工商导论Chapter 1课件

Globalization of markets
The merging of distinctly separate national markets into a global marketplace
Tastes and preferences converge onto a global norm:examples? Firms offer standardized products worldwide creating a world market
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The shrinking globe
Fig: 1.2
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McGraw-Hill/Irwin International Business, 5/e © 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Globalization of markets
Countries are different Range of problems are wider and more complex Government intervention in trade and investment creates problems International investment is impacted by different currencies
chapter1 setting up a business

第一章教学单元教案设计第一章教学单元讲稿Fundamentals of Business 工商导论一,本课内容:Chapter 1 Setting up a Business课程名称:工商导论二,分析思路:1) Part One 引入Warm-up DiscussionDo you know these companies?2) Part Two 要点解析Company types:1, Sole Proprietorship2, Partnership3, Limited Liability company4, joint-stock enterprise5, Mergers & Acquisitions6, Franchise3)Part Three 师生互动1, Can you name some business giants in the Automobile Industry, Electrical Appliance, IT Industry, Mobil phone?2, which form of business ownership do you want to choose if you want to start your business upon graduation?4)Part Four 课程小结三,课程导入:Warm-up DiscussionDo you know these companies?四,教授内容一)Sole Proprietorship (个体企业)1.definitionAn organization that is owned, and usually managed, by a person or family is called sole proprietorship. It is the oldest, most common, and simplest form of business organization.Eg: neighborhood news-stand, barber house2.Sole Proprietorship - Key Attributes●Creation (minimum requirements) - No Formalities for creating a sole proprietorship.●Profits / Losses / Distributions - Owner may use all profits and losses for business.●Liability - Owner faces unlimited personal liability.●Capital / Financing - All capital obtained from owner or through loans based onowner's creditworthiness.●Management and Control - Owner manages and controls the company.●Reporting Requirements - None.3.Advantages and disadvantagesAdvantages: Can make decisions quicklyKeeps all the rewardsEasy to set upPrivacy of business affairsDisadvantages: Limited sources of financeUnlimited liability, i.e. can lose personal assetsLimited managerial skillsNo one to share workload and ideas二)Partnership (合伙制)1.DefinitionA partnership is the relationship existing between two or more persons who join to carryon a trade or business. Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the business.E.g. "Big Four" accountancy firms (“四大”会计师事务所)PriceWaterhouse Coopers 普华永道会计师事务所KPMG(毕马威)是世界上最大的专业服务机构之一。

上大学的目的就是进行思维训练,培养提出问题、分 析问题、解决问题的能力,并掌握快速学习的能力。
独立思考 提出问题、分析问题、解决问题 一分为二的看问题 结构化思维方式:供求、总分、横纵
本专业学生主要学习管理学、经济学和工商企业管理等方面的基本理论和 知识,接受企业管理方法与技巧方面的基本训练,具备规划、决策、协调 、组织和分析解决企业管理实际问题的能力。
1.掌握管理学、经济学的基本原理和现代企业管理、市场营销的基本理 论和知识;
2.掌握企业管理的定性、定量分析方法,具备应用现代化管理手段分析 和解决企业管理问题的基本能力;
刚考过驾照的人最懂得如何教别人考 驾照!
1.大学的目的与特点 2.学什么 3.如何学 4.怎样做科研 5.形成正确的价值观与良好习惯 6.大学四年的学业规划
在我看来,大学生应当保留一点与众不同的标志。我 想多数教育家都会有同样这样的观点:“那是一个多 少受过训练的脑筋,那是一个多少有规律的思维方式 ”。一个头脑受过训练的人,在看一件事情(问题) 时,他是用批判和客观的眼光去看。而且他也要用知 识、学问做凭依。他不容许偏见和个人利益来影响他 的判断,他一直都是好奇的。但是他不会轻易相信别 人,他也不会仓促地下结论。他要等到有充分的时间 来查考事实和论据以后才下结论。————胡适
其实很小,只有一步之遥。这一步就是对问题的反思。(牛 顿与落苹果)
科学研究的最重要的方法就是独立思考! 多问个“为什么”? 反事实假设

Para 4
In this age of high technology ----在这高科技时代
Para 5
Long-term customer loyalty 长期客户忠诚 Detailed records 详细记录
Para 6
包含 Involve, contain, include, consist of, comprise, be composed of His report contained three aspects. Our class consists of boys and girls. Our party is composed of teachers, students and their parents. Our class comprises boys and girls.
the 4 P’S
Product must have special appeal for consumers
the 4 P’S
price Low price is attractive Too low a price, no profit, violate laws Consider costs, rivals, laws
Para 6
估计,评估 Estimate: assess, evaluate Conservative estimate 保守估计 确保,保证 Ensure, guarantee, secure,assure
Language points study
Sentence patterns
Para 3 …的关键在于… The key to … lies in 随着改革深入和经济发展 As the reform deepened and the economy grew Para 9 In this increasingly diversified world 在这个日渐多样化的世界 …能够进一步地… …can be further v.ed…

《工商导论》(Fundamentals of Business)考核方式:考试考试题型:选择题;填空;连线搭配;英译汉;汉译英。
Set up a business and be my own bossChapter One Setting up a Business建立企业Four major forms of business:1.sole proprietorship个体经营优点:易于建立;simple to establish;决策自由;freer in decision-making;易于保守经营和财务秘密;easy to keep operational and financial secrecy税收负担较少;less tax burden独自享有利润exclusive use of profits缺点:无限责任;unlimited liability有限的资金渠道;limited access to capital有限的管理技巧limited managerial expertise2.partnership合伙企业优点:更方便得到资金和信贷;improve access to capital and credit优质管理的可能性大大增加greater possibility for good management明确的法律框架;definite legal framework更好的发展前景better prospects for growth缺点:无限责任;unlimited liability内部矛盾;internal conflict持续性问题problem of continuity3.corporation 大型股份制公司优点:有限责任;limited liability易于发展壮大;easy to expand所有权与经营权分离;separated ownership and management持续的生命力continuous life缺点:双重税收;double taxation高组织成本;high organizing costs缺少秘密;lack of secrecy特许经营4.franchise特许经营优点:顾客即刻认可;instant customer recognition自主性;independence获得培训指导;receive training and guidance借贷更容易less difficulty getting bank loans缺点:减少风险但不保证成功;reduce risk ,they do not guarantee success要牺牲部分独立性sacrifice some independence。

2) Forms of Business Ownership
• • Legal Classification Economic types Based Classification
Starting a Small Business
2) Forms of Business Ownership
Legal Classification
financial resources and skills
fund, maintain, and expand its operation responsible manner, business ethics
laws and government regulations,
Unit 1 & 12
3. The People and Activities of Business
all activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively
The Organization of This Book
Figure 1.1
• Sole Proprietorship 独资企业 • Partnership 合伙企业 • Corporation 公司
Economic types Based Classification
• • • • • • • State-owned Enterprises 国有企业 Collectively-owned Enterprises 集体所有制企业 Private Enterprises 私营企业 Corporate Enterprises (Joint-equity Enterprises) 股份制企业 Joint Venture 联营企业 Foreign-funded Enterprises 外商投资企业 Joint-equity cooperative Enterprises 股份合作企业
1章 商学导论 ppt课件

商学导论/Introduction to Business
第一章 导论
1600年,英国又成立了经英国女王特许批准的著名的 东印度贸易公司,全称为东印度群岛贸易的伦敦商人 的总裁和公司,是当时英国具有股份公司雏形的最大 的公司。
1602年,荷兰也成立了一个东印度公司。它是由 6 个 商会联合组建的,成立伊始便公开征集资金,社会各 界以入股的方式投入资本。连阿姆斯特丹时常的女仆 也以100盾先进投资入股,短短一个月便募集盾的资 本。
第一章 导论
个人业主 制企业
– 个人投资 – 创办者、经营者、雇员合一 – 对企业债务承担无限责任 – 企业规模小、产品服务单一、组织结构简单
商学导论/Introduction to Business
第一章 导论
– 成立、关、停、并、转的程 序简单 – 所有者、经营者激励兼容
船舶共有制是指由船舶所有人或者经营人与其他出资 人通过集资形成的共有财产的合伙形式。船舶共有是 联系入股者合作关系的纽带,是以后出现的两合公司 的雏形。
商学导论/Introduction to Business
第一章 导论
商学导论/Introduction to Business
第一章 导论
商学导论/Introduction to Business

作为替代市场的一种更低交易费用的资源配置方 式。
产权经济学的代表人物科斯在 1937年:《厂 商的性质》一文中提出了交易费用。认为:企业 的显著标志是对价格机制的替代:价格机制和企 业都是为了调节生产过程和提高劳动生产率而产 生的两种手段。在企业外是市场的价格机制决定 对要素的使用;企业内要素的使用和效率的发挥 是通过管理者的行政命令来实现。
第二节 企业社会责任
CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
企业社会责任就是企业在创造利润,对股 东利益负责的同时,主动承担对企业员工、 消费者、环境和社区的责任。
• 一、社会责任与经营业绩
➢1、投入时间、精力、物资、而无直接回报,改善 了企业在公众心目中的形象,吸引了大量人才,提 高了企业知名度。良好的企业形象,讲求奉献的员 工、政府支持等。 ➢2、大多数研究表明,公司的社会参与与经营业绩 之间有着正的相关关系” ➢3、有意义的结论(Robbins and Coultar,1996 )“……没有确凿的证据表明,公司的社会责任会 显著损害其长期经营业绩”。

2010年二十国集团多伦多峰会是20国集团领导人之间的第四次高峰 会,2010年6月26日至27日在加拿大安大略省多伦多的大多市会议 中心举行。是次峰会原定同与第36届八国集团首脑会议在安省亨茨维 尔举行,但加拿大政府后来以亨茨维尔的规模未能满足二十国集团峰 会所需为由,将峰会地点改为全国最大城市多伦多。
News sharing Review and discussion Brainstorming Presentations
国家10大举措促经济增长 实行宽松的货币政策
中国政府08年11月9日宣布对财政和货币政策进行 重大调整,由稳健的财政政策和从紧的货币政策转为积 极的财政政10年 G6 — G7 — G8 — G20
The US, France, West Germany, Italy, Japan, Great Britain in 1975
Canada in 1976 Russia in 1991 and 1997 1999,China, Australia, India, Indonesia,
十是加大金融对经济增长的支持力度。取消对商业 银行的信贷规模限制,合理扩大信贷规模,加大对 重点工程、“三农”、中小企业和技术改造、兼并 重组的信贷支持,有针对性地培育和巩固消费信贷 增长点。 初步匡算,实施上述工程建设,到2010年底约 需投资4万亿元。为加快建设进度,会议决定,今 年四季度先增加安排中央投资1000亿元,明年 灾后重建基金提前安排200亿元,带动地方和社 会投资,总规模达到4000亿元。

1-4 Forms of Business Organizations
Business can be organized as three types:
• Sole Proprietorship • Partnership • Corporation
Business Organization Differs in terms of :
1- 6
Sole Proprietorship
Ease of Organization
- simple to establish (a small fee, a few minutes and procedure)
- freer in decision making (compared with other business organizations, more freedom on management and operation)
1- 3
Types of business forms
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- easy to keep operational and financial secrecy (not necessarily report to shareholders or board)
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1- 7
Types of products
Classification for consumer products: 1. Convenience: Packaging is important to sell the product. Consumers will accept a substitute. Marketers focus on intense distribution, time utility. Convenience products can be categorized into staple (milk), impulse (not intended prior to shopping trip). Common examples are newspapers, magazines, fast food, soft drinks, cigarettes, etc. 2. Shopping: Consumers expend considerable effort planning and making purchase decisions. Consumers are not particularly brand loyal. Need producer intermediary cooperation, high margins, less outlets than convenience goods. Use of sales personnel, communication of competitive advantage, branding, advertising, customer service etc. Typical examples are clothes, automobiles, furniture and appliances.2003Copyright © 2007 by Xiaoping Zhang. All rights reserved McGraw Hill/Irwin Irwin/McGraw Hill Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Foreign Language College
chapter 1 工商导论

Unlimited liability Internal conflicts Problem of continuity
At least three incoporators(stockholders or shareholders) needed to form a corporation. A corporation is a legal person.
General partnership 普通合伙企业 vs. limited partnership 有限合伙企业
General Partnership
A general partnership is “an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit.” all partners in a general partnership have unlimited liability, all the partners in a general partnership share control and participate equally in management of the business.
1. sole proprietorship (个人)独资企业 2. partnership 合伙企业 3. corporation 公司
Factors to be weighed in decision-making
ease of formation liability for business debts control over the operation management expertise available financial resources available taxation policies continuity legal capacity


Summary—levels of international marketing involvement
marketing consideration for international market without difference philosophy
Domestic export international
1-2 Levels of international marketing involvement
Domestic marketing 本土营销
Focus solely on domestic market and ignore international possibilities.
Export marketing 出口营销
Huge profit crucial for American companies to keep pace with competition Essential for small country companies’ success Emerging markets can offer a new life
International marketing involvement levels are used to guide one to make distinctions between companies.
A better way : EPRG framework Ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, geocentric orientation.
Summary of international marketing philosophy
⑵工商管理专业培养的基本任务 工商管理是一门应用性很强的专业,其基本任务是 培养能够掌握现代工商管理前沿理论和专业实用技能, 善于集成相关学科的原理与方法,独立地从事企业战略 规划、形象设计、生产运作、物流规划与供应链管理、 企业营销、人才经营等业务工作的专业管理人才。其重 在于: ①管理原理、方法的集成能力训练;
厚德博学 追求卓越
从高等教育学科门类划分看,工商管理隶属于管理 门类下的一级学科。它包含了会计学、 企业管理学 ( 含 财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)、旅游管理学、技 术经济及管理学等四个二级学科,如表1所示。 ①会计学:主要研究工商管理中会计的理论与方法; ②企业管理学(含企业财务管理、市场营销、人力资 源管理等专业方向):主要研究企业的经营活动及其组织 和管理; ③旅游管理学:着重研究旅游业的经营管理; ④技术经济及管理学:研究技术的生产、流通与应 用管理,是管理科学与工程技术科学的结合。
厚德博学 追求卓越
工商管理专业导论的任务就是要回答以 下三个问题: ★是什么?
★学什么? ★如何学?
工商管理专业导论的任务 ⑴工商管理的正确解读
工商管理具有动词和名词两个方面的意义。因此,工 商管理这一概念可以有下两种解读: ◆工商管理是关于工商企业运作管理的一系列行为方 式及其行为过程的总称; ◆工商管理是关于工商企业运作管理的客观规律以及 管理的理论、方法与技术的一门独立的学科体系。

财务 是为了有效地完成企业目标获取、控制和计划企业资金的使用的过程。它有别于记录企
业交易的会计功能。当一个企业财务运行良好,它就拥有维持企业繁荣的金融资产。有时 这被称为现金流。财务计划将指导公司预测收入和使用资金。现金通常用来支付商品和服 务,但是它实际上可以有多个来源。
营销不应仅仅以销售为核心。如果企业要生存,那么就需要与客户培养一种持续发展的 关系。在现今的市场中许多公司正在使用各种软件工具来管理这种关系。这些软件工具通 常被称为CRM或客户关系管理工具。这些工具使得公司得以很好地处理与客户的关系, 从而确保与客户关系的持续发展。它们也使公司的管理层在制定企业未来战略规划时得到 宝贵的信息。
股东 所有企业都拥有多种多样个人和团体的股东。每个股东在企业的利益也略有不同。他们
为确保企业的成功所做的贡献也有所不同。每个企业都需要认识到股东在企业的利益。这 些认识将使他们能够设法满足这些利益以便使企业继续维持。
所有者 具有组织、管理企业的责任并需要承担创立和运作企业的风险。这种角色定位使他们成
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1- 8
Sole Proprietorship
Disadvantages Unlimited liability (the owner is personally responsible for all aspects of the business) Limited access to capital (lack of long period relation with banks and less security guarantee mean inability to raise large amounts of money Limited managerial expertise (one field expert does not mean expert in every aspect of business, i.e. marketing, finance, HR, operation etc) Life of the business is limited to the life of the proprietorship (the only way to transfer ownership of a sole proprietorship is to sell the entire business, otherwise, the life of the business ends when the sole proprietor dies)
1- 9
Definition: An association of two or more people to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit. -- many professional businesses, such as accounting and legal firms are partnerships. Types of partnership:
Copyright © 2003Copyright by The McGraw-Hill © 2007 by Xiaoping Companies, Zhang. Inc. All rights reserved
McGraw Irwin/McGraw Hill/Irwin Hill Foreign Language College
McGraw Irwin/McGraw Hill/Irwin Hill Foreign Language College
Copyright © 2003Copyright by The McGraw-Hill © 2007 by Xiaoping Companies, Zhang. Inc. All rights reserved
1- 4
Forms of Business Organizations
Business can be organized as three types:
Sole Proprietorship
• Partnership • Corporation
Business Organization Differs in terms of :
1- 11
Advantages Ease of organization—fairly easy to establish, not expensive and complicated. Improved access to capital and credit compared with sole proprietorship. Greater possibility for good management---a partnership allows two or more people to work together and bring different skills and resources to the business. Definite legal framework---a definite legal framework has developed for partnerships. Therefore, settling legal problems concerning partnerships is relatively simpler than solving problems of other forms of business. Better prospects for growth---increased capital and credit, better management and a more definite legal framework stands a better chance to survive possible setbacks and has better prospects to expand and grow.
Copyright © 2003Copyright by The McGraw-Hill © 2007 by Xiaoping Companies, Zhang. Inc. All rights reserved
1- 5
Sole Proprietorship
A business owned and controlled by one person. It is the simplest form of business organization to start and maintain. --- It is not a corporation. Small ventures can be owned and managed by a single individual such as restaurants, street grocery stores, florists, beauty saloons, drug stores etc. ---The business has no existence apart from you, the owner. Its liabilities are your personal liabilities. You undertake the risks of the business for all assets owned, whether used in the business or personally owned. You include the income and expenses of the business on your own tax return.
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Copyright © 2003Copyright by The McGraw-Hill © 2007 by Xiaoping Companies, Zhang. Inc. All rights reserved
1- 7
Sole Proprietorship
Subject to fewer government policy - Less tax burden (e.g. in the US the tax rates for sole proprietorship are often half those for corporations) - Exclusive use of profits (being your own boss means being the boss of your own money)
1- 6
Sole Proprietorship
Ease of Organization - simple to establish (a small fee, a few minutes and procedure) - freer in decision making (compared with other business organizations, more freedom on management and operation) - easy to keep operational and financial secrecy (not necessarily report to shareholders or board)
1- 10
Partnerபைடு நூலகம்hip
Features: a. It can be created by an express agreement. b. The partners can be held responsible for the actions and business debts of the other partners. c. All the assets of the business are personally owned by the partners. d. Partners are not eligible for employment insurance if the business fails---partners are not paid a salary but they can take money from the business through personal drawings.
McGraw Irwin/McGraw Hill/Irwin Hill Foreign Language College