国际标准 IEC60601-1 医用电气设备—— 第一部分:安全通用要求和基本准则
MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT – Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential pe.......................................................................................................................8 1.1 范围 ........................................................................................................................................8 1.2 目标 ........................................................................................................................................8 1.3 * 并列标准 ................................................................................................................................8 1.4 * 专用标准 ................................................................................................................................8
由马可·维斯康蒂(Marco Visconti)设计的发动机生产车间,占地面积达到15000平方米。
这些由卢卡·洛卡泰利(Luca Locatelli)提供的图片,让我们有机会一睹打造法拉利汽车的过程。
612 Scaglietti配备了排量为5,748 cm3的65°V12发动机。 当转速为7,250 rpm时,它可以爆发出540 hp的功率,比安 装在456M车型上的5,474 cm3发动机的功率整整高出98 hp。 经过多种优化改进的发动机的性能比初次应用在575M Maranello车上型时更加优秀。612 Scaglietti具有新设计的 更加直接的进气管道,在保险杠的散热器开口处,有通往每 侧气缸体的单独进气管;新的排气系统改变了形状和体积, 可以降低反压力;此外,这款发动机还具有更高的压缩比 (11.2:1),进气管和排气管的流体力学特性都得到了提高。 612 Scaglietti还配备了Bosch Motronic ME7 CPU,并对动 态操纵性进行了细致入微的研究,意味着车辆的响应格外迅 捷和平顺,使它可以轻松应付各种驾驶条件。
“纯粹以及强烈”是整个驾舱的灵魂,有限的空间 以及轻盈的目标暗示了整个驾舱非常极端的功能风 格。所有主要的表面很明显看得出来是由碳纤维制 造,一些功能部件,可以非常容易的辨别,因为他 们在铝梁结构的包围下显得很孤单,如赤裸一般。 大量车辆的控制键都集成在方向盘上面,这个特点 也是从F1赛车的方向盘上学来的,就是尽可能的将 更多的控制钮放在方向盘上。碳纤维的“赛车”座 椅极其的贴身以及富有支撑力。简单的说,新的 Enzo为法拉利车型的内饰设计开辟了新的纪元:这 就是所谓的人机界面获得的最大效力,意思是将驾 驶员放在一个最佳的条件下来开拓车辆的最大性能。
恩佐·法拉利 恩佐 法拉利
法拉利(Ferrari)是一家意大利汽车生产商,1929年由恩佐 法拉利创办, 法拉利 是一家意大利汽车生产商, 年由恩佐·法拉利创办, 是一家意大利汽车生产商 年由恩佐 法拉利创办 主要制造一级方程式赛车、赛车及高性能跑车, 主要制造一级方程式赛车、赛车及高性能跑车,法拉利生产的汽车大部 分采用手工制造,年产量大约4300台。总部位于意大利摩德纳 分采用手工制造,年产量大约 台 总部位于意大利摩德纳(Modena) 附近的马拉内罗(Maranello)。早期的法拉利赞助赛车手及生产赛车, 附近的马拉内罗 。早期的法拉利赞助赛车手及生产赛车, 1947年独立生产汽车,其后变成今日的规模。现在菲亚特公司拥有法拉 年独立生产汽车, 年独立生产汽车 其后变成今日的规模。 利50%股权,但法拉利却能独立于菲亚特公司运营。另有法拉利车队, %股权,但法拉利却能独立于菲亚特公司运营。另有法拉利车队, 以及手表、香水等周边产品。法拉利(Ferrari)是一家意大利汽车生产商, 是一家意大利汽车生产商, 以及手表、香水等周边产品。法拉利 是一家意大利汽车生产商 1929年由恩佐 法拉利创办,主要制造一级方程式赛车、赛车及高性能 年由恩佐·法拉利创办 年由恩佐 法拉利创办,主要制造一级方程式赛车、 跑车,法拉利生产的汽车大部分采用手工制造,年产量大约4300台。总 跑车,法拉利生产的汽车大部分采用手工制造,年产量大约 台 部位于意大利摩德纳(Modena)附近的马拉内罗 附近的马拉内罗(Maranello)。早期的法 部位于意大利摩德纳 附近的马拉内罗 。 拉利赞助赛车手及生产赛车,1947年独立生产汽车,其后变成今日的规 拉利赞助赛车手及生产赛车, 年独立生产汽车, 年独立生产汽车 现在菲亚特公司拥有法拉利50%股权, 模。现在菲亚特公司拥有法拉利 %股权,但法拉利却能独立于菲亚特 公司运营。另有法拉利车队,以及手表、香水等周边产品。 公司运营。另有法拉利车队,以及手表、香水等周边产品。
三、实习内容1. 动力总成仿真工程师助理在实习期间,我主要负责以下工作:(1)在1D或3D环境中创建和开发发动机模型,包括涡轮增压器和后处理系统。
2. 团队合作在实习期间,我有机会与动力总成部门的多个团队合作,包括测试、设计、概念和创新团队。
四、实习收获1. 专业技能提升通过实习,我掌握了动力总成仿真、多体动力学软件应用等方面的专业知识,提高了自己的实际操作能力。
2. 跨学科合作能力在实习过程中,我学会了如何与不同背景的团队成员进行沟通和协作,提高了自己的跨学科合作能力。
3. 企业文化熏陶在法拉利,我感受到了这家企业独特的企业文化,包括对创新、卓越和团队精神的追求。
4. 人际交往能力在实习期间,我与来自世界各地的同事建立了深厚的友谊,这使我的人际交往能力得到了很大提升。
五、实习感悟1. 理论与实践相结合通过实习,我深刻体会到理论与实践相结合的重要性。
1898 年2 月,恩佐·法拉利在意大利的摩德纳(Modena)诞生。
第一次世界大战时,Ferrari 应征入伍。
但他在战争期间经常染恙, 不停在医院进进出出,避开了血腥的战场。
后来Ferrari 突然对赛车发生了兴趣, 这位意大利人开始参与速度的竞赛。
他曾受雇于意大利Fiat 汽车公司,后来脱离Fiat 转入阿尔法·罗密欧。
在Alfa 的支持下,他负责设计及安装供赛车用的跑车及高性能跑车,以他的姓氏为车名,标志是一匹跃马。
鳓;麓i i J麓i目黝旨旷毒j蹴德瓣妒塑延籀法国“一路髋望着法国的乡村田园风景,那美丽如画般的景象诖人藏连忘返。
下午2点Foc al 公司创始』、M r J acques M a hul“马寨”先生(现会长}无比盛情地设宴与我们一行相约在L A C O LL I N E D U C O L O M B I E R这里迹是浪漫的法国艺术家、摄影家汇聚之地。
后来知道这里的地名是法国“B our bon L ancy”——波旁朗西.Focai公司的木箱加工厂就在这城镇内。
第二天.我们开始了工厂的参观、培训活动.从木箱厂到单元制作工厂.见证了Foc al扬声器的箱体加工、组装.单元生产、Foca【扬声器的诞生全部过程。
Focal—J M l ab音响品牌对中国市场来讲并不陌生.1980年初由M r J acqu es 餐厅.开始了第顿法国大餐M a hul“马豪”先生在法国Sa i nt—E t i e nne 宁静的湖泊和大草原般的绿色河I圣一艾蒂安I创立。
很快就因为设计创畔.包围着我t i l l"榻的乡村宾馆,,此时此新而扬名.并迅速获得国际音响界的认景令人如痴如醉.虽煞夜幕迟迟未降临但可。
红色速度激情世界 阿布扎比法拉利主题公园
红色速度激情世界 阿布扎比法拉利主题公园法拉利主题公园位于阿布扎比酋长国的亚思岛上,占地近20万平方米,不仅是世界上最大的法拉利主题公园,也是世界上最大的室内主题乐园。
MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT – Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
1 范围、目标和相关标准 ........................................................................................................................8 1.1 范围 ........................................................................................................................................8 1.2 目标 ........................................................................................................................................8 1.3 * 并列标准 ................................................................................................................................8 1.4 * 专用标准 ................................................................................................................................8
法拉利458汽车维修高级技师QQ群219863514近日,意大利著名跑车厂商法拉利在北京举办了一场法拉利458 Italia的技术讲解会,法拉利亚太、中东及非洲区总裁兼首席执行官也参加了此次的活动并致辞。
随后是由法拉利培训师为我们简单的介绍了一下法拉利458 Italia的新技术,接下来我就带着大家来看一看这款融入和法拉利公司最新技术和设计的全新跑车到底蕴含着多大的能力。
● 新的外观设计法拉利458 Italia的车身造型是宾尼法利纳和法拉利造型中心密切合作的成果,外形紧凑洗练、线条完美体现了空气动力学特性,充分凸显了该项目简约、高效和轻质的设计概念。
与法拉利的各款车型如出一辙,458 Italia的造型设计也处处兼顾了空气动力学效率的要求,当最高时速329公里/小时行驶时,可产生大概340KG的下压力,足以让车辆平稳的接触地面。
值得一说的就是458 Italia全车的空气套件数量之多,设计之巧妙都是在之前的法拉利车型上很少见到的,比如说前保险杠下方的可变扰流板,可实现增压功能的C柱进气口,后保险杠下的扰流板,都是说明了一点就是458 Italia可以提供最为出色的赛车体验,而这一切都是法拉利品牌通过多年的F1征战所得来的经验教训。
最有设计新意的就是458 Italia前保险杠的扰流板和C柱的进气口,在法拉利总部经过多次风洞试验后,工程师们设计出可以根据速度不同而改变前保险杠扰流板,其实原理很简单就是扰流板的材质为质地稍软的塑料,当车速达到一定程度后,气流会改变扰流板的形状,设计师们研究出它在各种速度下可以变形的角度,从而改变气流通过大小,可以帮助提高刹车的散热能力同时还会产生部分的下压力。
● 新动力匹配作为法拉利品牌的全新车型,458 Italia配备了一台新型4499CC V8中-后置直喷发动机,这款发动机是法拉利品牌是打造的第一款中后置直喷发动机,转速在9000转时最大输出功率可以达到419kW,最大输出扭矩则是在转速为6000转时达到540N·m,458 Italia也成为目前自然吸气发动机中工作效率最高的,升功率达到93kW/升,升扭矩更是高达120N 升,·m/458 Italia最高时速为329公里/小时,0-100公里加速时间为3.4秒,这个成绩已经完全超越了F430。
• 卡伦堡生态园是世界生态工业园建设的肇始与 典范,它自20世纪70年代开始建立,已经稳定 运行了30多年。凯隆堡工业园区主体企业是发 电厂、炼油厂、制药厂、石膏板生产厂。以这4 个企业为核心,凯隆堡市的工业具有独特的环 境——友好的共生现象,即一个企业的副产品 或废物正是另一家企业的生产原料,排放的余 热资源又能供给凯市。 • 企业的相互适应性——企业结构 • 企业的多样性是构成工业共生体系的基础,只 有这样才有可能使一个公司的剩余产品正好是 另一个公司的原材料,而这又是生态工业园运 行的关键。
Case Study
• 位于伦敦东部的可持续工业园,一改以往伦敦过去污 染工业的阴霾,是在伦敦东部的清洁技术集群成长的 一部分,成为低碳和清洁能源的经济枢纽。 • 可持续工业园区个企业发展的协同作用,最大限度地 提高资源的利用效率和创新,并减少废物产生与排放。 • 地标式建筑符合BREEAM(英国建筑研究院绿色建筑 评估体系)“优秀”评级标准,使用新型建筑材料, 具有低能耗、低水耗、低排放的特点。 • 拥有大量的景观基础设施,使用者感到身心舒适。 • 交通便捷。
案例分析 • 中新天津生态城将借鉴新加坡的先进经验,在城市规划、 环境保护、资源节约、循环经济、生态建设、可再生能 源利用、中水回用、可持续发展以及促进社会和谐等方 面进行广泛合作。 • 注重产业节能、建筑节能和交通节能,积极开发应用风 能、太阳能、地热、生物质能等可再生能源,优化能源 结构,提高利用效率,形成可再生能源与常规清洁能源 相互衔接、相互补充的能源供应模式,绿色交通系统为 主导的交通发展模式。 • 贯彻城市可持续发展的理念,建立中水回用、雨水收集、 水体修复为重点的生态循环水系统。 • 以可再生能源利用为标志,加强节能减排,发展循环经 济,构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会。
使用V8和V12引擎的跑车都是在这条生产线上生产出来的,比如Mondena 360。
Scaglietti 612和Modena 360的机身铝合金外壳在位于意大利摩得纳的Carrozzeria Scaglietti 工厂生产,每辆车最后都是手工完成的。
最后是由1和机器人来检测机身的体积,它需要测量共893个点来计算,这只是标准数,相比于Scaglietti 612,这个数字只达到了它的50%,而相比于Modena 360则只有10%,可见法拉利高档车的设计生产难度是多么的大,精度是多么的高。
法拉利公司历史法拉利公司由恩佐·法拉利(Enzo Ferrari)于1947年创立,总部位于意大利马拉内罗(Maranello)。
恩佐·法拉利本人是一位著名的赛车手,在创立公司之前,他曾在阿尔法罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)担任赛车部门的主管。
How to do - ICH Q7a(2010)-English & Chinese
Process Equipment工艺设备 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Design and Construction设计与建造 ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Equipment Maintenance and Cleaning设备保养和清洁 ......................................................................................................................... 17 Calibration校准 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Computerized Systems计算机化系统 ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告法拉利(深圳)酒业有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:法拉利(深圳)酒业有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分法拉利(深圳)酒业有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业酒、饮料和精制茶制造业-饮料制造资质空产品服务是:农副产品销售;国内贸易代理;贸易代理1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
工厂管理-NGC全民英检超级工厂法拉利 精品
Megafactories: FerrariNGC全民英檢:超級工廠-法拉利播出時間:07月05日星期日@11:00-12:00 Ferrari!For decades, one of the most legendary names in automobiles.Now a new model is hitting the streets.One and a half tonnesof high performance sports car.Engineered with the precisionof a spacecraft...The fastest, most powerful production car Ferrari has ever designed.And this is where it's being made!Inside Ferrari's mega factory!Few cars have carried such an aura of legend and mystique through the decades.The Ferrari of the formula one track...The winningest name in the historyof the sport.The Ferrari of the open road...An iconic sportscar of the ages.Whether for the race track or for the road, every Ferrari is hand crafted...Northern Italy... the town of Maranello.This is the site of Ferrari's mega factory...part hi-tech garage,part art studio...a place where raw metal is transformedinto raw power and where carsare created like sculptures.Its buildings are every bitas sleek and modern as the cars created here.Because Ferrari makes cars for the streetand for the racetrack,the factory boasts some unique features.A wind tunnel for research and development designed by Italy's super-architect,Renzo Piano.An engine works flooded by natural light, with trees to provide exactly the right humidity for engine construction.Even a three kilometer private racetrackused to trial Ferrari's latest racecarsand road test its sportscars.These are the buildings through whichevery Ferrari makes its first journey.And for the three thousand workersalong the way, being here is an Italian dream.For us Italians, Ferrari has alwaysbeen a myth, always.I mean, the boys here grow up with Ferrariin them.Few outsiders and even fewer camerasare ever allowed into Ferrari's factory. Security is intense.For Ferrari's formula one teamthat's based at the factory,there's the ever-present threatof industrial espionage.And Ferrari's formula one secretsgo straight into its street cars.This is the fastest and most powerful production car Ferrari has ever designed-the Fiorano 599.Its speed tops 330 kilometers per hour-and its price? Over 200,000 euro!Ferrari's president- Luca Di Montezemolo... For me this kind of car means freedom.... braking acceleration, handling, engine using... all these ingredient make the Ferrari unique.Five years of research and developmenthave gone into Ferrari's newest model.So have sixty years of history.Ferrari's legendary founder Enzo Ferrariwas a racing purist.To him, Ferrari's street cars were just a wayto help fund his formula one team.Early Ferrari sportscars may have been beautiful to look at, but they were notoriouslyhard to drive...Their racing characteristicsweren't suited to the open road.But over the decades, Ferrari has moved closer and closer to designing a sportscarthat puts all the pany'sformula one experienceinto the ultimate street machine.The Fiorano 599 is that car.Ferrari's designers and workersface a daunting challenge:build a car with the soul- and speed-of a formula one racer-but that handles smooth as silkon real-world streets.Make it beautiful-befitting the Ferrari legacyof "art-in-motion".And dress it in luxuryworthy of its 200,000 euro price tag.Race car- street car-work of art- luxury item.A tall order- for the teamat Ferrari's Maranello factory.It's a vast plex. Forty-five buildings-with enough space to fit fifty football fields.In all- eight separate sectionsof the factory will build the 599 from scratch... From the fires of the foundry...to the beauty of the body shop...From the robotic precision of the engine works and the paint shop... to the handcraftingof the 599's leather upholstery...and the final assembly linewhere it all es together.The factory's first challenge?Giving the 599 its signature trait- speed.The 599 boasts a v-12 engineputting out 620 horsepower.And the foundry is where that key ponent begins its life.Here- Ferrari's metalworkershave to cast the two core elements of the engine,the cylinder head and the engine block.Most factories mass-produce these parts-but Ferrari turns them out one at a time.A separate mould is made for every single engine.They're made out of pacted sandand resin.Other car panies use sand casts.At high-end factories like Ferrariworkers finish the sand moulds by hand.It takes around five hoursto hand finish the mouldsfor a single v12 engine.They're fitted together like an intricatethree dimensional jigsaw...to minimize the chance of chips,cracks or flaws.This will be cast into the cylinder headof a 599...A flaming torch blackens the sand model with a thin layer of carbon.The carbon layer acts as a lubricantto let the molten metal flow smoothlyinto the spaces of the cast.It's time... the moulds are ready...The precision of the casting procedureis critical. Any flawcould cause the finished engineto under-perform.The molten metal is preparedjust as carefully as the sand moulds.In the melting process, obviously,there can't be any mistakes.It has to be of the highest qualityto be able to sustain a carthat goes over 200 miles per hour.At temperatures of over 700 degrees Celsius, the heart of the 599 enginebegins its fiery birth.This is what they're going to build.This is where it starts.In the Ferrari foundry,the main furnace is fired up.The metal that will be cast into the coreof the 599's mighty engine is being melted. Some of the raw metal being fedinto the furnace es frompreviously cast ponentsthat have failed Ferrari's quality checks.The metal melts almost instantly,as massive electrical chargesare fired through it.Melting the two tons of metal in the furnace uses enough electricity in one dayto light a house for a year!The raw molten metal pours into a giant crucible for further purifying.At 1300 degrees,it looks like liquid silver.At 700 degrees, it looks like liquid silver.But this is a super strong-super secret aluminum alloyspecifically created for Ferrari's engines.Nitrogen pumps through the metalin the crucible, bining withany impurities- which float to the surface.The pure alloy is transferredto smaller holding tanks,from which the engine ponents will be cast.This mould of pacted sandis about to bee the cylinder headof one of the most powerfulproduction car engines ever made.The metal gushes into the mould.There's a casting here every ten minutes...Incredibly, only one in every fifty ponentsfails its quality testand is sent back to the scrap heap.That's because of the carethat's gone into preparingboth mould and metal.While the foundry casts the Ferrari's v-12 heart- in another building, workers fashion its body.Like many high-end sports car makers,Ferrari's body shop is part art studio.But while the 599 may be Ferrari'slatest artwork...It's also a masterpieceof aerodynamic engineering.Thousands of hours have gone intodesigning a sports car that's not only beautiful but can cheat the air almost as wellas Ferrari's formula one race cars...In essence the 599's body shapeis the opposite of an aircraft wing.At high speed its streamlined bodycreates negative lift,using the airflow over and through itto press the car to the road.The downforce means more secure road handling and far better traction out of corners.The Ferrari's streamlined bodyneeds strong support.If you want to put a formula one race caron the street, you need a chassisthat can take the stresses of high-speedand high performance.Made entirely of aluminum alloy,the 599's chassis must be strong enoughto do three things:Withstand high speed impacts.Anchor the 500 pound v-12 engine,which produces a tremendous amountof torque and power.The chassis also has to provide a strong mount for the wheel assembly and suspension.At high speeds the wheels of a sportscargo up and down like a jackhammer-so Ferrari equipped the 599's chassiswith super tough suspension mounts.High-strength adhesives and meticuloushand-welding make the joints in this chassisas strong as the original metal.Regular cars' chassis are put togetherby machines, but high performance sports cars like the 599 are hand welded.It means the chassis can be more exactly shaped- and the body panels more precisely fitted.With the 599's chassis now weldedand the first of its body panels attached,it's time for one of the factory's robotsto take over.It's basically a gigantic stapler...The robot is programmed to preciselydrive one hundred and eighty rivetsat specific points over the entire chassis...The rivets give the car the muscleto hold itself together at 330 plus kilometers an hour.Each time these jaws snap,they're punching a high-strengthrivet through up to three layersof solid aluminum.But the chassis can't move on down the line before it passes a rigorous test.Another robot es into play,equipped with needle-like probes.The probes test the chassisin 800 hundred different places.At each point they touch the metal.They are measuring the bodyagainst a puter model...Searching for tiny cracks in the metalor any flaw in the chassis' overall shape...If a flaw's detected,the chassis is sent back...but that only happens to one in every hundred.There's a reason for this insistenceon perfection: the slightest flawin any ponent of a high-performance sportscar can create the 'ripple effect'...The flaw magnifies throughall the other ponents dependent on it.At high speeds, the stresses on the chassis could turn cracks into fissures...and severely promise the car'sstructural integrity.After an exhaustive examination,the robot arms raise for the last time...the 599's metal skeleton is now readyto receive the rest of its sculpted body panels.Back in the foundry, the engine castsare plete.Seven minutes later, they've cooled enough for the sand moulds to be removed.There's nothing too high-techabout this process!The pressed sand is just shaken offthe solidified metal.The high-performance specs of the 599 require engine parts that are perfect. Powerful x-rays scan the cast ponents- looking for microscopic cracks or flawsin the metal.The slightest vibration from a defectin the finished engine will be magnifiedat high speed.Worst case scenario-the engine itself could fail!ponents that pass the x-ray testare hand finished...Then they're checked again.It's no surprise that Ferrari foundry workers feel they're making more than just an engine.We create the souland then someone else adds the organsto make it live.In the body shop, metal is being artas the 599's sleek outer shellmeets its chassis.When anyone thinks of a Ferrari,you think of two things in particular:one, the motor, immense power,the sound, the growl of it;and second the external beauty of the Ferrari.Like its chassis, the Ferrari's body panels are aluminum.It may be the most powerful production car the pany's ever made-but its fully-aluminum constructionmeans it's also one of the lightest...The 599 has more power propelling less car.Workers fix the doors, hood and trunkto their precision hinges and align themto a tenth of a millimeter.From this point on, it's all about art... Creating a finished bodythat is as close to flawless as possible.The body shop's specialistscheck for trouble spots...Dents or flaws, no matter how small.To Ferrari people, this is no longer a car...it's a sculpture.In a sealed plexiglas room-where no speck of dust can interferewith its final inspection-the 599 is given the thumbs upto move out of the body shop.We have to guarantee the perfect shape,the unique finishing, consequentlythe perfect paint-job.At Ferrari's Maranello factoryin northern Italy,the unfinished Fiorano 599takes its next step toward the finish line. This is Ferrari's twenty-first centurypaint shop... one of the most advancedof its kind in any car factory.The environment is a high priorityfor this paintshop. Most materialsare water-based,and nearly all waste is captured and recycled.Formula one racers don't have toworry about rust, but the 599is built for the streets.Before they can be painted,every 599 car body receivesan anti-corrosion treatment.Ferrari claims it's the most advancedrust-proofing in the world-a claim that's hard to testbecause the chemical process going on here is a trade secret.The one-ton bodies are plunged... tipped... and shaken...Every one of these giant bathschemically alters the metal of the car's body- creating a super-thin armouragainst the elements.These anti corrosion bathsalso give the 599's bodya positive electrical charge.That's vital for the next stageof the painting process.At the end of this tunnellies the real work of the paint shop-a glass-walled, hermetically-sealed place populated by graceful robotsand their human controllers.The chambers are sealed to avoidany air drafts that might causethe tiny particles of primer and paintto drift and create an uneven finish.This first coat is primer-a special pound that bindsthe actual paint to the body...the primer is a fine dust-as fine as talcum powder.It sticks to the body because ofthe electrical charge the metalwas given earlier.The robots are programmed to spreadthe particles of primer into a layerabout as thick as a human hair.The body glides into a giant oven,which bakes the primer...fusing it onto the metal...and providing the foundation layerfor the Ferrari's final paint finish.Every stage of a Ferrari's constructionis about beauty and power.The 599's v-12 engine is that power.It's created here, in Ferrari's engine works.The engine blocks and cylinder headscast in the foundry are now fine tunedto an almost microscopic degree.Other workers turn out the restof the engine's eight hundred parts.Ferrari's engine worksis a architectural triumph.Natural light floods in through a glass roof. It's environmentally efficientand provides better light for workers.And in the center of the engine works,a small forest of trees grows indoors! These trees help maintain the ideal humidityand air quality levels for engine construction...They're also here to ensurethe workers' fort.This factory is rated as one of the best places to work in Italy.Ferrari workers don't see themselvesas part of a production linebut as craftspeoplebuilding a handmade product.My passion is to make Ferraris.I think I've made a part of the motorof every single vehicle that you seeon the road, and every time I see a FerrariI feel pride in my heart,inside that motor there's a part of my heart.And at every step of a Ferrari's creation,they sign off on their work...I am and we all are absolutely responsiblefor what we build. We certify what we doso that it can be traced back to us.All through the engine worksFerrari's metal workers are machiningthe most detailed ponentsof the v 12 engine.Italians have a reputation of beingsome of the most skilled metal workersin the world...This tiny valve is only one of the 599 engine's eight hundred ponents...it alone takes nearly an hour to make.But while the emphasis is on hand crafting, there are two very special robotsin the engine works.The first is a robot they call'Romeo and Juliet.'These two arms are 'Romeo'...Giving 'Juliet' a ring...But this is no ordinary ring.The ring is actually the valve seatin the engine's cylinder.It forms a seal through which the valve moves and allows air into the chamberwhere it mixes with the fuel and explodes. With the valve moving in and out thousands of times a second,the valve seat must be tight...immovable in fact. If it came loose,it could enter the engineand cause plete failure.'Romeo' dips each valve ringinto a bath of liquid nitrogen-freezing it to minus 180 degreesand shrinking it by a tiny amount.'Juliet' holds the cylinder headwhile 'Romeo' sets the valve ring in place. The first is a practice run-to check the exact positionof the two ponents.Laser sensors make minute adjustments... Then Romeo sets the valve ring in place.In the following few seconds,the frozen ring warms and expands.It's now locked in place.The second of the engine work's two robots has to fine-tune another critical ponent- the crankshaft.The power generated by the 599's engine is transferred through the crankshaft...to the transmission...to the drive shaft...to the wheels...and then to the open road.At the 599's top speedits crankshaft is spinning overa hundred times a second...if it fails the pistons attached to itwould shoot through the engine block... destroying the engine.The crankshaft is the "heart of the motor", therefore every tiny operationneeds to as precise as possibleand as perfect as possible.When it's spinning at over 8,000 rpm,any imperfections will cause the crankshaft to bee unbalanced... and create potentially destructive vibrationsthrough the entire engine.The robot drills, shavesand grinds the crankshaft...making it perfectly balanced...Removing excess metal also improvesthe engine's performance.The less the crankshaft weighs,the easier it is to make it spin.The faster it spins, the more powerthe engine generates.Eight hundred separate ponents...being made, fine-tunedand checked all through the engine works.From its birth from molten metalin the foundry... the 599's engineis about to be assembledinto its final form...While the engine works builds the power,the paintship adds the beautyFerrari is famous for.Now the final coats of paint are applied...Unlike the primer, the paint is liquid...Tiny droplets spin out from the tipsof these robot arms...their movements have been precisely programmed in puter models.The robots apply exactly the right amountof paint to achieve a perfectly even surface.You just have to look at the lines of the car,the effort we put in in producingthe most and best paint jobthat is possible to produce.After the paint es an ultra-toughclear ceramic layer...The smoothness, the quality of the clear coatthat we put on the car- it's ceramic clear coat,very hard, very shiny and it's very durable.The clear ceramic coatprovides extreme scratch resistance...something you want when you're spendingtwo hundred thousand euro on your car.Though twelve colors are standard,599 owners can order the carin any color they choose.The bodies are polished to a surfaceas smooth as window glass.But before a single Ferrarileaves the paint shop, each onehas to pass a rigorous final quality check.The slightest surface flaws in the paintworkare polished and rechecked...The paint depth is measured ultrasonicallyto within a thousandth of a millimeterto achieve an evenness of finish and color...If an imperfection can't be polished away,the body is sent back down the lineto be repainted.Robots finish the paint job,but a man will assemble the engine.Each engine is built by one man, by hand...Putting together the eight hundredprecision ponents is one of the mostskilled jobs in the Ferrari factory.The engine mechanic fits the massive engine blockwith the pistons that will turn explosive energy into propulsive force.Then he puts the most critical piece of all into the engine block- the crankshaft.The remainder of the enginetakes shape as the hours spin by.A full day after work began,the engine is finished.From the fire and raw metal,this has been made...The workers in Ferrari's paint shopand engine works have done their jobs... Now the beauty and the brute strength... are about to e together.Ferrari's Maranello factoryhas given the newly designed 599its powerful heart and its beautiful body- two challenges met.But that power will have to be harnessed- and that body kept on the road-if this heir to a formula one raceris to perform on the street.Meeting that challenge is the jobof the final assembly line.On regular assembly linesthe car being made never stops moving...a Ferrari stops 32 separate timesduring its final assembly.At the top of the line, the 599's biggest,heaviest, most crucial ponentfinally meets the body it will propelat speeds of over three hundred kilometersan hour.The v12 engine alone accounts for a fifthof the 599's total weight...The engine has to be bolted to the chassis... and wired up...Fierce Italian pride drives the mechanics' work.Of course we all feel proud of our work, because we have to give the best we have,so that every vehicle is the sameas the next, exactly the same.The engine is in,but that's only half the job...They've still got to fit the 599'stransmission system, made up of its gearbox and massive drive shaft- already bolted together.The engine creates the power-six hundred and twenty horsepower.All that power is transferredby the driveshaft... through the gearbox...to the 599's axles and wheels.The drive shaft is one of 599'sonly ponents that's encased in steel...It has to be to handle the powersurging through it from the engine.That power is controlled by the 599'sracing-bred gear system...Changing gears in the 599 is virtually instant...in the space of a tenth of a secondthe power pumping from the enginecan be shifted up or down a gear.That's way faster than your average car...and only a fraction more timethat it takes in a formula 1 racer!This extraordinary power managementallows a Ferrari to accelerate throughall its gears and be movingat over 200 km/h in eleven seconds.But only if the factory workers get it right...On the assembly line they finish mountingthe 599's engine and transmission system.It's not enough for a sports car to go fast-it has to stay on the road!The suspension system in high-performance vehicles like the 599 is far more importantthan it is in a normal car.The 599's suspension uses revolutionaryshock absorbers developed in the U.S..While conventional shock absorbersare oil-filled,the shock absorbers used on the 599contain a magnetically charged fluid.Put simply it's like two opposing magnets... Reading and reacting to every bump in the roadfar more precisely and instantlythan oil filled shock absorbers.Installing the shock absorbersis a critical and painstaking stepin the 599's final assembly...But Ferrari's mechanics mount this key ponent in under an hour.The Maranello factory has given the 599 speed- beauty- and handling for the street.But there's still one challengeleft to meet- luxury.That's the job of the coachworks-where the 599 gets its luxurious leather interior- each piece individually hand-crafted.A highly-trained team of seamstressesdraws on a centuries-old Italian traditionof fine leather work.Specially selected cow-hidesare transformed into the Ferrari's upholstery, dashboard and trim.This is the coachwork's concessionto the 21st century...A puter-controlled marking systemto avoid even minute imperfectionsin the leather.Ferrari's customers are paying- handsomely- for perfection.A laser beam directed by the putercuts the sections precisely.Beyond this stage though, it's all human skill...Needle and thread...creating the unique interiorsin all the colors of the rainbow and then some!If money's no object, Ferrari will dyethe leather of your 599 any colour you want... the same with the stitching.The leather is the same as that usedto make some of Europe's finest leather furniture. Ferrari will even create matching luggagein the same leather.Everything is sewn, stretchedand applied with the same meticulous care... from this roll bar... to these dashboards.It takes an average of thirty hoursto cut, sew and assemblea single Ferrari's leather interior.It's pride, because I go outand I see a Ferrari, and I always stopand look and I say "Hey!",maybe I sewed the leather in that one.Each time we finish a piece,the satisfaction is huge,because it's a totally manual jobthat creates something from nothing...and seeing that somethingis one of the most prestigious carsin the world is a great satisfactionfor everyone.Back on the assembly linethe final pieces in this 200,000 eurojigsaw puzzle are being put in place...The puter-controlled instrumentationinside a 599 is almost identical to thatin the cockpit of Ferrari'sformula one racing cars.The car's puter monitorsall its electronic systems...everything from the heaters in the seats...to the all-important traction control system.The traction control system processes dataing from sensors on the 599's wheelsthen modifies the car's handlingto give the driver more control in any situation.In wet conditions, the systemmakes minute adjustments to avoid skidding.The 599's wheels are made of aluminum alloy... incredibly light and incredibly strong...Thanks to its racing heritage,the 599's tires have a footprinttwice as wide as a regular car's-more rubber on the roadmeans there's more grip for accelerationand cornering.The 599's windshield is precision curvedto maintain the car's aerodynamic profile.Final checks are done on every partof the car...And only then is the 599 declared readyto receive its badge of honour...Ferrari 's prancing horse.But despite all the care...and all the pride that has goneinto its construction-the finished 599 must prove itself road-ready... and in Ferrari's terms,road-ready is as close as you can getto race-ready!Even though Ferrari's workershave done everything they can-building the 599 from raw metalto finished sports car...every one has to pass a final test.This is Ferrari's racetrack at Maranello...This is where Ferrari tests its legendary formula one cars...And this is where new 599's are testedto see whether their performancematches Ferrari's promises.High on the list of critical checksis the 599's traction control system.Tiny sensors mounted behind the wheels feed data to the car's puter...adjusting its handling from one split-second to the next.On the race track- the test driverfirst checks the 599 with its traction control turned off.Then it performs the same maneuverswith the traction control system engaged...For a normal driver, this enhanced handling could be the difference between。
一级方程式著名车手阿兰·普罗斯特(Alain Prost)曾为该队效劳。
现在,则有著名车手西班牙的费尔南多·阿隆索(Fernando Alonso)和巴西的菲利普·马萨(Felipe Massa)为其效力。
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