2019外研版高中英语选择性必修三Unit1 单元写作课件

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concerned with his own pleasure, regardless of the suffering he brings to others
损人利已,精致的利己主义者 ,...
The book by... tells a story of... who... a very handsome young man who... , suffering (that/which) he brings to others
Soon afterwards, ...
Soon afterwards, ... 随后,随之,
be surprised to find ... heartlessly abandon sb take on a cruel look
Activity 5(Page 11)
Question 1: He is a man, though handsome in appearances,only concerned about his own pleasure. And his pleasure is based on other people’ s suffering.
Read the paragraph 1 carefully.
What can we learn? (diction/wording 措辞,texts tructure 结构, writing technique 写 作 手 法 , figures of speech 修辞,conflicts and suspense 冲突和 悬念......)
World Literature belongs to
the whole world!
经典的小说,艺术风格(artistic style)突出,一 是注重环境描写(environmental description),二是 精当的心理描写(psychological description),三是 多彩精练的语言特色(colorful and concise language) ,四是写人物转化的同时注重掌握分寸,五是巧用伏笔
C在e王n尔tr德a的l T笔h下e,m这e场s美貌与道德的战争结束了,美
貌F杀a害ce了道Va德lu,e罪s恶吞噬了美貌。你的美丽本可成为去 往 会BH天因eu堂为am的你uat阶的yn梯 皮iVty, 囊Sa你 原Vn却 宥idrt用 你uE它 的evi铸 罪l 成 恶了 。地狱的钥匙,而世间不
Read the passage quickly(Page 11)
1 What kind of person is Dorian Gray? 2 What message do you think the novel convey?
Activity 5(Page 11) Question 1: 张芳, 董伊纯,杨婷
The story starts with... sb doing ... 故事开头
beauty and pleasure being the only important things in life
beauty and pleasure being the only important things in life
The book by... tells a story of... who... a very handsome young man who... , suffering (that/which) he brings to others 定语从句
Read the paragraph 2 carefully.
Plots of the Story (故事情节)
BMaa最cin终k之g死Cr后h于o,au非rn那a命dc位。t(e女背正r演是景r员e女l)的a演t弟i员o弟n弟前s弟h来的ip寻死(仇亡主,唤要被醒人道了林物道巧林关言的系欺良)骗, Co知n,fli他c举ts刀a向nd丑陋Su的s画p像en刺s去e(,冲结突果和自己悬离念奇)死亡。他 Ke的y面/C容ri变tic得a丑l 恶Ev苍e老n,ts而(关画键像却事年件轻)如初。
The book by... tells a story of... who...
The book by... tells a story of... who... General introduction
concerned with his own pleasure, regardless of the suffering he brings to others
Do you like literary works?
卡I·n王t尔ro德d创u作ct的io长n篇a小b说o,u也t 是th其e唯a一u的th一o部r 长篇小说 作连F载品o,,r并该m于作a次于tio年18n出90o版年f单7t月行h美e本国。n《ov利e平l 考特》杂志上开始
这是C美e与nt丑ra(l bTehaeumty easnd ugliness )之间的强烈对比
与 ( 者
h也较FBu正量ameca是,aeun小也tVyn说处aaalt的处unuedr主揭seU题露, hg着思ulim这想nea个(snt腐sihty朽e)m残的e酷)压的所迫封在与建。残社害会,对而人这性二
Writing about a literary work
世界文学简介赏析 Page11
Brief Review of
Victor Hugo and The Hunchback of Nortre-Dame
维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802年2月26日1885年5月22日),出生于贝桑松,法国浪漫主义 作家,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家,被
Fascinated by his words, ... with his portrait growing ...
Fascinated by his words, ... 被他的话深深吸引, (-ed分词词组,原因状语 ) with his portrait growing ... 同时,他的画像日益 (with 复合结构,伴随状语)
Read the paragraph 3 carefully.
What can we learn? (diction/wording 措辞,texts tructure 结构, writing technique 写 作 手 法 , figures of speech 修辞,conflicts and suspense 冲突和 悬念......)
Read the paragraph 1 carefully.
What can we learn? (diction/wording 措辞,texts tructure 结构, writing technique 写 作 手 法 , figures of speech 修辞,conflicts and suspense 冲突和 悬念......)
Activity 5(Page 11) Question 2: 陈勇杰,叶凯利,吴宇翔
Activity 5(Page 11)
Question 2: If a man only pursuits the physical beauty and pleasure, he will sacrifice his true self as a human being and at last, will lead to his own destruction.
I称n为tr“od法u兰c西ti的on莎士ab比o亚u”t 。the author
( li雨te果ra擅ry于s结c合ho现o实ls主, 文义(学R流ea派lis)m)和浪漫主义 ((wRriotminagn ttiecci shmn)iq两u种es写,作写手作法 ,手其法作) 品 在 世 界 有 (着世re广界p泛》re的(se影T hn响eta力Mti,ivsee代r wa表bo作l er有kOs《n, e巴代s )黎表等圣作。母)院 》 《 悲 惨
Plots of the Story (故事情节) Fig《ur巴es黎o圣f母S院pe》e以ch离(奇修(辞bi手za法rr)e)和对
比B(acckogntrorausntd)(手背法景写) 了一个发生在15世纪法 国M的ai故n 事Ch:a巴ra黎ct圣er母s 院(主副要主人教物克)洛德道貌岸然、 蛇Im蝎a心ge肠s,an先d爱C后h恨ar,ac迫te害ris吉tiトcs赛(女人郎物埃形斯象梅和 拉特达征。) 面目丑陋、心地善良的敲钟人卡西莫多 为C救on女fl郎ic舍ts身an(dsSacursipfeicnes)e(。冲突和悬念)
Nie Xiaoqian
Dorian Gray
《聂小G倩o》o这d篇文章的思想倾E向v艺i术l 手法都很能反映
Let’s enjoy its English introduction The Picture of Dorian Gray
What can we learn? (diction/wording 措辞,texts tructure 结构, writing technique 写 作 手 法 , figures of speech 修辞,conflicts and suspense 冲突和 悬念......)
The story starts with... sb doing ...
伪 (己e, 为uMRSlpe宣人小oailgcri告,说giirtzi(o( 反o揭e精)n映dt露了神he((c宗(e下)rlmeae教层frxelep)劳seo)cs动(t禁e),人宏欲了民r主雨e观的v义果e主善a的的l题良)破人、)了产道友宗,主爱教歌义、的颂思舍虚想
( hTuhmoa nuigthatr(i思a n想i s)m ) 。
Can you think of other simlar characters from China?
Journey to the West White Bone Demon/ Lady White Done 白骨精
Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio Painted Skin 画皮
《聂小倩》是清代作家蒲松龄创作的文言短篇小说。 这篇小说着重描绘了孤弱少女聂小倩,在真、善、美与 假、恶、丑的尖锐复杂的斗争中,跳出了专以害人为生 的火炕,挣脱了恶势力的控制,走向了知恩向善、悔过 自新的人间正道。
Any other novels withange Tales from a Lonely Studio (聊斋志异)
Can you add the subtitle of the book review?
Can you think of other simlar characters from China?
该作讲述道林·格雷是一名长在伦敦的贵族少年,相 貌极其俊美,并且心地善良。道林见了画家霍尔沃德为 他所作的画像,发现了自己惊人的美,在画家朋友亨利 勋爵的蛊惑下,他向画像许下心愿:美少年青春永葆, 所有岁月的沧桑和少年的罪恶都由画像承担。
道林刚开始时不以为然,但当他玩弄一个女演员的 感情致使她自杀之后,发现画像中的道林发生了邪恶的 变化。恐惧的道林没有克制,反而更加放纵自己的欲望。 道林美貌依旧,画像却一日日变得丑陋不堪。十八年后, 基于对画家作品的憎恶以及对自己丑陋灵魂的厌恶,道 林谋杀了画家霍尔沃德。