Aggregate-Linear Programming




计算机算法相关术语的英语词汇计算机英语其实说难学习也不难,说不难又有一点难,小编今天就给大家整理了有关于计算机的英语,大家可以多多阅读一下计算机英语字典Dictionaries堆Heap优先级队列Priority queue矩阵乘法Matrix multiplication贪心算法Greedy algorithm上界/下界Upper bound / Lower bound最好情况/最坏情况/平均情况Best case /Worst Case/ Average case插入排序Insertion sort合并排序Merge sort堆排序Heap sort快速排序Quick sort动态规划DP (Dynamic Programming)背包问题Knapsack problem霍夫曼编码Huffman Coding迪杰斯特拉算法Dijkstra’s algorithm贝尔曼-福德算法Bellman-Ford algorithm弗洛伊德算法Floyd-Warshall algorithm回溯Back-TrackingN皇后问题N-Queen problem渐进增长Asymptotic growth(包含O-notationΩ-notation Θ-notation)线性规划Linear programming随机数生成Random number generation图的生成Generating graphs图论-多项式算法Graph Problems – polynomial algorithm连通分支Connected components最小生成树Minimum Spanning Tree最短路径Shortest pathNP问题Non-Deterministic Polynomial problem旅行商问题Traveling salesman problem同构Graph isomorphism压缩Text compression最长公共子串Longest Common Substring最短公共父串Shortest Common Superstring收敛速度Rate of convergence 计算机算法相关术语的英语词汇。

Mixed Integer Linear Programming

Mixed Integer Linear Programming

Column name -----------x y
max x + y −2x + 2y ≥ 1 −8x + 10y ≤ 13 x, y ∈ Z
is (x, y ) = (1, 2) with objective 3 The optimal solution of its LP relaxation is (x, y ) = (4, 4.5) with objective 9.5 No direct way of getting from (x, y ) = (4, 4.5) to (x, y ) = (1, 2) by rounding! Something more elaborate is needed: branch & bound
Sessioaxation of a MIP
Given a MIP
Ty x + c min cT I R
(IP )
AR x + AI y = b x, y ≥ 0 y ∈ Zn
its linear relaxation consists in the LP obtained by dropping the integrality constraints:
Ty x + c min cT I R
(LP )
AR x + AI y = b x, y ≥ 0
Can we solve IP by solving LP ? By rounding?
Session 6 – p.5/40
Branch & Bound (1)
The optimal solution of
Session 6 – p.3/40
Computational Complexity: LP vs. IP



intlinprog是Matlab中用于求解混合整数线性规划(Mixed-integer linear programming)的一个函数。






求解代码:f=[-5 -8]; A=[11;59]; b=[645]; lb=zeros(2,1); intcon=[12];[x,fval]=intlinprog(f,intcon,A,b,[],[],lb,[]); x,fval=-fval。



求解代码:f=[-6 -2 -3]; A=[1 1 1]; b=[10]; lb=zeros(3,1); ub=ones(3,1); intcon=1:3; [x,fval]=intlinprog(f,intcon,A,b,[],[],lb,ub); x,fval=-fval。


注意:在使用intlinprog函数之前,需要确保已经安装了Optimization Toolbox。


Example 2
A patient of limited financial means was advised by his doctor to increase the consumption of liver and chicken in his diet. In each meal he must get no less than200calories from this combination and no more than15units of fat. When he consulted his diet book, he found the following information: there are200calories in a pound of chicken and150calories in a pound of liver. However, there are15units of fat in a pound of liver and5units of fat in a pound of chicken. The price of chicken is£5a poundand the price of liver is£1.50a pound.The patient wants to minimize the total cost subject to the medical constraints imposed by his doctor.
Total number of hours spent at divisionD2= 4x(UnitP1)+3y(UnitP2)+3z(UnitP3)200
Total number of hours spent at divisionD3= 2x(UnitP1)+3y(UnitP2)+0z(UnitP3)30



linp单词linp单词,是一种在国际计算机领域中使用广泛的术语,特指在程序设计中常用的线性编程(Linear Programming)相关的单词。




在线性编程中,常常会出现目标函数(Objective Function)、约束条件(Constraints)和决策变量(Decision Variables)等概念。


明确掌握这些基本概念,对于理解linp 单词的含义和使用方式至关重要。


例如,线性规划(Linear Programming)是指利用线性数学模型在给定约束条件下,求解最优解的问题。


另外,线性规划还包括了单纯形法(Simplex Method)、对偶问题(Dual Problem)和敏感度分析(Sensitivity Analysis)等相关概念。











WinQSB 简介WinQSB1.0 是在 QSB ( DOS 版)的基础上,升级开发的运行于 WINDOWS 操作系统的管理运筹学应用软件包。

WinQSB1.0 (下简称为 WinQSB1.0 )的技术成熟,运行稳定,操作方便,对硬件要求较低,非常适合初学者上机使用。

一、系统程序菜单简介在程序安装包里找到 SETUP.EXE 文件双击后开始安装,安装时可选择安装位置,默认安装是在 C 盘的根目录 WinQSB 文件夹里。

安装成功后,系统开始菜单程序栏里会生成 WinQSB 应用程序菜单选项,如图 1 所示。

图 1 WinQSB 系统程序菜单从 WinQSB 系统的菜单选项,可以看出其可用于求解以下管理与决策科学领域的问题:1.Acceptance Sampling Analysis (缩写为 ASA ,接受抽样分析)主要用于各种抽样分析、抽样方案的设计以及假设分析;2.Aggregate Planning (缩写为 AP ,综合计划编制)用于求解具有多时期正常排班、加班、分时段、转包生产量、需求量、储存费用、生产费用等复杂的整体综合生产计划的编制方法,求解思路是将问题归结到求解线性规划模型或运输模型;3.Decision Analysis (缩写为 DA ,决策分析)用于确定型与风险型决策、贝叶斯决策、决策树、二人零和对策、蒙特卡罗模拟等问题的求解;4.Dynamic Programming (缩写为 DP ,动态规划)主要用于最短路问题、背包问题、生产与储存等类问题的求解;5.Facility Location and Layout (缩写为 FLL ,设备场地布局)应用于设备场地设计、功能布局、线路均衡布局等类问题的求解;6.Forecasting and Linear Regression (缩写为 FC ,预测与线性回归)可进行简单平均、移动平均、加权移动平均、线性趋势移动平均、指数平滑、多元线性回归、 Holt-Winters 季节叠加与乘积算法的运算;7.Inventory Theory and System (缩写为 ITS ,存储论与存储系统)用于经济订货批量模型、批量折扣模型、单时期随机模型、多时期动态储存模型、储存控制系统(各种储存策略)等类问题的求解;8.Job Scheduling (缩写为 JOB ,作业调度)用于零件加工排序、流水线车间加工排序等;9.MarKov Process (缩写为 MKP ,马尔科夫过程)用于求解马尔科夫动态过程问题;10.Material Requirements Planning (缩写为 MRP ,物料需求计划)用于求解和分析产品物料的供应链计划,尤其是在自动化生产线中应用广泛;11.Network Modeling (缩写为 NET ,网络模型)用于求解运输、指派、最大流、最短路、最小生成树、货郎担等问题;12.Nonlinear Programming (缩写为 NLP ,非线性规划)用于有(无)条件约束、目标函数或约束条件非线性以及目标函数与约束条件都非线性等类规划的求解与分析;13.PERT-CPM (网络计划)用于路径求解、计划评审技术分析、网络优化、工程完工时间模拟、绘制甘特图与网络图等,有的版本该菜单名为 Project Scheduling ;14.Quality Control Charts (缩写为 QCC ,质量管理控制图)用于分析基于统计数据的产品和服务质量分析与控制;15.Queuing Analysis (缩写为 QA ,排队分析)用于各种排队模型的求解与性能分析、各种分布模型求解、灵敏度分析、服务能力分析、成本分析等;16.Queuing System Simulation (缩写为 QSS ,排队系统模拟)用于进行各种排队系统的仿真模拟与研究分析;17.Linear and Integer Programming (缩写为 LP-ILP ,线性规划与整数线性规划)用于求解线性规划、整数规划、对偶问题等,可进行灵敏度分析、参数分析。


需求预测 安全库存 (0.25 * 需求预测) 计划产量(需求预测 + 安全库存 - 期初存货)
1,800 450 1,850
1,500 375 1,425
1,100 275 1,000
900 225 850
1,100 275 1,150
1,600 400 1,725
Production & Operations Management
综合生产计划 Aggregate Planning 主生产计划计划 Master Production Schedule, MPS 物料需求计划 Materials Requirement Planning 相关需求 月 具体产品生 产数量
战术计划 营销计划 •目标市场 •竞争重点 •利润 •新产品 运作计划 •生产速率 •产品品种 •产品数量 •产品质量 财务计划 •资金筹集 •资金运用 •现金流 •预算 工程计划 •R&D •产品设计 •工艺设计
中期(1年) 短期(月、周、日、班)
作业计划 采购计划

Production & Operations Management
需求与工作天 月份 需求预测 工作天 一月 1,800 22 二月 1,500 19 三月 1,100 21 四月 900 21 五月 1,100 22 六月 1,600 20 总计 8000件 125天


Space Rays X1 * = 320 dozen Zappers X2 * = 360 dozen Profit Z * = $4360
(production hours). 2X1 + 1X2 = 1000 (塑膠原料,Plastic)
– 此最佳解使用了所有的塑膠原料(plastic)與生產時間
往利潤增加方向移動 increase the profit, if possible... 持續平行移動到無法增加為止 continue until it becomes infeasible
700 500
Profit =$1250
Optimal Profit =$4360
最佳解 (p.69) Summary of the optimal solution
2X1+ X2 = 1000 3X1+4X2 = 2400 (320,360)
端點:可行區 域的角點
2X1+ X2 = 1000 (450,100) X1-X2 = 350 之解
多重最佳解 Multiple optimal solutions
• 若多重最佳解存在,則目標函數必定平行其中一個 限制式 •多重最佳解之任何加權平均值 亦為一組最佳解
端點與最佳解 (p.72) Extreme points and optimal solutions
– 若一個線性規劃問題有一組最佳解,此最佳解一 定發生在”端點”上 (端點最佳解之候選人,True/False) – 兩個束縛方程式的交點形成一個”端點”或”角點”
3X1+4X2 = 2400 X1 = 0 之解 (0,600)

integer programming 教材

integer programming 教材

integer programming教材【释义】integer programming整数规划:一种数学优化或可行性问题,其中一些或全部变量被限制为整数。

【短语】1Mixed Integer Programming数混合整数规划;混合整数编程;混合整数规划问题;规划方法2zero-one integer programming数零一整数规划3integer programming algorithm整数规划算法;翻译4Pure Integer Programming纯整数规划;规划问题5All Integer Programming整数规划60-1integer programming整数规划;规划7Mixed integer programming model混合整数规划模型;规划模式8integer programming problem整数规划问题【例句】1Scheduling;Open shop;Mixed integer programming.排程;开放型工厂;混整数规划。

2The scheduling is formalized as a integer programming problem.该描述将调度问题形式化为整数规划问题。

3It is to understand the basis for other integer programming problem.它是理解其它整数规划问题的基础。

4The problem of bounded nonlinear mixed integer programming is studied.对一有界约束非线性混合整数规划问题进行了研究。

5The number of the most optimal solutions of this integer programming is determined.给出了一类整数规划问题有唯一最优解的充要条件。

















Chapter 1: Understanding the Supply ChainDefinition of SC (consists of All stages involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request); functions in SC;Flows in SC (information, product, funds);The objective of a supply chain;To maximize the overall value generatedHow is SC success measured? (total supply chain profitability, NOT profits at an individual stage) Definition of supply chain management;Involves the management of suply chain assets and product,information and fund flows to maximize total supil chain surplus Decision phases in a supply chain (strategy or design, planning, operations);Learn about decisions (functions) in different phases (Strategic SC decisions: Outsource or insource, Locations and capacities of facilities, Products to be made or stored at various locations, Modes of transportation, Type of information systems; Planning: Forecasting demand, Which market supplied from which location, subcontracting decision, inventory policy; Operations: Allocate inventory or production to individual orders, set a date to fill an order, generate pick lists at warehouse, choose shipping mode and shipment for a specific order);Understand two different process views on SC (cycle view, push/pull view);Four different cycles (Customer order cycle (customer-retailer), Replenishment cycle (retailer-distributor), Manufacturing cycle (distributor-manufacturer), Procurement cycle (manufacturer-supplier));Understand the difference between push view and pull view of SC;Pull processes are initiated by a customer order, whereas push processes are initiated and performed in anticipation of customer ordersDescribe the cycle and push/pull view of a supply chain (Page 29);A cycle view of a supply chain divides processes into cycles,each performed at interface between two succeessive staages of supply chain.each cycle starts with an order placed by one stage of the supply chain and ends when the order is received from the supplier stage.A push/pull view of supply chain characterizes processes based on their timing relative tothat of customer order.Pullprocesses are performed inresponse to acustomer order,whreas push processes are performed in anticipation of customer ordersLearn about three SC macro processes (Customer Relationship Management (CRM):all processes that focus on the interface because the firm and its customers.Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM):all processes that are internal to the face Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)):all processes that focus on the between the firm and its supliersChapter 2: Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and ScopeDefinition of Competitive strategy;Relatives to its competitors,the set of competitor needs that it seeks to satisfy through its products and servicesUnderstand SC strategy (include supply strategy”, “operations strategy”, and “logistics strategy”)What is strategic fit? (Consistency between customer priorities of competitive strategy and SC capabilities specified by the SC strategy);three steps to achieve strategic fit;Step 1: different attributes of customer need to be identified (Quantity of product needed in each lot, Response time customers will tolerate, Variety of products needed, Service level required, Price of theproduct, Desired rate of innovation in the product) (Understanding the Customer and Supply Chain Uncertainty);Characteristics of implied demand uncertaintyImplied demand uncertaintyStep 2: understand two dimensions on SC (Responsiveness and efficiency) and trade-off between them; understand "Cost-Responsiveness Efficient Frontier";Step 3: relationship between uncertainty and responsiveness (High (low) implied uncertainty ↔ high (low) responsiveness);Other Issues Affecting Strategic Fit (Multiple products and customer segments, Product life cycle, Competitive changes over time);Different strategic scopes (Intra-operation scope, Intra-functional scope, Inter-functional scope, Inter-company scope, Flexible interfunctional scope)describe the major challenge that must be overcome to manage a SC successfully (作业)Chapter 3: Supply Chain Drivers and MetricsDrivers of supply chain performance and Classification of them (logistical and cross-functional)Trade-off on capacity decision (flexible and dedicate)Functions of cycle inventory, safety inventory, and seasonal inventory; trade-off existing on safety inventory;Definition of Level of product availability; relationship between level of product availability and responsiveness (inventory cost);What is Transportation network?Chapter 4: Designing distribution networks and the applications to online salesWhat is distribution networks?Two aspects (cost and the customer value) impacted by distribution networkWhat are the factors impacting customer value (cos) related to distribution network?relationship between number of facilities and response time, inventory cost; relationship between number of facilities and inbound (outbound) transportation cost;Design options for a distribution network (Manufacturer Storage with Direct Shipping, Manufacturer Storage with Direct Shipping and In-Transit Merge, Distributor Storage with Carrier Delivery, Distributor Storage with Last Mile Delivery, Manufacturer or Distributor Storage with Consumer Pickup, Retail Storage with Customer Pickup);identify different options based on figures (按图识别) and understand their characteristics (mainly on transportation cost and inventory cost);What are the impact of online sale on customer service?Understand relationship between online sale and inventory aggregationimpact of online sale on transportation cost for different types of product (digital or non-digital product)Chapter 5: Network Design in the Supply ChainWhat does network design decision include?Identify factors influencing supply chain network design decision (page 145)What is Positive externalities between firmsHotelling modelDevelop a framework for making network design decision (four stages; page 146)Chapter 7: Demand Forecasting in a Supply ChainLearn about the decisions in a SC that impacted by demand forecast;Compare aggregate forecast and disaggregate forecast;What are the influencing factors on forecast?Four different forecasting methods and their characteristics;Components of demand (Systematic component (level, trend, and seasonality; Random component) (Page 217);Three different ways of calculating systematic component in Time-series forecating method (Multiplicative, Additive, mixed); Understand the forecasting process in the third way (mixed) by considering seasonal factor;What's the difference between static methods and adaptive forecasting?Characteristic of Moving Average time-series forecasting method;Chapter 8: Aggregate Planning in the Supply ChainCharacteristics of aggregate planning;What is the aggregate planning problem?Learn about three different aggregate planning strategies (Chase strategy, Flexibility strategy, Level strategy) and their characteristics;Describe the information needed for an aggregate plan (page 241)Explain the basic trade-offs when creating an aggregate planning (page 241)Aggregate planning using linear programming (识别决策变量,构建线性规划的目标函数和约束条件,列出详细的建模过程;不需要求解)Chapter 11: Managing Economies of Scale in the Supply Chain: Cycle InventoryWhy does cycle inventory exist? Definition of cycle inventory;Calculation equation of Average flow time;Relationship between cycle inventory and order lot sizeBenefits of lowing cycle inventoryWhat's the tradeoff in deciding optimal lot size?Calculation of lot size for single product (EOQ; Example 11.1)Calculation of lot size for single product by considering limited production abilityCalculation on aggregating multiple products in a single order (订货成本固定,库存持有成本相同) Calculation on lot sizing with multiple products or customers (订货成本随成本种类变化而变化,库存持有成本不同; Example 11-3); comparing aggregation and disaggregation;Difference between all-unit quantity discount and marginal unit quantity discount;Calculation of EOQ for all-unit quantity discountChapter 12 Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain: Safety InventoryUnderstand the role of safety inventory in a SC (Page 359);Fundamental trade-off on safety inventory;Identify the factors influencing the required level of safety inventory (Page 359);Understand the three measurements on availability (product fill rate, order fill rate, and cycle service level); Difference between continuous review policy and periodic review policy;Example 12-1: Evaluating safety inventoryExample 12-2: Evaluating cycle service levelExample 12-3: Evaluating Fill RateExample 12-4: Evaluating safety inventory given CSLExample 12-5: Evaluating safety inventory given desired frRelationship between safety inventory level and different factors (desired product availability, replenishment lead time, the standard deviation of periodic demand, supply uncertainty)Example 12-7: Impact of correlation on value of aggregationChapter 14: Transportation in the Supply ChainDifferent types of transportation modes in a SC and their characteristicsLearn about different parties in transportationtypical applications of intermodal transportationDesign options for a transportation network (Direct shipping network to a single destination, Direct shipping with milk runs, All shipments via central DC with storage, All shipments via central DC with cross docking, Shipping via DC using milk runs) and their characteristics (application circumstance)。



文献综述(20_ _届)中小企业营运资金管理与企业财务业绩的实证研究1 国外研究现状1.1营运资金的定义综述营运资金管理是市场经济条件下的基本管理活动之一,营运资金有狭义和广义的两种传统理解方式。




1. 2 国外对于营运资金管理的研究成果营运资金管理的内容,从单项流动资产管理到整体营运资金管理。



1979年,KeithV. Smith指出:关于每个营运资金项目管理的研究已有很大进展,但将营运资金作为一个整体进行研究却没有多少进展,并首次探讨了整体营运资金规划与控制的内容。

RichardV. D.和E. J. Laughlin(1980)提出了采用现金周期(Cash Conversion Cy-cle)指标,用以反映企业营运资金管理状况的全貌。


1997年,以实物为导向的美国REL咨询公司和CEO杂志在跟踪日新月异的营运资金实践方面发挥了创新作用,他们对美国最大的1000家企业的营运资金调查(The Working Capital Survey),每年发布一次年度调查报告,这里特别值得一提的是:这次调查不仅引导企业要从整体上管理营运资金,而且把营运资金管理与供应链管理紧密联系了起来,使营运资金管理的方法逐渐从单纯的数学方法中摆脱出来,开始转向以供应链的优化和管理为重心,这种转变同时拓展了营运资金管理的研究视野和研究内容。



数据结构与算法常用英语词汇.txt 女人谨记:一定要吃好玩好睡好喝好。


第一部份计算机算法常用术语中英对照Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Determinants and Permanents 行列式Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划Random Number Generation 随机数生成Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题Discrete Fourier Transform 离散 Fourier 变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题Sorting 排序Searching 查找Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 罗列生成Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成Generating Graphs 图的生成Calendrical Calculations 日期Job Scheduling 工程安排Satisfiability 可满足性Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Shortest Path 最短路径Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler 回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Network Flow 网络流Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP 问题Clique 最大团Independent Set 独立集Vertex Cover 点覆盖Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton 回路Graph Partition 图的划分Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner 树Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分Voronoi Diagrams Voronoi 图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski 和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置String Matching 模式匹配Approximate String Matching 含糊匹配Text Compression 压缩Cryptography 密码Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串DP——Dynamic Programming——动态规划recursion ——递归第二部份数据结构英语词汇数据抽象 data abstraction数据元素 data element数据对象 data object数据项 data item数据类型 data type抽象数据类型 abstract data type逻辑结构 logical structure物理结构 phyical structure线性结构 linear structure非线性结构 nonlinear structure基本数据类型 atomic data type固定聚合数据类型 fixed-aggregate data type可变聚合数据类型 variable-aggregate data type 线性表 linear list栈 stack队列 queue串 string数组 array树 tree图 grabh查找,线索 searching更新 updating排序(分类) sorting插入 insertion删除 deletion前趋 predecessor后继 successor直接前趋直接后继双端列表循环队列immediate predecessor immediate successor deque(double-ended queue) cirular queue指针 pointer先进先出表(队列) first-in first-out list 后进先出表(队列) last-in first-out list栈底栈定压入弹出队头bottom top push pop front队尾 rear上溢 overflow下溢 underflow数组 array矩阵 matrix多维数组 multi-dimentional array以行为主的顺序分配 row major order以列为主的顺序分配 column major order 三角矩阵 truangular matrix对称矩阵 symmetric matrix稀疏矩阵 sparse matrix转置矩阵 transposed matrix链表 linked list线性链表 linear linked list单链表 single linked list多重链表 multilinked list循环链表 circular linked list双向链表 doubly linked list十字链表 orthogonal list广义表 generalized list链 link指针域 pointer field链域 link field头结点 head 头指针 head 尾指针 tail 串 string node pointer pointer空白(空格)串blank string 空串(零串) null string子串 substring树 tree子树 subtree森林 forest根 root叶子结点深度层次双亲孩子leaf node depth level parents children兄弟 brother祖先 ancestor子孙 descentdant二叉树 binary tree平衡二叉树 banlanced binary tree 满二叉树 full binary tree彻底二叉树 complete binary tree遍历二叉树 traversing binary tree 二叉排序树 binary sort tree二叉查找树 binary search tree线索二叉树 threaded binary tree 哈夫曼树 Huffman tree有序数 ordered tree无序数 unordered tree判定树 decision tree双链树 doubly linked tree数字查找树 digital search tree树的遍历 traversal of tree先序遍历 preorder traversal中序遍历 inorder traversal后序遍历 postorder traversal图 graph子图 subgraph有向图无向图彻底图连通图digraph(directed graph) undigraph(undirected graph) complete graphconnected graph非连通图 unconnected graph强连通图 strongly connected graph 弱连通图 weakly connected graph 加权图 weighted graph有向无环图 directed acyclic graph 稀疏图 spares graph稠密图 dense graph重连通图 biconnected graph二部图 bipartite graph边 edge顶点 vertex弧 arc路径 path回路(环) cycle弧头弧尾源点终点汇点headtailsource destination sink权 weight连接点 articulation point 初始结点 initial node终端结点 terminal node相邻边 adjacent edge相邻顶点 adjacent vertex 关联边 incident edge入度 indegree出度 outdegree最短路径 shortest path有序对 ordered pair无序对 unordered pair简单路径简单回路连通分量邻接矩阵simple pathsimple cycle connected component adjacency matrix邻接表 adjacency list邻接多重表 adjacency multilist遍历图 traversing graph生成树 spanning tree最小(代价)生成树 minimum(cost)spanning tree生成森林 spanning forest拓扑排序 topological sort偏序 partical order拓扑有序 topological orderAOV 网 activity on vertex networkAOE 网 activity on edge network关键路径 critical path匹配 matching最大匹配 maximum matching增广路径 augmenting path增广路径图 augmenting path graph查找 searching线性查找(顺序查找) linear search (sequential search)二分查找 binary search分块查找 block search散列查找 hash search平均查找长度 average search length散列表 hash table散列函数 hash funticion直接定址法 immediately allocating method 数字分析法 digital analysis method平方取中法 mid-square method折叠法 folding method除法 division method随机数法 random number method排序 sort内部排序 internal sort外部排序 external sort插入排序 insertion sort随小增量排序 diminishing increment sort 选择排序 selection sort堆排序 heap sort快速排序归并排序基数排序外部排序quick sort merge sortradix sort external sort平衡归并排序 balance merging sort二路平衡归并排序 balance two-way merging sort 多步归并排序 ployphase merging sort置换选择排序 replacement selection sort文件 file主文件 master file顺叙文件 sequential file索引文件 indexed file索引顺叙文件 indexed sequential file索引非顺叙文件 indexed non-sequential file直接存取文件 direct access file多重链表文件 multilist file倒排文件 inverted file目录结构 directory structure树型索引 tree index。



当去掉第二个约束条件y<=0.5时,最小值 为-3 当x=0, y=1时;
值为-5 当x=1, y=2时;
例3 求解非线性规划问题:
X1+ 3X2<=18;
2X1+ X2<=16;
4X2<=20; 第二到四行均为约束条件
我们编辑程序并求解后,得到LINGO Model窗口、 Solution report窗口和Solver status窗口如下:

例1 求解如下的线性规划模型:
m ax z 50 x1 70 x2 ,
x1 3 x2 1 8,
2 x 1 x 2 1 6 ,
4x2 20,
x 1 , x 2 0
MAX=50X1+70X2; 目标函数;
例4 求解二次规划问题:
max=98x1+277x2-x1^2-0.3x1x2-2x2^2; x1 + x2 <= 100; x1 <= 2x2; ginx1;ginx2;



数据结构与算法常用英语词汇DataStructure基本数据结构Dictionarie字典PriorityQueue堆GraphDataStructure图SetDataStructure集合Kd-Tree线段树NumericalProblem数值问题SolvingLinearEquation线性方程组BandwidthReduction带宽压缩Matri某Multiplication矩阵乘法DeterminantandPermanent行列式ContrainedandUncontrainedOptimization最值问题LinearProgramming线性规划RandomNumberGeneration随机数生成FactoringandPrimalityTeting因子分解/质数判定ArbitraryPreciionArithmetic高精度计算KnapackProblem背包问题MedianandSelection中位数GeneratingPermutation排列生成GeneratingSubet子集生成GeneratingPartition划分生成GeneratingGraph图的生成CalendricalCalculation日期JobScheduling工程安排Satifiability 可满足性TranitiveCloureandReduction传递闭包Matching匹配EulerianCycle/ChineePotmanEuler回路/中国邮路EdgeandVerte某Connectivity割边/割点NetworkFlow网络流DrawingGraphNicely图的描绘DrawingTree树的描绘PlanarityDetectionandEmbedding平面性检测和嵌入GraphProblem--hard图论-NP问题Clique最大团IndependentSet独立集Verte某Cover点覆盖TravelingSalemanProblem旅行商问题HamiltonianCycleHamilton 回路GraphPartition图的划分Verte某Coloring点染色EdgeColoring 边染色GraphIomorphim同构SteinerTreeSteiner树Triangulation三角剖分VoronoiDiagramVoronoi图NearetNeighborSearch最近点对查询RangeSearch范围查询PointLocation位置查询InterectionDetection碰撞测试BinPacking装箱问题Medial-A某iTranformation中轴变换PolygonPartitioning多边形分割SimplifyingPolygon多边形化简ShapeSimilarity相似多边形MotionPlanning运动规划MaintainingLineArrangement平面分割MinkowkiSumMinkowki和SetandStringProblem集合与串的问题SetCover集合覆盖SetPacking集合配置StringMatching模式匹配第二部分数据结构英语词汇数据抽象dataabtraction数据元素dataelement数据对象dataobject数据项dataitem数据类型datatype抽象数据类型abtractdatatype逻辑结构logicaltructure物理结构phyicaltructure线性结构lineartructure非线性结构nonlineartructure基本数据类型atomicdatatype固定聚合数据类型fi某ed-aggregatedatatype可变聚合数据类型variable-aggregatedatatype线性表linearlit栈tack队列queue串tring数组array树tree图grabh查找,线索earching更新updating排序(分类)orting插入inertion删除deletion前趋predeceor后继ucceor直接前趋immediatepredeceor直接后继immediateucceor双端列表deque(double-endedqueue)循环队列cirularqueue指针pointer先进先出表(队列)firt-infirt-outlit后进先出表(队列)lat-infirt-outlit栈底bottom栈定top压入puh弹出pop队头front 队尾rear上溢overflow下溢underflow数组array矩阵matri某多维数组multi-dimentionalarray以行为主的顺序分配rowmajororder以列为主的顺序分配columnmajororder三角矩阵truangularmatri某对称矩阵ymmetricmatri某稀疏矩阵parematri某转置矩阵tranpoedmatri某链表linkedlit线性链表linearlinkedlit单链表inglelinkedlit多重链表multilinkedlit循环链表circularlinkedlit双向链表doublylinkedlit 十字链表orthogonallit广义表generalizedlit链link指针域pointerfield链域linkfield头结点headnode头指针headpointer尾指针tailpointer串tring空白(空格)串blanktring空串(零串)nulltring子串ubtring 树tree子树ubtree森林foret根root叶子leaf结点node深度depth层次level双亲parent孩子children兄弟brother祖先ancetor子孙decentdant二叉树binarytree平衡二叉树banlancedbinarytree满二叉树fullbinarytree双链树doublylinkedtree数字查找树digitalearchtree树的遍历traveraloftree先序遍历preordertraveral中序遍历inordertraveral后序遍历potordertraveral图graph子图ubgraph强连通图tronglyconnectedgraph弱连通图weaklyconnectedgraph 加权图weightedgraph有向无环图directedacyclicgraph稀疏图paregraph稠密图denegraph重连通图biconnectedgraph二部图bipartitegraph边edge顶点verte某弧arc路径path。



A.A.I. 人工智能A2A integration A2A整合abstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access function 访问函数access level访问级别account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间address-of operator 取地址操作符ADL (argument-dependent lookup)ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advanced 高级的aggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域appearance 外观append 附加application 应用、应用程序application framework 应用程序框架Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档文件、存档文件argument引数(传给函式的值)。

参见parameterarrow operator 箭头操作符ASP(Active Server Page)活动服务器页面 worker process 工作者进程assembly 装配件、配件assembly language 汇编语言assembly manifest 装配件清单assert(ion) 断言assign 赋值assignment 赋值、分配assignment operator 赋值操作符associated 相关的、相关联的associative container 关联式容器(对应sequential container) asynchronous 异步的atomic 原子的atomic operation 原子操作attribute 特性、属性audio 音频authentication service 验证服务authorization 授权B.B2B integration B2B整合、B2B集成(business-to-business integration) background 背景、后台(进程)backup 备份backup device备份设备backup file 备份文件backward compatible 向后兼容、向下兼容bandwidth 带宽Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩base class 基类base type 基类型batch 批处理BCL (base class library)基类库Bin Packing 装箱问题binary 二进制binary function 双参函数binary large object二进制大对象binary operator 二元操作符binary search 二分查找binary tree 二叉树binding 绑定bit 位bitwise 按位…bitwise copy 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制,按位拷bitwise operation 按位运算block 块、区块、语句块bookkeeping 簿记boolean 布林值(真假值,true或false)border 边框bounds checking 边界检查boxing 装箱、装箱转换brace (curly brace) 大括号、花括号bracket (square brakcet) 中括号、方括号breakpoint 断点browser applications 浏览器应用(程序)browser-accessible application 可经由浏览器访问的应用程序bug 臭虫build 编连(专指编译和连接built-in 内建、内置bus 总线business 业务、商务(看场合)business Logic 业务逻辑business rules 业务规则buttons 按钮by/through 通过byte 位元组(由8 bits组成)C.cache 高速缓存calendar 日历Calendrical Calculations 日期call 调用call operator 调用操作符call-level interface (CLI)调用级接口(CLI)callback 回调candidate key 候选键(for database)cascading delete 级联删除(for database)cascading update 级联更新(for database)casting 转型、造型转换catalog 目录chain 链(function calls)character 字符character format 字符格式character set 字符集check box 复选框check button 复选按钮CHECK constraints CHECK约束(for database)checkpoint 检查点(for database)child class 子类CIL (common intermediate language)通用中间语言、通用中介语言class 类class declaration 类声明class definition 类定义class derivation list 类继承列表class factory 类厂class hierarchy 类层次结构class library 类库class loader 类装载器class template 类模板class template partial specializations 类模板部分特化class template specializations 类模板特化classification 分类clause 子句cleanup 清理、清除CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) 通用语言基础设施client 客户、客户端client application 客户端应用程序client area 客户区client cursor 客户端游标(for database)client-server 客户机/服务器、客户端/服务器clipboard 剪贴板Clique 最大团clone 克隆CLS (common language specification) 通用语言规范code access security 代码访问安全code page 代码页COFF (Common Object File Format) 通用对象文件格式collection 集合COM (Component Object Model) 组件对象模型Combinatorial Problems 组合问题combo box 组合框command line 命令行comment 注释commit 提交(for database)communication 通讯compatible 兼容compile time 编译期、编译时compiler 编译器component组件composite index 复合索引、组合索引(for database)composite key 复合键、组合键(for database)composition 复合、组合Computational Geometry 计算几何concept 概念concrete具体的concrete class 具体类concurrency 并发、并发机制configuration 配置、组态Connected Components 连通分支connection 连接(for database)connection pooling 连接池console 控制台constant 常量Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题constraint 约束(for database)construct 构件、成分、概念、构造(for language)constructor (ctor) 构造函数、构造器container 容器containment包容context 环境、上下文control 控件Convex Hull 凸包cookie (不译)copy 拷贝CORBA 通用对象请求中介架构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture) cover 覆盖、涵盖create/creation 创建、生成crosstab query 交叉表查询(for database)CRTP (curiously recurring template pattern)Cryptography 密码CTS (common type system)通用类型系统cube 多维数据集(for database)cursor 光标cursor 游标(for database)custom 定制、自定义 数据data connection 数据连接(for database)Data Control Language (DCL) 数据控制语言(DCL) (for database)Data Definition Language (DDL) 数据定义语言(DDL) (for database)data dictionary 数据字典(for database)data dictionary view 数据字典视图(for database)data file 数据文件(for database)data integrity 数据完整性(for database)data manipulation language (DML)数据操作语言(DML) (for database) data mart 数据集市(for database)data member 数据成员、成员变量data pump 数据抽取(for database)data scrubbing 数据清理(for database)data source 数据源(for database)data source 数据源(for database)Data source name (DSN) 数据源名称(DSN) (for database)data structure数据结构Data Structures 基本数据结构data table 数据表(for database)data warehouse 数据仓库(for database)data-aware control数据感知控件(for database)data-bound 数据绑定(for database)database 数据库(for database)database catalog 数据库目录(for database)database diagram 数据关系图(for database)database file 数据库文件(for database)database object 数据库对象(for database)database owner 数据库所有者(for database)database project 数据库工程(for database)database role 数据库角色(for database)database schema 数据库模式、数据库架构(for database)database script 数据库脚本(for database)datagram 数据报文dataset 数据集(for database)dataset 数据集(for database)DBMS (database management system)数据库管理系统(for database) DCOM (distributed COM)分布式COMdead lock 死锁(for database)deallocate 归还debug 调试debugger 调试器decay 退化decision support 决策支持declaration 声明declarative referential integrity (DRI)声明引用完整性(DRI) (for database) deduction 推导default 缺省、默认值DEFAULT constraint默认约束(for database)default database 默认数据库(for database)default instance 默认实例(for database)default result set 默认结果集(for database)defer 推迟definition 定义delegate 委托Delegates 一般译法为”委托”,微软没有对这个术语进行正式解释或翻译。

Linear Programming线性规划

Linear  Programming线性规划

Linear Programming(1)可用一些变量表示问题的待定方案,这些变量的一组定值就代表一个具体的方案。




解的特点 1. 线性规划问题的可行解的集合是凸集2. 线性规划问题的基可行解一般都对应于凸集的顶点3. 凸集的顶点的个数是有限的4. 最优解只可能在凸集的顶点上,而不可能发生在凸集的内部数学模型11221111221121122222112212max (,)(,) .. (,) ,,0n nn n n n m m mn n mn Z c x c x c x a x a x a x b a x a x a x b s t a x a x a x bx x x =++++=≥≤⎧⎪++=≥≤⎪⎪⎨⎪++=≥≤⎪≥⎪⎩(1,2,,;1,2,,) :; : ; ::; :; :j i ij i m j n n m n m c b a ==+ 其中变量个数约束行数线性规划问题的规模价值系数右端项技术系数也可写成合式11max (), 1,2,, ..0, 1,2,,nj jj nij ji j j f x c x a x b i m s t x j n ===⎧≤=⎪⎨⎪≥=⎩∑∑向量式 : 01max () ..n j j j f x x s t ==⎧≤⎪⎨⎪≥⎩∑CXP b X 0 其中 121211220 (,,,); (,,,)000Tn n j jj mj m c c c x x x a b a b a b ==⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪=== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭C X P b 0simplex method重点: 检验数的概念和计算 最优性判别基变换(换入变量和换出变量的确定) 旋转变换模型变换为标准型:11max (), 1,2,,..0, 1,2,, 1,2,,n mj jj n mij ji j j f x c x a x b i m s t x i m j n +=+==⎧==⎪⎨⎪≥==⎩∑∑ 标准型有n+m 个变量(列),m 个约束行。







二、Aggregation框架的基本概念与组件1. 基本概念- 数据集(Dataset):Aggregation框架的核心概念,代表了分布式环境下的数据集合。


- 转换操作(Transformation):一系列基本的操作符和算子,用于对数据集进行处理和转换。


- 操作管道(Pipeline):将多个转换操作按照一定的顺序连接起来形成的数据处理流程。

- 上下文环境(Context):Aggregation框架提供了一个上下文环境,用于管理和执行数据处理的任务。


2. 组件Aggregation框架主要包括以下几个组件:- 聚合操作(Aggregation):对数据进行分组、统计、求和等聚合操作。

- 过滤操作(Filter):按照一定的条件过滤数据,只保留满足条件的数据。

- 转换操作(Transformation):对数据进行转换,可以进行投影、映射、合并等操作。

- 排序操作(Sort):对数据进行排序,可以按照指定的字段和顺序进行排序。

三、使用Aggregation框架的步骤1. 创建数据集首先需要创建一个数据集,这可以通过加载数据源或者从其他数据集进行转换得到。

scala aggregate函数

scala aggregate函数

Scala aggregate函数简介Scala是一种多范式的编程语言,可以在Java虚拟机上运行。






aggregate函数的语法aggregate函数的原型如下:def aggregate[B](z: => B)(seqop: (B, A) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B其中,参数的含义如下: - z:初始值,类似于reduce函数中的初始值。

- seqop:对每个元素进行处理的函数,类似于map函数,但是输入参数是元素类型和初始值类型的元组。

- combop:合并两个结果的函数,类似于reduce函数。

aggregate函数的示例下面是一个简单的示例,演示了如何使用aggregate函数计算集合中所有元素的和:val numbers = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)val sum = numbers.par.aggregate(0)(_ + _, _ + _)println(sum)上面的代码输出结果为15,因为1+2+3+4+5的和为15。


接下来,我们调用aggregate函数,初始值为0,seqop函数是_ + _,表示将初始值和每个元素相加。

combop函数也是_ + _,表示将各个线程的结果相加。



多跳多接口无线网络中的协作路由谢鲲;王玲【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【摘要】Cooperative communication for wireless networks has gained a lot of recent interests due to its ability to mitigate fading with exploration of spatial diversity. This paper studies the optimization problem of jointing routing and cooperative relay selection in multi-flow multi-radio cooperative wireless network, and model the problem of maximizing the minimum transmission rate of multiple flows as a mixed-integer linear programming problem. To solve this problem, a heuristic joint flow routing and relay node assignment algorithm based on branch-bound(JFRBB)is proposed. JFRBB is an iterative algorithm, it achieves the optimal solution by decomposing the original problem into several sub-problems based branch-bound method. The simulation results demonstrate that, compared with the performance achieved in multi-radio non-cooperative network and single radio cooperative network, JFRBB can make the multi-radio cooperative achieve much better performance of rate gain, and aggregate traffic.%协作通信可以利用空间分集效应抵抗无线信道衰弱而得到广泛关注。

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t 1 T t 1 t t 1 t
eI fS
T T t 1 t 1
Cost of holding inventory and stockout
gPt hC t Cost of materials and subcontra cting
a b c d e
Regular time cost Overtime cost Hiring and training costs Layoff cost Inventory holding cost
f g h i j k
Marginal cost of stockout / backlog Material cost Cost of subcontracting Production Labor hours required Overtime limit a 640 b 6 Ot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 300 Ht 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 500 Lt 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 e 2
f 5 St 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 267
t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Mean σ
Dt 1,600 3,000 3,200 3,800 2,200 2,200 16,000 2,667 736.36
Wt 80 65 65 65 65 65 65 387
It 1,000 1,983 1,567 950 0 117 500 117
Month Demand forecast Worke hours Worke days Labor hours required 1 1600 2 3000 3 3200 8 hours/day 20 days/month 4 hours/unit 4 3800 5 2200 6 2200 Total 16000 80 1000 500 0 0 $/month $/hour $/worker $/worker $/unit/month
Min TC = 422,275 t 1 2 3 4
Wt Wt 1 H t Lt 0
0 0 0 0 = = = = 0 0 0 0
Pt iWt Ot /j 0
0 0 0 0 ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ 0 0 0 0
I t S t I t 1 S t 1 Pt Ct Dt 0
T T T t t t
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t 1 t 1 t 1 t
dL t eI t fS t gPt hC t
t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1
bO t cH t dL t eI t fS t gPt hC t
Starting workers Starting inventory Ending inventory Starting backlog Ending backlog 4 6 300 500 2 $/hour $/hour $/worker $/worker $/unit/month 640 6 300 500 2
Wt Wt 1 H t Lt Workforce, hiring,and layoff constraints Pt iWt Ot /j Capacity constraints I t S t I t 1 S t 1 Pt Ct Dt Inventory balance constraints Ot hWt Overtime limit constraints
0 0 0 0 = = = = 0 0 0 0 -646 -646 -646 -646
Ot kWt 0
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-646 -646
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Aggregating Planning (Linear Programming)
Decision Variables W t Workforce size for month t
H t Number of employees hired at the beginning of month t Lt Number of employees laid off at the beginning of month t Pt Number of units produced in month t I t Inventory at the end of month t S t Number of units stocked out / backlogged at the end of month t C t Number of units subcontra cted for month t O t Number of overtime hours worked in month t
eI fS
t 1 t t 1 T T t 1 t 1
Cost of holding inventory and stockout
gPt hC t Cost of materials and subcontra cting
aW t bO t cH t dL t eI t fS t gPt hC t
t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t
t 1
bO t cH t dL t eI t fS t gPt hC t
5 $/unit/month 10 $/unit 30 $/unit
5 10 30 40 4 10 g 10 Pt 2,583 2,583 2,583 2,583 2,583 2,583 15,500 h 30 Ct 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$/unit/month $/unit $/unit units/worker/month hours/unit hours/worker/month i 40 j 4 k 10
Objective Fuction
t 1 T
Regular time labor cost Overtime labor cost
t 1 T t 1 T
cH t dL t Cost of hiring and layoff