New anthropometric instruments
安捷伦科技GC TOF仪器校准剂IRM说明书
IRM Calibrant for GC/TOF, Part Number 5190-0531化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::化学名:2,4,6-tris(Pentafluoroethyl)-1,3,5-triazine 供应商/ 制造商:安捷伦科技贸易(上海)有限公司中国(上海)外高桥自由贸易试验区英伦路412号(邮编:200131)电话号码: 800-820-3278传真号码: 0086 (21) 5048 2818IRM Calibrant for GC/TOF, Part Number 5190-0531化学品的推荐用途和限制用途5190-0531部件号:物质用途:供分析化学实验室使用的试剂和标准1 x 0.5 ml(毫升)安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013GHS化学品标识:IRM 调谐液,用于 GC/TOF,部件号 5190-0531危险性类别信号词:警告危险性说明:H332 - 吸入有害。
GHS标签要素象形图急性毒性 (吸入) - 类别 4紧急情况概述液体。
有关环境保护措施,请参阅第 12 节。
H332 - 吸入有害。
1. Nicolet iS50型:该型号仪器采用Thermo Scientific公司专有的OMNIC软件,能够进行高效的数据处理和分析,分辨率可达0.4 cm^-1,波数范围为370-7800 cm^-1,具有高灵敏度和稳定性,还可以与其他仪器进行联用,实现多样品的同时测试。
2. Bruker ALPHA型:该型号仪器是Bruker公司的入门级傅里叶变换红外光谱仪,结构紧凑、易于操作,分辨率为1 cm^-1,波数范围为4000-400 cm^-1,具有高稳定性和低噪声特点,可靠性较高。
3. PerkinElmer Spectrum Two型:该型号仪器采用PerkinElmer公司独有的Universal ATR采样技术,可以对各种类型的样品进行测试,分辨率可达0.5 cm^-1,波数范围为370-7800 cm^-1,具有高精度和高稳定性,还具有可选配的显微镜和成像系统,可实现对微小样品的分析和成像。
Real – Time Monitoring/Display of
•TCD Signal •Sample Temperature •Time
© 2003, Quantachrome Байду номын сангаасnstruments
Linearly ramped furnace is essential for standard TP profiles
© 2003, Quantachrome Instruments
• TPR 法可确定催化剂所存在还原物的数目,并显示出 还原反应发生的温度。TPR 法的一个重要方面就是样 品除需含还原金属外,没有其它特殊的要求。由反应 气(如氢气)与惰性载气(如氮气)混合而成的分析气流 在室温下通过样品,当气体流动时样品温度随时间呈 线性变化,吸附反应消耗氢气的量由仪器记录下来, 混合气浓度的变化也已确定下来,这些已知量可计算 出氢气反应的体积
TPD 分析是通过在不同温度下,气体脱附的量来确定催化剂表面 所存在的活性中心数目、类型和浓度。在样品经脱气、还原或其 它表面处理后,导入的分析气与样品活性中心反应, 然后在惰性 载气条件下开始程序升温脱附。(温度升高与时间呈线性关系) 在 一定温度下,热能将会克服活化能,使吸附质与吸附剂之间的键 断裂,这样吸附物种会被脱附。若有不同的活性金属存在,吸附 物种通常会在不同的温度下脱除,脱附分子进入惰性气流中,其 浓度会被热导池检测出来。从所得到的特性指纹图谱中可以获得 相关信息,例如,若以氨气为吸附气体,则可获得酸性部位浓度 分布信息;若二氧化碳是吸附气体,则可获得碱性部位浓度分布 信息。
教学科研大型精密仪器设备-1傅立叶红外光谱仪Fourier Transform Infraredspectrometer主要用途:已知物鉴定,未知物鉴别、物质反应历程及动力学研究、物质含量分析等。
仪器室仪器型号:Nexus 670生产厂家:Nicolet/U.S.A 安放地点:生物楼220#仪器型号 IRAffinity-1 生产厂家 Shimadzu/Japan安放地点:矿物系仪器室# 仪器型号 Spectrum Two 生产厂家 PerkinElmer/U.S.A 安放地点:矿物系仪器室#紫外可见吸收分光光度计UV-Vis Absorption Spectrophotometer主要用途:利用紫外可见吸收光谱进行物质的鉴别、物质纯度鉴定;单组分、多组分物质含量分析;与特定显色剂作用,可进行无机元素含量分析;反应动力学研究,还可利用紫外可见吸收光谱测定特殊物质的离解平衡常数、反应速度常数,络合物组成。
仪器型号:UV3000 生产厂家:Shimadzu 安放地点:生物楼仪器型号:AOE UV670 生产厂家:AOE/Shanghai 安放仪器型号:UV 2600 生产厂家:Shimadzu 安放放地点:矿物系荧光分光光度计Fluorescence Spectrophotometer 仪器型号: F-4500生产厂家:Hitachi/Japan安装地点:无机系仪器室主要用途:提供荧光材料激发光谱、发射光谱以及荧光强度、量子产率、荧光寿命等物理参数。
教学科研大型精密仪器设备-2X 射线荧光光谱仪X-ray Fluorescence (XRF )主要用途 测定样品中元素的种类及含量。
Determining anthropometric variables as a tool in the preparation of furniture and designs of interior spaces: the case of children 6 to 11 years old of Vicosa, State of Minas Gerais, BrazilSharinna Venturim Zanuncio a , Simone Caldas Tavares Mafra b 1, Carlos Emílio Barbosa Antônio b ,Jugurta Lisboa F ilho b , , Elza Maria Vidigal Guimarães b , Vania Eugênia da Silva b , Amaury Paulo de Souza b , Luciano José Minette ba,bDepartment of Home Economics, Federal University of Vicosa, Avenue Peter Henri Rolfs, s/n, 36570-000, Vicosa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.Abstract. The adequacy of facilities and the individual securities in their different age groups is importance to ensure greater functionality to them, allowing full development of daily activities. For this to occur more efficiently it is necessary the use of ergonomics which can ensure more comfort and safety for end users of products and spaces. The present study aimed to measure body dimensions of a representative sample of children aged 6 to 11 years old, children of graduate and pos graduate students, faculty and staff of the Federal University of Vicosa and also residents of the city of Vicosa, State of Minas Gerais,Brazil, coming from different municipalities of State of Minas Gerais, to organize a database that will provide the furniture industry, anthropometric variables more appropriate to design products for both the leisure activities, and for the school sector. To realize this research we used the methodology proposed by the authors Panero and Zelnik, based on samples distributed in six age groups, and providing a measurement of 10 variables. By applying the methodology to the field was possible to compare the observed data, with the tables of the aforementioned authors. The main results revealed a significant variation of the 10 variables analyzed, and it is believed that this variation could lead to possible flaws in the designs of products that use the data from these authors. The completion of the study provided data on Vicosa considered more appropriate for the design of products and environments for the population of the study, considering age and region, of Brazil (State of Minas Gerais) and it is believed that the future may expand to the Brazilian population, with the progress of study of this nature. Keywords: Anthropometry; Ergonomics; Planning Interior Spaces; Quality of Life1Corresponding author: sctmafra@ufv.br1. IntroductionThe adequacy of the work environment and leisure, and products that compose them are developed by ergonomic studies, which associated with anthropometry and biomechanics allow more efficient planning of the man.According to Couto (1996, cited in Falcão, 2006) [2] anthropometry measures human studies, which is an essential and important variable in determining a workplace, whereas work is detached from any action by the individual to live in the place, be it survival, interaction with their environment daily, or even leisure. In this study, in particular, workplace environment that is every child from 6 to 11 years experience and interact to perform their daily activities.1051-9815/12/$27.50©2012–IOS Press and the authors.All rights reserved4626Work 41 (2012) 4626-4632DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0757-4626IOS PressConsidering these aspects to be presented and the population of children 6 to 11 years exposed to risk situations in interaction with their daily environments, it is believed that this study using data obtained may contribute to the reduction of these risks and thus ensure better health comfort, safety and quality of life. 1.1 General Aims Measuring body size of a representative sample ofchildren 06 to 11 years old, in order to get proper dimensions to design spaces, products and work surfaces effective for them. 1.2 Specific Aims- Evaluate anthropometric variables predefined forchildren 06 to 11 years old, the city of Vicosa, Stateof Minas Gerais, Brazil;- Compare the data obtained in this research study,with the authors' data Panero and Zelnik.2. Methodology2.1. Selection and description of the study area and sampleThis study was carried out in Vicosa, located in the State of Minas Gerais, region southwest. Its development is due to the presence of the F ederal University of Vicosa with a population of approximately 12,000 inhabitants, plus the city's population that according to preliminary data presented by the IBGE Census 2010 [3] is around 70,923 inhabitants, numbering about 80,000 inhabitants.The city has a close relationship with the University. There are several projects in the area of services designed to meet the demand from students, professors and others employees of the F ederal University of Vicosa. In the city of Vicosa, it can be seen high rates of urbanization and social and economic life influenced by the student community, especially the university.To collect the data from this study, we used a sample of children aged 06 to 11 years old, children of employees, professors or students of the F ederal University of Vicosa, as well as residents of this city, coming from the different municipalities of the State of Minas Gerais, considering this age group to be in frequent situations of risk, due to the use of inappropriate products and spaces that often lead to accidents because children should be seen as a developing human being in need of constant protection.Of a total of 1,124 children, who formed the study population, 597 were boys and 527 were girls. These were randomly chosen a value of 54.3% boys and 65.3% of girls to be measured and composed the study sample. The Table 1 presented below shows the distribution of the sample in question. Table 1 Distribution of the sample measured by age6years 7years 8years 9years 10years 11yearsTotal Boys59 51 55 61 48 50 324 Girls Total 127 104 114 134 96 93 668 2.2. Description of Study Variables As the study aims to compare, we used the same 10 anthropometric variables suggested by Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5], which are described in the following Table 2: Table 2Definition of anthropometric analyzed measured in the study V ARIABLES DEFINITION 1 – Stature Height is vertical distance from the floor tothe top of the head, with the individual in a position lifted his gaze directed ahead.2 – Weight (Kg) Product of the mass of a body by the acceleration of gravity3 – Elbow width (seated) Width of the lateral surface between the elbow of an individual sitting with arms foldedforward and horizontally supported slightly against his own body.4 – Hip width (seated)Maximum width of the hips of an individual sitting. This measure can also beobtained with the patient in standing position.5 – Distance buttock-knee(sittingposition)It is the horizontal distance from the posteriorsurface of the buttocks to the front of the knees.6 – Distance buttock-popliteal(seated)It is the horizontal distance, considering theposterior surface of the buttocks to the back of the knees. 7 – Sitting height Vertical measurement, considering the initial surface of the seat to the top of the head(the individual must be seated in normal position).8 – Knee height (sitting)It is the vertical distance that is obtained from ground to the kneecap.9 – Popliteal height (sitting) Vertical distance from the floor to the posterior knee of the individual sitting withthe trunk upright.10 – The thigh Considering the vertical distance from seatsurface to the top of it, where it meets the abdomen.S.V.Zanuncio et al./Determining Anthropometric Variables as a Tool in the Preparation of Furniture and Designs 46272.3. Methods and procedures for data collectionThe study data were collected through anthropometric measurements of the sample in question, using anthropometric instruments suitable for such, as suggested by Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5].To measure children beyond parental permission considering letter of invitation was requested support from the school to give space for the realization of the case study.Was adopted to study the same research methodology of Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5], since the principal aims would be to compare the study data, considering the data presented by both. The authors consider two types of body size as being essential for the design of products and spaces, the structural or static, or dynamic and functional, for this study specifically used the static measurements, which are those that are collected body measurements human in standardized positions, as shown in Table 2.To gather the data necessary for the study, children were measured in a static position, is standing for height and weight, and sitting for width measurements of hip, elbow, thigh, buttock-knee distance, and buttock-popliteal knee height, popliteal, sitting position. The procedures mentioned herein may be better understood from Table 3 and Figures 1 to 6, showing the positions of the individual during the collection process and instruments used.Table 3Description of methods for obtaining anthropometricmeasurements, considering the use of anthropometryVARIABLES POSITION OF THEINDIVIDUALPOSITION ANTHROPOMETRY1 – Stature Individual standing,arms at your sides,look to the skyline.Vertical, with the base floor, and the stem touches the hoghest part of the head.2 – Weight (Kg) Guy with feet positioned on the scale.3 – Elbow width (seated) Individual standing.Arms forming anangle with theforearms forward,hands clasped.Horizontally, with thedepression that formsthe basis of the unionof the arm and forearmand the shaft ondepression of the otherback.4 – Hip width (seated)Subject seated, torsoupright, feet flat onfloor, legs at a rightangle with yourthings – hands onthighs.Horizontal, with thebase and stem in themaximum width of thehips, back.5 – Distancebuttock-knee(sittingposition)Subject seated, torsoupright, feet flat onfloor, legs at a rightangle with yourthings.Horizontal, with thebase and stem in themaximum width of thehips, back.6 – Distancebuttock-popliteal(seated)Subject seated, torsoupright, feet flat onfloor, legs at a rightangle with yourthings.Horizontally, seatheight, the wall withthe base and stem inthe popliteal fossa(read as superior to thestem).7 – SittingheightSubject seated, torsoupright, feet flat onfloor, legs at a rightangle with yourthings.Horizontally, seatheight, the wall withthe base and stem inthe popliteal fossa(read as superior to thestem).8 – Kneeheight(sitting)Subject seated, torsoupright, feet flat onfloor, legs at a rightangle with yourthings.Vertical, with the basefloor, side leg, and thestem in the poplitealfossa (read as superiorto the stem).9 – Poplitealheight(sitting)Subject seated, torsoupright, feet flat onfloor, legs at a rightangle with yourthings.Vertical, with the basefloor, side leg, and thestem in the poplitealfossa (read as superiorto the stem).10 – ThethighSubject seated, torsoupright, feet flat onfloor, legs at a rightangle with yourthings.Vertical, with the seatbase and stem in thehighest part of thething.F or the measurement of children were used thefollowing equipment: digital scale; anthropometry;seat; measuring tape fiberglass; anthropometry small;trine and caliper. That allowed us to obtain thenecessary variables to the study. Some of theequipment can be seen in the following figures:Figure 1 - Equipment used to measuring children (seat, differentkinds of anthropometers, different kind of meters tape, digitalscale)After data collection, based on the study Paneroand Zelnik (2002) [5], using the descriptions ofvariables and the suggested equipment for the samesetting, it was the determination of 5 and 95%4628S.V.Zanuncio et al./Determining Anthropometric Variables as a Tool in the Preparation of Furniture and Designspercentiles, which indicate the percentage of test sample which has smaller and larger body size. 3. Procedure for data analysisAfter the measurement of 10 anthropometric variables to children in the study were able to calculate the mean and standard deviation for each variable and all age groups. The data obtained allowed the definition of 5 and 95 percentiles, ie, we could define the smallest and largest measured respectively, and the number of children among the population studied, inserted in each percentile. This data allows the designer to make decision about which percentile to use considering a greater number of end users, using particular space or object. F or according to Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5] percentiles show the number of individuals in a given population that are part of a given body size.4. Data collection periodData collection occurred from April 2006 to September 2010, with frequent visits to schools to obtain the necessary variable in quality and quantitysufficient to achieve effective results, were performed in parallel tabulation and analysis of data obtained. 5. Results and discussionThe children measured were selected according to the parental bond with the F ederal University ofVicosa, ie, were measured in children aged 6 to 11 years, children of faculty, staff or students at Federal University of Vicosa. However, these were not sufficient to fill the sample to be measured. Thenchildren were sought in two public schools in the cityobserving the requirement that families should have their origin in the State of Minas Gerais. Being measured a total of 668 children, divided intodifferent age groups as can be seen in the tablebelow. Table 4 Sample measured considering the period of the April/2006 to September/2010 6years 7years 8years 9years 10years 11years Total Boys Girls 68 53 59 73 48 43 344Total 127 104 114 134 96 93 668Source: Survey data (2006-2010)The anthropometric variables measured throughout the study were a total of 10, whose description was presented in the methodology (Table 2). However, the table below (Table 5) presents the application of the variables measured, considering its use in projects, and recommended percentile, as suggested by the study of Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5].Table 5Application of the measured anthropometric measurements andselection of percentilesV ARIABLES APLICATION SELECTIONPERCENTILES1 – Stature Used for setting theminimum heights of doors, among otherobstacles above. Determine areas of work, considering the height and the same layout.952 – Weight (Kg) To determine the strength of materials,products and equipment, as well as area of movement and scaling of widths.-3 – Elbow width (seated) Space occupation of chairs around tables todetermine the number of seats, given a desk orleisure.954 – Hip width (seated)Widths of chairs and seats used in differenteveryday situations of the individual.955 – Distance buttock-knee(sittingposition) Depth of seats ingeneral, and circulation area considering developing the individual sittingactivity.956 – Distance buttock-popliteal (seated)Seat width in general. 957 – Sitting height Used to determine thepossible time to place an obstacle in order not toobstruct access to other users. 958 – Knee height (sitting)It is essential to delineatethe distance from thefloor to the lower base ofa table for the individualto be seated in comfort.The degree of closenessbetween the user and the object is directly related to the knee and thigh ofthe user. 959 – Popliteal height (sitting) Determination of seat height to the ground, considering the highest5S.V.Zanuncio et al./Determining Anthropometric Variables as a Tool in the Preparation of Furniture and Designs 4629point.10 – The thigh Important indetermining the heightbetween the worksurface and seat, to allowmovement of the legs.95In this study, we sought to define the 5th percentile, ie, the percentage of children in the sample, with the smaller body size, as well as those that fit the 95 percentile, which would be the percentage of children with the highest body size, and later to compare data Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5].With the calculation of percentages for each age group and also separated by gender (boys and girls), it was possible to develop graphics that will be presented throughout this work, to provide a better comparison of data obtained with the field determined by Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5], as if the proposed study. These graphs also allow to observe the trend of variation of data obtained with the of Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5].According to Alvarez and Pavan (2003) [1] is necessary to use measures of lengths and heights for the preparation of projects and products, whether for home or work. The authors emphasize that the measures used in the project will cover most of the population. In this respect, it is believed that use the 5 percentile for determining patterns of height measurements, to allow much higher, as the lowest use the space comfortably. And width measurements for the 95 percentile, to include both thinner people as those who are overweight, use and development activities effectively in everyday environments. Considering the survey data obtained in this study were presented from 10 variables measured, using graphs. These will be responsible for presenting the data and enable comparison of the same with those presented by Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5] for the same age group.5.1 HeightBy comparing measurements of stature collected and determined by Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5] can be observed that children of both sexes showed higher values than those determined by the authors. As they have higher measures of stature, products and spaces designed from the table values Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5] will not be attending the children in the study sample, may become a risk to the physical integrity of same. 5.2 WeightWith regard to weight, the data obtained during the research shows that boys tend to lose weight over the years, however, there is a considerable increase in weight at the age of 10 years old for boys and girls of larger body size. Girls who are included in the group of smaller body size (5% percentile) have lower weight compared to those determined by the authors. But the girls of 11 years old, 5 percentile, showed a tendency to decrease the weight.According to with the data, in some age groups will increase the weight from the data Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5], if used the author’s data as the basis for the manufacture of chairs, the strength of the security may not be sufficient to provide security for this sample.5.3 Width of elbowsOf the children measured in this study, all showed greater than elbow width measurements obtained by Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5].The authors explain that this measure is useful for determining space needed for distribution of chairs around the tables, for example. As the table values are smaller than citizens, the use of data Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5] for considering children of Vicosa projects, would generate the same discomfort, and incompatibility of the work surface to develop activities for the same.5.4 Width of hipThe variable width of the hip was higher both for girls and for boys evaluated, with a rising trend over the years, being a little smaller for the age of 11 years old in girls higher percentiles.According to Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5] this measure is very important when sizing the width of chairs and stools, so the designer must be aware of the variations presented for space planning or product considering the end user.To ensure comfort and safety for users in the study, due to the variation found among the measurements, it is necessary to use specific measures of the sample in the case of projects for the local population.4630S.V.Zanuncio et al./Determining Anthropometric Variables as a Tool in the Preparation of Furniture and Designs5.5 Distance buttock-kneeThe measure of buttock-knee distance is greater than in the population studied in particular the study of Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5], with a decrease in the age group 10 years old and an increase in the next track. This measure helps to calculate the depth of seats, is essential for maintaining good posture, considering the activity performed sitting in this case by using the measures defined by the authors of the study would be impaired, since it has higher values and can therefore discomfort during the time of activities while seated. According to Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5] also contributes to this measure to determine the required distance from the back seat to the object that is in front of the knee, for example.5.6 Distance buttock-poplitealBy comparing the measured distance buttock-popliteal, there was minor variation of the measures of research data and data Panero and Zelnik. Considering the variable in the analysis, we found that the children analyzed in Vicosa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, showed a lower value than those determined by the authors mentioned above. Because they are not compatible values of the research data and those of Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5], could not be used in a project, for example, a seat is a chair, bench, benches, etc., The authors' data because they do not guarantee the optimal length of the seat for these children.5.7 Height sitting normal positionThe average height of boys and girls field obtained in the sitting position proved to be lower in almost all age groups for both the highest percentile (95%) and as for the lower percentiles (5%) considering the comparisons with the data presented by Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5]. The variable in question is very important for the calculation and measures considering the production of bunk beds, heights of walls, height of the backs of chairs, among others, so it is important to use measures that satisfy the users of the products, so the measures tables the authors would not be appropriate for children of Vicosa, since there was a variance between the measures, which would bring the user back pain due to poor posture. 5.8 Height of kneeThe boys presented for this variable, height greater than those determined by the study of Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5], this fact also being observed for the data of the girls evaluated.According to the authors Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5] measured the height of the knees is essential to establish the distance from the floor to the inside of a table, desk or counter, as well as the width of the thighs. And if the data used are not compatible with the user, and generate discomfort during use of the furniture mentioned above may worsen the case of deep vein thrombosis (WORK, 2007) [6]. Considering the aspect emphasized Nicholl and Boueri (2001) [4] conclude that in some cases you must use data from larger individuals, ie within the 95th percentile, with emphasis, the authors cite the calculation of free space on the lower surface of the table to receive the subject seated.Thus, we see the need, in the case of children measured in Vicosa, using their own measures, as measures of the authors of the tables would not be appropriate to provide the necessary space for comfort while walking legs on the bottom surface ofa desk, for example.5.9 Popliteal HeightBoth boys and girls assessed in the field, showed higher values of the variable popliteal height, in relation to the higher percentile, considering the data table Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5].The data for this variable are critical for estimating the height of chairs, or the like on the floor, so the measures proposed by the authors would not give the necessary comfort to the sample measured in Vicosa, as this is presented with higher values.5.10 Thigh height (sitting position)While working in a sitting position, it is sometimes necessary to modify the position of the legs under the surface where the activity takes place, so it is essential that there is space for a good positioning of the legs (Panero and Zelnik, 2002) [5].The measures of the population obtained in this research, thigh alternated between equivalent measures smaller or even larger than those presented by the authors in their tables, this fact indicates that the use and planning of products that were based on measures of Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5],S.V.Zanuncio et al./Determining Anthropometric Variables as a Tool in the Preparation of Furniture and Designs4631considering this study, would cause discomfort to use them.When considering all data presented and discussed throughout this study realized, that it is essential to preparation of products for the age group analyzed, anthropometric measures that would provide them comfort and security, so that activities are carried out more efficiently and efficiency, without compromising the health of ourselves.During the measurement of children in schools has been observed that many of them do not use furniture suited to their physical dimensions, which forces the use of awkward positions, which can compromise their health and academic performance.Given this, it is necessary to perform further studies to enable the correct use of measures for children in this age group, since the elaboration of projects using U.S. measures could compromise their safety, considering the physical characteristics of the children.6. Final ConsiderationsThis study aimed to measure body size of children aged 6 to 11 years old to provide the end subsidies for project development of products considered most appropriate for the population studied, and thus ensure comfort, safety, efficiency and effectiveness. According to the results obtained, it was noted during the interactive process that there is a trend of variation between the data of the study carried out in Vicosa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with the data presented in the Panero and Zelnik’s research (2002) [5]. This fact can be constituted as a risk factor for the user space and products, which are generally designed using data tables of the authors in question. Therefore, the use of anthropometry in the development of products and work spaces, it is necessary to promote the user well-being and qualityof life, ensuring their safety. It is believed that studies like this that seek to compare international data with the Brazilian reality, arise as urgent to demystify the idea of the inadequacy of data, or otherwise display the points where they would not be recommended, considering the physical type of the Brazilian people. With the completion of the measurements of children 06 to 11 years old and the subsequent comparison with data provided by Panero and Zelnik (2002) [5], has as the next stage of the project, structure a software with the data to support the industry furniture in the process of manufacturing furniture as well as the definition of work situationsto children (6 at 11 years old), thus providing, a toolthat will allows comfort, safety and convenience forusers of products and spaces in your daily life, intendto provide theoretical basis for more comprehensive studies related to the subject anthropometry.Noting also that the present study, as well as itslater stages aims to provide the CD-ROM anthropometric variables to be used as a tool in the process of drafting of work situations, because it believes it will be an enabling better quality of lifefor the subjects users of these projects.KnowledgmentThis research receive the financial support of National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (NCSTD).References[1] Alvarez, Barbara R., and Pavan, Andre Luis heights andlengths. In: Edio Luiz Petroski, editor. Anthropometry:techniques and standards. 3rd ed. Blumenau: New Letter,2007. p. 31-44.[2] F Alcão, F ranciane. Problematization of SHTM. F UCAPI,Manaus. Available at: <>, access:10 November 2010.[3] IBGE - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Census2010. 2010. Available at: <.br/home/estatistica/populacao/censo2010/default_uf.shtm>. Accessed: November 09, 2010.[4] Nicholl, Robert Anthony, and Boueri Filho, José Jorge. Sizingof Equipment and Housing Securities. Magazine HumanSettlements. Marilia, v.3, n.1, p. 75-92, 2001.[5] Panero, Julius, and Zelnik, Martin. Scaling to human indoors.Translation: Anita R. Di Marco. Barcelona: Gustavo Gilli,2002. 320p.[6] Work sitting increases risk of blood clots, says study. Availableat:<.br/imprimir.jpg?id=45243>.Accessed: November 13, 2010.4632S.V.Zanuncio et al./Determining Anthropometric Variables as a Tool in the Preparation of Furniture and Designs。
红外光谱仪(中红外/近红外波段,Spectrum 10)
分辨率:优于0.4 cm-1(中红外区)
0.1-6.4 nm,1000 nm处(近红外区)
光谱范围:15000-450 cm-1
信噪比(RMS):优于250000:1(4 cm-1, 1 min,FR-DTGS检测器,KBr分束器)OPD 速度:0.10 to 4.00 cm/sec 可调
纵坐标精度:优于0.05 %T
波数精度:优于0.008 cm-1
7 操作步骤7.1 抽样参照 NY/T672 转基因植物及其产品检测通用要求和NY/T673 转基因植物及其产品检测抽样。
7.2 制样参照 NY/T672 转基因植物及其产品检测通用要求和NY/T673 转基因植物及其产品检测抽样(按照GB 5491中四分法制备样品进行送检)。
7.3 DNA模板的制备a称取200-400 mg试样,在液氮中磨碎,装入已经用液氮预冷的1.5 ml离心管中。
b加入1ml预冷至4 ℃的抽提液,剧烈摇动混匀后,在冰上静置5分钟,用13 000 r/min离心机,4 ℃离心15 min,弃去上清液。
c加入600 μl 预热到65 ℃的抽提裂解液,用玻棒搅拌上下颠倒充分混匀,在65 ℃的水浴锅中裂解40 min。
d用13 000 r/min离心机室温离心10 min,将上清液转至另一离心管中,加入5 μl RNase A (10 mg/ml),37 ℃水浴30 min。
f用13 000 r/min离心机室温离心10 min,将上清转至另一离心管中。
加入2/3体积异丙醇,1/10 体积3M乙酸钠(pH 5.6),-20 ℃放置2-3 h,充分沉淀DNA。
g13 000 r/min,4 ℃离心15 min,用70%乙醇洗沉淀一次,倒出乙醇,晾干DNA。
加入50 μl TE(pH8.0)溶解DNA。
h把DNA溶液浓度用重蒸馏水调制为100ng/μl,储存于-20 ℃备用。
注意:I 1 g试样(如棉花种子)提取的DNA量应不小于200 μg。
II DNA的OD260/OD280的比值应在1.8左右,且OD260的值应在曲线的最高峰。
原子吸收分光光度计 英文
原子吸收分光光度计英文Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) is a commonly used analytical instrument for measuring the concentration of various elements within a sample. This instrument utilizes the principle of atomic absorption spectroscopy, which involves the absorption of specific wavelengths of light by atoms in a gaseous state.The main components of an AAS include a light source, a monochromator, a sample holder, a detector, and a computer system for data analysis. The light source emits a specific wavelength of light, which is then separated into individual wavelengths by the monochromator. The sample holder contains the sample being analyzed, and the detector measures the amount of light absorbed by the atoms in the sample. The computer system is used to process and analyze the data obtained from the detector.To perform an analysis using an AAS, a small amount of sample is first introduced into the sample holder. This can be done by directly aspirating a liquid sample or by converting solid samples into a solution. The instrument then vaporizes the sample and atomizes the elements of interest by subjecting it to high temperatures. The light of a specific wavelength is then passed through the atomized sample, and the amount of light absorbed by the atoms is measured by the detector.The absorption of light by the atoms in the sample is directly proportional to the concentration of the element being analyzed. Therefore, by comparing the absorbance of the sample to that of known standards, the concentration of the element can be determined. This technique is widely used in various fields,including environmental analysis, pharmaceutical analysis, and metal analysis.The advantages of using an AAS include high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and good accuracy. It can detect elements at concentrations as low as parts per billion. Additionally, an AAS is a relatively simple instrument to operate and requires minimal sample preparation.However, there are also some limitations to consider when using an AAS. Firstly, it can only analyze one element at a time, which can be time-consuming when multiple elements need to be analyzed. Secondly, the accuracy of the analysis can be affected by matrix effects, which are the interference from other elements present in the sample. Lastly, the instrument requires a calibration curve to be prepared using standards of known concentration, which can be costly and time-consuming.In summary, an atomic absorption spectrophotometer is a powerful analytical instrument used to determine the concentration of elements within a sample. It operates based on the principle of atomic absorption spectroscopy, which involves the measurement of specific wavelengths of light absorbed by atoms. While there are limitations to consider, the benefits of high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and good accuracy make an AAS an essential tool in various scientific and industrial applications.。
进口傅里叶红外光谱仪参数一、仪器参数该傅里叶红外光谱仪型号为FTIR-7600,主要参数如下:1. 光源:氮化硼红外光源,波长为3500cm-1至250cm-1。
2. 波数精度:0.01cm-1。
3. 分辨率:最高可达0.4cm-1。
4. 扫描速度:0.5cm-1至64cm-1。
5. 采样方式:ATR、反射、透射样品盒。
6. 数据处理软件:支持分析软件和质量控制软件。
二、仪器功能1. 高灵敏度检测FTIR-7600傅里叶红外光谱仪采用氮化硼红外光源,具有高能量输出和稳定性,能够检测到非常微小的信号。
2. 多样化的采样方式FTIR-7600傅里叶红外光谱仪采用的样品盒有ATR、反射、透射三种模式。
3. 高精度波数测量FTIR-7600傅里叶红外光谱仪具有高精度的波数测量能力,可以以0.01cm-1的分辨率测量样品的峰位。
4. 快速扫描速度FTIR-7600傅里叶红外光谱仪具有快速的扫描速度,最高可达64cm/s。
5. 数据处理功能FTIR-7600傅里叶红外光谱仪具有强大的数据处理功能,可以通过配套的分析软件和质量控制软件进行数据处理和分析。
四、应用领域1. 食品行业食品行业是FTIR-7600傅里叶红外光谱仪的主要应用领域之一。
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Our digital multimeters offer excep-tional performance and ease of use provided by intuitive front panels and standards-based programming interfaces.From a bench top to a test rack to a handheld, there’s an Agilent digital multimeter that’s right for the job.Designed to handle your toughest assignments in various applicationsU3401A/U3402A Benchtop DMM, dual displayElegantly simple and affordableDMMs with basic and goodcapabilities4½(U3401A)5½(U3402A)N/A DC, true RMS AC, AC+DC voltage ¤t, 2-wire resistance (and 4-wireresistance for U3402A), frequency, diode,continuityN/A4, 5U3606A DMM and DC power supply inone boxHalves bench/rackspace needfor two instruments5½37DC and true RMS AC voltage and current,2- and 4-wire resistance, capacitance,frequency, diode test, continuity.30-W dual-range output 30 V/1 A and 8V/3 A with OVP/OCP, auto scan/ramp andsquare wave generatorUSB 2.0, GPIB6, 734401A Benchtop DMMIndustry standard for accuracy,speed, measurement ease andversatility6½1000DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2- and 4-wireresistance, frequency & period, continuity,diode testGPIB, RS-232, Intuilinksoftware-provides a toolbarin Microsoft Word and Excelto import multimeter datafor futher analysis8, 934405A Benchtop DMM, dual displayLow-cost DMM with accuracy,speed and versatility5½19DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2-wire resistance,frequency & period, continuity, diode test,capacitance, temperatureUSB 2.0, Intuilink software-provides a toolbar inMicrosoft Word and Excelto import multimeter data forfuther analysis10, 1134410A/34411A Benchtop DMM, dual displayHighest through-put of benchtopDMMs, best choice for systemuse6½10,000(for 34410A)50,000(for 34411A)DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2- and 4-wire resistance,frequency & period, continuity, diode test,capacitance, temperatureLAN, USB 2.0, GPIB plus LXIclass C compliant, Intuilinksoftware-provides a toolbarin Microsoft Word and Excelto import multimeter datafor futher analysis12, 1334420A Nano volt/mΩ meterVery accurate, low-levelmeasurements7½250DCV, DCI, 2- and 4-wire resistance, 2 channelscanning, temperatureGPIB, RS-232, Intuilinksoftware14, 153458A Benchtop DMMThe fastest, most fl exible andmost accurate multimeter byAgilentIdeal multimeter for demandingapplications8½100000(@ 4½ digits)DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2- and 4-wire resistance,frequency & period, temperatureGPIB16, 17U1210 Series Handheld clamp meterFor convenient high currentmeasurements3½7DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2-wire resistance,capacitance, temperature, frequency, diodetest, continuityN/A19, 20U1240 Series Handheld DMMFeature-rich and robust DMMs47DCV, DCI, ACV, ACI, 2-wire resistance,frequency, capacitance, continuity, switchcounter, harmonic ratio, temperature, diodetest, 4-20 mA % scaleN/A21, 22U1250 Series Handheld DMMVersatile, high performanceDMMs4½7DCV, DCI, ACV, ACI, 2-wire resistance, fre-quency, capacitance, continuity, diode test,dB, temperature, frequency counter,4-20 mA % scaleIR-USB23, 24U1270 Series Handheld DMMMore functionality in asingle tool4½7DCV, DCI, ACV, ACI, 2-wire resistance, fre-quency, capacitance, continuity, diode test,dB, temperature, 4-20 mA % scaleIR-USB25, 26U1401A/U1401B Handheld multi-functioncalibrator/meterCalibrator and DMM in one too4½3DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2-wire resistance, tem-perature, frequency, diode test, continuity,pulse width, duty cycleIR-USB27, 28U2741A USB Modular DMMCompact, with plug-and-playsimplicity5½100DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2- and 4-wire resis-tance, frequency & period, continuity, diodetest, temperatureUSB 2.029, 30Accessories compatibility chart 31, 32Basic + Good = Elegant SimplicityU3400 Series 4½ and 5½ digit multimetersKey features▪ Up to 120 000 counts resolution▪ Up to 0.012% basic DCV accuracy▪ 11 basic measurements – DC, AC, AC+DC (True RMS), voltage and current▪ Up to six built-in math functions – dBm, Relative, Min/Max, Compare, Hold▪ Dual display on bright VFD▪ Selectable resolutions for variable measurement speeds▪ Kensington lock slot security/find/low-cost-dmmModels and specifi cationsPrimary displaySecondary displayInput terminalsand current fuseMeasurement function keypadsAutoranging, manual range and comparator operationMath operation keypads Shift Power on/off switchOrdering InformationU3401A 4 ½-digit Dual Display Digital Multimeter U3402A 5 ½-digit Dual Display Digital MultimeterEach U3400 series includes:• Quick Start Guide • Product Reference CD • Certifi cate of Calibration (CoC)• 34138A Test Lead Kit • AC Power CordOptions:U3400A-100 USB to RS232 Cable U3400A-1CM Rack Mount Kit U3400A-1CN Dual Flange KitAccessories:34138A Test Lead Kit U1161A Extended Test Lead Kit 34330A Current Shunt (30 A)34133A Precision Electronic DMM Test Leads 11059A Kelvin Probe Set U3400A-1CM Rack Mount KitTechnical Datasheet:Literature no. 5990-3970ENDCV Accuracy0.02%Reading speed N/AMeasurement functions DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2-wire and4-wire resistance, true RMS ACI, frequency, diode, continuity Type of connectivityN/AU3400A-1CN。
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Coll.Antropol.31(2007)4:1031–1038Original scientific paperNew Anthropometric InstrumentsDarko Ujevi}1,Gojko Nikoli}1,Ksenija Dole`al1and Lajos Szirovicza21Faculty of Textile Technology,University of Zagreb,Zagreb,Croatia2Institute for Anthropological Research,Zagreb,CroatiaA B S T R A C TAnthropometric examinations have been carried out since1901(USA)with the aim of developing and furthering the garment and footwear size system.The contribution to the solution of these problems was noticed in the last decades when a technical board was founded and the propositions in ISO norm series as well as in European norm(EN)series were prescribed.Two methods are employed in anthropometric measurements:the conventional one using anthropo-metric instruments and the one applying a3D body scanner.The method using3D scanning is faster and more accurate, but at the same time it is more complicated and expensive.In the framework of STIRP Croatian Anthropometric System the classical method was applied because out of the total number of examinees(0,68%of the whole population of the Re-public of Croatia)6,380children up to the age of5,4were examined.That was the reason why the development of new anthropometric instruments was taken up with the aim of developing and improving the existing ones.In this paper a new anthropometer with two legs has been described:it contributes to the stability of the instrument when a larger num-ber of examinees has to be tested.In addition to this,new goniometers for determining the shoulder-tilt have been pre-sented and described.Key words:anthropometric instruments,measurements of human body,garment and footwear standardsIntroductionThe role of the garment throughout history has not only been to protect but also to cover,uncover,to visually enlarge the body or make it look thinner or longer,to em-phasize some parts of it,and to express in many ways the spirit of the time1.In the conditions of the manufacture of fashionable garments and footwear,the meaning of the size system is exceptionally important;that is why it is necessary,in or-der to satisfy the largest possible number of purchasers to develop such systems that will make possible the selec-tion of garment and footwear sizes that would meet indi-vidual and group needs2,3.Anthropometrics can be defined as a science con-cerned with measuring people.Pheasant extended this definition by adding the word»applied«to anthropo-metry that would include numerical data referring to size,shape and other physical human features which can be used in the context of garment design4.Joint Clothing Council was the first to publish the classical terminology and the procedures of taking body measures in the garment area.Body measures were di-vided into four groups:the height,the length of a seg-ment,the width and the circumference(girth)of the body.In1996Beazley proposed a procedure for deter-mining a list of sizes according to ISO8559(E)which in-cluded a natural order in body measures covering three types of data:the horizontal,the vertical and the others5,6. Anthropometric PointsWhen determining the body measures a set of anthro-pometric instruments is used,a measuring tape and other instruments at hand as well as some specially de-signed instruments.In order to work out cuts it is neces-sary to study a large number of proportions and in order to do that we need to get to know the human body well i.e.the relations between the proportions of the body.The regularity of relations between individual body measures is determined by means of proportions,and then the departure of a certain body build from the aver-age build is established i.e.the possible existence of a de-formity crucial for working out cuts.1031Received for publication September20,2007Before anthropometric measuring is performed,the most important thing to do is to determine the exact po-sition of individual anthropometric points on a human body.Anthropometric points can be either fixed or vir-tual8.Fixed anthropometric points are always on the same part of the body.They are clearly discernible and their position is easily established.Virtual anthropometric points are those the position of which changes with the position of the body.Their po-sition sometimes directly depends on the plane the exa-minee is on while being measured.The determination of their position depends on the skill of the examiner in charge of measuring.When establishing the position of anthropometric points the existence of numerous individual variations in the shape of the skeleton used for determining individual points must be taken into account.For example,if there is a pronounced curvature in the extended part of the skeleton,its position cannot be found in the same place. In such cases the approximate center of the rounded sur-face or edge will be considered as the position of that anthropometric point.When carrying out anthropome-tric measuring the spot of an anthropometric point is taken first,then it is marked with a demographic pencil or else the characteristic points are marked by a label (HAS is used).The position of all anthropometric points must be established at the so-called standard body pos-ture,which is upright except for newborns and infants.The position of anthropometric points is marked on the right side of the body.Only after the body has as-sumed its»standard posture«and the position of individ-ual anthropometric points has been marked,the anthro-pometric measuring can be carried out in which all parts of measuring instruments are placed on the examinee’s body i.e.on its anthropometric points.Measuring instrumentsAnthropometric measuring is carried out by means of the following instruments:•measuring tape•sliding caliper•one-leg anthropometer•two-leg anthropometer•specially-designed goniometer and•digital scalePractical measurementsThe international organization for the standardiza-tion(ISO)recommended in the early seventies of the last century a number of norms which mark the beginning and the basis of a unique system for designating garment and footwear sizes all over the world9,12,13,ter on the establishing of norms ISO3635,ISO8559and ISO9407, laid the foundations for the unique definitions of the hu-man body measures for the needs of garment and foot-wear manufacturers;this also affected the manner the anthropometric measuring is carried out9–16.A comment on systems and issues concerningsize determinationIn1968in Sweden there took place the first formal approach to the International standardization organiza-tion(ISO)with the purpose of determining the clothing sizes,since it was particularly important to create an in-ternational system.The Swedish delegation proposed discussing terminology and definitions,dimensions and clearances as well as size selection.In the framework of the International standardiza-tion Organization(ISO)the technical committee TC133 was formed named Sizing Systems and Designations for Clothes.17countries became its members actively par-ticipating in its work,and the committee held its first formal session in1970.Following long discussions and numerous proposals the name»Mondoform«was adop-ted as an appropriate term for the work on designating sizes.Mondoform implies that for the purpose of desig-nating clothes pictographs be used with marked body measures representing the size of clothing items2,12,16.At the end of5th meeting held in1979the members of individual countries handed in the documents containing secondary body dimensions,their definitions and mea-surement methods.Thus was eventually published ISO 8559Garment Construction and Anthropometric Sur-veys–Body Dimension,which is used as international standard for all kinds clothing size surveys.ISO is an in-ternational association of national standardizing organi-zations in over140countries in the world.The latest ver-sion of the international garment and footwear norm is to be found in ISO/TR10652:1991.The ISO system suggested that garment sizes be de-scribed in a pictograph showing the illustration of the ba-sic dimensions of the item.The system should also re-duce the manufacturers’and the sellers’cost arising from the return of ordered merchandise and clothing items damaged on account of their being tried on.Up to 1994the first attempts at working out a European stan-dard in the framework of the technical committee TC 133had failed.In the next attempt made in1996a work team made up of professionals from12countries was founded.They revised Mondoform so as to be able to re-late the important body measures(height,waist and hips)to the size series.Anthropometry and the Development of New Anthropometric InstrumentsAnthropometry deals with procedures of accurate measuring of the human body.The procedures,the meth-odology and the instruments for anthropometry have been devised so as to enable valid and reliable measuring of individuals,populations of regions and countries,which is indispensable for garment construction and design. The instruments include anthropometers with one orD.Ujevi}et al.:New Anthropometric Instruments,Coll.Antropol.31(2007)4:1031–1038 1032two legs (upright instruments for measuring straight lin-ear distances),special goniometers for determining the shoulder-tilt,sliding calipers,calibrated measuring tapes,elastic tapes,chains and digital scales.Linear heights are measured by means of anthropometers with one or two legs,whereas linear depths and widths are taken by means of a sliding caliper,a measuring tape,a chain and a goniometer.Liminal points must be carefully posi-tioned and marked on the examinee’s body so as to en-sure accuracy and consistency of measuring.Working out anthropometric surveys is an extremely complex and time-consuming job,and that is why an interdisciplinary team of professionals and skilled technical staff has to participate in its organizing,execution and elaboration 2,17–22.New anthropometer with two legsAn anthropometer is a 2m long instrument for mea-suring different distances and heights on the human body with the chief purpose of establishing the body di-mensions.Various anthropometers with one or two legs used so far took a lot of the anthropometrist’s time just to be folded.The tube holder was not strong enough to hold the connecting tubes firmly ,which caused sliding and measuring errors that resulted in inaccurate measuring and reduced the efficiency of the measurer.The main parts of the existing anthropometers with one or two legs are built of four tubes,which means that more time is needed to fold them and the rigidity of the structure is di-minished.The new anthropometer design is free of all the short-comings of the existing ones and,in case of a larger num-ber of examinees,better stability of the instrument at work,simpler handling and higher accuracy of measure-ment are achieved.Figure 1.The anthropometer consists of two tubes having a quadratic cross section 1,2.They can be simply joined by means of the tube holder 3.This holder is placed as the end of the upper tube (1)in which it is firmly joined (Fig-ure 2).At the other end of the tube holder which is loose (outside the upper tube)a ball provided with a spring isbuilt in which after mounting the other tube (2)falls into the provided hole and (detachably)fixes this tube.The other tube (2)is longer,and it is open at one end.From this side the holder is mounted.The lower end is closed with a rubber plug (10).It has a quadratic shape so that it precisely falls into the inner tube opening.Its function is to absorb blows when the anthropometer is placed on the support in the process of taking bodily measures.On the outside of the tube a measure tape or a millimeter tape is affixed (9).By joining the shorter and longer tube over the holder the measure tapes run further on the tubes too.The tube holder (9)is made of quadratic brass shown in the drawing,and the edges of the holder are trimmed.On top of the first (shorter)tube there is the holder of the upper movable finger (5)(Figure 3)fixed with a socket screw through an insert attached to the tube (Fig-ure 4).The finger dimensions are 285´10´2mm.In its groove on the holder it slides perpendicular to the tube direction,and it is fixed with a socket screw (7)in the se-lected position.The lower movable holder (6)(Figure 5)carries the lower finger in the groove.It can also be placed in the de-sired position and fixed with a socket screw .The lower movable holder slides linearly along the tubes (as theirD.Ujevi}et al.:New Anthropometric Instruments,Coll.Antropol.31(2007)4:1031–10381033Fig.1.New anthropometer with twolegs.Fig.2.Tube holder.Fig.3.Upper (fixed)holder.Fig.4.Steel insert on top of the tube for joining the upper holder .cross-section is quadratic,they cannot be rotated).Through the holes on the front and rear side with0mark the value measured on the measure tape can be read which is placed along the tubes.The tapes are placed on the front and rear side in such a way the one starts at0and rises to 200cm,and the other starts from200cm and decreases to zero.Reading accuracy is1mm.The slider contains a brake(8)consisting of a spring plug and a screw for ad-justing spring force.Its function is to control the sliding of the movable holder(Figure6).Measurements can be made using one arm or both arms and the shorter tube or adding the longer one,de-pending on measurement requirements.The anthropometer has its specially designed protec-tive bag made of strong fabric which makes transport damages of any part impossible.The upper and lower tube and fingers are packed separately into specially de-signed pockets.The bag is closed with a Velcro strap.The holders are made of plastic material in black for contrast when reading measured values.New goniometers for determiningthe shoulder tiltFor appropriate clinging of a garment to the shoulder of the user it is essential to know the exact amount of tilt.A shoulder does not have the same tilt throughout its length.The tilt of the lower part is lesser,the tilt of the higher part is bigger,as can be seen from figure1.That is the reason why it is rather important to apply a unique way of measuring define unique anthropometric points and lines to start the measuring of the tilt from. The seventh(cervical)vertebra has always been taken as the starting point for designing clothes,because it is the most prominent and it is easily palpated.A virtual hori-zontal line going along the middle of the seventh ver-tebra intersects with the tilt of the shoulder in a point from which the tilt is measured.Measurements so far have relied on superficial assess-ment of the horizontality of the virtual line passing along the seventh vertebra and intersecting with the shoulder in a point from which the tilt is measured.The measur-ing of the tilt was carried out by means of a simple pro-tractor and the angle was roughly assessed.That method was inaccurate for the following reasons:•The assessment of horizontality of the virtual line was based on memory•The position of the intersection of the virtual line with the shoulder tilt i.e.the starting point for taking mea-surements•The method of measuring by means of a protractor based on rough assessmentThat method of work is inaccurate and arbitrary,thus not applicable,especially not for establishing differences in the tilt of the two shoulders.Those tilts in humans are not the same.The difference may or may not be consider-able.Besides for the purpose of creating clothing items, measurements are taken for medical and anthropological purposes.New goniometers for measuring the tilt of the shoul-der have been designed for field measurements in the framework of extensive research,but also for taking measures for the benefit of ready-made clothing manu-facturers and smaller firms in this line of business.Two basic types of goniometers have been designed:•Goniometer for measuring one shoulder •Goniometer for simultaneous measuring of both shoul-dersD.Ujevi}et al.:New Anthropometric Instruments,Coll.Antropol.31(2007)4:1031–10381034Fig.5.Lower movable holder.Fig.6.Brake plug.Fig.7.Measuring point of the shoulder slope.For each goniometer there are several technical solu-tions which have advantages and drawbacks.Only one solution will be presented for each type of goniometer.New one-side goniometer for measuring the angle of the shoulder tiltA one-sided goniometer should be able to measure the slope of the left and right shoulder.The measurement of different shoulder slopes,accurate starting point of mea-suring the shoulder slope and accurate reading should be enabled.The instrument should easily be handled and carried and be insensitive against manipulations.The goniometer shown in Figure 8makes the above-mentioned requirements possible.The goniometer consists of the following parts:•spirit level for mounting on the base holder •base holder•rotary (inclination)arm•finger for placing on the shoulder (left)•finger for determining the starting point for measur-ingThe base holder (2)is attenuated under the spirit level up to the bisector of the fulcrum of the rotary arm.This attenuated section and its bottom edge respectively is placed approximately in the middle of the 7th vertebra.The attenuated section is longer in order to be able to measure different shoulder widths.The holder,i.e.the whole protractor,is moved until the finger (5)rests on the shoulder.The spirit level keeps the movement hori-zontal.In this manner the starting point for measuring is obtained.The inclination arm (3)is rotated in such a way that the upper finger rests on the shoulder.Since the finger diameters (4and 5)are equal,the correct inclina-tion is obtained which is read on the marked angle scale.To measure the other shoulder a rotary goniometer is used.This is the reason why the fingers (4and 5)are on both sides of the goniometer.New two-side goniometer for simultaneous determination of shoulder tiltsThe two-side goniometer for simultaneous determina-tion of the shoulder tilt must satisfy the same require-ments described above in 4.2.1.(one-side goniometer).The most important thing is dealing with differences in shoulder width,which did not present any problem with one-side goniometer.The solution was found as shown inThe two-side goniometer consists of the following parts:1.Level2.base holder3.rotary (inclination)arm4.slider with 0angle scale5.rotary plate with angle division fixed with rotary arm6.clamping bolt of the sliderpressing spring8.finger for placing on the shoulder 9.finger with quadratic extension 10.disc 11.screw 12.bushing 13.screw The new feature of this protractor are sliders with ro-tary arms fixed with a screw to the shoulder width.The manner of measuring is similar to the measurement made with the one-sided protractor.When the seventh vertebra is felt,it is placed into the hollow in the middle of the base holder (2).The sliders moved into the end po-sition move towards the centre until the fingers (9)touch the shoulder.Their position is fixed by the screw (6).All along the spirit level should indicate the horizontal posi-tion.After fixing the rotary arms are rotated against the spirit level until the fingers (8)touch the shoulder.In both protractors the rotation of the rotary arm should have a slight resistance (self braking)so that be-cause of its weight the arm would not only move.The joint between the rotary arm (3)and the rotary plateD.Ujevi}et al.:New Anthropometric Instruments,Coll.Antropol.31(2007)4:1031–10381035Fig.8.Goniometers for determining the shoulder tilt.Fig.9.Two-side goniometer for simultaneous determination ofshoulder tilts.transferring the rotation is obtained by the quadratic ex-tension at the bottom end of the finger(9).A bushing (12)is mounted around it which makes the rotation in the slider possible(4).By tightening the screw(11)it is possible to obtain the self braking of the arm movement.The measuring procedure is shown in figure10.The one-side goniometer is more appropriate for extensive and mass application in field testing because of both-side measuring of the tilt angle while keeping the horizontal position.However,when it is necessary to obtain or to immediately compare the exact amount of tilt of both shoulders,the two-side goniometer is more adequate.Its advantage is the simultaneous determination of anthropometric points for the left and the right shoulder. That grants the accuracy of the starting point for measu-rements16,23.All parts of the goniometer are made of translucent plastic and standard levels are available at low price.The practical and simple handling of the work this new goniometer makes possible was confirmed in field measurements for the needs of the complex technological research-developmental project(STIRP)»Croatian An-thropometric System(HAS)code TP-02/117-02.It was supported my the Ministry of science,education and sport of the Republic of Croatia and was carried out on 30,866examinees during an uninterrupted17-month pe-riod and included109field measurements that took place following two exhaustive practical seminars.That was definitely the best possible confirmation of the efficiency and simplicity of the solutions we have presented.The development of new solutions for anthropometric instruments is continued and will be presented in one of the afore-mentioned papers;we can only promise that they will contribute to the improved measurements of various deformities in the human body through the ap-plication of sensorial and computing support.The Results of Investigation in the Framework of Complex Technological Developmental-Research Project(STIRP) Croatian Anthropometric SystemThe complex technological research-developmental project STIRP Croatian Anthropometric System,inclu-ded an interdisciplinary team of experts consisting of25 university professors,collaborators and consultants from corporate work as well as technical staff.Field mea-surements in all the counties and in the city of Zagreb were carried on by109anthropometrists starting from the beginning of June2004through the end of December 2005,a total of17months of continuous work.All field measurers had attended two educational seminars with practical training.The entry of the data was carried out by15younger persons and another dozen was in charge of sorting out the documentation.After the completion of all activities and after all the data have been recorded the statistical processing in now under way.The statistical methods were defined by the project task,and the final results of the investigation have been presented in7professional books as follows[3–30]:•Croatian Anthropometric System–Results of Anthro-pometric Measurements of Children at the Age of5.4 years•Croatian Anthropometric System–Results of Anthro-pometric Measurements of Boys between5.5and12.4 Y ears of Age•Croatian Anthropometric System–Results of Anthro-pometric Measurements of Girls between5.5and12.4 Y ears of Age•Croatian Anthropometric System–Results of Anthro-pometric Measurements of Boys between12.4and20.4 Y ears of Age•Croatian Anthropometric System–Results of Anthro-pometric Measurements of Girls between12.5and 20.4Y ears of Age•Croatian Anthropometric System–Results of Anthro-pometric Measurements of the Male Population be-tween18.5and82.0Y ears of Age•Croatian Anthropometric System–Results of Anthro-pometric Measurements of the Femal Population be-tween18.5and82.0Y ears of AgeConclusionThe development of new anthropometric instruments was inevitable,then it became a challenge and eventually it resulted in two entries for patents.In addition to that the new two-leg anthropometer,the one-side and two-sides goniometer for accurate determination of shoul-der-tilt proved to be an outstanding scientific contribu-tion to anthropometric measuring when there is a large number of examinees to deal with.New sciences have always been treated as heresies. The complex technological research-developmental pro-ject The Croatian Anthropometric System,which has for the first time discovered and scientifically and profes-sionally presented the national predispositions of theD.Ujevi}et al.:New Anthropometric Instruments,Coll.Antropol.31(2007)4:1031–10381036Fig.10.Measurement with the two-sided goniometer.population of the Republic of Croatia,is definitely a sci-entific advance.STIRP HAS will change the archaic system forever,and the inhabitants of Croatia,men,women and chil-dren,will possess their standard in keeping with their proportions and predispositions.HAS was the beginning,it was a complicated and challenging task,the first step towards genuine science:anthropometric studies and national surveys have a great value due to an increasingly fast rate of change in body measures.Creation of a new standard in garment sizes is his-toric for the Republic of Croatia.Anthropometric mea-surements and determination of body measures and of a system of designation of garment sizes in accordance with the recommendations of ISO norms is indispensable for the Republic of Croatia.Through STIRP HAS the quality of the export offer of fashionable clothes and foot-wear as a significant parameter for the possibility of placement on the foreign market will be increased.And finally a very relevant piece of information is that the results of the research carried out for the project Cro-atian Anthropometric System were accepted on February 6th 2007by the Technical Board (TO –38)of the Croatian institute for norms and forwarded to enter further proce-dure of acceptance as a new Croatian norm for garment and footwear sizes.The presented results derive from the complicated technological research-developmental project »The Cro-atian Anthropometric System«and from the scientific project »Anthropometric Measurements and Adapta-tions to the Garment Size System«(code 117-1171879-1887)executed with the support of the Ministry for sci-ence,education and 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