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Writing a Subheading-Style Essay.
To write an effective subheading-style essay, follow these steps:
1. Understand the Prompt: Determine the specific topic and thesis that you need to address.
2. Outline Your Essay: Create a structured outline
that includes a clear introduction, body paragraphs with subheadings, and a conclusion.
3. Write a Clear Introduction: Begin with a hook to engage the reader and provide context for the essay.
4. Craft Subheadings for Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should address a specific aspect of the prompt
and have a clear subheading that reflects its content.
5. Develop Strong Topic Sentences: The first sentence of each body paragraph should summarize the main idea of the paragraph and connect it to the overall thesis.
6. Provide Supporting Evidence: Use specific evidence, examples, and analysis to support your claims within each paragraph.
7. Write a Cohesive Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your essay, restate your thesis, and provide a concluding thought.

1. 理解提示,确定需要解决的具体主题和论点。

2. 概述论文,创建一个结构良好的概述,包括一个明确的引言、带有小标题的主体段落和一个结论。

3. 写一个清晰的引言,从一个引子开始,吸引读者并为论文提供背景。

4. 为主体段落制作小标题,每个主体段落都应该解决提示的一个特定方面,并有一个清晰的小标题来反映其内容。

5. 发展强有力的主题句,每个主体段落的第一个句子都应该总结段落的主要思想并将其与整体论点联系起来。

6. 提供支持证据,在每个段落中使用具体的证据、例子和分析来支持你的观点。

7. 写一个有凝聚力的结论,总结你论文的要点,重申你的论点,并提供一个结论性想法。
