[31x]PAE in oil by HS-SPME-GC-ITMSMS
实验步骤:1.取适量青皮样品,破碎并置于样品瓶中,加入2 mL甲醇。
在水浴中加热回流2 h,待冷却后过滤,取上清液备用。
2.取适量青皮样品,放置于50 mL头空瓶中,加入2 g氨基硅胶和2 g活性炭,并用针头孔连通压力表。
萃取时间为30 min。
4.将萃取针放入GC-MS进样装置中,以HP-5MS毛细管柱进行分离,离子源为EI,质谱扫描范围为30-550 m/z,检测方式为全扫描模式。
1. 样品准备首先需要收集新鲜的青皮样品,将其洗净并切成适当大小的块状。
2. SPME提取将经过准备的样品放入SPME瓶中,再将SPME纤维插入瓶口,待一定时间后(通常为数小时)即可进行提取。
3. GC-MS分析经过SPME提取后的纤维可以直接插入气相色谱-质谱联用仪中进行分析。
一、HS-SPME-GC-MS技术简介HS-SPME(headspace solid-phase micro-extraction)-GC-MS(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry)技术是一种结合了固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱联用技术的分析方法。
二、青皮挥发性成分的HS-SPME-GC-MS分析1. 样品的准备将新鲜的青皮去皮、切碎并置于密封容器中。
2. 气相色谱-质谱联用分析经过固相萃取针头的浓缩,样品中的挥发性成分得到了富集,之后将固相萃取针头插入气相色谱-质谱联用仪器中进行分析。
3. 挥发性成分的鉴定和定量利用GC-MS技术可以准确地鉴定样品中的挥发性成分,并通过对标准品的比较来定量分析每种成分的含量。
实验方法1. 青皮样品的准备:选取来源于湖北省的优质青皮作为实验对象,样品经过研磨和干燥处理后,制备成颗粒状,以便于后续的实验操作。
2. HS-SPME-GC-MS分析仪器及条件:采用固相微萃取联气质联谱技术(HS-SPME-GC-MS)对青皮挥发性成分进行分析,以Agilent 7890A气相色谱联Agilent 5977A质谱联用仪为分析平台,使用DB-5MS毛细管柱(30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm)进行分离。
质谱仪采用电子轰击(EI)源,扫描范围为m/z 50~550。
HS-SPME采用50/30 μm DVB/CAR/PDMS固相微萃取纤维,提取温度为50°C,提取时间20分钟。
3. 数据处理:使用质谱联机软件对样品中的挥发性成分进行鉴定与定量分析,通过检索NIST和Wiley质谱库,鉴定各挥发性成分的结构和相对含量。
以某些成分的相对含量较高为例,进行详细介绍:1. 橙皮素:橙皮素为一种黄酮类化合物,已广泛应用于食品、农药和医药行业。
青皮(Citrus reticulata Blanco)是柑橘科植物的果皮,富含挥发性成分,具有特
在一定的时间后,将SPME 纤维从头空瓶中取出。
风味诱人 , 其风味成分是其感官品质 的重要指标 , 但 是关 于 加 工后 山核桃 的挥 发性 风 味 物质 的研究 鲜 有
报 道 。 因此 , 究 和分 析 山 核桃 的挥 发 性 风 味成 分 , 研 对 评 价其 感 官 品 质 及 指 导 山核 桃 加 工 、 藏 过 程 控 贮
质成 分 , 包括 杂环 类化合 物 、 萜烯 类 、 类、 类 、 醛 酸 醇类 、 类和 酮类 , 酯 这些 物质 成 分 的共 同作 用 构成 了山核桃 独 特 的风味 。其 中杂环 类化合 物 、 萜烯 类化 合 物 和 醛化 合 物 类含 量较 高 , 对 山核 桃 整 体风 味 起 关键 作 用 的挥 是
21 0 2年 6月
Ju n lo eC iee C r asa d Oi so it n o r a ft h n s ee l n l A scai h s o
V0 . 7. . 1 2 No来自6第2 7卷第 6期
Jn 2 1 u.02
S ME—G P C—MS分 离 鉴 定 山核桃 的挥 发 性 风 味物 质
S plo公 司 ; 相 色 谱 一质 谱 联 用 仪 ( rc S ue c 气 TaeD Q
G MS : 国 Fn i n质谱公 司 。 C— ) 美 ing a
13 试验 方 法 .
应用 于酒 类 、 肉制 品 和 水 果 等 食 品香 气 的 分 析 研 究
中 。 , 一 种较 为理 想 的样 品预处 理技 术 。 是 试验 以加 工后 的山核 桃 为研 究 对 象 , 采用 S ME P
时间和萃取温度等 因素对 山核桃挥发性成分的萃取 效果影响 , 在确定的最佳萃取条件下 , 利用 G M 分 C— S 析 鉴定 山核桃 主要 的挥发性 风味物质 。本研 究的结果
J u n lo i e e M a sS e to e r o it o r a fCh n s s p c r m t y S ce y
Vo | 2 No 1 l3 .
J n 2 1 a.01
HSS M E GC MS法 分 析 风 油 精 中 挥 发 性 成 分 —P — /
( . 2 ),p e eh l lo o 6 3 % )a db n y c tt 5 7 % ) o o o e t a e 6 6 h n t y c h l( . 5 a n e z l e ae( . 3 .S mec mp n n sh v a
t c i n o t rlz ton,d m i s n n l m m a i n, sa h n t h a m u c n , s h a he a to fs e iia i i nihi g i fa to t nc i g ic nd de l e t uc s
刘秀华 , 邓 冰 , 孟 丹 , 邓 义 , 小 波 何
( 国 工 程 物 理研 究 院 , 中 核物 理 与化 学 研 究 所 , 四川 绵 阳
6 1 00 2 9 )
摘要 : 用固相微萃取一 相色谱一 谱法分析 风油精 中的挥 发性成分 。共检 测出 2 采 气 质 7种 化 合 物 , 量 较 高 的 含 有 水 杨 酸 甲 酯 (5 1 ) 薄 荷 脑 ( 3 2 ) 丁 香 酚 ( . 6 ) 桉 树 脑 ( . 8 ) 樟 脑 ( . 2 ) 苯 乙 醇 2. 9 、 2. 5 、 7 8 、 7 2 、 6 6 、 (. 5 ) 乙 酸 苯 甲酯 (. 3 ) 。水 杨 酸 甲酯 、 荷 脑 、 香 酚 和樟 脑 等 均具 有 杀 菌 消 炎 和 止 痒 镇 痛 的 作 6 3 和 5 7 等 薄 丁
实验方法仪器和试剂HS-SPME-GC-MS系统:Agilent 6890N气相色谱仪联用Agilent 5975B质谱检测器;色谱柱:Agilent HP-5MS(30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm);固相微萃取针头:Supelco 57328-U(100 μm PDMS/Divinylbenzene fiber);标准品:Sigma Aldrich 99%级别的C6-C24直链烷烃混合物;青皮样品:新鲜青皮(Citrus reticulata Blanco)。
HS-SPME-GC-MS鉴定4种植物油煎炸薯条挥发性风味成分官秋林;赵晨伟;唐年初【摘要】[目的]研究鉴定4种植物油在煎炸薯条前后挥发性风味物质的变化.[方法]采用顶空固相微萃取-气质联用(HS-SPME-GC-MS)对棕榈油、油茶子油、玉米油、亚麻子油4种植物油煎炸薯条前后挥发性风味成分进行分析鉴定.[结果]试验一共鉴定出93种挥发性风味化合物,主要是醛、醇、酮以及相应的酯,还有一些烃类和其他杂环类化合物.分析表明,同一种油在煎炸前后风味物质的种类和含量变化较小,而不同种类的油风味物质的种类和含量相差明显,说明油的品种对风味物质的影响较大,煎炸对植物油的挥发性物质种类和含量的影响不大;煎炸32 h的棕榈油、油茶子油、玉米油的风味成分的主要贡献者是醛类和烃类杂环类,分别占比83.06%、80.71%、74.64%;煎炸32 h的亚麻子油主要风味物质的贡献者是醛类和醇类,占总挥发性风味物质含量的81.49%.[结论]研究可为通过风味物质的改变判断植物油的煎炸情况提供参考依据.【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》【年(卷),期】2016(000)012【总页数】6页(P89-93,116)【关键词】煎炸油;挥发性;风味;顶空-固相微萃取;气相色谱-质谱【作者】官秋林;赵晨伟;唐年初【作者单位】江南大学食品学院国家工程实验室,江苏无锡 214122;江南大学食品学院国家工程实验室,江苏无锡 214122;江南大学食品学院国家工程实验室,江苏无锡 214122【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS205油炸是一种重要的食品加工方法,可赋予食品特殊诱人的风味,被广泛应用于快餐行业、方便食品以及零食加工企业[1]。
关键词:咖啡豆;挥发性成分;固相微萃取;主成分分析;聚类分析中图分类号:R284.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)18-4422-05咖啡豆为茜草科(Rubiaceae)咖啡属(Coffea)植物小果咖啡(Coffea arabica L.)、中果咖啡(C.canephora Pierre ex Froehn)及大果咖啡(C.liberica Bull. Ex Hien)的种子[1],主产于巴西、哥伦比亚。
1 材料与方法1.1 仪器Agilent 6890/5973气相色谱-质谱联用仪(美国安捷伦公司);NIST系列标准谱库;100 μm聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)萃取头(美国Supelco公司),手动固相微萃取(SPME)进样器装置(美国Supelco公司);15 mL样品瓶;电子天平(Sartorius,ALC-210.2)。
p ae coet cin( S S ME cu l a ia a ho tga h — s set mer ( C MS. iee ti r, l h l h s r— r t mi x a o H —P ) o pe t cpl r gs rma rp ymasp cr t G — )Df rn b sa o o do ly c o o y f fe c
分析 ,研 究 了萃取 头种 类、样 品 酒精度 、预 热时 问 、革 取 温度 、苹 取 时 间和 电解质Na 1 C 用量 等对 白兰地 酒
中香 气物 质革 取 的影 响 ,优 化 了提 取 条件 ;比较 了不 同极 性 色谱柱 对 白兰地 香 气成 分的 分析 效果 ,建立 了
快速 测 定 白兰地 酒 中香 气物 质 的方 法 。最终 确 定HSS ME 取 白兰地 香 气物 质 的最 佳 条件 为 :采用 弱极性 —P 革
H — ME GC MS S — / 方法在 白兰地香气 S P
成分分析 中的应用研 ※
游 义琳 ,王 秀 芹,战 吉成 ,黄 卫 东
( 国农业 大 学食 品科 学与营 养工程 学 院 ,北京 1 0 8 ) 中 0 0 3
要 :利 用顶 空 固相微 草取 ( —P )和 气质联 用技 术 ( CMS HSS ME G / )对 白兰地 酒 中的香 气成 分进行
Ab ta t A p d a d s s r c : r i n i l eh d wa a d y h a p c o i — a mp em t o s v l p df tr n t f r mac mp n n si Br n yb e d s a es l d o d o a n d
的5 mDVBc /DMs 0 /ARP 萃取 头 ,稀释 样 品 的 酒精 度 为10 / 2mLL,预 热 时 间为2 mi,苹取 温度 为4 。 0 n 5c,
有一定清 除 A B T S自由基 的活性 。文献对南 瓜系列
栽 培 品种 的化 学 和 生 物 活 性 报 道 较 少 , 未 见 对 南 瓜
茎尖 的挥 发性成 分及活性 报道 ,南瓜 籽虽有研 究 , 均局 限于南瓜籽 油的脂肪 酸成分 , 未 对南瓜籽 的挥 发 性 成 分 进 行 系统 性 研 究 。 因 此 , 本 文 首 次 采 用 H S — S P M E — G C — M S 技术 结合保 留指数法 , 对栽培 品
本 南瓜 花 、 茎尖、 籽 中分 别 鉴 定 出 2 2 、 2 0和 2 1个挥 发 性 成 分 , 占总峰 面积 的 9 1 . 8 9 %、 8 9 . 2 4 %和 9 6 . 2 6 %。
其 中花和 茎尖共有 1 0个共有成分 ,花 、茎尖和籽 有 3个共有 成分 。结论 :蜜本 南瓜花 中 一 波 旁烯 ( 1 7 . 5 7 %) 和二 十一烷 ( 1 1 . 9 0 %) 含 量较 高 ; 蜜 本 南瓜 茎 尖 中癸 醛 ( 2 8 . 7 7 %) 含 量最 高 ; 籽 中棕 榈 酸 乙 酯
定为葫芦科南瓜属植 物南瓜 ( C u c u r b i t a m o s c h a t a D u c h . ) , 标本存 放于河南大学 中药研究所 。 G C 6 8 9 0 N G C / 5 9 7 5 M S气相 色 谱 一 质谱 联 用 仪( 美 国安捷 伦公 司 ) ; 手 动 固相 微萃 取 ( S P M E) 装 置 ( 美国S u p e l c o公 司 ) , 6 5 m 聚 二 甲 基 硅 氧 烷
世界科学技术一 中医药现代化 ★中药研究
[ ] u 6 H i c W.A r i oe a pe pea t nt h i e r e v w o m dm s l — r r i cn us o ee f m p ao e q f
其它挥发性物质 6 。萜烯类成分 占总挥发性 成分的 7 . % , 中石竹烯 、 榄香烯等具有较好 的药用活性 。 种 36 其 4 一 关键 词 : 短梗五加 ; 挥发性成分 ; 空固相微 萃取 ; 顶 气质联用
中 图分 类 号 : 57 1 ;6 6 3 ¥6 . 9 0 5 . 1 文献 标 志 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :02— 3 2 2 1 }6— 2 8— 2 10 10 (02 0 09 0
老化 2 i。称取 5 0g 0mn . 短梗五加果 , 加入 10g . 氯化钠固体
作用 , 能够 干 扰 癌 细胞 的 生 长代 谢 , 是抗 癌 的有 效 活 性成 分 t ; 一松 油 烯 ( 0 1 %)具 有 柠 檬 香 气 ; 勒 烯 s ] 1. 2 罗
( .8 ) 有 草香 、 香 并 伴 有 橙 花 油 气 息 ; 一月 桂 烯 95% 具 花
充分研 磨 , 置于 5 0mL三角 瓶 中, 口, 封 插入 萃取 纤 维头 于 6 0℃恒温水浴 , 顶空萃取 4 n 立即取出 , 0mi, 在气相进 样 口进
行脱 附 , C—MS分析。 G
13 G . C—MS分析 条件
( .7 ) 6 7 % 具有甜橘味和香脂气等 。
13 1 气相色谱条件 ..
收稿 日期 : 1 — 0— O 2 1 1 1 0
色谱柱为 H 5 P一 MS石英 弹性毛细管
HS-SPME(headspace solid-phase microextraction)是一种高效的样品处理技术,它通过使用吸附在固相微萃取针上的吸附剂来提取样品中的挥发性成分。
厚朴挥发性成分的HS-SPME-GC指纹图谱建立厚朴挥发性成分的HS-SPME-GC指纹图谱建立摘要:厚朴(Magnolia officinalis)是一种传统中药材,具有很多药用价值,已被广泛应用于临床。
方法:1. 厚朴样品的制备本实验选取新鲜的厚朴树皮作为研究对象,经过鉴定合格后,进行烘干处理,并粉碎成细粉末备用。
2. HS-SPME-GC的操作条件优化通过对样品的温度、时间和料液比进行优化,确定了HS-SPME-GC的最佳操作条件。
3. 厚朴挥发性成分的提取和分析将经过优化处理的厚朴样品放置于HS-SPME装置中,通过热解和焦化的方法,使挥发性成分吸附于固相微萃取材料上。
HS-SPME-GC-MS结合多元统计分析初榨椰子油常温储藏过程中挥发性风味成分石芬;徐军;姜宗伯;白新鹏;黄欢;陈星【期刊名称】《食品工业科技》【年(卷),期】2022(43)10【摘要】为了研究初榨椰子油常温储藏过程的挥发性风味成分变化规律,采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱(Headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,HS-SPME-GC-MS)技术对不同氧化时期的初榨椰子油进行了分析。
相对气味活度值(Relative odor activity value,ROAV)分析表明己醛、2-庚酮、丁位己内酯、壬醛、辛酸乙酯、丁位辛内酯、2-十一酮、癸酸乙酯、丁位癸内酯等是初榨椰子油常温储藏过程中关键风味物质。
结合主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)及偏最小二乘判别分析(partial least squares discrimination analysis,PLS-DA)建立了初榨椰子油不同储藏时期的判别模型,表明除不同类别化合物(酮类化合物、酯类化合物和酸类化合物)的含量可以作为简单区分初榨椰子油储藏期的指标以外,至少六种关键挥发性成分(2-庚酮、2-己酮、丁位己内酯、己醛、己酸、丁位辛内酯)也可用于评估初榨椰子油的氧化情况。
【总页数】9页(P314-322)【作者】石芬;徐军;姜宗伯;白新鹏;黄欢;陈星【作者单位】海南大学食品科学与工程学院;热带多糖资源利用教育部工程研究中心;海南大白康健医药股份有限公司【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS210.1【相关文献】1.初榨橄榄油挥发性风味成分的鉴定2.HS-SPME-GC-MS分析发芽糙米储藏过程中挥发性成分的变化3.热脱附-气相色谱/质谱联用分析初榨橄榄油挥发性风味成分4.不同品种与加工工艺对初榨橄榄油挥发性风味成分的影响5.HS-SPME-GC-MS 结合感官评价分析丹凤佳酿白酒的挥发性风味成分因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
老白干酒风味物质HS-SPME-GCMS指纹图谱的建立王敏;张煜行;李泽霞;姜东明;杜惠丽;程宗志;佟兰欣;张志民;肖冬光【期刊名称】《酿酒科技》【年(卷),期】2015(0)10【摘要】In this study, the flavoring components of Laobaigan Liquor of 18 production batches were determined by HS-SPME-GC-MS. Then the data were calculated by fingerprint calculation software to establish the common fingerprints of Laobaigan Liquor. And the established fin-gerprints were validated in Laobaigan Liquor of 10 production batches. The results showed that, the established fingerprints had the advantages including simultaneous qualitative analysis of multiple flavoring components, good repeatability, high precision, and good stability. Such finger-prints could be used in quality control in the production of Laobaigan Liquor and it could meet the requirements of practical production.%采用顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱联用技术对连续18批酒样风味物质进行测定,采用指纹图谱计算软件进行计算,建立了衡水老白干的共有指纹图谱,并对图谱进行了10个批次的验证实验。
【作者单位】吉林化工学院分析测试中心,吉林吉林 132022;吉林石化公司乙烯
厂分析车间,吉林吉林 132022
1.HS-SPME气相色谱法测定桃汁饮料中苯甲醛 [J], 陈萍;张飞;王建刚
2.发酵猕猴桃汁的研究(II)--风味成分的鉴定 [J], 李剑芳;张灏
3.高效液相色谱法测定桃汁饮料中维生素C的含量 [J], 孙艳丽
4.猕猴桃汁糯米汁复合饮料的研制 [J], 谢主兰;曾文深
5.HS-SPME-GC-MS测定三种类型百香果果实挥发性风味成分 [J], 刘纯友;江素珍;冯笑;田玉红
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Headspace temperature and phthalate esters determination by gas chromatography multistage mass spectrometryJ.J.Rios a ,∗,A.Morales a ,G.Márquez-Ruiz ba Food Characterization and Quality Department,Instituto de la Grasa (C.S.I.C.),Av.Padre García Tejero 4,41012Seville,Spain bScience and Technology of Dairy Products Department,Instituto del Frio (C.S.I.C.),Jose Antonio Novais 1028040Madrid,Spaina r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 7July 2009Received in revised form 22October 2009Accepted 3November 2009Available online 12 November 2009Keywords:PhthalatesSolid-phase microextractionGas chromatography ion trap–mass spectrometry Oil matricesa b s t r a c tA solvent-free analytical approach based on headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME)of oil matri-ces heated at high temperatures coupled to gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detector (GC-ion trap)has been developed for the determination of phthalic acid esters (PAEs)in oil matrices without sample manipulation.For this study,three fibers,i.e.,85m-polyacrylate (PA),50/30m-divinylbenzene–carboxen–polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS)and 100m-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)were tested.Variables affecting the SPME headspace composition such as incubation sample temperature,sample incubation time and fiber exposition time were optimized.The optimal values found were 250◦C for sample incubation temperature and 30min for incubation and extraction time.PA fiber was not suitable for the lightest polar phthalates which showed poor extraction and repeatability values.PDMS fiber had very poor response for some of the heavier and non-polar phthalates,whereas DVB/CAR/PDMS fiber showed the best response and repeatability values for the majority of the phthalates studied.The main benefit of the analytical method proposed is the absence of sample manipulation and hence avoidance of possible contamination coming from glassware,environment,solvents and samples.© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionWorldwide production of phthalic acid esters (PAEs)and their common application in different products of everyday use has resulted in their widespread presence in environment and foods.PAEs are used extensively as plasticizers in different materi-als,especially polivinyl chloride,polyvinyl acetate,polystyrene,polyamide and polyester materials.Bis-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)and benzylbutylphthalate (BBP)are the most abundant phthalate esters due their wide use in many industrial sectors like cosmetics and paints.As plasticizers are not chemically bound to the polymer,migration of PAEs in significant amounts is possi-ble.Some research papers have been published recently about the impact of PAEs on wild animals and human beings [1,2].It is suggested that increasing exposure to PAEs might be partially responsible for some diseases.Furthermore,it was found that PAEs might persist in human body tissues [2].Since foods are the major source of exposure to PAEs,it is important to monitor their levels in foods to provide data for human exposure assessment.The US∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+34954611550;fax:+34954616790.E-mail address:jrios@ig.csic.es (J.J.Rios).Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)and several other agencies classified the commonly occurring PAEs as priority pollutants.Due to such health implications,there is increasing demand for reliable analytical methods that allow their detection and quantification at very low levels in different environmental,biological and food matrices.Several analytical methods have been developed for determin-ing PAEs in food samples and fatty matrices [3,4],and recently an interesting application to olive oil has been published [5].Either adsorption chromatography on Florisil or alumina [6,7]or codistillation of PAEs [8]is usually applied.Quantification of low levels using solid-phase extraction (SPE)with C18[9],C8[10],polystyrene [11]and multi-walled carbon monotubes to concen-trate PAEs [12]has been also proposed prior to analysis by either liquid or gas chromatography.These options have been preferred to solvent extraction due to lower consumption of organic solvents.Several studies applying direct SPME extraction of PAEs have been proposed.This procedure significantly reduces the risk of secondary contamination and substantially simplifies the overall analytical process.It has been already applied to the determination of phthalates in wine [13,14],cow milk [15],vegetable oil using solvent-based matrix modification [16],and plastic for foods [17].Cross contamination from chemicals,materials and laboratory equipment are common problems in all PAEs analysis methods0039-9140/$–see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2009.11.008J.J.Rios et al./Talanta80 (2010) 2076–20822077[18].For example,di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and dibutyl phthalate are usually detected in blank samples.In addition,the diffi-culty for separating co-extracts as lipids,pigments,etc.,makes the determination of low levels of PAEs in food matrices very difficult.The aim of this work was to develop an analytical procedure to detect and quantify the phthalate levels in oil matrices without sample manipulation and thus avoiding external contamination from air,solvents,labware,etc.The novelty of this method con-sists of adsorption by SPME of the headspace of the oil heated at high temperature(250◦C)in a sealed vial followed by subsequent analysis by gas chromatography ion trap MS–MS.For thefirst time, high temperature is here used for determination of phthalates in oil matrices.2.Materials and methods2.1.Reagents and materialsVirgin olive oil purchased locally was used as oil matrix for experiments.A standard mixture solution of phthalates(EPA 8061Mix Analytes)and benzyl benzoate containing1mg mL−1of each compound in95:5hexane:acetone(v/v)(Cromlab,Barcelona, Spain)was used for setting instrumental conditions and spiking the olive oil samples.The standard mixture solution contained 1mg mL−1of methyl phthalate(DMP),diethyl phthalate(DEP), benzylbenzoate as internal standard(IS),di-isobuthyl phtha-late(DIBP),di-n-buthyl phthalate(DBP),bis-2-methoxyethyl phthalate(MEP),bis-1,2-(4methyl-2pentyl)phthalate(1,2MPP), bis-1,3(4methyl-2pentyl)phthalate(1,3MPP),bis-2ethoxyethyl phthalate(EEP),di-n-amyl phthalate(DAP),di-n-hexyl phtha-late(DHP),benzyl buthyl phthalate(BBP),bis-2-buthoxyethyl phthalate(BBEP),dicyclohexyl phthalate(DCHP),bis2-ethylhexyl phthalate(DEHP),di-n-octyl phthalate(DOP)and di-n-nonyl phthalate(DNP).Five spiked levels of0.05,0.1,0.5, 1.0and 2.0mg kg−1were prepared.Initial olive oil used for experiments and the solvents for preparing spiking solutions were tested previ-ously to verify absence of phthalates.Six samples of virgin olive oils,purchased locally,were stored at room temperature(23±5◦C)for12months,either in glass bottles or in PET(polyethylene terephthalate)bottles.Duplicate samples were taken at8,10and12months.Special care was taken with glassware,vials,caps and septa before use.All materials were dried and kept at200◦C until use.To avoid phthalate contamination,all glassware used was soaked in acetone for at least30min,then washed with acetone,rinsed with hexane,and dried at200◦C for at least4h.All the solvents,chro-matographic system,standards and spiked samples were subjected to similar extraction and analysis procedures.Blank extraction was routinely performed.Also,the chromatographic system was ini-tially and regularly checked for absence of phthalates by running blank injections.2.2.SPMEfibersSPMEfibers were purchased from Supelco(Bellefonte,PA,USA). Three types offiber coating were tested,i.e.,85m-polyacrylate (PA),50/30m-divinylbenzene–carboxen–polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS)and100m-polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS),pre-viously conditioned in accordance with manufacturer’s instruc-tions.Fibers were thermally cleaned in the injection port before sampling.Each ten extractions,fibers were cleaned by immersion with vigorous shaking in a mixture of20:70:10 water:acetonitrile:acetic acid(v/v/v)for1h,dried under nitrogen and conditioned at260◦C for30min.Fig.1.Schematic representation of the extraction procedure.2.3.SPME procedureSamples of1g olive oil were weighed into glass vials(70mm long and22mm diameter)and tightly capped.The bottom part of the caps was Teflon-plated to avoid plastic contact with headspace. Then,vials were heated at different temperatures(200–275◦C) and time periods(10–40min)in order to promote release of the semivolatile compounds to headspace.Sampling was performed by exposing the SPMEfiber to headspace for30min at the upper part of vial positioned outside the oven-heating zone(20mm long),as shown in Fig.1.After sample extraction,the SPMEfiber was intro-duced into the GC injection port(260◦C)operating in splitless mode for5min.Samples were extracted only once from vial.2.4.GC ion trap–MS analysisThe GC ion trap–MS experiments were performed using a Finni-gan Trace-GC2000gas chromatograph coupled to a Polaris-Q Ion trap mass spectrometer(ThermoFinnigan,Austin,TX,USA)operat-ing in fullscan and MS/MS mode.The column used was a Zebron ZB-5ms(Phenomenex,Torrance,CA,USA)fused silica capillary column(30m long×0.25mm i.d×0.25mfilm thickness).The GC conditions included helium as carrier gas at1mL min−1in constant flow mode.The initial temperature of70◦C was kept for2min,then raised to200◦C at a rate of6◦C min−1and held for5min,then raised to295◦C at a rate of4◦C min−1and held for8min.Injector temper-ature was260◦C and a0.8mm ID liner was used for SPME injection port.The MS operating conditions were as follows:ion source and transfer line temperatures were200and290◦C,respectively.The electron energy was70eV,resolution was unit and the emission current was250A.2078J.J.Rios et al./Talanta 80 (2010) 2076–2082Table 1Precursor and quantification ions for PAEs.Peak no.Analyte Precursor MS 2Q CID Quantification ion 1DMP 1630.4521332DEP 1490.452121+933IS 1050.451774DIBP 1490.452121+935DBP 1490.452121+936MEP 1490.452121+9371,2MPP 1490.452121+9381,3MPP 1490.452121+939EEP 1490.452121+9310DAP 1490.452121+9311DHP 1490.452121+9312BBP 1490.452121+9313BBEP 1490.452121+9314DCHP 1490.452121+9315DEHP 1490.452121+9316DOP 1490.452121+9317DNP1490.452121+93Abbreviations :DMP,Methyl phthalate;DEP,diethyl phthalate;IS,internal stan-dard (benzylbenzoate);DIBP,di-isobuthyl phthalate;DBP,di-n-buthyl phthalate;MEP,bis-2-methoxyethyl phthalate;1,2MPP,bis-1,2-(4methyl-2pentyl)phthalate;1,3MPP,bis-1,3(4methyl-2pentyl)phthalate;EEP,bis-2ethoxyethyl phthalate;DAP,di-n-amyl phthalate;DHP,di-n-hexyl phthalate;BBP,benzyl buthyl phthalate;BBEP,bis-2-buthoxyethyl phthalate;DCHP,dicyclohexyl phthalate;DEHP,bis 2-ethylhexyl phthalate;DOP,di-n-octyl phthalate and DNP,di-n-nonyl phthalate.The Xcalibur version 1.4software was used for data acquisition and processing of the results.3.Results and discussion3.1.Mass spectrometry scanning methodFull scan and MS/MS (MS 2)were used alternately and consec-utively for MS operations.The MS/MS method development was carried out in two steps.The first one was to set the retention time of the compounds of interest and to slice the chromatogram into 17segments corresponding to specific PAEs and benzyl benzoate.First,the standard mixture (EPA 8061Analytes)was injected in fullscan mode.Maximum excitation energy (Q )and CID excitation voltage were optimized for each individual standard compound and pre-cursor ion in order to get the best isolation efficiencies and ensure maximum production or transmission of collision fragments.Fig. 2.Response areas obtained with the fibers tested.Means of five determinations.Coefficients of variation were lower than 10%.Abbrevia-tions for fibers:PA,85m-polyacrylate;PDMS,100m-polydimethylsiloxane and DVB/CAR/PDMS,50/30m-divinylbenzene–carboxen–polydimethylsiloxane.Abbreviations for phthalates:DMP,Dimethyl phthalate;DEP,diethyl phthalate;IS,internal standard (benzylbenzoate);DIBP,di-isobuthyl phthalate;DBP,di-n-buthyl phthalate;MEP,bis-2-methoxyethyl phthalate;1,2MPP,bis-1,2-(4methyl-2pentyl)phthalate;1,3MPP,bis-1,3(4methyl-2pentyl)phthalate;EEP,bis-2ethoxyethyl phthalate;DAP,di-n-amyl phthalate;DHP,di-n-hexyl phthalate;BBP,benzyl buthyl phthalate;BBEP,bis-2-buthoxyethyl phthalate;DCHP,dicyclohexyl phthalate;DEHP,bis 2-ethylhexyl phthalate;DOP,di-n-octyl phthalate and DNP,di-n-nonyl phthalate.Each scanwas subdivided into two events.The first one was performed in fullscan mode in the 50–600amu scan range,and the second one in MS/MS mode with the precursor ion selected.The total scan time for each couple of segments was 0.38s and the sys-tem performed 3microscans per second.Table 1shows precursor ions for each segment of MS/MS experiments and quantification ions for the PAEs studied.Upon data acquisition,analysis of data was based on the fol-lowing criteria:retention time for each peak should be within a 1%range,and integration of ion chromatograms was done with the Xcalibur Software using ICIS Peak Detection with ion ratio con-firmation parameter,selecting each peak area for the base peak corresponding with the quantification ion selected.For all of PAEs,except DMP and internal standard,two ions were considered asFig.3.Phthalate responses as a function of incubation temperature.Sample:EPA Mix 8061A standard mixture in olive oil (1mg kg −1).J.J.Rios et al./Talanta 80 (2010) 2076–20822079quantification ions when relation of m/z 121and m/z 93was between 2.5and 2.7(±5%),as found for the standard compounds.For DMP and IS,single ions were selected for quantification due to their specificity.3.2.Fiber and sample temperature optimizationFiber type and sample temperature play an important role in the amounts of compounds absorbed and both have to be con-trolled separately.Three types of fiber coating were tested:PA,DVB/CAR/PDMS and PDMS fibers.PA and PDMS fibers,at headspace temperatures tested here,were not suitable for dimethyl and diethyl phthalates extraction and showed poor repeatability for the rest of PAEs studied (data not shown).As listed in Fig.2,DVB/CAR/PDMS fiber showed the best response values for all of the phthalates studied from di-methyl phthalate (DMP)to di-nonyl phthalate (DNP).Sample incubation temperature was tested between 200and 275◦C since it was preliminarily observed that presence of the least volatile phthalates in headspace was reduced below 200◦C.Fig.3shows response ratios obtained between SPME of 1g of olive oil spiked with 1g g −1of each compound of the standard mixture (EPA 8061Analytes)and direct liquid injection (in splitless mode)of 1L of standard solution (1mg L −1).The best results were obtained at 250◦C,with good SPME/direct liquid injection response ratio for all the compounds studied.This intermediate incubation temper-ature selected was a compromise between those most specifically suitable for compounds of lowest and highest volatility.Vials were placed so as to leave their upper part (20mm long)out of the heating system (Fig.1).Thus,such upper parts of vials were not directly heated and temperature could be established between 80and 115◦C to allow optimal response for all the PAEs tested.As headspace composition can vary depending on temper-ature,the SPME needle was punched through the cap and septum into the headspace and introduced at different depths (3.0,2.0,1.5and 1.0cm under cap bottom).Temperature was measured at the different depths using a digital microtermometer.For each point headspace temperature varied only less than ±3◦C during extraction time (30min),as shown in Fig.4.By using the internal standard,possible variations derived from lack of fiber thermo-station or influence of glass surface characteristics [19]could becorrected.Fig.4.Stability of headspace zone temperature during 40min extraction period.Means of three analyses.Coefficients of variation were lower than 10%.Fig.5shows response areas for phthalates absorbed from 1g of oil sample containing 1g of each compound of the standard mixture (EPA 8061Analytes)in function of the fiber position inside the headspace and the temperature on each position.The operating fiber position in the headspace selected was 1.0cm under cap bot-tom,corresponding to 94◦C in headspace,according to the highest response areas obtained under such conditions.Incubation time was studied from 10to 40min.Fig.6shows the results obtained,expressed as normalized response (%of each PAEs on total PAEs).Beyond 20min of incubation time,this param-eter was not critical,probably because the headspace equilibrium is reached relatively soon.However,it is important to stabilize the headspace zone temperature and that is why 30min was selected as extraction time.Fig.7shows the SPME–gas chromatogram ion trap MS/MS pro-file of an olive oil sample spiked with 1g g −1of each compound of EPA 8061A Analytes compared with the profile corresponding to direct liquid injection of 1L of 1mg L −1EPA 8061A Analytes solu-tion,in splitless mode.As can be observed,chromatograms were similar,which indicates that all phthalates were extracted without any distinctive suppression orpromotion.Fig.5.Phthalate responses as a function of fiber sampling position (position 3,2,1.5and 1cm under the cup corresponds to 112,107,99and 94◦C,respectively).Means of two analyses.Coefficients of variation were lower than 10%.2080J.J.Rios et al./Talanta80 (2010) 2076–2082Fig.6.Phthalate responses as a function of extraction time.Means of two analyses.Coefficients of variation were lower than10%.parison of chromatograms obtained after:top,injection of 1L of phtha-lates standard solution (EPA 8061standard mixture in acetonitrile,concentration 1mg L −1);bottom,HS-SPME of 1g of olive oil (spiked with EPA 8061standard mix-ture at the level of 1g g −1).For peaks identification,see Table 1.Fig.8.Headspace GC-ion trap–MS/MS chromatogram of olive oil sample 1(PET container)after applying the quantification layout.Fig.8shows a representative example of the chromatographic profile obtained for a real sample by applying the method proposed.In this case,sample olive oil 1(PET container),only DIBP,DBP,BBP and DEHP were detected in significant amounts.3.3.Method performanceRepeatability of the SPME method was determined by five repli-cate analyses of olive oil spiked at levels of 0.1,0.5and 1.0mg kg −1.Linearity testing was carried out using olive oil spiked at levels of 0.05,0.1,0.5,1.0and 2.0mg kg −1.The resulting performance characteristics are summarized in Table 2.Linearity of the analysis and extraction procedure of oil sam-ples spiked with 0.05–2.0mg kg −1showed good correlation values for all of the compounds studied.The relative standard devia-tions (RSDs)for samples spiked with 0.1,0.5and 1.0mg kg −1were always below 20%.It is important to note that particularly low RSD,below 8.5%,were obtained for benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP)J.J.Rios et al./Talanta80 (2010) 2076–20822081Table2Resulting performance characteristics.Repeatability RSD(%),n=5Linearity R2(0.05–2mg kg−1)LOD a(mg kg−1)0.1mg kg−10.5mg kg−1 1.0mg kg−1DMP17.318.714.10.9890.04DEP11.613.110.60.9950.04IS12.510.510.80.9990.04DIBP18.216.717.40.9880.03DBP8.510.5 4.70.9980.03MEP16.314.813.00.9970.031,2MPP17.918.715.80.9780.031,3MPP18.614.118.00.9880.03EEP12.114.510.90.9920.03DAP17.816.714.60.9860.04DHP8.08.1 5.30.9870.04BBP7.67.7 6.10.9830.03BBEP10.613.78.20.9980.02DCHP8. as in Table1.a Limit of detection.Table3Contents of phthalates in stored olive oils.Compound Container PET Container glassStorage time(months)Storage time(months)8101281012Sample1Sample2Sample3Sample4Sample5Sample6DMP–a–––––DEP––––––DIBP120119216–––DBP97111175–––BBP17320721187110112DEHP543635840223237198DOP––––––DNP––––––Abbreviation:PET,polyethylene terephthalate.Values ing kg−1.Mean of two determinations.a Below LOD.and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP),which are the most widely found PAEs.Relatively high RSDs for some of the PAEs were found, especially the most volatile ones.Such results could be expected under the conditions used,which favor overall extraction and absence of contaminants during the extraction process but may otherwise lead to overestimated values[18].3.4.Determination of PAEs in olive oil samplesAs an example of application of the method to real samples, three samples of olive oils packed in plastic(PET,polyethylene terephthalate)bottles and three of olive oils packed in glass containers were analyzed for PAEs.As only few of the phtha-lates studied in this work may really be encountered in edible oils,namely DBP,DEP,DIBP,DBP,BBP,DEHP,DOP and DNP only those,if detected,are shown in real sample results.Anal-yses were done in duplicate and,if any,levels in blank were substracted.Samples kept in PET containers shown presence of DIBP,DBP, BBP and DEHP but in samples kept in glass containers only signi-ficative BBP and DEHP were detected in the samples analyzed as it is shown in Table3.4.ConclusionsThe analytical method described in the present work is sim-ple and highly selective for quantification of PAEs in oil matrices.As compared with the conventional clean-up process based on liquid–liquid extraction or solid-phase extraction,the present approach is faster and more economical.Furthermore,the main benefit of the method is the suppression of the main contamina-tion sources,especially in relation to sample manipulation.Due to complexity of the headspace of heated oils,however,there are cer-tain limitations as tofiber durability.Degradation offibers gives rise to poor recovery of the least volatile PAEs,such as DNOP and DNP, thereby special care should be taken to control recovery values and rejectfibers when necessary.References[1]N.Ghorpade,V.Metha,M.Khare,P.Sinkair,S.Krishnan,C.V.Rao,Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf.53(2002)255–258.[2]X.Hu,B.Wen,X.Shan,J.Environ.Monit.5(2003)649–653.[3]C.S.Giam,M.K.Wong,J.Food Prot.5(1987)769–782.[4]B.D.Page,in:J.H.Hotchkiss(Ed.),Food Packaging Interation I,ACS SymposiumSeries No.365,ACS,Washington,1988,p.118.[5]B.Cavaliere,B.Macchione,G.Sindona,A.Tagarelli,J.Chromatogr.1205(2008)137–143.[6]T.Suzuki,K.Ishikawa,N.Sato,K.I.Sakai,JAOCS62(3)(1979)689–694.[7]A.A.Belisle,W.L.Reichel,J.W.Spann,Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol.13(1975)129–132.[8]A.D.Vethaak,G.B.J.Rijs,S.M.Schrap,H.Ruiter,A.Gerritsen,hr,Report no.2002.001,Dutch National Institute of Inland Water 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