and 1936, producing a total of 242 cars, but it set a sample for subsequent successful BMW cars. In 1936, the appearance and the old, increased the cylinder volume to 1911ml 319 available, power increased to 40 kilowatts, the speed also increased to 140km, the compression ratio of 5.6: 1. At this time BMW also began to manufacture touring car market, which is today known as the three-compartment four-door car, which is beautiful 326 car, its classic body design makes it 1936 Berlin Motor Show on the eye-catching Bright spot. Its object is the middle class family, used to attract Mercedes-Benz customers, but it also represents the BMW is moving towards the high-end market. This was the most successful BMW in the 1930s, with 16,000 vehicles sold between 1936 and 1941. 326 provided hydraulic brake, torsion bar rear suspension system, newly designed independent front suspension system and used to replace the previous BMW Car chassis solid body, it has a convertible and hard top two models, the maximum speed of up to 112 km. In the same year, BMW's 4-cylinder engine design line to 6-cylinder engine design, and the use of 4-cylinder engine 309 also at the same time stop production. 326 soon became the main force of the BMW 6 cylinder car, which also includes poor sales of 320 (1937-1938) and 321 (1939-1941). While BMW was successful with its family and luxury sedans, it has developed classic models that will be the greatest models of the 1930s. 1936 BMW launched the 328 car on the impact of the sports industry is huge, it improved the 315-1 sports car design, equipped with high-performance aluminum cylinder head BMW 2 liter engine, you can choose the game dedicated gearbox and Quick-release wheels, the maximum speed of the 328-type car is close to 150 km, the light-weight chassis makes the suspension system relatively soft, but the operation is extremely comfortable. In the remainder of the 1930s, BMW 328 became a sign in the design of a sports car, and in the years after the war it became a classic, collectively for collectors and classic car racers. For many BMW enthusiasts it isstill the highest point in the history of the company!Elegant appearance BMW 328328 sports car in Le Mans 24 hours matchElegant design is a feature of a series of sedans throughout the late 1930s. The 327 is one of the most beautiful models in all BMW cars, and it is the early 326 Coupe version. Because the company decided to launch the first 328 two-seater, so 327 delayed until 1937 was launched, it is equipped with 328 sports car 2-liter engine high-performance models. By the end of the thirties, the BMW was precisely the culmination of the rich Nazi German lifestyle. In addition to the engine to choose from, 327 offers the possibility of choosing a professional handmade product, if you wish, you can buy a wooden body in a two-door or convertible. BMW's series of cars can almost meet the needs of each grade, of course, the premise is that you have enough money.However, when the BMW continued to launch its beautifully designed, horsepower strong car, the German industry's huge energy was used to create war tools. The German plan is better armed than its potential enemies. Companies like BMW are an indispensable part of the plan. By 1939, BMW was widely involved in a series of high-tech military projects, including aircraft development, jet engine and rocket engine, but the German furnace refining out of steel can still be used to manufacture cars. BMW in the war before the last design is about to launch, it is the classic design of the thirties last one. 335 was introduced in 1935, it is equipped with a 3.5-liter engine, is 326 luxury improved. This model did not continue to produce until 1941, and became a favorite of senior officers. It is not mass production, the total number of only 410.By 1939, BMW had been developed as a carmaker for more than a decade, but the outbreak of the Second World War proclaimed the end of this period. BMW is still producing, but the company's design and resources have turned to war use, BMW's use of labor has increased significantly, many of them from prison and concentration camps. The company's expertise in aircraft engine production is a major factor in the German Air Force's access to technology. The famous Fork Wolf 190 fighter engine is produced by BMW. BMW's success attracted the attention of the Allies, it was in Munich factory was a continuous bombing. One day in July 1944, nearly 12,000 bombs attacked BMW's factory.In 1945, the end of World War II, Germany unconditional surrender, split into East and West Germany, to suffer Sennaher to become part of East Germany, and all the facilities of the Munich factory were blown away by the Allies, this hit several years To recover, the second time experienced war BMW, to up to 7 years before they can re-production, when the BMW vitality is very fragile.Before the full revival, BMW made a three-year research and development of aircraft engines for an American company between 1945 and 1947. While the destruction of the Munich factory started from scratch, began to use aluminum production of various containers. In 1948, BMW raised enough money to start rebuilding a motorcycle factory, which was ready to launch the first vehicle r-24 motorcycle after the war. And at the same time proceed with the development and development of r-51 motorcycle work, BMW has returned to the old motorcycle manufacturing, they can once again began to rush to the car dream. Deutsche Bank provided the necessary financial supportfor BMW's rejuvenation. Despite the absence of signs of the car, the r-24 motorcycle proved to be the winner of the market, and they had been successful on both the road and the track. R-51 is launched after r-24, like r-24, it is the original BMW motorcycle direct successor, they have the basic characteristics of the BMW - the level of dual-cylinder engine and shaft drive system.At that time in the car to sell people can not afford the economic situation of two rounds and three motorcycles is undoubtedly the most suitable means of transport. BMW's motorcycles strongly attracted young German people who wanted to rebuild their lives after the war. There is another advantage of motorcycles, it is for the urgent need to relax and entertain the public to provide special competition game.Although the BMW 328 rule the world of sports cars have been the past decade, when the way of life has long been outdated, but the BMW 328 technology is still useful, all aspects of the BMW car to make life, the British can not wait for BMW's recovery , To be improved directly. In 1945, the British reconstruction of 328, 326 type also to recover. The same Americans are also very fond of the 328 type, they purchased the engine from the UK, redesigned the body and increased power to 97 kilowatts, and then shipped to the US market. In the late '40s, however, he led several former BMW engineers at the baden · baden reconstruction workshop, using 328 parts to develop a series of the latest sports car, he put him The BMW train is called Velitas. The Velitas train is suitable for both track and road driving. They were very successful in the German road race in the late 1950s and early 1950s, and thus aroused great nostalgia for the great movement traditions established before the war. The existing Velitas car is a collection of treasures. Andtheir designer Ernst Loew in the fifties to return to BMW to help companies rebuild the car manufacturing department.New starting point BMW 501In October 1952, BMW finally put into production car, made the car is the pre-war 501 family of four-door car, that before the war 6-cylinder 2-liter engine, single carburetor, can only provide 48 kilowatts of power. As the other equipment is completely new design, the new luxury car will weigh 3,000 pounds, although the maximum speed can reach 135 km, but the acceleration to 96km / h will take more than half a minute. BMW only the old engine as a short-term solution, engineers are designing 3.2-liter v8 engine, its output horsepower is far more than the old six-cylinder engine. The main investment in new plant, equipment and manpower is an adventurous action, and if the decision to produce a luxury car is wrong, the company will face the possibility of a financial breakdown. But the fact that BMW customers still like 501, the car continuously out of the factory, to 1955 was replaced by 502 when a total of 5692 501 cars were manufactured.In the years of production 501, its engine has undergone a series of improvements. Fitted with a 12v electronic system, a dual chamber Solix carburetor, a new camshaft and a new zf gearbox. But until 1954 v8 engine came out after the start of the real revolution. 501 was replaced by 502, this eye-catching new engine is the first German alloy made of large displacement v8 engine. Initially it could produce 95 horsepower, but it was continually strengthened. 502 luxury cars work well, the maximum speed of nearly 160 km, and have a good acceleration. Its sales began to grow.1955 BMW has launched two new cars, enough to restorethe company to the pre-war position. Sporty 503 marks the return of BMW to 315 and 328 as the representative of the production of high-performance car tradition, its maximum speed reached 190 km, but sales are not. 507 is the case, but it is the 30's BMW car after the most popular one.In the late fifties, when the German economic miracle continued, people can dominate the income has increased, the car has become more and more people dream. But for most buyers who have a cheap little car is realistic, although it may not be comfortable. So 1955 BMW from its luxury v8 series to the other extreme - to provide customers with a minimum car, people no longer have to find the parking space and worry, do not bother to repair those little damage The This new car is called Isetta, belonging to the so-called "bubble car" in the 1950s. It was designed by an Italian refrigerator maker, Renzo Ricardo. BMW is one of several companies that are licensed to produce. It can be directly into the tiny parking space. Many people can only look at the luxury v8 series of people can finally buy an Iraqisa. BMW sold 160,000 units of the Iraqi tower, later models also installed on the 600cc BMW motorcycle engine. Ironically, it was this strange car that helped BMW survive, and its sales were enough to make the company capable of producing the new 700-series train.700 seriesThe 700 series was introduced in 1959, and its 700cc motorcycle engine is only bigger than the 600 series of bubble cars, but it looks like a real car, so that it has a number of stable customers. 700 standard models of the engine can produce 30 horsepower, sports can be more than 10 horsepower, in its small and light body performance is excellent. In the 700 series ofmodels also includes a number of medium-sized engine with a convertible, they are in a series of events in the success. Its different versions have been produced in 1965, is a very important BMW family car, although not for the company to bring huge wealth, it makes the company repay all the debt.At the same time as the 700 series was introduced, developers found a need for a slightly larger car to cover the gap between the small 700 series and the large luxury car. But the company's decision-makers on which to produce the type of car is still controversial. At this point, the company is almost on the verge of collapse. In 1959, the big shareholders of BMW forced the company to accept the Daimler-Benz low-cost acquisition requirements, BMW sellers and small shareholders who resisted this request, the financier Herbert and Harald Quinte acquired BMW's massive stock, they demanded a production for the growing German middle class sedan. 700 series of success to the company to win the time to produce this car. It is in the autumn of 1961 at the Frankfurt Motor Show launched a new type of 1500 sedan. It has not been officially put into production, but BMW feels it should be exhibited to attract potential customers. In the appearance of the development of the car on the company invited the Italian designer Mitchell Lotti, the BMW's traditional double kidney grille installed in the new car. Chassis, body and mechanical devices are rushed to develop, 1500 finally catch up with the deadline, the car at the auto show was a great success, thousands of cars were ordered out, but immediately there are many large-scale production problem.The initial trial production began in February 1962, but it was only in October to begin production. Although by the end of 1961 has been 20,000 cars were ordered, then only 2,000 carsfactory. For the BMW 1500 is a new start in the company they are called the new train, is a natural track master, on the road can also provide racing-like performance. Another of the main features of the 1500 is that it liberated BMW from the positive competition of Mercedes and then. 1500 engine for the modern BMW car set a sample. It is designed for high-speed driving, can be on the highway at nearly 100 miles per hour speed, fuel consumption is only half of the 502 v8 series. Its beautiful design, excellent driving performance is suitable for the needs of the middle class, in the end of World War II seventeen years later, the car finally saved the company.With the success of the 1500 series, BMW began to give up it that is not very profitable old models. The small Iseta was discontinued in 1962, and the 501 and 502v8 series ceased production in 1963. Four-cylinder 1500 engine can accept higher performance debugging, it can also further expand the capacity.1.8-liter version of the new car named 1800, launched in 1963, in appearance only a chrome horizontal stripes and a badge to see the difference. BMW engineers to exercise for the design concept, there are more high-performance engines to be launched. During the same period they also developed a high-performance t1 engine for the international tour, with a high compression ratio, an additional carburetor and a different performance option.The show was still behind, and in the next decade of the 1970s, different models based on this design were introduced to meet the needs of the new BMW market. Basic section of the most important one is the two-door train type 1802, two-door car than the same level of the four-door light much lighter, the performance requirements of the car buyers are more like. Product development continues, the 20xx series with a 2-literfour-cylinder engine was introduced to the market in 1966. The new BMW changed the traditional definition of the sports car, and their performance surpassed most of the sixties two-seater racing. It is more like an ordinary car. The 200 series eventually launched a fuel injection model tii in 1969, which has a maximum speed of 185 kilometers per hour. The two-door version of the 20xx launch in 1968, road test drivers were crazy, and soon it became a fashion. At the same time it is in the US market performance is also very eye-catching, but the US version of the 20xx car is less so less standardized European car impact.Although the four-cylinder series of cars to save the BMW, but the company did not forget can be traced back to the 30's traditional six-cylinder engine. 2500 series is BMW's rapid development of new technology introduced another new product. Four-cylinder car with 1500cc engine at the beginning, you can easily expand to a larger capacity, six-cylinder car also used the same method. Growing demand caused a period of change and expansion, the new factory was acquired and rebuilt, and the motorcycle factory was moved to Berlin. Ten years ago the company is also on the brink of bankruptcy is growing rapidly. Six-cylinder sedan has four and two-door models. 2.8-liter and 3-liter two-door car is one of the most beautiful products of BMW's seventies. Six-cylinder four-door and two-door sedan launch BMW once again and the old rival Mercedes began to compete. With the increase in German middle class wealth, BMW to their own products into a broader economic class. After the launch of the 3-liter csi in 1971, the company began to attract the attention of the high-end market again. Csi has six-cylinder engine, excellent performance is also high prices. Elegant 3-liter csi once again positioning the BMW in the 30s 327 car will takeit to the position, after the Second World War BMW experienced a whole cycle, the company from the post-war giant pain stood up, Experienced an unstable period, the success of it has the opportunity to return to the original excellent and high-performance concept.3.0csiIn the early 1970s, BMW began building its office building in Munich, which represented its return to the dominance of the German auto industry. The building made full use of high-tech construction methods to build a four-cylinder appearance, in 1972 when BMW is developing the third generation after the war car, the building was completed.In the mid-1980s, BMW acquired the scrap barracks in the northern suburbs of Munich and proceeded to convert it into the BMW Research Engineering Center (fiz). The center has a design and testing equipment, BMW is another production center of the prototype and pilot. In 1985, the first team cooperation project was carried out here. In 1990 the center was formally established, and has been careful to expand its activities.ExpansionIn order to expand the market to comply with the growing group, BMW in 1994, the acquisition of the British Rover (rover) group, including the name of Rover, Land Rover, mini and mg. BMW needs to modernize its products and plants, which makes the acquisition of other factory costs relatively low. BMW spent $ 800 million on the acquisition.BMW's acquisition of Rover soon, the value of the pound rose 50%, which led to the modernization of the plant issued a higher cost. So in 20xx, BMW decided to no longer feasible Rover and mg two factories to 10 pounds at a nominal price to sell tothe British Phoenix Group. Land Rover was soon sold to Ford, but BMW decided to keep the mini brand and start developing a new generation of mini models.20xx BMW from Rolls-Royce's original owner Volkswagen bought the 'Rolls Royce' brand brand, ready to compete with the public Bentley brand competition for high-end market, although BMW agreed not to use the brand before 20xx, but Also began planning its new factory in West Sussex's Goodwood for the new Rolls-Royce. January 20xx, belonging to the BMW Rolls Royce launched the seventh generation of Mirage sedan.Standing at the pinnacle of the contemporary luxury sedan brand, BMW can look back to those who save the company's excellent cars, those who are misled almost destroyed the company's "scavenger car." Through the ruins of war can also be farther to see the development of the 30's high quality standard elegant car and two-door car. From BMW's first sports car 315, or even longer to Dixi-based small Austin 7-type car began, BMW has gone through a long road, they are to bring pleasure and enjoyment, but also Leaving the world forever can not erase the good memories.。
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·宝马车系目前宝马的车系有1、3、5、6、7、i、M、X、Z 几个系列。
其中,1系是小型汽车,3系是中型汽车,5系是中大型汽车,6系是轿跑,7系是豪华汽车,i系是宝马未量产的概念车系列,M 是宝马的高性能版本,X系是宝马特定的SUV车系,Z系是宝马的入门级跑车。
·各车系定位含义BMW分为1 3 5 6 7 X Z M Mini (劳斯莱斯收购)轿车:1系,3系,5系,7系旅行车:1系3门,1系5门,3系TOURING,5系TOURING两门两座跑车:Z4 COUPE两门四座跑车:3系COUPE,6系四座敞蓬跑车:3系CABRIOLET,6系CABRIOLET两座敞蓬跑车:Z4SUV:X1,X3,X5 ,X6,X6高效混合动力高性能:M3,M3 COUPE,M3 CABRIOLET,M5,M6,Z4M,Z4M COUPE ,X5M,X6M,M8型号后面的:16i 18i 18d 20i 20d 23i 23d 25i 25d 28i 28d 30i 30d 35i 35d 40i 40d 50i 60i两位数字为大致的排量(现在的18i为2.0发动机,23i为2.5发动机,X1的25i为3.0发动机,35i和40i为3.0T发动机,50i为4.4T发动机),其中5系和3系有些车型的型号中带x,即带有X-Drive四驱系统,带L的即加长版。
D代表柴油发动机I代表电子控制燃油喷射L代表加长版X代表四轮驱动版该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第二十五。
1系有以下车身形式:3门掀背式轿车、5门掀背式轿车、双门轿跑车、敞篷车.3系有以下车身形式:四门轿车、旅行轿车、双门轿跑车、硬顶敞篷车5系有以下车身形式:旅行轿车、四门轿车、GT混型车7系有以下车身形式:四门轿车6系有以下车身形式:轿跑车和敞篷跑车X系列有X1、X3、X5、X6,其中X1、X3、X5为SUV,X6为混型车Z4、Z3为敞篷跑车(Z3已停产)M系是高性能运动车型,有M3 M5 M6 Z4M X5M X6M系列·主要车型介绍在中国市场能看到的宝马分为1系,3系,5系,6系,7系,X1,X3,X5,X6,Z4和M3,M5,M61系不论1系的价格如何,也不提它只是一辆紧凑级的小车,令人高兴的是:顾客得到的毕竟是一辆宝马,而且这辆小车不仅看起来是宝马,开起来也是宝马。
如今BMW 3系以其出色的款式仍在延续这一传统,如今3系已经成为了宝马所有车系中最成功的车型,也是销量最大的车系!5系个性、典范、动感BMW 5系汽车:从经历中锤炼智慧,有勇气挑战极限。
设计与舒适,安全和性能-这就是BMW 5系汽车的内在特质。
要激起您的思潮有很多途径,其中最高雅的途径就是驾乘BMW 6系汽车踏上您的旅程。
全新BMW 7系列轿车动感强劲,同时又具有超出其他轿车的平稳和敏捷。
它提供了不可比拟的驾驶体验,但这新款 7 系轿车却是百分百纯正的BMW。
全新BMW 7系列轿车,生活艺术,唯您独尊。
X1高效动力2010年4月15日,宝马中国宣布BMW X1 sDrive 18i豪华型和BMW X1 xDrive 25i两款车型上市,指导零售价分别为人民币35.8万元和46.4万元。
BMW X1 sDrive 18i豪华型将搭载型号为N46B20CC的2.0升发动机,最大功率150马力。
而BMW X1 xDrive 25i搭载的直列6缸2.5升发动机最大功率达到218马力。
驾驶者可获益于一系列的BMW EfficientDynamics(高效动力)功能,包括VALVETRONIC汽油机、制动能量回收系统、BMW xDrive智能全轮驱动技术等。
对于喜欢自由的人们来说,BMW X3最理想的选择。
BMW是Bayerische Motoren Werke的缩写。
作为宝马的第一款争夺高端suv市场的产品,X5带来了一个新的概念: sav(sports activity vehicl ES)既从外形上看似越野车,但却像房车一样豪华,兼具两者的特性。
动力方面采用了一台直列六缸和两台v8汽油机,虽然六缸机170kw的功率及300n M的扭矩足以使它轻快的应付各种路况,宝马还是为有更高需求的顾客提供了更加强劲的v8机型,排量分别为4.4及4.6。
而4.6升v8机255kw的最大功率和480nm的最大扭矩显然就是为飙车一族所准备的,0-100km/h的加速时间为 6.5秒,而最高时速达到了一般suv望尘莫及的240km/h。
跑的快当然不能以牺牲安全性为代价,宝马的工程师深知这一点,所以在车身安全性设计设计方面做足了功课,通过合理的车身结构及良好的被动安全系统的防护,在欧洲NCAP(新车评估计划)碰撞测试中,x5获得33分,轻松达到五星级所要求的分数,此外,它还成为在欧洲NCAP 测试中荣获五星的第一款所谓“大越野”车型。
而在主动安全方面动态制动控制系统(dbc)、弯道控制系统(cbc)、动态稳定控制系统(D SC)可以将车子尽量控制在极限范围之内。