MB exams 麻省理工大学分子生物学试卷





1.[单选题]基因上游插入外源性沉默子后可能出现的结果是:( )A)编码的肽链缩短B)终止密码子提前C基因转录减慢C)点突变可能性增加D)基因转录加快答案:A解析:2.[单选题]1953 年 Watson 和 Crick 提出A)三个连续的核苷酸代表一个遗传密码B)遗传物质通常是 DNA而非RNAC)多核苷酸 DNA链通过氢键连接成一个双螺旋结构D)DNA的复制是半保留的,常常形成亲本子代双螺旋杂合链答案:C解析:3.[单选题]描述随机扩增多态性 DNA 技术不正确的是( )A)引物序列随机B)有多条引物C)电泳分离产物D)需要限制性内切酶酶切E、反应基因组多态性答案:D解析:4.[单选题]下列组蛋白中,与连线DNA结合的是________。

A)H1B)H2AC)H3D)H4答案:A解析:5.[单选题]同位素标记探针检测硝酸纤维素膜(NC)上的RNA分子叫做A)Southern blottingB)Northern blottingC)Western blottingD)免疫印迹杂交答案:B解析:6.[单选题]可以帮助转录因子间形成二聚体或多聚体复合物的结构域是 ( )D)信号 感应结构域答案:A解析:7.[单选题]下列何种生物形式的基因组中没有内含子()。


D)酵母答案:C解析:8.[单选题]线粒体DNA是A)线状DNA.其密码与核DNA的密码有所不同B)线状DNA.其密码与核DNA的密码完全相同C)环状DNA.其密码与核DNA的密码有所不同D)环状DNA.其密码与核DNA的密码完全相同答案:C解析:9.[单选题]以下关于增强子的叙述错误的是A)增强子只在个别真核生物中存在,无普遍性B)增强子作用无方向性C)增强子无论在基因的上游或下游都对基因的转录具有增强作用D)增强子为基因表达正性调控的顺式作用元件答案:A解析:10.[单选题]下列哪种蛋白在特定条件下能够给某些翻译好的蛋白质的N端添加氨基酸A)核糖体B)氨酰tRNA:蛋白质转移酶C)伴侣蛋白D)polyA结合蛋 白答案:B解析:11.[单选题]原核生物DNA的生物合成不需要下列哪一种酶A)解链酶B)DNA聚合酶C)DNA连接酶D)RNA聚合酶答案:D解析:二. 多选题(共40 题)12.[单选题]Frederick Sanger发明的_____是最经典的第一代核酸测序方法。




1.[单选题]()是通常与其调控的基因具有一段距离的 DNA 顺式作用元件。

A)启动子B)终止子C)增强子D)调节子答案:C解析:2.[单选题]15NH4Cl 证明的机制是()A)DNA转录为mRNAB)DNA半保留复制C)mRNA翻译为蛋白质D)DNA全保留复制答案:B解析:3.[单选题]在乳糖操纵子的表达中,乳糖的作用是A)作为辅阻遏物与阻遏蛋白结合B)作为阻遏物与操纵基因结合C)作为诱导物与阻遏蛋白结合,使其变构,失去结合DNA的能力D)与启动基因结合,促进转录答案:C解析:4.[单选题]多肽及蛋白类激素( )A)具有脂溶性,可进入胞内B)必须通过第二信使发挥作用C)两者均有D)两者均无答案:B解析:5.[单选题]除了细胞核外,还含有DNA的细胞器是A)线粒体B)高尔基复合体C)内质网D)核糖体答案:A解析:6.[单选题]转录的反义链(antisense strand)是指D)能转录生成mRNA的模板答案:D解析:7.[单选题]DNA复制的方式是________。

A)全保留B)弥散性C)从头合成D)半保留答案:D解析:8.[单选题]切除修复时①DNA-polⅠ;②DNA连接酶;③Uvr A 、Uvr B;④Uvr C作用的顺序是()A)②、③、①、④B)①、③、④、②C)③、④、①、②D)③、②、④、①答案:C解析:9.[单选题]关于DNA指导下的RNA合成的叙述,哪一项是错误的A)只有存在DNA时,RNA聚合酶才能催化磷酸二酯键的形成B)在合成过程中,RNA聚合酶需要引物C)RNA链的延长方向是5'-3'D)在多数情况下,只有一条DNA链作为模板答案:B解析:10.[单选题]原核生物RNA聚合酶全酶中识别转录起始位点的是A)α亚基B)σ亚基C)β亚基D)β’答案:B解析:11.[单选题]内含子的剪接位点具有的特征()。



分子生物学试题及答案(整理版)第一篇:DNA结构与特性1. DNA的全称是什么?DNA的全称是脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid)。

2. DNA是由哪些基本单元组成的?DNA由四种不同的碱基组成,称为腺嘌呤(A)、胸腺嘧啶(T)、鸟嘌呤(G)和胞嘧啶(C)。

3. DNA含有一条还是两条互补的链?DNA是由两条互补的链组成的,它们以双螺旋形式交织在一起。

4. DNA的双螺旋结构是由哪些部分组成的?DNA的双螺旋结构是由磷酸基团、脱氧核糖糖基和碱基三部分组成的。

5. DNA的碱基配对方式是什么?每个碱基都能与哪些其他碱基配对?DNA的碱基配对方式是A-T、C-G,即腺嘌呤与胸腺嘧啶互补,鸟嘌呤与胞嘧啶互补。

6. DNA的链方向是什么?DNA的两条链是相对方向相反的,即它们是“头对头”地排列在一起的。

7. DNA的复制方式是什么?该过程用哪种酶?DNA的复制方式是半保留复制,即每条新合成的DNA链都包含一个旧链和一个新链。


8. DNA序列编码的是什么?DNA序列编码的是生物体遗传信息的载体,包括基因和非编码区域。

9. DNA在哪些生物体中被发现?DNA存在于所有有细胞核和一些原核生物的细胞中。

10. DNA是如何被发现的?DNA是由克里克和沃森在1953年通过X射线晶体学研究得到的。


第二篇:基因表达调控1. 什么是基因表达?基因表达是指基因信息从DNA转录为RNA,再转化为蛋白质的过程。

2. 基因表达是否受到调控?为什么?基因表达是受到调控的。


3. 给出三种调控基因表达的方式。


4. 什么是启动子?在哪里找到它?启动子是一段DNA序列,位于转录开始位点上游,通常是几百个碱基对。



大学分子生物学考试(试卷编号121)1.[单选题]动物细胞mRNA的帽子结构通常的形式是A)m7ApppNmPB)m7GpppNmPC)m7GpNmPD)m7CpppNmP答案:B解析:2.[单选题]常染色质与异染色质的区别是A)染色质的折叠压缩程度不同B)基因的表达活性不同C)存在的位 置不同D)基因的数量不同答案:A解析:3.[单选题]人类线粒体基因组中A)产生唯一一个大的转录产物,然后剪接加工,释放出各种RNA分子B)几乎所有的DNA不编码基因产物C)大多数编码蛋白的基因产物是连续的D)几乎所有的编码蛋白质的基因都从不同的方向进行转录答案:C解析:4.[单选题]P53基因是一种:( )A)细胞原癌基因B)抑癌基因C)病毒癌基因D)操纵子调节基因答案:B解析:5.[单选题]DNA的二级结构是:A)螺旋B)β片层C)双螺旋结构D)超螺旋结构6.[单选题]外显子可( )A)促进DNA复制B)启动基因转录C)调节基因转录D)编码蛋白质答案:D解析:真核生物的基因为断裂基因,即外显子被内含子隔开,外显子即编码序列,内含子则在转录后加工过程中被切除。

故选D7.[单选题]组蛋白的乙酰化是表观遗传调控中的一种常见调控方式,下列关于它的作用正确的是A)激活基因表达B)抑制基因表达C)促进基因复 制D)抑制基因复 制答案:A解析:8.[单选题]mRNA5’端帽子结构为()。

A)pppmGB)GpppGC)m7GpppGD)GpppmG答案:C解析:9.[单选题]PCR合成的步骤不包括A)显色B)变性C)延伸D)退火答案:A解析:10.[单选题]可帮助转录因子可以探测到外部特殊信号,并传递给转录复合物的结构域为 ( )A)信号感应结构域B)DNA结合结构域C)效应器结构域D)多聚化结构域答案:A11.[单选题]染色体骨架的主要成分是A)组蛋白B)非组蛋白C)DNAD)RNA答案:C解析:12.[单选题]用作DNA合成的模板不包括 ()A)tRNAB)细菌染色体DNAC)病毒RNAD)线粒体DNA答案:A解析:13.[单选题]如果将色氨酸前导序列中的4个重要互补碱基序列按照5'-3'的方向依次编号为1、2、3和4,那么哪两段之间形成发夹结构后可以构成终止子? ( )A)1和4B)1和2C)2和3D)3和4答案:D解析:14.[单选题]催化真核生物mRNA生物合成的RNA聚合酶II对α-鹅膏覃碱A)不敏感B)敏感C)高度敏感D)低度敏感答案:C解析:15.[单选题]判断-种核酸是RNA还是DNA,其标准是A)戊糖的2'位OH是否脱氧B)是否含有UC)是否含有TD)能否形 成双螺旋答案:A解析:A)DNA序列没有变化但染色体变化产生的稳定可遗传的表型B)由DNA序列变化产生的稳定可遗传的表型C)染色体数量 变化产生的稳定可遗传的表型D)染色体倍数 变化产生的稳定可遗传的表型答案:A解析:17.[单选题]mRNA中的遗传信息可来自()。



分子生物学试题及答案.pdf分子生物学试题(一)一.填空题(,每题1分,共20分)一.填空题(每题选一个最佳答案,每题1分,共20分)1. DNA的物理图谱是DNA分子的()片段的排列顺序。
























2、基因家族:3、C 值矛盾: C 值是指真核生物单倍体的DNA 含量,一般的,真核生物的进化程度越高, C 值越大,但在一些两栖类生物中,其因是它含有大量的重复序列,而且功能DNA 序列大多被不编码蛋白质的非功能DNA 所隔开。


5、RNA editing:转录后的RNA 在编码区发生碱基的突变、加入或丢失等现象。

二、判断:1、真核生物所有的mRNA 都有polyA 结构。

(X )2、由于密码子存在摇摆性,使得一种tRNA 分子常常能够识别一种以上同一种氨基酸的密码子。

3、大肠杆菌的连接酶以ATP 作为能量来源。

(X )4、tRNA 只在蛋白质合成中起作用。

(X )tRNA5、DNA 聚合酶和RNA 聚合酶的催化反应都需要引物。

(X6、真核生物蛋白质合成的起始氨基酸是甲酰甲硫氨酸(X7、质粒不能在宿主细胞中独立自主地进行复制(X )8、RNA 因为不含有DNA 基因组,所以根据分子遗传的中心法则,不一定,有的RNA 病毒可直接进行RNA 复制和翻译9、细菌的RNA 聚合酶全酶由核心酶和ρ因子组成。

(X )10、核小体在复制时组蛋白八聚体以全保留的方式传递给子代。

11、色氨酸操纵子中含有衰减子序列(√ )以NAD 作为能量来源还有其它的生物学功能,如可作为逆转录酶的引物)RNA 聚合酶的催化反应不需要引物)真核生物蛋白质合成的起始氨基酸是甲硫氨酸质粒具有复制起始原点,能在宿主细胞中独立自主地进行复制它必须先进行反转录,才能复制和增殖。

(X )细菌的RNA 聚合酶全酶由核心酶和σ因子组成(√ )12、SOS框是所有din 基因(SOS基因)的操纵子都含有的、填空:分子生物学期末考试试题C 值却比哺乳动物大的现象。

原组蛋白的mRNA 没有20bp的lexA 结合位点。



分子生物学试卷姓名:__________ 考试时间:_______ ___一、填空题,根据题意,将正确答案补充完整(本大题满分20分,每小题2分)1. 反式作用因子可划分为( )、组织特异性转录因子和( )三类。

2. 分子克隆中常用的工具酶有( )、( )、( )、( )。

3. 常用的核酸探针包括( )、( )和( )。

4. 限制性核酸内切酶的作用特点是识别位点的DNA序列呈二重旋转对称,即具有( )、切割DNA均产生含( )和3'-羟基的末端、错位切割产生具有5'-或3'-突出的粘性末端;而沿对称轴切割双链DNA产生平头末端,也称( )、少数不同的限制酶可识别和切割相同的( )。

5. 顺式作用元件按功能可划分为( )、( )、( )和( )。

6. 影响PCR的因素有( )、( )、耐热DNA聚合酶活性和用量、( )、( )、PH、温度、( )。

7. 原核细胞中各种RNA是催化一种酶催化( )种RNA生成的,而真核细胞基因的转录分别由( )种RNA聚合酶催化,其中rRNA基因由( )转录,hnRNA基因由( )转录,各类小分子量RNA则是( )的产物。

8. 体外重组常用方法有( )、平齐末端连接法、( )、( )和适配子连接法。

9. DNA切除修复需要的酶有( )、 ( )、( )。

10. PCR技术的基本过程是( )、( )、( )。

二、判断题,以下各题只有对错两个选项(本大题满分10分,每小题1分)1. Km值是酶的特性常数之一,与酶的浓度、pH、离子强度等条件或因素无关。

( )2. 有两个核酸制剂A和B,A的A250/A280=2.0,B的A250/A280=1.5,因此可判定制剂A的纯度比制剂B的要高。

( )3. 卫星DNA是一类高度重复序列,通常由串联重复序列组成。

( )4. 目前已知的G蛋白都是由α和βγ亚基组成的。

( )5. 生物膜中脂质的流动性受胆固醇含量的影响。



《分子生物学》考试试题B课程号:66000360 考试方式:闭卷考试时间:一、名词解释(共10题,每题2分,共20分)1. SD 序列2. 重叠基因3.ρ因子4.hnRNA5. 冈崎片段、6. 复制叉(replication fork)7. 反密码子(anticodon):8. 同功tRNA9. 模板链(template strand)10. 抑癌基因二、填空题(共20空,每空1分,共20分)1.原核基因启动子上游有三个短的保守序列,它们分别为____和__区.2.复合转座子有三个主要的结构域分别为______、______、________。


4.生物界共有___个密码子,其中__ 个为氨基酸编码,起始密码子为__ _______;终止密码子为_______、__________、____________。

5. DNA生物合成的方向是_______,冈奇片段合成方向是_______。




( )2.在DNA生物合成中,半保留复制与半不连续复制指相同概念。

( )3.大肠杆菌核糖体大亚基必须在小亚基存在时才能与mRNA结合。

( )4.密码子在mRNA上的阅读方向为5’→ 3’。

( )5.DNA复制时,前导链的合成方向为5’→ 3’,后随链的合成方向也是5’→ 3’。









3.CAP:环腺苷酸(cAMP)受体蛋白CRP(cAMP receptor protein ),cAMP与CRP结合后所形成的复合物称激活蛋白CAP(cAMP activated protein )4.回文序列:DNA片段上的一段所具有的反向互补序列,常是限制性酶切位点。








11.上游启动子元件:是指对启动子的活性起到一种调节作用的DNA序列,-10区的TATA、-35区的TGACA 及增强子,弱化子等。






1.[单选题]DNA引发酶参与了DNA合成,它是一种( )A)催化RNA引物 合成的RNA聚合酶B)催化RNA引物 合成的DNA聚合酶C)催化DNA引物合 成的RNA聚合酶D)催化DNA引物 合成的DNA聚 合酶答案:A解析:2.[单选题]基因可以是A)DNAB)RNAC)DNA和RNAD)目前还不清楚答案:C解析:3.[单选题]mRNA中的遗传信息可来自()。

A)RNAB)DNAC)RNA或DNAD)蛋白质答案:C解析:4.[单选题]证明 DNA 是遗传物质的两个关键性实验是:肺炎球菌在老鼠体内的毒性和 T2 噬菌体感染大肠杆菌。

这两个实验中主要的论点证据是A)DNA是不能在生物体间转移的,因此它一定是一种非常保守的分子B)生物体吸收的外源DNA(而并非蛋白质)改变了其遗传潜能C)DNA突变导致毒性丧失D)从被感染的生物体内重新分离得到DNA作为疾病的致病剂答案:B解析:5.[单选题]不符合基因工程中理想载体条件的是A)具有自主复制能力B)分子量很大C)具有限制性内切酶的单一切点D)有一个或多个筛选标志答案:B解析:6.[单选题]在研究蛋白质合成中,可利用嘌呤霉素,因为它A)使核糖体大小亚基解聚C)抑制氨基酰-tRNA合成酶活性D)防止多核糖体形成答案:B解析:7.[单选题]下列对真核生物基因组结构特点描述错误的是:A)基因组结构庞大,且大部分序列为非编码序列B)为多顺反子结构C)绝大多数结构基因为断裂基因D)含有大量的重复序列答案:B解析:8.[单选题]哪一类型的突变最不可逆A)缺失B)转换C)颠换D)插入答案:A解析:9.[单选题]下列不属于复制起始区的特征的是( )A)由多个短的重复序列组成B)常富含AT序列C)能够被特定的复制起始区结合蛋白识别并结合D)原核生物中-10区影响DNA复制的频率答案:D解析:10.[单选题]连接相邻冈崎片段的酶是_____。






《分子生物学》期末试卷一、术语解释(20分,每题2分)1、操纵子2、增强子3、启动子4、内含子5、外显子6、顺式作用元件7、反式作用因子8、转录因子9、单顺反子mRNA10、多顺反子mRNA二、选择题 (20分)1。

指导合成蛋白质的结构基因大多数为: ( )A.单考贝顺序 B.回文顺序C 。

高度重复顺序 D 。


下列有关Shine-Dalgarno 顺序(SD-顺序)的叙述中错误的是: ( )A 。

在mRNA 分子的起始密码子上游7-12个核苷酸处的顺序B.在mRNA 分子通过SD 序列与核糖体大亚基的16s rRNA 结合C 。

SD 序列与16s rRNA 3’端的一段富含嘧啶的序列互补D 。

SD 序列是mRNA 分子结合核糖体的序列3.原核生物中起始氨基酰—tRNA 是: ( )A.fMet—tRNAB.Met—tRNAC 。

Arg—tRNAD 。

leu-tRNA得 分评卷人得 分评卷人4。

下列有关TATA盒(Hognessbox)的叙述,哪个是错误的:( )A. 保守序列为TATAATB.它能和RNA聚合酶紧密结合C. 它参与形成开放转录起始复合体D。

它和提供了RNA聚合酶全酶识别的信号5. 一个mRNA的部分顺序和密码的编号是140 141 142 143 144 145 146CAG CUC UAU CGG UAG AAC UGA以此mRNA为模板,经翻译生成多肽链含有的氨基酸为: ( ) A.141 B.142 C。




1.[单选题]可用来控制一种大分子复合体内某一成分的合成,以实现各成分在量.上协调的翻译水平调控称为 ( )A)自体调控B)RNA干扰C)mRNA屏蔽D)mRNA的降解和稳定2.[单选题]1958年 ,Meselson和Stah|利用N15标记的N源研究DNA复制的方式,最终发现DNA复制是( )A)全保留复制B)半保留复制C)弥散复制D)半弥散复制3.[单选题]以下哪种操纵子的调控方式中不存在弱化作用? ( )A)乳糖操纵子B)色氨酸操纵子C)亮氨酸操纵子D)苯丙4.[单选题]以下哪种方式不属于原核生物DNA复制的类型_______:A)逆转录B)D-环型C)滚环型D)θ型5.[单选题]合成DNA的原料有A)AMP UMP CMP GMPB)dAMP dGMP dCMP dTMPC)dADP dGDP dCDP dTDPD)dATP dGTP dCTP dTTP6.[单选题]相对载体而言,插入的DNA片段称为A)筛选基因B)可调节基因C)外源DNAD)cDNA7.[单选题]真核生物染色体两端的DNA复制到一定阶段后,引物最终会被切除,留下的空隙会B)DNA连接酶C)DNA引发酶D)端粒酶8.[单选题]紫外线照射可导致DNA链上相邻的嗟呢碱基,主要是____之间形成环丁烷嗟呢二聚体。


B)主链由3’,5'-磷酸二酯键相连,处于螺旋的内侧C)碱基位于螺旋的内部, 碱基平面与螺旋轴平行D)一条链的碱基与另一条链的碱基通过共价键连接起来形成碱基对10.[单选题]基因表达时的顺式作用元件包括以下成分A)启动子B)结构基因C)RNA聚合酶D)转录因子11.[单选题]引起基因表达沉默的DNA甲基化主要发生在 ( )A)CG中的CB)CG中的GC)AT中的AD)AT中的T12.[单选题]PCR的第几个循环才能产生长度正确的目标双链DNA片段?A)1B)2C)3D)413.[单选题]能与tRNA反密码子中的I碱基配对的是()。




1.[单选题]TaqMan 探针技术要求扩增片段应在A)50~150bpB)150~200bpC)200~250bpD)250~300bpE、300~350bp2.[单选题]以mRNA为模板合成cDNA的过程称为________。



A)在转录终止点之后B)在转录终止点之前C)在转录终止点上D)在mRNA的5'端7.[单选题]判断-种核酸是RNA还是DNA,其标准是C)是否含有TD)能否形 成双螺旋8.[单选题]证明遗传物质是DNA的实验是( ) 。

A)1944年Oswald Avery的肺炎双球菌转化实验B)1860年 孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验C)Meselson和Stahl设计的N1 5放射性同位素实验D)Crick提 出的中心法则9.[单选题]中心法则遗传信息的传递方式不包括()A)DNA→rRNAB)DNA→DNAC)RNA→蛋白质D)mRNA→DNA10.[单选题]错配修复系统就根据()的原则进行修复?A)保存母链,修正子链B)半保留复制C)半不连续复制D)保存子链,修正母链11.[单选题]HCV 基因分型的“金标准”是( )A)基因分型检测芯片B)测序分析法C)实时荧光 PCRD)基因型特异性引物扩增法E、RFLP12.[单选题]DNA-pol Ⅲ合成DNA链的最高速度是()A)5 nt/秒;B)10 nt/秒;C)50 nt/秒;D)1000 nt/秒13.[单选题]在哺乳动物线粒体中,参与组成核糖体小亚基的RNA是()A)5S rRNAB)12S rRNAC)16S rRNAD)18S rRNA14.[单选题]含有稀有碱基最多的RNA是下列哪种RNA:A)tRNAB)mRNAC)rRNAD)siRNA15.[单选题]下列选项中,符合ⅡI类限制性内切核酸酶特点的是:( )A)识别的序列是回文结构B)没有特异酶解位点16.[单选题]基因组是A)一个生物内所有基因分子的总量B)一个二倍体细胞中的染色体数C)遗传单位D)生物体的一个特定细胞内所有基因的分子的总量17.[单选题]RT-PCR中,若以oligo (dT)为引物合成cDNA第一链,需要的模板是A)rRNAB)mRNAC)tRNAD)siRNAE)snRNA18.[单选题]稀有碱基主要存在于A)核糖体RNAB)信使RNAC)转运RNAD)核dNAE)线粒体dNA19.[单选题]氨基酰-tRNA 合成酶有高度特异性,是由于:A)能特异地识别特定氨基酸B)能特异地识别 tRNAC)能特异地被 ATP 活化D)能特异识别 A 和 B 二者E)能特异识别 AB 和 C 三者20.[单选题]只参与原核生物DNA复制的物质是 ()A)hTR、hTP1、hTRTB)CDK、cyclinC)polα、β、γ、δ、εD)DnaA、DnaB、DnaC、DnaGE)PCNA21.[单选题]以下属于蛋白质组功能模式研究技术的是A)双向凝胶电泳B)质谱技术C)酵母双杂交D)生物信息学E)定量蛋白质组学22.[单选题]下列哪种方法不可以用作未知点突变的检测方法A)RFLPB)融点曲线分析C)SSCPD)DGGEE)SquencingC)引物D)缓冲液E)Taq DNA 聚合酶24.[单选题]下列样品中,不能作为临床基因诊断样品的是:A)血液B)羊水C)尿液D)指甲E)精液25.[单选题]HCV 的核酸是A)+ssRNAB)dsRNAC)dsDNAD)ssDNAE)-ssRNA26.[单选题]顺式作用元件是指( )A)基因的5’侧翼序列B)基因的3’侧翼序列C)基因的5’侧翼序列以外的序列D)基因3’侧翼序列以外的序列E)具有转录调节功能的特异DNA序列27.[单选题]cAMP 与 CAP 结合,介导正性调节发生在A)有葡萄糖及 cAMP 较低时B)有葡萄糖及 cAMP 较高时C)没有葡萄糖及 cAMP 较高时D)没有葡萄糖及 cAMP 较低时E)无葡萄糖无乳糖28.[单选题]分析蛋白质表达量的实验室技术是:( )A)SouthernboltingB)WesternboltingC)NorthernboltingD)PCR扩增E)ChIP29.[单选题]下列哪种因素不会影响真核细胞中mRNA的稳定A)5'端帽子B)siRNAC)poly A尾D)去稳定元件E)miRNA30.[单选题]目前检测血清中乙肝病毒最敏感的方法是A)斑点杂交试验E)Northern印迹31.[单选题]质粒的主要成分是A)多糖B)蛋白质C)氨基酸衍生物D)DNA 分子E)脂类32.[单选题]核酸变性后,可产生的效应是A)增色效应B)最大吸收波长产生转移C)失去对紫外线的吸收能力D)溶液黏度增加E)无变化33.[单选题]下列哪种紫外线最易造成DNA损伤A)400~ 350nmB)350~ 320nmC)320~ 290nmD)290~ 100nmE)以上都不是34.[单选题]引发体成分不包括 ()A)Dna AB)Dna BC)Dna CD)Dna GE)DNA起始复制区域35.[单选题]下列方法中能同时检测几种疟原虫混合感染的是A)竞争 PCRB)巢式 PCRC)多重 PCRD)普通 PCRE)PCR-RFLP36.[单选题]单基因遗传病分子诊断的主要应用是A)症状前诊断B)携带者诊断C)产前诊断D)携带者筛查E)耐药基因检测37.[单选题]诱导DNA分子中核苷酸脱氨基的因素是A)紫外线B)电离辐射C)焦宁类38.[单选题]下述序列中,在双链状态下属于完全回文结构的序列是A)AGTCCTGAB)AGTCAGTCC)AGTCGACTD)GACTCTGAE)ACTCGACT39.[单选题]使乳糖操纵子实现高表达的条件是: ( )A)乳糖存在,葡萄糖缺乏B)乳糖缺乏,葡萄糖存在C)乳糖和葡萄糖均存在D)乳糖存在E)葡萄糖存在40.[单选题]Northern 印迹杂交可以用于A)快速确定是否存在目的基因B)不仅可以检测 DNA 样品中是否存在某一特定的基因,而且还可以获得基因片段的大小及酶切位点分布的信息C)检测靶分子是 RNAD)用于基因定位分析E)用于阳性菌落的筛选41.[单选题]生物体编码20种氨基酸的密码子个数是( )A)20B)24C)34D)61E)6442.[单选题]DNA分子杂交的基础是A)DNA变性后在一定条件下可复性B)DNA的黏度大C)不同来源的DNA链中某些区域不能建立碱基配对D)DNA变性双链解开后,不能重新缔合E)DNA的刚性和柔性43.[单选题]目前最常用的TB 分子检测方法是A)PCRB)real-time PCRC)SDAD)LPAE)DNA chip44.[单选题]ρ(rho)因子能辨别模板 DNA 链上特殊的终止位点,终止转录,ρ 因子是一种A)核苷酸B)核酸C)蛋白质D)糖脂A)具有终止转录的作用B)是富含GC的反向重复序列C)转录后在RNA分子中形成茎环结构D)原核和真核生物中的一段DNA序列E)位于结构基因的3'46.[单选题]能与mRNA的3’端非翻译区结合抑制翻译的RNA是:( )A)tRNAB)lncRNAC)scRNAD)miRANE)siRNA47.[单选题]人类可遗传的变异中最简单、最常见的一种是( )A)RFLPB)VNTRC)STRD)SNPE)CNV48.[单选题]RNA/RNA 杂交体的 Tm 值一般应增加A)1-5℃B)5~10℃C)10~15℃D)15~20℃E)20~25℃49.[单选题]下列酶中有逆转录活性的是:( )A)光复合酶B)DNA聚合酶δC)端粒酶D)RNA聚合酶IIE)连接酶50.[单选题]检测靶序列是DNA的技术是A)Southern杂交B)Western 杂交C)Northern 杂交D)Eastern 杂交E)杂交淋巴瘤51.[单选题]阻遏蛋白识别操纵子中的A)启动子B)结构基因C)操纵序列D)调节基因E)内含子C)甲基化修饰D)磷酸化修饰E)剪接去除内含子并连接外显子53.[单选题]丙型肝炎病毒基因组高变区位于A)E1 区B)C 区C)NS3 区D)NS4 区E)NS1/E2 区54.[单选题]下列哪项描述是错误的A)细菌是单细胞生物B)细菌是原核生物C)细菌无细胞核结构D)细菌生长快、个体小E)细菌以有丝分裂的方式增殖55.[单选题]下列有关 cDNA 探针的描述不正确的为A)利用mRNA 通过 RT-PCR 在体外反转录可制备大量的 cDNA 探针B)cDNA 探针不包含内含子C)cDNA 探针不包含大量的高度重复序列D)由于 cDNA 探针自身所携带的 poly(dT),有可能产生非特异性杂交的问题E)cDNA 探针合成方便,成为探针的重要来源56.[单选题]只有一个密码子的氨基酸是( )A)甘氨酸和甲硫氨酸酸B)精氨酸和丝氨酸C)色氨酸和和甲硫氨酸D)天冬氨酸和赖氨酸E)脯氨酸和亮氨酸57.[单选题]利用特异性抗体与表达产物特异结合筛选目的基因的方法属于( )A)遗传学方法B)免疫学方法C)核酸杂交法D)PCRE)狭缝印迹杂交58.[单选题]第一、二、三代DNA遗传标记分别是A)RFLP,EST,SNPB)EST,STS,SNPC)EST,STR,SNPD)RFLP,STR,SNPE)VNTR,STS,SNP59.[单选题]DNA上内含子(intron) 的特点是A)不被转录E)以上都不对60.[单选题]下列途径中哪个主要发生在线粒体中A)糖酵解途径B)三羧酸循环C)戊糖磷酸途径D)C3循环E)糖的无氧氧化61.[单选题]有关基因治疗描述错误的是: ( )A)主要针对生殖细胞B)可实现缺陷基因序列的矫正C)可实现有害基因的表达抑制D)可用于传染病的治疗E)可用于遗传病的基因治疗62.[单选题]引起DNA形成胸腺嘧啶二聚体的因素是A)羟胺B)亚硝酸C)5-溴尿嘧啶D)吖啶类E)紫外线63.[单选题]原核生物参与转录起始的酶是A)RNA 聚合酶核心酶B)RNA 聚合酶全酶C)DNA 聚合酶D)核苷酸转移酶E)引物酶64.[单选题]下列不属于血友病 B 间接诊断方法的是A)PCR-RFLPB)PCR-SSCPC)双脱氧指纹图谱D)毛细管电泳E)变性高效液相色谱65.[单选题]基因芯片的原理是基于应用了( )A)放射性核素标记系统B)双色荧光探针系统C)地高辛配基系统D)化学发光信号标记系统E)抗原抗体标记系统66.[单选题]真核生物基因的特点是A)编码区连续B)多顺反子RNAC)内含子不转录67.[单选题]大肠杆菌β-半乳糖苷酶表达的关键调控因素是A)基础转录因子B)特异转录因子C)起始因子D)阻遏蛋白E)ρ 因子68.[单选题]当标本核酸量非常低难以扩增时,可采用的 PCR 技术是A)逆转录 PCRB)转录介导扩增C)原位 PCRD)巢式 PCRE)荧光 PCR69.[单选题]第二代测序技术一般不用到A)双脱氧链终止法B)文库接头C)高通量的并行PCRD)高通量的并行测序反应E)高性能计算机对测序数据进行拼接和分析70.[单选题]与镰刀型贫血病相关的机制:( )A)蛋白构象改变B)蛋白表达水平变化C)DNA点突变D)DNA缺失突变E)基因扩增71.[单选题]关于Southern印迹的描述,哪一项是不正确的A)DNA-DNA杂交B)将DNA样品转移到膜上与探针杂交C)标记后的探针经电泳分离后在凝胶上与DNA杂交D)杂交时探针一般过量E)杂交后进行放射自显影72.[单选题]关于操纵元件叙述错误的是: ( )A)一段DNA序列B)发挥正调控作用C)位于启动子下游,通常与启动子有部分重叠D)原核生物所特有E)具有回文结构73.[单选题]点突变是指A)一个碱基对替换一个碱基对B)插入一个碱基对C)缺少一个碱基对D)改变一个氨基酸残基E)以上都包括B)针对是基因的表达产物C)比直接诊断效果好D)完全可以替代直接诊断E)利用连锁遗传标记进行连锁分析75.[单选题]原核生物基因组中没有A)内含子B)外显子C)转录因子D)插入序列E)操纵子76.[单选题]翻译指的是A)tRNA 和蛋白质的结合过程B)DNA 指导的 RNA 合成过程C)RNA 指导的 DNA 合成过程D)mRNA 指导的肽链合成过程E)DNA 指导的肽链合成过程77.[单选题]有关基因诊断描述错误的是A)是对基因结构或表达异常的检测B)检测对象包括DNA或RNAC)可以利用连锁的遗传标记进行间接诊断D)靶基因包括病原微生物的特定基因E)仅适合遗传病的诊断78.[单选题]下列哪种疾病应进行染色体检查A)先天愚型B)苯丙酮尿症C)白化病D)地中海贫血E)遗传性原发性痛风79.[单选题]下列具有受体酪氨酸蛋白激酶活性的是A)甲状腺素受体B)雌激素受体C)乙酰胆碱受体D)表皮生长因子受体E)肾上腺素受体第2部分:多项选择题,共11题,每题至少两个正确答案,多选或少选均不得分。




2.operator:操作子,DNA分子上阻遏蛋白的结合位点,用以阻止相邻的启动子上转录的起始. 其实指的就是操纵基因(operator,O),不编码任何蛋白质,是DNA上一小段序列(仅为26bp),它是调节基因所编码的阻遏蛋白的结合部位。


4. nick translation:切刻平移,DNA 聚合酶I 是DNA依赖性DNA 聚合酶,具有3´→5´和5´→3´核酸外切酶活性(1) 。


5. replication:复制,在本课程中指DNA的合成,在DNApol的作用下,以一条单链DNA为模板,通过碱基互补配对的方式聚合dNTP 以3,5-磷酸二脂键的形式合成新的双链DNA序列的过程。








某理工大学生物工程学院《现代分子生物学》课程试卷(含答案)__________学年第___学期考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间:90 分钟年级专业_____________学号_____________ 姓名_____________1、分析题(5分,每题5分)1. 根据A基因序列设计原核表达引物。







解析:2、判断题(55分,每题5分)1. nick和gap的含义是不同的,前者指DNA的单链中有较小的缺失,后者仅是断开了一个磷酸二酯键。


2. RNA聚合酶全酶的概念只用于原核转录体系中。

()答案:正确解析:3. RNA聚合酶Ⅲ识别RNA的双螺旋区。


4. 原核生物应急反应信号是鸟苷四磷酸和鸟苷五磷酸。


























1.[单选题]基因上游插入外源性沉默子后可能出现的结果是:( )A)编码的肽链缩短B)终止密码子提前C基因转录减慢C)点突变可能性增加D)基因转录加快答案:A解析:2.[单选题]合成DNA的原料有A)AMP UMP CMP GMPB)dAMP dGMP dCMP dTMPC)dADP dGDP dCDP dTDPD)dATP dGTP dCTP dTTP答案:D解析:3.[单选题]指导蛋白质进入细胞核的信号序列称为A)核定位信号B)核输出信号:C)分子伴侣D)转录因子答案:A解析:4.[单选题]紫外线照射最常引起的碱基二聚体是()A)T-TB)C-TC)T-UD)C-C答案:A解析:5.[单选题]在细菌翻译系统中,起始密码子的识别依赖于( ) 5’端SD序列和 ( )3’端反SD序列之间的相互作用。

()A)mRNA;16S rRNAB)16S rRNA;mRNAC)mRNA;tRNAD)tRNA;mRNA答案:A解析:6.[单选题]下列哪种酶能用来催化PCR反应A)TaqB)DNA连接酶C)引物酶D)磷酸二酯酶答案:A解析:7.[单选题]对翻译起始阶段的调节主要是通过对起始因子elF2和elF4E进行下列哪种修饰实现的 ( )A)甲基化B)磷酸化C)泛酰化D)乙酰化答案:B解析:8.[单选题]Waston和Crick提出的DNA双螺旋结构属于DNA的哪级结构?A)一级结构B)二级结构C)三级结构D)四级结构答案:B解析:9.[单选题]DNA双链状态下属于完全回文结构的序列是A)CGTGGTGCB)CGTGCGTGC)CGTGCACGD)GACTCTGA答案:C解析:10.[单选题]下列描述中与1953年James D . Wastson和Francis Crick提岀的DNA双螺旋结构模型不符的是_______A)两条DNA主链反向平行B)一条链的碱基与另一条链的碱基通过疏水作用力联系起来形成碱基对C)双螺旋表面存在大沟和小沟,是DNA分子对外展示信息和交流信息的窗口D)稳定DNA双螺旋结构的因素有氢键、碱基堆积力和离子键答案:B解析:11.[单选题]以下哪种方式不属于原核生物DNA复制的类型_______:A)逆转录B)D-环型C)滚环型D)θ型答案:A解析:12.[单选题]氨基酸活化酶:()A)活化氨基酸的氨基B)利用GTP作为活化氨基酸的能量来源C)催化在tRNA的5’磷酸与相应氨基酸间形成酯键D)每一种酶特异地作用于一种氨基酸及相应的tRNA答案:D解析:13.[单选题]冈崎片段的生成是由于A)真核生物DNA有多个复制起始点B)RNA引物合成不足C)随从链合成方向与解链方向相反D)领头链合成方向与解链方向相反答案:C解析:14.[单选题]下列组蛋白中,不参与形成组蛋白八聚体核心的是_______。

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MIT Department of Biology7.28, Spring 2005 - Molecular Biology7.28 Spring 2005Exam TwoName ______________________________Question 1 _____/ 30 pointsQuestion 2 _____/ 20 pointsQuestion 3 _____/26 pointsQuestion 4 _____/24 points______________________________Total _____/100 pointsName ______________________________ Question 1 (30 Points total).You have discovered a new species of yeast (M. catecus) that is able to switch mating types in a manner similar to the normal budding yeast, S. cerevisiae. M. catecus cells exist in three forms: haploids with the b mating type, haploids with the b mating type, and b/b diploids. The genome sequence of M. catecus is notyet known.You succeed in cloning the MAT locus from one specific isolate of M. catecus, called strain H. Unfortunately, strain H grows poorly in the lab, and its mating type is unknown. Using this cloned DNA, you make a radioactive probe and use this DNA to probe a genomic Southern blot of total M. catecus DNA that has been digested with the restriction enzyme EcoRI. The DNA from three different cultures of a strain well-adapted to lab growth conditions is present on the blot. The cultures contained the following types of cells: (1) b cells, (2) b cells and (3)b/b diploid cells.1 23MarkersFilm: strain H MAT probe1a (6 points) Based on these data, what size EcoRI fragment carries the MAT locus? Also, which mating type was strain H? Briefly explain your answers.The 2.5 kB fragment carries the MAT locus. Strains of mating types b and b should be different at their MAT locus since this contains the genes that determine mating type. The 2.5 kB fragment is present in b strain but not in b strain indicating that this fragment most likely contains the MAT locus.Strain H is b type. The probe made from its MAT locus recognizes two bands in the b strain-one copy at the MAT locus and one copy in the HML/HMR-like silent locus. The probe only recognizes one band in the b strain-the one copy in itsHML/HMR-like silent locus.As is true in budding yeast, M. catecus encodes a protein that introduces a double-stranded break (DSB) at the MAT locus. Using your cloned MAT DNA as a substrate, you are able to observe this DNA cleavage in M. catecus cell extracts.A schematic map of the MAT clone is shown below, as are the results of some in vitro DNA cleavage assays analyzed by native agarose gel.No Extract + ExtractMarkers 1 2 3 4native agarose gel1b (5 points) Based on these data, draw on the schematic of the MAT clone where the M. catecus nuclease cleaves the DNA.The 0.5 kB band in Lane 4 indicates that the nuclease cleaves the DNA 0.5 kB to the right of the HindIII site in the MAT locus on the plasmid. Some people put the site near the ori, but this is wrong since we know the nuclease makes a DSB within the MAT locus.1 c (5 points) If the genome size of M. catecus is ~ 20 megabases, what is the minimum length the recognition sequence for the MAT-cleaving nuclease is likely to be? Briefly explain your logic. (If you don’t have a calculator, set up the equation you would use to calculate this.)There should be only one recognition site for the MAT-cleaving nuclease in the entire genome since this cleavage event needs to be tightly regulated and only occurs at the MAT locus. To determine what the minimum length of that sequence is, solve for x in the following equation:(1/4)x = 1/20,000,0001/4 is the probability of getting a specific base in any one position, and 20,000,000 is the size of the genome.Note: Technically, there are actually three sites in the genome that have this nuclease recognition sequence - at the MAT locus, HMR and HML. The cleavage sites in HMR and HML are inaccessible to the endonuclease due to chromatin structure. This point was not required for full credit because we did not discuss this in class.1d (6 points) You notice that when you add ATP to the extract assays for MAT cleavage (as in part b) that the DNA is further digested, suggesting that processing at the DSB is occurring in vitro. Therefore, you decide to investigate how the DSB at the MAT locus is processed prior to assembly of RecA-like proteins on this DNA. Design a simple experiment to ask if this processing occurs using a mechanism similar to RecBCD or similar to the MRX complex. Briefly explain how your experiment distinguishes between these two pathways. (Hint: it may be helpful to use material introduced earlier in this question.)RecBCD degrades DNA strands in both directions: 5’ -> 3’ and 3’ -> 5’. The MRX complex only degrades in the 5’ -> 3’ direction. The best way to distinguish between these two mechanisms is to do a Southern blot.1. Add the cloned MAT DNA to M. catecus cell extract +/- ATP. The –ATPextract is a negative control.2. Incubate to allow time for DSB formation and DNA processing.3. Isolate DNA from extracts and cut with HindIII.4. Run on a denaturing gel. Transfer DNA to a positively-charged membrane.5. Probe membrane with a probe specific to the 5’ -> 3’ 0.5 kB fragmentHindIIIsite-5’---------- 0.5 kb fragment --------- 3’. Make the probe specific to part of the strand near the Hind III site.If the M. catecus machinery is like RecBCD, you should see a band that is less than 0.5 kb because the 3’ end has been degraded. If the M. catecusmachinery is like MRX, you should see a band that is 0.5 kb because the 3’end has not been degraded.(You could do the same experiment using a probe for the 2.5 kb fragmentcontaining the other side of the MAT locus.)1e (8 points) You purify the Rad51 protein (McRad51) and a BRCA2 homolog from M. catecus. DNA binding experiments reveal that McRad51 binds DNA in a highly cooperative manner and that BRAC2 can load McRad51 on an ssDNA-dsDNA junction. Binding of McRad51 is more cooperative than observed withthe S. cerevisiae Rad51 (ScRad51). You reason that the functional Rad51 filaments assembled by McRad51 therefore may be longer than those made by the same concentration of ScRad51. Design an in vitro experiment to determine if this hypothesis is correct (you also have purified S. cerevisiae recombination proteins). Be sure to include a description of the expected results of this experiment if the hypothesis proves true.In order to test whether the functional filaments made by McRad51 are longer than those made by ScRad51, you need to do a strand exchange assay like the one used in Yang et al.1. Make a gDNA substrate with a ss-ds DNA junction. Add RPA, thenMcBRCA2, then McRad51 or ScRad51 or a buffer control.2. In separate experiments, add labeled ds DNA that is homologous to thegDNA substrate-begin with a region next to the ss-ds junction andproceed along the substrate at increasing distances from the junction. Agood negative control for this experiment is to use labeled dsDNA that isnot homologous to any region on the gDNA substrate.3. Run samples on a native gel—labeled DNA that was not exchanged willrun near the bottom of the gel, labeled DNA that was successfullyexchanged will be shifted up to the size of the gDNA substrate.If the functional filaments made by McRad51 are longer than those made by ScRad51, you will see strand exchange occurring at longer distances from the junction for McRad51 compared to ScRad51.NOTE: Gel shift, DNaseI protection, or cooperative binding assays were notcorrect answers because the question asked for a functional analysis. Inaddition, the question stated that binding of McRad51 had already beendetermined to be more highly cooperative than that of ScRad51.Name ______________________________ Question 2 (20 points total)2A (6 points). You have isolated spontaneous mutations in the LEU6 gene of a haploid strain of the yeast S. cerevisiae. Some of your mutations result in a complete loss of LEU6 gene function. You reason that this phenotype may be due to insertion of a mobile DNA element into the gene.To test this idea, you sequence the LEU6 region from several of your mutants and compare the DNA to the previously determined sequence for LEU6 in the parental strain. Numerous strains do in fact carry insertions, and a quick analysis indicates that several different types of mobile DNA elements are represented in the group of mutants.You wish to determine if the insertion mutations are caused by: (1) a cut and paste transposon; (2) a retrovirus, or (3) a DNA virus that inserts by conservative site-specific recombination.2a (6 points). Below is the sequence of one of the insertion mutations (Some sequences from the middle of the element deleted at the // symbol.) The sequence of the parental DNA at the insertion site is also shown. Based on these data, which class or classes of elements are most likely responsible for the mutation in this isolate? Briefly explain.Chromosomal carrying insertion (inserted DNA sequences are in capital letters): 5’tcgcagcgcatcgcctt GAGCGGGACTCTGGGTATACGGATCCC//GTTTCGT ATACCCAGAGTCCCGCTC gccttctatcgccttcttgacgagttcttctChromosomal site:5’tcgcagcgcatcgccttctatcgccttcttgacgagttcttctIn this mutant you can see target site duplication and simple inverted repeats so the mutation is most likely caused by (1) cut and paste transposition. Many students thought it might be retroviral insertion, however, the LTRs common to retroviruses are different from the inverted repeats common to transposition. 2pts for noticing the inverted repeats, two pts for noticing the target site duplication and 2 pts for getting the correct answer.2B (6 points). One particular insertion allele shows a relatively high frequency (~1 in a 100 cells) of spontaneous reversion to the Leu+ phenotype. Of the three classes of elements you are considering, which type of element is most likely to be responsible for this “unstable” allele. Explain your choice.This mutation is most likely caused by (3), the DNA virus that inserts by CSSR. The mechanism by which these viruses leave the host DNA both preserves the original sequence and does not need much energy leading to a high reversion rate, reversion to wildtype sequence and hence wildtype phenotype. Many students thought that cut and paste transposition might have just as high a reversion rate (which theoretically could be true), however, cut and paste transposition usually leaves extra DNA sequence behind, meaning that the leu gene would not revert to wildtype sequence and hence the cells would not be Leu+. 2pts for noting the conservation of energy of CSSR, 2pts for noting that it does not change the sequence upon looping out and 2 pts for the correct answer.2C (8 points). To identify strains that carry retrovirus insertions you decide to take a biochemical approach. You reason that cells harboring a retrovirus should contain an enzyme that is not normally present in uninfected cells and that you should be able to detect this enzyme in cell extracts. What is the enzyme you will look for? Briefly describe how you would set up a sensitive, functional assay for this enzyme. Retrovirally infected cells would contain the enzyme reverse transcriptase. There were many variations of functional assays for this enzyme and points were given depending on whether these assays would work or not. Here is one possible answer: A sensitive functional assay using cell extracts would involve testing for the presence of some cDNA using radiolabeled dNTPs. One would probably want to add exogenous RNA template of known sequence with a primer (RT requires a primer) and then look for the cDNA version of that RNA template (southern, gel, filter binding to look for general dNTP incorporation). Good controls were definitely required for this experiment – radiolabeled dNTPs could be incorporated into DNA by the endogenous DNA pols or DNA repair enzymes so a filter binding probably wouldn’t be the best means for detecting label. Some students wanted to rid the extract of DNA and RNA, which would cut down on background quite a bit. Points were given for knowing that the enzyme to test for was RT (2 pts), for an assay that at least made theoretical sense, for a correct template (RNA + primer) and for good controls.Question 3 (26 points total). You and your labmate are studying RNA Pol II transcription. She has developed a clever genetic screen to isolate mutants in TFIIH. Unfortunately for your colleague, the method that she used makes it very difficult to clone the mutations but relatively easy to purify the mutant TFIIH complexes (called M1, M2, M3). As the lab biochemist, you offer to purify the mutant TFIIH complexes and determine their defects.3A (6 points). You first want to determine whether the three mutant TFIIH complexes are capable of assembling into a RNA Pol II transcription pre-initiation complex. Describe the assay you would use. You have access to purified RNA Pol II and its auxiliary transcription factors and any DNA that you need.3A. A simple gel shift should work to look at binding of TFIIH to the RNA Pol II complex. Many students wanted to use antibodies to TFIIH to do a supershift assay, but this probably wasn’t needed due to the fact that we already knew TFIIH should bind to the complex. The supershift assay might not be a bad control, but these reagents weren’t included in the list given in the question.The gel shift assay would require labeled promoter DNA, with RNA Pol II plus aux. TFs, adding the mutant TFIIHs. Controls would be no TFIIH (lesser shift) and wildtype TFIIH (should see more shift). Run on non-denaturing gel and do Xray to detect labeled DNA.You find that the M2 and M3 mutant proteins are both capable of assembling into the RNA Pol II transcription complex.You next perform an incorporation assay using a simple CORE promoter that contains only a TATA and BRE element (CORE). To assay the function of the TFIIH proteins, you make a crude cell extract and specifically deplete the endogenous TFIIH (with a TFIIH antibody). You add the promoter to the extract in the presence of a wild-type (WT) TFIIH, or the various purified mutant TFIIH complexes.You separate the products on an agarose gel and expose it to X-ray film.TFIIH WT* M1 M2 M3Denaturing Agarose Gel(exposed to X-ray film)3B (6 points). Based on your findings thus far and your knowledge of TFIIH, what function is most likely defective in the M2 mutant. Briefly describe the assay you would use to test your hypothesis.We see that the M2 mutant is capable of assembling into the RNA Pol II txn complex but no transcript is made (not even abortive transcript). This suggests that the mutant TFIIH can’t perform its helicase activity. Test this by performing a DNA unwinding assay:1. Set up by adding RNA Pol II, plus transcription factors to the promoterDNA2. Add ssDNA cleaving reagent (KMnO4)3. Anneal labeled primer near promoter (facing promoter)4. Add DNA polymerase to extend primer5. Run on denaturing gel and expose to filmDo controls: +/- wt TFIIH3C (4 points). When you perform the assay to test your hypothesis, you are surprised to find that even your wild type protein shows no activity. You talk to your advisor and she suggests that you should add ATP to your assay. You immediately realize why your assay didn’t work. Briefly explain why you needed to add ATP.The helicase activity of TFIIH requires ATP (TFIIH is an ATPase).You are surprised by the strong transcription you observe with the M3 mutant.You wonder if it might show more of a defect in the presence of a promoter thatis activated. To test this you use a different model promoter (called CORE+Act) that has several binding sites for an activator that you know works by binding tothe mediator. You repeat the previous transcription assays with this new promoter and observe the following results.WT* M1 M2 M33000 bases1500 bases600 bases300 bases20 bases(exposed to X-ray film)3D (4 Points). What aspect of TFIIH function do you think is defective in the M3mutant? Explain the different products you observe when the Core vs. Core+Actpromoters are used.The M3 TFIIH mutant can assemble into the RNA Pol II txn complex, and we can see full size transcript with the CORE promoter, but only abortive transcript with the CORE+ACT promoter. The CORE+ACT promoter recruits the Mediator to the promoter. The Mediator binds the CTD of RNA Pol II when it is unphosphorylated and releases RNA Pol II when the CTD becomes phosphorylated (by TFIIH). Most likely, the M3 TFIIH mutant can no longer phosphorylate the CTD of RNA Pol II. Without phosphorylation of the CTD, Mediator never releases RNA Pol II and promoter clearance can’t occur (thus the abundance of the abortive transcripts). In the case of the CORE promoter, there is no Mediator binding and thus the RNA Pol II is not dependent on TFIIH phosphorylation of the CTD to undergo promoter clearance.0 You repeat the experiment one more time using a third promoter that has binding sites for a different activator that functions by recruiting TFIID to its binding site on the promoter.3E (6 Points). Based on your proposed defect in the M3 mutant, draw the pattern of transcription products you would expect with this new promoter (show both WT and the M3 mutant). Provide a brief explanation of the logic behind the pattern that you have drawn.The pattern of transcripts would most likely look like wildtype. In this case, the Mediator complex is not being recruited by the activator, rather TFIID is, sophosphorylation of the CTD is not as important for release of RNA Pol II from the promoter.Question 4 (24 points). You are studying the expression of an E. coli ribosomal protein (RP28) that inhibits protein synthesis by binding a short RNA hairpin (5’-GAUAGNNNNCUAUC-3’) found in one of the ribosomal RNAs. This protein is only expressed when there are very low nutrients to reduce protein synthesis and conserve resources. The location of the RP28 gene and its twoneighbors is illustrated below (the arrows indicate the direction of transcription). 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2500As a first step, you perform a northern blot under high and low nutrient conditions and probe the blot with a DNA probe that will hybridize to the RP28mRNA. You are surprised to see only one transcript that is much longer than you expected. To determine whether the rest of the transcript overlaps the CHW1 or the DG1 gene you use DNA probes for each of these RNAs. The results of all three northern blots are shown below.0 Northern BlotDNA Probe CHW1 RP28DG1 Nutrients ++4A (4 points). Based on the results of the northern blots, how many different mRNAs are synthesized that overlap the DG1, RP28 and/or CHW1 genes? 3 different mRNAs were made- 1 ~ 600 bases, 1 ~ 1000 bases, and 1 ~ 2000 bases. This question was asking for the total number of unique mRNAs based on the Northern blot data.4B (6 points). Draw the approximate location of each transcript on the map below. 500 1000 1500 2000 25002500Transcript 1 overlaps CHW1 and is ~ 1000 bases long. Transcript 2 overlapsCHW1 and RP28 and is ~ 2000 bases long. Transcript 3 overlaps DG1 and is ~ 600bases long.Based on your map, you suspect that transcription termination plays an important role in the control of RP28 expression. Because of this you decide to precisely map the 3’ ends of each of the mRNAs that are detected by the CHW1and RP28 probes.4C (6 points). Describe the assay you would use including the location of any DNA probes you would need and how they would be labeled.Use an S1 protection assay to map the 3’ ends of these genes.1. Isolate RNA from + and – nutrient cells.2. Make 2 ss DNA probes labeled on the 3’ end or along entire length.Probe#1 should overlap the end of the 1000 base mRNA(CHW1), andProbe#2 should overlap the end of the 2000 base mRNA(CHW1 + RP28).3. Hybridize Probe#1 to the RNA from + nutrient cells. Hybridize Probe#2to the RNA from – nutrient cells.4. Treat with S1 nuclease to cleave ssDNA.5. Separate DNA on a high resolution denaturing gel to distinguish the 3’ends of the RNAs.You find that there is an intrinsic terminator very near the 3’ end of the~2000 base transcript. In contrast, you do not find an intrinsic terminator near the end of the shorter ~1000 base transcript. Instead you find a C-rich region approximately 200 bases before the end of the transcript.Interestingly you also find 12 copies of the RP28 RNA hairpin binding site between the C-rich region and the termination site that you mapped for the short transcript.4D (8 points). Using your understanding of the function of the Rho termination factor and the results of your transcript mapping experiments, propose a model that explains the presence of the larger transcript in the presence of low nutrients.In high nutrients, Rho binds the C-rich region, moves in a 5’ -> 3’ direction toward RNAP, and pulls the RNA out of the active site to terminate transcription at 1000 bases.In low nutrients, Rho must be downregulated—there may be less ATP available in starved cells, or Rho transcription or translation may be inhibited. As Rho is being downregulated, RNAP is able to read through the RP28 template and terminate at 2000 bases at the intrinsic terminator. The small amount of RP28 protein that is initially made can bind to the RP28 RNA hairpin binding site after the C-rich region. This binding event blocks any available Rho from “catching up”with RNAP near the 1000 base termination site. A positive feedback loop is created—as more RP28 is transcribed and translated, fewer 1000 base transcripts can be made as Rho is inhibited.。
