



BK 系列稳压稳流电源BK-605D 说 明 书常州百科电子有限公司BK 直流稳压稳流电源使用说明书一、概述 BK 系列晶体管直流稳压稳流电源,采用线性变换整流预稳技术,采用基准电压悬浮迭加技术,使输 出电压可以从零伏起调,得到连续可调的直流输出电压。

采用稳流保护法,可使输出电流连续可调,操 作方便简捷,其体积小重量轻,各项性能指标达到同行先进水平。

可广泛应用于直流电机测功机配套使 用,直流电机检测、调试、生产、老化,继电器、电解电容等电子器件检测、调试、生产、老化,院校、 科研实验室、工业自动化、军事、航空航天、铁路、通信等领域。

二、主要技术性能指标 1、工作条件: 环境温度:—10℃—40℃ 相对湿度:≤85% 输入电压:AC220±10% 2、技术指标: 输出电压:0—60V 输出电流:0—5A 负载效应:≤5‰ 源 效 应:≤5‰ 周期与随机漂移: Vp-p≤100mV CC≤200mV 三、工作原理 电源主回路主要有桥式整流、高压滤波、高频开关、高频变压器隔离变压、高频整流、高频滤波等 部分组成。

1、交流电压经桥式整流电路整流滤波后,得到一不受控的直流电压,经过由 IGBT 管组成的桥式开 关电路处理,变为高频脉冲,经高频隔离变压器变压,再经高频整流,滤波后,得到直流电压输出。

输 出电压经采样网络采样反馈到控制电路,调控 PWM 输出到高频开关的脉冲宽度,来控制输出电压。


将输出电压取样后同基准电压分 别加到电压误差放大器的“—”、“+”输入端,当输出电压下降时,误差放大器输出信号增大,经过 驱动后,使得高频开关的脉冲宽度增大,从而将输出电压升高达到稳定;反之,当输出电压升高时,误 差放大器输出信号减小,经过驱动后,使得高频开关的脉冲宽度减小,从而将输出电压下降达到稳定。

3、稳流电路:本稳流电路主要用于电源的过流保护,由电流误差放大器、电流取样电路和基准电压 组成。



宏泰H T B说明书集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]HT-110B-6固定点防盗电话联网报警系统公司通过ISO90001国际质量管理体系认证公司产品通过公安部安全与警用电子产品质量检测中心质量认证使用说明书使用本报警器前请详细阅读此说明书一、概述:HT-110B-6固定点防盗电话联网报警系统,采用微电脑芯片技术,智能化程度高,可靠性能好。




















1、泵的安装··············································································································· 8 2、密封水连接············································································································9 3、管路的连接··········································································································10 4、电机电源接线······································································································ 12 四、开机与关机··········································································································· 12 1、开机···················································································································· 12 2、开机后·················································································································12 3、关机···················································································································· 12 五、维护与保养··········································································································· 12 1、润滑···················································································································· 12 2、轴封更换············································································································· 13 3、密封水密封··········································································································14 4、膜片联轴器的找正······························································································· 15 六、拆卸和安装··········································································································· 15 1、拆卸···················································································································· 15 2、安装···················································································································· 17 七、故障原因及其解决办法······················································································· 18 八、备件······················································································································· 20 1、推荐选用的备件··································································································· 20 2、轴承清单············································································································· 20 3、轴封件清单··········································································································20 4、备件通用性示意图······························································································· 21 九、材料类型及应用场合··························································································· 22



FKJB 系列微机继电保护测试系统—用户手册武汉市泛科变电检修设备制造有限公司FKJB-III A(B)FKJB-IV A(B)微机继电保护测试仪用户使用说明建议:在使用FKJB 系列继保测试系统之前请阅览本机使用说明书!FKJB-III A(B)FKJB-IV A(B)目录第一章装置特点与技术参数 (1)第一节主要特点 (1)第二节技术参数 (2)第二章装置硬件结构 (6)第一节装置硬件组成 (6)第二节装置面板说明 (9)第三章快速入门 (12)第一节试验注意事项 (12)第二节开/关机步骤 (13)第三节键盘、鼠标操作使用方法 (14)第四节继电保护试验项目索引 (15)第四章软件操作方法 (18)第一节软件安装及驱动安装 (18)第二节交流试验 (21)第三节直流试验 (26)第四节频率试验 (28)第五节同期试验 (29)第六节电流电压试验 (32)第七节差动继电器 (33)第八节反时限过流继电器 (34)第九节中间继电器 (35)第十节功率方向 (36)第十一节阻抗阶梯 (38)第十二节零序保护 (41)第十三节整组试验 (43)第十四节状态系列 (47)第十五节阻抗相位特性 (49)武汉市泛科变电检修设备制造有限公司I第十六节精工电流 (50)第十七节差动试验 (51)第十八节谐波试验 (60)第十九节工频变化量 (61)第二十节故障再现 (62)第二十一节系统振荡 (63)第二十二节计量仪表 (65)第二十三节备自投试验 (66)新手指南附录A 驱动安装说明 (73)附录B USB通信常见故障排除 (75)武汉市泛科变电检修设备制造有限公司II第一章装置特点与技术参数第一节主要特点1、满足现场所有试验要求。


FKJB-III A(B)型具有标准的四相电压,三相电流同时输出,电压125V/相,电流40A/相。



Description• For 1/4" x 1-1/4" and 5mm x 20mm fuses • All holder bodies have the option of using 1/4" x 1-1/4" or 5mm x 20mm carriers• Withstands 15 to 20 lbs-in torque to mounting nut when mounting fuseholder to panel • High temperature, flame retardant, Thermoplastic meets UL 94 VOAgency Information• UL Recognized:IZL T2, E14853• CSA Component Acceptance:Class 6225-01, File 47235FuseholdersHTB Panel Mount SeriesReplacement PartsMaximum Panel ThicknessBody TypeInch MillimetersHTB-20.307.62HTB-30.307.62HTB-40.125 3.18HTB-50.125 3.18HTB-60.307.62HTB-80.125 3.18HTB-90.1253.18SPECIFICATIONSProduct Current Voltage Fuse Quick Code Rating Rating Size Connect HTB-X2I 15A 250V 1/4" x 1-1/4"3/16"HTB-X4I 15A 250V 1/4" x 1-1/4"3/16"HTB-X6I 20A 250V 1/4" x 1-1/4"1/4"HTB-X8I 20A 250V 1/4" x 1-1/4"1/4"HTB-X2M 15A 250V 5mm x 20mm 3/16"HTB-X4M 15A 250V 5mm x 20mm 3/16"HTB-X6M 16A 250V 5mm x 20mm 1/4"HTB-X8M 16A250V5mm x 20mm 1/4"FuseholdersHTB Panel Mount SeriesVisit us on the Web at 3601 Quantum Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33426-8638T el:+1-561-752-5000 T oll Free:+1-888-414-2645 Fax:+1-561-742-1178This bulletin is intended to present product design solutions and technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Cooper Electronic Technologies reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Cooper Electronic Technologies also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.OC-2580 5/02© Cooper Electronic Technologies 2002PACKAGING CODEPackaging CodeDescriptionBlank 10 pieces of fuseholders packed into a cartonBK100 pieces of fuseholders packed into a cardboard shelf package。









八达电气KBZ 馈电开关说明书及图纸注释

八达电气KBZ 馈电开关说明书及图纸注释

KBZ20-400(200)/1140(660、380) 矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关使用说明书执行标准:MT871-2000Q/BD15-2008中国 八达电气有限公司一、用途、功能及特点1.本馈电开关主要用于煤矿和其它周围介质中有煤尘和爆炸性气体的环境,在交流50Hz、1140(660)V或380V,额定电流400A及以下的线路中,开关既可作配电系统的总开关,也可作配电支路首、末端的分开关。
















1224Dimensions are shown forreference purposes only.Dimensions are in inches over(millimeters) unless otherwisespecified.Specifications and availabilitysubject to change.Technical support:Refer to inside back cover.Initial Dielectric StrengthBetween Open Contacts:500V rms, 60 Hz.Between All Other Conductors:500V rms, 60 Hz.CK seriesMid-Priced CMOS IC Time Delay Relay•Choice of timing modes– Delay on operate– Delay on release– Delay on dropout (no input required during timing)– Interval on•Knob or resistor adjustable types•10A output relay with DPDT contacts•Various models time from 0.1 to 180 sec.File E22575File LR15734Contact Data @ 25°CArrangements:2 Form C (DPDT).Material: Silver-cadmium oxide alloy.Rating: 10A @ 30VDC or 277VAC, resistive; 1/2 HP @ 250VAC; 1/3 HP @120VAC.Expected Mechanical Life: 10 million operations.Expected Electrical Life:100,000 operations, min., at rated load.Input Data @ 25°CVoltage: 24 & 120VAC and 12 & 24VDC.Power Requirement:AC Types:Typically less than 3 VA.DC Types:Typically less than 3 W.Initiate Time: Delay on dropout timers must have input voltage applied fora minimum of three seconds for dropout function to beguaranteed.Transient Protection: Yes.Reverse Voltage Protection: Yes.Environmental DataTemperature Range:Storage: -55°C to +85°C.Operating: -10°C to +55°C.Mechanical DataTermination: 8- or 11-pin octal style plug.Enclosure:White plastic case. Knob adjustable types have dial scale forreference only.Sockets:Models with 8-pin base fit either 27E122 or 27E891 (snap-on)screw terminal sockets. 11-pin types fit either 27E123 or27E892 (snap-on) screw terminal sockets.Weight: 6 oz. (170g) approximately.Timing ModesDelay on operate – Delay period begins when input voltage is applied. Atthe end of the delay period, the relay will operate and will not release untilinput voltage is removed. Reset occurs when input voltage is reapplied.Delay on release – Input voltage must be applied continuously to operatethe internal relay. When the control switch is closed, the relay energizes.When the control switch is opened, timing begins. When timing iscomplete, the relay will de-energize. Time may be reset to zero duringtiming by closing the control switch.Delay on dropout – The relay operates immediately upon application ofinput voltage. Timing begins when input voltage is removed. When timingis complete, the relay will de-energize. Reset occurs when input voltage isreapplied.Interval on (with control switch) – Input voltage must be appliedcontinuously to operate the internal relay. The relay energizes and timingbegins when the external switch is closed. At the end of the time delayperiod the relay will de-energize. Reset is accomplished by opening andreclosing the control switch.Timing SpecificationsTiming Ranges: From 0.1 to 180 sec.Timing Adjustment: External resistor and knob adjustable.Tolerance (for AC units add ±1/2 cycle 60 Hz.):Knob Adj. Types:–0, +20% of max. specified at high end of timing range;min. specified, or less, at low end.Fixed Types:±5%.Res. Adj. Types:±5% at high end of timing range; min. specified, or less,at low end.Delta Time (for AC units add ±1 cycle 60 Hz.):±10%.Repeatability (for AC units add ±1 cycle 60 Hz.):±2%.Release Time: 60 ms, typ.; 100 ms, max.Recycle Time: 60 ms, typ.; 100 ms, max.TIMEINPUTVOLTAGEONOFFN.O. RELAYCONTACTSONOFFCONTROLSWITCHONOFFONOFFN.O. RELAYCONTACTS TIMETIMETIMEINPUTVOLTAGEONOFFN.O. RELAYCONTACTSONOFFCONTROLSWITCHONOFFONOFFN.O. RELAYCONTACTS➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛Note:DC voltage must be filtered (5% p-p ripple max. at nom. voltage).AC models will operate on 50 or 60 Hz.Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product partnumber. It is recommended that user also seek out the pertinent approvals files ofthe agencies/laboratories and review them to ensure the product meets therequirements for a given application.1225Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only.Dimensions are in inches over (millimeters) unless otherwise specified.Specifications and availability subject to change. Technical support:Refer to inside back cover.Wiring Diagrams – Bottom Views (pins numbered clockwise from keyway)*If control switch is closed when power is applied, relay will immediately energize. A 50 millisecond minimum switch closure is required. IMPORTANT: A dry circuit switch is recommended. A “dry circuit ” switch is one rated to reliably switch currents of less than 50mA. Use of a switch rated for other than dry circuit may result in failure of the time delay relay to function properly.** Note: Input polarity for DC operation. For most reliable operation on AC, connect high side to “+” and low side to “–”.Outline DimensionsExternal Resistor ChartSee External Resistor Selection Charts at beginning of Time Delay Relay section of this Databook..60.56+_INPUT(DC POLARITY INDICATED)**Fig.18 Pin EXTERNAL RESISTORINPUT(DC POLARITY INDICATED)**Fig. 211 Pin +_CONTINUOUS SUPPLY INPUT(DC POLARITY INDICATED)**EXTERNAL CONTROL SWITCH*Fig. 311 Pin +_CONTINUOUS SUPPLY INPUT(DC POLARITY INDICATED)**EXTERNAL CONTROL SWITCH*Fig. 411 PinEXTERNAL RESISTOR+_➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛➛。







目录第一部分 (1)液晶显示画面和操作 (1)1、液晶显示画面和操作 (2)1.1 状态指示: (2)1.2 按键 (2)1.3“主菜单”界面显示 (3)第二部分 (11)装置分类介绍 (11)■BKM800E-L线路保护测控装置 (12)1、主要功能 (12)2、保护功能 (12)3、定值参数一览表 (14)4、保护定值整定说明 (14)5、端子图 (16)6、接线图 (17)7、保护装置操作回路原理图 (18)■BKM800E-TC厂用变保护测控装置 (19)1、主要功能 (19)2、保护功能 (19)3、定值参数一览表 (20)4、端子图 (21)5、接线图 (22)6、保护装置操作回路原理图 (23)■BKM800E-MB电动机保护测控装置 (24)1、主要功能 (24)2、保护功能 (24)3、定值参数一览表 (25)4、端子图 (26)5、接线图 (27)6、保护装置操作回路原理图 (28)■BKM800E-C电容器保护测控装置 (28)1、主要功能 (29)2、保护功能 (29)3、定值参数一览表 (30)4、端子图 (30)5、接线图 (31)6、保护装置操作回路原理图 (32)■BKM800E-LBT线路保护测控装置(带进线备投) (33)1、主要功能 (34)2、保护功能 (34)3、定值参数一览表 (35)4、端子图 (36)5、接线图 (37)6、保护装置操作回路原理图 (39)■BKM800E-MJ 母线监测保护测控装置 (40)1、主要功能 (41)2、保护功能 (41)3、定值参数一览表 (41)4、端子图 (42)5、接线图 (42)6、保护装置操作回路原理图 (44)■注意事项: (44)1、现场安装及调试 (45)2、投运说明及注意事项 (46)3、运输、贮存注意事项 (47)4、常见问题 (47)附录一保护逻辑图 (48)附录二BKME800E型安装及开孔尺寸图 (51)第一部分液晶显示画面和操作1、液晶显示画面和操作装置上电后,将显示循环界面1,如下图所示。



                                                                                                                                                                                               BK4832 对讲机射频功率放大器 1 概述BK4832 是一款单片集成的高增益、高效率 的射频功率放大器芯片。



技术参数: 技术参数 ◇ 额定流量:≤3.0 吨/小时 ◇ 树脂量:40 L ◇ 储盐量:80kg ◇ 进水水质要求:市政自来水 ◇ 进水温度要求:1-39 ℃ ◇ 最佳工作压力:0.15-0 30MPa ◇ 电源:交流220 伏/50 赫兹 ◇ 进出水管口径:1英寸 ◇ 排污管接口径:Ø12mm ◇ 再生周期设置:1-99天或 0.01~99.99吨 ◇ 重量≤50公斤(主机净重,不含盐 箱) ◇ 主机尺寸: Ø280×1570毫米 盐箱尺寸: Ø400×820毫米
建议零售价: ¥10,450.00元 性能特点: 性能特点: ◇ 大流量供水可保证多个用水点同时使 用 ◇ 专利全自动智能控制阀 ◇ 食品级树脂确保软化安全质量 ◇ 高密度 PE 储盐箱强度高不变形 ◇ 再生程序个性化设置 ◇ 时间双控制技术 ◇ 平衡静置再生节能节水技术省水,省盐 ◇ 外观新颖时尚 ◇ 适合商业/大别墅/一厨五卫(2-8人)
纤盈系列 一体式软水机 BNT-06H-18SE(F) 01195685
建议零售价: ¥8,590.00元 性能特点: 性能特点: ◇ 全自动智能控制阀 ◇ 食品级树脂确保软化安全 ◇ 高密度 PE 储盐箱强度高不变形 ◇ 再生程序个性化设置 ◇ 人性化的流量及时间双控制技术 ◇ 平衡静置再生节能节水技术省水,省盐 ◇ 适合公寓一厨三卫(1-4人)
标准配置: 标准配置 ◇ BNT1650F电子流量型控制阀 ◇ PE 一体式盐箱外壳 ◇ 专利BNT 旁通阀 ◇ 专利1035 防藻抑菌高强度玻璃 钢桶体 ◇ 专利安全盐阀 ◇ PE 一体式软水机外壳 选配件: 选配件 ◇ 管道漏水保护装置
2010年产品描述 2010年产品描述
产品名称: 产品型号: 订购编号: 雍容B系列 一体式软水机 BNT-06H-10SE(F) 01195661



ARINC 600 BKAD/E/F Low insertion force contacts.Both environmental and non- environmentalversions.Polarizing posts that are removable from themating face.Field replaceable inserts for size 22 andpower contacts.Up to 800 size 22 contacts in one connector.Crimp, coax, power, printed circuit and wirewrappable post style contacts.Uses standard DPX crimp, insertion/extractiontooling.Waveguide connections available.BKAD/EBKAD/E connectors represent a major milestones in presenting a new rack and panel connector for support of the air transportation market.Several important design concerns have been ad-dressed and solved in this new series. High mating forces of pluggable modules in a rack have been reduced by approximately two-thirds.The low insertion force contacts are also inter-changeable with the contacts used in the DPX series and permit retrofit of existing equipment.BKAFThis new connector is totally intermateable and intermountable with ARINC 600 connectors now in the field.The BKAF permits the user to easily replace a contact in case of problems, rather than disas-semble the entire connector--it is available with size 22 contacts in wrap post or solder-tail ver-sions. The system maintains the advantages of low insertion force technology incorporated in all ARINC 600 connectors.Rear Release/Rear Removable Size 12, 16, 20, 22 Crimp Contacts Front Release/Front RemovableSize 22 Solder Tail and Wrap Post ContactsPos-Aline Connector Construction FeatureMaterial Specifications In the ARINC 600 connector series, Size 22 con-tacts are the only size that utilize this designfeature. The hooded socket extends from its in-sulator while the pin contacts are shrouded by itsfront insulator.All other contacts used in this series employ stan-dard contact design.The result is that the complement of contacts forthe plug connectors will consist of pin contacts forsize 22 and socket contacts for all others. Thereceptacle contacts will be just the reverse, socketcontact for size 22 and pin contacts for thebalance.Shell & WaveguideBKAD BKAE BKAF SpecificationsInsulatorContactsGrommets/Seals O-Ring FinishMaterialMaterialMaterialFinishTerminationMaterialMaterial1200AlodineThermosetAluminum alloyCopper alloyGold over NickelCrimpN/AN/A1200AlodineThermosetAluminum alloyCopper alloyGold over NickelCrimpSilicone-based ElastomerSilicone-based Elastomer1200AlodineThermosetAluminum alloyCopper alloyGold over NickelP.C./Wrap PostN/AN/AMIL-C-5541N/AQQ A-591/A380QQ-C-533MIL-G-45204N/AN/AN/A* = For Polarizing Position greater then 99, add third digit. ARINC 600 BKAD/E/FCONNECTOR SERIES CLASS SHELL SIZECONNECTOR LAYOUT DESCRIPTION SIZE 1 COAX INSERT MODIFIER BOEING COAX MODIFIER SHELL STYLECONNECTOR MOUNTING MODIFIER POLARIZING POSITIONMODIFIER (Contact, Finish, Material)How to OrderBKA D 2 A234 M * 3 00 01 * F0CONNECTOR SERIESBOEING COAX MODIFIERSHELL STYLECONNECTOR MOUNTING MODIFIERCLASSNon-environmental (rear release, crimp contacts)Environmental (rear release, crimp con-tacts)Non-environmental (front release, solder and wrap post #22 contact, rear release all others)Same as E, except uses BKAD shells, and Less 0 rings on plug side.Environmental (0-ring is used to seal between connector shell and insulators)with rear release, crimp contacts.Non-environmental connector using fil-tered contacts (reference Cannon Phoe-nix)Max. contact capacity - 125Max. contact capacity - 400Max. contact capacity - 800Connector contains modified 71W1 or 2W2 insert (four MTG screw hole loca-tions and coaxial contact used in this insert are interchangeable between dif-ferent manufacturersPlug (rack side)Receptacle (box side)Standard design, .148 dia. holesWith #6-32 ESNA (#12 NCFMA2-62) clinch nuts (see chart)Size 1 receptacle only - less 3 printed circuit board mounting lugsWith #4-40 ESNA (#22 NCFMA2-40) clinch nuts (see chart)Size 2 and 3 plug and receptacle only - with #4-40 ESNA (#22 NCFMA2-40) clinch nuts (all mounting holes)Size 2 and 3 plug and receptacle only - with #6-32 ESNA (#12 NCFMA2-62) clinch nuts (all mounting holes)Same as - 00 mounting modification except with nickel finished shells .0008 - .0012 thick with EMI grounding spring for plug shells and supplied with non-environmental inserts.Same as - 00 mounting modification except with nickel finished shells .0008 - .0012 thick with EMI grounding spring for plug shells and supplied with environmental inserts not potted into shell.With floating eyelets (.048 min. radial float)4 corner holes per connector.Consult factory if other modifications are requiredSHELL SIZECONNECTOR LAYOUT DESCRIPTIONSIZE 1 COAX INSERT MODIFIERNOTE: A dash must be inserted whenever code does not apply.D BKA (Per ARINC 600)E FC ST 3 -4 -00 -01 -02 -03 -08 -09 -16 -17 -23 -M123(See page 4)----------Boeing Coax Code Connector Size1234484610Number of Clinch Nuts Plug ReceptacleITTC Code Plug Connector Receptacle Connector ITTC Coax Contacts SuppliedAA AB AC AD AE AFBlank B C D E FNo Coax Supplied 349-0013-000 349-0015-000 349-0013-000 349-0017-000 349-0015-000 349-0018-000 349-0015-000 349-0017-000No Coax Supplied 349-0014-000 349-0016-000 349-0014-000 349-0002-000 349-0016-000 349-0004-000 349-0016-000 349-0002-000AR INC 600 B K AD/E/FHow to Order (Continued)CONNECTOR LAYOUT DESCRIPTION NOTE. ANY OTHER COMBINATION OF INSERTS WITHIN A SPECIFIC SHELL IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUESTPOLARIZING POSITIONMODIFIER (Contact, Finish, Material)01 thru 99 (per ARINC 600)Blank-Polarizing posts or keys not installed but supplied with connectorBlank -SC -WC -WD -SD -WA -WB -Rear release, crimp, signal and powercontacts supplied with connector (when applicable)Contacts not supplied with connector (FO not stamped on connector)Less contacts and waveguide (FOO notstamped on connector)Front release .025(0.63) D. x .150(3.81) solder post and crimp, rear re-lease power contacts (when applica-ble) supplied with connectorFront release .025(0.63) D. x .250(6.35) solder post and crimp, rear re-lease power contacts (when applica-ble) supplied with connectorFront release .025(0.63) D. x .375(9.53) solder post and crimp, rear re-lease power contacts (when applica-ble) supplied with connectorFront release .025(0.63) D. x .500(12.7) solder post and crimp, rear re-lease power contacts (when applica-ble) supplied with connectorFront release .025(0.63) Sq. x .250(6.35) (1 wrap) wrap post and crimp,rear release power contacts (when ap-plicable) supplied with connector Front release .025(0.63 Sq. x .375(9.53) (2 wraps) wrap post and crimp,rear relase power contacts (when ap-plicable) supplied with connectorFront release .025(0.63) Sq. x 500(12.7) (3 wraps) wrap post and crimp,rear release power contacts (when ap-plicable) supplied with connector Front release .025 (0.64) Sq. x 641(16.28) (3 wraps) wrap post and crimp, rear release power contacts (when applicable) supplied with con-nectorNOTE: COAXIAL CONTACTS TO BE ORDERED SEPARATELYFO -FOO -SA -SB -Layout included in the following ARINC configurations 702, 710, 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, yout included in the following ARINC configurations 707, 718 & 730.Layout included in the following ARINC configurations 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 724, yout included in the following ARINC configurations 701, 717, 726, 729.Note: All layouts with "OPEN' insert cavity are not supplied with an insulator. If a Blank insert is required please consult factory.Shell Dimensions - Size 1PlugRetainer Plate *This dimension indicates distance from centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity.For further information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory.Size 1 Receptacle Panel CutoutRetainer Plate Size 1 Plug Panel CutoutReceptacleFor further information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory.* This dimension indicates distance from centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity.BKAE SERIES 1.550 (39.37) MAXCBABKAE SERIES 1.670 (42.42)Shell Dimensions - Size 2 Plug11550 (39.37) MAXBKAE SERIES130 (3.30.120 (3.05)1.317 (33.45).355 (9.02)1.5301.670 (42.42)Retainer Plate*This dimension indicates distance from centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity.For further information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory.Size 2 Receptacle Panel Cutout Retainer Plate Size 2 Plug Panel Cutout ReceptacleFor further information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory.* This dimension indicates distance from centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity.Shell Dimensions - Size 3BKAE SERIES 1.550 (39.37) MAX1.670 (42.42 )MAXRetainer Plate ReceptaclePlugSize 3 Plug Panel Cutout* This dimension indicates distance form centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity.For furter information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory.Retainer Plate Size 3 Plug Panel Cutout* This dimension indicates distance form centerline of retaining screw to the centerline of first contact cavity.For furter information, refer to ARINC 600 specification or consult factory.Contact Arrangements - Shell Size 1Contact Arrangements - Shell Sizes 2 and 3BKAD/BKAE (Plug Rear face shown)BKAD/BKAE (Plug Rear face shown)REAR SURFACE WHITE ON BLUE TO INDICATE REAR RELEASE REAR REMOVAL CONTACTS ENGAGING END SURFACE WHITE ON RED TO INDICATE FRONT RELEASE FRONT REMOVAL CONTACTS**Pending ARINC release.NOTE: In layouts using #22 contacts mixed with any other contact size (20HD, 16, 12), the size #22 contact type (pin or socket) determines the insulator as a pin insert or a socket insert.(For Contact Cavity Location and Contact Cavity Identification refer to ARINC 600 or consult factory)REAR SURFACE WHITE ON BLUE TO INDICATE REAR RELEASE, REAR REMOVAL CONTACTS FOR INSERTS CONTAINING STANDARD SIGNAL & POWER CONTACTS(For Contact Cavity Location and Contact Cavity Identification refer to ARINC 600 or consult factory)30T228 #222 #8 TWINAX/COAX (#8 Grounded toShell)6060 #226**6 #86T6**6 #8(Metallic Insert)13W24 #20, 4 #12, 3 #162 #5 COAX24T4**20 #20, 4 #8100100 #228580 #22, 4 #20, 1 #1659**50 #22, 5 #16, 4 #1234**24 #20, 10 #1844 #125W21 #122 #162 #5 COAX4040 #226060 #225W21 #122 #162 #5 COAXBKAF - Available Receptacle Shell Only (Front Release)Shell Cavity A or BShell Cavity C or FShell CavityCShell CavityCShell CavityA or BContact Arrangements - Shell Sizes 2 and 3BKAD/BKAE (Plug Rear face shown)Shell Cavity A,B,D,E2W22 #1 COAX4W44 Modified #1 COAX (Metallic Insert)10T10**10 #8 TRIAX/COAX (#8 Grounded to Shell)(Metallic Insert)24**24 #1271W170 #221 #1 COAX 71W1B 70 #221 #1 COAX60**60 #2049T2**47 #202 #8110**100 #225 #12 & 5 #20** Pending ARINC release.(For Contact Cavity Location and Contact Cavity Identification refer to ARINC 600 or consult factory)REAR SURFACE WHITE ON BLUE TO INDICATE REAR RELEASE. REAR REMOVAL CONTACTS FOR INSERTS CONTAINING STANDARD SIGNAL & POWER CONTACTS150150 #22120T2 **118 #222 #8 TWINAX/COAX (#8 Grounded to Shell)121**110 #225 #166 #20Contact Arrangements - Shell Sizes 2 and 3BKAF - Available Receptacle Shell ONLY (Front Release)SHELL CAVITY A, B, D, E,BKAF - Available Receptacle Shell ONLY (Front Release)SHELL CAVITY C, F** Pending ARINC release.NOTE #22 CONTACTS ARE SOCKETS, 20HD,16, 12 ARE PIN CONTACTS.(For Contacts Cavity Location and Contact Cavity Identification refer to ARINC 600 or Consult Factory)ENGAGING END SURFACE WHITE ON RED TO INDICATE FRONT RELEASE FRONT REMOVAL CONTACTS FOR INSERTS CONTAINING STANDARD SIGNAL & POWER CONTACTSENGAGING END SURFACE WHITE ON RED TO INDICATE FRONT RELEASE, FRONT REMOVAL CONTACTS FOR INSERTS CONTAINING STANDARD SIGNAL & POWER CONTACTS71W170 #22150150 #226T6**6 #813W24 #203 #164 #122 #5 COAX100100 #2271W1B 70 #2210T10**10 #8121F**110 #22 6 #205 #16Waveguide ConnectionsPolarization (Engaging End)WAVEGUIDE DETAIL SHOWN FULLY ENGAGEDFULLYCENTERPOSTRIGHTPOSTLEFTPOSTCENTERPOSTRIGHTPOSTLEFTPOST INSULATOR ANDWAVEGUIDE RETAININGPLATEPlugBKA*1PLUG RECEPTACLE PLUG RECEPTACLEBKA*2BKA*3ReceptaclePolarizing PositionsPOSTDark area represents postPositionPositionLeft PostCenter PostRight PostLeft PostCenter PostRight PostPositionLeft PostCenter PostRight PostPositionLeft PostCenter PostRight PostPositionLeft PostCenter PostRight PostPositionLeft PostCenter PostRight PostPlug ShellReceptacle ShellKEYKit P/N 320-1067-000Kit P/N 320-1067-0030102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374750102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374751234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561231111111111111111111111111111111111112222222222222222222222222222222222223331111116666665 55555444444333333222222111111666666555555444444333333222222111456123456123456123456123456123456123 456123456123456123456123456123456123456444444555555666666111111222222333333444444555555666666111111222222333333444444444444444444444444444444444444444333333333333333333333333333333333333222432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432444555555666666111111222222333333444444555555666666111111222222333333444444222222222222222222222222222222222111111111111111111111111111111111111666666165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165333333333333333333333333333333333444444444444444444444444444444444444555555111666666555555444444333333222222111111666666555555444444333333222222111111123456123456123456123456123456123456123456123456123456123456123456555555555555555555555555555555666666666666666666666666666666666666666666555555444444333333222222111111666666555555444444333333222222555555666666111111222222333333444444555555666666111111222222333333666666666666666666666666666666555555555555555555555555555555555555432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165432165151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150Contact and Termination Tooling DataBKA* (LIF) Crimp ContactsBKAF-ARINC 600 Size 22 Wrap Post Socket Contacts With .025(6.35) Square Wire-Wrappable Tails-Receptacle Only.BKA* Thermocouple ContactsBKAF Printed Circuit Solder Post Socket Contacts Size 22 with .025(6.35) Dia. Printed Circuit Tails-Receptacle Only.The new low insertion force, front-insertable, front-removable #22 socket contacts with .025(6.35) dia., PC tails are now availble for use in the BKAF non-environmental receptacle version only.These contacts can be sold separately or they can be supplied with a connector (see How to Order). Use part numbers shown in the table on the right when ordering separately.BKAD/F Solder Post, Power Pin Contacts (Captive)-Receptacle Only.Contacts are captivated between two unbonded insulator halves.BKAF Solder Post Pin Contact Front ReleaseFront Release Pin Contacts Size 20 and 16The new low insertion force, front-insertable, front-removable #22 socketcontacts with .025(6.35) square wire wrappable tails are now available for use in the BKAF non-enviornmental receptacle version only.These contacts can be sold separately or they can be supplied with a connector (see How to Order). Use part numbers shown in the table on the right when ordering separately.*Applies to BKAF 13W2 and 5W2 inserts only*Consult facotry for other available lengthsSize 5 Coax Contact (Rear insertable/removable)Size 12 Shielded Contact (Rear insertable/removable)Size 1 Modified Coaxial Contacts (4W4 Layout Only)Crimp Center Contact-Conforming to ARINC 600Part Number Style Solder Type Replacement Termination KitsCrimpType CoaxCoaxReplacement Termination KitsCable AccommodationPart Number Style Solder Type CrimpType Cable AccommodationRG316 DS RG142Various349-1051-002349-1044-000349-1042-000Straight Straight SMA Adapter320-1066-008320-1066-007N/A N/A RG214AA-5886RG393ECS 311201AA-5887AA-5888RG142Various349-1043-001349-1048-000349-1051-000349-1046-000349-1049-000349-1050-000349-1047-000349-1047-001Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight TNC Adapter320-1066-000320-1066-002320-1066-003320-1066-001320-1066-004320-1066-005320-1066-006320-1066-016320-1066-018320-1066-019320-1066-017320-1066-013320-1066-014320-1066-015----Plug ConnectorCustomer Use Drawings:All Coax contacts (except 349-1047-001) customer use drawing #349-0000-305Crimp termination kits: Customer use drawing #320-0000-305Solder termination kits: Customer use drawing #320-0000-304Receptacle ConnectorCustomer Use Drawings:Coax contacts 349-1051-002 and 349-1044-000 are located on cusomter use drawing #349-0000-304Coax contacts 349-1042-000 is located on cusomter use drawing #320-1042-000Sizes 1 Coax Contacts (71W1 layout only)Sizes 1 Coax Contacts (To be used with connectors containing 71W1A, 71W1B and 2W2 insert modifier-"M")Same standard coax contacts as used in ITT Cannon's DPX (ARINC 404) connector series.Designed to be interchangeable with contacts made by other manufacturers.Receptacle ConnectorPlug ConnectorSize 8 Coaxial ContactsSize 8 Twinax ContactsSize 8 Ground ContactsPlug ConnectorReceptacle ConnectorPlug ConnectorReceptacle ConnectorReceptacle ConnectorPlug ConnectorContact Type Socket Part Number *Engagement**TerminationShort Long Crimp RR-RR X -----349-1087-000-----349-1087-001349-1084-000349-1084-001349-1084-002349-1084-003349-1086-000349-1086-001349-1006-000349-1081-000----X X349-1007-000349-1080-000349-1080-001349-1080-002349-1080-003349-1082-000349-1082-001349-1088-000031-3300-000--X8, 10 AWG030-3306-000030-3306-001030-3676-000---X X8, 10 AWG 8, 10 AWG 8, 10 AWGX X -X-X -X -X ----X X X-X X X-X X XXXXXX X XX X XX X XX XX Crimp FR-RRSolder .250 (6.35)FR-FR .375 (9.52)RF Cable NumberContact Type Socket Part Number *Engagement**TerminationShort Long Crimp RR-RRCrimp FR-RRFR-FR .250 (6.35)Solder .375 (9.52)RF Cable NumberContact Type Socket Part Number *Engagement**TerminationShort Long Crimp RR-RR Crimp FR-RRSolder .250 (6.35)FR-FR .375 (9.52)RF Cable Number Contact Type Socket Part Number *Engagement**TerminationShortLong Crimp RR-RR Crimp FR-RRSolder .250 (6.35)FR-FR .375 (9.52)RF Cable Number Contact Type Socket Part Number * The electrical engagement of "Long" contacts is .150 (3.81) greater than the electrical engagement of "Short" contact.**RR-RR indicates rear release, rear removal. FR-RR indicates front release, rear removal. FR-FR indicates front release, front removal.*Engagement**TerminationShortLong Crimp RR-RRCrimp FR-RRSolder .250 (6.35)FR-FR .375 (9.52)Wire Size Contact Type Socket Part Number *Engagement**TerminationShortLong Crimp RR-RRCrimp FR-RRSolder .250 (6.35)FR-FR .375 (9.52)Wire Size Adams-Russell Co. Inc.FC11Z Adams-Russell Co. Inc.FC14ZAdams-Russell Co. Inc.FC11Z Adams-Russell Co. Inc.FC14ZM17/176-00002Tensolite Co.24463/9 B017X-2 (LD)Tensolite Co.24463/9 B017X-2 (LD)Tensolite Co.24463/9 B017X-2 (LD)Tensolite Co.24463/9 B017X-2 (LD)M17/176-00002Sealing Plugs-BKAE Environmental Connnectors OnlyFiller Plugs-BKAD Non-Environmental Connectors OnlyCavity ReducerDust CapsPart Number Contact Size Color A B C Part Number #5 Coax to #12 ContactCavity reducers are available when additional circuits are required for siz 12 power contacts. These reducers, having the internal configuration of size 12 power contact, are inserted into the size 5 coaxial insulator cavity to create size 12 power contact cavity.225-0094-000225-1013-000225-0070-000225-0071-000225-0072-000225-0090-000225-0095-000225-0096-000225-0097-000225-0098-000225-0099-000025-1121-001025-1122-001025-1123-001025-1124-001PinP/N 021-8756-000SocketP/N 021-8757-000Note: Supplied as standard for BKA product line only.BKAD 1-A & B-Plug BKAD 1-C-Plug BKAD 2&3-A & B-Plug BKAD 2&3-C-Plug025-1155-001025-1156-001025-1157-001025-1158-001BKAD 1-A&B-Receptacle BKAD 1-C-Receptacle BKAD 2&3-A & B-Receptacle BKAD 2&3-C-Receptacle22201612#5 Coax (Pin)22201612#5 and #9 Coax#5 and #9 Coax(Socket)Black Red Blue Yellow White Black Red Blue Yellow White.063 (1.6).085 (2.2).115 (2.9).171 (4.3).365 (9.3).040 (1.0).065 (1.6).075 (1.9).121 (3.1).287 (7.3).469 (11.9).469 (11.9).469 (11.9).564 (14.3).835 (21.2)White.069 (1.7).083 (2.1).131 (3.3).187 (4.7).275 (7.0).275 (7.0).051 (1.3).069 (1.7).108 (2.7).156 (4.0).251 (6.4).251 (6.4).420 (10.7).350 (8.9).320 (8.1).320 (8.1).450 (11.4)1.061 (26.9)Part Number Part Number Description Description Contact Size Color A B C P/N 225-0090-000Material: Teflon(All others thermoplastic)P/N 225-0099-000Material: Teflon(All others thermoplastic)BKAF P/N 225-1058-000(Size 22 - Black)(See Customer Use Drawing for details)Conductive dust caps protect against static electricity.AAAABBBBCCCCReplaceable InsertsPart NumberSocket AssemblyPin AssemblyClassBKAD BKAE BKAE BKAD BKAE BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAE BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAD BKAE BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAD BKAE BKAD BKAE BKAE BKAE BKAE BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAE BKAD BKAE BKAF BKAD BKAE BKAD BKAE BKAF 144-2944-000144-2944-000143-1156-001177-1000-002177-1000-002143-1912-000143-1912-001143-1141-000143-1154-001228-1026-002228-1026-001N/A228-1027-002228-1027-001143-1908-000143-1908-001143-1142-000143-1173-000143-1173-001143-1159-001143-1097-005143-1171-001143-1167-001143-3714-003143-1910-000143-1910-001N/A143-1958-000143-1958-002N/A143-2085-001143-2085-000N/A143-1113-000143-114-000N/A143-3877-000143-3879-000N/A143-2015-000143-2015-001N/A143-1182-000N/A143-1165-001N/A143-1150-002143-1150-001143-1906-000143-1906-001N/A144-2945-000144-2945-000143-1157-001177-1001-004177-1001-004143-1913-000143-1913-001N/A143-1155-001228-1012-003228-1012-001228-1015-001N/A228-1014-002143-1909-000143-1909-001N/A143-1174-000143-1174-001N/A143-1098-005143-1172-001143-1170-001143-3715-003143-1911-000143-1911-001143-2065-000143-1960-000143-1960-002143-2090-000143-2086-001143-2086-000143-2066-000143-1111-000143-1112-000143-1118-000143-3878-000143-3880-000143-1178-000143-2016-000143-2016-001143-2067-000143-1183-000143-1166-002143-1166-001143-1177-000143-1158-002143-1158-001143-1907-000143-1907-001143-2068-000Layout2W2**A4W4**5W266T610T1013W230T2344059*60-#20**60-#22**71W171W1A*71W1B85100110120T2121150Consult factory for Insert Part Numbers not listed.*Modified 71W1 insert to be used with connectors containing 71W1 insert modifier "M"**"Pin Inserts' accept receptacle coax contacts. "Socket Inserts" accept plug coax contacts.AR INC 600 R ack and Panel Connectors B K AD/E/FCross Reference-Part Number/Customer-Use DrawingCOMPONENT PART NUMBER CUSTOMER USE DRAWING NUMBERCOMPONENT PART NUMBER CUSTOMER USE DRAWING NUMBERCOMPONENT PART NUMBERCUSTOMER USE DRAWING NUMBER030-1975-009030-1975-010030-2259-000030-2273-000030-2280-000030-2286-000030-2356-000030-2357-000030-2358-000031-1113-009031-1113-010031-1287-000031-1302-000031-1303-000031-1308-000031-1351-000031-1351-001031-1351-002031-1351-003031-1352-000031-1252-000031-1252-002031-1352-003143-1908-000143-1908-001143-1909-000143-1909-001143-1910-000143-1910-001143-1911-000143-1911-001143-1912-000143-1912-001143-1913-000143-1913-001143-1958-000143-1958-002143-1960-000143-1960-002143-2015-000143-2015-001143-2016-000143-2016-001143-2065-000143-2066-000143-2067-000143-2068-000143-2085-000143-2085-001143-2086-000143-2086-001249-1521-002249-1522-009249-1522-010249-1554-002249-1604-003249-1604-004249-2201-000249-2202-000249-5027-013249-5027-015249-5027-016320-0051-000320-1066-000320-1066-001320-1066-002320-1066-003320-1066-004320-1066-005320-1066-006249-1521-002249-1522-010249-1522-010249-1554-002249-1604-003249-1604-004249-1521-002249-1522-010249-5027-013249-5027-007249-5027-0161250Y320-000-305025-1121-001025-1122-001025-1123-001025-1124-001025-1155-001025-1156-001025-1157-001025-1158-001025-0000-054(Conductive Only)025-0000-055(Conductive Only)225-0000-014225-0094-000225-0095-000225-0096-000225-0097-000225-0098-000225-0099-000225-1058-000225-0072-000225-0090-000225-1013-000225-1014-000225-1015-000225-0000-006225-0090-000225-0000-008143-0000-081143-0000-077143-0000-080143-0000-079143-0000-0781247Y 143-0000-079249-1521-000249-1522-000249-1522-002249-1554-000249-1604-000249-1604-001249-5027-008249-5027-017249-5027-000249-5027-007349-0000-306249-1521-000249-1522-000249-1522-002249-1554-000249-1604-000249-1604-001249-1604-002249-1882-000249-1882-002249-1885-002249-5027-008249-5027-017249-5123-000249-5123-001349-1053-000349-1053-001349-1053-002349-1053-003349-1053-0043491053-005349-1053-006349-1053-007349-1053-008349-1053-009030-1975-009030-1975-010030-2259-000030-2273-000030-2280-000030-2286-000030-2356-000030-2357-000030-2358-000031-1113-009031-1113-010031-1287-000031-1302-000031-1303-000031-1308-000031-0000-343031-0000-344021-0144-000021-0144-001021-0144-002021-0144-003021-0144-004021-0144-006021-0144-008021-0144-011021-0144-000021-0144-001021-0144-002021-0144-003021-0144-004021-0144-006021-0144-008021-0144-011349-0013-000349-0014-000349-0015-000349-0016-000349-1003-000349-1009-000349-0000-000349-0000-001349-0000-002349-0000-001349-000-301249-1767-000249-1767-001249-1768-000249-2203-000249-1767-000249-1767-001249-1768-000249-2203-000143-1906-000143-1906-001143-1907-001143-1907-001143-0000-079ContactsReplacement Coax Termination KitDust CapsFiller PlugsSealing PlugsReplacement Coax Body AssemblySize #1 Coax ContactsSize #5 Coax ContactsSize #12 Shielded ContactReplaceable InsertsFor part numbers not listed, consult ITT Cannon for applicalbe customer-use drawing.。


14 15 12 16 17
743388 1.1 kW Wash Pump For 380/50/3 220/50/3
RR-11-03 Retaining Ring
743309 Throttle Plate
743399 Lower Manifold/Shaft Assy
473984 Gasket- Manifold
473460 Nut- Manifold
67500-10 "O" Ring 22.4*3.55
538412 Clamp- Hose 50mm
542337 Clamp- Hose 60mm
743315-1 Clamp- Hose 75mm
743396 Hose Adapter- Wash Pump Inlet
743336 Clamp- Hose 14mm
743397 Piping- Wash Pump Drain
743446-3 End Cap- Rinse Arm
1 1 4 20 12 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 20 16 2 2 4



7.全高旋转闸机系列7.1产品图片:A-TF202+A-TF202A-TF204+ 双机芯全高全转闸机机械可订制成120°或90°十字机芯7.2产品参数:外形尺寸:1740X1400x2250mm(长*宽*高);(尺寸可定制单/双、三机芯)旋门尺寸:120度;挡杆宽度尺寸:600mm;电源电压:输入AC220V±10%、50HZ ;电源输出:DC5V、12V、24V;触发信号输入:300~500ms无源触点信号;整机的工作电流:< 2.5A;功耗:单机20W动态:单机70W检修口:2个;噪音指标:≤50dB开闸时间:0.2秒;工作温度:-30℃~85℃;相对湿度:5%~90%无结露;闸机重量:70kg~100kg;防雷,抗浪涌能力:1500KVA;防护达IP65等级标准,密封、防水、防尘;触发信号输入:300~500ms无源触点信号;结构: 304不锈钢(或201不锈钢)材质;闸机组成:机芯、外箱体、闸杆、闸机驱动板,电源;对于用户个性化非标需求,3天内提供设计方案并满足要求;7.3 功能特性:箱体304材质不锈钢材质;机芯经特殊处理,更耐用;拥有可靠的安全保护措施;上电锁死,强力无法推动;电机匀速转动,防止打到人;寿命:10年(非易耗品);可联网运行,也可脱机运行;采用纯电动机芯,匀速转动;闸机转向:单向/双向电子控制;驱动方式:光电感应,电机驱动;具有报警功能,方便使用与维护;电机转动及闸杆复位经光电检测;采用纯电动机芯,整体安全性能高;具备自检测、自诊断、自动报警功能;掉电自由通行(或锁死)两种方式可选;工作模式:单向/双向、16种通行模式;寿命:连续转动500万次以上检测无故障;闸机在读卡后推动一个小角度后自动运行;运行平稳、噪音小、缓冲柔和,稳定性好;具有记忆功能,可设定多次或单次读卡通行;防反转:具备防反转功能,以保证一卡一人;具有过热、过流、短路、过压、欠压保护功能;通行速度:35人/分(正常)55人/分钟(快速);DH1完全参照进口闸机性能所设计,国内第一家;平均无故障次数:500万次;(唯一通过国家检测);闸机组成:机芯,不锈钢箱体,闸机驱动板,电源;三种可选机芯:上电锁死、掉电自由旋转、机械机芯;造型美观大方,防锈、耐用、防水防雨,防紫外线;有自检功能,上电自检。



1030600026HS-8热缩管φ8(m) 1030600023HS-16热缩管φ16(m)HS-18热缩管φ18(m)HS-22热缩管φ22(m)HS-30热缩管φ30(m) 1030600052KSL-MT-8包塑金属软管φ8(m) 1030600239KSL-MT-10包塑金属软管φ10(m) 1030600125KSL-MT-12包塑金属软管φ12(m) 1030600049KSL-MT-16包塑金属软管φ16(m) 1030600124KSL-MT-20包塑金属软管φ20(m) 1030600050KSL-MT-25包塑金属软管φ25(m) 1030600051KSL-MT-32包塑金属软管φ32(m) 1030600033KSL-MT-38包塑金属软管φ38(m)KBX-φ8 薄壁软管(卷)KBX-φ12薄壁软管(卷)KBX-φ16薄壁软管(卷)1070300054GM-2015护线环4040500052KGT-100M尼龙扎带 (包) 4040500053KGT-300ST尼龙扎带 (包) 4040500054KGT-450ST尼龙扎带 (包) 4050500316KGT-250ST尼龙扎带 (包)JPT-1片型绝缘端头JPT-2.5片型绝缘端头1041000121UTJK0.5-3绝缘接线端头1049900016UTJK1-3绝缘接线端头1041000008OTJK1.5-4绝缘接线端头1049900016OTJK1-4绝缘接线端头1041000115OTJK2.5-4绝缘接线端头1041000096OTJK2.5-5绝缘接线端头1041000116OTJK4-4绝缘接线端头1041000040OTJK6-6绝缘接线端头GTJ1012管状端子GTJ1512管状端子GTJ2512管状端子1041000027JG10-610平方毫米接线鼻子1041000039JG16-816平方毫米接线鼻子JG25-825平方毫米接线鼻子1041000058JG50-1050平方毫米接线鼻子1041000041JG70-1270平方毫米接线鼻子1041000051JG95-1295平方毫米接线鼻子10303000173M 1712#电工绝缘胶带10307000213M 2228#防水绝缘胶带KZM-4圆字码管(卷)KZM-1.5圆字码管(卷)KZM-2.5圆字码管(卷)A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品100 A968FX9.8.3G成品100 A968FX9.8.3G成品100 A968FX9.8.3G成品100 A968FX9.8.3G成品50 A968FX9.8.3G成品50 A968FX9.8.3G成品50 A968FX9.8.3G成品50 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品20 A968FX9.8.3G成品20 A968FX9.8.3G成品20 A968FX9.8.3G成品100 A968FX9.8.3G成品100 A968FX9.8.3G成品100 A968FX9.8.3G成品50 A968FX9.8.3G成品50 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品500 A968FX9.8.3G成品500 A968FX9.8.3G成品50 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品10 A968FX9.8.3G成品3 A968FX9.8.3G成品3 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1 A968FX9.8.3G成品1。


车体前部有推土铲安装支座,M48、M48A1坦克装有M8推土铲(重3980千克),M48A2、M48A3和M48A5坦克装 有M8A1推土铲(重3810千克)。
M48坦克无需准备即可涉水1.2米深,装潜渡装置潜深达4.5米。在潜渡前,所有开口均要密封,在发动机格 栅右后位置竖立潜渡通气筒;潜渡时需要打开排水泵 。
车长配有主炮超越控制装置 。炮塔为液压驱动,备以手动 。
M48A3 M48A4
以色列M48 M48A2GA2
超级M48 M48A5
数据比较 改型型号
M48A3中型坦克研制代号为M48A1E2,是早期的M48A1和A2的改造型。1967年美国鲍恩-麦克劳林-约克公司 (Bowen-McLaughlin-York,简称BMY)获得一项将578辆M48A1坦克改造成M48A3的合同。美国陆军红河基地和 安尼斯顿(Anniston)基地分别将400辆和800辆M48A1改造成M48A3坦克。
M48坦克在导弹测试试验中被击中 炮塔内乘员3人,车长和炮长位于火炮右侧,炮长在车长前下方,装填手 位于火炮左侧。从M48A1开始装有M1全封闭指挥塔,可手动旋转360°,四周装有5具观察镜,并装有12.7毫米高 射机枪用M28C车长潜望式瞄准镜,放大倍率为1.5×,视场为48°。早期M48坦克没有装M1指挥塔(高射机枪外 露),后来陆续加装到M48A1、M48A1C坦克和M67喷火坦克上。炮塔内后顶部有圆顶型通风装置,炮塔尾部有储物 筐篮。
M48中型坦克M48系列坦克均采用整体铸选成型车体,车头和车底均采用船身的圆弧形,炮塔是圆形的,不同 部位的装甲厚度从25毫米到120毫米不等,因此具有相当好的装甲防护力。
M48A2、A3和A5坦克采用制式三防装置 。

HP M42381-001 用户指南说明书

HP M42381-001 用户指南说明书

User Guide *M42381-001*M42381-001RMN: HSN-PD02© Copyright 2020 HP Development Company, L.P.All rights reserved. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Enterprise Linux and Red Hat are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and other countries.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.First Edition: October 2020Document Part Number: M42381-001Product noticeThis user guide describes features that are common to most models. Some features may not be available on your computer.To access the latest user guides, go to /support, and follow the instructions to find your product. Then select Manuals.Software termsBy installing, copying, downloading, or otherwise using any software product preinstalled on this computer, you agree to be bound by the terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA). If you do not accept these license terms, your sole remedy is to return the entire unused product (hardware and software) within 14 days for a full refund subject to the refund policy of your seller.For any further information or to request a full refund of the price of the computer, please contact your seller.Contents1.Introduction (4)e and disclosure (4)2.Specification (5)2.1.General specification (5)2.2.Electrical specification (6)2.2.1.Block diagram (6)2.2.2.Power request (6)munication interface (6)2.2.4.Mechanical drawing (7)3.Software (8)3.1.Supported operating systems (8)mand list (9)3.2.1.ULTIMATE command mode (9)4.Appendix (11)4.1.Table 1 Codepage list (11)4.2.Table 2 International character set (11)1.Introductione and disclosureThis document shall apply only to the product(s) identified herein. This technical specification defines the requirements for HP Engage 3x16 Pole Display, using a USB bus power interface.The supplier is requested to implement a change control process for tracking all changes, including revision history. Devices shall be labeled and identifiable based on the revision. After the release to production, all changes must be communicated as an Engineering Change.2.Specification2.1.General specificationItem HSN-PD02Display Method Vacuum Fluorescent Display (Blue-green) Resolution 256 × 64 DotsDisplay Mode Alphanumeric: 32 digits × 3 lines 32 digits × 4 linesCharacter Dot Matrix 8 × 16 dots for single-byte characters 16 × 16 dots for double-bytes charactersDot Size 0.49 (W) × 0.48 (H) mmDot Pitch 0.64 (H) × 0.63 (V) mmViewing Direction Maximum 90°Average Brightness 600 cd/m2Character type Alphanumeric and Compound (2-Bytes) WordsCharacter size Font 8 × 16 – 4.97 (W) × 9.93 (H) mm Font 16 × 16 – 10.09 (W) × 9.93 (H)mmUser Define Character 96 charactersViewing Area 163.69(W)X40.17 (H) mm Module Dimension 230 (L) × 66.5 (W) × 26 (D) mm Top Head Dimension 240 (L) × 95 (W) × 49 (D) mm Viewing Angle Maximum 90°Net Weight Approximately 1650 grams Commands Mode UITIMATELanguage US English, JapaneseInterface USBBaud rate Direct connection 9600 or 19200 bps MTBF 30,000 hoursPower Consumption 12 V – 400 mAEMC / Safety standards CB, VCCI2.2. Electrical specification2.2.1. Block diagram2.2.2. Power requestVoltage (typical): 12 VDC +/- 10%Current consumption (typical): 400 mA2.2.3. Communication interfaceInterface USB (Virtual COM Port) The default protocol of the virtual RS232 port is 9600 bps, non-parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and with DTR/DSR control.VFDMCUUSB UART Control & DataPowerUSB INPUTDC INPUT EEPROM2.2.4.Mechanical drawing3.Software3.1.Supported operating systemsWindows●Windows® 10●Windows 8.1/8 Pro (64 and 32 bit)●Windows Embedded 8.1/8 Industry●Windows Embedded POSReady 7 (64 and 32 bit)●Windows 7 Professional (64 and 32 bit)●Windows Embedded POSReady 2009Linux●Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®/CentOS 6 (64 and 32 bit) and newer●Suse Linux® Enterprise Point of Service 11 (64 or 32 bit) and newer●Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64 or 32 bit) and newerAndroid●Android™ 4.0 and newermand list3.2.1.ULTIMATE command modeCommand Hex Function DescriptionHT 09 Move cursor rightBS 08 Move cursor leftUS LF 1F 0A Move cursor upLF 0A Move cursor downUS CR 1F 0D Move cursor to right-most positionCR 0D Move cursor to left-most positionHOM 0B Move cursor to home positionUS B 1F 42 Move cursor to bottom positionUS $ x y1F 24 x y Move cursor to specified position1≦x(column)≦20 ; 1≦y(row)≦2US C n1F 43 n Select/cancel cursor displayn=0, canceled ; n=1, selectedCLR 0C Clear display screenCAN 18 Clear cursor lineUS X n1F 58 n Brightness adjustment1 ≦n≦ 4US E n1F 45 n Blink display screen0≦n≦255 (n*50msec) ON / (n*50msec) OFFn=0, blinking is canceledn=255, display is turned offESC @ 1B 40 Initialize displayESC t n1B 74 n Select character code table (see Table 1) ESC R n1B 52 n Select international character set (see Table 2) US r n1F 72 n Select/cancel reverse charactern=0, canceled; n=1, selectedUS MD1 1F 01 Specify overwrite modeUS MD2 1F 02 Specify vertical scroll modeUS MD3 1F 03 Specify horizontal scroll modeUS T h m1F 54 h m Set and display time0≦h≦23 ; 0≦m≦59US U 1F 55 Display of time counterESC u E..CR 1B 75 45 hh 3A mm 0D Set and display 24-hour time0x30≦h ,m≦0x39ESC u 1..CR 1B 75 49 [data x 40] 0D Two-line displayESC [ D 1B 5B 44 Move cursor leftESC [ C 1B 5B 43 Move cursor rightESC [ A 1B 5B 41 Move cursor upESC [ B 1B 5B 42 Move cursor downESC [ H 1B 5B 48 Move cursor to home position ESC [ L 1B 5B 4C Move cursor to left-most position ESC [ R 1B 5B 52 Move cursor to right-most position ESC [ K 1B 5B 4B Move cursor to bottom position ESC l x y1B 6C x y Move cursor to specified position1≦x≦20, y=1,2ESC u A..CR 1B 75 41 [data x 32] 0D Display data on line 1ESC u B..CR 1B 75 42 [data x 32] 0D Display data on line 2ESC u C..CR 1B 75 43 [data x 32] 0D Display data on line 3GS r A1D 72 41 [data x 96] 0D Marquee on line 1GS r B1D 72 42 [data x 96] 0D Marquee on line 2GS r C1D 72 43 [data x 96] 0D Marquee on line 3GS r D1D 72 44 [data x 96] 0D Marquee on line 44.Appendix4.1.Table 1 Codepage listPageCodepage Language Dec Hex0 0x00 PC437 USA, Standard Europe1 0x01 Katakana Japanese244 0xF4 CP932 Japanese Shift JIS 4.2.Table 2 International character setIndex nCountry ASCII codeDec Hex 23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E00 00 USA # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~01 01 France # $ à ° ç § ^ ` é ù è ¨02 02 Germany # $ § Ä Ö Ü ^ ` ä ö ü β03 03 U.K. £ $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~04 04 Denmark I # $ @ Æ Ø Å ^ ` æ ø å ~05 05 Sweden # ¤É Ä Ö Å Ü é ä ö å ü06 06 Italy # $ @ ° \ é ^ ù à ò è ì07 07 Spain I Pt $ @ ¡ Ñ ¿ ^ ` ¨ ñ } ~08 08 Japan # $ @ [ ¥ ] ^ ` { | } ~09 09 Norway # ¤É Æ Ø Å Ü é æ ø å ü10 0A Denmark II # $ É Æ Ø Å Ü é æ ø å ü11 0B Spain II # $ á ¡ Ñ ¿ é ` í ñ ó ú12 0C Latin America # $ á ¡ Ñ ¿ é ü í ñ ó ú13 0D Korea # $ @ [ ₩] ^ ` { | } ~14 0E Slovenia/Croatia # $ ŽŠ ĐĆČžš đćč15 0F China # Ұ@ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~16 10 Vietnam ₫$ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~17 11 Slovakia # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~18 12 Russia # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~。
















QUICK START& SAFETY GUIDEDISHWASHER:800 seriesm A Connected ApplianceD C B K M1. Download the HomeConnect TM(America) app2. Scan the QR code3. Follow the instructions in the app.Connect Your Dishwasher:TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ...................2GETTING STARTED .......................4CYCLES AND OPTIONS ....................6FAQs ....................................8TIPS ....................................9STATEMENT OF LIMITED WARRANTY (10):Cancer and Reproductive Harm - STATE OF CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING:WARNINGProposition 65 Warning:This product may contain a chemical known to the State of California, which can cause cancer or reproductive harm. Therefore, the packaging of your product may bear the following label as required by California:ANY WARRANTY IMPLIED BY LAW, WHETHER FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE EFFECTIVE ONLYFOR THE PERIOD THAT THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EFFECTIVE. IN NO EVENT WILL THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, “BUSINESS LOSS”, AND/OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, LOSSES, OR EXPENSES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION TIME AWAY FROM WORK, HOTELS AND/OR RESTAURANT MEALS, REMODELING EXPENSES IN EXCESS OF DIRECTDAMAGES WHICH ARE DEFINITIVELY CAUSED EXCLUSIVELY BY BSH, OR OTHERWISE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, AND SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE.No attempt to alter, modify or amend this warranty shall be effective unless authorized in writing by an officer of BSH.How to Obtain Warranty ServiceTo obtain warranty service for your product, you should contact Bosch Customer Service at 1-800-944-2904.1901 MAIN STREET, SUITE 600 IRVINE, CA 92614 // © 2022 B SH H O M E A P P L I A N C E S C O R P O R AT I O N。

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• For 1/4" x 1-1/4" and 5mm x 20mm fuses • All holder bodies have the option of using 1/4" x 1-1/4" or 5mm x 20mm carriers
• Withstands 15 to 20 lbs-in torque to mounting nut when mounting fuseholder to panel • High temperature, flame retardant, Thermoplastic meets UL 94 VO
Agency Information
• UL Recognized:IZL T2, E14853• CSA Component Acceptance:Class 6225-01, File 47235
HTB Panel Mount Series
Replacement Parts
Maximum Panel Thickness
Body Type
Inch Millimeters
HTB-20.307.62HTB-30.307.62HTB-40.125 3.18HTB-50.125 3.18HTB-60.307.62HTB-80.125 3.18HTB-9
Product Current Voltage Fuse Quick Code Rating Rating Size Connect HTB-X2I 15A 250V 1/4" x 1-1/4"3/16"HTB-X4I 15A 250V 1/4" x 1-1/4"3/16"HTB-X6I 20A 250V 1/4" x 1-1/4"1/4"HTB-X8I 20A 250V 1/4" x 1-1/4"1/4"HTB-X2M 15A 250V 5mm x 20mm 3/16"HTB-X4M 15A 250V 5mm x 20mm 3/16"HTB-X6M 16A 250V 5mm x 20mm 1/4"HTB-X8M 16A
5mm x 20mm 1/4"
HTB Panel Mount Series
Visit us on the Web at
3601 Quantum Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33426-8638
T el:+1-561-752-5000 T oll Free:+1-888-414-2645 Fax:+1-561-742-1178
This bulletin is intended to present product design solutions and technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Cooper Electronic Technologies reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Cooper Electronic Technologies also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.
OC-2580 5/02© Cooper Electronic Technologies 2002
Packaging Code
Blank 10 pieces of fuseholders packed into a carton
100 pieces of fuseholders packed into a cardboard shelf package。
