55-6833(6897) 10″台锯 KEDA
2.使用环境要求Ÿ请勿将摄像机对准强光(如灯光照明、太阳光等处)聚焦,否则容易引起过亮或漏光现象 (这并非摄像机故障) 也将影响摄像机寿命。
工作环境工作电源DC12V±10%/POE功耗20W Max温度-40℃~ +70℃湿度10%~95%(无凝结)海拔高度-60m~3000m大气压86kPa~106kPa3.日常维护与保养Ÿ请勿直接触碰设备发热部件,以免烫伤。
20kV及以下配电网工程 概算定额
第二册 电气设备安装工程
国家能源局 发布
dou uenuc rwa ni
前言 总说明
第1章 变 压 器 说明 ………………………………………………2
1.1 10kV油浸式变压器安装 …………………3 1.2 10kV干式变压器安装……………6
(6)1kV以下配电柜安装以“台”为计量单位,一个柜体为“一台”。 (7)配电箱安装以“台”为计量单位。 (8)封闭母线安装以“m”为计量单位。
kg 1.3050 kg 1.2455
k根 0.3000 1.5000
片 0.2000
元 2.8500
台班 0.1680 台班 0.0210
台班 0.0550
PGDI-2 PGD1-3 PGD1-4
0.1825 0.1825 0.1825
0.5500 0.6940 0.9640
1000 2000
0.2050 0.2050 0.2050
0.7660 1.2700 1.7200
1.2780 1.9350 1.9350
1.3897 1.7000 1.7000
0.2400 0.3000 0.3000
1.2000 1.5000 1.5000
0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 3.0900 3.7500 3.9100
台班 0.3000
型号 HDS1217THDS1226T HDS1232T HDS1026THDS1032T额定载荷 kg 12001000 提升高度(hl)m m 1700 26003200 26003200标准自由提升高度(h5) m m 1700230 货叉最低高度 m m 81 载荷中心距 Q m m 600 货叉外宽 m m 570(685)轮子数量No No4/2+1X (4/2+1X)控制手柄摆动角度 a o 80 转向角度3o180行走速度Without Load 5.3km/h, With Full Load4km/h 提升速度Without Load 128mm/s, With Full Load91mm/s 下降速度Without Load 84mm/s, With Full Load128mm/s行走马达1.2kw/24v 泵站电机2. 2kw/24v 蓄电池210Ah/24v蓄电池重量Kg2105§3n A48n p 0^6563C22 堆咼车标牌显示A严禁载人B 额定负载Model CL10 系列=1000kg/CL12 系列=1200KgC 电池充电插口D 紧急按钮/开关的位置E 起吊位置F 操作手柄:升降、喇叭G 商标H 剩余电量I 载荷曲线K 操作手柄:前进/后退碍論呼HgJ [皿3 堆高车应注意事项使用该堆高车前,请认真阅读本说明。
300系列 - Automatic Dicing Saw300系列切割機/切斷機,利用人工方式完成加工物的安裝調整及識別切割位置的校準作業,並且在設計上力求節省佔地空間,使該機型的外形結構顯得簡潔精巧。
For 6" frameDAD321DAD322DAC351/DAD361設備概要適用ø 6"加工物的自動切割機DAD321的改良機型,産能更高追求高精度的切斷機和自動切割機最大加工物尺寸160 x 160ø6"(邊長6"方形)*1DAC351: 153 x 153 DAD361: 160 x 160適用框架2-6-1DAC351: - DAD361: 2-5, 2-6X軸可切割範圍(mm)192160192進刀速度有效範圍(mm/s)0.1 - 3000.1 - 5000.1 - 300Y軸可切割範圍(mm)162最小步進量(mm)0.00020.0001定位精度(mm)0.005以內/160(單一誤差)0.003以內/50.001以內/160(單一誤差)0.001以內/5光學尺最小分辨率(mm)-0.00005Z軸有效行程(mm)28.2(ø 2"切割刀片)32.2(ø 2"切割刀片)28.2(ø 2"切割刀片)最小移動量(mm)0.00010.000050.0001重復定位精度(mm)0.0010.0005可使用的最大切割刀片直徑(mm)ø76.2ø58(使用1.5 kW的主軸時)ø76.2θ軸最大旋轉角度(deg)380320DAC351: -DAD361: 380主軸額定功率(kW)1.5 at 30,000 min-1額定力矩(N・m)0.48轉速範圍(min-1)3,000 - 40,000設備尺寸(WxDxH)(mm)500 x 1,050 x 1,455500 x 900 x 1,600500 x 1,050 x 1,455設備重量(kg)約500約420(無變壓器)約470(有變壓器)約550*1另外需要專用夾具。
润金科技 KH 系列平板式数控切割机使用说明书
润金科技平板式数控切割机使用说明书User Manual宁波市鄞州润金机电科技有限公司前言感谢您选择本公司KH系列产品,您能成为我们的客户是我们莫大的荣幸。
5、如果您在使用润金科技平板式数控切割机过程中有任何疑问,请拨打本公司24小时免费服务热线电话:4006809891目录1切割机安装操作---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1-1切割机搬运注意事项---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1-2切割机放置环境要求----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1-3切割机的开箱检查项目------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1-4切割机外型结构说明----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1-5切割机装配流程---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 1-5-1切割机装配流程平台安装----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 1-5-2操作平台说明-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 1-5-3机箱连线板接口说明----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 1-6基本线路连接及注意事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 1-7安装刀套、笔套------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 1-7-1切割刀的安装--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 1-7-2绘图笔的安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2切割机的操作和设置---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 2-1切割机的开机,关机操作说明---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 2-2操作界面使用说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 2-3切割机基本操作-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 2-3-1工具设置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 2-3-2测试笔画及刀切割功能说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 2-4操作界面各功能键说明----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------132-4-1使用说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 2-4-2使用说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 2-4-3使用说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 2-4-4使用说明-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 2-4-5使用说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------152-4-5-1使用说明---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------152-4-5-2使用说明---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 3切割机基本保养说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17-4切割机常见问题以及排除方法说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------181切割机安装1-1切割机搬运注意事项1-1-1、外包装我们统一采用国际标准的木材装箱包装。
梯型 SKY II SKY II, GEN2 MRL 4200 GEN2 MRL 4200 GEN2 MRL GEN2 MRL SKY II SKY II SKY GEN2 CN-MRL SKY 4200, GEN2 CN-MRL SKY II SKY II, GEN2 MRL GEN2 MRL SKY, SKY II SKY, SKY II SKY GEN2 CN-MRL GEN2 CN-MRL GEN2 CN-MRL GEN2 CN-MRL GEN2 CN-MRL GEN2 CN-MRL GEN2 CN-MRL GEN2 CN-MRL 4200 SKY II SKY SKY II SKY II SKY II GEN2 CN-MRL SKY II 4200 SKY, SKY II, GEN2 MRL 4200, GEN2 MRL SKY 4200 GEN2 MRL SKY, SKY II SKY, GEN2 CN-MRL SKY, SKY II, GEN2 CN-MRL 4200 SKY, SKY II SKY, SKY II, 4200 轴承6314ZZ 活动门刀预装组件 滚轮导靴 传感器AE1 编码器W1 编码器 Z1 钢带 变频器Z10 光幕C1 光幕C4 按钮BST 铭牌 消防服务开关 副门锁触头 副门锁触点,开关 警铃电源盒 限位开关装配 绳头B2 制动电阻 并联双钮+指示器(中间层无匙) 并联双钮+显示+锁(中间层无匙) 并联单钮+指示器(顶层) 并联单钮+指示器+锁(底层) 双钮+指示器+锁(中间层无匙) 单钮+指示器+锁(底层) 单钮+指示器(顶层) 双钮+指示器(中间层无匙) 组合式层站指示器 滑动导靴D1 反绳轮组装 滑动导靴A2 称重传感器 轿顶风机 轿顶检修盒 B1 轿顶检修盒M995-MOD RA14-C3 RS14 单组合单位显示器 显示器NNN13 双位显示器 指示器 对讲电源 轿厢对讲机 对讲机 按钮NNQ001 按钮NNQ005 按钮NNQ092 备件名称 6314ZZ A10211A1 AAA24180AV2 AAA633AE1 AAA633W1 AAA633Z1 AAA717X1 ABA21310Z10 ABA24591AC1 ABA24591AC4 DAA10204B-BST DAA102S8 DAA177P1 DAA177R1 DAA177S1 DAA21750B1 DAA22000F1 DAA229B2 DAA232J1 DAA23501DH976-MOD DAA23501DH977-MOD DAA23501DH978-MOD DAA23501DH981-MOD DAA23501DH982-MOD DAA23501DH984-MOD DAA23501DH985-MOD DAA23501DH987-MOD DAA23501NSG1 DAA237D1 DAA24062C1 DAA24160A2 DAA24270F1 DAA24720G1 DAA24831B1 DAA24831M995-MOD DAA25005A1 DAA25005C1 DAA25140NNN1 DAA25140NNN13 DAA25140NNN2 DAA25140NNP1 DAA25301E10 DAA25301E3 DAA25301E7 DAA26902NNQ001 DAA26902NNQ005 DAA26902NNQ092 配件号
SB系列制动器使用液压驱动释放,碟形弹簧施力制动,其结构如图1所示,由相同 的两半组成,其工作原理如下:当液压站在控制系统指令下向制动器油缸供给压力油, 推动活塞向外侧运动并进一步压缩碟簧,制动瓦在活塞杆的牵引下脱离制动盘,制动力 矩消除;当液压站在系统指令控制下接通回油通道,压力油在碟簧力作用下回流液压站 油箱,活塞和活塞杆向制动盘侧运动,碟簧力通过制动瓦传递到制动盘上,产生规定的 制动力矩。 SB系列制动器技术参数如表1所示: 表1
100 92.2 79.5 66.6 54
160 143 124.8 106.4 88.1
250 226.8 202.6 178.6 154.4
精密往复自动裁板锯:MWFJ-2700主锯转数:4800转/分,主锯片直径:355X30MM;锯切厚度80MM;划线锯转速: 6500转/分, 划线锯直径:160X30MM;使用气压5~6Kg/cm2北京安佳木工机械贸易有限公司制造:精密裁板锯:DJ-300-45主锯转数:3100~4200~5500转/分,主锯片直径:(250~350)X30MM;划线锯转速:8000转/分,划线锯直径:120~125X22MM;最大垂直锯切厚度:90毫米,最大45度倾斜锯切厚度63毫米。
This pneumatic saw is used for mining operations.2. JQD-10代表了这款气动锯的型号。
JQD-10 represents the model of this pneumatic saw.3.这款气动锯的规格是10,指的是锯片的直径。
The specification of this pneumatic saw is 10, referring to the diameter of the saw blade.4.它是一款专业的矿用工具,具有高效、耐用的特点。
It is a professional mining tool with the characteristics of high efficiency and durability.5.这款气动锯适用于硬质岩石和矿石的切割。
This pneumatic saw is suitable for cutting hard rocks and ores.6.它可以通过气动力操控,适用于各种恶劣的作业环境。
It can be controlled by pneumatic power and is suitablefor various harsh working environments.7. JQD-10气动锯的设计经过了严格的工程优化。
The design of JQD-10 pneumatic saw has undergone rigorous engineering optimization.8.该锯具有低噪音、低振动的特点,有利于提高工作舒适度。
This saw features low noise and low vibration, which is conducive to improving working comfort.9.除了矿用,这款气动锯也适用于建筑、水利等行业的切割工作。
切割第一片及每切割5片必须抽检1片,检验项目有垂直度、L型 至刀痕距离、及背崩检验,每片必须检验4个Chip以上
底边 < 5μm
特例:T3、4B4D旳背崩 范围不可不小于50μm
▪ 目检方法: ▪ 每片切割完毕之晶圆,必须全部检验。 ▪ 将切割完毕之晶圆,放置在显微镜平台上。 ▪ 调整至最大倍率。 ▪ 调整焦距至眼睛可看清楚。 ▪ 移动晶圆至短边切割道,检验短边崩碎范围是否影
b.目检短边切割道,看有无崩 坏到保护边旳现象,若有, 则点上黑点
c.目检长边切割道,看 有无崩坏到保护边或晶 片表面刮伤旳现象,若 有,则点上黑点
d.对于大面积旳刮伤, 不
崩 巴 不 良 图 片
刮 伤
抽检比率应不小于5%,并做相应旳统计,对出现问题 不
跟F1相类似,只是F1切割 过程中程序不变,而在F2 中,能够设定料盒中有不同 旳产品,不须半途全自动结 束更改程序(例如: EAGLE旳CCD与TG能够放 在同一种料盒中切割)
▪ F3:手动操作
F3.1进料:进行刀片基准线校准或其他机器维护时需要先进 料至工作盘
F3.2影像教读 F3.3校准 F3.4自动切割 F3.5半自动切割:一般在此程序下切不整片旳晶圆 F3.6将晶片移至清洗盘 F3.7清洗 F3.8出料 F3.9外形辨认 F3.10执行程序控制表(切割除外):将F3.2影像教读自动 进行一遍,但不进行切割
Dake 带电锯说明书
SXC Dake BandsawINSTRUCTIONAL MANUALWARNING! Read and understand all instructions and responsibilities before operating.Failure to follow safety instructions and labels could result in serious injury.Dake Corporation Phone: 800.937.3253 TABLE OF CONTENTSDAKE STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY (3)RETURN & REFUND POLICY (5)SPECIFICATIONS (6)SAFETY WARNINGS (7)ADJUSTMENTS (8)BLADE SELECTION (9)Blade Speeds: (FPM) & Removal/Install Procedure (9)LUBRICATION (9)ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS (10)EXPLODED VIEWS & PARTS LISTS (14)ORDER INFORMATION (19)DAKE STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTYFinished Machines- Dake warrants to the original purchaser the finished machine manufactured or distributed by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service within 1 year (12 months) from the delivery date to the end user.Parts- Dake warrants to the original purchaser the component part manufactured or distributed by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service within 30 days from the delivery date to the end user.- The standard limited warranty includes the replacement of the defective component part at no cost to the end user.Sale of Service (Repairs)- Dake warrants to the original purchaser the component part repaired by Dake Corporation at the manufacturing facility to be free from defects in material andworkmanship under normal use and service within 90 days from the return date to theend user, as it pertains to the repair work completed.- The standard limited warranty includes repair of the defective component part, at no cost to the end user.Warranty Process- Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, the manufacturer will repair or replace any portion of the product that proves defective in materials or workmanship. Themanufacturer retains the sole right and option, after inspection, to determine whether to repair or replace defective equipment, parts, or components. The manufacturer willassume ownership of any defective parts replaced under this warranty.- All requested warranty claims must be communicated to the distributor or representative responsible for the sale. Once communication has been initiated, Dake Customer Service must be contacted for approval:•Phone: (800) 937-3253•Email: ****************************- When contacting Dake, please have the following information readily available:1. Model #2. Serial #3. Sales Order #- Purchasers who notify Dake within the warranty period will be issued a Case number and/or a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. If the item is to be ret urned per Dake’s request, the RMA number must be clearly written on the exterior packaging. Any item shipped to Dake without an RMA will not be processed.Warranty ExceptionsThe following conditions are not applicable to the standard limited warranty:(a) Part installation or machine service was not completed by a certified professional,and is not in accordance with applicable local codes, ordinances, and good tradepractices.(b) Defects or malfunctions resulting from improper installation or failure to operate ormaintain the unit in accordance with the printed instructions provided.(c) Defects or malfunctions resulting from abuse, accident, neglect, or damage outsideof prepaid freight terms.(d) Normal maintenance service or preventative maintenance, and the parts used inconnection with such service.(e) Units and parts which have been altered or repaired, other than by the manufactureror as specifically authorized by the manufacturer.(f) Alterations made to the machine that were not previously approved by themanufacturer, or that are used for purposes other than the original design of themachine.RETURN & REFUND POLICY- Thank you for purchasing from Dake! If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to help.Returns- All Dake manufactured / distributed machines, parts and couplings include a 30-day return option. These policies are valid from the date of final shipment to the end user. To beeligible for a return, the item must be unused and in the same condition as received.- All requested warranty claims must be communicated to the distributor or representative responsible for the sale. Once communication has been initiated, Dake Customer Service must be contacted for approval:•Phone: (800) 937-3253•Email:****************************- Once the return request has been approved by Customer Service, a representative will supply a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.- The returned item must have the provided RMA number clearly marked on the outside packaging. Any item received without an RMA number clearly visible on the packagingwill not be processed.- An RMA number can only be provided by the Dake Customer Service team and must be obtained prior to the return shipment.Refunds- Once the item has been received and inspected for damages, a representative will notify the requestor referencing the provided RMA number. If the return is approved, a refundwill be issued to the original method of payment, less a 20% restocking fee.- The restocking fee may be waived if an order is placed at the time of return with like-value merchandise. Transportation costs are the responsibility of the end user and willnot be credited upon return approval.- Any item that is returned after the initial 30 days or has excessive/obvious use will not be considered for a full refund.SPECIFICATIONSMachine Type Gravity feed, rollingframe vertical bandsawBand Wheels 14” DiameterCut Capacity 9 inches x 14-½ inches Horsepower 1 H.P. Blade (frame)Travel9 inches Weight 810 poundsFrame Travel Gravity counterbalanceweight with hydraulicregulationOverall Height 66”Maximum workheight14-1/2 inches Base Width 29”BladeWidth/Length 1/4 – 3/4 inches / 120inchesDepth 40”Blade Speeds (Feet per Minute) 70 / 140 / 270 / 540FPMVoltage120-volt single phase230-volt single phase230-volt three phase460-volt three phaseMachine should be wired to mainservice by a qualified ElectricianWorktableDimensions29” x 18”Mitering 45°Worktable Heightfrom Floor 36-1/2”AMP • 20-amp service for 120-volt &230-volt machine s • 16-ampservice for 460-volt machineMachine Features:- Roller blade guides, miter gauge with C-Clamp assembly, headlock, cutting chart, and one standard blade furnished with the machine.- Large precision ground table for large work surface.- Heavy-duty gearbox with 4 speed step pulleys for fast speed changes.- 14” li pped band wheels with rubber tires for smooth operation and long life.- Blade changes are made quickly with easy access to the band wheels.- Welded steel base and head frame that is rigid, heavy and durable that helps reduce any wobble and vibration.- Adjustable counterweight and infinitely variable hydraulic feed pressure regulation, for hands free cutting of most materials.- Front mounted hydraulic feed control for operator convenience and operation.- Electrical package that includes low voltage controls, low voltage coil and E-stop button.- Heavy cast miter gauge and C-Clamp for holding material during the cutting operation, whether it is straight or miter cutting.In the space provided record the serial number and model number of the machine. Thisinformation is only found on the black Dake tag. If contacting Dake this information must be provided to assist in identifying the specific machine.Model No:Part No:Serial No:Date of Purchase:SAFETY WARNINGSBEFORE USE, ALL SAFTEY INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE READ- Before the PRESS is used, the instruction manual with this machine must be read and understood. This manual offers safe operation instructions. Offered below are safety instructions designed for the press and general safety instructions that apply to most machinery.- As will all machinery there are certain hazards involved with operation and use of the machine. Using the machine with respect and caution will considerably lessen the possibility or personal injury. However, if normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, personal injury to the operator may result.- This machine was designed for certain applications only. We strongly recommend that this machine NOT be modified and/or used for any application other than for which it was designed. If you have any questions relative to its application DO NOT use the machine until you contact with us and we have advised you to do so.Practice Sade Operation:•Keep hands out of point of operation.•Never wear cloth gloves.•Always wear the eye protection.•Look over machine for general maintenance before operation task.•Keep all body parts as far away from the moving blade as possible.•Always use the correct specified blade type and correct length.•Never force the work into the blade to speed up the process. Allow the blade to do the cutting.•Always have firm footing when operating the saw and have an open surrounding.•Do not modify or change the structure of the saw. It is designed the way it is for a reason.Safety Labels:Part # 84395 Part # 84605 Part 84605ADJUSTMENTSA: BLADE TENSION HANDLE – Used to remove and install saw blade. Also used to set the correct blade tension – Be sure blade is tight.B&C UPPER BLADE WHEEL CONT ADJUSTMENT – If your saw should get out of adjustment and the blade runs off the wheel or runs back against the lip, loosen the two bottom bolts on the wheel slide (B) Turn the set screw (C) in or out to make the blade run approximately 1/32”away from the lip on the back of the wheel. Tighten the two wheel slide bolts. IMPORTANT: If the blade is allowed to run against the lip on the wheel it will wear the lip off.D GUIDE BAR LOCK – Used to lock the roll guides in position.E ROLL GUIDES – Should be adjusted so they clear your work by approximate ly ½”. This willinsure maximum blade rigidity.F STOP CLAMP – Has two uses: 1) The stop clamp can be set for depth of cut. 2) The stopclamp, if placed behind the neck, will lock the frame in a forward position for contour work.G ANGLE PLATE – Used to hold stock in place for cutting. Graduations are provided to setangle cuts.H C-CLAMP – Used mainly for round stock. Flat stock needs no clamping.J COUNTERWEIGHT – Used to maintain the blade pressure you desire.K HYDRAULIC CYLINDER – This should be adjusted to allow the frame to travel rapidly but not free fall. This is a safety device and should be kept properly adjusted.BLADE SELECTION- For operator convenience, a blade selector chart is located inside the saw cover. It provides recommended blade speeds, required teeth per inch, and minimum cutting radius for various blade widths. The following chart can be used to select the blade needed:Thickness of Material Teeth per InchUp to 1/8”18T1/8” to 1/4”14T1/4" to 1/2"10T1/2" to 1”8T1” to 3”6T-4T3” to 6”4T-6T6” and l onger3HBlade Speeds: (FPM) & Removal/Install Procedure- To change blade speeds, bring the frame all the way forward. Lift the motor and move the V-belt to one of the three speeds offered: 70, 140, 270, or 540. Refer to the bladeselector chart inside the cover on your SXC for the appropriate speed.- To remove the blade, release the blade tension handle then remove the blade.- To install blade, place the blade over the bottom wheel, then on the top wheel. Teeth must point down toward the table. Tighten the blade tension handle enough to hold theblade firmly in place, and the push the blade into the roller guides. Turn the machine onto allow the blade to position itself, and then finish tightening the blade.Please Note: The most common causes of the SXC not cutting straight are:1) Blade tension is too low.2) Blade is dull or worn on one side.3) Blade was installed upside down. The teeth must point down toward thetable.LUBRICATION- Gear Box:Your SXC gearbox is filled at the factory. Check the fluid level on arrival, and then check every six months thereafter. Use 90-weight gear lube tomaintain fluid level at the fill/check pipe plug.- Cylinder: Keep the cylinder reservoir 1/2 to 3/4 full. Use light hydraulic oil to refill.ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS110V220V Single Phase230V 3-Phase460V 3-PhaseEXPLODED VIEWS & PARTS LISTSItem Part Number Description QtyA 716716 Tension Handle Assembly 1B 86747 Door Latch 1C 716714 C-Clamp Assembly 1D 716703 Angle Plate with Pin 1E1 716815 New Style Complete Electrical Kit – 1 ph 110 volt 1E2 716816 New Style Complete Electrical Kit – 1 ph 220 volt 1E3 716817 New Style Complete Electrical Kit – 3 ph 230 volt 1E4 716818 New Style Complete Electrical Kit – 3 ph 460 volt 1F 86782 Return Handle 1G 300450 Knob, Return Handle 1H 716725 Caster Set - Optional 1I 87093 Blade Guard 1Gear Assembly Parts ListItem Part Number Description Quantity 716712A Gearbox Assembly – 5/8” Pulley Bore – Newer Style 20221716712 Gearbox Assembly – 3/4” Pulley Bore – Older Style300472 Bearing, Seal 2300490 Gasket, Gearbox 1300491 Gasket, Gearbox 4300589 Dowel Pin 3/16 x ½ 243412 Screw, Soc Cap 1643414 Screw, Soc Cap 643590 Screw, Soc Set 386820 Bearing Cover, Small/hole 286821 Bearing Cover, Small 286822 Gearbox Casting 186823 Cover, Gearbox 1I 300666 Gear, Worm 40T Bronze 1J 86784 80 Tooth Gear 1 K 300456 Worm, 4-Lead 1 L 300646 24 Tooth Gear 1 M 5072-00 Bearing, Gearbox 2 N 5073-00 Bearing, Gearbox 2 O 86785AP Shaft, Main Drive – 5/8” Pulley Bore – Newer Style 2022 1 O 86785P Shaft, Main Drive – 3/4” Pulley Bore – Older Style 1 P 86781P Axle, Gearbox-Short 1 Q 86783 Spacer, Gearbox 1-1/4 1 R 86786 Spacer, Gearbox 1 S 300449 Key, Woodruff #13 2Item Part Number Description Quantity U 43450 Cap Screw 2V 86827 Wheel Slide Tension Mounting block 1W 10117-00 Tension Screw 1X 43447 Cap Screw 6Y1 86824 Wheel Slide – External piece 1Y2 86825 Wheel Slide Adjustment – Internal piece 1Z 86826 Rail Wheel Slide 2AA1 43922 Nut 1AA2 43638 Washer 1BB1 43452 Soc Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 1-3/4 4BB2 43632 Washer 5/16” flat 4 CC 43591 Set Screw 3/8-16 x 1 1 DD 86810 Guide Bar Holder 1EE 300832 Knob Assembly 1-1/2” 1FF 70287 Roll pin 2 GG 43451 Cap Screw 2Item Part Number Description Quantity N/A 86806B Contour Insert, Brass, Large (1/2”) 1N/A 86807B Contour Insert, Brass, Small (1/4”) -N/A 86792 Contour Guides (Casting) -N/A 86808 Contour Insert Holder -N/A 86806A Carbide Inserts, Set of 2 (1/2”) -N/A 86807A Carbide Inserts, Set of 2 (1/4”) -N/A 716723 Counterweight Assembly 1N/A 86832 Feedweight 1N/A 716709 Hydraulic Cylinder – OLD STYLE – Machines before9/27/02. OBSOLETE – Must retrofit new style 716769-N/A 300867A Hydraulic Cylinder – NEW STYLE with retrofit kit.For machines after 9/27/02.-N/A 300505 Reservoir, Hydraulic Cylinder (1oz.) OLD STYLE - N/A 300510 Reservoir, Hydraulic Cylinder (2oz.) OLD STYLE -N/A 300598 Shoulder Bolt, Hydraulic Cylinder - N/A 86836 Eccentric Roller Gravity Feed 2 10 86816 Stud Flat Track 1 10A 86852 Flat Track Rail 1 11 300471 Bearing Flat Track W204 1 11A 86839 Flat Track Roller Spacer 132 300477 E-Clip 133 86837 Stud Lever Weight 134 86819 Stud Grooved Roller 135 716706 Roller with Groove & Bearing 136 86838 Spacer Gravity Feed (3/8) 237 86815 Guide Support Bar –STD-37 86817 Guide Support Bar –SXC, XC (Current) 138 86810 Guide Bar Holder 139 300832 Guide Bar Lock Knob 240 86813 Swivel Guide Bar Support 142 716716 Tension Handle Assembly 143 86827 Pillow Block 144 86828 Tension Handle Body 1 44A 43634 Tension Handle Washer 1 44B 10117-00 Tension Screw 1 45 300450 Return Handle Knob 1 45A 86841 Return Handle Link 1 45B 86782 Return Handle 1 45C 43777 Return Handle Shoulder Bolt (1/2 x 1/2) 3 45D 24565 Return Handle Axle Bolt (1/2-13 x 3” SHCS) - 45E 86839 Return Handle Spacer (1/4) 2 N/A 86798 Motor Mounting 1 N/A 86800 Motor Mounting Block 252 300459 Band, Blade Wheel 253 10025-01 Roll Guide Bearing 454 87087 Roll Guide (1”) - 54 86809 Roll Guide (3/4”) 454A 716717 Upper/Lower Roll Guide Assembly(Includes items 53, 54 (3/4”), 55, 56A, and screw)155 86811 Guide Roller Holder 256 86805 Guide Roller Pillow Block 1 56A 86814 Eccentric Lower Guide 2 56B 86812 Pin, Lower Guide Rolls -57 86791 Frame Stop 158 300832 Stop Weight Knob 159 86796 Work Table 160 86803 Axle, Upper/Lower Wheel 262 86795 Blade Wheel 263 78650 Washer 264 300651 Nut 265 300693 Wheel Bearing (6205) 466 86824 Wheel Slide 167 86826 Rail, Wheel Slide 269 86804 Stud, Upper/Lower Wheel 270 300466 Retaining Ring, Blade Wheel -N/A 716705 Wheel Assembly (Includes items: 52, 60, 62, 65 & 69) 2 N/A 87065A Wheel Guard 1 N/A 10042-10 Motor & Gearbox Pulley - 5/8” Pulley Bore - Newer Style 2022 2 N/A 10043-10 Motor Pulley – 3/4” Pulley Bore – Older Style 1 N/A 300473 Gearbox Pulley – 3/4 Pulley Bore – Older Style 1 N/A 300685 Pulley Guard Assembly 1 N/A 303971 V-Belt – 5/8” Pulley Bore – Newer Style 2022 1 N/A 300522 V-Belt – 3/4” Pulley Bore – Older Style 1 N/A 43632 Washer, Angle Plate 1 N/A 86835 Lever Link Weight 1 ORDER INFORMATION- Please contact factory for current prices- Parts are available for direct purchase from Dake or through a distributor. When placing a parts order, you will need to provide the part number, name of part, and model number. All parts shipped F.O.B. Factory in Grand Haven, MI.- If a customer has any questions or concerns regarding a Dake product that was purchased, please email customer service at ****************************。
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CTC 55-6833-2(6897) CTC PO:(见订单) 1 PC CANADA
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浙江世Байду номын сангаас工具制造有限公司
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管理编号:JS 管理编号 版本号:A 版本号 制定日期:2007.6.25
标题: 标题 M1D-SD-254 台锯技术要求
11.跟刀板调整到最低时不能碰到锯片并且最少有 3mm 的间隙,切割时锯片防护罩能自由的打开, 跟刀板与防护罩中心必须与锯片平面中心重合。 12.锯片的端面跳动≤0.4mm,距消震孔下 3mm 测量。 13.整机必须能够使用共 1/2"厚的锯片护板(DADO) 。 14.机壳锣钉用 1.2N.m 钮距旋进旋出 10 次不打滑.锣头不损坏。 15.六角板手以及其它附件同机器很好配合。 16.在前手轮后面加挡板防止触指进入。 17.定子接地线用螺钉孔固定在上定子上,然后同电源线的接地线分别固定在台面板上。并且牢 固的贴上接地标志 18.后法兰有扁方以便方便的拆卸锯片。
产品描述 本产品为锯片直径为 10”的铝制空心台面板台锯。(不带支架和带支架) 技术参数 电压:120 V 频率:60 Hz 额定电流:13 A 转速:4500 RPM 切割能力: 锯片 90°时,最大切割深度 76mm。 锯片 45°时,最大切割深度 63mm。
产品颜色(按 CTC 要求) 1.底座和台面板颜色为 296C 蓝色。 2.台面板为空心面板, 3.台面塞板为 186C 红色。 4.手轮手柄和角度导尺紧固钮的颜色为 123C 黄色。 5.电机外壳;角度导尺本体;护罩摇杆; 跟刀板和开关罩为黑色。 6.角度直尺和平行导尺为铝本色。 7.角度刻度线磨出为铝本色。 8.防护罩为无色透明,全新料,同封样样 品。 9.台面板上的螺钉全部镀白锌处理。 材料要求 1.电机壳为 B3EG6 GF30 MADE IN BASF,底座为奇美 ABS757,材料为全新料,底座机壳厚
外观质量要求 1.保证塑料模具水平,塑料底座无色斑,划伤,飞边,银丝,毛刺,油污等,机壳接缝无段差, 无明显偏移 2.台面板的机加工表面应无明显的砂痕,不能有砂眼,裂纹.划伤等缺陷. 3.铸件喷漆前必须进行酸洗,磷化或喷沙处理,喷漆后表面应平整,无漏漆;起泡;划伤现象。 4.电镀件应均匀光亮,无漏镀,无起皮,无变色,无白花,无油污 5.发黑件无白班.黄斑等现象,能通过盐雾试验.(5%盐雾,24 小时,不生锈。 ) 6.防护罩应无色透明,清晰,无划痕. 7.角度读数应清晰,易读. 8.整个产品表面,包括电源线插头和附件表面必须清洁干净,无灰尘,无油污。 安全及性能要求 1.整机空载电流必须在 5.0A±10%,火花不大于 1.5 级 2.转速必须在 5000RPM±10% 3.整机运转时应无明显的齿音,异音.运转平稳无异常振动,噪声不超过 92dB 4.整机能承受 1800V 5mA 时间 3 秒的高压测试. 5.接地装置必须可靠,齿型圈同导线连接,用螺钉加防松垫固定在金属件上,在 25A 状态下,接地电 阻小于 0.1Ω 6.拉不脱,能承受 156N 的拉力.历时 1 分钟和 10 次,不能有位移。 7.锁定钮,开关必须能够锁定. 8.必须满足标称的最大切割能力 9.每生产 5000 台,需要 3 台样品做寿命测试 每生产 5000 台,需要 3 台样品做寿命测试 一台必须通过 60 小时空载寿命测试,条件为 120V 60Hz ,100 秒开,20 秒停
版本号:A 版本号 制定日期:2007.6.25
标题: 标题 M1D-SD-254 台锯技术要求
3.10 附件 两件板手,全部喷塑处理. 辅助工作手一件. 内六角扳手 2 个。 备注
编制: 编制 审核: 审核: 批准: 批准
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管理编号:JS 管理编号 版本号:A 版本号 制定日期:2007.6.25
标题: 标题 M1D-SD-254 台锯技术要求
度不小于 3mm。 所有的黄色手柄为 ABS。 2.齿轮箱和台面板为铝压铸 ADC12。 3.内外法兰为 45#钢进行调质处理,HRC28~35。 4.大齿轮和小齿轮 40Cr。 小齿轮高频淬火, 硬度为 HRC50~55。 大齿轮碳氮共渗, 硬度为 HRC45 ~50。要保证齿型。 5.输出轴为 45#钢,进行调质处理,HRC28~HRC35。 6.电机冲片为高速冲冷轧硅钢片。定转子冷态电阻符合 CSA 证书要求。 7.冷却风扇为铁风叶。 8.支撑板 A;B;C;D,材料为 Q235,厚度为 3mm。 9.两个扳手的材料为 45#钢调质处理,HRC25~28。 3.5 规定零部件 1.开关:HY17 125V 20A,PUQI。 2. 过流保护器: 125V 15A RongFeng。 3.插头和导线:YunHuang 16AWG.该线一定要是 YUNHUANG 工厂通过了 SGS 有毒物质测试的 的线,其外露长度大于或等于 2.5m。 4.内部导线:UL SJT 16AWG 105℃。 5.换向器轴承型号:60029 Z,风扇端轴承为 6202Z。输出轴端轴承为 607 后/6003Z 前. NSB. 6.锯片必须金田锯片,为 10”(254mm)x5/8”x36 齿,合金刀头,最大转速为 6000rpm,刀体硬度 HRC32~42。锯片必须做焊接强度试验,提交测试报告。刀体厚度 2mm,齿宽 2.6~2.8mm,动平 衡≤50g.mm,锯片端跳和径跳≤0.15mm。有警告标示,装配时涂固体防锈油,加固体防锈膜 具体结构要求 1.内部导线必须放在相应的走线槽内, 不得有压线现象。 接线端子要有白色绝缘套管或热塑套管 保护,插拔力大于 15N。 2.电机滴漆均匀,无气泡飞丝现象。动平衡 6.3 级,采用铣槽去重法。 3.齿轮箱内加 10g 以上优质润滑油。 4.开关同底座之间连接要牢靠,开关动作灵活可靠。 5.摇动手轮上下升降锯片时,要灵活不能有阻塞感,锯片能平稳的升降,转角度时齿轮能够正确 轻松的与齿条吻合,角度指针定位准确,误差不大于 0.5 度,角度锁定钮能够锁定。 6.台面板平面度对角测量必须小于 0.8mm。 7.锯片 0°时锯片必须同面板垂直误差不超过 0.5°, 45°时, 在 锯片同面板之间必须保证 45°。 误差不超过 0.5 度,输出轴同台面塞板不能干涉。 8.锯片必须与工作台面上导尺槽平行,锯片倾斜误差≤0.3mm。 9.导尺材料厚度 0.9-1.1mm.能够在面板上平滑.通顺的平移,手柄扳下时,能够锁住,无晃动, 尺寸误 差不超过 1mm,导尺必须加嵌件以保证其强度。 10.角度导尺能够在面板的凹型槽平滑的前移,旋紧手柄时能够锁住,角度误差不超过 0.5 度.
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管理编号:JS 管理编号 版本号:A 版本号 制定日期:2007.6.25
标题: 标题 M1D-SD-254 台锯技术要求
一台必须通过 60 小时负载寿命测试,条件为 120V 60Hz ,13A 15 秒空载-60 秒负载-15 秒空载-30 秒停。 一台必须通过 60 小时实际使用测试,条件为 120V 60Hz ,75%的额定电流下切削 120X60MM 的木 头,切割 15 分钟,休息 5 分钟.总共时间为 60 小时. 10.所有测试结束后,对样品进行拆机检查,安规不能破坏,齿轮无明显磨损,轴承运转良好,各零部 件不能损坏.法兰盘不能同刀片有相对转动 11. 机器塑料件(电机壳,开关,手柄,防护罩)用 6.4 焦耳冲击锤冲击 3 次,应无裂纹或碎裂,强电暴露. 12.整机不能少装或漏装零件,整机不能有异物. 13.装箱之前工作台面要加油纸,电机下面必须有 2 块泡沫垫撑住。 3.9 3.9.1 包装要求(按 CTC 要求) 铭牌、说明书及保卡 1.客户提供铭牌和说明书样稿,由工厂负责印刷 系列号: W065266。一个标贴上,一个彩箱上。 2.铭牌 PVC 磨砂,贴在指定位置,无起皱,气泡,翘角现象. 3.说明书装订整齐同保卡装入 PE 袋内,自封口 PE 袋上 PE-LD 环保及警告标识清晰,并打孔. 4.铭牌及说明书,保卡内容必须同样稿一样. 5.说明书采用 80g 白版纸印刷,字体黑色. 6.警告标识按要求贴在指定位置,无起皱,气泡,翘角. 彩盒 1.彩盒为五层箱,表面 UV 处理,不能有色差,掉色,套色不准现象.文字,图案符合样稿 2.各项强度必须满足出口瓦楞纸箱 SN/T0262-93 之标准 3.材料:瓦楞类型-A&B。层数-五。外层面纸-300 克灰底白版。外层瓦楞-B150g。芯纸-150g。 内层瓦楞-A150g。里纸-200g 美卡。 4.整机放入彩盒时上下必须有 25mm 厚的泡沫板以保护面板. 彩盒内放 20 克干燥剂 5.条码准确无误,能够被读码机读出. 6.彩盒上要贴内容正确唛头,且不要压到彩盒上的任何文字。 唛头(按 CTC) 正唛
管理编号:JS 管理编号 版本号:A 版本号 制定日期:2007.6.25 制定日期
标题: 标题 M1D-SD-254 台锯技术要求 1.0
本要求适用于型号为 M1D-SD-254 斜断锯的产品。 斜断锯的产品。
3.1 3.2