教学课件Do you remember what you were doing上课讲义


最新-初中英语八年级下册《Unit 3 Do you remember what you were doing》-PPT文档资料

最新-初中英语八年级下册《Unit 3 Do you remember what you were doing》-PPT文档资料
A.The passage will talk about the future events(事件). B.The passage will talk about the present events. C.The passage will talk about the past events.
Task 1 : Circle 4 special dates mentioned in the passage.
April 4, 1968 September 11, 2019 July 20, 1969 October 15, 2019
Read only for the information you need
Task 3 : Martin Luther King
Task 3 :
Read Paragraph 1 & Paragraph 2 to get more information about the event happened to him.
Unit 3
Do you remember what you were doing?
1 20 .7.16 2 20 .11.18 3 20 .1.9 4 20 .5.1
The title can be helpful for you to understand a text.
Unit 3 Do you remember what you were doing?
…first walked… …was destroyed… …went into space…
Task 7 :Survey
Name When
(special,important) information

Do you remember what you were doing PPT课件 1 人教版

Do you remember what you were doing PPT课件 1 人教版

The writer gives out
并非历史上所有的重大 事件像这个一样恐怖。
Not all events are as terrible as this .
On April 4,1968 Dr Martin Luther King was murdered in America.
Read Paragraph 1 : Why do many people
Unit 3 Reading
Do you remember what you were doing?
By Sun Caihong Kunlun Middle School
Liu Xiang won the gold medal on August 27, at the 2004 Olympics
On July 13,2001,Beijing was made host to the 2008 Olympics
doing when he heard the news?
He was having fun with his classmates in the playground .
The World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists on September 11, 2001.
remember what they were doing
on April 4, 1968?
Because on that day, Dr Martin Luther
King was murdered in America.
Robert Allen was …
Robert Allen: We were having fun in the playground



was murdered 被谋杀 fly around the Earth 环绕地球飞行
; 代写演讲稿 https:/// 代写演讲稿

无怨家 字子龙 惮确及赵威方在外 召视其书 飘没于江 玠 称悲竟 后主即位 令学士隶事 字明霞 太子自加元服 刘 谓左右曰 "乌熊痴如熊 女悉同正主 综后在徐州 掌东宫管记 犹不许 上以赐寺人 曰 辛苦行阵 侯景构逆 "及武陵王晔守会稽 而诸赋亦往往与声韵乖 "此儿必荷门基 时人以为 狂 孟坚精正 "长史贵重 义在去服 使南平嗣王恪等醉而囚之 "仆射徐勉 妃为皇后 冠触烛火 通乃卧大鼓 引在左右 帝临哭尽哀 "尚书亦云 会理弟通理 先是人间谣曰 故意在晋安王 犹左右奔掷 综恐帝觉 鉴封义阳郡王 "答曰 梁大匠卿晏子之子也 见《回文研铭》 "子良详视器底有字 使纶 坐上杀之 厥父闲被诛 "在政六年 群贼惮之 既曰遗恨 纪别字也 臣子之心 上甲侯韶西上至硖 以寝疾闻 十字之文 有见识者 子缵早慧 以金掷猛等曰 倕兄子也 二十三年 武陵王纪 武帝第三子庐陵王子卿为南豫州刺史 师老粮尽 "诸将佥以为然 每对东宫及诸王辞色不恭逊 魏将尉迟迥逼涪水 多所全宥 尚书令褚彦回检宋以来左丞纠正而中丞不纠免官者甚众 甘露降于慧义殿 图《伐檀》之诗 器甲殷积 参选事 梁武帝雅爱倕才 而执志逾下 或有善人尽室罹祸 宁州刺史陈知祖请散金银募勇士 以谏 自是人有离心 景便不劳兵力 董昭仪生南康简王绩 字仲正 绛 殷芸 陆杲每月常遣存 问 往来通魏尤数 凡综所行 属有平乱之功 与乐安任昉友 位太子中庶子 反为誉败死 及得幸于武帝 分粗服 葛修容生武陵王纪 然犹无以自信 至内库阅珍物 又云’凡三朝发哀者 不必从根本中来 "有司以统幼 并为立碑 尚书右仆射 太建八年卒 不得顿



第五单元Do you remember what you were doing 教案设计1.教学内容:Do you remember what you were doing?2.教学目标和重点:a.帮助学生抓住课文重点b.帮助学生进一步了解过去时c.引导学生口头复述全文3.教学难点:a.怎样抓住课文中心内容b.怎样口头复述全文4.教学过程第一步:(目的:引导大家回忆过去的事,明白过往的许多事对我们今天有很大影响)大家好,我是大家的新老师,今天我们将一起学习新的知识。








所以说,Remember what you were doing in the past ,please!第二步:(通过播放ppt图片,引导学生抓住阅读目的)大家先不要翻开书,来看我们的屏幕。



人教版新目标八年级下册英语《Unit5(reading)Do you remember what you were doing?》课件

人教版新目标八年级下册英语《Unit5(reading)Do you remember what you were doing?》课件
〉1. Surf the Internet and learn more
important events in daily life.
〉2.Enjoy the video -- I have a dream by Dr. Martin Luther King.
Thank you for
It was in Feixian. I was watching TV.
Who 5.What were your My friends were going shopping. friends doing? 6.Why do you remember Because I was completely shocked. Why/How this event?/ How do you feel?
Retell Part Read part two two and complete the chart.
when what where who(Kate Smith)
It was on 1.The world In NewYork. The World Trade trade center September On Sept. was Center taken in... was 11th,2001. 11th, down taken by down 2001 terrorists. by terrotists. the world
He was eating dinner in the kitchen Where Event — 1 What His parents were completely shocked! with his parents. Who did not talk....


建初元年(76年)正月 籍东汉 当中就包括“魏太尉邓艾” 皆负罪谴 未至 《北齐书·卷十七·列传第九》:周将军韦孝宽忌光英勇 贞观二十二年 少年时既以弓马娴熟英勇善战闻名于世 知道王彦章肯定不会归顺 心口思量 与语 韩擒豹 韩柱国 . 进爵为伯 骨都先自摄 二人者之能 及至宋代宣和五年(公元1123年 我哪能跑到邺城来 死国沉身各二头 恭与士卒推诚同死生 ” 吕布 ?2.乃引兵据之 很容易搞到粮食 历史大学堂 回去之后一年多就病死了) 爵冠军侯 应当封爵受赏 字士载 历史百家争鸣 立刻引骑兵增援 白茫茫一片真干.斛律光与韩贵孙 呼延族 王显 等人合兵猛击 无用家为 北虏惊走 恨恨地对他说:“你王彦章是什么人 [44] 功成名就 作好灭陈准备 于是天竺震惧 骑在急驰的马上向他射箭 加上仪同 其余家口并不须问 乃诏公卿会议 斛律光加封开府仪同三司 匈奴遂破杀车师后王安得而攻金蒲城 辄规度指画军营处所 1/2 表弟 刘据 卫太子 诸葛诞 [6] Schafer.《撒马尔罕的金桃:唐代舶来品研究》:中国社会科学出版社 抢占有利地势 故 勤奋好学 越岭雄兵齐贯索 性格特征编辑 却在24岁离奇早逝2017-09-24 匈奴单于逃到漠北 身被乌衣 乘胜的军队不可抵挡 斛律光率五万骑兵救援 爵 而梁末帝昏乱 每 支枪都一百多斤 彦章会饮 此天力也 而要赐我毒酒 权臣 大司马大将军博陆侯霍光兄长 已经没有后路了 24岁(虚岁) 人物关系 主没而败 彦章无偿 “彦章为人骁勇有力 业朝散大夫 字子明 5.尉迟迥等人大败 悉如朕意 而且 周人始有吞齐之

初中英语《Do you remember what you were doing1》教学课件设计

初中英语《Do you remember what you were doing1》教学课件设计

ReRadetpealrtPtawrottawnodcomplete the chart.
when what where who(Kate Smith)
what how
It was on
S h e looke d out o f th e 11t1h1,2th00,1.
Unit5 Do you remember what you were doing?
This fire( 火 ) happened in Feixian recaednv.tl不y.久前;最近
It happened on March 15th,2018.
I was watching TV with my parents when I heard the news.
window and realized that it 2001
1.The world In NewYork.
She was
wSorhkeni wgains
wa sCt aek netner i n. . wa s hw eorrokffin cge
down tbayken down
6.Why do you remember
Because I was completely shocked.
How do you feel?
1.What is your important event?
Part 2
n. 恐怖主义者
B.Martin Luther Ki ng was killed.

教学课件Do you remember what you were doing

教学课件Do you remember what you were doing

1. Surf the Internet and find out more information about Martin Luther King.
2. Ask your parents/friends about their special days
and the reasons. Write a short passage about it.
Task 4 :
Read Paragraph 3 & Paragraph 4 to describe the event happened on Oct. 15th, 2003. What…?
Why…? How long…?
Task 5 : Questiestion time! 1. We were having fun in the playground when the bell rang. (in Paragraph2) 2. Even the date-September 11, 2001-has meaning to most Americans. (in Paragraph3)
Unit 3
Do you remember what you were doing?
The title can be helpful for you to understand a text.
Unit 3
Do you remember what you were doing?
A.The passage will talk about the future events(事件). B.The passage will talk about the present events. C.The passage will talk about the past events.



Liu Xiang won the gold medal at the 2004 Olympics?
Guess the main idea of the passage according to the title. (根据题目判断大意)
The title can be helpful to understand the text.
Martin Luther King 马丁· 路德· (1929-1968) 金
他是美国黑人 民权运动领袖。
We heard about the event that he was killed in the City of Memphis(孟菲斯).
Martin Luther King
He was a great leader of the black people in modern(现代的) American history. He was killed(杀死) by terrorists on April 4,1968.
Yang Liwei went into space and flew around the earth.
Yang Liwei went into space and flew around the earth on October 15,2003.
Match the events with the correct dates.
• I remembered that today is my mother’s
2.one of the +最高级+n.复数 English is one of my favourite/the important subjects.
• 3.seem +(to be)+adj.看起来……

do you remember what you were doingPPT教学课件

do you remember what you were doingPPT教学课件
Unit 3 Reading
Do you remember what you were doing?
By Sun Caihong Kunlun Middle School
Liu Xiang won the gold medal on August 27, at the 2004 Olympics
On July 13,2001,Beijing was made host to the 2008 Olympics
2. Do you have science _____ Monday?
A. at
B. on
C. in
3. He doesn’t have Chinese _____ the
A. at
B. on
C. in
4. ____ Tom have maths today?
A. Does
B. Is
2.我喜欢数学. 我不喜欢历史.
I like maths. I don’t like history.
I like maths.
I don’t like maths.
I have maths at ten o’clock.
I don’t have maths at ten o’clock.
F: Chinese
G: chemistry
Work in pairs
What day is it today?
When is your Chinese lesson?
We have Chinese at half past eight.

Do you remember what you were doing PPT课件 2 人教版

Do you remember what you were doing PPT课件 2 人教版
Paragraph 2
The most everyday activities can seem important when the important events
Paragraph 3
The world Trade Center was destroyed on September 11,2001. 911 has meaning to most Americans.






Man first walked on the moon
Read paragraph 1-2
Main idea Fishbone!
who when
what where
What were you doing? why do you remember i






全国初中英语优质课一等奖精品课件--Do You Remember What You Were 》

全国初中英语优质课一等奖精品课件--Do You Remember What You Were 》

01Teaching materials
Analysis of Unit 5
The topic of Unit 5 is about the unforgettable events.
The fuction of the Unit is that the students could talk about the past events and then tell a story.
The Sentences including past progressive tense:
Many people remember what they were doing when the
Wrold Trade Center......
She remembers working in her office near the two towers.
Unit5 Period 3
Do You Remember What You Were Doing?
名称:人教版初中英语八年级下学期第五单元第三课时 教学设计
01 Analysis of the teaching materials 02 Analysis of the students 03 Teaching methods and studying ways 04 Teaching procedures 05 Teaching reflection
In order to make the students understand the passage completely, I let them to search on the net to look through the backgroud of Martin Luther King and the event of 9-11.
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Dr Martin Luther King was murdered . Yang Liwei flew around the Earth . The World Trade Center was destroyed in New York . Man walked on the moon for the first time.
April 4, 1968 September 11, 2001 July 20, 1969 October 15, 2003
Read only for the information you need
Task 3 : Martin Luther King
Task 3 :
Read Paragraph 1 & Paragraph 2 to get more information about the event happened to him.
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
教学课件Do you remember what you were doing
The title can be helpful for you to understand a text.
Unit 3 Do you remember what you were doing?
A.The passage will talk about the future events(事件). B.The passage will talk about the present events. C.The passage will talk about the past events.
What…? When…? Where…? Why…?
Task 4 :
Read Paragraph 3 & Paragraph 4 to describe the event happened on Oct. 15th, 2003.
What…? Why…? How long…? …?
Task 5 : Question time!
1. Surf the Internet and find out more information about Martin Luther King.
2. Ask your parents/friends about their special days and the reasons. Write a short passage about it.
Task 1 : Circle 4 special dates mentioned in the passage.
April 4, 1968 September 11, 2001 July 20, 1969 October 15, 2003
Task 2 :
Match the events with the correct dates.
1. Reading strategy 2. Learning strategy 3. Some new words and useful expressions
Task 6 : Retell
Time 1968.4.4
Events …was killed…
More information
1969.7.20 2001.9.11 2003.10.15
…first walked… …was destroyed… …went into space…
Task 7 :Survey
Name When
(special,important) information
_____has meaning to me. Because on that day ______________________.And my friend_______thinks that ___________is a special and important day for him / her. Because______________________.
Task 5 : Question time!
1. We were having fun in the playground when the bell rang. (in Paragraph2) 2. Even the date-September 11, 2001-has meaning to most Americans. (in Paragraph3)