

LG 吸尘器 VC5016GHTY 英文使用说明书

LG 吸尘器 VC5016GHTY 英文使用说明书
2 ᕏᑩএ䰸∈ߚ
3 ೼䰈‫ˈޝ‬䗮亢໘ᑆ➹ ϔ໽Ꮊেˈᕙᅠܼᑆ ➹‫ݡ‬Փ⫼
1 ᇚ⬉ᴎֱᡸ 2 ⲪϞ䖛ⒸⲪ 䖛Ⓒ⍋㓉ᬒ ܹ䖛Ⓒ఼‫ݙ‬
3 ᠷ㋻ߚ行఼ ջ䴶ᇣⲪ
4 ᇚ㺙དⱘ♄ ᇬߚ行఼ᬒ ܹᅝ㺙䚼ԡ
5 ᠷϞЏᴎⲪ
೼≵᳝ᅝ㺙♄ᇬߚ行఼ⱘᚙ‫މ‬ϟՓ⫼਌ᇬ఼ᯊৃ㛑ߎ⦄ా䷇ব໻ˈ♄ᇬ䖯ܹ⬉ ᴎˈᇐ㟈ѻકᇓੑ㓽ⷁㄝ⦄䈵ˈ᠔ҹ䇋‫⹂⃵ݡ‬䅸ᅝ㺙ᚙ‫މ‬DŽ
5.5Kg Dust Capacity: 1.4L
270mm x 415mm x 290mm
Attention before using the appliance

Attention before using the appliance
Assembling and adjusting the Cleaner
the protection filter of the motor.
4 Open the protection filter of the motor.
5 Remove the protection filter of the motor

How to clean and assemble the dust separator
How to keep the cleaner after using
Cord winding button
The cord winds up when you press the button. Insert the spiral of the inhaler into the groove in the back or at the bottom of the body
Using Dust Brush & Upholstery Nozzle



GND Figure 1. Typical Application Example
Pin No.
Pin Name



Function Powers the Internal Circuitry

8 1
P1015APyy AWL
AYW 1015y G
yy y A WL YY WW G or G
= 06 (65 kHz), 10 (100 kHz) = A (65 kHz), B (100 kHz) = Assembly Location = Wafer Lot = Year = Work Week = Pb−Free Package
Publication Order Number:
Indicative Maximum Output Power from NCP1015
RDS(on) − Ip
230 Vac

JMT1808R 微控制器用户手册说明书

JMT1808R 微控制器用户手册说明书

JMT1808R MCU用户手册江苏宏云技术有限公司*************Dec. 2016 V1.12微控制器JMT1808R 1产品概述 (20)1.1功能描述 (20)1.2主要特性 (20)1.3框图 (22)1.4应用范围 (22)1.5引脚配置 (23)1.5.1 LQFP48L引脚图 (23)1.5.2 LQFP32L引脚图 (24)1.5.3 QFN32L引脚图 (25)1.5.4 TSSOP28L引脚图 (26)1.5.5 引脚说明 (27)2电源管理(PMU) (30)2.1概述 (30)2.2低功耗控制 (30)2.2.1 降低系统时钟频率 (31)2.2.2 外设时钟门控 (32)2.2.3 关闭模拟模块 (32)2.2.4 四种低功耗模式 (32)2.2.5 OSC开关说明 (34)2.3寄存器 (34)2.3.1 低功耗控制寄存器(PMUCTR) [0xA1] (35)3时钟复位管理(CRM) (36)3.1时钟管理 (36)3.1.1 概述 (36)3.1.2 框图 (36)3.1.3 功能描述 (37)3.1.4 寄存器描述 (42)3.2复位管理 (52)3.2.1 概述 (52)3.2.2 框图 (53)3.2.3 功能描述 (53)3.2.4 寄存器 (56)1微控制器JMT1808R4JMT51 MCU核 (61)4.1概述 (61)4.2指令集 (61)5JMT018 DSP核 (67)5.1概述 (67)5.1.1 框图 (67)5.1.2 系统总线 (67)5.1.3 运算单元(ALU) (68)5.1.4 乘累加单元(MAC) (68)5.1.5 除法单元(DIV) (68)5.1.6 硬件循环(HW loop) (69)5.1.7 数据传输 (69)5.1.8 存储单元 (69)5.2指令集 (69)5.2.1 数据传输指令 (69)5.2.2 算术运算指令 (71)5.2.3 移位运算指令 (72)5.2.4 逻辑运算指令 (73)5.2.5 乘法运算指令 (73)5.2.6 并行运算指令 (74)5.2.7 程序控制指令 (77)5.3数据运算器 (78)5.3.1 通用寄存器 (78)5.3.2 累加器A (79)5.3.3 乘法 (83)5.3.4 乘加运算 (84)5.3.5 加减运算 (86)5.3.6 移位运算 (86)5.3.7 四舍五入方法 (87)5.4DSP存储空间 (87)5.4.1 数据存储空间 (87)5.4.2 程序存储空间 (88)5.5DSP工作配置 (89)2微控制器JMT1808R 5.6DSP代码生成与下载 (89)5.6.1 DSP代码生成 (89)5.6.2 DSP代码下载 (89)5.7DSP内部寄存器 (90)5.7.1 DSP通用寄存器R0 (90)5.7.2 DSP通用寄存器R1 (91)5.7.3 DSP通用寄存器R2 (91)5.7.4 DSP通用寄存器R3 (91)5.7.5 DSP通用寄存器R4 (91)5.7.6 DSP通用寄存器R5 (91)5.7.7 DSP通用寄存器R6 (91)5.7.8 DSP通用寄存器R7 (91)5.7.9 X数据空间指针寄存器DP0 (92)5.7.10 Y数据空间指针寄存器DP1 (92)5.7.11 DSP程序地址指针寄存器PC (92)5.7.12 乘法及乘加结果寄存器A (92)5.7.13 LINK寄存器 (92)5.7.14 状态寄存器PSR (92)5.7.15 模式寄存器PMR (93)5.7.16 硬件循环次数寄存器LOOP (93)5.7.17 硬件循环指令个数寄存器LIR (94)5.8JMT51访问DSP寄存器 (94)5.8.1 DSP配置寄存器(DSP_CFG) [0xD4] (95)5.8.2 DSP运行状态寄存器(DSP_STA) [0xD1] (95)5.8.3 PC寄存器低字节(DSP_PCL) [0xD2] (96)5.8.4 PC寄存器高字节(DSP_PCH) [0xD3] (96)5.8.5 R0寄存器低字节(DSP_R0L) [0xD9] (96)5.8.6 R0寄存器高字节(DSP_R0H) [0xDA] (96)5.8.7 R1寄存器低字节(DSP_R1L) [0xDB] (96)5.8.8 R1寄存器高字节(DSP_R1H) [0xDC] (97)5.8.9 R2寄存器低字节(DSP_R2L) [0xDD] (97)5.8.10 R2寄存器高字节(DSP_R2H) [0xDE] (97)5.8.11 R3寄存器低字节(DSP_R3L) [0xDF] (97)5.8.12 R3寄存器高字节(DSP_R3H) [0xE1] (97)5.8.13 R4寄存器低字节(DSP_R4L) [0xE2] (97)3微控制器JMT1808R45.8.14 R4寄存器高字节(DSP_R4H) [0xE3] (97)5.8.15 R5寄存器低字节(DSP_R5L) [0xE4] (98)5.8.16 R5寄存器高字节(DSP_R5H) [0xE5] (98)5.8.17 R6寄存器低字节(DSP_R6L) [0xE6] (98)5.8.18 R6寄存器高字节(DSP_R6H) [0xE7] (98)5.8.19 R7寄存器低字节(DSP_R7L) [0xE9] (98)5.8.20 R7寄存器高字节(DSP_R7H) [0xEA] (98)5.8.21 DP0寄存器低字节(DSP_DP0L) [0xEB] (98)5.8.22 DP0寄存器高字节(DSP_DP0H) [0xEC] (99)5.8.23 DP1寄存器低字节(DSP_DP1L) [0xED] (99)5.8.24 DP1寄存器高字节(DSP_DP1H) [0xEE] (99)5.8.25 A寄存器7~0比特(DSP_A0L) [0xEF] (99)5.8.26 A寄存器15~8比特(DSP_A0H) [0xF1] (99)5.8.27 A寄存器23~16比特(DSP_A1L) [0xF2] (99)5.8.28 A寄存器31~24比特(DSP_A1H) [0xF3] (99)5.8.29 A寄存器39~32比特(DSP_A2) [0xF4] (100)5.8.30 LNKR寄存器低字节(DSP_LNKRL) [0xF5] (100)5.8.31 LNKR寄存器高字节(DSP_LNKRH) [0xF6] (100)5.8.32 PSR寄存器低字节(DSP_PSRL) [0xF7] (100)5.8.33 PSR寄存器高字节(DSP_PSRH) [0xF9] (101)5.8.34 PMR寄存器低字节(DSP_PMRL) [0xFA] (101)5.8.35 PMR寄存器高字节(DSP_PMRH) [0xFB] (101)5.8.36 LOOP寄存器低字节(DSP_LOOPL) [0xFC] (101)5.8.37 LOOP寄存器高字节(DSP_LOOPH) [0xFD] (101)5.8.38 LIR寄存器低字节(DSP_LIRL) [0xFE] (102)5.8.39 LIR寄存器高字节(DSP_LIRH) [0xFF] (102)6中断 (103)6.1概述 (103)6.2外部中断(INT0/INT1) (105)6.3中断优先级 (105)6.4中断处理过程 (106)6.5中断响应时间 (106)6.6中断寄存器 (107)微控制器JMT1808R6.6.1 中断使能寄存器0(IEN0) [0xA8] (107)6.6.2 中断使能寄存器1(IEN1) [0xB8] (108)6.6.3 中断使能寄存器2 (IEN2) [0xC0] (109)6.6.4 中断优先级寄存器0 (IP0) [0xB9] (109)6.6.5 中断优先级寄存器1(IP1) [0xBA] (110)6.6.6 中断优先级寄存器2(IP2) [0xBB] (111)7存储器 (112)7.1JMT51存储器 (112)7.1.1 程序存储器 (112)7.1.2 外部数据存储器 (113)7.1.3 内部数据存储器 (113)7.1.4 特殊功能寄存器 (115)7.2JMT018存储器 (120)7.3存储器访问冲突说明 (121)7.4JMT51核寄存器 (122)7.4.1 ACC寄存器(A) [0xE0] (122)7.4.2 B寄存器(B) [0xF0] (122)7.4.3 堆栈指针(SP) [0x81] (122)7.4.4 程序状态字寄存器(PSW) [0xD0] (123)7.4.5 数据指针低字节(DPL) [0x82] (124)7.4.6 数据指针高字节(DPH) [0x83] (124)7.4.7 MOVX指令设置寄存器(MOVXCON) [0x86] (124)7.5P AGE堆栈寄存器 (125)7.5.1 SFR PAGE寄存器(SFRPAGE) [0x84] (125)7.5.2 PAGE堆栈使能寄存器(SFRPGEN) [0x85] (126)7.5.3 PAGE堆栈寄存器0(PGSTACK0) [0x91] (126)7.5.4 PAGE堆栈寄存器1(PGSTACK1) [0x92] (126)7.5.5 PAGE堆栈寄存器2(PGSTACK2) [0x93] (126)7.5.6 PAGE堆栈寄存器3(PGSTACK3) [0x94] (127)8Flash存储器 (128)8.1概述 (128)8.2FLASH操作 (128)8.2.1 FLASH数据读取 (128)5微控制器JMT1808R68.2.2 FLASH扇区擦除 (129)8.2.3 FLASH编程 (129)8.3FLASH寄存器 (130)8.3.1 FLASH控制寄存器(FLSC) [0xF9] (130)8.3.2 FLASH关键字寄存器(FLSK) [0xFA] (130)9看门狗定时器(WDT) (131)9.1概述 (131)9.2功能描述 (131)9.3寄存器 (131)9.3.1 看门狗分频系数寄存器(WDTCKDIV) [0xD9] (131)9.3.2 看门狗比较值寄存器(WDTINT) [0xDA] (132)9.3.3 看门狗中断标志寄存器(WDTINTF) [0xDB] (132)9.3.4 看门狗喂狗寄存器(WDTLD) [0xDC] (133)9.3.5 看门狗启停寄存器(WDTST) [0xDD] (133)10实时时钟(RTC) (134)10.1概述 (134)10.2实时时钟 (134)10.3闹钟 (136)10.4RTC时钟调校 (136)10.5实时时钟寄存器更新 (137)10.6实时时钟寄存器读取 (137)10.7RTC中断 (137)10.8RTC寄存器 (138)10.8.1 RTC控制寄存器0(RTCCON0) [0xA9] (138)10.8.2 RTC控制寄存器1(RTCCON1) [0xAA] (139)10.8.3 RTC时标控制寄存器(RTCTMC) [0xAB] (140)10.8.4 RTC秒寄存器(RTCSEC) [0xAC] (140)10.8.5 RTC分钟寄存器(RTCMIN) [0xAD] (141)10.8.6 RTC小时寄存器(RTCHOUR) [0xAE] (141)10.8.7 RTC星期寄存器(RTCWEEK) [0xAF] (141)10.8.8 RTC日寄存器(RTCDAY) [0xB1] (141)10.8.9 RTC月寄存器(RTCMON) [0xB2] (141)微控制器JMT1808R10.8.10 RTC年寄存器(RTCYEAR) [0xB3] (142)10.8.11 闹钟0秒寄存器(AL0SEC) [0xB4] (142)10.8.12 闹钟0分钟寄存器(AL0MIN) [0xB5] (142)10.8.13 闹钟0小时寄存器(AL0HOUR) [0xB6] (142)10.8.14 闹钟0星期寄存器(AL0WEEKS) [0xB7] (142)10.8.15 闹钟1分钟寄存器(AL1MIN) [0xB9] (143)10.8.16 闹钟1小时寄存器(AL1HOUR) [0xBA] (143)10.8.17 闹钟1日寄存器(AL1DAY) [0xBB] (143)10.8.18 闹钟1月寄存器(AL1MON) [0xBC] (144)10.8.19 RTC时钟调校寄存器0(RTCADJ0) [0xBD] (144)10.8.20 RTC时钟调校寄存器1(RTCADJ1) [0xBE] (144)10.8.21 RTC中断使能寄存器(RTCIE) [0xBF] (144)10.8.22 RTC中断标志寄存器(RTCIF) [0xC7] (145)11定时器/计数器(TIMER) (146)11.1概述 (146)11.2TIMER管脚配置 (146)11.3Timer0工作模式 (146)11.3.1 模式0(13位定时器/计数器) (146)11.3.2 模式1(16位定时器/计数器) (147)11.3.3 模式2(8位自动重装定时器/计数器) (147)11.3.4 模式3(两个8比特定时器) (148)11.4Timer1工作模式 (149)11.4.1 模式0(13位定时器/计数器) (149)11.4.2 模式1(16位定时器/计数器) (149)11.4.3 模式2(8位自动重装定时器/计数器) (150)11.5Timer2工作模式 (150)11.5.1 模式0(13位定时器/计数器) (150)11.5.2 模式1(16位定时器/计数器) (151)11.5.3 模式2(16位自动重装定时器/计数器) (151)11.5.4 模式3(1个8比特定时器/计数器) (152)11.6TIMER寄存器 (152)11.6.1 Timer0/1控制寄存器(TCON) [0x88] (153)11.6.2 Timer0/1模式寄存器(TMOD) [0x89] (154)7微控制器JMT1808R811.6.3 Timer0低8位(TL0) [0x8A] (155)11.6.4 Timer1低8位(TL1) [0x8B] (155)11.6.5 Timer0高8位(TH0) [0x8C] (155)11.6.6 Timer1高8位(TH1) [0x8D] (155)11.6.7 Timer0/1预分频控制器(TPSC) [0x8E] (155)11.6.8 Timer2控制寄存器(T2CON) [0xD1] (156)11.6.9 Timer2重载寄存器低8位(RL2) [0xD2] (156)11.6.10 Timer2重载寄存器高8位(RH2) [0xD3] (156)11.6.11 Timer2低8位(TL2) [0xD4] (157)11.6.12 Timer2高8位(TH2) [0xD5] (157)11.6.13 Timer2预分频控制器(T2PSC) [0xD6] (157)12高级定时器(PWM) (158)12.1概述 (158)12.2特性 (158)12.3框图 (160)12.4输入输出引脚配置 (160)12.5功能描述 (160)12.5.1 计数器 (161)12.5.2 输入捕获功能 (173)12.5.3 从模式控制 (175)12.5.4 输出比较功能 (181)12.5.5 主模式控制 (207)12.5.6 中断 (209)12.5.7 高级定时器同步 (211)12.6寄存器描述 (216)12.6.1 TIMx控制寄存器0 (TIMx_CONR0) [TIM0:0xBB/TIM1:0xFB] (221)12.6.2 TIMx控制寄存器1 (TIMx_CONR1) [TIM0:0x89/TIM1:0xC9] (223)12.6.3 TIMx控制寄存器2 (TIMx_CONR2) [TIM0:0x8A/TIM1:0xCA] (224)12.6.4 TIMx控制寄存器3 (TIMx_CONR3) [TIM0:0x8B/TIM1:0xCB] (225)12.6.5 TIMx从模式控制寄存器0 (TIMx_TGICR0) [TIM0:0x8C/TIM1:0xCC] (226)12.6.6 TIMx从模式控制寄存器1 (TIMx_TGICR1) [TIM0:0x8D/TIM1:0xCD] (228)12.6.7 TIMx中断使能寄存器0 (TIMx_IER) [TIM0:0x8E/TIM1:0xCE] (230)12.6.8 TIMx中断使能寄存器1(TIMx_IER_NOCMP)[TIM0:0xB7/TIM7:0xF7] 23112.6.9 TIMx通道CC0输入捕获/输出比较模式控制寄存器(TIMx_CC0MR)[TIM0:0x8F/TIM1:0xCF] (231)12.6.10 TIMx通道CC1输入捕获/输出比较模式控制寄存器(TIMx_CC1MR)[TIM0:0x91/TIM1:0xD1] (236)12.6.11 TIMx通道CC2输入捕获/输出比较模式控制寄存器(TIMx_CC2MR)[TIM0:0x92/TIM1:0xD2] (241)12.6.12 TIMx通道CC3输入捕获/输出比较模式控制寄存器(TIMx_CC3MR)[TIM0:0x93/TIM1:0xD3] (245)12.6.13 TIMx通道使能控制寄存器(TIMx_CCENR) [TIM0:0x94/TIM1:0xD4] (249)12.6.14 TIMx通道极性控制寄存器(TIMx_CCPS) [TIM0:0x95/TIM1:0xD5] (251)12.6.15 TIMx死区时间寄存器(TIMx_DTG) [TIM0:0x96/TIM1:0xD6] (252)12.6.16 TIMx周期值自动装载寄存器的低8位(TIMx_ARRL) [TIM0:0x97/TIM1:0xD7]25212.6.17 TIMx周期值自动装载寄存器的高8位(TIMx_ARRH) [TIM0:0x99/TIM1: 0xD9]25312.6.18 TIMx预分频寄存器的低8位(TIMx_PSCL) [TIM0:0x9A/TIM1: 0xDA] (253)12.6.19 TIMx预分频寄存器的高8位(TIMx_PSCH) [TIM0:0x9B/TIM1:0xDB] (253)12.6.20 TIMx重复计数寄存器(TIMx_RCR) [TIM0:0x9C/TIM1:0xDC] (254)12.6.21 TIMx通道CC0捕获/向上计数比较寄存器的低8位(TIMx_CC0RUL)[TIM0:0x9D/ TIM1:0xDD] (254)12.6.22 TIMx通道CC0捕获/向上计数比较寄存器的高8位(TIMx_CC0RUH)[TIM0:0x9E/TIM1:0xDE] (255)12.6.23 TIMx通道CC0向下计数比较寄存器的低8位(TIMx_CC0RDL) [TIM0:0x9F/ TIM1:0xDF] (256)12.6.24 TIMx通道CC0向下计数比较寄存器的高8位(TIMx_CC0RDH) [TIM0:0xA1/ TIM1:0xE1] (257)12.6.25 TIMx通道CC1捕获/向上计数比较寄存器的低8位(TIMx_CC1RUL)[TIM0:0xA2/TIM1:0xE2] (258)12.6.26 TIMx通道CC1捕获/向上计数比较寄存器的高8位(TIMx_CC1RUH)[TIM0:0xA3/TIM1:0xE3] (259)12.6.27 TIMx通道CC1向下计数比较寄存器的低8位(TIMx_CC1RDL)[TIM0:0xA4/TIM1:0xE4] (260)12.6.28 TIMx通道CC1向下计数比较寄存器的高8位(TIMx_CC1RDH)[TIM0:0xA5/TIM1:0xE5] (260)12.6.29 TIMx通道CC2捕获/向上计数比较寄存器的低8位(TIMx_CC2RUL)[TIM0:0xA6/TIM1:0xE6] (261)12.6.30 TIMx通道CC2捕获/向上计数比较寄存器的高8位(TIMx_CC2RUH)[TIM0:0xA7/TIM1:0xE7] (262)12.6.31 TIMx通道CC2向下计数比较寄存器的低8位(TIMx_CC2RDL)[TIM0:0xA9/TIM0:0xE9] (263)12.6.32 TIMx通道CC2向下计数比较寄存器的高8位(TIMx_CC2RDH)[TIM0:0xAA/TIM1:0xEA] (264)12.6.33 TIMx通道CC3捕获/向上计数比较寄存器的低8位(TIMx_CC3RUL)[TIM0:0xAB/TIM1:0xEB] (265)12.6.34 TIMx通道CC3捕获/向上计数比较寄存器的高8位(TIMx_CC3RUH)[TIM0:0xAC/TIM1:0xEC] (266)12.6.35 TIMx通道CC3向下计数比较寄存器的低8位(TIMx_CC3RDL)[TIM0:0xAD/TIM1:0xED] (267)12.6.36 TIMx通道CC3向下计数比较寄存器的高8位(TIMx_CC3RDH)[TIM0:0xAE/TIM1:0xEE] (268)12.6.37 TIMx刹车控制寄存器(TIMx_BRKC) [TIM0:0xAF/TIM1:0xEF] (269)12.6.38 TIMx事件产生寄存器(TIMx_EGR) [TIM0:0xB1/TIM1:0xF1] (271)12.6.39 TIMx互补模式控制寄存器(TIMx_CMPLMTARY) [TIM0:0xB2/TIM1:0xF2]27312.6.40 TIMx中断标志寄存器0 (TIMx_ISR0) [TIM0:0xB3/TIM1:0xF3] (273)12.6.41 TIMx中断标志寄存器1 (TIMx_ISR1) [TIM0:0xB4/TIM1:0xF4] (274)12.6.42 TIMx中断标志寄存器2 (TIMx_ISR2) [TIM0:0xB9/TIM1:0xF9] (275)12.6.43 TIMx计数器的低8位(TIMx_CNTL) [TIM0:0xB5/TIM1:0xF5] (276)12.6.44 TIMx计数器的高8位(TIMx_CNTH) [TIM0:0xB6/TIM1:0xF6] (276)13CORDIC协处理器 (277)13.1概述 (277)13.2功能描述 (278)13.2.1 输入数据格式 (278)13.2.2 结果数据归一化 (278)13.2.3 CORDIC调度 (279)13.2.4 CORDIC中断 (280)13.2.5 CORDIC精度 (280)13.3CORDIC 寄存器 (281)13.3.1 JMT51 MCU调度寄存器 (281)13.3.2 JMT018 DSP指令调度寄存器 (284)14通用异步收发传输器(UART) (287)14.1概述 (287)14.2框图 (287)14.3UART管脚配置 (288)14.4UART工作模式 (288)14.4.1 标准UART工作模式0:同步移位寄存器 (288)14.4.2 标准UART工作模式1:8位UART,波特率可变 (289)14.4.3 标准UART工作模式2:9位UART,波特率固定 (290)14.4.4 标准UART工作模式3:9位UART,波特率可变 (290)14.4.5 38KHz红外调制发送 (291)14.4.6 IrDA(SIR)红外通信 (292)14.5UART多机通信 (292)14.6UART奇偶校验 (293)14.7UART波特率计算 (293)14.8UART寄存器 (302)14.8.1 UART0控制寄存器(S0CON) [0x98] (302)14.8.2 UART0数据缓冲寄存器(S0BUF) [0x99] (303)14.8.3 UART0波特率重载寄存器低8位(S0RELL) [0x9A] (303)14.8.4 UART0波特率重载寄存器高2位(S0RELH) [0x9B] (304)14.8.5 UART0红外控制寄存器(S0IRCON) [0x9C] (304)14.8.6 UART1控制寄存器(S1CON) [0xF1] (305)14.8.7 UART1数据缓冲寄存器(S1BUF) [0xF2] (305)14.8.8 UART1波特率重载寄存器低8位(S1RELL) [0xF3] (306)14.8.9 UART1波特率重载寄存器高2位(S1RELH) [0xF4] (306)14.8.10 UART1红外控制寄存器(S1IRCON) [0xF5] (306)15I2C接口 (308)15.1概述 (308)15.2框图 (308)15.3I2C管脚配置 (308)15.4I2C模块连接 (308)15.5I2C数据格式 (309)15.5.2 读写控制比特 (309)15.5.3 反馈(ACK) (310)15.5.4 起始条件和结束条件 (310)15.5.5 数据格式 (310)15.5.6 时钟同步 (311)15.5.7 仲裁 (311)15.6I2C时钟产生 (312)15.7I2C工作模式 (313)15.7.1 从机模式 (313)15.7.2 主机模式 (315)15.8I2C中断 (318)15.9I2C寄存器 (319)15.9.1 I2C控制寄存器(I2CCON) [0xE1] (319)15.9.2 I2C从机地址寄存器低8位(I2CSADDRL) [0xE2] (320)15.9.3 I2C从机地址寄存器高2位(I2CSADDRH) [0xE3] (320)15.9.4 I2C本机地址寄存器低8位(I2COADDRL) [0xE4] (321)15.9.5 I2C本机地址寄存器高2位(I2COADDRH) [0xE5] (321)15.9.6 I2C工作时钟分频控制寄存器(I2CDIV) [0xE6] (321)15.9.7 I2C时钟SCL低电平时间配置寄存器(I2CDUTYL) [0xE7] (322)15.9.8 I2C时钟SCL高电平时间配置寄存器(I2CDUTYH) [0xE9] (322)15.9.9 I2C数据SDA保持时间配置寄存器(I2CHOLD) [0xEA] (322)15.9.10 I2C数据写缓冲寄存器(I2CWBUF) [0xEB] (323)15.9.11 I2C数据读缓冲寄存器(I2CRBUF) [0xEC] (323)15.9.12 I2C状态寄存器(I2CSTS) [0xED] (323)15.9.13 I2C中断标志寄存器(I2CISC) [0xEE] (324)15.9.14 I2C中断使能寄存器(I2CIEN) [0xEF] (325)16串行外设接口(SPI) (326)16.1概述 (326)16.2框图 (326)16.3SPI管脚配置 (326)16.4SPI主/从机互连 (327)16.4.1 4线互连模式 (327)16.5SPI时序设置 (328)16.6数据发送和接收过程 (329)16.6.1 主机模式 (329)16.6.2 从机模式 (331)16.7SPI中断 (332)16.8SPI寄存器 (333)16.8.1 SPI控制寄存器(SPICON) [0xC9] (333)16.8.2 SPI中断使能寄存器(SPIIE) [0xCA] (334)16.8.3 SPI中断标志寄存器(SPIIF) [0xCB] (335)16.8.4 SPI波特率控制寄存器(SPIBR) [0xCC] (335)16.8.5 SPI数据缓冲寄存器(SPIBUF) [0xCD] (336)17模拟/数字转换(ADC)和可编程增益放大器(PGA) (337)17.1概述 (337)17.2ADC转换结果访问方式 (338)17.3ADC输入端口配置 (338)17.4可编程增益放大器(PGA)说明 (339)17.5ADC参考电压配置 (341)17.6ADC转换功能 (341)17.7ADC转换结果数据格式 (342)17.8ADC转换时序 (342)17.9模拟看门狗 (343)17.10外部触发事件 (344)17.11特殊通道序列管理 (346)17.12ADC工作模式 (347)17.12.1 单次转换+非扫描模式 (347)17.12.2 单次转换+扫描模式 (348)17.12.3 连续转换+非扫描模式 (350)17.12.4 连续转换+扫描模式 (351)17.13双ADC协同工作模式 (353)17.13.1 独立模式 (353)17.13.2 普通同步模式 (353)17.13.4 普通交叉模式 (355)17.13.5 特殊交替触发模式 (355)17.13.6 普通同步+特殊同步模式 (356)17.13.7 普通同步+特殊交替触发模式 (357)17.13.8 普通交叉+特殊同步模式 (358)17.14中断处理 (359)17.15ADC寄存器 (360)17.15.1 JMT51访问ADC寄存器 (360)17.15.2 JMT018访问ADC寄存器 (391)18模拟比较器(CMP) (393)18.1模拟比较器概述 (393)18.2低压检测 (394)18.2.1 低压检测保护程序示例 (395)18.3模拟比较器寄存器 (396)18.3.1 模拟比较器使能寄存器(CMPEN) [0x91] (396)18.3.2 模拟比较器中断寄存器(CMPINT) [0x92] (397)18.3.3 模拟比较器比较结果寄存器(CMPFLAG) [0x93] (397)18.3.4 模拟比较器滤波选择寄存器(CMPFT) [0x94] (398)18.3.5 模拟比较器VDD分压寄存器(CMPVDD) [0x95] (398)18.3.6 模拟比较器参考电压选择寄存器(CMPREF) [0x96] (398)19通用输入/输出(GPIO) (400)19.1管脚设置 (400)19.2管脚功能复用 (403)19.3PWM管脚特殊复用 (407)19.3.1 PWM输出复用 (407)19.3.2 PWM刹车复用 (407)19.4管脚数据寄存器读写 (408)19.5外设管脚复用配置 (408)19.6管脚滤波 (415)19.7INT0中断 (415)19.8INT1中断 (418)19.9P A0唤醒 (421)19.10GPIO寄存器 (421)19.10.1 PA0数字I/O控制寄存器(PA0CTRL) [0x99] (424)19.10.2 PA1数字I/O控制寄存器(PA1CTRL) [0x9A] (425)19.10.3 PA2数字I/O控制寄存器(PA2CTRL) [0x9B] (426)19.10.4 PA3数字I/O控制寄存器(PA3CTRL) [0x9C] (427)19.10.5 PA4数字I/O控制寄存器(PA4CTRL) [0x9D] (428)19.10.6 PA5数字I/O控制寄存器(PA5CTRL) [0x9E] (428)19.10.7 PA6数字I/O控制寄存器(PA6CTRL) [0x9F] (429)19.10.8 PA7数字I/O控制寄存器(PA7CTRL) [0xC3] (430)19.10.9 PB0数字I/O控制寄存器(PB0CTRL) [0xA1] (431)19.10.10 PB1数字I/O控制寄存器(PB1CTRL) [0xA2] (432)19.10.11 PB2数字I/O控制寄存器(PB2CTRL) [0xA3] (432)19.10.12 PB3数字I/O控制寄存器(PB3CTRL) [0xA4] (433)19.10.13 PB4数字I/O控制寄存器(PB4CTRL) [0xA5] (434)19.10.14 PB5数字I/O控制寄存器(PB5CTRL) [0xA6] (435)19.10.15 PB6数字I/O控制寄存器(PB6CTRL) [0xA7] (436)19.10.16 PB7数字I/O控制寄存器(PB7CTRL) [0xC4] (436)19.10.17 PC0数字I/O控制寄存器(PC0CTRL) [0xA9] (437)19.10.18 PC1数字I/O控制寄存器(PC1CTRL) [0xAA] (438)19.10.19 PC2数字I/O控制寄存器(PC2CTRL) [0xAB] (439)19.10.20 PC3数字I/O控制寄存器(PC3CTRL) [0xAC] (440)19.10.21 PC4数字I/O控制寄存器(PC4CTRL) [0xAD] (440)19.10.22 PC5数字I/O控制寄存器(PC5CTRL) [0xAE] (441)19.10.23 PC6数字I/O控制寄存器(PC6CTRL) [0xAF] (442)19.10.24 PC7数字I/O控制寄存器(PC7CTRL) [0xC5] (443)19.10.25 PD0数字I/O控制寄存器(PD0CTRL) [0xB1] (444)19.10.26 PD1数字I/O控制寄存器(PD1CTRL) [0xB2] (444)19.10.27 PD2数字I/O控制寄存器(PD2CTRL) [0xB3] (445)19.10.28 PD3数字I/O控制寄存器(PD3CTRL) [0xB4] (446)19.10.29 PD4数字I/O控制寄存器(PD4CTRL) [0xB5] (447)19.10.30 PD5数字I/O控制寄存器(PD5CTRL) [0xB6] (448)19.10.31 PD6数字I/O控制寄存器(PD6CTRL) [0xB7] (448)19.10.32 PD7数字I/O控制寄存器(PD7CTRL) [0xC6] (449)19.10.33 PE0数字I/O控制寄存器(PE0CTRL) [0xB9] (450)19.10.34 PE1数字I/O控制寄存器(PE1CTRL) [0xBA] (451)19.10.35 PE2数字I/O控制寄存器(PE2CTRL) [0xBB] (452)19.10.36 PE3数字I/O控制寄存器(PE3CTRL) [0xBC] (452)19.10.37 PE4数字I/O控制寄存器(PE4CTRL) [0xBD] (453)19.10.38 PE5数字I/O控制寄存器(PE5CTRL) [0xBE] (454)19.10.39 PE6数字I/O控制寄存器(PE6CTRL) [0xBF] (455)19.10.40 PE7数字I/O控制寄存器(PE7CTRL) [0xC7] (456)19.10.41 PG0数字I/O控制寄存器(PG0CTRL) [0xC1] (456)19.10.42 PG1数字I/O控制寄存器(PG1CTRL) [0xC2] (457)19.10.43 PA转换速率寄存器(PASR) [0xC9] (458)19.10.44 PB转换速率寄存器(PBSR) [0xCA] (459)19.10.45 PC转换速率寄存器(PCSR) [0xCB] (460)19.10.46 PD转换速率寄存器(PDSR) [0xCC] (461)19.10.47 PE转换速率寄存器(PESR) [0xCD] (461)19.10.48 PG转换速率寄存器(PGSR) [0xCE] (462)19.10.49 PA驱动能力寄存器(PADR) [0xD1] (463)19.10.50 PB驱动能力寄存器(PBDR) [0xD2] (464)19.10.51 PC驱动能力寄存器(PCDR) [0xD3] (464)19.10.52 PD驱动能力寄存器(PDDR) [0xD4] (465)19.10.53 PE驱动能力寄存器(PEDR) [0xD5] (466)19.10.54 PG驱动能力寄存器(PGDR) [0xD6] (467)19.10.55 模拟管脚使能寄存器0(AIOEN0) [0xCF] (467)19.10.56 模拟管脚使能寄存器1(AIOEN1) [0xD7] (469)19.10.57 复位管脚滤波选择寄存器(NRSTFQS) [0xD9] (470)19.10.58 唤醒使能寄存器(WKUPEN) [0xDB] (470)19.10.59 INT0上升沿中断使能寄存器(INT0PE) [0xDC] (471)19.10.60 INT0下降沿中断使能寄存器(INT0NE) [0xDD] (471)19.10.61 INT0中断使能寄存器(INT0EN) [0xDE] (472)19.10.62 INT0中断控制寄存器(INT0CON) [0xDF] (473)19.10.63 INT1上升沿中断使能寄存器(INT1PE) [0xE1] (474)19.10.64 INT1下降沿中断使能寄存器(INT1NE) [0xE2] (475)19.10.65 INT1中断使能寄存器(INT1EN) [0xE3] (476)19.10.66 INT1中断控制寄存器(INT1CON) [0xE4] (477)19.10.67 INT1中断管脚选择寄存器0(INT1SEL0) [0xE5] (478)19.10.68 INT1中断管脚选择寄存器1(INT1SEL1) [0xE6] (479)19.10.69 INT1中断管脚选择寄存器2(INT1SEL2) [0xE7] (480)19.10.70 INT1中断管脚选择寄存器3(INT1SEL3) [0xE9] (480)19.10.71 PWM刹车选择寄存器(PWMBKS) [0xEA] (481)19.10.72 PWM特殊复用输出分组选择寄存器(PWMOSEL) [0xF1] (481)19.10.73 PWM特殊复用输出选择寄存器0(PWMOSEL0) [0xF2] (482)19.10.74 PWM特殊复用输出选择寄存器1(PWMOSEL1) [0xF3] (483)19.10.75 PWM特殊复用输出选择寄存器2(PWMOSEL2) [0xF4] (483)19.10.76 PWM特殊复用输出使能寄存器0(PWMOMUX0) [0xF5] (484)19.10.77 PWM特殊复用输出使能寄存器1(PWMOMUX1) [0xF6] (485)19.10.78 PWM特殊复用输出使能寄存器2(PWMOMUX2) [0xF7] (486)19.10.79 PA输入缓冲使能寄存器(PAIE) [0xF9] (487)19.10.80 PB输入缓冲使能寄存器(PBIE) [0xFA] (488)19.10.81 PC输入缓冲使能寄存器(PCIE) [0xFB] (489)19.10.82 PD输入缓冲使能寄存器(PDIE) [0xFC] (489)19.10.83 PE输入缓冲使能寄存器(PEIE) [0xFD] (490)19.10.84 PG输入缓冲使能寄存器(PGIE) [0xFE] (491)19.10.85 PA数据寄存器(P0) [0x80] (492)19.10.86 PB数据寄存器(P1) [0x90] (492)19.10.87 PC数据寄存器(P2) [0xA0] (492)19.10.88 PD数据寄存器(P3) [0xB0] (492)19.10.89 PE数据寄存器(P4) [0xC8] (492)19.10.90 PG数据寄存器(P6) [0x98] (492)20电气特性 (493)20.1极限参数 (493)20.2工作条件 (493)20.2.1 芯片供电 (493)20.2.2 功耗特性 (493)20.2.3 I/O特性 (494)20.2.4 REGC引脚特性 (495)20.2.5 NRST引脚特性 (495)20.2.6 上电/掉电条件 (495)20.2.7 时钟特性 (496)20.2.8 通信接口 (498)20.2.9 FLASH特性 (501)20.2.10 ADC特性 (501)20.2.11 PGA特性 (502)20.2.12 CMP特性 (502)20.2.13 内部参考电压特性 (503)20.2.14 电气敏感性 (503)21封装特性 (504)21.1LQFP32L (504)21.2LQFP48L (505)21.3QFN32L (507)21.4TSSOP28L (508)1产品概述1.1功能描述JMT1808R是一款内置MCU和DSP的双核SOC芯片。

PMS150C datasheet V001_CN-1

PMS150C datasheet V001_CN-1

PMS150C系列8位IO类型单片机数据手册第0.01版2016年3月17日Copyright 2016 by PADAUK Technology Co., Ltd., all rights reserved重要声明应广科技保留权利在任何时候变更或终止产品,建议客户在使用或下单前与应广科技或代理商联系以取得最新、最正确的产品信息。








目录1. 单片机特点 (7)1.1. 系统功能 (7)1.2. CPU特点 (7)2. 系统概述和方框图 (8)3. 引脚功能说明 (9)4. 器件电气特性 (10)4.1 直流交流电气特性 (10)4.2 工作范围 (11)4.3 IHRC频率与VDD关系曲线图 (12)4.4 ILRC频率与VDD关系曲线图 (12)4.5 IHRC频率与温度关系曲线图(校准到16MHz) (13)4.6 ILRC频率与温度关系曲线图 (13)4.7 工作电流与VDD、系统时钟CLK=IHRC/n曲线图 (14)4.8 工作电流与VDD、系统时钟CLK=ILRC/n曲线图 (14)4.9 引脚上拉电阻曲线图 (15)4.10 引脚输出驱电流(Ioh)与灌电流(Iol) 曲线图 (15)4.11 引脚输出输入高电压与低电压(V IH / V IL) 曲线图 (16)5. 功能概述 (17)5.1程序内存——OTP (17)5.2 开机流程 (17)5.3 数据存储器 – SRAM (18)5.4 振荡器和时钟 (18)5.4.1内部高频振荡器和内部低频振荡 (18)5.4.2芯片校准 (18)5.4.3 IHRC频率校准与系统时钟 (19)5.4.4系统时钟和LVR基准位 (20)5.5 16位定时器 (Timer16) (21)5.6 看门狗定时器 (22)5.7 中断 (22)5.8 省电与掉电 (24)5.8.1省电模式(stopexe) (24)5.8.2掉电模式(stopsys) (25)5.8.3 唤醒 (26)5.9 IO引脚 (27)5.10 复位和LVR (28)5.10.1复位 (28)6. IO 寄存器 (29)6.1 标志寄存器(flag),IO 地址 =0x00 (29)6.2 堆栈指针寄存器(sp),IO地址 =0x02 (29)6.3 时钟控制寄存器(clkmd),IO地址 =0x03 (29)6.4 中断允许寄存器(inten),IO地址 =0x04 (30)6.6 Timer16控制寄存器(t16m),IO地址 =0x06 (30)6.7 外部晶体振荡器控制寄存器(eoscr,只写),IO地址 =0x0a (31)6.8 中断缘选择寄存器 (integs), IO地址 =0x0c (31)6.9 端口A数字输入启用寄存器(padier), IO 地址 =0x0d (31)6.10 端口A数据寄存器(pa),IO地址 =0x10 (31)6.11 端口A控制寄存器(pac),IO地址 =0x11 (31)6.12 端口A上拉控制寄存器(paph),IO地址 =0x12 (31)6.13 杂项寄存器(misc), IO 地址 =0x3b (32)7. 指令 (33)7.1 数据传输类指令 (34)7.2 算术运算类指令 (36)7.3 移位元元运算类指令 (38)7.4 逻辑运算类指令 (39)7.5 位运算类指令 (41)7.6 条件运算类指令 (41)7.7 系统控制类指令 (42)7.8 指令执行周期综述 (44)7.9 指令影响标志的综述 (45)8. 特别注意事项 (46)8.1. 使用IC时 (46)8.1.1. IO使用与设定 (46)8.1.2. 中断 (46)8.1.3. 切换系统时钟 (47)8.1.4. 掉电模式、唤醒以及看门狗 (47)8.1.5. TIMER16溢出时间 (47) (47)8.1.6. LVR8.1.7. 指令 (47)8.1.8. RAM定义限制 (47)8.1.9. 烧录方法 (48)8.2. 使用ICE时 (48)修订历史:修订日期描述初版0.01 2016/3/17PMS150B 和PMS150C 主要差异表PMS150B 与PMS150C 主要差异列举如下:项目 功能PMS150BPMS150C1 ILRC 频率 110KHz@5.0V ,25oC 62KHz@5.0V ,25o C (VDD 变化对ILRC 有影响) 2 LVR 2.8V,2.2V,2.0V 4.0V,3.5V,3.0V,2.75V 2.5V,2.2V,2.0V,1.8V 3 RAM 60 bytes64 bytes 4 PA5口输入模式上拉电阻 没有有5 工作温度0o C ~70o C -20o C ~70o C6省电模式功耗(stopexe ) 40uA@3.3V3 uA@3.3V7 IO 输出电流 17mA/-7mA@5.0V普通模式:14.5mA/-10.5mA@5.0V低驱动模式:5mA/-3.5mA@5.0V 8 看门狗定时器溢时 4096,16384,65536 ILRC 时钟周期8192,16384,65536,262144 ILRC 时钟周期9 唤醒时间 快速模式:1024 T IHRC 普通模式:1024 T ILRC 快速模式:32 T ILRC 普通模式:2048 T ILRC 10 开机时间快速模式:2048 T IHRC 普通模式:1024 T ILRC快速模式:32 T ILRC 普通模式:2048 T ILRC 11系统保留OTP 区 0x3F8~0x3FF(8 word) 0x3F0~0x3FF(16 word)12 ILRC 做系统时钟源 ILRC,ILRC/4 ILRC,ILRC/4,ILRC/16 13支持ICE 类型PDK3S-I-001/002/003, 5S-I-S015S-I-S011. 单片机特点1.1. 系统功能◆时钟模式:内部高频振荡器、内部低频振荡器◆硬件16位定时器◆快速唤醒功能◆ 6 个带输入上拉电阻IO引脚,且做输出时具有可选的电流驱动能力◆1个外部中断输入引脚◆每个引脚都可弹性设定唤醒功能◆8级LVR可选◆工作频率0 ~ 8MHz@VDD≧3V; 0 ~ 4MHz@VDD≧2.2V; 0 ~ 2MHz@VDD≧2.0V;◆工作电压:2.0V ~ 5.5V◆工作温度:-20 o C ~70 o C◆功耗特性:I operating ~ 0.3mA@1MIPS, VDD=3.3VI operating ~ 13uA@ILRC=62KHz, VDD=3.3VI powerdown ~ 0.5uA@VDD=3.3V1.2. CPU特点◆工作模式:单一处理单元的工作模式◆ 1KW OTP程序内存◆ 64字节数据存储器◆提供79条指令◆绝大部分指令都是单周期(1T)指令◆可程序设定的堆栈深度◆所有的数据存储器都可当数据指针(index pointer)◆独立的IO地址以及存储地址方便程序开发2. 系统概述和方框图PMS150C是一个IO类型、完全静态,以OTP为程序存储基础的单片机。



1. Product profile1.1General descriptionSilicon Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) wideband amplifier with internalmatching circuit in a 6-pin SOT363 plastic SMD package.1.2FeaturesInput internally matched to 50 Ω A gain of 32.2 dB at 950 MHzOutput power at 1 dB gain compression = 8 dBm Supply current = 29.9 mA at a supply voltage of 5 V Reverse isolation > 34 dB up to 2 GHzGood linearity with low second order and third order products Noise figure = 3.9 dB at 950 MHz Unconditionally stable (K > 1)No output inductor required1.3ApplicationsLNB IF amplifiersGeneral purpose low noise wideband amplifier for frequencies betweenDC and 2.2GHz2. Pinning informationBGA2865MMIC wideband amplifierRev. 2 — 1 November 2010Product data sheetTable 1.PinningPin Description Simplified outline Graphic symbol1V CC 2, 5GND23RF_OUT 4GND16RF_IN132456sym052132, 5643. Ordering information4. Marking5. Limiting values6. Thermal characteristics7. CharacteristicsTable 2.Ordering informationType number Package NameDescriptionVersion BGA2865-plastic surface-mounted package; 6 leadsSOT363Table 3.MarkingType numberMarking code DescriptionBGA2865*EC* = - : made in Hong Kong * = p : made in Hong Kong * = W : made in China * = t : made in MalaysiaTable 4.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit V CC supply voltage RF input AC coupled−0.5 5.5V I CC supply current -36mA P tot total power dissipation T sp = 90 °C -200mW T stg storage temperature −40+125°C T j junction temperature -125°C P drivedrive power-−21dBmTable 5.Thermal characteristics Symbol ParameterConditionsTyp Unit R th(j-sp)thermal resistance from junction to solder pointP tot =200mW; T sp =90°C300K/WTable 6.CharacteristicsV CC = 5.0 V; Z S = Z L = 50 Ω; P i = −35 dBm; T amb = 25 °C; measured on demo board; unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin Typ Max Unit V CC supply voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5V I CCsupply current23.026.429.7mATable 6.Characteristics …continuedV CC = 5.0 V; Z S = Z L = 50 Ω; P i = −35 dBm; T amb = 25 °C; measured on demo board; unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit G p power gain f = 250 MHz30.330.931.5dBf = 950 MHz31.532.232.9dBf = 2150 MHz28.129.631.1dB RL in input return loss f = 250 MHz141618dBf=950MHz171820dBf = 2150 MHz101118dB RL out output return loss f = 250 MHz141823dBf = 950 MHz91011dBf = 2150 MHz7912dB ISL isolation f = 250 MHz416182dBf=950MHz414344dBf = 2150 MHz343739dB NF noise figure f = 250 MHz 3.4 3.8 4.3dBf = 950 MHz 3.4 3.9 4.3dBf = 2150 MHz 3.6 4.0 4.5dB B−3dB−3 dB bandwidth 3 dB below gain at 1GHz 2.1 2.2 2.4GHz K Rollett stability factor f = 250 MHz141618f = 950 MHz 1.2 1.5 1.8f = 2150 MHz0.9 1.2 1.4P L(sat)saturated output power f = 250 MHz101112dBmf = 950 MHz8910dBmf = 2150 MHz235dBm P L(1dB)output power at 1 dB gain compression f = 250 MHz8910dBmf = 950 MHz689dBmf = 2150 MHz123dBm IP3I input third-order intercept point P drive=−38dBm (for each tone)f1=250MHz; f2=251MHz−13−11−8dBmf1=950MHz; f2=951MHz−16−14−11dBmf1=2150MHz; f2=2151MHz−23−20−17dBm IP3O output third-order intercept point P drive=−38dBm (for each tone)f1=250MHz; f2=251MHz182022dBmf1=950MHz; f2=951MHz161921dBmf1=2150MHz; f2=2151MHz71013dBm P L(2H)second harmonic output power P drive=−35dBmf1H=250MHz; f2H=500MHz−52−50−48dBmf1H=950MHz; f2H=1900MHz−42−40−39dBm ΔIM2second-order intermodulation distance P drive=−38dBm (for each tone)f1=250MHz; f2=251MHz364758dBcf1=950MHz; f2=951MHz253748dBc8. Application informationFigure1 shows a typical application circuit for the BGA2865 MMIC. The device isinternally matched to 50 Ω and therefore does not need any external matching. The valueof the input and output DC blocking capacitors C2 and C3 should not be more than 100 pFfor applications above 100 MHz. However, when the device is operated below 100 MHz,the capacitor value should be increased.The 22 nF supply decoupling capacitor C1 should be located as close as possible to theMMIC.The PCB top ground plane, connected to pins 2, 4 and 5 must be as close as possible tothe MMIC, preferably also below the MMIC. When using via holes, use multiple via holesas close as possible to the MMIC.8.1Application examples8.2Graphs8.3TablesTable 7.Supply current over temperature and supply voltagesTypical values.Symbol Parameter Conditions T amb (°C)Unit−402585I CC supply current V CC=4.5V23.8223.0021.70mAV CC=5.0V26.6525.5924.42mAV CC=5.5V29.3027.9427.33mA Table 8.Second harmonic output power over temperature and supply voltagesTypical values.Symbol Parameter Conditions T amb (°C)Unit−402585 P L(2H)second harmonic output power f = 250 MHz; P drive=−37dBmV CC=4.5V−49−51−52dBmV CC= 5.0V−49−50−51dBmV CC=5.5V−49−50−50dBmf = 950 MHz; P drive=−37dBmV CC=4.5V−40−42−44dBmV CC= 5.0V−40−42−43dBmV CC=5.5V−40−42−43dBmTable 9.Input power at 1 dB gain compression over temperature and supply voltages Typical values.Symbol Parameter Conditions T amb (°C)Unit−402585P i(1dB)input power at 1dB gain compression f = 250 MHzV CC=4.5V−21.6−21.6−21.6dBmV CC= 5.0V−21.0−21.1−21.1dBmV CC=5.5V−20.6−20.7−20.7dBmf = 950 MHzV CC=4.5V−22.7−22.9−23.1dBmV CC= 5.0V−22.4−22.6−23.0dBmV CC=5.5V−22.1−22.4−22.9dBmf = 2150 MHzV CC=4.5V−25.0−25.6−26.4dBmV CC= 5.0V−25.1−25.9−26.7dBmV CC=5.5V−25.2−26.2−27.0dBm Table 10.Output power at 1 dB gain compression over temperature and supply voltages Typical values.Symbol Parameter Conditions T amb (°C)Unit−402585P L(1dB)output power at 1dB gain compression f = 250 MHzV CC=4.5V8.37.87.3dBmV CC= 5.0V9.38.88.3dBmV CC=5.5V10.19.69.0dBmf = 950 MHzV CC=4.5V8.07.3 6.3dBmV CC= 5.0V8.98.0 6.9dBmV CC=5.5V9.68.67.4dBmf = 2150 MHzV CC=4.5V 4.1 2.40.3dBmV CC= 5.0V 4.5 2.60.2dBmV CC=5.5V 4.7 2.40.1dBm分销商库存信息: NXPBGA2865,115。



品牌功能电源(V)时钟频率(MHz)通信方式输入兼容性输出兼容性国腾上升型/下降型 1.8/3.325~135/LVTTL LVDS(5 LANE)国腾上升型/下降型 3.0~3.620~85/LVDS(5 LANE)LVTTL 国腾上升型/下降型 3.0~3.620~85/LVDS(5 LANE)LVTTL 国腾上升型/下降型 3.3V,1.8V 5~43/TTL(18BIT)LVDS(1 LANE)国腾上升型/下降型 3.3V,1.8V 20~85IIC TTL(24BIT)LVDS(1 LANE)国腾上升型/下降型 3.3V,1.8V 20~85IIC LVDS(1 LENE)LVTTL 国腾上升型/下降型 3.3V,1.8V 20~85IIC/IO 10/12BIT LVTTL FPD-LINK III 国腾上升型/下降型3.3V,1.8V20~85IIC/IOFPD-LINK III10/12BIT LVTTL公司拥有完善的LVDS 产品系列,LVDS 接口类包括LVDS 驱动器,LVDS 接收器等;SerDes 包括第一代及第二代平板显示图像串行解码器,并可兼容国内外多数同类产品。

LVDS 产品应用广泛,可应用于多屏显示系统、光端机、车载舰载显示、MID 、行车记录仪、车载多屏显示等。

LVDS 信号转换IC产品型号封装GM8285C TSSOP56/BGA56GM8284DR TSSOP56QFN48GM8284DD TSSOP56GM8241C QFN48GM8905C QFN48GM8906C QFN60GM8913QFN32GM8914品牌输出通道个数输出信号类型输入数据格式电源(V)ADC 特性输出视频标准封装代替型号国腾1CVBS 8-bit|TU-R BT.6564:2:2 YCbCr 3.310-bit 27MHz PAL/NTSC LQFP44SAA7121国腾1CVBS 8-bit|TU-R BT.6564:2:2 YCbCr3.310-bit 27MHz PAL/NTSC LQFN32/国腾3Analog RGB30-bit RGB3.310-bit 330MHzVESALQFP48ADV7123视频编解码芯片,使各类模拟和数字信号之间的切换更灵活,产品兼容各类视频输入输出接口,包括CVBS 、S-video 、VGA/DVI;可应用于USB 视频采集卡、视频接口转换器、可视对讲系统、各类多媒体娱乐设备、LCD 屏驱动、车载导航、车载DVR 、行车记录仪、安防监控等领域。



表 1 说 48 8 384 点/行 58 0.125 0.125mmx0.12mm 80mm/s(电机驱动电压为 DC 8.5V) 0.0625mm(一个步进距离) 热敏电阻 反射光感应器 3.13~8.5 2.7~5.25 3.5~8.5 +0℃~50℃(不许有凝露) 20%~85%RH(不许有凝露) -20℃~60℃(不许有凝露) 5%~95%RH(不许有凝露) 小于 60dB(A 计权有效值) 大于 5000 次(胶辊离开加复位为一次) ≥50g ≥80g 机构与打印头的耐磨 >50km,打印头的 明 热敏
3 Vdd -数据延时时间 td DO -锁存脉冲宽度 锁存建立时间 tw LAT testup LAT 锁存保持时间 thold LAT testup 加热建立时间 STB -输出延时 tdo --36 µs 2.7V(Vdd) -30 µs 5V(Vdd) 300 --ns 50 --ns 100 100 ---130 --ns ns ns -90 ns 5.525 2.7 Vdd<3
规 格 书
序号 日期 更改页码 改前 版本 改后 版本 更改内容 更改者

1.1 1.2 1.3

目录.………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.简介.………………………………………………………………………… 2 微型热敏打印机芯……………………………………………………2 特性 ………………………………………………………………… 2 说明 ………………………………………………………………… 2
3.7 、时序特性(25±10℃)
表 7 参 数 代 号 最小 -时钟频率 fCLK -时钟宽度 twCLK 30 30 30 -----9-



Coes 100
20 10
10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0 200
VCE - Volts
VCE - Volts
Fig. 11. Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance
Z(th)JC - ºC / W
Inches Min. Max. .185 .209 .087 .102 .059 .098 .040 .055 .065 .084 .113 .123 .016 .031 .819 .845 .610 .640 0.205 0.225 .780 .800 .177 .140 .144 0.232 0.252 .170 .216
VCE(sat) - Normalized
IC - Amperes
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 7V 9V
1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 25 50 75 I
= 30A
= 15A
VCE - Volts
Characteristic Values Min. Typ. Max. 3.0 5.5 V 300 μA 1.75 mA ±100 2.3 1.8 2.5 nA V V
z z z z z z z
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XL-2106SURC LED 说明书

XL-2106SURC LED 说明书

XL-2106SURC Technical Data Sheetharacteristics*外观尺寸(L/W/H):2.1*1.0*0.55mmQutline Dimensions(L/w/h):2.1x1.0x0.55mm*发光颜色及胶体:高亮度红色/白色胶体Luminous color and colloid:High-brightness red/white colloid*环保工艺符合ROHS要求Environmental protection products Complied With ROHS Directive*EIA规范标准包装EIA standard packaging*适用于SMT贴片自动化生产Suitable for SMT automatic production*适用于回流焊制程Suitable for reflow soldering processroduct application*医用设备:内窥镜、血氧仪Medical equipment:endoscope、oximeter*汽车电子:背光按键灯、指示灯Automotive electronics:backlight key light、indicator light*工业产品:电子仪表盘、工业设备Industrial products:electronic instrument panel、industrial equipment*智能家居:白色家电、数码管LEDSmart home:white appliances,nixie tube LED*通讯产品:手机按键灯、路由器、电视盒Communication products:mobile phone button lamp,routerCatalogueElectrical Characteristics (3)Typical Characteristic Curves (6)Reliability Test Items And Conditions (7)Outline Dimensions (9)Packaging (10)Guideline for Soldering (12)Precautions (14)ElectricalCharacteristicsElectro-Optical Characteristics(Ta=25℃)参数parameter符号Symbol测试条件Test conditions最小值Min典型值Typ最大值Max单位Unit光强light intensityIV IF=5mA37---64mcd半光强视角Half light angle2θ1/2IF=5mA---120---deg 主波长DominantwavelengthλD IF=5mA615---635nm半波宽Half wave width∆λIF=5mA---20---nm正向电压Forward voltageVF IF=5mA 1.5--- 2.3V 反向电流Reverse currentIR VR=5V------10uA极限参数(Ta=25℃)Absoiute Maximum Ratings(ta=25℃)参数parameter符号Symbol数值Value单位Unit消耗功率Power consumptionPd70mW 正向脉冲电流(1/10占空比,0.1ms脉宽)Peak Forward Current(1/10duty cycle,0.1ms pulsewidth)IFP70mA正向直流工作电流Forward DC working currentIF30mA 反向电压Reverse voltageVR5V 工作环境温度Operating ambienttemperatureTopr-30°C~+85°C存储环境温度Storage ambient temperatureTstg-40°C~+90°C焊接条件Welding conditions Tsol回流焊:260°C,5s手动焊:300°C,3s亮度分档:Brightness grading电压分档:波长分档:代码Code最小值Min 最大值Max 单位unit 测试条件Test conditionsL13744mcdIF=5mAL24453L35364代码Code 最小值Min最大值Max单位unit 测试条件Test conditionsF1 1.5 1.7VIF=5mAF2 1.7 1.9F3 1.9 2.1F42.12.3代码Code 最小值Min最大值Max单位unit 测试条件Test conditionsR0615620nmIF=5mAR01620625R02625630R03630635Typical Characteristics CurvesReliability Test Items And Conditions测试项目Test items测试条件Test conditions测试次数Number oftests参考标准Referencestandard失效判定标准Failurecriteria失效LED数量(PCS)Number offailed LEDs(PCS)防潮等级Moisture proof grade 1.回流焊最高温度=260℃,10秒,2次回流焊;2.回流焊之前存储条件:30℃,相对湿度=70%,168H;1.maximum reflow temperature=260℃,10s,twice reflow;2.storage conditions before reflowsoldering:30℃,relative humidity=70%,168h;-JEITA ED-4701300301﹟10/22焊接信赖性(无铅回流焊)Welding reliability (lead freereflow soldering)回流焊最高温度=245±5℃,5秒(无铅回流焊)Maximum temperature of reflowsoldering=245±5℃,5S(lead-free reflow soldering)-JEITA ED-4701303303A﹟20/22冷热循环thermal cycling-40℃30分钟~25℃5分钟~100℃30分钟~25℃5分钟-40℃for30minutes~25℃for5minutes~100℃for30minutes~25℃for5minutes300个循环300loopJESD22-A104﹟10/22冷热冲击Thermal Shock-35℃15分钟转换时间3分钟85℃15分钟-35℃for15minutesConversion time3minutes85℃for15minutes300个循环300loopJESD22-A106﹟10/22失效标准:Failure criteria高温存储High temperature storage Ta=100℃1000小时JESD22-A103﹟10/22低温存储Low temperature storage Ta=-40℃1000小时JESD22-A119﹟10/22常温老化Normal temperature agingTa=25℃IF=20mA1000小时JESD22-A108﹟10/22标准﹟standard项目project 测试条件Test conditions失效标准Failure criteria﹟1正向电压(V F )Forward voltageI F =20mA >U.S.L*1.1光强(IV )light intensity I F =20mA <L.S.L*0.7反向电流(I R )Reverse currentV R =5V >U.S.L*2.0﹟2焊接可靠性Welding reliability/锡膏覆盖焊盘比例小于95%Solder paste covering pad proportion is less than 95%Outline Dimension备注: 1.以上尺寸单位均为mmRemarks:All dimensions are in millimeters.2.未特别标注公差的尺寸公差均为±0.25mmTolerance is±0.25mm unless otherwise noted1Packaging(1)Carrier Tape单位:mm,未注公差:±0.1mmAll dimensions in mm,tolerances unless mentioned is±0.1mm.Details Of Carrier Tape前进方向Progressive DirectionA:盖带,300mm;B:引导,空带,200mm;C:编载产品3000只;D:尾部,空带,200mmA:Top Cover Tape,300mm;B:Leader,Empty,200mm;C:3000Lamps Loaded;D:Trailer,Empty,200mm.Reel Dimension2 Packaging(2)1Guideline for Soldering(1)1.Hand Soldering推荐使用功率低于20W的烙铁,焊接时烙铁的温度必须保持在300℃以下,且每个电极只能进行一次焊接,每次焊接的持续时间不得超过3秒。



V15T16-EZ100A03V15T16-EZ100A03V15T16-EZ100A05V15T16-EZ100-K V15H16-CZ200V15H16-CZ300A0V15H16-CZ300A0V15H22-CZ100A0V15T16-CZ100V15T16-EZ100A02MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic SwitchesV15 SeriesDESCRIPTIONHoneywell’s MICRO SWITCH V-Basic Standard Switch, V15 Series is an electromechanical switch designed to provide outstanding value in a reliable global package. This switch is often ideal for “low-cost-of-failure” applications, where the cost is minimal to replace or service any failure related to the switch. With a wide variety of operating forces, andamperage ratings, the V15 is designed for numerous types of applications.Available in both pin plunger and levered styles, the V15 Series also offers a multitude of termination styles to fit almost any application.VALUE TO CUSTOMERS• Wide choice of electrical ratings: 0.1 A, 5 A, 10 A, 16 A, 22 A, 26 A• Certified for global use: UL/cUL, ENEC, CQC• Available with pin plungers or integral levers to meet multiple application and equipment requirements DIFFERENTIATION• Choice of actuation, termination, and operatingcharacteristics that can allow for flexibility in numerous types of applications• With a broad current capacity, one switch package can control a wide range of electrical loadsFEATURES• Broad range of electrical loads: 0.1 A, 5 A, 10 A, 16 A, 22 A, 26 A• Long service life: over one million mechanical operations • Gold contacts are also available for controlling logic level/low energy circuits• World-wide package size acceptance• UL/CSA, cUL, ENEC, and CQC approvals• Variants with cadmium-free contacts available POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS • Appliances • Furnaces• Gaming machines • Ice makers • Power washers • Vending machinesPORTFOLIOHoneywell offers a broad range of MICRO SWITCH basic switches including large, V-Basic, miniature, watertight, and special application switches.Sensing and Internet of Things004945Issue 10MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 Seriesmax. inductive value (Amps)• GPA = General Purpose Amps (Inductive Load,75 % to 80 % power factor)• VL = Lamp Load2 Sensing and Internet of Things 3MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesV15S05 PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREV15Switch TypeTemperatureGradeSLeverPositionElectrical Rating05V15 Series Standard Basic SwitchTerminal TypeCircuit Code—ZAOperating Force(at pin plunger max)200Mounting HolesKALever Type06Special DesignatorC—Housing Type1V15T10 PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREV15Switch TypeTemperatureGradeTLever PositionElectrical Rating10V15 Series Standard Basic SwitchTerminal TypeCircuit Code—ZAOperating Force(at pin plunger max)200Mounting HolesKALever Type06A special designator letter is used only when there is a special modificationto the switch.Review Product Specification to determine the exact differences. Below is an example.Special DesignatorC—Housing Type1V15H16/T16/T22/H22/T26 PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREV15Switch TypeTemperatureGradeHLever PositionElectrical Rating16V15 Series Standard Basic SwitchTerminal TypeCircuit Code—ZAOperating Force(at pin plunger max)200Mounting HolesKALever Type06Special DesignatorC—Housing Type1MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesPinPlunger4 MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesShortStraightLeverStandardStraightLeverSensing and Internet of Things 5MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesLongStraightLeverSimulatedRoller6 MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesShortRollerLeverSensing and Internet of Things 7MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesRollerLever8 Sensing and Internet of Things 9MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesMOUNTING DIMENSIONSFigure 1. V15 Series Standard Switch DimensionsFigure 2. V15 Series Metric Mounting Hole Dimensions for Ø 3 mm pins or screwsMetric mounting for Ø 3 mm pins or screws Ø 3,10 mm +0,10 mm/-0,05 mm 10,3 m m ±0,1 m m Ø 0.12 in +0.004 in/-0.002 in mounting holeFigure 3. V15 Series USA Mounting Hole Dimensions for #4 screws US mounting for #4 screws - K DesignatorØ 2,90 mm +0,10 mm/-0,05 mm10,3 m m ±0,1 m m Ø 0.11 in +0.004 in/-0.002 in mounting holeFigure 4. V15 Series Housing Dimensions10 Sensing and Internet of Things 1112 STANDARD LEVER OPTIONS • DIMENSIONSFigure 19. V15 Series A01/Straight Short LeverFigure 20. V15 Series A02/Standard Straight LeverFigure 21. V15 Series A03/Long Straight LeverFigure 22. V15 Series A04/Simulated Roller LeverFigure 23. V15 Series A05/Short Roller LeverFigure 24. V15 Series A06/Roller LeverNOTE: These dimensions apply for the “A” lever position. For the “B” leverposition, please add 5,7 mm [0.224 in].Position APosition BWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the appli-cable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warrantedgoods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defec-tive. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.004945-10-EN | 10 | 12/19© 2019 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION• The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 ADDITIONAL MATERIALSThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Installation instructions• Product part listing/nomenclature tree • Product application-specific information– Application note: Electronic sensors and eectromechanicalswitches in valves and flow meters – Application note: Electronic sensors and MICRO SWITCHswitches in industrial air compressors – Application note: Sensors and switches for potentialHVAC/R applications – Application note: Sensors and switches for valve monitorsand valve indicators – Application note: Sensors and switches in sanitary valves – Case study: Switching it up– Technical bulletin: Applying precision switchesFor more informationHoneywell Sensing and Internet of Things services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit or call:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828Europe +44 (0) 1698 481481USA/Canada+1-800-537-69452-K6-K2V15T16-EZ100A06V15T16-EZ300A24V15T22-CP300V15T26-C1P300V15T16-EZ100A03V15T16-EZ100A03V15T16-EZ100A05V15T16-EZ100-K V15H16-CZ200V15H16-CZ300A0V15H16-CZ300A0V15H22-CZ100A0V15T16-CZ100V15T16-EZ100A02。


Ultra-High Speed: tPD 2.5ns Typical at 5V VCC High Impedance Output when Deselected Broad VCC Operating Range: 1.65V to 5.50V Power Down High Impedance Inputs/Outputs Over-Voltage Tolerance Inputs Facilitate 5V to 3V Translation Proprietary Noise/EMI Reduction Circuitry Ultra-Small MicroPak™ Packages
Condition Min.
TA=+25°C Typ. Max.
TA=-40 to +85°C Min.
0.75VCC 0.70VCC
V 0.25VCC 0.30VCC V
0.75VCC 0.70VCC 0.25VCC 0.30VCC 1.55 VIN=VIH, IOH=-100µA 2.20 2.90 4.40 IOH=-4mA IOH=-8mA IOH=-16mA IOH=-24mA IOH=-32mA 1.29 1.90 2.40 2.30 3.80 1.65 2.30 3.00 4.50 1.52 2.15 2.80 3.68 4.20 0.00 VIN=VIL IOL=100µA 0.00 0.00 0.00 IOL=4mA IOL=8mA IOL=16mA IOL=24mA IOL=32mA VIN=5.5V, GND VIN=VIL or VOH 0<VOUT 5.5V VIN or VOUT=5.5V 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.30 0.40 0.55 0.55 ±0.1 ±0.5 1 1

Cypress Semiconductor CY7C185D 静态RAM产品说明书

Cypress Semiconductor CY7C185D 静态RAM产品说明书

CY7C185D-15PXCPRELIMINARY64K (8K x 8) Static RAMCY7C185DFeatures•Pin- and function-compatible with CY7C185•High speed —t AA = 10 ns •Low active power—I CC = 60 mA @ 10 ns •Low CMOS standby power —I SB2 = 3 mA•CMOS for optimum speed/power •Data Retention at 2.0V•Easy memory expansion with CE 1, CE 2, and OE features •TTL-compatible inputs and outputs •Automatic power-down when deselected •Available in Lead (Pb)-Free PackagesFunctional Description [1]The CY7C185D is a high-performance CMOS static RAM organized as 8192 words by 8 bits. Easy memory expansion is provided by an active LOW chip enable (CE 1), an active HIGH chip enable (CE 2), and active LOW output enable (OE)and three-state drivers. This device has an automatic power-down feature (CE 1 or CE 2), reducing the power consumption when deselected.An active LOW write enable signal (WE) controls the writing/reading operation of the memory. When CE 1 and WE inputs are both LOW and CE 2 is HIGH, data on the eight data input/output pins (I/O 0 through I/O 7) is written into the memory location addressed by the address present on the address pins (A 0 through A 12). Reading the device is accomplished by selecting the device and enabling the outputs, CE 1 and OE active LOW, CE 2 active HIGH, while WE remains inactive or HIGH. Under these conditions, the contents of the location addressed by the information on address pins are present on the eight data input/output pins.The input/output pins remain in a high-impedance state unless the chip is selected, outputs are enabled, and write enable (WE) is HIGH.The CY7C185D is in a standard 28-pin 300-mil-wide DIP , SOJ, or SOIC Pb-Free package.Note:1.For guidelines on SRAM system design, please refer to the ‘System Design Guidelines’ Cypress application note, available on the internet at .Logic Block DiagramPin ConfigurationsA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 0A 10A 9A 11A 12I/O 012345678910111213142827262524232221201918171615V CC WE CE 2A 3A 2A 1OE A 0CE 1I/O 7I/O 6I/O 5I/O 4I/O 3NC A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12I/O 0I/O 1I/O 2GND256 x 32 x 8ARRAYINPUT BUFFERCOLUMN DECODERR O W D E C O D E RS E N S E A M P SPOWER DOWNI/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 4I/O 5I/O 6I/O 7CE 1CE 2WE OETop ViewDIP/SOJ/SOICPRELIMINARY CY7C185D Selection GuideCY7C185D-10CY7C185D-12CY7C185D-15Unit Maximum Access Time101215ns Maximum Operating Current 605040mA Maximum Standby Current333mAPRELIMINARYCY7C185DMaximum Ratings(Above which the useful life may be impaired. For user guide-lines, not tested.)Storage Temperature .................................–65°C to +150°C Ambient Temperature withPower Applied.............................................–55°C to +125°C Supply Voltage to Ground Potential...............–0.5V to +7.0V DC Voltage Applied to Outputsin High-Z State [2].......................................−0.5V to V CC + 0.5VDC Input Voltage [2]....................................−0.5V to V CC + 0.5V Output Current into Outputs (LOW).............................20 mA Static Discharge Voltage.......................................... > 2001V (per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015)Latch-up Current.................................................... > 200 mAOperating RangeRange Ambient TemperatureV CC Commercial 0°C to +70°C 5V ± 10%Industrial–40°C to +85°C5V ± 10%Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating RangeParameter DescriptionTest Conditions7C185D-107C185D-12Unit Min.Max.Min.Max.V OH Output HIGH Voltage V CC = Min., I OH = –4.0 mA 2.42.4V V OL Output LOW Voltage V CC = Min., I OL = 8.0 mA0.40.4V V IH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0V CC + 0.3V2.0V CC + 0.3VV V IL Input LOW Voltage [2]–0.50.8–0.50.8V I IX Input Load Current GND ≤ V I ≤ V CC–1+1–1+1µA I OZ Output Leakage CurrentGND ≤ V I ≤ V CC , Output Disabled–1+1–1+1µA I OS Output Short Circuit Current [3]V CC = Max., V OUT = GND –300–300mA I CC V CC Operating Supply Current V CC = Max., I OUT = 0 mA 6050mA I SB1Automatic Power-down Current Max. V CC , CE 1 ≥ V IH or CE 2 ≤ V ILMin. Duty Cycle = 100%1010mA I SB2Automatic Power-down Current Max. V CC , CE 1 ≥ V CC – 0.3V,or CE 2 ≤ 0.3VV IN ≥ V CC – 0.3V or V IN ≤ 0.3V3.03.0mAParameter DescriptionTest Conditions7C185D-15Unit Min.Max.V OH Output HIGH Voltage V CC = Min., I OH = –4.0 mA 2.4V V OL Output LOW Voltage V CC = Min., I OL = 8.0 mA0.4V V IH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0V CC + 0.3VV V IL Input LOW Voltage [2]–0.50.8V I IX Input Load Current GND ≤ V I ≤ V CC–1+1µA I OZ Output Leakage CurrentGND ≤ V I ≤ V CC , Output Disabled–1+1µA I OS Output Short Circuit Current [3]V CC = Max., V OUT = GND –300mA I CC V CC Operating Supply Current V CC = Max., I OUT = 0 mA 40mA I SB1Automatic Power-down Current Max. V CC , CE 1 ≥ V IH or CE 2 ≤ V ILMin. Duty Cycle = 100%10mA I SB2Automatic Power-down Current Max. V CC , CE 1 ≥ V CC – 0.3V or CE 2 ≤ 0.3VV IN ≥ V CC – 0.3V or V IN ≤ 0.3V3.0mACapacitance [4]ParameterDescriptionTest ConditionsMax.Unit C IN Input Capacitance T A = 25°C, f = 1 MHz,V CC = 5.0V7pF C OUTOutput Capacitance7pFNotes:2.V IL (min.) = –2.0V and V IH (max) = V CC + 2V for pulse durations of less than 20 ns.3.Not more than 1 output should be shorted at one time. Duration of the short circuit should not exceed 30 seconds.4.Tested initially and after any design or process changes that may affect these parameters.PRELIMINARYCY7C185DThermal Resistance [4]Parameter DescriptionTest ConditionsAll-PackagesUnit ΘJA Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient)[4]Still Air, soldered on a 3 × 4.5 inch, two-layer printed circuit boardTBD °C/W ΘJCThermal Resistance (Junction to Case)[4]TBD°C/WAC Test Loads and WaveformsSwitching Characteristics Over the Operating Range [6]Parameter Description7C185D-107C185D-127C185D-15UnitMin.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.Read Cycle t power [5]V CC (typical) to the first access 100100100µs t RC Read Cycle Time 101215ns t AA Address to Data Valid101215ns t OHA Data Hold from Address Change 333ns t ACE1CE 1 LOW to Data Valid 101215ns t ACE2CE 2 HIGH to Data Valid 101215ns t DOE OE LOW to Data Valid 568ns t LZOE OE LOW to Low Z 333ns t HZOE OE HIGH to High Z [7]567ns t LZCE1CE 1 LOW to Low Z [8]333ns t LZCE2CE 2 HIGH to Low Z 333ns t HZCE CE 1 HIGH to High Z [7, 8]CE 2 LOW to High Z 567ns t PU CE 1 LOW to Power-Up CE 2 to HIGH to Power-Up 0ns t PDCE 1 HIGH to Power-Down CE 2 LOW to Power-Down101215nsNotes:5.t POWER gives the minimum amount of time that the power supply should be at typical V CC values until the first memory access can be performed.6.Test conditions assume signal transition time of 3 ns or less, timing reference levels of 1.5V, input pulse levels of 0 to 3.0V, and output loading of the specified I OL /I OH and 30-pF load capacitance.7.t HZOE, t HZCE , and t HZWE are specified with C L = 5 pF as in part (b) of AC Test Loads. Transition is measured ±200 mV from steady state voltage.8.At any given temperature and voltage condition, t HZCE is less than t LZCE1 and t LZCE2 for any given device.R1 481Ω3.0V5V OUTPUTR1 481ΩR2255Ω30pFGND90%90%10%≤3ns≤3ns5V OUTPUTR2255Ω5pF(b)(c)OUTPUT1.73VINCLUDING JIG AND SCOPEINCLUDING JIGAND SCOPE10%Equivalent to:THÉVENIN EQUIVALENT ALL INPUT PULSES167Ω* CAPACITIVE LOAD CONSISTS OF ALL COMPONENTS OF THE TEST ENVIRONMENT30 pF*OUTPUTZ = 50Ω50Ω1.5V(a)10-ns Device12, 15-ns DevicesHigh-Z characteristics:PRELIMINARYCY7C185DWrite Cycle [9]t WC Write Cycle Time 101215ns t SCE1CE 1 LOW to Write End 81012ns t SCE2CE 2 HIGH to Write End 81012ns t AW Address Set-up to Write End 71012ns t HA Address Hold from Write End 000ns t SA Address Set-up to Write Start 000ns t PWE WE Pulse Width 71012ns t SD Data Set-up to Write End 678ns t HD Data Hold from Write End 0ns t HZWE WE LOW to High Z [7]667ns t LZWEWE HIGH to Low Z333nsSwitching Characteristics Over the Operating Range (continued)[6]Parameter Description7C185D-107C185D-127C185D-15Unit Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.Data Retention Characteristics (Over the Operating Range)Parameter DescriptionConditionsMin.Max.Unit V DR V CC for Data Retention2.0V I CCDR Data Retention Current Non-L, Com’l / Ind’l V CC = V DR = 2.0V ,CE > V CC – 0.3V ,V IN > V CC – 0.3V or V IN < 0.3V3mA L-Version Only1.2mA t CDR [4]Chip Deselect to Data Retention Time 0ns t R [10]Operation Recovery Timet RCnsData Retention WaveformSwitching WaveformsRead Cycle No.1[11,12]Notes:9.The internal write time of the memory is defined by the overlap of CE 1 LOW, CE 2 HIGH, and WE LOW. All 3 signals must be active to initiate a write and either signal can terminate a write by going HIGH. The data input set-up and hold timing should be referenced to the rising edge of the signal that terminates the write. 10.Full device operation requires linear V CC ramp from V DR to V CC(min.) > 50 µs or stable at V CC(min.) > 50 µs.11.Device is continuously selected. OE, CE 1 = V IL . CE 2 = V IH .12.WE is HIGH for read cycle.4.5V 4.5V t CDRV DR > 2VDATA RETENTION MODEt RCEV CC ADDRESSDATA OUTPREVIOUS DATA VALIDDATA VALIDt RCt AAt OHAPRELIMINARYCY7C185DRead Cycle No.2[13,14]Write Cycle No. 1 (WE Controlled)[12,14]Write Cycle No. 2 (CE Controlled)[14,15,16]Notes:13.Data I/O is High Z if OE = V IH , CE 1 = V IH , WE = V IL , or CE 2=V IL .14.The internal write time of the memory is defined by the overlap of CE 1 LOW, CE 2 HIGH and WE LOW. CE 1 and WE must be LOW and CE 2 must be HIGH toinitiate write. A write can be terminated by CE 1 or WE going HIGH or CE 2 going LOW. The data input set-up and hold timing should be referenced to the rising edge of the signal that terminates the write.15.During this period, the I/Os are in the output state and input signals should not be applied.16.The minimum write cycle time for write cycle #3 (WE controlled, OE LOW) is the sum of t HZWE and t SD .Switching Waveforms (continued)50%50%DATA VALIDt RCt ACEt DOEt LZOEt LZCEt PUHIGH IMPEDANCEIMPEDANCEICCISBt HZOEt HZCEt PDOEHIGH DATA OUTV CC SUPPLY CURRENTCE 1OE CE 2t HDt SDt PWEt SAt HAt AWt WCt HZOEDATA IN VALIDCE CE 1OEWECE 2DATA I/Ot SCEIt SCE2ADDRESSNOTE 15t WCt AWt SAt HAt HDt SDt SCE1WEDATA I/OADDRESSCE 1DATA IN VALIDt SCE2CE 2PRELIMINARYCY7C185DWrite Cycle No. 3 (WE Controlled, OE LOW)[14,15,16,17]Truth TableCE 1CE 2WE OE Input/OutputModeH X X X High Z Deselect/Power-down X L X X High Z Deselect/Power-down L H H L Data Out Read L H L X Data In Write LHHHHigh ZDeselectOrdering InformationSpeed (ns)Ordering Code Package Name Package TypeOperating Range 10CY7C185D-10PXC P2128-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP (Pb-Free)CommercialCY7C185D-10SXC S2128-Lead Molded SOIC (Pb-Free)CY7C185D-10VXC V2128-Lead Molded SOJ (Pb-Free)CY7C185D-10VXIV2128-Lead Molded SOJ (Pb-Free)Industrial 12CY7C185D-12PXC P2128-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP (Pb-Free)Commercial CY7C185D-12SXC S2128-Lead Molded SOIC (Pb-Free)CY7C185D-12VXC V2128-Lead Molded SOJ (Pb-Free)CY7C185D-12VXIV2128-Lead Molded SOJ (Pb-Free)Industrial 15CY7C185D-15PXC P2128-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP (Pb-Free)Commercial CY7C185D-15SXC S2128-Lead Molded SOIC (Pb-Free)CY7C185D-15VXC V2128-Lead Molded SOJ (Pb-Free)CY7C185D-15VXIV2128-Lead Molded SOJ (Pb-Free)Industrial Shaded areas contain advance information. Please contact your local Cypress sales representative for availability of these parts.Note:17.If CE 1 goes HIGH or CE 2 goes LOW simultaneously with WE HIGH, the output remains in a high-impedance state.Switching Waveforms (continued)t HDt SDt LZWEt SAt HAt AWt WCt HZWEDATA IN VALIDt SCE1t SCE2CE 1CE 2ADDRESSDATA I/OWENOTE 15PRELIMINARY CY7C185D Package DiagramsPRELIMINARYCY7C185DDocument #: 38-05466 Rev. *C Page 9 of 10All product and company names mentioned in this document may be the trademarks of their respective holders.Package Diagrams (continued)28-Lead (300-Mil)Molded SOJ V2151-85031-*BPRELIMINARYCY7C185D Document #: 38-05466 Rev. *C Page 10 of 10Document History Page Document Title: CY7C185D 64K (8K x 8) Static RAM (Preliminary)Document Number: 38-05466REV.ECN NO.Issue Date Orig. of Change Description of Change **201560See ECN SWI Advance Datasheet for C9 IPP *A233715See ECN RKF DC parameters are modified as per EROS (Spec # 01-2165)Pb-free offering in Ordering Information *B 262950See ECN RKF Added T power Spec in Switching Characteristics tableAdded Data Retention Characteristics table and waveforms Shaded Ordering Information*C 307593See ECN RKF1) Reduced Speed bins to -10, -12 and -15 ns2) Added ‘Industrial’ grade parts to the Ordering Info on Page #6CY7C185D-15PXC。

宏电机H7118 V66 DTU技术规格书说明书

宏电机H7118 V66 DTU技术规格书说明书

技术规格书H7118V66DTU目录1.产品概述 (3)2.产品规格 (3)3.结构尺寸及接口定义 (5)4.面板指示灯状态 (7)1.产品概述H7118V66DTU(Data Transfer Unit)是一款基于4G网络的无线DDN(Digital Data Network)数据通信产品。







接插件为Box Header,间距:2.0mm20Pin,接口管脚图如图3-1图3-1接口管脚图RS232接口表3-1Pin18调试口(RS232接口)Pin4TX串口发送数据O正电平:+3~+15V负电平:-3~-15V Pin17RX串口接口数据I数据口(TTL接口)Pin10TX串口发送数据OTTL电平O H:2.8~3.3VO L:0~0.4VI H:2~3.3VI L:0~0.8V Pin13RX串口接收数据IGPIO口Pin7GPI用户输入口II H:2~3.3VI L:0~0.8V Pin8Pin12Pin9GPO用户输出口OO H:2.8~3.3VO L:0~0.4V Pin11Pin14电源控制端Pin15OFF低关断I低关断:0~0.4V关断,3~5V或者悬空开启Pin16OFF高关断I高关断:3~5V关断,0~0.4V或者悬空开启USB接口Pin19USB_DM USB数据-I/O Pin20USB_DP USB数据+I/O电源控制端Pin15OFF低关断I低关断:0~0.4V关断,3~10V或者悬空开启Pin16OFF高关断I高关断:3~5V关断,0~0.4V或者悬空开启USB接口Pin19USB_DM USB数据-I/O Pin20USB_DP USB数据+I/ONC Pin10无无无悬空Pin13H7118V66DTU技术规格书4.面板指示灯状态H7118DTU前面板上有3个LED指示灯,指示H7118DTU的工作状态和网络状态。

Texas Instruments SLUU068C 用户指南说明书

Texas Instruments SLUU068C 用户指南说明书

IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third−party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Mailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2001, Texas Instruments IncorporatedEVM IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments (TI) provides the enclosed product(s) under the following conditions:This evaluation kit being sold by TI is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not considered by TI to be fit for commercial use. As such, the goods being provided may not be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety measures typically found in the end product incorporating the goods. As a prototype, this product does not fall within the scope of the European Union directive on electromagnetic compatibility and therefore may not meet the technical requirements of the directive.Should this evaluation kit not meet the specifications indicated in the EVM User’s Guide, the kit may be returned within 30 days from the date of delivery for a full refund. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY MADE BY SELLER TO BUYER AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE.The user assumes all responsibility and liability for proper and safe handling of the goods. Further, the user indemnifies TI from all claims arising from the handling or use of the goods. Please be aware that the products received may not be regulatory compliant or agency certified (FCC, UL, CE, etc.). Due to the open construction of the product, it is the user’s responsibility to take any and all appropriate precautions with regard to electrostatic discharge.EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OF THE INDEMNITY SET FORTH ABOVE, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.TI currently deals with a variety of customers for products, and therefore our arrangement with the user is not exclusive.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein.Please read the EVM User’s Guide and, specifically, the EVM Warnings and Restrictions notice in the EVM User’s Guide prior to handling the product. This notice contains important safety information about temperatures and voltages. For further safety concerns, please contact the TI application engineer.Persons handling the product must have electronics training and observe good laboratory practice standards. No license is granted under any patent right or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any machine, process, or combination in which such TI products or services might be or are used.Mailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2001, Texas Instruments IncorporatedEVM WARNINGS AND RESTRICTIONSIt is important to operate this EVM within the input voltage range of 85 V to 265 V and the output voltage of 12 V +/− 5%.Exceeding the specified input range may cause unexpected operation and/or irreversible damage to the EVM. If there are questions concerning the input range, please contact a TI field representative prior to connecting the input power.Applying loads outside of the specified output range may result in unintended operation and/or possible permanent damage to the EVM. Please consult the EVM User’s Guide prior to connecting any load to the EVM output. If there is uncertainty as to the load specification, please contact a TI field representative.During normal operation, some circuit components may have case temperatures greater than 50°C. The EVM is designed to operate properly with certain components above 50°C as long as the input and output ranges are maintained. These components include but are not limited to linear regulators, switching transistors, pass transistors, and current sense resistors. These types of devices can be identified using the EVM schematic located in the EVM User’s Guide. When placing measurement probes near these devices during operation, please be aware that these devices may be very warm to the touch.Mailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2001, Texas Instruments IncorporatedContentsContents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1General Information1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1Features1-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2Description1-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3Operating Guidelines1-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3.1Step 1. Load Connections1-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3.2Step2. Applying Input Power1-3. . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3.3Step 3. Evaluating the Demonstration’s Boards Performance.1-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3.4Additional Information1-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.4DM38500 EVM Performance1-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Reference2-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.1DM38500 EVM Part Descriptions2-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.2DM38500 Board Layouts2-4Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1−1.DM38500 Evaluation Module Application Schematic1-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1−2.DM38500 EVM Response, VCC = +15 V1-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1−3.DM38500 Response, VCC = +15 V1-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1−4.DM38500 Response, VCC = +15 V1-6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2−1.DM38500 EVM PC Board: Top Assembly2-4Chapter 1GeneralInformationThis chapter details the Texas Instruments (TI) DM38500 PFC/PWM Combination Controller 100W Power Factor Correction Preregulator Evaluation Module (EVM) SLUU068. It includes a list of EVM features, a brief description of the module illustrated with a pictorial, schematic diagrams, and EVM specifications.Topic Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1Features1−2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2Description1−2 1.3Operating Guidelines1−3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.4DM38500 EVM Performance1−5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .General Information1-1Features1.1FeaturesUCC38500 PFC/PWM Combination Controller 100W Power Factor Correc-tion Preregulator include:J Combines PFC and 2nd Stage Down Converter ControlsJ Controls Boost Preregulator to Near-unity Power FactorJ Accurate Power LimitingJ Improved Feedforward Line RegulationJ Peak Current Mode Control in Second StageJ Programmable OscillatorJ Leading Edge/Trailing Edge Modulation for Reduced Output RippleJ Low Startup Supply CurrentJ Synchronized Second Stage with Programmable Soft-startJ Programmable Second Stage Shut-down1.2DescriptionThe UCC38500 provides all the functions necessary for active power factorcorrection and a second stage dc-to-dc converter all in one integrated circuit.The control IC uses leading edge modulation for the boost stage and trailingedge modulation for the step down converter to reduce the RMS current in theboost capacitor. The dc-to-dc controller uses peak current mode control foreasy loop compensation.The UCC38500 evaluation board is designed to illustrate the performance ofthe IC in a complete off-line 100W two-stage power converter using power fac-tor correction. The demonstration board was designed to operate with a uni-versal input voltage range (i.e. 85−265 Vac) with a regulated 12V dc output.CautionHigh-voltage levels are present on the evaluation module whenever it isenergized. Proper precautions must be taken when working with theEVM. The output capacitor has high levels of energy storage and it mustbe discharged before the load is removed. Serious injury can occur ifproper safety precautions are not followed.1-2Description1-3General Information 1.3Operating GuidelinesThe operating guidelines for the evaluation board are provided with reference to the schematic in Figure 1−1 and the component layout in Figure 2− 1. Load ConnectionsA resistive or electronic load can be applied to the output terminals labeled OUT− and OUT+.Note: For safety reasons the load should be connected before power is sup-plied to the demonstration board.1.3.2Step2. Applying Input PowerA 60 Hz AC power source not exceeding 265 V RMS needs be applied across terminals AC−N and AC−L for proper operation.1.3.3Step 3. Evaluating the Demonstration’s Boards Performance.With the AC source set between 85−265 V RMS the output voltage should be regulated and the input current should track the input voltage shape with near unity power factor. The operation of the circuit is verified over the line and load range and shows efficiency as high as 85%. At lighter loads, there may be some distortion in the line current due to Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) operation. Please refer to Figures 1−2, 1−3 and 1−4 for typical EVM performance.1.3.4Additional InformationFor more information, pin description and specifications for the UCC38500PFC/PWM Combination Controller, please refer to the datasheet or contact the Texas Instruments Semiconductor Product Information Center at 1-800-336-5236 or 1-972-644-5580. Product Information can also be found on the World Wide Web at .Description1-4Figure 1−1.DM38500 Evaluation Module Application SchematicUDG−000941210952611137843116171518191420O V P /E N B L V S E N S E V A O U T I S E N S E M O U TC A O U T I A C V F FP K L I M I T V R E F G T 1G T 2V C C C T R T G N D P W R G N D S S 2V E R R I S E N S E 2U C C 38500V R E FQ 5R 25V C CR 7R 6G T 1G T 2D 10D 9C 27P K L I M I TC 28R 17C 19C 22R 28C 25R 23R 34R 21R 22R 33R 20C 2R 15R 5L 1D 3D 1G T 1R 14R 29P K L I M I TR 19C 26V R E F R 18R 24C 29C 30I S E N S E 2G T 2R 13R 2C 5P W R G N D G T 212 V 100 W +−L 2T 1Q 2Q 1Q 3D 11V A C 85−265V R M SD 6D 4T 2D 8U 4C 7S G N DS G N D S G N DP G N D 2P G N DP G N DP G N DP G N DS G N D P G N D D 5D 7C 12C 20L 1V C C B I A S C I R C U I TV C CV C C B I A S C I R C U I TP G N D C 23P G N D 2P G N D 2R 26D 14R 36R 16C 14R 35R 32R 27D 13R 31C 8R 30R 10R 12R 11C 21C 16C 3P G N D C 24D 2R 1C 4C 18R 4D 15D 12D 16A C −NA C −LO U T +O U T −V R E FR 3R 39C 13I S E N S E 2C 17H 11A V 1321456U 3S G N D C 6C 38H I G H V O L T A G E −S E E E V M W A R N I N G S A N D R E S T R I C T I O N SH I G H T E M P E R A T U R E −S E E E V M W A R N I N G S A N D R E S T R I C T I O N SH I G H V O L T A G E −S E E E V M W A R N I N G S A N D R E S T R I C T I O N S H I G H T E M P E R A T U R E −S E E E V M W A R N I N G S A N D R E S T R I C T I O N S Note: High-Voltage component. See EVM Warnings and Restrictions at the back of this document. Note: High-T emperature component. See EVM Warnings and Restrictions at the back of this document.DM38500 EVM Performance1-5General Information 1.4DM38500 EVM PerformanceFigure 1−2 through 1−4 shows the typical evaluation module performance.Figure 1−2.DM38500 EVM EfficiencyUCC38500 EFFICIENCYvsOUTPUT POWER 505560657075808590201040306050807090100V IN = 85 VV IN = 175 VV IN = 265 VP OUT − WE f f i c i e n c y −%Figure 1−3.DM38500 Power FactorUCC38500 PFvsOUTPUT POWERP OUT − WP o w e r F a c t o r0.852010403060508070901000.900.951.00V IN = 85 V V IN = 175 VV IN = 265 VDM38500 EVM Performance1-6Figure 1−4.DM38500 Total Harmonic Distortion5101520253020104030605080709010035UCC38500 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIONvsOUTPUT POWERP OUT − WT o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o nV IN = 85 VV IN = 175 VV IN = 265 V2-1ReferenceReferenceThis chapter includes a parts list and PCB layout illustrations for the DM38500EVM.TopicPage2.1DM38500 EVM Part Descriptions 2−2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2DM38500 Board Layouts 2−4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 2DM38500 EVM Part Descriptions2-22.1DM38500 EVM Part DescriptionsTable 2−1.DM38500 Part DescriptionsDescriptionReference Qty Value/Type Number Manufacturer Part Number C12, C20,C293 1 µF, 50 V, polypropylene Panasonic ECQ−V1H105JL C13147 pF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S2A470JCA C7, C16,C14310 nF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S1H103JCB C17, C382100 pF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S1H101JCA C191 2.2 nF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S1H222JCB C21470 nF, 400 V, polypropylenePanasonic ECQ−E4474KZ C211680 pF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S1H681JCB CapacitorsC221390 pF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S1H391JCA C241100 pF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S1H101JCA C251150 nF, 50 V, ceramicPanasonic ECU−S1H154KBB C26147 nF, 600 V, polypropylene Panasonic ECQ−E6473KF C27, C182100 pF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S1H105KBB C28, C232 2.2 µF, 50 V, ceramicPanasonic ECU−S1H225MEB C31100 µF, 450 V, electrolytic Panasonic ECO−S2WB101BA C3011800 µF, 25 V, electrolytic Panasonic ECA−IEFQ182C4, C5, C830.1 µF, 50 V, ceramic Panasonic ECU−S1H104KBB C61100 µF, 25 V, electrolytic Panasonic EEU−FCIE101S D11 6 A, 600 V, GI756CTGeneral Inst.GI756CT D111 6 A, 600 V, bridge rectifier,PB66Diodes Inc.PB66D121 1 A, 40 V, Shottky SR103CT D131TL431CLPTITL431C D14110 V, 1 W, Zener 1N4740D15, D2218 V, 1 W, Zener 1N4746DiodesD31 6 A, 600 V, ultra fast IR HFA08TB60−ND D4, D62 1 A, 600 V, fast recovery PhilipsBYV26C D5,D7,D9,D10, D165 1 A, 40 V, Shottky 1N5819D81 6 A, 600 V, full wave rectifierIRHBR2045FH1, FH223AG Fuse clip Fuses F11 6 A, 250 V HS31For Q3Aavid 513201HS4, HS52For D3 and D8Aavid 579302 B 0 00 00Heat sinks HS1, HS22For Q1 and Q2Avid 593002 B 0 34 00L11 1.7 mH, 2.5 A, coupled Cooper CTX08−14730Inductors L2135 µH, 8.3 ACooper CTX08−14279Q1,Q228 A, 500 V, n−channel IR IRF840Q3114 A, 500 V, n−channel IRIRFP450MOSFETsQ51NPN transistor MJE13005Not usedQ4, R8, R9,C9, C15,C106Not usedDM38500 EVM Part Descriptions2-3Reference DescriptionReference Qty Value/Type Number ManufacturerPart Number R1, R122ShortR10, R362200 Ω, ¼ W R25, R29,R27310 k Ω, ¼ WR131 2 k Ω, ¼ W R141 1.5 k Ω, ¼ W R15, R192 3.92 k Ω, ¼ W R161750 Ω, ¼ W R1717.5 k Ω, ¼ W R18, R242392 k Ω, ¼ W R2, R112 1 k Ω, ¼ W R20122.1 k Ω, ¼ W R2118.25 k Ω, ¼ W R22, R332562 k Ω, ¼ W ResistorsR231200 k Ω, ¼ W R261100 Ω, ¼ WR281100 k Ω, ¼ W R30130.1 k Ω, ¼ W R31133.2 k Ω, ¼ W R321 4.75 k Ω, ¼ W R341221 k Ω, ¼ W R35116.2 k Ω, ¼ W R391 1 k Ω, 1 W R41 1 Ω, 1 W, ±5%R510.33 Ω, 3 W, ±5%R6, R7220 Ω, ¼ WR3151 k Ω, 2 W, 400 VT118 mH, 10 A, 10.8:1Cooper CTX08−14226Transformers T21560−990 µH, 1:1 gate drive Cooper CTX08−14225U41BiCMOS PFC/PWM combination controller TexasInstrumentsUCC38500N ICsU31Opto-isolator4N36X13Thermal pad TO−220(@ Q1, Q2, D8)X21Thermal pad TO−247(@ Q3)MiscellaneousX34Screw pan head #4−40 X 7/16 (@Q1, Q2, Q3, D8)X44Nut #4x40X53Nylon shoulder washer #4(@Q1, Q2, D8)X61Bevel washer #4 (@Q3)PCBPCB1Bare boardUCC38500 PCBNotes:1)The values of these components are to be determined by the user in accordance with the applica-tion requirements.2)Unless otherwise specified, all resistors have a tolerance of ±1%.3)Capacitor C38 is located at reference designator R38 on the PCB.。


Data Sheet
Capacitors > Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors
Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors
GCM1885C1H202JA16p (0603, C0G, 2000pF, 50Vdc)
p: packaging code
RoHS regulation conformity parts
<Notice> o Solderability of Tin plating termination chip might be deteriorated when low temperature soldering profile where peak solder temperature is below the Tin
2. This datasheet has only typical specifications because there is no space for detailed specifications. Therefore, please approve our product specifications or transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering. 2010.11.4
! Note:
1. This datasheet is downloaded from the website of Murata Manufacturing co., ltd. Therefore, it’s specifications are subject to change or our products in it may be discontinued without advance notice. Please check with our sales representatives or product engineers before ordering.






本次易容网为大家推荐比较常用的MLCC村田 | Murata品牌的料号GRM1885C1H102JA01D的相关参数



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Data Sheet
Capacitors > Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors
Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors
GCM1885C1H360JA16p (0603, C0G, 36pF, 50Vdc)
p: packaging code
RoHS regulation conformity parts
• This statement does not insure the compliance of any of the listed parts with any laws or legal imperatives developed by any EU members individually with regards to the RoHS Directive.
! Note:
1. This datasheet is downloaded from the website of Murata Manufacturing co., ltd. Therefore, it’s specifications are subject to change or our products in it may be discontinued without advance notice. Please check with our sales representatives or product engineers before ordering.
2. This datasheet has only typical specifications because there is no space for detailed specifications. Therefore, please approve our product specifications or transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering. 2010.11.4
o This data sheet is applied for CHIP MONOLITHIC CERAMIC CAPACITOR used for Automotive (For Power-train, Safety equipments) Electronics equipment for your design.
Minimum Quantity 4000 10000 15000 1000
I Specifications
Please refer to 'GCM Series Specification and Test Methods' PDF file.
GCM Series meets AEC-Q200 requirements.
Байду номын сангаас
I Dimensions
Length L Width W Thickness T Electrode Gap g (min.)
1.6mm±0.1mm 0.8mm±0.1mm 0.8mm±0.1mm
I Rated Value
Murata PN Code
Temperature Char.
<Notice> o Solderability of Tin plating termination chip might be deteriorated when low temperature soldering profile where peak solder temperature is below the Tin
C0G (EIA), 0±30ppm/°C
Capacitance Tol.
Rated Voltage
(in mm)
I Packaging
180mm Paper Tape
330mm Paper Tape
Bulk Case
melting point is used. Please confirm the solderability of Tin plating termination chip before use.
• The RoHS compliance means that we judge from EU Directive 2002/95/EC the products do not contain lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE, except exemptions stated in EU Directive 2002/95/EC annex and impurities existing in natural world.