VIVITEK D8300用户手册
VIVITEK D8300用户手册

8. 防止电源线被踩踏或挤压,尤其是位于插头、插座以及电源线与设备交接处的电源线。 9. 只使用制造商指定的连接件/附件。 10. 只使用制造商指定的或随设备一起售出的推车、支架、三脚架或支撑台。如果使用推车,在移动推车/设备时应 小心,避免因翻倒而受伤。
11. 在雷雨天或长期不使用时,请拔掉设备电源。
Vivitek D8300采用先进技术,提供1080P画面性能,Full HD (1920 x 1080)原生分辨率,实现清晰、亮丽、逼真的图 像。D8300支持当今最高级别的分辨率,可提供优异高清图像。D8300采用精密光学器件,包括变焦、对焦和镜头移位 等控制,投射范围可达1.85:1到2.40:1。投射距离较短(1.56:1到1.86:1)时,D8300可安装选配的光学器件以满足不同的 需求。卓越的比例调整和胶片视频(3:2下拉)转换可以轻松实现。配合Vivitek先进的白平衡参数,D8300特有的逐行扫 描技术可提供最高级别的灰阶、色彩平衡及逼真图像。这款工程学精品采用离散的红外线(IR)和RS-232控制以及电源和 信号源选择控制,可实现无缝的灵活操作。
注意:此外还有2个可选镜头。 短投射范围(1.56到1.86:1)(选购) 长变焦投射(2.4到4.0)(选购)
目标用户 Vivitek编写本手册的目的是帮助安装人员和最终用户充分发挥D8300的性能。Vivitek已尽全力确保本手册
的内容在印刷时准确无误。但是,由于不断的产品改进和客户反馈,内容可能需要经常更新。您可以在线查看本手册以 及Vivitek其他产品手册的最新版本,网址是。
MENU(菜单) 按此按钮显示或隐藏OSD菜单。 SELECT(选择)、p、q、t、u 使用这些按钮选择项目或设置、调整设置或切换显示模式。 SOURCE(信号源) 按此按钮选择视频源。HDMI1 、HDMI2、RGB、COMP1 、COMP2、VIDEO或S-VIDEO。 Power(电源) 使用此按钮打开/ 关闭投影机电源。 LED STAUS(LED状态) 参见“第40 页:LED状态”。
8300 系列控制器 说明书

8300系列控制器使用说明书8374,8376,8379,8382型8354,8356,8359,8362型2非常感谢您选择使用尼尔森EZ Pro ™Jr.8300控制器。
EZ Pro ™Jr.8300控制器系列采用了目前最先进的电子技术,将会为您提供更加长期可靠的服务。
请仔细阅读下面的相关产品介绍,以便您能掌握EZ Pro ™Jr.8300控制器程序的编写,操作,安装以及一些相关的注意事项。
一.特点:•尼尔森独特的选择&调节编程系统•不需要交流电源或干电池,编好的程序的保存由锂电池来提供能源,程序稳定•对任何一站都可以有不同的延迟时间•三个独立的程序•每个程序有三个开始时间(一共九个)•开始时间重叠•三个灌溉日历,满足不同的需求(周制,月制,单双日)•程序有重要日设置•预留雨量传感器接口•万年历•水预算选择,减少或增加灌溉水量的1~200%•可设定每月或每年的灌水量•两个测试循环(手动测试和循环测试)•灌水时间从1分钟到1小时59分钟•聚乙烯保险保护电路安全二.安装说明EZ Pro ™Jr.8300控制器既可安装在室内,也可安装在室3外。
电源为220V 。
将EZ Pro ™Jr.8300控制器安装在与人眼睛水平的位置。
电源配线220V 交流电源警告:连接变压器之前不要接通220V 交流电源.安装完所有的设备之后再将变压器连接到电源上.这样能防止短路事故,以免损坏控制器.电源电缆和信号电缆用普通的电缆就可以了,连接控制器和执行器的低压信号和电源电缆应当有保护措施。
将220V 交流电源连接到变压器上,同时确保黄绿相间的地线已接好。

海康威视iVMS-8300 V7.2.2快速操作手册海康威视iVMS-8300 V7.2.2快速操作手册杭州海康威视系统技术有限公司2016.8目录第1章配置说明 (3)1.1主界面介绍 (3)1.2基础配置 (3)1.2.1组织管理 (3)1.2.2服务管理 (4)1.2.3资源管理 (7)1.2.4录像配置 (14)第2章使用说明 (19)2.1业务应用 (19)2.1.1实时监控 (19)2.1.2录像回放 (21)2.2电视墙 (25)2.2.1电视墙配置 (25)2.2.2预览上墙 (33)2.2.3回放上墙 (35)2.2.4电视墙轮巡 (36)第1章配置说明1.1主界面介绍使用平台安装时配置的用户密码登录后管理主页如下图所示。
图1-2 组织单元添加页面1.2.2服务管理单击【服务配置】,可进入到配置页面,可以查看已经添加的服务。
图1-3 添加服务页面点击添加好的服务名称,在【节点列表】里面可以继续添加其他节点。
图1-4节点信息及网域配置注意1:8300 V7.2.2的网域配置页面只为网域名称和逻辑上的配置,详细的网域IP在服务节点下配置。

8300终端的系统管理员指导一、8300终端的系统管理员手册(一)、ewfmgr命令使用ewfmgr命令需要在超级用户的权限下进行,此命令只适合Windows XP Embedded操作系统。
1、了解EWF命令的内容列表请在命令提示符下输入:ewfmgr/? 将出现以下示图:2、查看EWF卷的配置:请在命令提示符下输入:ewfmgr 将出现以下示图:3、查看被保护卷(驱动器)的配置请在命令提示符下输入:ewfmgr volume(c:) 将出现以下示图:说明:Type:表示EWF保护类型(包括:EWF到硬盘保护---DISK,EWF到内存保护---RAM)Stste:表示EWF保护是否生效Boot Command:表示系统启动时是否有其他命令需要执行Max Levels:表示本系统最多支持的保护参数Currnet Level:表示当前EWF是在第几层4、增加一层屏蔽保护 -checkpoint请在命令提示符下输入:ewfmgr volume(c:)–checkpoint将出现以下示图:然后重新启动计算机,输入查看被保护卷(驱动器)配置的命令,将出现以下示图:5、如何恢复到上一层(或者说减掉一层) -restore请在命令提示符下输入:ewfmgr volume(c:) -restore将出现以下示图:然后重新启动计算机,输入查看被保护卷(驱动器)配置的命令,将出现以下示图:(二)、使用F8键恢复到上一层屏蔽层(或者减一层屏蔽保护层)如果系统遭受到恶性破坏,使Windouws XP Embedded系统无法正常启动进入桌面时,可以使用此方法恢复当前保护层的前一层!方法:1、计算机的COMS硬件系统检测完后,请按F8键2、然后将显示出一系列选项列表,请是哟功能上下键把光条移动到以下内容的命令上:Enhanced Write Filter Restore Mode (restores one level)然后按回车3、将出现以下字符命令:Microsoft Windows XP Embedded然后按回车4、将出现以下字符命令:Enhanced Write Filter Restore ModePlease select a volume to restore one level:multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) – current level 3Start Windows NormallyUse the up ande down arrow keys to move the highlight to your choice.Press ENTER to choose.请将光标移动到以下字符内容的命令上multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) – current level 3然后按回车5、将出现以下字符命令Enhanced Write Filter Restore ModePlease select a volume to restore one level:multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) – current level 3This will delete all data at level 1,and set the new level to 1.Press F2 to perform the restore and restart the computerPress any other key to cancel the restore.请将光标移动到以下字符内容的命令上multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) – current level 3然后请按F2键,系统等待5秒后会自动启动,重新启动后系统自动减去一层。

目录第1章产品简介.....................................................................................................................1-11.1 概述....................................................................................................................................1-11.2 特性介绍.............................................................................................................................1-21.3 典型应用举例.....................................................................................................................1-21.3.1 点对点通话和数据会议............................................................................................1-21.3.2 三方通话和数据会议................................................................................................1-31.3.3 多点会议和数据会议................................................................................................1-31.3.4 接收组播..................................................................................................................1-4第2章终端安装.....................................................................................................................2-12.1 系统需求.............................................................................................................................2-12.2 安装外设.............................................................................................................................2-12.3 安装TopView软件...............................................................................................................2-12.4 安装DSU............................................................................................................................2-4第3章软件配置.....................................................................................................................3-13.1 主界面和系统配置界面.......................................................................................................3-13.2 基本配置.............................................................................................................................3-23.3 协议配置.............................................................................................................................3-23.4 音视频配置.........................................................................................................................3-43.4.1 视频配置..................................................................................................................3-43.4.2 音频配置..................................................................................................................3-53.5 呼叫配置.............................................................................................................................3-63.6 NAT配置.............................................................................................................................3-73.6.1 基本配置..................................................................................................................3-83.6.2 内网设置..................................................................................................................3-93.7 数据会议...........................................................................................................................3-103.8 组播配置...........................................................................................................................3-113.9 日志配置...........................................................................................................................3-12第4章音视频会议管理...........................................................................................................4-14.1 基本通话操作.....................................................................................................................4-14.1.1 呼叫.........................................................................................................................4-14.1.2 接听.........................................................................................................................4-14.1.3 接收辅流..................................................................................................................4-24.1.4 挂断.........................................................................................................................4-34.2 三方通话.............................................................................................................................4-34.2.1 创建三方通话...........................................................................................................4-34.2.2 挂断.........................................................................................................................4-44.3 多点会议.............................................................................................................................4-54.3.1 加入会议..................................................................................................................4-54.3.2 申请发言..................................................................................................................4-54.3.3 退出会议..................................................................................................................4-64.4 录音/留言............................................................................................................................4-64.4.1 录制/停录.................................................................................................................4-64.4.2 录音文件的操作.......................................................................................................4-64.4.3 留言文件的操作.......................................................................................................4-84.5 音频调节.............................................................................................................................4-94.5.1 输出音量调节...........................................................................................................4-94.5.2 输入音量调节...........................................................................................................4-94.5.3 静音.........................................................................................................................4-94.5.4 闭音.........................................................................................................................4-94.6 视频调节...........................................................................................................................4-104.6.1 视频脱离窗口大小调整..........................................................................................4-104.6.2 三方通话远端视频切换..........................................................................................4-114.7 电话本操作.......................................................................................................................4-114.7.1 新增联系人............................................................................................................4-114.7.2 修改联系人............................................................................................................4-124.7.3 删除联系人............................................................................................................4-134.7.4 查找联系人............................................................................................................4-134.7.5 电话本导入/导出....................................................................................................4-144.8 历史记录操作...................................................................................................................4-144.8.1 查看记录................................................................................................................4-154.8.2 删除记录................................................................................................................4-154.8.3 清空记录................................................................................................................4-164.8.4 保存记录................................................................................................................4-164.9 统计信息查询...................................................................................................................4-16第5章数据会议管理..............................................................................................................5-15.1 数据会议操作界面..............................................................................................................5-15.2 非独立数据会议..................................................................................................................5-15.2.1 启动数据会议...........................................................................................................5-25.2.2 加入会议..................................................................................................................5-25.2.3 退出会议..................................................................................................................5-25.3 独立数据会议.....................................................................................................................5-25.3.1 会议模板管理...........................................................................................................5-35.3.2 召开会议的基本操作................................................................................................5-45.3.3 召开预定会议...........................................................................................................5-65.3.4 召开临时会议...........................................................................................................5-7 5.4 数据会议操作.....................................................................................................................5-75.4.1 共享操作..................................................................................................................5-75.4.2 主席权操作..............................................................................................................5-85.4.3 共享权操作..............................................................................................................5-85.4.4 控制权操作............................................................................................................5-115.4.5 即时消息................................................................................................................5-145.4.6 退出会议................................................................................................................5-15第1章产品简介1.1 概述H3C TopView桌面视讯终端(下文简称TopView)是H3C公司开发的一款运行在PC机上的视频通信软件终端。

1. 连接投影机与展示台之间的 RGB 线。
2. 连接电脑串口与展示台 RS232 接口之间的连接线(9pin-9pin 的 RS232 连接线)。 3. 打开展示台,将安装光盘放入电脑光驱后,运行 X:\展台写码软件\ setup.exe(X 指计算机的光驱盘符),按照提示安装好软件。安装完成后,
放大/缩小:放大、缩小键。按下“放大”、“缩小”键,即可缩放屏幕上 的图像。
- 11 -
1 旋转
4 负片
7 文本 删除
投 影 切换 机
2 冻结
5 镜像
8 黑白
设置 聚远 自动
电脑 展台
音量+ 亮度+
操作指南 ............................................................ 11
控制面板操用指南 ................................... 11 遥控器操作指南 ..................................... 12 展示台控制投影操作指南 ............................. 14
HV-8300 欢迎购买多媒体实物展示台,为获得最佳性能和安全,请详细阅读说明 书并妥善保管,以备今后参考。
为防止起火或触电事故,请不要将机器暴露在雨中或潮湿环境里。小心 不要将水或其它液体流入本机,机箱里不能掉进杂物或金属物。请勿擅 自打开机壳,维修时必须委托合格的维修人员进行。

四、操纵1、结构说明示意图结构说明示意图序号说明:NO名称〔功能〕NO名称〔功能〕NO名称〔功能〕1 料斗2 传动齿轮3 传动链条4 挤塑调速电机5 气流调节阀6 吹塑运动气缸7 气动上支架8 气动下支架9 气针锁夹10 气针11 上模活动板12 真空管连接座13 凹模14 凸模15 加温发热座16 下模固定板17 触摸屏控制系统〔PLC〕18 指示灯19 急停开关20 启动开关21 炮筒固定架22 一段发热圈23 二段发热圈24 三段发热圈a、点击挤塑、吹塑的[参数调整]按钮,将进入挤、吹塑手动参数调整界面。
RPJCXCJ-8300 使用说明书第14页共16页3、禁止机床超出其使用X围。
RPJCXCJ-8300 使用说明书第16页共16页。

TEKTRONIX 和 TEK 是 Tektronix, Inc. 的注册商标。
PROBE 和 FrameScan 是 Tektronix, Inc. 的注册商标。
为得到本保修声明承诺的服务,客户必须在保修期到期前向 Tektronix 通报缺陷,并做出适当安排以便实施 维修。客户应负责将有缺陷的产品打包并运送到 Tektronix 指定的维修中心,同时预付运费。如果产品返回 地是 Tektronix 维修中心所在国家/地区的某地,Tektronix 将支付向客户送返产品的费用。如果产品返回地 是任何其他地点,客户将负责承担所有运费、关税、税金和其他任何费用。
本保修声明不适用于任何由于使用不当或维护保养不足所造成的缺陷、故障或损坏。Tektronix 在本保修声 明下没有义务提供以下服务:a) 修理由 Tektronix 代表以外人员对产品进行安装、修理或维护所导致的损 坏;b) 修理由于使用不当或与不兼容的设备连接造成的损坏;c) 修理由于使用非 Tektronix 提供的电源而 造成的任何损坏或故障;d) 维修已改动或者与其他产品集成的产品(如果这种改动或集成会增加维修产品的 时间或难度)。
EMC 符合性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v 安全符合性 . .
Philips DS8300 10 坦克式娱乐系统用户手册说明书

Care of the environment
2 Your Docking Entertainment System 4
What's in the box
Overview of the main unit
3 Get started
2 EN
Warning •• Never remove the casing of this apparatus. •• Never lubricate any part of this apparatus. •• Never place this apparatus on other electrical
Always there to help you
Register your product and get support at /welcome
Question? Contact Philips
User manual
1 Important
contain a button cell battery, which is possible to be swallowed. Keep the battery out of reach of children at all times! If swallowed, the battery can cause serious injury or death. Severe internal burns can occur within two hours of ingestion. • If you suspect that a battery has been swallowed or placed inside any part of the body, seek immediate medical attention. • When you change the batteries, always keep all new and used batteries out of reach of children. Ensure that the battery compartment is completely secure after you replace the battery. • If the battery compartment cannot be completely secured, discontinue use of the product. Keep out of reach of children and contact the manufacturer.
SV8300 系统配置

第一部分: 基本配置定义和编程方法
第一节: 编程模式和操作说明 ……………………………………………… 1 § 1. 按键位置和作用 § 2. 进入编程模式 (CAT MODE) § 3. 退出编程模式 § 4. 编程操作 § 5. 数据设置说明 § 6. 重要注意事项 § 7. SENSE 开关的位置和作用
CAT 数字键:
0~9, A~F A B C
G~Z, &, -
数据(十六进制码 0~F) *: 作为一个拨号数据 #: 作为一个拨号数据 C: 用 “CCC” 清除数据 不使用
§ 2.进入编程模式 (CAT MODE):
1. 在电话机空闲状态, 按:
2. 按 HOLD 键。 显示“CAT MODE”。
第二节: 系统起动设置 ……………………………………………………… 5 § 1. UNIT 号 § 2. 槽位号和电路号 § 3. IP 地址分配示意图 § 4. 从初始数据开始 § 5. 基本数据设置
第三节: 分配分机板卡及定义各类电话机 …………………………………11 § 1. 定义数字电话机及板卡 § 2. 定义模拟电话机及板卡 § 3. 定义 DT700 系列 IP 电话机
§ 6.重要注意事项:
◎ 如果在系统数据设置或服务设置(如,在分机设置呼叫转移,速拨存储)后不做系 统数据备份就进行如下操作,设置的数据无效。 在下述操作前必须进行系统数据备份。 - 系统关机 - 系统复位(CPU 板 RESET) - 改变 CPU 板到 OFF LINE 状态 - 在 OFF LINE 状态下改变系统数据后,改变 CPU 板到 ON LINE 状态
EDI 8300证卡打印机说明书

⤃㜝㴳Ổ㆗慒⯟䇪彜⃦㚻◩澔ᶁ⬛夂䩌↼ↈ㔮䒶㸑澔 ㉕ᶌ䒶㸑乀澔䂷⎏學撁⒯Ⓡ彜埍Ὧ䎇ɝᶁ⬛ᶎ夂孖♿ 八Ὧ䎇㚻◩澔⎧↚曟ⶹ⋲旪ɝ
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Vivitek D8300投影仪说明书

technologies for sharp and detailed image quality 4 optional lens avaiable Built-in 1.3x zoom with manual lens shift (±120% vertical and ±30% horizontal) Multiple I/O connection ports including: HDMI 1.3V (x2), Component, 12V Trigger, RS-232C Full lens-shift capabilities Built-in 12V trigger for external wireless module connection Product Photos
Image Size
28” - 300”
28” - 300”
28” - 300”
28” - 300”
©2013 Vivitek. Vivitek is a trademark of Delta Electronics, Inc. Other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. Values, weights and dimensions shown are approximate. Errors and omissions accepted. Specifications are subjection to change without prior notice.ຫໍສະໝຸດ V7 - 01142014
泰克公司WFM8200 8300系列波形监视器使用指南说明书

LQV (Luminance Qualified Vector) Measurements with the WFM8200/8300How-To GuideIntroductionThe patented Luminance Qualified Vector (LQV) Display enhances the current Diamond/Split Diamond, Arrowhead and Vector Displays by allowing the user to view chrominance vectors within specified luminance ranges.Colorists often divide the total tonal range into the High, Mid and Low tonal ranges during the Post Production process. Doing so allows them to make more precise adjustments and enhancements to the scene content. The Vectorscope along with the exclusive Tektronix Diamond and Split-Diamond displays have been extremely valuable tools in terms of detecting and correcting color cast in the overall scene. The addition of LQV enhances these capabilities even more.Figure 1: RGB, LQV High, Vector, LQV LowFigure 1 shows the RGB Waveform in Tile one, LQV (High) in Tile 2, Full Vector in Tile 3 and LQV (Low) in Tile 4.The Luma Qualified Vector (LQV) display adds the capability to see color cast in the High, Mid, and Low tonal ranges. This is a significant enhancement because it allows the user to view color or color cast in specific regions of the picture. For example, when doing rock concerts the bright lighting often causes problems and up to now there has been no real way to easily know if you are balanced in these bright areas. LQV provides the tool needed to make sure balance is right in the Highs & Lows. The user can set upper and lower limits that can define different ranges for variety of applications.While it is possible to show up to four LQV Displays simultaneously depending on the user’s specific application, it is more likely that the focus would be placed on monitoring the Highs and Lows along with the Full Vector as shown in Figure 1.The terms HIGH and LOW as used here are somewhat relative. That is to say, that the range of values considered as being HIGH or LOW may vary according to user preference or the specific content being evaluated. In this case I simply chose approximately the top 20% of luminance levels to represent the HIGHS and the lower 20% of luminance levels to represent the LOWS.The terms HIGH and LOW as used here are somewhat relative. That is to say, that the range of values considered as being HIGH or LOW may vary according to user preference or the specific content being evaluated. In this case I simply chose approximately the top 20% of luminance levels to represent the HIGHS and the lower 20% of luminance levels to represent the LOWS .To Set Up the LQV Display(s):1. First select the tile you want to place the LQV Display (Tile 2 in Figure 2):2. Next depress the Vector Button below the display screen to place the vector display in that tile as shownin Figure 2:Figure 2. WFM8300 Front Panel3. Next Depress and Hold the Vector Button to display the Menu as shown in Figure 3 and use the up/downselection keys to select the Luma Qualified Vector and then use the Right Arrow Key to set this to the ON position.4. Now use the up/down selection keys to select the Luma High and Luma Low settings using the GeneralKnob (upper right hand corner) to set the luma limits you want to establish.5. Press the Vector button to clear the menu.6. Repeat this process for any addition LQV Displays you wish to set up with different ranges.See if you can duplicate the display in Figure 1.Figure 3. LQV Range MenuOnce you have these set-up the way you like it you can save the setting as a Preset for fast and easy recall. In fact you’ll probably want to save several variations of this based on specific applications. To learn more about how to create, save, and recall presets see our “Top-Ten” Presets for the WFM7000 Series at/applications/video/broadcasters.html where you download the files from the “Support” section located on the right side of the page.References:Data Sheets, Fact Sheets and additional application notes can be found at:/products/video_test/signal_monitors.htmlTG700 GeneratorContact Tektronix:ASEAN / Australasia (65) 6356 3900Austria* 00800 2255 4835 Balkans, Israel and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777Belgium* 00800 2255 4835Brazil + 55(11) 3759 7600Canada 1-800-833-9200 Central East Europe, Ukraine and the Baltics +41 52 675 3777Central Europe & Greece +41 52 675 3777Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777France* 00800 2255 4835Germany* 00800 2255 4835Hong Kong 400-820-5835India (91) 80 30792600Italy* 00800 2255 4835Japan 81 (3) 6714-3010Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777 Mexico, Central/South America & Caribbean (52) 55 53 35 10 85Middle East and Africa +41 52 675 3777The Netherlands* 00800 2255 4835Norway 800 16098People’s Republic of China 400-820-5835Poland +41 52 675 3777Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea 82 (2) 6917-5000Russia & CIS +7 (495) 7484900South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain* 00800 2255 4835Sweden*00800 2255 4835Switzerland* 00800 2255 4835Taiwan 886 (2) 2722-9622United Kingdom & Ireland* 00800 2255 4835USA 1-800-833-9200 If the European phone number above is not accessible,please call: +41 52 675 3777 Copyright © 2010, Tektronix. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specification and price change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.04/10 JS/WWW 28W-25197-1。
SBIG STF-8300 CCD摄像头说明书

STF-8300 -8300
Pixel Array
3326 x 2504 pixels
CCD Size
17.96 x 13.52 mm
Total Pixels
8.3 million
Full Well Capacity ~25,500e-
Dark Current
0.002e- / pixel / sec at -10°C
Even-Illumination, Mechanical
0.69 inches (17.5 mm)
Diffraction Limited / SBIG 59 Grenfell Crescent, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K2G 0G3, Canada
Full Frame Download
Less than 1 second
-40°C max. from ambient
Temp. Regulation +/- 0.1 degree
12VDC, 3 amps max
USB 2.0
Computer Compatibility
The STF-8300 uses the popular KAF-8300 CCD. 10-megapixel/second digitization rate and a full frame image buffer. A full frame image will download in less than one second. The camera uses SBIG's traditional even illumination (photometric) shutter design and adds a user rechargeable desiccant plug similar to the proven ST, STL, and STX designs. Integrated 5-position and 8-position filter wheels are available as well as an integrated, low profile, wide field off-axis guider accessory that, with the ST-i, turns the STF-8300 into a self-guiding camera.
iVMS-8300 快速安装手册

海康威视iVMS 8300V7.1.5 安防集成平台用户操作手册iVMS-8300V2016-01快速安装手册密级级别:[内部公开]生效时间: 2016年01月25日保密期:无杭州海康威视系统技术有限公司2016.01目录第1章安装说明 (3)1.1 主要文件清单 (3)1.2 安装卸载说明 (3)1.2.1 服务安装 (3)1.2.2 平台安装 (4)1.2.3 客户端安装 (10)1.2.4 服务卸载 (14)1.2.5 平台卸载 (14)1.2.6 客户端卸载 (15)第2章平台配置 (16)2.1 License许可证上传 (16)2.2 平台服务配置 (17)2.3 平台控件下载 (18)2.4 客户端及控件更新 (18)2.5 IE支持说明 (19)第3章安装FAQ (20)3.1 平台日志查看 (20)3.2 安装日志查看 (20)3.3 一键安装失败 (20)3.4 清理windows服务 (21)3.5 导入license失败 (22)3.6 memcached无法启动 (22)第1章安装说明1.1主要文件清单1.2安装卸载说明1.2.1服务安装1、右键以“管理员身份运行”IVMS-8300_SVR V7.1.5.exe程序,弹出对话框,进入安装界面。
1.2.2平台安装平台不支持修复安装操作1、右键“平台安装程序”IVMS-8300 V7.1.5.exe以“管理员身份运行”运行,弹出对话框,设置解压目录。
海康威视iVMS-8300 V7.2.2快速操作手册

海康威视iVMS-8300 V7.2.2快速操作手册海康威视iVMS-8300 V7.2.2快速操作手册杭州海康威视系统技术有限公司2016.8目录第1章配置说明 (3)1.1主界面介绍 (3)1.2基础配置 (3)1.2.1组织管理 (3)1.2.2服务管理 (4)1.2.3资源管理 (7)1.2.4录像配置 (14)第2章使用说明 (19)2.1业务应用 (19)2.1.1实时监控 (19)2.1.2录像回放 (21)2.2电视墙 (25)2.2.1电视墙配置 (25)2.2.2预览上墙 (33)2.2.3回放上墙 (35)2.2.4电视墙轮巡 (36)第1章配置说明1.1主界面介绍使用平台安装时配置的用户密码登录后管理主页如下图所示。
图1-2 组织单元添加页面1.2.2服务管理单击【服务配置】,可进入到配置页面,可以查看已经添加的服务。
图1-3 添加服务页面点击添加好的服务名称,在【节点列表】里面可以继续添加其他节点。
图1-4节点信息及网域配置注意1:8300 V7.2.2的网域配置页面只为网域名称和逻辑上的配置,详细的网域IP在服务节点下配置。
Trans-Tech 8300系列温度稳定振子数据手册说明书

1Phone [301]874-9400•Fax [301]695-7065••Trans-Tech20078300Series:Temperature Stable ResonatorsDATA SHEETFeaturesGHigh ε'G High Q G Linear τfG Frequency stability vs.temperatureBenefitsGReduced size and weight G Low lossG Close channel spacingG Ease of temperature compensationApplicationsGAMPS/GSM/PCS/DBS/TVRO G Dielectric resonator oscillators G Microwave filters andcombinersIntroduction8300is Trans-Tech’s standard material for PCS/PCN/DCS/GSM application,combining good Q with reasonable cost.A wide range of temperature coefficients is available.Size RecommendationsCommon sizes accommodate frequencies from 0.8–13.5GHz.Trans-Tech's market leadership in this area has given us experience to guide designers toward the best mechanical configuration for optional performance in customer cavities.Material CharacteristicsDielectric constant ...........................35.0–36.5Temperature coefficient of resonant frequency(τf )(ppm/°C)...............................-3to +9Q (1/tan δ)min ........................9,500at 4.3GHz............................and 28,000at 850MHz Insulation resistance (ohm cm)(volume resistivity)@25°C .....................~1013Thermal expansion (ppm/°C)(20–200°C)...............10Thermal conductivity (cal/cm sec°C)@25°C .........0.0045Specific heat (cal/g °C)............................0.15Density (g/cc)..................................>4.65Water absorption (%)............................<0.01Composition ............................Titanate Based Color ..........................................RustComponents will be custom manufactured.Consult Trans-Tech's Applications Engineering for advice on supports,tuning,and resonator configurations.Frequency accuracy to 0.5%of a customer provided correlation sample is standard.DATA SHEET•8300SERIES:TEMPERATURE STABLE RESONATORS2Phone[301]874-9400•Fax[301]695-7065•*************************•2007Trans-TechQ(x13)024612810Frequency (GHz)Typical Q vs. Frequency403530252015105Q(x13)-60-202060Temperature (°C)Typical Q vs. Temperature403530252015105Q@850 MHzQ@4.3GHz38343612345678910111213Frequency (GHz)Typical (εr)vs. FrequencyDielectricConstant(εr)Typical Performance DataTemperatureDielectric Coefficient Q Series Type Constant of f o(τf) ± 2at 4.3 GHz D/C837436.5 ± 1+9 ppm/°C>9,500 D/C837336.0 ± 1+6 ppm/°C>9,500 D/C837235.7 ± 1+3 ppm/°C>9,500 D/C837135.5 ± 10 ppm/°C>9,500 D/C837035.0 ± 1-3 ppm/°C>9,500 Temperature CharacteristicsContact factory for custom τf and other tolerances.DATA SHEET • 8300 SERIES: TEMPERATURE STABLE RESONATORS3Phone[301]874-9400•Fax[301]695-7065•*************************•Trans-Tech Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • March 9, 2007Copyright © 2006, 2007, Trans-Tech Inc., Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Trans-Tech, Inc. ("Trans-Tech"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Trans-Tech as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Trans-Tech assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Trans-Tech may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Trans-Tech makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Trans-Tech assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Trans-Tech products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Trans-Tech Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. TRANS-TECH DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. TRANS-TECH SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Trans-Tech products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Trans-Tech products could lead to personal injury,death, physical or environmental damage. Trans-Tech customers using or selling Trans-Tech products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Trans-Tech for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Trans-Tech products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation ofproducts outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Trans-Tech assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Trans-Tech products outside of stated published specifications or parameters.。
飞利浦8300系列超薄4K UHD LED Android电视说明书

Philips 8300 seriesUltra Slim 4K UHD LED Android TV with Ambilight 3-sided123 cm (49") Ambilight TV 2800 Picture Performance IndexHDR premium WCG 90%P5 Perfect Picture Engine49PUS8303Ultra Slim 4K UHD LED Android TV with Ambilight 3-sidedDive into your favourite content with the Philips 8300 NanoLED TV. Experience vibrant, lifelike colour and a sharp 4K UHD picture, even when you’re facing the TV at an angle. Make movie and game nights feel more immersive with Ambilight.Refined design. Beautiful light.•Ultra-slim minimalist frame with brushed aluminium finish•Ambilight. Take the emotion beyond the screen.•Wide colour gamut. More colours. More vibrancy.Incredible moments•IPS Nano Color. Rich colour. No matter where you sit.•Philips P5 Engine. Whatever the source, always perfection.•HDR Premium. Enhanced colour, depth, and dimensionAndroid TV-all the content you love•Google Assistant built-in. Content and more at your command•Google Play store and Philips app gallery. More to love.Crisp audio•Philips Triple Ring technology. More space for sound•DTS HD Premium Sound. Deep bass and crystal-clear dialogueUltra-slim minimalist frameUltra-slim minimalist frame with brushed aluminium finishIPS Nano colorFrom movie night to the big match or gaming, IPS Nano Color technology delivers vibrant colour and a wide viewing angle. Uniform, nanometre-sized particles absorb any excess light created by the screen. Reds stay red, green grass looks green, and blue is always blue. Even if you're facing the TV at an angle of up to 60 degrees.P5 Perfect Picture EngineThe Philips P5 Perfect Picture Engine delivers an image as brilliant as the content you love. Details have noticeably more depth. Colours are vivid, while skin tones look natural. Contrast is so crisp you'll feel every detail. And motion is so smooth that you'll never lose sight of the ball, no matter how fast the play.High Dynamic Range PremiumHigh Dynamic Range Premium is a new video standard. It redefines in-home entertainment through advances in our application of contrastand colour. Enjoy a sensory experience thatcaptures the original richness and liveliness, yetaccurately reflects the director's intent. Theend result? Highlights with excellentbrightness, richer contrast and colour and vividdetails like you've never seen before.Google Assistant built-inControl your Philips Android TV with yourvoice. Want to play a game, watch Netflix, orfind content and apps in the Google Play store?Just tell your TV. You can even command allGoogle Assistant-compatible smart homedevices-like dimming the lights and setting thethermostat on movie night. Without leavingthe sofa.TV ContentGo beyond traditional TV programming withGoogle Play Store and Philips App Gallery.Experience endless movies, TV, music, appsand games online. More to love.Triple Ring technologyWith enhanced Philips Triple Ring technology,we have an even more powerful speakermovement in our subwoofers. Moremovement means more punch-so you willenjoy powerful sound even in our thin PhilipsTV design.Ambilight 3-sidedWith Philips Ambilight, movies and games feelmore immersive. Music gets a light show. Andyour screen will feel bigger than it is. IntelligentLEDs around the edges of the TV cast on-screen colours onto the walls, and into theroom, in real time. You get perfectly tunedambient lighting. And one more reason to loveyour TV.Wide Color GamutWide Color Gamut increases the standardcolor gamut of 72% to 90%~99%, resulting inmore vivid and brilliant colors. The greenestgreen, the bluest blue and the reddest red, theexpanded color reproduction abilities of a 4KUltra HD TV closer than ever to what we seein a digital cinema.Issue date 2018-08-11 Version: 7.0.112 NC: 8670 001 51821 EAN: 87 18863 01520 9© 2018 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Ambilight•Ambilight Version: 3 sided•Ambilight Features: Built in Ambilight+hue, Ambilight Music, Game Mode, Wall colour adaptive, Lounge modePicture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD LED•Diagonal screen size: 49 inch / 123 cm•Panel resolution: 3840x2160•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Picture enhancement: Ultra Resolution, Micro Dimming Pro, Wide Color Gamut 90% DCI/P3, HDR Premium•Pixel engine: P5 Perfect Picture Engine Android•OS: Android Nougat•Pre-installed apps: Google Play Movies*, Google Play Music*, Google search, YouTube •Memory size: 16GBSmart TV Features•User Interaction: MultiRoom Client and Server, SimplyShare•Interactive TV:HbbTV•Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•SmartTV apps*: Online Video Stores, Open Internet Browser, Social TV, TV on Demand, Youtube•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop Smart Menu button, Onscreen Usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to Screen, Advance - Shift, Zoom, Stretch •Philips TV Remote app*: Apps, Channels, Control, NowOnTV, TV Guide, Video On Demand •Remote Control: with Keyboard, with Voice Processing•Processing Power: Quad CoreSound•Output power (RMS): 25W •Sound Enhancement: Smart Sound, DTS-HDPremium Sound, Dolby Atmos Compatible, DTSStudio Sound, DTS TruSurround•Sound Features: Triple ring technologyConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 4•Number of USBs: 2•Number of component in (YPbPr): 1•Wireless connections: Dual Band, Wi-Fi 11ac 2x2integrated•Other connections: Common Interface Plus (CI+),Digital audio out (optical), Antenna IEC75, SatelliteConnector, Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Audio L/R in,Headphone out•HDMI features: 4K, Audio Return Channel•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby,One touch play•HDCP 2.2: Yes on HDMI1, Yes on HDMI2Multimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1, HEVC (H.265), VP9•Subtitles Formats Support: .SRT, .SUB, .TXT, .SMI•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNGSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs on HDMI1/2: up to 4K UHD3840x2160 @60Hz•Computer inputs on HDMI3/4: up to 4K UHD3840x2160 @30Hz•Video inputs on HDMI1/2: up to 4K UHD3840x2160 @60Hz•Video inputs on HDMI3/4: up to 4K UHD3840x2160 @30HzTuner/Reception/Transmission•HEVC support•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2/T2-HD/C/S/S2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic ProgramGuide•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page HypertextPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Standby power consumption: <0.3•Off mode power consumption: 0.3 W•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer,Picture mute (for radio), Light sensor•Energy Label Class: A•Eu Energy Label power: 89 W•Annual energy consumption: 130 kW·h•Mercury content: 0 mg•Presence of lead: Yes*Dimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1205 x 780 x 150 mm•Set dimensions(W x H x D):1098.4 x 636.7 x 48.3 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1098.4 x 683.1 x 251.4 mm•TV stand width distance: 517.2 mm•VESA wall mount compatible: 200 x 200 mm•Product weight: 17.3 kg•Product weight (+stand): 18.9 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 24.5 kgColor & Finishing•TV Front: Metallic Silver*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Android App offerings vary per country. For more details please visityour local Google Play Store.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model,operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. Formore details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For moredetails please visit: /smarttv.*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited bybroadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictionsmay apply.*Please note that your Amazon Apps may not always be available inyour country. (Currently Amazon apps works only in UK, Germany,Austria)*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.*This television contains lead only in certain parts or componentswhere no technology alternatives exist in accordance with existingexemption clauses under the RoHS Directive.*Its functionality is subject to ChromeCast built-in apps and smartdevises. For more details, please visit ChromeCast built-in productpages.*Google Assistant built-in will come as a software update for 2018Android TVs.*Cloud Gaming offering depends on game providers.。
电讯盈科 2020 年型号 8300 系列 数字对讲机 使用手册说明书

01安全须知.............................................................01产品开箱检查.....................................................02正确充电和维修电池........................................02附件安装与拆卸. (04)一、安装电池...............................................04二、卸装电池...............................................04三、安装天线...............................................04四、卸装天线...............................................04五、安装皮带夹..........................................04六、卸装皮带夹..........................................04七、安装/卸装外置耳机(麦克风)...04八、安装对讲机挂绳..................................04基本操作(公网) (05)一、开机和关机..........................................05二、菜单与操作..........................................0501、群组选择........................................0502、成员选择........................................0503、好友选择........................................0504、背光灯设置....................................0505、键盘灯设置....................................0506、提示音设置....................................0507、公网开关设置................................0508、模拟开关设置................................0509、公网模拟优先设置........................06三、拨接电话...............................................06四、进入呼叫状态......................................06五、进入接收状态......................................06六、低电提示功能......................................06七、超时定时器 (06)八、其它操作.................................06LED指示............................................06LCD显示屏........................................06基本操作(模拟)...............................07一、菜单与操作.............................0701、扫描...................................0702、信道/频率.........................0703、接收模拟亚音...................0704、接收数字亚音...................0705、接收反数字亚音...............0706、接收模式...........................0707、发送模拟亚音...................0808、发送数字亚音...................0809、发送反数字亚音...............0810、发送开始双音...................0811、发送结束双音...................0812、发送功率...........................0813、宽带/窄带.........................0814、压扩开关...........................0815、扰频开关...........................0816、偏移方向...........................0917、偏移频率...........................0918、步进频率...........................0919、存储信道...........................0920、删除信道...........................0921、静噪级别...........................0922、铃声时间...........................0923、发射超时...........................0924、单音频率 (09)25、双音时间……………26、双音频组……………27、本机ID………………监听…………………………耳机对讲模式………………二、菜单与操作……………对讲机保养与清洁………………保修卡0909090910101002产品装箱单充电步骤USBUSB6可将电池插入座充充电,充电时座充显示红灯,充电完毕后座充显示绿灯,即可拔出电池使用。
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1 2
ON(开机) 使用此按钮开启投影机。 OFF(关机) 使用此按钮关闭投影机。 HDMI1 、HDMI2、RGB、C OMP1 、C OMP2、VIDEO 按这些按钮选择输入源。 ENTER(确定)、p、q、t、u 使用这些按钮选择项目或设置、调整设置或切换显示模式。ENTER(确 定):按此按钮选择高亮显示的菜单项目或确认更改的设置。 画面比例 选择按钮:反复按此按钮选择以下一种画面比例:• 1 6 : 9: 使用1 6:9 DVD或HDTV的原生画面比例观看节目。 MENU(菜单) 按此按钮显示或隐藏OSD菜单。 USER1 (用户1 )、USER2(用户2) 按这两个按钮可从两个记忆预设中为当前输入调出相应设置。默认情况 下,这些按钮如下分配:M1= 用户记忆1 ;M2 = 用户记忆2。不过,您 可以将每个按钮分配给您想要的任何记忆预设。 Temp 此型号不提供此功能。 C ONT(对比度) 使用t或u调整对比度值,使画面亮色区域和暗色区域之间的差异更 明显。 BRIGHT(亮度) 使用t或u调整亮度值,使画面变亮或变暗。 SHARP(清晰度) 使用t或u调整清晰度值,使色彩和物体之间的边界变清晰或变模糊。 GAMMA 调整图像的光强度(亮度),使其与信号源更相符。 OS 按此按钮选择过扫描模式 当画面比例设定为Native.Zoom,功能会失效 NR 按此按钮调整降噪级别。 PIP 此型号不提供此功能。 SWAP 此型号不提供此功能。 MP 参见“第33页:Menu Posit ion(菜单位置) 选择此功能来确定OSD菜单的位置。”。
y 选择输入源 y 选择画面比例 y 使用OSD
26 26 26
y 关于本手册 y 介绍、特点和优势 y 部件清单
8 8 9
开始使用投影机 - OSD介绍
y y y y y y y OSD菜单树 OSD介绍 - MAIN(主菜单) OSD介绍 - ADVANCE(高级) OSD介绍 - SYSTEM(系统) OSD介绍 - CONTROL(控制) OSD介绍 - LANGUAGE(语言) OSD介绍 - SERVICE(服务)
此出版物(包括所有照片、插图和软件)受国际版权法律的保护,保留所有权利。未经制造商书面同意,不得复制本手 册或其中包含的任何内容。Vivitek徽标是“Vivitek Corporation”的商标。©版权所有 2012
本手册中的信息如有变更,恕不另行通知。制造商不对本资料中的内容提供任何陈述或担保,明确放弃对适销性或针对 特定用途的适用性的任何隐含担保。制造商保留修订此出版物和随时更改本资料中内容的权利,且制造商无需向任何人 告知此类修订或修改。
y y y y 使用无铅焊料焊接电路和电子元件等。 无铅玻璃和涂层。 用户手册和包装箱使用再生纸。 节能: 高效功率切换,在待机模式下功耗小于1W。
y 水平和垂直镜头移位 y 梯形校正调整
DLP 投影D8300概览
8. 防止电源线被踩踏或挤压,尤其是位于插头、插座以及电源线与设备交接处的电源线。 9. 只使用制造商指定的连接件/附件。 10. 只使用制造商指定的或随设备一起售出的推车、支架、三脚架或支撑台。如果使用推车,在移动推车/设备时应 小心,避免因翻倒而受伤。
11. 在雷雨天或长期不使用时,请拔掉设备电源。
D8300具有下列主要特点和优势: y 原生分辨率: 1920 x 1080(16:9原生画面比例) y DLP系统使用高性能数字微镜器件(DMD) y 二(2)个HDMI 1.3输入支持High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection(HDCP,高带宽数字内容保护) y 支持HDTV y 对逐行扫描和隔行扫描视频输入进行出色的视频处理。
12. 所有维修工作交给有资质的维修人员。当设备因任何方式(如电源线或插头损坏、液体溅入设备或异物掉入设 备、设备暴露在雨中或湿气中、工作不正常或跌落)而损坏时,设备即需要维修。 13. +12V触发器只输出12V直流触发信号。请勿连接到任何其他电源输入或输出。否则可能对本设备造成损坏。 14. 妥善保管包装材料,以备需要时装运设备。 15. 投影机工作时,切勿直视镜头。
15 15 15 16 17 17
y POWER(电源) y ISSUE(问题)
40 40
y 光学 y 电气 y 物理
41 41 41
y 垂直镜头移位 y 水平镜头移位
18 18
y y y y 传输规格 RS-232命令 红外线代码和按键名称 操作命令
Vivitek D8300采用先进技术,提供1080P画面性能,Full HD (1920 x 1080)原生分辨率,实现清晰、亮丽、逼真的图 像。D8300支持当今最高级别的分辨率,可提供优异高清图像。D8300采用精密光学器件,包括变焦、对焦和镜头移位 等控制,投射范围可达1.85:1到2.40:1。投射距离较短(1.56:1到1.86:1)时,D8300可安装选配的光学器件以满足不同的 需求。卓越的比例调整和胶片视频(3:2下拉)转换可以轻松实现。配合Vivitek先进的白平衡参数,D8300特有的逐行扫 描技术可提供最高级别的灰阶、色彩平衡及逼真图像。这款工程学精品采用离散的红外线(IR)和RS-232控制以及电源和 信号源选择控制,可实现无缝的灵活操作。
MENU(菜单) 按此按钮显示或隐藏OSD菜单。 SELECT(选择)、p、q、t、u 使用这些按钮选择项目或设置、调整设置或切换显示模式。 SOURCE(信号源) 按此按钮选择视频源。HDMI1 、HDMI2、RGB、COMP1 、COMP2、VIDEO或S-VIDEO。 Power(电源) 使用此按钮打开/ 关闭投影机电源。 LED STAUS(LED状态) 参见“第40 页:LED状态”。
本手册介绍如何安装和使用DLP投影机,适用于最终用户。关联信息(如插图及其说明)已尽可能放置于同一页上。这 种便于打印的格式不但方便您阅读,而且能节省纸张,有助于保护环境。建议您只打印所需的章节。
DLP 投影机 - 用户手册
DLP 投影机 - 用户手册
感谢您购买此款高质量的产品!为了获得最佳性能,请仔细阅读本手册,它将指导您如何使用菜单和执行操作。 1. 3. 阅读并妥善保管这些说明。 2. 留意所有警告。 遵循所有指导说明。 4. 请勿在近水处使用本设备。请勿安装在热源旁边,如取暖器、散热器、炉子或其他产生热量的设备 (包括放大器)。
DLP 投影机 - 用户手册
DLP 投影机 - 用户手册
D8300在出厂时包括下列物品。如有任何物品缺失或损坏,请与您的经销商或Vivitek客户服务联系。 y DLP投影机 x 1 y 扳手 x 1 y 电源线 美国 x 1 中国 x 1 欧洲 x 1 y 遥控器 x1 电池 x 2 y 光盘 x 1 y 保修卡 中国 x 1 美国 x 1 欧洲 x 1 台湾 x 1 其他 x 1 y INSP. 卡 x 1 y 中国RoHS卡 x 1 y 标准投射范围(1.85到2.40:1)
(适用于整个欧盟及实施专门的回收计划的其他欧洲国家) 您的产品或其包装上出现的此符号表示,当您希望废弃该产品时,不应将其视作普通家庭垃 圾,而应将其交给回收电气和电子设备的相应回收点。如能确保本产品得到正确废弃,将帮助 于防止因本产品废弃不当而可能对环境和人类健康造成的不良后果。材料回收有助于保护自然 资源。此符号仅在欧盟地区有效。如果希望丢弃本产品,请联系当地官方机构或经销商,并询 问正确的废弃方法。
User’s Manual
y 版权 y 免责 y 关于本手册
开始使用投影机 - 调整
5 5 5 y y y y y 连接到交流电源 打开电源 更改OSD语言 调整画面方向 镜头调整
23 23 24 24 25
y 旧电气和电子设备的废弃 y 重要回收说明:
7 7
开始使用投影机 - 操作
27 28 30 33 34 35 36
y y y y y D8300概览 I/O面板 键盘 安装遥控器电池 遥控信号的有效接收范围
10 11 12 14 14
y 更换投影机灯泡
y y y y y y 环境光线 投射距离 安装方式 在排气口周围留出至少50cm空间 请勿使投影机倾斜15度以上 其他注意事项
5. 只用干布进行清洁。 6. 请勿阻塞任何通风口。按照制造商的指导说明进行安装。 7. 请勿破坏极性或接地插头的安全保护作用。极性插头有一宽一窄两个插片。接地插头有两个插片和一个接地插 片。宽插片或接地插片专为安全性而提供。如果提供的插头与插座不匹配,请联系电工更换旧式插座。 本产品的灯泡中含有汞。本产品中可能包含其它电子废弃物,如果废弃不当,可能会造成危 险。回收或废弃时应遵守当地、州/省或联邦法律。有关更多信息,请联系美国电子工业联盟, 网址是。有关灯泡的特定废弃信息,请访问。