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A few English roots may have both free and
bound variants.
• the word sleep is a free root morpheme, whereas slep- in the past tense form slept cannot exist by itself, and therefore bound.
What is word?
• 3.1.3 Classification of words 1. Variable and invariable words可变化词和非变化词
• In variable words, one can find ordered and regular series of grammatically different word form; on the other hand, part of the word remains relatively constant. E.g. follow – follows – following – followed.
• Invariable words refer to those words such as since, when, seldom, through, hello, etc. They have no inflective endings.
What is word?
• 3.1.3 Classification of words 2. Grammatical words and lexical words语法词和词1 Three senses of “word”
3. A grammatical unit
clause complex
phrase/ word group
What is word?
• 3.1.2 Identification of words 1.Stability稳定性 Words are the most stable of all linguistic units, in
What is word?
4.Word class (nine word classes: 名词、代词、形容词、动词、副词、
介词、连词、感叹词、冠词) Here are some of the categories newly introduced into
linguistic analysis.
affixes are removed. ➢ 词根是构成词的基础成分,不能再做进一步分析。
• 词根一定是自由语素吗? • Root = Free morpheme?
• A root may also be free or/ and bound. 词根既可以是自由语素,也可以是黏着语素。
➢black: black, blackbird, blackboard ➢-ceive: receive, perceive, conceive(构思) ➢-mit: permit, remit(宽恕), commit(犯罪),
What is word?
• 3.1.1 Three senses of “word” 2. General term & specific term
既是普通术语又是专门术语 Write-writes-wrote-writing-written 5 words (specific term) 1 word (general term)
3.2 The formation of word
3.2.2 Types of morphemes 1.Free morpheme and bound morpheme
能够独立出现、独 立构词:dog, nation,
close, babysit
不能独立出现, 必须跟至少一个 其他的语素组合:
dogs, dislike
3.2 The formation of word
3.2.1 Morpheme and morphology
What is morpheme? What is morphology?
Definition of morpheme
• The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.
3.2 The formation of word
2. Root, affix and stem ➢ A root is the base form of a word that cannot
further be analyzed without destroying its meaning. ➢ It is the part of the word that is left when all the
• 3.1.3 Classification of words 1.Variable and invariable words
Have inflective changes: followfollows- following-
No inflective changes: Since, when, seldom
(3) Pro-forms 代词形式: 不仅代名词,还可代adj. v. adv. 前位all, both
(4) Determiners 限定词 中位this , that, their 后位 next, last
Predeterminers + central determiners + postdeterminers. 例:All their trouble
Chapter 3 Lexicon
What is word?
• 3.1.1 Three senses of “word” 1. A physically definable unit
词是自然的有界限的对立单位 Any word may be seen as sound segments or writing letters between two pauses or blanks. 音系上:[it is 'wʌndəful ] 拼写上:It is wonderful
• Grammatical words, ( function words), express grammatical meanings, such as, conjunctions, prepositions, articles, and pronouns.
• Lexical words, ( content words), have lexical meanings, i.e. those which refer to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
• The smallest meaningful element of language that cannot be reduced to smaller elements. (Bussmann 1996: 313)
• Chairman : chair + man • Boys: boy + s • Checking: check + ing • Endless: end+ less • Purify: pur(e) + ify
3.2 The formation of word
3.2.2 Types of morphemes
Free morpheme and bound morpheme ➢ Free morphemes: Those which may occur
alone, that is, those which may constitute words by themselves. ➢ Bound morphemes: Those which must appear with at least another morpheme.
• Open-class word: A word that belongs to the open-class is one whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and many adverbs are all open-class items.
3.2 The formation of word
• Morphology: the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.
• purify: pur(e) + ify
Amplify, simplify, electrify
(1) Particles 助词 (2) Auxiliaries 助动词 (3) Pro-forms 代词形式 (4) Determiners 限定词
(1) Particles 助词: 动词不定式标志to;否定标志not; 短语动词的从属单位get by
(2) Auxiliaries 助动词: can, will
3.2 The formation of word
2. Root, affix and stem ➢ An affix is the collective term for the type of
What is word?
• 3. A minimum free form 最小的自由形式 Leonard Bloomfield. sentence as “the maximum free form” and word “the minimum free form.” “Help!”
What is word?
What is word?
• 2. Relative uninterruptibility相对连续性 disappointment: dis + appoint + ment. 词的各个成分之间不可介入新的成分, 也不可有停顿,但句子不同:
(Even) Paul (even) didn’t (even) love (even) Jane (even).
What is word?
• 3.1.3 Classification of words 3. Closed-class words and open-class words
封闭类词和开放类词 • Closed-class word: whose membership is fixed or
limited. New members are not regularly added. Therefore, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc. are all closed items.
respect of their internal structure. chairman for example. If the morphemes are rearranged as * manchair, it is an unacceptable word in English. John is a clever boy. A clever boy John is.
Types of morphemes
• Free morpheme: Morphemes that can constitute words by themselves.
• Bound morpheme: Morphemes that cannot occur “unattached”, but always as parts of words.
A few English roots may have both free and
bound variants.
• the word sleep is a free root morpheme, whereas slep- in the past tense form slept cannot exist by itself, and therefore bound.
What is word?
• 3.1.3 Classification of words 1. Variable and invariable words可变化词和非变化词
• In variable words, one can find ordered and regular series of grammatically different word form; on the other hand, part of the word remains relatively constant. E.g. follow – follows – following – followed.
• Invariable words refer to those words such as since, when, seldom, through, hello, etc. They have no inflective endings.
What is word?
• 3.1.3 Classification of words 2. Grammatical words and lexical words语法词和词1 Three senses of “word”
3. A grammatical unit
clause complex
phrase/ word group
What is word?
• 3.1.2 Identification of words 1.Stability稳定性 Words are the most stable of all linguistic units, in
What is word?
4.Word class (nine word classes: 名词、代词、形容词、动词、副词、
介词、连词、感叹词、冠词) Here are some of the categories newly introduced into
linguistic analysis.
affixes are removed. ➢ 词根是构成词的基础成分,不能再做进一步分析。
• 词根一定是自由语素吗? • Root = Free morpheme?
• A root may also be free or/ and bound. 词根既可以是自由语素,也可以是黏着语素。
➢black: black, blackbird, blackboard ➢-ceive: receive, perceive, conceive(构思) ➢-mit: permit, remit(宽恕), commit(犯罪),
What is word?
• 3.1.1 Three senses of “word” 2. General term & specific term
既是普通术语又是专门术语 Write-writes-wrote-writing-written 5 words (specific term) 1 word (general term)
3.2 The formation of word
3.2.2 Types of morphemes 1.Free morpheme and bound morpheme
能够独立出现、独 立构词:dog, nation,
close, babysit
不能独立出现, 必须跟至少一个 其他的语素组合:
dogs, dislike
3.2 The formation of word
3.2.1 Morpheme and morphology
What is morpheme? What is morphology?
Definition of morpheme
• The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.
3.2 The formation of word
2. Root, affix and stem ➢ A root is the base form of a word that cannot
further be analyzed without destroying its meaning. ➢ It is the part of the word that is left when all the
• 3.1.3 Classification of words 1.Variable and invariable words
Have inflective changes: followfollows- following-
No inflective changes: Since, when, seldom
(3) Pro-forms 代词形式: 不仅代名词,还可代adj. v. adv. 前位all, both
(4) Determiners 限定词 中位this , that, their 后位 next, last
Predeterminers + central determiners + postdeterminers. 例:All their trouble
Chapter 3 Lexicon
What is word?
• 3.1.1 Three senses of “word” 1. A physically definable unit
词是自然的有界限的对立单位 Any word may be seen as sound segments or writing letters between two pauses or blanks. 音系上:[it is 'wʌndəful ] 拼写上:It is wonderful
• Grammatical words, ( function words), express grammatical meanings, such as, conjunctions, prepositions, articles, and pronouns.
• Lexical words, ( content words), have lexical meanings, i.e. those which refer to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
• The smallest meaningful element of language that cannot be reduced to smaller elements. (Bussmann 1996: 313)
• Chairman : chair + man • Boys: boy + s • Checking: check + ing • Endless: end+ less • Purify: pur(e) + ify
3.2 The formation of word
3.2.2 Types of morphemes
Free morpheme and bound morpheme ➢ Free morphemes: Those which may occur
alone, that is, those which may constitute words by themselves. ➢ Bound morphemes: Those which must appear with at least another morpheme.
• Open-class word: A word that belongs to the open-class is one whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and many adverbs are all open-class items.
3.2 The formation of word
• Morphology: the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.
• purify: pur(e) + ify
Amplify, simplify, electrify
(1) Particles 助词 (2) Auxiliaries 助动词 (3) Pro-forms 代词形式 (4) Determiners 限定词
(1) Particles 助词: 动词不定式标志to;否定标志not; 短语动词的从属单位get by
(2) Auxiliaries 助动词: can, will
3.2 The formation of word
2. Root, affix and stem ➢ An affix is the collective term for the type of
What is word?
• 3. A minimum free form 最小的自由形式 Leonard Bloomfield. sentence as “the maximum free form” and word “the minimum free form.” “Help!”
What is word?
What is word?
• 2. Relative uninterruptibility相对连续性 disappointment: dis + appoint + ment. 词的各个成分之间不可介入新的成分, 也不可有停顿,但句子不同:
(Even) Paul (even) didn’t (even) love (even) Jane (even).
What is word?
• 3.1.3 Classification of words 3. Closed-class words and open-class words
封闭类词和开放类词 • Closed-class word: whose membership is fixed or
limited. New members are not regularly added. Therefore, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc. are all closed items.
respect of their internal structure. chairman for example. If the morphemes are rearranged as * manchair, it is an unacceptable word in English. John is a clever boy. A clever boy John is.
Types of morphemes
• Free morpheme: Morphemes that can constitute words by themselves.
• Bound morpheme: Morphemes that cannot occur “unattached”, but always as parts of words.