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上海预防医学 2018 年 9 月第 30 卷第 9 期 文章编号: 1004 ̄9231(2018)09 ̄0777 ̄04
宣国ꎬ 许明佳ꎬ 李伟ꎬ 靳慧 上海市金山区疾病预防控制中心ꎬ 上海 201599
摘要: 【目的】了解某水厂深度处理前后该地生活饮用水水质变化ꎬ 为生活饮用水的水质管理提供
科学依据ꎮ 【方法】上海某水厂水源水深度处理前后ꎬ 连续监测该水厂出厂水及相关的生活饮用水
的水质ꎮ 【 结果】 水源水深度处理前后综合合格率分别为 81������ 7%、 80������ 0%ꎬ 差异无统计学意义ꎻ 出
厂水和末梢水处理前后综合合格率分别为 50������ 6%、 99������ 4%ꎬ 差异有统计学意义( P<0������ 05) ꎻ 深度处
理前后出厂水、 末梢水单项水质指标合格率: 耗氧量为 58������ 3%、 100%ꎬ 浑浊度为 92������ 2%、 100%ꎬ
锰为 90������ 0%、 100%ꎬ 菌落总数为 96������ 7%、 99������ 4%ꎬ 差异均有统���� 3%、 100%ꎬ 差异均无统计学意义ꎮ 【 结论】 深度处理后ꎬ 该地区水质得到明显改善ꎻ 今后需重
点关注微生物指标ꎬ 进一步加强饮用水卫生监测ꎮ
关键词: 饮用水ꎻ 深度处理ꎻ 耗氧量ꎻ 卫生监测
中图分类号: R12ꎻ TK223������ 5 文献标志码: A
DOI: 10������ 19428 / j������ cnki������ sjpm������ 2018������ 18676
引用格式: 宣国ꎬ 许明佳ꎬ 李伟ꎬ 等. 上海市某水厂水源水深度处理前后的水质变化[ J]. 上海预
防医学ꎬ 2018ꎬ 30(9) : 777 ̄780.
Water quality analysis before and after advanced treatment of source water in a water plant XUAN Guoꎬ XU Ming ̄jiaꎬ LI Weiꎬ JIN Hui(Jinshan Center for Disease Control and Preventionꎬ Shanghai 201599ꎬ China) Abstract: [ Objective] To investigate the changes of the quality of drinking water before and after advanced treatment of source water in a water plantꎬ so as to provide the scientific evidence for management of the quality of drinking water. [ Methods] The tap water and the same as drinking water were monitored and studied before and after advanced treatment. [ Results] The comprehensive qualified rate of source water before and after advanced treatment were 81������ 7% and 80������ 0% respectivelyꎬ with no significant difference. The comprehensive qualified rates of the factory water and the end water before and after advanced treat ̄ ment were 50������ 6% and 99������ 4%ꎬ respectivelyꎬ with significant differences between the two conditions. The qualified rates of individual water quality indicators of the tap water and the end water before and after the advanced treatment were as follows: the oxygen consumption was 58������ 3%ꎬ 100%ꎬ the turbidity 92������ 2%ꎬ 100%ꎬ the manganese 90������ 0%ꎬ 100%ꎬ the total bacterial counts were 96������ 7% and 99������ 4% respectivelyꎬ the difference was statistically significant( P<0������ 05) ꎻ the total coliform groups were 98������ 3%ꎬ 100%ꎬ the difference being without statistical significance. [ Conclusion] The water quality of the area has been greatly improved after advanced treatmentꎻ greater emphasis should be given to the index of microorganism and the hygiene of drinking water is further monitored. Keywords: drinking waterꎻ advanced treatmentꎻ oxygen consumptionꎻ health monitoring