
Take Over & Rebranding Manual for General ManagersACCOR HotelsHouse KeepingACCOR HOTELSApril, 2001INTRODUCTIONThis manual is intended as a reminder and checklist for the many tasks and actions required to successfully take over and rebrand an already operating hotel to an ACCOR branded property. However due to the very nature of hotel take overs, in that each property is unique in terms of age, condition, facilities, market positioning, location, etc, this should not be construed as a complete and entire manual of the tasks to be done. This should be regarded as a very broad and general guideline that should be adapted to each situation.In the formulation of the take over task and consequent action plan, the long and short term objectives of the Owners and Accor and the should be clearly established in order to ensure the final product meets the expectations of both parties.It is critical tha t through a rebranding process the property’s image and profile should be enhanced and that with the provision of Accor’s management and marketing expertise, tangible value will be added as a result.As previously mentioned and should be strongly emphasised, each Hotel is unique and the information within this manual should be adapted so as to meet the specific requirements of the project and location. It should be seen as a base from which to begin and a general guideline, not as a definitive plan to all takeover and rebranding projects.1.0BRIEFING of DIVISION HEADS1.1 Project in general1.1.1 General Discussion on Owning Company and management Agreement.1.1.2 Discussion of any Hotel or Location idiosyncrasies1.1.3 Progress on any refurbishments and possible relaunching dates.1.1.4 Progress reports from Task Force members.11.5 Feasibility Study and Departmental review and proposed individual actionplan.•Plans on any refurbishments.Review power of attorney for bank signatures•Review owning companyHotel agreement as it pertains to Co-Owners.Owning Company’s organization chart.Internal Owner relations.Name, Address and Telephone #s of Board Members.Equity position of Owners.Capital expense Budget and approval procedures.Any special agreements and/or understanding with the Owning Company.Board Meeting timetable.Review of last Board Meeting minutes.•Goals and Incentive Plan.•Recommendations for the Hotel Lawyer and Auditor.•Administrative calendar for the Hotel.2.0 TAKE OVER & REBRANDING TASK ASSIGNMENT CHECK LISTThe purpose of this check list is to assign each department all necessary tasks toensure the successful preparation for the opening of the hotel and that are completed on time. The Executive for each Department should be the person responsible for the appropriate checklist and the formulation of the critical path.The following checklists are to be considered as a guideline for the formulation of the critical path and a more detailed checklist should be developed for each department concerned.•Housekeepinga.Assess executive housekeeperb.Review payrollc.Review policies & proceduresd.Review training programe.Review condition of all FF&Ef.Linen audit & ordering replacement Accor standardg.Accor specifications guest room amenitiesh.Ordering guest room amenitiesi.Review all cleaning equipmentj.Specification cleaning chemicalsk.Review all maid carts quantity & conditionl.Blankets spec & quantitym.Pillows spec & quantityn.Review carpet cleaning contracto.Review cleaning schedulesp.Review job descriptionq.Review oganisation chartr.Review uniforms quantity & conditions.Uniforms orderingt.Review uniforms policyu.Review pest control contractv.Review valet pricesw.Review guest storage policiesx.Review policy of fruit baskety.Review policy for flowersz.Review procedures – mini baraa.Review all formsbb.Review room set upcc.Review suites set updd.Review par stocksee.Identify areas requiring concentrated cleaningAction by Starting date Completion date ff.Review PA cleaning schedulesgg.Review duty rosterhh.Review emergency proceduresii.Review laundry volumejj.Review laundry budgetkk.Review valet pricesll.Relaunching & rebranding action planmm.Review Operational manualnn.Review house plant maintenance contractoo.Review outside window cleaning procedurepp.Review lost and found policiesqq.Review list of all guest supplies, apply Accor standardsrr.Review par stock for flow partiesss.Review guest room layouttt.Rebranding budget reviewuu.Review layout of floor pantryvv.Review keys policy requirements per areaww.Check bed configuration chartxx.Check room types chartyy.Review cleaning standardzz.Review service standardaaa.Costing guest suppliesbbb.Review guest floor pantry set upccc.Review mini-bar set upddd.Review maid cart set up•Laundry•assess laundry manager•review laundry job descriptions•review operating procedures•review organization chart•review manning guide•review training program•review training schedule•review all equipment•review all FF&E•review list of guest supplies•review list of forms•check license for laundry•rebranding action plan•relaunching date•check equipment warranty record if applicable•review maintenance program•review procedures valet shop•review job descriptions•review laundry prices•check quality & stock of chemicals & lists•review safety program•hotel survey of hotel charges•review uniforms stock•review cleaning schedule•survey waste disposal•check steam & electricity supply•review labor law•review all kitchen & bakery equipment & utensils•review all cleaning equipment•check quality, stock and supply of cleaning chemicals•check musical instruments•check printing material•check canned dry food•check beverages•check food items fresh•review pool functions•linenAction by Starting date Completion date•audit on condition of all mattresses•audit on cond ition of all TV’s & associated equipment•audit TV reception•review satellite/cable TV provider contract•Mini bars3.0 Takeover and RebrandingThis segment of the critical path deals with the rebranding plan. It consists of listing all the physical areas requiring close attention that can be monitored on a twice-weekly basis, on the progress report. All items mentioned on this section should be similar to the one mentioned in the progress reportExample:Executive officeAccounting officeGeneral storeSteward storeStaff canteenGuest rooms 16/FAll the mentioned areas should state the starting date of the monitoring of the status of the rebranding and the projected completion.4.0 Formulate Critical PathThe Data formulated in the Tasks Assignment Check List is to be used as the base for the formulation of the “Critical Path” report.The first thing to establish is the Relaunching date of the Hotel.Secondly, the data from the tasks assignment check list is transferred into the critical path with reference to the rebranding of each area and ultimately the relaunching date. Formulate a Grid sheet which contains all the critical path with a section for each department using the legends of:•Starting Date•Progress•Delay•Completion Date•Late Completion•Relaunching DateAll tasks should be monitored and updated twice weekly with a review meeting for all concerned.Whilst this may seem a tedious and time consuming exercise it will ensure that each area of the Hotel is fully ready to be Operational on the Relaunching Date.Note: The Critical Path should be formulated in a Data Base Software format as per the example attached to allow the efficient, Any Date Order, or Person Responsible, Sorting.•List of rebranding reports and meetings to be formulated •Twice weekly critical path meeting minutes•operational meeting weekly minutes•design and printing weekly minutes•F&B twice weekly meetings minutes•weekly progress report•Weekly minutes of relaunching ceremony meeting•Weekly minutes of sales department•Monthly sales report to corporate office•Weekly forecast meeting•Weekly minutes of purchasing department•Weekly minutes of accounting department•Monthly controller’s report to corporate office•Monthly reports to corporate office should include the following topics•Overview of progress of rebranding•F&B report•Financial•Engineering•Sales•Rooms department•P.R.•Monthly design meeting with designer•Post relaunching weekly project meeting6.0 Monthly progress reportThe monthly progress report should be formulated by the hotel GM/Take Over Task Force Manager/Engineering team/DOSMIt should contain progress on rebranding plus recruitment progress of key staff, Owner related issues, marketing activity, financial status.•Policies and Procedures•Rooms Division (as per ACCOR Operations manuals)SOP LSOP •VIP Policy•Guest privacy•Log book•Maintenance requests•Guest illness•Pets & animals•Guests’ complaints•Uniform•Staff general grooming & behavior•Pagers•Daily briefing•Staff performance appraisal•Interview and recruitment•Work schedule•Stock requisition•Entrance and lobby security•Parking zone security•Staff entrance control•Video security•Patrol•Security supervisor•Divisional accounting procedures•Reservations section•Reservations filing•Geographic code•Market segment code•Reservations forecasts•Reservation operation•Telecom operation - Telephone answering •Wake-up calls•Guest phone inquiries•Emergency guest assistance•Pager system•Staff phone calls•Telecom revenue control•Incoming facsimiles•Booking and charging•Front office reception•Guest check-in•Group check-in•Guest room change/move•Guest check out•Front office cashier•inquiries and messages•guest relations officer/asst. managers•VIP arrival and check-in•Concierge•Concierge check-in duties•Concierge check-out duties•Group luggage handling•Concierge room change duties •Communication board•Doorman and porter•Guest luggage storage•Hotel vehicle maintenance•Hotel vehicle operation•Shift start•Lost and found•Guest complaints handling•Walk through•Daily room inspection•VIP guests•Group arrivals•Folio checking and skipper handling •General maintenance and repair •Guests’ item storage•Guest room double – locking •Safety deposit box breaking•Clinic & medical service•Accident/incident handling•Guest property loss/damage/ handling •Guest room missing article allegation •Disturbance & dispute•Fire alarm & report •Housekeeping / staff communication •Housekeeping / guest communication •Master key•Trolley set-up•Guest room general cleaning sequence •Bed making•Bathroom cleaning•Bedroom cleaning•Turn-down service•Do not disturb display•Guest complaints & requests •Executive & public area cleaning •Linen control•Room inspection•Bathroom inspection•Baby sitting•Lost and found•Guest laundry presentation •Laundry order taking•Laundry valet service•Guest laundry check sequence•Dry-cleaning sequence•Guest garment finishing quality control •Sorting function sequence•Sorting categorization•Linen processing•Washroom function sequence•Drying – area function sequence•Flat work function sequence •Uniform laundering process •Laundry daily operation•Unsanitary laundry pickup•Linen management•Damaged laundry•Laundry record•Linen chute•Fire safety policy•Smoke detector network•Sprinkler network•Hose cabinet preventive maintenance •Manual call point•Fire extinguisher preventive maintenance •Fire control panel•Fire pumps•Fire pumps preventive maintenance •Fire stairs evacuation system•Alarm-activated devices•Fire detection•Evacuation procedure•Security evacuation•Human resources evacuation •Finance evacuation•Sales & marketing evacuation•Public relations evacuation•Rooms division evacuation•Kitchen evacuation•Food & beverage outlet evacuation •Room discount policy•Rooms advance deposit•Rooms double lock•Rooms found vacant•Spare key card request•Change of guest room lock•Damage to hotel property by guest•Valuables left unattended in guest room•Complimentary room•House use accommodation•House use limousine•Missing amenities in guest room•Night visits7.0 Employee StandardsThe purpose for specifying standards for each department within the Hotel is necessary so that Employees know what is expected and accomplished by the standard. The responsibility of the General Manager is to identify who, in the organization, will be held accountable for the implementation and adherence to the Policies.7.1 Manning GuideOnce performance standards have been established for all positions within the Hotel and all Job Descriptions have been formulated the number of positions required for each specific area of the Hotel can be drafted. Each position should be established in relation to the size and operational requirements of the area and finally reviewed in conjunction with the Budget.7.2 Recruitment ScheduleFollowing the completion and approval of the Manning Guide comparison canthen be made to the actual situation in the hotel and the following action can betaken:-•Establish staffing levels – organisation chart•Number of employees per position•Increase or reduction of existing staff levels as required in accordancewith local labour laws•Commencement of relative training programs•Any special or extraordinary circumstancesThe recruitment schedule of any personnel, especially Senior Management positions, should be as per the rebranding schedule however for take over situations, it is likely to be required ASAP in order to carry out the rebranding requirements within the set time frame.•Performance StandardsThe system is based on the establishment of specific standards of performance for each group of each Department within the Hotel.Non Production Groups:These positions do not vary with the volume of Business had by the Hotel, such positions as Department Heads, Assistants, other Supervisory and Clerical positions.Production Related Groups:This Group will be determined by established performance standards and as such reflect the projected volume of business, positions such as Floor Supervisors, Receptionists, Telephone operatorsDirect Production Groups:This Group defines positions which can directly fluctuate in accordance with the Highs and Lows of the Business volume and may include seasonal recruitment.The Performance standards for each of these Groups are measured as follows:Non Production Groups:The standard for this group is the result of a policy decision established for the Hotel based on its size, location and idiosyncrasies. Since the Position functions of this group are not controlled by established work standards it is important that each position be evaluated and reviewed on an annual basis to determine its actual requirement and contribution to the profitability of the Hotel. Positions in this group are:•General Manager•Resident Manager•Executive Assistant Manager•Financial Controller• E.D.P. Manager•Human Resources Manager•Etc…To evaluate the requirement of these positions each requires a detailed Job Description to be prepared including:❑Job Title❑Department❑Purpose and Responsibility❑Means for carrying out the responsibility❑Qualification required to fill the positionOnce the Job Description is complete for all positions within this group the individual work can be evaluated to determine the contribution to the Operation of the Hotel. Why is the Job done? Where is it done? By whom? And how long does it take?Once all Job Descriptions and analysis has been completed for this group they will be reviewed by the management committee to determine if they truly reflect the positions required by the Hotel for the volume of business in the current and coming year/s. Production Related Groups:Standards of performance for this group are based on the level of Occupancy, Number of covers served and the Volume of Beverage sales.Direct Production Groups:Standards of performance for this group are based as for the production related group, however are monitored and modified regularly to sustain the most cost effective production available. On the basis of established standards a manning guide is prepared for each department, or sub-department if necessary, within the Hotel. This guide outlines the number of non-production, production related and direct production employee required at the various levels of volume of business and would include an Organization Chart.In order to utilize the standards established in the Manning Guide a forecast for the coming three month period is prepared and updated monthly, using production standards a potential manpower requirement for each department and sub-department may be formulated. These requirements can then be reviewed and discussed and ultimately modified if necessary.Examples of production standards would be:Room Attendants 15 Rooms 8 HoursBell men 25 MovementsWaiters 20 Covers 2 HoursCooks 90 Covers 6 Hours Dishwashers 150 Covers 4 HoursFloor Supervisors 40 Occupied Rooms 8 HoursReceptionist 100 Arrivals 8 Hours7.4 Permits and LicensesThis standard should be a detailed list and explanation of all Permits and Licenses necessary for the operation of a Hotel in the area in which it is located.7.5 Emergency ProceduresThis standard should be a detailed presentation of the Emergency procedures to be followed in the advent of either a fire, disaster or situation requiring medicalurgency. It should also include a statement indicating each employee’sresponsibility to read, understand and if required, duty, in the participation of anemergency.7.6 Telephone NumbersThis standard should provide a list of Telephone numbers to be used forcontacting Management, senior personnel and Emergency Services in the adventof an Emergency. It should be kept up to date reflecting any changes in either the personnel involved, Telephone Numbers used or Emergency ServiceOrganizations.7.7 First AidMany Countries are now requiring that Hospitality Service Personnel be trained in the areas of Fist Aid giving. It is recommended that each establishment includesan acceptable First Aid Training course and qualification for selected Employees, including updates and refresher courses.7. 8 Security of PropertyThis standard should detail the required Security procedures in order to ensure the safekeeping of all Hotel property and Equipment, it should include responsibility, delegation, information on security systems and locking devices.7.9 Occupational Health and SafetyThis standard states the Employer’s position regarding Occupational Health andSafety and includes the pertinent provisions of Health Law for the Employeesreference. A copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act can be obtainedform the local Health Department.7.10 Record KeepingFor Legal and Taxation purposes, it is important for certain records to beretained for a specified period of time. This standard should detail therecommendations of the Hotel’s accountant and Lawyer concerning thoserecords which should be retained, where they are to be stored, the length of timethey should be retained and disposal methods.7.11 Personnel ManagementThis standard presents an introduction to the Personnel Management and shoulddefine what Management’s general responsibilities are concerning all Employees.General responsibilities may include. Recruitment, Selection, Training, Appraisals,Delegating, Goal Setting, Motivating, Controlling and Scheduling, depending onthe organizational structure of the Hotel.7.12 Recruiting EmployeesThis standard should detail all the pertinent information concerning theInterviewing of potential Employees. This would include who will conduct theinterviews for specific positions, what details should be covered during theInterview, how the Interview will be evaluated and how the results will beprocessed.7.13 Employment ApplicationsThis standard should include an Employment Application Form and oncecompleted, its distribution for consideration by the Department Head concerned.It should also detail the retention of Applications on file and for how long they are to be retained and the subsequent replies to the Applicant.7.14 Employment of Relatives and FriendsIn order to ensure internal controls many operations have restrictions on theemployment of relatives and friends of present Employees. This standard shoulddetail the Management’s position regarding this so that all Employees are awareof and comply with this provision.7.15 Employment of HandicappedThis standard should reflect the Management’s position on the Employm ent ofHandicapped people and include any Anti discrimination Laws applicable within the region of operation which may be obtained from the Labor Law Office.7.16 Orientation ProceduresOne of the most valuable yet most neglected part of Employee recruitment isthe successful orientation of each Employee. This standard should detail theprocedures to be followed for the orientation of each Employee into theoperation, including who is responsible for the completion of the orientation,what is to be covered and by when it is to be completed, it should also includea detailed check list which is to be followed during the orientation.7.17 General Hours of WorkFrequently there is argument or confusion as to what constitutes the normaland actual hours worked by an Employee, this standard should detail andclarify the expected hours of work and what is considered normal workinghours for each level and position within the operation.7.18 AttendanceThis standard should outline the Management’s position c oncerningEmployees attendance and/or tardiness. Since non attendance and tardinesswill arise with almost all Employees at least once the standard should detailthe Employee’s responsibility in reporting his/her potential for absence orlateness and any disciplinary action which will result in unexcused absence orexcessive tardiness.7.19 SchedulingThis standard should define the Hotel’s procedure for creating the Employee’sworking schedules and the Employee’s responsibility for reading and adheringto the schedule. In addition this standard should include the procedurerequired for an Employee to change a posted schedule.7.20 Time clock and CardThis standard should define the Hotel’s procedure for recording work hoursand the use of the Time clock and Timecard. It should detail when anEmployee is to “Punch-in” and whether or not Employees are to “Punch-out”for meal periods and/or coffee breaks etc. and the procedure for completedTimecards.7.21 Salaries and Hourly RatesThis standard should define which positions in the Hotel will be paid on anhourly or salaried basis. This standard should also include provisions ofapplicable wage and salary legislation including minimum wage laws,withholding requirements and overtime pay policies.7.22 Pay PeriodsIn order to avoid confusion among Employees and in order to define the payperiods and actual pay day for the Hotel, this standard should outline thestandard pay periods for all Employees, weekly, fortnightly or monthly andhow and when the payments will be distributed, it should also include theresponsibility of the Employee for checking the payment and the procedure tobe taken in the event of a lost pay cheque.7.23 Employee MealsThis standard should detail which Employees are entitled to meal breaks,when these breaks are to be taken and the duration of such breaks. The mealand rest period standard should also include such factors as to acceptableactivities during these breaks such as smoking or leaving the premises.7.24 HolidaysThis standard should clearly establish the policy of the Hotel concerningobserved holidays and those which are paid or compensated for. It should alsodefine the Employee’s responsibility for attendance on those holidays whichare not observed by the Hotel.7.25 VacationsThis standard should define which Employees are eligible for paid vacationsand the amount of entitlement. It should detail the scheduling of vacations,whether or not vacation entitlement is accumulative and details of the varioustypes of entitlement such as maternity, annual, military etc.7.26 Leave of AbsenceThis standard should define the general rules applicable to all Employeesconcerning times when leave of absence may be necessary. It should includethe application process and who is to authorize such leave and anydisciplinary actions that would be taken in the event of unapproved leave ofabsence.7.27 Worker’s CompensationThis standard should outline the Management’s position regarding worker’scompensation and insurance, such as the eligibility of Employees for anyinsurance and Legal obligations of the Employer for the Department ofOccupational Health and Safety.7.28 Working ConditionsThis standard should outline the minimum requirements for maintainingacceptable working conditions within the Hotel. Specific subjects shouldinclude maintenance and cleanliness, personnel hygiene standards and theprocess for rectifying any hazardous conditions that may exist in the operation.7.29 Other BenefitsThis standard should state those Employees eligible for special benefits orentitlements and the exact nature of these benefits, such as Medical Insurance,Accident Insurance, Life Insurance, Provident Fund and any other benefitsoffered by the Hotel’s Management.7.30 General Rules of ConductThis standard should outline in detail the rules of conduct applicable to allEmployees’ of the Hotel. These rules will cover co-operation with Guest,fellow Employees and Management with regards to the execution of dutiesand should also outline the policies on areas such as Dress codes, Pilferage,Sanitation, Chewing, Smoking, Drinking, Gambling etc.7.31 Uniforms and NametagsThis standard should outline all provisions concerning the acquisition, use,cleanliness and repair of uniforms and nametags. In addition it should specifyany financial assistance that will be given by the Employer for themaintenance of uniforms and adversely any deductions that will be madefollowing the loss or blatant destruction of uniforms.7.32 Personal AppearanceIn the Hotel industry, the appearance of each Employee is paramount to theoverall quality of guest service and the projected image of the Hotel. Thisstandard should clearly define the requirements of Employee appearanceincluding areas such as the use of jewelry, bathing and sanitation requirements,hair grooming, the use of make-up, nail polish and any other practices thatmay require control.7.33 SmokingThis standard should define the Employee Smoking policy of the Hotelincluding when and where Employees may and may not smoke and thedisciplinary action taken for violations of this policy.7.34 Alcohol and DrugsThis standard states clearly Management’s requirement that no Employee mayuse Alcohol or Drugs whilst on the Hotel premises or be under the influenceof either when reporting for duty.。

第 1 页 共 1 页
《 运转手册》ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
HSKP-3-6 楼层 DND 房处理程序与标准
服务程序 1、情况分析 工作步骤与标准 (1)如果房间门口地毯上有“请勿打扰”牌,可能是客人在关门时 掉落在地上的。 (2)门上亮“请勿打扰”灯,也有可能是客人勿开的。 在服务员清扫客房时如发现客人已开启了“请勿打扰”灯,将“请 勿打扰”提示牌从门缝下塞进去,提示客人。 (1)如在下午 2 点仍挂“请勿打扰”牌或(亮“请勿打扰”灯) , 清扫员应立即报告楼层领班。 (2)由楼层领班再将“请勿打扰”牌或亮“请勿打扰”灯房号报客 房中心, 必须由客房中心统一打电话给客人询问是否需要清理房间, 询问客人希望自己在何时为他打扫房间,不影响为客人服务。 (3) 如客人明确告知具体时间需要服务时, 按客人指定的时间工作 (4)如客人不要求服务,也应做好交班纪录(或填写《早班服务工 作单》,使下一班了解客房情况并与下一班次做好交接。 ) (5)如房间无人接听电话,领班应进入房间查看。 (6)如房间一直占线,应通过总机与客人取得联系。 (7) 中班领班安排中班服务员对白天未让打扫的房间在做夜床时彻 底打扫。 (8)如晚上 21:00 左右房间仍是 DND 做好交接班提醒次日领班特 别注意。 (9) 连续二天不让打扫的房间, 应由楼层主管报告保安部和大堂经 理。

行政管家 副行政管家
秘书 花工
PA领班 楼层领班 文员 洗衣房领班
楼层高级 服务员 楼层服务员
洗衣高级 服务员 洗衣房 服务员
制服房高 级服务员
PA高级 清洁工
分为早、中、夜三班次,24小时在岗服务 分为早、中、夜三班次,24小时在岗服务 职能: 1、负责统一安排、调度对客服务工作。 2、管家部信息的枢纽中心。 3、为客人提供最快、最准备的信息。 4、与其它部门的关系协调中心。 5、对员工排班和考勤的控制。 6、管理管家部的所有钥匙。 7、保管和处理客人的遗留物。 8、管理客房部的所有档案。
公共区域(PA) 公共区域()
清洁:负责酒店各部门办公室、餐厅(不 包括厨房)、公共洗手间、大堂及各通道、 楼梯、门窗的清洁保养工作。 消杀:对全酒店范围内蚊虫、蝇、蟑、鼠 等 的消杀。 绿化:与承包商及时沟通协调,做好室内外 园林绿化的种植、施肥、修剪、浇水、补 种、更换等管理工作。
1.负责酒店的清洁卫生,为客人提供一个干净、舒适的住宿 1.负责酒店的清洁卫生,为客人提供一个干净、舒适的住宿 环境。 2.负责客房接待服务,满足客人的合理需求。 2.负责客房接待服务,满足客人的合理需求。 3.检查所辖区域内的设施设备并保持完好。 3.检查所辖区域内的设施设备并保持完好。 4.在保证标准和要求的前提下,尽量减低部门的成本费用。 4.在保证标准和要求的前提下,尽量减低部门的成本费用。 5.协调与其它部门关系,保证客房服务的需要。 5.协调与其它部门关系, 6.配合前厅部、销售部工作,提高客房利用率。 6.配合前厅部、销售部工作,提高客房利用率。

客房部职位•服务总监•副管家•楼层主管•制服 / 布草房主管•秘书•管家部接线员•楼层服务员•制服房/布草房服务员•楼层男服务员•开床服务员•裁缝•插花工洗衣部职位•洗衣房经理•洗衣房主管•洗衣房文员•洗衣房服务员•熨烫工 / 折叠工•洗衣房洗衣物运送、分类工•洗衣房干洗去渍工•熨烫店服务员•洗衣房洗衣工•洗衣房打号工•洗衣房检查员 / 装袋员公共区职位•公共区主管•公共区清洁员•洗手间服务员健身房职位•健身房经理•健身房主管•健身房服务员工作描述日期:1999年6月1日酒店:沈阳万豪酒店职位:服务总监酒店号码:No。
29职位代号:部门: 客房部工资代号: 部门号码 : 01直属主管:房务总监I. 主要作用:服务总监对酒店责任区域的清洁,客房部的有效运作,以及采购、库存、客房部相关物品的盘点及控制负有全部责任。
另外,负责员工士气,客人重视的好客程度,达到预算的目的及部门之间的关系.II. 工作职责 :●确保指派的卧室、走廊、出售区域及其它区域每天均相当地干净。


档号Policy No.:HSKP/SOP/001
编订Prepared by:
发布Issued by:3 Nhomakorabea夜班:3.1阅读“工作日记”,与中班做好交接工作,清点钥匙及各类物品,继续完成中班未完成的工作。

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESPOLICY NO.SUBJECT项目HSKP – 001 Standard Of Cleanliness 清洁标准HSKP –002 Lost and Found 失物招领HSKP –003 Entering Guest Rooms 进入客房HSKP – 004 Floor Attendant Services 客房服务HSKP – 005 Shoe Shine Service 擦鞋服务HSKP – 006 Guest Request Items 客人需求项目HSKP – 007 Babysitting 托婴服务HSKP – 008 Guest Belongings 客人财产HSKP – 009 Room Wait Requests 等候要求HSKP – 010 Shift Briefing 班会HSKP – 011 Work Orders 客房维护HSKP – 012 Allowing Access To Guest Rooms 允许进入客人房间HSKP – 013 Gratuities / Tips 赠物、小费HSKP – 014 Attending To Guests In Public Restrooms 做好客用休息区卫生HSKP – 015 Chain Of Command 行政管理HSKP – 016 Holding Open And Securing Guest Room Door 客房安全HSKP – 017 Reasonable Job Requests 合理的工作分配HSKP – 018 Key Control Procedure 钥匙控制程序HSKP – 019 Leaving Work Area Without Authorization 未经批准擅离工作区域HSKP – 020 Telephone Skill 电话技巧HSKP – 021 Cleaning The Public Telephone 公用电话清洁HSKP – 022 Cleaning Furniture 家具清洁HSKP – 023 Cleaning The Guest Corridors 楼层过道清洁HSKP – 024 Providing Turndown Service 夜床服务HSKP – 025 Cleaning Service Areas And Emergency Stairway 服务区和应急区的清洁HSKP – 026 Sweep Log 清洁记录HSKP – 027 Handling Guest Laundry 处理宾客洗衣HSKP – 028 Uniform Room Procedures 制服程序HSKP – 029 Handling Guestroom Trash 客房垃圾处理HSKP – 030 Empty the Wastebasket 清除垃圾HSKP – 031 Vacuuming of Public Areas 公共区域吸尘HSKP – 032 AM/PM Discrepant Rooms Report 早中班房态差异报告HSKP – 033 Definition of a Guest 宾客诠释HSKP – 034 Handle Guest Complaints 处理客人投诉HSKP – 035 Job Safety 岗位安全HSKP – 036 Personal Safety 个人安全HSKP – 037 Priority Cleaning 优先清洁HSKP – 038 Do Not Disturb 请勿打扰HSKP – 039 Guest Room Security 房间安全STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE POLICY NO.SUBJECT项目HSKP – 041 Housekeeping Department Hygiene and GroomingStandard房间清洁和卫生标准HSKP – 042 Guest Room Cleaning 房间清洁HSKP – 043 Make A bed 做床HSKP – 044 Bathroom Cleaning 卫生间清洁HSKP – 045 Proper Behaviour for Housekeeping Staffs 客房员工正确行为举止HSKP – 046 Use A Vacuum Cleaner 吸尘器的使用HSKP – 047 Handling baby Crib / Cot 处理婴儿床HSKP – 048 Regular Turndown Service 夜床服务规范HSKP – 049 Executive Floor Lounge Cleaning Hours 行政楼层工作时间HSKP – 050 Flower Ordering /Arrangements 鲜花订购、安排HSKP – 051 Executive Floor Guests / VIP Flower Ordering/Arrangements 行政楼层客人/VIP 鲜花订购安排HSKP – 052 Executive Floor Guests / VIP Turndown Service 行政楼层/VIP开夜床服务HSKP – 053 Cleanliness & Hygiene 清洁及卫生HSKP – 054 Daily Check List 每日检查表HSKP – 055 Equipment Usage 设备使用HSKP – 056 Newspaper & Magazines 报纸和杂志HSKP – 057 Reception Service 迎宾服务HSKP – 058 Towels 毛巾HSKP – 059 Administration 管理HSKP – 060 Quality Control 质量控制HSKP – 061 Normal, Express and Pressing Service 一般,特殊和熨烫服务HSKP – 062 Guest Laundry Pick Up & Distribution 收送洗衣服务HSKP – 063 Handling Clean Linen 干净布草的处理HSKP – 064 Soiled Linen Handling 脏布草的处理HSKP – 065 Room Linen Discard Procedures 布草报损程序HSKP – 066 Receiving of Uniform & Linen from Supplier 更换制服,补充布草HSKP – 067 Storage of Chemicals 药水储存HSKP – 068 Machinery 机器HSKP – 069 Linen Room attendant & Its Function 布草服务员及其职能HSKP – 070 Floor Linen Control 楼层布草控制HSKP – 071 Linen & Uniform Inventory 布草制服盘存HSKP – 072 Uniform Control 制服控制HSKP – 073 Receiving of Uniform 换制服HSKP – 074 Issue Uniform to Banquet 发放宴会制服HSKP – 075 Issue F & B Linen 发放餐饮布草HSKP – 076 Processing Linen 布草处理STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject 项目STANDARDS OF CLEANLINESS清洁标准Effective Date有效日期16、JULY 2004Policy No 序号HSKP-001 Issued by发出者RDMPage 页码 1 of 4 Approved by批准人HOTEL MANAGER酒店经理Distribution 描述 All Associates全体员工部门经理Objective: 目标To ensure consistent quality standard of cleanliness at Hotel are meet at all times.随时保证酒店的清洁质量标准。

某酒店管理公司酒店运转管理手册之房务手册,全文224页/A4 。

Suite deluxe
Single room with shower
Mini suite
Family suite with 2 bedrooms
King-sized bed
Queen-sized bed
bath shampoo
skin lotion
shaving cream
sewing kit
mineral water
Night stand/bedside table
Do Not Disturb Sign
Dresser/chest of drawers
Full-length mirror
Men’s room/bathroom
Double bed
酒店领班 标准工作程序 sop

Check the things in the closet firstly. Whether the safe locked. (If locked, was reported to front)
Look at the desk, TV, remote control, folder, a drawer inside the laundry is less (small letters and documents can not al) sofa, curtain if there is smoke holes on the bed to see whether there are items left over from the guests,to see whether there is a smoke-carpet, the bathroom right away to check all the number of grass cloth enough, whether or damage, pollution, one by one to Doukai to check to see if Shukou Bei, a one-time items tray, soap dish, and the other stuff.
Shake the sheet to see if the guests forgot anything.
Allow guests to check the cash register in a timely manner so thatthe Department of room to do a good job records clerks.让收银及时给客人结账,让客房部文员做好记录。

*****VIP接待目录一、*****的客源市场 (3)二、为什么设立VIP (4)三、谁是*****VIP (5)四、*****VIP的等级 (6)五、V IP接待总流程 (7)六、各级别VIP接待程序、标准 (8)七、*****VIP接待表格 (39)八、(附件)CIP (42)一、*****的客源市场政治金鼎经济国面向公务市场、餐饮市场、旅游市场四星级酒店大社会际文化酒旅游店二、为什么设立VIP ?VIP英语Very Important Person的简称,意为非常重要的客人谁是VIP?四星级酒店的客人是不是VIP ?我们提倡酒店服务无差别,但四星级酒店不是每位客人都是VIP!VIP服务不是商务中心服务、不是私人管家式服务VIP服务提供翔实的酒店信息,反映酒店接待的艺术与技巧VIP是酒店给予在政治、经济以及社会各领域有一定成就、影响和号召力的人士的荣誉,是酒店完善、标准的接待规格服务对象。
VIP是酒店优质服务体系的集中体现!三、谁是*****VIP国家元首赴*****视察的国家部委领导政府 *****省主要负责人*****各部、委、办、局的主要领导*****市党政军负责人企业来*****投资的内、外资企业、集团总裁红旗集团的重要业务客户影视娱乐界著名演艺人员社会体育界国家著名运动员广告传媒的资深编辑、记者省级以上旅行社总经理同星级酒店董事长、总经理业内曾经对酒店有过重大贡献的人士酒店邀请的宾客个人全价入住酒店豪华房3次以上的宾客个人入住酒店十次以上的宾客四、*****VIP的等级1、等级名称*****VIP等级划分共计四等,按级别高低依次为VA、VB、VC和VD2、VIP宾客资格等级资格申请人批准人VA 国家元首、国家部委领导酒店总经理、集团董事长 *****省主要负责人驻店经理、公关营销部经理酒店总经理VB *****各政府部门领导、*****市主要领导驻店经理酒店总经理在*****投资的集团、企业高层管理者公关营销部经理同星级酒店董事长、总经理省级中国国旅、国际旅、青旅总经理对酒店有过重大贡献的人士酒店邀请的宾客(红旗集团业务客户)VC 社会名流(演艺界、体育界、文化界)各部门经理以上驻店经理酒店邀请的宾客(业务客户)VD 个人全价入住酒店豪华客房3次以上客人前台主管以上公关营销部经理个人全价入住酒店客房10次以上的客人管理人员酒店邀请的宾客五、VIP接待总流程1、集团、酒店高层管理者获得信息2、酒店各部门管理人员建议信息3、酒店公关营销部掌握信息1、公关营销部汇总信息、确认2、拟订接待标准、计划,向总经理、驻店经理申请公关营销部向各部门发出接待通知单各部门完成接待所有接待资料存档记录六、各级别VIP接待程序、标准VA 级公关营销部1、主动向接待单位了解VIP有关资料、此次行程计划、活动具体安排,入住本酒店的要求,并将详细情况整理成文,上报酒店高层管理者。


酒店客房卫生操作流程客房卫生管理系统-Ⅰ(走客房卫生标准)工作任务:走客房卫生清理流程序号: HSKP001部门:客房部执行岗位:客房经理起草人:田憬汪批准人: 呈送:生效日期:2011/09/01目的: 为了使工作更流畅序号步骤要点(如何做)标准1 进门1.进房前,一定要再次核实房态,确认无人后,用房卡开门;2.轻轻敲门三次.缓缓把门推开3.插卡开灯照明1.用中指食指关节轻敲房门,轻轻敲门三次,每次三下,每次报“服务员或Housekeeping”2.缓缓地把门推开,把“正在清洁牌”挂于门锁把手上,房门打开着至工作结束为止。
开检进结束收撤铺冲登关吸拖补除3.把小垫毯放在卫生间门口的地毯上,清洁篮放在卫生间云石台面一侧2 开窗开窗、开换气扇、开抽屉、开柜门、开卫生间门,开窗帘、开窗通风换气,打开抽屉门、柜门晾味。
3 检查检查开空调、开电视、开床头灯、顶灯、廊灯、卫生间顶灯、枕头下、衣柜、写字台、水壶、电话、衣架、马桶、喷头、浴缸、地漏、浴帘杆1.开空调、开电视、开床头灯、顶灯、廊灯、卫生间顶灯等检查是否良好;2.按次序检查枕头下、衣柜、写字台的抽屉是否有遗留物品,遗留物品应第一时间交给领班;3.检查热水壶;检查电话;检查衣架;4.检查马桶是否堵塞;淋浴的喷头以及冷热水是否正常;浴缸下水是否堵塞;5. 地漏下水是否堵塞漏水;浴帘杆是否牢固。
4收垃圾卫生间垃圾桶、房间垃圾桶、 注意烟灰缸内烟头是否熄灭1. 垃圾桶及客人用过的一次性用品清理,如果有水渍,特别注意不要别滴在地毯上.2. 如果烟灰缸内烟头没熄灭,一定有用水熄灭。
5撤巾类 撤掉用过毛巾、浴巾、床单、被罩、枕套、床尾垫;杯具、烟缸、热水壶、水杯;撤加床或送餐餐具。
1. 撤走客人用过的“三巾”(面巾、方巾、浴巾)。

XIAMEN MARRIOTT HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTRE LOCAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 厦门万豪酒店及会议中心本地标准操作程序LSOP No. 编号:LDY-001 Effective Date生效日期:Division 主管部门: Rooms房务部Revised Date更新日期:Department 部门: Housekeeping客房部Prepared by准备部门:ExecutiveHousekeeper行政管家Section 分部门: Laundry洗衣房Approved by批准: General Manager:总经理SUBJECT 题目:Daily preparation日常准备OBJECTIVE 目的All laundry associates must be familiar with the laundry and uniform/linen basic operation of the laundry. proper hand-over between all shifts should be carried out, to ensure work is completed and all areas in good order.每位洗衣房员工必须熟悉岗位基本运作流程。
POLICY 政策This policy applies to all associates in the laundry.所有员工必须遵守此项规定。
PROCEDURES 程序1. To be on duty 15 minutes in advance, handing over with previous associate.每天提前十五分钟到岗,与上班次交接。
2. Record emphasis of work for the shift, special case and uncompleted work fromprevious shift.记录当天的工作重点,特殊情况及上班次未完成工作。

制度 POLICY 宗述 编号REF CODE HSKP-F-01 执行职位 POSITION RESPONSIBLE所有人员涉及部门 DEPT.CONCERNED管家部部门概述管家部是酒店的重要部门之一,主要为宾客提供舒适的房间及安全保障,同时负责酒店内所有公共场所的清洁卫生、酒店所有员工制服的保管及更换,并对楼层及餐厅的布巾进行洗涤存储及发放,向客人及酒店各部门提供各种造型的时令鲜花。
管 家 部 组 织 架 构 图Housekeeping Organization ChartDHASUP-IISNR-II JNR-IV JNR-IITotal 63人行政管家1Executive Housekeeper楼层主管1 Floor supervisor管家部文员4 Order taker楼层领班5 Floor leader楼层服务员24 Room attendant布草房领班1 Linen leader 布草房服务员4 Cinen attendantPA 服务员21 PA attendantPA 领班3 PA leader PA 主管1 PA supervisor制度POLICY 工作态度及规章制度编号REF CODEHSKP-F-02执行职位POSITION RESPONSIBLE 所有人员涉及部门DEPT.CONCERNED客房部执行程序:员工工作态度、规章制度的培训酒店有关规章制度的学习—《员工手册》管家部纪律及考勤制度管家部服务员除必须遵守酒店《员工手册》中的规章和制度以外,还必须遵守本部门根据实际工作特点而制定的纪律。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
The Manager or shift leader will use the On-Line Logbook for sharing any appropriate information relevant to the department. All information will be written legibly and clearly to ensure everyone concerned can read the information without difficulty at all times. All associates must read and sign the On-Line Logbook at the start, or during each shift.
2.The On-Line Logbook can be accessed and viewed under document name of Butler logbook on H drive by using any of PC sets in butler’s pantry room.
3.All assohe start, or during your shift.
1.The On-Line Logbook is a means of communication between all butlers and all other departments.
8.The Shiftleader must ensure any message left in the logbook from the previous shift is actioned.
9.Any job assignments that can’t be completed are logged down for follow up.
6.The hand over of On-line Logbook must be clear and complete in order to avoid mistakes.
7.The record in On-Line Logbook must be concise, to the point and clearly written.
4.All associates must type in “Y” in the column besides their name, to indicate it has been read and understood at the start, or during the shift.
5.It’s the responsibility of Shiftleader to take care of the logbook to the shift hand over briefings and advice all present of any relevant information.