

ISO 21534-2007

ISO 21534-2007

Reference number ISO 21534:2007(E)INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21534Second edition 2007-10-01Non-active surgical implants — Joint replacement implants — Particular requirementsImplants chirurgicaux non actifs — Implants de remplacement d'articulation — Exigences particulières--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2007All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerland--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)Contents PageForeword.............................................................................................................................................................v 1 Scope.. (1)2 Normative references...........................................................................................................................13 Terms and definitions...........................................................................................................................24 Intended performance..........................................................................................................................25 Design attributes...................................................................................................................................3 5.1 General...................................................................................................................................................3 5.2 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic implants articulating on ultra-high-molecular-weightpolyethylene (UHMWPE)......................................................................................................................3 5.3 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic partial implants......................................................................3 5.4 Surfaces of convex, spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic implants articulating onUHMWPE................................................................................................................................................3 5.5 Surfaces of spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic partial implants......................................3 5.6 Surfaces of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE components...........................................3 6 Materials ................................................................................................................................................4 6.1 General...................................................................................................................................................4 6.2 Dissimilar metals or alloys ..................................................................................................................4 7 Design evaluation.................................................................................................................................4 7.1 General...................................................................................................................................................4 7.2 Preclinical evaluation...........................................................................................................................4 7.3 Clinical investigation............................................................................................................................5 7.4 Post market surveillance .....................................................................................................................5 8 Manufacture and inspection................................................................................................................5 8.1 General...................................................................................................................................................5 8.2 Metal surfaces.......................................................................................................................................5 8.3 Plastic surfaces.....................................................................................................................................5 8.4 Ceramic surfaces..................................................................................................................................5 9 Sterilization............................................................................................................................................6 9.1 General...................................................................................................................................................6 9.2 Expiry.....................................................................................................................................................6 10 Packaging..............................................................................................................................................6 11 Information supplied by the manufacturer ........................................................................................6 11.1 General...................................................................................................................................................6 11.2 Labelling of implants for use on one side of the body only.............................................................6 11.3 Instructions for orientation of implants..............................................................................................6 11.4 Markings for orientation of the implants............................................................................................6 11.5 Placing of markings on implants ........................................................................................................6 11.6 Restrictions on use...............................................................................................................................7 11.7 Re-sterilization of zirconia ceramics..................................................................................................7 11.8Labelling of implants for use with or without bone cement (7)Annex A (informative) List of International Standards for materials found acceptable for themanufacture of implants......................................................................................................................8 Annex B (informative) List of International Standards for materials found acceptable or notacceptable for articulating surfaces of implants (9)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)Annex C (informative) List of materials found acceptable or non-acceptable for metallic combinations for non-articulating contacting surfaces of implants (11)Bibliography (12)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 150, Implants for surgery, Subcommittee SC 4, Bone and joint replacements.This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 21534:2002), which has been technically revised.ISO 21534:2007(E)IntroductionThere are three levels of International Standard dealing with non-active surgical implants. These are as follows, with level 1 being the highest:⎯level 1: general requirements for non-active surgical implants and instrumentation used in association with implants;--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---⎯level 2: particular requirements for families of non-active surgical implants;⎯level 3: specific requirements for types of non-active surgical implant.This International Standard is a level 2 standard and contains requirements that apply to all non-active surgical implants in the family of joint replacement implants.The level 1 standard contains requirements that apply to all non-active surgical implants. It also indicates that there are additional requirements in the level 2 and level 3 standards. The level 1 standard has been published as ISO 14630.Level 3 standards apply to specific types of implants within a family, such as knee and hip joints. To address all requirements, it is recommended that a standard of the lowest available level be consulted first.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21534:2007(E) Non-active surgical implants — Joint replacement implants — Particular requirements1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies particular requirements for total and partial joint replacement implants, artificial ligaments and bone cement, hereafter referred to as implants. For the purposes of this International Standard, artificial ligaments and their associated fixing devices are included in the term "implant".It specifies requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and information to be supplied by the manufacturer.Some tests required to demonstrate conformance to this International Standard are contained in or referenced in level 3 standards.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 4287, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Terms, definitions and surface texture parametersISO 7206-4, Implants for surgery — Partial and total hip joint prostheses — Part 4: Determination of endurance properties of stemmed femoral componentsISO 7206-8, Implants for surgery — Partial and total hip joint prostheses — Part 8: Methods of determining endurance performance of stemmed femoral componentsISO 14155-1, Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects — Part 1: General requirementsISO 14242-1, Implants for surgery — Wear of total hip-joint prostheses — Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines and corresponding environmental conditions for testsISO 14242-2, Implants for surgery — Wear of total hip joint prostheses — Part 2: Methods of measurementISO 14243-2, Implants for surgery — Wear of total knee-joint prostheses — Part 2: Methods of measurement ISO 14630:—1), Non-active surgical implants — General requirementsISO 14879-1, Implants for surgery — Total knee-joint prostheses — Part 1: Determination of endurance properties of knee tibial trays1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 14630:2005)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO 14630 together with the following apply.3.1artificial ligamentdevice, including its necessary fixing devices, intended to augment or replace the natural ligament3.2joint replacement implantimplantable device, including ancillary implanted components and materials, intended to provide function similar to a natural joint and which is connected to the corresponding bones3.3mean centreposition within the spherical head for which the average of the distances to a set of points uniformly distributed over the surface of the sphere is minimum3.4radial separation valuedifference between the mean radius of the spherical surface and the radius to the point on the spherical surface furthest from the mean centreNOTE The units of the radial separation value are in micrometres.4 Intended performance--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---For the purpose of this International Standard, the intended performance of implants shall conform to Clause 4 of ISO 14630:—, and the design input shall additionally address the following matters:a) intended minimum and maximum relative angular movement between the skeletal parts to which the jointreplacement implant is attached;b) expected maximum load actions (forces and moments) to be transmitted to the bony parts to which thejoint replacement implant is attached;c) dynamic response of the body to the shape/stiffness of the implants;d) expected wear of articulating surfaces;e) suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the population for which it is intended;f) strength of the adhesion and durability of surface coatings or surface treatments.NOTE 1 The clinical indications and contra-indications for the use of a particular implant are complex and should be reviewed by the surgeons when they are selecting implants to be used for particular patients, relying upon their own personal judgment and experience.NOTE 2 The lifetime of an implant depends on the interaction of various factors; some are the responsibility of the manufacturer, some, such as the implantation technique, are the responsibility of the surgeon in conducting the operation, and some relate to the patient, for example, the biological and physiological response to the implant, the medical condition of the patient, the conduct of the patient in respect of increasing body weight, carriage of heavy loads and adopting a high level of physical activity.ISO 21534:2007(E)5 Design attributes5.1 GeneralThe development of the design attributes to meet the performance intended by the manufacturer shall conform to the requirements of Clause 5 of ISO 14630:—, and in addition, account shall be taken of the following points:a) the strength of adhesion and durability of surface coatings and surface treatments; b) the wear of the articulating and other surfaces;c) stability of the implant while allowing prescribed minimum and maximum relative movements between theskeletal parts; d) avoidance of cutting or abrading tissue during function other than insertion or removal; e) the creep resistance and rupture characteristics, particularly as they relate to ligaments.NOTE 1 Methods of assessment of the wear of articulating and other surfaces are prescribed in, e.g. ISO 14242-2 and ISO 14243-1, -2 and -3. NOTE 2More specific requirements, such as that for hip joint replacements, might appear in other standards.5.2 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic implants articulating on ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)The articulating surfaces of metallic or ceramic components of total joint replacements intended to articulate on UHMWPE shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,1 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2).5.3 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic partial implantsThe articulating surface of metallic or ceramic components of partial joint replacements shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,5 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2).5.4 Surfaces of convex, spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic implants articulating on UHMWPEThe articulating surface of convex spherically conforming metallic or ceramic components of total joint replacements intended to articulate on UHMWPE shall have a surface roughness Ra no greater than 0,05 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 10 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).5.5 Surfaces of spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic partial implantsThe articulating surface of spherically conforming metallic or ceramic components of partial joint replacements shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,5 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 100 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).5.6 Surfaces of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE componentsThe articulating surface of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE components of total joint replacements shall have a surface roughness Ra no greater than 2 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 200 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)6 Materials6.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 6 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the particular requirement of 6.2 of the present document.NOTE 1 Annex A gives a list of International Standards for materials found acceptable through proven use for the manufacture of implants or for use in association with implants.NOTE 2 Annex B gives lists of International Standards for pairs of materials found acceptable or not acceptable through proven use for articulating surfaces of implants.NOTE 3 Where 6.1 of ISO 14630:— states that the acceptability of materials may be demonstrated by selection from the materials found suitable by proven clinical use in similar applications, for the purposes of this International Standard, proven use should be demonstrated by records of implantation of at least 500 of the implants and recorded satisfactory clinical use over a period of not less than five years.6.2 Dissimilar metals or alloysFor applications in which two dissimilar metals or alloys or the same metals or alloys in different metallurgical states are in contact where articulation is not intended, combinations used shall not produce unacceptable galvanic effects.NOTE Annex C gives lists of International Standards for acceptable and unacceptable metallic combinations for use in non-articulating bearing surfaces of implants.7 Design evaluation7.1 GeneralJoint replacement implants shall be evaluated in order to demonstrate that the intended performance is achieved. This evaluation shall be in accordance with Clause 7 of ISO 14630:— together with the particular requirements of 7.2 to 7.4. This evaluation shall be undertaken using components fully representative of the final condition ready for implantation.7.2 Preclinical evaluation7.2.1 GeneralPreclinical evaluation shall consider:a) biocompatibility of any materials not previously used;b) mechanical loads and the related movements to which the implants can be subjected when functioning asprescribed by ISO 14630;c) fatigue testing of highly stressed parts in accordance with ISO 7206-4, ISO 7206-8 and ISO 14879-1;d) wear testing of articulating bearing surfaces in accordance with e.g. ISO 14242-1, ISO 14242-2 andISO 14243-1;e) the suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the intended population;NOTE The suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the intended population can be demonstrated by cadaver implantation, the use of imaging systems such as X-ray, CAT scan or magnetic resonance imaging, or by reference to corresponding implants of proven clinical use (see Note 3 of 6.1).f) adhesion and durability of coatings if present.7.2.2 Surface roughness measurementSurface roughness shall be measured according to one of the methods given in ISO 4287.7.2.3 Sphericity measurementRadial separation values for sphericity shall be measured according to a method demonstrated to be accurate and repeatable.NOTE A suitable method is described in the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) [30].7.3 Clinical investigationThe clinical investigation shall be conducted according to the general requirements of ISO 14155-1.7.4 Post market surveillance--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---The post-market performance of joint replacement implants shall be determined.NOTE Suitable methodologies include survival analysis (with revision as the endpoint) and clinical assessment.Where it is available, relevant information from joint replacement registries are taken into account.8 Manufacture and inspection8.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 8 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the particular requirements of 8.2 to Metal surfacesAll polishing operations on metallic components shall be performed using an iron-free material. Clean, degrease, rinse and dry all components and examine the articulating surfaces using normal or corrected vision. The surfaces shall be free of any imperfections that would impair their function and also be free from deposited finishing materials or other contaminants.NOTE Examples of imperfections which might impair function include scale, tool marks, nicks, scratches, cracks, cavities, burrs and other defects.8.3 Plastic surfacesArticulating surfaces of plastic components shall not be prepared using non-removable abrasive or polishing compounds. Clean, degrease (if necessary), rinse and dry the components and examine them using normal or corrected vision. The surfaces shall be free from particulate contamination.8.4 Ceramic surfacesCeramic components shall be cleaned, degreased, rinsed, dried and examined using normal or corrected vision. The articulating surfaces shall be free of any imperfections that would impair their function.NOTE Examples of imperfections which might impair function include particulate contamination, chemical discolouration (spots or larger areas), tool marks, nicks, chips, cavities and cracks.9 Sterilization9.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 9 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the following.The effects of the sterilization process shall not impair the intended performance of the implant [see Clause 4 and 7.2.1 c), d) and f)].Implants containing UHMWPE and sterilized by ionizing radiation, shall not be supplied for clinical use if an accumulated dose of radiation higher than 40 kGy has been received. This requirement does not apply if radiation intended to improve the mechanical characteristics of the material is combined with the radiation for sterilization purposes.9.2 ExpiryThe manufacturer shall conduct an investigation, and record the results, to ascertain the expiry date to be marked on the labelling for the implant.10 PackagingThe requirements of Clause 10 of ISO 14630:— shall apply. The expiry date (see 9.2) shall be marked on the label.11 Information supplied by the manufacturer11.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 11 of ISO 14630:— shall apply together with the requirements in 11.2 to Labelling of implants for use on one side of the body onlyLabelling for implants designed for use on one side of the body only shall bear the symbol "LEFT'' or "L" for implants to be used on the left side or "RIGHT'' or "R" for implants to be used on the right side.11.3 Instructions for orientation of implantsThe instruction leaflet and/or manual shall, where necessary, indicate the required orientation of the implant relative to the body part. It shall also refer to the relevant marking(s) on the implant or the label (see 11.2 and 11.4).11.4 Markings for orientation of the implantsThe implant shall bear the symbol "ANT'' on the front and/or "POST'' on the back where this is necessary for interpretation of the instructions relating to the required orientation of the implant relative to the body given in the instruction leaflet and/or manual (see 11.3).11.5 Placing of markings on implantsMarkings shall be placed on the implant where they will not impair its intended function [see 7.2.1 c), d) and f)]. --` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---11.6 Restrictions on useIf an implant is intended for a restricted population this shall be stated in the instructions for use or in themanual.11.7 Re-sterilization of zirconia ceramicsComponents manufactured from zirconia ceramics shall include an instruction advising users "Do not sterilizeusing moist heat”.11.8 Labelling of implants for use with or without bone cementLabelling for implants shall bear an appropriate legend as shown in Table 1.Table 1 — LabellingUsage LegendAlternativelegend Implants intended to be used withbone cementFOR USE WITH CEMENT CEMENTEDImplants intended to be usedwithout bone cementUNCEMENTED CEMENTLESSImplants intended to be used optionally USE WITH CEMENT ORUNCEMENTEDNO LEGEND--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Annex A(informative)List of International Standards for materials found acceptablefor the manufacture of implantsThe following International Standards deal with materials that have been found acceptable through proven use for the manufacture of implants. The inclusion of materials in this annex does not imply their satisfactory use in any particular application; neither does it relieve the manufacturer of the obligation to undertake a design evaluation such as prescribed in Clause 7.ISO 5832-1, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 1: Wrought stainless steelISO 5832-2, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 2: Unalloyed titaniumISO 5832-3, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 3: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloyISO 5832-4, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 4: Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum casting alloy ISO 5832-5, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 5: Wrought cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel alloyISO 5832-6, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 6: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloyISO 5832-7, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 7: Forgeable and cold-formed cobalt-chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloyISO 5832-8, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 8: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum-tungsten-iron alloyISO 5832-9, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 9: Wrought high nitrogen stainless steel --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 5832-11, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 11: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 7-niobium alloyISO 5832-12, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 12: Wrought cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloyISO 5833, Implants for surgery — Acrylic resin cementsISO 5834-1, Implants for surgery — Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene — Part 1: Powder formISO 5834-2, Implants for surgery — Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene — Part 2: Moulded formsISO 6474, Implants for surgery — Ceramic materials based on high purity aluminaISO 13356, Implants for surgery — Ceramic materials based on yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (Y-TZP) ISO 13779-1, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 1: Ceramic hydroxyapatiteISO 13779-2, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 2: Coatings of hydroxyapatiteISO 13779-4, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 4: Determination of coating adhesion strength。



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Install NI application software, such as NI LabVIEW, or another application development environment (ADE), such as ANSI C or Visual Basic .NET. Refer to the NI-DAQmx Readme on the software media for supported application software and ADE versions. Back up any applications before upgrading software or modifying the application.
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PCI and PCI Express Devices
Complete the following steps to install a PCI and PCI Express device: 1. Power off and unplug the computer. 2. Remove the computer cover and/or the expansion slot cover. 3. Touch any metal part of the computer to discharge any static electricity.
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CIE 技术报告CIE127:2007代替CIE127:1997LED 的测量Measurement of LEDs国际照明委员会前言本技术报告由国际照明委员会(CIE)TC2-45 技术委员会第二分委会“光和辐射的物理测量”起草,CIE 董事会批准。

本报告是基于灯具和照明这个专业领域的现有知识和经验编制的,可供CIE 成员或其他感兴趣的组织使用。


CIE 的最新活动和信息可以查阅随后可能出版的修改稿。

TC2-45 的下列成员参加了本报告的起草,他们来自TC2-45 第二分委会“光和辐射的物理测量”。


起草人员:Goodman, T. Heidel, G. Muray, K. Ohno, Y. Sauter, G. Schanda, J. Steudtner, W. Young, R 英国德国美国(主编)美国德国匈牙利德国美国顾问:Ashdown, IBando, K.Distl, R.Gugg-Helminger, T.Mckee, G.Sapritsky, V.Schutte, J.Sliney, D.Sperling, A.Stlyarevskaya, R.Valenti, T. 加拿大日本德国德国美国俄罗斯德国美国德国俄罗斯美国目录摘要1. 引言1.1 使用范围1.2 术语1.3 目的1.4 LED 测量方法的分类1.4.1 实验室方法1.4.2 批量检验方法2. LED 的性能2.1 LEDs 的光学性能2.1.1 空间分布2.1.2 光谱分布2.1.3 发射区域2.2 电学特性2.2.1 电器使用条件2.2.2 参考标准的使用2.2.3 与时间有关的操作2.2.4 正向电压2.2.5 环境温度2.3 温度对辐射的影响2.3.1 峰值随温度的漂移2.3.2 温度对效率和功效的影响2.4 产品公差3. 亮度计和辐射计的性能要求3.1 探测器3.2 亮度计和辐射计的角度和空间响应3.3 亮度计和辐射计的光谱响应3.3.1 用亮度计测量白光LED3.3.2 用亮度计测量彩色(非白光)LED4. 定义空间关系的量4.1 标准化因子和相对空间分布4.2 方向量的测量4.2.1 发光强度4.2.2 照度4.2.3 有效发光表面的定位4.2.4“近场”和“远场”条件4.3 平均LED 强度4.4 空间性能和方向性能的测量5. 平均LED 强度的测量5.1 替代法5.1.1 较少标准时的替代法5.2 光谱失配修正应用5.3 分光光度计的使用5.4 以探测器作标准的方法6.光通量的测试6.1 被测量6.1.1 总光通量6.1.2 部分LED 通量6.2 光通量测量方法6.2.1 测角光度计(分布光度计)法6.2.2 积分球法6.2.3 积分球校准和修正方法7. 光谱测量7.1 光谱分布的概念7.1.1 光谱密度7.1.2 标准化因子和相对光谱分布7.2 与光谱分布有关的量7.2.1 峰值7.2.2 半强水平时的光谱带宽7.2.3 半强带宽的中间波长7.2.4 形心波长7.3 光谱分布决定的比色量7.3.1 主波长7.3.2 纯度7.4 LED 的光谱测量7.4.1 发光模式7.4.2 总通量模式7.4.3 部分通量模式7.4.4 光谱带宽和扫描间隔的确定7.4.5 其他不确定因素8. 参考文献LED 的测量摘要本报告是CIE 技术报告CIE127-1997 的修订版LED 和其他光源有很大的区别,这就使得CIE 有必要引入精确定义测量条件的量来区分它们之间的区别。



Sandra Meier June 2010USTER ®STATISTICS 2007快捷用户指南从纤维到织物的标准从纤维到织物的标准乌斯特技术公司2010版权保留一切权利。


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SEWM2005中文Web信息检索评测 SEWM2005中文Web信息检索评测 中文Web
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使用CWT100G测试数据(约570万个中文网页),完成 使用CWT100G测试数据(约570万个中文网页),完成 以下两个任务: 主题提取 对于一个特定主题发现一组关键资源,要求在前十个 结果中寻找尽可能多的不同站点 主页/指定页面查询 返回最符合用户特定查询的那个网页,此网页在结果 排序中越靠前越好
把document划分为url,title,入链anchor,content等 document划分为url,title,入链anchor,content等 field,检索时按field分别匹配,在任意一个field中 field,检索时按field分别匹配,在任意一个field中 匹配上了,就算匹配成功。对每个field的匹配情况分 匹配上了,就算匹配成功。对每个field的匹配情况分 别计算similarity得分(TF*IDF*Norm) 别计算similarity得分(TF*IDF*Norm),最后把所有 field的匹配得分相加。 field的匹配得分相加。 对不同的field赋予不同的得分权重: 对不同的field赋予不同的得分权重: url:4.0 anchor:2.0 title:1.5 content:1.0 为防止恶意的anchor及title,限制两者的最大长度, 为防止恶意的anchor及title,限制两者的最大长度, 将超过长度的字符忽略。
对于content:DocLengthNorm=1.0 / Math.sqrt(numTokens) 对于anchor: DocLengthNorm=1.0/Math.log(Math.E+numTokens) 对于url:DocLengthNorm=1.0f / numTokens SimScore=SimScore*DocLengthNorm



中国生物医学文献数据库 (CBM) 由中国医学 科学院医学信息研究所开发研制 CBM 收录 1978 年以来 1600 多种中国生物 医学期刊,以及汇编、会议论文的文献题录, 年增长量约 40 余万篇。学科范围涉及基础医 学、临床医学、预防医学、药学、口腔医学、 中医学及中药学等生物医学的各个领域 1994年起有文摘,英文题名 月更新
主题检索途径下,输入检索词“慢性乙型肝炎”, 点击“查找”,主题词指向“肝炎, 乙型, 慢性”, 点击该主题词链接,选择副主题词“中西医结合疗 法”,点击“主题检索”按钮,执行检索 问题:如果没有对应的副主题词该怎么办?
例如:慢性乙肝的基因治疗 提示:主题词/副主题词结合基本检索
《医学主题词表》(MeSH) 《中国中医药学主题词表》
83个MeSH副主题词+ 9个中医药学副主题词
选择“ 中文主题词 ”或“英文主题词”检索入 口,键入检索词,点击“查找”按钮。 在主题词轮排表 中,浏览选择主题词。 在主题词注释表中,浏览 主题词注释 信息和 树形表 ,选择是否 扩展检索、 加权检索,以 及 副主题词 和 副主题词扩展检索 选项,点击 “主题检索”按钮。
检索史界面按照时间顺序从上到下依次显示检 索式,最新的检索式总在最上方。 可从中选择一个或多个检索式用逻辑算符AND、 OR或NOT组配。 要删除某个检索式,只需选中其前方的复选框, 然后点“清除检索史”按钮。 超时退出系统 , 检索历史仍然保留 , 您可继续 检索。 如选择 “ 退出系统 ”, 检索历史清除。 一次检索最多能够保存 1000 条策略 , 每页 最多显示 100 条。



The MagWeb is a powerful and cost effective tool for remotely monitoring Sensata T echnologies inverters and accessories. Installed on the Magnum network, the MagWeb provides live Internet monitoring of the inverter, battery monitor, and automatic generator start module. Using your always on Internet connection, the MagWeb makes live and historical conditions available to you through a web browser at . DATA SAMPLES The MagWeb constantly streams data to your personal web pages, providing details on Current Conditions, Current Settings, and Daily Summaries for historical records. The samples below provide snapshots of the standard web pages.Model Numbers y y ME-MW-W (wireless)y y ME-MW-E (ethernet)Works With y y MM-AE Seriesy y MS Seriesy y MS-PAE Seriesy y MSH-RE Seriesy y RD SeriesWEB-BASED MONITORING y y Inverter/ChargerStatus Program Settings Faults DC volts, DC amps Invert, Charge LEDsy y Tech menusy y Battery Monitor statusy y Auto Gen Start (AGS) statusCurrent Settings Current ConditionsDaily System SummaryThe World Depends on Sensors and Controls OFFICES 2211 West Casino Road Everett, Washington 98204 USA425-353-88334467 White Bear Pkwy St. Paul, MN 55110 USA800-553-6418 MAGWEB SPECIFICATIONSFixed 30 second sample interval2,800 measurements per dayFor use with our serviceUS version2.4 GHz, 63 mW (+18 dBm) 300’ indoor range, up to one mile line of sight outdoor range International version2.4 GHz, 10 mW (+10 dBm) 200’ indoor range, up to 2,500’ line of sight outdoor range; special order only Low power version2.4 GHz, 1 mW (+0 dBm) 100’ indoor range, up to 300’ line of sight outdoor range; special order only Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)RP-SMA connector and included rubber duck antennaRequires 802.15.4 XBee to Ethernet wireless gateayWireless agency approvals United States (FCC Part 15.247)Industry Canada (IC)EuropeJapanAustraliaMagWeb < 0.1 watts average from Magnum busWireless Gateway < 4 watts average from 120 VACMagWeb case ABS plastic, flame retardant, UL94V-0Wireless Gateway caseAnodized aluminum All parts are RoHS compliant, no lead used in manufactureShipping weight 3 lb (1.36 kg)MagWeb 802.15.4ManualCommunications cable (2-conductor, 10’ twisted pair, telephone standard)Mounting screwsAntennaWireless 802.15.4 GatewayAntennaEthernet cable, 10’AC adapter (Energy Star, North American plug)ME-RC or ME-ARC required when monitoring device(s) other than inverterT esting for specifications at 25° C. Specifications subject to change without notice.February 2017 Rev B Part#64-0650。



信息检索实验报告信息检索试验报告以下是为大家收拾的信息检索试验报告的相关范文,本文关键词为信息,检索,试验,报告,,您可以从右上方搜寻框检索更多琴试验指导教师:崔新华完成日期:20XX年06月10日名目1.文献检索的意义....................................................32.检索主题......................................................... .33.课程试验地点......................................................44.检索主题分析 (4)4.1各主题分析...................................................44.2各主题检索策略...............................................55.检索步骤的制订. (7)5.1手工检索.....................................................75.2计算机检索...................................................86.检索内容 (10)6.1图书馆专业图书检索..........................................106.2中文科技期刊信息检索........................................106.3网络科技信息检索(含报纸和网络)............................257.检索主题结果的分析与总结.........................................298.信息资源检索课程心得 (31)1.文献检索的意义文献检索是教导讨论过程中必不行少的一环。



采用哈工大分词程序 增加部分停用词,词汇数量达到2040个
72018/10/26 Nhomakorabea征提取(1)



使用DF移除低于一定阈值低频词,消除CHI对低频词的倚重,再用CHI从 剩余词条中移除类别信息较低的噪音词,这样的词条通常平均分布于各 个类别
precision recall C=2 g=0.5 0.7189 0.6109 0.7130 0.6181 0.7194 0.6263 C=8 g=0.25 0.7195 0.6127 0.7224 0.619 0.7222 0.6282 0.6181

链入与链出锚文本不同权重设置 考虑不同网页质量对锚文本准确程度的影响
希望可以对网页分类加以扩展,考虑网页不同形式、 风格等方面的分类研究
分词 特征提取 建立向量空间模型 分类
TF*IDF变形 ITC计算权重
语料预处理 分词
向量空间模型建立 分类训练与预测

C=64 g=0.015625



Ei CompendexWeb检索指南Ei CompendexWeb是由《工程索引》和《Ei PageOne》合并的Internet版本,该数据库每年新增500000条工程类文献,数据来自5100种工程类期刊、会议论文和技术报告,(包括90年代以后新增的2500种文献来源)。






进入数据库图书馆主页“数据库导航”→“Ei CompendexWeb”,进入Ei CompendexWeb数据库的主页面。

检索概览(Search overview)Ei CompendexWeb提供两种检索方法:快速检索(Quick Search)和高级检索(Expert Search)。



Quick Search检索过程(Search session)开始一个检索时,Engineering Village 2将跟踪用户的所有检索记录,而且用户能够自己建立一个列表式的文件来记录用户在检索过程中所选择的文件。



0.0040 0.0799 0.1077 0.0971 0.0904 0.0758 0.1170 0.0039 0.0805 0.1058 0.0942 0.0851 0.0717 0.1147 0.0040 0.0831 0.1019 0.1010 0.0966 0.0733 0.1185 0.0416 0.4908 0.6442 0.5308 0.4216 0.2979 0.6951 0.0401 0.4427 0.5827 0.5067 0.3966 0.2656 0.6321 0.0348 0.3861 0.4885 0.4173 0.3495 0.2483 0.5723
– WWW 2009~2001: 1613 papers – SIGIR 2009~1978: 2186 papers – CIKM 2009~2000: 1468 papers – KDD 2009~2000: 1086 papers – VLDB 2006~2005: 274 papers – TOIS Nov. 2009~Jan. 2000: 179 papers – IPDPS 2004: 141 papers – ACL 2009~1979: 2352 papers – WSDM 2010~2008: 101 papers – EACL 2009~1983: 623 papers – NAACL 2009~2000: 817 papers
• P@k: 基于前k个检索结果进行计算 • Rprec:
• MAP:平均正确率均值(mean average precision)
• nDCG:
– 累积增益(cumulative gain),一个具体的指标为归一化 折损累积增益(normalized discounted cumulative gain)

SEWM 2007 中文web检索评测报告

SEWM 2007 中文web检索评测报告

• 二次排序
针对不同的查询任务采取不同策略 – HP
查找主页首先要进行网页站点聚类,每个网站取出若干根据规 则得到的主页后选页面,然后按照title: body=4:1重新评分,进行 排序
– NP
– TD
首先要进行网页站点聚类,每个网站取出根据规则得到的候选 页面,然后按照title: body=1:4重新评分,进行排序
SEWM 2007 中文web检索评测报告
➢ 评测目标 ➢ 系统设计 ➢ 实验结果 ➢ 未来工作
• 查找主题相关的关键资源的入口
➢导航搜索 (HPNP)
• HP 查找指定名字的网站的首页 • NP 查找指定名字的页面
• 链接关系分析 • 锚文本的利用 • 检索模型的更新
• RUN1
– firtex工具
• RUN2
– 用tiபைடு நூலகம்le和body检索
• RUN3
– 只用title进行检索
• 操作系统 redhat9.0 • 系统配置
– 2.8G CPU ,内存4G
• 编程语言 java
• 网页结构提取
– 网页分块 – 字体大小、文字样式 – 词的位置关系
– 一般可以按照网页的检索评分得到结果 – 查询任务和网页的title基本一致









本论文通过变形AP(Average Percision)公式的表达方式,研究其与相关文档集的关系,说明了在给定查询主题的情况下,如何找到最小的相关文档集,并作实验加以证明。

结合查询主题和相关文档集合,利用MAP(Mean Average Precision)使得两个集合共同最小化。

关键词:信息检索,评测,测试集,文档集,查询主题,相关判断,最小相关文档集,算法A Research on Constructing Information Retrieval Test CollectionDAI Meng (Computer Science Dept.)Instructed by Prof. YAN HongfeiAbstractWith the rapid development of World Wide Web, Information Retrieval technique is playing a more and more important role in people’s life. Meanwhile, it has become a crucial research topic across different research entities. Following the existing test collection framework established by foreign research conference (especially TREC Test REtrieval Conference), TianWang research team has constructed a large-scale Chinese Web Test collection (CWT), and is organizing SEWM Chinese Web search evaluation on a yearly basis.Test collections is of great importance in the study of Information Retrieval, it encompass corpora of documents, sets of topics and relevance judgment indicating which documents are relevant to which topics. Topics could be retrieved from current web user log, or established by annotators experienced in certain field of study. And accurate estimation of information retrieval evaluation metrics such as Average Precision require large sets of relevance judgment. Building sets large enough for evaluation of real world implementation is at best inefficient, at worst infeasible.In the work, we tried to come up with an algorithm that requires minimal human effort in gaining an appropriate topic set as well as relevance judgment set. We firstly conducted a close study of web search engine user log, especially the distribution on clicks, frequency and length of searching items. Later, with a smaller set of sampling is tested on different ranking algorithm, which could be viewed as different information retrieval system. Using what has been discovered about the AP (Average Precision), MAP (Mean Average Precision) metrics variation, we came to find a method that is better at distinguishing good IR systems from worse ones in a high confidence of evaluation outcome and within an competitively short time period.Keywords: Information Retrieval, Evaluation, Test Collection, Document Set, Minimal Relevance Document Set, Topics, Relevance Judgments, Algorithm目录摘要 (2)目录 (5)表目录 (6)图目录 (7)第一章引言 (8)1.1 研究背景 (8)1.2 本文主要贡献 (9)1.3 本文组织 (10)第二章相关研究 (11)2.1 测试集 (11)2.1.1 早期测试集 (13)2.1.2 TREC测试集 (14)2.1.3 其他测试集 (16)2.2 评测标准 (16)2.2.1 查全率(Recall) (16)2.2.2 查准率(Precision) (17)2.2.3 F1值 (17)2.2.4 Precision@rank(d) (17)2.2.5 AP (Average Precision) (17)2.2.6 MAP (Mean Average Precision) (18)2.2.7 Expected MAP (18)2.2.8 R-Precision (18)2.2.9 MRR (Mean Reciprocal Rank) (18)第三章评测集的构建 (19)3.1 初步筛选过程 (24)3.2 定义有区分性的检索词 (27)3.3 最小评测集 (28)第四章评测集的分析 (31)4.1 实验过程以及数据 (31)4.2 结果分析 (31)4.2.1 比较MAP与Expected MAP (33)致谢 (35)参考文献 (36)表目录表格 1 检索词频率的重新分类 (22)表格 2 用户日志格式 (24)表格 3 AP公式变型举例 (28)表格 4 以往SEWM评测代价 (31)表格 5 2000个查询主题....................... 错误!未定义书签。


其中 Q1、Q2、Q4都是 CW 原有的, Q3是经过 修正的 [ 3] 。
与 CW 不同, CWW 不用评估者来走 查回答 上述四个问题, 而是引入了 CoL iDes模型将上述 四个问题转换成可供计算机程序直接判 断的问 题。例如, Q2可以转换成: 网页标题、链接标签所使 用的词语对于用户来说熟悉吗? 同时 CWW 引入潜 在语义分析工具, 自动判断两段文字之间的相似度。 2. 3 CWW 方法的发展过程
CWW 运行过程可以大致分为准备 评估 得出分析报告 修正后再评估 4个过程。 3. 2. 1 准备。
由于语义库是事先建立的, 准备过程只须用户 输入目标描述, 然后把待评估网页上的各级标题、标 签等按照提示依次输入 CWW 自动评估系统。 3. 2. 2 评估。
CWW 运用语义分析工具产生以下几个评估值: 熟悉度: 网页标题、标签等与语 义库的相关 值, 用项矢量长度来表示。 Cosine值: 网页各标题、标签之间的相关 ( 以 下简称 C osine1) ; 以及用户目标与网页标题、标签 之间的相关 ( 以下简称 Cosine2)。 CWW 的主要评估目标是网页导航普遍存在 的 4种可用性问题: 一是弱踪迹。即正确标题标签与用户目标没有
2002年 B lackm on等人提出了网页认知走查 法, 确定了判断网页的 3种可 用性问题标准, 并 就 CWW 预测效度做了实证研究。实验表明: 对 于同一个网页, CWW 预测无可用性问题的标签 比有问题标 签的首 次点击 成功率 高 24. 7% [ 3] 。 同时研究者认为, 对任务目标的熟悉程度和及任 务间难度差异可能对绩效有影响。
2005年 B lackm on等人用大规模实证测试得 到问题严重性程度的划分标准, 用平均点击次数 来表示。并将网页可用性问题修订为四个, 增加 了 弱踪迹 [ 5] 。



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Westlaw International中包括6000个Thomson Legal & Regulatory主要的法律数据库以及约7000个来自Dow Jones Interactive的新闻及商业信息数据库。



通过Westlaw International可获得主要西方国家的案例、法律法规、条约、商业资料等信息。

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------检索指南1.进入点击WestLaw会出现“Westlaw International Academic User Agreement”页面,选中“I Agree”后,点击“GO”即可进入。


2.1 上方导航栏上方导航栏共有六个标签,分别是:World Journals(期刊)、Federal(美国法律)、WLI General Subscription(所有内容)、Westlaw UK(英国法律)、Westlaw Australia(澳大利亚法律)、LawSource(加拿大法律)。





















  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1. 背景与目标

为了提供规范的中文Web测试集,我们构建了CWT100g(Chinese Web Test Collection with 100 GB web pages)和CWT200g(Chinese Web Test Collection with 200 GB web pages),参考TREC多年的成功经验,我们在SEWM会议中已连续三次成功举办了中文Web信息检索评测,受到了很多研究者的关注,希望通过努力能更好的为研究者提供一个测试评估环境。


TD(Topic Distillation,主题提取)和HPNP(Home Page/Named Page search,主页和指定页面查询/导航搜索)能够较好反映Web 检索中用户需求,是现在评估Web 检索系统的主要内容[1]。


1) 研究有效的TD方法:针对用户给定的广泛查询,找到一组最佳的主页;
2) 研究有效的NPHP方法:找到用户需要的特定页面;
3) 研究评估系统的稳定性;
4) 研究不同的方法在不同的数据集中的优劣及其原因
2. 文档集


3. TD任务



/linux org

1) 是否大部分切合主题;
2) 提供主题的可靠的信息;
3) 不是一个更大的切合主题站点的一部分。


<num> Number:
<title> linux
<desc> Description:





4. HPNP任务











5. 提交和判断
1) 所有的结果在2007年1月15日前,提交给北大网络实验室(邮箱地址:ljj@,同时抄送pb@ )。

2) 提交信息:




topic-id rank sim docno
topic-id :topic主题的编号
rank :在返回结果中文档的位次
sim :主题与文档的相似度计算值
docno :结果网页url对应的文档编号。

3) 针对每个任务,接受每个参加评测队的5组正式提交结果,但是否能够全部被评测依赖于提交数目、重叠度和可获得的判断资源。


4) 评测工作将由评估人员完成。

5) 评估的标准是二元的:是TD网页或者非TD网页,是HPNP网页或者非HPNP网页。

6) 评估是基于文档内容完成的,此外,文档的URL也是评估的依据。


6. 参考文献
[1] Very Large Scale Retrieval and Web Search
[2] 网页信息存储的天网格式/TWFormat.pdf。
