
商务接待英语范文篇一:商务接待英语口语询问访客身份: May I have your name, please? 请问您贵姓? What company are you from? 您是哪个公司的? Could you tell me what company you are representing? 能告诉我您代表什么公司吗?如果碰到了老朋友可以说: What brings you here? 是什么风把你吹来了?询问是否预约,来访目的? Do you have an appointment? 约好了吗?Would you give me your business card? 请给我您的名片好吗? And can I ask what you wish to see him about? 我能问一下您要见他有何事吗?让客人稍候片刻:I’ll see if he is available. 请让我看看上司是否方便。
Would you please have a seat and wait for a few moments. 请您坐下稍等片刻。
给客人倒茶,礼貌待客: Would you like coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee? 你要咖啡还是茶?要什么样的咖啡?(是否加奶或糖) 带客人去见经理: Please have a seat, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith will see you in few minutes. 请坐,琼斯先生和史密斯先生几分钟后就到。
Mr. Chen is expecting you. I’ll tell him that you’re here. 陈先生正在等你。
Would you come this way, please? 请随我这边来。
婉言拒绝客人来访:Mr. Chen is occupied at the moment and wants to know if your business is urgent. 陈先生正忙着,请问您的事情很紧急吗? He may want to get in touch with you in the future. Would you leave your card? 他想以后再和你联系。
接到Cold call 商务英语,外贸英语

接到Cold callNina:你好,请问是Cindy吗?Hello, is that Cindy speaking?Cindy:我是Cindy,请讲!Speaking.Nina:你好Cindy,我是Nina,从德国打来的电话。
Hi, Cindy, this is Nina from Germany. I found your telephone number from the website, and would like to check with you the price for your lawn lamps.Check with sb. for sth. 跟某人确认某事我要跟你们经理确认验货日期。
I have to check with your manager for the inspection date.Cindy:草坪灯?请您告诉我下货号,好吗?Lawn lamp? Could you please advise the article number?Nina:ABC-2365,ABC-2399以及ABC-2386.请同时推荐一些你们在西欧和中欧热卖的款式,我可以跟当地的零售商谈谈。
ABC-2365,ABC-2399&ABC-2386. Please give me some suggestions for your hot-selling models to Western & Central Europe, and I could check with retailer here.Cindy:抱歉,能重复一遍吗?ABC-2365、ABC-2399以及那款?Sorry, I beg your pardon?(pardon?) ABC-2365、ABC-2399 and what?Nina: ABC-2386ABC-2386Cindy:明白。

商务英语口语:外宾接待必备语句1.Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics?对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗.戴卫斯吗?2. Yes, I am. And you must be Mr.Takeshita.是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。
3. Pardon me. Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures?对不起,请问你是从国家装置公司来的雷夫·梅耶史先生吗?4. I'm Dennis. I am here to meet you today.我是丹尼斯,今天我到这里来接你。
5. I'm Donald. We met the last time you visited Taiwan.我是唐纳德,上次你来台湾时我们见过面。
6. I'm Edwin. I'll show you to your hotel.我是爱德温,我带你去旅馆。
7. How was your flight? Was it comfortable?你坐的班机怎么样?还舒服吗?8. It was quite good. But it was awfully long.班机很好,就是时间太长了。
9. Did you have a good flight?你旅途愉快吗?10. Not really, I'm afraid. We were delayed taking off, and we encountered a lot of bad weather.不太好,我们起飞延误了,还遭遇了恶劣的气候。
11. Did you get any sleep on the plane?你在飞机上睡觉了吗?12. Mr.Wagner, do you have a hotel reservation?华格纳先生,你预订过旅馆吗?13. No, I don't. Will it be a problem?不,我没有,会有困难吗?14. I don't think so. I know several convenient hotels. Let me make some calls.我认为没有,我知道有几家便利旅馆,让我打几个电话。

1、ABC Corporation. May I help you?这里是ABC公司,我能帮你什么吗?这句话算是制式的讲法。
一般接起电话的人通常会先报公司的名字 "ABC corporation", 然后再说, "May I help you?" 或是如果要更客气一点的话则能够说 "How can I help you?" (我该怎么帮你?),因为这样的问法表示我'该'怎么帮你,而非我'需不需要'帮你?但基本上 "May I help you?" 跟 "How can I help you?" 都很常见就是了。
不过如果是机器接的电话,则听到的多半是这样, "Thanks for calling ABC corporation, if you know your party's last nameor extension, press 1. If you want to receive information or publication, press 2. If you want to talk to the operator, press the pound sign or remain on the line." (感谢你打电话到ABC 来,如果你知道你要找的人的姓或是分机号码,请按1, 如果是想要本公司的简介或出版品,请按2, 如果是要找总机,请按#, 或是请别挂断。
2、 And you are?请问您是?如果人家打电话来是要找你的上司, "May I talk to your manager?" (我能不能跟你们经理讲话?)这时你总不能糊里糊涂地就把电话拿给经理说,说不定人家是打电话来跟你经理勒索一百万的呢!所以通常我们一定要先确定打电话来的是谁。

商务英语对话:与老外打电话完整对话(一)A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary SPeaking. 隐四通公司,您好,我是Mary。
B: Hello, I ' d like to SPeak to Mr. HUnter, please.你好,我想找HUnter 先生。
A: May I ask who is calli ng, please? 请问您是哪位?B: My name is Herbert Wood of IBM COmPUter Company. 我是IBM 电脑公司的HerbertWood.A: Tha nk you, Mr. Wood. One mome nt, PIeaSe …(in to PBX) Mr. HUn ter, Mr. Wood of IBM COmPUterCompany is On the line. 谢谢,Wood 先生,请稍等。
(打内线电话) HUnter 先生,IBM电脑公司的Wood先生找您。
C: Can you find out What he Wa nts? 你可以问他有什么事吗?A: Yes, Mr. HUnter. (to caller) I ' m sorry to have kept you Waiting, Mr. Wood. Mr. HUnter is rather busy rightnow and would like to know What you WiSh to SPeak to him about.好的,HUnter先生。
B: Yes, I Want to buy some COmPUter SOftWare and talk about develop ing some other software. I don ' t knowWhether he is interested in that or not? 是的,我想买一些计算机软件,另外再谈一谈开发一些其它的软件。
The Business Phone Call 商务英语电话

美森教育:BEC职场必胜The Business Phone Call 商务英语电话LESSON 课文The Business Phone Call 商务电话It is of the utmost importance to answer the phone in a professional manner. Every time you answer the phone at work, you are representing the entire company. So make a good impression. Below are some tips on telephone English.以一种职业化的态度和方式接听商务电话在职场上是非常重要的。
Opening line:Each company will have its own, unique opening line. Find out what it is and practice it until you remember it perfectly. Examples:1) Hello, Mr. Big's office, how may I help you? (This is only Mr. Big's secretary)2) Hello, IBM, Alice speaking, how may I direct your call? (Alice is the secretary for many people)3) Hello, IBM, sale's department, how can I help you? (This lets the caller know your department)4) Hello, IBM, what can I do for you? (General answer)公开电话线:每个公司都有自己的独特的公开电话线。

致电找人时,假设知道分机号,你可以直接要求对方转接:may i speak to jack, extension six-five-two?(我可以找652分机的杰克吗?)o如果不了解分机号,也可以直接讲明对方的部门和姓名,由接线员代为转接;could/would you put me through to mr.baker in the planning department?(请帮助转企划部的贝克先生好吗?)a:good moming! nw pany, what can i do for you?早上好,nw公司,我能为您效劳吗?b:would you put me through to mr. baker?请帮助转接贝克先生。
a:sorry, there are two people here named mr. baker. what extension did you want?我们这有两位贝克先生。
你要几号分机?extension 分机b:the extension is 243.分机是243。
a:ok. let me put you through.好的,我给您接通。
b:thank you.谢谢。
a:he is on the line. go ahead, please.他已接,请说。
connect me with business office, please.请给我接营业部好吗?please put me through to ext. 623./could you get me ext.623, please?请接623分机。
i'm redirecting your call./i'm transferring your call.我给您接通。

商务英语之电话用语商务英语之电话用语导语:手机成为你我日常生活、工作的必须品,下面是商务英语之电话用语,一起来学习下吧:情况 (一) 打电话的人找的是你自己A:Is Daisy there? (Daisy 在吗?)B:This is she. 我就是。
(注: 男的用 "This is he.")A:You’re speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。
(注: 男的用"You’re speaking/talking to him.")情况 (二) 打电话的人要找的人不在A:May I speak to Mr. Gates? (请问 Gates 先生在吗?)B:He’s not here right now. 他现在不在这里。
/ He’s out. 他出去了。
/ He’s in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。
/ You’ve just mis sed him. 你刚好错过他了。
/ He’s just stepped out. 他刚好出去了。
情况 (三) 打电话的人要找的人不在, 问对方是否要留言A:Can I talk to Mark? (我可以跟 Mark 讲话吗?)B:He’s out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了, 你要留言吗? / He’s not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以帮你传话吗?情况 (四) 打电话的人问他要找的人何时回来A:Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗?B:I’m sorry. I don’t know. 抱歉, 我不知道。
/ I have no idea. 我不知道。

30.I'm sorry to keep you waiting,but we are
still trying to locate him,would you hold the line,please.对不起,使你久等了,但是我们仍
1.This is Mr.Chen speaking,Tai_Feng,Trading Company.我是台丰贸易公司的陈先生。
2.This is Tai_Feng Trading Company,Mr.Chen speaking.这是台丰贸易
公司陈先生。 3.Yes,Sir,May I help you?是的,先生,我可以
9.I would like to talk with someone in charge.我想请你们负责人讲话。
10.I would like to talk to your chief.我想请你 的主管讲话。
11.When is he expected to be back?他什么 时候会回来?
19.He is attending a conference now.他现 在正在开会。
20.He is in conference.他在开会。 21.He has gone home.他已经回家去了。
22.He has left already.他已经走了。 23.May I take your message?要不要留话? 24.May I have him call you back?我叫他回
在找他,请你不要把电话挂断。 31.Is this Tai_Yuan Trading Company?是不是
商务英语Making phone calls实用技巧

Unit 1 Making Phone CallsPart I. Sample Dialogue示范对话ONEA:International Trading Company. Good morning. Can I help you? 这是国际贸易公司。
您找谁?B:Can I speak to someone in Sales department, please?请接销售部。
A:Please hold the line. I’m sorry, the line is engaged. Will you hold? 请稍等。
您要等一会儿吗?B:Yes, I’ll hold on. 好的。
(A few minutes later.)A:The number is ringing for you now. 您的电话接通了。
B:Thank you for your help. 谢谢您。
C:Sales Department. Maria Burns is speaking. What can I do for you?销售部。
有什么事可以帮忙吗?B:This is Bob Liang from Zhejiang Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation in Hang Zhou, China. I’m very interested in your cutting tools.Do you have branch offices in China?我是中国杭州浙江轻工业品进出口公司的鲍伯梁。
不知你们在中国有分公司吗?C:We don’t have a branch office in Hangzhou, but I can ask our sale representative in Shanghai to visit you.我们在杭州没有分公司,但是我可以让我们上海的销售代表去拜访你们。

May I have your name,please?请问你的姓名?
I can't hear you very well.Please speak a little louder.我听不清你讲的话,请大声一点。 Please speak a little more slowly.请说慢一点。 May I have your name again,please.再次请
I'm sorry,he's on the plone at the monent.抱 歉,他正在接电话。
I'm sorry,his line is busy at the moment.对不 起,他正在打电话。
I'm sorry,he's gone home for the day.抱歉, 他回家了。
I'm sorry,he's out of town for a few days.对不 起,他出城几天。
I'm sorry,he has someone with him right now.
I'm sorry,he has a visitor right now.抱歉,他 现在有客人。
I'm sorry,he has someone in his office right now.对不起,现在有客人在他办公室。
I'm sorry,he's not available at the moment. 对不起,他此刻没空。
I'm sorry,he can't come to the phone at the moment.对不起,他此刻无法接电话。

商务电话:接通电话Michelle: Hello, you've reached the marketing department. How can I help?你好,这里是市场部,有什么能帮您?Male: Yes can I speak to Rosalind Wilson, please?是的,我找Rosalind Wilson。
Michelle: Who’s calling please?请问,你是谁?Male: It’sRichard Davies here我是Rosalind Wilson。
Michelle: Certainly. Please hold and I’ll put you through.好的,等一下,我帮你接过去。
Male: Thank you.谢谢!Michelle: Hello, marketing. How can I help?你好,市场部,有什么能帮您?Male: Could I speak to Jason Roberts please?我要找Jason Roberts。
Michelle: Certainly. Who shall I say is calling?好的,请问你是谁?Male: My name’sMike Andrews.我是Mike Andrews。
Michelle: Just a second - I’ll see if he’s in. Hello, Jason, I’ve got Mike Andrews on the phone for you ... OK - I’ll put him through.Hang on a moment, I’m just putting you through.等等。
Jason,Mike Andrews来电找你。

商务英语电话的用语英:● (Receptionist/Assistant))? (Caller)Guidelines for external calls to the company receptionist● Use a positive salutation.(example: Good morning,)● Identify your company and yourself.(example: ABC Incorporated, Marie speaking.)● Give a standard offer of service.(example: May I help you?)? Wait for the caller to identify herself/himself and to stateher/his purpose.(example: Hi, this is Sarah. I’d like to talk to Mr. Long)● Give an appropriate response.(example: Just a moment, please. I’ll transfer your call)Guidelines for external calls to an administrative assistant● Use a positive salutation.(example: Good morning,)● Identify your superior and yourself.(example: Mr. Long’s office, Helen speaking.)? Wait for the caller to identify herself/himself and to stateher/his purpose.(example: Good morning, Helen. This is Sarah. Can Ispeak to Mr. Long, he’s expecting my call?)● Give an appropriate response.(example: Just a moment, please, while I put youthrough.)Guidelines for internal calls to a departmental secretary/receptionist● Use a positive salutation.(example: Good morning,)● Identify your department and yourself.(example: Marketing Dept. This is Lucy.)? Wait for the caller to identify herself/himself and to stateher/his purpose.(example: Hi, Lucy. How are you doing? Is Jack around?)● Give an appropriate response.(example: Sorry, he just stepped out.)? Possible return response.(example: OK, I’ll call back later.)中:● (接待员/助手)? (打电话者)公司接待员接听外部电话的原则●用积极的问候语。

1.Call me back please 请给我回电话
A:Could you have her call me back, please?
B:No problem. I will let her know.
2. Collect call 对方付费电话
A: I need to make a collect call.
B: Just one second, I will connect you.
3.Could you call back later? 您能过会给我打电话吗?
A: I'm in the middle of something. Could you call back later?
B: Sure. I will call you this afternoon.
4.Get the phone 接电话
A: I'm busy, can someone get the phone? B: Okay. I got it.
5.Give me a call 给我打个电话
A: If you need anything, give me a call. B: Thanks a lot.

商务英语口语:53句外宾接待必备语句1. Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics?对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗.戴卫斯吗?2. Yes, I am. And you must be Mr.Takeshita.是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。
3. Pardon me. Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures?对不起,请问你是从国家装置公司来的雷夫·梅耶史先生吗?4. I'm Dennis. I am here to meet you today.我是丹尼斯,今天我到这里来接你。
5. I'm Donald. We met the last time you visited Taiwan.我是唐纳德,上次你来台湾时我们见过面。
6. I'm Edwin. I'll show you to your hotel.我是爱德温,我带你去旅馆。
7. How was your flight? Was it comfortable?你坐的班机怎么样?还舒服吗?8. It was quite good. But it was awfully long.班机很好,就是时间太长了。
9. Did you have a good flight?你旅途愉快吗?10. Not really, I'm afraid. We were delayed taking off, and we encountered a lot of badweather.不太好,我们起飞延误了,还遭遇了恶劣的气候。
11. Did you get any sleep on the plane?你在飞机上睡觉了吗?12. Mr.Wagner, do you have a hotel reservation?华格纳先生,你预订过旅馆吗?13. No, I don't. Will it be a problem?不,我没有,会有困难吗?14. I don't think so. I know several convenient hotels. Let me make some calls. 我认为没有,我知道有几家便利旅馆,让我打几个电话。

(龙饮西湖) 电话:入门句型句型1 ● 找人/询问身份CALLER:我要找…很客气May I speak to Alex Chambers?I'd like to talk to Ms. Terri Davis.客气Marshall Alan, please.Please put me through to Ms. Davis. Please connect me to Alen Ross.口语Is Ralph Thompson in?Can you give me Rosalyn Davis? RECEIVER:您要找哪一位?客气With whom do you wish to speak? Who would you like to speak to? 口语Who are you calling?Who are you looking for? RECEIVER:请问您是哪一位?很客气May I ask who is calling, please? May I have your name, please?客气Who's calling, please?Who's speaking, please?口语Who is it, please?Is this Janet Johnson?句型2● 表达身份/请稍候CALLER:我是…This is...This is Randy Joans of the Posiedon company. I'm calling from Northern Exposure. RECEIVER:我就是客气This is she / he.This is John Ross.口语Speaking. RECEIVER:这里是…很客气This is the Davis' residence.Hebron Company. May I help you? RECEIVER:请稍候很客气Would you hold the line, please?Could you wait for just one moment, please? 客气Just a moment, please.One moment, please.口语Just a minute.Just a second.Hold on.句型3● 不能接听的原因RECEIVER:她外出不在She is not in (out).She is away from her desk (not at her desk). She is out for lunch.She is out for the rest of the day.She has left already.She hasn't come in yet.She's just stepped out.RECEIVER:请假/休假/离职She is on vacation.She is off today.She taking this week off.She is on sick leave today.She is away on a business trip.She is not with us any longer. RECEIVER:正忙着,无法接电话She is tied up (busy) at the moment.She can't come to the phone right now. She has a visitor at the moment.She is with someone right now.She is in a meeting right now. RECEIVER:电话中She is talking on another phone right now. She is on another line right now.She is on the phone at the moment.Her line is busy right now.龙饮西湖) 入门句型2.句型4● 留话/回复电话CALLER:我要留话May I leave a message?Could you take a message for me?Please tell him I called.Could you write it down?CALLER:请某人回电Could you ask him to call me back?Would you please tell him to return my call?Please ask him to call me as soon as possible.This is an emergency. Please tell him as soon as possible. CALLER:抱歉,你打来时我不在I'm sorry I missed your call this morning.I'm sorry I was not in when you called me this morning.I'm sorry you missed me when you called earlier today. CALLER:回复您稍早来电客气I'm returning your call from this morning.I was just informed you tried to reach me this morning.This is Russ Davis, I'm returning your call from this morning.口语I heard you called me.I just got the message you were trying to get me this morning.I just got the message you left (for) me earlier.This is John Ross; I'm glad you called me earlier.句型5● 转接给代理人CALLER:有人可以代理吗?客气Can anyone else here help me with this?Could I speak to someone else about this?May I speak to someone else in charge of...?RECEIVER:由某人代听客气Would you like to speak to someone else?Would you like to speak to someone else in the same department? John Roberts can take the call for her.Can Mr. Roberts help you with this?I think Mr. Roberts can help you with this?Would you care to speak with Mr. Roberts instead?Let me transfer your call to John Roberts. One moment, please. I'll get John on the phone. Hold on, please.句型6● 如何连络上某人CALLER:怎样才能…客气Could you tell me where to reach him?Do you have any idea where he is now?Can you tell me how to get hold of him?CALLER:可否告知…电话号码?客气May I have his number there?Could you give me his home number?RECEIVER:打…可找到他客气Try calling 555-1234. He should be there.Would you like to call the hospital? He's over there.He's in another office. Could you call him there?He's supposed to be in our upper office. Let me put you through.口语He's in the other building. The number is 555-4321.句型7● 何时回来/感谢来电CALLER:他何时回来?/会回来吗?Could you tell me when he'll come back?When is he expected back?Do you know when he will be available?Do you have any idea when the meeting will be over?Will he be back today?Will he return to the office later?RECEIVER:请再打来/可能会在…回来Would you mind calling back around noon?I think he will be back by 4 o'clock.You should be able to catch him in the morning.He's expected back (at) any moment.He was planning to come back this evening.I'm not sure, but he's supposed to get back sometime in the afternoon.RECEIVER:谢谢您的来电很客气Thanks for calling.Thank you for phoning.客气Thanks for taking the time to call.口语Thanks for calling me up.Thanks for getting in touch.Thanks for giving me a call.(龙饮西湖) 留话Leaving a Message本单元学习重点:找某人听电话、表示某人不在、表示要留话、留下自己的联络处、询问如何拼对方的名字A: This is Deng, Robert Deng from Taiwan. I'd like to speak with your Director. B: Mr. Jones is not in right now. May I take a message?A: Yes. Could you ask him to call me at the Hilton Hotel, Room No. 579?B: Certainly, Mr. Deng. Hilton Hotel, Room 579?A: That's right. Thank you.A: 我姓邓,台湾的Robert邓。

. Gordon. I was referred to you by Mr 、1先生介绍我来的。
Gordon 我是最好能先打电话到别人公司如果是有求于人的话,例如要去应征啦或是推销东西啦,"I was referred to you 就是我是某某人介绍来的,例如最常用的招数,攀点关系啦!(注意,by someone." 如果你还有呢?)introduce. 而不是用refer 介绍在这里用"I got your number from a 则最好也是开宗明义地说,今天拿到了该公司的折价卷,(我是根据你们折价卷上的which says your product is 50% off today." ,coupon总之呢?这样子让他想赖都赖不掉。
表明自已是怎么搭上这条线的,I‘m calling to check my order status.、2我打电话来查看我订单的状况。
常拉拉杂杂讲了一堆才能表达我这个用法,check order status 以前我因为不知道例如我可能会说,的意思。
if check you Can yesterday. something ordered "I 同样的情后来我暗中观察,这句话听起来是不是蛮笨的?you‘ve shipped it or not.""I want to 或是"I want to check my order status." 况原来老美居然都简简单单地说真是太神奇了。
就能完整地表达这句话的意思,track my order status."这让我想到有一次在机场也是,那班飞我想问柜台小姐我的朋友倒底坐哪一班飞机,柜台小姐居然只回当我好不容易讲完这么长一串时,他大概几点会到,机有没有慢分,原来我只要用差点没昏到," ?statuspassenger check wanna "You 了我一句,就行了喔?check passenger status3 . -1100 color printerI‘d like to p lace an order for a DL、彩色印表机的订单。

W: Wen Na, secretaryL: Lin WeiB: Mr. Peter Brown, a foreign dealer (国外经销商) from New York.W: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Peter Brown from New York?对不起,你是纽约的彼得·布朗先生吗?是的,我是彼得·布朗。
W: I’m Wen Na from CEC. I’m here to meet you (我是来接您的). May I introduce Mr. Lin Wei? He’s the head of our company.我是中国电子仪器公司的温娜。
L: You are welcome. Did you have a nice flight?不客气。
L: There is a limo outside in the parking lot. We will take you to the hotel first.外面停车场有一辆豪华轿车。
W: Let me carry your suitcase for you.让我帮你提箱子。
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Can you put Daisy back on? I forgot to tell her something. 你能否请Daisy再来听电话呢?我忘了跟她讲一件事。
Sure. Ill go get her. 当然!我这就去叫她。
Is Brandon there? Brandon 在吗?
Yes, he is. One moment, please. 他在。
Hold, please. 请稍等。
Hold on, please. 请稍等。
Let me see if hes here. Hang on. OK?我看看他在不在。
Can I speak to Alexander Walker?我能够和 Alexander Walker 说话吗?Alexander Walker? Im sorry, but theres nobody here by this name. Alexander Walker?抱愧,这里没这自个。
Im sorry. Im afraid youve got the wrong number. 抱愧,恐怕你打错电话了。
What number did you dial?你打几号?
When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206) 5551212?他回来后,能不能让他打(206) 5551212 这个号码给我?
Can you repeat again, please?能不能请你再重复一次?
(Say) Again, please?再说一次好吗?
Come again, please?再说一次好吗?
Im sorry?抱愧。
Is Daisy there?(Daisy 在吗?)
This is she. 我即是。
(注:男的用 This is he.)
Youre speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。
(注:男的用You‘re speaking/talking to him.)
This is Daisy. 我即是 Daisy.
Thats me. 我即是。