CIGS2 Thin-Film Solar Cells on Flexible Foils for Space Power


CIGS 柔性薄膜太阳能电池板

CIGS 柔性薄膜太阳能电池板
CIGS 柔性薄膜

德 准
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CIGS薄膜太阳能电池,由Cu(铜)、 In(铟)、Ga(镓)、Se(硒)四种 元素构成最佳比例的黄铜矿结晶薄膜 太阳能电池,是组成电池板的关键技术。 由于该产品具有光吸收能力强,发电稳 定性好、转化效率高,白天发电时间长、 发电量高、生产成本低以及能源回收周 期短等诸多优势,CIGS太阳能电池已是 太阳能电池产品的明日之星,可以与传统 的晶硅太阳能电池相抗衡。

Page 2
转换率 13%的太阳能软板
2米 : 82/90/100W 4米 :165/185/200W 6米 :225/250/275/300W
环球太阳能(Global solar)的高效率铜铟镓硒(CIGS)太阳能模板是专 为屋顶设计。柔性模块差不多适合所有屋顶形状;重量轻,不需要繁 多的安装配件。我们通过改善屋顶表面覆盖度、与高转换效率,低
电性能 额定功率 公差
最大功率 %
300 W ± 7%
275 W ± 7%
模块孔径面积 %
Im pp
12.6 %
64.3 V 6.6A
11.6 %
61.6V 6.3A



FROM:June 2003 • NREL/SR-520-34314
Tolerance of Three-Stage CIGS Deposition to Variations Imposed by Roll-to-Roll Processing
3-stage process
PROGRESS IN PHOTOVOLTAICS: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2004; 12:93–111 (DOI: 10.1002/pip.527)
值:adjusted to 8.5, using HNO3 and NaOH ; • PH PH值 • 祛氧气:bubbling argon gas for 5 min;
From:J Solid State Electrochem (2007) 11:407–412 DOI 10.1007/s10008-006-0162-7
FROM:1 March 8, 2005 Alternative Junctions Subteam Alternative Junctions Subteam Report by Jim Sites
电池的理论研究 CIGS CIGS电池的理论研究
采用第一性原理(First Principle)的计 算,如CIGS各种化合物的形成能。CIGS四 元相图的标定 。


CIGS太阳能电池的发展 历史
• 铜铟硒(CuInSe2, CIGS)薄膜太阳能电池具有以下特点: • (1)铜铟硒薄膜的能隙为1.04eV,通入适量的镓取代铟 • (2)铜铟硒是一种直接能隙材料,其可见光的吸收系数高达105cm-1数量
美国再生能源实验室(NREL)发明了拥有更高的光电转换效率 的CIGS电池﹐这就是现代CIGS太阳能电池的雏形。
5 2010年,德国太阳能和氢能研究中心(ZSW)采用用共蒸
薄膜的效率与仍然主导市場的多晶硅太阳能电池之间的 差距縮小到了0.1%。
• university of maine
• boeing
• ARCO Solar(即Siemens Solar)
• Euro-CIS

ZSW : Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg, Germany
EMPA -20.4% 2013年1月
2 1974年,贝尔实验室的Wagner等人
19世紀80年代,波音公司和ARCO Solar(即Siemens Solar)公司



2021年13期科技创新与应用Technology Innovation and Application方法创新一种提高CIGS 效率的方法杨正茂(上海电力大学电子与信息工程学院,上海201306)环境污染和能源的短缺已经严重阻碍了当今社会和经济的发展,影响人们的正常生活,因此,人们迫切需要寻求一种可以直接取代煤炭、石油、天然气等主要的化石能源[1]。




除此之外,还有非晶体硅,硫化镉、碲化镉类,砷化镓等芋-V 族化合物,铜铟硒类太阳能电池越来越受到重视。

其中,Cu (In 1-x Ga x )Se 2(CIGS )薄膜太阳能电池因其取材廉价,较高的转换率以及突出的稳定性在太阳能电池中受到人们的广泛关注。

本文主要介绍了CIGS 薄膜电池的主要组成以及其发电的原理,在此理论基础上提出了一种新型npn 太阳能电池结构并通过SILVACO -TCAD 软件中的Athena [2]工艺仿真将电池构建出来,其次将电池和同种参数的传统电池做了比较,直观地发现新型太阳能电池结构的优势。









d o i :10.3963/j .i s s n .1674-6066.2022.04.022铜铟镓硒薄膜太阳能电池激光刻划及串联技术研究王昌华,朱登华,张鑫根,贺琦琦,陈 涛,张 威(凯盛光伏材料有限公司,蚌埠233010)摘 要: 为了提高C I G S 薄膜太阳能电池转换效率,加快工业生产进程,该文重点介绍了优质的C I G S 薄膜太阳能电池激光刻划技术,阐述了最优子电池宽度理论计算方式和选择依据㊂关键词: C I G S ; 激光刻线; 最优子电池R e s e a r c ho nL a s e r S c r i b i n g a n dS e r i e sT e c h n o l o g i e s o f C I G ST h i n -f i l mS o l a rC e l lWA N GC h a n g -h u a ,Z HUD e n g -h u a ,Z HA N GX i n -g e n ,H EQ i -q i ,C H E NT a o ,Z HA N G W e i (T r i u m p hP h o t o v o l t a i cM a t e r i a l sL t dC o ,B e n g b u233010,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t : I no r d e r t o i m p r o v e t h e c o n v e r s i o ne f f i c i e n c y f o rC I G S t h i n -f i l ms o l a r c e l l a n d s p e e du p t h e p r o c e s s o f i t s i n d u s t r i a l p r o d u c t i o n ,t h e p a p e r f o c u s e s o n t h e i n t r o d u c t i o no f h i g h -q u a l i t y C I G S t h i n -f i l ms o l a r c e l l l a s e r s c r i b i n g t e c h -n o l o g y ,a n de x p o u n d s t h e t h e o r e t i c a l c a l c u l a t i o nm e t h o da n d s e l e c t i o nb a s i s o f t h e o p t i m a l s u b -c e l lw i d t h .K e y w o r d s : C I G S ; l a s e r s c r i b i n g ; o p t i m a l s u b -c e l l 收稿日期:2022-06-08.作者简介:王昌华(1977-),高级工程师.E -m a i l :w c h @t pv m.c o m.c n 受到地球暖化衍生的环保问题,以及化石燃料(石油㊁煤炭及天然气等)资源有限的危机所影响,利用太阳能发电将成为人类未来能源的必然选择㊂目前国内光伏市场主要以晶硅电池为主,但硅料制造过程存在高污染㊁高能耗等问题,高性能薄膜光伏技术研发逐渐成为热点[1,2]㊂其中,C I G S 薄膜电池因其理论效率高(高达33%)㊁弱光(散射光)性能好(吸收系数可达105c m -1数量级)㊁材料消耗少(核心层厚度<3μm )㊁生产能耗低等特点逐步扩大了应用领域,其中玻璃基C I G S 薄膜电池具有外观均一㊁颜色可调以及抗震性好等优势,能完美的契合光伏建筑一体化(B u i l d i n g I n t e g r a t e dP h o t o v o l t a i c ,B I P V )㊁屋顶发电㊁移动能源以及其他特殊领域等对太阳能电池的要求,在光伏发电领域日益受到重视[3-5]㊂在薄膜太阳能组件生产工艺中,刻线是把连续的膜层细分为单个的子电池,然后在单个电池之间建立串联连接的结构[6];刻线的数量及结构,可根据薄膜太阳能电池的性能以及市场的具体需求设计㊂该文主要针对C I G S 薄膜太阳能电池的刻线工艺进行试验研究,结合最优子电池宽度,获得最优激光刻线并应用于规模化生产㊂1 材料和方法该文所涉的基板尺寸为1583mmˑ660mm 普通浮法玻璃㊂P 1刻线是利用1064n m 皮秒低频激光设备完全分隔M o 电极,并保证阻挡层和薄膜不能被刻蚀消融㊂P 2刻线是利用1064n m 皮秒高频激光设备分隔C I G S 吸收层,保证前电极T C O 与背电极M o 形成良好接触㊂P 3刻线是利用机械刻划设备完全分隔前电极T C O ,如图1所示㊂主要测试设备:3D 显微镜,万能表,恒流源㊂38建材世界 2022年 第43卷 第4期2 实 验2.1 激光刻线概述产线激光设备相对实验激光设备更加精密复杂,需要更高的系统集成㊂在工业生产中,不仅要获得理想的激光刻线效果,还得保证快速生产㊂一般采用多个激光头同时加工,即在同样的工艺参数下,多个激光头需具备相同的加工性能,整个大尺寸基板上所有刻线均匀,这对刻线系统及工艺调试提出了很高要求㊂图2是某种薄膜太阳能电池激光刻划系统结构示意图,含9个激光头㊂激光加工方式有从衬底方向和从镀膜面方向入射刻划㊂实验证明,激光束从衬底面入射刻划优于从镀膜面方向入射刻划,主要表现在以下几个方面:一是可以避免等离子体屏蔽现象,因为入射激光不经过等离子烟羽形成的区域[7];二是消融所需要的能量低,由于爆炸过程的参与,去除材料时不需要将所有材料都热蒸发;三是由于消融所用激光能量小,热影响区也随之减小㊂2.2 P 1刻线技术钼(M o )是一种特殊的材料,在C I G S 薄膜太阳电池的背电极材料中具有不可替代的作用㊂其熔点很高,高达2912K ,而且不透光,具有很强的金属性㊂P 1的目的是完全去除M o 电极,保证子电池高绝缘,优选从衬底方向入射进行P 1刻线加工㊂根据C I G S 产品性能确定需求P 1刻线宽度㊂激光器选定后,波长㊁激光光束质量㊁焦距为固定值㊂依据式(1)调节激光扩束镜,可获得所需要的聚焦光斑直径㊂d =4㊃λ㊃M 2㊃f π㊃D =4㊃1064㊃1.1㊃1003.14㊃3=50μm (1)式中,d 为焦点上的激光光斑直径,λ为激光波长,M 2为激光光束质量因子,f 为焦距,D 为聚焦前的激光光束直径㊂该文采用波长为1064n m 的激光器,激光光束质量M 2为1.1,焦距f 为100mm ,D =3mm ,获得所需的50μm 聚焦光斑㊂如工业生产中,整个工厂的节拍固定,为了满足节拍需求,刻划速度一般为固定值,该48建材世界 2022年 第43卷 第4期文所用设备的刻划速度为1.5m /s ㊂可根据式(2)计算出所需要的重复频率F ,最后根据具体加工基板厚度优化激光焦点位置,可快速获得理想的P 1刻线,见图3㊂O v e r l a p =1-u F ㊃d(2)其中,u 为刻划速度,F 为重复频率,d 为聚焦光斑直径,O v e r l a p 为重复叠率,P 1刻线在20%~30%为佳㊂2.3 P 2刻线技术P 2刻线的目的是去除掉C I G S ,形成良好的前电极㊁背电极连接通道㊂C I G S 层沉积在M o 电极上,只能选择从镀膜面方向入射刻划㊂C I G S 厚度为1.5~1.8μm ,需要层层剥离掉,为了避免等离子体屏蔽现象,该文选择15p s 的高频激光器进行P 2刻化㊂图4是P 2刻线3D 效果图,刻线完全暴露M o 背电极,沟槽无残留的C I G S ,内宽约为11μm ,刻线边缘有不可避免约5μm 的熔融区域,但不会影响P 2刻线质量㊂为了评估P 2刻线沟槽的质量,我们通过互联测试结构(I T S )确定了A Z O /M o 界面接触电阻,I T S 的设计及原理,如图5所示㊂每个单元包含两个P 2沟槽,由一个P 1沟槽隔开,一个电池的两个P 2沟槽之间的58建材世界 2022年 第43卷 第4期距离(b )可变化㊂电流通过钼层注入,并从第一P 2沟槽流过A Z O 层到达第二P 2沟槽,在两个单电池之间测量电压,通过式(3)计算评估P 2刻化电学性能R =U /I =R (Z n O )+2㊃R (P 2)+R (M o )(3)接触针之间的电压降取决于A Z O 层的电阻和M o /A Z O 界面的接触电阻㊂M o /A Z O 界面的接触电阻为固定值,随着Z n O 路径的长度b 变化,可以拟合出电压降相对于P 2-P 2沟槽距离线性图如图6所示㊂当b =0,拟合曲线与y 轴交点值,即M o /A Z O 界面的接触电阻㊂传统的机械刻划电压降约为12m V [8],该文使用的激光刻划技术使电压降为6m V 左右,因此,皮秒激光高频工艺技术不仅可以提供良好的界面接触电阻,也可以极大的降低刻线宽度,为减少 死区 宽度提供有利基础㊂2.4 子电池串联技术电池的串联区域(即P 1㊁P 2和P 3所在区域)通常也叫做 死区 ,这是由于该区域不对光生电流做出贡献,如图7所示㊂图7中分别标识出了P 1,P 2和P 3刻线的位置;死区宽度是W d ,有源区的宽度是W a ㊂子电池面积越小,产生的电流也就越小,从而太阳电池内部的电阻性损耗就越低㊂然而,减小子电池面积而增加子电池数目的同时,用于电池连接的 死区 面积也会随之增加㊂所以,对于太阳电池组件的效率存在一个最佳子电池宽度,即组件的电阻性损耗和 死区 损耗总和最小㊂1979年文献第一次报道了非晶硅薄膜电池组件的单片串联方法㊂在此理论的基础上演算出适用于C I G S 薄膜太阳能电池最优子电池宽度的计算公式P t o t a l =W d W a +R T C O J m p p V m p p w 2a 3(3)式中,P t o t a l 为单节电池损失的功率;W d 为 死区 宽度;W a 为电池有源区宽度;J m p p 为子电池的电流密度;V m p p 为电池的工作电压;R T C O 为前电极的方阻㊂可根据C I G S 电池性能参数,根据式(3)计算出理论的C I G S 薄膜太阳电池的最优子电池宽度,如图8所示㊂68建材世界 2022年 第43卷 第4期从图8中可以发现理论的C I G S 薄膜太阳能电池的最优子电池宽度在3.8mm ,但在最优子电池宽度附近区域(3.2~4.7mm ),电池的功率损失相差较小㊂在实际生产中,子电池宽度越小对 死区 的要求越苛刻,而且为了满足生产节拍的要求,会倾向选择子电池偏宽,目的是为了减少刻线的数量,减少生产节拍,降低单片电池整体开路电压㊂该文选择的最优子电池宽度为4.5mm (有源区W a 4.3mm +死区W d 0.2mm=4.5mm ),保证最优功率的同时,增加产能㊂3 结 语该文提供了优质的C I G S 薄膜太阳能电池P 1&P 2工业生产刻线技术,并结合现有C I G S 工艺技术路线,阐述了最优内部串联结构的理论依据,为C I G S 薄膜太阳能电池进一步发展提供有力帮助㊂参考文献[1] 倪 萌,L e u n g M K ,S u m a t h y K.太阳能电池研究的新进展[J ].可再生能源,2004(2):9-11.[2] 王 波,刘 平,李 伟,等.铜铟镓硒(C I G S )薄膜太阳能电池的研究进展[J ].材料导报,2011,25(19):54-58.[3] V i r t u a n iA ,L o t t e rE ,P o w a l l aM.P e r f o r m a n c e o fC u (I n ,G a )S e 2So l a rC e l l sU n d e rL o wI r r a d i a n c 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S/CdS/ZnO/ZAO/Al,其光电转换效率达到 7.3%(25 ℃, AM 0)。
中图分类号:TM 914.4
文章编号:1002-087 X(2009)05-0406-03
Preparation and property of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 thin film solar cells on flexible substrates
ZnO∶Al films 高电导 ZnO∶Al(ZAO)薄膜不仅可采用直流磁控溅射 法制备,亦可采用射频直流磁控溅射法制备。两种不同方法制 备的薄膜,不仅形貌不同,其光透过率以及电导性能亦差别很 大。用射频磁控溅射法制备的薄膜其光透过率以及表面电导 性能均优于直流磁控溅射法的,制得的厚度约为 800 nm 的 ZAO 薄膜,其在 550 nm 时光透过率 >88%,表面均匀,结晶良
采用溅射法在柔性金属衬底上制备 Cu-In-Ga 金属预制 膜后,对后硒化法制备 CIGS 吸收层的工艺进行研究。实验表 明,元素分层远不如元素混合溅射形成合金层后再硒化[图 2 (b)]的效果好。因此采用 CuIn 和 CuGa 合金靶溅射,考察比 功率、电流、真空度、靶材与基片的距离、衬底的旋转以及 CuIn、CuGa 靶分时溅射和共溅射等因素对金属预制膜的影 响 , 在 镀 钼 的 钛 箔 上 制 备 的 Cu-In-Ga 金 属 预 制 膜 厚 度 在 0.8~1.0 mm,薄膜均匀致密,如图 2(a)所示。 2.2.2 硒化过程
2009.5 Vol.33 No.5
2 结果与讨论
2.1 底电极的制备
在柔性衬底上采用溅射方法制备底电极 Mo,如若在较高 氩气压强下制备金属 Mo 层,则可得到与衬底结合良好的底电 极,但电阻较高,不能很好地满足薄膜太阳电池对底电极的电 导要求, 会影响太阳电池的转换效率;若在较低的氩气压强下 制备金属 Mo 层,则得到的底电极电阻小,但与衬底的结合差, 容易剥落、爆皮。因此,我们创新地采用双层膜结构,首先靠近 衬底采用在较高氩气压强下溅射 Mo 使其与衬底有良好附着, 再在较低的氩气压强下溅射 Mo,使其具有高电导率,满足薄 膜太阳电池的要求。在钛箔上制备的 Mo 膜不仅具有良好的表 面形貌,晶粒均匀,表面致密,如图 1(a)所示,且可以保证在后 期的吸收层制备和化学浴法制备缓冲层的过程中保持与衬底 的良好结合, 如图 1(b)所示。依据以上实验结果,优化实验参 数,在钛箔上制备厚度为 0.8~1.0 mm 的均匀致密 Mo 薄膜。



与晶体硅太阳能电池的比较 Crystalline Comparison
Crystalline 晶体硅 Heavy: • adding up to 30kg/m² to roof 重量重: 房顶重量增加 30kg/m² Glass: • Rigid • Hail damage • Aesthetic 玻璃:刚性、易被冰雹 损坏、不美观 Efficiency • 14%-20% 效率: 14%-20% Flexible CIGS 柔性CIGS Light: • Minimal structural impact 重量轻:对结构影响小 Flexible • Multitude of design/integration options available 柔性:多种设计/安装方式可选 Efficiency • Current: 10% - 12% • Potential: 20% 效率:当前10% - 12%,可提升至20%
3.“Shingle” cells and assemble module
3.Screen print leaves complete module; No Assembly Required
太阳能电池的分类 Type of solar cell
太阳能电池 Solar cell
能源回收期比较 Energy Payback Comparison
Energy Payback: Thin Films have significantly shorter payback period 能源回收期: 显然薄膜电池的能 源回收期更短
太阳能系统带来的环境效益需要消耗传统能源。但是如图所示,能源消耗很小。假设系统 寿命为30年,光伏系统可以无污染、无温室气体排放的发电26-29年。









































薄膜太阳能电池(thin film solar cell)

薄膜太阳能电池(thin film solar cell)

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
数据源:BP 2002、World Nuclear Association
微晶硅其实是非晶硅的改良材料,其结构介于非晶硅和晶 体硅之间,主要是在非晶体结构中具有微小的晶体粒子, 因此同时具有非晶硅容易薄膜化,制程便宜的特性,以及 晶体硅吸收光谱广,且不易出现光劣化效应的优点,转换 效率也较高。目前已有将a-Si和nc-Si迭层后制成的薄膜太 阳能电池商品(由日本Sanyo研发成功),可镀膜在一般窗户 玻璃上,透光的同时仍可发电,因此业界广泛看好将是未 來非晶硅材料薄膜太阳电池的的发展主流。
High absorption
“Light trapping” arrangement with rough interfaces and dielectric mirrors
Need of raw material
Thin-film solar cells
非晶硅薄膜太阳电池制造流程 (玻璃基材)

非晶硅(Amorphus Silicon, a-Si)
是发展最完整的薄膜式太阳能电池。其结构通常为p-i-n(或 n-i-p)偶及型式,p层跟n层主要座为建立内部电场,I层则由 非晶系硅构成。非晶硅的优点在于对于可见光谱的吸光能力很 强,而且利用溅镀或是化学气相沉积方式生成薄膜的生产方式 成熟且成本低廉,材料成本相对于其他化合物半导体材料也便 宜许多;不过缺点则有转换效率低(约5~7%),以及会产生严重 的光劣化现象的问题,因此无法打入太阳能发电市场,而多应 用于小功率的消费性电子产品市场。不过在新一代的非晶硅多 接面太阳能电池(MultijuctionCell)已经能够大幅改善纯非晶 硅太阳电池的缺点,转换效率可提升到6~8%,使用寿命也获得 提升。未來在具有成本低廉的优势之下,仍将是未來薄膜太阳 能电池的主流之一。



第52卷第10期2023年10月人㊀工㊀晶㊀体㊀学㊀报JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS Vol.52㊀No.10October,2023铜锑硫薄膜太阳电池的数值模拟研究佟㊀蕾1,国嘉嵘1,李㊀清1,苗佳怡1,李春然1,钟㊀敏2(1.渤海大学物理科学与技术学院,锦州㊀121013;2.渤海大学化学与材料工程学院,锦州㊀121013)摘要:用SCAPS 构建了铜锑硫薄膜太阳电池模型,计算了器件的性能㊂分别研究了吸收层厚度㊁载流子浓度㊁缺陷密度和背电极功函数对器件性能的影响㊂结果表明,过薄的吸收层对绿光和红光吸收不充分,1.5~3μm 厚的吸收层能满足光谱吸收要求㊂当受主浓度为2ˑ1018cm -3时,器件光电转换效率最高㊂缺陷密度大于10-14cm -3时,器件的光电转换效率急剧降低㊂贫铜富硫气氛制备铜锑硫可以提高受主浓度,减小开路电压亏损,也可以抑制硫空位缺陷形成,从而提高器件的光电转换效率㊂功函数较高的材料能降低背电极势垒,减少载流子在背电极复合㊂材料参数优化后,器件的光电转换效率最高为21.74%㊂关键词:铜锑硫;薄膜太阳电池;SCAPS;开路电压亏损;缺陷密度;背电极中图分类号:TM914.4㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1000-985X (2023)10-1773-07Numerical Simulation of CuSbS 2Thin Film Solar CellsTONG Lei 1,GUO Jiarong 1,LI Qing 1,MIAO Jiayi 1,LI Chunran 1,ZHONG Min 2(1.College of Physical Science and Technology,Bohai University,Jinzhou 121013,China;2.College of Chemical and Material Engineering,Bohai University,Jinzhou 121013,China)Abstract :The model of copper-antimony-sulfur (CuSbS 2)thin film solar cell was constructed,and the performance of the device was calculated by SCAPS.The effects of absorption layer thickness,carrier concentration,defect density,and back contact work function on the device performance were investigated.The results show that the green and red light are not fully absorbed by too thin absorption layer,and the absorption layer with the thickness of 1.5μm to 3μm can meet spectral absorption requirements.When the acceptor concentration is 2ˑ1018cm -3,the photoelectricity conversion efficiency (PCE)of the device is the highest.When the defect density is larger than 10-14cm -3,the PCE of the device decreases sharply.CuSbS 2prepared in a copper-poor and sulfur-rich atmosphere can increase the accepter concentration,reduce the open circuit voltage defect,and inhibit the formation of sulfur vacancy defects,thus improving the PCE of the device.High work function materials can decrease the back contact barrier and reduce carrier recombination.After the material parameters have been optimized,the highest PCE of the device is 21.74%.Key words :CuSbS 2;thin film solar cell;SCAPS;open circuit voltage deficit;defect density;back contact㊀㊀收稿日期:2023-04-19㊀㊀基金项目:辽宁省教育厅科学研究基金(LJKZ1029);教育部产学合作协同育人项目(220500383212426,202102550007)㊀㊀作者简介:佟㊀蕾(1981 ),女,辽宁省人,讲师㊂E-mail:tonglei@ ㊀㊀通信作者:李春然,博士,讲师㊂E-mail:lichunran@ 0㊀引㊀㊀言我国是世界上最大的能源生产国和消费国,煤炭㊁石油等传统化石能源消耗占比超80%㊂持续削减煤炭发电,大力发展和应用清洁能源,是实现 碳达峰㊁碳中和 目标的重要途径㊂随着薄膜技术的商业化,太阳能电池的技术路径逐渐呈现多样化发展趋势,薄膜技术具有比晶体硅光伏更轻便㊁更灵活等优点㊂碲化镉(CdTe)和铜铟镓硒(CIGS)等技术的实验室光电转换效率分别达到22.1%和23.35%,非常接近单晶硅26%的实验室光电转换效率[1]㊂然而镓(Ga)是稀有金属,在地壳中含量较低;铟(In)的价格昂贵,而且需要与显示屏幕行业竞争原材料;镉(Cd)是毒性元素㊂这些不利因素限制了CdTe 和CIGS 的大规模开发应用㊂1774㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第52卷铜锑硫(CuSbS 2,简称CAS)作为太阳电池吸收层材料有以下优势:1)它是一种直接带隙半导体,带隙宽度约为1.5eV,位于高效太阳电池材料所需带隙范围之内;2)它的吸收系数高达105cm -1,1μm 厚的材料就可以吸收90%以上的可见光部分太阳光谱;3)它的熔点低,薄膜生长过程能耗低,容易生长大晶粒尺寸薄膜;4)CAS 的组分元素无毒且地壳含量丰富,价格相对较低㊂这些优势使得CAS 成为CIGS 的潜在替代材料之一,近些年引起了科学界的广泛关注[2-5]㊂目前CAS 薄膜电池的光电转换效率只有3%左右,进一步进行理论和实验研究对分析材料特性和提高CAS 薄膜太阳电池的光电转换效率都是至关重要的㊂使用建模仿真方法是理论研究和实验研究的桥梁,能够极大缩短研究周期,对于分析抑制器件光电转换效率提升的主要因素㊁选择合适缓冲层和背电极材料㊁优化电池结构起着不可替代的作用㊂本文用一维太阳能电池模拟软件SCAPS [6-7]对CAS 薄膜太阳电池进行仿真模拟,研究吸收层厚度㊁受主掺杂浓度㊁深能级缺陷密度和金属功函数对电池性能的影响㊂通过优化以上参数获得最优器件结构和材料参数㊂1㊀器件结构与仿真方法SCAPS 是通用的太阳电池模拟软件,该软件通过输入的参数建立基本半导体方程,即泊松方程㊁电子和空穴的连续性方程[8],再通过有限差分法把这些方程离散化,然后使用Gummel 迭代进行求解,得到饱和电流密度(J 0)和不同能量入射光子产生的光电流密度(J L ),进而得到器件的J -V 特性方程,如式(1)所示:J =J 0exp qV AkT ()-1[]-J L (1)式中:q 为基本电荷,k 为玻尔兹曼常数,T 为热力学温度,A 为二极管理想因子㊂由式(1)可以得到短路电流密度(J SC )和开路电压(V OC ),其中J SC 为-J L ,V OC 如式(2)所示:V OC =AkT q ln J L J 0+1()(2)填充因子(FF )和光电转换效率(η)可以用J SC 和V OC 表示,如式(3)和式(4)所示:FF =P m J SC ˑV OC (3)η=V OC J SC FF P in (4)式中:P m 为最大功率点功率,P in 为入射光功率㊂该软件广泛应用于CIGS [9]㊁铜锌锡硫(CZTS)[10]和CdTe [11]等多晶薄膜太阳电池的研究,最近也用来研究钙钛矿太阳电池[12-13]㊂CAS 作为一种多晶薄膜,同样适合使用SCAPS 做器件仿真研究㊂以CIGS 太阳电池的结构作为原型,采用如图1所示的衬底结构㊂这种结构通常由金属Mo 作背电极,用CdS 作缓冲层,由本征ZnO(i-ZnO)作窗口层,以Al 掺杂ZnO(AZO)作透明导电电极㊂这些材料的物理化学性质已经得到广泛研究,它们的稳定性和可靠性已经在其他多晶薄膜太阳电池领域得到充分验证[14]㊂CuSbS 2的参数来自于实验数据和合理的估计[3,15],用于仿真的各层材料参数如表1所示,前电极和背电极参数如表2所示㊂仿真采用太阳能电池测试常用的太阳辐射模拟光谱AM 1.5G,强度为100mW /cm 2,测试温度选取300K㊂图1㊀CAS 薄膜太阳电池结构示意图Fig.1㊀Structure diagram of CAS thin film solar cells㊀第10期佟㊀蕾等:铜锑硫薄膜太阳电池的数值模拟研究1775㊀表1㊀用于器件模拟的各层材料参数Table1㊀Parameters of each layer material using for simulationParameter CAS[3,15]CdS[14]i-ZnO[14]AZO[16]d/μm10.050.050.2E g/eV 1.45 2.40 3.30 3.37χ/eV 4.05 4.20 4.45 4.45ε12109.09.0N V/cm-3 1.23ˑ1020 2.2ˑ1018 2.2ˑ1018 2.2ˑ1018N C/cm-3 1.78ˑ1020 1.8ˑ1019 1.8ˑ1019 1.8ˑ1019v e/(cm㊃s-1) 6.8ˑ106 1.0ˑ107 1.0ˑ107 1.0ˑ107v h/(cm㊃s-1) 6.1ˑ106 1.0ˑ107 1.0ˑ107 1.0ˑ107μe/(cm2㊃V-1㊃s-1)49100100150μh/(cm2㊃V-1㊃s-1)49252525 N D/cm-3 1ˑ10171ˑ10151ˑ1020N A/cm-35ˑ1016N t/cm-31ˑ10151ˑ1017表1中d是吸收层厚度,E g是带隙,χ是电子亲和势,ε是相对介电常数,N C和N V分别是导带和价带态密度,v e和v h分别是电子和空穴的热运动速率,μe和μh分别是电子和空穴迁移率,N D和N A分别是施主浓度和受主浓度,N t是禁带中缺陷密度㊂表2中E f为费米能级㊂表2㊀前电极和背电极参数Table2㊀Parameters of front and back contactsParameter Work function/eV Barrier height(relative to E f)/eV Surface recombination velocity/(cm㊃s-1) Electron HoleFront contact 4.60.15107105Back contact 5.00.51051072㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀吸收层厚度对器件光电转换效率的影响为了选择最优的吸收层厚度,计算了0.025~7μm不同吸收层厚度对V OC㊁J SC㊁FF和η的影响,结果如图2所示㊂图2(a)说明V OC随吸收层厚度增加而增加㊂d由0.025μm增加至1μm时,V OC迅速由0.44V增加至0.77V㊂d继续增加时,开路电压增加趋势变缓,最终趋于稳定,其值约为0.79V㊂这是因为吸收层厚度过薄时,吸收层不足以吸收全部太阳光谱,光子激发的电子空穴对数量相对较少,空间电荷区的内建电场较小,所以开路电压很小㊂在0.025~1μm,光谱吸收随吸收层厚度的增加呈指数变化,电子-空穴对的数量增加明显,从而导致在厚度增加时开路电压急剧增长㊂而吸收层超过1μm以后,吸收层能够吸收大部分可见光,电子-空穴对达到近饱和状态,再增加吸收层厚度对V OC的影响就不会很大了㊂图2(b)描述J SC随吸收层厚度的变化,其变化趋势与开路电压变化趋势相近,也经历急剧增加㊁缓慢增加和趋于稳定三个阶段㊂J SC主要由非平衡载流子提供,由前面的分析可知,在吸收层很薄时,光生载流子数目不足,所以J SC也较小,而当吸收层厚度超过1.5μm时,光生载流子数目趋于饱和,从而使J SC达到极值,约为25mA/cm2㊂量子效率(quantum efficiency,QE)能够反映出器件对不同波段的光谱响应㊂不同的吸收层厚度对器件量子效率的影响如图2(c)所示,图中箭头方向表示吸收层厚度增加方向㊂当吸收层厚度为0.025μm时,整个可见光波段的量子效率都低于60%,尤其是波长为500nm以上的绿光和红光时,QE只有不到20%㊂由于吸收层材料对这部分光谱的吸收能力相对较弱,所以红光和绿光的穿透深度大,过薄的吸收层不能对绿光和红光形成有效吸收㊂对量子效率曲线积分,可以得到短路电流密度,曲线与坐标轴围成的图形面积对应着短路电流的大小㊂从图2(c)中可以明显看到吸收层的厚度小于1μm时,厚度的增加将导致更多的红光和1776㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第52卷绿光被器件所吸收,曲线围成的面积增加很快,即短路电流密度快速增长㊂而厚度继续增加时,QE 趋于稳定,所以J SC 也趋于定值,这与图2(b)的结果一致㊂图2㊀不同吸收层厚度对器件的开路电压(a)㊁短路电流密度(b)㊁量子效率(c)和光电转换效率(d)的影响Fig.2㊀Effect of the absorber layer thickness on the open-circuit voltage (a),short-circuit current density (b),quantum efficiency (c),and photoelectric conversion efficiency (d)由式(4)可知,光电转换效率是V OC ㊁J SC 和FF 的乘积,由于V OC ㊁J SC 随吸收层厚度的变化趋势相近,所以η也在吸收层厚度大于1.5μm 左右时趋于稳定,如图2(d)所示㊂由前面分析可知,吸收层过薄则不足以吸收全部可见光,器件光电转换效率较低㊂然而吸收层过厚,一方面会在制备过程中浪费材料,另一方面PN 结的空间电荷区不能贯穿整个吸收层,光生载流子只能靠扩散运动而不是漂移运动到达背电极㊂制备过程难以避免产生缺陷,扩散过程中光生少子有可能被缺陷形成的陷阱俘获,从而使J SC 和η降低㊂综合考虑节省原材料和提高光电转换效率两个原则,器件的吸收层厚度应控制在1.5~3μm㊂2.2㊀吸收层受主浓度对器件光电转换效率的影响根据文献报道,CAS 中铜空位缺陷(V Cu )形成能最低[3],它的形成能低于铜代锑位(Cu Sb )受主及硫空位(V S )㊁锑代铜位(Sb Cu )和铜间隙(Cu i )等施主的形成能㊂制备过程中为避免出现杂相,经常需要对贫铜前驱体进行硫化处理,进一步抑制了Cu i 和V S 施主缺陷的产生㊂CAS 本身的物理性质和制备条件共同决定它是一种本征缺陷(V Cu )形成的p 型半导体㊂为考察吸收层受主浓度对器件光电转换效率的影响,计算了CAS 中受主浓度在1ˑ1012cm -3到1ˑ1019cm -3之间变化而其他材料参数保持不变时器件的电学性能,结果如图3所示㊂从图中可以看出,V OC 随受主浓度增加而增加,当N A =2ˑ1018cm -3时达到最大值(0.92eV),进一步增加受主浓度反而会降低开路电压㊂而J SC 随受主浓度增加而减小,这是因为p 区过多的空穴存在增加了与光生少子(电子)的复合概率,前电极收集的电子相对减少㊂器件光电转换效率随受主浓度变化的趋势与V OC 的变化趋势一致,如图4所示㊂当N A =2ˑ1018cm -3时,器件的光电转换效率最高㊂文献[3]中采用霍尔效应测定了CAS 薄膜太阳电池的最佳的载流子浓度为2.2ˑ1018cm -3,与仿真结果非常接近㊂㊀第10期佟㊀蕾等:铜锑硫薄膜太阳电池的数值模拟研究1777㊀图3㊀受主浓度对器件的开路电压和短路电流密度的影响Fig.3㊀Effect of acceptor concentration on the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current density ofdevice 图4㊀受主浓度对器件的光电转换效率的影响Fig.4㊀Effect of acceptor concentration on the photoelectricity conversion efficiency of device这表明当增加吸收层受主浓度时,与短路电流降低带来的损失相比,开路电压提高带来的收益显得更为重要㊂开路电压较低通常是限制多晶薄膜太阳电池光电转换效率提高的关键因素,吸收层容易出现杂相㊁缺少浅受主能级会导致开路电压亏损(V deficit )较大㊂开路电压亏损表示为V deficit =E g /q -V OC ,因材料的带隙为定值,所以开路电压越大,开路电压亏损越小,器件光电转换效率越高㊂当N A =2ˑ1018cm -3时,可以得到开路电压亏损为0.53V㊂CAS 中的受主通常由形成能最低的V Cu 提供,一定浓度的V Cu 对器件光电转换效率的提高是有益的㊂通常在贫铜条件下制备的薄膜容易得到铜空位,说明贫铜气氛是制备CAS 的有利条件㊂在这种条件下既可以抑制Cu Sb 和Cu i 等缺陷,又可以提高V Cu 受主浓度从而抑制开路电压亏损㊂2.3㊀吸收层缺陷密度对器件光电转换效率的影响CAS 是多晶薄膜,制备过程中晶界和薄膜内难免出现缺陷,深能级缺陷可以作为电子或空穴陷阱,俘获光生载流子,使其在缺陷处复合㊂为了研究CAS 对缺陷的容忍度,计算了不同吸收层深能级缺陷密度的器件光电转换效率,结果如图5所示㊂可以看到,当吸收层的缺陷密度小于1014cm -3时,光电转换效率较高㊂缺陷密度超过1014cm -3后,光电转换效率急剧降低,当缺陷密度达到1017cm -3时光电转换效率降至0㊂此时p 型区缺陷密度过高,光生少子被大量俘获,寿命太短,光生载流子难以被电极收集㊂值得指出的是,CAS 中主要深能级缺陷为V S [3],采用富硫气氛制备CAS 薄膜能有效抑制V S 的形成,降低深能级缺陷密度㊂图5㊀不同缺陷密度器件的光电转换效率Fig.5㊀Photoelectricity conversion efficiency of device with different defect density 图6㊀使用不同背电极时器件的光电转换效率Fig.6㊀Photoelectricity conversion efficiency of device with different back contacts2.4㊀背电极功函数对器件性能的影响为了研究不同金属背电极对器件光电转换效率的影响,以功函数不同的金属(W㊁Mo㊁Au㊁Pt)和晶体Si 作为背电极并进行计算,它们的功函数和势垒高度如表3所示㊂计算结果如图6所示,可以看到,器件性能随着背电极功函数的增加而增加㊂功函数决定了背电极费米能级与吸收层的能带对齐,背电极处的能带弯曲越大,复合概率越高㊂随着功函数的增加,能带弯曲减小,阻挡空穴的势垒高度降低,有利于空穴抽取,从1778㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第52卷而提高了器件性能㊂CIGS 和CZTS 原型器件中常采用Mo 作背电极,然而对于CAS 薄膜电池,背电极材料需要更高的功函数㊂但是CAS 制备过程中通常需要进行硫化处理,硫化过程中Au 或Pt 是否会与CAS 发生反应,从而破坏背电极导电性需要进一步实验验证㊂表3㊀不同金属材料背电极参数Table 3㊀Parameters of different metallic back contactsParameter W Si Mo Au PtWork function /eV 4.6[17] 4.8[17] 5.0[18] 5.2[18] 5.4[18]Barrier height /eV㊀优化后器件的参数经过对吸收层厚度㊁受主浓度㊁缺陷密度和背电极功函数优化后,将最优参数代入SCAPS 进行计算,得到的暗态和光照伏安特性曲线如图7所示㊂器件的开路电压为0.96V,短路电流密度为26.51mA /cm 2,填充因子为85.83%,光电转换效率为21.74%㊂它的光电转换效率与背表面沟槽型单晶硅太阳电池的仿真结果相当[19]㊂目前,尽管CAS 的实验室光电转换效率只有3%左右[20-21],其作为一种新兴吸收层材料仍有很大开发潜力㊂图7㊀优化后CAS 太阳电池的伏安特性曲线Fig.7㊀Current density versus voltage characteristics of CAS solar cells after the optimization 3㊀结㊀㊀论本文用建模仿真的方法研究了CAS 作为薄膜太阳电池吸收层材料的可行性,为实验上开发廉价㊁无毒㊁高效CAS 薄膜太阳电池提供了依据㊂首先,CAS 的吸收系数高,仅2μm 厚的CAS 吸收层即可满足光谱吸收要求㊂其次,贫铜富硫气氛能够提高器件的光电转换效率㊂一方面该条件有助于形成铜空位,提高受主浓度从而减小开路电压亏损,另一方面该条件能抑制Cu Sb ㊁Cu i 和V S 的产生,缺陷密度应在1014cm -3量级以下㊂最后,高功函数金属背电极能缓和金属费米能级与吸收层价带的能带弯曲,减少背电极复合,Au 或Pt 可能适合作为CAS 的背电极材料㊂在最优的材料参数下,CAS 薄膜太阳电池的光电转换效率可达21.74%㊂参考文献[1]㊀GREEN M A,DUNLOP E D,HOHL-EBINGER J,et al.Solar cell efficiency tables (version 59)[J].Progress in Photovoltaics:Research andApplications,2022,30(1):3-12.[2]㊀WELCH A W,BARANOWSKI L L,ZAWADZKI P,et al.Accelerated development of CuSbS 2thin film photovoltaic device prototypes[J].Progress in Photovoltaics:Research and Applications,2016,24(7):929-939.[3]㊀YANG B,WANG L A,HAN J,et 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通过调整薄膜厚度,可以优化太阳能电池的光吸收和载流子输运性能。较薄的薄膜可以增 加光吸收,但可能影响载流子的输运效率;较厚的薄膜可以提供更多的载流子输运通道, 但可能降低光吸收。因此,需要找到合适的厚度平衡点,以实现最佳性能。
目前CIGS薄膜太阳能 电池的生产效率相对 较低,影响了其大规 模应用。
CIGS薄膜太阳能电池 的生产过程中可能产 生环境污染,需要采 取环保措施降低对环 境的影响。
Байду номын сангаас
通过优化薄膜厚度和结构,CIGS薄膜 太阳能电池展现出了高效的性能,其
在零负载条件下,太阳能 电池的最大输出电流。
衡量太阳能电池整体效率 的重要参数,等于最大输 出功率与开路电压和短路 电流乘积之比。
太阳能电池将光能转换为 电能的效率,通常以百分 比表示。

原理:真空蒸镀法是一种物理气相沉积技术,其 原理是将待沉积的材料置于真空室中,通过加热 蒸发材料并使其沉积在基底上,形成薄膜。
相对于传统的硅基太阳能电池,CIGS 薄膜太阳能电池具有较低的生产成本
CIGS薄膜太阳能电池具有良好的热稳 定性和化学稳定性,能够在各种环境 下稳定运行。
CIGS薄膜太阳能电池适用于各种表面 和形状,如建筑、汽车、航空航天等 领域。



1988年,CIS薄膜电池的研究取得了重大进展。ARCO公司(现美国 Shell公司前身)采用溅射Cu、In预置层薄膜后,用H2Se硒化的工艺制备 了转换效率达到14. 1%的CIS电池,电池I--V曲线及各性能参数见图6.3。 ARCO制备的电池采用玻璃衬底/Mo层/CIS/CdS/ZnO顶电极结构,这种 器件结构的设计增大了电池的短路电流密度(Jsc)和填充因子(FF)。其中 缓冲层CdS厚度低于50nm,可以透过大量的光并拓宽了吸收层的光谱响 应,使电池的短路电流密度达到了41mA/cm2。另外,织构ZnO抑制了光 学反射也对Jsc有贡献。ARCO公司的成功使溅射预置层后硒化法和多元 共蒸发法共同成为制备高效率CIS薄膜电池的主流技术。
CIGS薄膜光伏组件发展始于小面积电池效率超过10%以后。很多公司一 直致力于CIGS薄膜电池的产业化发展,并在组件的研制方面取得了很大的 进展. 见图6.5。NREL在小面积电池中绝对领先,瑞典乌勃苏拉大学(ASC) 小组件的研制处于最高水平,2003年19.59cm2的组件效率达到了16.6%。 在这些公司中,美国ARCO SOLAR在大面积CIGS I组件研制中处于领先水 平。1987年,ARCO公司采用溅射金属预制层,用H2Se硒化的两步工艺在 小面积 (3.6cm2)电池效率12.5%的基础上制备大面积组件。在65cm2的面积 上制作14个子电池串联的组件效率为9.7%,在30× 30cm2上制作50个子电 池的组件效率达到9.1% 。此后该公司几经转手,2001年成为美国Shell Solar公司。该公司在溅射后硒化的基础上开发了快速热处理(RTP)技术, 使10× 10cm2组件的效率达到14.7%,2004年制备的60cmX90cm的大面 积组件效率为13. 1%,单片输出功率可到65Wp,达到产业化水平。



柔性CIGS薄膜太阳电池的激光划线研究闫礼;冯洋;刘洋;梅林颖;乔在祥【摘要】单片集成是Cu(In,Ga)Se2(CIGS)薄膜太阳电池组件的一种形式,可以降低电流和电阻损失,制备的关键步骤是通过划线实现子电池间的隔离和互联.超短脉冲激光划线能降低死区宽度,提高划线质量.为实现一种新型结构CIGS薄膜太阳电池组件的单片集成,采用1 064 nm波长皮秒激光对PI衬底CIGS薄膜太阳电池划线.通过对不同工艺条件划线沟道深度、结构及成分的研究发现,可以实现选择性移除CIGS薄膜太阳电池材料层,露出PI衬底或钼背电极层,划线沟道底部平整、干净,划线两侧整齐,宽度在100 μm左右.【期刊名称】《电源技术》【年(卷),期】2015(039)008【总页数】4页(P1678-1681)【关键词】CIGS;激光划线;皮秒工艺;选择性移除【作者】闫礼;冯洋;刘洋;梅林颖;乔在祥【作者单位】中国电子科技集团公司第十八研究所重点实验室,天津300384;中国电子科技集团公司第十八研究所重点实验室,天津300384;中国电子科技集团公司第十八研究所重点实验室,天津300384;中国电子科技集团公司第十八研究所重点实验室,天津300384;中国电子科技集团公司第十八研究所重点实验室,天津300384【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM914在各种薄膜太阳电池体系中,铜铟镓硒Cu(In,Ga)Se2(CIGS)薄膜太阳电池具有光电转换效率高、稳定性好、抗辐照能力强的特点,柔性衬底CIGS薄膜太阳电池轻质、可卷绕、展开方式灵活、质量比功率高,具有更加广阔的应用前景。




二、铜铟硒(CIS)薄膜太阳能电池(diànchí)介绍 三、铜铟镓硒(CIGS)薄膜太阳能电池(diànchí)介绍
一、第三代太阳能电池(diànchí) 学术界和产业界普遍认为太阳能电池(diànchí)的发展已经进入了
第三代。第一代为单晶硅太阳能电池(diànchí),第二代为多晶硅、非晶 硅等太阳能电池(diànchí),第三代太阳能电池(diànchí)就是铜铟镓硒 CIGS(CIS中掺入Ga)等化合物薄膜太阳能电池(diànchí)及薄膜Si系太阳能 电池(diànchí)。
铜铟镓硒薄膜太阳能电池(diànchí)是多元化合物薄膜电池 (diànchí)的重要一员,由于其优越的综合性能,已成为全球光伏领域研 究热点之一。

硅基太阳能电池 主要:GaAs CdS CIGS


料 的
目前,综合性能最好 的薄膜太阳能电池


• 大规模地成本发电站
• 1996年美国APS公司在美国加州建了一个400千瓦的 非晶硅电站,引起光伏产业振动。
• Mass公司(欧洲第三大太阳能系统(xìtǒng)公司)去 年从中国进口约5MWp的非晶硅太阳能电池。
• 日本CANECA公司年产25MWp的非晶硅太阳能电池大部 分输往欧洲建大型发电站(约每座500KWp-1000KWp)。
• 上海尤力卡公司曾在中国甘肃省酒泉市安装(ānzhuāng) 一套6500瓦非晶硅太阳能电站,其每千瓦发电量为 1300KWh,而晶体硅太阳电池每千瓦的年发电量约为 1100-1200KWh。非晶硅太阳电池显示出其极大的使用 优势。下图为该电站的现场照片,第一代非晶硅太阳 电池的以上优点已被人们所接受。2003年以来全世界 太阳能市场需求量急剧上升,非晶硅太阳电池也出现 供不应求的局面。









关键词原子层沉积自限制反应钝化太阳电池Application of Atomic Layer Deposition in PhotovoltaicTechnologyABSTRACTAtomic layer deposition technology (ALD) is a new material preparation technology which is in development and has great promise for the applications in semi-conductive thin-films fabrication. This technology has a unique advantage in the preparation of dense, homogenous and conformal nanostructures and thin films. The main features of ALD include repeated gas-surface reactions and self-limiting reaction. The accuracy of thickness control can be 0.1 nanometer. Due to the advantages mentioned above, ALD has been widely used in preparation of novel thin-film solar cells and shows great potential in photovoltaics. Firstly, the development and principles of ALD technique are reviewed. We focus on the applications of ALD in the fabrication of silicon-based solar cell, CIGS thin-film solar cells, dye-sensitized solar cells and perovskite thin-film solar cells in recent years. Then, a brief introduction of a self-designed atomic layer deposition system and relevant experiment are given in this work. The reliability and repeatability are demonstrated. Finally, the characteristics and advantages of functional thin films deposited by ALD are summarized. Moreover, an outlook of the ALD technique in the field of renewable energy materials and devices is proposed.Keywords Atomic layer deposition self-limiting reaction passivation solar cells目录第1章引言 (1)1.1 研究的意义及目的 (1)1.2 原子层沉积技术在光伏技术中的发展现状 (2)1.3 原子层沉积在光伏技术中的应用前景 (2)第2章原子层沉积的概念及原理 (4)2.1 原子层沉积的概念 (4)2.2 原子层沉积的原理 (4)第3章原子层沉积技术在光伏领域的具体应用 (6)3.1原子层沉积A12O3钝化太阳能晶体硅表面的应用 (6)3.1.1 A12O3材料特特性 (6)3.2 A12O3在太阳能中的应用 (7)3.3 原子层沉积氧化锌在铜锢稼硒太阳能电池缓冲层的应用 (7)3.4 ALD应用于染料敏化太阳能电池 (8)3.4.1 ALD构建纳米颗粒光阳极核-壳结构 (8)3.4.2 ALD制备光阳极空穴阻挡层 (9)3.4.3 ALD构建纳米阵列光阳极核-壳结构 (10)3.5 ALD应用于钙钛矿太阳能电池 (11)第4章原子层设备的搭建和实验结果 (14)4.1 原子层沉积设备的设计和搭建 (14)4.2 实验条件 (14)4.3 晶硅表面ALD钝化 (15)第5章结语与展望 (16)参考文献 (17)致谢 ............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



铝掺杂对铜铟铝硒粉末微结构及光吸收影响的研究张静;张维佳;马登浩;马强;蒋昭毅【摘要】Cu(In1–xAlx)Se2(CIAS)was a popular solar cell material because of its lower cost than CIGS. CIAS powders with different Al contents were prepared by solvothermal method. The effects of Al incorporation on the microstructure and optical absorption of the CIAS compounds were characterized by XRD, SEM, XPS and ultraviolet-visibleabsorption spectra.The results indicate thatAl incorporationhas a significant effect on the microstructure ofCIASand appropriateAlincorporation is beneficial to the growth ofCIAScrystals.When themoleratio of Al is 0.4, the crystal (112) preferred growth is the most obvious, and the increase of the Al content can lead to the increase of the band gap, which is conducive to the optimized design of optoelectronic devices.%铜铟铝硒(Cu(In1–xAlx)Se2,CIAS)因其成本比铜铟镓硒低而成为目前备受关注的一种太阳电池材料。




关键词:柔性不锈钢衬底;铜铟镓硒电池;双波组件An Experimental Study on Performance of Flex Stainless steel web substrated CIGS Cell Glass-Glass ModuleYang Xiaobing(Guangdong Hanergy Thin-film Solar Company,Heyuan,517003)Abstract:As a new and promising solar technology among the thin-film solar module,flex stainless steel web substrated CIGS cell glass-glass module’s performance is not well known,in this paper,Structure of the flex stainless steelweb substrated CIGS cell Glass-Glass module is introduced,power output of first year for a about 1MW power station above a pond is monitored,especially,tests are done for the broken modules found on grid site,the outstanding characters are exhibited.Key words:flex stainless steel substrate,CIGS cell,Glass-Glass Module 前言作为一种新兴的技术,铜铟镓硒薄膜太阳能被认为很具前途的而备受关注,而以柔性不锈钢为衬底的铜铟镓硒电池片技术,更因为电池片具有可弯曲性,易于制作成为与建筑物,安装面完美贴合而质轻的组件这一突出特性受到市场的欢迎,同时,对于柔性不锈钢衬底的铜铟镓硒电池片,也可采用前板背板均为玻璃的封装方式,制作成为双波组件。

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PROGRESS IN PHOTOVOLTAICS:RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONSProg.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416(DOI:10.1002/pip.447)CIGS2Thin-Film Solar Cells on Flexible Foils for Space PowerNeelkanth G.Dhere 1,*,y ,Shantinath R.Ghongadi 1,Mandar B.Pandit 1,Anant H.Jahagirdar 1and David Scheiman1Florida Solar Energy Center,1679Clearlake Road,Cocoa,FL 32922-5703,USA 2Ohio Aerospace Institute,NASA Glenn Research Center,Cleveland,Ohio 44135,USACuIn 1Àx Ga x S 2(CIGS2)thin-film solar cells on flexible stainless steel foil are ofinterest for space power because of the near optimum bandgap,potential for higherspecific power,and superior radiation resistance.This paper describes developmentof CIGS2solar cells on 127-m m and 20-m m-thick,flexible SS foils for space power.Alarge-area,dual-chamber,deposition system has been fabricated.Cu-rich Cu-Ga/Inlayers were sputter-deposited on unheated Mo-coated foils.p -type CIGS2thin filmswere obtained by etching Cu-rich surface layer from CIGS2films prepared bysulfurization in Ar:H 2S 1:0Á04mixture at 475 C for 60min with an intermediate30-min annealing step at 135 C.Solar cells were completed by deposition of CdS/ZnO/ZnO:Al layers and Ni/Al contact fingers.AM0PV parameters of a CIGS2solarcell on 127-m m-thick SS foil measured at NASA-GRC were:V OC ¼802Á9mV ,J SC ¼25Á07mA/cm 2,FF ¼60.06%,and efficiency ¼8.84%.For this cell,AM1Á5PVparameters measured at NREL were V OC ¼763mV ,J SC ¼20Á6mA/cm 2,FF ¼67Á4%,and efficiency ¼10Á4%.Copyright #2002John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.INTRODUCTIONL ightweight,flexible,thin-film solar cells have many promising applications in space and terrestrialphotovoltaic power systems.1Future space missions are likely to include very large satellites,such as solar power satellites and very small satellites.Long-term plans envisage swarms of distributed,autonomous,small satellites,termed microsats or even nanosats,to perform specific tasks.Some missions will use solar electric propulsion (SEP)instead of rockets.CIGS2thin-film solar cells on flexible stainless steel (SS)may be able to increase the specific power by an order of magnitude from the current level of 65Wkg À1.Thin-film technology could conservatively reduce the array-manufacturing cost of a medium-sized 5-k W satellite from the current level of $2000k to less than $500k.2Weight benefits of higher-efficiency cells are decreased and high costs become less affordable in the case of flexible thin-film blanket arrays that can be easily rolled out.Non-rigid cells also have an advantage in stability.Because of the low initial velocities and steady accelera-tion,SEP satellites must spend long periods in intense regions of trapped radiation belts.CIGS solar cells are superior to the conventional silicon and gallium arsenide solar cells in the space radiation environment.The Received 27February 2002Copyright #2002John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Revised 27March 2002*Correspondence to:Neelkanth G.Dhere,Florida Solar Energy Center,1679Clearlake Road,Cocoa,FL 32922-5703,USA.y E-mail:dhere@Contract/grant sponsor:NASA Glenn Research Center;contract/grant number:NCC 3712.Contract/grant sponsor:Air Force Research Lab through Jackson and Tull and Universities Space Research Association;contract/grant number:09503-01.Contract/grant sponsor:National Renewable Energy Laboratory;contract/grant number:NDJ-2-30630-03.Special Issuepotential for improved radiation resistance of thin-film solar cells relative to single-crystal cells,could extend mission lifetimes substantially.Recent studies have shown that12.6%efficient,thin-film cells would start to become cost-competitive in GEO and LEO missions.3However,significant technological hurdles remain before thin-film technology could be implemented as the primary power source for spacecraft.There is a recent interest in the development of CIGS2solar cells onflexible substrates.Several groups have reported fabrication of polycrystalline CuIn1Àx Ga x Se2(CIGS)solar cells onflexible foils substrates.4The CIGS cell with an efficiency exceeding17%has been obtained using SS substrate.4The objective of the present research is to develop ultra-lightweight,radiation-resistant,highly efficient, high-specific-power CuIn1Àx Ga x S2(CIGS2)thin-film solar cells for space electric power.A small proportion of gallium is incorporated so as to obtain benefits of improved adhesion,slightly higher bandgap,and incorpora-tion of a back-surfacefield,as has been done with CIGS cells.Initially,CIGS2thin-film solar cells are being fabricated on127-m m-thick SS substrates.A few CIGS2cells have also been prepared on20-m m-thick SS substrates.The main thrust is towards development of fundamental understanding and baseline processes rather than attaining the highest efficiencies.EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUEBright annealed stainless steel foils with thickness of127m m and20m m were used as substrates.Copper–gal-lium and indium layers were sputter-deposited to achieve the elemental ratio of Cu/(InþGa)$1Á4.CIGS2thin films were prepared by a two-step process.Thefirst step involved deposition of alternate layers of CuGa(22%) and In on a molybdenum-coatedflexible foil substrate.This formed a stacked elemental layer sequence that produced a predominant Cu11In9precursor phase.This layer was sulfurized in a Ar:H2S1:0Á04gas mixture and argonflow rate of650sccm,using a three zone furnace.The temperature of initial dwell was changed from 120to135 C.After annealing the samples inflowing argon for25min at this temperature,theflow of H2S gas was initiated.The maximum sulfurization temperature was475 C,while the sulfurization time was varied from 20to60min.It was found that the binary Cu11In9precursor phase reacted in the H2S:Ar gas environment to form a good crystalline pseudo-quaternary phase of CIGS2film.Some samples were sulfurized at475 C for 30min,followed by annealing at500 C without H2S gasflow in an Ar atmosphere for10min.This annealing step favored grain growth and recrystallization.The Cu-rich stoichiometry during the growth of CIGS2films results in an improved morphology,i.e.,enhanced grain sizes of the polycrystallinefilms.For selenide system, this phenomenon is attributed to CuSe liquid formed on top of Cu-richfilms.5For the sulfur system,according to the phase diagram of Cu–S,the respective liquid phase is not expected in the substrate temperature range of T sub<600 C.However,owing to the high cation mobility in the Cu–S compounds,the cation lattice in a binary Cu–S phase at the surface of a growing CIS2film behaves as a quasi-liquid.The Cu x S phase was etched in10%aqueous KCN solution.Solar cells were completed by deposition of CdS heterojunction partner layer by chemical bath deposition,transparent-conducting ZnO/ZnO:Al window bilayer by RF sputtering,andvacuum deposition of Ni/Al contactfingers through a metal mask(Figure1).Bright annealed stainlesssteelyer sequence of CIGS2thinfilm-solar cell408N.G.DHERE ET AL. Copyright#2002John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416foils of 20and 127m m thickness were evaluated as possible substrate materials for polycrystalline CIGS2solar cell.The phases,surface morphologies and elemental depth profiles of the CIGS2films prepared on stainless steel flexible foils substrates were characterized.Films were examined visually for their appearance,color and any tendency to peeling.X-ray diffraction (XRD)was used to identify the crystalline phases,using a RIGAKU dif-fractometer.The 2 -range for the diffractometer was set from 10to 80 with a step size of 0Á02 .Surface mor-phology of the CIGS2thin film was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Chemical composition was analyzed by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA).Depth profiling was performed by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS)and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)with simultaneous sputter etching.The substrate surface roughness and thickness of thin films were measured using the DEKTAK surface profile measuring system.3Current–voltage characteristics of CIGS2solar cells were measured under AM0and AM1Á5conditions at the NASA Glenn Research Center and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).Quantum efficiency was measured at NREL.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONTo avoid the formation of voids before the initiation of sulfurization,the initial dwell of 30min at 120 C was changed to 135 C,and the flow of H 2S gas was started after 25min at 135 C.6The XRD spectrum of the as-deposited (Cu þGa)/In metallic precursors processed at 135 C indicated the presence of a highly oriented Cu 11In 9phase without any elemental or alloy phases.The XRD pattern of a near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thin film is shown in Figure 2;it showed (101),(112),(103),(004)/(200),(213),(204)/(200),(116)/(312),(008)/(400),and (332)reflections of a CuIn 0Á7Ga 0Á3S 2phase.The calculated lattice parameters were a ¼5Á67A˚and c ¼11Á34A ˚.A Mo peak was obtained at 40Á22 .The (112)peak of CuGaS 2was also observed.This is attributed to Ga diffusion towards the Mo back-contact,creating a Ga-rich phase near the back,and a Ga-poor phase at the surface and in the bulk of the CIGS2thin film.7In the case of random orientation,the intensity ratio of (112)with respect to (220)/(204)peaks,should be 1Á5.The intensity ratio of I 112/I 220/204,for these films,was remarkably higher,showing a high degree of (112)preferred orientation.It may be noted that (112)orientation would be beneficial for achieving a good lattice match with CdS,and consequently for efficient device fabrication.Despite the very Cu-rich film of the unetched sample,with Cu/(In þGa)ratio up to 1Á68,no secondary phases could be detected in the XRD pattern for the unetched sample.8As discussed earlier,a Cu-richstoichiometryFigure 2.XRD pattern from a near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thin filmCIGS2THIN-FILM SOLAR CELLS ON FLEXIBLE FOILS 409Copyright #2002John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416during the growth of CIGS2films results in an improved morphology,i.e.,enhanced grain size of the polycrys-talline films.This excess Cu x S was etched in 10%KCN solution.The surface scanning electron micrograph (SEM)of a near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thin film is shown in Figure 3.SEM image for the sample showed large,well-faceted grains with slight porosity.The porosity was observed at the grain boundaries from where the Cu x S phases have been etched.The grain size measured by an intercept method was 3m m i.e.,comparable to the film thickness.An AES survey (Figure 4)of near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thin film sample was per-formed over a range of kinetic energies (50–2250eV),using the primary electron beam of energy 5keV .A representative area of sample was chosen and an AES survey was carried out at magnification of 1000Â,equivalent to an area of 102Â102m m.An AES survey over the selected area showed the presence of copper at 60,777,850,and 924eV,sulfur at 151,and 2131eV,indium at 345and 410eV ,gallium at 1071eV,carbon at 273eV,potassium at 252eVand oxygen at 515eV.The surface atomic concentrations calculated from the peak-to-peak height from the AES survey and relative sensitivities of the respective elements were as follows:copper 20Á67at.%,sulfur 31Á62at.%,indium 12Á3at.%,gallium 6Á92at.%,potassium 7Á72at.%,oxygen 11Á92at.%and carbon 15Á04at.%.The AES depth profile was obtained by sputtering an area of 1Â1mm 2with energetic argon ions at a rate of 475A˚/min for 72min.Figure 5shows peak heights at different depths (time)for different elements.The peak heights were obtained for the following elements:copper,indium,gallium,oxygen,carbon,sulfur,Figure 3.SEM image of a near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thinfilmFigure 4.Surface AES survey of near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thin film410N.G.DHERE ET AL.Copyright #2002John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416molybdenum,iron and potassium.Copper and sulfur concentration showed the same trend;it decreased near the Mo back-contact.Potassium was detected at the surface.Its concentration decreased rapidly in the bulk.Potas-sium was attributed to the KCN treatment that was used to etch away excess Cu x S phase.Indium concentration is constant in most of the thickness of CIGS2layer and falls near the Mo back-contact.Concentration of gallium at the surface was approximately 10%,while at the CIGS/Mo interface it was 30%.This showed that Ga con-centration increased towards the Mo back-contact.Indium concentration decreased with depth,and was negli-gible at the CIGS/Mo interface.Beyond the thickness of the Mo back-contact layer,the concentration of iron rises,due to iron in the stainless steel foil.The apparent concentration of iron within the CIGS2film thickness would create an erroneous impression of iron diffusion.This is discussed further below.Apparent humps in the depth profiles were caused by a non-uniform sputter-etching rate.It can be seen that the film thickness of etched CIGS2sample from the depth profile was approximately 2Á4m m.SIMS depth profiling (Figure 6)was performed on an etched sample by positive SIMS,using a CAMECA IMS-3F system with oxygen primary beam current 150nA,impact energy 5Á5keV ,angle of incidence 42 ,ras-tered over 250Â250m m,with source at 10keV and sample at 4Á5keV .The corresponding unetched sample had Cu/(In þGa)$1Á4,and was sulfurized at 475 C for 30min,and annealed for 10min each at 475and 500 C.The slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thin-film sample was monitored for eight species.To achieve high-sensitivity measurements,secondary positive cluster ions such as 23Na,34S,K,54Fe,65Cu,(69Ga þO),92Mo,and (113In þO)were used for detection of Na,S,K,Fe,Cu,Ga,Mo,and In respectively.Cu concentrationwasFigure 5.AES depth profile of near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thinfilmFigure 6.SIMS depth profile of near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thin filmCIGS2THIN-FILM SOLAR CELLS ON FLEXIBLE FOILS 411Copyright #2002John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416mostly constant over the depth of thefilm.Ga concentration remained constant to1m m,and then increased to the Mo back-contact.Indium concentration remained constant through most offilm thickness and decreased near the Mo back-contact.Na was not added intentionally.S concentration was uniform throughoutfilm thick-ness.Na concentration at the surface of the substrate was attributed to the residue from cleaning with soap solu-tion.Potassium incorporation was due to etching of the Cu x S phase present on the grains and near the grain boundaries with KCN solution.Careful SIMS analysis,described below,showed that the concentration of iron was below the detection limit.Thus there was no significant diffusion of iron.No sharp interfaces were observed at CIGS2/Mo and Mo/substrate.This was probably because of the interdiffusion of species and porosity formed due to etching with10%KCN treatment.The mass spectrum recorded from masses of1–120is shown in Figure7.Sharp peaks were observed forelemental and molecular species such as Oþ2,Sþ,Kþ,Caþ,SOþ,Cuþ,Gaþ,GaOþ,CuOþ,CuO2þ,Inþ,InOþ,and InOþ2.Na was not detected during analysis of mass spectra.Because of the large number of isotopes of Cu,In,Mo,Ga,and S,a number of mass interferences were observed.The mass spectrum clearly indicated the presence of Cu,In,Ga,S,Mo and K.The chemical composition of CIGS2films was analyzed by EPMA.Average atomic concentrations measured at10kV and20kV for an unetched sample showed Cu:In:Ga:S proportion of51Á52:7Á80:1Á83:38Á83and 41Á90:10Á92:2Á56:44Á63,respectively.The Cu:In:Ga:S atomic concentrations for the etched sample at10and 20kV were found to be27Á38:21Á61:3Á30:47Á71and23Á96:19Á36:5Á70:50Á99,respectively.The compound for-mulae were Cu1Á09In0Á87Ga0Á13S2and Cu0Á96In0Á77Ga0Á23S2,respectively.The Cu:In:Ga:S atomic concentrations for the etched sample deposited on20-m m-thick SS foil at20kV were found to be28Á60:14Á90:11Á42:45Á10. The compound formula was Cu1Á10In0Á60Ga0Á40S2.Surface roughness of the substrate was measured with the DEKTAK surface profile measuring system.3The average roughness R a value for127-m m-thick SS foil(Figure8)was62Á3A˚and average waviness W a was 141Á6A˚.The average roughness R a for20-m m-thick SS foil(Figure9)was396Á4A˚and surface waviness W a was773Á2A˚.PV parameters of a CIGS2solar cell on127-m m-thick SSflexible foil measured under AM0conditions (Figure10)at NASA GRC were:V OC¼802Á9mV,J SC¼25Á07mA/cm2,FF¼60.06%,and ¼8.84%.For this cell,AM1Á5PV parameters measured at NREL were:V OC¼763mV,J SC¼20Á26mA/cm2,FF¼67Á04%, ¼10Á4%.The quantum efficiency curve(Figure11)showed a sharp QE cut-off,equivalent to a CIGS2band-gap of$1Á50eV,fairly close to the optimum value for efficient AM0PV conversion in space.PV parameters for a cell fabricated on20-m m-thick SS foil measured at NREL under AM1Á5conditions were:V OC¼740mV, J SC¼13Á129mA/cm2,FF¼41Á63%, ¼4.06%.Foils with high defect density,in the form of surface roughness,showed an increase in Ga content in the bulk of material.Fill factor,i.e.,the squareness of the I–V curve also decreased with increase in defect density. Efficiency showed a decreasing trend with increasing surface roughness.The loss in efficiency was attributed to surface roughness of the substrate,increase in Ga content in the bulk of the material and decrease infill factor. The solar efficiency of a photovoltaic system depends critically on the spectral distribution of the radiation.At AM0the solar spectrum has an irradiance of1353W/m2.At the PV Materials Laboratory of FSEC,thegoalFigure7.SIMS mass spectra of near stoichiometric,slightly Cu-poor,etched CIGS2thinfilm412N.G.DHERE ET AL. Copyright#2002John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416Figure 8.Surface roughness measurement of 127-m m-thick SSfoilFigure 9.Surface roughness measurement of 20-m m-thick SSfoilFigure 10.AM0I –V curve of CIGS2thin film solar cell (NASA GRC)CIGS2THIN-FILM SOLAR CELLS ON FLEXIBLE FOILS 413Copyright #2002John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416is to achieve an efficiency under AM0conditions in the range of 10–15%.Table I provides the projected specific power in W/kg of flexible metallic substrate at AM0for 10and 15%efficient CIGS2solar cells.RGE-AREA,DUAL-CHAMBER MAGNETRON-SPUTTERING AND SULFURIZATION SYSTEMSEarlier,the substrate size was limited to 1Â1inch (2Á5Â2Á5cm).A large-area,dual-chamber magnetron-sputtering unit has been fabricated.The chambers are equipped with cryopumps,two-stage mechanical vacuum pumps,throttled-gate valves,mass-flow controllers for argon and oxygen,and convectron and Bayard–Alpert ionization gauges (Figure 12).A large number of feed-through ports have been provided to both the chambers for rotation and electrical feed-through.This will permit addition of in situ diagnostic tools.Three 4Â12inch (10Â30cm)DC magnetron sputtering sources have been installed for sputter deposition from molybdenum,indium,and copper,CuGa (22%)or CuGa (67%)targets in the larger chamber.Two 4Â12inch RF magnetron sputtering sources have been installed into the smaller chamber for deposition of a transparent conducting ZnO/ZnO:Al bilayer window.The thickness uniformity along the 12inch dimension is expected to be better than Æ2%over the center width of 5inch (12Á5cm)and better than Æ3%over the center width of 6inch (15cm)for linear substrates motion along the 4inch dimension.Moreover,the sputtering sources are expected to provide excellent (>40%)target utilization.A linear substrate movement set-up has been fabricated for in-line deposition of molybdenum back-contact and Cu-Ga/In metallic precursors.The vacuum system and chambers were designed at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC).Vacuum chambers were built elsewhere.The complete system was constructed at FSEC.A four-hearth electron-beam source has also been installed in a high-vacuum chamber for vacuum evaporation of Ni/Al contact grids.Siemens Solar Industries has donatedaFigure 11.QE curve of CIGS2thin film solar cell (NREL)Table I.Projected specific power for CIGS2solar cellsSubstrate Projected specific power (W/kg)¼10%at AM0¼15%at AM0127-m m (5mil)SS foil33Á0199Á620-m m (<1mil)SS foil768Á81153Á125Á4m m (1mil)Ti foil 1015Á81523Á6414N.G.DHERE ET AL.Copyright #2002John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416selenization–sulfurization furnace,reactor and control system for preparation of large (4Â4inch,10Â10cm)CuIn 1Àx Ga x Se 2Ày S y (CIGSS)thin films and solar cells.CONCLUSIONSSputtered copper,gallium and indium precursors with Cu/(In þGa)ratio $1Á4formed a predominant Cu 11In 9precursor phase,free from inhomogeneous secondary phases.The temperature of the initial 30-min dwell of 120 C was changed to 135 C.H 2S gas flow was begun after 25min of the dwell.The binary Cu 11In 9precursor phase reacted in an H 2S:Ar gas environment to form a good crystalline pseudo-quaternary phase of CIGS2film.After etching in KCN,CIGS2films became stoichiometric,regardless of the ratio of Cu/(In þGa)of unetched film.CIGS2films grew with (112)texture of the chalcopyrite structure.A highly Ga-rich phase was formed near the back-contact while a Ga-poor phase was formed in the bulk of the film and in the electrically active part of the device,because of the tendency of gallium to diffuse towards the back-contact.The bandgap of this film was narrow at the surface and in the bulk,and widened towards back-contact,leading to formation of a back-surface field.This built-in back-surface electric field was expected to improve the solar cell performance.9,10PV parameters of a CIGS2solar cell on 127-m m-thick SS flexible foil measured under AM0conditions at the NASA GRC were:V OC ¼802Á9mV ,J SC ¼25Á07mA/cm 2,FF ¼60Á06%,and ¼8Á84%.For this cell,AM1Á5PV parameters measured at NREL were:V OC ¼763mV ,J SC ¼20Á26mA/cm 2,FF ¼67Á04%, ¼10Á4%.Quantum efficiency curve showed a sharp QE cut-off,equivalent to a CIGS2bandgap of $1Á50eV ,fairly close to the optimum value for efficient AM0PV conversion in space.PV parameters for a cell fabricated on 20-m m-thick SS foil measured at NREL under AM1Á5conditions were:V OC ¼740mV ,J SC ¼13Á129mA/cm 2,FF ¼41Á63%, ¼4Á06%.Foils with high defect density in the form of surface roughness showed an increase in Ga content in the bulk of material.Fill factor,i.e.,the squareness of the I –V curve also decreased with increase in defect density.Efficiency decreased with increasing surface roughness.With the construction of large-area,dual-chamber magnetron-sputtering unit,samples of thickness uniformity Æ2%over the central 5inch (12Á5cm)width and Æ3%over the central 6inch (15cm)width will be fabricated.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the NASA Glenn Research Center,contract NCC 3712,the Air Force Research Laboratory through Jackson and Tull and Universities Space Research Association,contract 09503-01,andthe Figure rge-area,dual-chamber magnetron-sputtering unitCIGS2THIN-FILM SOLAR CELLS ON FLEXIBLE FOILS 415Copyright #2002John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416416N.G.DHERE ET AL. National Renewable Energy Laboratory,contract NDJ-2-30630-03.The authors are thankful to Dr.Kannan Ramnathan,Tom Moriarty and Bobby To of NREL for help with Ni/Al grid deposition,I–V and QE measurements,and EPMA analysis and discussions.REFERENCES1.Bailey SG,Flood DJ.Space photovoltaics.Progress in Photovoltaics:Research and Applications1998;6:1–14.2.Ralph EL,Woike TW.Solar cell array system trends–present and future.Proceedings of the37th American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition1999;1–7.3.Tringe J,Merrill J,Reinhardt K.Developments in thin-film photovoltaics for space.Proceedings of the28th IEEEPhotovoltaic Specialists Conference,Anchorage,2000;1242–1245.4.Satoh T,Hashimoto Y,Shimakawa S-i,Hayashi S,Negami T.CIGS solar cells onflexible stainless steel substrates.Proceedings of the28th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference,Anchorage,2000;567–570.5.Scheer R,Lewerenz HJ.Formation of secondary phases in evaporated CuInS2thinfilms:A surface analytical study.Journal of Vacuum Science Technology1995;A13(4):1924– RW,Reddy KTR,Forbes I.Synthesis of CuInS2from magnetron sputtered Cu/In bilayers for use in thinfilm solarcells.Proceedings of the2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion,Vienna,1998;496–499.7.Klaer J,Neisser JA,Hengel I,Klenk R,Matthes ThW,Garcia JA,Rodriguez AP,Rodriguez AR,Stenier MCh.Effect ofGa incorporation in sequentially prepared CuInS2thinfilm absorbers.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells2001;67: 97–104.8.Dhere NG,Kulkarni SR,Chavan SS,Ghongadi SR.Cu(In,Ga)S2thin-film solar cells prepared by H2S sulfurization ofCuGa–In precursor.Proceedings of the16th Space Photovoltaics Research and Technology Conference,Cleveland, 1999.9.Dhere NG,Kulkarni SR,Ghongadi SR.PV characterization of CIGS2thinfilm solar cells.Proceedings of the28th IEEEPhotovoltaic Specialists Conference,Anchorage,2000;1046–1049.10.Dhere NG,Kulkarni SR,Johnson PK.Bandgap optimization of CIGS2space solar cells.Proceedings of the16thEuropean Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference,Glasgow,2000;1–4.11.Klaer J,Bruns J,Henninger R,To¨pper K,Klenk R,Ellmer K,Bra¨unig D.A tolerant two step process for efficient CuInS2solar cell.Proceedings of the2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion,Vienna,1998;537–540.12.Schock HW.Polycrystalline compound semiconductor thinfilms in solar cells.Springer Proceedings in Physics1989;35:246–256.Copyright#2002John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Prog.Photovolt:Res.Appl.2002;10:407–416。
