Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油)
It's from sewer(下水道) being extracted from the catering industry waste, and sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary .
What is food safety ?
Food safety that poisonous and harmful substances
in food will affect public health.
Here are some harmful food additives(添加剂)
• It was firstly found in Sanlu milk • By November on 27 in 2008 there were 294,000 babies suffering from urinary tract stones and 11 died of drinking the milk which were added too much melamine.
Melamine (三聚氰胺)
• Melamine is a chemical used in making plastics and fertilizer. • Many milk manufacturers add too much melamine to increase milk protein content .
The third point is that customers can not distinguish the quilities of food. And the forth point is that the supervision of food by government was not in adequate .
是国家为了保障食品安全而制定的强制性标准,包括食品添加剂、食品生产卫 生规范等方面的规定。
是指由第三方机构对食品生产经营者所提供的食品进行质量安全评估,并给予 合格证明的一种质量安全监管方式。常见的食品安全认证包括ISO22000、 HACCP等。
通过各种渠道普及食品安全知识 ,提高公众对食品安全的认知水
引导公众养成健康的饮食习惯,减 少食品污染和有害物质的摄入。
在学校、社区等场所开展食品安全 教育活动,提高公众的食品安全意 识和自我保护能力。
食品中毒事件通常涉及大量人群,对受 害者的健康造成严重危害,甚至可能致 命。
近年来,一些大规模的食品中毒事件在全 球范围内频频发生。例如,2008年,中 国发生的三聚氰胺奶粉事件,导致多名婴 儿患病甚至死亡。此外,还有沙门氏菌污 染事件、农药残留超标事件等。这些事件 多数是由于食品生产、加工、储存、运输 等环节中的疏忽或故意行为所致。
食品生产卫生违规是指食品生产过程中不符合卫生标准的行为,可能导致食品受到污染 。
食品生产卫生违规行为通常包括生产环境脏乱差、设备维护不当、员工个人卫生不规范 等。这些行为可能导致食品受到细菌、病毒、寄生虫等微生物的污染,从而引发食物中 毒、感染等疾病。例如,在一些小型作坊式食品加工厂中,由于卫生条件差,生产的食
• 食品安全概述 • 食品生产与加工 • 食品安全风险与控制 • 食品安全检测与监管 • 食品安全案例分析 • 食品安全未来展望
Why are there so many food safety accidents in our life?
I think the reasons include the following points
The first point is drive of profit .
The second point is that the professional and manager lack professional knowledge and safety-crisis consciousness in food corporation.
Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油)
It's from sewer(下水道) being extraБайду номын сангаасted from the catering industry waste, and sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary .
Health hazards
These subtances do a lot of harm to our health.such as indigestion ,diarrhea (腹 泻),and many different types of cancer
“Shou Rou Jing” poisoning accident in GuangZhou and ShangHai(2006)
Melamine (三聚氰胺)
• Melamine is a chemical used in making plastics and fertilizer.
关于中国食品安全问题的PPT(英文版) Presentation
The overall situation in China is good and continuously improving along with the rapid development of national economy;
But, many food safety issues occur from time to time, and some of them are quite outstanding, e.g. melamine, clenbutanol. Food adulteration or food fraud has are common, although only a few cases affect consumer health.
State Food Safety Council
Secretariat of the Council
Primary Ag Product Control, incl. Pesticide & Veterinary Drug Residues
Manufacture, Distribution and Restaurant Control
Achievements (2)
National risk assessment system
December, 2009 - 1st National Expert Committee for Food Safety Risk Assessment established, with 42 members; October, 2011 – National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment inaugurated.
But, many food safety issues occur from time to time, and some of them are quite outstanding, e.g. melamine, clenbutanol. Food adulteration or food fraud has are common, although only a few cases affect consumer health.
State Food Safety Council
Secretariat of the Council
Primary Ag Product Control, incl. Pesticide & Veterinary Drug Residues
Manufacture, Distribution and Restaurant Control
Achievements (2)
National risk assessment system
December, 2009 - 1st National Expert Committee for Food Safety Risk Assessment established, with 42 members; October, 2011 – National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment inaugurated.
Bacterial foodborne diseases 细菌性肠道 传染病 Bacterial intestinal infectious diseases
细菌性 食物中 bacterial food poisoning 毒
我们每天都可能吃“地 沟油”
A close mouth catches no flies 少在外面吃火锅、麻辣烫、 串串香、烧烤、米线、 水煮鱼、油条,或者不吃
"Dirty" disposable tableware hazards such as drugs 黑心一次 性餐具 危害如吸毒
添加了工业级碳酸钙、滑石粉以及石 蜡的一次性餐盒,在使用时这些有害成分 会随酸、油等析出,进入人体。可引发消 化不良、肝损伤等疾病,会严重影响儿童 的智力发育,甚至会导致胆结石、肾结石 重金属中毒乃至癌变。 胆结石 Gallstones 肾结石 kidney stone
Bacterial foodborne diseases 细菌性肠道 传染病 Bacterial intestinal infectious diseases
细菌性 食物中 bacterial food poisoning 毒
我们每天都可能吃“地 沟油”
A close mouth catches no flies 少在外面吃火锅、麻辣烫、 串串香、烧烤、米线、 水煮鱼、油条,或者不吃
"Dirty" disposable tableware hazards such as drugs 黑心一次 性餐具 危害如吸毒
添加了工业级碳酸钙、滑石粉以及石 蜡的一次性餐盒,在使用时这些有害成分 会随酸、油等析出,进入人体。可引发消 化不良、肝损伤等疾病,会严重影响儿童 的智力发育,甚至会导致胆结石、肾结石 重金属中毒乃至癌变。 胆结石 Gallstones 肾结石 kidney stone
Hazardous processing
The identification and control of hazards in food processing, including the use of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) principles
Food safety standards and implementation
ISO 22000
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is a management system used to identify potential hazards and control them to ensure food safety It focuses on preventing hazards compared to reacting to them after they have occurred
The relationship between food safety and health
Food safety is directly linked to human health
The discussion of unsafe food can lead to various health problems, such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and in multiple cases,
PPT courseware for Food Safety English
Hazardous processing
The identification and control of hazards in food processing, including the use of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) principles
Food safety standards and implementation
ISO 22000
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is a management system used to identify potential hazards and control them to ensure food safety It focuses on preventing hazards compared to reacting to them after they have occurred
The relationship between food safety and health
Food safety is directly linked to human health
The discussion of unsafe food can lead to various health problems, such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and in multiple cases,
PPT courseware for Food Safety English
People regard food as their prime want, and food safety is a top priority.
1. Food safety
What is food safety
• Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food borne illness.
2.Introduction to the accidents
The event of “Clenbuterol”(瘦肉精) Clenbuterol : Animal drugs
Effect: Speed up the conversion of fat, improve the lean meat of pork Consequence: Chromosome-change (基因变异)and malignancies(恶性
the process and circulation of food product
Q:What is the major reason behind the regular food safety accidents? A:The lack of sufficient supervision
How to resolve food safety problems
Detailed Analyze
3.The faultiness of legal systems.
• In China, Food Safety Law is published in 2009, but in America, It has been published for 105 years. • Chinese food regulations have many blind areas
1. Food safety
What is food safety
• Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food borne illness.
2.Introduction to the accidents
The event of “Clenbuterol”(瘦肉精) Clenbuterol : Animal drugs
Effect: Speed up the conversion of fat, improve the lean meat of pork Consequence: Chromosome-change (基因变异)and malignancies(恶性
the process and circulation of food product
Q:What is the major reason behind the regular food safety accidents? A:The lack of sufficient supervision
How to resolve food safety problems
Detailed Analyze
3.The faultiness of legal systems.
• In China, Food Safety Law is published in 2009, but in America, It has been published for 105 years. • Chinese food regulations have many blind areas
Physical containment
Refers to foreign objects such as glass, metal fragments, dirt, and other debris that can contain food during production, processing, or storage
Regulatory Frameworks
Many countries have developed their own regulatory frameworks to ensure food safety, including laws, regulations, and inspection systems
Introduction to Food Safety
Definition and Importance
Food safety refers to the conditions and practices that ensure the safety of food from production to consumption, preventing foodborne illnesses and protecting consumer health
The presentation will cover the fundamental concepts of food safety, as well as discussions strategies for prevention and responding to food safety incidents Additionally, it will highlight the role of different stakeholders in ensuring food safety
Refers to foreign objects such as glass, metal fragments, dirt, and other debris that can contain food during production, processing, or storage
Regulatory Frameworks
Many countries have developed their own regulatory frameworks to ensure food safety, including laws, regulations, and inspection systems
Introduction to Food Safety
Definition and Importance
Food safety refers to the conditions and practices that ensure the safety of food from production to consumption, preventing foodborne illnesses and protecting consumer health
The presentation will cover the fundamental concepts of food safety, as well as discussions strategies for prevention and responding to food safety incidents Additionally, it will highlight the role of different stakeholders in ensuring food safety
食品安全科普 课件(共20张PPT)
《通知》要求,全国各级公安 机关、检察机关、人民法院要 进一步加强沟通协调
密切配合,切实形成打击 危害食品安全犯罪活动的 合力。
公安机关对于涉嫌危害食 品安全犯罪的,要及时立 案
依法采取有效的刑事强制 措施,快速侦破,并及时 移送审查起诉。
覆盖了从原材料和加工 过程控制,到成品检验 及产品销售的全过程。
过敏原建立在业界领先 的技术基础之上的3200
互联网技术也已经成为 食品安全监管的“千里
正规的保健食品会在产品的外包装盒上标出蓝色的,形 如“蓝帽子”的保健食品专用标志。
04 食 品 安 全 法 律 保 障 MAIN MEANING OF FOOD SAFETY
PART 食 品 安 0全 1主 要 含 义 M A I N M E A N I N G O F F O O D S A F E T Y
食品安全(food safety)指 食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的 营养要求,对人体健康不造成任 何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。 根据倍诺食品安全定义,食品安 全是“食物中有毒、有害物质对 人体健康影响的公共卫生问题”。
PART 04 食 品 安 全 法 律 保 障
《通知》指出,危害食品安全犯罪活动,严重危害人民 群众生命健康安全
Food safety accidents
Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油)
It’s from sewer(下水道) being extracted from the catering industry waste, and sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary
Health hazards
• • • • Indigestion Diarrhea Abdominal pain Many different types of cancer • Others
Melamine (三聚氰胺)
• Melamine is a chemical used in making plastics and fertilizer. • Melamine, which is high in nitrogen, mimics the presence of protein in some lab tests. • Many milk manufacturers add too much melamine to increase milk protein content falsely.
2010 , Nanjing
Why ???
Why there are so many food safety accidents in our fit driving • The professional and manager lack professional knowledge and safety-crisis consciousness in food corporation.
食品安全问题(英文)The problem of food safety(共17张PPT)
Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design
Focusing on two sessions聚焦两会
Story of Tao Huabi陶华碧的故事
Videos to watch视频观赏
Product culture 产品文化
Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design
What happened to food safety?
Tankertanker Design
TOXIC bean sprouts, filthy cooking oil, drug-tainted pork: Those headlines in Chinese media have aroused anxieties of most citizens for months.
months. ”她目不识丁,她面对自己名字的三个字不断摇头:“这三个字,太难了,太复杂了。
3 million bottles of hot sauce, with annual sales of up to $ 2.
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Tankertanker Design
TOXIC bean sprouts, filthy cooking oil, drug-tainted pork: Those headlines in Chinese media have aroused anxieties of most citizens for
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Imperfect food security guarantee system
The negative influences of food safety issues Pose a serious threat to the safety and health of consumers, spark a crisis of people’s trust in food safety. Cause great economic loss , a heavy blow to the development of the production industry Reduce the export volume, deteriorate the foreign trade conditions, damage our country’s international image Intensify the social conflicts, increase dissatisfaction among the people
What is food safety?
Definition:a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness(食品源性疾病).
Food safety
What happened to the things we eat?
Why does it become prevalent in China?
How to solve food safety problems?
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组员:伍明艳 李煜峰 刘杰财
Chapter1: The Situation of Food Safety
Chapter2:Yesterday Once More
Chapter3: The Causes of Food Safety
The Situation of Food Safety
Yesterday Once More
“Poisonous bean sprouts”(毒豆芽) refers to join performence of root agent with bleach(漂白剂). In order to increase the coarse agent additive urge generated bean sprouts. If we often eat these bean sprouts ,it will do harm to our health , and even lead to cancer.
The Causes of Food Safety
1、businessman : the moral leprosy ['leprəsi] , lack of credibility [,kredi'biləti] . (商家:道德败坏、诚信缺失) 2、government : poor execution [,eksi'kju:ʃən] , corruption lead to the decline in credibility. (政府:执行不力,腐败导致公信力下降) 3、Law : imperfect (法律不完善) 4、Consumer: weak awareness of law . ( 消费:法律意识薄弱)
Friendly Tips:tables: see ,smell and touch. Don't buy abnormal colour vegetables. Don't buy abnormal shape vegetables. Don't buy abnormal smell vegetables.
Yesterday Once More
Clenbuterol [klen'butərəl] 克仑特罗;双氯醇胺(瘦肉
On March 15, 2011, CCTV weekly quality exposed the facts of the "strong and health pig" . The report has aroused wide public concern.From then on ,consumers were more concerned about the food safety .
Yesterday Once More
Waste oil
Swill and waste oil are mixed in a large pot.People use the spoon scraped off a little bit from the top of that layer ,then ,poured into another container. After extraction(萃取),the oil will be bought by some retailers ,and Illegal traders will sell them to innocent comsumers. “waste oil”(地沟油)will lead to diarrhea [,daiə'riə] ,strong abdominal( 腹部) pain,even stomach cancer and colon cancer(结肠癌).
With the increase of people's living standards, people are more and more relying on computer.As long as we open a Chinese website search engine, and input "food", "eat" and other key words, the results will show "safe" and "poisoning".
Yesterday Once More
Dyed steamed bread (染色馒头)
In early April 2011, many supermakets in Shanghai,who sold steamed wheat bread,corn bread,were exposed to be made from stains.The production date was marked for the date when they go into the supermarket, when they exceed the time limit,they will resold by the supermakets. Eating too much dyed steamed bread will be harmful to us.
Don‘t buy slippery fish. Don‘t buy sticky 粘手的meat.
Chapter1: The Situation of Food Safety
Chapter2:Yesterday Once More
Chapter3: The Causes of Food Safety
The Situation of Food Safety
Yesterday Once More
“Poisonous bean sprouts”(毒豆芽) refers to join performence of root agent with bleach(漂白剂). In order to increase the coarse agent additive urge generated bean sprouts. If we often eat these bean sprouts ,it will do harm to our health , and even lead to cancer.
The Causes of Food Safety
1、businessman : the moral leprosy ['leprəsi] , lack of credibility [,kredi'biləti] . (商家:道德败坏、诚信缺失) 2、government : poor execution [,eksi'kju:ʃən] , corruption lead to the decline in credibility. (政府:执行不力,腐败导致公信力下降) 3、Law : imperfect (法律不完善) 4、Consumer: weak awareness of law . ( 消费:法律意识薄弱)
Friendly Tips:tables: see ,smell and touch. Don't buy abnormal colour vegetables. Don't buy abnormal shape vegetables. Don't buy abnormal smell vegetables.
Yesterday Once More
Clenbuterol [klen'butərəl] 克仑特罗;双氯醇胺(瘦肉
On March 15, 2011, CCTV weekly quality exposed the facts of the "strong and health pig" . The report has aroused wide public concern.From then on ,consumers were more concerned about the food safety .
Yesterday Once More
Waste oil
Swill and waste oil are mixed in a large pot.People use the spoon scraped off a little bit from the top of that layer ,then ,poured into another container. After extraction(萃取),the oil will be bought by some retailers ,and Illegal traders will sell them to innocent comsumers. “waste oil”(地沟油)will lead to diarrhea [,daiə'riə] ,strong abdominal( 腹部) pain,even stomach cancer and colon cancer(结肠癌).
With the increase of people's living standards, people are more and more relying on computer.As long as we open a Chinese website search engine, and input "food", "eat" and other key words, the results will show "safe" and "poisoning".
Yesterday Once More
Dyed steamed bread (染色馒头)
In early April 2011, many supermakets in Shanghai,who sold steamed wheat bread,corn bread,were exposed to be made from stains.The production date was marked for the date when they go into the supermarket, when they exceed the time limit,they will resold by the supermakets. Eating too much dyed steamed bread will be harmful to us.
Don‘t buy slippery fish. Don‘t buy sticky 粘手的meat.