空气过滤和净化装置第一节总则1.1.1 说明本章说明有关永久性空气过滤器、一次性空气过滤器、袋形空气过滤器及活性碳过滤器的制造及安装的技术规格要求。
1.1.2 一般要求A. 无论在运送、储存及安装期间,应采取正确的保护设施,以确保空气过滤器在任何情况下不受破损。
B. 在进行设备测试前,过滤器不应装置在过滤器框架上。
C. 除图纸特别标示外,所有新风及送风系统应设有过滤器装置。
1.1.3 质量保证D. 所有空气过滤器及其配件须由同一家具有至少五年或以上生产过滤器经验的厂商提供。
E. 所有过滤器之防火功能须符合美国消防协会(NFPA)及当地消防局的要求。
F. 系统设计、系统之各项指标、系统设备、材料及工艺均须符合本章内所标注的规范/标准,或其它与该标准要求相符的中国或国际认可的规范/标准。
1.1.4 资料呈审提交完整的技术资料,包括材料细则及过滤器的效率等,以供审批。
第二节产品1.2.1 概述A. 过滤器组合的过滤效率须不少于本说明书的要求。
B. 过滤器外框应采用防腐蚀的金属制造,而过滤器的支撑围栏和框架应是坚固耐用的。
C. 过滤器的外围,应连续及紧密地拼合在框架内,以防止空气旁流。
D. 所有供本工程使用的过虑器必须为不含石棉物质的产品。
1.2.2 框架E. 过滤器框架及支撑须为镀锌钢或铝材制造,周围设密封垫圈。
F. 框架须为标准尺寸可适用于不同厂商出品之介质。
1.2.3 永久性的空气过滤器(可洗涤的,铝制过滤介质和框架)G. 除在图纸上另有注明,所有空调机、处理新风机、风机盘管和新风风机都应安装空气过滤器。
H. 平面板式过滤器的设计应由可清洁的胶卷波纹条状滤网丝制成的。
I. 板式过滤器应为50毫米厚(风机盘管则为25毫米厚),过滤介质则依照制造厂商的标准。
其平均效率(Average Dust Weight Arrestance Efficiency)为65%(25毫米厚按60%)(按ASHRAE标准52.1)。
airfree p60 p80 p125 p150 空气净化器 中文说明书
P800520.9.4中文说明书目录一、安全说明 (3)二、看不见的敌人 (4)三、使用 (4)四、空气净化器与霉菌污染 (6)五、空气净化器描述 (6)六、安装和连接 (7)七、技术参数 (8)八、空气净化器如何工作?保养 (8)九、空气净化器独立效用测试 (9)十、常见问题 (10)十一、质量保证 (12)恭喜您购买Airfree 空气净化器。
Airfree 空气净化器是在美国5,874,050 号专利和众多其他国际专利的授权下制造的。
Airfree 的设计结合了最先进的美国和德国科技,用于彻底消灭室内空气中的微生物和减少臭氧量。
和其他空气净化器生产商不同,Airfree 从不在描述花俏技术与困难术语上浪费时间,而是提供独立的效用测试作为佐证。
对于每一项Airfree 标明的功能和效果,我们都会有一个完整独立的实验加以证明。
致礼!Airfree 产品组Copyright 2001-2010 Airfree 产品电子公司。
未经Airfree 事先书面同意,不得复制、复印、传送、转录、存储于检索系统或以任何形式、任何方式翻译本出版物的任意部分。
而EPA-美国环境保护局研究发现,室内空气质量较室外相差可达100 倍。
受到污染的室内空气(真菌、空气中的过敏原、花粉、臭氧)可能导致:- 哮喘、支气管炎、鼻炎、鼻窦炎的发生- 免疫功能低下者出现真菌感染- 眼睛、喉咙和鼻子的不适- 头痛、嗜睡、烦躁不安- 咳嗽和注意力不集中微生物及相关疾病之间的关系:种菌(*)X毒性(**)________________人体抵抗力(*)微生物的数量 (**)微生物的危害性“种菌”和“毒性”越高以及/或“人体抵抗力”越低将提高污染对人体的危险性。
AC6606, AC66081 重要事项安全使用本产品之前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并保留备用。
危险• 切勿让水或任何其它液体或易燃性清洁剂进入产品,以免发生触电和/或火灾。
• 切勿用水或任何其它液体或(易燃性)清洁剂来清洁产品,以免发生触电和/或火灾。
• 切勿在产品周围喷洒杀虫剂或香水等任何可燃材料。
警告• 在将产品连接电源之前,请先检查产品所标电压与当地的供电电压是否相符。
• 如果电源软线损坏,为避免危险,必须由制造厂或其维修部或类似的专职人员来更换。
• 如果插头、电源线或产品本身受损,请勿再使用本产品。
• 本产品不打算由肢体残障、精神障碍或缺乏相关经验和技能的人(包括儿童)使用,除非有负责安全的人员对他们进行产品使用的相关指导或说明,方可使用本产品。
• 请勿堵塞进风和出风口,例如不要将物体放置在出风口上或进风口前方。
• 确保异物未通过出风口进入产品内部。
注意• 本产品不能替代正常通风、日常吸尘或者在烹饪时使用的抽油烟机。
• 如果连接产品的电源插座接触不良,则产品的插头可能会变得很热。
• 一定要在干燥、稳固、平整且水平的表面上放置和使用本产品。
• 产品的后侧及两侧均要留出至少 20 厘米的空间,产品上方至少要留出 30 厘米的空间。
• 切勿在本产品上放置任何物品。
• 请勿坐在或站在产品上面。
• 切勿将产品直接放在空调下方,以防冷凝水滴到产品中。
• 打开产品电源之前,务必确保已经正确安装所有过滤网。
4ZH-S3 使用入门安装过滤网在使用本产品之前,先拆掉过滤网的所有包装。
1 拆掉空气净化滤网的所有包装材料。
2 拉出侧面板的上半部分以将其从产品上卸下。
二、产品特点1. 高效过滤系统:该空气净化器配备了一套高效的多层过滤系统。
2. 智能感应技术:本产品使用先进的智能感应技术,能够自动检测和调节室内空气质量。
3. 高效低噪音:采用最新的静音技术设计,本产品在运行时产生的噪音非常低,不会影响您的正常生活和工作。
4. 智能操作:本款空气净化器配备了智能触摸屏,操作简单直观。
三、使用说明1. 开箱验货:打开包装箱,取出空气净化器和配件,并检查是否有配件遗漏或损坏。
2. 摆放位置:将空气净化器放置在离墙面、其他电器设备一定距离的开阔地方,确保空气流通。
3. 插电启用:将空气净化器的电源插头插入电源插座,并确保供电正常。
4. 操作设置:通过轻触触摸屏,显示屏会自动亮起。
5. 更换滤网:根据产品说明书中的提示,定时更换滤网以确保空气净化器的有效工作。
四、注意事项1. 在使用空气净化器期间,严禁将其置于潮湿的环境中,以免损坏电器部件。
目录1. 课程设计目的与任务. (1)1.1 课程设计的目的. (1)1.2 课程设计的任务. (1)2. 产品介绍. (1)3. 流通环境. (2)3.1 流通的基本环节. (2)3.2 确定跌落高度. (2)3.3 流通环境频率谱. (3)4. 选择合适的缓冲材料. (4)4.1 可选缓冲材料的特性. (4)4.2 缓冲材料的缓冲特性曲线. (4)5. 确定产品脆值. (5)6. 缓冲包装设计. (5)6.1 初步设计. (5)6.2 衬垫校核. (6)6.3 缓冲衬垫的结构设计. (6)7. 外包装箱设计. (7)7.1 箱型的选择. (7)7.2 尺寸设计. (7)7.3 瓦楞纸箱强度计算. (9)7.4 瓦楞纸箱封箱、钉箱要求. (11)7.5 瓦楞纸箱外包装装潢设计. (11)8. 小结. (12)参考文献. (13)1•课程设计目的与任务1.1课程设计的目的(1) 通过缓冲包装与结构设计课程设计,使同学们对指定产品的缓冲包装设计过程和设 计方法有一个全面的了解,熟练掌握缓冲包装设计六步法;(2) 对于产品的缓冲衬垫和外包装箱的结构进行设计,掌握各种箱型结构设计的方法。
要适合 国内运输环境的要求,存贮时间为 30―― 100天。
2•产品介绍产品名称:海尔KFR-72LW/02NAF13 产品类型:立柜式空调 产品价格:4999元用途:智能将室温调至24度,也可自由调节;根据室温与设定温度的温差自动静音;根 据室温与设定温度的温差自动调速;根据室温与设定温度的温差智能选择除湿模式;根据 室外机实际结霜情况,智能做出除霜判断。
产品特性:自动清洁,精确控温,安全可靠,节能健康,超远距离送风图2-1海尔KFR 型空调外形图产地: 山东青岛销售范围: 全国各地产品尺寸(长X宽X高mm:530X 310X 1810产品重量( kg):43产品机械性能:(a)外观工艺检查:机柜表面喷涂均匀、无破损;(b)操作及维修安全、方便,标牌、标记应清晰平整(c)部件排列整齐合理;布放平整;接插件牢固;进出线符合工程需要;具备抗震措施。
机组特点➢内外分离,隔断冷桥机组框架和面板均采用内外分离式创新设计,中间通过高强度工程塑料连接,且在型材和面板内腔内充注高密度聚氨酯发泡(密度≥45kg/m3 ),完全隔断冷桥,可有效阻止机组冷量损失和外部凝露。
AC3033AC3039User manual1ZH-T 使用手冊Contents1 Important ������������������������������������������������������������������������������2Safety ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 Electromagnetic fields (EMF) ������������������������������������������������������������������4 Recycling ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Simplified EU declaration of conformity ������������������������������������������4 2 Your air purifier �������������������������������������������������������������������5Product overview ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 Controls overview �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 3 Getting started �������������������������������������������������������������������7Installing the filter �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Wi-Fi indicator ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Wi-Fi connection ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 4 Using the air purifier ���������������������������������������������������������9Understanding the air quality light ������������������������������������������������������9 Turning on and off ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Changing the mode setting �������������������������������������������������������������������10 Switching the display indicator �������������������������������������������������������������11 Using the light on/off function ��������������������������������������������������������������11 Checking the filter status �������������������������������������������������������������������������12 5 Cleaning and maintenance ������������������������������������������12Cleaning schedule ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Cleaning the body of the air purifier �������������������������������������������������13 Cleaning the particle sensor ������������������������������������������������������������������13 Cleaning the surface of the filter ���������������������������������������������������������14 Replacing the filter ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Filter reset ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������166 Storage ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������167 Troubleshooting ����������������������������������������������������������������178 Guarantee and service �������������������������������������������������20Order parts or accessories ���������������������������������������������������������������������20EN11 ImportantSafetyRead this user manual carefully before you use the appliance, and save it for future reference�Danger• Do not clean the appliance with water, any other liquid, or a (flammable) detergent, nor let them enter the appliance, to avoid electric shock and/or a fire hazard�• Do not spray any flammable materials such as insecticides or fragrance around the appliance�Warning• Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local power voltage before you connect the appliance�• If the power cord is damaged, you must have it replaced by Philips, a service center authorized by Philips, or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard�• Do not use the appliance if the plug, the power cord, or the appliance itself is damaged�• This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved�• Child shall not play with the appliance�• Cleaning and maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision�• Do not block the air inlet and outlet, e�g� by placing items on the air outlet or in front of the air inlet�• Make sure that foreign objects do not fall into the appliance through the air outlet�2EN• Standard WiFi interface based on 802�11b/g/n at 2�4 GHz with a maximum output power of 31�62 mW EIRP�Caution• This appliance is not a substitute for proper ventilation, regular vacuum cleaning, or use of an extractor hood or fan while cooking�• Always place and use the appliance on a dry, stable, level, and horizontal surface�• Leave at least 20cm free space around the appliance and leave at least 30cm free space above the appliance�• Do not sit or stand on the appliance� Do not place anything on top of the appliance�• Do not place the appliance directly below an air conditioner to prevent condensation from dripping onto the appliance�• Only use the original Philips filters specially intended for this appliance� Do not use any other filters�• Combustion of the filter may cause irreversible human hazard and/or jeopardize other lives� Do not use the filter as fuel or for similar purpose�• Avoid knocking against the appliance (the air inlet and outlet in particular) with hard objects�• Do not insert your fingers or objects into the air outlet or the air inlet to prevent physical injury or malfunctioning of the appliance�• Do not use this appliance when you have used indoor smoke-type insect repellents or in places with oily residues, burning incense, or chemical fumes�• Do not use the appliance near gas appliances, heating devices or fireplaces�• Always unplug the appliance when you want to move, clean appliance, replace the filter or carry out other maintenance�• The appliance is only intended for household use under normal operating conditions�EN3• Do not use the appliance in wet surroundings or in surroundings with high humidity or high ambient temperatures, such as the bathroom, toilet, or kitchen, or in a room with major temperature changes�• The appliance does not remove carbon monoxide (CO)or radon (Rn)� It cannot be used as a safety device in case of accidents with combustion processes and hazardous chemicals�Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields�RecyclingDo not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling� By doing this, you help to preserve the environment�Follow your country's rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products� Correct disposal helps prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health�Simplified EU declaration of conformityHereby, DAP B�V� declares that the radio equipment type AC3033/AC3039 isin compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU� The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: www�philips�com�4ENMake sure that your smartphone or tablet is successfully connected toConnect a New Device"" button on the top of the screen� Follow the onscreenProblem Possible solutionThe Wi-Fi setup is not successful�• If the router your purifier is connected to is dual –band and currently it is not connecting to a 2�4GHz network, please switch to another band of the same router (2�4GHz) and try to pair your purifier again� 5GHz networks are not supported�• Web authentication networks are not supported�• Check if the purifier is within range of the Wi-Fi router� You can try to locate the air purifier closer to the Wi-Fi router�• Check if the network name is correct� The network name is case-sensitive�• Check if the Wi-Fi password is correct� The password is case-sensitive�• Retry the setup with the instructions in section "Reset the Wi-Fi connection"�• The Wi-Fi connectivity can be interrupted by electromagnetic or other interferences� Keep the appliance away from other electronic devices that may cause interferences�• Check if the mobile device is in airplane mode� Make sure to have the airplane mode deactivated when connecting to the Wi-Fi network�• Consult the help section in the App for extensive and up-to-date troubleshooting tips�19EN8 Guarantee and serviceIf you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at www�philips�com or contact the Philips Consumer Care Centerin your country (you can find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet)� If there is no Consumer Care Center in your country, go to your local Philips dealer�Order parts or accessoriesIf you have to replace a part or want to purchase an additional part, go to your Philips dealer or visit www�philips�com/support�If you have problems obtaining the parts, please contact the Philips Consumer Care Center in your country (you can find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet)�20EN目錄1 重要事項 (22)安全 (22)電磁場 (EMF) (23)環保 (23)簡短歐盟符合性聲明 (23)2 您的空氣清新機 (24)產品概要 (24)控制鍵概覽 (25)3 使用入門 (26)安裝濾網 (26)Wi-Fi 指示燈 (26)Wi-Fi 連接 (27)4 使用空氣清新機 (28)了解空氣質素燈 (28)開關 (29)更改模式設定 (29)切換顯示指示燈 (30)使用開燈/關燈功能 (30)檢查濾網狀態 (31)5 清潔與保養 (31)清潔時間表 (31)清潔空氣清新機機身 (32)清潔微粒感應器 (32)清潔濾網表面 (33)更換濾網 (33)重設濾網 (35)6 儲存 (35)7 疑難排解 (35)8 保障及服務 (37)訂購零件或配件 (37)ZH-T211 重要事項安全使用本產品前請先閱讀本用戶手冊,並保管以作將來參考。
FHD7005,10*1D, FHD7005,10*2D, FHD7005*3D, THAD5H*1DSpace-etteWith FLEXI-GUARD®Installation/Care/Use ManualUSES HFC-134A REFRIGERANTFIG. 134 (SEE FIG. 5)SEE FIG. 372614SEE FIG. 443181627, 281541 & 4222, 23, 24,25, 4431 & 321333 (SEE PAGE 3)301917 & 202921FIG . 2FINISHED FLOOR PISO ACABADO PLANCHER FINILEGEND/LEYENDA/LÉGENDEA = RECOMMENDED WATER SUPPLY LOCATION 3/8 O.D. UNPLATED COPPER TUBE CONNECT STUB 1-1/2" (38mm) OUT FROMWALL SHUT OFF BY OTHERSSE RECOMIENDA UBICAR EL TUBO DE CONEXIÓN AL TUBO DE COBRE SIN CHAP AR DE 3/8" DE DIAM. EXT. A 1-1/2" (38mm) FUERA DE LA LLAVA DE P ASO EN LA P ARED COLOCADA POR TERCEROS.EMPLACEMENT RECOMMANDÉ D ALIMENTATION EN EAU P AR TUBE EN CUIVRE NON PLAQUÉ DE 3/8 PO. (9,5mm) D.E.CONNECTANT UNE TUYAUTERIE DE 1-1/2 PO. (38mm) DEPUIS LE ROBINET D'ARRET FOURNI P AR D'AUTRES.B = RECOMMENDED LOCATION FOR WASTE OUTLET 1-1/4 O.D. DRAINUBICACIÓN RECOMENDADA P ARA EL DRENAJE DE SALIDA DE AGUA, DE 1-1/4" DE DIÁMETRO.EMPLACEMENT RECOMMANDÉ POUR LE DRAIN DE D.E. 1-1/4" DE SORTIE D EAU.C = 1-1/4 TRAP NOT FURNISHEDPURGADOR DE 1-1/4 NO PROPORCIONADO SIPHON 1-1/4 NON FOURNID = INSURE PROPER VENTILATION BY MAINTAINING 4" (102mm) (MIN.) CLEARANCE FROM CABINET LOUVERS TO WALL.ASEGURE UNA VENTILACIÓN ADECUADA MANTENIENDO UN ESP ACIO E 4" (102mm) (MÍN.) DE HOLGURA ENTRE LA REJILLA DE VENTILACIÓN DEL MUEBLE Y LA P AREDASSUREZ-VOUS UNE BONNE VENTILATION EN GARDANT 4" (102mm) (MIN.) ENTRE LES ÉVENTS DE L ENCEINTE ET LE MUR.E = POWER CORD 4 FEET (1219mm) LONGCABLE ELÉCTRICO DE 4 PIE (1219mm), DE LARGO CORDON D ALIMENTATION 4' (1219mm)Stream height is factory set at 35 PSI. If supply pressure varies greatly from this, remove Items 1 & 2 and adjust screw on Item 4. Clockwise adjustment will raise stream and counter-clockwise adjustment will lower stream. For best adjustment,stream should hit basin approximately 6-1/2" (165mm) from bubbler.BASINFIG. 3NOTE:WHEN INST ALLING REPLACEMENTBUBBLER AND PEDESTAL, TIGHTEN NUT (ITEM 12) ONLY TO HOLD PARTS SNUG IN POSITION. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.FIG. 4BASIN 91011128431562WIRING DIAGRAMThis Drawing is merely for illustrating the components of the electrical system.22111C 22112C 22113C 30980C 31386C 31428C 50787C 70606C 70607C 70640C 70659C 70683C 70793C 22588C12345678910111213NSPART. NO.DESCRIPTIONITEM NO.HOT TANK PARTS LISTHeater Clamping BracketHeater Clamping Bracket (thrd)Retaining BracketHeater Element & Jacket Tank & Tube Assy Hot Control Assy Washer-Spacer Drain PlugScrew 1/4-20 x 3.00" HSHC Screw #8-18 x 5/16" HHTC Belleville Washer 1/4 Union 1/4 ElbowHot Tank Mounting BracketFIG. 5353638403739SERVICING THE HOT CONTROL AND FUSE ASSEMBLY1. A temperature sensing non-resetable fuse in the wire is located approximately 3" (76mm) from the thermostat. The fuse is located under the retaining bracket (Item 3) in the groove on the heater element jacket (Item 4).2. The thermostat must be used with a washer-spacer (Item 7) and be centered in the heater element jacket for proper temperature control. Locate the heater element jacket about 3/4" (19mm) above the bottom of the tank.3. The heater element jacket must be fastened VERY TIGHTLY to the tank (45+/-10 inch-lbs. of torque on the mounting screw Item 9). Failure to TIGHTEN heater element jacket may cause rapid failure of the fuse assembly.10367911128134512PRINTED IN U.S.A.*REPLACE WITH SAME COMPRESSOR USED IN ORIGINALASSEMBLY . NOTE: All correspondence pertaining to ELKAY water coolers or orders for repair parts MUST include Model No. and Serial No.of cooler, name and part number of replacement part.DESCRIPTION40089C 40048C 15005C 61313C 40169C 50986C 22546C 51349C 40322C 50934C 50168C 70012C 31513C 31495C 66303C 66304C 50189C 31490C 30664C 20282C 70018C 66200C 66202C 35786C 35947C 31038C 31039C 35766C 35768C 19424390155055996C 40570C 55835C 66300C 66508C 66504C 66505C 21591C 30010C 31405C 40582C 40597C 92712C 51543C 40596C 70921C 3365900050144C 70418C 21486C 21239C 35935C 21482C 20460C 55832C12345678910111213141516171819202122*22a*2323a 2424a 252627282929a 3030a 3132333435363738394041424344a NS NSP ART NO.Cover ButtonRegulator Retaining Nut Regulator Hex NutRegulator HolderBasin & Precooler Assy Bubbler Assy Orifice Assy Housing Assy PedestalBubbler Locknut Cold Control Power CordCondenser (5GPH)Condenser (10GPH)Fan Shroud Fan Motor Fan Blade Fan Bracket Fan Blade Nut Drier (5GPH)Drier (10GPH)Compressor Serv. Pak PW3HK7 (5GPH)Compressor Serv. Pak EM65 (10GPH)Overload/Relay Assy 1.350.398 (5GPH)Overload/Relay Assy P600B/427NFBYY (10GPH)Cover - Relay (5GPH)Cover - Relay (10GPH)Electrical Shield StrainerPrecooler Assy T ailpipe HelixHeat Exchanger (5GPH)Heat Exchanger (10GPH)Evaporator (5GPH)Evaporator (10GPH)Hot Tank Switch Bracket Hot T ank Switch Hot T ank Assy Hot Valve Assy Gooseneck Hot Valve Kit Handle ShroudMounting Nut Body GasketGrommet-Compressor Washer-Compressor Cabinet-Sandalwood Cabinet-Stainless Steel Capacitor - Run (10GPH)Front Panel-Sandalwood Front Panel-Stainless Steel Flow Regulator AssyITEM NO.PARTS LIST 115VDESCRIPTION31430C 35788C 35763C 31035C 31024C 35768C 31406C17*22*22a 2323a 2433PART NO.Fan MotorCompressor Serv Pak (5 GPH)Compressor Serv Pak (10 GPH)Overload/Relay Assy (5 GPH)Overload/Relay Assy (10 GPH)Relay Cover (10 GPH)Hot Tank AssyITEM NO.PARTS LIST 230V-50/60Hz 800-518-5388。
max mark.
3. Close the lid of the dispenser for rinse aid. a The lid clicks into position.
Adding detergent
1. Add the detergent to the dry detergent dispenser.
1) Duration [h:min] 2) Energy [kWh] 3) Water [l]
Intensive 70°
1) 2:05 - 2:15 2) 1,300 - 1,400 3) 11,5 - 14,0
Auto 45-65°
1) 1:40 - 2:45 2) 0,900 - 1,500 3) 7,0 - 15,5
50 ml
2. Close the lid of the deter-
25 ml
gent dispenser.
15 ml
a The lid clicks into position.
The programme data has been measured in the laboratory according to European standard EN 60436. The consumption figures depend on the programme and additional function selected. The runtime will change if the rinse aid system is switched off or rinse aid needs to be added.
专利产品 仿冒必究安阳振动器有限责任公司(集团)为确保产品的正确、安全使用,请在使用前仔细阅读本说明书联合制造安阳安振环境高科有限公司智能空气净化新风系统产品使用说明书产品简介◆产品简介......................................................... (1)◆使用范围......................................................... (1)◆系统组成......................................................... (1)◆技术参数......................................................... (1)使用维护◆使用注意事项......................................................... . (2)◆空气净化流程图......................................................... (4)◆操作使用说明......................................................... . (5)◆常见故障......................................................... .. (11)◆温馨提示......................................................... .. (12)◆接线图......................................................... (13)附件◆智能空气净化新风系统保修卡此标志表示禁止之事项此标志表示必须遵循事项使用注意事项使用本智能空气净化新风系统时,请注意以下事项否则会损坏新风系统。
A C1711/90fies the air in less than 10 min (1)virus, allergen& pollutant removal (3,4,7) just one push of a button, the air purifier filters the invisible viruses, allergens pollutants in your home to keep it clean and safe. It purifies quickly andffectively, thanks to its clean air delivery rate (C A DR) of 300 m³/h.Seamless operationUltra-quiet and no light disturbanceSuperior performanceFast purification suitable for spaces of up to 78 m²Filters 99.97% particles as small as 0.003 micronsRemoves up to 99.9% of viruses and aerosols from the airProfessional grade sensor for intelligent purificationTested and certified for quality you can trustEffortless controlSmart filter replacement indicatorEasy maintenanceSeamless operationLow energy consumptionEffortless controlHighlightsFast puri fication for 78 m²Powerful air flow circulation e ffectively covers spaces up to 78 m and distributes ultra clean air in every corner of the room . This boosts clean air delivery to 300 m /hr C A DR , purifying 20 m in only 10 min . (1)99.97% particleremovalA 3-layer filtration with NanoProtect HEP A,active carbon and pre -filter makes sure you are protected from bacteria , pollen , dust , PM 2.5,pet danderand gases .The NanoProtect HEP A technology not only captures pollutants , but it uses an electrostatic charge to attract them ,enabling it to purify the air faster than a HEP A H 13 filter that is medically used . (5)Up to 99.9% virusremovalThe VitaShield technology captures aerosols and particles smaller than the smallest known Coronavirus (6). Virtually nothing escapes from VitaShield - It deactivates viruses and traps them inside . Tested independently by A irmid health -group to remove up to 99.9% of viruses and aerosols from the air (2). A lso , tested for corona virus (7).Scan andvisualizeThe professional grade A eraSense sensor accurately scans the air 1000x a second to detect harmful pollutants and intelligently chooses the right speed for every environment .It displays the air quality in real time , showing level of allergens and PM 2.5 in numerical form ,as well as with an intuitive color ring .Quality you cantrustPhilips puri fiers go through 170 mandatory and strict inspection tests before they are released from our factory and are certi fied by the European Centre for A llergy ResearchFoundation . They are subjected to rigorous life and durability tests for continuous operation (24/7).Ultra -quiet & nodisturbanceIn sleep mode , the puri fier operates in near silence for clean air while you sleep . Both air quality index and the light on the UI can be dimmed or turned o ff to avoid any light disturbance .Low energyconsumptionThanks to its energy e fficient design , the air puri fier runs at max . 27 W power . This isequivalent to an incandescent light bulb . It is compliant with a highly e fficient grade of strict global standard .Smart filterindicatorThe air puri fier accurately calculates filterlifetime based on pollution level and operation time . It noti fies you when the filter needs replacement , for easy maintenance .EasymaintenanceThe air puri fier is designed for easier cleaning ,using the compact and simple cylindrical plastic body . It uses a 3in 1 integrated filter so no need to change each filter separately .SpecificationsEnergy efficiencyMax. power consumption: 27 WStand-by power consumption: <=0.2 W Voltage: 100-240 VMaintenanceRecommended filter change: 12 months (8) Replacement filter: FY1700/30 Service: 2-year worldwide guarantee Weight and dimensionsProduct dimensions (W x D x H):273*273*486 mmDimension of packaging (LxWxH):326*326*535 mmWeight incl. packaging: 5.4 kgWeight of product: 4.1 kgColor(s): White, Light greyPerformanceC A DR (Particle, GB/T): 300 m³/h m³/hRoom size (NRCC): Up to 78 m²Filtration: HEP A, A ctive Carbon, Pre-filterA ir quality sensor(s): PM2.5 particleParticle filtration: 99.97% at 0.003 micronsA llergens filtration: 99.99%Virus & aerosol filtration: <99.9%UsabilityMin. sound level (Sleep mode): 18 dBMax. sound level (Turbo mode): 50 dBCord length: 1.8 mA utomatic modeSleep modeManual speed settings: 4 (Sleep, Speed 1, 2,Turbo)A ir quality feedback: Color, Numerical (PM2.5,I A I)A uto-ambient light* (1)From the air that passed through the filter, it is atheoretical time for one-time cleaning calculated bydividing the room size of 48m³by C A DR 300m³/h(assuming the room is 20m²in floor area and 2,4 m inheight).* (2)Microbial Reduction Rate Test conducted at A irmidHealth group Ltd. tested in a 28.5m³test chambercontaminated with airborne influenza A(H1N1), in Turbomode after 10-20 mins. A n air purifier by itself does notprotect against Covid-19, but can be part of the plan toprotect yourself and your family (US EnvironmentalProtection A gency)* (3)From the air that passes through the filter. Tested withNaCl aerosol by iUT A according to DIN71460-1* (4)From the air that passes through the filter, tested withbirch pollen dust on filter media according to SOP350.003 of the A ustrian OFI institute* (5)NanoProtect HEP A filter material provides lower airflow resistance than the material from a HEP A H13 filter,enabling a Philips air purifier with NanoProtect to delivera higher Clean A ir Delivery Rate (C A DR) than with anequivalently-sized certified HEP A H13 filter (Testconducted by Philips Mar 2016).* (6)From the air that passes through the filter, tested withNaCl aerosol by iUT A according to DIN71460-1.Supporting literature for the size of Coronaviruses have asize of approx. 0.08 - 0.22 micron :MacLachlan, Dubovi,Fenner's Veterinary Virology (5th Ed.), A cademic Press,2017, Ch. 24 Pages 435-461* (7)Microbial Reduction Rate Test at external lab, in a testchamber contaminated with human coronavirus (HCoV-229E) aerosols, with Philips HEP A NanoProtect filter.* (8)Recommended lifetime is calculated based on thePhilips users’ average usage time and the WHO urbanoutdoor pollution level data. A ctual lifetime is impactedby usage environments and frequencies.© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A ll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2023‑10‑06 Version: 6.6.1E A N: 87 20389 00396 7 。
Product ManualOxiSelect™ Glutathione Reductase Assay KitCatalog NumberSTA-812 100 assaysFOR RESEARCH USE ONLYNot for use in diagnostic proceduresIntroductionGlutathione reductase is a homodimeric enzyme that is a member of the flavoprotein disulfide oxidoreductases. It has an indirect impact in the prevention of oxidative damage in cells by helping to maintain intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH). Thus, measuring the activity of the enzyme is an indicator of oxidative stress. It is a ubiquitous enzyme that catalyzes the NADPH dependent reduction reaction of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to reduced glutathione (GSH). Oxidized glutathione is reduced through a multi-step reaction in which glutathione reductase is reduced by NADPH, which in turn reacts with a GSSG molecule. This creates a disulfide interchange reaction that creates two GSH molecules and restores glutathione reductase to its oxidized form. Regenerated GSH is available to detoxify hydrogen peroxide. Maintenance of GSH is vital in oxidation-reduction processes as well as detoxification of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides brought on by inflammation in cells.Cell Biolabs’ OxiSelect™ Glutathione Reductase Assay Kit is a quantitative assay for measuring glutathione reductase activity within plasma, erythrocytes, tissues, and cell lysates. Glutathione reductase activity is defined as 1 unit of enzyme reducing 1 µmole oxidized glutathione (GSSG) per minute at pH 7.6 and 25ºC. The kit employs a simple enzymatic recycling reaction for glutathione quantification where the reduction of a chromagen is correlated to glutathione reductase enzymatic activity. The kit has a detection sensitivity limit of approximately 0.6 mU/mL. Each kit provides sufficient reagents to perform up to 100 assays, including standard curve and unknown samples. Assay PrincipleThe OxiSelect™ Glutathione Reductase Assay Kit is a quantitative assay for measuring the glutathione reductase activity within a sample. Glutathione Reductase reduces oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to reduced glutathione (GSH) in the presence of NADPH. Subsequently, the chromogen reacts with the thiol group of GSH to produce a colored compound that absorbs at 405 nm (Figure 1). The glutathione reductase content in unknown samples is determined by comparison with the predetermined glutathione reductase standard curve. The rate of chromophore production is proportional to the concentration of glutathione reductase activity within the sample. The rate can be determined from the absorbance change over time.Figure 1. Assay PrincipleRelated Products1.STA-310: OxiSelect™ Protein Carbonyl ELISA Kit2.STA-312: OxiSelect™ Total Glutathione Assay Kit3.STA-330: OxiSelect™ TBARS Assay Kit (MDA Quantitation)4.STA-340: OxiSelect™ Superoxide Dismutase Activity Assay5.STA-341: OxiSelect™ Catalase Activity Assay Kit6.STA-342: OxiSelect™ Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence)7.STA-347: OxiSelect™In Vitro ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence)8.STA-345: OxiSelect™ ORAC Activity Assay9.STA-832: OxiSelect™ MDA Competitive ELISA Kit10.STA-838: OxiSelect™ HNE Adduct Competitive ELISA KitKit ComponentsBox 1 (shipped at room temperature)1.Glutathione Reductase Standard (Part No. 281201): One 20 µL amber tube.2.Glutathione Disulfide (GSSG) (Part No. 281202):One 5 mL bottle of a 10 mM solution.3.Chromogen (Part No. 281203): One 0.5 mL amber tube.4.Assay Buffer (5X) (Part No. 281204):Two 25 mL bottles.Box 2 (shipped on blue ice packs)1.NADPH (50X) (Part No. 231203):One 50 µL amber tube.Materials Not Supplied1.96-well microtiter plate2.Distilled or deionized water3.1X PBS4.10 μL to 1000 μL adjustable single channel micropipettes with disposable tips5.50 μL to 300 μL adjustable multichannel micropipette with disposable tips6.Conical tubes and bottles for sample and buffer preparation7.Centrifuge and/or microfuge8.Sonicator or tissue homogenizer9.Multichannel micropipette reservoirs10.Ethanol11.Microplate reader capable of reading 405 nmStorageUpon receipt, store the NADPH at -80ºC. Prepare single use aliquots and avoid multiple freeze/thaw cycles. Store the remaining kit components at 4ºC.Preparation of Reagents•1X Assay Buffer: Prepare 1X Assay Buffer by adding 200 mL of deionized water to 50 mL of the 5X Assay Buffer. Mix thoroughly until homogeneous. Use this buffer for preparing kit reagents.Store at 4ºC when not in use.•Chromogen: Prepare the Chromogen just before use and prepare only enough for immediate applications. Dilute the Chromogen stock 1:15 with 1X Assay Buffer (eg. Add 200 μL of Chromogen stock to 2.8 mL of 1X Assay Buffer. Vortex thoroughly.•1X NADPH: Prepare 1X NADPH by diluting the stock solution 1:50 with 1X Assay Buffer.Vortex the stock tube thoroughly prior to preparing. Prepare only enough for immediate applications (eg. Add 25 μL of NADPH stock to 1.225 mL Ass ay Buffer).Preparation of SamplesThese preparation protocols are intended as a guide for preparing known samples. The user may need to adjust the sample treatment accordingly. All samples should be assayed immediately or stored for up to 1-2 months at -80°C. A trial assay with a representative test sample should be assayed to determine the samples compatibility with the dynamic range of the standard. The assay can be used on cell culture supernatants, plasma, erythrocytes, tissues, and cell lysates. High levels of interfering substances may cause variations in results. Run proper controls as necessary. Always run a standard curve with samples.Notes:•Thiol compounds, such as cysteine, dithiothreitol (DTT), or β-mercaptoethanol can interfere with the assay by competing with GSH for binding to the chromogen. In addition, N-ethylmaleimide or other thiol alkylating reagents should also be avoided because they willinterfere with glutathione reductase and GSH.•Make serial dilutions of samples as necessary to obtain a quantifiable change in absorbance readings over time.•Samples containing reduced glutathione (GSH) should be accounted for by running the sample without Glutathione Disulfide (GSSG) and subtracting these background values froma treated sample. A kinetic assay is recommended because it is more precise than an endpoint assay.•Plasma: Add blood sample to a blood collection tube with an anticoagulant such as heparin, EDTA, or sodium citrate. Centrifuge at 3,000 rpm for 10-15 minutes at 4ºC. Remove the upper yellow plasma supernatant layer without disturbing the white buffy coat (leukocytes). Store on ice if assaying immediately or freeze at -80ºC for up to 1-2 months. Dilute the plasma with 1X Assay Buffer before testing.•Erythrocytes: Add blood sample to a blood collection tube with an anticoagulant such as heparin, EDTA, or sodium citrate. Centrifuge the blood at 3,000 rpm for 10-15 minutes at 4ºC. Remove the white interface buffy coat (leukocytes) and yellow plasma layers and discard. Wash theerythrocytes in cold PBS or saline. Determine the packed cell volume and add 4 cell volumes ofcold deionized water to lyse the cells. Centrifuge at 10,000-12,000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4ºC.Collect the supernatant. Store on ice if assaying immediately or freeze at -80ºC for up to 1-2 months. Dilute with 1X Assay Buffer before testing.•Cell Lysates: Wash adherent cells at 2-6 x 106 cells with 1X PBS. Harvest adherent cells with a rubber policeman, or gentle trypsinization. Centrifuge adherent or suspension cells at 500-1000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4ºC. Remove supernatant and wash cells in cold PBS. Repeat centrifugation and remove solution. Immediately resuspend the cell pellet with 200-500 µL ice-cold 1X Assay Buffer for a cell number of 1-5 x 106 cells. Mix thoroughly. Homogenize or sonicate cellsuspension and store on ice until use. Transfer the suspension to a microfuge tube and centrifuge at 12,000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4ºC. Collect the supernatant. Store on ice if used immediately or freeze at -80ºC for up to 1-2 months. Dilute with 1X Assay Buffer as necessary before testing. •Tissue Lysate: Perfuse or wash the tissue to remove blood cells and clots with a cold PBS/1 mM EDTA. Homogenize the tissue thoroughly with cold isotonic saline solution of 1X PBS with0.16 mg/mL heparin to prevent coagulation. Blot the tissue dry and weigh. Add ice-cold PBS/1mM EDTA (~1 mL/100 mg tissue) and homogenize using a glass pestle. Centrifuge thehomogenate at 12,000 rpm for 15 minutes at 4ºC. Collect the supernatant. Store on ice if used immediately or freeze at -80ºC for up to 1-2 months. Dilute with 1X Assay Buffer as necessary before testing.Preparation of Standard Curve1.To prepare glutathione reductase standards, first perform a 1:500 dilution of the stock GlutathioneReductase in 1X Assay Buffer. Use only enough for immediate applications (eg. Add 5 μL of Glutathione Reductase to 2495 μL 1X Assay Buffer). This solution has a concentration of 1 Unit/mL or 1000 mU/mL.e microfuge tubes to prepare a series of standards according to Table 1 below. Preparestandards fresh for each assay performed. Vortex tubes thoroughly when preparing as theglutathione reductase solution is a suspension, and therefore will settle upon standing. Do not store or reuse standard preparations.Table 1. Preparation of Glutathione Reductase Standards.Assay Protocol1.Prepare and mix all reagents thoroughly before use. Prepare the glutathione reductase standardssimultaneously with the samples so they may be assayed together. Each sample, includingunknown and standard, should be assayed in duplicate or triplicate.2.In a 96-well plate, add 25 µL of the 1X NADPH solution to each well to be tested.3.Add 100 µL of the prepared glutathione reductase standards or samples to each well to be tested.4.Add 50 µL of the 1X Chromogen and mix briefly.5.Ensure that the plate reader is prepared for a kinetic assay and is set to read at 405 nm.6.Add 25 µL of the Glutathione Disulfide (GSSG) solution and mix briefly. Immediately beginrecording the absorbance at 405 nm at 1 minute intervals for 10 minutes. The reaction may be run longer if necessary. If using all the wells within the plate at one time, then it may be necessary to record the absorbance at 2 minute intervals.7.Calculate the concentration of standards and samples. See Calculation of Results below. Calculation of Results1.First, determine the average of the replicate absorbance readings for each glutathione reductasestandard, sample, and negative control for every time point taken.2.Graph the average of each standard, sample, and background absorbance at 405nm againstincubation time. Determine the slope for each value from the linear portion of each curve. See Figure 2 under Example of Results below.3.Next, subtract the background slope from the slope of the standards and samples.4.Plot the net slopes of the glutathione reductase standards against the microunits/mL concentrationof glutathione reductase. See Figure 3 under Example of Results below.pare the net slopes of the samples with the standard curve from Figure 3 and determine themicrounits/mL concentration of glutathione reductase for each sample.Note: Remember that the standard and samples are diluted 1:2 dilution within the final assay reaction protocol.Example of ResultsThe following figures demonstrate typical Glutathione Reductase Assay results at 405 nm. One should use the data below for reference only. This data should not be used to interpret actual results.Figure 2. Glutathione Reductase Standard Curve (OD 405nm versus incubation time as a function of Glutathione Reductase concentration).Figure 3: Glutathione Reductase Standard Curve (Net slope versus Glutathione Reductase concentration).References1.Anderson, M. Glutathione in Free radicals, A Practical Approach. Oxford University Press, NewYork; 1996.2.Halliwell, B, Gutteridge, J.M.C. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Oxford UniversityPress, New York; 1999.3.Julius, M., et al. J. Clin. Epidemiol. (1994) 47: 1021-1026.4.Mytilineou, C., et al. Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. (2002) 8: 385-387.Recent Product Citations1.Kato, T. et al. (2023). Involvement of a flavoprotein, acetohydroxyacid synthase, in growth andriboflavin production in riboflavin-overproducing Ashbya gossypii mutant. Microb Cell Fact.22(1):105. doi: 10.1186/s12934-023-02114-1.2.Bokhary, T. et al. (2022). Salvadora persica extract attenuates cyclophosphamide-inducedhepatorenal damage by modulating oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis in rats. J Integr Med. doi: 10.1016/j.joim.2022.05.001.3.Ishida, T. et al. (2021). Targeted therapy for drug-tolerant persister cells after imatinib treatmentfor gastrointestinal stromal tumours. Br J Cancer. doi: 10.1038/s41416-021-01566-9.4.Nour, M.A. et al. (2021). Productive performance, fertility and hatchability, blood indices and gutmicrobial load in laying quails as affected by two types of probiotic bacteria. Saudi J Biol Sci. doi:10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.07.030.5.de Los Santos-Jiménez, J. et al. (2021). Glutaminase isoforms expression switches microRNAlevels and oxidative status in glioblastoma cells. J Biomed Sci. 28(1):14. doi: 10.1186/s12929-021-00712-y.6.Ogawa, K. et al. (2020). Forced expression of miR-143 and -145 in cardiomyocytes inducescardiomyopathy with a reductive redox shift. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 25:40. doi: 10.1186/s11658-020-00232-x.7.Fahd S. Alsayed, M. et al. (2020). Biological control of yeast contamination of industrial foods bypropolis. Saudi J Biol Sci. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.01.023.8.Choi, J.S. et al. (2019). Evaluation of microplastic toxicity in accordance with different sizes andexposure times in the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus. Mar Environ Res. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104838.9.Wang, S. et al. (2019). Effect of supplementation of pelleted hazel (Corylus avellana) leaves onblood antioxidant activity, cellular immune response and heart beat parameters in sheep. Journal of Animal Science. doi:10.1093/jas/skz288.10.Abd El-Moneim, A.E. et al. (2019). Beneficial effect of feeding olive pulp and Aspergillusawamori on productive performance, egg quality, serum/yolk cholesterol and oxidative status in laying Japanese quails. J. Anim. Feed Sci. 28(1):52–61. doi: 10.22358/jafs/105537/2019.11.Alshabibi, M.A. et al. (2018). Human decidua basalis mesenchymal stem/stromal cells protectendothelial cell functions from oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide and monocytes.Stem Cell Res Ther. 9(1):275. doi: 10.1186/s13287-018-1021-z.12.Abumaree, M.H. et al. (2017). Human chorionic villous mesenchymal stem/stromal cells modifythe effects of oxidative stress on endothelial cell functions. Placenta doi:10.1016/j.placenta.2017.05.001.13.Kim, M.H. et al. (2016). Antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of fermented red ginsengagainst high fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats. Lab Anim Res. 32(4):217-223.14.Arrabal, S. et al. (2015). Pharmacological blockade of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in diet-inducedobesity regulates mitochondrial dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase in muscle. PLoS One.10:e0145244.WarrantyThese products are warranted to perform as described in their labeling and in Cell Biolabs literature when used in accordance with their instructions. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THIS EXPRESSED WARRANTY AND CELL BIOLABS DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CELL BIOLABS’sole obligation and purchaser’s exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be, at the option of CELL BIOLABS, to repair or replace the products. In no event shall CELL BIOLABS be liable for any proximate, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the products.Contact InformationCell Biolabs, Inc.7758 Arjons DriveSan Diego, CA 92126Worldwide: +1 858-271-6500USA Toll-Free: 1-888-CBL-0505E-mail: ********************©2014-2023: Cell Biolabs, Inc. - All rights reserved. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form without permissions in writing.。
Amaircare 空气净化器商品说明书
Portable Air Filtration
Instruction Manual
Model 4000VOC
Read and keep this manual for reference purposes
Service: 230 Volt, 50/60 Hz.
Thank you for purchasing an Amaircare® portable air filtration system. With proper care and maintenance, your Amaircare® system will provide many years of reliable service, improving the quality of your air.
Closing the cabinet 1. Re-place filter access lid and secure it with the three retaining clips. 2. Replace safety screw from filter access lid.
The Amaircare 4000VOC ChemFilter is designed to remove VOC’s generated by solvent ink-jet plotters. The 4000VOC is installed directly into the rear of a plotter and creates a negative pressure inside the plotter. The VOC’s that are created in the printing process are drawn into the 4000VOC’s 30 lb. granulated carbon filters which remove a significant amount of the V.O.C.’s. The ‘clean’ air is then vented out of the bottom of the 4000VOC.
Cleanaire D-2100 Air Purifier Manual.说明书
Cleanaire D-2100使用说明书感谢您使用Cleanaire D-2100空气净化器。
安全指示Cleanaire D-2100空气净化器是取得了CE认证的产品,为了您的安全,请仔细阅读以下的安全使用说明:1. 在本产品工作过程中,请勿移动。
2. 请勿将本产品浸入水中,否则将造成永久性的损坏。
3. 如果前部进风罩或顶部的排风罩打开,净化器都不能正常工作。
4. 使用前必须检查电源线是否完整无损。
5. 本产品应放置于平稳处,不要置于距离热源(如炉、散热器或加热器等)太近的地方。
系统配置与功能本产品采用领先于同类产品的三重气体净化系统装置:1. 前置过滤系统能有效去除空气中悬浮颗粒,并有效延长高效微粒过滤网(HEPA)的使用寿命。
2. 医疗级的高效微粒过滤网(HEPA)能去除花粉、霉菌、烟尘、杀虫剂、微尘及小到0.3微米的微粒。
3. 紫外线照射灯有很好的灭菌作用,可杀灭细菌,消毒空气,而光触媒系统(PCO)可以最有效地氧化空气中的挥发性有机物,包括甲醛、苯、甲苯和各种有机毒物。
4. 采用先进微电脑电子控制系统,用户可根据室内面积和空气质量设置风速。
5. 本机有遥控功能,用户可根据需要设置定时净化程序,可设置开机、关机时间和风速。
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运输包装课程设计说明书题目:美的KJ40FR—NG1全能博士空气净化器的运输包装设计学生姓名:**学号: ************院(系):设计与艺术学院专业:包装工程指导教师:***2012 年 6 月 27 日目录1课程设计的目的 (1)2课程设计的任务 (1)3课程设计的内容 (1)3.1产品的详细说明 (1)3.1.1空气净化器 (1)3.1.2美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士空气净化器的性能介绍 (1)3.1.3美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士空气净化器的脆值确定 (2)3.2产品运输流通环境分析 (3)3.2.1产品的流通区间 (3)3.2.2产品的主要运输方式 (3)3.2.3产品的装卸与搬运 (3)3.2.4产品的储存 (4)3.2.5流通气象条件 (4)3.2.6产品跌落高度的确定 (4)3.3缓冲材料的选择 (4)3.4设计缓冲包装 (5)3.4.1缓冲衬垫基本尺寸计算 (5)3.4.2缓冲衬垫的校核 (6)3.4.3防振包装设计 (7)3.4.4缓冲衬垫的结构设计 (7)3.5设计瓦楞纸箱并校核其抗压强度 (7)3.5.1瓦楞纸箱的设计 (7)3.5.2瓦楞纸箱的校核 (9)3.5.3封箱、钉箱要求 (10)3.5.4瓦楞纸箱展开图及装潢图 (10)4小结 (10)参考文献 (12)1课程设计的目的通过运输包装的课程设计,使我们对产品的运输包装设计有一个全面的了解;也使我们将理论知识与实际应用结合起来加深理解;也为毕业设计和以后走向工作岗位打下良好的基础。
2课程设计的任务设计出合理的美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士空气净化器的缓冲衬垫以及外包装箱。
3.1.2美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士空气净化器的性能介绍美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士空气净化器的外观如图3—1所示:图3—1 美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士空气净化器(1)美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士的重要参数;美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士的重要参数如表3—1所示:表3—1 重要参数(2)美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士的其他性能①日韩风格设计,纤薄时尚造型;②高效净烟模块,专业除烟除尘;③释放高浓度负离子,营造森林级新鲜空气;④高效HEPA过滤网+速效活性炭;⑤全风道优化,营造安静低噪音环境;⑥滤网更换提醒,清洁更省心;⑦8小时定时开关机,3级风量调节。
(3)美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士的其他特点①大数码显示屏,操作方便,一目了然;②40MM超厚滤网,超强过滤效果;③4L水箱,水箱缺水自动提示;④2L甲醛捕捉剂,并自动供给;⑤可洁纳米银离子抗菌网,纯净加湿;⑥湿度显示及设定;⑦智能检测室内粉尘和异味,自动调节净化强度;⑧滤网计时。
3.1.3美的KJ40FR-NG1 全能博士空气净化器的脆值确定产品脆值的计算的方法有振动模型估算法、非线形缓冲包装系统估算法、经验估算法、类比法和计算机仿真法。
表3—2 日本机械标准化研究所所推荐的产品脆值范围3.2产品运输流通环境分析3.2.1产品的流通区间(1)产品所在地:广东(2)目的地:全国各地3.2.2产品的主要运输方式该空气净化器的主要运输方式是铁路和公路运输。
汽车运输包装件的共振频率一般小于25H Z,交通部公路所对汽车运输冲击的研究结论:①汽车运输的随机振动加速度功率谱密度以上下为最大,左右次之,前后最小。
(2)储存环境: 室内存放,仓库建筑结构型式对贮存环境中的温湿度、气压等因素影响较大。
对于16㎏以上的包装件,人工装卸的跌落高度可用以下公式(3—1)计算:WH 300(3—1) 其中:H ——跌落高度,㎝;W ——包装件的重量,㎏。
现在最常用的缓冲包装材料是泡沫塑料,包括聚乙烯泡沫塑料(EPE )、聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(EPS )、聚氨酯泡沫塑料(EPU )、乙烯—醋酸乙烯共聚物橡胶制品(EVA )和聚乙烯交联泡沫塑料等。
在此我对缓冲材料的选择做了两个方案的对比:(1)方案一:选用缓冲材料EPSEPS 是一种可模塑的、轻质的、半硬质的、闭孔的和成本低的缓冲材料。
模塑的EPS 是半硬的,抗压强度大;成本低,还可制成带肋的复杂形状以节约用量;振动阻尼大,即抗振性能好;光滑的略有弹性的模塑表面不会磨损内装物;不吸水;耐腐蚀、耐油、耐老化;隔热和绝缘性好;可接触食品;热敏感性低,2s 内便可自熄;抗蠕变性能好;重载下的缓冲性能好。
但EPS 也有些缺点,其不耐多次冲击;性脆,拉伸强度低;无法自然分解,体积大,不易回收。
(2)方案二:选用缓冲材料EPEEPE 是发泡聚乙烯,俗称珍珠棉,是一种低密度的、半硬质的、闭孔结构的、耐候性好的、无毒的、耐腐蚀、阻水的和易回收的聚乙烯聚合物。
EPE 的柔软性和韧性介于EPS 和开孔结构的PU 之间,拉伸强度高,不存在EPS 易掉渣的缺点;缓冲性能好,能耐多次冲击,动态变形小;抗静电性能好。
EPE 与EPS 相比,成本较高,刚度较差,不能模塑,但综合性能好。
在这里我选方案二,选用EPE 制成的泡沫缓冲衬垫。
EPE 缓冲性能好,能耐多次冲击,动态变形小,抗静电性能好,综合性能好,适合于产品的长途运输和复杂的环境要求,能很好的达到保护产品的目的。
并且EPE 易于回收,有利于环保。
常见缓冲材料的c-σm 曲线如下图3—2所示:图3—2 常见缓冲材料的c-σm 曲线3.4设计缓冲包装3.4.1缓冲衬垫基本尺寸计算已知产品的质量为17.6㎏,许用脆值为75g ,等效跌落高度为71.5㎝.采用最小缓冲系数法,由上图可得EPE (发泡聚乙烯)的最小缓冲系数为min C =4.8,m =140KPa,则根据公式3—2和3—3:cG CH T = (3—2) m σ=A mgG c (3—3) 可计算得:T=4.576㎝A=94.28×-310㎡=942.82cm ,取缓冲面积A=9502cm3.4.2缓冲衬垫的校核(1)强度校核该缓冲衬垫选用的是EPE ,其缓冲性能好,能耐多次冲击,动态变形小,抗静电性能好,综合性能好,适合于产品的长途运输和复杂的环境要求,强度符合要求,能够达到保护产品的目的。
为了避免挠弯,衬垫的最小承载面积A min 与厚度之比应符合以下规定,通常用克斯特那公式3—4校核:min A /(()233.1T >1 (3—4) 由公式计算得:min A /()233.1T =25.65>1,故缓冲垫的挠度符合要求。