
1. Opinion([əˈpɪnjən],名词)- 例句:His opinion on this issue is very different from mine.2. View([vjuː],名词)- 例句:The author's view in the passage is quite convincing.3. Standpoint([ˈstændpɔɪnt],名词)- 例句:We should consider this problem from different standpoints.4. Perspective([pəˈspektɪv],名词)- 例句:From a historical perspective, this event has great significance.二、表示支持类。
1. Support([səˈpɔːt],动词/名词)- 例句:The evidence in the lecture supports the idea in the reading.(动词)- 例句:We need more support for this project.(名词)2. Back up([bæk ʌp],动词短语)- 例句:The data from the research backs up the author's claim.3. Endorse([ɪnˈdɔːs],动词)- 例句:Many experts endorse this new theory.三、表示反对类。
1. Oppose([əˈpəʊz],动词)- 例句:Some people oppose the construction of the new factory.2. Object to([ˈɒbdʒɪkt tuː],动词短语)- 例句:He objects to the new policy.3. Contradict([ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt],动词)- 例句:The lecturer's statement contradicts what is written in the reading.四、表示比较类。

托福写作常用词汇托福写作常用词汇下面是店铺整理的托福写作常用词汇,欢迎大家阅读!能,会,可以:can,(would) be able to,have the chance/opportunity to do.., get to do应该:should, be supposed to, shall, have to, must,be required to, it is necessary for sb to因素:cause, factor, reason合适:fit, suit, be suitable/fit/right需要:require, need, it is necessary for..to..,demand不变:fixed, constant, stable, unchanged (unchanging)担心:worry about, be concerned about, care about解决:solve/resolve,address,deal with,work out,tackle解释:tell, explain, spell out, say how上升,增加:(vi.)increase,go up,rise,(vt.) increase,raise (n.) growth, rise, increase.下降,减少/小:(vt.) decrease, reduce, lower (vi.) decrease,fall,drop,go/come down,decline. (n.) fall,decrease,decline, drop变:change, alter, become (different/big/small/..), get,grow知道,了解,意识到:know, be aware/concious of, realize,get information about证实,表明:show, suggest, indicate, make it clear that很大程度上,基本上:greatly, considerably, enormously,significantly, basically提高,变好:improve, make better, enhance采取(措施):adopt, take提出(政策):propose, offer废除:eliminate, get rid of, do way with, dispense with 提供:provide, offer, give任务:assignment, job, work, task有用,帮助:beneficial,helpful,useful,be a great help to, do good to, bring benefit to, be good for方法:way, approach, strategy, method观点:idea, belief, view, opinion影响:affect(vt.),influence(vt.),have influence/effect/impact on(被)允许:allow, permit, can, may, be free to do恢复,复原:restore, recover, bring back4阻止:prevent, stop, keep (sth/sb from doing sth)花费:spend, take, cost, put in, make effort参加:join, take part in, participate in, engage in, get involved in, attend, be a part of调整,调节:adjust, regulate, control产生,创造:create,produce,make,generate,bring about, form表现,显现出:show, display, demonstrate, represent确保:ensure, guarantee, assure (of), promise最后:in the end, eventually, at last, finally行为方式,做法:act, practice建议:suggest, say should, advise, recommend决定:decide, choose,make up one’s mind查明:find out, discover, figure out导致,引起:cause,result in,lead to,bring about,contribute to限制:limit, restrict, confine, put a limit on正在做,努力:work on延期相关:more time,extra time,extension,later deadline; put off, postpone, put back to, delay。

托福写作必备词汇和短语1.表示“认为、主张、相信”等意思的词汇believe, argue, assert, maintain, hold, propose, suggest, recommend等。
2.表示“反对、不支持”等意思的词汇oppose, disagree, disapprove, criticize, voice opposition to等。
3.表示“介绍、描述”等意思的词汇describe, explain, delve into, illustrate, shed light on等。
4.表示“评论、评价”等意思的词汇assess, evaluate, rate, critique, appraise等。
5.表示“提出建议、要求”等意思的词汇suggestion, proposal, recommendation, advice, demand等。
6.表示“重要、必要性”等意思的词汇essential, crucial, significant, important, crucial等。
7.表示“问题、问题所在”等意思的词汇1issue, problem, question, difficulty, challenge等。
8.表示“优点、好处”等意思的词汇benefit, advantage, positive aspect, upside等。
9.表示“缺点、不利之处”等意思的词汇drawback, disadvantage, downside等。
10.表示“举例”等意思的词汇for example, for instance, such as等。
11.表示“总结”等意思的词汇summary, conclusion, bottom line等。
12.表示“改变、变化”等意思的词汇change, transformation, shift等。

If we cooperate with each other, we will definitely overcome obstacles/difficulty 2.建设性的,有益的constructive, helpful, valuable, useful Translation: 他们很感激我给予他们的建设性的意见。
They appreciate the constructive suggestions that I give. 3.⽀持,赞成approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by one's side, agree with, give one's assent 提倡advocate, recommend反对opposite, object to Translation:⼀些⼈⽀持此观点,⽽另外⼀些⼈则反对这观点。
Some people approve of this view, while others object to it. 4. 充分运⽤optimize, make best use of, make full use of,使⽤employ, utilize (vt) Translation:⼈类使⽤⼤⾃然的各种⾃然资源。
Human beings utilize various kinds of natural resources. 5. 优秀的outstanding, perfect, brilliant, remarkable, distinguished, excellent, splendid, first-rank, first-class Translation:相信⾃⼰,⾃⼰就是优秀的。
Believe in yourself, and you are outstanding. Part2: expressions & sentences' pattern (30m) 1.接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems Translation:店铺会让我们接触各种思想和经历。

托福综合写作话题词汇1. 观点 (Opinion)2. 讨论 (Discussion)3. 问题 (Issue)4. 研究 (Research)5. 调查 (Survey)6. 实践 (Practice)7. 理论 (Theory)8. 现象 (Phenomenon)9. 方法 (Method)10. 结论 (Conclusion)11. 规则 (Rule)12. 解决方案 (Solution)13. 影响 (Impact)14. 原因 (Reason)15. 优点 (Advantage)16. 缺点 (Disadvantage)17. 主题 (Theme)18. 趋势 (Trend)19. 社会问题 (Social issue)20. 科技发展 (Technological development)21. 经济增长 (Economic growth)22. 文化差异 (Cultural differences)23. 教育问题 (Educational issues)24. 健康问题 (Health issues)25. 环境保护 (Environmental protection)26. 交通拥堵 (Traffic congestion)27. 全球化 (Globalization)28. 广告行业 (Advertising industry)29. 政府政策 (Government policies)30. 社交媒体 (Social media)31. 女性权益 (Women's rights)32. 科学发现 (Scientific discoveries)33. 文化遗产 (Cultural heritage)34. 青少年问题 (Teenage problems)35. 高效能学习 (Efficient learning)36. 污染问题 (Pollution issues)37. 能源危机 (Energy crisis)38. 食品安全 (Food safety)39. 水资源短缺 (Water scarcity)40. 全球变暖 (Global warming)。

可信的 adj. reliable/ trustworthy
道德准则 code of conduct
无处不在的 adj. ubiquitous/ prevalent
处在公众注意力的焦点 in the spotlight
传闻 n. gossip
四、Success 成功
决心 n. determination 座右铭 n. motto
of all proportions
公正客观的 objective and balanced
揭露 v. expose/ reveal
侵犯隐私 violate someone’s privacy
毁坏某人的名誉 tarnish one’s reputation
掩盖 v. cover up/ gloss over
过 多 的 暴 力 与 色 情 内 容 excessive violent
and pornographic contents
有误导性的 adj. misleading/ distorted
报道非常详尽的细节 report sth. in detail
夸大事件 exaggerate things/ blow things out
名望 n. fame
不幸 n. misfortune
残疾的 adj. disabled 对手 n. rival
在某方面成功 succeed in sth.
态度 n. attitude 毅力 n. perseverance
逆境 n. adversity/ hardship
决定性的,有决断力的 adj. decisive
完 全 与 世 隔 绝 entirely cut off from the

87. clay
n. 粘土;泥土
42. Roman Empire
88. jar
n. 罐;广口瓶
43. navy
n. 海军
89. ritual
n. 仪式;惯例
44 resemble
[rɪˈzembl] v. 类似,像
26. circulation [ˌsɜːrkjəˈleɪʃn] n. 传播,流传 72. parabola [pəˈræ bələ] n. 抛物线
27. documentation
[ˌdɑːkjumenˈteɪʃn] n.证明文件,文件记载
73. flame
n. 火焰;热情
28. memoir
n. 壁龛,环境
[ɪ'læ bərət] adj.精心制作的 v.详细描述 150 airborne
adj. 空运的,空气传播的
[ˈskʌlptʃər] n. /v.雕塑;雕刻 151 lineage
n. 血统
152 infect
143 arthropod [ˈɑːrθrəpɑːd] adj./n.节肢动物(的)
n. 脚本;手迹 144 reptile
adj./n. 爬行动物(的)
[tɑːr] [pɪt]
145 amphibian [æmˈfɪbiən] adj./n.两栖动物(的)

六十个托福写作高频词汇六十个托福写作高频词汇很多同学一提到写作就头疼,因为他们没有掌握到写作的基本方法是从词汇开始,下面是店铺为大家搜索整理的六十个托福写作高频词汇,希望能给同学们带来帮助!十个托福写作高频词汇篇11、Challenge(1)Challenge sb to do sth .向…挑战,邀请…比赛They challenge us to a swimming contest.(2)to give (accept) a challenge (接受)挑战2、Share(1)Share 部分,分Everybody ought to have his proper share.(2)Share 参与、贡献I had no share in the mater.(3)Share (with,between)分配,共有They shared the profits between them.I will share with you in the undertaking.3、Instead(1)instead 代替If you cannot go,let him go instead.(2)instead of 代替I will go instead of you.4、Manage(1)manage to do 完成,达成We finally managed to get there in time.(2)manage with 办事,处现事务We can''t manage with these poor tools.(3)manage on 生活,过活How will she manage with her husband gone. 5、Afford(1)afford to do 足以承担I cannot afford to pay such a high price.(2)afford 产生Reading affords pleasure.6、Rather(1)would rather do 宁愿He said he would rather stay at home.(2)rather than 宁愿I had rather dance than eat.7、Ever(1)ever 曾经Have you ever been there?(2)ever 究竟Why ever didn''t you go.(3)ever 如果If the band(乐队)ever plays again,we will dance. (4)ever so=veryThank you ever so much.8、Available(1) available 通用的,有效的The season ticket is available for three months. (2)available 可用的,可达到的9、Else(1)else 此外,别的Where else did you go?(2)else 否则,不然Hurry,else you''ll be late.10、Involve(1)involve 包括Housekeeping involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.(2)involve 使陷于One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble.(3)involve 使纠缠,使难得A sentence that is involved is hard to understand.(4)involve 包围Clouds involved the hilltop.十个托福写作高频词汇篇21. concept ['knsept] n.概念2. conclude [kn'klu:d] v.结束;下结论3. concurrent [kn'krnt] a.同时发生的;并存的4. conduct ['kndkt, kn'dkt] n.行为 v.实施;指挥;导电5. confer [kn'f:] v.授予;协商6. confine [kn'fain, 'knfain] v.限制;禁闭7. confirm [kn'f:m] v.证实8. conflict [kn'flikt, 'knflikt] n.冲突 v.冲突9. conform [kn'f:m] v.遵守;符合10. consent [kn'sent] n.&v.同意十个托福写作高频词汇篇31. consequent ['knsi,kwnt] a.作为结果的2. considerable [kn'sidrbl] a.相当的3. consist [kn'sist] v.由…组成4. constant ['knstnt] a.不断的.5. constitute ['knstitju:t] v.构成6. constrain [kn'strein] v.限制;强制7. construct [kn'strkt] v.建造8. consult [kn'slt, 'knslt] v.商量;咨询;查阅9. consume [kn'sju:m] v.消耗;消费10. contact ['kntkt, kn'tkt] v.&n.接触;联系十个托福写作高频词汇篇41. contemporary [kn'temprri] a.当代的 n.同代人2. context ['kntekst] n.上下文;背景3. contract ['kntrkt, kn'trkt] n.合同 v.收缩4. contradict [,kntr'dikt] v.反驳;与…矛盾5. contrary ['kntrri] a.&n.相反6. contrast [kn'trɑ:st, -'trst, 'kntrɑ:st, -trst] n.对比 v.形成对比7. contribute [kn'tribju:t] v.捐献;贡献;投稿8. controversy ['kntr,v:si] n.争论9. convene [kn'vi:n] v.召集10. converse [kn'v:s] a.相反的十个托福写作高频词汇篇51. convert [kn'v:t] v.转化2. convince [kn'vins] v.使确信3. cooperate [ku'preit] v.合作4. coordinate [ku':dinit, ku':dineit] a.同等的 v.使协调5. core [k:] n.核心6. corporate ['k:prit] a.公司的7. correspond [,k:ri'spnd] v.通信;符合;对应8. couple ['kpl] n.两个;夫妇9. create [kri'eit] v.创造;引起10. credit ['kredit] n.信用;学分;功劳十个托福写作高频词汇篇61. criterion [krai'tirin] n.标准2. crucial ['kru:l] a.决定性的3. culture ['klt] n.文化;修养4. currency ['krnsi] n.货币5. cycle ['saikl] n.循环;周期6. data ['deit] n.[复]数据7. debate [di'beit] n.&v.辩论8. decade ['dekeid] n.十年9. decline [di'klain] v.谢绝;下倾;衰退 n.衰退10. deduce [di'dju:s] v.演绎。

托福写作必备词汇1.解决:Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle2.损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize3.给予:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford4.培养:Develop, cultivate, foster5.优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6.缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness7.使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle8.重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative9.认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced10.保护:Protect, conserve, preserve11.确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge12.有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental13.要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition14.消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away15.导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate16.因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this17.增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascendto,jump to,shoot to18.降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to19.保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out20.急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably21.平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly22.宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim23.发生:Happen, occur, take place24.原因:Reason, factor, cause25.发展:Development, advance, progress26.有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous27.影响:Influence, impact, effect28.明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear29.占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose30.与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to31.对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely32.展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe33.大约:Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly34.波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation35.事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that36.换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle.。

托福写作常用词汇及易误用词汇整理一.托福写作常用词汇1、合作:cooperate、join forces、make joint efforts、work side by side;2、支持,赞成:uphold、agree with、in favor of、approve of;3、优秀的:perfect、brilliant、first rank、first-class;4、有益的、建设性的:useful、helpful、valuable、constructiv;5、永远的:eternal、perpetual、lasting throughout life;6、过时的:outdated、outmoded、anachronistic、antiquated;7、年轻人:young people、youth、youngster、young adult ;8、短暂的:transitory、transient、ephemeral、short-lived ;9、一些:a range of、a variety of、a series of、an array of ;10、承认:admit、confes、acknowledge、concede;11、利用:use、take advantage of ;12、想法:frame of mind、mind set、the way one is thinking ;13、支持:support、endorse、uphold、back up ;14、不恰当:inappropriate、improper、unsuitable、inadequate;15、偶尔:now and then、from time to time、at times;16、合适:fit、suit、be suitable;17、需要:require、need、demand、it is necessary for..to..;18、解释:tell、explain、spell out、say how;19、初始的:preliminary ;20、依序列举:list in sequence。

小编今天就给大家分享一些托福短语,喜欢的要学习一下金钱类precious/valuable 珍贵的worthless 毫无价值的thrifty/frugal 节俭的economical 经济实惠的make ends meet 收支平衡stylish 时髦的,现代风格的upscale 高端的costly 昂贵的exquisite 精致的exorbitant price 极度高昂的价格wealthy/affluent 富有的impoverished/needy 贫穷的temptation 引诱;诱惑物outfit 全套装备property 财富jealousy 嫉妒tempting 有吸引力的generosity 慷慨,大方charity 慈善philanthropy 慈善despise 轻视,蔑视植物botany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanical(botanic) 植物的plant 植物aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层/顶棚foliage(leaf) 叶leaflet 小叶rosette (叶的)丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot(sprout) 嫩芽/抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(skin) 果皮shell (硬)果壳husk(干) 果壳/(玉米)苞叶trunk 树干?bark 树皮branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝jungle 丛林?lawn 草坪meadow 草地/牧场prairie 大草原shrub(bush) 灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用chlorophyll 叶绿素symbiosis共生wither(shrivel, fade) 凋谢blossom 花pollen 花粉nectar 花蜜leaf 树叶pollinate 传授花粉pollination 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seed 种子everlasting 永久的orchid 兰花crossbreed 杂交sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压bore 腔/肠cohesion-tension 凝聚压力column 花柱symbiotic 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物/有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohydrate(starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉)/醣类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养perennial 多年一生的annual 一年一生的evergreen 常绿树larch 落叶松pine 松树spruce 云杉elm 榆树walnut 核桃树redwood 红木树语言学1. linguistics 语言学2. linguist 语言学家3. dialect 方言4. accent 口音5. slang (words) 俚语6. grammar 语法7. symbol 符号,象征8. suffix 后缀9. affix 词缀10. prefix 前缀11. root 词根12. lexical 词汇的13. lingual 语言的14. bilingual 双语的15. monologue 独白16. dialogue 对白17. narrator 旁白18. Shakespeare 莎士比亚19. corpus 语料库20. informant 语料提供人21. pronounce 发音22. abbreviation 缩写23. syllable 音节24. vowel 元音25. consonant 辅音26. character 文字27. alphabet 字母28. letter 字母29. word 单词30. phrase 词组31. phonetic 音标32. phonemics 音位学33. p aragraph 段落34. parlance 谈话35. conversation 谈话36. speech 演讲37. lecture 讲座38. intonation 语气,声调39. tone 语气,音符40. emphatic 气势强的41. paraphrase 改写42. syntax 句子构造43. philology 语言学,文献学44. semantics 语义学45. abridge 缩减,删节46 excerpt 摘录47 emend 修订48 synopsis 大纲,梗概49 tag 标签50 genre 体裁,风格。

新托福写作满分词汇琐碎的,不重要的,微不足道的—trivial(differences are trivial) frivolous (a frivolous novel. 不值得认真注意)superficial trifling不重要的或无甚价值的 worthless 轻视,贬抑--disdain despise鄙视(despised all cowards and flatterers/suck-ups.) reject scorn轻蔑, 嘲笑contempt derogate disparage depreciate折旧, (使)贬值 嘲笑,嘲讽--deride mock挖苦,为消遣取乐或嘲笑而模仿ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape persiflage taunt 容易冲动的—impetuous(轻率的; 鲁莽的; 冲动的an impetuous young man) hasty headlong rash brash passionate precipitate reckless (鲁莽的, 不顾后果的) 理论家,空谈家--doctrinaire不顾实际而一味坚持某一经验和理论的人pedant 书呆子气的; 卖弄学问的: theorist 理论家, 空谈家paranoid 残忍的,野蛮的--ferocious bloodthirsty brutal cruel fierce vicious wild atrocious 邪恶的,有害的,致命的—sinister, a sinister smile. diabolic corrupt forbidding可怕的, 令人难亲近的pernicious virulent 秘密的,偷偷的--cryptic含有隐义的; 晦涩难懂的; 神秘的furtive, furtive movements偷偷摸摸的, 鬼鬼祟祟的, 秘密的covert隐蔽的; 不公开的; 秘密的: covered hidden hideaway shelter , sneak veiled s避难所--asylum haven home institution refuge shelter harbor 节约的--frugal节省的(尤指对金钱和食物,暗指对奢华的自我克制和戒绝)prudent saving economical sparing(强调在如花费上的节制)= thrifty abstemious stint 节制、限制某人[自己](尤指食物) 浪费的,挥霍的—prodigal(They are prodigal in their expenditures) extravagant lavish spendthrift wasteful squander 浪费时间,逗弄,嬉戏--dally dawdle delay lag linger loiter 祝福,感谢--benediction bless bliss blessing 欺骗,诈骗—deceive(是有意隐瞒或歪曲真相的意思) beguile(含有通过友好的方法引诱、欺骗的意思) dupe (意为利用他人的易动感情或幼稚进行欺骗)hoax mislead trick bamboozle cheat delude(指欺骗到一个程度,致使受骗人无法分辨真伪,或做出可靠的判断) hoodwink 逃避工作—v.malinger 装病(以逃避工作或责任)goldbrick逃避勤务的士兵relinquish 放弃 揭密,泄漏--uncover disclose expose open reveal unmask 掠夺,抢劫--loot predate rob pillage plunder sack spoil despoil burglarize angle 诽谤,中伤--aspersion slander derogate calumniate libel discredit denigrate 赞扬--extol compliment glorify laud praise commend acclaim eulogize eucomium3 反对,不赞成--demur deprecate dissent dissident 否认,拒绝,驳斥-- contradict dispute refute renounce naysay reject repudiate gainsay 哀悼,后悔,哀叹--deplore bemoan regret lament dirge bewail repent 驱逐,出境--deport banish expel expatriate evict exile oust exclude ostracism 居住--dwell abide reside inhabit occupy 夸张,吹牛--vaunt exaggerate bombast overstate full-blown overdo magnify amplify 夸张的--stilted lofty 傲慢,专横--hauteur swagger imperious arrogance overbearing preemptory scurrilous contemptuous haughty insolent arbitrary 活泼的--vivacious active animated brisk dynamic energetic exuberant gay lively 恶作剧的,顽皮的--prankish naughty impish elfish devilish mischievous puckish 笨拙的,麻烦的--cumbersome bulky burdensome clumsy troublesomeunmanageable bothersome gauche antic awkward ham-handed 暴乱,骚动--agitation bother commotion fret stir riot squall 大风暴--tempest violence storm 大混乱,大灾难--havoc calamity catastrophe misfortune disaster mishap tragedy 巨大的,惊人的--prodigious colossal enormous extraordinary gigantic huge immense mammoth vast tremendous 例外的,奇特的,罕见的--exceptional remarkable stupendous 奇妙的,不可思议的--miraculous wonderful marvelous 大胆的,莽撞的--audacious bold brave daring gallant heroic valiant prowess 多产的,丰富的,繁茂的--prolific fecund fertile fruitful productive munificent prosperous affluent flourish opulent well-off plentiful abundant 贫瘠的,不孕的,不毛之地--barren sterile 贫困的,贫乏的,没钱的--indigent penurious penury impecunious improvished needy down-and -out penniless wretched destitute bankrupt 手铐,束缚--shackle handcuff manacle chain bind fetter 神秘的--mysterious esoteric occult 取消,撤销,废除--resciss repeal nullify abolish quash withdraw abrogate abolish annul cancel invalidate recall rescind revoke nullify retract overrule 使衰弱,使衰老--enfeeble enervate debilitate weaken vitiate 虚弱的,衰老的--feckless flaccid flagging languid effete 耻辱,污名--tarnish stain slur disgrace brand blemish stigma discredit humiliation5 短暂的 --momentary temporary transient ephemeral evanescent provisional 谨慎的,警觉的--wary chary vigilant discreet considerate cautious prudent careful circumspect 责备,指责,咒骂--accuse blame censure charge denounce impugn impeach indict execrate condemn criticize reproach reprove disapprove upbraid vituperate reprove injure reprehend rebuke inveigh diatribe abuse lambaste obloquy invective 免责,确定无罪--exempt exonerate exculpate invulnerable absolve 妨碍,阻挠--filibuster encumber impede hamper hinder stymie curb obstruct restrain retard hamper thwart foil clog check occlude 促进,帮助--precipitate accelerate advance facilitate hasten hurry promote quicken speed-up assist abet press 挑剔的--meticulous nitpick finicky finical exacting censoring fussy fastidious choosy critical particular selective pernickety prissy punctilious prudish 苛责,吹毛求疵的--carp cavil pick criticize quibble 迅速发展--prosper flourish thrive boom develop grow increase mushroom sprout 镇压--quell appease extinguish hush lull mollify pacify quiet smother stifle subdue suppress squelsh foil slake quench 刺激--rouse arouse awaken excite foment anger inflame kindle move pique provoke disquiet incense whet stimulate stir instigate galvanize vex rile roil annoy aggravate disturb irritate 放纵--indulge coddle pamper pander-to mollycoddle humor cater dote-on sybarite voluptuary wanton spoil 笨蛋,傻瓜--dolt numskull dunce blockhead lout idiocy idiot cretin half-wit fool dullard imbecile moron simpleton prat oaf slouch dull-head 愚蠢--idiocy stupidity absurdity madness lunacy folly 愚蠢的--crass doltish oafish imbecilic moronic fatuous vacuous 伪造,掺假--adulterate forge counterfeit falsify bogus 真正的,纯种的--genuine authentic 真实的,坦诚的,诚实的--candid candor frank fair genuine open pure trustworthy trustful veracious virtuous 减弱,降低--clam appease allay alleviate ease lessen moderate pacify relieve attenuate abate 宁静的,平静的--quiet calm serene peaceful silent still tranquil pacific composed 冷静的,不为所动的--phlegmatic impassive apathetic composed indifferent reserved unemotional unfeeling unmoved 新手,生手--apprentice neophyte novice typo greenhorn freshman uninitiated verdant 预言,预知,预告--presage predict forecast foresee foretell portend portent7 犹豫,停滞--balk boggle scruple demur falter flounder pause vacillate waver hesitate 消除,除去--efface erase obliterate raze eliminate exterminate 闲扯,瞎说--drivel prate babble chat chatter gossip blab prattle babble 来源:考试大-托福考试 gabble jabber 怀脾气的,暴躁的--cantankerous cranky irascible irritable quarrelsome choleric apoplectic churlish petulant raspy 蹒跚,摇晃,跌倒--stagger lurch reel sway tumble waver flounder dodder ramshackle 昂首阔步--swagger strut 固执的--headstrong obstinate stubborn willful firm dogged adamant bullheaded pigheaded inflexible tenacious rigid stiff unbending unyielding dour bigoted recalcitrant bigotry tenacity pertinacity 温顺的,驯服的--tame obedient meek gentle docile tame bonhomie 效忠,尊敬--homage adoration deference esteem honor respect reverence veneration 忠诚--fidelity allegiance attachment devotion faith fealty loyalty 精确,准确--accuracy exactness exactitude precision 简洁的--concise terse curt brief succinct compendious condensed compressed laconic 大纲,摘要--précis compendium compendia abstract summary synopsis 扼要,说明--recapitulate summarize outline 民意测验,民意调查--gall-up pollster 仁慈的,温和的,宽大的--lenient benefic beneficent benign benignant clement indulgent merciful mild tolerant 陈旧的--antiquated banal shopworn antique moth-eaten old-fashioned cliché I dated outmoded hackneyed time-worn threadbare trite immemorial obsolete 使成僵局,僵局--stalemate deadlock 粗略的,大概的,粗糙的--schematic cursory coarse crude rough vulgar churlish husky 吸引人的--intriguing alluring appealing attractive bewitching captivate charming enchanting enticing fascinating interesting inviting tantalizing tempting thrilling winning ingratiating 优势,主权,权势--clout ascendance ascendancy authority preponderance majority 荒谬的,愚蠢的,可笑的--preposterous absurd silly ridiculous senseless nonsensical 合理的--logical national reasonable sound 一致的,相等的,同样的--congruent tantamount commensurate 和睦,一致--concord harmony agreement rapport conformity 分配,给予,分发--allocate allot apportion assign distribute divide 微不足道的--trivial frivolous measly paltry superficial trifling worthless 9。

1、环境类white pollute 白色污染sustainable development 可持续发展ecosystem 生态系统environmental pollution 环境污染over-fishing (overgrazing) 过度捕捞(过度放牧)sandstorm 沙尘暴resource exhaustion 资源枯竭water and soil conservation 水土保持soilerosion 土壤流失clear-cutting (deforestation) 滥砍滥伐desertification 沙漠化conserve natural resources 保护自然资源shortage of freshwater 淡水短缺disruption of ecological balance 生态失衡natural preservation zone 自然保护区2、教育话题类the craze for graduate school 考研热surf the internet 网上冲浪cyberspace 网络空间inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才assignment of graduates 毕业生分配netfriend 网友examination-oriented education 应试教育teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教quality-oriented education 素质教育compulsory education 义务教育internet bar 网吧adult (continuing) education 成人教育distance education 远程教育campus culture 校园文化two-way selection 双向选择work-study program 勤工俭学double degree 双学位non-resident student 走读生resident student 寄宿生extra curricular activities 课外活动self-taught examination 自学考试become well-educated through self-study 自学成才to reduce study load 学生减负web-addiction 沉湎于上网3、社会热点类Project Hope 希望工程information revolution 信息革命epidemic disease 传染病drop out students 失学儿童laid-off worker 下岗工人reemployment project 再就业工程clone technology 克隆技术migrate laborer 民工crack down on counterfeit goods/fake products 打假devalue 贬值expand domestic demand 扩大内需state-owned enterprise 国有企业deflation 通货紧缩inflation 通货膨胀rechargeable card 冲值卡Smooth Traffic Project 畅通工程anti-fake label 防伪标志poverty alleviation 扶贫infrastructure construction 基础设施vicious circle 恶性循环gender discrimination 性别歧视psychological quality 心理素质pattern of consumption 消费结构consumers' association 消费者协会green food 绿色食品money worship 拜金主意Olympic committee 奥委会host city 举办城市bid for Olympic 申办奥运会4、经济文化类regional protectionism 地方保护主义tax evasion 偷税漏税purchasing power 购买力cyber economy 网络经济personal income tax 个人所得税risk investment 风险投资after sale service 售后服务stock exchange 股票交易booming/thriving/prosperity 繁荣decline/recession/depression 萎缩/衰退/萧条5、科技发展类broadband networks 宽带网multimedia 多媒体hacker 黑客e-business 电子商务pirated software 盗版软件pseudo-science/superstition 迷信computer virus 电脑病毒on-line shopping 网上购物get/surfon-line 上网test-tube baby 试管婴儿Orbital Station 空间站拓展阅读:托福高分词汇逻辑辨证记忆提示:由nounce,nunci演化而来的英文单词围绕着“to declare(宣布,声称)”造词。

LIST1工作类词汇assessment/evaluation 评价,评定be reluctant to do sth/be unwilling to do sth 不愿做某事blue-collar 蓝领的career prospects 职业前景Clear-cut/specific goal 明确的目标Companion 同伴Compromise 妥协Constructive 建设性的Contentment 满足delegation of responsibilities 责任委派devoted/fervent/ardent 投入的,热心的Enterprising 有进取心的,企业家精神的excel in 在…方面十分出众Exhausting 筋疲力尽的Feedback 反馈give priority to sth 优先考虑…. high-paying jobs/low-paying jobs 工资高/低的工作Industrious 勤勉的nerve-racking 伤脑筋的psychological strain 心理性紧张self-employed people 自雇的人sleep-deprived 缺乏睡眠的staff morale 员工士气Stressful 压力大的Technique 技术Teleconference 电话,电视等电讯会议time constraints 时间约束Triumph 胜利work ethic 职业道德LIST2环保类词汇biodiversity(n) 生物多样性Consume / use up/exhaust 耗尽Design more environmental friendly cars 设计更环保的汽车ecosystem/ecological system 生态系统Efficient use of / make good use of energy 合理利用能源environmentalist/conservationists 环保主义者/自然子软保守主义者Environmentally friendly / pollution free 环保的exploit natural resources 勘探新能源Flora and fauna 动植物Government intervention and international cooperation 政府干预及国际合作greenhouse gas emissions 温室效应气体排放Make joint effort / join hands to (make the world a better place) 共同努力non-renewable resources 不可再生资源Not only for ourselves, but also for future generations 也为了下一代raise the public awareness of sth 提高公众XX意识Reduce the use of fossil fuels 减少矿物燃料使用renewable resources 可再生资源reuse/recycle 再循环shortage/scarcity 短缺sustainable development 可持续发展LIST3投资类词汇Advantageous 有利的be in great demand 畅销be on the market 被供应出售,上市Booming economy 急速发展的经济Depressed economy 急速发展的经济Manipulate 操纵operate 运营Regulate 调节commercial 商业的Competitive advantage 竞争优势Dominant 占优势的economic recession 经济衰退Economical 节约的, 节俭的, 经济的Fierce competition 强烈的竞争go bankrupt 破产in the line of duty 值班,在岗irrational 无理性的loan 借出物; 借款lower the cost 降低成本make a profit 盈利make ends meet 使收支相抵make up a loss 补足,补偿money worship 拜金主义pay back a loan 还清款项promising 有希望的,有前途的,有出息的Pursuit 追求return corporate profits to the society 以企业利润回馈社会start up a business 做生意LIST4媒体类词汇Advertisement effect 广告效果celebrity 名人, 名誉, 社会名流censor n. 检查员v. 检查; 审查code of ethics/code of conduct (职业)道德标准;行动守则current affairs 时事Encouraging 奖励的; 可奖励的entertaining adj.有趣的, 娱乐性的, 令人愉快的n.招待, 款待Exaggerate things 夸大其词excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic contents 过激、无端暴力和色情内容Expose / reveal 揭露factual accounts 真实记载false/bogus 伪造的fraudulent 欺诈的, 不诚实的, 不正的informative 情报的, 见闻广博的, 使知道消息的media hype 媒体炒作misleading/misrepresented/distorted 误导的;曲解的;扭曲的newsworthy 有报导价值的objective and balanced 取材客观、份量均衡paparazzi 狗仔队名词paparazzo的复数形式prevalent 普遍的, 流行的Rational 理性的, 推理的, 合理的reliable/trustworthy/dependable 可靠的;值得信赖;可依赖的report sth. In graphic detail 绘声绘色、图文并茂地具体报道scandal n.丑闻, 丑事scrutiny/scrutinize/monitor 监视,仔细审查,细看the press 新闻发布会Unrealistic comparison 不切实际的比较up-to-the-minute 直到现在的, 最新的, 最近的violate/intrude on/infringe on someone’s privacy 冒犯、侵犯、侵害个人隐私LIST5写作科技类词汇史无前例的高速进步advance/progress at an unprecedented / astonishing rate自动化/自动的automation(n)/ automated(adj)损害健康Cause damage to one’s health传统方法Conventional method划算的Cost-effective尖端科技cutting-edge(adj) technology数字的Digital电子的Electronic增加效率enhance/boost(vts) efficiency增加产量enhance/boots productivity面对面Face to face黑客Hacker可获得任何信息Have access to any information or knowledge高科技特色Hi-tech features信息爆炸/过量information explosion/overload创新Innovation突飞猛进Is advancing by leaps and bounds色情暴力Pornography and violence产生深远影响produce/generate/ profound / far-reaching/ influence/impact可疑内容Questionable contents辐射Radiation上网Surf on the net/internet科技进步technological innovations/inventions/advances/progression电信telecommunications(n)信息时代the information age/era网络扩散the proliferation of the Internet彻底改变transform/revolutionize)/ fundamentally change sth.侵犯隐私Violate/infringe the privacy现实世界Virtual world鼠标轻点With the click of a mouseLIST6教育类词汇acquire knowledge/skills 获取知识技能adapt oneself to sth 适应children and youth 少年儿童cultivate 培养engineering 工程学exam-oriented education 应试教育generalist 知识渊博者go astray 误入歧途Humanities 人性Lay a foundation for the future 为未来奠定基础learn things by rote 死记硬背liberal arts 文科parental involvement 家长参与peer pressure 来自同龄人的压力primary-level education 基层教育psychological 心理学上的role model 典范secondary-level education 中等教育social sciences 社会科学specialist 专家spoil 溺爱Students’ feedback 学生反馈team spirit 团队精神tertiary-level education 高校教育think independently 独立思考To cultivate a sense of responsibility 培养高度责任感well-rounded 多才多艺的,全面发展的LIST7家庭类词汇a lack of trust 信任缺失affection 影响, 感情, 喜爱attachment to one’s family 恋家be close to 与...亲近be concerned about 关心, 挂念be devoid of gratitude 无感恩之心bridge the generation gap 填补鸿沟comfort 安慰,舒适considerate 考虑周到的, 体谅的, 体贴的conversation 谈话, 会话domestic chores 家庭杂务economic burden 经济负担exchange feelings 交流情感feel secure 觉得有安全感gratitude 感激, 感谢, 感恩harmonious family atmosphere 和谐的家庭氛围ingratitude 忘恩负义intimate 亲密的, 私人的leisure activities 业余活动liability 责任, 债务make holidays together 一起度假nursing home 私人疗养院one-child family 独生子女家庭pass on one’s value to 传递某人的价值观给... place trust 信任repay 偿还, 报答share joys and sorrows 分享喜悲show consideration 为人着想spiritual comfort 精神的安慰traditional customs 传统习惯LIST8价值观类词汇Challenge 挑战, 邀请比赛;怀疑, 质问;艰巨的任务Competition 比赛;竞争Independent 独立的, 自主的Medical Care 医疗处理Motivation 动力;动机;诱因adj. 动机的,动力的Opportunity 机会, 时机Parochial 教区的;范围有限的;狭小的;狭隘的Outlook 景色, 景致;观点; 见解;展望; 前景Personal preference 个人爱好Personality 人格, 个性;人物, 名人;人身攻击, 诽谤Pressure 压(力), 压强;强制, 压迫Responsible 负有责任的, 需承担责任的Sensible 明智的, 合情理的, 切合实际的;可感觉到的Social circle 社交圈Social justice 社会主义,社会正义Success 成功; 成就;成功者, 成功的事迹Satisfaction 满意, 满足, 实现;赔偿物, 补偿LIST9社会类词汇Social circle 交际圈Efficiency 效率, 功效Interpersonal relations 人际关系Life attitude 人生观Confront 使面对Pursuit 追求Success 成功Communicate 交流, 沟通Objectively 客观的Solution 解决方案Participation 参与, 参加LIST10旅游运动类词汇collective tour / package tour 团体旅行Conservation of historical relics 保护历史文物Cross-cultural communication / contact 跨文化交流Damaging effects 有害的影响Destroy the natural habitats of wildlife 破坏野生动物的生活环境Exchange thoughts and experience 交换想法与经验Increase tax revenues / income;boost the economy 增加税收;刺激经济international tourism 国际旅游业Itinerary 行程表Multilingual 使用多种语言的natural habitats 自然环境Purchase souvenirs 购买纪念品prejudice and hostility 偏见和敌意Resort / Tourist attraction / scenic spot 度假胜地amateur 业余爱好者Athletics 体育运动Congenital 天生的Cooperative 合作的Dedicated 专用的ignore, overlook, be blind to,neglect ,fail to see 忽视obvious, apparent, manifest, noticeable, evident, distinct 明显的Patient 有耐心的Persistent 固执的Unavoidable, inevitable, inescapable 不可避免的unimportant, non-significant, trifling, trivial 不重要的。

托福写作积累核心词汇1交通类1. automobile industry 汽车工业2. boost the economic development 促进经济进展3. levy the tax 征税4. modernization 现代化5. be viewed as … 被视为是…6. be concerned about … 对…担忧/关注…7. pollution-free fuel 无污染燃料8. luxury 浪费品9. chronic lead poisoning 慢性铅中毒10. fill… with … 使…充斥着11. popularization of cars 汽车普及12. lay more emphasis on… 把重心放在…13. observe traffic regulations 遵守交通规章14. break traffic regulations 违反交通规章15. get struck in traffic 遇上堵车16. rush hour 上下班高峰时间17. ease the traffic pressure 缓解交通压力18. pedestrian 行人19. pavement 人行道20. zebra crossing 斑马线21. overspeed 超速行驶22. bottleneck 交通堵塞地区23. settle down effective laws 制定出乐观有效的法律24. impose restrictions on … 对…实施限制25. short-sighted 目光短浅的26. non-renewable resources 不行再生资源27. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳28. a pillar industry 支柱产托福写作积累核心词汇229. make full use of … 充分利用30. road networks 大路网31. speed limits 限速32. enhance the quality of life 提高生活质量33. pay a heavy price 付出惨痛的代价34. promote the development of relative industries 促进相关产业进展35. traffic engineering 交通运输工程36. the number of car ownership 汽车拥有量37. call for … 需要…38. overcrowded 过度拥挤的39. violator 违规者40. headache 令人头痛的事41. traffic accidents 交通事故42. head-way 进展43. conflict with … 与…相冲突44. major cause 主要缘由45. be replaced by … 被…所取代46. provide convenience for … 为…供应便利47. curb… 限制…48. dilemma 进退两难49. encourage somebody to do something鼓舞某人去做某事50.energy-saving 节能的托福写作积累核心词汇3社会类1. urbanization 城市化2. centralization 集中化3. imbalance 不平衡4. in the long run 从长远角度而言5. infrastructure 基础设施6. booming 富强进展的7. tertiary industry 第三产业8. tranquility 安静9. revenue 税收10. commercialization 商业化11. traffic congestion 交通拥挤12. water scarcity 水短缺13. the environmental pollution 环境污染14. over-industrialization 过度工业化15. over-crowdedness 过度拥挤16. unemployment 失业17. wealth distribution 财宝安排18. social instability 社会动荡19. urban construction 城市建设20. population explosion 人口激增21. a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升22. drain of energy and resources 能源和资源消耗23. offer more job opportunities 供应更多的就业机会24. a rapid pace of life 快节奏生活托福写作积累核心词汇425. stress-related illnesses 与压力有关的疾病26. high cost of living 高额生活费用27. pastoral life 田园生活28. class polarization 阶级两极分化29. social welfare 社会福利30. give special care to … 赐予…特别关照31. urban sprawl 城市扩张32. convenient transportation means 便捷的交通工具33. better medical services 更好的医疗服务34. pressure of modern life in city 城市生活压力35. be vulnerable to … 易于患上…36. melting pot 熔炉37. on the brink of … 处于…边缘38. pollutant 污染性物质39. waste disposal 废物处理40. put the blame on … 归咎于…41. be attributable to … 归由于…42. ways of consumption 消费方式43. suffer heavy losses 患病重大损失44. citizen 居民45. be confronted with… 面临着…46. breed crimes 滋生犯罪47. vicious cycle 恶性循环48. a feasible measure 一种可行的措施49. give priority to … 优先考虑…50.city planners 城市规划托福写作的高分词汇积累5careful circumspect责怪,指责,咒骂--accuse blame censure charge denounce impugn impeach indictexecrate condemn criticize reproach reprove disapprove upbraid vituperatereprove injure reprehend rebuke inveigh diatribe abuse lambaste obloquyinvective免责,确定无罪--exempt exonerate exculpate invulnerable absolve 阻碍,阻挠--filibuster encumber impede hamper hinder stymie curb obstructrestrain retard hamper thwart foil clog check occlude挑剔的--meticulous nitpick finicky finical exacting censoring fussyfastidious choosy critical particular selective pernickety prissypunctilious prudish苛责,吹毛求疵的--carp cavil pick criticize quibble镇压--quell appease extinguish hush lull mollify pacify quiet smotherstifle subdue suppress squelsh foil slake quench刺激--rouse arouse awaken excite foment anger inflame kindlemove piqueprovoke disquiet incense whet stimulate stir instigate galvanize vex rileroil annoy aggravate disturb irritate。
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写作关键用词及短语汇总数量词一些a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of无数innumerable ; countless许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample非常多(大)的tremendous依序列举list in sequence时间词过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete ; anachronistic短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived不合时宜的anachronism可持久的durable ; able to stand wear ; last a long time一再time after time ; again and again初始的preliminary前述的aforementioned ; aforesaid ; former自古到今from ancient times to the present day ; down through the ages年轻人young people ; youngster ; youth ; young adult老式的old-fashioned ; out of date ; dated偶尔from time to time ; now and then ; once in a while ; at times时常often ; frequently ; repeatedly永远的eternal ; perpetual ; lasting throughout life重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities目前so far ; by far一次就可完成的事one-time event正/反意见(opinion)骂yell at ; reprimand ; chide ; scold ; reprove支持support ; endorse ; back up ; uphold谴责condemn ; express strong disapproval of错的mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong incorrect错事wrongdoing ; had acts ; misbehavior做相反的do the reverse of ; do the opposite归咎blam e…on ; put the blam e on … ;…is to blame瓦解disintegrate ; break up ; separate into small parts支持某一方in favor of ; on the side of不会犯错的infallible意见不和clashes of opinion一致的unanimous ; in complete agreement不恰当inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ; inadequate批判criticize ; blame; find fault with ; make judgments of the merits and faults of…我们想念…we are convinced that…; we are certain that..我愿意I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to有用的useful ; of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive有意义的meaningful; fulfilling他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admit thi s…在大家同意下by common consent of…否定deny; withhold; negate承认admit; acknowledge; confess; concede于事无补of no help; of no avail; no use使…受益benefit…; do good t o…; is good for…; is of great benefit t o…成语及俗语及搭配方式想法frame of mind; mind set; the way one is thinking想出come up with找出come up with; find out利用use; take advantage of夸耀brag about; boast about; show off; speak too highly of照顾take care of; take charge of; attend to; watch over 对…很了解have a deep knowledge of…对抗权威stand up against authority; resisit boldly the authority对…有信心have confidence in说清楚articulate; verbalize; put in words; utter接受…之美意embrace the offer of…累积amass; accumulate; heap up; assemble连系tact; get in touch with; contact with排除这可能性rule out the possibility等于is equivalent to; equal选择choose; elect; opt for; pick; single out发出deliver; give out; hand over绕路detour; take a detour; take a roundabout way禁止进入is kept out; is barred from小看make little of坏了out of order; on the blink; is not working分别distinguish between; make a distinction between; tell…from依靠count on; depend on忽视neglect; give too little care to存在come to be; come into existence; come to birth; come into being考虑consider; take into consideration; take into account考虑到in consideration of用尽力气exhaust one’s strength; use up one’s strength开动initiate; set going准备…brace for; prepare for在于lie in; rest on; rest with主动take the initiative不算exclusive of; not counting; leaving out应该得到deserve; have right to; is worthy of避免avoid; shun; get around; circumvent幻想fantasy; play of the mind以此标准来算by this criterion; by this standard乍看之下at first glance面对in the face of; in the presence of以by means of; by virtue of; by the use of不惜代价at all costs每况愈下from bad to worse承受错误造成的后果in reaping the harvest of his mistakes取得同意…get the go-ahead to不择手段unscrupulously; by hook or by crook想法与作法beliefs and practices内情ins and outs; turns and twists关键时刻the critical moment虽然although; notwithstanding; albeit; though功能用法与功能词用法根据according to; on the basis of; on the ground of (that); in the light of; in line with; in accordance with 逃避问题evade the question增大enlarge; extend; aggrandize澄清clarify; make clear赔偿compensate for; giv e…as compensation for实现carry out; implement; realize; m ake…co me true假定suppose; assume; postulate; hypothesize极端的radical; extreme极端的措施drastic measures剩下的the rest; the remainder; what is left换言之in other words; put another way结果result; aftermath; consequence优点advantage; strength; strong point; merit; benefit简言之put simply; in short; in brief; in a nutshell举例而言for instance; for example; to illustrate; let us cite 特别是an illustration; to cite a concrete case 特别是especially; more than others; particularly; in particular既然…now that…; seeing that…迹象inkling; hint; clue; a slight suggestion缺点disadvantage; demerit; shortcoming; drawback; weakness除去do away with; eliminate; remove; get rid of缺少for lack of; for a deficiency of毕竟after all; all in all范围scope; field; realm潜力potential;行为conduct; behavior; doings隔绝isolate; insulate分辨出identify; recognize不易懂的elusive; hard to understand展开unfold回馈feedback主导的人物a dominant figure; a controlling man; the most influential person观点viewpoint; point of view; perspective; standpoint正在进行中is underway只是一种姿态is merely a gesture立场position; stand; stance意向inclination; leaning; intention特权privilege; a special right来自stem from; come from一件事的不同说法alternative statements of fact写作关键(常用词)交织intertwine; interweave好奇心the eager desire to know; curiosity尊敬respect; esteem; think highly of顽固的headstrong; obstinate; stubborn暗淡的gloomy; dark; dim巨大的huge; gigantic; colossal; vast; enormous; tremendous探索explore; fathom执行carry out; execute; do现代modern times; modern age; contemporary age偏见prejudice; bias; partiality; predilection混乱chaos; commotion; confusion; disturbance; tumult无弹性(僵硬)rigid无缺点的flawless; airtight无药可救incurable无法避免的unavoidable; inevitable细密的计划elaborate plan取消cancel; annul; abolish解药a cure for…; a remedy for;谜puzzle; riddle; enigma机会平等equality of opportunity较有影响力的国家a predominant country遵守abide by; conform to; observe; comply with热情的passionate; ardent; zealous模糊的ambiguous; vague; obscure影响长远的far-reaching失望despair; loss of hope; without hopeve幼稚childish; childlike; naï挑剔的picky; choosy; fastidious破坏destroy; ruin; break to pieces; devasate技巧的skillful; adept; dexterous警觉的alert; watchful; on guard; wary of忍受bear; put up with; endure; stand证据evidence; facts; proof; grounds; testimony很容易地easily; with little problem; with little hindrance令人惊讶的amazing; astonishing; astounding生动的报导vivid description争取compete for; try hard to win遗产heritage; legacy; inheritance保护protect; safeguard; preserve; shelter了解understand; comprehend; catch the meaning of; catch on 汇露reveal; make known; disclose放大amplify; magnify; enlarge动力impetus; driving force; momentum自满的complacent第一流的first-rate; excellent安全处refuge; asylum; haven; sanctuary强调emphasize; stress; highlight短视的决定short-sighted decision真正的genuine; authentic; real怪异的eccentric; peculiar; odd明显的distinct; clear; explicit; obvious得到…的注意capture one’s attention事事干涉的meddlesome; interfering背景setting; background假的fake; false; counterfeit夸大报导dramatize退步setback古人the ancients古老的old; ancient; archaeic逃犯infringe (on); violate使害怕intimidate; frighten带来生气enliven对手rival吸引人的intriguing旁观者onlooker准确地说to be exact; to be precise; precisely突然醒悟it dawned on me that仔细思考之后after long deliberation; after careful thought 对比及其相关用词可互换的interchangeable可与…相比is comparable with (to)普遍的prevailing; common; prevalent是一个对比is a sharp contrast to比作is likened to; is compared to多样化的heterogeneous单一性的homogeneous写作关系/逻辑用词一般而言in general; generally speaking; by and large满于现状be happy with what you are预测未来project into the future另一个观点是… another way of looking at the matter is…不宜取笑… it is not decent to make fun of… 评估社会文化因素assess (evaluate) sociocultural factors 那并非说…that does not mean that…那有这回事there is no such thing as一个有待克服的困难是… a major hurdle for us to overcome i s…由…造成caused by; attributable to; due to; resulting from由…组成is made up of…; is comprised of; consist必须从两方面考虑此问题this problem needs to be considered on two dimensions: 限制limit; restrict; refrain; restrain; keep within limits; confine; keep in check一般人认为… c onventional wisdom suggests that…这方法有陷阱the method had pitfalls:说服convince; persuade; cause to believe具体的specific; concrete; tangible刻意的intentional; on purpose; intended费时间去了解…take time to acquaint oneself wit h……是此问题的核心…is at the root of the issue无法估计is beyond calculation; incalculable无资格的disqualified。