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Authentic Materials for Language Learning
Authentic Materials for Language Learning- Using Cultural Product
Literature Broadcast Media Newspapers Advertising Song and Music Film


Principles 1. 提示影片的情意影響 2. 從強調理解到強調內容 3. 發掘語言輸入; 不是教語言, 只是放電影 就是了 4. 比對影片與改編小說 5. 發掘影片所有元素: 視覺 音樂 和語言 6. 發掘各個角度, 不論瑣碎或深度的文化
Broadcast Media

Broadcasting is wholly familiar to learners from all cultures; television is comprehensible Intrinsically emotive media means that they provide naturally the affective factor so crucial to language acquisition. on the Internet means that these media are now more easily accessible to teachers and learners

the popularity of advertisements with language teachers is based on both sociological and pragmatic factors The combination of linguistic simplicity and semantic complexity of much advertising copy and slogans make them ideal subjects for language study by learners of all levels. condensed cultural contentLeabharlann Newspapers
Principles 1. 以時事討論藉以了解文化 2. 發掘報紙版面的特色 3. 發掘報紙genre的共通性 4. 更新報紙文章存檔(使用線上文章) 5. 運用線上同步新聞(可比較紙本的不同) 6. 發掘/練習L1 scanning reading的方法

Song and Music

Principles 1. 發掘歌曲的文化藝術 2. 發掘詞曲交織的特性 3. 不僅將歌曲作為語言輸入, 也作為刺激語 言輸出 4. 運用學生的歌曲, 而不是老師的 5. 運用TPR及NLP原則: 透過活動和互動讓學生參 與
Film today is a genre that is linked to another genre, the novel There is also great potential for crosscultural comparisons when using films
Broadcast Media

Principles 1. 有目的的觀賞或聆聽, 如需要互動或 information gap的活動 2. 發掘廣播/媒體的genre 3. 發掘電視的視覺元素 4. 發掘電視各個面向: 聲音 視覺 網站
It has been pointed out that newspaper language is an ever-evolving variety of language, language which is in many cases specific to the genre. can be used to challenge even lower level learners via activities which are authentic


Principles 1. 利用文學去提醒語言使用的功能 2. 以非語言的方式回應文學(畫圖/演戲.默劇)(特別是 對初級) 3. 以任務去接近文學(特別是對初級)(朗讀.小組戲劇. 動作.單字回應) 4. 從文學中發掘”自然的不同難易程度”以供不同程度學生學習 5. 記住難度可能是文章長度, 詞彙選擇/密度, 文化上的特殊性/瞭解 6. 與其他容易取得的媒體結合(如電影.錄音帶)

can be either cultural specific or universal reveal links between cultures can create deeper involvement and closer interaction than other cultural products the most exhibitionistic and most personal form of culture

Principles 1. 發掘廣告本身內含誘人之處 2. 發掘廣告在語言上的密度 3. 發掘和其他言談類型的交互文本性 4. 發掘廣告在情意上的誘人之處 5. 發掘廣告策略以引起學習興趣 6. 分析文化行為及價值觀 7. 分析社會變遷與驅勢
Song and Music
songs as an interweaving of music and language a way of reducing pressure on the learner and lowering the affective filter songs chart the social history of their culture and reveal the attitudes, preoccupations and behaviours of its members