高中英语必修4人教版同步练习及答案:Unit 4 Body Language Warming-up & vocabulary


高中英语 必修4 Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试(含答案解析)

高中英语 必修4 Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试(含答案解析)

高中英语必修4Unit4《BodyLanguage》单元同步测试(含答案解析)I单项选择(15分)1.Ifyoucomparefoodcoststoday___ofayearago,youwillfindthedifference.A.tothatB.tothemC.withthatD.withthose2.Anexpert,togetherwithsomeassistants,___senttohelpwiththeworktheotherday.A.wasB.wereC.isD.are3.Theboysarguingoverwhethertoplaybaseballorfootballfinally___byvoting.A.reachedgoalsB.cametotermsC.cametoanendD.gaveup4.Somanyyoungmenwantto___writing.A.takeinB.takeupC.takeoverD.takeoff5.Youcan____her;she’llneverletyoudown.A.believeB.believeinC.thinkD.thinkabout6.Thequestionisnot____.A.worthtoconsiderB.worthtobeconsideredC.worthconsideringD.worthbeingconsidered7.–Motherhasn’tcomebackyet.--Well,sheought____.A.toB.tobeC.todoD.tohave8.Withthehelpoftheforeignexperts,theyproduced___washingmachinesin2003astheyearbefore.A.astwicemanyB.astwiceasmanyC.asmanyastwiceD.twiceasmany9.____isnodoubtthatPremierWenJiabao’sUSvisithelpeddevelopChina-Useconomy.A.ItB.ThereC.ThisD.That10.____byhisteachers,hefeltnervous.A.HavingwatchedB.HavingbeenwatchingC.WatchingD.Beingwatched11.Jackcamehomesothinandweakthathischildrenhardly___him.A.knewB.receivedC.admittedD.recognized12.___hiswork,hestartedtoplaythecomputergames.A.BeingfinishedB.HavingfinishedC.FinishingD.Havingbeenfinished13.Studentsshouldplaymoreontheplaygroundto___uptheirbodies.A.holdB.setC.keepD.build14.Themiddle-agedwoman___thehabitofsmoking.A.improvedB.increasedC.supportedD.developed15.Thewinterisalreadyhere,and___tobeamostcoldone.A.goesB.promisesC.likesD.knowsII完形填空(20分)Ishallneverforgetthedaywhentheearthquaketookplace.Thetimewas5:15intheafternoonandIwasdrivingalongtheroadt o_16 mydaughterfromschool.Ourplanwastogo 17 together.Ihadfinishedworkatabout4o’clockandthen 18 tothepostoffice.ThenIstopped 19 atashopinordertogetsome 20 fruit.Weliketohavesomefruittoeatafterourswim. Iwasdrivingalongahighroadonmywaytotheschool.Overmyroadwasanotherwayforcarscomingtheotherway.Iwas 21 soIputthebagofapplesintheseat22 meandstartedtoeatone. SuddenlyIsawthecarsinfrontofmestarttomovefromsidetoside.Isloweddown.Then 23 startedtoshake.Ididn’tknowwhatwashappening. 24 somethinghadgonewrongwithmycar.Idrove 25 slower.Istoppedthecarandatthesamemomenttheroadfellontothecarsinfrontofme.Ifoundmyselfinthedark.Icouldn’tmove.Thebottompartsofbothmylegsandmy 26 werehurtingbadlyandIcouldn’tmovethem.Allaroundmewas 27 .ButbelowmeIcouldhearshoutsandalotofnoise.ThenI 28 whathadhappened.Ihadbeeninanearthquake.Forabouttwohoursnobodycame.LuckilyIcould 29 thebagofapples,soatleastIhadplentytoeat.ThenI 30 peopleclimbingtowardsme.Ateamofpeoplehadcometoseeifanyonewasunderthebroken31 .Icalledout“I’mhere!”I heardashout,soon32 climbedtothesideofthebridgenearmycar,“Howareyoudoing?”heasked.“Nottoobad,”I said,“butmyfeetandlegs33 asifthey’rebroken.”“We’llhaveyououtoftherejustas 34 aswecan,”hesaid.Theydidn’tgetmeout 35 thenextmorning.Ihadbeeninmycarfor14hours.16.A.take B.bring C.get D.send17.A.swimming B.shopping C.climbing D.skating18.A.arrived B.came C.got D.gone19.A.off B.away C.over D.here20.A.dried B.fresh C.expensive D.hard21.A.happy B.excited C.surprised D.hungry22.A.before B.below C.beside D.behind23.A.mycar B.myhands C.myfeet D.theroad24.A.Perhaps B.Surely C.Suddenly D.Quickly25.A.much B.more C.even D.alittle26.A.feet B.arms C.hands D.fingers27.A.dark B.quiet C.cold D.noisy28.A.wastold B.foundout C.discovered D.remembered29.A.see B.hold C.catch D.reach30.A.heard B.saw C.found D.recognized31.A.railway B.road C.car D.trees32.A.astranger B.afriend C.mydaughter D.adriver33.A.feel B.look C.seem D.appear34.A.fast B.easy C.soon D.possible35.A.on B.to C.until D.afterIII阅读理解(30分)ANotmanyyearsago,awealthyandratherstrangeoldmannamedJohnsonlivedaloneinavillageinthesouthofEngland.Heha dmadealotofmoneyintradingwithforeigncountries.Whenhewas75,hegave£12,000tothevillageschooltobuylandandeq uipmentforachildren’splayground.Asaresultofhiskindness,manypeoplecametovisithim.Amongthemwasanewspaperman.Duringtheirtalk,Johnsonr emarkedthathewas75andexpectedtolivetobe100,andthenewspapermanaskedhimhowhemanagedtobehealthyat75.Jo hnsonhadasenseofhumor.Helikedwhiskyanddranksomeeachday.“I haveaninjection(注射)inmyneckeachevening”,hetoldthenewspaperman,thinkingofhiseveningglassofwhisky. ThenewspapermandidnotunderstandwhatJohnsonmeant.InhisnewspaperhereportedthatJohnsonwas75andhadadaily injectioninhisneck.WithinaweekJohnsonreceivedthousandsoflettersfromalloverBritain,askinghimforthesecretofhis dailyinjection.36.Johnsonbecamearichmanthrough_____.A.doingbusinessB.makingwhiskyC.cheatingD.buyingandsellingland37.ThegiftofmoneytotheschoolsuggeststhatJohnson____.A.hadnochildrenB.wasastrangemanC.wasverywarm-heartedandfondofchildrenD.wantedpeopletoknowhowrichhewas38.ManypeoplewrotetoJohnsonprobablytofindout____.A.whatkindofwhiskyhedrankB.howtolivealoneC.howtobecomewealthyD.inwhichpartoftheneckhehadaninjectioneachday39.WhenJohnsonsaidhehadaninjectioninhisneckeachevening,hereallymeantthat____A.helikeddrinkingaglassofwhiskyintheeveningB.heneededaninjectionintheneckC.adailyinjectingintheeveningwouldmakehimsleepwellD.therewassomethingwrongwithhisneck40.FromthepassagewecaninferthatJohnsonwouldbevery____afterhereadthosepeople’sletters.A.miserableB.gladC.surprisedD.saidBBothwarm-bloodedandcold-bloodeddesertanimalshavewaystoescapethedesertheat.Warm-bloodeddesertanimals,su chasratsandmice,restduringtheday,oftenstayingincoolundergroundburrows.Atnighttheysearchforfood.Animalsthata reoutduringtheday,suchascold-bloodedlizardsandsnakes,areactiveonlyforshortperiods.Astheirbodytemperaturerises ,thesereptiles(爬行动物)moveintotheshadeinordertocooldown.Intheearlyevening,whenthesungrowsweaker,thereptilesbecomemoreactivean dbegintheirsearchforfoodagain.Gettingenoughwatertosurviveisamajorproblemforalldesertanimals.Somedesertanimals,likedesertbirds,managetofin dwaterholes.Otherdesertanimals,suchasthekangarooratandtherelatedjerboa,getwateronlyfromthefoodthattheyeat.Be causetheseanimalseatmainlydryseeds,theymustsurviveonatinyamountofwater.Mostdesertshaveonlyasmallnumberoffrogsandtoadsbecausetheseanimalsmustbenearwatertosurvive.Yeteventhesec reatureshaveadapted(适应)todesertconditions.Whensmallamountsofwatercollectintemporarystreams,thedesert-livingfrogsandtoadsbecome active.Afterarainfall,theylaytheireggs.Theeggsgrowintotadpolesinafewdaysandintoadultsinjustfourweeks.Whenthe puddles(水坑)dryup,theadultfrogsortoadsdigintotheground.Theirmetabolism(新陈代谢)slows,andtheystaybeneaththegrounduntilthenextrain,whichmaybeasgoodasayearaway.Untilthen,theirbodilyacti vitiescontinueatareducedrate.Thecamel—oftencalledtheshipofthedesert—isoneofthemostsuccessfuldesertanimals.Camelscangoforlongperiodsw ithoutwater,buteventuallytheymustdrink.Whenwaterbecomesavailabletothemafteralongdrought,theymaydrink95lit ersofwaterormore.Whenwaterisnotavailable,whathelpscamelssurvivethedesertheatisthefatstoredintheirhumps(驼峰).Acamel’shumpcontainsabout12kilogramsoffat.Fatisrichinhydrogen.Asthefatisdigested,hydrogenfromthefatco mbineswithoxygenintheairthatthecamelbreathes.TheresultisH2O,orwater.Eachkilogramoffatthatacameldigestsprod ucesaboutaliterofwater.41.Desertanimalsareusuallymoreactiveatnightbecause_____.A.itiscooleratnightB.itiseasiertofindwaterC.theylikethedarkD.theyarelesslikelytobeattackedatnight42.Whichofthefollowingdesertanimalscangetwateronlyfromthefood?A.Thecamel.B.Thekangaroo.C.Thefrog.D.Therat.43.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?A.Allthedesertanimalsrestduringtheday.B.Allthedesertanimalsdon’trestduringtheday.C.Cold-bloodeddesertanimalsareoutmostoftheday.D.Noneofthecold-bloodeddesertanimalsgooutduringtheday.44.Thetitleforthispassagecouldprobablybe_____.A.HotDesertsB.DesertAnimalsC.HowDesertAnimalsGetWaterD.WaysToEscapetheDesertHeat45.Theunderlinedword“burrows”inthefirstparagraphcanbereplacedby_____.A.holesB.cavesC.roomsD.openingsCInbringingupchildren,everyparentwatcheseagerlythechild’sacquisition(学会)ofeachnewskill—thefirstspokenwords,thefirstindependentsteps,orthebeginningofreadingandwriting.Itiscommo nthatparentshurrythechildbeyondhisnaturallearningrate,butthiscansetupdangerousfeelingsoffailureandstatesofworr yinthechild.Thismighthappenatanystage.Ababymightbeforcedtouseatoilettooearly,andayoungchildmightbeencoura gedtolearntoreadbeforeheknowsthemeaningofthewordshereads.Ontheotherhand,though,ifachildisleftalonetoomuch ,orwithoutanylearningopportunities,heloseshisnaturalenthusiasm(热情)forlifeandhisdesiretofindoutnewthingsforhimself.Parentsvarygreatlyintheirdegreeofstrictnesstowardstheirchildren.Somemaybeespeciallystrictinmoneymatters;other saresevereovertimeofcominghomeatnightorpunctuality(准时)formeals.Ingeneral,thecontrolsimposed(强加的)representtheneedsoftheparentsandthevaluesofthecommunity(社区)asmuchasthechild’sownhappiness.Asregardsthedevelopmentofmoralstandards(道德标准))inthegrowingchild,consistency(连贯性)isveryimportantinparentalteaching.Toforbidathingonedayandexcuseitthenextisnofoundationformorality.Also,paren tsshouldrealizethat“exampleisbetterthanprecept”.Iftheyarenotsincereanddonotpractisewhattheypreach(说教),theirchildrenmaygrowconfused,andemotionallyinsecurewhentheygrowoldenoughtothinkforthemselves,andreal izetheyhavebeentosomeextentfooled.Asuddenawarenessofamarkeddifferencebetweentheirparents’principlesandtheirmoralscanbeadangerousdisappoint ment.46.Eagerlywatchingthechild’sacquisitionofnewskills_____.A.shouldbeavoidedB.isuniversalamongparentsC.setsupdangerousstatesofworryinthechildD.willmakehimloseinterestinlearningnewthings47.Whenchildrenarelearningnewskills,parentsshould_____.A.encouragethemtoreadbeforetheyknowthemeaningofthewordstheyreadB.notexpecttoomuchofthemC.achieveabalancebetweenpushingthemtoohardandleavingthemontheirownD.createasmanylearningopportunitiesaspossible48.Thesecondparagraphmainlytellsusthat_____.A.parentsshouldbestrictwiththeirchildrenB.parentalcontrolssatisfyonlytheneedsoftheparentsandthevaluesofthecommunityC.parentalrestrictionsvary,andarenotalwaysenforcedforthebenefitofthechildrenaloneD.parentsvaryintheirstrictnesstowardstheirchildrenaccordingtothesituation49.Theunderlinedword“precept”(inParagraph3)probablymeans“_____”.A.ideaB.punishmentC.behaviorD.instruction50.Inmoralmatters,parentsshould_____.A.observetherulesthemselvesB.beawareofthemarkeddifferencebetweenadultsandchildrenC.forbidthingswhichhavenofoundationinmoralityD.satisfytheirchildren’sneedsIV短文改错(10分)Idon’tknowJohnDenver.However,I’veheardhim.51.________Hepreferredcountrymusicforpopmusic.Ilikehis52.________songsandsometimesIkeeplistenallday.He53.________madelotsofrecordsandhismusichadbroadcaston54.________theradio.Hewasnotjustasingerbutasongwriter.55.________Whenpeoplewereangrywithsocietybutdidn’tthink56.________wellofpoliticalleaders,hebeginstoturntothis57________subjectwithothersingers.Theymadeofunofthem58.________bysingingsongsfullofangry.ThoughDenverdied,59.________countrymusichavebecomemoreandmorepopular.60.________V书面表达(25分)人类已经进入一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。



人教新课标高中英语必修四-U n i t-4-B o d y-L a n g u a g e-单元词汇练习及答案-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Unit 4 Body Language一、单词变形拼写1. statement (n.) 陈述,说明 --- (v.)___________ --- (n.) 政治家__________2. greet (v.) 迎接,问候- -- (n.) 招呼____________3. represent (vt.) 代表,象征 --- (n.) 代表(人)/adj .典型的;有代表性的______ --- (n.) 表现,陈述 ____________________4. association( n.) 社团,联系 --- (v.) 使联系_________ --- ( adj.) 联合的_______5. flight (n.)航班;飞行;逃跑;一段楼梯 --- (v.)飞行,逃离_____---(UN)飞行_______6. curious (adj.) 好奇的 --- ( adv.)_________--- ( n.) 好奇心________7. defend (vt.) 保护,辩护--- (n.)____ --- ( n.) 防御者_____ --- ( n.) 被告人______8. major( adj.) 主要的--- ( n.) 多数 _____________9. misunderstand (v.) 误解,误会 (v.)理解__________--- (n.)_______________10. simply( adv.) 简单地,只--- (adj.)________ --- ( v.) 简化 _____________11. spoken (adj.) 口语的 --- (adj.) 未说出口的,非口语的 _______________12. Spain (n.) 西班牙--- (adj.) _____________13. Italy( n.) 意大利--- (adj.) _____________14. likely (adj.) 可能的 --- (adj.) 不太可能 ___________15. employee( n.) 雇员--- (v.)雇佣_____ (n.) 雇主_____ --- (n.) 就业 ________16. misread (v.) 读错,误解--- (v) _________17. facial( adj.) 面部的--- ( n/v) ___________18. function(n./v.) 作用,功能,起作用 ---(adj.) 功能的,有多种用途的___________19. ease( n./v.)安逸,舒适---(adj)_________--- (adv)_________20. truly (adv.) --- (adj.)________ --- ( n.)事实___________21. anger (n.)--- (adj.)_________ --- (adv.)___________________22. respectful(adj.) 恭敬的-- (adv.)___________---(v./n.)尊重,尊敬__________--- ( adj. )各自的,分别的______________---(adj.)可敬的,品行端正的_____________---(prep.)关于,至于______________23. subjective (adj.) 主观的 ---(n.)主题,学科,主观 _______________二、短语互译1. 保卫……以免受 ______________2. 很可能……;有希望……______________3. 舒适;快活;自由自在 ______________4. turn one’s back to ______________5. play a major role in sth ______________6. 主修,专攻 ______________7. 对... ...感到好奇 ______________8. generally speaking=to be general ______________9. frankly speaking=to be frank ______________10. honestly speaking=to be honest ______________11. with ease (easily) ______________12. feel at ease ______________13. take one’s ease ______________14. put sb. at ease ______________15. ease/reduce/lessen our stress/pressure/pain…______________16. ease one’s mind ______________17. turn on ______________18. turn in ______________19. turn away ______________20. turn off ______________21. I t turned out that…______________22. turn up ______________23. turn to ______________24. turn to sb for help (ask sb. for help) ______________25. turn down ______________26. turn a deaf ear to ______________27. turn around ______________28. turn a blind eye to ______________三、用括号里所给词汇的正确形式填空1. ______________ (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height..2. The job market has changed and our approach to _________(find) work must change as well.3. With the Spring Festival ____________(approach),an evening party is to be held in our school.4. The dove ___________(represent) peace.5. The staff soon found the new manager easy ____________(approach).6. The law allows people ____________(defend) themselves against a charge.7. He inspires me ____________(major) in English in college to be a bridge betweenChina and the world.8. Just to satisfy my ___________(curious), how much did you pay for your car9. 4)They are likely __________(win) the match.10. The government should __________(wide) the roads and build more flyovers,so as __________(ease) the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents.四、介词、副词填空1. She turned ________ the job offer because she wanted more money.2. With no one to turn_______, the girl felt helpless.3. We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but he failed to turn _______.4. The stone struck the man ____ the eye.5. She touched him ____ the shoulder.6. All approaches ____ the town were blocked.7. 1)Soldiers should defend their country ____________ the enemies.8. There is a major problem __________ parking in many cities.9. Water plays a major role ______ our life.10. In most cultures the smile is ______ general an expression of pleasure.五、用方框里所给词汇的正确形式填空1. He is the ideal person ______ our class to attend this competition.2. ______ the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.3. The law allows people ______ themselves against a charge.4. The young man joined the army ___________his country.5. The high wall was built as a _________ against intruders.6. She _____ in management. That is, her major is management.7. When the alarm sounded, the robber took _______ in a hurry.六、完成句子1. The moon ______________(代表) my heart.2. He _______________________(感到好奇)the people who lived upstairs.3. The reporter _____________________(很想知道)whether the official is involved in the case.4. ___________________(实在反常)he didn’t tell you.5. He looked at me________________(好奇地).6. Of course, some people decided to travel just__________________(出于好奇) .7. The girl answered all the questions ______________(轻松地).8. Take the medicine and it will _______________(镇痛).七、翻译句子1. 我抓住她的胳膊。

高中英语 必修4 Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试(1)(含答案解析)

高中英语 必修4 Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试(1)(含答案解析)


1.Susan,________universitystudentfromEurope,teachesme________artinhersparetime.A.an;/B.a;theC.an;theD.a;/2.Tyronwasveryangry,butcool-headedenoughto________rushinginto theboss’soffice.A.preventB.avoidC.protectD.allow3.Onthismapwhatdoesastar________?A.tellB.representC.sayD.mean4.IfirstmetMrSmithinAmerica.He________atStanfordUniversitythen.A.studiedB.hadstudiedC.isstudyingD.wasstudying5.Ourbodiesarestrengthenedbytakingexercise.________,ourmindsaredevelopedbylearning.A.PossiblyB.LikelyC.SimilarlyD.Generally6.________,mostteenagersnowlistentorockmusic.However,Johnlikesclassicalmusicbetter.A.InawordB.IngeneralC.IntimeD.Intotal7.Hetriedto________answeringanyquestionthejournalistasked.A.avoidB.leaveC.defeatD.miss8.________wemovethepictureoverthere?Doyouthinkitwilllookbetter?A.IfonlyB.WhatifC.AsifD.Evenif9.________differentkindsofpianos,thefactoryissuretheycansatisfypeople’sneeds.A.ToproduceB.BeingproducedC.ProducedD.Havingproduced10.Theletter“X”canbeused________anunknownnumber.A.toexpressingB.toexpressC.expressingD.expression11.TheBig6Modelisone________toteachinginformationliteracyskills.A.attitudeB.appearanceC.approachD.altitude12.________,theteacheraskedwhetheranyonewishedtoaskaquestion.A.FinishinghislectureB.TofinishthelectureC.HavingfinishedhislectureD.Finishedthelecture13.—It’saveryinterestingbook.—________.—Andthankyouverymuchforlettingmekeepitsolong.A.I’mgladyoulikeit.B.That’sallright.C.Don’tmentionit.D.Ihopeyoulikeit.14.—Whenwasitthatyougothomelastnight?—It_______aroundnineo’clockwhenIdrovebackhome,foritwasverydark.A.musthavebeenB.hadtobeC.wastobeD.mustbe15.Peopleareencouragedtospeakopenly,butcarelesswordsar e________tohurtothers’feelings.A.possibleB.probableC.likelyD.sure第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

高中英语 必修4 Unit 4 Body Language Grammar 课时同步练习习题(含解析)

高中英语 必修4 Unit 4 Body Language Grammar 课时同步练习习题(含解析)







新人教版高中英语必修4Unit 4 Body Language Reading(含答案)

新人教版高中英语必修4Unit 4 Body Language Reading(含答案)

高一英语同步练习:必修4 Unit 4 Body Language第2课时Reading基础练习1.Scanning: Find the characters and where they are from?Character Country____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________2.Fast-reading : Does body language stay the same in different countries / cultures ? Why?3.Careful reading:read the text, fill the graphCountry Ways to greet each otherBritain ________________________Canada ________________________Japan ________________________Spain, Italy, South American countries________________________________France________________________________________________________________Men from Middle East and other Muslim cultures实战演练一. 英汉互译1. Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university’s studentassociation, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year’s international students.______________________________________2.我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地四周张望。

2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修四同步作业:Unit 4 Body language课后限时作业11 Word版含答案

2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修四同步作业:Unit 4 Body language课后限时作业11 Word版含答案

课后限时作业(十一)(见课时作业P21)Ⅰ.单句语法填空(建议用时:7分钟)1.By the end of 2007, about half a million people had flooded into the city, __making__(make) up around 10 percent of its total population.解析句意:到2007年底,大约50万人涌进那座城市,占那座城市总人口的大约10%。

half…people与make up之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。

2.Not __having made__(make) full preparations, we put off the sports meeting.解析句意:因为没有做好充分的准备,我们把运动会延期了。

we与make之间为主谓关系;prepare的动作应发生在谓语动作put off之前,故用having made。

3.Every year, many graduates travel from one place to another, __hunting__(hunt) for a well -paid job.解析句意:每年很多毕业生从一个地方到另一个地方,寻找高薪的工作。

many graduates与hunt之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词形式作伴随状语。

4.The police are sparing no effort to search for the missing boy, __giving__(give) his parents a ray of hope.5.He got up late and hurried to his office, __leaving__(leave) the breakfast untouched.解析He与leave之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词形式作伴随状语。

新人教版高中英语必修4Unit 4 Body Language Using language(含答案)

新人教版高中英语必修4Unit 4 Body Language Using language(含答案)

高一英语同步练习:必修4 Unit 4 Body Language第4课时Using language基础练习本单元重点知识归纳总结:一、重点词汇:(写出汉意及词性)1. represent______________2 .curious _______________3 .defend______________4 . approach ______________5. be likely to______________6 .in general______________7. at ease ______________8.lose face ______________9 .turn one’s back to______________二、重点句式:1. prohibition and warning(禁令和警告):Do not...; Stop! ;Keep away from...;Always stay...;Watch out! Look out! Go away. Don’t enter hereBe careful when..., Come here.You may not...You will be fined...,Don’t smoke here. Don’t slip;2.obligation(义务和责任)You must...,You should never...,You will be...,You will have to...,You will need to...,We ought to...,He’s supposed to...(书中supposed 第一个s是大写)三、课文重点句型:1 .Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor arethey comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.1. 各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。

人教版英语必修4课后习题:Unit 4 Body Language Section 3含答案

人教版英语必修4课后习题:Unit 4 Body Language Section 3含答案

Unit 4Section ⅢⅠ.单句语法填空1.By the end of 2007, about half a million people had flooded into the city, making(make) up around 10 percent of its total population.解析:句意:到2007年底,大约50万人涌进那个城市,占那个城市总人口的10%。

2.Linda acts as if she were the boss, ordering(order) people around.解析:句意:琳达行动就好像她是老板,命令周围的人们。

3.Every year, many graduates travel from one place to another, hunting(hunt) for a well﹣paid job.解析:句意:每年很多毕业生从一个地方到另一个地方,寻找高薪的工作。

4.I think there has been some misunderstanding(misunderstand). I mean nine in the morning, not nine at night.解析:misunderstanding误解,误会。


5.In order not to lose face, he spent the whole night preparing for the speech of the next day.解析:句意:为了不丢面子,他为第二天的演讲准备了一晚上。

lose face“丢脸,丢面子”。

6.Now that you’ve passed the test, you can drive a car on your own. But you still should be careful.解析:句意:既然你已经通过考试了,你可以独立开车了。



必修 4 Unit 4Body language 身体语言I.单项填空1.Work hard ,dear . With your work done ,you will feel much ______________ .A .at easeB .out of workC.in peace D .as usual2.This is a new __________ to language teaching ,which can stimulate students ' interest tolearn the language.A .approachB .meansC.method D .way3.The kids seated themselves _________________ to the teacher and listened ________________ with great interest.A .closely ;closeB .closely ;closelyC.close;closely D .close;close4.The _________ on his face told me that he wasn ' t satisfied with my answer.A .impressionB .sightC.appearance D .expression5.People are encouraged to speak openly,but careless words are __________________ to hurt others ' feelings.A .possibleB .probableC.likely D .sure6. _______ ,most teenagers now listen to rock music.However ,John likes classical musicbetter.A .In a wordB .In generalC.In time D .In total7.The students entered the classroom ,smiling and _________________ ,and _________ down to have their lessons.A .talked;satB .talking ;sittingC.talking ;sat D .talked ;sitting8.Do tell me the ways you think of ___________ the problem as soon as possible.A .to solveB .solvingC.solve D .being solved9.The murderer reached _______________ his gun ,and then shot at the man.A .forB .outC.in D .of10.—Hi ,Peter.Long time no see. —Oh,it's you,Jack.I'm sorry I didn 't you at first.A .knowB .recognizeC.remember D .realize11.Tyron was very angry,but cool- headed enough to ____________________ r ushing into the boss' s office.A .preventB .avoidC.protect D .allow12.—You don't look quite yourself today.What 's the matter?—Well ,I' m suffering from a cold.Nothing serious ,__________ .A .indeedB .anywayC.though D .yet13.When crossing the street,you should always ________________ the traffic.A .watchB .watch outwatch for D . watch out for_ different kinds of pianos , the factory is sure they can satisfy people ' s needs. To produce B . Being producedProduced D . Having produced Smok ing is one of the major commercial n •阅读理解 (2009年安徽名校联考三,America n tee ns are sett ing an example for their pare nts through their volun teer work accord ingto the Harris In teractive poll con ducted in the Un ited States betwee n Jan.29 and Feb.2 among 2,003adults.The ran dom n ati onal teleph one survey released this week by the Federal Way-based charity World Visi on found that more tee ns volun teer to support a charitable ( 慈善的) cause — 56 perce nt — tha n have a part-time job — 39 perce nt.Pare nts and guardia ns said 82 perce nt of the tee ns in their lives do somethi ng to support charitable causes, including volunteering , recruiting others to a cause, wearing a T-shirt or donating money.Forty- six percent of the adults surveyed said they volunteered their time and they also in spired their childre n to volun teer.Sara Johnson, a teacher who advises students at a private school in a Chicago suburb , says she ' s see n a rise of tee n in volveme nt in social causes since Preside nt Barack Obama was elected in November.The Harris In teractive survey found a quarter of tee ns have become more in volved in charitable causesor organizations as a result of the economic downturn , but the economy has also led to cuts in allowa nces , and has tee ns work more hours at a pay ing job.Alynn Woods on , director of volun teer en gageme nt at Habitat for Huma nity Intern atio nal,said she has no ticed a new en thusiasm among tee n volun teers for the orga ni zati on.Habitat for Huma nity Intern ati onal celebrates the 20th anni versary of its alter native spri ng breakprogram this year and is expect ing more tha n 12,000 young people to help build homes for low- in come people around the n ati on.1. The followi ng stateme nts about the tee ns ' volu ntary work are true EXCEPT ___________________ .A . the econo mic dow nturn led tee ns to work less hours at pay ing jobsB. the poll was done at the end of January and the early FebruaryC. children do more voluntary work than their parentsD. more tee ns are in volved in charitable causes or orga ni zati ons2. We can infer from the passage that _______________ .A . parents and guardians encourage their children to do voluntary workB . volunteers all wear T- shirts while doing charity workC . more tee ns are doing pay ing jobs as a result of the econo mic dow ntur nD . less tee ns were en thusiastic about volun tary work before Obama came into power 3. The author men ti oned Habitat for Huma nity Intern ati onal in order to prove ____________ .A . that homes for low- in come people will be built around the n ati onB . Alynn Woods on is the director of volun teer en gageme ntC . more young people are doing volun teer workD . it ' s 20 years since Habitat for Humanity International came into being4 . Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A . More tee ns doing volun tary workB . Teens setti ng examples for pare nts in charitable causesC . Comme nts on tee ns ' volun tary workD . The 20th anni versary of Habitat for Huma nity Intern ati onal c . 14. A . C .15.A . C . _______ c auses of cancer , killing millions of people each year.B . similar D .C)(2009年厦门检测,D)Just as the stock (股票)market rises and falls in response to what people are willi ng to put their money beh ind , we have in side ourselves an inner economy that rises and falls in resp onse to our beliefsabout what is possible.Sometimes the degree to which we are willing to challenge our belief systems determ ines the success of our inner economy .For example, imagi ne that your family of origi n had a belief that musical tale nt was not someth ing they possessed.As a member of that group , you would likely hold that same belief about yourself.As a result , even if you had a great desire to create music, you might be hesitant to really get behind yourself , fearing that your investment (投资)would not pay off.Even if you had the courage to follow your passion , your inner belief that you are not born tale nted would probably be a major obstacle to in vest ing your en ergy in your dream.On the other hand, if you found a way to release that negative belief , a great flood of energy would pour forth, greatly increasing the likelihood of your success.How much energy we are willi ng to in vest in the various ideas , dreams, and visio ns we carry within is like the money people are, or are n ot, willi ng to in vest in the various products available for trade on the stock market.A nd in both cases, belief plays a key role in determining how willing we are to get behind something.One way to open up the possibility for greater success in our inner economies is to un dersta nd that belief is not the reliable guide we sometimes thin k.There are other more reliable things of success that we can put our faith in , such as passion, feeling , and sense.Some of the most successful investors in the stock market are the ones that go against the grain , trusting their sense over the com mon opinion held by com mon people about what will work.In the same way , we can learn to trust our heart' s desires and our sense to guide us , questio ning any beliefs that sta nd in the way of our ability to fully in vest in ourselves.As we take out energy from limiting ideas about what is possible , we free up the resources that have the power to make our inner economy prosper.5.We can safely conclude from the first paragraph that ________________ .A.our belief is not reliableB.belief is not so important in our successC.belief is an obstacle to our successD.our belief determines our success in some way6.According to the passage , if a family of origin has passion for literature , the members ofthe family will probably ___________ .A.write poemsB.hate literatureC.enter the field of literatureD.teach literature7.We can put our faith in the following things of success except _______________ .A . passionB . feelingC. sense D . stock market8.The purpose of the author is _____________ .A.to teach us a less onB.to give us some useful suggestionsC.to en courage us to in vest in the stock marketD.to tell us com mon people have n egative beliefs川.短文填词A man had to go to court (法院)after he broke the law.He asked his lawyer w_ judge would be hearing1. _____________his case.His lawyer asked,“ What do you want his name_______ ?” The man answered," I can send him some2. ________________________________ (贵重)gifts. ” The lawyer got angry , 3. ___________(说),"If you should do that , you are4. sure to l the case.” Some weeks later the5.case was heard and the man won it ________________ t he end.6. ___________As he was leaving the court, he said to his lawyer,“ My present to the judge was q a success, wasn' t it ?” The7. _____________________________________________lawyer was even _____________ surprised whe n he heard8. _______________this.He asked,“ Did you really send him some giftsI told you not to ? ”" Yes, but I put my enemy ' s9. name the card.” answered the man.10.课时作业(十九[I .单项填空1. A at ease意为“舒适,快活,自由自在”,表示“工作做完后,你会觉得好轻松”。



Unit 4 Body Language 单元练习一、依据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适合形式。

1.At the airport, he kissed me goodbye on the c________.2.Following the national news we have the l________ news and weather.3.The picture r________ a hunting scene in which there is an ancient king.4.Our English teacher told us that he m________ in mathematics and physics when at college, which surprised us.5.Each of us must take responsibility for our own a________.6.Tom has broken the a________ that we shouldn ’t talk in class between. us7.As parents of girls, they should tell their daughters not to speak tos________.8.I asked where his mother was and he ________ (点头 ) in the direction of the kitchen.9.In ________ (往常), cars of this kind are reliable and breakdowns are rare.10.He does never appreciate the ________诙(谐 ) of such a situation.11.He got a very serious ________ 面(部的 ) injury in the fight yesterday.12.The ________ (神态 ) in her eyes told me that something was wrong.13.After listening the long boring lecture, he stood up, stretched, ________ 打(哈欠 ) and left lazily.14.They have to communicate entirely by ________ ( 手势 ) because of the distance between them.15.Children must be companied by an ________成(年人 ) in this theme park.二、请从下边方框中选择适合的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。

人教版高中英语同步练习:必修4 unit 4 单元测试(含答案)(精修版)

人教版高中英语同步练习:必修4 unit 4 单元测试(含答案)(精修版)

人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 4Body language(满分:150分,时间:120分钟)第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。




1.What do you know about the man?A.He is busy today.B.He will go out for a walk.C.He doesn't like the weather.Text 1W:Fine day today. Do you think it's possible for us to take a walk?M:I'd love to,but I've got a pretty tight schedule today.答案 A2.What did the man do yesterday?A.He stayed at home.B.He attended a meeting.C.He bought some books.Text 2W:Did you go to the meeting yesterday?M:I had planned to,but I went to buy some books instead. The result is that I would rather have stayed at home.答案 C3.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.In a classroom.B.In a hospital.C.In the teachers' office.Text 3W:When should I come in for the examination?M:In ten minutes. Don't worry. You can get the nurse's help first.答案 B4.What color shirt will the man probably take?A.A white one. B.A blue one. C.A pink one.Text 4W:Which shirt will you take?The blue one or the white one?M:I'd like a change. That one seems special. Show me that pink one,please.答案 C5.How much should the woman pay for the fruits?A.6 dollars. B.7 dollars. C.8 dollars.Text 5W:How much are apples and oranges?M:Two dollars per pound for apples and one dollar and fifty cents per pound for oranges.W:Well,I'll take two pounds of each.答案 B第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



Unit 4 Body languageⅠ.重点单词分类记A.拼写高频单词1.n.怒气;怒火2.n.等级;军衔3.vi.猛冲;突进4.vi.&vt.拥抱5.n.成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的6.n.作用;功能;职能vi.起作用;运转7.n.安逸;舒适vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑)8.vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走近n.接近;方法;途径cases B.联想拓展单词1.n.主题;对象→adj.主观的2.vt.陈述;说明→n.陈述;说明3.adj.主要的vi.主修→n.大多数4.vt.保护;保卫→/n.防御;保卫5.vt.代表;象征→n.代表(人士)6.vi.&vt.迎接;问候→n.迎接;问候;招呼7.adj.好奇的→adv.好奇地→n.好奇心8.vi.&vt.把……联系起来→n.社团;联系;联想9.adj.口语的→adj.非口语的;未说出口的10.vt.误解;误会→n.误解;误会C.识记阅读单词1.cassette n.2.dormitory n.3.flight n.4.posture n.5.false adj.6.truly adv.Ⅱ.重点短语快速记1.防御;保卫……以免受2.很可能……;有希望……3.总的来说;通常4.相反5.丢脸6.背对7.防御;保卫8.舒适;快活;自由自在9.对……感到紧张10.在大多数情况下Ⅲ.完成句子1.(第一个到达的人)was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.(动词不定式作后置定语)2.(各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同),nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.(not all...表部分否定)3.(握起拳头)and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and threatening another person.(动词-ing形式作主语)4.We can often be wrong about each other,so(这真是件令人惊奇的事)that we understand each other as well as we do!(it作形式主语)IV.阅读理解When we communicate with others,we do not only express ourselves through words,but also through our tones of voice,facial expressions and body language.In fact,many scholars believe that far more information is communicated non-verbally (非口头地).Body language is just an important part of non-verbal communication.Learning another language is more than just learning its words and grammar;it also involves learning another culture.We learn much of our body language before we learn to speak from the time we are children.Body language varies from culture to culture,so it's important for us to pay attention.Sometimes,cultural differences in appropriate body language can cause discomfort or misunderstanding too.For example,there are definite cultural differences in how much distance should be kept between two speakers.If you are used to keeping distance with people,you will feel very uncomfortable when people get closer to you while talking at a party.We call this the “personal comfort zone”.Another common example of misunderstanding is the use of a smile. In some Asian cultures,a smile can show embarrassment or apology.However,smiling at a teacher who is unhappy with you is probably not a good idea in most English-speaking cultures!So it's worth learning the cultural differences in body language. Understanding any cultural or regional attitudes can help you improve your communicative(交际的)skills.判断正(T)误(F)。



2022-2021学年高中英语同步【步步高】练习题【4】及答案:Unit4(人教新课标必修4)Body language 同步练习(四)Multiple choice1. She's very ________to pay a visit to me tonight.A. likelyB. possiblyC.probablyD. perhaps2. You' d better avoid ________in the center of town.A. to driveB. drivingC.being drivenD. drive3. That gesture ________that he is satisfied with my answer.A. expressB. indicateC.greetsD. means4. —How could you do that?—________ . I didn't mean to hurt you.A. That's all rightB. I won't regretC. I' m really sorryD. Excuse me5. He would sit alone and listen to Mary ________the piano.A. to playB. playingC. playedD. to playing6. Her kind words________ him at ease.A. makeB. letC. haveD. put7. Hundreds of people had to be________ from the stadium.A. turned downB. turned awayC. turned offD. turned up8. There are a lot of peasants ________in the rice fields.A. who worksB. who workedC. workD. working9. I' m sorry to have kept you________.A. waitB. to waitC. waitedD. waiting10. ________ it rained heavily, we kept on walking in the forest.A. Even ifB. SinceC. As thoughD. As soon as11. As we all know, China is a________ country.A. developedB. developmentC. developD. developing12. The black horse refused________ the stone wall.A. its jumpingB. to jumpC. jumping upD. to jump at13.________hello, he reached out his hand.A. SaidB. SayingC. Talked aboutD. Talking to14. Mother caught the boy________ in the comer.A. smokeB. to smokeC. smokingD. being smoked15. The report was so________ that they were all________.A. inspiring; excitingB. inspiring; excitedC. inspired; excitedD. inspired; exciting16. Many companies have already begun reforming the way________ they do business.A. in whichB. for whichC. at whichD. in that17. He sent me an e-mail, _______ to get further information.A. to hopeB. hopingC. hopedD. hope18. Professor Smith likes growing vegetables________ flowers.A. as wellB. in additionC. likeD. as well as19. There was not a man________ a child in sight in the street.A. norB. neitherC. andD. besides 20. For________ reason, he was late for the plane.A. certainB. otherC. someD. a few。



必修四第四单元练习题Book 4 Unit 4 Body Language 单元综合测试题第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. ______ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______ head.A. An; theB. The; theC. An; 不填D.The; 不填22. At the class meeting, they discussed three different ________ tothe study of English.A.approaches B.means C.methods D.ways23. You must have ______ what I said because I didn’t expect you to do so.A. misusedB. misledC. misunderstoodD. mishandled24. ---You should have thanked her before you left.---I meant ______, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.A. to doB. toC. doingD. doing to25. Li Fang was chosen to _______ our school to attend the meeting.A. stand forB. instead ofC. representD. take the place of26. People have always been curious ________ how the universe began.A. inB. atC. ofD. about27. I guess we’ve already talked about this before but I’ll askyou again just ________.A. by natureB. in returnC. in caseD. by chance28. His drunk driving ______ this terrible accident, ______ thedeath of twenty people.A. resulted in; causingB. resulted from; causedC. resulted from; causingD. resulted in; caused29. ---It’s nice. Never before _______ such a special drink!---I’m glad you like it.A. I have hadB. I hadC. have I hadD. had I30. Though ______ to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.A. surprisingB. was surprisedC. surprisedD. being surprised31. Although the electricity was cut off, the hospital continued to ______ normally.A. helpB. functionC. performD. earn32. ---Have you nearly finished it?---________, I have only just begun.A. In other wordsB. On the other handC. On the contraryD. In a word33. _______ received his reply, I rang him up again.A. Having notB. Having beenC. Not having beenD. Not having34. Studies show that people are more ______ to suffer from backproblems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.A. likelyB. possibleC. probableD. sure35. Listen! Do you hear someone ______ for help?A. callingB. callC. to callD. called第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

人教版高中英语必修四同步作业:Unit 4 Body language课后限时作业10含答案

人教版高中英语必修四同步作业:Unit 4 Body language课后限时作业10含答案

课后限时作业(十)(见课时作业P19)Ⅰ.单句语法填空(建议用时:7分钟)1.Tom opened the door for Lucy and __greeted__(greet) her with cries of welcome.解析句意:Tom为Lucy打开了门,欢呼着迎接她。

2.Lin Dan, who __represented__(represent) Chinese team, took part in the Asian Games held in Incheon.解析句意:林丹代表中国队参加了仁川亚运会。

3.She patted me on __the__ shoulder with a smile on her face.解析句意:她微笑着拍了拍我的肩膀。


4.As I __approached__(approach) the house, I noticed a light upstairs.解析句意:当我走近房子时,注意到楼上亮着灯。


5.We're trying to raise awareness about the environment __in__ general and air pollution in particular.解析句意:我们要在整体上提高环境意识,尤其是在空气污染方面。

通过后半句中的in particular(尤其,特别)可知,应用in general。

6.It's nearly eleven o'clock and the headmaster is likely __to walk__(walk) in at any moment.解析句意:快11点了,校长随时可能进来。

be likely to do sth可能做某事。

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高一英语同步练习:必修4 Unit 4 Body Language第1课时 Warming-up & vocabulary基础练习写出下列单词短语汉意及词性:Ease__________function_________anger________yawn_________hug______ curious_________posture_________subjective_________canteen_________ rank_________ represent_________cheek_________approach_________defend_________misunderstand_________major_________ facial_________flight_________adult_________greet each other_________watch out_________act sth out_________make notes_________express one’s feelings_________ stand close to sb_________a world of cultural crossroads________look sb in the eye_________spoken English _________shake the head from side to side_________defend against_________be likely to_________lose face_________at ease________turn one’s back to_________on the contrary_________facial expression_________means of communication_________be willing to do_______________实战演练一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.It is good to be c___________ about the world around you.2.It is not allowed to ___________(靠近)the forbidden areas.3.He is good at written English, not s___________ English.4.Rice is the m___________ food here.5.G___________ speaking, I come to school later than you.6.Yesterday he made a speech at the meeting, ___________(代表)our school.7.The different culture between the two people is the major___________(误会)。

8.As a young man, we should learn to follow the ___________(成人的)suggestions. 9.I wanted very much to join the student ____________(团体)。

10.I don’t know the exact location of our school____________(餐厅)。

二、用下列短语的正确形式填空:look around / as well as / defend against / as well / be interested in / be likely to / shake hands/ spoken language / lose face/as soon as / communicate with / in general1. Mike spent several hours _________for a new place to eat.2.She ______greatly______ _______ languages.3. The country can’t_________ a nuclear attack.4. _______ people like him.5. I’m going to London and my sister’s coming _______.6.People not only communicate with_________, but also express their feelings usingunspoken “language”.7. In china, people often ________ to greet each other the first time they meet.8. The students were quiet _________the teacher came in.9. He was afraid of failure because he didn’t want to___________.10.She is a shy girl who can’t ___________others very well.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.His_______ (state) that he had nothing to do with the affair was greeted with some skepticism.(怀疑主义)2.This is a very_______ (subject) judgement of her abilities.3.As a little girl, she was _______ (curious) (书上错)about the origin of human beings.4.He_____(greet) us by shouting a friendly “hello”.5.Yesterday, another student and I, ______ (represent) our university’s studentassociation, went to the capital international airport to meet this year’sinternational students.6.The______(major) of students were indifferent to the political meeting.7.I couldn’t be present myself, but I sent my _______(represent)to the meeting.8.We were all nervous about the ________ (approach) examinations.9.I am_____(true)grateful for all your help.10._______(general) speaking, the more you pay for the stereo equipment, the better the system.四、根据英文释义写出单词1.___________more important, great2.___________stand for or be a symbol or equivalent of(sb/sth); symbolize3.___________sth that is stated, a written or spoken declaration4.___________to keep safe from harm; protect against attack5.___________fully grown person or animal6.___________not true or correct7.____________to understand wrongly8.____________to come near to sth.or sb.from a great distance9.____________group of people organized for a special purpose10.___________to run or travel somewhere in a great hurry.反馈检测单项填空1.We can ____ people in most parts of the world by telephone.municatemunicate withmunicate tomunicate on 2.A trained dog can ____ a guide to a blind person.A.act forB.act onC.act fromD.act as3.We should _____ the problem from the different angles.A.approachB.provideC.suggestD.make4.It was raining heavily, little Mary felt cold, so she stood____ to her mother.A.closeB.closelyC.closedD.closing5.--- Do you remember____ to Dr.Green during your last visit?--- Certainly I do.A.to be introduceB.having introducedC.being introducedD.to have introduced6.He is known to everybody, and therefore, I think he needs no_____.A.CreationB.translationC.introductionD.mention7.I don’t want to stop to have a rest, because I am not____ tired.A.bitB.littleC.a bitD.a little8.--- You seem to show interest in cooking.---What? ______ ,I’m getting tired of itA.on the contraryB.to the contraryC.on the other handD.to the other hand9.The parents have ____their concerns about their children’s safety.A.extendedB.exploredC.exposedD.expressed 10.Young drivers are____ to have accidents than old drivers.A.likelyB.most likelyC.more likelyD.much likely 11.we are trying to raise awareness about the environment____ and air pollution in particular.A.in generalB.on averageC.by contrastD.at length 12.Rather than _____ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ____ a bicycle.A.ride; rideB.riding; rideC.ride; to rideD.to ride; riding 13.People are always curious _____how things on the earth exactly began.A.inB.atC.ofD.about14.The old couple are now quite_____ as their son is out of danger.A.with easeB.at easeC.at stakeD.at last15.The _____ of the heart is to pump blood through the body.A.functionB.workC.dutyD.responsibility第1课时:warming-up & vocabulary基础练习实战演练一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.curious;2.approach;3.spoken;4.major;5.generally;6.representing;7.misunderstanding;8.adult; 9.association;10.canteen;二、用下列短语的正确形式填空:1.looking around ;2.is interested in ;3.defend against ;4.In general;5.as well;6.spoken language;7.shake hands ;8.as soon as ;9.lose face ;municate with ;三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.statement;2.subjective;3.curious;4.greeted ;5.representing;6.majority ;7.representative; 8.approaching; 9.truly ;10.generally;四,根据英文释义写出单词1.major;2.represent;3.statement;4.defend ;5.adult ;6.false;7.misunderstand;8.approach;9.association;10.dash;反馈检测:1—5: BDAAC 6—10: CCADC 11—15: ACDBA。
