Cross Golf Product Training
cross golf 2011 说明书
cross golf 2011 说明书Cross Golf 2011 说明书第一章: 介绍Cross Golf 2011是一款专为高尔夫爱好者设计的游戏。
第二章: 游戏操作1. 开始游戏在游戏主菜单中,玩家可以选择开始游戏以进入比赛场景。
2. 操作方式游戏提供多种操作方式,玩家可以根据自己的喜好选择合适的方式。
3. 指导线游戏中会有一条指导线,指示着球的飞行方向和强度。
4. 特殊能力在游戏中,玩家可以解锁一些特殊能力,如超级挥杆、风的帮助等。
第三章: 比赛规则1. 比赛模式Cross Golf 2011提供多种比赛模式,如单人挑战、多人对战等。
2. 计分规则游戏中,玩家需要将球尽快击入球洞。
第四章: 游戏场景1. 场景设置游戏提供多个不同的高尔夫球场场景,每个场景都有其特色和难度。
2. 场景特点每个球场场景都有其独特的地形和障碍物设置。
第五章: 注意事项1. 安全问题游戏中模拟了真实的高尔夫比赛,但请玩家注意,游戏中的击球动作不要过于用力,以免造成意外伤害。
2. 电脑配置要求Cross Golf 2011是一款高品质的游戏,需要一定的电脑配置才能流畅运行。
第六章: 常见问题解答1. 为什么我的球总是偏离目标?可能是您在击球过程中没有准确掌握好力度和方向。
TSI 汽油发动机 1.4
118(160)/ 5800 240 / 1500-4500 7速DSG双离合器手自一体变速箱 4221 / 1776 / 1645
2578 1488 EU4 395 / 1450 55 6.8 8.6 207
标准漆 B4 金属漆 6R 金属漆 8E 金属漆 P6 金属漆 X6 珠光漆 2T
01 纯黑
“Vienna”真皮座椅 TW
The CrossGolf 装备表
技术数据 外部装备 内部装备
发动机 排量(升) 最大输出功率,千瓦(马力)/转速 最大扭矩,牛 · 米/转速 变速箱 外形尺寸(毫米) 轴距(毫米) 整备质量(公斤) 排放标准 后备箱容积(升) 油箱容积(升) 平均综合油耗,升/100公里 0-100公里/小时加速时间(秒) 最高时速,公里/小时
安全装备 操控装备
ESP电子稳定系统,包括ABS防抱死系统,ASR加速防滑系统, EDL电子差速锁,以及EDTS牵引力控制系统 全车3点式安全带 前排和后排外侧安全带预收紧功能 前排双气囊,带副驾驶气囊控制开关 前排和后排帘式气囊带前排侧气囊 前排安全带未系报警功能 发动机电子防盗锁止系统 上坡辅助功能 自动停车辅助系统Park assist,带尾部倒车摄像头以及前后倒车雷达 儿童安全座椅安装系统:ISOFIX
01 人性化设计的黑色“Vienna”真皮运动座椅,于舒适中尽显精湛。 02 多功能真皮方向,驾驶体验不同凡响。换挡拨片、一键式开启收音机等功能智能灵便;
一举两得——Volkswagen CrossGolf
的 组 以及 突 s l
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是 去 非常 富 有 肌 内 感 。尾 部 底 端 加 厚 的 护 在 内饰 的 布局上 与 G l P s 有太 大的 区 of l 没 u
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100个运动英文名称1、Running - 跑步例句:I enjoy running in the park every morning.(我每天早上喜欢在公园里跑步。
)2、basketball 篮球;篮球运动例句:I love playing basketball with my friends on the weekends. (我喜欢在周末和朋友们一起打篮球。
)3、football 足球;足球运动例句:He is good at playing football.(他擅长踢足球。
)4、tennis 网球运动;tennis ball 网球例句:He wants to play tennis with Mary after work.(下班后他想和玛丽打网球。
)5、badminton 羽毛球运动;shuttlecock 羽毛球例句:Mary is good at playing badminton.(玛丽擅长打羽毛球。
)6、golf 高尔夫球运动;golf ball 高尔夫球例句:Mike plays a round of golf every weekend.(迈克每个周末打一场高尔夫球。
)7、ping-pong 乒乓球运动; ping-pong ball 乒乓球例句:The students here are good at playing ping-pong.(这里的学生擅长打乒乓球。
)8、baseball 棒球;棒球运动例句:I think lots of boys want to play baseball.(我认为许多男孩都想打棒球。
)9、volleyball 排球;排球运动例句:I like watching volleyball matches.(我喜欢观看排球比赛。
)10、Swimming - 游泳11、Cycling - 骑自行车12、Hiking - 徒步旅行例句:We went hiking with our friends last summer.(去年夏天我们和朋友一起去徒步旅行了。
1. Athleticism - 运动天赋和体能2. Agility - 灵活性3. Stamina - 耐力4. Endurance - 忍耐力5. Flexibility - 灵活性6. Power - 力量7. Strength - 强度8. Speed - 速度9. Coordination - 协调性10. Balance - 平衡11. Technique - 技术12. Warm-up - 热身13. Cool-down - 放松14. Stretching - 拉伸15. Sprint - 冲刺16. Marathon - 马拉松17. Jogging - 慢跑18. Hiking - 徒步旅行19. Aerobics - 有氧运动20. Yoga - 瑜伽21. Pilates - 普拉提22. Weightlifting - 举重23. Swimming - 游泳24. Cycling - 骑自行车25. Tennis - 网球26. Basketball - 篮球27. Soccer - 足球28. Volleyball - 排球29. Baseball - 棒球30. Golf - 高尔夫31. Skiing - 滑雪32. Snowboarding - 单板滑雪33. Surfing - 冲浪34. Skateboarding - 滑板35. Rock climbing - 攀岩36. Paragliding - 滑翔伞37. Horseback riding - 骑马38. Boxing - 拳击39. Martial arts - 武术40. Gymnastics - 体操41. Athletics - 田径运动42. Track and field - 田径43. Cross-country - 越野赛跑44. High jump - 跳高45. Long jump - 跳远46. Pole vault - 撑杆跳47. Shot put - 铅球48. Discus throw - 铁饼掷49. Javelin throw - 标枪掷50. Boxing ring - 拳击场51. Referee - 裁判52. Coach - 教练53. Teammate - 队友54. Captain - 队长55. Victory - 胜利56. Defeat - 失败57. Tournament - 锦标赛58. Championship - 冠军赛59. Sportsmanship - 体育精神60. Fair play - 公平竞争61. Olympic Games - 奥运会62. World Cup - 世界杯63. Medals - 奖牌64. Trophy - 奖杯65. Sports equipment - 运动器材66. Athletic shoes - 运动鞋67. Jersey - 运动服68. Helmet - 头盔69. Racket - 球拍70. Ball - 球71. Net - 网72. Court - 球场73. Field - 场地74. Track - 跑道75. Pool - 游泳池76. Pitch - 足球场77. Golf course - 高尔夫球场78. Ski resort - 滑雪场79. Sports facility - 体育设施80. Sports club - 体育俱乐部81. Fitness center - 健身中心82. Team - 球队83. League - 联盟84. Match - 比赛85. Training - 训练86. Practice - 练习87. Exercise - 锻炼88. Fitness - 健身89. Health - 健康90. Injury - 伤害91. Recovery - 恢复92. Sports psychology - 运动心理学93. Motivation - 动力94. Confidence - 自信心95. Focus - 注意力96. Discipline - 自律97. Sports nutrition - 运动营养学98. Hydration - 补水99. Energy - 能量100. Protein - 蛋白质101. Carbohydrates - 碳水化合物102. Vitamins - 维生素103. Supplements - 补充剂104. Warm-up exercises - 热身运动105. Push-ups - 俯卧撑106. Sit-ups - 仰卧起坐107. Squats - 深蹲108. Lunges - 弓步109. Plank - 平板支撑110. Burpees - 壁球运动111. Dumbbell - 哑铃112. Treadmill - 跑步机113. Exercise bike - 健身车114. Rowing machine - 划船机115. Weight bench - 杠铃椅116. Resistance band - 弹力带117. Yoga mat - 瑜伽垫118. Sports injury - 运动损伤119. Sprain - 扭伤120. Strain - 拉伤121. Bruise - 淤血122. Fracture - 骨折123. Dislocation - 脱臼124. Recovery - 康复125. Sports medicine - 运动医学126. Physiotherapy - 物理疗法127. Rehabilitation - 康复治疗128. Sports massage - 运动按摩129. Fitness tracker - 健身追踪器130. Pedometer - 计步器131. Heart rate monitor - 心率监测器132. Calorie burn tracker - 卡路里消耗追踪器133. Exercise app - 运动应用134. Sports drink - 运动饮料135. Warm-up routine - 热身常规136. Equipment maintenance - 设备维护137. Sports injury prevention - 运动损伤预防138. Cross-training - 综合训练139. Personal best - 个人最好成绩140. Training camp - 训练营141. Victory ceremony - 胜利仪式142. Sports documentary - 体育纪录片143. Sports journalism - 体育新闻144. Sports analyst - 体育评论员145. Sports broadcasting - 体育广播146. Sports sponsorship - 体育赞助147. Sports marketing - 体育营销148. Sports science - 运动科学149. Sports research - 体育研究150. Sports statistics - 体育统计这份运动英语词汇表包括了运动领域的广泛词汇,希望对你的学习和实践有所帮助。
常用英语单词高尔夫球俱乐部:Golf Club 会所:Club House 前台:Reception专卖店:Pro shop 更衣室:Locker room 高尔夫球员:Golfer职业球员:Professional Golfer 业余球员:Amateur Golfer球童领队:Caddie master 巡场:marshal 出发员/出发台:starter 练习场:Driving range 高尔夫球场:Golf course 发球台:Tee/Tee box/Teeing ground球道:Fairway 长草:Rough 沙坑:Bunker洞:Hole 旗杆:Pin 旗帜:Flag 临时积水:Casual water 球车路:Cart path 球车:Cart 界外:OB(out of bound) 果岭叉:green fork 果岭:Green一号木:driver/one wood 三号木:three wood 五号木:five wood球道木:Fairway wood 推杆:putter / putt 右曲球:slice劈起杆:pitching wedge(PW) 沙坑杆:sand wedge(SW) 铁杆:iron左曲球:hook 球车;golf cart/buggy 水障碍区:water hazard 妨碍物:obstruction 球标:Marker 记分卡:score card小鸟推的机会:birdie chance 下半场:In(back nine) 上半场:Out(front nine) 被削起的草皮:turf 慢果岭:slow green 快果岭:fast green上坡:Up-hill 下坡:Down-hill 高尔夫教练:golf coach 遗失球:lost ball 分数:Score 右狗腿:Dog leg right左狗腿:Dog leg left 球上果岭:Nice on 会员:member抛球:Drop ball 暂定球:Provisional ball 差点:Handicap球童费:Caddie fee 红桩:red stake 白桩:white stake黄桩:yellow stake 蓝桩:blue stake 顺风:follow wind逆风:against wind 侧风:cross wind 一杆进洞:hole in one标准杆:par 标准杆为3杆:par 3 标准杆为4杆:par 4标准杆为5杆:par 5 小鸟球(低于标准杆一杆):birdie老鹰球(低于标准杆二杆):eagle 高于标准杆一杆:bogey高于标准杆两杆:double bogey 高于标准杆三杆:triple bogey双倍标准杆:double par球场常用英语服务用语打招呼<greeting>1.您好!Hi !<hello!.>2.您好!《初次见面语》how do you do ?3.您好!《熟人问候语》how are you ?4.早上好!Good morning !5.中午好!Good afternoon !6.晚上好!Good night !7.见到您很高兴!Nice to meet you !8.欢迎到康乐园温泉高尔夫球会!Welcome to Kangle garden golf club !9.先生,能为您效劳吗?Hi sir ! Can I help you ?10.请问您要打球吗?Excuse me , are you going to play golf ?11.请问您是个人还是团体?Excuse me , are you going to play individually or in a group?12.请问您是会员还是嘉宾?Excuse me , are you a member or a visitor ?13.打扰您了,这是您的球包吗?Excuse me , is this your bag ?14.先生,您的组内有多少人打球?Excuse me , how many player are there in your group ?15.哪两个球包要放在一起? Which .tow bag would you like to put together ?出发去球场<Starting for the course>1.先生,我们现在出发好吗?Excuse me , sir . Shall we start now ?2.从一号洞开球。
PRODUCT TRAINING GUIDEThis manual is the ultimate guide on LifeWave products. Summarising each product into this easy-to-use manual, you can print off individual pages to share at a meeting or send the entire manual to your team via emailWhat Is Phototherapy?The science of phototherapy, which has been around for about 100 years, uses light to improve the health of the body. And modern forms of phototherapy such as Low-Level Laser Therapy, which helps reduce wrinkles and treat other more serious skin conditions, are very well understood scientifically.But this idea is nothing new. As far back as two thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks had a centre for studying the effects of different coloured lights on the body. Even the ancient Egyptians, who promoted health by focusing sunlight through coloured glass on certain areas of the body, understood this concept.How LifeWave Phototherapy Patches WorkYour body emits heat in the form of infrared light. Our patches are designed to trap this infrared light when placed on the body, which causes them to reflect particular wavelengths of light. This process stimulates nerves on the surface of the skin which in turn produces specific health benefits that are unique to each LifeWave patch.PATCH WARNINGSRemove immediately if you feel discomfort or skin irritation occurs. Do not reuse patch once removed from the skin. For external use only. Do not ingest. Do not use on wounds or damaged skin. Ask a health professional before using if you have a health condition, any questions or concerns about your health. Do not use if pregnant or nursing.TABLE OF CONTENTS4567891011121314LifeWave X39®Energy EnhancerIceWave Silent Nights Y-Age Aeon Y-Age Glutathione Y-Age Carnosine SP6 Complete Nirvana Mood Enhancer System Alavida Regenerating Trio AcuLifeLifeWave X39®• The LifeWave X39® patch elevatesthe peptide GHK-Cu for theactivation of stem cells• Clinically proven to enhance overallhealth and vitality• Experience a new level of dynamicwellness• Convenient and easy to use• Fast results• Patented, proprietary form ofphototherapy• No drugs, chemicals or stimulantsThe LifeWave X39® is clinically proven to provide the body with a level of health and vitality that you have not experienced since you were in your youth. Using our patented form of phototherapy, LifeWave X39™ patch elevates the peptide GHK-Cu which is known to decline with age.When elevated, this peptide activates the body’s stem cells, providing incredible benefits.Using technology backed by multiple clinical studies and 20 years of development, the LifeWave X39® patch has been demonstrated to provide a multitude of benefits such as better wound healing, heightened energy, deeper sleep, rapid pain relief and even a reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles. InstructionsPlace one LifeWave X39® patch on the body. Apply the patch to clean, dry skin in the morning. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product.Energy Enhancer• Clinically proven to increaseenergy and endurance• Supports a physical fitnessroutine• Convenient and easy to use• Fast results• Patented, proprietary formof phototherapy• No drugs, chemicals orstimulantsEnergy Enhancer patches reflect particular wavelengths of light, which stimulate specific points on the skin that increase energy production in the cells (beta-oxidation). Because beta-oxidation produces more than twice the energy of carbohydrate burning, this is the most effective and natural way to increase overall energy.InstructionsPlace one set of Energy patches on the body, using one of the locations shown. Always place the WHITE patch on the RIGHT side of the body, the TAN patch on the LEFT side of the body.Apply the patch to clean, dry skin in the morning. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product.IceWave• Safe and natural pain relief • Can be used for whole body and local pain• Fast-acting and non-addictive • Convenient and easy to use • Patented, proprietary form of phototherapy• No drugs, chemicals or stimulantsChronic pain, alone, affects 1.5 billion people around the world, leading to billions of dollars in health care costs and lost work productivity each year.1 IceWave is a safe, powerful and affordable solution for all levels of pain.Using the healing properties of light, IceWave is designed to provide fast relief at the source of discomfort. If you have knee pain, for instance, you can place the patches around that area for quick relief. If you have pain throughout your body, there are different placement options that produce equally effective results.This non-drug, non-addictive approach sets IceWave apart from all other pain relief products on the market. Particularly in contrast to mainstream pharmaceutical painkillers, which are known to have harmful side effects.InstructionsPlace one white and one tan patch on the body, using one of the locations shown. Apply the patches to clean, dry, undamaged skin. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product. Only remove half of the patch backing until an effective placement site had been located.If the pain is not reduced in 10 seconds, move to the next location to relieve pain in that area. This can be used on any area of the body. For specific patch protocols, please visit .The Clock/Cross Method was developed to provide fast and effective results for non-specific, localized musculoskeletal pain. Move through the locations shown in Fig. 1.0 to 1.6 until the pain has been substantially reduced and/or mobility hasincreased.Fig. 1.6Fig. 1.2Fig. 1.3Fig. 1.4Fig. 1.5Fig. 1.0Fig. 1.11 David Borsook, M.D., Ph.D, a leading pain expert at Massachusetts General Hospital in the U.S.Silent Nights• Clinically shown to increaselength of sleep by 66%• Enhances the quality ofsleep• Patented, proprietary formof phototherapy• No drugs, chemicals orstimulantsFree of drugs, chemicals or stimulants, Silent Nights is clinically proven to improve quality and length of sleep without causing that groggy feeling the next day. You’ll wake up feeling well rested, more energetic and better prepared to make the most out of life. Silent Nights is clinically proven to increase length of sleep by 66%, and since its release has helped people all over the world achieve better rest. Subsequent to its release, a pilot study conducted by Dr. Norm Shealy concluded, “The safety and results obtained in the study of Silent Nights suggests that these patches may be one of the preferred potential approachesto significant improvement in sleep.”InstructionsPlace one Silent Nights patch on the body, using one of the locations shown. Apply the patch to clean, dry skin in the evening. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product.Y-Age Aeon• Clinically proven to reducestress in the body• Promotes relaxation• Patented, proprietary formof phototherapy• No drugs, chemicals orstimulantsNobody is immune to stress, but when used as part of a healthy lifestyle, Y-Age Aeon delivers powerful relief without a trip to the doctor or pharmacy. As a result, you’ll experience a greater quality of life, with no negative side effects.Y-Age Aeon reflects particular wavelengths of light, which stimulate specific points on the skin that decrease inflammation and increase antioxidant production in the body.InstructionsRotate through the below point locations, using an Aeon patch 5 to 7 days per week.When combining Y-Age products, use any 2 patches on any 2 of the Y-Age point locations shown, applying the patches on either the midline or right side of the body.Apply the patches to clean, dry skin in the morning. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product.• Glutathione is the body’smaster antioxidant• Supports the immunesystem• Improves overall health• Patented, proprietary formof phototherapy• No drugs, chemicals orstimulantsGlutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and primary antioxidant for detoxification. It’s found in nearly every human cell, and medical experts say that lifespan is directly equivalent to the amount of Glutathione in your body. With its ability to protect and detoxify, it also provides crucial immune system support. It’s also worth noting that glutathione is incredibly well researched. In fact, thousands of clinical studies have been conducted on this powerful antioxidant.As the primary defence against invaders from outside and inside the body, the importance of the immune system cannot be overstated. The good news isthis patch is clinically proven to keep yours strong. No other single product can support your immune system like Y-Age Glutathione, and this patch does it all with no drugs or chemicals.InstructionsRotate through the below point locations, using a Glutathione patch 5 to 7 days per week.When combining Y-Age products, use any 2 patches on any 2 of the Y-Age point locations shown, applying the patches on either the midline or right side of the body.Apply the patches to clean, dry skin in the morning. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product.• Clinically shown to increasestamina by up to 125%• Improves strength and flexibility• Improves overall health• Improves bioelectricalproperties of organs• Patented, proprietary form ofphototherapy• No drugs, chemicals orstimulantsMany athletes and fitness enthusiasts use Y-Age Carnosine to push themselves further, but it can help anyone experience peak performance in their daily routine. This patch improves strength, flexibility and endurance, which together form the foundation of a robust and active lifestyle.Y-Age Carnosine reflects particular wavelengths of light, which stimulate specific points on the skin that help increase stamina and improve strength and flexibility. InstructionsRotate through the below point locations, using a Carnosine patch 1 to 3 days per week.When combining Y-Age products, use any 2 patches on any 2 of the Y-Age point locations shown, applying the patches on either the midline or right side of the body.Apply the patches to clean, dry skin in the morning. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product.SP6 Complete• Compliments a weight lossprogram• May help to reduce cravings• May help reduce appetite• Patented, proprietary form ofphototherapy• No drugs, chemicals orstimulantsThe SP6 Appetite Control patch gently stimulates points on the body that have been used to balance and control appetite for thousands of years. The result is a natural decrease in hunger and sugar cravings - without any drugs, stimulants or needles entering the body.The SP6 Complete patch helps to control and regulate your appetite and may help to reduce your cravings without the use of pills, drugs, stimulants or needles. InstructionsPlace one SP6 Complete patch on the body, using any of the recommended locations. For optimal results, rotate the patch between the placements that provide you the most control of your appetite.Apply the patches to clean, dry skin in the morning. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product. Do not use more than one SP6 Complete patch at a time on the body.Nirvana Mood EnhancerSystemNirvana Supplement• Supports healthy endorphin productionto enhance mood• Patented stabilization process forsustained results• Includes natural seaweed extract• No drugs or stimulantsNirvana Patch• Enhances mood• Sustained results• Patented, proprietary form ofphototherapy• No drugs, chemicals or stimulantsLife is challenging for everyone, and we could all use an emotional boost when we’re feeling a little down, now and then. But what if you could be happier? Not surprisingly, the answer to this question is directly related to body chemistry. You know that warm, euphoric feeling you get when you flirt with someone you’re attracted to? This feeling is actually produced by the body’s natural release of endorphins. But as we can all attest to it doesn’t last very long, and that’s where Nirvana does something no other product can.Nirvana SupplementThis product includes a natural seaweed extract that not only supports healthy endorphin production, but its patented stabilization process produces sustained results.Nirvana PatchThe Nirvana patch is a patented technology that enhances your mood withno drugs, chemicals or stimulants. So, LifeWave has combined this patented technology with a natural supplement for a dual-action combination unlike any other. Together, the Nirvana Supplement and Nirvana Patch work synergistically to support a prolonged sense of happiness and wellbeing, with no side effects. InstructionsPatches: Place one Nirvana patch on the body, using one of the locations shown. Apply the patch to clean, dry skin in the morning or evening. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Keep well hydrated while using this product. Tablets: Take 2 tablets daily as part of a balanced diet.Improves the health of yourskin from the inside out• 98.6% naturally derived,plant-sourced ingredients• More vibrant skin from dayoneAlavida takes an entirely new approach to skin care. Our scientifically proven formulas, which include a patented, proprietary form of phototherapy, improve the health of your skin—from the inside out and the outside in.From day one, Alavida provides immediate, long-lasting results that help beautify your skin’s appearance and restore your youthful radiant glow. Plus, you’ll be happy to know that our products are dermatologist tested, allergy tested, developed for all skin types and contain no unnatural preservatives.Alavida reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, brightens complexion for a regenerated, youthful glow and evens out skin tone and discoloration. Compelling Results from Clinical Research:• Nearly 90% of subjects saw significant, overall improvement inappearance after 3 weeks• 100% of subjects reported an immediate, significant improvement in skinhydration.• Over 70% of subjects experienced significant improvement in skinfirmness after only 3 weeks.• Nearly 80% of subjects confirmed significant improvement in skinradiance after 6 weeks.Patch: Apply one patch each night before going to bed. Place one patch on the body, using one of the locations shown. Apply the patch to clean, dry skin before retiring. Patch may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding.Crème/Nectar: Apply onto clean skin of face and neck.AcuLife• Safe and natural pain relief forhorses• Reduces inflammation• Can be used for whole body orlocal pain• Fast results• Convenient and easy to useLifeWave’s exclusive non-transdermal patch system utilizes new technology to gently stimulate acupressure points – improving the flow of energy in your horse’s body for improvement of pain and discomfort, within minutes of use!AcuLife is a patch for your horse that you can get without a veterinaryprescription. It’s also an easy to use product - anyone can use AcuLife to provide pain relief for their horse!Instructions Locate the area on your horse that you wish to patch.Remove a plastic bead from the bag. Then remove the adhesive backing of a TAN patch and place the plastic bead in the centre of the adhesive side of the TAN patch.Place the TAN patch with bead, on the location you desire on the LEFT side of the horse. Then press down firmly on the patch to ensure it is secure to the horse.Repeat steps 2-3 with a WHITE patch, placing the WHITE patch and bead on the same location, but now on the RIGHT side of the horse.Place a set of AcuLife patches as shown below. TAN on LEFT and WHITE on RIGHT.。
铁杆 木杆 球杆杆头 杆面沟槽 球杆杆面 杆身 球杆握柄
golf ball golf bag club iron club wood club club head groove club face club shaft club grip
tee 球座
golf cart
score card
专业词汇 Vocabulary
1.高尔夫器材英语词汇 2.人员词汇 3.关于场地 4.关于规则 5.关于赛制
常用句 Useful Sentences
1.球童常用语 2.预约 3.球术用语
Golf ball 球
Golf bag 球包 Club 球杆
Iron club
Wood club
Glove Expense card
手套 消费卡
Lighter Watch Wallet Sunglasses Cap Mineral water Drink Cigarette 打火机 手表 钱包 太阳眼镜 太阳帽 矿泉水 饮料 香烟
客人身份 Golfer 高尔夫球员
3 . I’ll your caddy. 我是你的球童。
4. Do you need to warm up?
您要热身吗? 5. Please check your clubs.
C: Caddie (球童) G: Guest(客人)
C: Hello, my name is„ ,Nice to meet you! G: I’m ...,Nice to meet you too ! C: I’m glad to serve you today. Let me carry the golf bag for you
Golf GTI培训教案——DQ380模块部门Division服务技术培训部版本号Version01更新日期Date2015-09-25服务技术培训部服务技术培训部目录一.产品简介二.技术数据三.变速箱原理及动力传递四.机械机构五.离合器结构及调整六.液压系统七.控制系统八.服务服务技术培训部•安装位置和DQ250在MQB-A/B车型上一样•前置驱动和四轮驱动•七档•最大可传送扭矩420Nm •从DQ500中选取如下零部件:-机电单元-双离合器-油泵-部分齿轮组96,588191产品简介产品简介服务技术培训部7速双离合变速箱DSG双离合器电气连接机电单元服务技术培训部机电单元输入轴输出轴2输出轴1最终传动装置机油滤清器7速双离合变速箱DSG服务技术培训部紧急解锁按钮紧急解锁拉杆选速杆紧急解锁按钮服务技术培训部变速箱原理及动力传递服务技术培训部1档3档变速箱原理及动力传递服务技术培训部2档R档变速箱原理及动力传递服务技术培训部4档5档变速箱原理及动力传递服务技术培训部6档7档变速箱原理及动力传递服务技术培训部输入轴1和2输入轴1输入轴27档3档4档和6档2档/R 档1档5档服务技术培训部输入轴服务技术培训部输出轴11档4档驻车锁倒档输出齿轮5档服务技术培训部输出轴27档6档2档3档输出齿轮输出轴2服务技术培训部夹紧轴总成输出轴1夹紧螺栓F服务技术培训部夹紧轴总成输出轴1服务技术培训部夹紧轴总成输出轴2F夹紧螺栓服务技术培训部夹紧轴总成输出轴2服务技术培训部驻车锁服务技术培训部驻车锁服务技术培训部驻车锁驻车锁未开启帽楔制动爪执行器销带夹紧弹簧棘爪回转杆制动爪的回位弹簧驻车锁齿轮服务技术培训部驻车锁开启驻车锁执行器销位于终点挡板驻车锁齿轮服务技术培训部配备轴斜齿轮的差速器轴斜齿轮密封圈最终传动正齿轮服务技术培训部输入小齿轮油泵双离合K1K2服务技术培训部双离合器零件介绍1 -双离合器端盖的卡环,拆卸后更换。
Golf training aid
专利名称:Golf training aid 发明人:Abelardo Pacheco 申请号:US09/066152申请日:19980424公开号:US05924933A公开日:19990720专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:Disclosed is a golf training method and apparatus that consists of an anchor tethering straps and waist belt positioned in such fashion so as to train an individual to prevent excess rotation or hip movement during a golf swing. The apparatus is universal having an adjustable strap that fits around the waist including tethering straps that allow for both width and height of adjustment of the individual. The device may be used outdoors by use of a portable anchor or permanent anchor, as well as indoors by use of a standing board allowing an individual to stand on top of a board with an anchor placed at the end of the standing board. The tethering straps are independently fixed during use. One of the tethering straps stretches and permits proper body rotation. The other strap is inelastic and controls body sway.申请人:PACHECO; ABELARDO代理机构:McHale & Slavin更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Golf training device and method
专利名称:Golf training device and method发明人:Bruce W. Heller申请号:US11800759申请日:20070508公开号:US20080293507A1公开日:20081127专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A golf club training device and method utilizes a substantially rigid, sleeve-type member that is positioned over a forefinger of a lower hand of a golfer. The sleeve-type member is positioned over a central portion of the forefinger, extends above and below the forefinger, and is open at both ends. The member restricts bending of the forefinger,so as to maintain an upper anterior portion of the forefinger away from a golf club handle during swinging. In one embodiment, the member is open along a portion of the posterior length thereof. In one embodiment, a thumb pad may also be provided, which is adapted to be positioned on the thumb of the lower hand and to be placed substantially squarely on the golf club handle, improving a user's golf swing.申请人:Bruce W. Heller地址:Las Vegas NV US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Golf training kit for playing on a small course
专利名称:Golf training kit for playing on a smallcourse发明人:Wan Sheng Yu申请号:US11102693申请日:20050411公开号:US07147567B2公开日:20061212专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:Provided is a golf training kit for playing on a small course. The kit comprises a ball mound comprising a seat having a tee, a rope having one end attached to the seat,and a foot member at the other end of the rope; and a target assembly comprising abase assembly of a predetermined height and including a plurality of peripheral openings, a support on a top of the base assembly, and a bell hung under the support. In playing, a person stands on the foot member prior to hitting a ball. The bell rings when struck by the ball driven through the opening. Additionally, there are provided a hollow pole comprising a base segment releasably secured onto the support, and at least one connecting segment releasably connected to the base segment, and a flag attached to the topmost connecting segment.申请人:Wan Sheng Yu地址:4FL. 27 Lane 160, Hsin Sheng S. Road, Sec. 1 Taipei 100 TW国籍:TW更多信息请下载全文后查看。
T T T Ü T TT T6455REPRESENTED BY THE WORLD’S FINESTGOLF COURSE DISTRIBUTORSIowa Golf Course Superintendents National Golf National Golf Course Owners Canadian Golf Superintendents Golf Course Superintendents T T TÜ T T ÜÜ T T T6620 Nordic Drive P.O. Box 68Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613, USA phone 319-266-2638 fax 319-266-96271-800-553-1707email: info @ Standard Golf products are available worldwide through a network of outstanding Distributors.For the name of the Distributor nearest you, contact us toll-free at 1-800-553-1707.TWARRANTY: Standard Golf Company warrants its products to be free from defects inmaterials and workmanship within a period of one year from the date of purchase. Standard Golf’s sole responsibility under this warranty shall be to repair, replace or refund the price of the defective product or component. All such repairs, refunds and replacements are subject to such rules, terms and conditions as Standard Golf may promulgate from time to time.DISCLAIMER OF OTHER WARRANTIES: The foregoing limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Standard Golf be liable for any indirect, consequential or special damages of any nature whatsoever.IMPORTANT NOTICE: United States Golf Association ® logos appearing in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only. They do not imply endorsement by the owners of the designs. The use of the word ‘tour’ in connection with any product in this catalog does not imply a relationship with, or an endorsement by PGA TOUR, Inc.Sizes, weights, dimensions and descriptions given in this catalog are nominal only, and may change slightly from time to time due to changes in materials and production methods. Colors are approximate, and may change slightly among different products.© 2011 Standard Golf Company Printed in USAThe photography in this catalog was taken at Des Moines Golf & Country Club, as well as Quarry Oaks Golf Course and the Country Club in Lincoln. We at Standard Golf greatly appreciate the opportunity to showcase our products on these fine courses, and we would like to thank the following: Superintendent Rick Tegtmeier and Golf Pro Scott Howe – Des Moines Golf & Country Club; Superintendent Ken Cuddy and Golf Pro Joe Sutter – Quarry Oaks; and Superintendent Ben Messerly – the Country Club of Lincoln.T TTT6455T T T676455"%'T ,/T-"//&!T%.T >T &0"/ !T %T '/&T %"&/"T +&T - ! 3 T-%(.T+!T3T!$%" T"+1,T + ,T "30+ +%&T3&0T,+! %" >T "+&-T ,/T$3! T1/& " T 3&03"0T %(.T ,3!T2//&T ,/"/T/ /" T! /$T%.T ,/T 3 >T / /T (/3"&/0T ,3 T ,/T/ $/" !T2/,+&0T ,/T-3'/T " ( T 3$$"/1+3 /T$"%0 1 !T ,3 T(3! T3&0T!/" +1/T ,3 !T !/1%&0F %F&%&/>T /T$(3&T %T!/ T3&T/ /&T,+-,/"T ! 3&03"0T0 "+&-T ,/T&/ T544T /3"!>T9” (23 cm) rake is perfect for maintaining shrubs, ÜT T practic ee econstruction.Acorn nut and base sold separately.SOLID ROD ONLY 2020020225STRIPED ROD ONLY 20201202022020320226“In order to maintain the highest level of performance, there’s a certain work ethic and crafts-manship we all embrace; and it shows in the fabric of our people and every stitch of work that goes out our door.”Simply insert paint can Specially formulated to maximize whiteness on dirt. Built-in shield protects cup and green from overspray. One-piece patented design; no assembly required. No purging required between uses. Starter kit includes tool, plus one case of paint. (Six 15-ounce (.42 kg) cans per case.)55500See page 13.Peter Voorhees President/Ownertely.Y05Y1236SpeBuiOnNoSta(Six 5560055700See pag896455Ü TWe athe r-re sistant. Two mode ls:– 12” diameter (30 cm) Easel Replacement Clock– 18” diameter (46 cm) Deluxe Easel Atomic Clock*200900 12” (30 cm)Replacement Clock – White 200901 12” (30 cm)Replacement Clock – Bronze 200902 18” (46 cm) ReplacementAtomic Clock* – Silver*Features built-in temperatureand hydrometer gauges.See page 49.T TÜ TWide selection of horizontal 5”H x 10”W (13 cm x 25 cm) signage.For a little extra you can design your own sign.Single-SidedGround Under Repair 08729No Chipping08731Double-SidedNo Chipping08730See page 54.ÜT TGreat portable spike cleaning solution around clubhouse.Heavy-duty, welded “stand-on” base, built for high traffic.Friction-fitted to Scrusher; secured with center-mount bolt.No mounting stakes required. Easy to maintain.17 ½”H x 20”W (44.5 cm x 50.8 cm)14150 Deluxe Scrusher Base See page 59.TÜ T ÜBonderite aluminum with the most chip-resistant coating around. New beveled bottom edge design makes them much easier to insert and remove.4” (10 cm) high 4 ¼” (10.8 cm) diameter18150 Aluminum Practice Gr e en CupSee page 12.Look for this logo to find the products that are NEW this year.T Ü Ü >T T T > T T >W E W I L L N O T S A C R I F I C E P E R S O N A L S E R V I C E F F O R N N E W T E C H N L O O G I E S s s i m l p y t o i n c e r a s e p r o fi ,t r r d e u c e a p r y o l l s o r a u t o a m t e p r o c e s s e s . A t S t a n d a r d G o l f w e b e l i e v e p e o p l e n a d e x p e r i e n c e a a r e j u s t a s i m p o r t a n t a s s p u e r o i r r p o d u c t q u a l t i y a n d t e c h n o l o g i e s t t h a t i m r p o v e o p e r a t i n g e ffi c i e n c y a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s .Y o u a c n n t opp t u a p r i c e o o n e p o p l e w w i t h x e p e r i e n c e w h o a a r e a l w a y s r e a d y t o t t a k e o y u r c c a l l a n d e x e c e d y o u r e x p e t c a t i o n s . T Y o u m a y r p f e e r t t o r o d e r r p d o u c s t o o v e r t h e I t n e r n e t ,b b u t w e R P OM I S E n o t t o l e a v e o y u n a v i g a t i n g w w i t h o u t s u p p r o t f r o m a g o l f a c c e s s o r i e s e x e p t r t t o e h l p y o u p r o c e s s y y o u r o r d e r .Y o u m a y e b w o r k i g n w w t i h o n e o f o u r h i g h l y r p o f e s s i o n a l S t a n d a r d d i s t r i b u t o r s , b u t w e P R O M I S E n t o t o l e a v e o y u a h n g i n g h w e n s p e e d a n d s s i m p l c i i t y t a k e p r e c e d e n c e o v e r p r o c e d u r e . W e h a v e h t e e b s t a n d m m s o t k n o w l e d g e a b l e d i s t r i b u t o r s i n t h e w o l r d . B B t u , i f y o u h v a e q u e s t i o n s b a o u t s p e c i fi c r p o d c u t f e a t r u e s ((h w i c h t h e y m m a y n n o t b e a b l e t o a n s w e r ) w e w w i l l a l w a y s b e h e r e t o s u p p o r t y o u a n d y o u r St a n da r d G l o D D s i t r ib u t o r e e v e r y s s t e p o f t e h w a y .f T TÜJoanieCustomer ServiceOUR NO. 1 GOAL at Standard Golf is to make sure your experience with us is, without question, the best, friendliest and most worthwhile in the industry. And I’m here to make sure that happens.:;6455TT F T T T ÜFree engravingon orders of 9 or Free engravingon orders of 9 or more when using T T T T T<=6455TT T F T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T >plastic-coated steel handles.Tough, high-impact 15” (38 cm) molded head Value-priced favorite of superintendents. High-density, impact resistant,For Tour Smooth Rakes and Duo-Rakes. traditional style handle s. Less wear from moisture and sand.Less chance of damage from carts and bunker traffic.eecomposite handles sold in multiples of twelve. Curved handles sold in multiples of positeCurFiberglass CorePigmented ResinT TOnce you try the Tour Smooth you will never try another, because nothing else matches the balance, lightweight design, handling and performance. Preferred bunker rake of premier golf courses. Smoothes both fine and c oarse sand into perfect playingcondition … quickly and easily. High-impact plastic head.T TT5455TT T T T T T T T T T T T Ü T T T T T TUse with SparKleen Ball Cleaner Solution. (See page 7.)s ÜT T T T T T T T T TT T TFlagsticks that twist ultimately lean (because cups and ferrules wear out). Sand and grit cause cups to stick, eventually wearing out both cups and ferrules.When flagsticks start to lean, itmagnifies and accelerates the problem. (That’s when players really take notice.)T TSTANDARD’S PATENTED SMART-FIT CUP AND FERRULE SYSTEMIf your cups and ferrules don’t worktogether, you really haven’t solved the problem.The Smart-Fit System is the only onespecially engineered to seat the flagstick perfectly every time and minimize wear-and-tear.Plus, sturdy gusset-reinforced ribs of the ST2000 Cup allow dirt and sand to freely sift through to eliminate buildup.THE RESULT: Flagsticks don’t stick, twist or lean, because they don’t suffer the constant wear and tear that typically occurs with other ferrule and cup combinations.“I have the most important job in the whole place. I’m the first person you see when you walk in the door, the last one you see when you leave and the only one who knows where everyone56576455eÜT T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Ü· T T T > ee ee eBuilt-in shield protects cup and green from overspray.One-piece patented design; no assembly required. No purging required between uses.Starter kit includes tool, plus one case of paint. (Six 15-ounce (.42 kg) cans per case.)555005560055700e eÜB o O r N S p 55555655764555859T Te eA must for keeping cups clean and looking Unique design hits all the “corners” for maximum cleaning.ÜCup Cleaning BrushRon W Shipper“Standard has given me the opportunity to grow like never before, by using my talents and initiative to do whatever is necessary to help you5:5;6455T T TTTT25-BOTTLE 24”H x 32”W x 24”D 50-BOTTLEapprox. 117 gallons (443 L).25 – 40 oz. (1.4 L) bottles 50 – 40 oz. (1.4 L) bottlesContoured design keeps mixture dry, easier to dispense. TÂT at bottom expel water.34 ½”L x 1 ¼”D (88 cm x 3.2 cm) 4-FT (122 CM) BENCH *35”H x 48”W 6-FT (183 CM) BENCH *35”H x 72”W 4-FT (122 CM) BENCH6-FT (183 CM) BENCHencil extra you can brown and black.)e green, brown and black.) cards ncils”wn and black.)s”d.T TÜ T T T T T T T T >T T T T T T T T TT T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Ü >25-BOTTLE H x 32”W x 24”D50-BOTTLE 32”H x 45”W x 25”D 4-FT (122CM)BENCH *6-FT (183CM)BENCH *16”H x 18”W x 13”D (41 cm x 46 cm x 33 cm)5<5=6455QUADRUPLE-STITCHEDDOUBLE-STITCHEDQUADRUPLE-STITCHEDTT T T Ü T T ÜT T T T T T Ü T T T T T T ÜF T T T T T T T >rows of stitching instead of two and wider edges that reduce wear.T TT TÆ5Flags are meant to fly. That’s why Standard Golf generally recommends the weight and resiliency of 200 denier nylon.T TÆ6The heavier the flag, the less inclined it is to fly. And when it does fly, it creates more stress and wear on the flagsticks and cups.T TÆ7Flags first start to wear (and show) along the edges.With quadruple-stitching you have a wider edge, so you improve the integrity and extend the life of the flag. Standard Golf flags feature this exclusive quadruple-stitching process.Flags are your course’ssignature. Don’t leave them hanging.T T TÜ TScreen print or embroider your logoe e eeee64656455Ü T TµT T»T644TÜ T TµT T»T844TTT Ü T Ü T T T T T T Ü Ü T T T T T T T T T T >T T T T T ÜT T >TP TP TP TP TP Ü TÂTÜ T T»T644TSemaphore ST T66676455TT T T T Ü T T T T Ü T T T T T T ÜÜ T T Ü T T T ÜT T T ÜT T T >Put your nation’s flag on display Prices shown do not include base flag cost. eeeeTT6869“When a vicious thunderstorm battered our course with 80-90 mph winds, we lost over forty trees and had litter and debris all over the place. But we didn’t have one flagstick blow out of a cup on the course. Without the SMART-FIT System on our cups and flagsticks, we’d still be looking for them.”Kurt NeubertSuperintendent, Carthage Golf Course, Carthage, Missouri6455T T T T ÜT T TT T T T T T T T T Ü > SMART-FIT FerruleIf it doesn’t mesh with the cup, it twists. If it twists, it wears out. If it wears out, it leans. And if it leans, it shows.16 tapered flanges seat the ferrule and flagstick perfectly with the Smart-Fit Cup… EVERY TIME.Comes standard on all flagstick orders.Ü T T T T T · ÜT Ü Simply designate “traditional” on your flagstick order.26517 Traditional F e rrul eT T T Ü Üte “traditional”on your flagstick order.ional Ferrule Traditional FerruleNote how precision-formed flanges on the SMART-FIT ferrule are designed to mesh perfectly with sturdy gusset-reinforced ribs on the ST2000 Cup. (1) This allows the flagstick to seat with the cup EVERYTIME. (2) It prevents the ferrule from twisting inside the cup. (Less twisting means less wear-and-tear on both the ferrule and cup. And fewer flagsticks flying in windy conditions.)T T T TT26515 SMART-FIT F e rrule6:6;6455T T T T T T T >T T T T T T T T T T >TTTF T6<6=64552500025100T T Ü T T T T T Ü T T ÜT T T T >16575SquareT48" (122 cm) long16158 Roundwon’t crack, rot or absorb moisture. eT7475Ü T T TSimple, economical and ready to cut. Hot rolled tubing. Carbon steel shaft. Adjustable depth collar. Foot ejector.4¼” (11 cm) diameter28700 Straight Sh ellsharpened inside 28800 Scallop ed She ll sharpened inside28801 Scallop e d Sh e llsharpened outside6” (16 cm) diameter28775 Straight Sh e llsharpened inside Side-Mounted T TYear-after-year, our most Field-tested and proven i n all soils … with flying colors. action.Full selection of cutter shells to match your conditions.llinside d Sh e ll sharpened insided Sh ellsharpened outside T TÂTÜ T T T T T ÜT T T T T T ÜÜ T T T T T T Ü T T T T >Replacement for Par Aide hole T TCutting into hard soil greens? blade s reinforced with webs and backing Side pins lock in shell for easy extraction, rubber mallet drives For replacement parts,straight cutter styles – inside eÜ TFits 4e eT Tnt soil compaction and minimize impact on the putting surfaces and fragile Use rubber mallet to drive in the eee T TÂT767771716 16” (41 cm) HeadT F TTT T T¡ TMulti-functional. Designed for construction and repair.Robust rake head design; four different sizes. Long teeth tackle grading. Straight edge handles leveling.66” (168 cm) straight handle.T Ü T T¡ TT T T TT T T T TTTT T TSerious strength … for rough ground and hard knocks. Reinforced to eliminate head-to-handle wobble.T T T T TT T T T TAn indispensible alternative to a disposable world. Magnum Tools never die. (You may need to repair them occasionally, but you’ll never want to replace them.)71124 24” (61 cm) Head 71130 30” (76 cm) Head 71136 36” (91 cm) Head 71142 42” (107 cm) Head71348 48” (122 cm) HeadÜ T71325 24” (61 cm) Head 71337 36” (91 cm) Head 7134948” (122 cm) Head7879T TT T Ü Ü TFor everyday cleanup. T TTT28” (71 cm) all-aluminum head withPerfect for removing dew or worm casts from greens and tees.Great for removing pine needles and as a replacementGusseted head adds extra strength for demanding9” (23 cm) rake is perfect for maintaining betweenshrubs, flower beds or any other tight area.Mounts to 60” (152 cm) padded fiberglass handlefor maximum strength, reach and comfort.T TThe easy way to sift sand to removebunker debris and stones.19” (48 cm) head;T TOne-time adjustable cutting blade(additional replacement bladesavailable).Heavy-built with polished, stainlesssteel construction.32” (81 cm) handle2960029601F T T TTrim thick grasses – even remove roots – aroundOne handle works with a wide range of head sizes.24" (61 cm) Model12" (31 cm) Model Ües.O(aavHst32” (829602960–aroundhead sizes.7:7;TÂT T TTInnovative plug design for easy sod/soil removal and seamless Six-sided plugs pull wedges that are Hexagon Turf Repair ToolTT Ü T ÜOrganic spikes – 4” (10 cm) long – hold new sod in Dissolves in approximately eight eeapplications aroundflowerbeds, fragile plantings and other T Ü T ÜFor quick and easy repair work … also ideal for special event cups or placing distance markers.Foot ejector plate pulls 8” (20 cm) Rugged grip. Steel, powder- Choose solid or hollow tines; Rugged steel construction. Core collector is built right into the base.3” x 3⁄8” (7.6 cm x 0.95 cm) replaceable Body Assembly OnlyHollow Tine Base Assembly Solid Tine Base AssemblyGreenskeepertube; fits inside for easy storage.Stainless-steel tine and handle construction.12” (30 cm) tine.¾” x 10” (2 cm x 25 cm) samples.Includes convenient storage case. Core Profile Samplerdamaged turf. Fill the tube handle with new plugs from any nursery area, then use them to replace damaged plugs when you cut them. Zinc-plate Adjustable blade handles plugs up to 4” (10 cm) deep. 29475 TÂT T TT7<7=6455TÂT T TTGreat for emergency mower adjustments and odd jobs. Forged steel construction with the torque of a full-size 4’H x 6 ½’W Coco Fiber Drag Mat26”H x 54 ½”W 520005201326”H x 27”W 5205052063Built to last with solid steel construction. eeeeeAccurate. Easy to load and shoot. Compatible with any brand of marking paint.Inverted wand – 35” (89 cm) long – is used to mark hazards and ground under repair.Lightweight construction also makes it GreenAthletic FieldStriping MachineHard Surface Striping Machine590' – 765' (180 m – 233 m)279' – 442' (85 m – 135 m)436' – 530' (133 m – 162 m)520' – 570' (158 m – 174 m)100'200'300'400'500'600'700'800'KRYLON AERVOE FOX VALLEYRUST-OLEUMSEYMOUR (PAR AIDE)129' – 222' (39 m – 68 m)26”525226”52524’H x 6½’W (122 cm x 198 cm)53000Coco Fiber Drag Mat Hard Surface E-ZEE White Starter Kit E-ZEE White Paint (Case) TÜt se)84856455Ü TT Ü T T T T T Ü T T T T T T Ü >T T TÜ TT T T T TThink about it. Before they tee off, everyone heads to the practice green. So, why not make a bold statement and a great first impres-sion with class. Standard Practice Green accessories give you the style and colors – even personaliza-tion – to complement your course setup, right from the start.20322ee eÜ T86876455Ü TT TÜ TT TT TÜ TT TÜ TTTÜ TT small practice green Fitslarge tube practice green flags88896455Terra Cotta Ü TT ÜGREAT RUST-FREE FINISH!It starts with a state-of-the-art, Bonderite9F T Tee eeT T TÜYou need to see it GREAT RUST-FREE FINISH!Icleaning process and a sophisticated and highly specialized powder coat booth. In addition, all channel ends are capped to keep moisture out!Yto believe it!Visit T World’s best ball picker … period!Superior Dual-Integrated Gang Technology means eachgang member PIVOTS INDEPENDENTLY IN ANY DIRECTION for unequalled maneuverability on rolling terrain, in all types of grasses and conditions, when navigating slopes, even when backing away from trees and other obstacles.EXCLUSIVE!Back away … without going through the hassle of wrestlingwith tangled or damaged gangs. No other gang picker in the world can do it.IT’S THE ONLY GANG PICKER IN THE WORLD THATBACKS UP WITHOUT GETTING TANGLED OR DAMAGED. No need to exit the vehicle to untangle gangs.LOW-PROFILE – reaches under trees, sweeps close to yardage markers.Powder-coated finish ensures a superior, longer-lasting appearance and better rust resistance. Assembles in less than 15 minutes. U.S. and foreign patents pending.“Personalized flags? I’ve seen them all. And I’ve done most of them. I’m just Kaleidoscope-style logo. These golf course “supers” are the greatest bunch8:8;T FÜ T T TeOversized drain on back of theScrub-Pro makes cleanup quick8<8=Deluxe Model* Features 18” (46 cm) diameter atomic clock with built-in temperature and hydrometer gauges.Handy spool … with 100’ (30.5 m) of rope.10 equidistant markers help you evenlyspace range dividers (pg. 47) and place94956455T T TT F T T T ÜT Ü TÂT TTT ” (0.79 cm) diameter spike. Priced individually. Sold in multiples of twelve.32" (81 cm) longplus spike375003755031 ½”H x 72”W (80 cm x 183 cm)31 ½”H x 72”W(80 cm x 183 cm)T TA favorite on ranges everywhere.Rugged. Reinforced. Folds up for easy storage.Green Driftwood Brown Black White This fold-up bag stand is a sharp addition to any area … with extra 28"H x 19"W (71 cm x 48 cm)100800GN 100800DW 100800WHT T sign. T T TUpgrade with this ultra-durable (80cm x 183cm)TÜ TÂT T TTTT96976455Ü TÂT TT T T T T T T T TÜ T T T T T T T T T T >Double-sided, 13” (33 cm) long directional signs.For a little extra you can design your own sign. Call today for details.13" (33 cm) longNo. 5 Tee 10206-513" (33 cm) longNo. 12 TeeT T T>T >T >T T T T TÜJoanie & BonnieStandard Golf SG Express“I absolutely love working with people in the golf industry. They’re friendly. They work hard. They love what they do. Most of them know what they want, but sometimes it’s even more fun “As a whole,superintendents are the best people I’ve ever worked with, and I loveevery one98996455* Features 18” (46 cm) diameter atomic clock with built-in temperature Deluxe ModelT T T T T >T T T TÜ TÜ T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T >– 12” diameter (30 cm) Easel Replacement Clock – 18” diameter (46 cm) Deluxe Easel Atomic Clock*rature ock Cl k*9:9;6455eee9<9=6455TTTTÜ Tcoated base. TurfStone personalized signs mountede ee eTThoroughly cleans spikes and sides of shoes. Three separate bottom brushes with long-lasting nylon bristles.Two softer side brushes that don’t scratch the sides of shoes.Extra space between lower bristles prevents buildup.Choose turf or asphalt mounting stakes or order Deluxe Scrusher base. (See below.)ee eT T TÂT TFree-standing or console-mounted. Alternative or steel spikes. Cement or turf. With Standard Golf spike cleaners, you’ve got options.Each model has been intelligentlydesigned to work efficiently andthoroughly for your players.:4:5 Ü TPut this useful spike cleaner to work wherever it’s Anchors in asphalt or in the ground with turf stakes. Includes stand, brushes, hardware and three 3 ½” T TSimultaneously brushes sides and bottoms 14111TÜ T T T T T T T T T=T T5<T T TT T T Ü >T TT T T >T T T T TStandard offers you more choices and more tee consolecombinations than anyone else … and different ways toorder them.TTÜ T T T TÜ Ü TÜ TTT¡ TÜ T:6F:7Choose your Ball Washer Series –Premier or Medalist; plunger-styleCentury or Classic; 4-ball, crank-style(See Ball W asher pages 6-7 for complete details.)Choose your Trash Receptacle –The popular Litter Caddie is available on nearlyall packages.Single and Double Litter-Mate Receptacles are alsoavailable on T radition Tee Console kits.PLUS, all Ball Washer/Trash Receptacle combinationsare color-coordinated. C hoose red, green or black.:6:76455TT T TTÜ T TÜ >TÜ T T >T T T T T TClassic Ball Washer with color-matched 9-gallon (34 L) Litter Caddie and spike.WITH CENTURY WITH CLASSICT:8:96455TIncludes hardware and two 129251295012970Tripod base, post assembly and ball washer bracketT:::;TT T TÜ You can personalize your TurfStone with your hole layouts. Our precision laser system captures every detail and uses UV-resistant inks for a look that lasts for years. Available on both horizontal and vertical e Gray GraniteTerra CottaHorizontalT TTTTT T T T T T T T Ü T T T T T T T T T ÜT T T >T T T TStart with an impressive array of bronze or aluminum engraved markers; all are double-sided and richly accented with a wide assortment of color backgrounds.ed e:<:=3 ½” (9 cm) spike;4;55 ½” (14 cm) spike4 ½” (11 cm) spike4 ½” (11 cm) spikeinformation call today for details.For decalinformation call today for details.;6;76455T TTTTTT Ü T e T TÜ T T T T T F Ü T Ü T T TÜ T T T T T T T TÜ T >Green/White 04969 T TStay well stocked, even on tight-fisted 200 per case.T T TAbsorbent and reusable. 200 per case.T Ü T Reinforced with nylon 21"H x 7"W duo-fold (53 cm x 18 cm)21"H x 7"W duo-fold Green One-color art chargeT TTTTT;8;96455T TTTTTT T T T >T T T T T T T T Ü T T Ü T TÜ T T T T >Pole Mounting BracketEasy-open hinged lid for quick trash T TTTTT;:;;6455T TTTTFold-up design is perfect solution for Holds a 10-gallon (38 L) Igloo cooler Cooler Cover Lock (pg. 78) provides Holds 10-gallon (38 L) Igloo cooler (not included). T T TSame basic cooler as open-stand design in Houses dual, 10-gallon (38 L) Igloo 71"H x 50"W x 24"D (180 cm x 127 cm x 61 cm)T Ü T TOur most popular Green Line station. (not 67 ½"H x 25"W F F T F T Te e;<;=6455T TDiscretely stores 50-quart ice chest (included).Fits 5- or 10-gallon (19 L or 38 L) Igloo Coolers. All locks keyed the same, so you can add more T TTTTT Rich, powder-coated 11” (28 cm) T T TT T“I have the best job in the world. Everyone here knows what they’re supposed to do. They do it better than anyone else in the world. They’re smarter than I am … and that makes me appear a lot smarter, too!”<4<56455T TTTTTT T T T TÜ T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T ÜÜ T > T TTTTT TTTTT Rectangle PyramidSquare Round。
运动鞋中英文对照根据运动鞋的用途:•Softball 垒球• Lacrosse 长曲棍球•Baseball 棒球•Track &Field/XC 田径后面的XC不知道什么意思•Basketball 篮球•Running 跑步鞋•Football 足球•Soccer 足球(美国)•Cross Training 训练•Tennis 网球•Cheerleading 啦啦队• Volleyball 排球•Casual Shoes 休闲鞋o Dress/Casual 裙装▪Oxfords/Lace—Ups 牛津系带鞋▪Boots 靴子▪Loafers/Slip—Ons 便鞋(自己猜的)o Sandals 凉鞋o Sneakers 运动鞋o Classics/Retroo Rugged 户外鞋(自己猜的)o Skate/BMX 板鞋• Walking 步行鞋•Golf 高尔夫• Wrestling 摔交鞋=====================以下未理鞋类词汇中英对照adjustabled roller skates 伸缩溜冰鞋aerobic shoes (有氧)舞蹈鞋after ski boot 雪靴air shoes 航空鞋amphibious boot 水陆两栖用靴animal shoes(plush)毛绒鞋ankle boot 短靴,踝靴ankle strap shoes 踝带鞋antistatic 有带凉鞋arena boot 舞台鞋army boot 军鞋atheletic shoes 运动鞋athleisure shoe 休闲运动鞋athletic shoes 运动鞋axido 沙滩鞋baby shoes 婴儿鞋badminton shoes 羽球鞋baimoral 内耳式鞋ballerina 芭蕾鞋balmoral 巴莫洛鞋bamboo shoes 竹拖鞋baseball shoes 棒球鞋basketball shoes 篮球鞋bathe shoes 浴鞋ballerina 无内里平底女鞋ballet shoe 芭蕾舞鞋balmoral 镶花边的鞋bar shoe 条扣鞋beach sandal;beach comber 海滩鞋beaded slipper 珠串拖鞋bicycle shoes 脚踏车鞋blucherstyle moccasin 外耳马克斯bluches 布鲁克鞋boatshoes 船鞋bond low cutter shoes 船型平底鞋boot 长靴bootee 轻巧女靴boots 马靴bowling shoes 保龄球boxing shoes 拳击鞋boys shoes 中童鞋brocade shoes 浮花织棉鞋brogue 内耳式鞋,粗革皮鞋california shoes 加洲鞋canvas 帆布鞋canvas casual shoes 帆布便鞋casual shoes 便鞋;休闲鞋cement shoe 胶粘鞋cemented sport shoes 贴底运动鞋central line seamed shoes 中接式鞋chemical shoes 化学鞋chelsea boot 侧边装有松紧带的短靴cherokee 加洛基式凉鞋children's shoe 童鞋children boot 童马靴children loafer 童包仔靴children one band 童横带鞋children shoes 幼童鞋children slip—on 童舒利便鞋chukka boot 马球靴ciao boot 俏靴climbing shoes 登山鞋clog 木底鞋close shoes 满帮鞋cloth shoe 布鞋combat boot 短简军鞋comfort footwear 舒适鞋cotton shoes 棉布鞋court shoes 草场上用鞋(网球鞋,足球鞋等)court sport shoes 小型球场用鞋cowboy boot 牛仔靴crampons 钉鞋cross—country shoes 越野跑鞋custom shoe 定做鞋dangaroo boot 袋鼠鞋deck shoes 甲板鞋desert boot 沙漠鞋diving boot 潜水鞋doctor shoes 医生鞋dress shoe 绅士鞋;时髦鞋earth shoes 地球鞋embroidery shoe 绣花鞋engineer boots 工程鞋espadrille 麻布台底鞋;登山帆布鞋europeam casual shoes 欧式便鞋EVA slipper 拖鞋EVA sport sandals 运动凉鞋EVAsandals 凉鞋exercise sandal 健康鞋fashion shoes 时装鞋felt shoe 毛毡鞋field sport shoes 田径鞋fishing wader 钓鱼鞋fitness shoes 健康运动鞋flat foot shoes 平板脚鞋flaty shoes 平底便鞋flip—flops 人字拖鞋floater 轻便鞋football shoe 足球鞋football shoe for game 比赛鞋football shoes for practice 练习鞋front strap shoes 前带鞋frye boot 马靴garage shoe 修车工鞋Gibson 吉普森鞋girl’s shoes 中童女鞋golf shoe 高尔夫鞋Goodyear welt shoe 固特异治条鞋grass—sliding shoes 滑草鞋gum shoe 长统橡胶靴gusset boot 侧边装有松紧带的短靴gym nastic shoes 体操鞋gym shoe 球鞋,体操鞋,健身鞋half boot 中统靴hand-crocheted shoe 手钩鞋health care shoes 保健鞋healthy shoes 健康鞋healthy sandal 健康鞋heat proof boot 防热鞋heavy duty wear 耐用鞋类high heel sandal 高跟凉鞋high heel shoes 高跟鞋hiking shoes 旅游鞋hocdey ice skate 曲棍球鞋house shoe 室内鞋huaraches 皮条纺织鞋hunting boot 打猎鞋ice blades 刀式溜冰鞋ice figure skate 冰上曲棍球鞋ice skate shoes 冰刀鞋indoor football shoes 室内足球鞋indoor shoe 室内鞋indoor tennis shoe 室内网球鞋industrial/safety footwear 工作安全鞋infant shoe 婴儿鞋injection shoes 注塑鞋in—line skates 轮式溜冰鞋jockey boot 骑马靴jogging shoes 慢跑鞋jumping boot 长统皮靴jute shoe 麻布鞋knee boot 长靴kungfu shoe 功夫鞋lace boot 穿带长筒鞋ladies shoe 女鞋leather boot 皮靴leather shoes 皮鞋leisure 休闲鞋leisure shoe 便鞋linen shoe 麻布鞋loafer shoe 包子鞋low cutter 平底鞋low heel sandal 低跟(休闲)鞋maccasions 鹿皮鞋mary jane 背带式平底女鞋medical shoe 医疗鞋men’s shoe 男鞋miners boot 矿工鞋misses'shoes 大童女鞋moccasin 马克森鞋monk shoes 僧侣鞋monk strap shoes 横扣鞋moon boot 月球鞋mountaineering shoe 登山鞋mule 舞台鞋;一种拖鞋nun shoe 尼姑鞋nurses shoe 护士鞋one piece pump 单片式女高根鞋one strap shoes 单带鞋orthopedic shoe 矫正鞋out door shoes 室外鞋outdoor sport shoes 野外运动鞋oxford shoes 牛津鞋paper slipper 纸拖鞋paratroop boot 伞兵鞋peeptoe 露趾尖式凉鞋penny loafr(coin shoe) 有硬币袋式包子鞋pirate shoe 边带鞋plain pump 素面女高跟鞋plastic shoes 塑胶鞋popsicle 加州式结构拖鞋prewalker 学步鞋priest shoe 僧侣鞋pump 高跟鞋racing shoes 跑鞋rain boot 雨鞋riding boot 马靴rocked fin 蛙鞋roller sdate shoe 轮式溜冰鞋rubber shoes 像胶鞋running shoe 跑步鞋running sandal 跑步凉鞋sabot 木鞋saddle shoe 鞍型鞋safety shoe 安全鞋sandal 凉鞋satin shoe 缎面鞋side gore boot 侧面有松紧布半统靴side strap shoe 边带鞋skateboard 滑板鞋skating shoes 溜冰鞋skates 溜冰鞋ski boot 滑雪靴slip-on 男便鞋slipper 拖鞋slippr sox 鞋袜slling back 后空凉鞋sneaker 帆布面运动鞋snow boot 雪靴snow mobile boot 滑雪靴soap shoes 肥皂鞋soccer shoes 足球鞋sport sandal 运动凉鞋sport shoe 运动鞋step-in 便鞋(有松紧带式)step—on 便鞋(无松紧带式)stitch down process shoe 外翻帮鞋strap pump 紧带舞鞋straw slipper 草席拖鞋strdent shoe 学生鞋stripy sandal 多带式凉鞋suede shoe 翻绒(毛)皮鞋surfing shoe 冲浪鞋table tennis shoe 桌球鞋tennis shoe 网球鞋textile fabrics shoes 纺织鞋thong sandal 夹趾凉鞋top shoe 踢健舞鞋topsider 平底便鞋tourist shoes 旅游鞋track shoe 跑鞋training shoe 训练鞋travelling shoes 旅游鞋vinyl/plastic footwear 塑料鞋类volleyball shoe 排球鞋vulcanize rubber shoe 橡胶硫化鞋vulcanized shoe 硫化鞋walking shoes 散步鞋waterproof shoes 防水鞋western boot 牛仔靴windsrufing boots 风浪靴work boots 工作鞋wrestling shoe 摔交鞋zoris 夹趾凉鞋;(日本的)草鞋,便鞋==========================以下仍未理]heel 鞋后跟lace 鞋带皮鞋:Leather shoes凉鞋:Sandal夹脚拖鞋:Jandal拖鞋:Slippers旅游鞋:Sneakers舞鞋:dance shoes/ ballet shoesmoccasin 鹿皮鞋patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋boot 靴子slippers 便鞋sandal 凉鞋canvas shoes,rope soled shoes 帆布鞋clog 木拖鞋galosh,overshoe 套鞋步行鞋(Walking Shoes)爬山鞋由专业到休闲可分为Pro-Mountain Boot、Mountain Shoe和Trekking Shoe三大类.artificial leather人造皮革basketball shoes篮球鞋beach shoes沙滩鞋包头,脚趾toe保键鞋,健康鞋healthy shoes, healthcare shoes苯中毒benzene poisoning绷帮lasting布鞋cloth shoes裁断cutting成型(形)shaping,forming大底,鞋底sole独资solely-invested, sole proprietorship放样pattern grading缝纫,针车sewing高跟鞋high—heeled shoes工作鞋work shoes合成革synthetic leather后帮heel part滑板鞋skateboard滑冰鞋skating shoes滑草鞋grass—sliding shoes滑雪鞋skiing shoes胶glue矫形鞋orthopaedic shoe篮球鞋basketball shoes旅游鞋tourist shoes, travel shoes慢跑鞋jogging shoes棉鞋cotton shoes模具mold, mould内底insole跑鞋racing shoes配色coloring皮革leather剖层皮,二层皮split前帮toe part,vamp人造皮革artificial leather人字拖鞋flip-flops“三合一"厂房three-in—one factory沙滩鞋beach shoes时装鞋dress shoes精致鞋fashion shoes (装饰鞋,盛装鞋)树脂resin塑料,塑胶plastic童鞋children shoes头层皮top layer leather头层生皮top layer hide头层粒面革top—grain leather拖鞋slippers脱楦last release网鞋sole—upper linking削边trimming鞋shoe鞋帮,帮面upper鞋材shoe material鞋带shoe lace鞋扣buckle鞋类footwear鞋楦last鞋样设计shoe pattern design休闲鞋casual shoes, leisure shoes绣花embroidery研发research and development,R&D样品室sample room运动鞋sneakers ,sports shoes,athletic shoes真皮genuine leather制鞋shoemaking中帮side part中底mid—sole足球鞋football shoes专卖店specialty storeartificial leather人造皮革basketball shoes篮球鞋beach shoes沙滩鞋benzene poisoning苯中毒brand 品牌buckle鞋扣casual shoes休闲鞋cementing上胶,刷胶,涂胶cement shoe胶粘鞋check检查children shoes童鞋cloth shoes布鞋coloring配色cotton shoes棉鞋cutting裁断designer设计师dress shoes时装鞋,精致鞋,装饰鞋,盛装鞋embroidery绣花factory manager厂长family-owned firm家族企业fashion shoes时装鞋flip—flops人字拖鞋football shoes足球鞋footwear鞋类foreign—funded外资franchise 特许经营genuine leather真皮glue胶graphic design平面设计grass—sliding shoes滑草鞋healthcare shoes保健鞋healthy shoes健康鞋heel part后帮high—heeled shoes高跟鞋insole内底international Standardization Organization,ISO国际标准化组织ISO 9002 certification ISO9002认证jogging shoes慢跑鞋joint—ventured合资last release脱楦last鞋楦lasting绷帮leather皮革leisure shoes休闲鞋logo 标识、徽标mid—sole中底mold,mould模具order supervisor跟单orthopedic shoe矫形鞋plastic塑料,塑胶racing shoes私营recruiting跑鞋resin树脂roughing打磨,磨光,起毛sample designer版师sample room样品室sandals凉鞋sewing缝纫,针车shoe lace鞋带shoe material鞋材shoe鞋shoemaking制鞋side part中帮skateboard 滑板鞋skating shoes滑冰鞋skiing shoes滑雪鞋slippers拖鞋sole大底,鞋底solely-invested独资sole-upper linking网鞋specialty store专卖店split剖层皮,二层皮sports shoes运动鞋synthetic leather合成革toe part前帮toe包头、脚趾tourist shoes旅游鞋trademark,TM 商标travel shoes旅游鞋trimming削边upper鞋帮,帮面vamp前帮work shoes工作鞋。
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The Cross Golf 产品培训北京,2011年8月
Cross Polo Cross Golf Cross Touran
2007-2011 第一代 Cross Golf
•以上一代Golf Plus为基础打造
•顶置银色行李架及银色外后视镜•后排侧车窗和尾窗绿色隔热玻璃•“Cross Golf”车门标识
•16英寸"Adelaide"铝合金轮毂•205/55 R 16轮胎
•车长: 4.221mm
•后备厢容积 395 - 1,450L
•RNS 510中文导航影音系统
• 1.4L TSI双增压缸内直喷发动机
•讨论出在销售Cross Golf时客户可能
•Peugeot 品牌第二款Cross车型
•基于Peugeot 308打造
•轴距较Peugeot 308加长了8mm
•售价:RMB 246,800 ~ 266,800
• 1.6L 涡轮增压直喷发动机
Volkswagen Cross Golf Peugeot 3008 豪华型
车身尺寸(mm)4,221 / 1,776 / 1,645 / 2,578 4,365 / 1,837 / 1,639 / 2,613 整备质量(kg)1,488 1,480
轮胎规格205/55 R 16 225/45 R 17
SUV 的高视野与MPV 的灵活空间,选材及工艺为同级标杆
•拥有类似SUV 的较高视野,但空间的灵活性较差,选材及工艺有较大进步,全玻璃车顶
Volkswagen Cross Golf Peugeot 3008 豪华型导航音响系统RNS 510 CD 音响
后备厢容积395 – 1,450L 512 – 1,604L
Volkswagen Cross Golf Peugeot 3008 豪华型
发动机 1.4L TSI双增压缸内直喷发动机 1.6L 涡轮增压缸内直喷发动机
最大功率118 kW/5,800rpm 115kW/6,000rpm
最大扭矩240Nm/1500-4500rpm 240Nm/1,400rpm
0-100km/h加速时间8.4s 9.5s
平均综合油耗 6.8L 7.7L
Volkswagen Cross Golf Peugeot 3008 豪华型自动泊车系统有无