《课程讲解》-8Aunit1Reading1 (2)

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3.Max looks smart in his small round glasses.
4.Max is venroyt good at telling jokes.F
5.May is sweet and pretty. T
6.May nliekveesrtsoasyasy bad things about her
1. _____ is a t_r_u_e_ friend --- she can keep a _s_e_c_r_e_t __.
2. _____ looks s_m__a_r_t_ and has a good sense of h__u_m_o_u_r_.
3. _____ is g_e_n_e_r_o_u_s_ and _h_e_lp_f_u_l_ --- she is always willing to share things and help others.
Who do you want to be your best friend? Why?
Best friends
Who would you choose as your best friend, Grace?
---I’ll choose Betty. Why? ---Because she is generous and helpful. What does he/she look like? ----She is slim and she has short hair.
Qualities of my friend
I believe what he / she says.
5. I talk to him / her when I am happy.
share my joy
She can always help me with my problems. I can go to her when I am in trouble.
May is shorter than me. She has _s_t_ra_i_g_h_t__ hair. Everyone thinks she is very _p_r_e_tt_y_.
May is a _tr_u_e_ friend. When something _w_o_r_r_i_e_s me, I can always go to her. I can tell her a_n__y_th_i_n_g_ because she can _k_e_ep_ a _s_ec_r_e_t_.
She is willing/ready to help me any time
I can tell her anything .
keep secrets
She’d like to share everything with her friends.
She is good at telling jokes. She often makes us laugh.
She has a good sense of humour. humourous
Appearance of friends:
short hair
poor eyesight wear round lasses
straight hair
P9 B1
How many friends does the writer have? Who are they?
2. Does Max wear glasses? How does he look ? Yes. He looks smart.
3. 3. When we are with Max, How do we feel? Why?
We never feel bored or unhappy. He tells funny jokes.
F4. She only gives seats to old men in need
on the bus.
F5. She wants to be a dancer and travels
around the world.
Max Answer some questions:
1. How tall is Max? Almost 1.75 metres tall.
never say a
bad word
about anyone
‘T’ or ‘F’
F1. The writer is very fat.
T2. Betty is willing to help others at any time.
T 3. She likes to share things with her
4. Do his legs fit under the school desks? What happens to him when he walks past the desk?
No. He often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.
May Fill in the blanks
She is _k_in__d and never __sa_y_s__a_b_a_d__w_o_r_d about anyone.
P9 B2
Part B2 True or false:
1.Betty is kind to oelvderpyeonpele only.
2.Betty wants to be a singer .
look smart
long legs humorous pens
onto the
Name Sex Appearance Personality Behavior
big bright eyes
straight hair
a true friend
keep a secret
slim short hair
generous helpful
to be a singer
Name Sex Appearance Personality Behavior
tall – 1.75m have a good knock
sense of humor
our books