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1 Where doe the converation e uan do tomorrow morning
A Go to a an a ca C See the woman
17 When did the torm haan
A 15
B 14
C 9
19 Where wa the farmer when the torm came
A In the itchen
B In hi bedroom
C In hi office
20 What did the woman do when he noticed her houe haing
A She tried to tae omething out
B She ruhed out with her chidren
C She tod her huband not to eave
21 The en to ta and not oe tem
22 I wa ver concerned m mother’ ine
A about
B with
C of
D to
23 attending the meeting, he too awa the e to their car
A So a to, b mitae
B In order to, on
A add u ____ to et out a ear a e i imited
A decided
B determined
C minded
D uggeted
29 One minute he burt into _____ and the net burt out _____ We ut coudn’t catch her
mood at an moment
A cring, aughter
B tear, aughing
C tear, aughter
D cring, aughing
30 We dicued where to go for a whoe morning, but we decided to ta at home_____
A at the end
B b the end
C in the end
D on end
31 Soon after Hiter _____ Germanye to the; in the troube B came to; in troube
C came to the; in troube
D too; in troube
32 atter wa B what wa the matter
C what the matter i
D what i the matter
33 I aed him how much__________
A doe hi new car cot
B did hi new car cot
C hi new car coted
D hi new car cot
34 Athough I tried a ot, I ti found ____ difficut to ove the
A it
B thi
C that
D /
35 Since I won the big tee going to one
A ade
A /, that
B where, when
C where, that
D /, when
37 I ti remember the da ____ we mer camuch inder to Jac than he wa to the other, ______, of coure, made a the other uan _______?
A whom I Paris58 aParis59 ae He tod hi five-ear-od on to go to find out if there were the e and began to gambe Sudden a few e”
61 Mr Lang wa e bac
A car need ga to run and our bod ao need food to wor for ou Eating the right ind of
food i ver im
e a better tudent in evera wa 76 Second, our note are eceent materia to refer
to(涉及、提及) when ou are tuding for a tet Third, note-taing offer different wa to our tud time and heut write our note on ea not be abe to read our note ater
E You wi ao want to deveoethod(方法)for taing note
F That mean ou mut firt decide what i imething down mae it eaier for ou to undertand and remember it
81 It wa baed more on German than the Engih we e a d oo——the ind that aid he woud not change her mind
83 The c ueeting eterda
84 Some of the recue worer and doctor were t under the ruin
85 Near everthing wa detroed in the earthquae of fact, I don’t ie traveing
87 When our friend i angr, ou houd tr to c him or her down
88 We were a (震惊)when we heard the new
89 I don’t want to et down a of 一系列 fact in a diar a mot er tod u the
moon moved around the earth
92 The tor wa o intereting that no one got tired from it
93 She uggeted them tart the wor at once
94 I iion iion of chicen were dead
96 Thi i the bet fim which I have ever een
97 The bo, hi mother died at ear, tudied hard
98 In fact, he i out of the wor now
99 She devoted her to the cientific reearch
100 The number of viitor to China have now increaed
101 五个月前的另一次,傍晚时分,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。
102 尽管她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善美。
103 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。
104 那天下午的晚些时候,唐山又发生了另外一次地震,这一次几乎和第一次一样强烈。
105 因此,到十七世纪,莎士比亚(Shaeined 83 came 84 traatter 87 cam 88 hoced 89 erie 90 quait
91 moved—move 92 from—of 93 them—the 94 to删去
95 第二个miion—miion 96 which—that 97 hi—whoe 98 the删去
99 her—heref 100 have—ha
101 Another time five month ago, I haade uind, nothing can change it
104 Later that afternoon, another quae which wa amot a trong a the firt one hoo Tangshan
105 So b the 1600’ Shaeae ue of a wide vocabuar than ever before。