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1. Different functional speech varieties known as ( ) are expected in, say, a church sermon, a diplomatic encounter, a family dinner, or a sports broadcast.

A. registers

B. styles

C. dialects

D. accents

2. ( ) is the study of language in relation to the mind.

A. Psycholinguistics

B. Sociolinguistics

C. Linguistics

D. Semantics

3. Chomsky uses the term ( ) to refer to the actual realization of a language user’s knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.

A. langue

B. competence

C. parole

D. performance

4.Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by ( ) in 1957.

A. L. Bloomfield

B. F. Saussure

C. N. Chomsky

D.M. A. K. Halliday

5.Natural languages are viewed to vary according to ( ) set on UG principles to particular values.

A. Adjacent Condition

B. parameters

C. Case Condition

D. Case requirement

6. Synonyms are classified into several kinds. The kind to which “girl”and“lass” belong is called ( ) synonyms.

A. stylistic

B. dialectal方言

C. emotive

D. collocation

7. ( ) motivation occurs when the learner desires to learn

a second language in order to communicate with native speakers of the target language.

A. Instrumental

B. Functional

C. Integrative 综合的

D. Social

8. According to Austin , a speaker, while making an utterance, is inmost cases performing ( ) acts simultaneously.同时

(A) two(B) three(C)four(D)five

9.The major components of a transformational grammar are ( )

(A) syntactic, phonological, and semantic(B)base, deep structure, and surface structure

(C)deletion, copying ,addition, and reordering

(D)generation and transformation

10. The purpose of Chomsky’s definition is to focus attention on the purely ()properties of language, and these

properties can be studied from a mathematically precise point of view.

A. lexical

B. grammatical

C. semantic

D. structural

11. We refer to the limited range of sounds as the phonic medium of language and individual sounds within that range as ().

A. vowels

B. consonants

C. sounds

D. speech sounds

12. A(n) ()refers to the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added.

A. root

B. stem

C. affix

D. morpheme

13. All sentences in all languages can be represented by constituent structure trees, and all have syntactic rules that determine the linear order of words and their ()structure.

A. linear

B. hierarchical分等级的

C. constituent

D. syntactic

14 In semantic analysis of a sentence, a(n) ()is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element in a sentence.
