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My First Year at University
Wow, university is soooo different than elementary school! Let me tell you all about it. I just finished my first year and it was really really fun and exciting, but also very tiring and difficult at times.
The first big change is that I don't live at home with my parents anymore. I live in the dorms on campus and have my own teensy little room. It's just one room with a bed, a desk, and a mini fridge. The room is so small that I can't even do cartwheels, which I love doing! But that's okay because I have lots of other places to go on campus.
I share a bathroom down the hall with all the other students on my floor. That was pretty weird at first, having to bring my shampoo and towel down the hall to take a shower. Sometimes I forget things and have to run back to my room in just a towel - how embarrassing! The bathrooms are pretty gross too with hair
and water everywhere. My mom would never let our bathroom at home get that messy.
The dining halls are awesome though! They have sooooo many choices - pizza, burgers, salads, ice cream, you name it. The desserts are my favorite. I probably eat way too many cookies haha. One time I had a huge ice cream sundae loaded with all the toppings and it made me sick. I had to run all the way across campus back to my dorm room. Not fun!
Speaking of running, I have to do a lot more walking at university. The campus is huge! And all the buildings are sooo far apart. My classes are scattered everywhere - the English building here, the math building over there. I'm always running late because I can't find anything. My footsteps tracker says I walk over 10,000 steps a day! No wonder I'm so tired at night.
The classes themselves are really interesting though. They're nothing like elementary school. The professors just stand at the front and talk and talk for hourssss. You have to take tons of notes or else you'll never remember anything. No more fun activities or games. Just lectures and lots of homework and reading every night.
My favorite classes are the science ones with all the experiments. Last semester I got to dissect a frog! It was so gross
looking at all its guts and organs, but fascinating too. I want to be a scientist when I grow up, maybe a marine biologist so I can study cool sea creatures. Or maybe a chemist and create new crazy inventions.
I've made so many new friends at university too. My roommate is really nice and we've become best buds. She's from halfway across the country so it's fun learning about her home and culture. We go everywhere together - to classes, the dining hall, football games, parties. Oh man, the parties here are insane! Loud music, drinking games, dancing like maniacs until all hours of the night. My parents would kill me if they saw! But we have a blast.
Getting involved on campus is really important too. I joined this club called the Raccoon Lovers Society (we have a TON of raccoons running around campus). We have meetups every week to watch the raccoons dig through the trash cans and play in the trees. We're trying to get the school to install more
raccoon-proof trash cans to keep the areas clean. Raccoons may look cute but they make a huge mess!
University has been an amazing experience so far. Sure, it's a ton of work and my classes are much harder than elementary school. But I'm finally getting treated like a grown-up and being
challenged. I've learned so much about the world, made incredible new friends, and gotten so much more independent and responsible.
Still, there are times when I really really miss home. Like when I'm stressed out about a huge exam or just feeling sad and homesick. That's when I'll call my parents or have them come visit for a weekend. We'll go out for my favorite meal or they'll just listen while I vent about my problems. Parents may be super embarrassing sometimes, but you gotta love 'em!
I still have three more years to go, but I'm excited for what's to come. Maybe I'll even study abroad in another country for a semester. How cool would that be?! University isn't all fun and games though. It's a huuuuuge transition from being a kid. You have to learn to manage your own time, stay focused and motivated, make smart choices, and not get too distracted by all the freedom and temptations.
But I'm doing my best and working super hard. I know it will all pay off when I get that degree and an awesome job afterwards. Who knows, maybe I'll become a world-famous scientist and make the front cover of National Geographic magazine! A kid can dream, right? Well, wish me luck as I head into my second year. It's going to be EPIC!
My Awesome First Year at University!
Hi Mom and Dad! I'm writing to tell you all about my first year at university. It's been the best! I've learned so many new things and made lots of new friends. Get ready for a long letter because I have a ton to share!
When I first got to campus, I was a little nervous. Everything was so big and there were people everywhere! But you don't need to worry, I found my way around pretty quickly. The nice students in my dorm helped show me where all the important places were - the dining hall, library, student center, and my classrooms.
Speaking of my dorm, it's been really fun living there! I have my own teeny tiny room all to myself. Well, I do have a roommate named Jack, but he's really cool. We get along great. At first it was a little weird sharing a room and bathroom with someone else. But now we're like brothers! We stay up late chatting, watching movies, and eating too many snacks. Don't tell Mom, but we maybe go a little overboard on the junk food.
My classes have been amazing so far! I'm taking some general basics like English, math, and science. But I also get to
take more exciting courses like Theatre and Beginning Spanish. My favorite is definitely the Spanish class - I'm learning so fast! By the end of the year, I'll be able to order tacos like a pro. My least favorite is math. Those problem sets are no joke! I probably spend more time on math homework than anything else.
I've joined a few clubs too to make more friends. I'm in the Drama Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, and I just started playing intramural soccer. Drama has been incredible - I even had a small role in our production of A Midsummer Night's Dream! For Outdoor Adventure, we go hiking, rock climbing, and camping pretty often which is a blast. And soccer has been a great way to stay active and meet athletes from all over campus.
The best part about university so far has definitely been all the activities and events. It feels like there's always something fun happening! In just the first semester, I went to a comedy show, music festival, basketball games, art exhibits, and more. My favorite was probably the big homecoming party they throw each fall. I've also discovered my new loves - dancing and boxedining! Those zumba classes are no joke. And boxedining is this awesome combination of boxing and dine-in theater. Who knew exercise could be so entertaining?
Of course, it hasn't been all fun and games. College is way harder than high school academics-wise. I've had to learn how to manage my time way better to get all my work done. And freshman year is full of big transitions - being on your own, making new friends, figuring out your interests. Some days have been really tough and stressful. But overall, it's been an incredible growing experience so far. I feel like a way more independent and responsible person already.
Mom and Dad, I can't wait for you to visit campus soon! You have to see my dorm, meet my friends, and try the dining hall chicken nuggets (they're amazing). I'll give you the full tour and show you all my favorite spots. Just let me know when you want to come and I'll clear my busy social calendar.
I better get going for now - I have a psych study group to get to. But I miss you both so much! University is awesome, but I can't wait to be home for summer and see you again. Tell Grandma and Grandpa I say hi!
Your College Kid
My Big Adventure at College!
Hi Mom and Dad! I'm writing to tell you all about my first year at college. It's been such an exciting adventure! I can't believe how much I've learned and experienced already.
When I first got to campus, everything seemed so huge and scary. The buildings were like giant castles towering over me. And there were so many people around - way more than at my elementary school back home. I felt like a tiny little fish in a great big ocean. But don't worry, I made some wonderful new friends right away who helped me feel at home.
My roommate Jeremy is really cool. At first I was nervous about sharing a tiny room with someone I didn't know. But Jeremy is super nice and we have a lot of fun together. We stay up late watching movies, playing video games, and cracking silly jokes that make us laugh until our bellies hurt. Jeremy is really smart too and he helps me with my homework when I get stuck.
I've joined lots of fun clubs and activities on campus. There's everything you can imagine - art, music, sports, you name it! I'm doing intramural soccer which means I play on a team with my friends against other student teams. We're not very good yet but we have a blast running around and kicking the ball. I also joined the outdoor adventure club and we go on really neat hiking and
camping trips. My favorite was when we climbed up a mountain and saw the entire city skyline - it took my breath away!
Of course, classes themselves are quite a challenge compared to elementary school. My professors expect me to read thick textbooks, write long research papers, and study hard for major exams. It's a lot of work but I'm giving it my best effort. I've even had to pull a few all-nighters fueled by pizza and energy drinks to get everything done on time. My favorite class so far has been biology where we get to look at crazy critters under the microscope. I think I might want to be a scientist when I grow up!
One of the biggest adjustments has been learning to manage my time and stay organized. Between classes, studying, activities, and hanging out with friends, my days are absolutely packed from morning until night. I have to be really careful to plan ahead and make a schedule so I don't fall behind. Sometimes it's tempting to slack off and play video games, but I know you're both counting on me to keep up my grades.
Living on my own has been an adventure too. Doing laundry, cleaning my room, and learning to cook simple meals like ramen noodles and mac 'n cheese has made me really appreciate all you guys did to take care of me back home. This place can get a little
messy sometimes...I may need to work on those housekeeping skills! At least I'm getting excellent at sleeping in and taking naps between all my crazy activities.
Even though it's been a huge transition, I'm having an incredible time at college so far. I've grown so much as a person, becoming more independent, responsible, and confident in just one year. I've made wonderful friends from all over who've taught me about their diverse cultures and backgrounds. My mind has been opened to so many new ideas and ways of seeing the world.
Sometimes I do get a little homesick though and miss my family, friends, my bedroom, and Mom's amazing cooking. Thanksgiving break when I came home was wonderful - I ate so much delicious turkey and pumpkin pie! It was great to see all my old friends from elementary school too and catch up on how things have changed.
Well, I better get going for now. I have a big biology test tomorrow to study for. Thanks for supporting me and making this opportunity possible. I'm lucky to have such loving parents who want the best for me. I'll be sure to call soon and tell you more college stories. This has been one wild ride so far with so many more adventures still to come!
Your College Kid
My First Year at University: An Exciting Adventure!
Hi Mom and Dad! I'm writing to tell you all about my super fun first year at university. Get ready for an awesome story!
Moving to Campus
After you helped me pack up my stuffed animals and favorite snacks, it was time to move into my dorm room. I was a little nervous, but also really excited! The campus is so big, with lots of tall buildings and wide open spaces to run around.
My roommate Chris seems really cool. He's from a place called New Zealand and has a funny accent. Chris taught me some weird words they use over there like "jandals" for flip-flops. Our room isn't huge, but we have our own bathroom which is nice. The beds are pretty small though - not much space for my stuffed animal collection!
On the first night, there was a special event called "orientation" where we got to meet all the other new students. We played games, ate pizza, and learned some fun school cheers.
I made a few new friends already! Sarah loves comics like me, and Jacob's favorite superhero is also Spider-Man.
Classes and Studying
My classes started a couple days later, and let me tell you, university is nothing like elementary school! Instead of having just one teacher, I have a different professor for each subject. The classrooms are huge, filled with hundreds of students. Thank goodness I brought my favorite Spider-Man notebook to take notes.
I'm taking some interesting classes like Introduction to Psychology, where I'm learning about how the human mind works. In my English Composition class, we're learning how to write super long essays (bor-ing!). I actually really like my math class, Contemporary Mathematics. The professor uses fun examples involving ice cream scoops to teach us about statistics.
Studying for exams is pretty tough. I have to read lots of thick textbooks and review my notes over and over. No more just glancing at a worksheet the night before! I've joined a study group with some other students, and we help each other review the material. Quizzing each other with flashcards makes prepping for tests a bit more fun.
Campus Life
Enough about classes, let me tell you about the best parts of university life! There's always something exciting happening on campus. Every few weeks, there's a concert, comedy show, or student plays that we can attend. My favorite event so far was the English Department's Renaissance Fair. I got to watch a awesome jousting tournament and eat a humongous turkey leg!
There are also over 300 student clubs to join. I've become a member of the Comics Illustration Club, where we learn how to draw our own comic book characters. The Outdoors Adventure Club goes on fun hiking and camping trips. I'd really like to go on one of their trips next semester after I get my homesickness under control.
For food, there's a gigantic dining hall that serves
all-you-can-eat meals. They have cool theme nights like an ice cream sundae bar or make-your-own taco night. My favorite dishes are the gooey mac and cheese and the chocolate chip pancakes for brunch. I probably eat a few too many chicken nuggets, but c'mon, who can resist those?
I live just a couple buildings away from the main gym and sports facilities. In my free time, I've been taking beginner's swim lessons to learn the butterfly stroke. I can't wait until it gets
warmer to check out the soccer fields, tennis courts, and hiking trails around campus.
Well parents, that's a small glimpse into my very first year at university.It's been an amazing adventure so far, filled with fun experiences, new friends, and lots of learning. I really miss you guys, but I'm having such a great time. Thanks for encouraging me to attend college - I'm so glad I didn't miss out on this!
I'll be home for spring break soon to visit. Can't wait to see you and tell you even more stories! Maybe we can have pancakes like they serve in the dining hall? Love you!
Your College Student,
[Your Name]
My First Year at University
Hi Mom and Dad! I'm writing to tell you all about my first year at university. It's been such an exciting adventure! I've learned so many new things and made lots of new friends. Let me start from the very beginning...
Moving to College
After you dropped me off at my dorm room, I was feeling a little bit scared but also really excited. My roommate Jessica seems really nice. She's from a small town just like us, so we have that in common. Our room isn't too big but it's cozy. We have two small beds, two desks to study at, and two closets to put our clothes and other stuff.
At first it felt weird being away from home without you two around. But after settling in for a couple days, it started to feel like my new home! I decorated my side with the fairy lights you gave me and put up the family photos. That helped make it feel more homey.
My Dorm and Campus
My dorm is called Bradford Hall and it's right near the center of campus, which is awesome. The campus is SO big, like a tiny city! There are lots of academic buildings where classes happen, called things like "Smith Hall" and "Biology Wing." There are grassy quads and courtyards to hang out. And there are cafeterias, coffee shops, gyms, and something called the "student union" which has places to eat, study, and socialize.
At first the campus felt like a maze, but I've been exploring and finding my way around. I use my campus map on my phone to help figure out where I'm going. My favorite spot is the old
oak tree near the library where I can sit and read or just enjoy the fresh air.
My Classes
I'm taking five classes this semester - English, Calculus, Biology, Spanish, and an introductory Computer Science class. Calculus is definitely the hardest! I spend a lot of late nights in the library trying to figure out all the complicated formulas and theories. My Computer Science class is really interesting though. I'm learning how to code and it's like puzzles, which I love.
My classes aren't just lectures like they were in high school. We have smaller discussion sections where we debate topics and work on projects. It's a lot more interactive. I've already had to give two presentations in front of my classes, which was pretty nerve-wracking at first! But I'm getting more comfortable with public speaking.
I also have tons of reading to do for each class - chapters from textbooks, articles, short stories, and more. There's way more work than high school but it's all really fascinating and stretching my brain.
Campus Life
Aside from classes, there's SO much to get involved with on campus. I joined the Harry Potter Club (we debate what Hogwarts house we'd be sorted into and have movie marathons!). I'm also taking hip hop dance classes at the gym a couple times a week, which is a nice way to stay active.
There always seem to be events and activities happening, like outdoor concerts, poetry slams, sports games, and more. Just walking around campus, you'll stumble upon impromptu acapella performances, activist demonstrations, street performers, and more. It's such a lively, vibrant atmosphere!
I try to experience as much of the campus life as I can. I've already made so many new friends from joining clubs, living in the dorm, and just striking up conversations. People here are from all over the place with such diverse backgrounds and perspectives. It's been really eye-opening.
The Dining Halls
Okay, let's talk about the food situation... The dining halls are decent but I still miss your home cooking! There's a lot of variety with different stations for pizza, burgers, a salad bar, global cuisine, and more. Some days it's good, other days it's just alright. My favorites are taco night and when they have the
make-your-own pasta bar.
The desserts are addictive though – they always have fresh baked cookies, cakes, ice cream, and more. I may or may not have eaten one too many brownies some nights while cramming for exams! At least I'm getting a ton of exercise by walking everywhere on campus.
Handling It All
Of course, college life isn't all fun and games. It's a huge transition and can feel overwhelming at times trying to juggle all my classwork, responsibilities, social life, and being fully independent for the first time. I've had some late nights fueled by coffee and tears shed over tough assignments. But I'm getting better at managing my time and taking breaks when I need them.
The resources on campus have been a huge help too. There are academic tutors, advisors, counseling services, and more. Whenever I'm struggling, there's always someone I can turn to for guidance and support. My professors are approachable and want us to succeed. The community here really feels like a new home away from home.
I miss you both like crazy, but I'm having the most amazing time here. College has stretched me in so many ways already - academically, socially, and in my own independence. I know I'm
in the right place. Thanks for giving me the incredible opportunity to have this experience!
I'll be home for winter break in just a few more weeks. I can't wait to see you and tell you even more stories in person! Maybe by then I'll have figured out my major (or second major...or third?!). The options feel endless and exciting.
Love you lots,
Your College Kid
My First Year at University!
Hi Mom and Dad! I can't believe I've already finished my first year of college! It's been such an exciting and busy time. I have so much to tell you about everything that's happened. Get ready for a super long letter all about my adventures!
When I first got to campus last August, I was really nervous. Everything seemed so big and overwhelming. My dorm room was tiny but I didn't mind sharing it with my roommate Jessica. She's really nice and we got along great right from the start. We stayed up late every night just chatting and getting to know each other.
The dining halls were definitely an adjustment. The food wasn't as good as your cooking, Mom! But I learned to load up on fruits and veggies from the salad bar. And the ice cream machine was my favorite! I may have gone a little overboard with the sundaes at first.
My classes were hard but also really interesting. It was cool getting to learn about so many new subjects I'd never studied before. My favorite was my intro to psychology course. Did you know that babies actually start learning language before they're even born? Amazing! I also took a fun art class where I learned all about different painting styles. Who knew pollock could be so messy but cool?
I joined a few clubs too and made lots of new friends. There's
a cool outdoor adventures clu
b that goes hiking, rock climbing, and whitewater rafting. Our rafting trip was definitely the highlight - we all got totally soaked and had a blast! I also joined the campus farming club. We grow fruits and veggies in the gardens and sell them at the farmer's market. Getting my hands dirty reminded me of helping you in our garden at home.
Campus life was an absolute blast. There was always something fun happening every week - movies on the quad, concerts, art shows, you name it! My favorite was def the annual
Spring carnival. I went with a bunch of friends and we went on all the rides, played games, and ate tons of funnel cakes and cotton candy. So much sugar but it was worth it!
The sport teams were really exciting to watch too. Nothing beats college basketball! We painted our faces with the school colors and chanted cheers at every game. I even managed to make a few free throws at the pep rally. (Guess all those days shooting hoops in the driveway paid off!)
Of course, it wasn't all fun and games. I definitely struggled at times with all the homework, projects, and tests. Those
all-nighters before finals were rough. But my friends and I became pros at staying upuntil thecrazearly morning hours fueled by energy drinks and vending machine snacks. Probably not the healthiest butitwas the only way to survive!
There were also moments where I got pretty homesick and missed you guys like crazy. Hearing your voices or getting care packages with my favorite home-cooked treats always made me feel better. Thanks for keeping me stocked up on mom's famous chocolate chip cookies - they were a life-saver for getting through late-night study sessions!
Overall though, this first year was incredible and flew by way too fast. I learned so much, both in and out of the classroom. I
made amazing friends that will last a lifetime. And I created so many wonderful memories that I'll never forget. Like that time we all went streaking after our last final... Just kidding! You know I'd never do anything like that.
I'm already counting down the days until I move back on campus in a few months. College has been the greatest experience ever and I can't wait for year two. Thanks for giving me this incredible opportunity and supporting me every step of the way. I miss you both so much but I'm having the time of my life! Lots of love from your (not so little anymore) kid.。
