Step by step 第4册 Unit3答案及录音材料

S: Yes, sir. We read your ad in the paper and my aunt said that this is a very reputable firm and since I want to be a lawyer someday we thought this job would give me a good start. B: I see. Of course you realize it will be dull for a while. You wouldn’t get to practice law right off. S: Oh, I realize that, sir. B: it would be mostly filing, tracking things down and looking things up. All sorts of odd jobs----delivering things to the court house, and bringing things that the lawyers forgot. Even running down to get them a sandwich now and then. S: I wouldn’t mind that, sir. At least I could get the feel of a law office. B: What kind of a lawyer, sir. I’m good at figures.
• Tapescripts: • 1. Justin • What do I hope I’ll have achieved by the time I’m 30? Well, I hope I’ll have made a successful career in the music industry. Right now, I play in a band and I’d love to be able to do that professionally. I plan to form a group of my own in a few years. Once we get known, we’ll record an album---and make music videos, of course----and try to break into the music scene in a big way.
step by step 英语听力入门4 Unit 7 答案

Unit 7Part I Warming upA.Tapescript:1. Help the oldThe elderly at home and in the neighborhood, especially those living alone, need your care and support. Show your concern and attend to their needs wherever possible. Your support warms their hearts and brings them hope. If you find any elderly people in need of help, call the Social Welfare Department hot line on 23432255 or contact the nearby Family Services Center.2. Keep Hong Kong cleanHong Kong not only is one of the world's greatest cities, it's also our home. So let's all start taking more pride in its appearance. Let's keep Hong Kong clean.3. For a better societyAt different stages of life, we have different roles to play. As good citizens, we are willing to do our part for a better society.4. Don't litterYou can try walking away from litter, but you can't walk away from a fine. Use the bin or risk a $ 25,000 fine and six months' imprisonment.5. Aids hot lineWe are about to use a 4-letter word. This word can clear a room. This word makes some people sick. This word leaves others in disgust. Some people pretend it doesn't exist. Others wish it would go away. You won't hear it in mixed company. You won't hear it used at home. And you certainly won't hear it in schools. The fact is if more people use this word, less people would be affected by it.6. Equal opportunitiesTrue harmony can only exist when men and women have equal opportunities. Sex discrimination destroys this harmony and is unlawful. Stand up for equal opportunity. The equal opportunities commission hot line: 25118211.7. For your healthWhen traveling abroad, you should take preventive measures against cholera, hepatitis A and other diarrheal diseases. Drink only boiled water or bottled and canned drinks. Avoid eating cut fruits or fruits that are not cleansed. When you take shellfish, make sure they are thoroughly cooked. Always keep an eye on food hygiene. Please stay healthy.B.OutlineI. Violent crimeA. Including robbery, assault, murder, rapeB. Murder rate: twice as high as 30 years agoC. Violent crime rate in general: increased 23% (in the same time period)II. White-collar crimeA. Including embezzlement, bribery, Political corruption, corporate policies that endanger workers and the publicB. White-collar crime rate in general: increasedIII. Solutions:A. Family: through socialization -- leading children to respect themselves, others, and the values of the societyB. Government.1. By helping people to feel that they are part of the society instead of its victims2. By instilling the fear of punishment in those who might become criminalsTapescript:Looking into crime and violence in the United States is likeopening the proverbial can of worms. So many different problems emerge from the can that you sometimes feel the more you know, the less you understand. What is very clear and indisputable, however, is that violent crime has increased greatly in the United States in recent decades. By violent crime, I mean crimes like robbery, assault, murder, and rape. The murder rate is twice as high as 30 years ago, and violent crime in general has increased 23 percent in the same time period. What is also clear is that the general public is afraid -- afraid of becoming victims of violent crime. Statistics are harder to come by for white-collar crime, crimesincluding embezzlement, bribery, political corruption, and corporate policies that endanger workers and the public. But many experts agree that there has been an increase in white-collar crime, too.As for solutions, I think most of us would agree that the family can play a role in reducing crime in the United States: through socialization, which leads children to respect themselves, others, and the values of their society. Moreover, I think society, in the form of government, has a role to play in reducing crime: by helping people to feel that they are part of the society instead of its victims. The government, in the form of the justice system, can also contribute to curbing crime by instilling the fear of punishment in those who might become criminals.Part IIA.1. What are the two aspects mentioned concerning the nature of gambling addicts?--Coming from homes lacking love / looking for wants of family love and parental approval--Unconsciously wanting to lose3. In what ways can gambling addicts hopefully be cured?--By psychiatric treatment--By word therapy--By help from organizations like "Gamblers Anonymous"Tapescript:Compulsive gamblers almost always come from homes lacking (in) love. As a result, the child grows up still looking for the wants of family love and parental approval. Another aspect to the nature of the gambling addict is that unconsciously he wants to lose.Psychiatrists believe that compulsive gamblers consciously may expect to win. However, there's a strong element of self-destruction in an inclination to continue betting until all is lost. One New York psychiatrist believes that basically the compulsive gambler is seeking an answer to the question: Do you love me? By winning, he receives a "yes" answer. However the gambler cannot accept the "yes" he sometimes receives because it is contrary to the reality of his or her unhappy childhood, one lacking (in) family love. The gambler's compelled to continue betting, thus expressing again and again his need for love and acceptance. When gambling addicts do win some money, they rarely spend any of it on their families. Money is like a sacred thing to the addicts. It is reserved for one thing: placing a bet.Fortunately, there's hope and help today for gambling addicts. Psychiatric treatment is one possibility. Word therapy seems to help in some cases. The most readily available and the least expensive help comes from an organization called "Gamblers Anonymous" (GA). GA has more than 90 chapters in the U.S. with about 3,000 gamblers seeking a cure. One basic rule of GA is the gamblers must pay back all their debts, even it takes many years to do so. Thousands of members credit GA with saving them from their addiction, and helping them to build new lives free from the gambling sickness.Happily, today, with more public interest in helping the gambling addict overcome his problem, and with such organizations as the GA, the gambler who wants help to break his addiction, now has some place or some one to turn to.B. SummaryThough in almost all the states in America, parents are held responsible for their kids' misdeeds at schools like destroying ?school property or missing school, only 13 states hold parents criminally liable when their kids commit crimes, such as dealing in drugs, weapons possession and gang banging.More lawmakers are saying parents should be jailed or fined when their kids commit a crime, because the most important influence on the development of a child is the parent. But parenting is not an easy thing. And it gets harder as kids get older. When a child becomes a teenager, parents' involvement with their children under education drops sharply. By 15 to 16 years of age, children are treated as quasi-adults and many of them lead very separate life that parents are not fully informed of.Parental liability laws will not work unless they're part of a much larger effort that includes more helps for parents in raising their children. Experts say what's most needed now is a thorough review of the effectiveness of such laws.Tapescript:In just about every state, parents are held responsible for certain misdeeds of their children, especially for school related, like destroying school property or missing school. But when kids commit crimes whether it's dealing in drugs, weapons possession or gang banging, only 13 states hold parents criminally liable. Now in the wake of the Colorado shootings, more lawmakers are saying parents should be jailed or fined when their kids commit a crime. And there seems to be a certain logic to this trend. The most important influence on the development of a child is the parent.What people really want is good parenting. The question is. Can state legislatures legislate good parenting?"How do you legislate good parenting? And how far should we go with that?"There should be a law that does punish parents for leaving a loaded gun around accessible for children."That's something you can hold me accountable for. But when you tell me I should raise a child in a way.., in a way that that child will not have bad thoughts or be depressed, or not hang around with the wrong kids, you aretrying to legislate something that you know... Parenting is not an easy thing. This is a hard job."And it gets harder as kids get older. Study shows that when a child becomes a teenager, parents' involvement with their children under education drops sharply. This complicates matters with the courts if they are to prove that parents should have known about the child's intentions to commit a crime or stop the child from doing it.By 15 to 16 years of age, children in this country are treated as quasi-adults."We also have young people of that age leading very separate life that parents are not fully informed of. Many of those young people are working. They have a strong peer group affiliation. Perhaps we might have some idealistic view that a law will then force parents to hold daily sessions with their children, ask them what they are doing. I just don't think that's going to work."Parent liability laws will not work unless they're part of a much larger effort that includes more help for parents in raising their children, whether they want it or not."A judge can require a parent to go through psychological testing if the judge sees that there would be some merit not only in helping the child in their situation, but also helping the home situation."According to the National Association of State Legislatures, half a dozen states are expected to take up the issue of parental liability this year. Family law experts say that what's most needed now is a thorough review of the effectiveness of such laws, before more putting in place, because as far, they simply don't seem to be deterring school shootings, let alone bad parenting.Part III Drug therapyA. You are going to hear a report about drug therapy.A1.1. What is the worry put forward by a United Nations drug agency?. Some legal prescription drugs are being taken in worrying quantities in the West.2. What problems are growing in developed countries?In developed countries, the prevalence of anxiety and insomnia and the consumption of sedative hypnotics are growing3. What kind of drugs are often given hastily?Drugs to treat psychological disorders are often given hastily, and without considering the underlying causes of the patients' problem.4. Why is Professor Steven Rose worried? And what is his fear? Advances in biochemistry are being used to mask what children really need -- more discipline or more care. And Prof. Rose is afraid that Western culture is now so wedded to pharmaceutical answers, patients and parents are unwilling to accept that drugs are not the answer to everything.A2.Areas of treatment Supporting examplesOvereatingCarol -- compulsive eater / 115 kilosAdifax-- slimming drug /only as emergency treatment /but prescribed long periodsBadly behaved childrenYoung people -- depressionProzac -- instant relief / frightening dreams/ suicidal feelings / dangers emerge/ long- term effect?ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)Reese -- learning difficulties / lose temper /aggressiveRitalin -- power amphetamine / helpcontrol temper / do better at schoolTapescript.A United Nations drug agency has warned that legal prescription drugs like Viagra, steroids, and diet pills are being taken in worrying quantities in the West. Dan Damon now asks whether people in the industrialized world really are in need of medication for illnesses like depression or whether it's simply becoming easier and more socially acceptable to try and correct mood and behavior through controlled drugs.Generally, we think drug problems are something to do with contraband, and illicit street corner deals. But, the International Narcotics Control Board, which monitors the effectiveness of government measures to control the illegal drugs trade also checks the use of prescription pharmaceuticals. And here too, there are serious problems.In developed countries, the prevalence of anxiety and insomnia and the consumption of sedative hypnotics are growing. The Board notes with concern the frequent long term use, sometimes indefinitely, of psychotropic substances for treating psychological reactions to social pressure, without a diagnosis for a specific disorder.The Narcotics Board's recently published Annual Report for last year is a detailed review of how drugs to treat psychological disorders, including depression, aggressive behavior, and overeating are often given hastily, and without considering the underlying causes of the patients' problems.Carol was a compulsive eater who never felt full. She reached 18 stone, that's more than 115 kilos. She was prescribed the slimming drug Adifax, which used only to be available as an emergency treatment for just a few days, but is now prescribed over long periods.Another controversial area for the use of drug therapy involves badly behaved children. In America, young people suffering from depression are increasingly being given the drug Prozac. For many children, some as young as 7, it provides instant relief from frightening dreams, and suicidal feelings. But, dangers are emerging. The drug works by increasing production in the brain of the chemical serotonin, but we don't know the long-term effect of that, especially in children.And an even more contentious area is what's called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Ten-year-old Reese has been diagnosed with learning difficulties by an educational psychologist. He's also prone to lose his temper quickly, and be aggressive. His parents found a consultant who was willing to try Ritalin, a power amphetamine. Ritalin has helped Reese to control his temper, and he's doing better at school.Professor Steven Rose from Britain's Oakland University is worried that advances in biochemistry are being used to mask what children really need -- more discipline or more care. And Professor Rose is afraid that Western culture is now so wedded to pharmaceutical answers, patients and parents are unwilling to accept that drugs are not the answer to everything.B.1. How does the time credit system -- "Time Banking" -- work?Patients are linked together with a time broker who involves them in projects to build up time credits.2. What is the advantage of "Time Banking"?Where money is short, this kind of time credit system can bring people with social problems a lot of benefit.3. What do themes like "Time Banking" remind us of?Themes like that do remind us that chemicals are only part of the answer to social problems, and a well-functioning society must be the background to any therapy. Loneliness, low self-esteem and anger need to be seen as problems of relationship, not just brain chemistry.Tapescript:It's up to doctors to monitor the use of drugs and to be sure they are prescribing them for the right reasons and not to keep patients quiet, but at the same time, we should recognize drugs can make a big difference and not condemn their increased use, either as a plot by pharmaceutical companies, or as a shortcut by busy doctors. That doesn't answer the problem of time. One simple and revolutionary idea has emerged from a doctor in South London."He was really sick and tried of prescribing anti-depressants for people's loneliness and anxiety and he thought there must be a way we can do something better than this; why aren't we prescribing time?"Sarah Burns is from the New Economics Foundation, a reform group based in London. She's been working with that doctor and with a growing number of others to develop what's called "Time Banking." Patients who need more human contact to help them with their difficulties are linked together by a time broker who involves them in projects to build up time credits.Where money is short, as in any state-funded health service, this kind of time credit system can bring people with social problems a lot of benefit.Themes like that do remind us that chemicals are only part of the answer to social problems, and a well-functioning society must be the background to any therapy. Loneliness, low self-esteem and anger need to be seen as problems of relationship, not just brain chemistry.P山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。

Unit9 Inside MePart I Warming upA.Tapescript:1. Super Star Love HitsThis is Super Star Love Hits, the album, 16 perfect love songs with Savage Garden, Ricky Martin, Mariah Carey. This is Super Star Love Hits. Celine Dion, Michael Bolton, Michael Jackson, the world super stars performing the perfect love songs on earth. Super Star Love Hits. Sony Music.2. 24-hour Hot LineAi, my son, he loves to go to the concert. My daughter she goes to the movie all the time. Even my youngest is crazy for Karaoke. Ai, I need more part-time jobs. How can entertainment cost so much?Hey, for the special price of $188, your family can enjoy 1,000 hours of movies, music, radio and other home entertainment. Any time you like. Why follow convention? Call 1833233 now.3. Tender TimesBrothers and sisters, and even future enemies, if the innocence of youth touches your heart, if the child in you wants to come out and play, this film is for you. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tender Times is filmed and narrated by Marty Stafford creator of a popular TV series Wild America. For 25 years, Marty has brought the America's rich natural heritage to the screen as no one else can. Order now, and you'll also receive The Beauty of Butterfly, absolutely free.If the innocence of youth touches your heart, if the child in you wants to come out and play, call 18333322 now. Tender Times with The Beauty of Butterflies can be enjoyed by the entire family. Both can be yours for only 293 dollars. Now available around the world from Inner World.4. Macau Culture CenterMacau is waiting just for you. There is just so much to do. Magic day. Magic place. Magic night. Magic moments. Macau waits just for you. Macau is just for you.Celebrating the moment of creation, the new Macau Culture Center, opening March 19.B.1. Radio Valley( ) 9:00 Parliament Report( 5 ) 9:25 Sportsline( ) 9:45 Science-Fact( ) 10:15 Wendy Rose's Shopping Guide2. Radio 207( ) 9:00 Farmers' Diary( ) 9:15 Financial Portfolio( 2 ) 9:28 The Word You Heard--Quiz program presented by Bob de Vere( ) 10:00 Reggae Roots3. Peak Radio( ) 9:00 News Round-up( 4 ) 9:27 Weather Word( ) 9.30 Radio Theatre Pt. 1 The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold by Evelyn Waugh( ) 10:00 News Round-up (with radio-car reports)4. Radio Northwest( ) 9:00 News Northwest( ) 9:10 Press Review( 1 ) 9:15 Family Phone-in Today's subject: Photography( ) 10:00 Medicine Today5. Riverside Radio( ) 9:00 Morning Service( 3 ) 9:10 Country Kitchen (with Dorothy Berry)( ) 9:30 Nature Trail( ) 10:00 Riverside NotebookTapescript:# --And we have a caller on Line 2, now; Mr. Jackson from Bolton, who, I believe, wants to talk to Norman about setting up a darkroom. Are you there, Mr. Jackson?-- Er, yes. Well, actually, it's about ... color-developing at home, really...# So, there we are. Our four contestants are ready and waiting, here in the studio, to pit their wits against each other and the mighty Oxford English Dictionary. And one of them will be going through, after today's round, to do battle in the first semi-final, in three weeks' time.# And after about 20 minutes, on a medium heat at the bottom of your oven, it should come out with the cheese nicely melted and browned over those slices of egg on the top.Next week I'll be giving you some tips about freezing your summer fruit for the winter. So, I hope you can join me. Until then, goodbye.#We've got a high of 9 degrees Celsius, 48 degrees Fahrenheit, with rain closing in from the west and that should be covering all of our area by lunch-time. So, if you're out this morning, you'd better take an umbrella with you.# O'Keefe played a brilliant match. He headed a corner from Rainer, just two minutes before the final whistle, which bounced off the post and had the United goalkeeper, Stevenson, in a bit of a panic for a few moments, before the new boy, David Briggs, came through, likelightning, to clear the ball out of the area. United 2: Villa 1.Unit10Part I Warming upA1.First: kittens / catsSecond: snakesA2.First: sweet / playful / affectionate / toy mouse / curl up / sleep/ cleanSecond: unusual / revolting / slimy / dry / poisonous / move / fascinating / colors / patterns / beautifulTapescript:1. Well, they were really sweet little things - very playful and affectionate. I didn't mind looking after them at all. They used to play for hours with their toy mouse or just curl up and go to sleep in their basket. They were no trouble, no, and they're very clean animals too.2. I know it's a bit unusual, but I really like them. I have done ever since I saw them in the zoo, as a child. I don't know why. Most people think they're revolting. They imagine that they're slimy to touch or something but that's not tree -- they're quite dry. I'm not saying they'd make a good pet or anything, and I wouldn't want to get too close to one of the poisonous ones, but I think the way they move is fascinating. Some of them have colors and patterns which are really beautiful.B. Now you are going to hear five people talking about their hobbies.B1.First: photographySecond: skiingThird: horse ridingFourth: bird watchingFifth: sailingB2.First: photograph / still life / moving object / feel of equipmentSecond: amazing / equipment / safer / scenery / air / speed / exhilarationThird: powerful animal / relationship of trust / skill / walk / gallopFourth. 6,500 species / looking at birdsFifth: force of wind / complicated / boats / navigation / essential skillsTapescript1. The first part is to go out of your house and choose a subject matter to photograph, and that could range from a still life of some kind to a moving object such as a racing car or a riot or some street scene. I like the feel of the equipment whilst I'm taking the photograph.2. Well I think it's the most amazing sport because I ... I ... I first had a go about twenty-five years ago, and obviously the equipment has changed quite a lot in the time since and it's become a lot safer. Urn, the scenery's absolutely superb and the ... the air is ... is wonderful, and the speed and the exhilaration. You sleep well after it And it's ... for me it's just the best sport3. I think there's something rather special about it as a hobby, or a sport, because with most hobbies you just rely on yourself and maybe some equipment. Um, but here, you're depending on an animal and quite a powerful animal at that. So you have to build up a special relationship of trust between you. And if you.., if you do build up that relationship of trust, and if you develop some skill, then there's enormous satisfaction and pleasure in what you can do together, whether it's walking quietly along a lane or galloping over open countryside.4. One of the things I find most interesting is there are something like six and a half thousand different types of birds in the world, that's six and a half thousand species of birds, and it's only in the last fifty to a hundred years, perhaps, that people have started looking at birds as something beautiful to admire in their own setting. Prior to that, we ate birds. We still do. Birds were shot and killed for their feathers, to put in hats, to decorate clothes. Birds were used. Whereas now, a lot of people who enjoy looking at birds, simply do that.5. You're using the force of the wind to get around over the earth's surface, as people did two thousand years ago. And it has been complicated -- boats have become more complicated, and navigation equipment has become electronic and complicated. But these are luxuries. The essential skills are exactly the same as they were two thousand years ago. And I think that's the ... the fun.Unit11Part I Warming upA1.A1. The three things children need:--First: To feel that one has options, that one maintains some control over his or her life.--Second: To feel significant in the life of at least one other person.--Third: To feel accepted because of his or her individuality.A2.First (This certainty gives people strength):more highly motivated to work harder / overcome daunting difficulties and painSecond (Children behave differently when treated differently):--Ignored: devastating / cruelest / angry / depressed / frustrated / negative behavior--Respected: thrivesThird(Society's problem: encourage tolerance vs. welcome differences):deserves / acknowledged / cherished / unique / embrace othersTapescript:In my more than 40 years of working with families and conducting research in family dynamics and the roots of human behavior, I have observed again and again a few truths. I have learned that all children -- indeed, all people -- need three certainties to feel healthy and positive about life.First, a child needs to feel that she has options, that she maintains some control over her life. She needs to feel that she can do something to the world and the world will respond. In fact, stress, I believe, might be defined as a lack of options.Numerous studies have shown that people who have choices are more highly motivated to work harder and even overcome daunting difficulties and pain. Burn victims in hospitals who are allowed to participate in their own care, such as by dressing their wounds, require less pain medication than those who are rendered helpless by having everything done for them. People want to help themselves. They become empowered in direct relation to the choices and options they perceive to be available.The second thing that a child needs is to feel significant in the life of at least one other person. Being ignored is devastating, one of the cruelest punishments possible. It leaves the child angry, depressed, and frustrated. When people react negatively to the child, that arouses negative behavior. When the parent respects the child's efforts to express herself, encourages her explorations, applauds her small victories, from the first tentative baby steps on, the child thrives.Third, a child needs to feel accepted because of his or her individuality.Each child deserves to be acknowledged and cherished for the qualities that make her unique, which can be hard to remember in a society that tends to encourage tolerance rather than welcome differences. Ideally, we should embrace others, and especially children, because of, rather than in spite of, their differences.B.Man 1 Woman Man 2How to professional help self-help book club / communicateovercome shyness? with different peopleYour choiceHow to stop why nervous? Nail polish transfer your habitbiting your / solve the problem into something differ-fingernails? rentHow to get in first walk/ an personal cycle to work orFor summer? hour a day trainer schoolTapescript:1. How to overcome shynessMan 1: Well, I think if you're really shy it might be a good idea to see a therapist or someone like that -- you know, to get some professional help. You can't always change by yourself.Woman: Or how about getting one of those self-help books from the library? I'm sure there are books around with lots of good suggestions that you can try.Man 2: I think the best thing is to join a club and do activities where you have to meet and talk to different people. Like, if you join a theater group and work on putting on a play, you'll probably be able to overcome your shyness.2. How to stop biting your fingernailsMan 1: I think biting your fingernails is just a sign of nervousness, so the first thing to do is to find out what's making you nervous. Once you've identified that problem and then solved it, the nail biting will disappear.Woman: My sister used to bite her nails all the time, so she started wearing bright red nail polish. She bought the really expensive kinds, so she felt that she had made an investment in quitting her bad habit. I think the polish made her think about what she was doing, too. Anyway, after a few months, it worked, and she has really nice nails now. I guess if you're a guy, it's a little more difficult, though.Man 2: Maybe you could find something else to do when you're stressed out, like tapping your fingers or counting to 100. You have to try to transfer your habit into a different activity -- one that doesn't cause such a problem.3. Flow to get in shape for summerMan 1: Getting in shape for summer can be easy. Just take a fairly fast walk for at least anhour a day. You'll be surprised at how much fat you can burn off just by walking every day.Woman: I recommend getting a personal trainer at a gym. It's expensive, but a personal trainer can help you focus on what you really need to do and show you the best kinds of exercises to do to tighten up your tummy or whatever it is you want to tighten up.Man 2: I think the best way to get in shape is by riding a bicycle to work or school. And on the weekends, go out for longer rides. It sounds easy, but actually, a good long bike ride can be even better for you than a workout at the gym.Part III Mediation skillsTapescript:Today we are going to discuss the steps involved in mediation counseling. The skills that make up mediation counseling will be useful to you in a variety of situations -- for instance, helping a couple that is having problems in their relationship or parents who are having trouble with a teenager. Through mediation counseling, people can learn to take a series of steps that will lead them to identify problems and create solutions.Step One: Setting Up a Positive EnvironmentIn step one the mediator wants to set up an environment that will help the clients to speak frankly about what has upset them without attacking the other person. This is first done by clearly stating specific rules about how the clients will be allowed to behave during mediation sessions. For example, clients must treat each other with respect. They may not shout at the other person or interrupt them when they are speaking. After the rules have been established, each client will take a turn speaking directly to the mediator. They will state their point of view concerning the problem. If they are having difficulty, the mediator will facilitate the process by asking questions like "What's been going on between the two of you?" or "How has this problem affected you?" Another thing the mediator will do is to rephrase statements that sound very aggressive and accusatory. For example, if Robert is mad at Vicky, he might say something like this: "The Problem is Vicky's always late. She has no respect for my time. She always keeps me waiting." To avoid having Vicky get angry when she hears this, the mediator would rephrase it, focusing on the real issue instead of on how bad Vicky is. The mediator might say something like this: "So you feel really frustrated and impatient when you arrive promptly and then have to wait a long time for ~he other person." When both clients have finished sharing their side of the story with the mediator, the mediator will list and clarify the problems. In the case of Robert and Vicky the mediator could say. "There seems to be a problem finding a way to organize time that is comfortable for both of you."Step Two: Identifying the Bottom LineIn step two the mediator helps the clients to identify the bottom line. This is done by breaking their conflict down into specific issues which are emotional and behavioral. People might say they are mad about a specific behavior, lint what they are really mad about is how it makes them feel. To look again at the case of Robert and Vicky, the mediator might help them to see that while time seems to be the issue, the real issue is that Robert feels Vicky does not respect him. At this point .the clients begin speaking to each other. But they do this by. participating in activities that are designed to help them better understand each other. Maybe they could do a role reversal, and Vicky could talk about how she would feel if she and Robert were supposed to have dinner with friends and he came an hour late. Robert could share reasons why he might be late for something, Hopefully, this will help Robert and Vicky be more sympathetic with one another.Step Three: BrainstormNow it's time to talk about solutions. In step three the mediator encourages the clients to share every possible solution to their problem, no matter how ridiculous or extreme. The clients must accept all the solutions either one of them suggests. They may not criticize each other during this step in the process. As they are making suggestions, the mediator writes down all their different ideas. When everyone has .run out of suggestions, they look at their list. They try to identify which solution is best, which one is most reasonable or practical, which ones are unworkable, etc. , etc. They prioritize the solutions and discuss which ones would work for them, which ones they would be willing to try. Using the solutions they have chosen, the clients, with the help of the mediator, write down some very specific steps they would take to solve their problem.。
step by step 3000 第四册 Unit 5课件及答案

• 1. elementary school • 2. abstainers / basics of human reproduction /
HIV Aids / sexually transmitted diseases / rape / safe sex / condoms / birth • control / abortion / homosexuality • 3. want schools to teach more • 4. parents / don't talk about sex / want schools to do it • 5. a need for more sex education / more practical approach to dangers and risks of sexual behavior
Unit 5
part I
• A. Chewing gum嚼口香糖 • violation违反;妨碍;违背;侵害 • rape强奸;掠夺; assault攻击;袭击 • B.retrieve恢复;检索;重新得到 disruptive破坏的;
分裂的 unruly不守规矩的;任性的;难驾驭的 sullen愠怒的;不高兴的 foul mouthed说脏话 agoraphobia旷野恐怖 blossom开花;光明 Labrador 拉布拉多 flourish兴旺;茂盛 • C. malnutition营养不良 malnourished营养失调 boost 促进;增加 infrastructure基础设施 scant不足 的;减少 bleak阴冷的;荒凉的 eliminate消除;排 除
• 7. HIV infection will continue to fester in about 0.5% of the population in the U. S.

Unit 4KEYPart IA (script)B (script)C (script)Part IIB babaC FTFFFTFD 1) hiring painters2) doing advertising3) providing equipment4) taking care of payroll5) writing contract6) doing final inspection with customer Part IIIA (script)B (script)C (script)Script1. Cook needed immediately in a busy downtown restaurant ! You must be good and dependable. Experience is preferred and work on weekends is required. If you are interested, please call 2359739.2. A small private school needs English and math teachers. Applicants have a bachelor's degree and teaching certificate. Interested people please send your resume to Wales Charter School, 19 Snow Road,NYC3. As the world leader in imaging business from photographic to commercial to electronic imaging, we invite applications from qualified persons for the position of Marketing Communication Supervisor. Candidates must have a bachelor's degree in Business Administration and good PC and presentation skills. Please apply by sending your resume to; MTP, P.O. Box 354, Syracuse, NY 16493.4. If you are a dynamic, hardworking and initiated quick learner interested in working in a challenging environment, if you are mobile and able to travel extensively, please join our Truck Tire and Passenger Car Tire Teams and be the Area Sales Manager. Professional careers and extensive training are provided to you. Are you the right one for us? Send your detailed resume with your expected salary and recent photo to: Martin's Apparel, 385 Rockledge Street, Syracuse, NY 15835.5. We are among the top 50 industrial companies worldwide with an annual turnover in excess of US$40 billion. We provide for our employees not only a competitive salary and a benefits package, but alsoexcellent career development opportunities. We are now seeking qualified people tot fill he position of Buyer. Candidates' qualifications include: a bachelor's degree in business or engineering, 2 " 3 years' relevant working experience, good command of English, good communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to work in teams. Those who are interested please send your resume , a recent photo, contact phone number and a copy of your diploma to 943 West Avenue, Syracuse, NY 18640.6. We, one of the world's largest food manufacturers, have the position of Accountant available. Applicants must have a university degree in accounting or. auditing', strong computer skills and a minimum of 3 years perience with trading companies. If you believe that you have the experience and talent to develop and grow with one of the world's leading food companies, please send your resume, education certificate, ID card copy and photo to 404, South 7th Street, NYC.Looking for a career change? A decade ago, who would have guessed that web designer would be one of the hottest jobs of 2000? Do you have any idea what will be the other six hottest jobs in the 21st century? Here are some suggestions1. Tissue engineersWith man-made skin already on the market, 25 years from now scientists expect to be culturing growing organs in test tubes. Or trying, anyway.2. Genetic programmersAfter scanning your DNA for defects, doctors will use gene therapy and "smart" molecules to cure diseases, including certain cancers.3. Pharmers / Pharmacologic farmersNew-age farms will raise crops and livestock that have been genetically engineered to produce therapeutic protein s. Works in progress include a vaccine-carrying tomato and drug-laden milk from cows, sheep and goats.4. Genetically-modified food monitorsNot sure what's for dinner? With a little genetic fiddling, fast-grow- ing fish and freeze-resistant fruits will help feed an overpopulated planet.5. Hot-line handymenStill daunted by the thought of reprogramming your video cassette recorder( VCR), let alone your digital versatile disc(DVD)? Just wait until your 3D holographic TV won't power a or your talking toaster starts giving abuse.Remote diagnostics will take care of most of your home electronics, but a few repairmen will still make house calls ... via video phone.6. Narrow castersToday's broadcasting industry will become increasingly personalized. Working together, media and advertisers will create content just for you. Ambient commercials will also hijack your attention by using tastes and smells.. . . tell you about a 9-year-old boy. He is a bicycle motocross racer,and his name is Andrew Sue. He rides under Number One on the track, and he lives in Lansing, Michigan. He's also Number One in other ways. He weighs about 34 kilograms. The boy is a two-time BMX, that's Bicycle Motor Cross, national champion, and he's also a two-time world champion. He's right Number One for his age in the National Bicycle League and Number One in the American Bicycle Association's Michigan II District. And he's been a bicycle motocross racer since he was five years old. Andrew has collected more than 125 trophies for. his feats on the track. His awesome display of hardware has not set around collecting dust, however. He donated many of the trophies, the hardware, to the Michigan Specail Olympics. I don't know if you're familiar with that. Now Special Olympics are " for handicapped youngsters. He said that he saw the Special Olympics on television and he decided that he had so many trophies that he ought to give them some. And he talked it over with his parents and they too thought it was a good idea. His father TomSue says that they were sort of running out of room in the house. After seeing the crippled children on television, they knew they had found a worthwhile purpose for the trophies. And Andrew's unselfish gesture has brought praise from Michigan State. Representative and Speaker of the House, Bobby Crimm. He wrote a letter and said, "Y our Mom and Dad must be very proud of you, Andy. Y ou are truly an extraordinary young man. " And Andrew's parents are obviously quite proud of what their son has done both on the track as a bicycle motocross Number One winner and also by giving the trophies to handicaps, participants in the Special Olympics. He knows that those trophies will bring other people great joy too.Nineteen-year-old Mark Laratonda is a local college student. He is getting useful Business experience this summer at home in Pennsylvania. Mark and other students are spending their summer working for a company called Student Painters. Student Painters is based in Toronto. It operates in 28 states in the United States and in 5 Canadian provinces.All of the managers and painters at Student Painters are full-time college students. They are earning money for tuition and expenses for the next school year.Student Painters was founded in 1980. Its goal is to give students achance to experience the real business world. Laratonda is a manager for Student Painters. He is also a business marketing major at Indiana University. He says, "Working at Student Painters is a great experience for me. I'm learning a lot about how businesses operate.Laratonda heard about Student Painters last year at his university. "I filled out an application and they called me for an interview. After the interview, they called me again and offered me a job," Laratonda said. He eagerly accepted the opportunity. He said, "It's a great chance to get experience in the business world. I get to work in many different places and I get to work outside. There are a lot of responsibilities. But there are also a lot of rewards. It looks good on your msum,4; too. "In order to become a manager, Laratonda was trained by company instructors. As a manager, he must do many things. For example, he is responsible for hiring the painters. He also does the advertising. Mark must provide equipment such as ladders, paint, arid brushes for the painters. He takes care of the payroll and writes the contracts. It is also his responsibility to do the final inspection of each project with the customer.Laratonda supervises two groups of painters. Each group has three painters. The painters usually work eight hours a day. " The people I hired are very responsible. They work hard and get the job done," Laratonda saysHis painters have completed 15 projects since May. They have about $40,000 worth of painting jobs to do this summer.Statements1. Student Painters is based in New Y ork.2. Student Painters was founded in 1980.3. Student Painters operates in 50 states in the United States and in 5 Canadian provinces.4. Mark Laratonda supervises three groups of painters.5. Laratonda's painters have completed 15 jobs since July.6. Company instructors trained Laratonda to become a manager.7. Mark Laratonda is an engineering major at Indiana University.In order to give you as much help as possible, I have drawn up a list of questions that you ought to ask yourself."Have I given thought to what I would like to be doing 15 to 20 years from now?" Bear in mind that the career you choose will affect the future course of your life. It will partially determine your range of friends, your choice of husband or wife, where you live, your recreational activities, and other important aspects of your life."Have I a clear knowledge of my abilities and aptitudes, as well as my interests and aims?" Be honest about your weak points as well as yourstrong ones. Take a really good look at yourself and give real thought to the kind of person you are, what you are good at, and what kind of person you want to be."Do I know the kind of occupations in which people like myself tend to find success and satisfaction?" Once you have examined and found out about yourself, your next question is what you can really do with yourself. Y ou can gain some idea of what other people, with similar abilities and interests, consider to be important and challenging in the careers that they choose, by talking to people already in the careers that interest you. Watch these people at work." Have I weighed carefully the immediate advantages against the long-term prospects offered by the jobs I am considering?" Will the occupation you select give you satisfaction, not just when you start, but in the years to come? Realize now the importance of education in all fields, technical and professional. Remember that when promotion occurs, preference is usually given to educated persons-other things being equal."Have I talked about my job preferences with my guidance counsellor, my parents, my teachers and my headmaster?" Remember they have a tremendous fund of experience from which you should benefit. They can help you think about the jobs in which you will find satisfaction and challenge. They can stimulate you to give careful thought to what you really want to do, and offer useful suggestions as to how you might takefull advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications."Have I made a real study of jobs?" It takes a very long time to find the work that suits you the best. Reading about and studying a number of occupations is something you should do over and over again." How do I regard my job? Is it just a means of getting money to do the things that I want to do? Is the work important to me and my future happiness and contentment? Is it a combination of both these things? "The above questions and their answers should give you some better ideas about how you should start planning your career. Y our life-long job cannot be approached in any kind of haphazard fashion. It must be considered carefully, examined from every angle, talked over with those who know you and those who can help you in any way.Of all things in the world, I most dislike filling up forms. In fact, I have a positive horror of it. Applying for a driving license, registering for an evening course, booking a holiday abroad-everything nowadays seems to involve giving information about one's personal life and habits that has little or nothing to do with the matter in hand. When applying for a job, it may be of some obscure interest to a prospective employer to learn that I collect stamps or had measles as a child. But why should he conceivably want to know that my father was a tobacconist to live in Foreland anddied when he was 82. The authorities who require one to fill up forms frequently demand answers to questions that one would hesitate to put to one's intimate friends. The worst of it is that, when confronted with such questions, my mind goes blank and I can hardly remember my own date of birth, let alone my nationality. Have I ever suffered from a serious illness? Have I? What do they mean by "serious"? I had my tonsils out in hospital when I was eight, and my mother always assured me I was delicate, but father contended I was born lazy. Do I suffer from any personal defects? Well, I wear contact lenses and my upper teeth are not my own. But perhaps the word "defect" applies. to my character. Am I supposed to admit that. I like gambling and find it difficult to get up in the morning, both of which are true? Of all, I think job applications are the worst-education, previous experience, posts held, give dates. Terrified -by the awful warning about giving false declarations, which appears at the bottom of the form, I struggle to remember what exams I passed and how long I worked for .what firms. However hard I try, there always seems to be a year or two for which I cannot satisfactorily account and which; I am certain, if left blank, will give the impression that I was in prison or engaged in some occupation too dubious to mention. Even when the form is safely posted, there is no relief as I hourly await the summons from some furious official to explain the discrepancies on my form.。

▪ e.g. trees laden with apples
▪ modify: change slightly, esp. to make it less extreme or to improve it.
▪ 2) résumé: CV (curriculum vitae /kə’rɪkjuləm ‘viːtaɪ; kə’rɪkjələmˋvitaɪ/); a short written account of a person’s education and past employment, used esp. when they are looking for a new job.
Part I Warming up
▪ Lead-in: (Discussion) ➢What jobs do you like to do in the future? ➢Do you want to be a “白骨精”? (白领,骨
干,精英) (white-collar, key member/backbone, elite) ➢What’s your opinion for finding a job and making a career?
▪ The grasping of the listening skills of giving outline;
▪ The grasping of new expressions and language points;
▪ The understanding of the background knowledge;
copy of diploma to 943 West Avenue; Syracuse, ▪ NY 18640

Unit 12Extending Life through Fun (II)Part IWarming upA.A1.First:kittens /catsSecond:A2.First:sweet /playful /affectionate /toy mouse /curl up /sleep/clean Second :unusual /revolting /slimy /dry /poisonous /move /fascinating /colors /patterns /beautiful Tapescript:1.Well,they were really sweet little things -very playful and affectionate.I didn't mind looking after them at all.They used to play for hours with their toy mouse or just curl up and go to sleep in their basket.They wereno trouble,no,and they're very clean animals too.2.I know it's a bit unusual,but I really like them.I have done ever since I saw them in the z oo,as a child.I don't know why.Most people think they're revolting.They imagine that they're slimy to touch or somethingbut that's not tree --they're quite dry.I'm not saying they'd make a good pet or anything,and I wouldn't want to get too close to one of the poisonous ones,but I think the way they move is fascinating.Some of them have colors and patterns which are really beautiful.w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网B.Now you are going to hear five people talking about their hobbies.B1.First:S econd :skiingThird:horse ridingFourth :bird watchingFifth:B2.First:photograph /still life /moving object /feel of equipment Second:amazing /equipment /safer /scenery /air /speed /exhilaration Third:powerful animal /relationship of trust /skill /walk /gallop Fourth.6,500species /looking at birdsFifth:force of wind /complicated /boats /navigation /essential skillsTapescript 1.The first part is to go out of your house and choose a subject matter to photograph,and that could range from a still life of some kind to a moving object such as a racing car or a riot or some street scene.I like thefeel of the equipment whilst I'm taking the photograph.2.Well I think it's the most amazing sport because I ...I ...I first had a go about twenty-five years ago,and obviously the equipment has changed quite a lot in the time since and it's become a lot safer.Urn,the scenery's w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网absolutely superb and the ...the air is wonderful,and the speed and the exhilaration.You sleep well after it And it's ...for me it's just the best sport3.I think there's something rather special about it as a hobby,or a sport,because with most hobbies you just rely on yourself and maybe some equipment.Um,but here,you're depending on an animal and quite a powerful animal at that.So you have to build up a special relationship of trust between you.And if you..,if you do build up that relationship of trust,and if you develop some skill,then there's enormous satisfaction and pleasure in what you can do together,whether it's walking quietly along a lane or galloping over open countryside.4.One of the things I find most interesting is there are something like six and a half thousand different types of birds in the world,that's six and a half thousand species of birds,and it's only in the last fifty to a hundred years,perhaps,that people have started looking at birds as something beautiful to admire in their own setting.Prior to that,we ate birds.We still do.Birds were shot and killed for their feathers,to put in hats,to decorate clothes.Birds were used.Whereas now,a lot of people who enjoy lookingat birds,simply do that.5.You're using the force of the wind to get around over the earth's surface,as people did two thousand years ago.And it has been complicated --boats have become more complicated,and navigation equipment has w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网become electronic and complicated.But these are luxuries.The essential skills are exactly the same as they were two thousand years ago.And I think that's the ...the fun.C.Read the following difficult sentences and listen .1.I think the unique thing about a barbecue is that no matter where you go in America,they'll have a different recipe,so in some parts,they'll have tomatoes in the sauce,and in some parts,they wouldn't dream of having tomatoes in the sauce.2.When you work the clay,if both hands use the same strength,the clay will look like a bull's head;if both hands use different strength,the clay will look like a chrysanthemum.3.He hammers the piton into the rock,loops his equipment and slings around his body,and begins to climb;a graceful exercise where he moves freely up and along the rock.4.You have to think why you're afraid.I mean,you have a fear that's coming up,and the nice thing about this sport is learning to control fear,like,learning just use it rather than have it consume you.Part IINew fashions A.1.Why do men in the West like barbecue?cavemen2.What is the unique thing about barbecue?w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网different recipe3.What is potluck?party /everyone brings food3.What's it like in Britain when people have a barbecue?sky /rainTapescript:R --Rebecca E –ElynG --Guest E:Hi!Remember we spent all day preparing that barbecue?Well,the time is come.It's evening?R:Yeah.And our guests are coming soon.E.I hope you're hungry.R.It reminds me of growing up in Texas.In Texas,they're very famous for barbecue.They are very serious about barbecue.And one thing that's interesting about grilling and barbecue is that it's one form of cooking that men like to do.In the West,in the particular,a lot of men don't cook at all.But oh,in the summer,they'll go out and cook on the grill.They'll light the charcoal with fire and they'll put the meat out there,just like they were cavemen.And of course the women are usually setting thetable and making the salads and helping a lot,but the men like to say,"I made the barbecue."And they have special recipes;they have certain spicy chile or very special sauce.Elyn,what do you think about all the different kinds of sauces there are?w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网E.I think the unique thing about a barbecue is that no matter where you go in America,they'll have a different recipe,so in some parts,they'll have tomatoes in the sauce,and in some parts,they wouldn't dream of having tomatoes in the sauce.(It's true.)Maybe they just have vinegar and spice~And in other places,they like to use wood..,they like to use wood to grill the meat with.And in other places,they like to use charcoal.Charcoal is wood that's been cooked until there's no more smoke.R:Almost every cookbook,like this American cookbook,has a section on just preparing your vegetables and meats to go on to the grill,and how you should do it carefully so that it doesn't burn your food.E:This book has..,this book has several pages of recipes,and one of the famous ones that they have is ribs,the ribs of the cow,and they especially like to cook ribs at a barbecue.Sometimes they like a whole pig,don't they?R.If you have enough people,say,forty people,you could roast a huge lamb,or a whole pig or some large piece of meat,and that would serve a big crowd.Some barbecues don't even use a table.Everyone goes to a park,say,on American Independence Day,and you might have hundredsof people come,and everyone brings food.It's potluck.Remember that expression?And maybe someone will make a huge piece of meat,and people will all sit on the ground,and that's picnic style barbecue.E.And then maybe after dinner,if they like it,they might have a square w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网dance.R.Yeah,music or dancing,singing perhaps,depends on if you're sitting on the ground in a park or at a table in someone's backyard.Whatever,a barbecue is supposed to be fun.I hope it is tonight.E.Well so you'll get a chance to see this evening.We got a man to do the barbecue.So you need to know the right words if you're coming to a barbecue.If you come to a barbecue and you see the..,the guy there grilling the meat you can say,"Oh,macho!"E:What do you like best about the barbecue?G.Oh,I like salads,they are good for you and you don't have to cook them.E:OK.E.Now,you are from Britain,what's it like in Britain when you have a barbecue?G:Well,in Britain,when we have a barbecue,we always have to watch the sky to see if it's going to rain.E:How about you?You...I know you like salads.Tony said you did (Yeah)What do you like the best about the barbecue?G.Well,I like the barbecue,because someone else always does the cooking.E.Well,our barbecue is done,and we are all very full.We've eaten a lot,haven't we?w ww .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网G.Yes,we have.It's been really great.Thanks.G.Thank you for a lovely barbecue.R.It was our pleasure,we had a great time,but now it's really starting to rain.I'm afraid we have to clean up.B.Tapescript:B1.As the rhythm of urban life grows faster and faster,there are lots of new and fun things to do.Our recreational life is becoming more and more rich.After a day's busy work or study,urban young people have different ideas about how to relax and enjoy their free time.Bars and disco halls are not as popular as they were and another recreational activity --making pottery --has quietly appeared.Making pottery,an ancient Chinese art,is no longer just for artists and craftsmen,but something for the common people.In the pottery studio,you can make an artistic work of your own with the help of a pottery teacher,while listening to music.You will have the joy of "playingwith mud"like you did when you were a child.Also you can talk with the other potters,talk about your creations or just talk about the weather.When you see the clay turning and forming in your hands,you will feel calm and forget the troubles you had that day.w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网B2Listen to the second part of the report Put the pottery pottery--making steps in the right order .(2)Putting the clay on the turntable(9)Going to the kiln to fire the clay(8)Cooling for 3or 4days(1)Mixing the clay(4)Drying for a few days(7)Sculpting(5)Smoothing or rounding the edges(10)Painting with glaz e (6)Polishing (3)Throwing (11)Firing againTapescript:We discovered that the procedure to make pottery is not simply"playing with mud."There are many things to do like mixing the clay,polishing the pot,and sculpting.Mixing the clay is a fundamental step in making a pot.The clay used for pottery combines white kaolin and Beijing yellow clay together.When you work the clay,if both hands use the same strength,the w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网clay will look like a bull's head;if both hands use different strength,the clay will look like a chrysanthemum.When the clay is mixed well,it can be put on the wheel.The wheel is a round turntable.Using the wheel to make a pot,called "throwing"a pot,is the most important step during the pottery making procedure.The form of the pot depends on how you use your strength and the coordination of your two hands.After drying it a few days,you may still need to smooth the pot or round its edge.When it's half dry,you can use tools to polish it.Then youcan use something hard,like a film canister or a spoon,to polish the surface of the body in order to make it smooth and shiny.The more you polish your body,the smoother it will be.When you finish polishing,you can go to sculpting.You need to be patient and careful when you do this.The half-done work should be put in a cool place for 3or 4days.Then it can go to the kiln to be fired.If you like a more finished look,you can paint it again with some chemicals,called glaz e,and fire it again.Isn't it pretty?Now you know more about making pottery.Wouldn't you like to tryit yourself?Part IIIRock climbing A.1.Have you ever tried rock climbing?Would you be interested in w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网practicing this sport?Why or why not?2.What sports do you consider physically challenging?3.When practicing a difficult or dangerous sport,what mental or emotional challenges do you have to be prepared for?4.When a person is devoted to a sport,how does it affect his life?5.Would you consider rock climbing a dangerous sport?What is required to be a good rock climber?B.1.Why has the Province of Alberta become home to some of the best rock climbers in the world?the Rockies /over 12,000feet2.why are the Canadian Rockies very special?a lot of wilderness /grizzly bear3.How high is First Rock?How does it compare with other climbs Blanchard often does?First Rock:25meters /others:50times as high4.What is the purpose of the climbing equipment?attach rock to rope /rope to body5.How did Blanchard first learn to climb?Where did he do his firstclimbing?reading /around house,i.e.,basement rafters,walls6.How important is rock climbing in Blanchard's life?w ww .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网an integral part of his life /challenges /opportunitiesTapescript:If you follow the rugged spine of the Rockies north from Colorado,the mountains take you into Canada.And there they rise out of the Canadian prairie like a huge craggy wall.In the province of Alberta,the Rockies reach heights of over 12,000feet.It's not surprising that this area has become home to some of the best rock climbers in the world.Here at the head of Heart Creek,Barry Blanchard is making his way through an evergreen forest alongside a rushing creek.He's on his way toFirst Rock,a favorite practice spot for accomplished rock climbers.Bianchard has climbed all over the world,but finds the Canadian Rockies very special."I guess the situation here is a lot different than a lot of other places.For instance,the Italian Dolomites are very similar geologically to the Rockies --sedimentary limestone,but,you know,the culture around the bottom is a lot different.Here,we have a lot of wilderness,and in Italy there's ...there's none.I live in Alberta largely because many of the other mountain places you can live in the world,there just isn't a lot ofwilderness.I mean,here,in this valley,we can see a grizzly.In Europe,there hasn't been a bear that size in a long,long time.'First Rock,where Blanchard stops to begin climbing,is about 25meters high.It's an afternoon's workout for a man who often climbs rock w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网faces 50times that height.As he unloads his backpack,he explains that the purpose of climbing equipment is to attach the rock to the rope,and the rope to his body."Okay,there's a piton hammer.We use that to drive the spikes into the rook.""You had to trust those little things,pretty..,pretty much,eh?""Yeah,yeah,but,I mean,with ...with experience,putting 'em in and taking 'em out,you...learn to judge 'em pretty well."Learning to judge them.In a sport as dangerous as rock climbing,a climbing course would seem to be the only way to begin.Blanchard explains how he learned his craft."Well,for me,it was a lot of reading,actually and,got some equipment and basically practiced around the house in theneighborhood on buildings and stuff.""Around the house?""Yeah,around the house.I used to...""Literally climbing the walls?""Ah yeah,yeah.Yeah,climbing the basement rafters.And,used to have my brother sit on my bed so there was enough weight that I could putthe rope around the leg of my bed and rappel out of the second-story window.Then I got the chance to go out,at one point,with a friend who'd taken a climbing course.So yeah,a climbing course is a great thing,for all w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网kind(s)of beginner climbers because it's a risk sport.I mean,there's ...there's heavy consequences to be paid for a fall."He hammers the piton into the rock,loops his equipment and slings around his body,and begins to climb;a graceful exercise where he moves freely up and along the rock.Blanchard is thin and in peak physical condition.The muscles in his legs and arms each appear to operate independently as he uses the tiniest cracks in the rock for toe-and handholds.It often looks as if he is magically sticking to the side of the smooth rock.Back at ground level,Blanchard explains that physical conditioning is just one part of the sport.Mental conditioning is every bit as important."You also have to learn to think,you know,as you get started to get scared because you're beginning to expose yourself to a fall,or maybe the holds are getting smaller.You have to think why you're afraid.I mean,you have a fear that's coming up,and the nice thing about this sport is learning to control fear,like,learning to just use it rather than have it consume you."For Barry Blanchard,rock climbing is an integral part of his life.It provides him with challenges and opportunities that most people miss.w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网。

▪ 3) image: to produce a picture especially by means of other than visible light; to cause (light or shadow) to fall into space or (a picture) to fall on a surface
▪ E.g.The company has an annual turnover of $75 million
▪ 8) in excess of: more than
▪ 9) audit 审计, 查帐: to make an official examination of (the accounts of a business)
Teaching focuses and difficulties:
▪ The grasping of the listening skills of giving outline;
▪ The grasping of new expressions and language points;
▪ The understanding of the background knowledge;
▪ 4) administration: the management or direction of the affairs of a business, government, etc.
▪ 5) dynamic: (esp. of people) full of activity, new ideas, the will to succeed, etc.
▪ Section A ▪ Step 1 New words and phrases
step by step 听力原文和答案

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
China is hoping the criticism will be replaced by excitement for what many believe is the greatest sports event in the world. This year's theme is "One World, One Dream." The idea is to unite the world in the spirit of the Olympics. • China is promising a safe and peaceful Olympics. The government increased security after a deadly attack on police earlier this week in the far western Xinjiang province.
• 1 More than ten thousand athletes will compete in the summer games. They will take part in more than three hundred events in twenty-eight sports. • 2 Human rights issues, pollution and the ability of the media to freely report • 3. "One World, One Dream." • 4. The Chinese government bans more than three million vehicles from roads each day. It also shut down factories during the games.
step by step 3000 第四册 Unit 4课件及答案教学文案

Part I B
• Key words: • getting jobs boom繁荣 this year different
economy经济;节约;理财 • Vocabulary: • scrounge搜寻;乞讨? Escalate逐步提高
• 1. A national report card on student's academic progress.
• 2. They may have trouble locating and identifying facts from stories or summarizing and explaining what they read.
• Reading a. scores improved • b. scores dropped & stayed flat • Science slightly better grasp, have staent: • are doing better than • Supporting details: • 1. taking tougher courses • a. algebra • b. calculus, biology and chemistry • 2. More homework now • 3. Sex difference / difference between boys and girls • a. gap disappearing • b. In science: • (1) 13 and 17 • (2) At the age of 9: no difference
step by step 3000 第四册 Unit 3课件及答案

• • • • • • • • • 1. On top of完全控制 self-worth自我价值 2. track…down追捕 A Job Key words Speaker 1 Psychologist listening / talk / problems / patients / progress / turn life around Speaker 2 Camp counselor kids / problems / win trust / open up /develop confidence & self-worth / summer • Speaker 3 • Firefighter burning / smoke / get people out / • dangerous
Part IIIBiblioteka • dilation扩张;扩大;详述 • pupil学生;瞳孔;未成年人 • palpitation 心悸;颤动
Part III
• Today's topic: Stress and how to manage it • Definition of stress. A physical or psychological response to the demands that we're placing on ourselves • Caller: Judy • Question 1: Any warning signs? • Answer: Some of the most common warning signs: • fatigue / listlessness / sleeping problems / a loss of appetite / sudden stomach disorders / heart palpitations • Question 2: Ways to make life less stressful? • Answer: Taking effective steps: • Becoming aware of potentially stressful situations and avoiding them • Reducing workload and organizing the work in a better way • Getting proper rest and exercise • Finding a balance between work and play

英语听力入门3000第四册听力原文Unit 1. Busy WeekendsPart A1. A: What do you usually do on weekends?B: I usually go shopping or hang out with my friends. SometimesI go to the gym to work out.2. A: What did you do last weekend?B: I went to see a movie with my family on Saturday. On Sunday,I visited my grandparents.3. A: Are you busy this weekend?B: Yes, I have a lot to do. I need to finish my homework and then go to a friend's birthday party.4. A: Did you have fun last weekend?B: Yes, I went hiking with my classmates. The weather was nice, and we enjoyed the beautiful scenery.5. A: What are your plans for this weekend?B: I'm going to watch a football match with my friends on Saturday. On Sunday, I will go to the library to study.Part BConversation 1A: Hi, Sarah. What are you doing this weekend?B: Hi, John. I don't have any plans yet. Why?A: There's a new exhibit opening at the art gallery. Do you want to go with me?B: That sounds interesting. I love art. What time and where should we meet?A: The exhibit starts at 2 p.m. Let's meet in front of the gallery at 1:30 p.m.B: Great. I will see you then.Conversation 2A: Hey, Michael. What did you do on the weekend?B: Hi, Lily. I went camping with my family. We had a great time in the woods.A: That sounds fun. Did you do any activities there?B: We went hiking and fishing during the day. In the evening, we sat around the campfire and told stories.A: It sounds like an amazing weekend. I wish I could go camping too.B: You should try it sometime. It's a great way to relax and enjoy nature.Part CPassage 1Last weekend, I decided to volunteer at a local animal shelter. I have always loved animals, so it was a perfect way for me to spend my time. I helped feed the animals and clean their cages. It was hard work, but it was also rewarding. I saw many homeless dogsand cats that needed love and care. I hope that my small contribution made a difference in their lives.Passage 2My friends and I usually have busy weekends. We like to try new things and explore different places. Last month, we went to a trampoline park. It was a lot of fun! We jumped on trampolines, played dodgeball, and even did some acrobatics. It was a great way to exercise and have a good time with friends. I can't wait for our next adventure!Unit 2. Daily ActivitiesPart A1. A: What time do you usually get up in the morning?B: I usually get up at 7 a.m. to get ready for work.2. A: What do you do in the evenings?B: In the evenings, I like to relax and watch some TV or read a book.3. A: How often do you exercise?B: I try to exercise at least three times a week. It helps me stay fit and healthy.4. A: Do you cook your own meals?B: Yes, I enjoy cooking. I cook most of my meals at home.5. A: What time do you go to bed?B: I usually go to bed around 11 p.m. I need around 8 hours of sleep each night.Part BConversation 1A: Hey, Lisa. What time do you usually wake up?B: Hi, Mark. I'm an early riser. I usually wake up at 6 a.m.A: Wow, that's early. What do you do in the morning?B: I like to start my day with some yoga and meditation. It helps me stay calm and focused.A: That's a great way to start the day. I should try it sometime. Conversation 2A: Hi, Jenny. How often do you go to the gym?B: Hi, Tom. I go to the gym three times a week. I do a mix of cardio and weightlifting exercises.A: That's impressive. I've been meaning to start exercising more. Maybe we could go to the gym together?B: That's a good idea. It's always more fun to work out with a partner.Part CPassage 1My daily routine usually starts with a cup of coffee in the morning.It helps me wake up and get ready for the day. After that, I take a shower and get dressed. Then I have breakfast, which is usually cereal and fruit. Once I'm ready, I head to work. I spend the day in the office, working on various projects. In the evening, I like to relax by watching TV or reading a book. Before going to bed, I brush my teeth and do some light stretching to unwind.Passage 2My job requires me to travel a lot, so my daily routine is often different. When I'm on the road, I usually wake up early to catch a flight or attend meetings. I have breakfast at the hotel or grab something quick on the go. Throughout the day, I have meetings, conference calls, and site visits. In the evenings, I try to find time to explore the city I'm in. I enjoy trying new restaurants and experiencing different cultures. Before going to bed, I make sure to check my emails and plan for the next day.。
step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文-推荐下载

Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars.3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by 5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock.The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU.Tapescripts:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have beenmeeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan's struggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its 85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issuedtemporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries. BForeign exchange rates:1 dollar = 1.733 German marks= 126.9 Japanese yen1 pound =1.624 dollarsShare IndexDow Jones up 6,783 (+45)London’s 100 up 4,390 (+20)Nikkie closed2. Share Index:Dow Jones up 10,116 (+96)Standrd and Poor’s 500 up 1,254 (+6)NASDAQ: down (-1.5%)3. Share Index:Dow Jones down 8,094 ( - 66 ) NASDAQ down 1,662 (- 3 )FT100 down ( -36 )CAC Quarante down ( -33, -1% )DAX down ( -1% )4. Most active stocks:Cable and Wireless HKT up $ 0.45HSBC down $ 0.50Hutchison down $ 0.50 Shanglongkai Property up $ 2.25China Telecom down $ 1.50Chang Kong up $ 0.25Pacific Century Cyberworlds down $ 0.10CCT Telecom down $ 0.275New World CyberBase down $ 0.075Hanong Holdings down $ 0.25Gold prices:Hong Kong gold: HK$ 2,670London gold: US $ 2895. Earnings:Philips Electronics (last year): $ 2.4 billion ($ 300 million down)Royal Dutch Shell (4th quarter): $ 3.6 billionElectronic Data Systems (4th quarter): $ 0.70 per share ( $ 0.02 up)Tapescripts:1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three point three and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. EarlierLondon's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and Internet stocks were battered.3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX also fell 1% after briefly moving into record territory.4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents, Hutchison down 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Chang Kong up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lower than expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billion profit for its fourth quarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations. Part III Voice mail may cost company’s businessAJud Jessup (TakeCare HMO): …personalized service…”high service”…getting a recording…efficient…cost effective……individual problems….Stanley Plogue (Plogue Research): …a fourth…let out…voice mail system…given up…Sandy hale (Pacific Bell):… bottom line…costs…more efficient…customer service operations…a valuable tool.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F8. T9. T10. T C3. Five years ago, people were wary of voice-mail.4. TakeCare used a funny voice-mail message in its advertisements.6. Voice-mail decreases contact between customers and companies.7. The problem is not the technology, but the voice-mail menus.Part IV Business jargonA…language shorthand….…overuse business jargon…a negative effect……a low opinion…management jargon…a third…a lack of confidence…one in five …untrustworthy…cover something up.…an effective boss…can easily understand…management jargon.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. FCblue-sky thinking: imagine new or different ways of doing thingsget our ducks in a row: have everything arranged efficientlybrain dump: tell everything you know about a particular subjectthink outside the box: be creative in how you think about problemsthe helicopter view: an overviewa heads up: a warningthat’s a real no-brainer: that’s simpleUnit 4 World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming upA1. To Mars / March of next year.2. Because of a mechanical problem.3. 5 males and 2 females.4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing.5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope.BMir Facts15 yearsthe Soviet Union, now Russia$ 4.2 billion (for building and maintaining)10 years (1986 — 1996)135 tons9,900 cubic feet63 feet wide and 85 feet long104 cosmonauts, astronauts46438 days747 days, threeMar. 23rd,Unit 5 New Explorations in Food and MedicineA1a successful brain tissue transplant carried out by a South African surgeon.The discovery of a new way to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.The possibility of a new way to treat glaucoma.a new research on writing which shows that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes.a new research on writing which shows that writing can help people with chronic illness improve their health.the theory and function of acupuncture.A2a week ago / Parkinson’s disease.a natural defense mechanismthe death of brain cellsmeeting patients’ psychological needs produces physical health benefits. side effects / cut back on medication.The world’s leading transplant surgeon, Dr Christopher Bernard, has carried out one of the most difficult brain tissue transplants yet attempted. The South African surgeon has succeeded in transplanting tissues into the human brain in what is thought to be the first operation of its kind. The surgery was performed a week ago on a patient sufferingfrom Parkinson’s disease. A portion of the patient’s adrenal gland was implanted into a part of the patient’s brain, an operation which has previously been performed only on rats and monkeys. Approximately a third of all people develop cancer at one point in their lives. Chemotherapy has its limitations, but it is one of the major treatment options. Some American scientists have discovered they can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy by inhibiting a natural defense mechanism employed by cancer cells.Glaucoma is responsible for blindness in an estimated 67 million people around the world. Until now, treatments have focused exclusively on the eyes. But that may change in the next few year, following the discovery that glaucoma involves the death of brain cells.New research shows that the simple act of writing down thoughts about a stressful event can help people with chronic illnesses improve their health. This is the first study to show that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes for chronically-ill patients. The study adds to the growing amount of scientific literature suggesting that meeting patient’s psychological needs produces physical health benefits.Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associated with the balance of Qi. Qi can be hindered or helped by yang and yin. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance ---- and this is done byinserting needles at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body. One of the key benefits of acupuncture is that it has few, if any, side-effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment --- in anesthesia, for example --- it allows physicians to cut back on medication, delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects/Bgene / instructions / characteristic / DNA / inserts / another / organism / genetically modified organism / genetic engineeringartificial fertilizers / pest control / food / farming / artificial fertilizers / halfGenetic material / unrelated / another species / animal /plant / going acrossanimals / cows, goats and pigs / genetically changed / pharmaceutical drugs / farmingNovel / 1797-1851/ scientist / subhuman / destroying / creation that ends up destroying the creator.Unit 6Part I Warming upA1.1. This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk.2. This news item is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.3. This news item is about a chess match between a world champion and the rest of the world on the Internet.4. This news item is about the significance of the discovery of the structure of DNA.5. This news item is about NEC's new robot that talks and understands orders.A21. While silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads.2. American and Japanese researchers have discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean.3. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength.5. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs, VCRs and air conditioners.Tapescript.1. Thai silk is known for its beauty and elegance. But a research team has found a new use for it. A bulletproof vest made of silk was put to the test at a shooting range in Thailand. After several rounds of gunfire, the vest was examined. The bullets were stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk. A member of the research team says while silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads, the material used in regular bulletproof vests.2. American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have analyzed weather data from the region over the past 40 years and they've discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean. A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or, indeed, periods of heavy rainfall.3. The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasparov made his first move with a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Few scientific advances of this or any millennium can rival insignificance the discovery of the structure of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Knowledge of the structure of DNA helps explains many things, including genetic mutation and , through it, evolution. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength. The discovery of the DNA molecule also paved the way for many of today’s cutting-edge sciences, including genetic engineering, a controversial branch of knowledge that raises new ethical and moral questions that are certain to be with us far into the next millennium.5. Some say it's hard to find good help these days, but a Japanese electronics firm thinks it's found the answer. It's a robot that talks and understands orders. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs. And if it's becoming a bit warm for you, one simple command and the robot will switch on the air conditioner.B.2. lightning patronizingX rays EnthusiasticLaser BoredYeast Friendly / intimateFriction Loudly but neutralRecycling PatientlyTapescript:1 .... Yes, you see, it's the force of attraction between any two objects. The strength of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Er... the most obvious effect is the way objects on the surface of the earth are attracted towards the center of the earth...2 .... as it comes down it goes relatively slowly 100 to 1,000 miles per hour and you can't see it, but the return stroke goes up from the earth to the cloud and it goes at over 87,000 miles per hour and that's the one you can see, you see, the one that goes back up. It's really just a very large, powerful spark. The distance in miles you are away from it is the time in seconds between it and the sound you hear...3 .... Well, they were first discovered in 1895 and they can penetrate matter that is opaque to light. Some matter is more transparent to them than others, which means you can see inside somebody. They are actually quite dangerous and people who work with them wear special protective clothing...4 .... ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and phase(s). This is a bundle of waves of the same frequency and phase. You can create the beams from a ruby rod or a tube of carbon dioxide that's stimulated with flashes of ordinary light. The word is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulatedemission of radiation. Now, does anybody ...5 .... they're all types of fungus. There are many different kinds of them but the best known are the ones used in cooking and brewing. When they're mixed with sugar they cause the sugar to ferment and two things happen: first carbon dioxide is given off and second alcohol is formed, but when the proportion reaches 12%, it's all killed off naturally...6 .... in contact with each other, there's a resistance to movement between them. The main reason why we use ball bearings and lubricating oil is to counteract this; the main reason why rubber is used in tires and shoes is to increase the effect of it ...7 .... No, it's the process whereby materials are used again. Normally, it is cheaper to do this because it's more energy-efficient. On the other hand, one material that's hard to deal with in this way is plastic -- there are so many types that it's very difficult to separate ...Part IIA:identify, catalog, map and analyze / 100,000A: a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of lifeB: on chromosomes / in every cell / alternately colored rungsC: produce chemical instructions / build & run the human body.III: SignificanceA: cure or preventB: desirable genetic traitsC: the brain, consciousness and the mindD: a scientific descriptionIV Controversiesabuse2. warfare听力原文:The goal of the human genome project initiated in the early 1990s is to identify, catalog, map and analyze every one of the estimated 100,000 genes in the human body. If the multi-billion-dollar project is successful, its effects may be as fundamental to the human future as the discovery of fire and seed agriculture once were.To understand the significance of the human genome project, it is necessary to know that each gene is a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Genes are located on chromosomes that in turn reside in every cell in arrangements similar to the alternately colored rungs on a ladder. The sequence of genetic rungs produces the chemical instructions the cells need in order to build and run the human body. By identifying the location and makeup of each gene, the genome project should help scientists cure orUnit 7 Communications (I)Part I Warming upA.Tapescript:1. And British papers report the latest trend when you meet someone ina bar is to get their number, go home, and google them. Yes that gorgeous girl or guy you met the other night is probably patrolling a search engine right now to check you out. So don't even think of trying to tell them you're a famous footballer or brain surgeon or television presenter.2. The jamming, earlier this month, of several popular Internet sites witha flood of crippling messages sent a wakeup call to those involved with electronic or e-commerce. One recent suggestion is to form an industry-wide group to share information about security issues. High-tech executives want to make a coordinated effort to ensure that the Internet becomes a safe place to conduct business.3. Now home to some 800 million pages--a figure that's doubling each year- searching the Internet can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. But Oslo-based Fast Search& Transfer (FAST) has developed a search engine (www. alltheweb, com) capable of scanning more than 200 million pages. FAST is working on a mega-search engine that searches "all the web, all the time."4. This week, the Intel corporation held its semi-annual Developer Forumin Palm Springs, California. The gathering draws more than 2,000 hardware and software developers from around the world. Intel executives opened the event with a demonstration of a high-speed chip, code-named "Williamette." The chip, designed to power personal computers, has a speed of one point five gigahertz, making it almost twice as fast as Intel's popular Pentium III chip which runs at 800 megahertz.5. An online VCR seems like a bright idea but it's been quickly rendered non-functional by the copyright lawyers. Not for the first time, the Hollywood studios objected to re-transmitting network television shows, in this case for users to watch via the web. Programs were being made available for visitors to save remotely or record for subsequent viewing via Windows Media Player.Part II New Ways to communicateA1When a friend is online1.6milion3,000you can only contact someone (on the same network as you. ) using the same programLaugh out loud.A2online / popular / take off / signing up / by / make upobvious / disadvantage / bright / voice conversations / swap / funnyWhen you meet someone for the first time,do you ask their ASL? Do you LOL if they come out with something funny, and say CU L8er when you finish the conversation? If you know what I’m talking about, then you are probably already a user of instant messaging, or IM.The idea behind IM is simple. A program on your computer tells you when a friend is online. You can then send a message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly. To do this, you need an IM program. Worldwide, AIM, the instant messaging service provided by AOL, is by far the most popular. It has 195 million users who send about 1.6 billion messages every day. ICQ, which is owned by AOL, has about 140 million messengers, and MSN and Windows IM make up about 75 million users. The advantage over e-mail is that with instant messaging you know you’re likely to get a reply. IM is already hugely popular in the USA, where people spend five times more time online than in Europe. However, IM is starting to take off in the UK, with over 3,000 people signing up to MSN Messenger alone every day.While the plus points of IM are obvious, there is one very important disadvantage: you can only contact someone on the same network asyou. If your friend is using AIM, and you are using MSN, you cannot talk to each other. This makes IM less useful than it should be. Imagine if you couldn’t send an e-mail form hotmail to yahoo. However, things look like they’ll change soon.In general, the future looks bright for IM. Lots of programs also allow you to have voice conversations, video conferencing ---- this means you can see the other person using a webcam ---- and also let you swap pictures, music and other files.So, perhaps we’ll all soon be asking someone’s age, sex and location (ASL), and laughing out loud (LOL) when they say something funny. See you later (CU L8er).B:1. FFTTFHow do you meet new people, make new friends, or find out about the latest bands? Here in the UK young people have traditionally done their socializing in bars, pubs and clubs.However there is a new generation growing up that finds it easier to manage their social lives on the net, using free websites like MySpace, Bebo or MSN Spaces.Welcome to the social networking website ---- a place where you can present yourself to the digital community and meet other like-mindedpeople.The most successful social networking website in the UK is . as of July 2006, MySpace is the world’s fourth most popular English-language website, attracting almost 3 million visitors per month. Myspace claims to have 95 million members with 500,000 new members joining the community each week.So how has it become to successful? Perhaps its secret is in its simplicity. Each new member can build their own page simply --- uploading photos, videos and MP3 files. Then they describe themselves, listing their likes, dislikes, favorite bands, relationship status, etc. it’s an easy way to hook up with people who share your interest.Briana Dougherty, a 25-year-old MySpace devotee, told us, “It’s a casual way to stay in contact without appearing weird. ” it seems that many people do not feel comfortable giving out their phone number or personal e-mail address to new acquaintances but are perfectly happy to trade MySpace profilesWhile socializing is the key to MySpace’s success, love of music is at the heart of the community. Indeed, most aspiring musicians in the UK upload their songs to the site, and with good reason: unsigned artists, Arctic Monkeys and Lilly Allen created such a buzz on the site that they were offered recording contracts and scored number one hits.Social network sites could be a great place to practice your English.Why not give it a try? You can tell us about your experience by filing in the new comments form at the top of the screen.Statements:Most young people in the UK make new friends at work.Yahoo and Google are social networking sites.MySpace is one of the top five English-language websites.New bands put their music on the web for people to listen to.Users of social networks usually pay for the service.Unit 8 ArchitecturePart I Warming upA.Tapescript:For hundreds of years, it has been an imperial capital of Europe. Its rulers raided the Western world to enrich the coffers of the empire. They spent their wealth on magnificent palaces and grand public buildings. They built an opera house that rivals any in Europe. They founded great museums and libraries. They constructed massive, ornate government buildings. And they raised opulent palaces for themselves. A tour of Vienna is a tour of these monuments to excess.Take Schonbrunn Palace, for instance. The Palace's Million Room, namedafter the cost of the decorations -- 1 million guilders, is a Rococo masterpiece. Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage. The frames are real gold leaf, and the paneling is precious wood.The Great Gallery, modeled after a room in Versailles near Paris, has 35-foot ceilings graced with giant frescoes(壁画)boasting of the power of the Austrian army. Massive crystal chandeliers reflect in the wall of mirrors, trimmed in gold leaf.The list of other sights to see in Vienna is long. St. Stephen's Cathedral dominates the skyline of Old Town, the medieval section of the city. Its main spire soars 450 feet into the sky, and the top can be reached by climbing 343 steps. The cathedral' was begun in the 12th century.In the catacombs(陵墓)beneath the cathedral are copperurns(骨灰坛)containing the intestines of deceased Habsburgs. Their bodies are in ornate caskets(棺材)in the Imperial Burial Vaults in the Kapuziner Church a few blocks away, and can be visited.The Old Town is a fascinating place to walk. Most of the narrow streets have been turned into pedestrian malls lined with shops, coffeehouses and restaurants. In one section, the original Roman ruins under the streets can be seen by going to an underground museum. The Natural History Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts occupy matching buildings on Maria Theresa Plaza, a small square across fromthe Hofburg. Hofburg is the Habsburg’s in-town palace. It is big, with 2,600 rooms, but not ornate. Hofburg is a jumble of buildings constructed at different times and in different styles, from Baroque, Gothic and Classical to Renaissance and Rococo. Its oldest parts date from the 13th century, but most were built from the 1700s on.B1.The Palais du Louvre:Location: heart of ParisBeginning year of construction: 1527Time when first used as a public art gallery: 1793The Louvre Pyramid:Designer: Ieoh Ming PeiUse: the main entrance to the Palais du LouvreHeight: 21mWidth: 33mMaterials: steel tubes, cables, sheet glassYear of completion: 1988Tapescript:The Palais du Louvre stands at the heart of Paris, and houses one of the world's greatest collections of works of art. The original palace dates。
step by step 英语听力入门4 Unit 7 答案

Unit 7Part I Warming upA.Tapescript:1. Help the oldThe elderly at home and in the neighborhood, especially those living alone, need your care and support. Show your concern and attend to their needs wherever possible. Your support warms their hearts and brings them hope. If you find any elderly people in need of help, call the Social Welfare Department hot line on 23432255 or contact the nearby Family Services Center.2. Keep Hong Kong cleanHong Kong not only is one of the world's greatest cities, it's also our home. So let's all start taking more pride in its appearance. Let's keep Hong Kong clean.3. For a better societyAt different stages of life, we have different roles to play. As good citizens, we are willing to do our part for a better society.4. Don't litterYou can try walking away from litter, but you can't walk away from a fine. Use the bin or risk a $ 25,000 fine and six months' imprisonment.5. Aids hot lineWe are about to use a 4-letter word. This word can clear a room. This word makes some people sick. This word leaves others in disgust. Some people pretend it doesn't exist. Others wish it would go away. You won't hear it in mixed company. You won't hear it used at home. And you certainly won't hear it in schools. The fact is if more people use this word, less people would be affected by it.6. Equal opportunitiesTrue harmony can only exist when men and women have equal opportunities. Sex discrimination destroys this harmony and is unlawful. Stand up for equal opportunity. The equal opportunities commission hot line: 25118211.7. For your healthWhen traveling abroad, you should take preventive measures against cholera, hepatitis A and other diarrheal diseases. Drink only boiled water or bottled and canned drinks. Avoid eating cut fruits or fruits that are not cleansed. When you take shellfish, make sure they are thoroughly cooked. Always keep an eye on food hygiene. Please stay healthy.B.OutlineI. Violent crimeA. Including robbery, assault, murder, rapeB. Murder rate: twice as high as 30 years agoC. Violent crime rate in general: increased 23% (in the same time period)II. White-collar crimeA. Including embezzlement, bribery, Political corruption, corporate policies that endanger workers and the publicB. White-collar crime rate in general: increasedIII. Solutions:A. Family: through socialization -- leading children to respect themselves, others, and the values of the societyB. Government.1. By helping people to feel that they are part of the society instead of its victims2. By instilling the fear of punishment in those who might become criminalsTapescript:Looking into crime and violence in the United States is likeopening the proverbial can of worms. So many different problems emerge from the can that you sometimes feel the more you know, the less you understand. What is very clear and indisputable, however, is that violent crime has increased greatly in the United States in recent decades.By violent crime, I mean crimes like robbery, assault, murder, and rape. The murder rate is twice as high as 30 years ago, and violent crime in general has increased 23 percent in the same time period. What is also clear is that the general public is afraid -- afraid of becoming victims of violent crime. Statistics are harder to come by for white-collar crime, crimes including embezzlement, bribery, political corruption, and corporate policies that endanger workers and the public. But many experts agree that there has been an increase in white-collar crime, too.As for solutions, I think most of us would agree that the family can play a role in reducing crime in the United States: through socialization, which leads children to respect themselves, others, and the values of their society. Moreover, I think society, in the form of government, has a role to play in reducing crime: by helping people to feel that they are part of the society instead of its victims. The government, in the form of the justice system, can also contribute to curbing crime by instilling the fear of punishment in those who might become criminals.Part IIA.1. What are the two aspects mentioned concerning the nature of gambling addicts?--Coming from homes lacking love / looking for wants of family love and parental approval --Unconsciously wanting to lose3. In what ways can gambling addicts hopefully be cured?--By psychiatric treatment--By word therapy--By help from organizations like "Gamblers Anonymous"Tapescript:Compulsive gamblers almost always come from homes lacking (in) love. As a result, the child grows up still looking for the wants of family love and parental approval. Another aspect to the nature of the gambling addict is that unconsciously he wants to lose.Psychiatrists believe that compulsive gamblers consciously may expect to win. However, there's a strong element of self-destruction in an inclination to continue betting until all is lost. One New York psychiatrist believes that basically the compulsive gambler is seeking an answer to the question: Do you love me? By winning, he receives a "yes" answer. However the gambler cannot accept the "yes" he sometimes receives because it is contrary to the reality of his or her unhappy childhood, one lacking (in) family love. The gambler's compelled to continue betting, thus expressing again and again his need for love and acceptance. When gambling addicts do win some money, they rarely spend any of it on their families. Money is like a sacred thing to the addicts. It is reserved for one thing: placing a bet.Fortunately, there's hope and help today for gambling addicts. Psychiatric treatment is one possibility. Word therapy seems to help in some cases. The most readily available and the least expensive help comes from an organization called "Gamblers Anonymous" (GA). GA has more than 90 chapters in the U.S. with about 3,000 gamblers seeking a cure. One basic rule of GA is the gamblers must pay back all their debts, even it takes many years to do so. Thousands of members credit GA with saving them from their addiction, and helping them to build new lives free from the gambling sickness.Happily, today, with more public interest in helping the gambling addict overcome his problem, and with such organizations as the GA, the gambler who wants help to break his addiction, now has some place or some one to turn to.B. SummaryThough in almost all the states in America, parents are held responsible for their kids' misdeeds at schools like destroying ?school property or missing school, only 13 states hold parents criminally liable when their kids commit crimes, such as dealing in drugs, weapons possession and gang banging.More lawmakers are saying parents should be jailed or fined when their kids commit a crime, because the most important influence on the development of a child is the parent. But parenting is not an easy thing. And it gets harder as kids get older. When a child becomes a teenager, parents' involvement with their children under education drops sharply. By 15 to 16 years of age, children are treated as quasi-adults and many of them lead very separate life that parents are not fully informed of.Parental liability laws will not work unless they're part of a much larger effort that includes more helps for parents in raising their children. Experts say what's most needed now is a thorough review of the effectiveness of such laws.Tapescript:In just about every state, parents are held responsible for certain misdeeds of their children, especially for school related, like destroying school property or missing school. But when kids commit crimes whether it's dealing in drugs, weapons possession or gang banging, only 13 states hold parents criminally liable. Now in the wake of the Colorado shootings, more lawmakers are saying parents should be jailed or fined when their kids commit a crime. And there seems to be a certain logic to this trend. The most important influence on the development of a child is the parent.What people really want is good parenting. The question is. Can state legislatures legislate good parenting?"How do you legislate good parenting? And how far should we go with that?"There should be a law that does punish parents for leaving a loaded gun around accessible for children."That's something you can hold me accountable for. But when you tell me I should raise a child in a way.., in a way that that child will not have bad thoughts or be depressed, or not hang around with the wrong kids, you are trying to legislate something that you know... Parenting is not an easy thing. This is a hard job."And it gets harder as kids get older. Study shows that when a child becomes a teenager, parents' involvement with their children under education drops sharply. This complicates matters with the courts if they are to prove that parents should have known about the child's intentions to commit a crime or stop the child from doing it.By 15 to 16 years of age, children in this country are treated as quasi-adults."We also have young people of that age leading very separate life that parents are not fully informed of. Many of those young people are working. They have a strong peer group affiliation. Perhaps we might have some idealistic view that a law will then force parents to hold daily sessions with their children, ask them what they are doing. I just don't think that's going to work."Parent liability laws will not work unless they're part of a much larger effort that includes more help for parents in raising their children, whether they want it or not."A judge can require a parent to go through psychological testing if the judge sees that there would be some merit not only in helping the child in their situation, but also helping the home situation."According to the National Association of State Legislatures, half a dozen states are expected to take up the issue of parental liability this year. Family law experts say that what's most needed now is a thorough review of the effectiveness of such laws, before more putting in place, because as far, they simply don't seem to be deterring school shootings, let alone bad parenting.Part III Drug therapyA. You are going to hear a report about drug therapy.A1.1. What is the worry put forward by a United Nations drug agency?. Some legal prescription drugs are being taken in worrying quantities in the West.2. What problems are growing in developed countries?In developed countries, the prevalence of anxiety and insomnia and the consumption of sedative hypnotics are growing3. What kind of drugs are often given hastily?Drugs to treat psychological disorders are often given hastily, and without considering the underlying causes of the patients' problem.4. Why is Professor Steven Rose worried? And what is his fear? Advances in biochemistry are being used to mask what children really need -- more discipline or more care. And Prof. Rose is afraid that Western culture is now so wedded to pharmaceutical answers, patients and parents are unwilling to accept that drugs are not the answer to everything.A2.Areas of treatment Supporting examplesOvereatingCarol -- compulsive eater / 115 kilosAdifax-- slimming drug /only as emergency treatment /but prescribed long periodsBadly behaved childrenYoung people -- depressionProzac -- instant relief / frightening dreams/ suicidal feelings / dangers emerge/ long- term effect?ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)Reese -- learning difficulties / lose temper /aggressiveRitalin -- power amphetamine / helpcontrol temper / do better at schoolTapescript.A United Nations drug agency has warned that legal prescription drugs like Viagra, steroids, and diet pills are being taken in worrying quantities in the West. Dan Damon now asks whether people in the industrialized world really are in need of medication for illnesses like depression or whether it's simply becoming easier and more socially acceptable to try and correct mood and behavior through controlled drugs.Generally, we think drug problems are something to do with contraband, and illicit street corner deals. But, the International Narcotics Control Board, which monitors the effectiveness of government measures to control the illegal drugs trade also checks the use of prescription pharmaceuticals. And here too, there are serious problems.In developed countries, the prevalence of anxiety and insomnia and the consumption of sedative hypnotics are growing. The Board notes with concern the frequent long term use, sometimes indefinitely, of psychotropic substances for treating psychological reactions to social pressure, without a diagnosis for a specific disorder.The Narcotics Board's recently published Annual Report for last year is a detailed review of how drugs to treat psychological disorders, including depression, aggressive behavior, and overeating are often given hastily, and without considering the underlying causes of the patients' problems.Carol was a compulsive eater who never felt full. She reached 18 stone, that's more than 115 kilos. She was prescribed the slimming drug Adifax, which used only to be available as an emergency treatment for just a few days, but is now prescribed over long periods.Another controversial area for the use of drug therapy involves badly behaved children. In America, young people suffering from depression are increasingly being given the drug Prozac. For many children, some as young as 7, it provides instant relief from frightening dreams, and suicidal feelings. But, dangers are emerging. The drug works by increasing production inthe brain of the chemical serotonin, but we don't know the long-term effect of that, especially in children.And an even more contentious area is what's called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Ten-year-old Reese has been diagnosed with learning difficulties by an educational psychologist. He's also prone to lose his temper quickly, and be aggressive. His parents found a consultant who was willing to try Ritalin, a power amphetamine. Ritalin has helped Reese to control his temper, and he's doing better at school.Professor Steven Rose from Britain's Oakland University is worried that advances in biochemistry are being used to mask what children really need -- more discipline or more care. And Professor Rose is afraid that Western culture is now so wedded to pharmaceutical answers, patients and parents are unwilling to accept that drugs are not the answer to everything.B.1. How does the time credit system -- "Time Banking" -- work?Patients are linked together with a time broker who involves them in projects to build up time credits.2. What is the advantage of "Time Banking"?Where money is short, this kind of time credit system can bring people with social problems a lot of benefit.3. What do themes like "Time Banking" remind us of?Themes like that do remind us that chemicals are only part of the answer to social problems, and a well-functioning society must be the background to any therapy. Loneliness, low self-esteem and anger need to be seen as problems of relationship, not just brain chemistry.Tapescript:It's up to doctors to monitor the use of drugs and to be sure they are prescribing them for the right reasons and not to keep patients quiet, but at the same time, we should recognize drugs can make a big difference and not condemn their increased use, either as a plot by pharmaceutical companies, or as a shortcut by busy doctors. That doesn't answer the problem of time. One simple and revolutionary idea has emerged from a doctor in South London."He was really sick and tried of prescribing anti-depressants for people's loneliness and anxiety and he thought there must be a way we can do something better than this; why aren't we prescribing time?"Sarah Burns is from the New Economics Foundation, a reform group based in London. She's been working with that doctor and with a growing number of others to develop what's called "Time Banking." Patients who need more human contact to help them with their difficulties are linked together by a time broker who involves them in projects to build up time credits.Where money is short, as in any state-funded health service, this kind of time credit system can bring people with social problems a lot of benefit.Themes like that do remind us that chemicals are only part of the answer to social problems, and a well-functioning society must be the background to any therapy. Loneliness, low self-esteem and anger need to be seen as problems of relationship, not just brain chemistry.(素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
Step by step 第4册 Unit3答案及录音材料

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Tapescript: R----Receptionist S----Steve B----Boush R: Good morning. How can I help you? S: I have an appointment with the personnel director Mr Boush. R: Will you take a seat and I’ll see if he is free yet. S: Thank you. R: Mr LI, Mr Boush will see you now. His office is down the hall to your left. S: Thank you. (Steve introduces himself) S: Mr Boush, I’m Steve Li. B: Well, hello, Mr Li. (Extends his hand----they shake hands.) It’s early and you’ve come a long way just for an interview.
• Tapescripts: • 1. Justin • What do I hope I’ll have achieved by the time I’m 30? Well, I hope I’ll have made a successful career in the music industry. Right now, I play in a band and I’d love to be able to do that professionally. I plan to form a group of my own in a few years. Once we get known, we’ll record an album---and make music videos, of course----and try to break into the music scene in a big way.
step by step 英语听力入门4 Unit 7 答案

Unit 7Part I Warming upA.Tapescript:1. Help the oldThe elderly at home and in the neighborhood, especially those living alone, need your care and support. Show your concern and attend to their needs wherever possible. Your support warms their hearts and brings them hope. If you find any elderly people in need of help, call the Social Welfare Department hot line on 23432255 or contact the nearby Family Services Center.2. Keep Hong Kong cleanHong Kong not only is one of the world's greatest cities, it's also our home. So let's all start taking more pride in its appearance. Let's keep Hong Kong clean.3. For a better societyAt different stages of life, we have different roles to play. As good citizens, we are willing to do our part for a better society.4. Don't litterYou can try walking away from litter, but you can't walk away from a fine. Use the bin or risk a $ 25,000 fine and six months' imprisonment.5. Aids hot lineWe are about to use a 4-letter word. This word can clear a room. This word makes some people sick. This word leaves others in disgust. Some people pretend it doesn't exist. Others wish it would go away. You won't hear it in mixed company. You won't hear it used at home. And you certainly won't hear it in schools. The fact is if more people use this word, less people would be affected by it.6. Equal opportunitiesTrue harmony can only exist when men and women have equal opportunities. Sex discrimination destroys this harmony and is unlawful. Stand up for equal opportunity. The equal opportunities commission hot line: 25118211.7. For your healthWhen traveling abroad, you should take preventive measures against cholera, hepatitis A and other diarrheal diseases. Drink only boiled water or bottled and canned drinks. Avoid eating cut fruits or fruits that are not cleansed. When you take shellfish, make sure they are thoroughly cooked. Always keep an eye on food hygiene. Please stay healthy.B.OutlineI. Violent crimeA. Including robbery, assault, murder, rapeB. Murder rate: twice as high as 30 years agoC. Violent crime rate in general: increased 23% (in the same time period)II. White-collar crimeA. Including embezzlement, bribery, Political corruption, corporate policies that endanger workers and the publicB. White-collar crime rate in general: increasedIII. Solutions:A. Family: through socialization -- leading children to respect themselves, others, and the values of the societyB. Government.1. By helping people to feel that they are part of the society instead of its victims2. By instilling the fear of punishment in those who might become criminalsTapescript:Looking into crime and violence in the United States is likeopening the proverbial can of worms. So many different problems emerge from the can that you sometimes feel the more you know, the less you understand. What is very clear and indisputable, however, is that violent crime has increased greatly in the United States in recent decades. By violent crime, I mean crimes like robbery, assault, murder, and rape. The murder rate is twice as high as 30 years ago, and violent crime in general has increased 23 percent in the same time period. What is also clear is that the general public is afraid -- afraid of becoming victims of violent crime. Statistics are harder to come by for white-collar crime, crimesincluding embezzlement, bribery, political corruption, and corporate policies that endanger workers and the public. But many experts agree that there has been an increase in white-collar crime, too.As for solutions, I think most of us would agree that the family can play a role in reducing crime in the United States: through socialization, which leads children to respect themselves, others, and the values of their society. Moreover, I think society, in the form of government, has a role to play in reducing crime: by helping people to feel that they are part of the society instead of its victims. The government, in the form of the justice system, can also contribute to curbing crime by instilling the fear of punishment in those who might become criminals.Part IIA.1. What are the two aspects mentioned concerning the nature of gambling addicts?--Coming from homes lacking love / looking for wants of family love and parental approval--Unconsciously wanting to lose3. In what ways can gambling addicts hopefully be cured?--By psychiatric treatment--By word therapy--By help from organizations like "Gamblers Anonymous"Tapescript:Compulsive gamblers almost always come from homes lacking (in) love. As a result, the child grows up still looking for the wants of family love and parental approval. Another aspect to the nature of the gambling addict is that unconsciously he wants to lose.Psychiatrists believe that compulsive gamblers consciously may expect to win. However, there's a strong element of self-destruction in an inclination to continue betting until all is lost. One New York psychiatrist believes that basically the compulsive gambler is seeking an answer to the question: Do you love me? By winning, he receives a "yes" answer. However the gambler cannot accept the "yes" he sometimes receives because it is contrary to the reality of his or her unhappy childhood, one lacking (in) family love. The gambler's compelled to continue betting, thus expressing again and again his need for love and acceptance. When gambling addicts do win some money, they rarely spend any of it on their families. Money is like a sacred thing to the addicts. It is reserved for one thing: placing a bet.Fortunately, there's hope and help today for gambling addicts. Psychiatric treatment is one possibility. Word therapy seems to help in some cases. The most readily available and the least expensive help comes from an organization called "Gamblers Anonymous" (GA). GA has more than 90 chapters in the U.S. with about 3,000 gamblers seeking a cure. One basic rule of GA is the gamblers must pay back all their debts, even it takes many years to do so. Thousands of members credit GA with saving them from their addiction, and helping them to build new lives free from the gambling sickness.Happily, today, with more public interest in helping the gambling addict overcome his problem, and with such organizations as the GA, the gambler who wants help to break his addiction, now has some place or some one to turn to.B. SummaryThough in almost all the states in America, parents are held responsible for their kids' misdeeds at schools like destroying ?school property or missing school, only 13 states hold parents criminally liable when their kids commit crimes, such as dealing in drugs, weapons possession and gang banging.More lawmakers are saying parents should be jailed or fined when their kids commit a crime, because the most important influence on the development of a child is the parent. But parenting is not an easy thing. And it gets harder as kids get older. When a child becomes a teenager, parents' involvement with their children under education drops sharply. By 15 to 16 years of age, children are treated as quasi-adults and many of them lead very separate life that parents are not fully informed of.Parental liability laws will not work unless they're part of a much larger effort that includes more helps for parents in raising their children. Experts say what's most needed now is a thorough review of the effectiveness of such laws.Tapescript:In just about every state, parents are held responsible for certain misdeeds of their children, especially for school related, like destroying school property or missing school. But when kids commit crimes whether it's dealing in drugs, weapons possession or gang banging, only 13 states hold parents criminally liable. Now in the wake of the Colorado shootings, more lawmakers are saying parents should be jailed or fined when their kids commit a crime. And there seems to be a certain logic to this trend. The most important influence on the development of a child is the parent.What people really want is good parenting. The question is. Can state legislatures legislate good parenting?"How do you legislate good parenting? And how far should we go with that?"There should be a law that does punish parents for leaving a loaded gun around accessible for children."That's something you can hold me accountable for. But when you tell me I should raise a child in a way.., in a way that that child will not have bad thoughts or be depressed, or not hang around with the wrong kids, you aretrying to legislate something that you know... Parenting is not an easy thing. This is a hard job."And it gets harder as kids get older. Study shows that when a child becomes a teenager, parents' involvement with their children under education drops sharply. This complicates matters with the courts if they are to prove that parents should have known about the child's intentions to commit a crime or stop the child from doing it.By 15 to 16 years of age, children in this country are treated as quasi-adults."We also have young people of that age leading very separate life that parents are not fully informed of. Many of those young people are working. They have a strong peer group affiliation. Perhaps we might have some idealistic view that a law will then force parents to hold daily sessions with their children, ask them what they are doing. I just don't think that's going to work."Parent liability laws will not work unless they're part of a much larger effort that includes more help for parents in raising their children, whether they want it or not."A judge can require a parent to go through psychological testing if the judge sees that there would be some merit not only in helping the child in their situation, but also helping the home situation."According to the National Association of State Legislatures, half a dozen states are expected to take up the issue of parental liability this year. Family law experts say that what's most needed now is a thorough review of the effectiveness of such laws, before more putting in place, because as far, they simply don't seem to be deterring school shootings, let alone bad parenting.Part III Drug therapyA. You are going to hear a report about drug therapy.A1.1. What is the worry put forward by a United Nations drug agency?. Some legal prescription drugs are being taken in worrying quantities in the West.2. What problems are growing in developed countries?In developed countries, the prevalence of anxiety and insomnia and the consumption of sedative hypnotics are growing3. What kind of drugs are often given hastily?Drugs to treat psychological disorders are often given hastily, and without considering the underlying causes of the patients' problem.4. Why is Professor Steven Rose worried? And what is his fear? Advances in biochemistry are being used to mask what children really need -- more discipline or more care. And Prof. Rose is afraid that Western culture is now so wedded to pharmaceutical answers, patients and parents are unwilling to accept that drugs are not the answer to everything.A2.Areas of treatment Supporting examplesOvereatingCarol-- compulsive eater / 115 kilosAdifax-- slimming drug /only as emergency treatment /but prescribed long periodsBadly behaved childrenYoung people -- depressionProzac -- instant relief / frightening dreams/ suicidal feelings / dangers emerge/ long- term effect?ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)Reese-- learning difficulties / lose temper /aggressiveRitalin-- power amphetamine / helpcontrol temper / do better at schoolTapescript.A United Nations drug agency has warned that legal prescription drugs like Viagra, steroids, and diet pills are being taken in worrying quantities in the West. Dan Damon now asks whether people in the industrialized world really are in need of medication for illnesses like depression or whether it's simply becoming easier and more socially acceptable to try and correct mood and behavior through controlled drugs.Generally, we think drug problems are something to do with contraband, and illicit street corner deals. But, the International Narcotics Control Board, which monitors the effectiveness of government measures to control the illegal drugs trade also checks the use of prescription pharmaceuticals. And here too, there are serious problems.In developed countries, the prevalence of anxiety and insomnia and the consumption of sedative hypnotics are growing. The Board notes with concern the frequent long term use, sometimes indefinitely, of psychotropic substances for treating psychological reactions to social pressure, without a diagnosis for a specific disorder.The Narcotics Board's recently published Annual Report for last year is a detailed review of how drugs to treat psychological disorders, including depression, aggressive behavior, and overeating are often given hastily, and without considering the underlying causes of the patients' problems.Carol was a compulsive eater who never felt full. She reached 18 stone, that's more than 115 kilos. She was prescribed the slimming drug Adifax, which used only to be available as an emergency treatment for just a few days, but is now prescribed over long periods.Another controversial area for the use of drug therapy involves badly behaved children. In America, young people suffering from depression are increasingly being given the drug Prozac. For many children, some as young as 7, it provides instant relief from frightening dreams, and suicidal feelings. But, dangers are emerging. The drug works by increasing production in the brain of the chemical serotonin, but we don't know the long-term effect of that, especially in children.And an even more contentious area is what's called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Ten-year-old Reese has been diagnosed with learning difficulties by an educational psychologist. He's also prone to lose his temper quickly, and be aggressive. His parents found a consultant who was willing to try Ritalin, a power amphetamine. Ritalin has helped Reese to control his temper, and he's doing better at school.Professor Steven Rose from Britain's Oakland University is worried that advances in biochemistry are being used to mask what children really need --more discipline or more care. And Professor Rose is afraid that Western culture is now so wedded to pharmaceutical answers, patients and parents are unwilling to accept that drugs are not the answer to everything.B.1. How does the time credit system -- "Time Banking" -- work?Patients are linked together with a time broker who involves them in projects to build up time credits.2. What is the advantage of "Time Banking"?Where money is short, this kind of time credit system can bring people with social problems a lot of benefit.3. What do themes like "Time Banking" remind us of?Themes like that do remind us that chemicals are only part of the answer to social problems, and a well-functioning society must be the background to any therapy. Loneliness, low self-esteem and anger need to be seen as problems of relationship, not just brain chemistry.Tapescript:It's up to doctors to monitor the use of drugs and to be sure they are prescribing them for the right reasons and not to keep patients quiet, but at the same time, we should recognize drugs can make a big difference and not condemn their increased use, either as a plot by pharmaceutical companies, or as a shortcut by busy doctors. That doesn't answer the problem of time. One simple and revolutionary idea has emerged from a doctor in South London."He was really sick and tried of prescribing anti-depressants for people's loneliness and anxiety and he thought there must be a way we can do something better than this; why aren't we prescribing time?"Sarah Burns is from the New Economics Foundation, a reform group based in London. She's been working with that doctor and with a growing number of others to develop what's called "Time Banking." Patients who need more human contact to help them with their difficulties are linked together by a time broker who involves them in projects to build up time credits.Where money is short, as in any state-funded health service, this kind of time credit system can bring people with social problems a lot of benefit.Themes like that do remind us that chemicals are only part of the answer to social problems, and a well-functioning society must be the background to any therapy. Loneliness, low self-esteem and anger need to be seen as problems of relationship, not just brain chemistry.。

1. Most conservationists believe that humans thrive best in ecological health and that the sign of this health is the survival of a diversity of wild animals.史密斯先生出示了大量的证据来表明:在某种程度上,如果我们破坏大自然,那就是毁灭我们自己。
2. Mr. Smith produced abundant evidence to indicate that we, to some extent, diminish ourselves if we diminish nature.西方各国的许多城市已经转换到使用新的可减少污染含量的汽油,我们中国有些城市也已经这样做了。
3. Many cities in Western countries have switched to a new gasoline formula that reduces the pollution content. This is also true of some cities in China.正如英国诗人埃德蒙·斯宾塞在一首诗里描写的那样,大自然不仅是位母亲,而且是位法官,管辖并公正地对待人类和所有生物。
4. As depicted in a poem written by the English poet Edmund Spenser, nature is not onlya mother but a judge, having jurisdiction over and doing justice to all creatures政府的一项调查研究得出的结论是:除了过分拥挤和公共交通很差外,该市面临的最大问题是噪声和污染。