LT2452p 24英寸LED显示器简介


桌面的3D诱惑——Acer Aspire GD245HQ显示器

桌面的3D诱惑——Acer Aspire GD245HQ显示器

A e 2 5 cr GD 4 HQ作为一款高清的大屏3 液晶显示器, D 在3 D播放方面 有着不错的表现。而至于平常的使 用中. 它色 域及色温一致性都达到 主流 水准 , 伽玛 曲线的表现十 分良 好, 因此GD 4 H 2 5 Q的色彩表现还是十 分不错 的。 如果你对 日常使用及3 显示均有需求. l e D  ̄ ,Ac rGD2 5 J 4 HQ是 一个不
2 , ms 动态对比度为8 0 0: . 0 0 1 拥有1 0 z  ̄ 2 H ,J ¥ l新率的屏幕显 示。 如此配置定能满足不少追 求大 “ 面子”的朋友 , 说它为 游戏玩家和 电影发烧友量 身定做一点都 不过分。整个OS D 菜单的调节十 分容易上手。 同时2 5 4 HQ配备有V GA、 I DV、 HDMI =种接 口。 还配备音频接 口。 在试用过程 中, 除了全高
有 出色 的 效 果 , 采 用了 我 D版全 高 清 阿凡 达 影片 和英 伟达 的
计 的底座配合橙色的点缀显得格 外时尚, 使人感觉其更有 活力, 同时它的金属质感也异常强烈。 它的OS 按 键设在右 D 下角, 除了开关在机身正面以外。 其余按键 均在 显示器 的底
部 。2 5 4 HQ底 座 的可 调 整 角 度在 一 度 到 3 度 之 间 。 于 大 5 O 对 多数 用户 来说 , 样 的 角度 调 整 已 经 够 用 。 2 5 Q背 面 这 GD 4 H
的南非世界杯中. 有不少平时抽 不出时间收看的朋 友. 也许
只 能 近 日下 载相 关 的世 界 杯录 像 观 看 了。虽 然 国 内当 时没 有
转播3 D世界杯 , 不过 结合GD2 5 4 HQ和2 D转3 的Ti f D r 播 De 放软件 , 你就能领略到3 世界杯的风采。用GD 4 HQ还可 D 25 以看3 D视频、 电影, 只要你能找到相应的蓝光片源 , 都可以 用2 D转3 软件在家欣赏一个人的3 电影。如果有3 D D D片源的 当然更好, 用GD 4 H 2 5 Q直接就能领略全高清3 D的风采。



产 品型号
屏 幕尺寸 屏 幕比例
宏暮 G 4 H 25
2 英 寸 4 1 :9 6
束两 年 ,而 伦敦 奥 运 会还 有 两 年 才 召开 幕 , 机 的 G 4H在 外 观 造 型 上 还 是 极 富 前 卫感 25 正是 一个 奥运空 白期 。然 而偏 偏就有 厂商 在 的 ,以玄黑 为主色 调 的机 身整体 轮廓 线条硬 这 个 时候推 出 了奥运特 别版 产 品 .这 就是 下 朗 ,复 杂的底 座结 构 与金属材 质 的支 架也 成
按键 标 识在底边 框处 ,而 实际 的物理 按键 则
物理分 辨率 ]2 ]8 90 00 X
响应B ' -a h q 2s m
可视角度 10 / 0 7度 1 度 6 电源功 率 3 . 05 W
参 考价 格 17 4 9元
5 h 赞电子 2 ’ O " i O0
评 测
【 au t &Tsi E vlain et g o n
在边框 底侧 ,共有五个 ,手感 比较 舒适 。
当 然 , 这 款 显 示 器 在 外 观 上 最 大 的
特 点 还 在 于 无 出 不 在 的 A e+ 运 五 环 cr 奥
LG O O,无 论 是 在 底 座 中部 的 圆 环 内 还 是
平 心 而 论 ,据 i设 汁理 念 来 源 于 战 斗 } 毛
样 式 、 电气 规格 、生 产 日期 、序 列 号 以 及 通过 的各 件 很主 流 25
G 4 H采用 1 :9 25 6 的全 高 清 2 英寸 T 4 N
于 更进步 的颜 色 强化 与 显 示设 定 调整 功 能 , 最 后 来看 G 4H的高 清 视 频还 原能 力 , 25

TCL 24英寸LED二合一电源板规格书说明书

TCL 24英寸LED二合一电源板规格书说明书

TCL集团多媒体电子事业本部 文件编号:QP7.3-F01-2006.1 研发中心第 1 页 共 1 页新规格物料■认可书/□取消认可书编制日期:Power Supply Specification(电源规格书)Customer (客户):TCL 王牌Part No. (机种型号):PLE50P-2ERevision (版本): REV 1.0Description(描述1): 24 寸LED LIPSDescription(描述2): LED 55V*120mA*2承认鉴章后请寄回承认书正本一份Please return to us one original of “SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL” withyour approved signatures.APPROVED SHEET(承认书)核准人 APPROVED BY:日期 DATE:盖章鉴署 CHOP & SIGNATURES:惠州TCL王牌高频电子有限公司地址:广东省惠州市仲恺高新技术开发区华宇路75号,邮编516006TEL:+86-752-2096984DATE PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED7.1. PCB Dimension: 150mm(L) * 118mm(W) * 15mm(H))7.2. Dimension with soleplate: NONE8. WEIGHT重量9. Pin Connection 连接器脚位定义2PIN-CN1: pitch 3.96mm Connection and FunctionConnection Function Item Pin1 AC-L AC INPUT LINEPLE50P.BZXPLE50PS C H S C H112.5V2A廖静2012-01-09A C I N P U T符运豪张军胜2012-01-092012-01-09CN1F1CX1C414C419C422C403C411C Y 3C412C4164312LF12134LF2R100R101R102R434R443R447R444R445R446R407R406R422R427R428R429R430R425R426R103CE1C424QW1PC1-BPC1-AD401D402DS2L400C405C404A_1R KIC3D400C415C402R414R403R402VDD GATESENSE GND RIFB 123456D101D103D104D102R449FB401RN115VIN 16VCC 1COMP 2EN 5OSC7BOSC 3DBRT 6ISET8LED49LED310LED211LED112OVP 4GND 13ISENSE 14GATE IC5MP3394L601INDD600Q603C 601C 602C 603R 601R 617R 618C 616R 619R 620C 613C 614C 615C 604C 605R 602R 603C 606R 604R 605R 606C 607R 608C 608R 609R 607C 612R 616R 621R 622R 623R 624123456Z 401R 431D 403R 432R 441R 433Q 402D 404R 442R 439Q 401R 438C 417R 440C 418CE2C 420L 602INDD 405R 625C 430C 429C Y 1C Y 2123TS1-A456TS1-B 87TS1-C C 426C 40787654321SWCSWETCGNDCIIVCCIPKDRC I C 4R 436R 43512L 401D 406C 425R421C 406R 450R 451R 453R 452C 421C 413Q 404483Q 403R 408C 620C 619C 618C 617C 623R 423R 612R 615C 610R 610R 611C 428D 601R 437R 401R 627R 628SGNDHV Q1-SQ1-G+12VB+12VT+12V A LED+L E D 1-L E D 2-L E D 3-L E D 4-B L -O NVCCVCC VCC1LED1-LED2-LED+LED3-LED4-DIMVCC1+3_3V+12V BIC1-3-TC+12V B+12VA +12V B+12V P S .O N+12V+3_3V DIM36贴片电容102/50V +/-10%0805/X7R PCS2三新国巨风华高科B C425,C612 37贴片电容102/100V +/-10%0805/X7R PCS2三新国巨风华高科B C618,C620 38贴片电容103/50V +/-10%0805/X7R PCS1三新国巨风华高科B C41939贴片电容104/50V ±10%0805/X7R PCS8三新国巨风华高科BC411,C606,C608,C406,C413,C421,C426,C41840贴片电容104/100V +/-10%0805/X7R PCS2三新国巨风华高科BC613,C61541贴片电容334/50V+/-10%0805/X7R PCS1三新国巨风华高科B C41742贴片电容471/50V+/-10%0805/X7R PCS1三新国巨风华高科B C42243贴片电容474/25V+/-10%0805/X7R PCS2三新国巨风华高科B C604,C60544贴片电容105/50V +/-10%1206/X7R PCS2三新国巨风华高科B C429,C43045贴片电容102/500V +/-10%1206/X7R PCS1三新国巨风华高科B C40346贴片电容101/100V+/-5%0805/NPO PCS1三新国巨风华高科B C61047IC MC34063A SOP-8 HTC PCS1HTC UTC Diodes B IC448IC LD7536R SOT-26 Leadtrend PCS1Leadtrend A IC149IC MP3394 SOIC16PCS1MPS A IC550IC AZ431AZ-AE1 TO-92 BCD PCS1BCD B IC351贴片二极管BAS16H 215mA/100V SOD-123F PCS4NXP先科B D401,D403,D405,D404 52贴片三极管NPN PMBT2222A 600mA/40V SOT-23PCS1NXP先科B Q40453贴片MOS2N7002 300mA/60V SOT-23 NXP PCS2NXP先科B Q401,Q40254MOS管AOD417 P-Channel MOSFET -25A/-30V TO-252 34mΩPCS1AOS B Q40355N-MOS AOD478 11A/100V T0-252PCS1AOS B Q60356N-MOS TK6A60D 6A/600V TO-220F 东芝PCS1东芝华微A QW157快恢复二极管FR104 1A/400V DO-41PCS1沂光佳讯固得D40258快恢复二极管FR207 2A/1000V DO-15 沂光PCS1沂光佳讯固得B D40059整流二极管RL255 2.5A/600V SDO-15 沂光PCS4沂光佳讯固得B D101,D102,D103,D104 60肖特基二极管SB140 1A/40V DO-41 沂光PCS1沂光佳讯固得B D40661肖特基二极管SB260 2A/60V DO-15 沂光PCS2沂光佳讯固得B D600,D60162肖特基二极管MBR20100CTP 20A/100V ITO-220S DIODES PCS1DIODES A DS263光耦PS2561AL1-1(Dip-4) NEC PCS1NEC A PC164金属氧化膜电阻3WS 82KΩ+/-5% T PCS1百亨恒辉B R43465绕线无感电阻NKN2W 0.43Ω ±5% T 百亨PCS1百亨恒辉B R40366热敏电阻MF72-3D11 3Ω±20% 5A 内弯脚 时恒PCS1时恒A RN167电解电容ZP 22uF/100V ±20% 8*11.5 105℃ 275mA 东阳光PCS2东阳光华威A C614,C62368电解电容ZP 470uF/10V ±20% 8*11.5*5 105℃ 东阳光PCS1东阳光华威A C40169电解电容ZP 220uF/25V ±20% 8*11.5*5 105℃ 东阳光PCS2东阳光华威A C405,C60370电解电容ZP 22uF50V ±20% 5×11*5 105℃ 东阳光PCS1东阳光华威A C42471电解电容ZP 1000uF/25V ±20% 12.5*25*5 105℃ 东阳光PCS2东阳光华威A C402,C404第 2 页,共 3 页第 3 页,共 3 页。



办公室台式机屏幕尺寸多大适合办公室台式机屏幕尺寸配置介绍一:联想LenovoIdeaCentre K300 锋行KING 精英版家用台式电脑21.5英寸 4核Q8300 4G 320G*2 1G独显 VB带Razer键鼠,强势出击! Razer橘仓金蛛键鼠套装×1Razer重装甲虫控制版鼠标垫×17000左右带票。

主体品牌联想 lenovo系列IdeaCentre型号K300 推荐用途家用电脑平台Intel平台操作系统正版 Windows Vista Home Basic简体中文版主板显卡类型独立显卡CPU类型酷睿2四核核心数四核速度Q83002.5GHz前端总线/HT总线1333MHz二级缓存4MB显卡显示芯片ATI HD 4650高性能独立显卡显存容量独立1GB内存容量4GB速度DDR3 1066MHz 硬盘容量320G *2类型SATA 串行光驱类型Rambo规格RAMBODVD光盘刻录机支持DVD+R、DVD+RW、DVD+RDL、DVD-RAM、CD-R、CD-RW刻录,CD、DVD读取显示器尺寸21.5英寸宽屏是分辨率1920×1080接口全高清液晶黑色/集成摄像头,麦克风,USB HUB输入设备鼠标Razer 游戏专业键鼠装备橘仓金蛛+煞魔蛇+重装甲虫鼠标垫键盘Razer 游戏专业键鼠装备橘仓金蛛+煞魔蛇+重装甲虫鼠标垫前侧面接口USB2读卡器16合1数码读卡器后面接口USB4特性特性金山毒霸/联想系统拯救一键恢复,一键杀毒散热双重控温/硬盘防震/电源稳压设计360°防电磁辐射/RoHS无铅认证品牌机,显卡配得低,不过可以自己换掉。


Dell UltraSharp U2412M 参数

Dell UltraSharp U2412M 参数

戴尔UltraSharp U2412M 24寸LED显示器
关键 信息 优异癿 屏幕显示 性能 详细介绍
·卓越癿屏幕清晰度 -IPS 技术 -全高清分辨率1920 x 1200 -高达200万:1癿动态对比度 -8毫秒癿快速响应时间
具体收益 · 采用 IPS技术,在视角广阔(178°/178°)癿屏幕上带来精确、一致癿 色彩体验。 · 1920 x 1200全高清分辨率,带来鲜艳且清晰画面体验。 · 高达200万:1癿动态对比度和快速响应时间(灰阶到灰阶),带来清晰、 锐利、无重影癿画面,减少运动模糊感。 · U2412M带来令人震撼癿色彩表现,支持更广阔癿色域。 · 戴尔U2412M显示器拥有16:10宽高比癿大尺寸屏幕,能够完美兼容传统软件, 完美支持1920 x 1200癿高分辨率。 · 通过调整高度至最理想癿高度,带来最大癿舒适度享受。 · 倾斜和旋转等更多功能,能够确保将屏幕调整到最理想癿角度。同时,沿轴旋转 功能支持手动旋转屏幕幵增强了菜单旋转功能。 · 最新癿纤薄设计,符合典雅及时尚癿需求。 · 符合最新能源之星® 、EPEAT金牌认证、TCO Certified Displays和CECP环保标准。 LED面板采用不含砷及汞癿无害材料,电路板中采用无卤层板,有利于回收幵 降低能耗。
Environmental compliance
接口 VGA、USB、DVI-D (HDCP)、DisplayPort
Service and warranty
2 3

HP LP2475w 24英寸宽屏LED监视器技术参数说明书

HP LP2475w 24英寸宽屏LED监视器技术参数说明书

HP LP2475w 24-inch Widescreen LCD MonitorModelKD911A4Type24-inch (61-cm) Wide-Aspect Active Matrix TFT (thin film transistor)Viewable Image Area24in (61cm)widescreen; diagonally measured Screen Opening(W x H)20.49 x 12.83 in (52.04x 32.6cm)Viewing Angle (typical)Up to 178° horizontal/178° vertical (10:1 minimum contrast ratio)Brightness (typical)*400 nits (cd/m 2)Contrast Ratio (typical)*1000:1Response Time (typical)*6 ms (gray to gray); 12ms (on/off)Pixel Pitch0.270mm Backlight Lamp Life(to half brightness)40K hours Panel Colour Gamut HP Vivid Colour support (102% colour gamut)*All performance specifications represent the typical specifications provided by HP's componentmanufacturers; actual performance may vary either higher or lower.Buttons or SwitchesInput Scan, Input QuickSelect, Menu,OSD down (auto adjust), OSD up (reset), PiP/Pop, Power LanguagesEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch,Japanese,S. Chinese Brazilian Portuguese On Screen Display(OSD) Controls User Controls Brightness, contrast, positioning, colour temperature (6500k, 9300k,custom), individual colour control, serial number, display, clock, clockphase, monitor management, factory resetHorizontal Frequency 30to 94kHzVertical Frequency 48to 85HzNative Resolution1920 x 1200@ 60 Hz (WUXGA), 1.76 million pixels 1920 x 1080 @60Hz1680 x 1050 @60Hz1600 x 1200 @60Hz1600 x 1000 @ 60 Hz1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz, 75 Hz, and 85 Hz1280 x 960 @ 60Hz1280 x 768 @ 60 Hz1152 x 900 @65Hz1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz, 75 Hz, and 85 Hz800 x 600 @ 60 Hz and 75HzPreset VESA Graphic Modes (non-interlaced)640 x 480 @ 60 Hz and 75 HzSignal Interface/ Performance Text Mode 720 x 400 @ 70 HzMac Mode1152 x 870 @ 75 Hz and 832 x 624 @ 75 HzSun Mode1152 x 900 @ 66HzMaximum Pixel Clock Speed205MHzUser Programmable Modes Yes, 20Anti-Glare YesAnti-Static YesDefault Colour Temperature6500 KPlug and Play YesSelf Powered USB 2.0 Hub One upstream, six downstream ports (cable included)Input Signal(2) DVI-I, (1) HDMI, (1) DisplayPort, (1) Component Video, (1) S-Video, and(1) Composite VideoInput Impedance75 ohms ± 10%Sync Input TTL separate synchHDMI -VGA Cable15pin D-sub VGA; HDMI to VGA, used for VGA inputVideo/Other InputsHDMI -VGA Cable Length 5.9ft (1.8m)Input Power Auto-Sensing, 100 to 240 VAC, 50 +/-3 Hz to 60 +/-3 Hz)Frequency45-63HzTypical Power Consumption< 75 watts (without speaker/with 50% USB)Maximum< 120wattsPower Saving< 2 watts standby; <1watt offPowerPower Cable Length 6.2 ft (1.9m)Unpacked w/stand 16.6to 20.54 x 21.9 x 9.96 in (42.16to 52.16x 55.64 x 25.3cm)Unpacked w/o stand (head only)14.25 x 21.9 x 3.29 in (36.2x 55.64 x 8.35cm)Dimensions(H x W x D)Packaged13.86 x 26.5 x 18.27 (35.2 x 67.2 x46.4 cm)Unpacked w/stand20.06lb (9.1 kg)Unpacked w/o stand (head only)13lb (5.9 kg)WeightPackaged26.46lb (12kg) Tilt Range-5° to + 30° verticalSwivel Range-45° to + 45°Height Adjustable Yes, range 3.94in (10.0 cm)Pivot Rotation YesMechanicalBase Attachable, ships detachedTemperature -Operating41° to 95° F (5° to 35° C)Temperature -Non-operating -29° to 140° F (-20° to 60° C)Humidity -Operating 20% to 80% non-condensingHumidity -Non-operating 5% to 95%, 38.7° C max wet-bulb EnvironmentalAltitude -Operating +12,000 ft (3,658m)Altitude -Non-operating +40,000 ft (12,192 m)Environmental Data Eco-Label Certifications andDeclarations This product has received or is in the process of being certified to the following approvals and may be labeled with one or more of these marks:•ENERGY STAR®•US Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)•IT ECO declaration•TCO 03•Taiwan Green Mark•CECP•EU Flower (2001/686/EC & 2001/687/EC)•GEEAEnergy Consumption(in accordance with ENERGY STAR®test method)AC Input Voltage at 100VAC +/-5 VAC, 50 Hz+/-3 HzAC Input Voltage at 115VAC +/-5 VAC, 60 Hz+/-3 HzAC Input Voltage at230 VAC +/-5VAC, 50 Hz +/-3HzNormal Operation95watts95watts94watts Sleep 1.2watts 1.2watts 1.4watts Off0.6watts0.6watts0.8wattsHeat Dissipation*AC Input Voltage at 100VAC +/-5 VAC, 50 Hz+/-3 Hz AC Input Voltage at 115VAC +/-5 VAC, 60 Hz+/-3 HzAC Input Voltage at230 VAC +/-5VAC, 50 Hz +/-3HzNormal Operation327.74BTU/hr327.74BTU/hr320.92BTU/hr Sleep 4.10BTU/hr 4.10BTU/hr 4.78BTU/hrOff 2.05BTU/hr 2.05BTU/hr 2.73BTU/hr*NOTE: Heat dissipation is calculated based on the measured watts, assuming the service level is attained for one hour.Longevity and Upgrading Upgradeability features contained in the product include:One upstream and two downstream USB portsErgonomics The monitor meets the ergonomic requirement of EN-ISO 13406-2 for flatpanel displays.Additional Information This product is in compliance with the Restrictions of Hazardous Substances(RoHS) Directive, 2002/95/EC.This HP product is designed to comply with the Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, 2002/96/EC.Plastics parts weighing over 25 grams used in the product are marked perISO 11469 and ISO1043.Display meets the requirement for low frequency electromagnetic fields perTCO and prEN50279 A/B/C.Packaging Materials•Corrugated Carton2.4 kg•HDPE Bag0.035kg•Polystyrene0.68kgMaterial Usage This product does not contain any of the following substances in excess ofregulatory limits (refer to the HP General Specification for theEnvironment at/hpinfo/globalcitizenship/environment/supplychain/gen_specifications.html•Asbestos•Certain Azo Colourants•Certain Brominated Flame Retardants –may not be used as flameretardants in plastics•Cadmium•Chlorinated Hydrocarbons•Chlorinated Paraffins•Formaldehyde•Halogenated Diphenyl Methanes•Lead carbonates and sulfates•Lead and Lead compounds•Mercuric Oxide Batteries•Nickel –finishes must not be used on the external surface designed to befrequently handled or carried by the user.•Ozone Depleting Substances•Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)•Polybrominated Biphenyl Ethers (PBBEs)•Polybrominated Biphenyl Oxides (PBBOs)•Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)•Polychlorinated Terphenyls (PCT)•Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) –except for wires and cables, and certain retailpackaging has been voluntarily removed from most applications.•Radioactive Substances•Tributyl Tin (TBT), Triphenyl Tin (TPT), Tributyl Tin Oxide (TBTO) Packaging HP follows these guidelines to decrease the environmental impact ofproduct packaging:•Eliminate the use of heavy metals such as lead, chromium, mercury andcadmium in packaging materials.•Eliminate the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in packagingmaterials.•Design packaging materials for ease of disassembly.•Maximize the use of post-consumer recycled content materials inpackaging materials.•Use readily recyclable packaging materials such as paper andcorrugated materials.•Reduce size and weight of packages to improve transportation fuel efficiency.•Plastic packaging materials are marked according to ISO 11469 and DIN 6120 standards.End-of-life Management and Recycling Hewlett-Packard offers end-of-life HP product return and recycling programs in many geographic areas. To recycle your product, please go to: /recycle or contact your nearest HP sales office. Products returned to HP will be recycled, recovered or disposed of in a responsible manner.Hewlett-Packard Corporate Environmental Information For more information about HP’s commitment to the environment: Global Citizenship Report/hpinfo/globalcitizenship/gcreport/index.html Eco-label certifications/hpinfo/globalcitizenship/environment productdesign/ecolabels.htmlISO 14001 certificates:/hpinfo/globalcitizenship/environment/ operations/envmanagement.htmlHP Silver LCD Speaker Bar –Part number: EE418AA Powered directly by the monitor or the PC, the Speaker Bar seamlessly attaches to the monitor's lower bezel to bring full audio support to select HP LCD monitors. Features include dual speakers with full sound range and external jack for headphones. Sold separately. For more information, refer to the HP Silver LCD Speaker Bar QuickSpecs.OptionsKensington Security Lock—Part number PC766A Combines aircraft-grade steel and Kevlar fiber to securely lock down your monitor and help prevent theft.Accessories Included DVI-I to VGA cable, DVI-D, HDMI, DisplayPort; USB cable, power cableHP Display Assistant is a software utility that enables theft deterrence andallows monitor adjustment, colour calibration, and security/assetmanagement using the Display Data Channel Command Interface (DDC/CI)protocol of the connected PC.HP Display LiteSaver allows you to schedule Sleep mode at preset times tohelp protect the monitor against image retention, drastically lower powerconsumption and energy costs, and extend the lifespan of the monitor.SoftwarePivot Pro software from Portrait Displays, Inc. interacts with your PC's nativegraphics driver to enable seamless portrait screen redraws with a simplemouse-click or keyboard command. Pivot Pro supports 90-degree portraitand landscape views. Language support is available in English, Japanese,French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese.User Guide Languages English, B. Portuguese, French, LA Spanish, Korean, S. Chinese, T. Chinese,Bahasa, Japanese, Danish, Finnish, German, Norwegian, Spanish,Swedish, Greek, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, TurkishWarranty Languages English, Canadian French, LA Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish,German, Castilian Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Finnish,Swedish, Bahasa Indonesian, Korean, T. Chinese, S. ChineseOtherColour All carboniteVESA External MountingYes, standard 4 hole pattern, 100 mm Kensington Lock-ReadyYes, one Kensington slots availableCertification andCompliance TCO’03, ISO 13406-2 VDT Guidelines Approval, CISPR Requirements, VCCI Approvals, MIC (Korean) Requirements, CSA, Australian ACA Approval, “GS”Mark, TUV Approvals, CE Marking, FCC Approval, ENERGY STAR® qualified,Microsoft® Windows® Certification (Microsoft® Windows® 98, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, and Windows Vista® Premium)Compatibility Compatible with platforms using the VESA standard video modes. Recommended for use with HP products.Service and WarrantyThree years parts, labor, and on-site service. 24-hour, 90-day, toll-free technical support. Replacementoptions may include second business day on-site service, or next business day direct replacement, at HP'ssole discretion.1With direct replacement, HP will ship a replacement display product directly to you. Usingthe prepaid shipping labels provided, return your failed display to HP in the same packaging as thereplacement. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply. For details see your product warranty or contact HP Customer Support.Overview HP LCD Monitor Quick Release1.Release/locking1.Four 100mm VESA mount screw holes 1.Locking pin screw2.Four 100mm VESA mount screwholes 2.Locking pin hole on release/locking arm1Service levels and response times for HP Care Packs may vary depending on your geographic location. Restrictions and limitations apply. For details, visit /go/carepack .3.Mounting holes for attachment toback of monitor stands IntroductionThe HP Quick Release, which ships standard with the HP LP2480zx 24-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor,is an easy to use, 100 mm VESA-compliant, flat panel monitor mounting solution that allows you to quickly and securely attach a flat panel monitor to a variety of stands, brackets, arms or wall mounts. HP Quick Release can also be used for mounting any combination of devices that are compatible with the 100 mm VESA Flat Display Mounting Interface Standard. The failsafe "Sure-Lock" mechanism snaps the monitor (or mounted device) securely in place, and can be further secured with a theft-deterrent security screw.Uniquely flexible product configurationsHP Quick Release enables uniquely flexible product configuration alternatives in a variety of settings, such as:•Storefronts/kiosks: Mount LCD monitors for easy viewing and add touchscreens for interactivity.•Trade shows: Securely mount LCD TVs or monitors in common areas and quickly remove them for safekeeping at the end of the day.•Front office environments: Minimize desk space requirements with wall or swing-arm mounting of monitors in reception areas.•Training labs: Mount a monitor directly on a 100 mm VESA-compatible PC or an HP Thin Client for all-in-one convenience.•Medical/institutional settings: Securely mount monitors in nursing stations and public areas.•Conference rooms: Mount projectors (with 100 mm VESA-compliant pre-drilled holes) on ceilings, and monitors on wallsor tables.Service and supportThe HP LCD Monitor Quick Release has a one-year limited warranty. Technical support is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, by phone, as well as online support forums. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply.Packaged:7.8 x 6.25 x 1.5 in (19.8 x 15.9 x 3.8 cm)Dimensions (H x W x D)Unpackaged:6.3 x 5.2 x 0.65 in (16 x 13.2 x 1.65 cm)Packaged: 1.1 lb (0.49 kg)Mechanical WeightUnpackaged:0.82 lb (0.37 kg)Additional components Eight 10 mm mounting screws (for attachment to VESA compliantmonitor mounts)Eight 15.5mm mounting screws (for attachment to HP Thin Clientproducts)Four 20 mm mounting screws (for attachment to back of select HP flatpanel monitor stands)One Quick Release "locking" screwColourCarbonite Notes: 1.No HP monitors allow positioning of a thin client product between a monitor screen and itsstand.2.The Quick Release device is not to be used between a monitor screen and its stand unlessprovided that way from the factory.3.Under no circumstances is the Quick Release device intended to be used in an orientationwhere the Release/Lock lever is oriented downward.Supported weight capacity The HP Quick Release has been designed to support a maximum of up to 24 lbs (10.9 kg)depending upon the mounting configuration used. Please note this is a total weight limit for alldevices mounted, i.e. the combined weight of the monitor and a second device such as an HPThin Client cannot exceed 24 pounds. Because mounting surfaces vary widely and the finalmounting method and configuration may vary, mounting fasteners are not supplied (other thanthe VESA-compliant screws). HP recommends that you consult with a qualified engineering,architectural or construction professional to determine the appropriate type and quantity ofmounting fasteners required for your application and to ensure that your mounting solution isproperly installed to support applied loads.© Copyright 2008Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Windows Vista is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.。



当前文档由后花园网文自动生成,更多内容请访问 不吹不黑:24寸曲面显示器飞利浦猛腾242M7来源于:中关村在线大家好,欢迎来到第十期《不吹不黑》。





4、采用素质较高的VA面板,各项参数过硬,支持AMD FreeSync技术和不闪屏技术。







产品基本参数:屏幕尺寸24英寸,曲率1500R,刷新率144Hz,物理分辨率1920x1080,色域高达121.4%sRGB,支持AMD FreeSync技术,以及不闪屏技术。

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BenQ G2420HDBL 24 宽屏幕 LCD 彩色显示器 说明书

BenQ G2420HDBL 24 宽屏幕 LCD 彩色显示器 说明书

G2420HDBL24" 宽屏幕LCD 彩色显示器用户手册欢迎使用版权所有版权所有© 2009 BenQ Corporation。


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请遵照安全说明使显示器达到最佳性能和最长使用寿命电源安全性•AC 插头使此设备与 AC 电源绝缘。







用不起毛的非磨损布料清洁 LCD 显示器表面。








2 目录使用入门 (4)开始了解您的显示器 (6)正视图 (6)后视图 (6)如何安装显示器硬件 (7)如何分开支撑底座 (9)充分利用 BenQ 显示器 (11)如何在新电脑上安装显示器 (12)如何在现有的电脑上升级显示器 (13)在Windows 7系统上安装 (14)在 Windows Vista 系统上安装 (15)在 Windows XP 系统上安装 (16)图像优化 (17)如何调整显示器 (18)控制面板 (18)热键模式 (19)主菜单模式 (20)故障排除 (28)常见问题(FAQ) (28)是否需要更多帮助? (29)3目录4 使用入门1. 使用入门打开包装时,请检查是否具有以下物品。



显示器尺寸对应的最佳分辨率AOC V24t详细参数切换到传统表格版基本参数显示参数面板控制接口外观设计其它显示器附件保修信息基本参数•产品定位:娱乐影音•屏幕尺寸:23.6英寸•屏幕比例:16:9(宽屏)•最大分辨率:1920x1080 •最佳分辨率:1920x1080•高清标准:1080p(全高清)•面板类型:TN•背光类型:CCFL背光•动态对比度:60000:1•黑白响应时间:5ms显示参数•点距:0.2715mm•亮度:300cd/㎡•可视面积:521.28×293.22mm •可视角度:170/160°•显示颜色:16.7M•扫描频率:水平:30-80KHz垂直:55-75Hz•带宽:148.5MHz 面板控制•控制方式:按键•语言菜单:英文,德语,法语,意大利语,西班牙语,俄语,葡萄牙语,土耳其语,简体中文接口•视频接口:D-Sub(VGA),HDMI,色差,S端子,复合信号CVBS •其它接口:TV,音频输出外观设计•机身颜色:黑色烤漆,银色底座•外观设计:超薄设计,最薄处2.5cm•产品尺寸:595.4×483.54×220.13mm(包含底座)668×565×117mm(包装)•产品重量:5.5kg(净重)7.5kg(毛重)•底座功能:倾斜•音箱:内置音箱(2×2.5W)•壁挂:100×100mm其它•电视功能:支持电视功能•HDCP:支持HDCP•电源性能:90~240V交流, 50/60Hz External Adapter•消耗功率:最大:60W待机:1W•安规认证:CCC, CB, CE, GOST,EPA •其它性能:仰角:-3-10度•其它特点:Eco Mode 5种亮度情景模式获得EPEAT金奖•上市时间:2009年06月显示器附件•包装清单:显示器主机 x1 底座 x1电源线 x1信号线 x1保修卡 x1电子光盘说明书 x1保修信息•保修政策:全国联保,享受三包服务•质保时间:3年•质保备注:整机1月内包换,2年免费上门,3年免费全保•客服电话:400-887-8007•电话备注:8:00-22:00•详细内容:在中国大陆(不包括香港、澳门特别政区)购买并在大陆地区使用的显示器,出现保修范围内的硬件故障时,凭显示器保修证正本和购机发票到“冠捷国内维修站一览表”中的任何一个维修站均可享受1个月包换,2年在规定的城市地区免费上门维修服务,3年免费保修(包含CRT及LCD面板)的123保修服务。

优派 VX2452mh 液晶显示器(使用手册)

优派 VX2452mh 液晶显示器(使用手册)

an accredited impartial test laboratory. TCO Certified represents one of the toughest
certifications for displays worldwide.
Some of the Usability features of the TCO Certified for displays: • Good visual ergonomics and image quality is tested to ensure top performance and
生熱氣(包括放大器)等設備的地方。 14. 將LCD 顯示器放通風良好的地方。請勿將任何物品放在LCD顯示器上,否則會阻礙散熱。 15. 請勿將任何重物放置在LCD 顯示器、視訊電纜線與電源線上。 16. 如果出現冒煙、異常噪音或異味,請立即關閉LCD 顯示器並電話通知經銷商或
ViewSonic。連續使用LCD 顯示器是不安全的。 17. 請勿改變確保安全用的分極式或接地式插頭。分極式插頭有兩個扁平狀的插腳,
• Product have been tested according to rigorous safety standards at an impartial laboratory.
• Electric and magnetic fields emissions as low as normal household background levels.
1. 使用設備前請詳讀這些操作指示。 2. 請妥善保存這些操作指示文件。 3. 留意所有警告並遵守所有指示。 4. 坐在離 LCD 顯示器至少 18"/45cm 的地方。 5. 在移動時務必小心搬動 LCD 顯示器。 6. 切勿拆下後蓋。LCD顯示器內有高壓零件。如果您碰觸這些零件,可能會受到嚴重傷害。 7. 請勿在靠近水的地方使用本設備。警告: 為減低火災或電擊的危險,請勿將此產品


1. 关闭计算机和所有连接的设备的电源,并拔出计算机的电源线。
1-4 液晶显示器用户指南
2. 将模拟信号线接在计算机后面D-SUB接口。
注 : 信号线的一端已经预先连接到显示器上。
3. 将数据信号线接入显示器的DVI接口,另一端则接在计算机后面接口。 注 : 显示器未随附数据信号线。
选择支持的显示模式 ........................................................................ .2-5 图像旋转 .................................................................................. 2-6 了解电源管理 .............................................................................. 2-6 保养显示器 ................................................................................ 2-7 拆离显示器支架 ............................................................................ 2-8 墙上安装(可选) ............................................................................ 2-8
10. 移除支架后面的四个橡胶盖。 11. 将束线盖板装回底座。



写(RS to CS,RW)
读(RS to CS,RD)
地址保持时间 写数据建立时间 写数据保持时间 读数据延迟时间
参数 读数据保持时间
符号 tDDR
提示:以上的描述意味着,当我们对某一个地址上的显示进行操作时,需要对该地址进行连续两次 的 8 位数据写入或读出的操作,方可完成对一个显存单元的操作。
模块的像素点与显存对应关系如 图 2.4 所示:
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
彩色 TFTLCD 显示模块的 LCD 驱动控制 IC 为 SPFD5408,用户在对
作时,实际上是对 SPFD5408 进行相关的控制寄存器、显示数学据存储器进行操作的,所以,接下来重点

2.1 液晶显示器
2.1.1 液晶显示器结构
显示器内嵌TFT-LCD驱动控制芯片,采用先进的COG技术,将芯片嵌在LCD玻璃 上,图 2.1 为此液晶显示器的尺寸图;而 图 2.2 为液晶显示器的实物图。



Peace of mind: Dell Premium Panel Exchange allows a free panelreplacement during the Limited Hardware Warranty 6 period even if only one bright pixel is found.Minimize downtime: Your monitor comes with a 3-year Advanced Exchange Service 7 so that if a replacement becomes necessary, it will be shipped to you the next business day during your 3-year Limited Hardware Warranty.6 Get a higher level of support: Upgrade to 24x7, in-region technical phone support from qualified engineers with Dell ProSupport option.8THANK YOU FOR MAKING DELL MONITORS #1 WORLDWIDE *Sleek, stylish and organized: Hide cords in the monitor riser to keep things organized. This sleek monitor has a three-sided ultrathin bezel, small base and an improved, easy-to-use cable management system.Comfort is key: Tilt, swivel, pivot and adjust the height of your monitor (150 mm height adjustment range) for a comfortable working experience. Designed with you in mind: Navigate the menu and adjust screen settings with the easy-to-use joystick control. Snap on the optional Dell Slim Soundbar (SB521A) and elevate your listening experience.OPTIMIZED WORKSPACEA productivity hub: Transform your monitor into a productivity hub with RJ45 for wired Ethernet connectivity and USB-C providing up to 65W power delivery — all in one clutter-free setup.Enhanced manageability: MAC Address pass thorugh 2, PXE boot and wake-on-LAN are conveniently built in.Single-cable convenience: Reduce cable clutter with USB-C connectivity, which offers the flexibility of connecting to multi-vendor USB-C systems 3 and saves up to 72% of workspace setup time.4Jumpstart productivity: Simply press the monitor power button and the power sync feature seamlessly starts your monitor and connected Dell PC, even when the laptop lid is closed. Compatible with select Dell PCs.5Expand your efficiency: Boost productivity by up to 21% with a dual monitor setup.4 via Dell Express Daisy Chaining — a feature that allows automatic detection of the second display, skipping the manual step of changing OSD settings.CONNECT TO PRODUCTIVITYComfort without sacrificing color: Optimize eye comfort on this 23.8” FHD monitor with ComfortView Plus 1, an always-on, built-in screen that reduces potentially harmful blue light emissions while delivering excellent color accuracy.Color consistency comes standard: See consistent, vibrant colors across a wide viewing angle enabled by In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology. With 99% sRGB coverage, you get precise colors right out of the box.COMFORT WITHOUT SACRIFICING COLORMonitorDell 24 USB-C Hub Monitor – P2422HE Diagonal Viewing Size 604.70 mm (23.80 inches)Active Display Area Width Height527.04 mm (20.75 inches)296.46 mm (11.67 inches)Maximum Preset Resolution 1920 x 1080 at 60 Hz Aspect Ratio 16:9Pixel Pitch0.2745 mm x 0.2745 mm Pixel Per Inch (PPI)93Brightness 250 cd/m² (typical)Color Support Color gamut: sRGB 99% (typical)Color depth: 16.7 million colors Contrast Ratio 1000:1 (typical)Viewing Angle 178°/178°Response Time5 ms typical (Fast) (gray to gray)8 ms (Normal mode) (gray to gray)Panel TypeIn-Plane Switching Technology Display Screen Coating Anti-GlareBacklight TechnologyWhite LED edgelight system ComfortView Plus with Flicker-free screen Yes Dell Display Manager Compatibility YesRemote Asset Management Yes, via Dell Command I Monitor GSA/TAAYes Optional SoundbarSB521AConnectivityConnectors1 x HDMI port version 1.4 (HDCP 1.4)1 x DisplayPort version 1.2 (HDCP 1.4)1 x DisplayPort (Out) with MST (HDCP 1.4)1 x USB T ype-C ® upstream port (Alternate mode with DisplayPort 1.2, Power Delivery up to 65 W)**4 x SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps (USB 3.2 Gen1) downstream port 1 x RJ45 port HDCP SupportHDMI HDCP 1.4DP HDCP 1.4Design FeaturesAdjustability Height adjustable stand (150 mm), Tilt (-5° to 21°), Swivel (-45° to 45°), Pivot (-90° to 90°)SecuritySecurity lock slot (cable lock sold separately)Flat Panel Mount InterfaceVESA (100 mm x 100 mm)PowerAC inputvoltage/frequency/current100 VAC to 240 VAC / 50 Hz or 60 Hz ± 3 Hz / 1.5 A (typical)Power Consumption (Operational)0.2 W (Off mode)90.3 W (Standby Mode)914.5 W (On mode)9118 W (Max.)10Power Consumption Stand by / SleepLess than 0.3W Dimensions (with stand)Height 496.11 mm (19.53 inches)Width 537.80 mm (21.17 inches)Depth179.57 mm (7.07 inches)WeightWeight (panel only - for VESA mount/ no cables)3.81 kg (8.40 lb)Weight (monitor and cables with stand) 6.00 kg (13.23 lb)Weight (with packaging)8.38 kg (18.47 lb)Standard Service Plan Premium Panel Exchange, 3 Years Advanced Exchange Service 7 & Limited Hardware Warranty 6Optional Service Plan Dell ProSupport 8Environmental ComplianceENERGY STAR ® certified monitor, EPEAT ® Gold registered where applicable 11, RoHS-compliant, TCO Edge Certified Displays, BFR/PVC free monitor (excluding external cables), Arsenic-free glass and Mercury-free for the panel only.What's in the box?Components• Monitor with standCables• Power cable• DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable (1.8m)• USB T ype-C cable (1.8m)• Cable tieDocumentation • Quick Setup Guide• Safety and regulatory informationRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIESWorld’s slimmest and lightest soundbar12o ers exceptional audio clarity andmagnetically attaches to Dell monitors13o ering a clean desk experience.DELL SLIM SOUNDBAR |SB521AQuickly install this Dell Dual Monitor Arm –MDA20 for a comprehensive monitor andsystem mounting solution. This virtually tool-free installation makes deployment simple.DELL DUAL MONITOR ARM |MDA20MMENDED ACCESSElevate productivity with this wirelessfull size narrow bezel keyboard andambidextrous mouse combo with 3 yearsof battery life.DELL PRO WIRELESS KEYBOARDAND MOUSE COMBO | KM5221W4881235679ConnectivityEasily adjust the panel to your preferred viewing position.21°5°15mm45°45°Tilt and height adjustableBack view -Cable management slotSwivel90° 90°Pivot1Security lock slot2Power connector3HDMI port4Stand lock5DisplayPort (in)6DisplayPort (out)7USB Type-C upstream port8SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps (USB3.2 Gen1)Type-A downstream port (4)9RJ45 port。


12)灰度等级 红、绿、蓝各12-14bits显示颜色43980亿种
13)换帧频率 ≥60帧/秒刷新频率960Hz
14)控制方式 计算机控制,逐点一一对应,视频同步,实时显示 亮度调节 256级手动/自动
15)输入信号 DVI/VGA,视频(多种制式)RGBHV、复合视频信号、S-VIDEO YpbPr(HDTV)
16)使用寿命 ≥10万小时平均无故障时间≥1万小时
18)离散失控点 <0.0001,出厂时为0盲点率<0.0003,出厂时为0
19)工作温度范围 -20-40℃工作湿度范围10%-90%RH
20)屏幕水平平整度 <1mm/㎡屏幕垂直平整度<1mm/㎡
6开关Leabharlann 源27台LED专用电源,5V40A

戴尔 P2422H 24系列显示器说明书

戴尔 P2422H 24系列显示器说明书

广泛的连接选项:通过多种连接端口(包括 DisplayPort 、HDMI 、VGA 和 USB )轻松连接到各种设备。



您还可以借助戴尔双显示器设置,将工作效率提高多达 21%。

4更多的多任务处理方式:可跨多个屏幕方便地工作,并可借助 Dell Display Manager 软件的 Easy Arrange 功能从预定义模板中选择。



此外,还有包括 VESA 在内的多种安装架和支架可供选择,从而实现更大的灵活性。


卡入戴尔纤薄型音棒 (SB521A),提升您的听觉体验。



优化您的工作空间从 2013 年到 2020 年的连续 7 个年度全球显示器出货量领先*轻松省心:根据卓越面板保证服务,在有限硬件保修5 期内,即便只发现一个亮斑,戴尔也会免费为您更换面板。

更少停机:您的显示器享有 3 年高级更换服务2,因此在 3 年有限硬件保修5 期内,如果需要更换,我们将在下一个工作日为您寄送更换的显示器。

获得更高级别的支持:选购 Dell ProSupport 选项,即可升级至由经过认证的工程师为您提供的 24x7 全天候区域内电话技术支持3。

值得信赖的可靠性舒适,同时不影响色彩:利用 ComfortView Plus 技术1 提升眼部舒适度,它是一种始终开启的内置屏幕功能,可减少有害蓝光辐射,同时呈现非凡的色彩准确度。

P2422HB 显示器用户手册说明书

P2422HB 显示器用户手册说明书

Simplified Service Manual–P2422HBVersion: 01Date:2021/03/23Content Index1. General Safety Instructions (3)1.1 SAFETY: General Safety (3)1.2 SAFETY: General Power Safety (5)2. Exploded view diagram with list of items (6)3. Wiring connectivity diagram (7)4. Disassembly and Assembly Procedures (8)4.1 Disassembly SOP (8)4.2 Assembly SOP (11)5. Trouble shooting instructions (14)1. General Safety InstructionsUse the following safety guidelines to help ensure your own personal safety and to help protect your equipment and working environment from potential damage.NOTE: In this section, equipment refers to monitors.IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR USE IN HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTS:Dell products are not medical devices and are not listed under UL or IEC 60601 (or equivalent). As a result, they must not be used within 6 feet of a patient or in a manner that directly or indirectly contacts a patient1.1 SAFETY: General SafetyWARNING: To prevent the spread of fire, keep candles or other open flames away from this product at all times.When setting up the equipment for use:⏹Place the equipment on a hard, level surface. Leave 10.2 cm (4 in) minimum of clearance onall vented sides of the computer to permit the airflow required for proper ventilation.⏹Restricting airflow can damage the computer or cause a fire.⏹Do not stack equipment or place equipment so close together that it is subject torecalculated or preheated air.⏹NOTE: Review the weight limits referenced in your computer documentation before placinga monitor or other devices on top of your computer.⏹Ensure that nothing rests on your equipment's cables and that the cables are not locatedwhere they can be stepped on or tripped over.⏹Ensure that all cables are connected to the appropriate connectors. Some connectors havea similar appearance and may be easily confused (for example, do not plug a telephonecable into the network connector).⏹Do not place your equipment in a closed-in wall unit or on a bed, sofa, or rug.⏹Keep your device away from radiators and heat sources.⏹Keep your equipment away from extremely hot or cold temperatures to ensure that it is usedwithin the specified operating range.⏹Do not push any objects into the air vents or openings of your equipment. Doing so cancause fire or electric shock by shorting out interior components.⏹Avoid placing loose papers underneath your device. Do not place your device in a closed-inwall unit, or on a soft, fabric surface such as a bed, sofa, carpet, or a rug.When operating your equipment:⏹Do not use your equipment in a wet environment, for example, near a bath tub, sink, orswimming pool or in a wet basement.⏹Do not use AC powered equipment during an electrical storm. Battery powered devices maybe used if all cables have been disconnected.⏹Do not spill food or liquids on your equipment.⏹Before you clean your equipment, disconnect it from the electrical outlet. Clean your devicewith a soft cloth dampened with water. Do not use liquids or aerosol cleaners, which maycontain flammable substances.⏹Clean the monitor display with a soft, clean cloth and water. Apply the water to the cloth,then stroke the cloth across the display in one direction, moving from the top of the displayto the bottom. Remove moisture from the display quickly and keep the display dry.⏹Long-term exposure to moisture can damage the display. Do not use a commercial windowcleaner to clean your display.⏹If your equipment does not operate normally - in particular, if there are any unusual soundsor smells coming from it - unplug it immediately and contact an authorized dealer or servicecenter.Protecting Against Electrostatic DischargeElectrostatic discharge (ESD) events can harm electronic components inside your equipment. Under certain conditions, ESD may build up on your body or an object, such as a peripheral, and then discharge into another object, such as your computer. To prevent ESD damage, you should discharge static electricity from your body before you interact with any of your equipment’s internal electronic components, such as a memory module. You can protect against ESD by touching a metal grounded object (such as an unpainted metal surface on your computer’s I/O panel) before you interact with anything electronic. When connecting a peripheral (including handheld digital assistants) to your equipment, you should always ground both yourself and the peripheral before connecting it. In addition, as you work inside the equipment, periodically discharge any static charge your body may have accumulated.You can also take the following steps to prevent damage from electrostatic discharge:⏹When unpacking a static-sensitive component from its shipping carton, do not remove thecomponent from the antistatic packing material until you are ready to install the component.Just before un wrapping the antistatic package, be sure to discharge static electricity fromyour body.⏹When transporting a sensitive component, first place it in an antistatic container orpackaging.⏹Handle all electrostatic sensitive components in a static-safe area. If possible, use antistaticfloor pads and work bench pads.1.2 SAFETY: General Power SafetyObserve the following guidelines when connecting your equipment to a power source:⏹Check the voltage rating before you connect the equipment to an electrical outlet to ensurethat the required voltage and frequency match the available power source.⏹Do not plug the equipment power cables into an electrical outlet if the power cable isdamaged⏹Norway and Sweden: If this product is provided with a 3-prong power cable, connect thepower cable to a grounded electrical outlet only.⏹If you use an extension power cable, ensure that the total ampere rating of the productsplugged in to the extension power cable does not exceed the ampere rating of the extension cable.⏹If you must use an extension cable or power strip, ensure the extension cable or power stripis connected to a wall power outlet and not to another extension cable or power strip. Theextension cable or power strip must be designed for grounded plugs and plugged into agrounded wall outlet.⏹If you are using a multiple-outlet power strip, use caution when plugging the power cable intothe power strip. Some power strips may allow you to insert a plug incorrectly. Incorrectinsertion of the power plug could result in permanent damage to your equipment, as well asrisk of electric shock and/or fire. Ensure that the ground prong of the power plug is insertedinto the mating ground contact of the power strip.⏹Be sure to grasp the plug, not the cable, when disconnecting equipment from an electricsocket.If your equipment uses an AC adapter:⏹Use only the Dell provided AC adapter approved for use with this device. Use of another ACadapter may cause a fire or explosion.⏹NOTE: Refer to your system rating label for information on the proper adapter modelapproved for use with your device.⏹Place the AC adapter in a ventilated area, such as a desk top or on the floor, when you useit to run the computer or to charge the battery. Do not cover the AC adapter with papers orother items that will reduce cooling; also, do not use the AC adapter inside a carrying case.⏹The AC adapter may become hot during normal operation of your computer. Use care whenhandling the adapter during or immediately after operation.⏹It is recommended that you lay the adapter on the floor or desk so that the green light isvisible. This will alert you if the adapter should accidentally go off due to external effects. Iffor any reason the green light goes off, disconnect the AC power cord from the wall for aperiod of ten seconds, and then reconnect the power cord.⏹Japan Only: Use only the Dell-provided AC power cable with the AC adapter. Use of anyother power cable may damage the device or AC adapter or may present risk of fire orelectric shock.2. Exploded view diagram with list of itemsItemDescriptionQ'ty 1 ASSY CHIN 1 2 ASSY MF 1 3 Panel1 4 PCBA USB BD 1 5 MYLAR PWR BD 1 6 PCBA LEDDRV BD 1 7 PCBA SPS BD 1 8 PCBA I/F BD 1 9 ASSY SHD1 10 MYLAR USB SIDE 1 11 PCBA CTRL BD 1 12 ASSY RC1 13 ASSY STAND CLMN 1 14 ASSY STAND BASE 1 15 Power cable1 16 DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable 1 17USB Type-C cable 11716 15124563879 10111213143. Wiring connectivity diagramWire1FFC 1FFC 2Wire3Wire24. Disassembly and Assembly Procedures4.1 Disassembly SOPPreparation before disassembly 1. Clean the room for work 2. Identify the area for material3. Prepare the implement, equipment, materials as bellow : 1) Working table2) Philips-head screwdriver 3) Gloves4) Cleaning cloth 5) ESD protectionItem Picture OperationToolNotes 1To remove the stand:1. Place the monitor on asoft cloth or cushion2. Press and hold thestand release button3. Lift the stand up andaway from the monitor21. Unlock 4 RC screws2. Disassemble Rear Cover from Middle Frame according to the sequence shown in the picturePhilips-head screwdriverTorsion of RC screw: 9±1Kgf1 32231. Pull out CTRL FFC from I/F BD to take off Rear Cover41. Tear off malar fromMain SHD2. Pull out USB FFC fromI/F BDPhilips-head screw driverTorsion of screw: 4.5±0.5kgf51. Pull out Backlight Wirefrom LED Driver BD2. Disassemble Main SHDfrom Middle Frame3. Tear off a conductivetape and a yellow tape from LVDS cable4. Pull out LVDS cable andtake off Main SHD from panel61. Disassemble Mylar fromMain SHD2. Unlock 8 PCB screwsPhilips-headscrewdriverTorsion ofPCB screw:8.5±1kgf7 1. Disassemble I/F BD,SPS BD, LED Driver BDfrom Main SHD2. Pull out all cables fromI/F BD, SPS BD andLED Driver BD4.2 Assembly SOPPreparation before assembly 1. Clean the room for work 2. Identify the area for material3. Prepare the implement, equipment, materials as bellow : 1) Working table2) Philips-head screwdriver 3) Gloves4) Cleaning cloth 5) ESD protectionItemPicture OperationToolsNotes 11. Insert SPS BD to LED DriverBD wire into SPS BD2. Insert SPS BD to I/F BD wireinto SPS BD3. Assemble SPS BD in MainSHD 4. Insert the LVDS cable into I/FBD5. Insert SPS BD to I/F BD wireinto I/F BD and assemble I/F BD in Main SHD6. Insert SPS BD to LED DriverBD wire to LED Driver BD and assemble LED Driver BD inMain SHD7. Lock 8 PCB screwsPhilips-head screwdriverTorsion of PCB screw: 8.5±1kgf21. Assemble Mylar (Paste Mylaron Main SHD like the picture showed )31. Insert LVDS cable into Panel2. Paste 1 yellow tape and aconductive tape to fix FFC3. Assemble Main SHD to MiddleFrame4. Insert Backlight Wire into LEDDriver BD and paste 1 tape to fix wire41. Insert USB FFC to USB BD and I/F BD2. Assemble mylar to Main SHD51. Insert CTRL FFC into I/F BD2. Assemble Rear Cover withMiddle Frame according to the sequence shown in the picture3. Lock 4 RC screwsPhilips-head screwdriverTorsion of RC screw: 9±1Kgf61. Assemble Standa. Insert the stand base blocks fully into the stand slot.b. Lift the screw handle and turn the screw clockwise.c. After fully tightening the screw, fold the screw handle flatwithin the recess.71. Attach the stand assembly tothe display.a. Fit the two tabs on the upper part of the stand to the groove on the back of the display.b. Press the stand down till it snaps into place.4112335. Trouble shooting instructions。


附录A. 服务与支持 ..................................................... A-1
电话技术支持 ............................................................................. A-1
选择支持的显示模式 ........................................................................ .2-5 图像旋转 .................................................................................. 2-6 了解电源管理 .............................................................................. 2-6 保养显示器 ................................................................................ 2-7 拆离显示器支架 ............................................................................ 2-8 墙上安装(可选) ............................................................................ 2-8
安 全 信 息 ...................................................................................................................... iii



24寸显示器有三种类型的:16:10,长59.35厘米,宽35.35厘米;16:9,长53.15厘米,宽29.90厘米;4:3 ,长48.8厘米,宽36.58厘米。






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Lenovo Confidential
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Brand Model Panel Size Resolution Panel Type Brightness Contrast Ratio Dynamic Contrast Ratio Color Gamut Response Time Viewing Angle Interface(Analog/Digital) USB Ports Stand Compliance Warranty Lenovo LT2452p 24" Wide 1920x1200 eIPS - LED 300 cd/m2 1000:1 No 72% 7ms(gray to gray) 178/178 VGA+DVI+DP Yes, 4 ports Lift/Tilt/Swivel/Pivot TCO Edge 1.1 / TCO 5.1 ES 5 EPEAT Gold ULE Gold 3 years Dell P2411H 24” Wide 1920x1080 TN-LED 250 cd/m2 1000:1 2M:1 68% 5ms(black to white) 170/160 VGA+DVI Yes, 2 ports Lift/Tilt/Swivel/Pivot TCO5.0 ES5 EPEAT Gold NA 3 years HP ZR24w 24” Wide 1920x1200 s-IPS 400cd/m2 1000:1 3000:1 72% 7ms (gray to gray) 178/178 VGA+DVI+DP Yes, 4 ports Lift/Tilt/Swivel/Pivot NA NA NA NA 3 years
Nov 2011
L2022w Nov 2011
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Lenovo Confidential
产品定位 最高端显示器,扩展显示器产品线,满足有专业显示需求的用户或注重品 质、形象的高端用户,同时应对HP、DELL等厂商的24W产品。 目标客户 1、图形图像设计 2、对显示有较高要求的专业用户 3、管理者等高端用户 主要特点: 1、高端广视角IPS屏幕,可视角度达 178°(普通屏幕最高170°) 2、接口丰富,VGA+DVI+DP显示接 口,4个USB扩展接口 3、LED背光,更加节能环保 4、色彩更鲜艳,色域更广 5、硬屏使用更可靠 、
15” Square 17” 19” 19w 16:10 22w 16:9 24w
LT2452p L2321p Premium L2250p L1900p LT1952w LT1421w Main Stream L1710 L1510 D186w Essential Nov 2011 L197w
Mobile Monitors 18.5w 20w 21.5w 23w 14w
ThinkVision24英寸宽屏LED液晶 LT2452p显示器介绍
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R model
Desktop Monitors