




下面是15家顶级云管理服务提供商,它们是市场上领先且享有良好声誉的公司:1. AWS CloudFormation:AWS CloudFormation是亚马逊网络服务(AWS)的一项服务,它使用户可以以模板的形式创建和管理AWS资源。


2. Azure Management Group:Azure Management Group是微软Azure云平台的一项服务,它提供了统一的资源组织和管理功能。


3. Google Cloud Deployment Manager:Google Cloud Deployment Manager是谷歌云平台的一项服务,它允许用户以模板的方式定义和管理基础架构。


4. VMware vRealize Suite:VMware vRealize Suite是一套基于虚拟化技术的云管理解决方案,它提供了多种功能,包括资源管理、监控和自动化等。


5. IBM Cloud Orchestrator:IBM Cloud Orchestrator是IBM的一项云管理服务,它提供了一套工具和框架,帮助用户实现云基础设施的自动化管理。


6. Red Hat CloudForms:Red Hat CloudForms是由红帽公司推出的一款云管理平台,它提供了全面的资源管理和自动化功能。




如何实施酒店客户的域名 和SSL证书管理
根据酒店客户的业务需求,明确域名和SSL证书管理的目标、范围 和要求。
制定域名和SSL证书的申请、审核、部署、更新和撤销等管理流程 ,确保操作的规范化和安全性。
根据酒店客户的业务特点,设定适当的安全标准,包括SSL证书的 有效期、加密强度等,保障数据传输的安全性。
该国际酒店集团希望对其现有的酒店管理系统进行升级,加强域名和SSL证书的管理功能,以满足不断增长的业务需 求。
酒店管理系统云平台提供商为其提供了全方位的升级服务,包括域名和SSL证书管理功能的优化和完善,以及系统的 安全加固和性能提升。
通过该升级方案,国际酒店集团成功实现了系统的升级换代,提高了域名和SSL证书的管理效率和安全性 ,进一步提升了客户满意度和服务质量。同时,也为其未来的业务拓展奠定了坚实的基础。
定期进行域名健康检查,确保域名解 析正常,提高网站和应用程序的可用 性。
1 2 3
酒店客户可以通过酒店管理系统云平台的用户界 面自助申请SSL证书,填写必要的信息并提交申 请。
酒店管理系统云平台将对客户提交的SSL证书申 请进行审核,确保所提交的信息准确无误,符合 相关标准和规定。
选择具有良好资质和信誉的云服务提供商,确保其能够提供稳定、安全的域名和SSL证 书管理服务。

Oracle HCM Cloud HRIS:企业抗风险与员工体验说明书

Oracle HCM Cloud HRIS:企业抗风险与员工体验说明书

Discover how Oracle HCM Cloud can help“There is a much greater focus on change management, resilience, user experience, accessibility and enabling data and analytics.”1. Bersin, J. ‘HR Technology 2020: Disruption Ahead’. ,August 2019Managing change and building resilience Traditionally, a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) was seen as a basic way of keepingadministrative employee records and focusing on security and data management – simply a database‘keeping the lights on’, rather than anything strategic or value-added. As HR functions became morecomplex, HRIS incorporated processes such as talent acquisition, recruitment, and ongoing employeedata management and processing. It has since become the solution that maintains, manages,predicts and processes detailed employee information, with the help of AI and automation.“We see HRIS now playing a stronger role in change management and enabling organisations throughthe change journey”, says Andre Robberts, Country Applications Leader UK & IE and Head of HCM,Commercial Industries at Oracle. “There is a much greater focus on change management, resilience,user experience, accessibility and enabling data and analytics.” This comes with, continues Roberts “amarked change in the skills and profile of the HRIS organisation as companies go on the cloud journey.”Leading HR thinker Josh Bersin identifies this asa key trend for 2020. He writes that traditionalmanagement systems “are still out there, but awhole new breed of “redesigned” platforms isnow available… these new tools are disruptingthe traditional talent management platformsbecause they are designed for employees first,HR departments second.”1Discover how Oracle HCM Cloud can helpTo minimize business disruption and protect employees, organisations must take steps now, to start creating an Elastic Digital Workplace.2. Accenture, ‘Productivity in Uncertain Times through the ElasticDigital Workplace’, 11 March 20203. McKinsey Digital. ‘The digital-led recovery from COVID-19:Five questions for CEOs’, April 20204. , ‘How to Get Executive Buy-in for Your New HR TechTools’, 2018In the unfolding COVID-19 crisis, systemresilience is being tested like never before.The COVID-19 pandemic is a health andhumanitarian crisis, but it is also an economicshock. Businesses are rapidly assessing fast-changing developments and the implicationsfor their organisations. Accenture, an Oraclesystem integrator, recommends that “tominimize business disruption and protectemployees, organisations must take steps now,to start creating an Elastic Digital Workplace.”2Similarly, McKinsey believe that, “the COVID-19crisis is likely to significantly accelerate theshift to digital and fundamentally shake upthe business landscape… By acting early andbeing bold and decisive, CEOs can acceleratetheir digital transformation and reach the nextnormal sooner.”3HRIS finds itself at the forefront of this digitaltransformation. By eliminating formerly paper-based and manual HR-related processes,an HRIS offers more seamless, streamlined,efficient interactions between employees andmanagement while freeing HR professionalsto perform more strategic and high-valuework. A key benefit is the ability to run multiplescenarios, in an agile manner, to inform cost-effective decision making. As CMSWire putsit, “When a company adopts new HR tech, itusually isn’t just about creating a faster, moreuser-friendly process. More often than not, it’smeant to help facilitate the transition towards anew way of thinking.”4The Business case forHR transformationDiscover how Oracle HCM Cloud can helpEmployees and HR Leaders through our vibrant global customer community are increasingly in the driving seat for how HRIS is shaped.The role of HRIS has evolved with a stronger emphasis on collaborating, change management, discovery, and architecture. This evolution is enabled by the opportunities presented by Oracle Cloud HCM, which include quarterly upgrades and easy-to-use, consumer-grade UX and applications. The ability to improve the effectiveness and capability of HR whilst also improving the employee experience, was once seen as a contradiction: now it is a reality. According to the HR Trends Institute, asking the question “How will the employees benefit from this effort?” is a good starting point for most people analytics and HR transformation projects. “It also helps to create buy-in, which becomes increasingly important with the introduction of GDPR.”5Employees and HR Leaders through our vibrant global customer community are increasingly in the driving seat for how HRIS is shaped: also known as ‘employee experience by design’. A KPMG survey finds that 95 percent of HR leaders are prioritising employee experience (EX) as a focus area, while 40 percent identify enhancing analytics capabilities as among the top three reasons for their organisations’ investment in HR technology.6The Employee Experience 2020 Global Report & Case Studies from the EX Leaders Network, finds that “companies who are most evolved with EX frameworks are turning their attention to transforming their business model, the design of their organisation (teams, workflow, structures, processes, etc.) as well as their physical and digital workspace. The end goal is sustainability and competitive advantage via happy people who feel more connected with their work, and the other people they interact with.”75. Haak, T. ‘12 HR Trends for 2020’, HR Trends Institute, 26 Nov 20196. KPMG, ‘Future of HR 2020: Which path are you taking?’, 20207. EX LEADERS NETWORK, ‘Employee Experience 2020 Global Report & Case Studies’.Discover how Oracle HCM Cloud can helpThe right HRIS empowers you to address business challenges by helping you put the right talent in place. Oracle HRIS helps to humanise experiences at work by using technologies employees are familiar with.Oracle’s HR Service Delivery Suite helps HRprovide the best in employee experiencethrough an intelligent HR Help Desk, easy-to-useExperience Design Studio, and a conversationalDigital Assistant. Our intelligent Help Desk aidsHR in organising service requests and analysingtrending concerns. Experience Design Studiohelps HR teams design rules and workflows tohelp guide employees to both input and receivethe right information throughout the system.This gives HR a level of independence beyondanything they have experienced before byremoving the need to pull in IT to make thesechanges. Integration with Finance ERP alsoensures a 360-degree view of both finance andpeople data. This empower managers via on-channels covering both commercial and peopleinformation data, anytime and anywhere.Oracle HRIS helps to humanise experiences at work by using technologies employees are familiar with—such as conversational UI, intuitive workflows, and self-guided transactions—across any device, anywhere. The result is increased employee engagement and improved organisational productivity. The Oracle Digital Assistant improves the employee experience by providing the conversational assistance employees are used to at home, making it easier than ever to get questions answered and tasks completed.The right HRIS empowers you to address business challenges by helping you put the right talent in place. Through the consistent, automated management of acquisition and recruiting data, your HRIS can build a workforce that has the right people with the right skills, working in the right functions and under theright structure, to meet your strategic goals.Next level analyticsDiscover how Oracle HCM Cloud can helpTechnology advancement is creating the opportunity to transform the HRIS from an impersonal people-data management system to a system that creates a more human experience.The future for HRIS is focused on ensuring interoperability, architectural and systemic thinking. This will see reporting and analytics elevated to the level of data science and process design. Oracle is already enabling this throughout its human-centred design, design studio and analytics cloud.“Risk management is still key”, says Sarah Henry, a former HR Director and Executive Solution Director HCM at Oracle. “But the future is exciting with HRIS central and core to an employee centric HR transformation agenda.”As automated technologies advance, the workplace is changing dramatically. Increasingly, we are working alongside technology in ever more sophisticated ways. In the HR space, technology advancement is creating the opportunity to transform the HRIS from an impersonal people-data management system to a system that creates a more human experience in the workplace. This empowers the organisation with the relevant people data needed to manage in real time, rather than wait to react to a monthly HR report.As Josh Bersin writes, the rise of employee-centric data platforms, and now machine learning and AI, are now moving “ from the ‘sidelines’ to center stage, as companies now realize they can buy much of this technology as needed, without having to build everything internally.”8 In a recent HR trends survey too, over half (56 percent) of HR respondents agree that preparing the workforce for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies will be the biggest challenge for the HR function.9The HRIS of the near future will be more helpful and intuitive, making it easier for employees to achieve their objectives more easily, faster, and with better results. These systems will use AI and machine learning (ML) to “sense” what employees are trying to accomplish and proactively offer solutions―from making an address change to enrolling in the best training option. From the back-end operational perspective, HRIS innovations will become more manageable. Installation of upgrades and new releases will beeasier and tailored to customer needs.8. Bersin, J. ‘HR Technology 2020: Disruption Ahead’., August 20199. KPMG, ‘Future of HR 2020: Which path are you taking?’, 2020Discover how Oracle HCM Cloud can helpWe are already ahead of this curve. Oracle haveincorporated AI and ML everywhere in theOracle Cloud HCM. By infusing machine learningin all your transactions, we can provide AI-based recommendations and predictions. Asyou implement decisions, we can even measurethe effectiveness of them, tune them specificto you, and improve your decision-makingover time. The Oracle Cloud HCM AI tool ‘BestCandidate’, for example, takes data-heavyprocesses—like reviewing resumes, LinkedIn andtalent profiles—to uncover the Best Candidatesin a sea of talent. It then provides a ranking ofthose candidates based on the job descriptionand competencies as outlined by the talentacquisition and hiring teams.Organisations that embrace new and emergingtechnologies in their HRIS will be part of themove to transform the workplace into anenvironment where technology and humanswork together to create better outcomes for all.CONNECT WITH USCall +44 207 5626 827***************************************.comCopyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective /oracleHCM /oracle。



u 一流的博世CCTV 设备和UL 防盗面板集成u 确保连续操作的最高恢复能力u借助报警优先级和可选的用户组分发功能,出色地处理报警u 先进的智能视频分析(IVA)和取证搜索u通过RTSP 、HTTP 、JPEG 、ONVIF Profile S 支持第三方摄像机Bosch Video Management System 是一款独特的企业级IP 视频安防解决方案,可以跨任何 IP 网络提供无缝的数字视频、音频及数据管理。

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先进的智能视频分析和无与伦比的录像技术(可利用单台服务器管理多达 2000 台摄像机)可显著降低总拥有成本。

Bosch Video Management System 提供非常灵活的系统设计:•专业版:单站点系统1 到 2000 台即装即用型摄像机。

只有此系统支持 BIS-BVMS 连接。

•Enterprise System :支持跨不同时区的地铁、机场和其他大型工业设施的多站点需求。


每个用户组可以在 10 个子系统中监控多达 10,000 台摄像机,从而总共可以监控200,000 台摄像机。

每个用户组有多达 30 个子系统,每个子系统的摄像机不到100 台,可允许每个操作员同时访问多达 30 台Management Server 计算机。

Bosch Video Management System 安装在 Microsoft Windows 操作系统上。

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除博世 ST 标准销售条款和条件外,博世软件维护协议(Bosch Software Maintenance Agreement) 是保持您的VMS 始终最新的最佳选择。

Bosch Video Management System 操作手册说明书

Bosch Video Management System 操作手册说明书

4 在工具栏上单击

或 4 按 F1 键获取任意程序窗口或对话框的帮助信息。
要在联机帮助中查找信息: 1. 在 帮助 菜单上,单击 帮助。 2. 如果未显示左窗格,请单击显示按钮。 3. 在帮助窗口中执行下列操作:
显示联机帮助目录。 单击各章节以显示链接至相关主题的页面,然后单击每个 页面以在右窗格中显示相应的主题内容。
显示图像窗格。 允许排列图像窗格。 显示摄像机、地图、图像、文档(HTML 文件)。
显示系统生成的所有报警。 允许您接受或清除报警,或者通过向维护人员发送电子邮件 等方式启动工作流。
2013.07 | V1 | Operator Client
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
Management Server 选项卡不可见。
允许您控制 PTZ 摄像机。
11 逻辑树窗口
显示您的用户组有权访问的设备。 允许您选择适当的设备 以将其分配至某一图像窗格。
显示站点地图。 允许拖动地图以显示此地图的某一特定部
索引 搜索
搜索特定的字词,或从索引关键字列表中进行选择。 双击关键字可以在右窗格 中显示相应的主题。
在主题内容中查找字词。 在文本字段中输入字词,按 ENTER 键,然后从主题列 表中选择您需要的主题。
用户界面上的文本采用粗体格式。 4 箭头表示您可以单击带下划线的文本,或单击应用程序中的项目。














IBM CICS Deployment Assistant for z OS 5.1 用户指南说明书

IBM CICS Deployment Assistant for z OS 5.1 用户指南说明书
Discover, Model, Visualize, Automate, Deploy
IBM CICS Deployment Assistant for z/OS, Version 5.1
Recent enhancements Support for CICS® Transaction Server V5.1 Enriched discovery of over 30 entities Improved visualization with tagging and filtering Connections view with scoping Export model for external reporting CICS TS V5.1 upgrade cheat sheet Tagging and filtering of model elements New navigators JCL improvements IPv6 support Virtual IP addressing support Serviceability enhancements
Discovered CICS regions and other entities in the model can be used to visualize the CICS environment more effectively.
CICS DA can clone existing CICS regions by creating and submitting the necessary JCL, startup options, datasets, and resource definitions.



Copyright © 2009 Platform Computing Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Hale Waihona Puke SAAS应用实例• 应用实例
– CRM软件领域 – 工具化SAAS,比如视频会议租用,企业邮箱等 – 在线进销存,物流软件等
Copyright © 2009 Platform Computing Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
– 当你想在网络上存储大量的文档,但是你没有足够的存储 空间,可使用Amazon的S3。
Copyright © 2009 Platform Computing Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
• 这三种模式都是采用外包的方式,减轻企业负担,降低 管理、维护服务器硬件、网络硬件、基础架构软件和应 用软件的人力成本。从更高的层次上看,它 们都试图 去解决同一个商业问题——用尽可能少甚至是为零的资 本支出,获得功能、扩展能力、服务和商业价值。实际 上当某种云计算的模式获得了成功,这三者之间的界 限就会进一步模糊。成功的SAAS或IAAS服务可以很容 易地延伸到平台领域。
• 应用实例
– 谷歌App Engine平台。App Engine是Google提供的基于 Google数据中心的开发、托管网络应用程序的平台,每个 Google App Engine 应用程序都可使用500MB存储空间,以 及可支持每月约500万页面浏览量的CPU和宽带。目前每个 用户可以免费创建十个应用。
• PAAS( Platform as a Service )平台即服务 :以 服务的方式提供应用程序开发和部署平台。就是指将 一个完整的计算机平台,包括应用设计、应用开发、应 用测试和应用托管,都作为一种服务提供给客户。在这 种服务模式中,客 户不需要购买硬件和软件,只需要 利用PAAS平台,就能够创建、测试和部署应用和服务。

RealPresence Resource Manager 2 部署指南说明书

RealPresence Resource Manager 2 部署指南说明书

TN130370410.0.1|November 2016|3725-72113-001A2 MILITARY UNIQUE DEPLOYMENT GUIDERealPresence® Resource ManagerCopyright© 2016, Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, translated into another language or format, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Polycom, Inc.6001 America Center DriveSan Jose, CA 95002USATrademarks Polycom®, the Polycom logo and the names and marks associated with Polycom products are trademarks and/or service marks of Polycom, Inc., and are registered and/or common law marks in the United States and various other countries.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the recipient's personal use, without the express written permission of Polycom.Disclaimer While Polycom uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information in this document, Polycom makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Polycom assumes no liability or responsibility for any typographical or other errors or omissions in the content of this document.Limitation of Liability Polycom and/or its respective suppliers make no representations about the suitability of the information contained in this document for any purpose. Information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The entire risk arising out of its use remains with the recipient. In no event shall Polycom and/or its respective suppliers be liable for any direct, consequential, incidental, special, punitive or other damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of business information), even if Polycom has been advised of the possibility of such damages.End User License Agreement By installing, copying, or otherwise using this product, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement for this product. The EULA for this product is available on the Polycom Support page for the product.Patent Information The accompanying product may be protected by one or more U.S. and foreign patents and/or pending patent applications held by Polycom, Inc.Open Source Software Used in this Product This product may contain open source software. You may receive the open source software from Polycom up to three (3) years after the distribution date of the applicable product or software at a charge not greater than the cost to Polycom of shipping or distributing the software to you. To receive software information, as well as the open source software code used in this product, contact Polycom by email at***************************.Customer Feedback We are striving to improve our documentation quality and we appreciate your feedback. Email your opinions and comments to *********************************.Polycom Support Visit the Polycom Support Center for End User License Agreements, software downloads, product documents, product licenses, troubleshooting tips, service requests, and more.ContentsAbout this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Audience, Purpose, and Required Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Documentation Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Document Change History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Conditions of Fielding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Get Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Polycom and Partner Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6The Polycom Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Deploy RealPresence Resource Manager in a Military Unique Environment . . . 7 Set NTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Apply High Security Settings Baseline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 High Security Baseline Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Install CA Signed Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Customize the Banner Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Enable Banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Edit Banner Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Edit the Provisioning Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12About this GuideThis guide provides the setup information that you need to install and configure a Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager system in a high security environment.Audience, Purpose, and Required SkillsThis guide is written for a technical audience. You will be configuring system security, networking, and certificates as well as integrating with a time server and a directory server. Documentation ResourcesIn addition to this guide, the available documentation that describes the Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager system includes:●Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide●Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Web Scheduling Guide●Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Getting Started Guide●Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Upgrade Guide●Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Release NotesThe latest documentation is on the RealPresence Resource Manager support site.Document Change HistoryThis information is required for listing on the US Department of Defense (DoD) Unified Capabilities (UC) Approved Products List (APL):Doc Version Build Version Certification Date Description1.0GS 4.1.0_Jand RPRM7.3.0J February, 2014Initial Certification with Redcom for Group Series and RPResource Manager2.0GS 4.1.5April, 2015DTR1 – Updated GS features, added fixes, addressedPOA&Ms3.0GS4.1.5April, 2015DTR2 – Shift GS to AEI Listing after testing with NEC4.0GS 4.3.0July, 2015DTR3 – Updated GS features, added fixes5.0GS 4.3.2October, 2015DTR4 – Added GS310, EEP CameraTo request information or submit comments about this document, please contact Polycom Global Services.Conditions of FieldingWhen the system is deployed into an operational environment, the following security measures (at aminimum) must be implemented to ensure an acceptable level of risk for the sites' Designated Approving Authority (DAA):aThe system must be incorporated in the site’s PKI. If PKI is not incorporated, the following findings will be included in the site’s architecture:Application Security and Development Checklist:♦APP3305, CAT I, for RPRM ♦APP3280, CAT II, for RPRM ♦APP3290, CAT II, for RPRM ♦APP3300, CAT II, for RPRM Application Services Checklist:♦APS0110, CAT II, for RPRM Defense Switched Network (DSN):♦DSN13.17, CAT II (x6), for RP Centro, RPGS 300, RPGS 310, RPGS500, RPGS700, andRPRM Network Checklists:♦NET0445, CAT II (x6), for RP Centro, RPGS 300, RPGS 310, RPGS 500, RPGS 700, andRPRMb The site must use role-based security for user access and management of the vendor's device.c The system must be integrated into the site’s AD environment for normal user access, authentication,and authorization requirements.d The site must disable all local user accounts on the device after initial setup/configuration with the exception of one emergency administrative account.e The site must ensure that the emergency administrative account's userid and password are lockedup in separate safes, both of which are not accessible by any one individual, and procedures are implemented to log all accesses and usages.fThe site must ensure that the emergency administrative account meets all DoD userid and password complexity requirements.g The site must ensure all unused ports are closed.h The site must be a STIG-compliant and CAC-enabled workstation for management of the solution.iThe configuration must be in compliance with the Polycom RPGS Family Rel. 5.1.2 military-unique features deployment guide.6.0GS and Centro 5.1.2October, 2016DTR5 – Updated GS features, added fixed, added Centro Platform7.0RPRM 10.0.1November 2016DTR6 – Updated RPRM to 10.0.1Doc Version Build Version Certification Date Descriptionj The site must register the system in the Systems Networks Approval Process Database <https:///index.cfm> as directed by the DSAWG and Program Management Office. Get HelpFor more information about installing, configuring, and administering Polycom products, refer to Documents and Downloads at Polycom Support.Polycom and Partner ResourcesTo find all Polycom partner solutions, see Strategic Global Partner Solutions.The Polycom CommunityThe Polycom Community gives you access to the latest developer and support information. Participate in discussion forums to share ideas and solve problems with your colleagues. To register with the Polycom Community, simply create a Polycom on-line account. When logged in, you can access Polycom support personnel and participate in developer and support forums to find the latest information on hardware, software, and partner solutions topics.Deploy RealPresence Resource Manager in a Military Unique EnvironmentYou can make your system work in a high security environment by configuring the options described in this section.Before this, you need to install and set up your system by finishing the tasks documented in RealPresence Resource Manager Getting Started Guide.Complete the following tasks to deploy the RealPresence Resource Manager system in a high security environment.●Set NTP Server●Install CA Signed Certificates●Customize the Banner Message●Edit the Provisioning Profiles●Edit the Provisioning ProfilesSet NTP ServerNTP server is used to verify the time of CA certificate. Configure your system time to make it synchronize with an external NTP server. Make sure that the RealPresence Resource Manager system and the components that it manages use the same NTP server.For more information on setting NTP server, see Time Settings in RealPresence® Resource Manager Operations Guide.Apply High Security Settings BaselineThe system comes with High Security Settings Baseline ready for a maximum level of security. You should use the high security baseline settings only when you require maximum levels of security.To apply High Security Settings Baseline:1Go to Admin > Management And Security > Security Baseline.2Select High Security Settings Baseline.3Select MORE > Apply Baseline.The system will reboot.High Security Baseline SettingsAfter you apply High Security Settings Baseline, the SSH Access is set to Disabled Permanently. This setting becomes read-only and you cannot change it back.Secure Communication SettingsField Enabled?HTTP: Enforce Secured http YesInbound: trueOutbound: trueLDAP: Enforce Secured LDAP YesInbound: trueOutbound: trueFTP: Enforce Secured FTP YesInbound: trueOutbound: trueSMTP: Enforce Secured SMTP YesSNMP: Enforce Secured SNMP v3YesDisable GDS (Global Directory Service)YesDisable Outbound Telnet YesTLS SettingsField EnabledCipher Mode Strong CiphersEnabled Protocols TLS1.2: falseTLS1.1: trueTLS1.0: trueSSLv3: falseValidate Certificates for Connections from Clients YesValidate Certificates for Connections to Servers YesVerify Hostname YesSelect Yes to verify the host name (IP address) ofthe server. With Verify Hostname enabled, IPaddress will be used to validate the CA certificate ofRealPresence Resource Manager. Therefore theSAN must contain the IP address of the server(RealPresence Resource Manager); otherwise,verifying host name will fail.System Hardening SettingsSession Management SettingsUser Account ConfigurationEnable FIPS -140Yes Check Revocation StatusYesField Enabled?Enable NIDS Yes Ignore Redirect Flag Yes Allow ICMP (ping) responsesNo Respond to ICMP (ping) requests with Destination Unreachable message No Allow traces for troubleshooting No Allow Linux console access No Disable Root User Login YesSSH Access Disabled Permanently Lock BiosYesFieldEnabled?RealPresence Resource Manager user interface timeout (minutes)YesUser interface timeout is set for 10 minutes.Maximum number of sessions per user YesMaximum number of sessions per users is set to 5.Maximum number of sessions per system YesMaximum number of sessions is set to 50.Enable BannerYesFieldEnabled?Account Lockout Failed login threshold YesThreshold is set to 3 failed attempts.Failed login window (hours)YesTime span is set to 1 hour.Customized user account lockout duration (minutes)No FieldEnabledField Enabled?Account InactivityCustomize account inactivity threshold (days)YesThreshold is set to 30 days.Password RequirementsField Enabled?Password ManagementMinimum length (characters)YesMinimum length is 15 characters.Minimum changed characters YesMinimum number of changed character is 4.Minimum password age (days) YesPassword can be changed only once per day.Maximum password age (days) YesPassword expires after 60 days.Minimum system password age (days)YesPassword expires after 360 daysPassword warning interval (days)YesPassword warning interval is set to 7 days.Reject previous passwords YesPrevious 10 passwords will be rejected. Password ComplexityLowercase letters YesTwo lowercase letters are required.Uppercase letters YesTwo uppercase letters are required.Numbers YesTwo digits are required.Special characters YesTwo special characters are required.Maximum consecutive repeated characters YesOnly two repeated characters are allowed. OS Account Password PolicyApply rules to the OS account NoConference PIN CodeField Enabled?Minimum length YesMinimum length is 9 characters.Maximum length YesMaximum length is 16 characters.Maximum consecutive repeated characters YesOnly two consecutive repeated characters areallowed.For more information on security baseline settings, see Securing the System in RealPresence® Resource Manager Operations Guide.Install CA Signed CertificatesPolycom recommends you to install CA signed DoD PKI certificates other than self-signed certificates to improve system security.To configure and use CA signed DoD PKI:1Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and have it signed by the CA that issues certificates for the particular PKI within your environment.After you apply the High Security Settings Baseline, the Validate Certificates for Connections from Clients, Validate Certificates for Connections to Servers, and Verify Hostname options are enabled to validate certificates and the host name (IP address) of the server.With Verify Hostname enabled, IP address will be used to validate the CA certificate ofRealPresence Resource Manager. Therefore the SAN in your CSR must contain the IP address of the server (RealPresence Resource Manager); otherwise, verifying host name will fail.2Install the CA signed certificate into the RealPresence Resource Manager system.3View Certificates and Certificate Details from the RealPresence Resource Manager GUI.For more information on configuring certificates, see Security Certificates in RealPresence® Resource Manager Operations Guide.Customize the Banner MessageThe banner message appears when users attempt to access the system. Users must acknowledge the message before they can log in. The RealPresence Resource Manager system provides several sample long banners. The Sample 1 message is designed for high security system. You can either use it or customize a banner message based on Sample 1.Enable BannerYou must enable banner to show the message when you log into the system.To enable banner:1Go to Admin > Management and Security Settings > Session Management.2Select the Enable Banner check box.3Click Update.Edit Banner MessageThe Banner Configuration page allows users assigned the Administrator role to customize the long and short login banners.To edit the login banners:1Go to Admin > Management and Security Settings > Banner Configuration.2From the Message drop-down menu, select the Sample 1 banner.You can also edit the banner as needed. If you edit the existing banners, the Message menu selection changes to Custom.3Click Update.For more information on changing the banners, see Session Security and User Access in RealPresence® Resource Manager Operations Guide.Edit the Provisioning ProfilesYou can improve the security of the communication between the RealPresence Resource Manager system and the endpoints that it provisions by configuring the security settings of the provisioning profiles.This section lists the recommended settings for the Default Admin Config Provisioning Profile and Default Network Provisioning Profile that you can use to configure a high security system.For more information on provisioning profile settings, see Working with Provisioning Profiles in RealPresence® Resource Manager Operations Guide.To Edit the Default Network Provisioning Profile:1Go to Endpoint > Dynamic Management > Provisioning Profiles.2Select Default Network Provisioning Profile and click .3Edit the following settings under the Security Settings, Security Settings 2, and Directory Settings tabs according to the recommended values in the table below.Recommended Settings for Default Network Provisioning ProfileField Recommended ValueSecurity SettingsSecurity Profile UltraEnable Dynamic Provisioning for ID/Passwords CheckedEnable Secure Mode Checked4Click OK.To Edit the Default Admin Config Provisioning Profile:1Go to Endpoint > Dynamic Management > Provisioning Profiles.2Select Default Admin Config Provisioning Profile and click.3From the System Settings tab, clear the Recent Calls check box.4Click OK .Enable HTTPS Only CheckedSecurity Settings 2Lock Port after Failed Logins3Enable NIDS CheckedDirectory SettingsVerify Certificate CheckedRecommended Settings for Default Network Provisioning ProfileFieldRecommended Value。

如何安装Storage Manager管理软件客户端并调IBM DS系列存储

如何安装Storage Manager管理软件客户端并调IBM DS系列存储

如何安装Storage Manager 9.15客户端并调试IBM DS系列存储一、安装 Storage Manager 9.15 管理软件客户端当前IBM提供的最新Storage Manager版本为09.15(其实已经有更新的了在LSI网上有下载)。


1 准备工作:1)一台台式机或者笔记本电脑;注明:用作客户端,从这台电脑上面管理DS4000产品;2)以太网线(如果有交换机的话)或者直连线(如果没有交换机的话)注明:线缆用作连接客户端和DS4000上面的以太网口3)配置客户端的ip地址和DS4000的IP地址在同一个网段(DS4000的默认的IP地址是:控制器A:,控制器B:;DS4800的控制器A主机端口2:192. 168.129.101,DS4800的控制器B主机端口2:192. 168 .129.102)进行”ping”的测试,确保连通;4)下载storage manager9.15(58MB)版本,下载网址:/pc/support/site.wss/ 安装部分:1)下载Storage manager9.15版本以后,解压到客户端硬盘;2)进入解压的目录\W2KWS03_9P15_IA32\Windows,执行SMA-W32-弹出的窗口中选择”运行”3)出现如下界面:注:后台开始出现下面DOS窗口,在后台运行,不要关闭。

4)选择”Next”5)选择”I accept the terms of the License Agreement”,点击”Next”6)选择安装路径或保持默认的路径不变:7)选择”Management Station”(如果选择另外两个选项,可以有机会安装SM agent和RDAC) 8)选择”Do not automatically Start the Monitor”(注:会占用较多的资源,也可以装)9)选择”Install”10)当选择”Done”,后台的DOS程序也会自动关闭,程序中应该已经多出一项”Storage Manage 9 Client”一项,打开即可以使用。



Scholastic Oracle Cloud Supplier Portal User GuideTable of ContentsIntroduction to the Supplier Portal (3)What is the Supplier Portal? (3)Navigating the Supplier portal (3)Logging in (3)Homepage Navigation (4)Notifications (5)Overview Menu (6)Summary Tab (6)Orders Tab (7)Schedules (8)Negotiations Tab (9)Request for Quote (RFQ) (10)Receiving an Invite for a Negotiation (10)Viewing the RFQ (10)Creating a Response (12)Award Decision (18)Purchase Orders (PO) (20)PO Notification (20)Review PO Details (21)Acknowledge a PO (22)Enter/Revise a Promised Ship Date for a Schedule (24)Manage Schedules (26)Order Life Cycle (27)Invoices (29)Create and Submit an Invoice (29)Miscellaneous Charges (33)Create Invoice without PO (34)View Invoices (36)View Payments (37)Supplier Preferences (39)Introduction to the Supplier PortalWhat is the Supplier Portal?The Scholastic Supplier Portal is a secure, web-based workspace that provides our vendors with full visibility to Scholastic transactions, including request for quotations (RFQ), purchase orders, and invoices.The Supplier Portal plays a key role in Scholastic’s Or acle ERP transformation, as this tool helps improve communication with our suppliers by automating and streamlining the source-to settleprocess.Navigating the Supplier portalLogging inOnce your password has been set, click on the “Oracle Fusion Prod” icon to reach the Supplier Portal home page.Once your password has been set, log in on the home pageHomepage NavigationOn the home page, click on the Supplier Portal icon to open the “Overview” page.NotificationsAt the top right corner of the home page, a bell icon will display your pending notifications. This includes new purchase orders pending acknowledgement as well as invitations to a negotiation.Note: Clicking on the notification brings you to the PO or Negotiation in questionOverview MenuThe overview page provides a snapshot into Scholastic’s most recent transact ions as well as anything requiring attention.Summary TabWorklist: A list of all pending notifications sent to the current supplier user. These are the same notifications found in the bell at the top of the page. Please note that most notifications willalso be sent via email.Watch list: Contains a set of saved searches which display counts of urgent or recenttransactions, possibly requiring action, such as Orders Pending Acknowledgment. Clicking awatch list entry navigates direct to the screen so that user can begin working on the transactions immediately.Contains the header detail of our purchase orders. The header contains the PO issued date andthe total $ amount ordered. The item level detail, quantity, and ship-to locations can be foundin “Schedules”.Orders with Recent Activity: A list of orders that have been Opened, Changed, or Canceledwithin the last week. This date can be manually changed to display more or less orders. Indicates an orderhas been cancelledA purchase order “Schedule” contains the quantity, ship-to location, and promised ship date.An order with a ship date in the past is highlighted with an alert. Schedules must be kept up todate. The promised ship dates that you provide are visible for everyone at Scholastic.At the bottom, “Recent Receipts” will list all purchase order schedules received within the lastweek.Indicates a promisedship date is past dueNegotiations TabRequest for Quotation (RFQ) transactions that the supplier is involved in or is invited to by Scholastic. It provides a quick summary to easily monitor the status and responses.Request for Quote (RFQ)Receiving an Invite for a NegotiationThe Scholastic Sourcing group has the ability to invite vendors to bid on projects through theSupplier Portal. If your organization is invited to a negotiation, you will receive an email as well as a notification in the Supplier Portal.The email invitation will include a PDF overview of the project. There is also a link that will take you directly to the RFQ in the Supplier Portal.Viewing the RFQYou can view the RFQ by clicking on the link the email notification. Another option is to go to the Supplier Portal and navigate to the Negotiations tab. Click on the negotiation number inquestion.This will bring up the RFQ cover page with the time remaining to respond displayed. On the left hand side of the RFQ, you will see links to the different components of the RFQ.Click on the Overview link. This will bring up the Overview page, which has key dates tied to the RFQ. On the right hand side, you will find attachments to the RFQ. The attachment will have the requirements for the RFQ along with instructions, quantities, and any other relevant information.Click on the Lines link. This will bring up the line items tied to the RFQ. In some cases, due to complex requirements, there will be one placeholder line visible with the advanced requirements included in an attachment.Creating a ResponseWhen you decide to bid on an RFQ, you must first acknowledge that you will participate. You can do this from the Negotiations dashboard by scrolling to the “Open Invitations” section. Highlight the negotiation, and click on the Acknowledge Participation button.This will bring up the Acknowledge Participation popup. You can select Yes or No, and enter a comment to the Scholastic buyer.At this point, if you refresh the Negotiations dashboard, you will see YES listed in the ‘Will Participate’ column. You can create your response by highlighting the Negotiation and clicking on the Create Response button.Another way to create a response is to open the RFQ and click on the Create Response button on the upper right hand sideThis will bring up the response page. Enter the quote expiration date, an internal quote number if you have one, and any notes to the buyer. You can also attach any correspondence by clicking on the + sign next to Attachments.You can attach more than one file by clicking on the + sign.Once you attach a file, it will show up on the main screen. You can remove the attachment by clicking on the X next to the file name. Hit Save and then Next.This will bring you to the “Lines” screen. Enter unit costs for the lines along with a Promised Ship Date.For most negotiations, the Scholastic buyer will give the supplier an option to create your own line by clicking on the + sign under Create Alternate. This is especially useful if you want to incorporate a unique idea or proposal.On the Alternate Line screen, you are required to enter a description, response price, and response quantity. You can enter a note to the buyer and also attach files to the alternate line.After hitting Save and Close, the alternate line will be added to the RFQ response.Hit Save and Next. This will bring you to the Review screen, where you can view the response as a whole. There are tabs for the Overview and Lines. When you are ready to submit the response to Scholastic, hit Submit.You will receive confirmation that the response was submitted.Award DecisionAfter the Scholastic buyer receives all bids, they will award either the whole job, or part of the job.If you are selected, you will receive an email notification as well as an Oracle notification confirming which lines of the negation were awarded to you. If you are not selected, it’s up to the Scholastic buyer if they want to inform the suppliers systematically that were not selected. You would receive a similar alert, but t he awarded lines amount will be “0”.Clicking on the notification will bring up the award decision. In the screenshot below, one line was awarded.Here is a screenshot of an award decision where nothing was awarded:Another way to view the outcome of the RFQ is to go to the Negotiations home screen. Scroll down to Completed Negotiations. The little green circle with a check mark indicates that the bid was awarded, while the note “No award” in the amount signifies that your bid was not accepted.Purchase Orders (PO)PO NotificationWhen a Scholastic purchase order is issued, you will receive an email notification with a PDFattachmentIf an acknowledgment is required, the email subject will include “Requires Acknowledgment”. A notification alert will also be displayed at the top of Supplier Portal to note an action is required.When a “R evised” PO is received, the email subject will include the “Revision #”Review PO DetailsOpen the attachment in the email to view a PDF of the purchase order. Additionally, on the “Orders” overview tab in the Supplier Portal, all recent PO’s will be listed under “Opened”. You will have the option of viewing a PDF, opening the order for acknowledgment, as well as updating the order with a confirmed promised ship date.Acknowledge a POSome Scholastic POs will require a supplier acknowledgment within the Portal. The PO will not be considered “open” until the Supplier completes the acknowledgment process. If a PO requires acknowl edgment, the email subject will note “Requires Acknowledgement”. You can acknowledge the PO from the link in the email or log into the supplier portal and click on the “Pending Acknowledgment” link in the Watch list.Note: A notification alert will pop-up as well as a task in the “Work list”. While both of these serve as links to the PO, it is suggested to acknowledge an order by using the link in the “Watch List”, as this method is most efficient.A “Manage Orders” screen will be displayed with all orders pending acknowledgement. Click on an order #.The PO header and details will be displayed. At the top right of the screen, select the “Acknowledge PO” button.You may need to acknowledge both the order (under “Terms”) and each Schedule line. You are given the option to “Accept” or “Reject”. Please only “Accept” the PO using this process. If there is something wrong with the order, please reach out to your Scholastic buyer via email or phone.In the top right hand corner, hit “Submit”Then hit “OK” and “Done” to close out of the order.The acknowledgment has been sent back to Scholastic and the order status is now “Open”.Enter/Revise a Promised Ship Date for a ScheduleOn every order, we send a “Requested Ship Date”. We expect that every supplier will respond with a “Promised Ship Date” confirming when you can ship. These dates are loaded into the Scholastic system for reporting purposes, so it’s i mportant that they are populated for every order and kept up to date.From the “Orders” or “Schedules” tab, select an order to edit:This brings you to the PO screen. The top part contains the PO header information with your supplier information. The “Lines” and Schedules” tabs at the bottom contain the PO detail.In the previous screenshot, the requested ship date is 4/26/18. However, the promised ship date is blank. In order to enter a new promised ship date or revise an existing promised ship date, click the “Actions” button on the top right of the screen and select “Edit”.A warning message pops up to confirm that any action will create a change order. Click “Yes”.In the “Schedules” tab, enter a new promised ship date and a change reason if applicable.Enter a description of the change order you made at the top o f the PO and then hit “Submit”.Note: Hitting “Save” will save your work, but will not send the updated date back to Scholastic. You must select “Submit”.After hitting “submit”, a popup message confirms that your changes have been sent to Scholastic. We will reach out to you with any questions.Manage SchedulesTo search and view all orders and schedules, select the task button while in the Overview screen in the supplier portalIt opens up a tab on the right side with a number of options. Under “Orders”, select “Manage Schedules”.The Manage Orders screen allows you to search all PO Schedules, open or closed. The default search is “All”, but you can search using a number of parameters, as well as setup custom searches. You can also easily tell which schedules don’t have a “Promised Ship Date” by sorting the field. In fact, all of the fields are sortable.Order Life CycleWhen you select a PO to view or edit, the “Order Life Cycle” graph can be found on the top right of the screen. It is a graphical view of the dollar amount ordered, received, delivered, and invoiced. Select “View Details” for additional information.The Order Life Cycle now displays a complete order summary including in-transit shipment information (pulled in from our OTM module), receipt dates, and invoice status.InvoicesCreate and Submit an InvoiceThe Scholastic Supplier Portal allows you to submit invoices directly to Scholastic. Processing your invoices through the supplier portal will increase the speed that your payment isprocessed. In the task list, select “Create Invoice”.In the “Create Invoice” section, s elect an order from the “Identifying PO” drop down list. This will populate most of the fields. Then enter y our internal “Invoice Number” and today’s date.In the “Items” section, hit the “Select and add” button to choose the PO lines you’d like to add to the invoice.Select the line(s) and hit “Apply”.Then hit “OK”. The item(s) has been added to the invoice.In the quantity field, enter the shipped quantity.Note: This version of Oracle Cloud does not allow overage to be invoiced. Theinvoiced quantity cannot exceed the order quantity. We are working with Oracle to correct this in a future release. For now, please work with the buyer to revise the PO when the shipped quantity exceeds the ordered amount, or add the overage amount as a miscellaneous cost under “Shipping and Handling” at the bottom of the invoice.In the Location of Final Discharge, enter the tax Province to capture the correct tax code.Once all the line items have been added to the Invoice, click on the Calculate Tax Button. Your taxes should now be calculated on the Invoice.Note: if you calculate tax after only one line item is picked, it will not work on anysubsequent line items.Miscellaneous ChargesHit the “Add” button under “Shipping and Handling” and select “Miscellaneous”. Enter an amount and descriptionNote: Freight is not a viable option as all of our shipments should route through the Scholastic Logistics group via the OTM system.Hit “Submit” to send the invoice to ScholasticA pop-up message will confirm that the invoice has been submittedCreate Invoice without POFor services completed where a Scholastic PO wasn’t issued, please submit an invoice using the “Create Invoice without PO”.On the invoice header, enter your invoice number, today’s date, and attach any pertinent documents. You must also enter the email address of the buyer at Scholastic who will receive and approve the invoice.Must be TODAYS DATEFor the invoice details, hit the + icon to add a line. Select a ship to and Location of Final Discharge, enter an amount and a description of the services provided.To add taxes, hit the “Calculate Tax” button.Note: Location of Final Discharge much be populated in order to calculate taxes on the invoice.Add miscellaneous charges at the bottom under “Shipping and Handling”.Hit “Submit” at the top of the screen and you’ll receive a confirmation message that your invoice has been submitted.To search for all submitted invoices, o n the Task Menu, select “View Invoices”Select your “Supplier” name, and hit search. You can use the fields to narrow your search as well as create custom searches. You can see the Invoice Status, as well as a Payment Number to confirm that a payment has been made against your invoice. Please note that all of these columns can be sorted.To search for invoice payment status, on the Task Menu, select “View Payments”Select your “Supplier” name, and hit search. You can use the fields to narrow your search as well as create custom searches. You can also see the payment status to confirm that a payment has been made. Select a “Payment Number” to see the complete detai ls of the payment.Complete payment detail will be displayedSupplier PreferencesOn the home page, select “Set Preferences”Select “Regional” in the General Preferences list to review the option to update your date and time format, preferred number format, primary currency, and time zone.Select “Save and Close” when finished.Select “Language” to change the primary language of the website. The default is “American English”。



White PaperIntroducing the CA IDMS REST APIThe CA IDMS™ Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API) provides database administrators (DBAs) the ability to quickly and easily access data to analyze system issues, automate processes and alerts to create intelligent recommendations for tuning. By leveraging the CA IDMS REST API modern tooling can be used, offering flexibility of choice for users to work in familiar environments. The data from a REST invocation is returned in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) which is simple to consume and parse with modern programming languages. This white paper will outline the importance of APIs, share insights on how the CA IDMS REST API can be used, along with real-world examples and benefits.Data is the most valuable asset for businesses and CA IDMS houses this data, fueling our customers’ mission critical systems. It is crucial that they have the ability to leverage their existing investments, which includes skills, to manage and maintain core systems to support their end users and customers in order to compete and succeed in their respective industries.Why CA IDMS REST APIs and What Problems Do They Solve?In many cases, organizations who have seasoned users maintaining and managing their business essential systems face upcoming retirements and a need to backfill these critical roles, often with users who are unfamiliar with the mainframe or CA IDMS. Opening up and making our databases more extensible through the use of APIs and services is key in simplifying and automating every day user experiences. The CA IDMS REST API makes it easier to maintain existing applications, build new systems, and manage the ongoing health of mission critical systems. APIs provide modern, scalable access to z/OS services, tools, and data.With the CA IDMS REST API, you can use modern development tools to maintain your CA IDMS applications and leverage your mainframe investment.REST Assured, Your Business Data Is Not ExposedThere are two flavors of APIs:⏹Business APIs for business applications and data ⏹System APIs that are focused on DevOps, systems management, and infrastructureHow CA IDMS TM DBAs Leverage OpenSource and APIs for Monitor ingThe CA IDMS REST API is in the category of System APIs, in which the data (JSON) returned represents CA IDMS system data, and performance statistics. The CA IDMS REST API contains functions for viewing and maintaining your CA IDMS databases, while keeping your data protected. Your unique business and application data stored within CA IDMS is not exposed or compromised.Figure 1: The CA IDMS REST API exposes your CA IDMS system data and not your application or personal database data.As part of the Broadcom CA Database modernization strategy, APIs play a role in transforming the mainframe for hybrid IT by making the mainframe a more integrated, agile platform. The CA IDMS REST API can automate database application maintenance and administration. The CA IDMS REST API allows administrators of online systems to monitor operations to see trends and recognize unusual conditions that can indicate problems in order to be proactive rather than reactive when system issues occur.Historically, a CA IDMS DBA analyzed problems by relying on green-screen access, as well as leveraging CA IDMS Performance Monitor. Although this was acceptable for an experienced DBA who was familiar with CA IDMS and the world of green-screens, this environment is not ideal for a new or next-generation user of CA IDMS who is unfamiliar with the product and green-screen navigation. APIs help address this challenge by providing a familiar and flexible way to interact with the traditional mainframe platform, easing new DBAs and developers into mainframe roles by allowing them to work with familiar tools and environments.Embrace Open and Deliver at the Speed of BusinessOur CA Database modernization strategy aligns with the overarching product strategy of Broadcom and the direction to “Embrace Open” and to deliver at the speed of business. By leveraging open source technologies and taking an API approach, our customers are able to integrate the mainframe with everything – data, apps, and services – from mobile to mainframe. This approach empowers end users to increase productivity, using tools they are familiar with, shielded from the perceived complexity of the mainframe.With the inception of Zowe, an open source framework for mainframe, the platform enables customers to securely develop and manage applications like any other cloud-based platform. The framework and capabilities accelerate mainframe application development with modern DevOps tools, while introducing new levels of automation and management of infrastructure and systems. By arming new and emerging mainframe users with these valuable skills, Zowe helps in sustaining the mainframe environment by attracting and retaining next generation talent.The CA IDMS REST API is Zowe Conformant and can be integrated with the Zowe/Brightside APIMediation Layer. Conformance with Zowe ensures that you can expect a high level of commonfunctionality, interoperability, and user experience. Leveraging the CA IDMS REST APIstandalone or in conjunction with Zowe to integrate with open source tooling and dashboards area powerful way to enhance and simplify the user experience for new DBAs and other users.Supported ActionsThe CA IDMS REST API lets you perform the following actions to manage and monitor your CA IDMS databases:⏹View performance and monitor statistical data⏹View DC log records⏹Execute DCMT and DCUF commandsExample Use CasesAs a developer or database administrator, you can use the REST API in the following ways:⏹Enable client dashboards or applications to view system and performance data.⏹Enable automated warnings and recommendations to avoid critical system risks and outages.⏹Obtain flexibility to leverage modern, user-friendly tooling to improve the user experience.Figure 2: Your CA IDMS databases remain safely secured as the system of record.The CA IDMS REST API, deployed on z/OS UNIX System Services (USS), utilizes Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates, secured HTTP connection (HTTPS) protocol and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). In addition, API functions can be secured with either DCMT security or External Security Managers (ESMs).Simplifying PerformanceMaintaining the high level of performance of your CA IDMS databases is essential. By lowering CPU usage and response times, you can reduce your total cost of ownership (TCO) and obtain the highest possible throughput, while enabling as much work to get done as possible. While the vast flexibility and options within CA IDMS enable superior reliability and continuity for your essential core business, they may be overwhelming for new DBAs who might not know where to start.How can years of experienced DBA knowledge be retained and utilized to continuously tune and improve your databases? CA IDMS stores an abundant amount of performance related metrics that can be viewed within CA IDMS through the following ways:⏹DCMT, DCUF, and OPER commands⏹Culprit PMA and PMI reports⏹SREPORTS reports⏹Performance Monitor Product screens (PMRM, PMIM, and PMAM)However, if you do not know what you are looking for, this data may be indistinguishable and confusing. Report outputs span several pages and contain rows and columns of numerical data that require detailed analysis and correlation to form meaningful conclusions.Figure 3: Display command, DCMT DISPLAY ACTIVE TASKS, to view active tasks within the CA IDMS system. Command output typically spans multiple pages, showing both system and user tasks.Would you like to simplify this user experience?Scripting or coding languages can be used to parse and retrieve relevant data to compare values, determine performance issues, produce alerts, and therefore greatly reduce the length of time spent analyzing outputs. Through the use of the CA IDMS REST API calls, the values are returned in JSON format, which can be easily handled by many modern programming languages.The following code example shows the JSON response from the CA IDMS REST call to return a list of active user tasks. The experienced DBA knows that seeing tasks waiting on the Program Definition Table (PDTECB) indicates a potential problem with available space in a storage pool, which can cause task delays while programs wait for pool availability.{"taskNumber": 2581,"taskCode": "DCRTMAIN","taskStatus": "WAIT","taskPriority": 100,"currentProgram": "","currentLinkLevel": 0,"lteName": "VL500125","userId": "","storageRceCount": 2,"programRceCount": 75,"runUnitRceCount": 0,"miscRceCount": 1,"privateNonXaStorage": 640,"privateXaStorage": 40320,"sharedNonXaStorage": 0,"sharedXaStorage": 3968,"programNonXaStorage": 0,"programXaStorage": 44576,"allocatedStorage": 40960,"systemModeTime": 0,"userModeTime": 0,"ecbAddress": "3B229858","ecb1Type": "PDTECB","ecb2Type": "","ecb3Type": "","dbkeyHolder": "0","radixOfDbkeyHolder": "0","dbkeyHolderTask": "","defaultDictnode": "","defaultDictname": "","defaultDbnode": "","defaultDbname": "","defaultVersion": 0}Building the FutureTime-consuming and manual performance diagnostic activities performed by experienced DBAs can be turned into reusable scripts or programs, capturing the knowledge and expertise for the next generation of mainframe users. Problem detection and root cause analysis is simplified, saving valuable time to address issues before business impacts occur. By leveraging the CA IDMS REST API to invoke repeatable processes, you have increased flexibility to drill down into the data, to form insights, and to determine meaningfulness by understanding the relationships for corrective actions.The following example shows how programming languages contain built-in methods (such as JSON.parse) to easily handle REST API response data. Key/Value pairs can be referenced by name and then used for subsequent analysis and steps.// Produce an alert if active user tasks are waiting on the Program Definition Table// (The JSON response is in variable “myJSON”)var myObj = JSON.parse(myJSON);var string1 = ‘PDTECB’var string2 = ‘WAIT’if ((string1.localeCompare(myObj.ecb1Type) == 0) && (string2.localeCompare(myObj.taskStatus) == 0) {performAlert();}If the user task is waiting for the Program Definition Table, then a warning is automatically generated to alert the DBA of a potential issue.Executing REST API calls can also be performed easily within scripts and programs.The following example shows an example of how a CA IDMS REST API call is used to display storage pools for a CA IDMS system.The following examples shows a Python code snippet for a GET call to retrieve a list of storage pools for a given CA IDMS system:import requestsurl = "https://myhost:myport/api/v1/storagePools/SYSDEMO"headers = {"cache-control": "no-cache","accept": "application/json;charset=UTF-8","cookie": "XSRF-TOKEN mytokenvalue","Authorization": "Basic myauth"}response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, verify=False)DevOps Automation and Continuous DeliveryUsing repeatable scripts or by capturing the logic of rules, performance impacts can be obtained and compared before and after CA IDMS system or application changes to ensure quality assurance and stability. Expected or target values for performance statistics become part of the DevOps process, where tests are run on an automation pipeline within the development cycle. The CA IDMS REST API enables you to retrieve data to help analyze accuracy and performance differences within your CI/CD pipelines for continuous deployment best practices. The open access to the various combinations of data provides you with countless opportunities, as well as more freedom and control.CA IDMS system and database benchmarks can be automated with the CA IDMS REST API by utilizing scripting logic to validate performance metric ranges during the development cycle.The example on the following page displays various statistics that without automation, would need to be manually analyzed and compared.Figure 4: Display for the command, DCMT DISPLAY STATISTICS SYSTEM, to receive an overview of system statistics.With end-to-end mainframe DevOps, customers can achieve greater business agility to deliver innovations and to keep pace with business-centric demands. Existing DevOps solutions and products that are popular today leverage REST APIs and can be used to accelerate and automate mainframe development across hybrid and cross-platform applications and ecosystems.The following workflow is an example of a DevOps workflow for updating a CA IDMS application:1. A change request is issued and an alert is sent to the DBA.2.System analysis and performance baselines are established for the CA IDMS application.3.Changes are now ready to be promoted from development to QA.4.Performance metrics are captured and compared to baselines.5.If performance metrics meet or exceed the expected results, changes are promoted to production.Modern and Graphical Real-Time MonitoringOpen source dashboard tools are familiar to the next-generation workforce and are generally more visually appealing and attractive, providing an alternative option for database monitoring without displacing existing tools and monitoring methods. Embracing open source solutions helps you to save costs and improves the overall return on investment (ROI) for integrating your mainframe and empowering enterprise innovation.Would you like to deliver a better user experience, improve slow manual processes, and ease resource constraints?The CA IDMS REST API enables you to move beyond traditional approaches, and to move from reactive mode to proactive techniques. Data is more sharable, easy to access, and supports self-service.Figure 5: Sample use case: Transition from the mainframe terminal displays, such as PMRM screens with the CA IDMS Performance Monitor, to graphical dashboards with open source products.In the above figure, a JSON exporter invokes the CA IDMS REST API every five minutes, populates a time series database called Prometheus, and is represented graphically by a web-enabled analytics product called Grafana. These tools not only aid displays, but are configurable for alerts and rules logic.With enhanced visualization to various performance metrics, DBAs can more easily monitor operations to see trends and recognize unusual conditions that can indicate problems. Statistics exposed by the CA IDMS REST API can be collected at regular intervals for further analytical and historical diagnostics and queries. Conditions, such as Short on Storage (SOS), can be monitored by setting thresholds in the dashboard tool or generating alerts and notification emails. REST API calls and JSON data formats can even be consumed by familiar tools, such as Microsoft Excel, so that you can feed data into Excel reports or click a button that invokes and retrieves a metric value. Embracing open source and APIs can help you to deliver at the speed of business, securely and predictively, so that you can leverage systems data and services from mobile to mainframe.Leveraging Your Investments for Future GrowthThe CA IDMS REST API builds upon the existing value that customers have already invested in their CA IDMS mission-critical systems that have grown with and supported their businesses for decades. CA IDMS is a proven, reliable, scalable, and highly performant database management system. Our product strategy of “Embrace Open” positions us to be more agile in serving our customers’ modernization needs to optimize, simplify, and automate, and to help further exploit the benefits of the platform while helping address the skills challenge. The end goal is to enable our customers to leverage their existing investment and to transform user experiences by opening up CA IDMS through APIs.How to Get Started?⏹If you are a licensed CA IDMS/DB customer running the latest version (19.0), the CA IDMS REST API is available toyou as part of the base license.⏹You can download your copy of the CA IDMS Rest API online at Support. To install your product, follow the installationprocedures for your product on Tech Docs. If you have any questions or require assistance, contact your l ocal technical support group or visit the Support Portal.⏹Please visit the CA IDMS IUA EIUA Community site and participate in conversations regarding the CA IDMS REST API.Let us know what you think we should do next.⏹Learn more by watching the webcast replay, CA IDMS REST API: Overview and Demo.⏹Learn more by watching the video, APIs and Integration Using Open Source Monitoring Tools, delivered by David Ross,CADatabaseArchitect(***********************).⏹Formoreinformation,contactProductManager,SheilaMiller(***************************)orProductOwner,NakeshaNewbury(****************************).Broadcom, the pulse logo, Connecting everything, CA Technologies, the CA technologies logo, and Automic are among the trademarks of Broadcom and/or its affiliates in the United States, certain other countries, and/or the EU.Copyright © 2020 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved.The term “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. For more information, please visit . Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliability, function, or design. Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Broadcom does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information, nor the application or use of any product or circuit described herein, neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.。

H3C CAS云计算管理平台 安装指导-2.0-5W100-整本手册

H3C CAS云计算管理平台 安装指导-2.0-5W100-整本手册
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Oracle Access Manager 配置指南说明书

Oracle Access Manager 配置指南说明书
Configuring Oracle HTTP Server WebGate....................................................................................... 5 Registering Agents for Oracle Access Manager Server .................................................................... 6 Enabling the Oracle Identify Federation Services............................................................................. 7
EnterpriseTrack OAM Configuration Guide 16 R1
June t Configuring Oracle Access Manager....................................................................................... 5 Prerequisites..................................................................................................................................... 5
Where: <Webgate_Home> is the Webgate Home directory. For example, /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_OAMWebGate1. <MW_HOME> is oracle middleware home directory, For example, /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware 2) Go to <Webgate_Home>/webgate/ohs/tools/deployWebGate. 3) Run the following: -w <Webgate_Instance_Directory> -oh <Webgate_Oracle_Home> where:<Webgate_Instance_Directory> is the location of Webgate Instance Home <Webgate_Oracle_Home> is the directory where Oracle HTTP Server Webgate is installed and created as the Oracle Home for Webgate. For example, run the following: -w <MW_HOME>/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1 -oh <MW_HOME>/Oracle_OAMWebGate1

VMware vCloud Suite 用户指南说明书

VMware vCloud Suite 用户指南说明书

Datasheet VMware vCloud SuiteVMware vCloud Suite Standard, Advanced ,EnterpriseManage your private cloud efficiently with VMware vCloud Suite; the control you need to leverage the entire agility of your IT environment.At a glanceVMware vCloud Suite® helps enterprises get to market faster byvirtualizing and optimizing infrastructure, automating servicedelivery, and providing high availability for both traditional andnew applications types, such as Big Data. This means a businessrunning vCloud Suite responds quicker to customer demands,spends more time on innovation, and is ready for the nextgeneration of applications.Key benefitsEfficiency: Standardize and consolidate data centers withintelligent and policy-based IT operations to significantly reduceCapEx by up to 49 percent1 and OpEx by up to 56 percent2.Agility: vCloud Suite enables IT to rapidly provision infrastructure,applications, and complete IT services, which shortens thetime-to-market of new IT services from weeks to minutes. The result is increased productivity that enables both IT and the business to focus on innovation and high value-add activities. Control: vCloud Suite provides high availability for planned migrations and business continuity/disaster recovery through application, server, cluster and data center failures that reduces downtime of all applications. Policy-based governance and compliance monitoring ensure that business rules are enforced and applications have the right level of security. Service costing and usage metering of virtualized private cloud infrastructure help IT and line of business owners make important cost-benefit decisions. The result is up to 30 percent more uptime for tier 1 applications3 and up to 50 percent savings of disaster recovery management costs4.VMware vCloud Suite is a vSphere private cloudVMware vCloud Suite enables IT to build and manage a vSphere based private cloud resulting in strategic IT outcomes. It does this by assembling an integrated set of products, engineered to work better together, which provide: (1) infrastructure virtualization, (2) disaster recovery and testing automation, and (3) cloud management for on-premises vSphere environments. VMware vCloud Suite contains these integrated products: Infrastructure PlatformVMware vSphere®: Industry leading server virtualization platform. Disaster Recovery Automation with VMware vCenter™ Site Recovery Manager™: Policy-based disaster recovery and testing for all virtualized applications.Cloud Management PlatformVMware vRealize™ Operations™: Intelligent performance, capacity, and configuration management for vSphere environments. VMware vRealize Automation™: Self-service and policy-based infrastructure and application provisioning for vSphere environments.VMware vRealize Business™: Automated costing, usage metering, and service pricing of virtualized infrastructure for vSphere environments.Free to use with vCloud Suite with optional production-level support available for purchase:VMware Integrated OpenStack: Integration to OpenStack APIs that enable developers to connect to VMwa re’s best-of breed components (vSphere, VMware NSX™) for deploying, managing, and running OpenStack Infrastructure.Datasheet VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5How vCloud Suite is providedVMware vCloud Suite simplifies deployment and adoption of the SDDC architecture and its components with a single purchase.vCloud Suite is designed for vSphere environments and comes in three editions: Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise.vCloud Suite Standard is built on the vSphere Enterprise Plus virtualization platform and adds intelligent IT operations and rapid infrastructure provisioning to provide Infrastructure-as-a-Service at lower CapEx and OpEx.vCloud Suite Advanced builds on Standard’s agile and secure Infrastructure-as-a-Service offering and adds cost infrastructure service costing and compliant IT that make it easy to track and show expenses and to meet security and compliance requirements. vCloud Suite Enterprise is a comprehensive offering for resilient, secure, and compliant private clouds that delivers policy-based workload automation, reduces downtime, and accelerates a business solution’s time-to-market.PRIMERGYFollowing PRIMERGY Servers are released for VMware software: VMware Systems Compatibility HCL:/go/hcl Fujitsu Manageability with ServerView SuiteServerView is able to manage PRIMERGY servers by means of the CIM provider that Fujitsu has integrated for VMware vSphere▪Management of the physical machine under the host operating system ESXi▪ServerView RAID for configuration and management of the RAID controllers in the physical machine▪Management of the virtual machines under the guest operating systems Windows and Linux▪Remote access via onboard Integrated Remote Management Controller (IRMC), Remote Management Controller (RMC),Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), or Remote ServiceBoard (RSB)▪Even enables access to the hardware for diagnostic purposes in the event of a failure. SupportMandatory Support and Subscription (SNS)SNS (Support and Subscription) is mandatory for at least 1 year for all VMware software products. Fujitsu offers its own support for VMware OEM software products. This support is available for different retention periods and different support levels. The Fujitsu support levels are: Platinum Support (7x24h) or Gold Support (5x9h). Both service levels can be ordered either for 1, 3 or 5 year support terms. Please choose the appropriate Support for your project.Your support agreement is with Fujitsu and VMware exclusively through Fujitsu (not with VMware directly). SNS is only for Fujitsu servers like PRIMERGY and PRIMEQUEST. Of course, SNS for VMware (OEM) software products can be renewed at Fujitsu prior to the end of the SNS term. SNS for VMware (OEM) software products cannot be renewed at VMware directly.Support Terms and ConditionsFujitsu Terms and Conditions can be found under:FUJITSU ServiceContract SoftwareFUJITSU Support Pack SoftwareTechnical Appendix VMware SoftwareFujitsu Professional ServiceInstallation, configuration or optimization services for VMware software are optional service offerings. Additionally operations services from Fujitsu are available. Any additional and optional service can be requested from Fujitsu Professional Services.Product Activation Code RegistrationPlease register your activation code at/code/fsc.Registration will generate the license key. Help can be found at: /support/licensing.html.If you have any problems, you can send an email to*********************.WarrantyClass: CConditionsThis software product is supplied to the customer under the VMware conditions as set forth in the EULA of the VMware software at/download/eula/.More informationIn addition to VMware software, Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships. Fujitsu PortfolioBuilt on industry standards, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT hardware and software products, services, solutions and cloud offering, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions and includes the broad stack of Business Solutions, as well as the full stack of Cloud offerings. This allows customers to select from alternative sourcing and delivery models to increase their business agility and to improve their IT operation’s reliability. Computing Products/global/products/computing /Software/software/To learn more about VMware vSphere please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website. /ftsFujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment.Using our global know-how, we aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment for future generations through IT.Please find further information at/global/about/environ mentAll rights reserved, including intellectual property rights. Changes to technical data reserved. Delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.For further information see/fts/resources/navigati on/terms-of-use.html©2015 Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbHTechnical data is subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.Phone: +49 5251/525-2182 Fax : +49 5251/525-322182E-mail:*************************.com Website: /fts 2015-11-30 EN。

OpenText Content Manager Cloud 用户手册说明书

OpenText Content Manager Cloud 用户手册说明书

BrochureContent ManagerCloudFlexible, Enterprise Content Management in the CloudBrochureContent Manager CloudCloud-Based, Secure Enterprise Content ManagementOrganizations require a robust, flexible and future proof enterprise content management (ECM) solution, while seeking to leverage the benefits of cloud computing.Executive SummaryManage information from creation to disposal, meet data privacy guide-lines, and achieve information governance objectives with OpenT ext™Content Manager Cloud. The proven and robust enterprise contentmanagement system provides your organization with unmatched flex-ibility, usability, and scalability.The Content Manager product line has earned an enviable reputationafter more than 30 years as a leading enterprise content managementsolution. It currently serves thousands of customers in the public andprivate sectors with around two million licensed users around the world.Content Manager Cloud offers the same proven, robust product in ascalable, robust SaaS model that lowers the effort and cost of owner-ship and administration.Building on StrengthContent Manager Cloud is a cloud-hosted, governance-based en-terprise content management system designed to help government agencies, regulated industries and global organizations manage their business content from creation to disposal.Few vendors can claim to understand enterprise content management the same way we do. Our history of technology in this sector starts as far back as the 1990s, and there are thousands of active customers glob-ally, with around 1.8 million end users of the Content Manager product. Our technology incorporates our information management expertise into a holistic, enterprise-scale solution, providing document and re-cords management, e-mail management, web content management, governance and administration, workflow and collaboration. Content Manager Cloud brings the strength and heritage of the Content Manager product to customers in a more flexible, simpler usage model. Heading to the CloudAs both the commercial and government sectors start to recover from recent events, organizations of all kinds can ill afford to waste time, money and resources on non-critical tasks. The inexorable rise of cloud computing and “as a service” models offer potential opportunity for operational improvements. Those looking to reduce the total cost and effort in managing and administering critical IT systems, or looking to accelerate efficiencies in time-critical activities, are looking to cloud solutions to help achieve their objectives. Sixty-eight percent of CIOs in a recent survey ranked “migrating to the public cloud and/or expanding private cloud” as the top IT spending driver in 2020, up 20 points froma similar survey only six months earlier.This market appetite includes core applications that manage busi-ness critical data, such as Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRMS) solutions. For such technology, organizations are increasingly looking at deriving value from their critical data, while trying to minimize the cost and effort of managing or administering it.Introducing Content Manager CloudContent Manager Cloud provides cus t omers a one-stop cloud-based managed solution for content managementThe solution combines a trusted platform for highly secure, managed SaaS solutions with OpenText’s industry-leading SCM product—Content Manager. T ogether, the new offering provides robust, flexible content management software in a SaaS model, providing the com-pliance and content oversight required, while reducing the total cost of ownership.Content Manager Cloud comprises a fully functional instance of the Content Manager Select product, provided as a managed service, fully hosted on a secure, trusted cloud environment.T rusted, Proven, Enterprise Content Management Content Manager Cloud is a governance-based enterprise content management (ECM) system designed to help government agencies, regulated industries and global organizations manage their business-critical content from cradle to grave.The Content Manager product line helps governments and organiza-tions all over the world manage and protect information to maintain data privacy and regulatory compliance. Content Manager Cloud boasts the same comprehensive range of capabilities these organizations rely on.Strengthen Data Governance—authorized access to mission-criti-cal business information for compliance, productivity, and knowledge management.Automate and Classify—automatically classify, categorize and store newly added information as part of your governance-based enterprise content management process.Secure the Lifecycle—apply security, retention, and disposition poli-cies automatically to content and records to help mitigate risk and sup-port compliance initiatives.Data Privacy Management—automated rules, classification, and work-flow capabilities facilitate the easy search, review and management of critical business information to meet global, national, and state privacy regulations.Improve Productivity—the easy to deploy zero-footprint interface sup-ports key user functionality, including dynamic and advanced search, saved searches, integration with Microsoft 365 tooling, seamless check-in and check-out, tag and task, and report generation.The product features the latest intuitive querying, flexible user types, performance improvements, OneDrive collaboration support, and en-hanced user experience from the latest Content Manager release. WithBrochureContent Manager CloudContent Manager Cloud, the provision of future product updates, and administration of the environment, is part of the solution.The Cloud-Based Service Y ou NeedContent Manager Cloud includes a fully managed cloud-based, ISO27001-certified platform, which already supports tens of thousands of Content Manager users across commercial and government sectors. Flexible Deployment OptionsThe underlying cloud-based platform1 of Content Manager Cloud fea-tures a “multi-instance” architecture that delivers logical, single tenancy by isolating all customer data. An enterprise-grade cloud architecture, dedicated database and application set per customer instance ensures no combining of data or other forms of multi-tenancy. The solution comes in a range of instance types covering organizations requiring basic content management capability to complex customers who re-quire mission critical performance and reliability.Streamlined UpgradesThe platform is kept up to date with the latest versions of Content Manager, and our managed service gives you access to an acceler-ated workflow to test & upgrade your instance in a fraction of the time. Proven ScalabilityThe design of the platform scales to support the largest enterprises in the world. It has been built and continually refined based on our experi-ence with large enterprises that have hundreds of thousands of users, hundreds of millions of documents and records, thousands of different business processes—falling under dozens of different regulators.T rusted Security and ComplianceThe underlying platform employs a wide range of controls to safeguard customer data including encryption in transit and at rest. The platform undergoes rigorous security testing including external vulnerability re-search, threat-modelling, automated vulnerability scanning and regularly independent security audits. The environment is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified, and boasts over 90 compliance certifications, with over 50 specific to global regions and countries, including the US, the European Union, Germany, Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, India, and China. In addition, a dedicated Security Operation Centre operates 24x7 to protect customer information.Industry Leading Availability and ContinuityThe SaaS platform offers the highest levels of availability with multiple geographically diverse data centers, and fully automated disaster re-covery systems, plus up to a 99.95% uptime service-level agreement(SLA) to offer customers complete peace of mind.Product DetailsContent Manager Cloud is available in three variants, representing dif-ferent levels of service provision—Gold, Platinum and Titanium, which denote varying levels of provision in terms of supported users and ser-vice level commitments on response and uptime.Gold Edition. Includes 1,000 users, 99.9% availability and <24 hours recovery SLA. Suitable for small and medium sized enterprise (SME) customers.Platinum Edition. Includes 3,000 users, 99.95% availability and <4 hours recovery SLA. Suitable for most organizations.Titanium Edition. Includes 3,000 users, 99.95% availability and <15 minutes recovery SLA. Suitable for highly regulated organizations.__________1.Content Manager Cloud uses the Azure-based Citadel-IX as the underlying cloud platformAll editions include the following 2:■Initial Content Manager Select Application Setup ■Platform and Application upgrades, updates and patches ■Ongoing Platform and Application maintenance, monitoring andconfigurationAdditional user capacity and storage is available.Benefits Summary■A foundation of success. Content Manager Cloud shares as itsfoundation the proven, trusted Content Manager technology, in use at thousands of organizations worldwide, supporting nearly 2 million users.■Automatically refreshed. Say goodbye to unwelcome, time-consuming product upgrades and testing cycles. Your environment receives the latest releases as part of the service. Leave that to us.■Scaled to work for you. Content Manager Cloud offers a rangeof options that fit the breadth of customer types that we support, from organizations with a more modest scale, to the very largest, most highly regulated.■Commercially flexible. Paying for what you use, as you use it, is thepreferred ownership model for many in the industry, and our flexible commercial arrangement enables you to manage IT as a simple, predictable operating expense, not a time-consuming, sporadic capital expense exercise.■Robust and highly secure. With ISO27001 certification, reliabilityand availability guarantees, a move to Content Manager Cloud means your critical data is in the safest hands.■Lower operational effort. Establishing, managing and administeringyour own ECM takes time and effort. Content Manager Cloud includes ongoing instance administration to remove unwanted effort from your teams.Focus on what really matters—the value of your data. Organizations are looking to focus on their core operations, not on the mechanics of managing them. Content Manager Cloud removes the hassle of the environment, and instead delivers the value.Learn more at/contentmanager/opentext__________2. Further options are available. Please contact your OpenT ext ™ representative with your requirements.。



云计算HCIP练习题库+参考答案一、单选题(共52题,每题1分,共52分)1.管理员对系统进行重大操作(如升级、重大数据调整等)前,为了保证 FusionAccess 各组件在出现异常或未达到预期结果时,可以及时进行数据恢复,需提前备份各组件的数据。

A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:A2.FusionCompute 中,采用 SR-IOV 模式的分布式虚拟交换机,网络虚拟交换的计算任务由哪个组件完成?A、CPUB、内存C、网卡D、物理交换机正确答案:C3.在 FusinAccess 中,不允许在虚拟机桌面中搭建 D HCP 服务,否则会与系统的 DHCP 服务神突,导致业务不可用。

A、TB、F正确答案:A4.FusionAccess 内部组件包括 WI,HDC,ITA,DB,Licens e都不需要部署在 windows 主机中。

A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:A5.在 FusionCompute 中,同集群内的两台虚拟机可以正常通信。

但在管理员进行某项调整操作后不能互相通信,可能的原因是?A、管理员调整了其中一台 VM 的磁盘容量。

B、管理员调整里其中一台 VM 的内存大小。

C、管理员调整了其中一台 VM 的描述。

D、管理员调整了其中一台 VM 的所属端口组。

正确答案:D6.在 FusionCompute 中,以下关于快照的描述,错误的是哪一项?A、一个虚拟机可以创建多个内存快照,使用其中一个快照恢复虚拟机时,不会对其他快照产生影响B、当虚拟机在热迁移时,不能进行虚拟机内存快照创建操作C、磁盘 l0 压力大会导致一致性快照创建失败,建议在磁盘 IO 压力较小时创建一致性快照D、当虚拟机系统盘数据存储类型为 NAS 存储时,不支持创建内存快照正确答案:D7.设备虚拟化(I/O 虚拟化)的过程,就是模拟设备的寄存器和内存,截获 Guest OS 对 1/0 端口和寄存器的访问,通过软件的方式来模拟设备行为。



英文版:https:///document/security-guidance-for-critical-areas-of-focus-in-cloud-computi ng-v4-0/中文版:https://官方学习指南:英文版中文版© 2017 Cloud Security Alliance – All Rights Reserved All rights reserved.你可以下载、存储、显示在你的电脑上,查看,打印,以及链接到云计算关键领域安全指南v4.0 https:///document/V4.0security-guidance-for-critical-areas-of-focus-in-cloud-co mputing-v4-0 /,以下主题:(a)报告可用于个人,信息,非商业用途;(b)报告不得修改或以任何方式改变;(c)报告不得重新分布;(d)商标,版权或其他条款不可被删除。





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埃森哲可以为大多数客户快 速生成定制的高等级业务案例。 立即与您的埃森哲客户负责人联 系,或让我们安排一次高层研讨 会。或者,您也可以与埃森哲经 验丰富的托管私有云团队进行深 入交流。
更多信息 王士平
埃森哲大中华区信息技术咨询 事业部合伙人兼总经理
详细信息,敬请访问埃森 哲公司主页 以及埃森哲大中华区主页
埃森哲托管私有云具有精 密的设计和成熟的技术, 安全且性能卓越。
埃森哲托管私有云是套装x86 私有云解决方案,可以快速完成 定价、部署并交由埃森哲托管。
埃森哲托管私有云解决方案 专为亚太地区客户设计,它灵活 且经济高效,可以帮助您降低数 据与基础设施管理成本,提升业 务灵活性,适应企业不断变化的 需求。
埃森哲在大中华地区开展业 务逾20年,目前拥有一支5,800多 人的员工队伍,分布在北京、上 海、大连、广州、香港和台北。 作为绩效提升专家,埃森哲始终 专注于本土市场的实践与成功, 致力实现超凡的客户价值与成 果。埃森哲帮助客户确定战略、 优化流程、集成系统、引进创 新、提高整体竞争优势,从而成 就卓越绩效。
为帮助您应对此类其他业务挑战,埃森哲设立了 托管私有云服务。
埃森哲托管私有云是一个全 面的端到端基础架构即服务 (IaaS)解决方案,在私有云设 计、构建、迁移及运行上综合了 埃森哲全球的深厚知识与经验。
遍布全球的埃森哲交付中心 网络将确保完成所有交付工作。
埃森哲拥有丰富的人才、 流程与技术经验
运行阶段的管理通常包括私 有云以及私有云内部的服务器, 甚至操作系统层。私有云通常托 管于您的数据中心。
埃森哲致力于以合理的价位 提供高质量服务,包括: ·企业级服务等级协议 ·在客户公司办公的埃森哲私有
云服务交付负责人 ·与客户业务需求一致的服务目录 ·在客户业务单元中集成内部退
款拒付职能 ·用于快速配置未管理虚拟服务
埃森哲为澳洲电信设计并构 建了一个x86私有云,此次硬件更 新成本要比传统实体硬件更新少 70%。之后,埃森哲帮助澳洲电 信 迁 移 了 超 过 1000台 实 体 服 务 器,将后者私有云中的服务器日 常管理成本比运行实体服务器时 降低了30%至40%。
澳洲电信是澳大利亚最大的 电信公司,服务内容包括当地与 长途通话、移动、宽带和3G等。
器以应对快速检测的自助门户 ·根据需要快速扩展和缩减使用
如果您已经拥有x86私有云, 您可以选择埃森哲托管私有云解 决方案的管理组件。
联系我们,了解埃森哲针对 x86私有云的IT转型和战略评估方 式,深入把握最重要的职能和运 营变革,充分发挥私有云解决方 案的优势。
成功案例 埃森哲托管私有云不仅 是一项技术,更是一款 帮助您应对业务挑战的 解决方案。
1 The Forrester Wave™:全球IT基础架构外包,弗雷斯特研究公司,2011年3月11日 2 The Forrester Wave™:IT整合咨询,2010年四季度,弗雷斯特研究公司,2010年10月22日
· 降低x86服务器管理成本,降幅 为25%至50%多
·在服务等级协议(SLA)的支持下, 通过服务目录(Service Catalog) 缩减新服务器的供应时间
·根据需要快速扩展或缩减使用 规模
·消除传统x86硬件对应用程序的 依赖
·由实际服务等级协议支持的企 业级服务
·集成退款拒付职能的计费系统 ·标准化操作程序
埃森哲迁移工厂提供标准化 工具、流程和企业组织模式,可 以帮助您制定并完成大型数据中 心迁移计划,并且几乎不会对业 务造成影响。
私有云计算需要依托于一 个高效且有力的领导和Gartner,2010年11月
埃森哲将应用其深厚的基础 架构外包知识与经验、以标准化 的方法来管理您的私有云。
埃森哲托管私有云不仅是一 项技术,更是一款能帮助您应对 业务挑战的解决方案。
与您的业务需求相 一致
埃森哲托管私有云可以帮 助您:
·快速检测时可启用自助门户来 快速配置未管理的虚拟服务器
·提升服务器可用性 ·简化或支持灾难恢复
· 减少x86服务器数量,最高降幅 超65%
· 降低x86服务器数据中心的电力 和占地成本,最高降幅超65%
埃森哲私有云的设计与构建 不仅包括技术与运营内容,而且 应用了埃森哲方法与理论架构。
埃森哲将帮助您构建符合隐 私与规范要求的私有云。
埃森哲托管私有云将帮助您: ·完成一定比例的实体x86服务器
虚拟化 · 支 持 灵 活 的 服 务 器 配 置 —— 从
任务关键型到程序开发服务器 ·降低业务风险
弗雷 斯 特研究公司 ( Forrester)将 埃 森 哲 评 为基础架构外包和基 础架构整合咨询两大领 域的全球领导者。
Gartner2010年12月的调查显示,81%的IT高管表 示已经拥有私有云,或已将私有云列入2011至2012年 IT发展路线图。
但首席信息官和数据中心管理层认为管理和运营 流程是私有云面临的首要挑战。
埃森哲是全球领先的管理咨 询、信息技术及外包服务机构。 凭借在各个行业领域积累的丰富 经验、广泛能力以及对全球最成 功企业的深入研究,埃森哲与客 户携手合作,帮助其成为卓越绩 效的企业和政府。作为《财富》 全球500强企业之一,埃森哲全球 员工近223,000名,为遍布120多 个国家的客户提供服务。截至 2010年8月31日结束的财政年度, 公司净收入达216亿美元。