
《Look Ahead 2》Vocabulary——By MaggieLesson 11 addict [ə'dikt] n.有瘾的人2 admission [əd'miʃən] n.允许进入;入场费3 admit [əd'mit] v.让…进入4 adrenalin [ə'drenəlin] n.肾上腺素5 adventure [əd'ventʃə] n.冒险,冒险活动6 advertise ['ædvətaiz] v.为...做广告7 agency ['eidʒənsi] n.机构;代理处8 ankle ['æŋkəl] n.踝;踝关节9 attractive [ə'træktiv] a.吸引人的10 balloon [bə'lu:n] n.汽球11 barbecue ['bɑ:bikju:] n.烤肉;烤肉野餐12 barefoot ['beəfut] a.赤脚的13 baseball ['beisbɔ:l] n.棒球;棒球运动14 basketball ['bɑ:skitbɔ:l] n.篮球15 believe [bi'li:v] v.相信16 blank [blæŋk] a.空白的17 boat [bəut] n.船18 bowling ['bəuliŋ] n.保龄球运动19 bring [briŋ] v.带来20 bungee jumping ['bʌndʒi ˌdʒʌmpiŋ] n.缚脚悬跳运动21 challenge ['tʃælindʒ] n.挑战22 collector [kə'lektə] n.采集者;收藏家23 cost [kɔst] v.花费;价值为24 countryside ['kʌntrisaid] n.农村25 craft [krɑ:ft] n.工艺;手艺26 crazy ['kreizi] a.狂热的;着迷的27 dancing ['dɑ:nsiŋ] n.跳舞28 dentist ['dentist] n.牙医29 design [di'zain] n.设计;图案30 dislike [dis'laik] v.不喜欢31 dog [dɔg] n.狗32 earth [ə:θ] n.地球33 easy ['i:zi] a.容易的34 entertainment [ˌentə'teinmənt] n.娱乐;文娱节目35 excitement [ik'saitmənt] n.激动,兴奋,刺激36 fair [feə] n.交易会;义卖会37 frequency ['fri:kwənsi] n.频率38 fresh [freʃ] a.新鲜的39 gift [gift] n.礼物40 great [greit] a.伟大的;大的;美妙的41 hang [hæŋ] v.悬挂42 harness ['hɑ:nis] n.安全带43 health [helθ] n.健康44 helicopter ['helikɔptə] n.直升飞机45 hobby ['hɔbi] n.业余爱好46 housework ['hauswə:k] n.家务(不可数名词)47 interest ['intrist] n.兴趣48 interested ['intristid] a.感兴趣的49 jump [dʒʌmp] v.跳50 kid [kid] n.孩子,儿童51 leisure ['leʒə] n.空闲;闲暇52 light [lait] a.轻的53 limit ['limit] n.限度;限制54 limited ['limitid] a.有限的55 lover ['lʌvə] n.爱好者56 meteorite ['mi:tiərait] n.陨星;陨石57 moon [mu:n] n.月亮58 nearly ['niəli] ad.几乎59 occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli] ad.偶然60 opera ['ɔpərə] n.歌剧61 produce [prə'dju:s, 'prɔdju:s] v.生产62 queue [kju:] v.排队63 rarely ['reəli] ad.很少,难得64 relationship [ri'leiʃənʃip] n.关系65 research [ri'sə:tʃ] n.研究66 rope [rəup] n.绳, 索67 scene [si:n] n.场面;景象68 ski lift [ski: lift] n.(运送滑雪者等的)上山吊椅69 skier ['ski:ə] n.滑雪者70 skiing ['ski:iŋ] n.滑雪运动71 stall [stɔ:l] n.货摊72 surprise [sə'praiz] n.惊奇73 sweep [swi:p] v.扫74 value ['vælju:] n.价值75 variety [və'raiəti] n.多样化;种类76 whole [həul] a.整个的77 wide [waid] a.宽的78 wild [waild] a.狂热的79 young [jʌŋ] a.年青的;年幼的Lesson 21 ability [ə'biliti] n.能力2 academic [ˌækə'demik] a.(中等教育)学理的,普通文化课的3 accuracy ['ækjurəsi] n.准确;精确4 actually ['æktʃuəli] ad.实际上5 attend [ə'tend] v.参加6 automotive [ɔ:tə'məutiv] a.汽车的,机动车的7 available [ə'veiləbəl] a.有的,可以提供的8 bad [bæd] a.坏的9 better ['betə] a.较好的10 bored [bɔ:d] a.厌烦的11 career [kə'riə] n.事业;生涯12 childcare ['tʃaildˌkeə] n.幼托13 clever ['klevə] a.聪明的14 confidence ['kɔnfidəns] n.自信15 cookery ['kukəri] n.烹调法16 decision [di'siʒən] n.决定17 dream [dri:m] v.做梦18 during ['djuəriŋ] prep.在...期间19 feel [fi:l] v.感觉20 fit [fit] a.健康的21 follow ['fɔləu] v.跟随22 foreign ['fɔrin] a.外国的23 frightened ['fraitnd] a.惊恐的24 garage ['gærɑ:ʒ] n.汽车修理站25 guidance ['gaidəns] n.指导26 happy ['hæpi] a.高兴的;幸福的27 healthy ['helθi] a.健康的28 history ['histəri] n.历史29 immediately [i'mi:diətli] ad.立刻30 improve [im'pru:v] v.改进;提高31 insect ['insekt] n.昆虫32 intelligent [in'telidʒənt] a.聪明的33 intention [in'tenʃən] n.意图,打算34 lend [lend] v.把...借给35 lose [lu:z] v.失去36 mind [maind] n.头脑37 normal ['nɔ:məl] a.正常的38 particular [pə'tikjulə] a.特殊的;特定的39 percentage [pə'sentidʒ] n.百分率40 politics ['pɔlitiks] n.政治41 practical ['præktikəl] a.实际的42 quick [kwik] a.快的43 real [riəl] a.真的44 repair [ri'peə] v.修理45 salesperson ['seilzpə:sən] n.推销员46 shape [ʃeip] n.形状47 shy [ʃai] a.害羞的48 skill [skil] n.技能;技艺49 speciality [ˌspeʃi'æliti] n.特色菜;特产;特色品50 strange [streindʒ] a.奇怪的;陌生的51 suitcase ['su:tkeis, 'sju:t] n.行李箱52 taste [teist] v.尝;辨味53 term [tə:m] n.学期54 tongue [tʌŋ] n.舌;语言55 toy [tɔi] n.玩具56 vocational [vəu'keiʃənəl] a.职业的57 water ['wɔ:tə] n.水58 well [wel] ad.好;喔Lesson 31 against [ə'genst] prep.逆,反对2 air [eə] n.空中;空气3 alive [ə'laiv] a.活着的4 announce [ə'nauns] v.通知;宣布5 arrangement [ə'reindʒmənt] n.安排6 bike [baik] n.自行车7 carriage ['kæridʒ] n.(火车)客车厢8 central ['sentrəl] a.中心的,中间的9 client ['klaiənt] n.委托人;顾客10 coach [kəutʃ] n.长途公共汽车11 comfortable ['kʌmfətəbəl] a.舒服的12 confirm [kən'fə:m] v.进一步确定13 control [kən'trəul] v.控制14 convenient [kən'vi:niənt] a.方便的15 corner ['kɔ:nə] n.角落16 delay [di'lei] n.耽搁;推迟17 distance ['distəns] n.距离18 fare [feə] n.车、船、飞机等票价19 fast [fɑ:st] a.快的20 fear [fiə] n.害怕,恐惧21 full [ful] a.满的22 hurry ['hʌri] v.匆忙23 invitation [ˌinvi'teiʃən] n.邀请24 journey ['dʒə:ni] n.旅行;旅程25 loudspeaker [ˌlaud'spi:kə] n.扬声器,喇叭26 luggage ['lʌgidʒ] n.行李27 miss [mis] v.未赶上;错过28 monument ['mɔnjumənt] n.纪念碑29 passenger ['pæsindʒə] n.旅客30 platform ['plætfɔ:m] n.站台,月台31 prefer [pri'fə:] v.更喜欢32 promise ['prɔmis] n.许诺;答应33 punctual ['pʌŋktjuəl] a.准时的34 race [reis] n.比赛35 reach [ri:tʃ] v.抵达36 reliable [ri'laiəbl] a.可靠的37 rider ['raidə] n.乘座者;骑车(或马)的人38 safe [seif] a.安全的39 search [sə:tʃ] v.搜寻40 seat [si:t] n.座位41 security [si'kjuəriti] n.安全42 serve [sə:v] v.招待;供应43 ship [ʃip] n.船44 sightseeing ['saitsi:iŋ] n.观光,游览45 speed [spi:d] n.速度46 standard ['stændəd] a.标准的47 stewardess [ˌstju:ə'des] n.(飞机、车、船等的)女服务员48 stop [stɔp, stɑp] n.停留;停止站49 suggestion [sə'dʒestʃən] n.建议50 terminal ['tə:minəl] n.终点站51 transport [træn'spɔ:t] n.交通52 vehicle ['vi:ikəl] n.车辆;运载工具;飞行器53 versus ['və:səs] prep.(比赛中的)对54 worse [wə:s] a.更坏的Lesson 41 agreement [ə'gri:mənt] n.同意;一致;协议2 average ['ævəridʒ] a.平均的3 baggy ['bægi] a.膨胀如袋的;宽松下垂的4 blouse [blauz] n.女衬衫5 boot [bu:t] n.长统靴6 bright [brait] a.(颜色)鲜明的7 cardigan ['kɑ:digən] n.羊毛衫8 certain ['sə:tən] a.一定的9 clothing ['kləuðiŋ] n.衣服10 continue [kən'tinju:] v.继续11 contract ['kɔntrækt, kən'trækt] n.合同12 cosmetics [kɔz'metiks] n.化妆品13 cotton ['kɔtn] n.棉花,棉14 cover ['kʌvə] n.封面15 dark [dɑ:k] a.(颜色)深的16 dull [dʌl] a.(颜色)暗淡的17 earring ['iəriŋ] n.耳环18 fashion ['fæʃən] n.(服饰等的)流行式样;时髦19 fashionable ['fæʃənəbəl] a.流行的,时髦的20 gardener ['gɑ:dnə] n.园艺匠;园林工21 glove [glʌv] n.手套22 lead [li:d] v.过(生活)23 length [leŋθ] n.长度24 loose [lu:s] a.松的25 manage ['mænidʒ] v.管理;经营26 medium ['mi:diəm] a.中等的27 millionaire [ˌmiljə'neə] n.百万富翁28 model ['mɔdl] n.模特儿29 old-fashioned ['əuld'feʃənd] a.老式的30 sandal ['sændl] n.凉鞋31 scarf [skɑ:f] n.围巾32 size [saiz] n.尺寸;大小33 sleeve [sli:v] n.袖子34 success [sək'ses] n.成功35 suit [su:t, sju:t] n.一套衣服v.适合36 thick [θik] a.厚的37 tie [tai] n.领带38 tight [tait] a.紧的39 tights [taits] n.紧身衣裤40 tour [tuə] n.旅行;观光41 trendy ['trendi] a.随潮流的;时髦的42 trousers ['trauzəz] n.裤子43 uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m] a.制服44 waistcoat ['weskət, 'weiskəut] n.背心45 worst [wə:st] a.最坏的Lesson 51 agricultural [ægri'kʌltʃər(ə)l] a.农业的2 amaze [ə'meiz] v.使惊奇3 announcement [ə'naunsmənt] n.通告;宣布;通知4 announcer [ə'naunsə] n.(电台)播音员5 attack [ə'tæk] n.(疾病)侵袭,发作6 busy ['bizi] a.忙的7 calm [kɑ:m] a.镇静的8 carrycot ['kærikɔt] n.手提式婴儿床9 case [keis] n.事实;实例10 clear [kliə] a.清除;给...排除障碍11 close [kləuz] a.近的12 contact ['kɔntækt] v.接触;联系13 cycle ['saikəl] n.自行车14 cyclist ['saiklist] n.骑自行车的人15 duty ['dju:ti] n.勤务16 handlebars ['hændlbɑ:z] n.(自行车等的)把手17 headline ['hedlain] n.标题18 heart [hɑ:t] n.心脏19 helmet ['helmit] n.头盔20 hole [həul] n.洞21 hurt [hə:t] a.受伤的22 illegal [i'li:gəl] a.非法的23 indicator ['indikeitə] n.指示灯24 instructor [in'strʌktə] n.教员25 junction ['dʒʌŋkʃən] n.交叉点;接合点26 lane [lein] n.车道27 law [lɔ:] n.法律28 licence ['laisəns] n.执照29 lorry ['lɔri] n.卡车30 moped ['məuped] n.助动车31 motorbike ['məutəbaik] n.摩托车32 motorcyclist ['məutəsaiklist] n.骑摩托车的人33 motorway ['məutəwei] n.高速公路34 neighbour ['neibə] n.邻居35 obligation [ˌɔbli'geiʃən] n.义务,责任36 occur [ə'kə:] v.发生37 officer ['ɔfisə] n.官员;警官38 overtake [ˌəuvə'teik] v.超车39 path [pɑ:θ] n.通道;车道40 pedal ['pedəl] n.踏脚;脚蹬41 pedestrian [pi'destriən] n.行人42 pensioner ['penʃənə] n.领取养老金者43 possibility [ˌpɔsə'biliti] n.可能,可能性44 pupil ['pju:pəl] n.学生45 round [raund] prep.在...附近46 safety ['seifti] n.安全47 save [seiv] v.救48 scream [skri:m] v.尖叫49 shift [ʃift] n.轮班;班50 suggest [sə'dʒest] v.建议51 tank [tæŋk] n.(盛液体或气体的)容器;箱52 tyre ['taiə] n.轮胎53 varied ['veərid] a.变化的54 warden ['wɔ:dn] n.管理员55 wheel [wi:l] n.轮子Lesson 61 alarm [ə'lɑ:m] n.警报;报警器2 arrow ['ærəu] n.箭3 attach [ə'tætʃ] v.缚;系4 button ['bʌtn] n.按钮5 cable ['keibəl] n.缆索;绳6 calculator ['kælkjuleitə] n.计算器7 cattle ['kætl] n.牛8 chance [tʃɑ:ns] n.机会9 chest [tʃest] n.胸部10 competition [ˌkɔmpi'tiʃən] n.竞争11 cowboy ['kaubɔi] n.牛仔12 dry [drai] a.干的13 effective [i'fektiv] a.有效的14 electric [i'lektrik] a.电的15 enemy ['enimi] n.敌人16 gallop ['gæləp] v.骑马奔驰17 hard ['hɑ:d] ad.猛烈地;重重地18 hat [hæt] n.帽子19 head [hed] n.头20 heating ['hi:tiŋ] n.暖气21 horse [hɔ:s] n.马22 horseman ['hɔ:smən] n.骑兵;骑手23 instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.指示;指令24 knob [nɔb] n.调节器;旋纽25 lever ['li:və] n.杆,杠杆26 loud [laud] a.响亮的27 mention ['menʃən] v.提到28 object ['ɔbdʒiktˌəb'dʒekt] n.物品29 porter ['pɔ:tə] n.行李搬运工30 press [pres] v.压31 pull [pul] v.拉32 push [puʃ] v.推33 rail [reil] n.横杆;扶手34 ranch [rɑ:ntʃ] n.牧场35 specialise ['speʃəlaiz] v.专攻;专门研究36 stand [stænd] v.站立37 star [stɑ:] n.明星38 stunt [stʌnt] n.惊险特技39 stuntman ['stʌntmən] n.特技替身演员40 successful [sək'sesfəl] a.成功的41 switch [switʃ] v.开关42 thermostat ['θə:məstæt] n.恒温器43 thief [θi:f] n.小偷44 tricycle ['traisikəl] n.三轮车45 wedding ['wediŋ] n.婚礼,结婚Lesson 71 antelope ['æntiləup] n.羚羊2 attraction [ə'trækʃən] n.吸引3 bear [beə] n.熊4 canal [kə'næl] n.运河;水道5 celebrity [si'lebriti] n.名人6 circus ['sə:kəs] n.马戏团7 cloakroom ['kləukru:m] n.衣帽寄存处8 dead [ded] a.死的9 director [di'rektə] n.主任;董事10 elephant ['elifənt] n.大象11 employee [im'plɔi-i:] n.雇员12 exam [ig'zæm] n.考试13 exhibition [eksi'biʃ(ə)n] n.展览14 gallery ['gæləri] n.美术馆15 heavy ['hevi] a.重的16 human ['hju:mən] a.人的,人类的17 lifelike ['laiflaik] a.逼真的,栩栩如生的18 lion ['laiən] n.狮子19 lock [lɔk] n.锁20 measurement ['meʒəmənt] n.(量得的)尺寸21 murderer ['mə:dərə] n.谋杀犯,凶手22 original [ə'ridʒənəl] a.有独创性的23 postman ['pəustmən] n.邮递员24 prison ['prizən] n.监狱25 raise [rez, reiz] v.提出;饲养26 row [rəu, rou] v.划船27 sculptor ['skʌlptə] n.雕刻家;雕塑家28 sights [saits] n.名胜;风景29 spokesperson ['spəuksˌpə:sən] n.发言人;代言人30 staff [stɑ:f] n.pl.工作人员;职员31 statue ['stætʃu:] n.塑像,雕像32 sure [ʃuə] a.肯定的33 team [ti:m] n.队;组34 technology [tek'nɔlədʒi] n.技术35 teenager ['ti:neidʒə] n.少年36 thousand ['θauzənd] num.千37 tiger ['taigə] n.老虎38 tip [tip] n.小费39 tower ['tauə] n.塔40 tunnel ['tʌnl] n.隧道41 wax [wæks] n.蜡42 waxwork ['wækswə:k] n.蜡制品;蜡象43 zoo [zu:] n.动物园Lesson 81 argument ['ɑ:gjumənt] n.争论,论点2 bakery ['beikəri] n.面包房3 body ['bɔdi] n.身体4 burger ['bə:gə] n.汉堡包5 canned [kænd] a.罐装的6 care [keə] v.关心7 cereal ['siəriəl] n.谷类食物8 crisps [krisps] n.炸土豆片9 crispy ['krispi] a.脆的10 dairy ['deəri] n.乳制品11 diet ['daiət] n.饮食,食物12 disease [di'zi:z] n.疾病13 disgusted [dis'gʌstid] a.厌恶的14 fattening ['fætniŋ] a.使人肥胖的15 fatty ['fæti] a.脂肪的;肥胖的16 fried [fraid] a.油炸的17 frozen ['frəuzn] a.冰冻的18 goods [gudz] n.货物,商品19 habit ['hæbit] n.习惯20 herb [hə:b] n.草本植物21 household ['haushəuld] n.家庭22 hungry ['hʌŋgri] a.饥饿的23 ice [ais] n.冰24 jam [dʒæm] n.果酱25 junk [dʒʌŋk] n.废旧物;不利健康的食物26 keen [ki:n] a.渴望的27 kill [kil] vi.杀死28 leek [li:k] n.韭葱29 marmalade ['mɑ:məleid] n.橘子果酱30 natural ['nætʃərəl] a.自然的31 owner ['əunə] n.物主;所有人32 polite [pə'lait] a.礼貌的;斯文的33 product ['prɔdʌkt] n.产品34 protein ['prəuti:n] n.蛋白质35 raw [rɔ:] a.生的36 reservation [ˌrezə'veiʃən] n.预定37 resist [ri'zist] v.抵抗;忍住38 revolting [ri'vəultiŋ] a.令人反胃的39 section ['sekʃən] n.部门40 sick [sik] a.不舒服的;生病的41 simmer ['simə] v.煨42 stew [stju:] n.炖43 suffer ['sʌfə] v.受苦;忍受44 supermarket ['su:pəˌmɑ:kit, 'sju:-] n.超级市场45 suppose [sə'pəuz] v.假设46 traditional [trə'diʃənəl] a.传统的47 trolley ['trɔli] n.手推车48 vegan ['vi:gən] n.严格的食素主义者49 vegetarian [ˌvedʒi'teəriən] n./a.食素者;食素的50 vitamin ['vitəmin, vai-] n.维生素51 voice [vɔis] n.声音Lesson 91 advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n.有利条件;优点2 amount [ə'maunt] n.总数,数量3 area ['eəriə] n.地区4 awake [ə'weik] a.醒着的5 behind [bi'haind] prep.在...后面6 blood [blʌd] n.血7 box [bɔks] n.盒子;箱子8 budgerigar ['bʌdʒərigɑ:] n.虎皮鹦鹉9 cat [kæt] n.猫10 charity ['tʃæriti] n.慈善事业;慈善团体;施舍11 cholesterol [kə'lestərɔl] n.胆固醇12 cough [kɔf] vi.咳,咳嗽13 cow [kau] n.家牛,奶牛14 crop [krɔp] n.作物,庄稼15 damage ['dæmidʒ] vt.损坏;破坏16 definitely ['definitli] ad.肯定地17 disadvantage [ˌdisəd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n.不利条件;缺点18 drop [drɔp] v.扔,丢弃19 duck [dʌk] n.鸭20 east [i:st] n.东,东方21 farmer ['fɑ:mə] n.农民;农场主22 field [fi:ld] n.原野;田地23 fire ['faiə] n.火24 forever [fə'revə] ad.永远地25 furry ['fə:ri] a.毛皮的26 goat [gəut] n.山羊27 goldfish ['gəuldˌfiʃ] n.金鱼28 goose [gu:s] n.鹅29 guinea pig ['giniˌpig] n.豚鼠30 hamster ['hæmstə] n.仓鼠31 hedge [hedʒ] n.(矮树)树篱32 hen [hen] n.母鸡33 judge [dʒʌdʒ] n.法官34 let [let] vt.让;允许35 level ['levəl] n.水平36 litter ['litə] n.四下乱丢的东西37 low [ləu] a.低的38 mad [mæd] a.狂热的;疯狂的39 north [nɔ:θ] n.北;北方40 pest [pest] n.有害动物41 pet [pet] n.宠物,爱畜42 physical ['fizikəl] a.身体的,肉体的43 poor [puə] a.穷的;贫困的44 pressure ['preʃə] n.压力45 primary ['praiməri] a.主要的46 protect [prə'tekt] v.保护47 rabbit ['ræbit] n.兔,野兔48 recent ['ri:sənt] a.最近的49 respect [ri'spekt] n.尊重50 season ['si:zən] n.季节51 sheep [ʃi:p] n.羊52 should [ʃud, ʃəd] v.应该53 south [sauθ] n.南,南方54 stroke [strəuk] v.抚摩55 suburb ['sʌbə:b] n.郊区56 surroundings [sə'raundiŋz] n.环境57 survive [sə'vaiv] v.活下来58 traveller ['trævələ] n.旅行者59 unfortunately [ʌn'fɔ:tʃunitli] ad.不幸地60 van [væn] n.有篷车;厢式车61 village ['vilidʒ] n.村庄62 visitor ['vizitə] n.游客,来访者63 west [west] n.西;西方Lesson 101 anatomy [ə'nætəmi] n.解剖学;解剖2 baggage ['bægidʒ] n.行李3 belt [belt] n.带,腰带4 cashmere ['kæʃmiə] n.开士米,山羊绒5 centimetre ['sentiˌmi:tə] n.厘米6 charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] n.看管7 claim [kleim] v.认领8 collar ['kɔlə] n.衣领9 denim ['denim] n.斜纹粗棉布10 deposit [di'pɔzit] v.存放11 diameter [dai'æmitə] n.直径12 dimension [di'menʃən] n.尺寸;大小13 eagle ['i:gl] n.鹰14 employ [im'plɔi] v.雇用,使用15 enquiry [in'kwaiəri] n.询问16 forgive [fə'giv] v.原谅,宽恕17 fortunately ['fɔ:tʃənətli] ad.幸运地18 handbag ['hændbæg] n.(女用)手提包19 hood [hud] n.兜帽20 importance [im'pɔ:təns] n.重要(性)21 inch [intʃ] n.英寸22 intend [in'tend] v.想要,打算23 investigation [inˌvesti'geiʃən] n.调查24 leather ['leðə] n.皮革25 less [les] a.更少(或小)的;较少(或小)的26 male [meil] n.男性27 manuscript ['mænjuskript] n.手稿28 material [mə'tiəriəl] n.材料29 medical ['medikəl] a.医学的;医疗的;医药的30 memory ['meməri] n.记忆31 mental ['mentl] a.精神的;脑力的32 metal ['metl] n.金属33 metropolitan [ˌmetrə'pɔlitən] a.大都市的,大城市的34 novel ['nɔvəl] n.小说35 nylon ['nailɔn] n.尼龙36 oval ['əuvəl] a.卵形的;椭圆形的37 pocket ['pɔkit] n.口袋38 portable ['pɔ:təbəl] a.手提式的;轻便的39 pram [præm] n.婴儿车,童车40 property ['prɔpəti] n.财产41 purse [pə:s] n.钱包42 railway ['reilwei] n.铁路43 rainy ['reini] a.下雨的;多雨的44 rectangular [rek'tæŋgjulə] a.矩形的,长方形的45 registration [ˌredʒi'streiʃən] n.注册;登记46 remote [ri'məut] a.遥远的;偏僻的47 sale [seil] n.出售,卖48 sentimentality [ˌsentimen'tæləti] n.伤感;多愁善感49 shame [ʃeim] n.羞耻50 skeleton ['skelitən] n.骨骼,骷髅51 strap [stræp] n.带52 sword [sɔ:d] n.剑53 tooth [tu:θ] n.牙齿54 triangular [trai'æŋgjulə] a.三角形的55 volume ['vɔlju:m, 'vɑljəm] n.册56 weigh [wei] vt.称重量57 wool [wul] n.羊毛58 woollen ['wulən] a.羊毛的59 zip [zip] n.拉链Lesson 111 ache [eik] n.疼痛2 appearance [ə'piərəns] n.外貌;外表3 aspirin ['æspərin] n.阿司匹林4 ballet ['bælei] n.芭蕾舞5 basic ['beisik] a.基本的6 bend [bend] v.使弯曲,屈身7 bow [bau] vi.鞠躬,点头8 boxer ['bɔksə] n.拳击手9 breathe [bri:ð] v.呼吸10 classical ['klæsikəl] a.古典的11 communicate [kə'mju:nikeit] vi.交际12 contemporary [kən'tempərəri] a.当代的13 cut [kʌt] v.割,切14 dial ['daiəl] v.打电话;拨(电话号码)15 directory [di'rektəri] n.电话号码簿16 earache ['iəreik] n.耳痛17 elbow ['elbəu] n.肘18 foreigner ['fɔrinə] n.外国人19 freezing ['fri:ziŋ] a.极冷的,冻结的20 frequently ['fri:kwəntli] ad.频繁地21 gesture ['dʒestʃə] n.手势22 headache ['hedeik] n.头痛23 hip [hip] n.臀部24 illness ['ilnis] n.病,疾病25 injury ['indʒəri] n.损伤26 innocent ['inəsənt] a.无害的27 knee [ni:] n.膝,膝盖28 knowledge ['nɔlidʒ] n.知识29 lung [lʌŋ] n.肺30 minimum ['miniməm] n.最小量,最低限度31 monster ['mɔnstə] n.怪物;妖怪32 mouth [mauθ] n.嘴,口33 muscle ['mʌsəl] n.肌肉34 neck [nek] n.颈;脖子35 nose [nəuz] n.鼻子36 offensive [ə'fensiv] a.冒犯的,唐突的37 operator ['ɔpəreitə] n.话务员,接线员38 pale [peil] a.苍白的39 perfect ['pə:fikt, pə'fekt] a.完美的;完善的40 pianist ['piənist] n.钢琴家41 plaster ['plɑ:stə] n.膏药42 prevent [pri'vent] v.防止43 principal ['prinsəpəl] a.主要的44 probably ['prɔbəbli] ad.可能45 professional [prə'feʃənəl] a.专业的;职业的46 proficiency [prə'fiʃənsi] n.熟练;精通47 quality ['kwɔliti] n.质量48 rate [reit] n.价格49 rest [rest] n.休息50 runner ['rʌnə] n.跑步者51 sensitive ['sensitiv] a.敏感的52 shoulder ['ʃəuldə] n.肩53 skin [skin] n.皮肤54 smash [smæʃ] vt.打碎;打破55 soloist ['səuləuist] n.独奏者;独唱者56 stomach ['stʌmək] n.胃57 suitable ['su:təbəl, 'sju:-] a.合适的58 swimmer ['swimə] n.游泳者59 swollen ['swəulən] a.肿的60 technical ['teknikəl] a.技术(上)的61 toe [təu] n.脚趾62 toothache ['tu:θeik] n.牙痛63 touch [tʌtʃ] v.触摸;接触64 trust [trʌst] v.信任65 tuition [tju:'iʃən, tu:-] n.讲授;学费66 waist [weist] n.腰67 wrestler ['reslə] n.摔交运动员Lesson 121 abroad [ə'brɔ:d] ad.在国外2 achievement [ə'tʃi:vmənt] n.成就3 allow [ə'lau] v.允许4 annual ['ænjuəl] a.每年的,年度的5 army ['ɑ:mi] n.军队6 bacon ['beikən] n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉7 billion ['biljən] num.(英国)万亿;(美国)十亿8 biography [bai'ɔgrəfi] n.个人经历;传记9 brave [breiv] a.勇敢的10 bump [bʌmp] v.撞;碰11 cannon ['kænən] n.大炮12 cannonball ['kænənbɔ:l] n.炮弹13 captain ['kæptin] n.队长,首领;上尉14 create [kri:'eit] v.创造15 CV [ˌsi: 'vi:] n.履历(curriculum vitae)16 embarrassing [im'bærəsiŋ] a.令人尴尬的17 ever ['evə] ad.永远;在任何时候18 grade [greid] n.评分等级,分数19 interviewer ['intəvju:ə] n.面谈者;面试者20 joke [dʒəuk] v.开玩笑21 leader ['li:də] n.领导人22 net [net] n.网23 ordinary ['ɔ:dineri] a.普通的24 organisation [ˌɔ:gənai'zeiʃən] n.组织25 orphanage ['ɔ:fənidʒ] n.孤儿院26 political [pə'litikəl] a.政治的27 prime minister [praim'ministə] n.首相28 pyramid ['pirəmid] n.金字塔29 reaction [ri'ækʃən] n.反应30 since [sins] prep.自从31 status ['steitəs] n.状况32 sudden ['sʌdn] a.突然的33 super ['su:pə, 'sju:-] a.特级的,超级的34 telegram ['teligræm] n.电报35 terribly ['terəbli] ad.极度地,非常地36 test-tube ['testu:b] n.试管37 training ['treiniŋ] n.培训38 useful ['ju:sfəl] a.有用的39 voluntary ['vɔləntəri] a.自愿的Lesson 131 ago [ə'gəu] ad.以前2 apologise [ə'pɔlədʒaiz] v.道歉3 behaviour [bi'heiviə] n.行为4 break-in ['breikin] n.闯入5 briefcase ['bri:fkeis] n.公文包6 connect [kə'nekt] v.连接;联系7 counsellor ['kaunsələ] n.顾问8 direct [di'rekt] a.直接的9 emotional [i'məuʃənəl] a.感情上的;情绪上的10 environment [in'vaiərənmənt] n.环境11 expect [ik'spekt] v.期望12 financial [fi'nænʃəl] a.金融的,财政的13 fire brigade ['faiə briˌgeid] n.消防队14 firefighter ['faiəˌfaitə] n.消防队员15 flood [flʌd] n.水灾16 highway ['haiwei] n.公路17 homeless ['həumlis] a.无家可归的18 hydrant ['haidrənt] n.消防龙头19 identification [aiˌdentifi'keiʃən] n.身份20 impossible [im'pɔsəbəl] a.不可能的21 incident ['insidənt] n.事件;事故22 key [ki:] n.钥匙23 ladder ['lædə] n.梯子24 legal ['li:gəl] a.法律的25 loneliness ['ləunliniz] n.孤独26 lonely ['ləunli] a.孤独的27 narrow ['nærəu] a.窄的28 reassure [ˌri:ə'ʃuə] v.使放心29 report [ri'pɔ:t] n.报告;报道30 solicitor [sə'lisitə] n.律师31 staircase ['steəkeis] n.楼梯32 storm [stɔ:m] n.风暴;暴雨;暴雪33 upset [ʌp'set] a.不安的34 wallet ['wɑ:lit] n.皮夹子Lesson 141 achieve [ə'tʃi:v] v.完成,取得2 afterwards ['a:ftəwədz] ad.以后,后来3 anniversary [ˌæni'və:səri] n.周年纪念4 apply [ə'plai] v.申请;适用;应用5 bride [braid] n.新娘6 celebration [ˌseli'breiʃən] n.庆祝7 ceremony ['seriməni] n.典礼,仪式8 civil ['sivəl] a.非宗教的;民事的9 congratulations [kənˌgrætju'leiʃəns] n.祝贺10 engagement [in'geidʒmənt] n.订婚11 glad [glæd] a.高兴的12 groom [gru:m] n.新郎13 happiness ['hæpinis] n.幸福14 honeymoon ['hʌnimu:n] n.蜜月15 horseshoe ['hɔ:sˌʃu] n.马蹄形16 independence [ˌindi'pendəns] n.独立17 journalist ['dʒə:nəlist] n.新闻记者18 marriage ['mæridʒ] n.结婚19 opportunity [ˌɔpə'tju:niti] n.机会20 pick [pik] v.拿21 poetry ['pəuitri] n.诗22 propose [prə'pəuz] v.提议23 recently ['ri:səntli] ad.最近24 registrar [ˌredʒi'strɑ:] n.登记员;注册员25 registry ['redʒistri] n.登记;注册26 religious [ri'lidʒəs] a.宗教的27 ring [riŋ] n.戒指28 share [ʃeə] v.分享29 stork [stɔ:k] n.鹳30 symbol ['simbəl] n.象征31 toast [təust] v.祝酒32 wish [wiʃ] v.祝;祝愿33 witness ['witnis] n.证人34 yet [jet] ad.还,尚Lesson 151 accurate ['ækjurət] a.准确的,精确的2 amateur ['æmətə, ˌæmə'tə:] a.业余的3 analysis [ə'næləsis] n.分析4 audience ['ɔ:diəns] n.听众,观众5 be able to [bi:'eibltə] v.能够6 calculation [ˌkælkju'leiʃən] n.计算7 centigrade ['sentigreid] n.摄氏8 certainty ['sə:tənti] n.肯定;确定9 cloud [klaud] n.云10 cloudy [klaudi] a.有云的11 coast [kəust] n.海岸12 crystal ball ['kristəl 'bɔ:l] n.水晶球13 data ['deitə] n.(复数)资料14 depend [di'pend] v.靠;依赖15 ditch [ditʃ] n.沟16 fog [fɔg] n.雾17 foggy ['fɔgi] a.有雾的18 forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st] n.预测,预报19 forecaster ['fɔ:kɑ:stə] n.预报员20 horoscope ['hɔrəskəup] n.星占21 inland ['inlənd, in'lænd] a.内地的;内陆的22 interval ['intəvəl] n.间隔23 lazy ['leizi] a.懒惰的24 meteorological [mi:tiərə'lɔdʒikəl] a.气象的25 method ['meθəd] n.方法26 mouse [maus] n.老鼠27 mystery ['mistəri] n.谜;神秘28 northern ['nɔ:ðən] a.北方的;北部的29 observation [ˌɔbzə'veiʃən] n.观察30 option ['ɔpʃən] n.选择31 pile [pail] n.堆32 poll [pəul] n.民意测验33 predict [pri'dikt] v.预测34 prediction [pri'dikʃən] n.预测35 presenter [pri'zentə] n.播报员36 profit ['prɔfit] n.益处;利润37 radar ['reidɑ:] n.雷达38 rude [ru:d] a.粗鲁的;无礼的39 satellite ['sætəlait] n.卫星40 saying ['seiŋ, 'sei-iŋ] n.谚语;说法41 scientific [ˌsaiən'tifik] a.科学的42 script [skript] n.广播稿43 shine [ʃain] v.照耀44 shower ['ʃauə] n.阵雨45 spider ['spaidə] n.蜘蛛46 spin [spin] v.(蜘蛛)结(网)47 store [stɔ:] n.贮藏48 sunrise ['sʌnraiz] n.日出49 sunset ['sʌnset] n.日落50 sunshine ['sʌnʃain] n.阳光51 thunderstorm ['θʌndəstɔ:m] n.雷暴雨52 viewer ['vju:ə] n.观众53 vote [vəut] n.选举;选票54 warning ['wɔ:niŋ] n.警报55 web [web] n.网56 win [win] v.赢57 wonder ['wʌndə] v.感到惊异58 zero ['ziərəu] n.零。

Unit Ten ( Book II ) I. Vocabulary.1.property n.(u)财产2.strap n.表带3.false adj.假的4.claim v. 认领5.purse n. 钱包(女)6.wallet n. 钱包(男)7.registration n. 注册8.handcuffs n. 手铐9.sword n. 剑10.equip v. 装备11.orchestra n.管弦乐队12.stuff v. 填充13.eagle n.鹰14.material n. 材(原)料15.rectangular adj.长方形的16.rectangle n.长方形17.square n./ adj. 正方形18.triangle n. 三角形19.triangular adj.20.oval n. / adj.椭圆21.diameter n. 直径22.frame n. 镜框23.leather n.皮革ed adj. 用过的25.blanket n.毛毯26.frying pan n.煎锅27.wrapper n. 包装纸28.frisbee n.飞盘29.case n. 手提箱30.remote adj. 遥远的31.portable adj. 便携的32.stereo n.立体声33.headphones n. 耳机34.possessions n. (pl)所有物35.woollen adj.羊毛的36.hood n.风帽37.checked adj. 格子的38.collar n. 衣领39.clothing n. (u) 衣物40.emblem n.徽章41.baggage n. 行李42.enquiry n.询问43.importance n.重要性44.earnest adj.诚挚的45.elaborate adj. 详尽的46.investigation n.调查47.manuscript n.手稿48.volume n. 书卷49.novel n.小说50.admit v. 承认51.shame n. 羞耻52.brand v. 商标53.memory n. 记忆54.somewhat adv. 有点55.capacious adj.容量大的56.fiction n.小说57.unoccupied adj.空闲的58.mental adj. 精神的59.distraction n. 分心60.forgive v. 原谅61.skeleton 骨骼62.wooden adj. 木制的63.holdall n.手提旅行包64.suitcase n. 行李65.sex n. 性别66.perambulator n.婴儿车67.bassinette n. 摇篮68.discover v.发现69.sentimentality n.多愁善感70.deposit v. 定金存款71.forgive (forgave, forgiven ) v.原谅72.theatrical adj. 戏剧性的73.accordion c.手风琴74.anatomy n. 解剖学75.item n.条款76.emblem n. 标记77.mint. un. 薄荷II. Word transformation:1. lose (lost, lost) v. ----- lost adj.2. registration n. --register v. – registered adj.3. equip ( -pp- ) v. ---equipment n. ( u )4. rectangular adj. ----- rectangle n.5. triangular adj. --- triangle n.6. square n. / adj.7. oval n. / adj. 8. wrapper n. ( c ) ---- wrap (--pp--) v.9. woollen adj. --- wool n. 10. enquiry / inquiry n. ----- enquire / inquire v.11.importance n. -- important adj. 12. investigation n. --- investigate v.13.novel n. -- novelist n. 14. admit v. -- admission n.15.shame n.-- shameful adj. ---shameless adj.---ashamed 16. (un)occupied adj. -- occupy v.17. visit v. & n. --- visitor n. 18. memory n.--- memorize v.III. Language focus:1.every, some, any, no + one / body 动词用单数, 形容词后置修饰eg. Everyone is here. Is there anyone in the classroom?2.every, some, any, no + thing 动词用单数, 形容词后置修饰eg. Have you got anything to say? There’s something wrong with the computer.3.every, some, any, no + where 前不用介词eg. I’ll go everywhere in the future.4.the difference between none and no one回答how many 提问用none 回答有没有或谁用no onenone of none 代替不可数名词时, 动词用单数; 代替可数名词时, 动词可用单数可用复数.no one 动词永远用单数. how many 提问,只能用none回答,不能用no one’5.everyone , someone , anyone, no one , everything , something , anything, nothing主语, 谓语动词用单数.6.在反意疑问句中, 代替everyone的代词用they or he; 代替everything的代词用it.7.What happens to the item if there’s no name on it?8.the reason for sth /one’s doing sth9.on a normal day / on a rainy day10.pay a visit ( n )to sp = visit ( v ) sp a visitor to sp.11.while / when doing 与复合句的转换12.be surprised to see, hear, etc. be surprised at/by sth be surprised that clause13.in fact = actually= as a matter of fact14.in the end = at last = finally15.a book on anatomy16.borrow … from / lend … to17.by oneself = alone / on one’s own e.g. The little girl stood in the rain by herself ( alone ). I solved theproblem by myself ( on my own, without others’ help ) at last.18.The ruler is about 5 inches by 3 inches.19.It’s a large blue woolen sweater.名词前形容词的排序规则: 限,观,形,龄,色,国,材+名词20.This is a warm woolen jacket with buttons down the front.21.物主代词: my / mine our / ours your / yours his / his her / hers its / its their / theirs22.in charge of 掌管, 负责, 看守in the charge of 在……的控制之下23.as usual 作状语usually24.Did you see my handbag in which ( = where )I put my newly-bought dictionary? 是定语从句25.How + adj.( 第一排的单词) + be + subject? = What + n. (第二排的单词)+ be + subject?adj. long, big, deep, high/tall, heavy wide n. length, size, depth, height, weight width26.How long is the rope? = What length is the rope?27.What colour is it? What shape is it? What’s it made of?28.hand in / hand out29.equip sth with sth equipped 30. leave sth. + place 把。

单元题答案《展望未来》Unit 6I Multiple Choice(15)1. C A D D B6. C B C B C11 D B D A AII. Find out the only one mistake in each sentence and correct it.(10)1. moustache前加a2. forty-forth改成forty-fourth3. Is改成Has4. but 去掉5. with改成to6. isn’t改成hasn’t7. 第一个are改成do 8. What改成How9. woman改成women 10. all改成bothIII. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.(10)1. on in for with with6.with to about of forIV. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given.(25)1.photographer photography photographs near nearby6.unusual usually special specialties live11.a unt’s successful twelve twelfth to look16.parents’the most beautiful to study to come running 21.making finishing carries describing description V. Sentence patterns.(10)1 .I have got an awful job. So has Mr. Smith2.How would she like to travel to another city?3.When is your mother’s birthday?5.What does his aunt choose to do?6. How does the coffee in that pot taste?7.What does your headmaster look like?8. What do you think of our(your) homework?9. How often does Colin often visit his girlfriend?10.What percentage of the students can study abroad after university.VI. Fill in the blanks. (15)1 volleyball weekends discos artists studio6 majority groups percent twenties thirties11 choose alone reports famous successful16 especially female audiences model presenter21 whole involved keeps office sell26 customers nearby January February DecemberUnit 7I. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions.1. with2. in3. with4. on5. at6. On7. for8. with9. like 10. for 11. On, from 12. on, for 13. to 14. on, in, in 15. inII. Write the proper family relationships according to the contexts.1. modern2. batteries3. pyjamas4. Clothes, jeans, tights5. twelfth6. polite, pleasure, mention7. sure8. altogether, pounds9. customer, litres, loaves10. greengrocer’s / greengrocery , florist / florist’s 11. full, juicy 12. seedless 13. necessary 14. myself 15. basketball III. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.1. listening2. description, describes3. toothbrushes4. shopping5. buy6. prepare7. eating8. want9. stay 10. to finish11. prepare, don’t 12. doing 13. are, will be 14. presenters 15. us, to hearIV. Correct the only mistake in each sentence.1. There is a packet of tissue on the table. tissues2. The gentlemen look foreign people. Actually, they are Chinese from the north.look之后添加like3. I eat an apple every day. So eats my husband. does4. Can you keep an eye in my niece when I’m out? on5. Can I have half pound of cheese, please? half之后添加a6. I need a strong pair of boot to climb the mountain. boots7. One of the best teachers in our school are going to Britain. is8. Please read the passage altogether. Alright, sir. together9. You can buy all kinds of fruit at the supermarket’s. supermarket10. The students are discuss the difficult problem with the teacher. discussing11. The digital piano sound very beautiful. sounds12. The walk boots are popular with the climbers. walkingV. Sentence pattern.1. How would they like to go to the station?2. What percentage of the people in our school are in their forties?3. What do the majority of the students choose to do?4. How often do the teenagers read English newspapers?5. How do the green grapefruits taste?6. What does the pupil get involved in doing?7. How many times a year do the Clarks go traveling?9. What is the little girl good at doing?10. How many tubes of toothpaste does he want to buy?11. How can people buy the sheet music?12. How big is the playground?What size is the playground?Unit 8I. 1-5 B D A D B 6-10 B D B A C 11-15 D C A C BII. 1. from 2. to 3. to 4. about 5. with 6. to 7. with 8. about 9. for 10. forIII. 1-5 come, try, to look after/looking after, impossible, to make6-10 his, Mine, to have, staying, closedIV. 1-5 ^a, 删除to, to do-doing, 删除a, every day6-10 he-him, for-by, weeks-week, of-to, possibly-possibleV. 1. When/ What time do they have…?2. Where is the hotel situated?3. What would you like to do…?4. How much do you have to pay…?5. How does the postman usually…?6. How many times a month do you …?7. We stay in the…until 11 p.m.8. Most people9. rises, sets10. a book of yoursVI. 1-5 occupations, Businessmen/Businesswomen, smart, suits, restaurant6-10 pays, traffic, uniforms, break, casual11-15 everywhere, till, Institute, residential, cost16-20 including, meals, accommodation, social, program21-25 college, over, activities, concerts, museums26-30 events, calendar, aerobics, daily, boringVII. 1-5 B C B A C 6-10 A C D A BVIII. 1-5 things, to turn, him, Finally, waiterUnit 9Unit 9I. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions if necessary.1.Now many people take photos ___with______ their cell phones.2.Chinese people ___of____ 60 usually do some exercise ____for___ about 10hours a week.3.For more information, please write __to____ the Institute or contact themanager __on___ 23908.4.The running track is used ____for_____ various forms of athletics.5.The students have got some problems ___with___ the homework.6.The manager is talking with the visitors___to___ the sports center and he says:“ Welcome __to___ our sports center. Here, …”7.The players ___on___ the tennis courts are excited about their success.8._____After______ work, I usually play tennis with a friend of mine____for______ an hour and a half.9.It’s dangerous _____for_____ women to walk alone at night.10.Girls ______of_______ her age like singing and dancing.11.What do you like doing ______in_______ your free time?12.Mary usually stays ____at_______ home and looks ______after______ her littlebrother.13.The shop is closed _______for______ its bad service.14.The teenagers often watch soaps ______for_______ about 14 hours a week athome.II. Match the words or phrases. (1*9)1.look after a. very interesting2.collecting b. putting something together3. a number of c. located4.expensive d. spare time activities5.hobbies e. free time6.spare time f. take care of7.situated g. some one who is lazy, dirty, untidy8.slob h. not cheap9.good fun j. some1.___f____2. ____b___3. __j_____4. ____h____5. ___d___6. ___e_____7. ____c____8. ___g____9. ___a____III. Error correction. (2*10)1.It’s a good fun for teenag ers to do some sports every day. 删掉a2.The company offers us some expensive sports equipments which is used forvarious forms of athletics. equipment 3.My nephew really loves playing the badminton because he thinks it’s good exercise. 删掉the4.Why not doing some gardening in your spare time? It’s very relaxing.do5.When the week’s finished, the teacher says: “ That’s all for today. Have^ niceweekend.” a6.The Olympic-size swimming pool is used to holding different kinds of swimmingcompetitions. (比赛) for7.Miss Williams often plays squash on the squash courts twenty-four hours a week.court8.The film is very popular with female audiences because of the excited story.exciting9.Why don’t you make the noise students well-behaved? noisy10.The Institute offers the students a number of social activities, includes parties,concerts and discos.including11.The café is open for 12 hours a day and it is close on Sundays. closed12.In the evening of May,1st, we go to visit a famous theatre in New York. On13.Play badminton is really good fun. So we all like it. Playing14.I ^ think some parents can’t understand their children. don'tcan15.Pay attention! The teacher has got important something to tell us.something important16.She has to finish all the work be fore nine o’clock, hasn’t she? doesn't17.What do you think of she? her18.A eight-year-old boy will spend 2 hours watching cartoons. An19.The teacher wants us to go back to school as quick as possible. quickly20.The waitress usually has ^ meal in the cafeteria. aIV. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. (2*15)1. I usually feel very tired after work, so I often do something ___relaxing____(relax). Sometimes I go _dancing___(dance), and sometimes I read__interesting___(interest) bo oks. It’s really good ___fun____(funny) and make me___relaxed____(relax).2. The taxi driver has some problems___stopping____ (stop) his car in the car park.3. The learning center can __be used____(use) for various forms of activities.4. One of the visitors_is carrying____ (carry) a rucksack on his back now.5. A: My baby often _cries___(cry) at night? What about __yours____(you)?B: Oh, she’s often quiet.6. _Collectors's___(collect) magazines is one of her hobbies because it’s _usful_____ (use) for her to learn something new about the world.7. She really enjoys __wtiting_____ (write) stories and__chatting___(chat) with her friends.8. The security guard (保安) asks the climber __not to____(not, jump) off the building because it’s dangerous.9. He is very lazy. It’s __impossible____(possible) for him__to do__(do) a lot of housework.10.The children are interested in __playing____(play) squash, although they are notgood at it.11.Why not _come___ (come ) to use our Olympic-size swimming pool?12.What about ___having____(have) some non-alcoholic drinks?.13.Jerry likes pottery very much because it’s ___relaxing_____(relax).14.__Walking___(walk) after dinner is good exercise because people can feel_relaxed___(relax).15.The hotel hasn’t got a car park now. B ut the manager says there ___will be/isgoing to be__(be) next year.16.Sam is an _interesting____(interest) boy. He usually tells us some funny stories.17.The children are excited about _opening___(open) the presents on ChristmasDay.V. Pattern shift. (2*10)1. Sally spends two hours taking care of Kate’s children.What does Sally spend two hours doing?2. Why don’t you show the visit ors around our school?= _Why___ ___not_____show___ the visitors around our school?3. The running track is used for various forms of athletics.What is the ruuning track used for?4. Sam and Eddie don’t have to wait for the last train, __do____ ____they____?5. The manager spends one thousand dollars on the new facilities in the sports center.=The manager _pays_____ one thousand dollars ___for_____ the new facilities in the sports center.6. The majority of teenagers are interested in watching the entertainment program. What are the majority of teenagersinterested in doing?7. Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks are served in the café every day.What is served in the café every day?8. Maria thinks watching British television is very interesting.What does Maria think of watching British television?9.Kate asks Sally to take care of her children when she’s out.What does Kate ask Sally to do when she’s out?10.The college students will go on a trip to the museums in London if it’s sunnytomorrow.Where will the college students go on a trip to the museums if it’s sunny tomorrow?11.Sara listens to the BBC World Service three times a week.How often does Sara listen to the BBC World Service?12.She looks very excited when she watches the football match.13.We have some problems in learning English, _don't we___?(tag question)14.They like dancing in their spare time.What do they like doing in their spare time?15.People in Britain usually watch TV for about 12 hours a week.How long do people in Britain usually watch TV?16. Why not go fishing with us?= _Why___ __don'___ ___you___ go fishing with us?17. Julia has to finish her work first, _doesn't she____?18. My mother thinks the television programs are boring.What does your mother think of the television programs?19. She will go hang-gliding because it’s very exciting.Why will she go hang-gliding?20 The old people usually go fishing when the weather is nice.Who usually goes fishing when the weather is nice?Unit 1 3I.1. for 2.for;with 3. for; to 4.about 5. on 6. with 7.to; for; as for8 for; As; on; into; at 9. on 10. at; of 11. with; of 12. into; with; into 13. by 14. in onII. 1. d idn’t invite 2. laid 3. ( to) lay 4 helping; not making 5. invitation;invited; were invited 6. plans; planned 7. exactly; exact 8. press; pressure9. To set; setting 10. smokingIII. 1. invite-inviting 2. of- that 3. her to- she can 4. are- is; are-is 5. of6.having- had7. poor- the poor8. I like—I’d like to9. to-for 10. will-would IV. to watch a football match with me; Some other time, perhaps some more tea No, thanks. to have a V. 1. Yes, I’d love to2. No, thanks. I have had enough.3. The river is too wide for the man to swim across.4. What are the big knives and forks for?5. What did you take as a present to the party?6. What an interesting story he told me last night.7. finishing his work8. he was9. What did the girl sitting under the tree enjoy doing?10. He didn’t have to finish his work left by his boss before8 o’clock.Unit 14I. Give the past forms of the following verbs.1.stayed2.bought3.thought4.lost5.found6.knew7.read8.fell9.wrote10.sent 11.planned 12.sold 13.slept 14.stopped 15 tried 16 gave 17 began 18kept20 shut 20 sawII Prepositions.1. by2. in, on.3. to,in.4. With, to5. At6. by.7. Across, into, for8. OnIII. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given.1. location,2. Main, mainly3. Eating, eat4. Was sold, sold5. beginning6. Is given7. Asks8. Did, plan, planned, is spoiled9. visiting 10. Attractive,smiling 11. Am, sleeping 12. Relaxing, relaxedIV. Pattern shift.1. Mr. Smith _____returned____ home late at night.2. wonder3. did he?4. a fifty-minute walk/ fifty minutes on foot5. How did she help the visitors?6. it was because she had lost the cards that she didn’t have Trinity College in her book.7. Please don’t turn right at the roundabout.8. the little not was so naughty that the baby sister couldn’t look after him.9. so that, could10. before she readV. Correct the mistakes.1. more easy 改为easier2. silence 改为silent3. what did Ben look like 改为what Ben looked like4. very 改为so5. stay 后面加in6. passed 改为past7. which 改为where; 或者which 前加in8. Get 改为getting9. fixed 改为fixing10. will 改为wouldVI. Fill in the blanks according to the texts we have learned.1. travelled2. Painting3. Writing4. Married5. Went6. returned7. Working8. Need9. Long 10. Caught11. fell 12. Landed 13. Accident 14. Remains 15. Most16. provide 17. Throw 18. About 19. Accommodation20. makes 21. Coming 22. Itself 23. Unspoiled 24. Century 25. Atmosphere26. peacefulVII Cloze.1-5 CABBD 6-10 CADBDVIII Reading comprehension.1-5 CDDAD6-10 CDCDAIX Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given.1. changes2. Stay3. Rainy4. Hope5. Much6. places7. Go8. Outside9. With 10 snowUnit 15I.1.fell,fallen2.felt,felt3.began,begun4.stirred,stirred5.wrote,written6.kept,kept7.forgot,forgotten8.left,left9.lived,lived 10.found,foundII.1.to2.with3.for4.in5.in6.in7.for8.on9.for 10.into 11.in,by 12.for,for 13./ 14.about 15.by 16.at 17.on,atIII.1.was delayed2.booking,travelling3.cutting4.are sold,sells5.to buy6.to drive,will meet7.suggestion8.follow9.was shown 10.arranged,arrangement 11.smoking 12.drama,dramatic 13.exciting,excited 14.frightening,frightened 15.violence,violent 16.swimming 17.crowded,coming 18.begin,beginning 19.to dub 20.sittingIV.1.Would you like to pla y in Zhangyimou’s film in next year? In2.It’s a holiday tomorrow.Let’s going camping in the forest. go3.What are you doing in July?Sam and I are going in holiday in July. on4.I wondered if did she travelled to Greek island before. did5.Children needn’t to see the film with their parents because it’s a film for all ages. to6.Go passed the bank ,then we can arrive at the hotel. past7.Would you like going out to play foot ball with me? to go8.I usually return to home at 6 p.m. every afternoon. to9.She as well as I am good at playing the piano. We have learned it for many years. is10.Bob and Sarah ^ married two years ago. were11.Hello,I’d like to book some tickets on Thursday.OK.On which film? For12.Have you got any plans to the summer holiday?for13.The flight to Tokyo is delayed by 5 hours.for14.Would you like to go out with me some other time? Yes, I’d like that.to15.In the film called the Silence of the Lambs,Jodie plays as a young detective.as16.She asks the criminal about his help to catch another criminal.for17.How good fun it is to play badminton with you! What18.Why Sunday lunch is a special meal in Britain? is Sunday lunch19.I wonder where did you find the map.you found20.Rick didn’t mention the terrible accident which he lost one of his arms^.in21.Father of the Bride ,an American film,^showing in the cinema this week.is shown22.The person didn’t do anything ,sat and looking straight ahead.sitting23.Customers can definitely pay in cheque.by24.How do you like to pay,please?would25.Either you or your cousin are chosen to be the main actor of the film.isV.1.My little brother is so young that he can’t look after himself.2.Five minutes’ drive , a five-minute drive3.What good fun it is to play the drums!4.Needn’t5.How does the mechanic often travel?6.Why is Sunday lunch a special meal?7.Did the writer lose most of the cards beginning with “Tr”?8.Where are you spending the holiday next June?9.Let’s go for a walk. , How about going for a walk?Unit 1I.BBACB CCCDCIIIn of on at toIIIBegan will begin was produced surprising surprised collecting collectors swept sweeping development developed skiers are skiing saying watching was designed designers fair farilyIVAre wanting --- want to catch ---catching was去掉classroom—classrooms weather---whether was 去掉some time—sometime what去掉giving--- to give excited---exciting V1.How did he clean the desk?2.Paid for / cost them3.Why wouldn’t she like to go out at the weeke nd?4.How many times a week did Leo do some gardening?5.Did she6.What an expensive card he bought in the card market!7.How far is it from the funfair to the center?8.How much did the first Japanese telephone card cost?9.It is in their magazine that most people can see cards with prices like these.VILeading spare bridges hangs elastic tying meteorite fairly space frightening regularly travels collect point view challenge adventures dentist heli-skiing queue completely skiers enjoy provides excitement plain variety attractive blank produced VIICBABC BABCCVIIIBAADC ABCDCIXEasier meeting friends widely understood completely happy eating them GermansUnit 2Unit 2 参考答案介词:1.with,in2.of3.in4.to5.to6.of7. of8.for9.from 10.for词形转换:1.accuracy2.specialities,especially,specialize3.was told4.beginners’5.guitarist6.particularly7.attended,felt,drove,found,bought,spoke,saw,toreturn,reading,helping句型:1. What doesn’t the painter enjoy doing with these lazybones?2. What did Pat decide to do after he thought carefully?3. How well could Lang Lang play the piano when he was five years old?4. How do most of the students do the math exercises?5. How did the jazz class at the centre cost him last term?6. Apart from / As well asIV. 课文填空1. tongue, Australia, United, Ireland, countries2. secretary, dreaming, fact, thinking, foreign, Japanese, difficult, different3. workshops, attend, majority, adults, playgroups, popular, specialize, Yoga, range, furniture, local,villages, particular, subject, reasonsV. 改错1. What interest you most? The courses in the community education center. interests2. That is difficult for everyone to learn French. It3. My new friend asks me where did I go to university in the 20th century. I went4. Would you like to find some other parks for your kid to play ? in his spare time? in5. The sports center provides a number of sporting activities to people. for6. After graduating from this school, I hope to get a chance to study in overseas. 去掉in7. She got retired until she was in her seventies. didn’t get8. As a visitor, he isn’t understanding French. doesn’t understand9. Not only the students but also the teacher enjoy watching the Football World Cup. enjoys。
Unit 2 Looking into the FutureReading and Thinking

Unit 2 Looking into the Future(Reading and Thinking:Smart Homes to Make Life Easier)教案文本简析本单元的主题是“展望未来(Looking into the Future)”,阅读文本的话题是“智能家居使生活更加便利(Smart Homes to Make Life Easier)”。
在本文的阅读教学中,首先要关注文体特征,包括文本标题、小标题以及语篇标识语,并利用这些特征理解文本结构、写作目的和目标读者;其次,在了解未来家居智能化水平和给生活带来的便利时,可同时整理相关的话题语言;此外,文本用问句开头、多处运用对比和引证的写作手法,并用语法结构“will be doing”来表明态度,这些都是很好的使用写作技巧的范例,能提高学生运用合适的写作技巧来表情达意的意识和能力;最后,在对“智能家居有什么特征”和“为何智能家居一时还不能普及”等问题的探讨中,学生的深度思维能力尤其是批判性思维能力可以得到有效训练。
展望未来BOOK2 Unit 2知识总结与练习

Unit 2 I.Words transformation1.retire v---retirement n ----retired adj2.begin v ---beginner n3.dream v --- dream n4.learn v----learner ---learned5.cookery n---cook v/n---cooker n6.confidentce n---confident adj----confidently adv7.special adj----speciality n---specilalistn---specialise v8.guitarist n----guitar9.local adj---the local n 10.qualification n----qualify v11.experience n----experienced adj12.interest v.n. have (an) interest in sth.sb.interst sb.13.vocational adj----vocation n14.train v----trainer---trainee15.practical adj----impraotical16.practical adj----impraotical17.particular adj--- particularly adv18.prepare v--- preparation nnguage points1. intend to do have/has an intention of doing/to do have no intention of doing/to do2. go/live/travle overseas= abroad 16. a child of 4=a child aged 4= a 4-year-old child3. apart from= except/besides / as well as… 17. take message for sb./ leave message to sb.4. have/has been retired for…/since18. have no idea=don’t know5. stay in good shape=keep fit/healthy 19. what to do with= how to deal with6. make preparations for 20 in the way; on the way; by the way7. write with confidence and accuracy 21. go on to do/ go on doing/ go on with sth.8. set up=build 22. take place = happen (no passive voice)9. in particular=particularly 23. deal with (dealt ---dealt)10. dance to music 24. reason for…11. a trip to 25. run a course in….on a campus12. in one’s childhood.13. train (sb) to do/be…13. be worried about =worry about 14. on the first day15. lend sth to sb./ borrow sth from sb. have/has kept buy sth for sb. have/has hadIII. Patterns1.How well can you speak….?2.The MacMahons had no idea what to do with him.=The MacMahons had no idea what they could do with him.Unit 2I. Multiple choice:1.Their parents decided to send their son to the nearest kinder garden because it is near their home.A. make up his mindB. made up their mindsC. made decision to2.In my opinion, she doesn’t need to buy anything for her boyfriend.A. needn’t to buyB. doesn’t need buyC. needn’t buy3.When he was five years old, he could play the piano very well. (Which is not right?)A. At the age of fiveB. When he is fiveC. At five years4. The old lady want to went to Britain by plane.A. flew BritainB. caught a plane to BritainC. fly to Britain5.In fact, I don’t like to play with you at all because of your bad behavior.A. ActualB. In actualC. ActuallyD. Factly6.They set up the darkroom five years ago. A. build B. raise C. set D. built7.The gays had no idea what to do with this broken car. A. don’t know B. didn’t know C. didn’thave known8.He wants to ____ some money from her, but she doesn’t want to _________ it to him.A. borrow, lendB. lend, borrowC. borrow, borrowD. lend, lend9.The teachers in red ________ the health of the children. A. worried B. was worried about C. wereworried about10.She looks _____ than any other girl in this class. A. shyer B.shier C. more shy11.Most of the course ____ in the workshop. A.takes place B.is taken place C. have taken place12.The children ______ not to play with the fire. A. are often told B. tell C. aretelling D. told13.---Would you please ______make the child ______any more? ---Well, I just wanted him not to play withthe chalk.A. don't, cryB. not, to cryC. don't, to cryD. not, cry14.Rachel goes to the fitness center to do some exercise every weekend in order to stay in good shape.A. keep fit and healthyB. have a good shapeC. be good-looking15.More than forty traffic accidents happen in Chengdu every day. A. take the place B. take place C.take a place16. I forgot to take a fork. Will you please pass me one to eat _________? A. by B. wit C. /18. You have read for more than two hours. Why not ________________?A. stop having a breakB. stop to have a breakC. stopping to have a break19. Generally speaking, academic subjects are taught to _______ students ______ college.A. preparing, forB. prepare, toC. prepare, for20. ----A: What’s the matter with you?----B: I have a lot of homework this term. I’m busy all day and Idon’t know ________ to do with my homework.. A. how B. which C. what21. I’m writing to ask ______ information about courses ____ automotive repair. A. for, on B. to, inC. for, in22. I often practice ____________ on Saturday mornings, but I would like ___________ this Saturdaymorning.A. to ski, to go skatingB. skiing, to go skatingC. skiing, go skating23. I ______ some money to my students yesterday. But all of them forgot ______ it to me today.A. lended, to returnB. lented, returningC. lent, to return24. We are going to _______ more sports facilities _______ our students.A. provide, forB. offer, forC. provide, withII. Words transformation:1.I will not lose ____________ in getting a high mark in the exams because of my intelligence.(confident)2.I don't like this ________ course, so I want to another ________ one . (practice)3.This handosome boy is __________student in the class. He is _______ than any other one in the class.( shy)4.The good runner usually practices _________ every morning. ( run )5.I want ____________________, so I don’t like my life now. ( free)6. She usually go to the __________ center to dance for keeping _______ and health.( fit)7.His dream is to become a good _________, so now he is learning _________. (cook)8.Helen as well as her two sisters _________ to learn a foreign language next week. (intention)9.The mother looked extremely ________ about her lost child at market. ( worry )10.Robert thinks it’s challenging for him _____________ (collect) every new rock.11.Every term our school have more than 500 hundred people ____________ (attend) those art classeswhich are popular with young people.12.It’s stran ge that the housewife knows nothing about how ________________ a meal. (cooker)13.The story that he told us was so interesting that nobody felt ________________ with it. (boring)14.I have got more than five interests _______________ juggling and skiing. (include)15.The young man has got an _____________ of traveling around the world in the future. (intend)16.The boy does everything better than the other students because he is _______________ one in our class.(confidence)17.As well as lots of tourist attractions, you can find a large number of ____________ to eat in China.(specialize)18.John as well as his brother ____________ ( hope ) to see the film in the holiday.19.We finally found all the answers to the questions by _______________ them with our companions.(discussion)III.Corrections:1.Don’t ask him to do so many things, he is only a boy at four.2.I have borrowed his book for 2 weeks, so I plan to return it to him.3.There were more than 3 millions people waiting to watch the programme in front of the TV.4.Could you please pass me a chair? I need one to sit.5.The MacMachons has no idea what to do with him.6.An 8-years-old boy started studying computer lessons at a beautiful campus in Britain.7.Can you still remember the saddest thing on your childhood?8.Did your mum always let you to do what you don’t want to do?9.Why doesn’t he enjoy choosing to paint some pictures on watercolors.10.He is quite interesting in watching some funny programs on TV at his leisure.11.The tallest boy is much shier than any other child when he performs in front of the whole class.12.How excited he was when he found he could go to overseas to learn German.IV. Prep:1. She goes ______ the gym every day because she wants to stay __ good shape.2. The reason ________ being late is that there is too much traffic.3. _______ fact ,I don’t like the fatty food.4 They are watching this series _________ the same time.5. All the teachers help him __________ every way to improve his study.6. Don’t worry about him. He’s confident _________ the test.7. When the music was on, everybody began to dance _________ the beautiful music.8. A child ____ seven is old enough to go to primary school.9. I felt very excited ______ the first day when I became a teacher.10. The reason _________ his being late is still unknown.11. She nearly lost confidence _______ passing the test, but I was confident ______ him.V. Patterns:1.The Wheelers occasionally discuss politics together, _______ ________?2.They rarely get any information from their colleagues these days, ______________?3.There was no one in the street,_________? ( tag question)4.The old man walking in the park retired 10 years ago. (Present perfect tense)5.Studying abroad is very important to his son. (Change the sentence with “it”)6.He usually went everywhere by plane last year because it was faster and safer.7.The doctor told me not to swim in such cold weather.( ask a question)8.The teacher borrowed the book when he came to school. ( present perfect tense)9.The twins spent some of their time enjoying the game together last year.10.Can you tell me how to deal with the naught boy?= Can you tell me _____ ____ ____ _____ the naughtyboy.(complex)9. They have designed a wide variety of attractive clothes since 10 years ago.( passive voice)10. The problem was too difficult to work out. (say it in another two ways.)VI. Fill in the blanks according to the first letter. (10%)A. Can we live w_______ salt? Of course, we can’t. Salt is very important to us. We n______ salt in our food. Animals need it, too. Most of the salt in our country c_______ from the sea. People dig very big pools and let sea water in. When the sun dries up the water, people can get salt from the ground . The salt is w________, clean and beautiful.There a_______ a lot of salt wells(井) in Sichuan . A salt well is much b______than a water well. People bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big jars over fire. In this w_____ they get salt. We can also get salt from salt mines(矿) . A salt mine may be f_____under the ground. Some years ago, people in Jiang xi Province found a big salt mine and soon opened it. People there need salt from o______ places no more.In the northwest of our country, there are many salt lakes. Some of these lakes are very big . The salt in a big lake will be e______ for our people for centuries .B“Did this girl steal anything from your bag?” the officer asked.“No,” the woman said. "B______ she tried to steal from it. I saw her o_______ the bag and looking inside it. Then she shut(合拢) the bag and p______ it back on the table.”“I want to know w________ she didn't take anything,” he went on.“She had a good chance to s_______ your money or something.”“Yes, she had. She is a t_____! But you see, officer, my bag happened to (恰巧) be e_________. That was just my good luck (运气), wasn't it?”“Maybe. I don't know. If it was, it was also this girl's good l________. No one can steal anything from an empty bag. So if that's impossible, trying to steal from it is impossible, too. We can't do anything to this girl. We'll have to let her g____ home now, Madam, I am sorry.”VII. watch possible another bear move business city idea practical wellMost American enjoy _______ from place to place. For example, they often drive their cars 10 to 160 kilometers away just to have dinner with a friend or even fly to Europe just for ______ a football match. In some states only one person in five lives in a place for more than five years. One may be ______ in one city, and go to school in another. He may finish his middle school in two or three ______ and then go to a college far across the country. When he has gone into ______, he may ______move from job to job. Moving from one job to ______, which is called “job-jumping”, is a ve ry common ______ in the USA.Job-jumping does good to workers, because every change of job gives them a chance to move up to a higher place and to get ______. And job-jumping also gives bosses the chance to get new ______ and abilities that different people bring to their companies and factories.VIII. Choose the sentences to fill in the blanks.I was born in New York, but I grew up in San Francisco. ___________________. If I am asked now where I want to live forever, I would say London. But I will always be American. San Francisco, like London, has many parks. __________________. I didn't go to school. I only had three hours of formal education when I was five. I was sent to school in the morning but came home at noon on the first day. I said I didn't enjoy it and hadn't learned anything. __________________. They agreed with me, so I never went back to school. Then my mother taught me and my two sisters at home, in the way of an English lady who had good education. We learned languages and reading more than sciences and maths. Sometimes she taught us herself, but we also had other teachers. They asked us to take lessons every day. About once a week we walked to Golden Gate Park. While we were walking, my mother taught me to read music. ___________________ and I remember now how I'd like to have it. I couldn't say "r" when I was small. My mother said if I could say an "r" well, I would have the toy train. I practiced and practiced. Then one morning I woke everybody up with my "r"s. I got the toy train. __________________ — but I work hard for them.A. My parents thought that school was unsuitable for meB. Every day my sisters and I were taken to play in the parks as childrenC. One day I noticed a little toy train in the window of a shopD. I began to live in London 25 years agoE. I usually get the things I want in life。
展望未来2 Unit 3 Planning a trip单元知识要点

Unit 3 Planning a tripU3 (1)1.打算(词转):mean (v./n.)-means (n.)-meaning (n.)-meaningful (adj.)-meaningless (adj.) (mean – meant – meant) 1)它是什么意思?(同义)What does it mean? = What’s the meaning of it?2)意欲做某事(同义):mean to do sth. = do sth. on purpose3)我想了解一种有用的学习英语的方法:I’d like to know about/learn about a useful means of learning English.2.交通运输(词转):transport (U/v.)-transportation [U]3.长途客车;训练:coach (v./n.)4.车辆:vehicle (n.)5.骑马(自行车) 的人(词转):rider (n.) - ride (v./n.) (ride-rode-ridden)6.控制:control (v./n.) (contro l ling/contro l led)1)控制/掌控/管理...(3同义):be in control of = be in charge of = control …2)受...控制/掌控/管理(3同义):be in the control of… = be in the charge of… = be under the control of …3)被控制:be under control4)失控:be out of control7.害怕;惧怕;担忧(词转):fear (v./n.)-fearful (adj.)-fearless (adj.)1)名词短语:(a) fear of sb./sth./doing sth.2)动词短语:fear sb.(sth. )/fear to do sth./doing sth.3)形容词短语:be fearful of (doing) sth.8.不)方便的(词转):(in)convenient (adj.)-(in)convenience (n.)9.他以140公里每小时的速度开车。

《展望未来》初三英语复习Unit3BookIIRevision unit 3 look ahead book2VocabularyPaper A1. choice n. _________ v. (_______ _______) I have no choice to do sth.2. land n. _______land 陆路交通3.miss v. ________ adj. =lost4. toilet n.5. borrow v. borrow sth _______sb.6. hold v._______ _______7. class n. first-class adj.8. passenger n. __________pl. 9. contact v/n. contact sb on+电话10. carry v. _______ _______ (past form) carry out Paper B1. type v. typewriter n.2. transport n. __________n交通。
3. coach n. ____ coach4. vehicle n.5. fear n. ______fear of 害怕fearful adj.6. prefer prefer to do sth7. speed n. at a high speed/ at the speed of prefer doing sth.8. alive adj. 9. cancel v. ______ ______(past form) 10. reliable adj. __________(ant.)----v. _______ on 11. cause v./n. cause sb to do sth.12. pollution n. air pollution 13. environment n.14. convenient adj. ____________(ant.) 15. arrange v. __________n.16. client n. 17. sightseeing n. __________(phrase) 18. promise n./v. ___________adj. 19. anyway. adv.keep one’s promise 20. reservation n. _________v.break one’s promise make a reservation _____sth. 21. essential adj. be essential _____sb. 22. charge n. in charge of /in the charge of 23. non-smoking adj. non-stop 24. airline n.25. luggage n. =________ 26. pleasant adj. _______adj. ⾼兴27. race n. =_______n. 28.against prep. Be against sth. 29. versus prep. 30. delay v/n. without delay 31. punctual adj. =____ _____ 32. fare n.33. security n. _______adj. 34. announcement n. ___________v.35.satisfy v. _________adj. be satisfied ______sth. 36. platform n.37. select v. ________n. 38. step n.39. stewardess n. _______n. 40. standard n.41. check v. check in 42.frustrated adj. ___________.adj.______n. ____________v.Language points1.planning a trip 计划旅⾏plan ____ ____⑴plan to do sth :my family___ ___ spend our holiday by land next month.⑵make a plan for sth: you have to_______ a good plan ____ your future.2. ways of travelling旅⾏⽅式 a way of doing sth = a way to do sth.I found a good way of stopping smoking=____________________________________.3. by sea/ by air/by land: ⽔路/坐飞机/陆路by sea: including________________________________________________.by air: including_________________________________________________by land including________________________________________________4. when I go on holiday, I travel by train. On holiday / in the holidays go on a tripI travel by train.= I _____ ______ ____ travel.5. what do you think the writer’s main points are ? (what之类的特殊疑问词在do you think 之前,仅限在do you think问句,其它不是。

Additional words and expressions about job
Job--work--career--occupation--profession-course Employ-employer-employee Unemployed- jobless-housewife-out of work.
Irish British 德国 德国人 American French 西班牙 法国 Russian 美国 波兰 passport 意大利人 tourist 土耳其人 罗马 Greece Turkey office Tokoyo 希腊人 巴西利亚
shop assistant
Who are you?
Personal information
Surname: Address: Interests: Marital status: Title: first name: telephone number: education: Nationality: postcode:
Personal information
First name = given name Surname = family name = last name Single, married, divorced, widow Postcode: London E1 London SW3 There are two area codes: 071=in/near the centre 081=outside the centre
Helen works in a hotel, she receives people in a hotel. James works in a company, He repairs electrical apparatus. Tony works in a theater. He acts a part in a play. Paul works in a factory. He repairs machine.

Unit 2 Looking into the future单元分析单元主题:人与社会-科技发展与技术创新单元内容分析本单元的主题是“人与社会-科技发展与技术创新”,围绕“展望未来(LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE)”这一话题展开,反映了人们对未来生活与技术发展的期待与担忧,鼓励学生深人思考现代科技发展对未来人类生活的影响和意义。
以下为教材各部分教学内容的简要分析及教学活动实施建议:1.Opening Page主题图是一张充满未来概念的创意图。
本单元的引言“The best way to predict the future is to create it.(预测未来最好的方式是创造未来。
2.Reading and Thinking:Exchange views on smart homes 板块的活动主题为“交流对智能家居的看法”。
展望未来二册Unit 3

Unit 3课堂练习I.Multiple choice.1.I’d like to do some sightseeing during the summer vacation.A.take some photosB. visit some carsC. see some friendsD. visit some famous places2.Don’t you think trains are the best form of transport?A.better than any transportB.better than any other form of transportC.better than any other kinds of transportD.better than another form of transport3.Teenagers ,in particular ,enjoy going to the youth club where they may meet a lot offriends of their own age.A. especiallyB. in specialC. actuallyD. definitely4. That traffic accident happened about two hours ago.A. take placeB. took placeC. happenD. was happened5. Alison Peterson _________ in her lunch hour in the last two years.A. preferred to juggleB. preferred to jugglingC. prefer jugglingD. prefers juggling6. The trainer is teaching his students how _________ a boat like him.A. to driveB. to rideC. to flyD. to sail7. It was at midnight that my uncle _______ the train station.A. arrivedB. arrived inC. gotD. reached8 Train tickets are usually ______ than bus tickets.A. much expensiveB. cheaperC. more cheaperD. much more cheap9 Don’t get so ________. This problem will be worked out anyway.A. happyB. angryC. frustratedD. happily10. I haven’t decided yet when to make a trip to Tibet .A. travelB. journeyC. plan a tripD. visit11. The old man ______ is Igor’s grandma.A. you talkedB. you talked toC. when you talkedD. you talked to her.12. Someone is afraid of ______, someone has fear ______.A. bungee jump, to flyB. bungee jumping, of flying.C. to bungee jump, of flyingD. bungee jumping, to fly.13. When you meet a traffic jam, even walking is ______ than ______.A. much more better, driving a car.B. more better, driving a car.C. much more better, drive a car. C. much better, driving a car.14. ________ computers is not just a matter of ______ all the parts together.A. To repair, of putB. To repair, of putC. Repairing, to putD. Repairing, of puttingII. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.1.I have no _____________ (intend )of going to the Andes mountains , but next year I intend________( pay ) a visit to an education center in Chile.2.It is ______________( convenient ) for people living in the country to go shopping .Because they do live a long way away from the city center.3.It rained quite a bit last week. But today it looks even __________ (bad). It rains__________(heavy ) than it did yesterday .4.Her colleagues really love her because she is __________________( friend )one in thecompany. She is always happy to make various __________________( arrange ) for all the people.5.While ___________( hear ) that their flight will ___________( cancel ) , all the passengersfelt angry and _____________. ( frustrate)6.We all hope that people may stop _____________(cause) ____________( pollute ) ,.Anyway it’s good for people to live in the environment which is ____________________.( pollute ).7.On the bus, you have no ___________( choose ) of seats. And they are ___________( comfortable ) than soft chairs.8.The boy _________( talk ) to me just now is really ___________( reliable ) ,you’d better nottell your secret or privacy to him.9.You promised ______________( meet ) at the ticket office yesterday evening , didn’t you ?11. They offer different sorts of ______ to the passengers. You will be ______ all the way if youorder the first class. (serve)12. ______ in the world is hard for us, keeping _____ is important, though. (live)13. For the bad weather, the outdoor concert _________ last night. (cancel)14. People we meet on the train are much _________ than those on the plane. (friend)15. How much we should get every month must _________ now, and the two managers’________ are extremely important to us. (decide)III. Pattern shift.1.Most people prefer travelling by plane.2.The small boy was too sad to say anything. (complex sentence )3.You suggest going to the town by bicycle .4.You promise not to be late for the conference.5.Did they spend five hours travelling from London to Liverpool? ( another way )6.That novel called “Father and son “ cost my friend 36 yuan. (another way )7.They hardly sat on the bench in the park, _____________?8.We have to wait for hours for the planes to take off or land. ( negative sentence)9.In my opinion, heli-skiing is the most exciting interest. ( comparative form)10.He lent me two wooden chairs produced in Turkey. ( passive voice )IV. Correct the mistakes.1.I got up early enough today just because I wanted to get to where I’m going on time .2.Does her dress look more beautiful than you ? I don’t think so.3.Some people don’t like travelling by plane because it’s not convenient. They can’t get into oroff the plane during the journey.4.Drinking wine is no good for you . You’d better eat some more vegetables and fruit.5.People can not drive at a high speed on the high school campus.6.Don’t you think this course is more practical than any other courses ?7.Why not wait the bus for a moment ? We still have some time.8.He likes taking photos while he going to the museum.9.Because trains have got some problems, so I don’t want to travel by train at all.10.People may feel angry and worried at traffic jams.课后作业V. Fill in the blanks according to the lessons we’ve learned.Julia will v______ some c___________ in Edinburgh. She p_________ to go there by plane so that she can go and come back the s_____ day. But it’s e____________. She decides to go by train and asks Rita to make some a___________ for her. She thinks it’s more c______ than travelling by air. She wants a s_____________, n_________ seat on the train which is with a r_________ car.Different people may c___________ different transport while travelling . Planes are the f______, but they are always d_________ because of the awful weather. Trains are more comfortable and c________________, but they are sometimes late or c_________. Buses are slow and it causes terrible p_________ , but you can always meet f____________ people during the j__________ ,and you can see the c ___________. R__________ bicycle is good e_________ ,and it’s also good for the e_____________.visit clients plans same expensive arrangements convenient second-class non-smoking restaurant choose fastest delayed convenient cancelled pollution friendly journey countryside Riding exercise envirionmentVI. Fill in the blanks. (选作题)I had an _____________ experience last year. After ________ a small village in the south of France, I ________to the next town. On the way, a young man __________ to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he __________ in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know ____ French at all. _______ of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very ______, “ Do you speak English?”. As I soon _________, he was English _________.interesting leaving drove shouted replied any Neither slowly learned himself。
展望未来2 unit2、unit3 听力原文

展望未来 unit2、unit3 听力原文展望未来unit2 听力原文Unit 1 Doing new thingsLearning languages第六题RITA:Oh,hi,Julia.JULIA:Dreaming?RITA:No,I'm thinking about evening classes.JULIA:Evening classes?RITA:Yes,I'm going to go to evening classes.JULIA:Why?RITA:Because I want to learn a foreign language,Japanese.JULIA:Why do you want to learn Japanese?RITA:Because I like Japan.And I want to do something new.JULIA:Learning Japanese is going to be difficult.RITA:I know.But I'm going to do it.第十题CLERK:Right.How many languages do you speak?Apart from English,of course. RITA:I speak Hindi.CLERK:Ah.How well do you speak it?RITA:Very well.I can write it too.CLERK:Any other languages?RITA:I can speak a little French.But I can't write it at all.CLERK:A little French.Can't write it.That's it?Rita:Yes.CLERK:And you want to join our beginners'class in Japanese?RIRA:Yes, please.CLERK:Well, it's not going to be easy,you know.It's very different from English,Hindi or French.RITA:I know.But I want to do it.第十一题CLERK:Right.How many languages do you speak?Apart from English,of course. RITA:I speak Hindi.CLERK:Ah.How well do you speak it?RITA:Very well.I can write it too.CLERK:Any other languages?RITA:I can speak a little French.But I can't write it at all.CLERK:A little French.Can't write it.That's it?Rita:Yes.CLERK:And you want to join our beginners'class in Japanese?RIRA:Yes, please.CLERK:Well, it's not going to be easy,you know.It's very different from English,Hindi or French.RITA:I know.But I want to do it.After school第六题:What do you enjoy doing?What don't you enjoy doing?What do you like eating for breakfast?What don't you like eating?What do you like watching on TV?What don't you like watching?第九题MANAGER:The centre's usually open five days a week that's from Mondayto Friday...though we do sometimes have weekend workshops.A lot of our classes are in the evening,but there are quite a few during the day,too. INTERVIEWER:And how many people attend classes here?M:Um,...in any one term we can have between 450 and 500 students coming to classes,and they're all ages.Of course,most of the students are adults-in fact,the oldest this term is eighty-two-but we do run playgroups for very young children during the day.Next year we're going to provide more facilites for teenagers,because they don't really have a place to go in a small town like this. I:Which are your most popular classes?M:Well,they're probably our art classes because that's what we specialise in.After all,students of all ages really enjoy painting and drawing.Yoga and foreign languages are also extremely popular.But we offer a very wide range of courses-everything from furniture making to philosophy.I:Are your students all local people?M:Er,a lot of our students aren't actually from the town.They come from other towns and villages because they want to do a particular subjector because they would like to be with a particularteacher.And then they also come for other reasons.Of course the subject interests them,but people who are new to the town come to meet peopleand some people just want to get out of the house...young mothersand old people in particular enjoy making new friends.Development第五题GENE:My programme is a course in automotive repair.Er,...we,er,teach people from the age of sixteen through adults.We're located on a high school campus.It's vocational,which means that we train people in specific skills that they could use in a job.PRESENTER:There are programmes for adults in the afternoons and evenings,but all the people in Gene's classes are students at San Rafael High School.About eighty-five per cent are boys.They choose to spend five or ten hours a week with him in groups of eighteen to twenty.It's a vocational course,but it's part of their general education,so they don't have to pay.Many of the students want to learn how to repair their own cars.G:Every student is an individual that comes into my programme.All of them think that they're going to be able to fix their own car.They all have that as a goal that they are going to get out of the programme.P:Some students,though,want to work in garages and service stations when they leave school.One lesson a week is in a classroom and deals with the theory of car repairs.On the other days,students work with Gene in the workshop next to the school.They do projects and learn practical skills.This is one of Gene's students. JOSH:I like classes like this because it's more of the real world thanit is sitting there reading a text book,not knowing what you are going to be using it for.P:In other high schools the local education office runs different vocational courses.Students can learn about radio broadcasting,electronics,business, technology and restaurant work at the same time as the usual school subjects.Unit 3 Planning a tripWays of travelling第八题1.Trains are safer than planes.2.Stations are more convenient than airports.第九题1.AlAN:I prefer travelling by plane because I get there faster.2.ANNA: Actually, I think buses are better than any other form of transport. On a long journey you always meet people and talk to them, People are friendlier on buses. And the journey's more interesting because you can see the countryside.3.BECKY: I hate travelling by train. There are always problems with trains in this country. They're late or they're cancelled or something happens. I use my car andI always get where I'm going in time. Travelling by car is definitely more reliable.4.SALLY: Buses are bad but cars are worse. They both cause terrible pollution in towns and cities. I travel everywhere by bicycle because I think it's better for the environment and it's good exercise. Anyway, I'm too young to drive!5.BOB: People who drive cars long distances to get to work are crazy. They sit for hours in traffic jams; they get angry and frustrated. Trains are much better. I like travelling by train because I can work while I'm travelling. It's more convenient and more comfortable than travelling by car.Travel arrangements第一题JAMES:Yes,I'm going to see some clients on the 20th.Why?JULIA:Oh,because I'm going to visit clients in Glasgow on Wednesday,and it's quite near Edinburgh.JAMES:Ah...I'm going to drive there on the Friday before,but that's no good to you.How will you get there?JULIA:I'll go by car too,I think.No,I won't drive--it's a long way.I'll fly.Then I can go and come back the same day.JAMES:Good idea.I need my car because I want to do some sightseeing第六题MARCO:I'm going to Brighton at the weekend.Would you like to come? TERESA:Oh,yes.I'd love to.MARCO:Oh,good.I'm going to catch the ten o'clock train.Is that OK? TERESA:That's fine.MARCO:Don't be late.It's the only fast train.TERESA:Don't worry.I'll be there.MARCO:Let's meet at the ticket office at half past nine.Or earlier at your flat? TERESA:Er...no,I'll see you at the ticket office.第九题JULIA:Rita,I want to fly to Glasgow early on the 15th,that's this Wednesday,and come back the same day.Can you make the arrangements,please?RITA:Wednesday.OK,Julia.The plane's expensive,though.Does Tom know about this?JULIA:Er,no.Oh, all right, I'll go by train the day before. It's more comfortable, anyway. And I'll find a hotel when I arrive.RITA: What time do you want to leave?JULIA: At about midday. A second-class, non-smoking seat on a train with a restaurant car, please.RITA: OK, I'll see what I can do. Oh, do you want Glasgow Central station? JULIA: Um, yes, I do. Thanks.Developments第三题A passenger will step up and tell me which flightthey intend to be taking that day-whether they have a ticket or not.If they've not got a ticket I can issue the ticket right there at the ticket counter,re-confirm their itinerary for the round trip,check in their luggage for them,and make sure they're satisfied with theirseat selection.第四题The three classes of service that we offer are coach class,which is the economy class;business class,which is better than coach class,and first class,which is the premium service and the best way to travel.Each transaction is really different. There's never anything that's um, boring,about the job, and for the most part the people that I come into contact with are really pleasant and the peoplethat I work with at the airport are really pleasant.第五题Conversation 1SHERRY:Hello.Good afternoon.PASSENGER:Good afternoon.S:Would you like to check that piece of baggage?P:Yes,I would.S:OK.And your destination?P:Ontario.S:Ontario,Canada?P:No,...er...S:Ontario,California?P:Yes.S:All right.Conversation 2SHERRY:OK.In Chicago the flight number right now,flight 52,is gate K19... PASSENGER:OK.S:And you will be coming into the airport at gate number K6Bso it's only a matter of walking in the same terminal,thirteen gates.P:OK.Conversation 3SHERRY:And,er,it's just a one way as of now.Did you want to return also withAmerican Airlines?PASSENGER:Yes,Sunday travel would be fine.S:OK.Thanks.In the morning,afternoon or evening?P:Er,I prefer evening.S:Prefer evening,OK.That would be our American flight non-stop service out of Vancouver,Sunday night at 6.10 in the evening and you'll arrive back here in San Jose at 8.30.P:Perfect.。

展望未来英语教程学生用书:引领语言学习的革新之路In the ever-evolving landscape of language education, "Looking Forward English Course for Students" stands as a beacon of innovation, guiding learners towards a brighter future in communication and cultural understanding. This comprehensive textbook, with its blend of contemporary content, engaging activities, and cutting-edge teaching methods, offers a unique and dynamic approach to language acquisition.The textbook's emphasis on real-world applications is particularly noteworthy. Through immersive scenarios and practical exercises, students are encouraged to apply their language skills to real-life situations, fostering a deeper understanding of the language's cultural and social context. This approach not only enhances the learning experience but also prepares students for the challenges they mayencounter in the globalized world.Moreover, the integration of technology into thelearning process is a testament to the textbook's forward-thinking approach. With digital resources and interactivefeatures, students can engage with the material in a more dynamic and engaging way, enhancing their learning outcomes. This blend of traditional and modern learning methods ensures that students are not only kept engaged but also equipped with the tools they need to excel in today'sdigital age.The content of the textbook is also carefully craftedto cater to the diverse needs of students. With a focus on building a strong foundation in language skills, the textbook gradually introduces more complex concepts and vocabulary, ensuring a gradual and steady progression through the course. This gradual approach not only ensures that students retain the information better but also helps them build confidence in their language abilities.The inclusion of cultural insights and comparisons throughout the textbook is also a valuable addition. By exploring the similarities and differences betweendifferent cultures, students are able to gain a broader perspective on the world and develop a deeper understanding of the language they are learning. This cultural awarenessnot only enhances their language skills but also prepares them to become global citizens.In conclusion, "Looking Forward English Course for Students" is a comprehensive and innovative textbook that offers a unique approach to language learning. Its focus on real-world applications, integration of technology, diverse content, and cultural insights make it an invaluable resource for students seeking to excel in the globalized world. With this textbook as their guide, students are sure to embark on a journey of linguistic discovery and cultural understanding that will prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the future.**展望未来英语教程学生用书:引领语言学习的革新之路** 在不断变化的语言教育领域中,《展望未来英语教程学生用书》犹如一盏指引灯,引领学习者走向更加光明的沟通与文化理解之路。
展望未来第一册 Look ahead Unit 2

• Single, married, divorced, pregnant
• address • Postcode: London E1 London SW3
• W west London WC west Central London SW South west London SE South East London NW North west London N North London E East London EC East Central London 其中 EC 代表伦敦旧城 E 代表伦敦东部 SE 代表伦敦东南部
Look ahead Unit 2
Job hunting
What we need to do?
Search the job from the newspaper
from the Internet
• • • • • • • •
Surname: _____________ Brady First name: ____________ James single Marital status: ____________ Nationality : _______________ Irish The Birch Hotel, Maysoule Street, Address : _______________________________________ London E1 _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 352 0529 Telephone number: _____________________________

躺在沙发上, 完全放松了下来。 躺在沙发上,Leo完全放松了下来。 完全放松了下来 Lying in the sofa, Leo felt completely relaxed. 学生们刚刚完成了他们的课程。 学生们刚刚完成了他们的课程。 The students have just completed their course.
这里的夏天偶尔有阵雨。 这里的夏天偶尔有阵雨。 We have occasional showers here in summer.
We (occasionally) have showers (occasionally) here in summer.
他极少从事园艺活动,但现在竟然在除草! 他极少从事园艺活动,但现在竟然在除草! He rarely does some gardening, but now he is mowing the lawn!
11 12
在公寓里没有太多隐私可言。 在公寓里没有太多隐私可言。
There is not much privacy in a dorm. 他们总是着校服。但今天为了表演他们着戏服。 他们总是着校服。但今天为了表演他们着戏服。 They always wear school uniforms. But they are wearing costumes for the performance today.
Translate the following sentences into English
1 2
目前,我们把《展望未来》作为课本使用。 目前,我们把《展望未来》作为课本使用。 At the moment, we are using Look Ahead as our textbooks. 尽管蹦极运动有点危险且令人生畏,它还是广受年轻人欢迎。 尽管蹦极运动有点危险且令人生畏,它还是广受年轻人欢迎。 Bungee jumping is quite popular popular/enjoys a great popularity among the youngsters, though it is dangerous and frig找资源的行动总是在继续。 24 寻找资源的行动总是在继续。 没有油,地球就会停止运转。 25 没有油,地球就会停止运转。

展望未来教材3 Unit 1- Unit 6Unit 1 Patterns of lifeChanges2.Listen and check your answers to Exercise 1.Docklands is an area in the east of London, along the River Thames, where boats used to come in and dock. In the last century and the first half of this century, the area was very busy; there were lots of ships coming in, and lots of work for the people who lived there.But things changed in the 1950s and 60s:the docks closed and industries moved out. Then, in the 1980s there was another great change: new buildings went up in Docklands, and new companies moved in.9.Listen to interview with Terry Ward,who has worked in the Docklands area for many years.1.Make notes about Docklands now, using these headings in your students book. The kinds of people and the, the jobs that they used to do in, in the last century in the docks were all relevant to Docklands itself and the industries which were joined to it.Today, of course, the people are completely different and there are a lot of professional people now, skilled accountants, doctors, lawyers. They're the kind of people who would have a town house and then would want to get away to the country, somewhere in the countryside.A lot of the flats and houses that have been purchased in the docks, well at the weekends they're empty. You don't see them. They're only used during the week when the people are working. Therefore they don't really constitute a community, because at the weekend, when the social life used to be at its most active. now it tends to sink and go quiet.And an awful lot of the new docks estates and areas are deserted at weekends.And you've got nothing any more. In fact it's like a ghost town.When Docklands was really thriving many years ago and they,they used to have whole estates and rows and streets of houseswhich were all dockers or related industries,all the people lived there, they had a very close-knit community spirit.And they certainly used to make all their own entertainment,an awful lot of it; and they used to organise trips-you know,days down to the seaside and things like that.Certain docks used to have their own social clubs,for instance,where they'd have dances on Saturday nights and things,and various parties for the children.Moving on6. 1.Listen and Mark the main stress on each compound in your students book. bookshelvesarmchairlampshadesnight-timecoat hooksphone cardsstreet markets2.Now,listen again and repeat.12.Listen to two conversations.A woman is meeting people in two different situations.OneJULIE:Hi,Madeleine!Good to see you again.How are you?MADELEINE:Hello,Julie.Fine,thanks.And you?JULIE:Oh,fine.How's Charlie?MADELEINE:Oh,he's well.Anyway,Julie,this is Dan.He's working with us today.JULIE:Hi,Dan.DAN:Hi.Nice to meet you.TwoWOMAN:Julie,let me introduce you to Signor Bettinelli.Signor Bettinelli is the mayor. MAYOR:Good evening.How do you do?JULIE:How do you do?DIRECTOR:And Signora Bettinelli,this is Julie Simms.JULIE:How do you do?SIGNORA BETTINELLI:Pleased to meet you.Describing pictures3、4. Listen to a man describing one of the pictures in your students book,answer the questions in your book.This is an amazing picture.In the foreground there's a house built into the side of a bare hill.The house is actually cut out of the rock,and the front is painted white.There's a single window with a,a pink curtain across it and a wooden door.At least,it's probably made of wood;I can't really tell.This rock house is clearly inhabited because in front of the houseI can see washing hanging on a washing line in what looks like the front yard.Then,above the painted facade of the house,they've built a chimney...so there's a white chimney pot on top of the brown rock.They've also put up a television aerial,which is right in the centre of the picture,so I suppose there's electricity inside.It's quite possible that at the back of this same hill there's another door-or the facade of another house,perhaps.At the side of the house,to the left and below the sloping rock,there's a flat area and the family seems to be using it as a patio.Anyway,they've got chairs there,and one person appears to be serving food.They're wearing casual summer clothes and they're probably quite poorbecause I don't imagine that the house is very luxurious.Further to the left and below the patio area is another chimney,which presumably belongs to a different,lower cave dwelling.Em,in the background,a long way from this particular rock,there's another range of hills.Then,between the two points,there's a relatively flat plain-or a plateau,I'm not quite sure-and then there's a small town.It looks like a town because there are a lot of white housesand each one is quite close to the next building.This must be a hot country because the sky is blue and there isn't much vegetation.I should think the cave dwellings are actually really cool and pleasant to live in.Unit 2 PleasuresA day out9.Listen to two people who have just visited one of the attractions.WOMAN:Wow.That was fantastic!Did you like it?MAN:Oh,yes.It was great,wasn't it?WOMAN:That part where the train was coming towards us.I was terrified!MAN:So was I.And then that burning oil tanker.All those flames.They were real.I mean,it was a real fire.I don't know how they do it.WOMAN:Neither do I.It was amazing.And that last part...whew!!MAN:What?The water,you mean?I didn't like the water.WOMAN:Oh,I did.It was really frightening.MAN:Yes,but you know I don't like water.I've always been afraid of it. WOMAN:But that's the point.MAN:What do you mean?WOMAN:Well...that's why people go on these rides...because they're frightening. MAN:Huh?Well,I suppose that's right.But that was a bit too frightening for me. Anyway,do you want something to drink?I'm really thirsty.WOMAN:So am I.There's a restaurant over there.MAN:Oh,no!Food?After that ride?I'm not interested in food at the moment. WOMAN:Nor am I...let's find a shop and get some drinks.Unit 3 BordersLines on a map2.Listen to three people talking about the position of their countries.Which country is each person from?OneThere are mountains in the north which form the border with France.To the south and east of the country is the Mediterranean Sea,and in the west there's a land border with Portugal.To the north-west of the country is the Atlantic Ocean.TwoThe south of the country is fairly flat with a lot of forest,but there are mountains in the north-west on the border with Norway.The border in the north-east is with Finland,but most of the south and east of the country is surrounded by the Baltic Sea. ThreeIt's a huge country with the Atlantic Ocean to the east.The borders with Peru,Bolivia and Colombia are in the forest areas in the west.A river forms most of the border with Paraguay in the south.Coming and going3、4.Listen to some extracts from conversations on a plane or at an airport.Match them with the people in Exercise 2.1.Could you put your seat belt on now,sir?2.Empty your pockets.dies and gentlemen,we've just hit a patch of bad weather,so would you please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts.4.Open the blue case,please.5.Please don't go into the departure lounge until eleven o'clock.6.Can I see your passport,please?7.Could you give me something smaller,sir?I'm afraid I haven't got any change.9.Listen and complete the declaration form with their details James and his daughter. OFFICIAL:Good afternoon,folks.May I see your passports and declaration? FATHER:Certainly.OFFICIAL:OK.Let's see,can you tell me where you've been,sir?FATHER:We've been to England and France.OFFICIAL:Why?What was the purpose of your trip?FATHER:Uh...partly business and partly pleasure.OFFICIAL:What is,what is your business,sir?FATHER:I'm in the oil business.OFFICIAL:OK.Um,I see you're bringing back $500;can you tell me what you're bringing,Carrie? CARRIE:Just clothes.OFFICIAL:Oh.Did daddy buy you some stuff?CARRIE:Yes.OFFICIAL:Good.Tell me,have you,were you on a farm or on a ranch of any kind?FATHER:No.OFFICIAL:OK.Are you bringing back any food items?FATHER:No,sir.OFFICIAL:What about any plants,anything like that,animals?FATHER:No.OFFICIAL:OK.10.Listen to a second conversation on the customs.OFFICIAL:Are these all gifts?TRA VELLER:They are just gifts.OFFICIAL:OK.Can you tell me what you have here?TRA VELLER:Certainly.That's a hat and gloves.OFFICIAL:OK.What about this one?TRA VELLER:A small handbag.OFFICIAL:OK.And this one here?TRA VELLER:A child's drawing book.OFFICIAL:OK.I'm going to look at it,OK?TRA VELLER:Mmm.OFFICIAL:This is all your own personal clothing?TRA VELLER:Yes,it is.OFFICIAL:And what is this here?TRA VELLER:That's some duty-free perfume that I bought back at London Gatwick.I don't have to declare that though,do I?OFFICIAL:Is it for personal use or is it a gift?TRA VELLER:It's a gift.OFFICIAL:Um,I'm afraid so,yes.Did you not include it in your,in your exemption here?TRA VELLER:No,I didn't.OFFICIAL:How much did you pay for it?TRA VELLER:£25.OFFICIAL:Yes,I'm afraid that you'll have to include it in your declaration,because it's only duty-free from the country you're buying it in,not from the country that you're bringing it into.If you haven't added it to your declaration,you'll have to add it on to it,OK?Why don't you do that right now?11.Listen to the same sentence said in two different ways.1.Could you open your bag,please?2.Could you open your bag,please?Unit 4 Rights and wrongsBag snatchers6、7.Listen to four people describing crimes.Match each speech with the pictures.OneI was working in the newsagent's-as I do every Saturday.It's always busy on Saturdays and I was the only person serving.I looked up from the till at one point and noticed a very well-dressed woman behaving rather strangely.She was looking at some pens and had a couple of them in her left hand.Her right hand was moving under her coat,as if she was putting something in an inside pocket.It was my first experience of shoplifting,and the problem was I wasn't sure she was stealing.The woman looked up and saw me.Then she brought one of the pens over to the till to pay for it.I simply didn't have the courage to ask if there was another one inside her coat,so I just let her leave.TwoI found a burglar in my house one night.It was all a bit strange.It was the middle of the night and I was in bed upstairs.I woke up and thought I heard a noise in the kitchen.We get a lot of burglaries around here,so I thought,"Oh,no!"I crept downstairs and noticed that light was shining under the kitchen door.I opened the door suddenly and a man ran across the room and out of the back door.On the kitchen table was my video recorder,a pile of CDs,and a half-eaten banana.It's a horrible thought.While I was asleep,that man was calmly stealing my video and eating my food!ThreeNobody has ever burglar my house,but someone robbed me once.They stole my purse while I was watching a football match.I didn't realise until I was on the bus afterwards.Pickpockets are so good at stealing these days,aren't they?You don't feel anything.The worst thing is that when it's happened to you once,everyone looks like a possible thief.FourI was in Los Angeles on the night of the riots.It was really frightening.There was a lot of theft and vandalism.People were smashing shop windows and stealing everything-televisions,computers...even washing machines and fridges.And they were just damaging things for fun.They were going into some shops with guns and demanding money from the owners.Arsonists were starting fires...gangs of youths were mugging anybody who happened to pass by.I stayed in my hotel room while all this was happening-I was too terrified to go out.The next day I heard there were quite a number of murders too.The whole experience was just awful.Women in the front line5.Listen to Part 1 of an interview with Cathy Ellison a woman police officer.Choose the correct answer to the questions in your students book.I've been with the Austin Police Department for thirteen-and-a-half years.Currently I'm assigned to crimes against property,the theft division.Theft entails several areas:we investigate white collar crime,we investigate property crimes,we investigate anything to do with embezzlementsor any kind of stolen property-we investigate all those types of crimes.When you graduate from the academy everyone is assigned to patrol;so you have to do at least two years in patrol,and that's what I did.One of the things you do is you learn how to get from one place to the other quickly;you learn what your major streets are;and so you just drive around,trying to find out who lives where and who knows what's going on.Every district has an area where one person knows what's going on,all over.And I think that people tend to trust people of the same race.And I found that,even when I was taking police calls with another officer who was not a black officer,if the person that we were talking to were black,they would just-for some reason-turn to me and not the other officer.I get afraid a lot of the times,but one of the things that you're taught in the cadet class is if people don't see that you're frightened,and if you just do your job,and I've talked my way out of a lot of things.7.Listen to Part 2 of the interview with Cathy.She is telling a story about something that happened while she was on patrol.Complete the summary in your students book.Several years ago when I was working patrol in northwest Austin,I received a call of a female who was distraught.She said that someone was in her home.I was the first officer there-I didn't know where my backup was.And she ran to the door and she goes:"They're in here,they're in here right now."So,as we were walking through her home,it was dark-her lights weren't on,and she was behind me,you know,just stuck to me like I don't know...it was just really funnybut she was saying that the person was in the bedroom-that's where she saw them.And as we were walking through her apartment,her apartment,the wind came through and blew a curtain right in to meand I thought there was a person that pushed that curtain,and I had my gun drawn and almost shot that curtain.A short talk6、7.Listen to a story about Robin Hood.Put events in your students book in the correct order.I'll tell you a story about Robin Hood.One day Robin and his men are walking through the forest ontheir way back to the their camp when they meet a poor knight.Robin likes having guests so he invites the knight to eat with them.When they finish eating,Robin asks the knight to pay for his meal,because he and his men don't have much money.But the knight explains that he has nothing and in fact he owes a large sum of money to a rich landowner.The reason for this is that the knight'sson was in a shooting competition and accidentally killed someone.As a result,the knight has to pay the landowner four hundred pounds or he will lose his land.He asks Robin to lend him the money and Robin agrees.The next day the knight goes to the rich landowner and pays the four hundred pounds.Now he has to repay Robin Hood's loan.But Rion feels sorry for the knight and has other ideas.He and his men wait on the road until some rich travellers arrive on their way to London.Robin demands money from them but they say that they have little money themselves."If that's true,"says Robin,"then I am sorry for you and I will give you some money for your travels."He searches their baggage and finds eight hundred pounds.The travellers run away and Robin Hood keeps the money.In the meantime,the poor knight has worked hard to find the money to pay Robin Hood back and a few weeks later,he appears in the forest and gives it to Robin.But Robin says he does not need the money because he already has it,and he gives the knight the other four hundred pounds from the rich travellers.The knight is delighted and rides home to tell his wife the good news.TalkbackListen.Look at these pictures in your students book.Which picture is the speaker referring to?I couldn't believe it.It was terrible.It happened two days ago.I was walking along the street...I was doing some shopping,and there was a woman in front of me-she was probably about fifty.Anyway,something fell from her bag-just a piece of paper-and I picked it up.She was walking quite fast so I ran after her.When I caught up with her I put my hand on her shoulder to attract her attention.She turned round suddenly and I felt this spray go into my face and...well...I was terrified.I couldn't see anything.Then someone punched me and I fell onto the ground...I didn't know what was going on. Anyway,when it was all over and she realised what was happening,she apologised.The spray was a security thing that some people carry in the States.It's a kind of foam with a coloured dye in it and it leaves its mark for about seven days.The idea is that you can identify someone who has tried to rob you.So...I've got to walk around like this for a whole week.People think I'm either crazy or a thief.I don't think it's very funny!Unit 5 For saleMaking a sale2.Listen to the first part of an interview with Charles Morgan,the Production Manager of the Morgan Motor Company.The company was started by Harry Morgan,his grandfather,and it makes the famous Morgan sports cars.There are only about a hundred workers at the factory;it is small and very traditional.The Morgan is built using a technique which we call coach building.Coach building was very popular in the 1920sand in fact all the best cars in the world were always coach built.And what that means is that,rather like in the olden days with coaches being built out of a wood frame and metal panels,we still build the car that way.We start with the ash tree,and we make a frame,and we than cover it in either steel or aluminium.3.Listen to the second part of the interview.The car,once it's finished as a chassis,has a ticket put on it with the customer's name on it;and even at this stage when the car is only two or three days old,the customer can see his particular car going through our factory.The Morgan is built out of a combination of partswhich we obtain from external suppliers and parts that we manufacture ourselves.We manufacture many of the major components ourselvesbecause we want to give the car its particular character.The metal parts are made out of a flat sheet of metal in every case.We make,for example,the fuel tank of the car,we make the radiator of the car.We have agents in approximately fifteen different countries.The proportion of cars that are exported compared to the proportion that are,are sold in the UK is,is half and half;so approximately 50% are,are exported.The Morgan sports car has a unique look,but it also has,I think,a unique character,and that character comes from the materials that are used in the making of the car,and it comes from the,the way it's built,and the people who build it-because undoubtedly of the hundred people who build this carthey all put a little bit of themselves into the car.7.Listen to the sentences in Exercise 6 and underline the words that are stressed.A.Both the car and the necklace are handmade.B.Both of them are handmade.C.Neither the necklace nor the perfume is British.D.Neither of them is British.E.All of them are expensive.F.None of them is cheap.Now listen again and repeat.Unit 6 Body and mindTreatment4.A patient is consulting his doctor.Listen to Part 1 of the conversation and list the questions that you think the doctor will ask.Part oneDOCTOR:Good morning.Sit down.PATIENT:Thank you.DOCTOR:Now then,what's the problem?PATIENT:I feel terrible.I feel tired all the time...and I get headaches.Now.Listen to Part 2 of the conversation and compare your questions with the doctor's.Part twoDOCTOR:How long have you felt like this?PATIENT:Oh...for a few weeks,now.DOCTOR:And how old are you now?PATIENT:Sixteen.DOCTOR:Do you do much exercise?PATIENT:Er...well,no,not really.DOCTOR:I see.Sports?Cycling?Swimming?Nothing?PATIENT:Er...I walk to school.That's about it.DOCTOR:What about sleeping?Do you sleep well?PATIENT:No,not really.I wake up in the night a lot.DOCTOR:Why do you think you wake up?PATIENT:Well,I worry a lot-mainly about school work.I'm getting behind and I can't seem to catch up.DOCTOR:Oh dear.What time do you usually go to bed?PATIENT:Oh,about midnight in the week...and later at the weekends.DOCTOR:I see.And do you drink anything before you go to bed?PATIENT:I have a cup of coffee,yes.And I'm always hungry in the evening.I usually have something to eat before I go to bed.Now.Listen to Part 3 of the conversation and check the advice you give.Part threeDOCTOR:OK.Well,I'm not surprised you can't sleep.I'm not going to give you anything at the moment.I want you to go home and change a few things about your routine.Then I'll see you again in a few weeks and see how you're doing.OK?PATIENT:OK.DOCTOR:Right.First of all,you're probably tired because you're not getting enough sleep. People of your age ought to sleep for at least seven hours a night,all right?So try to go to bed a little earlier.Secondly,you should start to take some exercise.Go for a short run every day or go swimming.Anything that gives your body some exercise.Right? Then there's the eating.It's not a good idea to eat just before sleeping and you certainly ought not to drink coffee before going to bed.Coffee contains caffeine...and caffeine will keep you awake.PATIENT:OK.DOCTOR:And you shouldn't worry so much.All this can be solved quite easily.If you do take my advice,you'll sleep better.If you're sleeping well,you won't be tired in the day...and then your school work will improve.8.Listen to the interview with Mubarak Samji a British dentist.People are,even in this day and age,frightened of going to the dentist,and it is generally because they've had a bad experience in the past.If a patient turned up who was very frightened,you would have to go through the various stages. First of all I would try doing treatment with just a local anaesthetic,but because people are frightened of needles,I would ask them to take a tranquilliser by mouth,which in most cases makes them feel a little better.But you do also get patients who are beyond that,and for them they would have to have a tranquilliser admin,...administered in their vein.And you unfortunately also get the final category of patientwho would need to be...actually be put out completely,by means of a general anaesthetic. PRESENTER:Now listen to a conversation between Mr Samji and one of his younger patients. MR SAMJI:Do you eat a lot of sweets?PATIENT:Only on Saturdays.MR SAMJI:That's good,so not,not so many.PATIENT:No.MR SAMJI:That's ever so important.You should eat as few as possible,because it's sweets that give you holes in your teeth.All right?PATIENT:Yes.MR SAMJI:And how about brushing,how often do you brush your teeth?PATIENT:In the mornings and sometimes in the evenings.MR SAMJI:Excellent.Brushing in the evening is ever so important;you should brush every evening before bedtime.And remember not to eat anything straight after you've brushed your teeth.All right?9.Listen and answer the question in your students book.MAN:Er,no!No!Sorry...er...I don't like injections...I'm afraid of needles.DENTIST:Don't worry.It'll be all right.You'll hardly feel a thing.It's quite bad,that tooth.I have to fill it.MAN:No,really...DENTIST:All right.Here we go then...MAN:Stop!No,sorry,I really can't.I'm frightened of drilling too.I'd better go.DENTIST:No,sit down again.Relax.You're not the only one,you know.Why don't we just talk about it for a moment...11.Listen to the expressions.Does each speaker's voice go up ?A:Don't worry.B:It'll be all right.C:Don't be afraid.D:Don't cry.E:Calm down.F:Relax.。
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RITA:I speak Hindi.
CLERK:Ah.How well do you speak it?
RITA:Very well.I can write it too.
MAN:Usually Saturday afternoon we crank up the barbecue
and that's our meal because during the summer it gets pretty hot here
and sometimes you just want to be outside rather than be inside.
R:Right.Um,what do you do at the weekend?
M:Well,on Fridays,my wife always goes to her exercise class.Then she visits friends.
R:Don't you go out?
In California you really have two seasons from our entertainment point of view-spring,
summer and fall are very much the same type of activiay.What happens on Sundays?
M:Nothing special.We often go for a walk.And I always cook a big Sunday lunch.
R:Oh.How often do you do the cooking?
a bunch of bathrooms,I think four bathrooms.Um,
in England you'd say it was three reception rooms but it's front room,
a dining room and a breakfast nook.
M:Not on Fridays.I never go out on Fridays.I stay at home and watch television.
R:And on Saturdays?
M:On Saturdays my wife and I always go sailing together.
R:I work for an advertising agency,and I'm doing some research.
It's for a new magazine for people like you.
M:People like me.What do you mean?
R:People between eighteen and twenty-five years old.
Answer the questions in your student's book.
RITA:No,I'm thinking about evening classes.
JULIA:Evening classes?
RITA:Yes,I'm going to go to evening classes.
CLERK:Any other languages?
RITA:I can speak a little French.But I can't write it at all.
CLERK:A little French.Can't write it.That's it?
CLERK:And you want to join our beginners'class in Japanese?
RITA:Because I want to learn a foreign language,Japanese.
JULIA:Why do you want to learn Japanese?
RITA:Because I like Japan.And I want to do something new.
BOY:Um,at the weekends here I go out a lot with my friends on Friday or Saturday night.
Sometimes we go to the movies or just go to other people's houses and watch videos.
Unit 1 At the weekend
Unit 1 Special interests
3.Listen.In your opinion,
which hobbies in the articles do these comments describe?
1.It's dangerous.
winter is very different on the activities that we do on the weekend.
Summer time activities are usually involved around the children's sports.
My youngest son plays Little League-er,that's baseball.
M:Mm.We love it.We never miss it.And then in the evening we go out.
R:Where to?
M:Different places.We sometimes go and see friends.
We sometimes go to the cinema or a restaurant.But we always go out on Saturday evenings.
Unit 2 Doing new things
Unit 2 Learning languages
2.Listen and repeat.
1,000 10,000 100,000
150,000 999,000 1,000,000
6.Listen and read.Rita Patel and Julia Marsh work together at MAP Advertising.
CLERK:Well,it's not going to be easy,you know.
It's very different from English,Hindi or French.
RITA:I know.But I want to do it.
After school
A lot of our classes are in the evening,but there are quite a few during the day,too.
INTERVIEWER:And how many people attend classes here?
2.What do you like watching on TV?What don't you like watching?
Exercise 9
MANAGER:The centre's usually open five days a week that's from Monday
to Friday...though we do sometimes have weekend workshops.
Once a year.Twice a month.
Three times a week.Four days a week.Five times a day.
Exercise 2 and 3
MAN:Our home here is-fairly large.We have four bedrooms,an office,
Exercise 2
RACHEL:Er...excuse me.
R:Could I ask you some questions?
M:Of course.Sit down.
R:It's nice here.
M:Yes,it is.Er,what do you want to know?
R:I work for an advertising agency,and I'm doing some research.
It's for a new magazine for people like you.
M:People like me.What do you mean?
R:People between eighteen and twenty-five years old.
2.It's boring.