15~~2016-Wideband optical multipath interfeerence cancellation based on a dispersive element
第 21 卷 第 4 期2023 年 4 月Vol.21,No.4Apr.,2023太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology超宽带太赫兹调频连续波成像技术胡伟东,许志浩*,蒋环宇,刘庆国,檀桢(北京理工大学毫米波与太赫兹技术北京市重点实验室,北京100081)摘要:太赫兹调频连续波成像技术具有高功率、小型化、低成本、三维成像等特点,在太赫兹无损检测领域受到了广泛关注。
因此,聚焦于太赫兹波无损检测领域,提出一种时分频分复用的114~500 GHz超宽带太赫兹信号的产生方式,基于多频段共孔径准光设计,实现超带宽信号的共孔径,频率可扩展至1.1 THz。
提出一种频段融合算法,实现了超宽带信号的有效融合,距离分辨力提升至460 μm,通过人工设计的多层复合材料验证了系统及算法的有效性,并得到封装集成电路(IC)芯片的高分辨三维成像结果。
关键词:太赫兹调频连续波;非线性度校准;多频段融合;准光设计;无损检测中图分类号:TN914.42文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2022225Ultra-wideband terahertz FMCW imaging technologyHU Weidong,XU Zhihao*,JIANG Huanyu,LIU Qingguo,TAN Zhen (Beijing Key Laboratory of Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technology,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)AbstractAbstract::Terahertz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave(THz FMCW) imaging technology has attracted extensive attention in the field of THz Nondestructive Testing(NDT) because of its high power,miniaturization, low cost, three-dimensional imaging and other characteristics. However, due to thelimitation of microwave and terahertz devices, the terahertz signal bandwidth is difficult to expand, whichrestricts the range resolution of imaging. Although high carrier frequency can achieve large broadband,the accompanying low penetrability and low power will limit the application scenario of THz FMCWimaging system. Therefore, focusing on the field of terahertz wave nondestructive testing, this paperproposes a time-division frequency-division multiplexing 114~500 GHz ultra-wideband terahertz signalgeneration method, which is based on the quasi-optical design of multiband common aperture to achievethe common aperture of ultra-wideband signals. In addition, a multiband fusion algorithm is proposed toachieve effective fusion of ultra-wideband signals, and the range resolution is improved to 460 μm. Theeffectiveness of the system and algorithm is verified by artificially designed multilayer compositematerials, and the high-resolution 3D imaging results of Integrated Circuit(IC) chips are obtained.KeywordsKeywords::Terahertz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave;non-linearity calibration;multiband fusion;quasi-optical design;Nondestructive Testing太赫兹波(0.03 mm~3 mm)在电磁波谱中位于微波与红外之间,由于其独特的穿透性与非电离性等特性,太赫兹技术已成功用于艺术品保护、工业产品质量控制、封装集成电路(IC)无损检测等领域[1-3]。
多场景可见光通信信道损伤与系统设计研究摘要:近年来,可见光通信(Visible Light Communication,VLC)作为一种新兴的无线通信技术,因其安全、高速、低辐射等优势,吸引了广泛的研究关注。
2.VLC信道的特点和损伤2.1 光线传输的特殊性质相比于无线电通信技术,VLC通信技术受到光线传输的特殊性质的制约。
第20卷第7期2022年7月Vol.20,No.7Jul.,2022太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology毫米波及太赫兹准光学技术:理论、应用与发展刘小明1,俞俊生2,陈晓东2,3(1.安徽师范大学物理与电子信息学院,安徽芜湖241002;2.北京邮电大学电子工程学院,北京100876;3.英国伦敦玛丽女王大学电子工程与计算机学院,英国伦敦)摘要:针对毫米波及太赫兹技术在遥感、天文探测以及成像等领域的应用,讨论了准光技术的基本原理、关键器件、系统构成及其技术优势;探讨了准光技术国内外现状及未来的发展趋势。
关键词:毫米波;太赫兹;准光技术;高斯波束;波束波导;射电天文;遥感;成像探测中图分类号:TN015文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2021299 Quasi-technology ranges optical in the millimeter and terahertz wave ranges::theorytheory,,applications and developmentLIU Xiaoming1,YU Junsheng2,CHEN Xiaodong2,3(1.School of Physics and Electronic Information,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu Anhui241002,China;2.School of Electronic Engineering,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing100876,China;3.School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science,Queen Mary University of London,London,E14NS,UK)AbstractAbstract::This paper gives an overview to the fundamental principles,key components,system design and technical advantages of quasi-optical technology,particularly for its applications in themillimeter and terahertz systems in fields of remote sensing,radioastronomy,and imaging.A perspectiveto the state-of-the-art and future development of quasi-optical technology has been given.Quasi-opticaltechnology is a set of system design and analysis techniques based on Gaussian beam propagation in freespace.Systems based on quasi-optical technology bears advantages of high-power handling capability,multi-polarization,low transmission loss,and high compactness.In the future,quasi-optical technologywill be seeking more applications in these areas and further development can be highly envisaged.KeywordsKeywords::millimeter wave;terahertz wave;quasi-optical technology;Gaussian beam;beam waveguide;radio astronomy;remote sensing;imaging and detection毫米波波段位于30~300GHz之间,太赫兹波的定义则为100GHz~10THz[1],也有文献定义为300GHz~10THz[2]。
n.晶体管n.二极管n 半导体resistor n 电阻器capacitor n 电容器alter nati ng adj 交互的amplifier n 扩音器,放大器in tegrated circuit 集成电路lin ear time inv aria nt systems 线性时不变系统voltage n 电压,伏特数tolera nee n 公差;宽容;容忍conden ser n 电容器;冷凝器dielectric n 绝缘体;电解质electromag netic adj 电磁的deflection n偏斜;偏转;偏差lin ear device 线性器件in tegrated circuits 集成电路an alog n 模拟digital adj 数字的,数位的horiz on tal adj, 水平的,地平线的vertical adj 垂直的,顶点的amplitude n 振幅,广阔,丰富atte nu ati on 衰减;变薄;稀薄化multimeter 万用表freque ney 频率,周率the cathode-ray tube dual-trace oscilloscope 阴极射线管双踪示波器sig nal gen erati ng device 信号发生器peak-to-peak output voltage 输岀电压峰峰值sine wave 正弦波trian gle wave 三角波square wave 方波amplifier 放大器,扩音器oscillator 振荡器feedback 反馈,回应phase 相,阶段,状态filter 滤波器,过滤器rectifier 整流器;纠正者1ban d-stop filter 带阻滤波器ban d-pass filter 带通滤波器decimal adj 十进制的,小数的hexadecimal adj/n 十六进制的bin ary adj 二进制的;二元的1 octal adj 八进制的domai n n 域;领域code n代码,密码,编码v编码the Fourier tra nsform 傅里叶变换Fast Fourier Transform快速傅里叶变换microc on troller n 微处理器;微控制器beam n (光线的)束,柱,梁polarize v (使)偏振,(使)极化fuzzy adj模糊的|Artificial In tellige nee Shell 人工智能外壳程序Expert Systems 专家系统Artificial In tellige nee 人工智能Perceptive Systems 感知系统neural network 神经网络fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑in tellige nt age nt 智能代理electromag netic adj 电磁的coaxial adj同轴的,共轴的microwave n 微波charge v充电,使充电two-dime nsio nal 二维的;缺乏深度的three-dime nsio nal 三维的;立体的;真实的object-orie nted programm ing 面向对象的程序设计spectral adj 光谱的attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀释distortion n失真,扭曲,变形wavelength n 波长refractive adj 折射的ATM 异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer ModeADSL 非对称用户数字线Asymmetric digital subscriberlineVDSL 甚高速数字用户线very high data rate digitalsubscriber lineHDSL 高速数据用户线high rate digital subscriber lineFDMA 频分多址(Frequency Division Multiple Access)TDMA 时分多址(Time Division Multiple Access) CDMA 同步码分多址方式(Code Division Multiple Access)WCDMA宽带码分多址移动通信系统(WidebandCodeDivisio n Multiple Access)TD-SCDMA(Time Divisio n Sy nchro nous Code Divisio nMultiple Access)时分同步码分多址SDLC(sy nchro nous data link con trol) 同步数据链路控制HDLC(high-level data link con trol) 高级数据链路控制IP/TCP(i nter net protocol /tra nsfer Co ntrol Protocol)网络传输控制协议ITU (I nternatio nal Telecomm un icati on Union) 国际电彳言联盟ISO 国际标准化组织(In ter natio nal Sta ndardizatio nOrganization );OSI开放式系统互联参考模型(Open SystemIn terc onn ect )GSM 全球移动通信系统( Global System for Mobile Communi cati ons )GPRS 通用分组无线业务(Gen eral Packet Radio Service)FDD(freque ncy divisi on duplex) 频分双工TDD(time divisi on duplex) 时分双工VPI 虚路径标识符(Virtual Path Identifier );ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Network )综合业务数字网IDN 综合数字网(integrated digital network )HDTV (high defi ni tion televisi on) 高清晰度电视DCT(Discrete Cos ine Tra nsform) 离散余弦变换VCI(virtual circuit address) 虚通路标识MAN 城域网Metropolitan area networks LAN 局域网localarea network WAN 广域网wide area network 同步时分复统计时分复用STDM Statistical Time Divisio nMultiplexi ng 单工传输simplex transmission 半双工传输half-duplex tran smissi on 全双工传输full-duplex tra nsmissi on 交换矩阵Switching Matrix 电路交换circuit switchi ng 分组交换packet switching扌报文交换message switching 奇偶校验paritychecking 循环冗余校验CRC Cyclic Redu nda ncyCheck 虚过滤Virtual filter 数字滤波digital filtering伪随机比特Quasi Ra ndom Bit 带宽分配Bandwidth allocatio n信源information source 信宿destination 数字化digitalize 数字传输技术Digital tra nsmissio n techno logy 灰度图像Grey scale images 灰度级Greyscale level 幅度谱Magnitude spectrum 相位谱Phase spectrum 频谱frequency spectrum 智能设备Smart Device 软切换Soft handover 硬切换HardHa ndover 相干检测Cohere nt detecti on 边缘检测Edge detection 冲突检测collision detection 业务集合service integration 业务分离/综合serviceseparation/ integration 网络集合networkintegration 环形网Ring networks 令牌环网TokenRing network 网络终端Network Terminal 用户终端user terminal 用户电路line circuit 电路利用率channel utilization (通道利用率)相关性cohere nee 相干解调cohere nt demodulation 数字图像压缩digital image compressi on 图像编码image encoding 有损/无损压缩lossy/losslesscompression 解压decompression 呼叫控制CallControl 误差控制error eontrol 存储程序控制storedprogram eon trol 存储转发方式store-a nd-forwardmanner 语音视频传输voice\video transmission 视频点播video-on-demand(VOD) 会议电视VideoCon fere nee 有线电视cable television 量化quantization 吞吐量throughput 话务量traffic 多径分集Multipath diversity 多媒体通信MDM MultimediaCommu nicatio n 多址干扰Multiple AccessInterferenee 人机交互man machi ne in terface 交互式会话Conv ersati onal in teracti on 路由算法Routing Algorithm 目标识另U Object recognition 话音变换Voice transform 中继线trunkline 传输时延transmission delay 远程监控remote monitoring 光链路optical link 拓扑结构Topology 均方根rootmean square whatsoever=whatever 0switchboard (电话)交换台bipolar (电子)双极的tran sistor diode semic on ductoranode n 阳极,正极cathoden 阴极|breakdow n n 故障;崩溃terminal n 终点站;终端,接线端emitter n 发射器collect v 收集,集聚,集中oscilloscope 示波镜;示波器gain 增益,放大倍数forward biased 正向偏置reverse biased 反向偏置P-N junction PN 结MOS( metal-oxide semiconductor ) 金属氧化物半导体enhan ceme nt and exhausted 增强型和耗尽型chip n 芯片,碎片modular adj 模块化的;模数的sensor n 传感器plug vt 堵,塞,插上n塞子,插头,插销coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的fiber n 光纤relay eon tact 继电接触器sin gle in structi on programmer 单指令编程器dedicated manu factures programm ing unit 专供制造厂用的编程单元in sulator n绝缘体,绝缘物noneon ductive adj非导体的,绝缘的antenna n天线;触角modeli ng n 建模,造型simulati on n仿真;模拟prototype n 原型array n排队,编队vector n 向量,矢量wavelet n微波,小浪sine 正弦cosine 余弦inv erse adj 倒转的,反转的n反面;相反v倒转high-performa nee 高精确性,高性能the in sulati on resista nee 绝缘电阻assembly lan guage in structi ons n 汇编语言指令premise (复)房屋,前提cursor (计算机尺的)游标,指导的elapse (时间)经过,消失vaporize (使)蒸发subsystem (系统的)分部,子系统,辅助系统metallic (像)金属的,含金属的,(声音)刺耳的dispatch (迅速)派遣,急件consen sus (意见)一致,同意deadli ne (最后)期限,截止时间tomographic X线体层摄像的alas 唉,哎呀cluster把…集成一束,一组,一簇,一串,一群en cyclopedia 百科全书millio nfold 百万倍的semic on ductor 半导体radius半径范围,半径,径向射线half-duplex tra nsmissi on 半双工传输accompa nime nt 伴随物,附属物reservati on 保留,预定quotatio n 报价单,行情报告,引语memora ndum 备忘录red undancy 备用be viewed as 被看作…be regards as 被认为是as such 本身;照此;以这种资格textual本文的,正文的verge 边界variati on 变化,变量conv ersi on 变化,转化ide ntity 标识;标志criterio n 标准,准则in parallel o n 并联到,合并到juxtapose 并置,并歹卩dial ing pulse 拨号脉冲wave-guide 波导wavele ngth divisi on multiplexed 波分复用baud rate 波特率playback 播放(录音带,唱片)no greater tha n 不大于update不断改进,使…适合新的要求,更新asymmetric 不对称的irrespective 不考虑的,不顾的in evitably 不可避免的in evitable 不可避免的,不可逃避的,必定的segme nt 部分abrasion 擦伤,磨损deploy采用,利用,推广应用take the form of 采用…的形式parameter 参数,参量layer 层dope 掺杂FET(field effect tra nsistors)场效应管audio recordi ng 卩昌片ultra-high-freque ncy(UHF)超高频in excess of 超过in excess of 超过hypertext 超文本in gredie nt 成分,因素in gredie nt 成分,组成部分,要素metropolita n-area n etwork(WAN)城域网metropolitan area network(WAN)城域网,城市网络con gestio n 充满,拥挤,阻塞collisio n 冲突extractive 抽岀;释放岀extract抽取,取岀,分离lease 出租,租约,租界期限,租界物pass on 传递,切换tran smissi on 传输facsimile 传真inno vative二inno vatory 仓新的,富有革新精神的track 磁道impetus 促进,激励cluster 簇stored-program con trol(SPC) 存储程序控制a large nu mber of 大量的peal 大声响,发岀supersede 代替suppla nt 代替,取代out-of-ba nd sig nali ng 带外信号simplex tran smissi on 单工传输con ductor 导体等级制度,层次底层结构,基础结构地理的,地区的地理上GIS(grou nd in strume ntation system) 地面测量系统gro und stati on 地面站earth orbit 地球轨道Lan d-sat 地球资源卫星rug 地毯,毯子ignite 点火,点燃,使兴奋electromag netic 电磁的in ductive 电感arc 电弧teleph ony 电话(学),通话dielectric 电介质,绝缘材料;电解质的,绝缘的capacitor 电容telecomm uni catio n 电信,无线电通讯sce nario 电影剧本,方案modem pool 调制解调器(存储)池superimpos ing 叠加,重叠pin 钉住,扣住,抓住customize 定做,定制mono lithic 独立的,完全统一的alumi nize 镀铝strategic 对全局有重要意义的,战略的substa ntial 多的,大的,实际上的multi-path fadi ng 多径衰落multi-path 多路,多途径;多路的,多途径的multi-access 多路存取,多路进入multiplex 多路复用multiplex 多路复用的degradation 恶化,降级dioxide 二氧化碳LED(light-emitti ng-diode)发光二极管evolution 发展,展开,渐进feedback 反馈,回授dime nsion 范围,方向,维,元sce nario 方案sce nario 方案,电影剧本amplifer 放大器nonin vasive 非侵略的,非侵害的tariff 费率,关税率;对…征税distributed fun ctio nal pla ne(DFP)分布功能平面DQDB(distributed queue dual bus)分布式队列双总线hierarchy 分层,层次partiti on 分成segme ntati on 分割in terface 分界面,接口asu nder 分开地,分离地detached 分离的,分开的,孤立的dispe nse 分配allocate 分配,配给;配给物cen tigrade 分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度的fractal 分形molecule 分子,微小,些微cellular蜂窝状的cellular蜂窝状的,格形的,多孔的auxiliary storage(also called sec on dary storage) 辅助存储器decay 腐烂,衰减,衰退n egative 负电vicinity附近,邻近vicinity附近地区,近处sophisticated 复杂的,高级的,现代化的high-freque ncy(HF) 高频high defi ni tion televisi on 高清晰度电视铬给…作注解根据,按照公布,企业决算公开公用网功能,功能度汞共鸣器共振古怪的,反复无常的管理,经营cursor光标(显示器),游标,指针opticalcomputer 光计算机photoco nductor 光敏电阻optical disks 光盘optically光学地,光地wide-area n etworks 广域网specification规范,说明书silicon 硅the in ter nati onal telecomm un icatio n union(ITU)际电信联盟excess过剩obsolete 过时的,废弃的maritime 海事的syn thetic 合成的,人造的,综合的syn thetic 合成的,综合性的rati onal 合乎理性的rati on alizati on 合理化streamli ne 合理化,理顺in frared 红夕卜线的,红外线skepticism 怀疑论ring n etwork 环形网hybrid混合物coun terpart 伙伴,副本,对应物electromecha nical 机电的,电动机械的Robot机器人Robotics 机器人技术,机器人学accumulati on 积累in frastructure 基础,基础结构substrate 基质,底质upheaval 激变,剧变compact disc 激光磁盘(CD)concen trator 集中器,集线器cen trex system 集中式用户交换功能系统conv erge on 集中于,聚集在…上lumped eleme nt 集总元件CAI(computer-aided in structio n) 计算机辅助教学computer-i ntegrated manu facturi ng(CIM) 计算机集成制造computer mediated comm un icatio n( CMC) 介通信record 记录register expedite weight 力口权acceleratecategorize in additi on hypothetical rigidly兼容性,相容性监视监视mono chromatic 单色的,单色光的,黑白的ballistic 弹道的,射击的,冲击的hierarchy infrastructuregeographicgeographicallyextraterrestrial 地球外的,地球大气圈外的chromiumanno tate interms ofdisclosurepublic n etworkfun cti on alitymercury res onator resonancewhimsicaladmi nistration计算机中记录器,寄存器加快,促进加速,加快,促进加以类别,分类加之,又,另外假设的坚硬的,僵硬的compatibilitysurveilla neesurveilla neeretrieval 检索,(可)补救 verificati on 检验 simplicity 简单,简明film胶片,薄膜 take over 接管,接任 rugged ness 结实threshold 界限,临界值 with the aid of 借助于,用,通过 wire line 金属线路,有线线路 cohere nt 紧凑的,表达清楚的,粘附的,相干的 compact 紧密的 approximati on 近似 un dertake 进行,从事 tran sistor 晶体管 elaborate 精心制作的,细心完成的,周密安排的 vigilant 警戒的,警惕的 alcohol 酒精,酒 local area n etworks(LANs) 局域网 local-area n etworks(LANs) 局域网 drama 剧本,戏剧,戏剧的演岀 focus on聚集在,集中于,注视in sulator 绝缘 root mean square 均方根 un iform 均匀的 ope n-system-i nterc onn ectio n(OSI) 开放系统互连 expire 开始无效,满期,终止 immu nity 抗扰,免除,免疫性 take …into account 考虑,重视… programmable in dustrial automati on 可编程工业自动化demo un table tun ablereliable 可靠 be likely tovideotex video n egligible可拆卸的可调的 可能,大约,像要 可视图文电视 可以忽略的deviate 偏离,与…不同 spectrum 频谱 come into play 其作用 en trepre neurial 企业的 heuristic methods启发式方法 play a •••role(part) 起…作用stem from 起源于;由…发生organic 器官的,有机的,组织的 hypothesis前提 fron t-e nd 前置,前级 pote ntial 潜势的,潜力的 inten sity 强度coin cide nee 巧合,吻合,一致scalpel 轻便小刀,解剖刀 inven tory 清单,报表spherical 球的,球形的 disti nguish 区别,辨别 succumb屈服,屈从,死global fun ctio nal pla ne(GFP) 全局功能平面 full-duplex tra nsmissi on 全双工传输hologram 全息照相,全息图 deficie ncy缺乏therm onu clear 热 核的 artifact 人工制品 AI(artificial in tellige nee)人工智能fusion 熔解,熔化 diskettes(also called floppy disk)软盘sector 扇区 en tropy 熵upli nk 上行链路 arsenic 砷simulta neous 同时发生的,同时做的 simulta neous 同时发生的,一齐的 coaxial 同轴的 copper 铜 statistical 统计的,统计学的 domin ate 统治,支配 in vest in 投资perspective 透视,角度,远景 graphics 图示,图解 pictorial图像的coat ing 涂层,层 deduce 推理reas oning strategies 推理策略 inference engine 推理机topology 拓扑结构 heterod yne 夕卜差法的peripheral 夕卜界的,外部的,周围的 gateway 网关 hazardous 危险的 microwave 微波(的)microprocessor 微处理机,微处理器 microelectro nic微电子nua nee 微小的差别(色彩等) en compass围绕,包围,造成,设法做到mai nte nance 维护;保持;维修satellite comm uni cati on 卫星通彳言 satellite network 卫星网络 tran sceiver无线电收发信机radio-relay tra nsmissi on 无线电中继传输without any doubt 无疑passive satellite无源卫星n eural n etwork神经网络very-high-freque ncy(VHF) 甚高频 sparse 稀少的, dow nli nk aerial 空气的,空中的,无形的,虚幻的;天线broadba nd 宽(频)带pervasive扩大的,渗透的 tensile 拉力的,张力的roma nticism 浪漫精神,浪漫主义discrete 离散,不连续 ion 离子 force 力量;力 stereoph onic 立体声的 contin uum 连续统一体,连续统,闭联集 smart 灵巧的;精明的;洒脱的 toke n 令牌on the other hand另一方面 hexago nal 六边形的,六角形的 hexag on 六角形,六边形 mon opoly 垄断,专禾U video-clip 录像剪辑 alumi num 铝pebble 卵石,水晶透镜 forum 论坛,讨论会logical relati on ships 逻辑关系 code book 码本pulse code modulatio n(PCM) 脉冲编码调制 roam 漫步,漫游bps(bits per sec on d) 每秒钟传输的比特 ZIP codes美国邮区划分的五位编码susceptible(to) 敏感的,易受…的 analog 模拟,模拟量patter n recog niti on 模式识另 U bibliographic 目录的,文献的 n eodymium 钕the europea n telecomm uni cati on sta ndardizati on in stitute(ETSI) 欧洲电信标准局coordi nate配合的,协调的;使配合,调整ratify 批准,认可 bias 偏差;偏置 upgrade distortio n iden tification 升级失真,畸变 识别,鉴定,验明precursor visualizati on pragmatic 实际的 impleme ntation 实施,实现,执行,敷设en tity 实体,存在 vector qua ntificati on 矢量量化mislead 使…误解,给…错误印象,引错vex使烦恼,使恼火defy 使落空 facilitate 使容易,促进 reti na 视网膜 compatible 适合的,兼容的tra nsceiver 收发两用机 authorize 授权,委托,允许 data security数据安全性data in depe ndence 数据独立 data man ageme nt 数据管理 database数据库database man ageme nt system(DBMS) 理信息系统database tran sacti on 数据库事务 data in tegrity 数据完整性,数据一致性 atte nu ati on衰减fadi ng 衰落,衰减,消失 dual 双的,二重的 tra nsie nt瞬时的determi ni stic 宿命的,确定的 algorithm 算法 dissipatio n 损耗carbon 碳 diabetes 糖尿病cumbersome 讨厌的,麻烦的,笨重的 razor 剃刀,剃 go by the name of通称,普通叫做commucati on sessi on 通信会话 traffic 通信业务(量) syn chr onous tra nsmissi on 同步传输con curre nt同时发生的,共存的数据库管feasibility lin earity con strain considerablegeo-stati onaryby con trast coorelati on mutual 相互的 稀疏的 下行链路 先驱,前任 显像现实性,可行性 线性度限制,约束,制约 相当的,重要的 相对地面静止 相反,而,对比起来 相关性相互的,共同的 相互连接,互连one after the other 相继,依次小型计算机 协议,草案 协议,规约,规程心理(精神)听觉的;传音的 通信信道选择行程编码mutually in terc onn ectmini computer protocolprotocol psycho-acoustic cha nn elizati on 信道化, run len gth en coding groom 修饰,准备虚拟许多, virtual ISDN multitude ISDN大批,大量whirl 旋转 prefere nee avalanche pursue 寻求, interrogation dumb 哑的, subcategory喜欢 选择, 雪崩从事 询问不说话的,无声的亚类,子种类,子范畴orbital 眼眶;轨道oxygen 氧气,氧元素service switchi ng and con trol poin ts(SSCPs) 控制点service con trol poi nts(SCPs) 业务控制点service con trol fun ctio n(SCF) 业务控制功能in con cert 一致,一齐 han dover移交,越区切换 at a rate of以 .... 的速率in the form of 以…的形式业务交换base on…以…为基础yttrium钇(稀有金属,符号Y)asyn chr onous tra nsmissi on 异步传输asyn chr onous 异步的exceptio nal 异常的,特殊的voice-grade 音频级indium 铟give rise to 引起,使产生cryptic隐义的,秘密的hard disk 硬盘hard automati on 硬自动化by means of 用,依靠equip with 用…装备subscriber 用户telex 用户电报PBX(private branch excha nge)用户小交换机或专用交换机be called upon to 用来…,(被)要求…superiority 优势predom inance 优势,显著active satellite 有源卫星in comparis on with 与…比较comparable to 与…可比prelim in ary 预备的,初步的prem on iti on 预感,预兆nu cleus 原子核vale nee 原子价circumfere nee 圆周,周围teleprocessi ng 远程信息处理,遥控处理perspective 远景,前途con strain 约束,强迫mobile运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车上的convey运输,传递,转换impurity 杂质impurity 杂质,混杂物,不洁,不纯rege nerative 再生的improve over 在 ....... 基础上改善play importa nt role in 在…中起重要作用in close proximity 在附近,在很近un derly ing 在下的,基础的in this respect 在这方面en tail遭遇,导致prese ntation 赠与,图像,呈现,演示n arrowba nd 窄(频)带deploy展开,使用,推广应用megabit 兆比特germa nium 锗positive 正电quadrature 正交orthog onal 正交的quadrature amplitude modulatio n(QAM)正交幅度调制on the right track 正在轨道上sustain支撑,撑住,维持,持续outgrowh 支派;长岀;副产品domin ate 支配,统治kno wledge represe ntati on 矢口识表示kno wledge engin eeri ng 矢口识工程kno wledge base 矢口识库in diameter 直径helicopter 直升飞机acro nym 只取首字母的缩写词as long as 只要,如果tutorial指导教师的,指导的coin 制造(新字符),杜撰fabricatio n 制造,装配;捏造事实proton 质子in tellige nce 智能,智力,信息in tellige nt n etwork 智能网in termediate 中间的nu cleus(pl. nu clei) 中心,核心n eutr ons 中子termi nal 终端,终端设备overlay重叠,覆盖,涂覆highlight 重要的部分,焦点charge主管,看管;承载domi nant 主要的,控制的,最有力的cyli nder 柱面expert system 专家系统private network 专用网络tra nsiti on 转变,转换,跃迁relay 转播relay 转播,中继repeater 转发器,中继器pursue追赶,追踪,追求,继续desktop publish 桌面岀版ultraviolet 紫外线的,紫外的;紫外线辐射field 字段vendor自动售货机,厂商n aturally 自然的;天生具备的syn thesize 综合,合成in tegrate 综合,使完全ISDN(i ntergrated services digital n etwork)综合业务数字网as a whole 总体上bus network 总线形网crossbar 纵横,交叉impeda nce 阻抗ini tial 最初的,开始的optimum 最佳条件appear as 作为…岀现A An alog 模拟A/D An alog to Digital 模-数转换AAC Adva need Audio Codi ng 高级音频编码ABB Automatic Black Bala nce 自动黑平衡ABC American Broadcast ing Compa ny 美国广播公司Automatic Bass Compe nsati on 自动低音补偿Automatic Bright ness Con trol 自动亮度控制ABL Automatic Black Level 自动黑电平ABLC Automatic Bright ness Limiter Circuit 自动亮度限制电路ABU Asia n Broadcast ing Un io n 亚洲广播联盟(亚广联ABS American Bureau of Sta ndard 美国标准局AC Access Con ditio ns 接入条件Audio Cen ter 音频中心ACA Adjace nt Cha nnel Atte nuati on 邻频道衰减ACC Automatic Ce nteri ng Co ntrol 自动中心控制Automatic Chroma Control 自动色度(增益ACK Automatic Chroma Killer 自动消色器ACP Additive Colour Process 加色法ACS Access Co ntrol SystemAdva need Comm uni cati on Service 高级通信业务Area Comm uni cati on System区域通信系统ADC An alog to Digital Con verter 模-数转换器Automatic Degaussirng Circuit 自动消磁电路ADL Acoustic Delay Li ne 声延迟线ADS Audio Distribution System 音频分配系统AE Audio Erasi ng 音频(声音AEF Automatic Editi ng Fun ction 自动编辑功能AES Audio Engin eeri ng Society 音频工程协会AF AudioFreque ncy 音频AFA Audio Freque ncy Amplifier 音频放大器AFC Automatic Freque ncy Coder 音频编码器Automatic Freque ncy Co ntrol 自动频率控制AFT Automatic Fi ne Tuning 自动微调Automatic Freque ncy Track 自动频率跟踪Automatic Freque ncy Trim 自动额率微调AGC Automatic Ga in Con trol 自动增益控制AI ArtificialIn tellige nce 人工智能ALM Audio-Level Meter 音频电平表AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅AMS Automatic Music Se nsor置ANC Automatic Noise Ca nceller 自动噪声消除器ANT ANTe nna 天线AO An alog Output 模拟输岀APS Automatic Program Search 自动节目搜索APPS Automatic Program Pause System 自动节目暂停系统APSS Automatic Program Search System 自动节目搜索系统AR Audio Respo nse 音频响应ARC Automatic Remote Con trol 自动遥控ASCII American Standard Code for InformationIn tercha nge 美国信息交换标准AST Automatic Sca nning Tracki ng 自动扫描跟踪ATC Automatic Timi ng Co ntrol 自动定时控制Automatic Tone Correcti on 自动音频校正ATM Asy nchro nous Tra nsfer Mode 异步传输模式ATF Automatic Track Fi ndi ng 自动寻迹ATS Automatic Test System 自动测试系统ATSC Adva need Televisio n Systems Committee(美国高级电视制式委员会)***C Automatic Volume Con trol 自动音量控制***R Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动稳压器AWB Automatic White Bala nee 自动白平衡AZCAutomatic Zoomi ng Con trol 自动变焦控制AZSAutomatic Zero Setti ng 自动调零BA Bra nch Amplifier 分支放大器Buffer Amplifier 缓冲放大器BAC Bin ary-A nalog Co nversion 二进制模拟转换BB Black Burst 黑场信号BBC British Broadcast ing Corporation 英国广播公司BBI Beiji ng Broadcasti ng In stitute 北京广播学院BC Bin ary Code 二进制码Bala need Curre nt 平衡电流Broadcast Con trol 广播控制BCT Ban dwidth Compressi on Tech nique 带宽压缩技术BDB Bi-directio nal Data Bus 双向数据总线BER Basic En codi ng Rules 基本编码规则Bit Error Rate 比特误码率BF Burst Flag 色同步旗脉冲BFA Bare Fiber Adapter 裸光纤适配器Brilloui n Fiber Amplifier 布里渊光纤放大器BGM Backgrou nd Music 背景音乐BIOS Basic In put / Output System 基本输入输出系统B-ISDN Broadba nd-ISDN 宽带综合业务数据网BIU Basic In formation Un it 基本信息单元Bus In terface Unit 总线接口单元BM Bi-phase Modulation 双相调制BML Busi ness Man ageme nt Layer 商务管理层BN Backbo ne Network 主干网BNT Broadba nd Network Termi natio n 宽带网络终端设备BO Bus Out 总线输岀BPG Basic Pulse Gen erator 基准脉冲发生器BPS Ba nd Pitch Shift 分频段变调节器BSI British Sta ndard In stitute 英国标准学会BSS Broadcast Satellite Service 广播卫星业务BT Block Term in al 分线盒、分组终端British Telecom 英国电信BTA Broadba nd Termi nal Adapter 宽带终端适配器Broadcasti ng Tech no logy Associati on (日本BTL Bala need Tran sformer-Less 桥式推挽放大电路BTS Broadcast Tech nical Sta ndard 广播技术标接入控制系统自动音乐传感装BTU Basic Tra nsmission Un it 基本传输单元BVU Broadcasting Video Unit 广播视频型(一种3/4英寸带录像机记录格式BW Ban dWidth 带宽BWTV Black and White Televisio n 黑白电视CA Co nditio nal Access 条件接收CAC Con ditio nal Access Con trol 条件接收控制CAL Co nti nuity Accept Limit 连续性接受极限CAS Con ditio nal Access System 条件接收系统Co nditio nalAccess Sub-system 条件接收子系统CATV Cable Televisi on 有线电视,电缆电视Commu nity An te nna Televisio n 共用天线电视C*** Con sta nt An gular Velocity 恒角速度CBC Can adia n Broadcasti ng Corporati on 力口拿大广播公司CBS Columbia Broadcasti ng System (美国哥伦比亚广播公司CC Concen tric Cable 同轴电缆CCG Chi nese Character Gen erator 中文字幕发生器CCIR In ter nati onal Radio Con sultativeCommittee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT In ter nati onal Telegraph and Teleph oneCon sultativeCommittee 国际电话电报咨询委员会CCR Cen tral Co ntrol Room 中心控制室CCTV Chi na Ce ntral Televisio n 中国中央电视台Close-Circuit Televisio n 闭路电视CCS Cen ter Cen tral System 中心控制系统CCU Camera Con trol Un it 摄像机控制器CCW Cou nter Clock-Wise 反时针方向CD Compact Disc 激光唱片CDA Curre nt Dumpi ng Amplifier 电流放大器CD-E Compact Disc Erasable 可抹式激光唱片CDFM Compact Disc File Man ager 光盘文件管理(程序CDPG Compact-Disc Plus Graphic 带有静止图像的CD唱盘CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read Only Memory 只读式紧凑光盘CETV Chi na Educatio nal Televisio n 中国教育电视台CF Color Frami ng 彩色成帧CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形(显示卡CI Common In terface 通用接口CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形(显示卡CI Common In terface 通用接口CIE Chin ese In stitute of ElectronicsCII China Information Infrastructure础设施CIF Comm on In termediate FormatCIS Chin ese In dustrial Sta ndardCLV Con sta nt Lin ear Velocity 恒定线速度CM Colour Mon itor 彩色监视器CMTS Cable Modem Termi nation System 线缆调制解调器终端系统CNR Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 载噪比CON Co nsole 操纵台Con troller 控制器CPB Corporation of Public Broadcasti ng (美国公共广播公司CPU Central Processi ng Un it 中央处理单元CRC Cyclic Redu nda ncy Check 循环冗余校验CRCC CRI Cyclic Redu ndan cy Check Code 循环冗余校验码CROM Chi na Radio In ter natio nal 中国国际广播电台CRT Con trol Read Only Memory 控制只读存储器CS Cathode-Ray Tube 阴极射线管CSC Commu nication Satellite 通信卫星CSS Color Sub-carrier 彩色副载波Cen ter Storage Server 中央存储服务器Con te nt Scrambl ing System 内容加扰系统CSU Cha nnel Service Un it 信道业务单元CT Color Temperature 色温CTC Cassette Tape Co ntroller 盒式磁带控制器Cha nnel Traffic Con trol 通道通信量控制Cou nter Timer Circuit 计数器定时器电路Cou nter Timer Con trol 计数器定时器控制CTE Cable Term in ation Equipme nt 线缆终端设备Customer Term inal Equipme nt 用户终端设备CTV Color Televisi on 彩色电视CVD Chi na Video Disc 中国数字视盘CW Carrie Wave 载波DAB Digital Audio Broadcast ing 数字音频广播DASH Digital Audio Statio nary Head 数字音频静止磁头DAT Digital Audio Tape 数字音频磁带DBMS Data Base Man ageme nt System 数据库管理系统DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite 直播卫星DCC Digital Compact Cassette 数字小型盒带Dyn amic Co ntrast Co ntrol 动态对比度控制DCT Digital Compo nent Tech nology 数字分量技术Discrete Cosi ne Tra nsform 离散余弦变换DCTV Digital Color Televisio n 数字彩色电视DD DirectDrive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital C on trol 直接数字控制DDE Dy namic Data Excha nge 动态数据交换DDM Data Display Mon itor 数据显示监视器DES Data Eleme ntary Stream 数据基本码流Data En cryption Sta ndard 美国数据加密标准DF Dispersio n Flatte ned 色散平坦光纤DG Differe ntial Gai n 微分增益DI Digital In terface 数字接口DITEC Digital Televisio n Camera 数字电视摄像机DL Delay Line 延时线DLD Dyn amic Lin ear Drive 动态线性驱动DM Delta Modulation 增量调制Digital Modulation 数字调制DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcasti ng 数字多媒体广播DMC Dyn amic Motio n Co ntrol 动态控制DME Digital Multiple Effect 数字多功能特技DMS Digital Masteri ng System 数字主系统DN Data Network 数据网络DNG Digital News Gatheri ng 数字新闻采集DNR Digital Noise Reducer 数字式降噪器DOB Data Output Bus 数据输岀总线DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service In terfaceSpecificatio ns 有线数据传输业务接口规范DOC Drop Out Compe nsati on 失落补偿DOS Disc Operat ing System 磁盘操作系统DP Differe ntial Phase 微分相位Data Pulse 数据脉冲DPCM Differe ntial Pulse Code Modulation 差值脉冲编码调制DPL Dolby Pro Logic 杜比定向逻辑DSB Digital Satellite Broadcasti ng 数字卫星广播DSC Digital Studio Con trol 数字演播室控制DSD Dolby Surrou nd Digital 杜比数字环绕声DSE Digital Special Effect 数字特技DSK Dow n-Stream Key 下游键DSP Digital Sig nal Process ing 数字信号处理Digital Sou nd Processor 数字声音处理器DSS Digital Satellite System 数字卫星系统DT Digital Tech ni que 数字技术Digital Televisio n 数字电视Data Term in al 数据终端Data Tran smissi on 数据传输DTB Digital Terrestrial Broadcast ing 数字地面广播DTBC Digital Time-Base Corrector 数字时基校正器DTC Digital Televisio n Camera 数字电视摄像机DTS Digital Theater System 数字影院系统Digital Tuning System 数字调谐系统Digital Televisio n Sta ndard 数字电视标准DVB Digital Video Broadcast ing 数字视频广播DVC Digital Video Compressio n 数字视频压缩DVE Digital Video Effect 数字视频特技DVS Desktop Video Studio 桌上视频演播DVTR Digital Video Tape Recorder 数字磁带录像机EA Exte nsion Ampl ifier 延长放大器EB Electro n Beam 电子束EBS Emerge ncy Broadcast ing System 紧急广播系统EBU European Broadcast ing Un io n 欧洲广播联盟EC Error Correctio n 误差校正ECN Emerge ncy Comm un icati ons Network 应急通信网络ECS European Comm un icatio n Satellite 欧洲通信卫星EDC Error Detection Code 错误检测码EDE Electro nic Data Excha nge 电子数据交换EDF Erbium-Doped Fiber 掺饵光纤EDFA Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDL Edit Decisi on List 编辑点清单EDTV Exte nded Defi niti on Televisi on 扩展清晰度电视EE Error Excepted 允许误差EFM Eight to Fourteen Modulation 8-14 调制EFP Electro nic Field Production 电子现场节目制作EH Ether net Hosts 以太网主机EIN Equivale nt m put Noise 等效输入噪声EIS Electro nic In formation System 电子信息系统EISA Exte nded In dustrial Sta ndard Architecture扩展工业标准总线EL Electro-Lum in esce nt 场致发光EM Error Mo nitori ng 误码监测EN End Node 末端节点ENG Electro nic News Gatheri ng 电子新闻采集EOT End of Tape 带尾EP Edit Poi nt 编辑点Error Protocol 错误协议EPG Electro nic Program Guides 电子节目指南EPS Emerge ncy Power Supply 应急电源ERP Effective Radiated Power 有效辐射功率ES Eleme ntary Stream 基本码流End System 终端系统ESA European Space Age ncy 欧洲空间局ETV Educati on Televisio n 教育电视FA Enhan ced Televisio n 增强电视FABM FAS Facial An imatio n 面部动画FC Fiber Amp li fier Booster Module 光纤放大器增强模块Fiber Access System 光纤接入系统Freque ncy Chan ger 变频器FCC Fiber Cha nnel 光纤通道FD Film Composer 电影编辑系统Federal Comm un icatio ns Commissio n 美国联邦通信委员会FDCT Freque ncy Divider 分频器FDDI FDM Fiber Duct 光纤管道FDP Forward Discrete Cos ine Tran sform 离散余弦正变换FE Fiber Distributed Data In terface 分布式光纤数据接口Freque ncy-Divisi on Multiplexi ng 频分复用中国电子学会中国信息基通用中间格式中国工业标准。
电子信息工程专业英语词汇transistor n 晶体管 plug vt堵,塞,插上n塞子,插头,插销 OSI开放式系统互联参考模型(Open System diode n 二极管 coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的Interconnect) semiconductor n 半导体 fiber n 光纤 GSM全球移动通信系统(Global System forresistor n 电阻器 relay contact 继电接触器 Mobile Communications) capacitor n 电容器 single instruction programmer 单指令编程器 GPRS通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio dedicated manufactures programmingunit 专 alternating adj 交互的 Service)amplifier n 扩音器,放大器供制造厂用的编程单元 FDD(frequencydivision duplex)频分双工 integrated circuit 集成电路 beam n (光线的)束,柱,梁 TDD(time division duplex)时分双工 polarize v(使)偏振,(使)极化linear time invariant systems 线性时不变系统 VPI虚路径标识符(Virtual Path Identifier); voltage n 电压,伏特数 Cathode Ray Tube(CRT) 阴极射线管 ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)综 tolerance n 公差;宽容;容忍 neuron n神经元;神经细胞合业务数字网 fuzzy adj 模糊的 condenser n 电容器;冷凝器 IDN综合数字网(integrated digital network)dielectric n 绝缘体;电解质 Artificial Intelligence Shell 人工智能外壳程序 HDTV (high definition television)高清晰度电视 electromagnetic adj 电磁的 Expert Systems 专家系统 DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)离散余弦变换 Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 adj 非传导性的 VCI(virtual circuit address)虚通路标识 deflection n偏斜;偏转;偏差 Perceptive Systems 感知系统 MAN城域网Metropolitan area networks linear device 线性器件 neural network 神经网络 LAN局域网local area networkthe insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑 WAN广域网wide area network anode n 阳极,正极 intelligent agent 智能代理同步时分复用STDM Synchronous Time Division cathode n 阴极 electromagnetic adj 电磁的 Multiplexing breakdown n 故障;崩溃 coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的统计时分复用STDM Statistical Time Divisionterminal n 终点站;终端,接线端 microwave n 微波 Multiplexing emitter n 发射器 charge v充电,使充电单工传输simplex transmission collect v 收集,集聚,集中 insulator n 绝缘体,绝缘物半双工传输half-duplex transmission insulator n 绝缘体,绝热器 nonconductive adj非导体的,绝缘的全双工传输full-duplex transmission oscilloscope n 示波镜;示波器antenna n天线;触角交换矩阵Switching Matrix gain n 增益,放大倍数modeling n建模,造型电路交换 circuit switchingforward biased 正向偏置 simulation n 仿真;模拟分组交换packet switching reverse biased 反向偏置 prototype n 原型报文交换message switching P-N junction PN结 array n 排队,编队奇偶校验parity checking MOS(metal-oxide semiconductor) 金属vector n 向量,矢量循环冗余校验CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 氧化物半导体 wavelet n 微波,小浪虚过滤Virtual filter enhancement and exhausted 增强型和耗sine 正弦 cosine 余弦数字滤波digital filtering 尽型 inverse adj倒转的,反转的n反面;相反v伪随机比特Quasi Random Bit integrated circuits 集成电路倒转带宽分配 Bandwidth allocation analog n 模拟 high-performance 高精确性,高性能信源information sourcedigital adj 数字的,数位的 two-dimensional 二维的;缺乏深度的信宿destination horizontal adj, 水平的,地平线的 three-dimensional 三维的;立体的;真实的数字化digitalize vertical adj 垂直的,顶点的 object-oriented programming面向对象的程序数字传输技术Digital transmission technology amplitude n 振幅,广阔,丰富设计灰度图像Grey scale images attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀薄化 spectral adj 光谱的灰度级Grey scale level multimeter n 万用表 attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀释幅度谱Magnitude spectrumfrequency n 频率,周率 distortion n 失真,扭曲,变形相位谱Phase spectrum the cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管 wavelength n 波长频谱frequency spectrum dual-trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器 refractive adj 折射的智能设备Smart Device signal generating device 信号发生器 ATM 异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer 软切换Soft handover peak-to-peak output voltage 输出电压峰峰值 Mode 硬切换 Hard Handover sine wave 正弦波 ADSL 非对称用户数字线Asymmetric digital 相干检测Coherent detection triangle wave 三角波 subscriber line 边缘检测Edge detection square wave 方波 VDSL甚高速数字用户线very high data rate 冲突检测collision detection amplifier 放大器,扩音器 digital subscriber line 业务集合service integration oscillator n 振荡器 HDSL高速数据用户线 high rate digital 业务分离/综合service separation/ integration feedback n 反馈,回应 subscriber line 网络集合network integration phase n 相,阶段,状态FDMA频分多址(Frequency Division Multiple 环形网Ring networks filter n 滤波器,过滤器 Access) 令牌环网Token Ring network rectifier n整流器;纠正者 TDMA时分多址(Time Division Multiple Access) 网络终端NetworkTerminal band-stop filter 带阻滤波器 CDMA同步码分多址方式(Code Division Multiple 用户终端user terminalband-pass filter 带通滤波器 Access) 用户电路line circuit decimal adj 十进制的,小数的 WCDMA宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband 电路利用率channel utilization(通道利用率) hexadecimal adj/n十六进制的 Code Division Multiple Access) 相关性coherence binary adj 二进制的;二元的TD-SCDMA(Time Division Synchronous Code 相干解调coherent demodulation octal adj 八进制的 Division Multiple Access)时分同步码分多址数字图像压缩digital image compression domain n 域;领域 SDLC(synchronous data link control)同步数据图像编码image encoding code n代码,密码,编码v编码链路控制有损/无损压缩lossy/lossless compression the Fourier transform 傅里叶变换 HDLC(high-level data link control)高级数据链路解压decompression Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换控制呼叫控制Call Control microcontroller n 微处理器;微控制器 IP/TCP(internet protocol/transfer Control 误差控制error control assembly language instrucions n 汇编语Protocol)网络传输控制协议存储程序控制stored program control 言指令 ITU (International Telecommunication Union)存储转发方式store-and-forward manner chip n 芯片,碎片国际电信联盟语音\视频传输voice\video transmission modular adj 模块化的;模数的 ISO国际标准化组织(International 视频点播video-on-demand(VOD) sensor n 传感器Standardization Organization); 会议电视Video Conference有线电视cable television deploy 采用,利用,推广应用 multiplex 多路复用的量化quantization take the form of 采用…的形式 degradation 恶化,降级吞吐量throughput parameter 参数,参量 dioxide 二氧化碳话务量traffic layer 层 LED(light-emitting-diode) 发光二极管多径分集Multipath diversity dope 掺杂 evolution 发展,展开,渐进 FET(field effect transistors) 场效应管多媒体通信MDM Multimedia Communication feedback 反馈,回授多址干扰Multiple Access Interference audio recording 唱片dimension 范围,方向,维,元人机交互man machine interface ultra-high-frequency(UHF) 超高频 scenario 方案 in excess of 超过交互式会话Conversational interaction scenario 方案,电影剧本路由算法Routing Algorithm in excess of 超过 amplifer 放大器目标识别Object recognition hypertext 超文本 noninvasive 非侵略的,非侵害的话音变换Voice transform ingredient 成分,因素 tariff 费率,关税率;对…征税中继线trunk line ingredient 成分,组成部分,要素 distributed functional plane(DFP) 分布功传输时延transmission delay metropolitan-area network(WAN) 城域网能平面远程监控remote monitoring metropolitan area network(WAN) 城域网,DQDB(distributed queue dual bus) 分布式光链路optical link 城市网络队列双总线拓扑结构Topology congestion 充满,拥挤,阻塞 hierarchy 分层,层次均方根root mean square collision 冲突 partition 分成whatsoever=whatever 0 extractive 抽出;释放出 segmentation 分割switchboard (电话)交换台 extract 抽取,取出,分离 interface 分界面,接口bipolar (电子)双极的 lease 出租,租约,租界期限,租界物 asunder 分开地,分离地 premise (复)房屋,前提 pass on 传递,切换 detached 分离的,分开的,孤立的 cursor (计算机尺的)游标,指导的 transmission 传输 dispense 分配 elapse (时间)经过,消失 facsimile 传真 allocate 分配,配给;配给物vaporize (使)蒸发 innovative=innovatory 创新的,富有革新精神centigrade 分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度subsystem (系统的)分部,子系统,辅助系的的统 track 磁道 fractal 分形 metallic (像)金属的,含金属的,(声音)impetus 促进,激励 molecule 分子,微小,些微刺耳的 cluster 簇cellular 蜂窝状的 dispatch (迅速)派遣,急件 stored-program control(SPC) 存储程序控制 cellular 蜂窝状的,格形的,多孔的 consensus (意见)一致,同意 a large number of 大量的 auxiliary storage(also called secondary storage)deadline (最后)期限,截止时间 peal 大声响,发出辅助存储器tomographic X线体层摄像的 supersede 代替 decay 腐烂,衰减,衰退 alas 唉,哎呀 supplant 代替,取代 negative 负电 cluster 把…集成一束,一组,一簇,一串,out-of-band signaling 带外信号 vicinity 附近,邻近一群simplex transmission 单工传输 vicinity 附近地区,近处 encyclopedia 百科全书 monochromatic 单色的,单色光的,黑白的 sophisticated 复杂的,高级的,现代化的 millionfold 百万倍的 ballistic 弹道的,射击的,冲击的 high-frequency(HF) 高频 semiconductor 半导体 conductor 导体 high definition television 高清晰度电视 radius 半径范围,半径,径向射线 hierarchy 等级制度,层次 chromium 铬 half-duplex transmission 半双工传输 infrastructure 底层结构,基础结构 annotate 给…作注解 accompaniment 伴随物,附属物geographic 地理的,地区的 in terms of 根据,按照 reservation 保留,预定geographically 地理上 disclosure 公布,企业决算公开 quotation 报价单,行情报告,引语 GIS(ground instrumentation system) 地面测public network 公用网 memorandum 备忘录量系统 functionality 功能,功能度 redundancy 备用ground station 地面站 mercury 汞 be viewed as 被看作… earth orbit 地球轨道 resonator 共鸣器 be regards as 被认为是 extraterrestrial 地球外的,地球大气圈外的 resonance 共振 as such 本身;照此;以这种资格 Land-sat 地球资源卫星 whimsical 古怪的,反复无常的 textual 本文的,正文的 rug 地毯,毯子 administration 管理,经营 verge 边界 ignite 点火,点燃,使兴奋cursor 光标(显示器),游标,指针 variation 变化,变量 electromagnetic 电磁的 optical computer 光计算机 conversion 变化,转化 inductive 电感photoconductor 光敏电阻 identity 标识;标志 arc 电弧 optical disks 光盘criterion 标准,准则 telephony 电话(学),通话 optically 光学地,光地 in parallel on 并联到,合并到 dielectric 电介质,绝缘材料;电解质的,绝wide-area networks 广域网 juxtapose 并置,并列缘的 specification 规范,说明书 dialing pulse 拨号脉冲 capacitor 电容 silicon 硅 wave-guide 波导telecommunication 电信,无线电通讯 the international telecommunication union(ITU)wavelength division multiplexed 波分复scenario 电影剧本,方案国际电信联盟用 modem pool 调制解调器(存储)池 excess 过剩 baud rate 波特率 superimposing 叠加,重叠 obsolete 过时的,废弃的 playback 播放(录音带,唱片) pin 钉住,扣住,抓住 maritime 海事的 no greater than 不大于customize 定做,定制 synthetic 合成的,人造的,综合的 update 不断改进,使…适合新的要求,更monolithic 独立的,完全统一的 synthetic 合成的,综合性的新 aluminize 镀铝 rational 合乎理性的 asymmetric 不对称的strategic 对全局有重要意义的,战略的 rationalization 合理化 irrespective 不考虑的,不顾的 substantial 多的,大的,实际上的 streamline 合理化,理顺 inevitably 不可避免的 multi-path fading 多径衰落 infrared 红外线的,红外线 inevitable 不可避免的,不可逃避的,必定的 multi-path 多路,多途径;多路的,多途径的 skepticism 怀疑论 segment 部分 multi-access 多路存取,多路进入 ring network 环形网 abrasion 擦伤,磨损 multiplex 多路复用hybrid 混合物counterpart 伙伴,副本,对应物 pervasive 扩大的,渗透的implementation 实施,实现,执行,敷设 electromechanical 机电的,电动机械的 tensile 拉力的,张力的 entity 实体,存在 Robot 机器人 romanticism 浪漫精神,浪漫主义 vector quantification 矢量量化 Robotics 机器人技术,机器人学 discrete 离散,不连续 mislead 使…误解,给…错误印象,引错accumulation 积累 ion 离子 vex 使烦恼,使恼火,基础结构 force 力量;力infrastructure 基础defy 使落空 substrate 基质,底质 stereophonic 立体声的 facilitate 使容易,促进 upheaval 激变,剧变 continuum 连续统一体,连续统,闭联集 retina 视网膜 compact disc 激光磁盘(CD) smart 灵巧的;精明的;洒脱的 compatible 适合的,兼容的 concentrator 集中器,集线器 token 令牌transceiver 收发两用机 centrex system 集中式用户交换功能系统 on the other hand 另一方面 authorize 授权,委托,允许 converge on 集中于,聚集在…上 hexagonal 六边形的,六角形的 data security 数据安全性 lumped element 集总元件 hexagon 六角形,六边形 data independence 数据独立CAI(computer-aided instruction) 计算机monopoly 垄断,专利 data management 数据管理辅助教学 video-clip 录像剪辑 database 数据库computer-integrated manufacturing(CIM) 计aluminum 铝 database management system(DBMS) 数算机集成制造 pebble 卵石,水晶透镜据库管理信息系统 computer mediated communication(CMC) 计forum 论坛,讨论会database transaction 数据库事务算机中介通信 logical relationships 逻辑关系 data integrity 数据完整性,数据一致性 record 记录 code book 码本attenuation 衰减 register 记录器,寄存器 pulse code modulation(PCM) 脉冲编码调制 fading 衰落,衰减,消失 expedite 加快,促进 roam 漫步,漫游dual 双的,二重的 weight 加权 bps(bits per second) 每秒钟传输的比特transient 瞬时的 accelerate 加速,加快,促进 ZIP codes 美国邮区划分的五位编码 deterministic 宿命的,确定的 categorize 加以类别,分类susceptible(to) 敏感的,易受…的 algorithm 算法 in addition 加之,又,另外 analog 模拟,模拟量 dissipation 损耗 hypothetical 假设的 pattern recognition模式识别 carbon 碳 rigidly 坚硬的,僵硬的 bibliographic 目录的,文献的 diabetes 糖尿病 compatibility 兼容性,相容性 neodymium 钕cumbersome 讨厌的,麻烦的,笨重的 surveillance 监视 the european telecommunication razor 剃刀,剃 surveillance 监视 standardization institute(ETSI) 欧洲电信标准go by the name of 通称,普通叫做 retrieval 检索,(可)补救局 commucation session 通信会话 verification 检验coordinate 配合的,协调的;使配合,调整 traffic 通信业务(量) simplicity 简单,简明 ratify 批准,认可 synchronous transmission 同步传输 film 胶片,薄膜 bias 偏差;偏置 concurrent 同时发生的,共存的 take over 接管,接任 deviate 偏离,与…不同 simultaneous 同时发生的,同时做的 ruggedness 结实 spectrum 频谱 simultaneous 同时发生的,一齐的 threshold 界限,临界值 come into play 其作用 coaxial 同轴的 with the aid of 借助于,用,通过entrepreneurial 企业的 copper 铜 wire line 金属线路,有线线路 heuristic methods 启发式方法 statistical 统计的,统计学的 coherent 紧凑的,表达清楚的,粘附的,相play a …role(part) 起…作用 dominate 统治,支配干的stem from 起源于;由…发生 invest in 投资 compact 紧密的 organic 器官的,有机的,组织的 perspective 透视,角度,远景 approximation 近似hypothesis 前提 graphics 图示,图解 undertake 进行,从事 front-end 前置,前级 pictorial 图像的 transistor 晶体管 potential 潜势的,潜力的coating 涂层,层 elaborate 精心制作的,细心完成的,周密安intensity 强度deduce 推理排的 reasoning strategies 推理策略 coincidence 巧合,吻合,一致vigilant 警戒的,警惕的 scalpel 轻便小刀,解剖刀 inference engine 推理机 alcohol 酒精,酒 inventory 清单,报表 topology 拓扑结构 local area networks(LANs) 局域网 heterodyne 外差法的 spherical 球的,球形的local-area networks(LANs) 局域网 distinguish 区别,辨别 peripheral外界的,外部的,周围的 drama 剧本,戏剧,戏剧的演出 succumb 屈服,屈从,死 gateway 网关 focus on 聚集在,集中于,注视 hazardous 危险的 global functional plane(GFP) 全局功能平面insulator 绝缘 full-duplex transmission 全双工传输 microwave 微波(的) root mean square 均方根 hologram 全息照相,全息图 microprocessor 微处理机,微处理器 uniform 均匀的 microelectronic 微电子 deficiency 缺乏open-system-interconnection(OSI) 开放系thermonuclear 热核的 nuance微小的差别(色彩等) 统互连 artifact 人工制品 encompass 围绕,包围,造成,设法做到 expire 开始无效,满期,终止 AI(artificial intelligence) 人工智能 maintenance 维护;保持;维修 immunity 抗扰,免除,免疫性 fusion 熔解,熔化 satellite communication 卫星通信take…into account 考虑,重视… diskettes(also called floppy disk) 软盘 satellite network 卫星网络programmable industrial automation 可编程sector 扇区 transceiver 无线电收发信机工业自动化 entropy 熵 radio-relay transmission 无线电中继传输demountable 可拆卸的 uplink 上行链路 without any doubt 无疑 tunable 可调的 arsenic 砷 passive satellite 无源卫星 reliable 可靠 neural network 神经网络 sparse 稀少的,稀疏的 be likely to 可能,大约,像要 very-high-frequency(VHF) 甚高频 downlink 下行链路 videotex video 可视图文电视upgrade 升级 precursor 先驱,前任 negligible 可以忽略的 distortion 失真,畸变 visualization 显像 aerial 空气的,空中的,无形的,虚幻的;天线identification 识别,鉴定,验明 feasibility 现实性,可行性 broadband 宽(频)带 pragmatic 实际的 linearity 线性度constrain 限制,约束,制约 regenerative 再生的 ABC American Broadcasting Company 美considerable 相当的,重要的 improve over 在……基础上改善国广播公司 geo-stationary 相对地面静止 play important role in 在…中起重要作用 Automatic Bass Compensation 自动低音by contrast 相反,而,对比起来 in close proximity 在附近,在很近补偿 coorelation 相关性underlying 在下的,基础的 Automatic Brightness Control 自动亮度控制mutual 相互的 in this respect 在这方面mutually 相互的,共同的 entail 遭遇,导致 ABL Automatic Black Level 自动黑电平 interconnect 相互连接,互连 presentation 赠与,图像,呈现,演示 ABLC Automatic Brightness Limiter Circuit 自动亮度限制电路 one after the other 相继,依次 narrowband 窄(频)带minicomputer 小型计算机 deploy 展开,使用,推广应用 ABU Asian Broadcasting Union 亚洲广播protocol 协议,草案 megabit 兆比特联盟(亚广联 ABS American Bureau of Standard 美国protocol 协议,规约,规程germanium 锗psycho-acoustic 心理(精神)听觉的;传音positive 正电标准局的quadrature 正交 AC Access Conditions 接入条件 channelization 信道化,通信信道选择 orthogonal 正交的 Audio Center 音频中心 run length encoding 行程编码 quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM) 正 ACA Adjacent Channel Attenuation 邻频groom 修饰,准备交幅度调制道衰减 virtual ISDN 虚拟ISDN on the right track 正在轨道上 ACC Automatic Centering Control 自动中multitude 许多,大批,大量 sustain 支撑,撑住,维持,持续心控制whirl 旋转 outgrowh 支派;长出;副产品 Automatic Chroma Control 自动色度(增preference 选择,喜欢 dominate 支配,统治益avalanche 雪崩 knowledge representation 知识表示 ACK Automatic Chroma Killer 自动消色pursue 寻求,从事 knowledge engineering 知识工程器 interrogation 询问 knowledge base 知识库 ACP Additive Colour Process 加色法 dumb 哑的,不说话的,无声的 in diameter 直径 ACS Access Control System 接入控制系subcategory 亚类,子种类,子范畴 helicopter 直升飞机统 orbital 眼眶;轨道 acronym 只取首字母的缩写词 Advanced Communication Service 高级oxygen 氧气,氧元素 as long as 只要,如果通信业务 service switching and control points(SSCPs) 业tutorial 指导教师的,指导的 Area Communication System 区域通信务交换控制点 coin 制造(新字符),杜撰系统service control points(SCPs) 业务控制点 fabrication 制造,装配;捏造事实 ADC Analog to Digital Converter 模-数转service controlfunction(SCF) 业务控制功能 proton 质子换器 in concert 一致,一齐intelligence 智能,智力,信息 Automatic Degaussirng Circuit 自动消磁handover 移交,越区切换 intelligent network 智能网电路 at a rate of 以……的速率 intermediate 中间的 ADL Acoustic Delay Line 声延迟线 in the form of 以…的形式 nucleus(pl.nuclei) 中心,核心 ADS Audio Distribution System 音频分配base on… 以…为基础 neutrons 中子系统 yttrium 钇(稀有金属,符号Y) terminal 终端,终端设备 AE Audio Erasing 音频(声音asynchronous transmission 异步传输 overlay 重叠,覆盖,涂覆 AEF Automatic Editing Function 自动编asynchronous 异步的 highlight 重要的部分,焦点辑功能 exceptional 异常的,特殊的 charge 主管,看管;承载 AES Audio Engineering Society 音频工程voice-grade 音频级 dominant 主要的,控制的,最有力的协会indium 铟 cylinder 柱面 AF Audio Frequency 音频 give rise to 引起,使产生 expert system 专家系统 AFA Audio Frequency Amplifier 音频放大private network 专用网络器 cryptic 隐义的,秘密的hard disk 硬盘 transition 转变,转换,跃迁 AFC Automatic Frequency Coder 音频编hard automation 硬自动化 relay 转播码器 relay 转播,中继Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率by means of 用,依靠equip with 用…装备 repeater 转发器,中继器控制 subscriber 用户pursue 追赶,追踪,追求,继续 AFT Automatic Fine Tuning 自动微调 desktop publish 桌面出版 Automatic Frequency Track 自动频率跟telex 用户电报PBX(private branch exchange) 用户小交换机ultraviolet 紫外线的,紫外的;紫外线辐射踪或专用交换机 field 字段 Automatic Frequency Trim 自动额率微vendor 自动售货机,厂商调 be called upon to 用来…,(被)要求…superiority 优势 naturally 自然的;天生具备的 AGC Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控predominance 优势,显著 synthesize 综合,合成制integrate 综合,使完全 AI Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 active satellite 有源卫星in comparison with 与…比较 ISDN(intergrated services digital network) 综 ALM Audio-Level Meter 音频电平表 comparable to 与…可比合业务数字网 AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅 preliminary 预备的,初步的 as a whole 总体上 AMS Automatic Music Sensor 自动音乐premonition 预感,预兆bus network 总线形网传感装置 nucleus 原子核 crossbar 纵横,交叉 ANC Automatic Noise Canceller 自动噪valence 原子价 impedance 阻抗声消除器circumference 圆周,周围 initial 最初的,开始的 ANT ANTenna 天线teleprocessing 远程信息处理,遥控处理 optimum 最佳条件 AO Analog Output 模拟输出 perspective 远景,前途 appear as 作为…出现 APS Automatic Program Search 自动节constrain 约束,强迫 A Analog 模拟目搜索 mobile运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车 A/D Analog to Digital 模-数转换 APPS Automatic Program Pause System 上的 AAC Advanced Audio Coding 高级音频编自动节目暂停系统 convey 运输,传递,转换码 APSS Automatic Program Search System impurity 杂质 ABB Automatic Black Balance 自动黑平自动节目搜索系统 impurity 杂质,混杂物,不洁,不纯衡 AR Audio Response 音频响应ARC Automatic Remote Control 自动遥 BTA Broadband Terminal Adapter宽带 CII China Information Infrastructure 中国控终端适配器信息基础设施ASCII American Standard Code for Broadcasting Technology Association (日CIF Common Intermediate Format 通用中Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准本间格式 AST Automatic Scanning Tracking 自动 BTL Balanced Transformer-Less 桥式推 CIS Chinese Industrial Standard 中国工业扫描跟踪挽放大电路标准ATC Automatic Timing Control 自动定时 BTS Broadcast Technical Standard 广播 CLV Constant Linear Velocity 恒定线速度控制技术标准 CM Colour Monitor 彩色监视器 Automatic Tone Correction 自动音频校 BTU Basic Transmission Unit 基本传输单 CMTS Cable Modem Termination System正元线缆调制解调器终端系统 ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步 BVU Broadcasting Video Unit 广播视频 CNR Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 载噪比传输模式型(一种3/4英寸带录像机记录格式 CON Console 操纵台ATF Automatic Track Finding 自动寻迹 BW BandWidth 带宽 Controller 控制器 ATS Automatic Test System 自动测试系 BWTV Black and White Television 黑白 CPB Corporation of Public Broadcasting 统电视 (美国公共广播公司ATSC Advanced Television Systems CA Conditional Access 条件接收 CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元 Committee (美国高级电视制式委员会) CAC Conditional Access Control 条件接 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校 ***C Automatic Volume Control 自动音收控制验量控制 CAL Continuity Accept Limit 连续性接 CRCC CRI Cyclic Redundancy Check Code ***R Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动受极限循环冗余校验码稳压器 CAS Conditional Access System 条件接 CROM China Radio International 中国国际AWB Automatic White Balance 自动白平收系统广播电台衡 Conditional Access Sub-system 条件接 CRT Control Read Only Memory 控制只读 AZC Automatic Zooming Control 自动变收子系统存储器焦控制 CATV Cable Television 有线电视,电缆电 CS Cathode-Ray Tube 阴极射线管 AZS Automatic Zero Setting 自动调零视 CSC Communication Satellite 通信卫星 BA Branch Amplifier 分支放大器 Community Antenna Television 共用天 CSS Color Sub-carrier 彩色副载波Buffer Amplifier 缓冲放大器线电视 Center Storage Server 中央存储服务器 BAC Binary-Analog Conversion 二进制模 C*** Constant AngularVelocity 恒角速 Content Scrambling System 内容加扰系统拟转换度 CSU Channel Service Unit 信道业务单元BB Black Burst 黑场信号 CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CT Color Temperature 色温 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation 英加拿大广播公司 CTC Cassette Tape Controller 盒式磁带控国广播公司 CBS Columbia Broadcasting System (美制器BBI Beijing Broadcasting Institute 北京国哥伦比亚广播公司 Channel Traffic Control 通道通信量控制广播学院 CC Concentric Cable 同轴电缆Counter Timer Circuit 计数器定时器电路 BC Binary Code 二进制码 CCG Chinese Character Generator 中文 Counter Timer Control 计数器定时器控制Balanced Current 平衡电流字幕发生器 CTE Cable Termination Equipment 线缆终 Broadcast Control 广播控制 CCIR International Radio Consultative 端设备 BCT Bandwidth Compression Technique Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会 Customer Terminal Equipment 用户终端设带宽压缩技术 CCITT International Telegraph and 备 BDB Bi-directional Data Bus 双向数据总Telephone Consultative CTV Color Television 彩色电视线 Committee 国际电话电报咨询委员会 CVD China Video Disc 中国数字视盘BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则 CCR Central Control Room 中心控制室 CW Carrie Wave 载波 Bit Error Rate 比特误码率 CCTV China Central Television 中国中央 DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting 数字音频 BF Burst Flag 色同步旗脉冲电视台广播BFA Bare Fiber Adapter 裸光纤适配器 Close-Circuit Television 闭路电视 DASH Digital Audio Stationary Head 数字 Brillouin Fiber Amplifier 布里渊光纤放大 CCS Center Central System 中心控制系音频静止磁头器统 DAT Digital Audio Tape 数字音频磁带BGM Background Music 背景音乐 CCU Camera Control Unit 摄像机控制器DBMS Data Base Management System 数 BIOS Basic Input,Output System 基本CCW Counter Clock-Wise 反时针方向据库管理系统输入输出系统 CD Compact Disc 激光唱片 DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite 直播卫星B-ISDN Broadband-ISDN 宽带综合业务 CDA Current Dumping Amplifier 电流放 DCC Digital Compact Cassette 数字小型盒数据网大器带 BIU Basic Information Unit 基本信息单 CD-E Compact Disc Erasable 可抹式激光Dynamic Contrast Control 动态对比度控制元唱片 DCT Digital Component Technology 数字 Bus Interface Unit 总线接口单元 CDFM Compact Disc File Manager 光盘分量技术 BM Bi-phase Modulation 双相调制文件管理(程序Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换BML Business Management Layer 商务 CDPG Compact-Disc Plus Graphic 带有静 DCTV Digital Color Television 数字彩色电管理层止图像的CD唱盘视BN Backbone Network 主干网 CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read Only DD Direct Drive 直接驱动BNT Broadband Network Termination 宽Memory 只读式紧凑光盘 DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制带网络终端设备 CETV China Educational Television 中国 DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 动态数据交 BO Bus Out 总线输出教育电视台换BPG Basic Pulse Generator 基准脉冲发 CF Color Framing 彩色成帧 DDM Data Display Monitor 数据显示监视生器 CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形器 BPS Band Pitch Shift 分频段变调节器 (显示卡 DES Data Elementary Stream 数据基本码BSI British Standard Institute 英国标准 CI Common Interface 通用接口流学会 CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形(显示卡 Data Encryption Standard 美国数据加密 BSS Broadcast Satellite Service 广播卫星 CI Common Interface 通用接口标准业务 CIE Chinese Institute of Electronics 中国电 DF Dispersion Flattened 色散平坦光纤 BT Block Terminal 分线盒、分组终端子学会 DG Differential Gain 微分增益 British Telecom 英国电信 DI Digital Interface 数字接口DITEC Digital Television Camera 数字电视摄像机 DL Delay Line 延时线DLD Dynamic Linear Drive 动态线性驱动 DM Delta Modulation 增量调制Digital Modulation 数字调制DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 数字多媒体广播DMC Dynamic Motion Control 动态控制DME Digital Multiple Effect 数字多功能特技 DMS Digital Mastering System 数字主系统DN Data Network 数据网络 DNG Digital News Gathering 数字新闻采集 DNR Digital Noise Reducer 数字式降噪器DOB Data Output Bus 数据输出总线 DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications 有线数据传输业务接口规范 DOC Drop Out Compensation 失落补偿 DOS Disc Operating System 磁盘操作系统DP Differential Phase 微分相位 Data Pulse 数据脉冲 DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation差值脉冲编码调制 DPL Dolby Pro Logic 杜比定向逻辑 DSB Digital Satellite Broadcasting 数字卫星广播 DSC Digital Studio Control 数字演播室控制DSD Dolby Surround Digital 杜比数字环绕声 DSE Digital Special Effect 数字特技DSK Down-Stream Key 下游键 DSP Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Digital Sound Processor 数字声音处理器 DSS Digital Satellite System 数字卫星系统 DT Digital Technique 数字技术Digital Television 数字电视 Data Terminal 数据终端 Data Transmission 数据传输DTB Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting 数字地面广播 capacitance欢迎您阅读该资料,希望该资料能给您的学习和生活带来帮助,如果您还了解更多的相关知识,也欢迎您分享出来,让我们大家能共同进步、共同成长。
mobile and cellular radio移动和细胞广播in comparison to the relative stability and modest technical developments which are occurring in long haul wideband microwave communication systems there is rapid development and expanding deployment of new mobile personal communication system. These rang from wide coverage area pagers,for simple data message transmission,which employ common standards and hence achieve contiguous coverage over large geographical areas,such as all the major urban centres and transport routes in Europe,Asia or the continental USA.This chapter discusses the special channel characteristics of mobile systems and examines the typical cellular clusters adopted to achieve continuous communication with the mobile user.It then highlights the important properties of current,and emerging,TDMA and code division multiple access(CDMA), mobile digital cellular communication systems.Private mobile radioTerrestrial mobile radio works best at around 250 MHz as lower frequencies than this suffer from noise and interference while higher frequencies experience multipath propagation from buildings,etc,section 15.2.In practice modest frequency bands are allocated between 60MHz and 2GHz. Private mobile radio(PMR) is the system which is used by taxi companies,county councils,health authorities,ambulance services,fire services,the utility industries,etc,for mobile communications.PMR has three spectral at VHF,one just below the 88 to 108 MHz FM broadcast band and one just above this band with another allocation at approximately 170MHz.There are also two allocations at UHF around 450MHz. all these spectral allocations provide a total of just over 1000 radio channels with the channels placed at 12KHz channel spacings or centre frequency offsets. Within the 12khz wide channal the analogue modulation in PMR typically allows 7khz of bandwidth for the signal transmission.when further allowance is made for the frequency drift in the oscillators of these systems a peak deviation of only 2 to 3 khz is available for the speech traffic. Traffic is normally impressed on these systems by amplitude modulation or frequency modulation and again the receiver is of the ubiquitous superheterodyne design,Figure 1.4. A double conversion receiver with two separate local oscillator stages is usually required to achieve the required gain and rejection of adjacent channel signals.One of the problems with PMR receiver is that they are requiredto detect very small signals,typically—120dBm at the antenna output,corresponding to 0.2 uV,and,after demodulating this signal,produce ann output with perhaps 1W of audio equipment, the first IF is normally at10.7MHz and the second IF is very orten at 455KHz . unfortunately,with just over 1000 available channels for the whole of the UK and between 20000and30000issued licences for these systems,it is inevitable that the average busuness user will have to share the allocated channel with other companies in their same geographical area.There are various modes of operation for mobile radio communications networks, the simplest of which is singal frequency simplex. In simplex communication, traffic is broadcast, or one way. PMR uses half duplex(see later Table 15.3) where, at the end of each transmission period, there is a handover of the single channel to the user previously receiving, in order to permit them to reply over the same channel. This is efficient in that it requires only one frequency allocation for the communication link but it has the disadvantage that all units canhear all transmissions provided they are within rage of the mobile and frequencies are allocated for the transmissions. One frequency is used for the forward or downlink, namely base-to-mobile communications. This permits simultaneous two-way communication and greatly reduces the level of interference, but it halves other’s transmissions, which can lead to contention with two mobiles attempting to initiate a call, at the same time, on the uplink in a busy syetem.Although PMR employs relatively simple techniques with analogue speech transmission there have been many enhancements to these systems over the years . Data transmission is now in widespread use in PMR systems using FSK modulation. Data transmission also allows the possibility of hard copy graphics output and it gives direct access to computer services such as databases, etc. Data prembles can also be used, in a selective calling mode, when initiating a transmission to address a special receiver and thus obtain more privacy within the system.15.4.5 Trunked radio for paramilitary use集群无线电的军事使用Another related TDMA mobile radio standard is the European trunked radio(TETRA)network which has been developed as part of the public safety radio communications service(PSRCS) for use by police, utilities, customs office, etc. TETRA in fact is part of wider international collaborations for paramilitary radio use.In these portable radios there is a need for frequency hopping (FH) to give an antieavesdropping capability and encryption for security of transmission to extend military mobile radio capabilities to paramilitary use, i.e. for police, customs and excise offices, etc. these capabilities are included in the multiband interteam radio for the associated public safety communications office in the USA while Europe has adopted the TETRA standard.TETRA is essentially the digital TDMA replacement of the analogue PMR systems. The TETRA standard has spectrum allocations of 380 to 400 and 410 to 430MHz, with the lower band used for mobile transmissions and the upper band for base station use. TETRA mobile have 1 W output power and the base stations 25 W using error with the data throughput rate varying, to meet the required quality of service. TETRA can accommodate up to four users each with a basic speech or data rate of 7.2kbit/s. with coding and signaling overheads, the final transmission rate for the four-user slot is 36 kbit/s. this equipment is large and more sophisticated than a commercial cell phone, and it sells for a very much higher price becase the production runs are much small. However, its advanced capabilities are essential for achieving paramilitary communications which are secure from eavesdropping.15.5 Code division multiple accessAnalogue communication systems predominantly adopt frequency division multiple access (FDMA), where each subscriber is allocated a narrow frequency slot within the available channel. The alternative TDMA(GSM) technique allocates the entire channel bandwidth to a subscriber but constrains the subscriber but constrains the subscriber to transmit only regular short bursts of wideband signal. Both these accessing techniques are well established for long haulterrestrial, satellite and mobile communications as they offer very good utilization of the available bandwidth.15.5.1The inflexibility of these coordinated accessing techniques has resulted in the development of new systems based on the uncoordinated spread spectrum concept. In these systems the bits of slow speed data traffic from each subscriber are deliberately multiplied by a high chip rate spreading code, forcing the low rate (narrowband data signal) to fill a wide channel bandwidth.15.7.2 3G systemsThe evolution of the third generation (3G)system began when the ITU produce the initial recommendations for a new universal mobile telecommunications system(UMTS)[www.] The 3G mobile radio service provides higher data rate services ,with a maximum data rate in excess of 2Mbit/s, but the achievable bit rate is linked to mobility. Multimedia applications encompass services such as voice, audio/video, graphics, data, Internet access and e-mail. These packet and circuit switched services have to be supported by the radio interface and the network subsystem.Several radio transmission technologies(RTT) were evaluated by the ITU and adopted into the new standard, IMT-2000. the European standardization body for 3G, the ETSI Special Mobile Group, agreed on a radio access scheme for 3G UMTS universal terrestrial radio access(UTRA) as an evolution of GSM. UTRA consists of two modes : frequency division duplex(FDD) where the uplink and downlink are transmitted on different frequencies; and time division duplex(TDD) where the uplink and downlink are time multiplexed onto the same carrier frequency. The agreement assigned the unpaired bands (i.e. for UTRA TDD ). TD-CDMA is a pure CDMA based system. Both modes of UTRA have been harmonised with respect to basic system parameters such as carrier spacing, chip rate and frame length to ensure the interworking of UTRA with GSM.The 3G proposal were predominantly based wideband CDMA(WCDMA) and a mix of FDD and TDD access techniques. WCDMA is favoured for 3G in poor propagation environments with a mix of high modest speed data traffic. It is generally accepted that CDMA is the preferred accesstechnique and, with the increase in the data rate, then the spreading modulation needs to increase to wideband transmission.WCDMA is based on 3.84Mchip/s spreading codes with spreading ratio, i.e. , K values, of 4-256 giving corresponging data ratas of 960-15 kbit/s. the upper FDD uplink band I from 1920-1980 MHz is paired with a 2110-2170 MHz downlink. In addition uplink bands II & III at 1850-1910 MHz and 1710-1785 MHz are also paired, respectively, with 1930-1990 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz allocations. the system is configured on a 10 ms frame with 15 individual slots to facilitate TDD as well as FDD transmissions. TDD is more flexible as time-slots can be dynamically reassigned to uplink and downlink functions, as required for asymmetric transfer of large files or video on demand traffic. 3G WCDMA systems use an adaptive multirate speech coder with encoded rates of 4.75-12.2 kbit/s. receivers commonly use the easily integrated direct conversion design, in place of the superheterodyne design . receiver sensitivities are typically -155dBm.The 3GPP2 standard aims to achieve a wide area mobile wireless packet switched capability with CDMA2000 1×EV DO revision A (sometimes called IS-856A). Here 1×refers to the single carrier 1.25 Mchip/s system. It achieves a 3.1 Mbit/s downlink and a delay sensitive services. The 3GPP standard has gone through many release with R4 in 2001 which introduced packet data services and R6 in 2005 to further increase the available data transmission rate . R6 pioneers the use of high-speed downlink packet access and multimedia broadcast multicast services which offer reduced delays and increased uplink data rates approaching 6 Mbit/s.In parallel with the European activities extensive work on 3G mobile radio was also performed in Japan. The Japanese standardisation body also chose WCDMA, so that the Japanese and European proposals for the FDD mode were already aligned closely. Very similar concepts have also been adopted by the North American standardization body.In order to work towards a global 3G mobile radio standard, the third generation partnership project(3GPP), consisting of members of the standardization bodies in Europe, the USA, Japan, Korea and China, was formed. It has merged the already well harmonized proposals of the regional standardization bodies to work on a common 3G international mobile radio standard, still called UTRA. The 3GPP Project 2(3GPP2), on the other hand, works towards a 3G mobile radio standard based on cdmaOne/IS-95 evolution, originally called CDMA2000.比起相对稳定、适度的技术发展是发生在宽带微波通信系统,有长期快速发展和扩大部署的新的移动个人通讯系统。
transistor n 晶体管diode n 二极管semiconductor n 半导体resistor n 电阻器capacitor n 电容器alternating adj 交互的amplifier n 扩音器,放大器integrated circuit 集成电路linear time invariant systems线性时不变系统voltage n 电压,伏特数tolerance n 公差;宽容;容忍condenser n 电容器;冷凝器dielectric n 绝缘体;电解质electromagnetic adj 电磁的adj 非传导性的deflection n偏斜;偏转;偏差linear device 线性器件the insulation resistance 绝缘电阻anode n 阳极,正极cathode n 阴极breakdown n 故障;崩溃terminal n 终点站;终端,接线端emitter n 发射器collect v 收集,集聚,集中insulator n 绝缘体,绝热器oscilloscope n 示波镜;示波器gain n 增益,放大倍数forward biased 正向偏置reverse biased 反向偏置P-N junction PN结MOS(metal-oxide semiconductor)金属氧化物半导体enhancement and exhausted 增强型和耗尽型integrated circuits 集成电路analog n 模拟digital adj 数字的,数位的horizontal adj, 水平的,地平线的vertical adj 垂直的,顶点的amplitude n 振幅,广阔,丰富attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀薄化multimeter n 万用表frequency n 频率,周率the cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管dual—trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器signal generating device 信号发生器peak-to—peak output voltage 输出电压峰峰值sine wave 正弦波triangle wave 三角波square wave 方波amplifier 放大器,扩音器oscillator n 振荡器feedback n 反馈,回应phase n 相,阶段,状态filter n 滤波器,过滤器rectifier n整流器;纠正者band-stop filter 带阻滤波器band-pass filter 带通滤波器decimal adj 十进制的,小数的hexadecimal adj/n十六进制的binary adj 二进制的;二元的octal adj 八进制的domain n 域;领域code n代码,密码,编码v编码the Fourier transform 傅里叶变换Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换microcontroller n 微处理器;微控制器assembly language instrucionsn 汇编语言指令chip n 芯片,碎片modular adj 模块化的;模数的sensor n 传感器plug vt堵,塞,插上n塞子,插头,插销coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的fiber n 光纤relay contact 继电接触器single instruction programmer单指令编程器dedicated manufacturesprogramming unit 专供制造厂用的编程单元beam n (光线的)束,柱,梁polarize v(使)偏振,(使)极化Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)阴极射线管neuron n神经元;神经细胞fuzzy adj 模糊的Artificial Intelligence Shell人工智能外壳程序Expert Systems 专家系统Artificial Intelligence 人工智能Perceptive Systems 感知系统neural network 神经网络fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑intelligent agent 智能代理electromagnetic adj 电磁的coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的microwave n 微波charge v充电,使充电insulator n 绝缘体,绝缘物nonconductive adj非导体的,绝缘的antenna n天线;触角modeling n建模,造型simulation n 仿真;模拟prototype n 原型array n 排队,编队vector n 向量,矢量wavelet n 微波,小浪sine 正弦 cosine 余弦inverse adj倒转的,反转的n反面;相反v倒转high—performance 高精确性,高性能two—dimensional 二维的;缺乏深度的three—dimensional 三维的;立体的;真实的object—oriented programming面向对象的程序设计spectral adj 光谱的attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀释distortion n 失真,扭曲,变形wavelength n 波长refractive adj 折射的ATM 异步传输模式AsynchronousTransfer ModeADSL非对称用户数字线Asymmetricdigital subscriber lineVDSL甚高速数字用户线very highdata rate digital subscriberlineHDSL高速数据用户线 high ratedigital subscriber lineFDMA频分多址(Frequency DivisionMultiple Access)TDMA时分多址(Time DivisionMultiple Access)CDMA同步码分多址方式(CodeDivision Multiple Access)WCDMA宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband Code DivisionMultiple Access)TD—SCDMA(Time DivisionSynchronous Code DivisionMultiple Access)时分同步码分多址SDLC(synchronous data linkcontrol)同步数据链路控制HDLC(high—level data linkcontrol)高级数据链路控制IP/TCP(internet protocol/transfer Control Protocol)网络传输控制协议ITU (InternationalTelecommunication Union)国际电信联盟ISO国际标准化组织(InternationalStandardization Organization);OSI开放式系统互联参考模型(OpenSystem Interconnect)GSM全球移动通信系统(GlobalSystem for Mobile Communications)GPRS通用分组无线业务(GeneralPacket Radio Service)FDD(frequency division duplex)频分双工TDD(time division duplex)时分双工VPI虚路径标识符(Virtual PathIdentifier);ISDN(Integrated ServicesDigital Network)综合业务数字网IDN综合数字网(integrateddigital network)HDTV (high definitiontelevision)高清晰度电视DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)离散余弦变换VCI(virtual circuit address)虚通路标识MAN城域网Metropolitan areanetworksLAN局域网local area networkWAN广域网wide area network同步时分复用STDM SynchronousTime Division Multiplexing统计时分复用STDM StatisticalTime Division Multiplexing单工传输simplex transmission半双工传输half-duplex transmission全双工传输full-duplex transmission交换矩阵Switching Matrix电路交换 circuit switching分组交换packet switching报文交换message switching奇偶校验parity checking循环冗余校验CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check虚过滤Virtual filter数字滤波digital filtering伪随机比特Quasi Random Bit带宽分配 Bandwidth allocation信源information source信宿destination数字化digitalize数字传输技术Digital transmission technology灰度图像Grey scale images灰度级Grey scale level幅度谱Magnitude spectrum相位谱Phase spectrum频谱frequency spectrum智能设备Smart Device软切换Soft handover硬切换 Hard Handover相干检测Coherent detection边缘检测Edge detection冲突检测collision detection业务集合service integration业务分离/综合service separation/ integration网络集合network integration环形网Ring networks令牌环网Token Ring network网络终端Network Terminal用户终端user terminal用户电路line circuit电路利用率channel utilization (通道利用率)相关性coherence相干解调coherent demodulation数字图像压缩digital image compression图像编码image encoding有损/无损压缩lossy/lossless compression解压decompression呼叫控制Call Control误差控制error control存储程序控制stored program control存储转发方式store-and-forward manner语音\视频传输voice\video transmission视频点播video—on-demand(VOD)会议电视Video Conference有线电视cable television量化quantization吞吐量throughput话务量traffic多径分集Multipath diversity多媒体通信MDM Multimedia Communication多址干扰Multiple Access Interference人机交互man machine interface 交互式会话Conversationalinteraction路由算法Routing Algorithm目标识别Object recognition话音变换Voice transform中继线trunk line传输时延transmission delay远程监控remote monitoring光链路optical link拓扑结构Topology均方根root mean squarewhatsoever=whatever 0switchboard (电话)交换台bipolar (电子)双极的premise (复)房屋,前提cursor (计算机尺的)游标,指导的elapse (时间)经过,消失vaporize (使)蒸发subsystem (系统的)分部,子系统,辅助系统metallic (像)金属的,含金属的,(声音)刺耳的dispatch (迅速)派遣,急件consensus (意见)一致,同意deadline (最后)期限,截止时间tomographic X线体层摄像的alas 唉,哎呀cluster把…集成一束,一组,一簇,一串,一群encyclopedia 百科全书millionfold 百万倍的semiconductor 半导体radius 半径范围,半径,径向射线half-duplex transmission 半双工传输accompaniment 伴随物,附属物reservation 保留,预定quotation 报价单,行情报告,引语memorandum 备忘录redundancy 备用be viewed as 被看作…be regards as 被认为是as such 本身;照此;以这种资格textual 本文的,正文的verge 边界variation 变化,变量conversion 变化,转化identity 标识;标志criterion 标准,准则in parallel on 并联到,合并到juxtapose 并置,并列dialing pulse 拨号脉冲wave-guide 波导wavelength division multiplexed波分复用baud rate 波特率playback 播放(录音带,唱片)no greater than 不大于update不断改进,使…适合新的要求,更新asymmetric 不对称的irrespective 不考虑的,不顾的inevitably 不可避免的inevitable 不可避免的,不可逃避的,必定的segment 部分abrasion 擦伤,磨损deploy 采用,利用,推广应用take the form of 采用…的形式parameter 参数,参量layer 层dope 掺杂FET(field effect transistors) 场效应管audio recording 唱片ultra—high—frequency(UHF)超高频in excess of 超过in excess of 超过hypertext 超文本ingredient 成分,因素ingredient 成分,组成部分,要素metropolitan—area network(WAN)城域网metropolitan area network(WAN)城域网,城市网络congestion 充满,拥挤,阻塞collision 冲突extractive 抽出;释放出extract 抽取,取出,分离lease 出租,租约,租界期限,租界物pass on 传递,切换transmission 传输facsimile 传真innovative=innovatory 创新的,富有革新精神的track 磁道impetus 促进,激励cluster 簇stored-program control(SPC)存储程序控制a large number of 大量的peal 大声响,发出supersede 代替supplant 代替,取代out—of—band signaling 带外信号simplex transmission 单工传输monochromatic 单色的,单色光的,黑白的ballistic 弹道的,射击的,冲击的conductor 导体hierarchy 等级制度,层次infrastructure 底层结构,基础结构geographic 地理的,地区的geographically 地理上GIS(ground instrumentationsystem) 地面测量系统ground station 地面站earth orbit 地球轨道extraterrestrial 地球外的,地球大气圈外的Land-sat 地球资源卫星rug 地毯,毯子ignite 点火,点燃,使兴奋electromagnetic 电磁的inductive 电感arc 电弧telephony 电话(学),通话dielectric 电介质,绝缘材料;电解质的,绝缘的capacitor 电容telecommunication 电信,无线电通讯scenario 电影剧本,方案modem pool 调制解调器(存储)池superimposing 叠加,重叠pin 钉住,扣住,抓住customize 定做,定制monolithic 独立的,完全统一的aluminize 镀铝strategic 对全局有重要意义的,战略的substantial 多的,大的,实际上的multi-path fading 多径衰落multi—path 多路,多途径;多路的,多途径的multi-access 多路存取,多路进入multiplex 多路复用multiplex 多路复用的degradation 恶化,降级dioxide 二氧化碳LED(light—emitting—diode)发光二极管evolution 发展,展开,渐进feedback 反馈,回授dimension 范围,方向,维,元scenario 方案scenario 方案,电影剧本amplifer 放大器noninvasive 非侵略的,非侵害的tariff 费率,关税率;对…征税distributed functional plane(DFP)分布功能平面DQDB(distributed queue dual bus)分布式队列双总线hierarchy 分层,层次partition 分成segmentation 分割interface 分界面,接口asunder 分开地,分离地detached 分离的,分开的,孤立的dispense 分配allocate 分配,配给;配给物centigrade 分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度的fractal 分形molecule 分子,微小,些微cellular 蜂窝状的cellular 蜂窝状的,格形的,多孔的auxiliary storage(also called secondary storage) 辅助存储器decay 腐烂,衰减,衰退negative 负电vicinity 附近,邻近vicinity 附近地区,近处sophisticated 复杂的,高级的,现代化的high-frequency(HF) 高频high definition television 高清晰度电视chromium 铬annotate 给…作注解in terms of 根据,按照disclosure 公布,企业决算公开public network 公用网functionality 功能,功能度mercury 汞resonator 共鸣器resonance 共振whimsical 古怪的,反复无常的administration 管理,经营cursor 光标(显示器),游标,指针optical computer 光计算机photoconductor 光敏电阻optical disks 光盘optically 光学地,光地wide—area networks 广域网specification 规范,说明书silicon 硅the internationaltelecommunication union(ITU) 国际电信联盟excess 过剩obsolete 过时的,废弃的maritime 海事的synthetic 合成的,人造的,综合的synthetic 合成的,综合性的rational 合乎理性的rationalization 合理化streamline 合理化,理顺infrared 红外线的,红外线skepticism 怀疑论ring network 环形网hybrid 混合物counterpart 伙伴,副本,对应物electromechanical 机电的,电动机械的Robot 机器人Robotics 机器人技术,机器人学accumulation 积累infrastructure 基础,基础结构substrate 基质,底质upheaval 激变,剧变compact disc 激光磁盘(CD)concentrator 集中器,集线器centrex system 集中式用户交换功能系统converge on 集中于,聚集在…上lumped element 集总元件CAI(computer-aided instruction)计算机辅助教学computer—integratedmanufacturing(CIM)计算机集成制造computer mediated communication(CMC)计算机中介通信record 记录register 记录器,寄存器expedite 加快,促进weight 加权accelerate 加速,加快,促进categorize 加以类别,分类in addition 加之,又,另外hypothetical 假设的rigidly 坚硬的,僵硬的compatibility 兼容性,相容性surveillance 监视surveillance 监视retrieval 检索,(可)补救verification 检验simplicity 简单,简明film 胶片,薄膜take over 接管,接任ruggedness 结实threshold 界限,临界值with the aid of 借助于,用,通过wire line 金属线路,有线线路coherent 紧凑的,表达清楚的,粘附的,相干的compact 紧密的approximation 近似undertake 进行,从事transistor 晶体管elaborate 精心制作的,细心完成的,周密安排的vigilant 警戒的,警惕的alcohol 酒精,酒local area networks(LANs)局域网local-area networks(LANs)局域网drama 剧本,戏剧,戏剧的演出focus on 聚集在,集中于,注视insulator 绝缘root mean square 均方根uniform 均匀的open—system-interconnection(OSI)开放系统互连expire 开始无效,满期,终止immunity 抗扰,免除,免疫性take…into account考虑,重视…programmable industrialautomation 可编程工业自动化demountable 可拆卸的tunable 可调的reliable 可靠be likely to 可能,大约,像要videotex video 可视图文电视negligible 可以忽略的aerial 空气的,空中的,无形的,虚幻的;天线broadband 宽(频)带pervasive 扩大的,渗透的tensile 拉力的,张力的romanticism 浪漫精神,浪漫主义discrete 离散,不连续ion 离子force 力量;力stereophonic 立体声的continuum 连续统一体,连续统,闭联集smart 灵巧的;精明的;洒脱的token 令牌on the other hand 另一方面hexagonal 六边形的,六角形的hexagon 六角形,六边形monopoly 垄断,专利video-clip 录像剪辑aluminum 铝pebble 卵石,水晶透镜forum 论坛,讨论会logical relationships 逻辑关系code book 码本pulse code modulation(PCM)脉冲编码调制roam 漫步,漫游bps(bits per second) 每秒钟传输的比特ZIP codes 美国邮区划分的五位编码susceptible(to)敏感的,易受…的analog 模拟,模拟量pattern recognition 模式识别bibliographic 目录的,文献的neodymium 钕the european telecommunicationstandardization institute(ETSI)欧洲电信标准局coordinate 配合的,协调的;使配合,调整ratify 批准,认可bias 偏差;偏置deviate 偏离,与…不同spectrum 频谱come into play 其作用entrepreneurial 企业的heuristic methods 启发式方法play a …role(part)起…作用stem from 起源于;由…发生organic 器官的,有机的,组织的hypothesis 前提front-end 前置,前级potential 潜势的,潜力的intensity 强度coincidence 巧合,吻合,一致scalpel 轻便小刀,解剖刀inventory 清单,报表spherical 球的,球形的distinguish 区别,辨别succumb 屈服,屈从,死global functional plane(GFP) 全局功能平面full-duplex transmission 全双工传输hologram 全息照相,全息图deficiency 缺乏thermonuclear 热核的artifact 人工制品AI(artificial intelligence) 人工智能fusion 熔解,熔化diskettes(also called floppy disk) 软盘sector 扇区entropy 熵uplink 上行链路arsenic 砷neural network 神经网络very-high—frequency(VHF) 甚高频upgrade 升级distortion 失真,畸变identification 识别,鉴定,验明pragmatic 实际的implementation 实施,实现,执行,敷设entity 实体,存在vector quantification 矢量量化mislead 使…误解,给…错误印象,引错vex 使烦恼,使恼火defy 使落空facilitate 使容易,促进retina 视网膜compatible 适合的,兼容的transceiver 收发两用机authorize 授权,委托,允许data security 数据安全性data independence 数据独立data management 数据管理database 数据库database management system(DBMS)数据库管理信息系统database transaction 数据库事务data integrity 数据完整性,数据一致性attenuation 衰减fading 衰落,衰减,消失dual 双的,二重的transient 瞬时的deterministic 宿命的,确定的algorithm 算法dissipation 损耗carbon 碳diabetes 糖尿病cumbersome 讨厌的,麻烦的,笨重的razor 剃刀,剃go by the name of 通称,普通叫做commucation session 通信会话traffic 通信业务(量)synchronous transmission 同步传输concurrent 同时发生的,共存的simultaneous 同时发生的,同时做的simultaneous 同时发生的,一齐的coaxial 同轴的copper 铜statistical 统计的,统计学的dominate 统治,支配invest in 投资perspective 透视,角度,远景graphics 图示,图解pictorial 图像的coating 涂层,层deduce 推理reasoning strategies 推理策略inference engine 推理机topology 拓扑结构heterodyne 外差法的peripheral 外界的,外部的,周围的gateway 网关hazardous 危险的microwave 微波(的)microprocessor 微处理机,微处理器microelectronic 微电子nuance 微小的差别(色彩等)encompass 围绕,包围,造成,设法做到maintenance 维护;保持;维修satellite communication 卫星通信satellite network 卫星网络transceiver 无线电收发信机radio—relay transmission 无线电中继传输without any doubt 无疑passive satellite 无源卫星sparse 稀少的,稀疏的downlink 下行链路precursor 先驱,前任visualization 显像feasibility 现实性,可行性linearity 线性度constrain 限制,约束,制约considerable 相当的,重要的geo-stationary 相对地面静止by contrast 相反,而,对比起来coorelation 相关性mutual 相互的mutually 相互的,共同的interconnect 相互连接,互连one after the other 相继,依次minicomputer 小型计算机protocol 协议,草案protocol 协议,规约,规程psycho-acoustic 心理(精神)听觉的;传音的channelization 信道化,通信信道选择run length encoding 行程编码groom 修饰,准备virtual ISDN 虚拟ISDNmultitude 许多,大批,大量whirl 旋转preference 选择,喜欢avalanche 雪崩pursue 寻求,从事interrogation 询问dumb 哑的,不说话的,无声的subcategory 亚类,子种类,子范畴orbital 眼眶;轨道oxygen 氧气,氧元素service switching and controlpoints(SSCPs)业务交换控制点service control points(SCPs) 业务控制点service control function(SCF) 业务控制功能in concert 一致,一齐handover 移交,越区切换at a rate of 以……的速率in the form of 以…的形式base on… 以…为基础yttrium 钇(稀有金属,符号Y)asynchronous transmission 异步传输asynchronous 异步的exceptional 异常的,特殊的voice—grade 音频级indium 铟give rise to 引起,使产生cryptic 隐义的,秘密的hard disk 硬盘hard automation 硬自动化by means of 用,依靠equip with 用…装备subscriber 用户telex 用户电报PBX(private branch exchange)用户小交换机或专用交换机be called upon to 用来…,(被)要求…superiority 优势predominance 优势,显著active satellite 有源卫星in comparison with 与…比较comparable to 与…可比preliminary 预备的,初步的premonition 预感,预兆nucleus 原子核valence 原子价circumference 圆周,周围teleprocessing 远程信息处理,遥控处理perspective 远景,前途constrain 约束,强迫mobile 运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车上的convey 运输,传递,转换impurity 杂质impurity 杂质,混杂物,不洁,不纯regenerative 再生的improve over 在……基础上改善play important role in 在…中起重要作用in close proximity 在附近,在很近underlying 在下的,基础的in this respect 在这方面entail 遭遇,导致presentation 赠与,图像,呈现,演示narrowband 窄(频)带deploy 展开,使用,推广应用megabit 兆比特germanium 锗positive 正电quadrature 正交orthogonal 正交的quadrature amplitudemodulation(QAM) 正交幅度调制on the right track 正在轨道上sustain 支撑,撑住,维持,持续outgrowh 支派;长出;副产品dominate 支配,统治knowledge representation 知识表示knowledge engineering 知识工程knowledge base 知识库in diameter 直径helicopter 直升飞机acronym 只取首字母的缩写词as long as 只要,如果tutorial 指导教师的,指导的coin 制造(新字符),杜撰fabrication 制造,装配;捏造事实proton 质子intelligence 智能,智力,信息intelligent network 智能网intermediate 中间的nucleus(pl.nuclei) 中心,核心neutrons 中子terminal 终端,终端设备overlay 重叠,覆盖,涂覆highlight 重要的部分,焦点charge 主管,看管;承载dominant 主要的,控制的,最有力的cylinder 柱面expert system 专家系统private network 专用网络transition 转变,转换,跃迁relay 转播relay 转播,中继repeater 转发器,中继器pursue 追赶,追踪,追求,继续desktop publish 桌面出版ultraviolet 紫外线的,紫外的;紫外线辐射field 字段vendor 自动售货机,厂商naturally 自然的;天生具备的synthesize 综合,合成integrate 综合,使完全ISDN(intergrated servicesdigital network) 综合业务数字网as a whole 总体上bus network 总线形网crossbar 纵横,交叉impedance 阻抗initial 最初的,开始的optimum 最佳条件appear as 作为…出现A Analog 模拟A/D Analog to Digital 模—数转换AAC Advanced Audio Coding高级音频编码ABB Automatic Black Balance 自动黑平衡ABC American Broadcasting Company 美国广播公司Automatic Bass Compensation 自动低音补偿 Automatic BrightnessControl 自动亮度控制ABL Automatic Black Level自动黑电平ABLC Automatic BrightnessLimiter Circuit 自动亮度限制电路ABU Asian BroadcastingUnion 亚洲广播联盟(亚广联ABS American Bureau ofStandard 美国标准局AC Access Conditions 接入条件Audio Center 音频中心ACA Adjacent ChannelAttenuation 邻频道衰减ACC Automatic CenteringControl 自动中心控制Automatic Chroma Control 自动色度(增益ACK Automatic Chroma Killer自动消色器ACP Additive Colour Process加色法ACS Access Control System接入控制系统Advanced CommunicationService 高级通信业务Area Communication System区域通信系统ADC Analog to DigitalConverter 模-数转换器Automatic DegaussirngCircuit 自动消磁电路ADL Acoustic Delay Line 声延迟线ADS Audio DistributionSystem 音频分配系统AE Audio Erasing 音频(声音AEF Automatic EditingFunction 自动编辑功能AES Audio EngineeringSociety 音频工程协会AF Audio Frequency 音频AFA Audio FrequencyAmplifier 音频放大器AFC Automatic FrequencyCoder 音频编码器Automatic Frequency Control自动频率控制AFT Automatic Fine Tuning自动微调Automatic Frequency Track自动频率跟踪Automatic Frequency Trim 自动额率微调AGC Automatic Gain Control自动增益控制AI Artificial Intelligence人工智能ALM Audio—Level Meter 音频电平表AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅AMS Automatic Music Sensor自动音乐传感装置ANC Automatic NoiseCanceller 自动噪声消除器ANT ANTenna 天线AO Analog Output 模拟输出APS Automatic ProgramSearch 自动节目搜索APPS Automatic ProgramPause System 自动节目暂停系统APSS Automatic ProgramSearch System 自动节目搜索系统AR Audio Response 音频响应ARC Automatic RemoteControl 自动遥控ASCII American StandardCode for InformationInterchange 美国信息交换标准AST Automatic ScanningTracking 自动扫描跟踪ATC Automatic TimingControl 自动定时控制Automatic Tone Correction自动音频校正ATM Asynchronous TransferMode 异步传输模式ATF Automatic Track Finding自动寻迹ATS Automatic Test System自动测试系统ATSC Advanced TelevisionSystems Committee (美国高级电视制式委员会)***C Automatic VolumeControl 自动音量控制***R Automatic VoltageRegulator 自动稳压器AWB Automatic White Balance自动白平衡AZC Automatic ZoomingControl 自动变焦控制AZS Automatic Zero Setting自动调零BA Branch Amplifier 分支放大器Buffer Amplifier 缓冲放大器BAC Binary-AnalogConversion 二进制模拟转换BB Black Burst 黑场信号BBC British BroadcastingCorporation 英国广播公司BBI Beijing BroadcastingInstitute 北京广播学院BC Binary Code 二进制码Balanced Current 平衡电流Broadcast Control 广播控制BCT Bandwidth CompressionTechnique 带宽压缩技术BDB Bi-directional Data Bus双向数据总线BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则Bit Error Rate 比特误码率BF Burst Flag 色同步旗脉冲BFA Bare Fiber Adapter 裸光纤适配器Brillouin Fiber Amplifier布里渊光纤放大器BGM Background Music 背景音乐BIOS Basic Input/OutputSystem 基本输入输出系统B—ISDN Broadband—ISDN 宽带综合业务数据网BIU Basic Information Unit基本信息单元Bus Interface Unit 总线接口单元BM Bi-phase Modulation 双相调制BML Business ManagementLayer 商务管理层BN Backbone Network 主干网BNT Broadband NetworkTermination 宽带网络终端设备BO Bus Out 总线输出BPG Basic Pulse Generator 基准脉冲发生器BPS Band Pitch Shift 分频段变调节器BSI British Standard Institute 英国标准学会BSS Broadcast Satellite Service 广播卫星业务BT Block Terminal 分线盒、分组终端British Telecom 英国电信BTA Broadband Terminal Adapter 宽带终端适配器Broadcasting Technology Association (日本BTL Balanced Transformer—Less 桥式推挽放大电路BTS Broadcast Technical Standard 广播技术标准BTU Basic Transmission Unit 基本传输单元BVU Broadcasting Video Unit 广播视频型(一种3/4英寸带录像机记录格式BW BandWidth 带宽BWTV Black and White Television 黑白电视CA Conditional Access 条件接收CAC Conditional Access Control 条件接收控制CAL Continuity AcceptLimit 连续性接受极限CAS Conditional Access System 条件接收系统Conditional Access Sub—system 条件接收子系统CATV Cable Television 有线电视,电缆电视Community Antenna Television 共用天线电视C*** Constant Angular Velocity 恒角速度CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 加拿大广播公司CBS Columbia Broadcasting System (美国哥伦比亚广播公司CC Concentric Cable 同轴电缆CCG Chinese Character Generator 中文字幕发生器CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone ConsultativeCommittee 国际电话电报咨询委员会CCR Central Control Room 中心控制室CCTV China Central Television 中国中央电视台Close-Circuit Television 闭路电视CCS Center Central System 中心控制系统CCU Camera Control Unit 摄像机控制器CCW Counter Clock—Wise 反时针方向CD Compact Disc 激光唱片 CDA Current DumpingAmplifier 电流放大器CD—E Compact Disc Erasable可抹式激光唱片CDFM Compact Disc FileManager 光盘文件管理(程序CDPG Compact—Disc PlusGraphic 带有静止图像的CD唱盘CD-ROM Compact Disc—ReadOnly Memory 只读式紧凑光盘CETV China EducationalTelevision 中国教育电视台CF Color Framing 彩色成帧CGA Color Graphics Adapter彩色图形(显示卡CI Common Interface 通用接口CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形(显示卡CI Common Interface 通用接口CIE Chinese Institute ofElectronics 中国电子学会CII China InformationInfrastructure 中国信息基础设施CIF Common IntermediateFormat 通用中间格式CIS Chinese IndustrialStandard 中国工业标准CLV Constant Linear Velocity恒定线速度CM Colour Monitor 彩色监视器CMTS Cable Modem TerminationSystem 线缆调制解调器终端系统CNR Carrier-to—Noise Ratio载噪比CON Console 操纵台Controller 控制器CPB Corporation of PublicBroadcasting (美国公共广播公司CPU Central Processing Unit中央处理单元CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check循环冗余校验CRCC CRI Cyclic RedundancyCheck Code 循环冗余校验码CROM China RadioInternational 中国国际广播电台CRT Control Read Only Memory控制只读存储器CS Cathode—Ray Tube 阴极射线管CSC Communication Satellite通信卫星CSS Color Sub-carrier 彩色副载波Center Storage Server 中央存储服务器Content Scrambling System 内容加扰系统CSU Channel Service Unit 信道业务单元CT Color Temperature 色温CTC Cassette Tape Controller盒式磁带控制器Channel Traffic Control 通道通信量控制Counter Timer Circuit 计数器定时器电路Counter Timer Control 计数器定时器控制CTE Cable TerminationEquipment 线缆终端设备Customer Terminal Equipment用户终端设备CTV Color Television 彩色电视CVD China Video Disc 中国数字视盘CW Carrie Wave 载波DAB Digital AudioBroadcasting 数字音频广播DASH Digital AudioStationary Head 数字音频静止磁头DAT Digital Audio Tape 数字音频磁带DBMS Data Base ManagementSystem 数据库管理系统DBS Direct BroadcastSatellite 直播卫星DCC Digital Compact Cassette数字小型盒带Dynamic Contrast Control 动态对比度控制DCT Digital ComponentTechnology 数字分量技术Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换DCTV Digital ColorTelevision 数字彩色电视DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control直接数字控制DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 动态数据交换DDM Data Display Monitor 数据显示监视器DES Data Elementary Stream数据基本码流Data Encryption Standard 美国数据加密标准DF Dispersion Flattened 色散平坦光纤DG Differential Gain 微分增益DI Digital Interface 数字接口DITEC Digital TelevisionCamera 数字电视摄像机DL Delay Line 延时线DLD Dynamic Linear Drive 动态线性驱动DM Delta Modulation 增量调制Digital Modulation 数字调制DMB Digital MultimediaBroadcasting 数字多媒体广播DMC Dynamic Motion Control动态控制DME Digital Multiple Effect数字多功能特技DMS Digital Mastering System数字主系统DN Data Network 数据网络DNG Digital News Gathering数字新闻采集DNR Digital Noise Reducer 数字式降噪器DOB Data Output Bus 数据输出总线DOCSIS Data Over CableService Interface Specifications有线数据传输业务接口规范DOC Drop Out Compensation 失落补偿DOS Disc Operating System 磁盘操作系统DP Differential Phase 微分相位Data Pulse 数据脉冲DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation 差值脉冲编码调制DPL Dolby Pro Logic 杜比定向逻辑DSB Digital Satellite Broadcasting 数字卫星广播DSC Digital Studio Control 数字演播室控制DSD Dolby Surround Digital 杜比数字环绕声DSE Digital Special Effect 数字特技DSK Down-Stream Key 下游键DSP Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Digital Sound Processor 数字声音处理器DSS Digital Satellite System 数字卫星系统DT Digital Technique 数字技术Digital Television 数字电视Data Terminal 数据终端Data Transmission 数据传输DTB Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting 数字地面广播DTBC Digital Time—Base Corrector 数字时基校正器DTC Digital Television Camera 数字电视摄像机DTS Digital Theater System 数字影院系统Digital Tuning System 数字调谐系统Digital Television Standard 数字电视标准DVB Digital Video Broadcasting 数字视频广播DVC Digital Video Compression 数字视频压缩DVE Digital Video Effect 数字视频特技DVS Desktop Video Studio 桌上视频演播DVTR Digital Video Tape Recorder 数字磁带录像机EA Extension Amplifier 延长放大器EB Electron Beam 电子束EBS Emergency Broadcasting System 紧急广播系统EBU European Broadcasting Union 欧洲广播联盟EC Error Correction 误差校正 ECN Emergency Communications Network 应急通信网络ECS European Communication Satellite 欧洲通信卫星EDC Error Detection Code 错误检测码EDE Electronic Data Exchange 电子数据交换EDF Erbium—Doped Fiber 掺饵光纤EDFA Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDL Edit Decision List 编辑点清单EDTV Extended Definition Television 扩展清晰度电视EE Error Excepted 允许误差EFM Eight to Fourteen Modulation 8-14调制 EFP Electronic FieldProduction 电子现场节目制作EH Ethernet Hosts 以太网主机EIN Equivalent Input Noise等效输入噪声EIS Electronic InformationSystem 电子信息系统EISA Extended IndustrialStandard Architecture 扩展工业标准总线EL Electro—Luminescent 场致发光EM Error Monitoring 误码监测EN End Node 末端节点ENG Electronic NewsGathering 电子新闻采集EOT End of Tape 带尾EP Edit Point 编辑点Error Protocol 错误协议EPG Electronic Program Guides 电子节目指南EPS Emergency Power Supply应急电源ERP Effective Radiated Power 有效辐射功率ES Elementary Stream 基本码流End System 终端系统ESA European Space Agency 欧洲空间局ETV Education Television 教育电视FA Enhanced Television 增强电视FABM FAS Facial Animation 面部动画FC Fiber Amplifier BoosterModule 光纤放大器增强模块Fiber Access System 光纤接入系统Frequency Changer 变频器FCC Fiber Channel 光纤通道FD Film Composer 电影编辑系统Federal CommunicationsCommission 美国联邦通信委员会FDCT Frequency Divider 分频器FDDI FDM Fiber Duct 光纤管道FDP Forward Discrete CosineTransform 离散余弦正变换FE Fiber Distributed DataInterface 分布式光纤数据接口Frequency-Division Multiplexing频分复用FF Fiber Distribution Point光纤分配点FG Front End 前端FH Framing Error 成帧误差FIT Fast Forward 快进FN Frequency Generator 频率发生器FOA Frequency Hopping 跳频FOC Frame—Interline Transfer帧一行间转移Fiber Node 光纤节点Fiber Optic Amplifier 光纤放大器FOM Fiber Optic Cable 光缆FON Fiber Optic Communications光纤通信FOS Fiber Optic Coupler 光纤耦合器FOTC Fiber Optic Modem 光纤调制解调器FS Fiber Optic Net 光纤网Factor of Safety 安全系数Fiber Optic Trunk Cable 光缆干线FT Frame Scan 帧扫描FTP Frame Store 帧存储器FTTB Frame Synchro 帧同步机FTTC France Telecom 法国电信Absorber Circuit 吸收电路AC/AC Frequency Converter 交交变频电路AC power control交流电力控制AC Power Controller交流调功电路AC Power Electronic Switch交流电力电子开关Ac Voltage Controller交流调压电路Asynchronous Modulation异步调制Baker Clamping Circuit贝克箝位电路Bi—directional Triode Thyristor双向晶闸管Bipolar Junction Transistor-—BJT双极结型晶体管Boost—Buck Chopper升降压斩波电路Boost Chopper升压斩波电路Boost Converter升压变换器Bridge Reversible Chopper桥式可逆斩波电路Buck Chopper降压斩波电路Buck Converter降压变换器Commutation换流Conduction Angle导通角Constant Voltage ConstantFrequency —-CVCF 恒压恒频Continuous Conduction—-CCM(电流)连续模式Control Circuit 控制电路Cuk Circuit CUK 斩波电路Current Reversible Chopper电流可逆斩波电路Current Source Type Inverter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cyclo convertor周波变流器DC-AC-DC Converter直交直电路DC Chopping直流斩波DC Chopping Circuit直流斩波电路DC—DC Converter直流-直流变换器Device Commutation器件换流Direct Current Control直接电流控制Discontinuous Conduction mode(电流)断续模式displacement factor 位移因数distortion power 畸变功率double end converter 双端电路driving circuit 驱动电路electrical isolation 电气隔离fast acting fuse 快速熔断器fast recovery diode快恢复二极管fast revcovery epitaxial diodes快恢复外延二极管fast switching thyristor快速晶闸管。
虽然OXC和DXC在网络中的作用相同,但由 于两者的功能和实现的方法不同,因此它 们各有不同的应用范围。理想的方式是将 传输节点分为光层和数字层,光层的OXC和 数字层的DXC配合使用。
按照网络的功能与作用的不同进行分类 :
全光核心网络用作长途骨干网,是当前研 究的主流,重点解决多媒体全业务信息的 超大容量、超高速的全光传输和交换,基 于光放大技术、光调制技术、光多路复用 技术、光交换技术,以及新型光纤及色散 补偿等技术,构成多种类型的全光网络。
全光接入网是最终实现光纤到家(FTTH)的 网络形式,利用全光多址接入和抗多址干 扰技术,实现全业务服务。
1.分层结构 全光网采用分层结构,将应用层直接接入 光层,形成两层结构,即光层和IP层,减 少了网络层次,IP业务在光域上实现传输 和交换。
全光网与现有的传统网络应具有好的开放 性和兼容性,允许以多种方式接入,如SDH 、ATM等
2.光层结构 光层应能为实现全光传输和交换构建相应 的结构。光层的功能包括: 1)光信道,以传递业务信息。 2)多路光信道的信息进行复用,以获得更 有效率的传输和交换。 3)实现在光域上的信息传输和交换。
载频,实现光信道的多路复用和多址组 网,利用密集波分复用技术和光放大技 术实现网络链路的全光传输。
容量大,可成倍地扩展;传输速率高, 可运作在10Gbit/s和更高的速率信道 上;兼容性好,适用于ATM、SONET、IP 、FR以及其他信息制式;具有对传输和 交换的速率、波长和协议的透明性;网 络的抗毁恢复性能好;网络易于升级, 可扩展性好。
在今后的工作中,我们将对软件定义HPON 中的VPON间和VPON内的联合带宽分配算法进行研究。
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表面等离子体激元纳米激光器技术及应用研究进展陈泳屹;佟存柱;秦莉;王立军;张金龙【摘要】Conventional semiconductor lasers suffer from the scale of the diffraction limit due to the light to be confined by the optical feedback systems. Therefore, the scales of the lasers cannot be miniaturized because their cavities cannot be less than the half of the lasing wavelength. However, lasers based on the Surface Plas- mon Polaritons(SPPs) can operate at a deep sub-wavelength, even nanometer scale. Moreover, the develop- ment of modern nanofabrication techniques provides the fabrication conditions for micro - or even nanometer scale lasers. This paper reviews the progress in nano-lasers based on SPPs that have been demonstrated re-cently. It describes the basic principles of the SPPs and gives structures and characteristics for several kinds of nanometer scale lasers. Then, it points out that the major defects of the nanometer scale lasers currently are focused on higher polariton losses and the difficultiesin fabrication and electronic pumping technologies men- tioned above. Finally, the paper considers the research and application prospects of the nanometer scale lasers based on the SPPs.%传统半导体激光器由于采用光学系统反馈而存在衍射极限,其腔长至少是其发射波长的一半,因此难以实现微小化。
Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation ConferenceB. A. Peters, J. S. Smith, D. J. Medeiros, and M. W. Rohrer, eds.ABSTRACTOriginating from basic research conducted in the 1970’s and 1980’s, the parallel and distributed simulation field has ma-tured over the last few decades. Today, operational systems have been fielded for applications such as military training, analysis of communication networks, and air traffic control systems, to mention a few. This tutorial gives an overview of technologies to distribute the execution of simulation pro-grams over multiple computer systems. Particular emphasis is placed on synchronization (also called time management) algorithms as well as data distribution techniques.1 INTRODUCTIONParallel and distributed simulation is concerned with issues introduced by distributing the execution of a discrete event simulation program over multiple computers. Parallel dis-crete event simulation is concerned with execution on mul-tiprocessor computing platforms containing multiple cen-tral processing units (CPUs) that interact frequently, e.g., thousands of times per second. Distributed simulation is concerned with the execution of simulations on loosely coupled systems where interactions take much more time, e.g., milliseconds or more, and occur less often. It includes execution on geographically distributed computers inter-connected via a wide area network such as the Internet. In both cases the execution of a single simulation model, per-haps composed of several simulation programs, is distrib-uted over multiple computers.There are two principal categories of simulations of concern here. The first are simulations primarily used for analysis, e.g., to evaluate alternate designs or control poli-cies of a complex system, e.g., an air traffic network. Here the principal goal is to compute results of the simulation as quickly as possible in order to improve the effectiveness of the simulation tool. A related application is to use simula-tions to evaluate alternate courses of action, e.g., to evaluate different control actions imposed on an air traffic network in order to reduce delays induced by inclement weather in one portion of the air space. Use of simulations to manage on-going processes is referred to as on-line simulation.The second type of simulation of interest here are those used to create virtual environments into which hu-mans and/or hardware devices are embedded. Such envi-ronments are widely used for training, entertainment (e.g., video games), and test of evaluation of devices. Virtual environments have been used extensively to train military personnel because they provide a much safer, more cost effective, and environmentally friendlier approach to train-ing than field exercises.Parallel and distributed simulation systems can provide substantial benefit to these applications in several ways: • Execution times of analytic simulations can be re-duced by subdividing a large simulation computa-tion into many sub-computations that can executeconcurrently. One can reduce the execution timeby up to a factor equal to the number of proces-sors that are used. This may be important simplybecause the simulation takes a long time to exe-cute, e.g., simulations of communication networkscontaining tens of thousands of nodes may requiredays or weeks for a single run.• Very fast executions are needed for on-line simu-lations because there is often very little timeavailable to make important decisions. In manycases, simulation results must be produced in sec-onds in order for simulation results to be useful.Again, parallel simulation provides a means to re-duce execution time.• Simulations used for virtual environments must execute in real time, i.e., the simulator must beable to simulate a second of activity in a second ofwallclock time so that the virtual environment ap-pears realistic in that it evolves as rapidly as theactual system. Distributing the execution of thesimulation across multiple processors can help toachieve this property. Ideally, scalable executioncan be obtained whereby the distributed simula-tion continues to run in real time as the system be-PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SIMULATION SYSTEMSRichard M. FujimotoCollege of ComputingGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAtlanta, GA 30332-0280, U.S.A.ing simulated and the number of processors areincreased in proportion.• Distributed simulation techniques can be used to create virtual environments that are geographi-cally distributed, enabling one to allow humansand/or devices to interact as if they were co-located. Such distributed virtual environmentshave obvious benefits in terms of convenienceand reduced travel costs.• Distributed simulation can simplify integrating simulators that execute on machines from differentmanufacturers. For example, flight simulators fordifferent types of aircraft may have been developedon different architectures. Rather than porting theseprograms to a single computer, it may be more costeffective to “hook together” the existing simulators,each executing on a different computer, to create anew virtual environment.• Another potential benefit of utilizing multiple processors is increased tolerance to failures. If oneprocessor fails, it may be possible for other proc-essors to continue the simulation provided criticalelements do not reside on the failed processors.Work in parallel and distributed simulation systems has taken place in three, largely separate research communities. The first is the high performance computing community which was concerned primarily with speeding up the execu-tion of simulation programs by distributing their execution over multiple CPUs. Early work in synchronization algo-rithms dates back to the late 1970’s with seminal work by Chandy and Misra (1978), and Bryant (1977) (among oth-ers) who are credited with first formulating the synchroniza-tion problem and developing the first algorithms to solve it. These algorithms are among a class of algorithms that are today referred to as conservative synchronization algo-rithms. A few years later, seminal work by Jefferson devel-oped the Time Warp algorithm (Jefferson 1985). Time Warp is important because it defined fundamental constructs widely used in a class of algorithms termed optimistic syn-chronization. Conservative and optimistic synchronization techniques form the core of a large body of work concerning parallel discrete event simulation techniques.The second community involved in the development of distributed simulation technology is the defense com-munity. While the high performance computing commu-nity was largely concerned with reducing execution time, the defense community was concerned with integrating separate training simulations in order to facilitate interop-erability and software reuse. The SIMNET (SIMulator NETworking) project (1983 to 1990) demonstrated the vi-ability of using distributed simulations to create virtual worlds for training soldiers in military engagements (Miller and Thorpe 1995). This lead to the development of a set of standards for interconnecting simulators known as the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) standards (IEEE Std 1278.1-1995 1995). The 1990’s also saw the development of the Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol (ALSP) that applied the SIMNET concept of interoperabil-ity and model reuse to wargame simulations. ALSP and DIS have since been replaced by the High Level Architec-ture whose scope spans the broad range of defense simula-tions, including simulations for training, analysis, and test and evaluation of hardware components.A third track of research and development efforts arose from the Internet and computer gaming community. Work in this area can be traced back to a role-playing game called dungeons and dragons and a textual fantasy computer game called Adventure developed in the 1970’s. These soon gave way to MultiUser Dungeon (MUD) games in the 1980’s. Important additions such as sophisti-cated computer graphics helped created the video game in-dustry that is flourishing today.This paper is organized as follows. The next section is concerned with the execution of analytic simulations on parallel computers, with the principal goal of reducing execution time. Synchronization is a key problem that must be addressed. Section 3 is concerned with an ap-proach to parallel simulation known as time decomposi-tion. Section 4 is concerned with distributed virtual envi-ronments and issues such as data distribution that arise in that domain. This paper is an updated version of a previ-ous tutorial presented at this conference in (Fujimoto 1999b). A much more detailed treatment of this subject is presented in (Fujimoto 2000).2 TIME MANAGEMENTTime management is concerned with ensuring that the exe-cution of the parallel/distributed simulation is properly synchronized. This is particularly important in analytic simulations. Time management not only ensures that events are processed in a correct order, but also helps to ensure that repeated executions of a simulation with the same inputs produce exactly the same results. Currently, time management techniques such as those described here are typically not used in training simulations, where incor-rect event orderings and non-repeatable simulation execu-tions can usually be tolerated.Time management algorithms usually assume the simulation consists of a collection of logical processes (LPs) that communicate by exchanging timestamped mes-sages or events. The goal of the synchronization mecha-nism is to ensure that each LP processes events in time-stamp order; this requirement is referred to as the local causality constraint. It can be shown that if each LP ad-heres to the local causality constraint, execution of the simulation program on a parallel computer will produce exactly the same results as an execution on a sequential computer. An important side effect of this property is thatit is straightforward to ensure that the execution of the simulation is repeatable.Each LP can be viewed as a sequential discrete event simulation. This means each LP maintains some local state and a list of time stamped events that have been scheduled for this LP (including local events within the LP that it has scheduled for itself), but have not yet been processed. This pending event list must also include events sent to this LP from other LPs. The main processing loop of the LP repeat-edly removes the smallest time stamped event and processes it. Thus, the computation performed by an LP can be viewed as a sequence of event computations. Processing an event means zero or more state variables within the LP may be modified, and the LP may schedule additional events for itself or other LPs. Each LP maintains a simulation time clock that indicates the time stamp of the most recent event processed by the LP. Any event scheduled by an LP must have a time stamp at least as large as the LP’s simulation time clock when the event was scheduled.Time management algorithms can be classified as be-ing either conservative or optimistic. Each of these are de-scribed next.2.1 Conservative SynchronizationThe first synchronization algorithms were based on conser-vative approaches. This means the synchronization algo-rithm takes precautions to avoid violating the local causality constraint. For example, suppose an LP is at simulation time 10, and it is ready to process its next event with time stamp 15. But how does the LP know it won’t later receive an event from another LP with time stamp (say) 12? The synchronization algorithm must ensure no event with time stamp less than 15 can be later received before it can allow the time stamp 15 event to be processed.Thus, the principal task of any conservative protocol is to determine when it is “safe” to process an event, i.e., when can one guarantee no event containing a smaller time stamp will be later received by this LP. An LP cannot process an event until it has been guaranteed to be safe.2.1.1 First Generation AlgorithmsThe algorithms described in (Bryant 1977, Chandy and Misra 1978) were perhaps the first synchronization algo-rithms to be developed. They assume the topology indicat-ing which LPs send messages to which others is fixed and known prior to execution. It is assumed each LP sends messages with non-decreasing time stamps, and the com-munication network ensures that messages are received in the same order that they were sent. This guarantees that messages arriving on each incoming link of an LP arrive in timestamp order. This implies that the timestamp of the last message received on a link is a lower bound on the timestamp of any subsequent message that will later be re-ceived on that link.Messages arriving on each incoming link are stored in first-in-first-out order, which is also timestamp order be-cause of the above restriction. Local events scheduled within the LP can be handled by having a queue within each LP that holds messages sent by an LP to itself. Each link has a clock that is equal to the timestamp of the mes-sage at the front of that link’s queue if the queue contains a message, or the timestamp of the last received message if the queue is empty. The process repeatedly selects the link with the smallest clock and, if there is a message in that link’s queue, processes it. If the selected queue is empty, the process blocks. The LP never blocks on the queue con-taining messages it schedules for itself, however. This pro-tocol guarantees that each process will only process events in non-decreasing timestamp order.Although this approach ensures the local causality constraint is never violated, it is prone to deadlock. A cycle of empty links with small link clock values (e.g., smaller than any unprocessed message in the simulator) can occur, resulting in each process waiting for the next process in the cycle. If there are relatively few unproc-essed event messages compared to the number of links in the network, or if the unprocessed events become clus-tered in one portion of the network, deadlock may occur very frequently.Null messages are used to avoid deadlock. A null message with timestamp T null sent from LP A to LP B is a promise by LP A that it will not later send a message to LP B carrying a timestamp smaller than T null. Null messages do not correspond to any activity in the simulated system; they are defined purely for avoiding deadlock situations. Processes send null messages on each outgoing link after processing each event. A null message provides the re-ceiver with additional information that may be used to de-termine that other events are safe to process.Null messages are processed by each LP just like ordi-nary non-null messages, except no activity is simulated by the processing of a null message. In particular, processing a null message advances the simulation clock of the LP to the time stamp of the null message. However, no state variables are modified and no non-null messages are sent as the result of processing a null message.How does a process determine the timestamps of the null messages it sends? The clock value of each incoming link provides a lower bound on the timestamp of the next event that will be removed from that link’s buffer. When coupled with knowledge of the simulation performed by the process, this bound can be used to determine a lower bound on the timestamp of the next outgoing message on each out-put link. For example, if a queue server has a minimum ser-vice time of T, then the timestamp of any future departure event must be at least T units of simulated time larger than any arrival event that will be received in the future.Whenever a process finishes processing a null or non-null message, it sends a new null message on each outgo-ing link. The receiver of the null message can then com-pute new bounds on its outgoing links, send this informa-tion on to its neighbors, and so on. It can be shown that this algorithm avoids deadlock (Chandy and Misra 1978).The null message algorithm introduced a key property utilized by virtually all conservative synchronization algo-rithms: lookahead. If an LP is at simulation time T, and it can guarantee that any message it will send in the future will have a time stamp of at least T+L regardless of what mes-sages it may later receive, the LP is said to have a lookahead of L. As we just saw, lookahead is used to generate the time stamps of null messages. One constraint of the null message algorithm is it requires that no cycle among LPs exist con-taining zero lookahead, i.e., it is impossible for a sequence of messages to traverse the cycle, with each message sched-uling a new message with the same time stamp.2.1.2 Second Generation AlgorithmsThe main drawback with the null message algorithm is it may generate an excessive number of null messages. Con-sider a simulation containing two LPs. Suppose both are blocked, each has reached simulation time 100, and each has a lookahead equal to 1. Suppose the next unprocessed event in the simulation has a time stamp of 200. The null message algorithm will result in null messages exchanged between the LPs with time stamp 101, 102, 103, and so on. This will continue until the LPs advance to simulation time 200, when the event with time stamp 200 can now be proc-essed. A hundred null messages must be sent and proc-essed between the two LPs before the non-null message can be processed. This is clearly very inefficient. The problem becomes even more severe if there are many LPs.The principal problem is the algorithm uses only the current simulation time of each LP and lookahead to pre-dict the minimum time stamp of messages it could generate in the future. To solve this problem, we observe that the key piece of information that is required is the time stamp of the next unprocessed event within each LP. If the LPs could collectively recognize that this event has time stamp 200, all of the LPs could immediately advance from simu-lation time 100 to time 200. Thus, the time of the next event across the entire simulation provides critical information that avoids the “time creeping” problem in the null message algorithm. This idea is exploited in more ad-vanced synchronization algorithms.Another problem with the null message algorithm concerns the case where each LP can send messages to many other LPs. In the worst case, the LP topology is fully connected meaning each LP could send a message to any other. In this case, each LP must broadcast a null mes-sage to every other LP after processing each event. This also results in an excessive number of null messages.One early approach to solving these problems is an al-ternate algorithm that allows the computation to deadlock, but then detects and breaks it (Chandy and Misra 1981). The deadlock can be broken by observing that the mes-sage(s) containing the smallest timestamp is (are) always safe to process. Alternatively, one may use a distributed computation to compute lower bound information (not unlike the distributed computation using null messages de-scribed above) to enlarge the set of safe messages.Many other approaches have been developed. Some protocols use a synchronous execution where the computa-tion cycles between (i) determining which events are “safe’” to process, and (ii) processing those events. It is clear that the key step is determining the events that are safe to process each cycle. Each LP must determine a lower bound on the time stamp (LBTS) of messages it might later receive from other LPs. This can be deter-mined from a snapshot of the distributed computation as the minimum among:• the simulation time of the next event within each LP if the LP is blocked, or the current time of theLP if it is not blocked, plus the LP’s lookaheadand• the time stamp of any transient messages, i.e., any message that has been sent but has not yet beenreceived at its destination.A barrier synchronization can be used to obtain the snapshot. Transient messages can be “flushed” out of the system in order to account for their time stamps. If first-in-first-out communication channels are used, null messages can be sent through the channels to flush the channels, though as noted earlier, this may result in many null mes-sages. Alternatively, each LP can maintain a counter of the number of messages it has sent, and the number if has re-ceived. When the sum of the send and receive counters across all of the LPs are the same, and each LP has reached the barrier point, it is guaranteed that there are no more transient messages in the system. In practice, summing the counters can be combined with the computation for com-puting the global minimum value.To determine which events are safe, the distance be-tween LPs is sometimes used. This “distance” is the minimum amount of simulation time that must elapse for an event in one LP to directly or indirectly affect another LP, and can be used by an LP to determine bounds on the timestamp of future events it might receive from other LPs. This assumes it is known which LPs send messages to which other LPs. Full elaboration this technique is beyond the scope of the present discussion, however, these tech-niques and others are described in (Fujimoto 2000).Another thread of research in synchronization algo-rithms concerns relaxing ordering constraints in order to improve performance. Some approaches amount to simplyignoring out of order event processing (Sokol and Stucky 1990, Rao, et al. 1998). Use of time intervals, rather than precise time stamps, to encode uncertainty of temporal in-formation in order to improve the performance of time management algorithms have also been proposed (Fujimoto 1999a) (Beraldi and Nigro 2000). Use of causal order rather than time stamp order for distributed simula-tion applications has also been studied (Lee, et al. 2001).2.2 Optimistic SynchronizationIn contrast to conservative approaches that avoid violations of the local causality constraint, optimistic methods allow violations to occur, but are able to detect and recover from them. Optimistic approaches offer two important advan-tages over conservative techniques. First, they can exploit greater degrees of parallelism. If two events might affect each other, but the computations are such that they actually don’t, optimistic mechanisms can process the events con-currently, while conservative methods must sequentialize execution. Second, conservative mechanism generally rely on application specific information (e.g., distance between objects) in order to determine which events are safe to process. While optimistic mechanisms can execute more efficiently if they exploit such information, they are less reliant on such information for correct execution. This al-lows the synchronization mechanism to be more transpar-ent to the application program than conservative ap-proaches, simplifying software development. On the other hand, optimistic methods may require more overhead com-putations than conservative approaches, leading to certain performance degradations.The Time Warp mechanism (Jefferson 1985) is the most well known optimistic method. When an LP receives an event with timestamp smaller than one or more events it has already processed, it rolls back and reprocesses those events in timestamp order. Rolling back an event involves restoring the state of the LP to that which existed prior to processing the event (checkpoints are taken for this pur-pose), and “unsending” messages sent by the rolled back events. An elegant mechanism called anti-messages is provided to “unsend” messages.An anti-message is a duplicate copy of a previously sent message. Whenever an anti-message and its matching (positive) message are both stored in the same queue, the two are deleted (annihilated). To “unsend” a message, a process need only send the corresponding anti-message. If the matching positive message has already been processed, the receiver process is rolled back, possibly producing ad-ditional anti-messages. Using this recursive procedure all effects of the erroneous message will eventually be erased.Two problems remain to be solved before the above ap-proach can be viewed as a viable synchronization mecha-nism. First, certain computations, e.g., I/O operations, can-not be rolled back. Second, the computation will continually consume more and more memory resources because a his-tory (e.g., checkpoints) must be retained, even if no roll-backs occur; some mechanism is required to reclaim the memory used for this history information. Both problems are solved by global virtual time(GVT). GVT is a lower bound on the timestamp of any future rollback. GVT is computed by observing that rollbacks are caused by mes-sages arriving “in the past.” Therefore, the smallest time-stamp among unprocessed and partially processed messages gives a value for GVT. Once GVT has been computed, I/O operations occurring at simulated times older than GVT can be committed, and storage older than GVT (except one state vector for each LP) can be reclaimed.GVT computations are essentially the same as LBTS computations used in conservative algorithms. This is be-cause rollbacks result from receiving a message or anti-message in the LP’s past. Thus, GVT amounts to comput-ing a lower bound on the time stamp of future messages (or anti-messages) that may later be received.A pure Time Warp system can suffer from overly op-timistic execution, i.e., some LPs may advance too far ahead of others leading to excessive memory utilization and long rollbacks. Many other optimistic algorithms have been proposed to address these problems. Most attempt to limit the amount of optimism. An early technique involves using a sliding window of simulated time (Sokol and Stucky 1990). The window is defined as [GVT, GVT+W] where W is a user defined parameter. Only events with time stamp within this interval are eligible for processing. Another approach delays message sends until it is guaran-teed that the send will not be later rolled back, i.e., until GVT advances to the simulation time at which the event was scheduled. This eliminates the need for anti-messages and avoids cascaded rollbacks, i.e., a rollback resulting in the generation of additional rollbacks (Dickens and Rey-nolds 1990). A technique called direct cancellation is sometimes used to rapidly cancel incorrect messages, thereby helping to reduce overly optimistic execution (Fujimoto 1989, Zhang and Tropper 2001).Another problem with optimistic synchronization con-cerns the amount of memory that may be required to store history information. Several techniques have been devel-oped to address this problem. For example, one can roll back computations to reclaim memory resources (Jefferson 1990, Lin and Preiss 1991). State saving can be performed infrequently rather than after each event (Lin, et al. 1993, Palaniswamy and Wilsey 1993). The memory used by some state vectors can be reclaimed even though their time stamp is larger than GVT (Preiss and Loucks 1995).Early approaches to controlling Time Warp execution used user-defined parameters that had to be tuned to opti-mize performance. Later work has focused on adaptive approaches where the simulation executive automatically monitors the execution and adjusts control parameters to maximize performance. Examples of such adaptive controlmechanisms are described in (Ferscha 1995, Das and Fu-jimoto 1997), among others.Practical implementation of optimistic algorithms re-quires that one must be able to roll back all operations, or be able to postpone them until GVT advances past the simulation time of the operation. Care must be taken to ensure operations such as memory allocation and dealloca-tion are handled properly, e.g., one must be able to roll back these operations. Also, one must be able to roll back execution errors. This can be problematic in certain situa-tions, e.g., if an optimistic execution causes portions of the internal state of the Time Warp executive to be overwritten (Nicol and Liu 1997).Another approach to optimistic execution involves the use of reverse computation techniques rather than rollback (Carothers, et al. 1999). Undoing an event computation is accomplished by executing the inverse computation, e.g., to undo incrementing a state variable, the variable is in-stead decremented. The advantage of this technique is it avoids state saving, which may be both time consuming and require a large amount of memory. In (Carothers, et al. 1999) a reverse compiler is described to automatically generate inverse computations.2.3 Current State-of-the-ArtSynchronization is a well-studied area of research in the par-allel discrete event simulation field. There is no clear con-sensus concerning whether optimistic or conservative syn-chronization perform better; indeed, the optimal approach usually depends on the application. In general, if the appli-cation has good lookahead characteristics and programming the application to exploit this lookahead is not overly bur-densome, conservative approaches are the method of choice. Indeed, much research has been devoted to improving the lookahead of simulation applications, e.g., see (Deelman, et al. 2001). Otherwise, optimistic synchronization offers greater promise. Disadvantages of optimistic synchroniza-tion include the potentially large amount of memory that may be required, and the complexity of optimistic simula-tion executives. Techniques to reduce memory utilization further aggravate the complexity issue.Recently, synchronization algorithms have assumed an increased importance because of their use in the DoD High Level Architecture (HLA). Because the HLA is driven by the desire to reuse existing simulations, an important dis-advantage of optimistic synchronization in this context is the effort required to add state saving and other mechanism to enable the simulation to be rolled back.3 TIME PARALLEL SIMULATIONTime-parallel simulation methods have been developed for attacking specific simulation problems with well-defined objectives, e.g., measuring the loss rate of a finite capacity queue of an ATM multiplexer. Time-parallel algorithms divide the simulated time axis into intervals, and assign each interval to a different processor. This allows for mas-sively parallel execution because simulations often span long periods of simulated time.A central question that must be addressed by time-parallel simulators is ensuring the states computed at the “boundaries” of the time intervals match. Specifically, it is clear that the state computed at the end of the interval [T i-1,T i] must match the state at the beginning of interval [T i,T i+1]. Thus, this approach relies on being able to per-form the simulation corresponding to the ith interval with-out first completing the simulations of the preceding (i-1, i-2, ... 1) intervals.Because of the “state-matching” problem, time-parallel simulation is really more of a methodology for developing massively parallel algorithms for specific simulation prob-lems than a general approach for executing arbitrary dis-crete-event simulation models on parallel computers. Time-parallel algorithms are currently not as robust as space-parallel approaches because they rely on specific properties of the system being modeled, e.g., specification of the sys-tem’s behavior as recurrence equations and/or a relatively simple state descriptor. This approach is currently limited to a handful of applications, e.g., queuing networks, Petri nets, cache memories, and multiplexers in communication net-works. Space-parallel simulations offer greater flexibility and wider applicability, but concurrency is limited to the number of logical processes. In some cases, both time and space-parallelism can be used.One approach to solving the state matching problem is to have each processor guess the initial state of its simula-tion, and then simulate the system based on this guessed initial state (Lin and Lazowska 1991). In general, the initial state will not match the final state of the previous interval. After the interval simulators have completed, a “fix-up” computation is performed to account for the fact that the wrong initial state was used. This might be performed, for instance, by simply repeating the simulation, using the fi-nal state computed in the previous interval as the new ini-tial state. This “fix-up” process is repeated until the initial state of each interval matches the final state of the previous interval. In the worst case, N such iterations are required when there are N simulators. However, if the final state of each interval simulator is seldom dependent on the initial state, far fewer iterations will be needed.In (Heidelberger and Stone 1990) the above approach is proposed to simulate cache memories using a least-recently-used replacement policy. This approach is effec-tive for this application because the final state of the cache is not heavily dependent on the cache’s initial state. A variation on this approach devised in the context of simu-lating statistical multiplexers for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switches precomputes certain points in time where one can guarantee that a buffer overflow (full。
Optical Communications
Optical CommunicationsOptical communications refer to the transmission of information using light as the signal. It is a crucial technology that has revolutionized the way we communicate, particularly in the field of telecommunications. Optical communications have become the backbone of modern communication systems, and they have enabled the transmission of vast amounts of data over long distances. One of the primary requirements of optical communications is high bandwidth. The demand for high-speed data transmission has increased significantly in recent years due to the rise of cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Optical communications provide the necessary bandwidth to support these technologies, enabling data to be transmitted at high speeds over long distances. Another requirement of optical communications is low attenuation. Attenuation refers to the loss of signal strength as it travels through a medium. Optical fibers, which are used in optical communications, have low attenuation, which means that they can transmit signals over long distances without significant signal loss. This is essential for long-distance communication, such as transoceanic communication. Optical communications also require low noise. Noise refers to any unwanted signal that interferes with the desired signal. In optical communications, noise can come from various sources, including environmental factors, such as temperature changes and vibrations. To ensure high-quality signal transmission, optical communication systems must be designed to minimize noise. Another critical requirement of optical communications is reliability. Optical communication systems must be designed to operate reliably in harsh environments, such as extreme temperatures, high humidity, and electromagnetic interference. Reliability is particularly important in critical applications, such as inaviation and defense. Finally, optical communications require security. With the increasing amount of sensitive data being transmitted over optical communication systems, security has become a significant concern. Optical communication systems must be designed to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted data. In conclusion, optical communications are acrucial technology that has revolutionized the way we communicate. They provide high bandwidth, low attenuation, low noise, reliability, and security, making themideal for transmitting vast amounts of data over long distances. As the demand for high-speed data transmission continues to grow, optical communications will continue to play a critical role in modern communication systems.。
DCWTechnology Lecture技术讲座1数字通信世界2024.04上一讲所介绍的传统型天线,仍不能完全满足未来6G 等对利用太赫兹通信电路的要求,例如,平面电路广泛采用的微带贴片天线,天线效率较低,每个单元增益仅一至数分贝,甚至为负值,相对带宽(通频带上下限频率差与中心频率之比)仅百分之一左右,天线效率也欠佳,此外,在天线的可重构(工作频率、多波束、波束扫描等)方面也难以提供更多、更大的灵活性。
1 光电导天线(PhotoconductiveAntenna,PCA)[1]-[7]1.1 基本原理与构成太赫兹波光电导天线(PCA )原理如图1所示。
通常是在由III-V 族化合物加工而得到的半绝缘高电阻Si-GaAs 做的衬底上,外延生长出一层GaAs 半导体薄膜。
在此薄膜上沉积出金属电极,并加上偏置电压;二电极间接一偶极子,将波长为800 nm 或1 100~1 550 nm的激光用飞秒(1 ps 或更高)脉冲调制后,照射偶极子间隙处的半导体薄膜,激光光子被半导体薄膜材料吸收,当光子能量大于半导体导带与价带之间的能带带隙时,便将载流子(电子)从价带激发到导带,而价带出现空穴,形成空穴-电子对,成为自由载流子,然后它们被偏置产生的电场加速,载流子电荷的运动便是电流,称为光生电流,简称光电流。
Ultra WideBand (UWB) 系统介绍
Characteristics of Impulse Radio -UWB (2)
Resolvable multipaths RAKE receiver Path overlap half of the pulse length positive contribution
Impulse Radio UWB Potential Applications
Ultra Wide Band (UWB)
UWB Definition
• Common Definitions – UWB: Fractional BW = (fH - fL)/fC > 25% or total BW > 1.5 GHz. – Narrowband: (fH - fL)/fC < 1%. • FCC Definition of UWB – Fractional bandwidth (measured at the -10dB points), (fH - fL)/fC > 20% or total BW > 500 MHz.
transmitting 0 pulse wtr(t)
Tc Tf Ts : data symbol time
transmitting 1
δ Tc Tf
δ t
codeword C = [1 0 0 2] , N h = 3 code period N p = 4 Ts = N s ⋅ T f i.e. , Ts = 4 ⋅ T f N s : number of pulses per data symbol T f ≥ N h ⋅ Tc i.e., T f = 3 ⋅ Tc
Uint1抽样量化和编码:sampling quantizing and coding话路:speech channel幅值:amplitude value抽样频率:sampling frequency抽样速率:sampling speed rate脉冲流:stream of pulses重复率: repetition rate编码过程:coding processs模拟信号:analog signal传输质量transmission quality数字通信digital communication数字传输digital transmission含噪声的环境noisy environment传输路由transmission path信号比signal-to-noise ratio信号电平signal levels地面系统terrestrial system噪声功率noise power二进制传输binary transmission反向操作reverse operation8位码序列8-digit sequence接收端receiving terminal帧格式frame format同步字synchronization wordthe schemes for performing these three function 实现这三项功能的方案a series of amplitude values 一串幅值a speech channel of telephone quality 电话质量的话路a sequence of 8-binary digits 一个8位二进制码的序列a minimum theoretical sampling frequency 理论上的最小抽样频率a voice channel occupying the range 300Hz to 3.4KHz 占据着300Hz到3.4KHz 频率范围的话路8-digits per sample value 每个样值8位码the sparking of a car ignition system 汽车点火系统的大火the stream of the pulsese with a repetition rate of 64KHz 重复率为64KHz的脉冲the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal 真实信号与噪声信号的关系the signal received from a satellite 由卫星上收到的信号the complete information about a particular message 一条特定消息的全部信息the shape of the transmitted signal 被传信号的波形the attenuation introduced by transmission path 由传输路由引入的衰减the unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a set of pulses 将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元a sequence relating to channel 1,2 and son on涉及到第一路、第二路及其他各路的序列a unique sequence of pulses called synchronizationword 被称为同步字的独特的码序列terrestrial system 地面系统the presence or absence of the pulse 脉冲的“有”或“无”a high-speed electronic switch 高速的电子开关the time division multiplexer 时分多路复用器Time Division Multiplexing 时分多路复用Unit2串行接口 serial interface显示终端 CRT terminal发送器与接收器 transmitter and receiver数据传输 data transmission数据流 data stream闲置状态the idle state传号电平 mark level空号电平 space level起始位start bit停止位stop bitT秒的持续时间duration of T seconds奇偶校验位parity bit错误标志error flag传输错误transmission error下降沿falling edge符号间的空格 intersymbol space接收机的定时 receiver timing本地时钟local clock磁带 magnetic tape控制比特 control bit逻辑1电平logical 1 level二进制数据binary data明显的缺点obvious disadvantageasynchronous serial data transmission 异步串行数据传输The most popular serial interface 最为流行的串行接口The transmitted data 所传送的数据The clocks at the transmitter and receiver发送器和接收器的时钟The era of teleprinter电传机的时代The dots and dashes of a character一个字符的点和划Three times the duration of intersymbol space符号间空格持续时间的三倍The group of bits called characters 被称为字符的比特组The invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits ofinformation由7或8个比特的信息组成的固定单元A clock generated locally by the receiver 由接收机本地产生的时钟The received parity bit following the character 在字符后所收到的奇偶校验位The falling edge of the start bit 起始位的下降沿The character-oriented nature of the data link 数据链路面向字符的特性Uint3联网技术 networking technology国际标准化组织 international Organization forStandardization (ISO)参考模型 reference model数据分组 packet data应用程序 application program网络媒体 network media分层 called layering硬件和软件 hardware and software表示层 the presentation layer传输层 the transport layer数据链路层 the data link layer网络服务 network services文件接入 file access数据格式 data format主机 host协议 protocol连接 connectivity逻辑地址 logical addressingNetworking technology 联网技术Proprietary networking system 专用联网系统The international Organization for Standardization国际标准规划组织Compatibility between the various type of networks各种网络之间的兼容性Seven numbered layers 七层协议Standardization of network components 网络部件的标准化Error recovery 纠错Receiving host’s system 发方主机系统Connection-oriented circuits 面向连接的电路Information flow control 信息流控制Network media access 网络媒体接入Electrical specification 电气特性Maximum transmission distance 最大传输距离Uint 4传输控制协议transmission control protocol互联协议Internet protocol数据通信data communication微波microwave高层协议higher-level protocol流量控制traffic control目的地destination(信)源resource段segment互联层Internet layer分组交换packet switching超文本传输协议hypertext transfer protocol灵活性flexibility数据报datagramtransmission control protocol传输控制协议Internet protocol互联协议satellite links卫星链路the Standard On which the internet has grown互联网发展所基于的标准Network access layer网络接人层connection-oriented protocol面向连接的协议file transfer protocol文件传输协议hypertext transfer protocol超文本传输协议domain name system域名系统developer of software软件开发人user datagram protocol用户数据报协议packet -switched technology分组交换技术Unit 5局域网local area network工作站workstation外设peripheral拓扑topology集线器hub交换器switch流量traffic网络接口卡network interface card数据库database印刷电路板printed circuit board主板motherboard网络适配器network adaptor并行数据parallel data电脉冲electrical impulses中继器repeater联网介质networking medialocal-area network局域网logical topology逻辑拓扑devices that connect directly to a network segment 直接连到网络段的部件network interface card网络接口卡process of the encapsulation打包的过程standardized symbol标准化的符号printed circuit board印刷电路板expansion slot of a bus on a computer’s motherboard 在计算机母板上总线的扩展槽network adapter网络适配器parallel signal produced by the computer由计算机产生的并行信号transmltting station发送站the specifications for Category 5 twisted-pair Ethernet五类双绞线以太网的规范Unit 6无源集线器passive hub网桥 bridge可用带宽 useable handwidth地址表addressing table交换器 switch路由器 router光纤optical fiber无线介质wireless media铜线copper wirethe device that serves as the center of network作为网络中心的部件multi-port repeater多端口中继器reliability of the network网络的可靠性passive or active hubs无源或有源的集线器protocol address or network address地址或网络地址network administrator网络管理者switching of packets to the best route交换分组到最佳路由network segment网络段Unit 7网络资源network resource信息服务information services远程终端remote terminals地址address互连的系统 interconnected systems命令 command电子邮件electronic mail主机Host无线信道wireless channels搜索工具popup用户界面user interface拷贝copy'互连网popup存取access文本信息textual messages鼠标mouse协议protocol超文本协议hypertext protocolgiant network of computers located all over theworld分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络backbone system主干系统nationwide network全国范围的网络electronic conferences电子会议remote terminal远程终端live conversation实时的对话world wide web万维网searching tool搜寻工具the largest repository of information 最大的信息库network facilities resources网络设备资源the vast majority of the computers on the net在网上的绝大多数计算机the Unix operating system UNIX操作系统textual message文本信息sa way to move data between the internet and your PC在因特网和你的PC机之间传送数据的方法the convenient searching tools方便的搜索工具the networked hypertext protocol 联网的超文本协议Unit 8optical fiber communications 光纤通信light source 光源wavelength 波长laser 激光器dispersion 色散transmission medium传输介质multi-mode fiber 多模光纤long-haul trunks 长途干线single-mode fiber 单模光纤bandwidth 带宽wideband subscriber 宽带用户fiber-optics 纤维光学commercial technology 商用技术threshold current 门限电流photodetector 光检测器wavelength multiplexing 波分复用fiber-optic networks 纤维光网络video bandwidth 视频带宽长途传输 long distance transmission中继距离. repeater spacing商用技术 . commercial technology<光纤通信 . optical fibre communications已装光纤的总长度 . the total length of installedfibre长途通信系统 long-haul telecommunication system低衰减的石英纤维 the low-loss silica fibre衰减逼近瑞利极限的光纤fibers with lossesapproaching the Rayleigh limit室温下的门限电流 . room temperature thresholdcurrents较长波长区the longer wavelength region用户接入工程. subscriber access project部件性能和可靠性的改进improvements in componentperformance and reliability<已安装的光纤系统的数据速率data rates forinstalled fibre optic system每秒吉比特gigabit per second range波分复用. wavelength multiplexing宽带用户环路系统. wideband subscriber loop system多纤连接器. multifibre connectors设计寿命 . projected lifetime光源. light source单模光纤. single-mode fibre分布反馈式激光器 distributed-feedback laser信息容量 information capacity交换体系. switching hierarchy宽带业务 .broadband servicesUnit 9cellular mobile telephone 蜂窝式移动电话service perfor mance 服务性能frequency band 频带microprocessor 微处理器mobile unit 移动手机broadcast service广播业务antenna 天线subsystems 子系统mobile subscriber 移动用户service capability 服务能力untiliaztion 利用率bandwidth 带宽single-sideband 单边带spread spectrum 扩频large scale integrated circuits 大规模集成电路cellular site 蜂窝点cellular switch 蜂窝交换机radio cabinet 无线机架call processing 呼叫处理service area 服务区frequency spectrum untiliaztion 频谱利用率the limited assigned frequency band 有限的指定频带complicated features and functions 复杂的特性和功能large-scale integrated circuit technology 大规模集成电路技术developmental cellular system 实验性的蜂窝系统central coordinating element 中央协调单元cellular administration 蜂窝管理operational limitation of conventional mobile telephone system 传统移动电话的运行限制limited service capability 有限的服务能力radio communication industry 无线通行行业available radio frequency spectrum 可用的无线电频谱the allocated frequency band 所分配的频带mobile transceiver 移动收发器technological feasibility 技术上的可行性servere spectrum limitation 严厉的频谱限制FM broadcasting service 调频广播业务propagation path loss 传播路径衰耗multipath fading 多路径衰耗telephone company zone officee 电话公司地方局unit 10personal communications 个人通信communication standards 通信标准fixed telephone service 固定电话业务network capacity 网络容量mobile switching center 移动交换中心international roaming 国际漫游broadband services 宽带业务interface converseon 接口转换frequency allocation 频谱分配analogue mode 模拟方式cellular communication principle 蜂窝通信原理jamming 拥塞cell splitting 蜂窝裂变base station 基站register 寄存器billing function 收费功能access method 接入方法burst transmission mode 突发脉冲传输方式overhead information 开销信息handover algorithms 切换算法short message sevice 短消息服务technical specification 技术规范total acess communication system 全接入的通信系统global mobile communication system 全球移动通信系统time division multiple acess 时分多址facsimile and short message service 传真和短消息服务fixed communicateon networks 固定通信网络a more personalized system 更个人化的系统the cost and quality of the link 链路的价格与质量marker growth 市场的发展coaxial cable 同轴电缆frequency reuse and cll splitting 频率再生和蜂窝裂变cochannel interference 共信道干扰theroretical spectral capability 理论上的频谱容量micro-cellular system 微蜂窝系统base station transceiver 基站收发器subscriber register 用户寄存器advanced handover algorithms 先进的切换算法the GSM technicall specifications GSM的技术规范unit 11circuit switching 电路交换packet switching 分组交换message switching 报文交换subnet 子网header 信头destination address 目的地error control误差控制store-and-forward manner 存储转发方式bursty 突发性transmission delay 传输时延intermediate switching equipment 中间交换设备switching technique 交换技术return signal 返回信号message processor 报文处理机given maximum length 给定最大长度information transfer 信息转移random 随机性dedicated circuit 专用电路channel utilization 电路利用率the capability of storing and manipulating user’sdata 存储和处理用户的能力the special signaling message 特定的信令信息a well defined block of data called a message 被精心定义的称为报文的数据块the information regarding the source anddestination addersses 涉及源和目的地址的信息the computer referred to as a message processor 叫做报文处理器的计算机the store-and-forward transmission technique 存储转发传输技术the dynamic allocation of the bandwidth 带宽的动态分配the overall transmission delay of the message报文整个的传输时延switching technique 交换技术total path of connected lines 连线的整个通路source-destination pair 源到目的地的一对communication parties 通信各方transmission unit 传输单元initial connection cost incurred in setting up thecircuit 在建立电路时产生的起初连接成本low delay constraint requited by the user 用户所需的短时延的限制the fixed dedicated end-to-end circuit 固定专用的端到端电路low channel utilization 低的电路利用率unit 12asynchronous transfer mode 异步转移模式logical channel 逻辑信道virtual circuits 虚电路virtual paths 虚路径recommendation 建议network level 网络层service and application level 业务和应用层virtual connection 虚连接information superhighway 信息高速公路vedio-on-demand 点播电视statistical multiplexing 统计复用digital information 数字化的信息identifier 标识符protocols 协议network node 网络节点broadband network 宽带网ATM forum ATM论坛future-proofed 面向未来的image encoding 图像编码virtual private network 虚拟专用网data processing 数据处理short packets called cells 被叫做信元的短的分组bit rates of several hundred megabits a second 每秒几百兆比特的速率unique multiplexing method 独特的复用方法the physical connection between any to terminals 任何两个终端之间的物理连接interactive video services 交互式的视频业务a nature vehicle for multimedia services 多媒体业务的自然载体the crrent and future requirements of both operators and users 运营者和用户当前和未来的要求the technique for switching high bit rate channel 高比特率信道的交换技术multiplexing and switching technique 复用和交换技术the underlying type of transmission 所承载的传输类型dual identification 双重标识the transfer of cells to the network nodes 信元在网络节点上的转移hundreds megabits a second 每秒几百兆比特recommendation I.121 I.121建议the quality of service 业务质量in proportion to the exact requirement 与实际需求成比例the application and service transported over a network 网络所传送的应用和业务the ability to construct virtual network 构成虚网络的能力cost-effiective use of infrastructure 低价高效的利用网络设施coordinating different networks carrying different services 协调传送不同业务的不同网络essential components of future information superhighways 未来的信息高速公路的基本部件optimum use of resource 资源的最佳使用unit 13public telecommunication network 公众电信网local loop 本地环路switching node 交换节点twisted pair 双绞线external call 外部呼叫end office 端局digital data system 数字数据系统two wire connection 二线连接toll center 收费中心circuit-switched network 电路交换网telephone subscriber 电话用户data traffic 数据流量link 链路trunk 中继线half-duplex 半双工full-duplex 全双工voice-frequency circuit 音频电路trandem switch 汇接交换机topology 拓扑internode 节点间的route 路由full-duplex connection 全双工的连接the function of concentrating traffic 集中话务量的功能the switching nodes called tandem seitches 被称为汇接局的交换节点a fraction of subscriber 一小部分用户the interface between the station and the network在站和网络之间的接口the subscriber that transmit digital signal 发送数字信号的用户national networks 国家网络architectural components 结构部件the branches between nodes 节点间的支路tree topology 树状拓扑transmission facilities 传输设备multiple voice-frequency circuit 多条音频电路synchronous TDM 同步时分复用adjacent end offices 相邻的端局full connectivity 全连通性isolated subnetworks 被分离的子网high usage trunks 高效中继线basic order of selection 路由选择的基本次序backbone hierarchical network 主干体系网络two subscribers attached to different end offices连接到不同端局的两个用户exchange area 交换区Unit 14global communications 全球通信flexibility 灵活性end-to-end digital connectivity 端到端的数字连接open network 开放网络voice encoding 语音编码integrated services digital network综合业务数字网infrastructure 系统结构International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织communication carriers 通信载体transmission medium 传输媒体interface equipment 接口设备bandwidth limitation 带宽限制switching equipment 交换设备pulse code modulation 脉冲调制basic access 基本接入degradation due to the transmission medium 由于传输媒体导致的质量下降bandwidth limitations inherent in a 4 kHz voicechannel 4 kHz 路中所固有的带宽限制standardized ports 标准化的接口pulse code modulation 脉冲编码调制digital communication 数字通信ISDN standards and system architecture ISDN的标准和系统结构progressive application of digital technology 数字技术的逐步应用public communication carriers 公共通信载体enhanced quality 高质量substantial quantity of interface equipment 大量的接口设备flexibility in the transmission ofvoice ,data ,video and other services 在传送话音、数据、视频和其他业务上的灵活性voice encoding techniques 语音编码技术pulse coding modulation脉冲编码调制basic access signaling rate 基本接入信令速率universal access 统一的接入experimental technology 实验性的技术unit 15X.25 protocol X.25 协议television signals 电视信号narrowband services 窄带业务basic access 基本接入teleservice 电信业务telex 用户电报radio waves 无线电波ground antenna 地面天线coaxial 同轴的direct broadcast system 直接广播系统end-to-end delay 端到端的时延jitter 抖动peak hours 繁忙小时chip technology 芯片技术high definition television 高清晰度电视operations and maintenance 运行与维护the existing public network 现有的公用网络classical two-way voice conversation 传统的双向对话packet switched data network based on X.25 protocols基于X.25协议的分组交换数据网络the user access to the network 对网络用户接入a circuit switched service with a channel rate of70 Mbit/s 信道速率为70 Mbit/s的电路交换业务the service-independent network 与业务无关的网络the optimal statistical sharing of the resources对资源的最佳统计共享telecommunication service 电信业务telex network 用户电报网messages of characters 文字报two-way voice conversation 双向对话X.21 protocols X.21协议coaxial tree network 同轴数状网络community antenna TV network 公用天线的电视网络direct broadcast system 直接广播系统Ethernet 以太网token bus and token ring network 令牌总线网和令牌环网word-wide independent networks 全球范围的独立网络resource pooling 资源共享peak hour traffic 繁忙小时流量integration of narrow-band services窄带业务的综合the progress in speech coding and chip technology 在语声编码和芯片技术方面的进步a new teleservice 新的电信业务adapting to new service requirements对新业务要求的适配optimal statistical sharing of the resources 资源最佳统计式的共享。
极限网络 QSFP28 100Gb 以太网传输器和线缆产品概述说明书
Data SheetExtremeSwitching TM100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 Transceivers and CablesProduct OverviewThe Extreme Networks Quad Small Factor Pluggable 28 (QSFP28)portfolio for supporting 100Gb Ethernet provides a wide range of flexible connectivity options for high performance data center and LAN networking. Fiber optic transceivers for multi-mode fiber (MMF) and single mode fiber (SMF) as well as an array of cost effective direct attach solutions using active optical and passive copper technologies are offered. Options to breakout QSFP28 interfaces to 4 x 25Gb Ethernet and 2 x 50Gb Ethernet provide high density aggregation solutions using the compact, high performance QSFP28 interface.100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 SR4 MMF• 100GBASE-SR4 optical transceiver for use on OM3 or OM4 multi-mode fiber • Up to 70m with OM3 and up to 100m with OM4 MMF• QSFP28 transceiver with male (pinned) MPO (8 fiber) connector • 100Gb Ethernet over parallel multi- mode fiber and 100Gb Ethernet to 4 x 25Gb Ethernet applications • 10332 MPO to 4 x duplex LC breakout OM4 MMF patch cord can be used for 4 x 25Gb Ethernet breakout applications100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 SWDM4 MMF• 100Gb SWDM4 short wavelength division multiplex opticaltransceiver for use on duplex (2 fiber) OM3, OM4, or OM5 wide band multi-mode fiber • Up to 75m with OM3, up to 100m with OM4, up to 150m with OM5 MMF • QSFP28 transceiver with duplex LC (2 fiber) connectorHighlights• Compact Quad Small Form-factorPluggable (QSFP28) products for high density 100Gb Ethernet applications • Hot swappable, field serviceable modular interfaces for Extreme Networks switches with 100Gb QSFP28 ports• Compatible with industry Multi-Source Agreements for QSFP28 pluggable modules• Flexible solutions to adapt to a wide range of connectivity requirements • 100Gb connectivity options for data center, high performance computing, and enterprise LAN• Wide range of media typessupported including multi-mode fiber and single mode fiber for high performance 100Gb solutions • Direct attach cable solutions for passive copper and active optical applications• Parallel fiber options for high density 25Gb Ethernet and 50Gb Ethernet aggregation solutions over both multi-mode and single mode fiber infrastructures• Cost effective 100Gb connectivity solutions ranging from 0.5m to 10km • H ighest quality transceivertechnology to ensure long life cycle and reliability• T ested for reliability in Extreme Networks switches• Standards compliant and optical interoperability withcompliant devices100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 LR4 10km SMF• 100GBASE-LR4 4 lane wave division multiplex optical transceiver for use with single mode fiber• Up to 10km reach using G.652 single mode fiber• QSFP28 transceiver with duplex LC (2 fiber) connector 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 CWDM4, 2km SMF• 100Gb QSFP28 CWDM4 optical transceiver for use with single mode fiber• 100Gb QSFP28 4 Lane wave division multiplex transceiver compatible with the CWDM4 Consortiumspecification for CWDM4 optical transceivers• Up to 2km reach with G.652 SMF• QSFP28 transceiver with duplex LC (2 fiber) connector 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 CWDM4-Lite, 500m SMF • 100Gb QSFP28 CWDM4-Lite 4 Lane wave division multiplex transceiver• Reduced transceiver operating temperature range 15° – 55° C• Up to 500m reach with G.652 SMF• QSFP28 transceiver with duplex LC (2 fiber) connector 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 Parallel Single Mode (PSM4), 2km SMF• 100Gb, Parallel Single Mode PSM4, 2km SMF, QSFP28, MPO (8 fiber)• Integrated 3m SMF pigtail cable with male (pinned) MPO (8 fiber) connector• 100Gb Ethernet over parallel single mode fiber and 100Gb Ethernet to 4 x 25Gb Ethernet applications• 10327 MPO to 4 x duplex LC breakout SMFpatch cord can be used for 4 x 25Gb Ethernetbreakout applications 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 Active Optical Cables (AOC)• Active optical direct attach cables with integrated 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 transceivers• 100Gb AOC cable lengths from 5m to 20m100Gb Ethernet Passive Copper Direct Attach Cables (DAC)• Passive copper direct attach cables with integrated 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 transceivers• 100Gb DAC cable lengths from 0.5m to 5m100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 – 4 x 25Gb SFP28 Ethernet AOC• Active optical direct attach cables (AOC) with integrated 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 transceiver and 4 x SFP28 25Gb Ethernet transceivers• 100Gb to 4 x 25Gb AOC cable lengths from 5m to 20m 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 – 4 x 25Gb SFP28 Ethernet Passive Copper DAC• Passive copper direct attach cables with integrated 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 transceiver and 4 x SFP2825Gb Ethernet transceivers100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 – 2 x 50Gb QSFP28 Ethernet Passive Copper DAC• Passive copper direct attach cables with integrated 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 transceiver and 2 x QSFP2850Gb (two lane) Ethernet transceivers100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 – 2 x 50Gb QSFP28 Ethernet Active Optical Cable (AOC)• Active optical direct attach cables with integrated 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 transceiver and 2 x QSFP2850Gb (two lane) Ethernet transceivers• 100Gb to 2 x 50Gb AOC cable lengths from 5m to 20mFigure 2: 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 – 4 x 25Gb Ethernet SFP28 AOCFigure 1: 100Gb Ethernet Parallel Single Mode (PSM4), 2km, SMFFigure 3: 100Gb Ethernet QSFP28 – 2 x 50Gb Ethernet QSFP28 AOCProduct Specifications* Transmission distance is provided as a nominal guide only. T o determine achievable distances, refer to the device optical specifications and the specifications of your fiber installationStandards and Compliance IEEE802.3 100GBASE-LR4802.3 100GBASE-SR4802.3 100GBASE-CR4Multi-Source Agreements (MSA)SFF-8436 QSFP+ 10 Gbps 4x Pluggable Transceiver SFF-8636 Common Management InterfaceSFF-8665 QSFP28 Pluggable Transceiver Solution SFF-8679 QSFP28 Base Electrical Specification CWDM4 MSA T echnical Specification100G SWDM4 MSA T echnical Specifications Operating Conditions0° – 70° C (Case T emperature)15° – 55° C (Case T emperature) for CWDM4-Lite Optical SafetyFDA/CDRH Class 1 laser productEN60825-1:2007 Class 1 Safety of laser products Environmental ComplianceEU RoHS 2011/65/EUEU WEEE 2012/19/EUChina RoHS SJ/T 11262-2006T aiwan RoHS CNS 15663(2013.7)EMI/EMC StandardsNorth American EMC for ITEFCC CFR 47 part 15 Class A (USA)ICES-003 Class A (Canada)European EMC StandardsEN 55032:2015 Class AEN 55024:2010EN 61000-3-2,2014 (Harmonics)EN 61000-3-3 2013 (Flicker)EN 300 386 v1.6.1 (EMC T elecommunications)2014/30/EU EMC DirectiveInternational EMC CertificationsCISPR 32:2015, Class A (International Emissions)AS/NZS CISPR32:2015CISPR 24:2010 Class A (International Immunity)IEC 61000-4-2:2008/EN 61000-4-2:2009 Electrostatic Discharge, 8kV Contact, 15 kV Air, Criteria AIEC 61000-4-3:2010/EN 61000-4-3:2006 +A1:2008+A2:2010 Radiated Immunity 10V/m, Criteria AIEC 61000-4-4:2012. / EN 61000-4-4:2012 Transient Burst, 1 kV, Criteria AIEC 61000-4-5:2014 /EN 61000-4-5:2014 Surge, 2 kV L-L, 2 kV L-G, Level 3, Criteria AIEC 61000-4-6:2013/EN 61000-4-6:2014 Conducted Immunity, 0.15-80 MHz, 10V/m unmod. RMS, Criteria AIEC/EN 61000-4-11:2004 Power Dips & Interruptions, >30%, 25 periods, Criteria CNote: QSFP28 products meet the above specifications when installed in Extreme Networks equipment./contact Phone +1-408-579-2800©2018 Extreme Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Extreme Networks and the Extreme Networks logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Extreme Networks, Inc. inthe United States and/or other countries. All other names are the property of their respective owners. For additional information on Extreme Networks Trademarks please see /company/legal/trademarks. Specifications and product availability are subject to change without notice. 12381-0618-25 WarrantyQSFP28 transceiver products have a one year hardware warranty - For warranty details, visit /go/warranty.Ordering Information*10424 100Gb DAC passive copper DAC breakout cable can also be used for 40Gb Ethernet to 4 x 10Gb Ethernet breakout.See the ExtremeXOS Hardware/Software Compatibility andRecommendation Matrices document for a full list of supported devices and ExtremeXOS recommendations.。
支持全光网的波长交换开关发展趋势马亦然(Finisar公司,悉尼2018,澳大利亚)摘要:全光网未来的发展趋势对于其中的核心元器件波长选择开关提出了新的要求㊂未来的波长选择开关元器件将继续使用硅基液晶技术并且基于算法㊁光学设计的创新,向支持更多频谱㊁更高集成度和端口数发展,并且具有更低成本以便用于城域边缘网络㊂关键词:全光网;波长选择开关;硅基液晶;可重构光分插复用器中图分类号:TN925㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A引用格式:马亦然.支持全光网的波长交换开关发展趋势[J].信息通信技术与政策,2021,47(12): 27-32.doi:10.12267/j.issn.2096-5931.2021.12.0040㊀引言作为全光网的基石,可重构光分插复用器(Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer, ROADM)可以在光层实现自动路径调度和恢复,将传统的点到点光链路变为灵活的光网络[1-2]㊂对于运营商来说,ROADM的价值在于实现网络灵活性的同时降低建网成本,因此在全世界得到了广泛部署㊂波长选择开关(Wavelength Selective Switch, WSS)是目前所有商用ROADM系统的核心元器件㊂WSS主要包含一个切换通道的阵列,可以使光的不同波长在物理上不需要进入不同的端口就进行发散㊂有几种技术可以实现WSS的核心功能,包括微机电系统(Micro-electromechanical Systems,MEMS)㊁液晶(Liquid Crystal,LC)和硅基液晶技术(Liquid Crystal on Silicon,LCoS)㊂由于LCoS具有支持灵活栅格,驱动电压低和支持端口数量多等优势,占据了WSS市场的绝大部分[3]㊂近年来,运营商推广的全光网部署了海量的ROADM设备㊂这些设备早期以9维和20维的WSS 为主,之后又大量采用了稍后成熟的32维WSS以继续提升同一站点支持的方向数㊂这些WSS以双(Twin)WSS为主,显著降低了Route&Select(R&S)系统的成本㊂这两年开始运营商继续追求可用频谱向扩展C波段(6THz)提升,为了支持扩展C波段的全光网部署,WSS也进一步向支持扩展C波段演进㊂目前,部署的全系列WSS产品,包括9维㊁20维和32维以及单(Single)和双WSS,均支持扩展C波段的频谱范围㊂互联网内容提供商(Internet Content Provider, ICP)也开始使用WSS构建数据中心互联网络(Data Center Interconnect,DCI)㊂与运营商将WSS既用于线路侧方向调度也用于上下路不同的是,ICP部署WSS 主要是取代固定栅格的阵列波导光栅(Arrayed Waveguide Grating,AWG),用于系统两端的合波与分波,这样灵活栅格的WSS可以支持DCI系统未来灵活的速率演进㊂全光网的未来发展方向中包括采用更宽的频谱范围以提高单纤容量,支持更多的线路方向和更高的集成度以降低设备成本以及在城域网边缘更广泛的部署等,每一项都与WSS的未来发展密不可分㊂本文提出未来WSS在以LCoS技术为核心的基础上发展的几个方向,并且详细阐述其中面临的问题和解决办法,最后介绍了相对应的新型WSS㊂1㊀WSS的未来发展方向基于ROADM的全光网已经在运营商的骨干网和城域核心网广泛部署㊂随着单纤容量持续提升的需求,传输系统从单波长100Gbit/s向200Gbit/s乃至400Gbit/s继续演进,甚至800Gbit/s单波速率系统也已经出现㊂提升频谱效率要求光信号采用更高阶的调制格式,或者更复杂的频谱整形方式㊁更多维度的复用手段,否则即使通过增加波特率的方式提高了单波长的速率,信号也会占用更多的频谱带宽,单纤容量并不会提升㊂受香农极限制约,频谱效率的增加导致传输距离的下降,使得这种提升单纤容量的方式难以持续㊂另一个增加单纤容量的方式是增加频谱范围㊂这两年来扩展C波段(1524~1572nm)传输系统的成功部署,使C波段的传输容量提升了50%,其中支持扩展C波段的WSS的实现,是系统成功部署的重要前提之一㊂在扩展C波段之后,产业链最成熟的频谱范围毫无疑问是L波段(1565~1625nm)㊂全光网向L波段的扩展离不开关键器件的支持,包括可调激光器㊁光放大器和WSS等,其中支持C和L波段的WSS已经在2020年开始商用[4]㊂全光网的另一个发展趋势是网络规模越来越大,尤其是考虑到一二线骨干网的融合,拓扑结构也越来越复杂,造成某些节点的方向数需求增加,这代表WSS需要更大的端口数来支持ROADM维度的提升㊂WSS从初期的2~4端口,一路发展过来经历了9端口㊁20端口,到目前32端口的WSS已经规模部署,但是仍有一些节点有超过32个方向维度的需求㊂另外, ICP开始将WSS作为合分波器件来构建支持灵活栅格的数据中心互联系统㊂400G ZR可以在标准C波段中支持64个400Gbit/s的通道,这也对WSS提出了进一步提高端口数的期望㊂随着相干光模块成本的持续降低,以及城域汇聚和接入网络流量的猛增,全光网也会从骨干网和城域核心网下沉到城域汇聚和接入网络㊂城域汇聚和接入网络的特点是传输距离短㊁端到端节点跳数少,但是规模巨大,因此对性能要求可以稍微降低,但是成本压力巨大,需要涉及的设备模块大幅度降低成本㊂WSS作为全光网的核心元器件之一,在城域汇聚和接入网使用也面临巨大的成本压力㊂基于全新的设计理念,新的城域边缘WSS(Edge WSS)简化了光学/电子部件和外部封装,同时尽可能在性能上保持原有水平,极大降低了WSS的成本,为全光网下沉提供了有力支撑㊂值得一提的是,作为WSS的主流实现技术LCoS,可以灵活地配置以支持不同的WSS产品,在全光网的未来发展中将继续成为实现WSS的主导技术㊂LCoS芯片可以被理解为一个二维交换矩阵,一个维度是频谱维度,可以映射为WSS产品的带宽㊂另一个维度是空间上的,可以将信号切换到各个上下路和方向端口㊂频谱维度的缩放和分辨率可以通过光学设计任意调整,所以同样的LCoS芯片,基于不同的光学设计可以支持不同的光谱形状和带宽㊂因此,可以看到基于同样的LCoS平台,随着光学设计的提升,WSS支持的频谱从4.8THz提高到了6THz(扩展C波段),乃至于最新的C+L波段,同时滤波形状还得到了改善,可以满足更多WSS级联和更密集通道分布的需求㊂在空间切换的维度上,可以看到WSS已经在向LCoS分区和更大端口数方向持续演进㊂LCoS分区可以用同一片LCoS支持多个独立的WSS,过去单(Single)WSS到双(Twin)WSS的演进正是得益于LCoS分区技术,去年商用的四(Quad)WSS也是这个技术进一步发展下的产品[5]㊂端口数的增加也是LCoS空间维度进一步发展的结果,WSS可以从当前的最多32~34的端口进一步扩展到48个或更多的端口,同时保持滤波形状和其他基本性能不劣化㊂2㊀支持C+L波段的WSS扩展C波段的WSS已经被广泛部署在运营商的全光网中,得益于算法和光学设计的改善,扩展C波段WSS比起C波段WSS没有任何性能上的下降㊂L波段的波分系统也已经在海外部署多年,尤其是北美和日本㊂近年来,北美的ICP也开始部署C+L波段的波分系统,来提升单纤容量以满足迅速增长的带宽需求㊂当下已经部署的C+L系统全部采用了C波段和L波段单独分开的设计,包括互相独立的光模块㊁放大器㊁合分波器件和WSS,因此在集成度和每比特成本方面比起C波段系统并没有优势,C和L波段之间还存在性能优化和业务运行的复杂协调问题㊂作为波分系统里的重要器件,激光器㊁放大器和WSS是实现C+L一体化系统的关键㊂其中,WSS支持的频谱始终在稳定扩展,从最早的基础的C 波段(支持50GHz 间隔的80个通道)到全球广泛部署的C波段(支持50GHz 间隔的96个通道),再到最近两年的扩展C 波段(支持50GHz 间隔的120个通道)㊂支持L 波段的WSS 也已经部署多年㊂各个波段的频率范围参见图1㊂最新的同时支持C +L 波段的WSS 可以覆盖大约11THz 的频谱范围,包含全部的C 波段和L 波段,以及扩展C 波段和扩展L 波段的绝大部分㊂LCoS 技术的特性决定了根据不同需求,同样的LCoS 也有潜力可以灵活地支持其他频率范围,可以支持全部扩展C 波段和扩展L 波段的WSS 的可行性也在论证中㊂图1㊀不同C 和L 波段的频谱范围N) THzC+L WSSC+L WSS N) THz 1h 9185.5186187188189190191192193194195196197P o w e r (d B )0-10-20-30-40图2㊀C+L WSS 产生的波形示例C +L WSS 和普通C 波段的20维/32维WSS 使用的是同样的LCoS 平台,通过一块LCoS 芯片实现对C +L 波段的支持㊂与其他基于LCoS 平台的WSS 一样,C +L WSS 可以支持完全的灵活栅格,允许使用者随意配置不同的通道间隔,为灵活调制灵活波特率的未来400Gbit /s 及以上的波分系统提供支持㊂一个同时支持C +L 波段的WSS 模块可以将WSS 部分的系统集成度提高一倍,成本和功耗也比C 和L 波段分别的WSS 相加要大幅下降㊂C +L 的频谱范围可以应用在全部端口数和集成度的WSS 产品上,包括9维㊁20维㊁32维乃至更多端口数的WSS ,也包括Single ㊁Twin 乃至Quad WSS ㊂鉴于目前同时支持C +L 波段的放大器并不成熟,C +L WSS 的公共端口可以灵活设计以连接不同类型的放大器㊂可以有两个公共端口,一个支持C 波段一个支持L 波段,方便连接C 波段放大器和L 波段放大器㊂也可以只有一个同时支持C +L 波段的公共端口,连接未来可能出现的C +L 波段一体的放大器㊂另外,C +L WSS 的每一个方向侧和上下端口都是同时支持C +L 波段㊂C +L 波段的扩展带来的好处不止是提高单纤容量㊂当频谱变宽之后,可用的通道也会增加,那么在同一个节点上下路波长冲突的机会会变小,网络透明度会得到提高,使得频谱和波长业务变得更有价值㊂C +L WSS 可以从部署第一天就提供未来的频谱升级机会,当L 波段需要使用时所有额外的成本只是点亮L 波段的运维人力花费㊂C +L 波段的高端口数Twin WSS 和Quad WSS 可以提供前所未有的灵活度和网络容量,这也是WSS 继续支撑全光网演进尤其是带宽不断提升的方式㊂图2展示了一个C +L WSS 演示的波形(悉尼的城市天际线),体现了C +L WSS 的灵活栅格配置和频谱范围㊂波形通过一个9端口的C +L Single WSS 产生,每个端口产生不同频率不同形状的波形如前文所述,LCoS 平台的特性,配合光学和算法设计,使得C +L WSS 比起单独的C 波段WSS 性能没有任何劣化,L 波段和C 波段性能的一致性也显著降低了C +L 系统性能不均衡带来的优化难度㊂3㊀超大端口数和高集成度WSS3.1㊀超大端口数WSS自WSS 开始商用,更多的端口数就一直是全光网对WSS 的需求之一㊂端口数提升的一个主要挑战是端口隔离度这个性能指标㊂简单计算可以得知,40根250μm直径的光纤堆叠在一起需要最少10mm的高度供WSS进行封装和保温处理㊂LCoS也需要一定程度地隔离以保持大致恒定的工作温度,而无需大量增加功耗来实现,这样就带来了一些额外的尺寸增加㊂然而,商用WSS的尺寸限制很严格,必须要尽可能地保持和已经部署的WSS一致,以避免线卡重新设计㊂这样越来越多的光纤排放在尺寸很小的封装中,不可避免地造成光纤紧密排列在一起,光信号更容易泄露到目标光纤以外的相邻的其他光纤中,降低了端口隔离度㊂即使WSS的模块尺寸可以适当变大,LCoS的切换角度也是一个考验,更大的角度会带来更多量化噪声和增加插入损耗㊂大端口数WSS的所有这些局限都需要依靠更好的光学设计和算法来突破,目前商用的32端口Twin WSS尺寸没有增加,并且端口隔离度等指标也没有劣化,很好地解决了这些问题㊂当前,运营商广泛部署的32端口双WSS已经可以满足全光网节点方向维度需求的绝大多数场景㊂目前,WSS端口数进一步扩展的动力主要来自ICP采用灵活栅格合分波的需求㊂400G ZR所定义的C波段中64个75GHz间隔的通道当下需要2个32端口的WSS来合分波,这样在未来向800Gbit/s的升级中可以通过灵活栅格适当增加通道间隔,而无需更换合分波器件㊂未来的数据中心互联800Gbit/s可能会采用100G以上的波特率,这样频率间隔可能会采用125 GHz,意味着C波段可以容纳38个通道㊂如果仍然采用现有方案使用2个32端口WSS会带来很大的浪费㊂目前,业界最新推出的48端口WSS可以完美地适用这个场景㊂并且如果作为全光网ROADM设备的上下路来使用,2个48端口WSS就可以覆盖C波段96个50GHz通道上下路,或者扩展C波段80个75GHz通道上下路,随之带来机框空间和成本的巨大降低㊂通过对样品的测试发现,48端口WSS的各项关键性能指标比起32端口WSS并没有明显的降低,因此未来如果全光网方向维度有超过32维的需求,那么也存在用于方向维度场景的可行性㊂如果将尺寸局限在和32端口双WSS相当的话,那么48端口也并不是超大端口数WSS设计的极限㊂如果有更高的需求,那么端口数也可以继续扩展,不过需要更复杂的光学设计和算法来抵消更紧密的光纤排列带来的端口隔离度的问题,相应地也会带来成本的进一步增加㊂但是不管如何,超大端口数的WSS在每端口成本方面,还是具有明显的优势㊂3.2㊀高集成度WSS从Single WSS到Twin WSS,WSS的集成度提高了一倍㊂Quad WSS的出现使得集成度在Twin WSS 的基础上又提升了一倍㊂Quad WSS是利用LCoS的分区技术,用一块LCoS芯片来实现4个独立的WSS㊂这样4方向的B&S(Broadcast and Select)和两个方向的R&S(Route and Select)可以通过一个小尺寸模块(对应单槽位板卡)实现㊂对于环网来说,一个模块即可以支持一个双向R&S结构的节点,对于在某些城域边缘场景追求高集成度和低成本的运营商具有巨大价值㊂单点故障和东西向不分离看似是Quad WSS的缺点,但是从Single WSS升级到Twin WSS的过程中可以看出,总体的系统可靠性并没有下降㊂对于WSS来说,故障率主要来自LCoS芯片㊁电子元器件和光学器件这三部分㊂Quad WSS的4个独立WSS共享同样的LCoS,电子元器件和光学器件和Single㊁Twin WSS复杂度相当,因此Quad WSS的可靠性并不弱于Single 和Twin WSS㊂图3展示了Quad WSS的功能,是一个特定的光谱组合用于展示㊂每个WSS均可以独立运行,支持灵活栅格功能,可以随意调整通道间隔㊁通道内和通道间的衰减㊂整个试验架构包括一个可调激光器,一个4路输出的耦合器将光源平均输入到4个独立的WSS,以及36个光接收器接收所有WSS输出端口的不同频率不同形状的光信号㊂Quad WSS的各项性能参数都和Twin WSS保持一致,包括通道带宽㊁端口隔离度㊁频谱范围㊁偏振相关损耗(Polarization Dependent Loss, PDL)等㊂未来Quad WSS中的每个WSS也不仅限于9个端口,并且LCoS的分区还可以继续扩展以支持八(Octo)WSS或者其他更复杂的WSS产品㊂4㊀城域边缘WSS全光网正在从骨干和城域核心下沉到城域汇聚和接入层,以提供光信号端到端的可达性与灵活性㊂用于城域边缘的WSS通常不需要承载满配的波道数,这样通道间隔就可以适当放宽,例如在C波段支持48个100GHz间隔的通道,并且边缘网络端到端级联的㊀㊀N) THz B% Quad WSSL191191.5192192.5193193.5194194.5195195.5196196.5L N) THzB%Quad WSS 1234P o w e r (d B )0-10-20-30P o w e r (d B )P o w e r (d B )0-10-20-300-10-20-300-10-20-30P o w e r (d B )191191.5192192.5193193.5194194.5195195.5196196.5191191.5192192.5193193.5194194.5195195.5196196.5191191.5192192.5193193.5194194.5195195.5196196.51.329 sTools图3㊀Quad WSS 中每个WSS 独立工作的演示WSS 也不会很多㊂这样WSS 的各项指标也可以相应放宽,会大大简化设计和降低成本,而成本正是城域边缘这类规模巨大的应用中最重要的考量因素㊂除了光学设计会大幅简化之外,一些其他的设计上这类边缘WSS 反而更具挑战性,例如工作温度㊂由于网络边缘的节点通常处在条件不好的机房,无法实现全时的温度控制,边缘WSS 需要具备更广的工作温度范围㊂出于散热和降低功耗的考虑,边缘WSS 所用的材料也需要慎重选择,核心WSS 所用的完全气密封装和昂贵的光学元件都不适用于边缘WSS ㊂总之,一切以满足需求下的最低成本为优先考虑㊂表1列出了一些WSS 设计中会增加成本的因素,这些因素在城域边缘WSS 的设计中都会适当考虑以降低成本㊂全新的软硬件和封装设计,配合上分辨率较低的LCoS ,总体成本上比起其他技术并无劣势;并且在城域边缘这类应用,LCoS 还有一定的优势㊂首先,LCoS 可以支持灵活栅格,为未来向400Gbit /s 或更高速率升级提供无需更换基础设施的便利;另外,LCoS 可以方便地增加端口数,而不影响到性能指标,更多端口数可以灵活地支持更多的线路方向和简化上下路架构㊂例如,预期应用场景最广泛的Twin 1ˑ9边缘WSS ,就非常依赖LCoS 技术来实现㊂基于前面提到的LCoS 的特性,在电子和光学器件不变的前提下,分区和端口数可以灵活选择,例如同样的平台可以同时支持Twin 1ˑ9㊁Twin 1ˑ5或者Single 1ˑ9的产品设计,如有需要也可以扩展成为Quad 或者Octo 的产品设计,这对边缘网络复杂的多场景提供了丰富的选择㊂表1㊀WSS 中增加成本的因素因㊀素成㊀本为了多个ROADM 级联所需的高带宽和高隔离度增加光学器件成本为了高调制阶数信号,上升下降沿更陡峭的滤波形状增加光学器件成本高速接口和复杂的软件功能增加电子元器件成本网络诊断维护所需的环回端口增加调试和测试成本商用工作温度范围和25年使用寿命增加封装和温控成本5㊀结束语LCoS将继续是未来WSS发展的核心技术,无论用于骨干网㊁城域核心网,还是用于城域汇聚和接入网㊂LCoS可以提供对不同频谱范围和更多端口数的支持,而无需更换LCoS芯片㊂基于LCoS的WSS可以支持灵活栅格,可以灵活地分区来实现Single㊁Twin㊁Quad乃至更复杂的产品设计,是现在乃至未来端到端全光网所需的关键元器件㊂参考文献[1]Brackett C.A scalable multiwavelength multihop opticalnetwork:a proposal for research on all-optical networks [J].Journal of Lightwave Technology,1993,11(5): 736-753.[2]张成良.光网络新技术解析与应用[M].电子工业出版社,2016.[3]马亦然,CLARKE I.使能全光网的WSS技术[J].电信科学,2019,35(4):41-46.[4]Finisar Australia.Finisar australia releases world s first C+ L-band wavelength selective switch[EB/OL].2020[2021-09-10].https:///news-release/ 2020/08/31/2086099/0/en/Finisar-Australia-Releases-World-s-First-C-L-band-Wavelength-Selective-Switch.html. [5]Finisar Australia.Finisar australia releases world s first quad4ˑ1ˑ9wavelength selective switch with flexgrid technology at OFC2020[EB/OL].2020[2021-09-10].https:///news-release/2020/03/ 11/1998670/0/en/Finisar-Australia-Releases-World-s-First-Quad-4ˑ1ˑ9-Wavelength-Selective-Switch-with-Flexgrid-Technology-at-OFC-2020.html.作者简介:马亦然㊀Finisar Australia系统架构师,博士,长期从事新型光网络架构㊁ROADM和WSS产品㊁超高速波分系统等方面的研究工作Development trend of wavelength switching switchsupporting all-optical networkMA Yiran(Finisar Corporation,Sydney2018,Australia)Abstract:Future trends of all optical network create new demands for the key enabling component-wavelength selective switch(WSS).The foundation of the future of WSS is liquid crystal on silicon(LCoS).Together with advanced algorithms and optics design,WSS is heading towards supporting more spectrum,higher integration and higher port count.Moreover,the low cost variant of WSS in core networks will be convenient for metro edge applications. Keywords:all-optical network;WSS;LCoS;ROADM(收稿日期:2021-09-28)。
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Wideband Optical Multipath Interference Cancellation Based on a Dispersive Element Wangwei Zhou,Peng Xiang,Zhenyi Niu,Min Wang,and Shilong Pan,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—A novel scheme is proposed for analog multipath interference cancellation based on two polarization modula-tors(PolMs)and a dispersive element.Multiple optical com-pensation branches are formed by an array of tunable lasers. By adjusting the wavelength and the optical power of each tunable laser,the delay and the magnitude of the known interference signal can befinely tuned,so that the multipath interference can be accurately reconstructed for counter-phase cancellation.The dispersion-induced RF power fading in a dispersive optical link can also be compensated because of the PolM-based intensity modulation scheme,so the best cancellation depth can be obtained at any desired frequency.Experimental result shows that the proposed system can achieve more than 44-dB cancellation depth for wideband signals.Index Terms—Co-site interference cancellation,dispersion, polarization modulator,RF photonics.I.I NTRODUCTIONI N WIRELESS communication systems,the receiver willtake over a part of the transmitted signal directly from the transmitter if the transmit and receive antennas are close[1]. As a result,the signal-of-interest(SOI)for the receiver will be buried by the high power interference signal,which is hard to befiltered out by thefilter since they are in the same frequency band.To remove the interference signal from the received signal,in the past few years electronic interference cancellation was developed,but this kind of method always suffers from narrow bandwidth,high loss and low precision time delay[1],[2].To overcome these problems,optical inter-ference cancellation has been proposed and becomes a very promising solution to deal with the co-site interference[3]–[6]. Generally,the optical interference cancellation is realized based on an analog incoherent subtraction method,in which the corrupted signal and the known interference signal are con-verted into two optical signals using either two Mach-Zehnder Manuscript received September23,2015;revised December3,2015; accepted December29,2015.Date of publication January5,2016;date of current version March10,2016.This work was supported in part by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant2012CB31575,in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant61401201, Grant61422108,and Grant61527820,in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant BK20140069and Grant BK20140822,and in part by the Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions.W.Zhou,Z.Niu,and S.Pan are with the Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics,Ministry of Education,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing210016,China(e-mail: pans@).P.Xiang is with the College of Communications Engineering,PLA Univer-sity of Science and Technology,Nanjing210007,China.M.Wang is with the Ministerial Key Laboratory of JGMT,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing210094,China.Color versions of one or more of thefigures in this letter are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/LPT.2016.2514607modulators(MZMs)[3],two electro-absorption modula-tors(EAMs)[7]or a dual-parallel polarization modula-tor(PolM)[8].Then,afterfinely tuning the delay and amplitude by an optical tunable delay line(OTDL)and an optical variable attenuator(OV A),the interference signals carried by the two optical signals are made exactly out of phase with however identical magnitude.When the two optical signals are combined and detected by a photodetecor(PD),the interference signal will be removed from the corrupted signal, leaving only the SOI[3]–[9].However,these methods have not taken into account that the interference signal might be reflected,scattered or diffracted by the surroundings in the realistic scenario,i.e.the receiver will receive multiple delayed and attenuated copies of the interference signal from the transmitter.To solve the multipath interference issue,one straight-forward and effective method is to produce multiple replicas of the interference signal with the same amount of delays and attenuations and then per-form the counter-phase cancellation.Previously,Chang et al. proposed one such scheme with an array of OTDLs and OV As[10].Each set of OTDL and OV A is used to adjust the amplitude and delay of the interference signal in one path,and a single-mode to multi-mode combiner is inserted to avoid the severe beat noise which is not an easily-achievable device.On the other hand,all of the existing methods can only obtain the best cancellation depth at a certain frequency without considering the RF power fading issue caused by dispersion which is commonly existed in the optical intensity modulation systems.In this letter,a novel scheme for optical analog multi-path interference cancellation is proposed,which consists of an array of tunable lasers(TLs),two polarization modula-tors(PolMs),two polarizers,a dispersive element(DE)and a PD.Because of the DE,different delays can be realized by adjusting the wavelengths of the TLs,and different atten-uations can be achieved by tuning the optical powers of the TLs.In addition,the dispersion-induced RF power fading in the system is removed by the PolM together with the polarizer[11],which can also provide the amplitude inversion for counter-phase cancellation.II.O PERATIONAL P RINCIPLEFig.1shows the schematic diagram of the proposed optical multipath RF interference cancellation system,which consists of N+1TLs,two PolMs,two polarizers,a DE and a PD.A wideband interference signal,represented by n(t), is emitted by the transmit(Tx)antenna,which travels mul-tiple transmission paths and received by the receive(Rx) antenna together with the SOI s(t).Thus,the received RF signal at the Rx antenna can be written as s(t)+n0(t),1041-1135©2016IEEE.Personal use is permitted,but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See /publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.Fig.1.Schematic diagram of the proposed optical multipath interference cancellation system.TL:Tunable Laser;PolM:Polarization Modulator; PC:Polarization Controller;Pol:Polarizer;OC:Optical Coupler; DE:Dispersion Element;PD:Photodiode;ESA:Electrical Spectrum Analyzer.where n0(t)= αi·n(t−τi),andαi andτi(i=1,2,···,N) are the attenuation and delay related to the i th multipath. The received RF signal is converted into an optical signal using a TL,a PolM and a polarizer.The PolM together with the polarizer can work as an intensity modulator[11].To cancel the multipath interference n0(t)in the received RF signal,the interference signal n(t)from the Tx antenna, which is known to the user,is tapped out and modulated on the optical carriers from N TLs at a second intensity modulator formed by PolM2and Pol2.By adjusting the DC bias of the PolMs,the two equivalent intensity modulators can be biased at the opposite quadrature transmission points[8].The Rx branch and the compensation branch are then combined, followed by the DE and the PD.Assuming the dispersion value of the DE is D(ps/nm),the relative time delay for the i th compensation channel can be expressed byτ i=D· λi, where λi is the relative wavelength of TL i.In addition, the attenuationαi in the i th compensation channel can be adjusted by tuning the output powers of TL i.As a result, if the wavelengths and the optical powers of the TLs are adjusted to letτ i=τi andα i=αi(i=1,2,···,N),the multipath interference signal can be removed,leaving only the SOI.Because a dispersive element is applied in the proposed system,the dispersion-induced RF power fading,which is a serious problem in the intensity-modulation direct-detection analog optical system,should be removed.This can be imple-mented by adjusting the angle between the polarization axes of the PolM and the polarizer.According to[11],the output RF power of the PolM-based dispersive link is proportional toη=sin(2α+1/2(Dωω2m)),whereαis the angle between the polarization axes of the PolM and the polarizer,Dωis the dispersion value,andωm is the angular frequency of the RF signal.By tuning the PC placed between the PolM and the polarizer,to let2α+1/2(Dωω2m)=(2k+1)π/2,the output power of the RF signal atωm reaches its maximal value. Compared with the existing optical multipath interference cancellation scheme in[10],the required amplitude balance and time alignment for cancelling the interference in each multipath in the proposed scheme can be realized by adjusting the parameters of the TLs.Besides,without the need of OTDL and OV A,the proposed system is easier to be integrated,which can ensure the system’s compactness.III.E XPERIMENT R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONA proof-of-concept experiment based on the setup shown in Fig.1is performed.For simplicity,we only consider a Fig. 2.Cancellation of50-MHz multipath interference signal centered at3GHz(a)before cancellation,(b)single path cancellation,and(c)multipath cancellation.Resolution bandwidth of the ESA is5.1kHz.two-path interference case.A digital phase-modulated RF sig-nal with a bandwidth of50MHz centered at3GHz is generated by a vector signal generator(Agilent8267D)andsplit into three paths with different path lengths.Two of themare combined to simulate n0(t),and the other one serves as n(t).The SOI s(t)is a very weak3-GHz single-frequencysignal generated by a RF signal generator(Agilent8257D).A multichannel TL(Agilent N7714A)is used to generatethree optical carriers.One of them carries the corrupted signal s(t)+n0(t),and the other two carry the known interference signal n(t).The two PolMs have a bandwidth of50GHz and a half-wave voltage of∼3.1V.A dispersion compensation module(TeraXion TDCMX)based on a chirpedfiber Bragg grating(FBG)is used to introduce the delay.The dispersion value isfixed at400ps/nm,and the maximum wavelength range is about0.4nm,so the maximum delay variation is160ps,which is larger than83ps provided by the tunable delay line in[10].A PD with a bandwidth of50GHz and a responsivity of0.65A/W is used to perform optical-to-electrical conversion.The spectra of the output signals from the PD are observed by an electrical spectrum analyzer (ESA,Agilent E4447A).Fig.2(a)shows electrical spectrum of the output signalwhen the compensation branch is disconnected.As can be seen,the peak power of the output wideband corrupted signal is about−47dBm.The SOI cannot be seen since it is totally buried by the strong multipath interference signals. Then,one TL in the compensation branch is enabled to suppress the interference signal.By carefully adjusting the attenuation and delay of n(t),which is implemented by tuning the output power and wavelength of the TL,the power level of the multipath interference signal is dramatically dropped. However,as shown in Fig.2(b),the3-GHz SOI component is also unobservable because the residual interference signal still has a peak power of−77dBm.In order to remove all of the interference signals,both TLs in the compensation branch are enabled.After adjusting the optical powers and wavelengths of the TLs,the power level of the multipath interferenceZHOU et al.:WIDEBAND OPTICAL MULTIPATH INTERFERENCE CANCELLATION851TABLE IP ERFORMANCE C OMPARISON B ETWEEN D IFFERENTM ETHODS FOR I NTERFERENCE C ANCELLATIONFig.3.Frequency responses and cancellation depths of the PolM-based links when their RF power fading points are set at3GHz(solid lines)and 10GHz(dashed lines).signal is lower than the noisefloor and the SOI which has a power of about−84dBm can be clearly observed,as shown in Fig.2(c).Wideband multipath cancellation is therefore implemented.The cancellation depth of the wideband signal is44dB.Since the SOI is now above the interference signal, a narrow RF bandpassfilter can be applied to furtherfilter out the residual interference signal,making the aggregate power of the wideband interference much lower than the SOI.Table I gives the performance comparison between this work and other reported methods for interference cancellation.Because a dispersive element is applied in the proposed system,the influence of dispersion-induced RF power fading should be investigated.To do so,wefirst measure the frequency response of the PolM-based link by a vector network analyzer(VNA)with a power of−5dBm, and then adjust the parameters of the TLs to obtain the best cancellation depth at every frequency.According to[11], when adjusting the angle between the polarization axes of the PolM and the polarizer,the peak of the frequency response of the PolM-based link would be shifted.For instance,the solid line in Fig.3shows a typical frequency response of the PolM-based link.In that case,even we carefully adjust the parameters of the TLs,the cancellation depth at3GHz is lower than25dB(solid circle line in Fig.3)because the SOI at3GHz is largely suppressed by the dispersion-induced RF power fading.To overcome this problem,one effective method is to adjust the angle between the polarization axes of the PolM and the polarizer,to shift the transmission peak of the PolM-based link to the desired frequency.The dashed line in Fig.3is the frequency response after the optimization of the angle between the polarization axes of the PolM and the polarizer.In this case,the cancellation depth around3GHz is larger than70dB.It should be noted that the optimization of the setting of the link is always allowed in practice because a wireless system has its pre-defined frequency.It should be noted that only a static case of multi-path interference is considered in the experiment.In practice,the multi-path interference may be dynamically varied.To match all delays and attenuations automatically,an adaptive feedback circuit should be incorporated.In addition,just like other existing methods,the scheme in the current form cannot be used for multi-band applications,either,but multi-band interference cancellation is possible if more cancellation links with independent electro-optic modulators are added.IV.C ONCLUSIONA novel approach for optical multipath interference cancellation was proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Experimental result shows that the cancellation depth is 44dB for signals with a bandwidth of50MHz.In the proposed system,only the parameters of TLs are needed to tune both the attenuations and delays of the signals,so the multipath effect can be eliminated by adding laser sources instead of adding sets of OTDLs and OV As with two types of controlling interfaces,which leads to a more compact scheme.In addition,the dispersion-induced RF power fading in the system can be easily compensated by adjusting the parameters of the PolM-based link.This scheme mayfind applications in modern radars and wireless communications.R EFERENCES[1] A.Raghavan,E.Gebara,E.M.Tentzeris,and skar,“Analysis anddesign of an interference canceller for collocated radios,”IEEE Trans.Microw.Theory Techn.,vol.53,no.11,pp.3498–3508,Nov.2005. 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