Lesson 5 Selling vCenter Operations Manager in Competitive Environments (VSP - MGMT 5)


虚拟化和管理:vCenter Operations 概述

虚拟化和管理:vCenter Operations 概述

vCenter Operations 概述吴启新 产品与解决方案高级经理© 2011 VMware Inc. 保留所有权利议程发布声明与解决方案概览 VMware vCenter Operations 产品“ 产品“预览” 预览” 包装与上市策略 总结与问答2我们今天要发布什么声明? 我们今天要发布什么声明?云计算时代的 IT 运营管理愿景和战略 • 采用集成式方法进行性能、容量和配置管理 • 为实现更高级别的自动化和控制提供智能信息和可见性 vCenter Operations:为支持这一战略推出的新产品和新的解决方案包 • 介绍 vCenter Operations Standard:用于管理 vSphere 虚拟化和云计算环境的新产品• 全新的 vCenter Operations 解决方案包:集性能、容量和配置管理功能于一身3云计算要求采用新的管理方法自动化运营实现自动化程度更强、 实现自动化程度更强、更主动的 IT 运营管理方法• • • 将相互独立的管理规程整合在一起 基础设施感知 用于提高自动化程度的分析方法性能 + 容量 + 配置… 资源抽象 池化 移动性 持续变更 自助服务零接触式基础架构在平台中内置核心管理功能设置 vMotion更新 DRS清单 分发软件HA I/O 控制VMware vSphere4VMware 的 IT 运营管理战略了解所有底层系统 为实际运营情况提供可对 其执行操作的简单视图 警示用户注意出现的问题 将所有信息集中在一起的 单一控制台: 单一控制台: 性能 容量 配置5vCenter Operations 如何提供新的运营模式采用集成式方法 集成式方法和获专利的分析 分析方法,转变 IT 在动态 动态环境中 集成式方法 分析 动态 确保服务级别 服务级别的方式 服务级别通过 vSphere 与底层系统集成, 与底层系统集成,实现 第 3 方监控 通过获专利的分析方法自学“ 通过获专利的分析方法自学“正常” 正常”状况 将基础指标汇总成工作负载、 将基础指标汇总成工作负载、容量和运行 状况分值 对即将发生的性能下降发出智能警报 强大的可见性, 强大的可见性,可深入查看从数据中心 到组件级的各种信息 依据性能、 依据性能、容量和配置数据分析服务运行 状况和绩效Slide 66独有的云计算自动运营管理方式获专利的分析方法有效的直观显示先进的集成+性能 容量 配置+• 可操作的智能信息,来自海量数据 可操作的智能信息 • 全面的可见性,覆盖整个堆栈 全面的可见性 • 快速解决问题,可提高工作效率并降低成本 快速解决问题 • 主动式方法,可确保基础架构 /应用程序性能 主动式方法7VMware 的战略是实现“ 的战略是实现“IT 即服务” 即服务”式交付用于混合云计算的新 IT 堆栈:安全、可管理 可管理、开放 可管理安全私有云 通过 VMware 实现的公共云 独立公共云VMware 终端用户计算View ThinApp Zimbra SaaS 应用程序其他 SaaS 提供商VMware 云计算应用平台Spring vFabric 服务 HypericVMforce其他 PaaS 合作伙伴Google App Engine其他云计算基础 架构提供商VMware 云计算基础架构和管理vCenter vShield vCloud DirectorvCloud Datacenter vCloud ExpressVMware vSphere:云计算的基础8VMware 虚拟化和云计算管理解决方案终端用户计算管理 终端用户计算IT 业务管理更新 请求实现管理部署应用程序管理 云计算应用平台发现和映射 应用程序性能 vApp 包装资产管理计费基础架构和运营管理 云计算 基础架构和管理可用性与性能 容量 业务连续性 资源调配 配置 遵从性和安全性服务台9云计算的特点注定需采用集成式方法管理性能应用程序 = 主机 有限的移动性性能 + 容量 + 配置… 资源抽象 池化 移动性 持续变更 自助服务容量运营专用资源 预调配配置静态、预配置 1 对 1 映射设置 vMotion更新 DRS清单 分发软件HA I/O 控制基础架构vSphere 云操作系统物理数据中心10虚拟数据中心议程发布声明与解决方案概览 VMware vCenter Operations 产品“ 产品“预览” 预览” 包装与上市策略 总结与问答11基于自学式分析方法的性能控制板通过三个独有特点体现 虚拟化环境性能 采用简单、可操作的 分值表明整体性能突出显示偏离“正常” 状态的资源12与问题相关的因果信息检查层次结构中 的相关对象的 运行状况同时发生的相关 事件13提供修复机会将虚拟机移到 另一主机上?这个主机运行 状况良好…这个主机看上去 已过载!14客户能够成功地主动解决性能问题之前400 条严重警报/小时 终端用户抱怨接到警报的 IT 终端用户抱怨 不解决问题 终端用户受到影响 (平均每次故障耗时 2 小时) 12 个级别只有 2 名工程师, 名工程师 无数等待解决问题的电话之后20 条警报/月 提前 3 小时警告性能下降, 小时警告 并提供根本原因 对终端用户没有影响 没有影响 只有 1 个级别, 个级别,配备 2 名 工程师和 工程师 1 名数据库管理员 解决问题了解“ 了解“正常” 正常”状况15智能警报根本原因我们的测试版客户如是说• 通过虚拟设备可轻松完成安装 • 能看到基础架构的工作负载和运 行状况信息非常有用 • 能看到相关的对象和拓扑图非常 有用 • 能显示所报告问题的详细信息的 深入查看功能简直太棒了 • “所有衡量指标”选项卡太有价 值了,能够看到各个指标的历史 状态 • 喜欢“热图”和深入查看功能“借助 vCenter 与 vSphere 云计算 平台的集成,现在我们的云计算 基础架构管理的自动化程度更高, 而且还与性能、容量和配置管理 紧密集成在一起。



运维工具应用情况说明VMware vCenter Operations ManagerVMware vCenter Operations Manager 文档修订记录*变化状态:A——增加,C——创建,M——修改,D——删除目录1简介 (4)1.1目的 (4)1.2适用范围 (4)1.3术语表 (4)2过程管理工具 .................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1工具名称、来源、应用情况................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.2工具主要功能......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1 简介vCenter Operations Manager 用于为您的虚拟环境提供监控功能。

了解vCenter Operations Manager 的重要功能和概念有助于您高效地使用此产品。

1.1 目的通过该工具的使用,可以实现对客户系统的远程访问和跟踪监控,有利于对客户的运维整体情况进行把握和进行及时的事件或问题的修复,提高客户满意度。

1.2 适用范围本文档的适用于运维项目的远程访问和跟踪监控。

1.3 术语表无2 vCenter Operations Manager 功能vCenter Operations Manager 从虚拟环境每个级别的每个对象(从单个虚拟机和磁盘驱动器到整个群集和数据中心)收集性能数据。


vcenter 使用手册

vcenter 使用手册

以下是VMware vCenter Converter的基本使用手册:
访问VMware官方网站或VMware产品下载页面,找到并下载vCenter Converter。

安装vCenter Converter。


步骤2:启动vCenter Converter
安装完成后,启动vCenter Converter。

单击“Convert Machine”。












以上是VMware vCenter Converter的基本使用手册。





VMwarevCenterOperationsManager5安装部署第⼀章VMware vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 部署VMware vCenter Operations Manager 是⼀个虚拟设备⽂件,部署过程中必须使⽤vcenter进⾏导⼊,导⼊过程不再讲解,过程⾮常简单。



在此需要设置IP⼦⽹,并启⽤IP地址池范围(#2表⽰启⽤2个IP地址,可以点击查看启⽤的IP地址),在此IP地址池中的IP不能设置为VMware vCenter Operations Manager 虚拟机的IP。



2)导⼊虚拟设备⽂件本⼈使⽤vsphere client进⾏部署,⼤家也可以使⽤vsphere web client进⾏部署,推荐⼤家去熟悉web client,vmware 在5.1之后主推web client去管理虚拟环境,并且在5.5中很多⾼级功能将在web client中体现。

VMware vCenter Operations Manager 在之下将出现2个虚拟机,UI VM和Analytics VM。

UI VM的主机名为firstvm-external ,Analytics VM的主机名为secondvm-external。








1.An administrator is planning a vsphere infrastructure with the following specific networkingrequirements:.The ability to shape inbound (RX) traffic.Support for Private VLANS (PLVLANs).Support for LLDP(Link Layer Discovery Protocol)What is the minimum vSphere Edition that will support these requirements?A.vsphere essentials plusB.vSphere standard.C.vSphere EnterpriseD.vSphere Enterprise plus1。




支持LLDP(链路层发现协议)支持这些要求最小的版本将是什么?D2. what two It infrastructure components are virtualized b vsphere Essentials.A. NetworksB.applications.C.storageD. Management哪两点是虚拟化的基础设施组件Sphere的要点。

A C.3.An administrator attempts to install vcenter Single Sign-On server.the installer returns an error message indicating that the installation. all setup prerequisites were met. the administrator has generated a vcenter server single sign-on support bundle.which two files should the adminstrator analyze to determine the cause of the failure?A.Server\utils\logs\imsTrace.logB.server\utils\logs\install.txtC.%TEMP%\utils\logs\vminst.logD.%TEMP%\vminst.log3.一位管理员尝试安装vCenter单点登录服务器,安装程序会返回一条错误消息,指示安装。

vApp 部署和配置指南(vCenter Operations Manager 5.7)

vApp 部署和配置指南(vCenter Operations Manager 5.7)
单个 vCenter Operations Manager 服务器可以连接到一个或多个 vCenter Server 实例。 vCenter Operations Manager 和 vCenter Server 之间的所有通信都通过 SSL 连接进行,并且通过公用密钥证 书或存储的证书进行身份验证。
vSphere Web Application
vCenter Operations Manager vSphere UI 提供了 vSphere 环境的摘要和更深 层次的信息。
Enterprise Web Application
vCenter Operations Manager Enterprise 应用程序提供了基于 Web 的自定义 用户界面。它在使用 Enterprise 版本时可以获得,提供了整个企业的信息。
VMware 是 VMware, Inc. 在美国和/或其他法律辖区的注册商标或商标。此处提到的所有其他商标和名称分别是其各自公 司的商标。
VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304
北京办公室 北京市海淀区科学院南路 2 号 融科资讯中心 C 座南 8 层 /cn
在 vApp 中安装适配器 25
6 管理 Infrastructure Navigator 适配器 27
修改适配器配置属性 27 查看系统日志文件 27
VMware, Inc.
vApp 部署和配置指南
Infrastructure Navigator 适配器类 28
7 更新 vCenter Operations Manager 29
Administration Web Application

vCenter Operations Manager部署及功能介绍

vCenter Operations Manager部署及功能介绍

vCenter Operations Manager部署及功能介绍vCenter Operations Manager是一个用于监控和管理虚拟环境的运行状况、容量和性能的应用程序。

它与VMware vSphere紧密集成,能从底层的物理组件(服务器、存储、网络)及其它管理工具中收集数据。


管理的是vCenter Server及受vCenter Server管理的VMware ESXI主机,通过监控vCenter Server、VMware ESXI主机及存储,可以了解ESXI中虚拟机的运行合用情况以及存储的使用情况,并根据这些资源,判断整合vCenter Server数据中心各主机、虚拟机、存储、网络的情况。


vCenter Operations Manager包括Standard、Advancedt和Enterprise三个版本,所有版本均以vAPP格式提供。

vCenter Operations Manager架构由两个虚拟机组成:A.UI VM:使用UI VM中基于WEB的应用程序,访问以标志和评分形式表示分析结果。

B.Analytics VM:Analytics VM负责从vCenter Server、vCenter ConfigurationManager和第三方数据源收集数据,例如衡量指标、拓扑和更改事件。

vCenter Operations Manager部署1.部署vCenter Operations Manager。

打开vSphere Client管理控制台,通过部署OVA导入vCenter Operations Manager虚拟机。

并按照导入向导设置虚拟机的配置及网络IP(注意IP地址应该有两个UI VM及Analytics VM的IP地址),并了解vCenter Operations Manager的配置方式。

How to Sell vSphere with Operations Management - VSP 2016

How to Sell vSphere with Operations Management - VSP 2016

Q:What is vSphere with Operations Management?A:A This VMware solution helps your customers achieve their unique business needs by deliveringvirtualization with consistent management, to proactively identify and remediate emergingperformance issues, and optimize resource utilization through a unified console.This VMware solution includes all the features of PowerVM plus two new industry-leadingcapabilities called Active Memory Sharing and Live Partition Mobility.This VMware solution provides the RTS Real-Time Hypervisor, modern multicore processorplatforms, such as the Intel® Core Duo processors, which can execute more than one operating system independent of one another on a single platform.Q:What is a key sales trigger for vSphere with Operations Management?A:a Your customer is experiencing complexity in their virtual environment and wants to get the bestperformance, availability and efficiency out of their infrastructure.Make sure to wait until your customer goes through a server refresh or license renewal.Your customer has had a recent outage or disaster, or is implementing a disaster recovery strategy. X Your customer is looking to automate their application lifecycle across development, testing, and production environments.Q:Why would a customer need vSphere with Operations Management if they already usevCenter Server to manage their vSphere environment?A:vCenter Server is the superior choice for managing vSphere environments. Customers needvSphere with Operations Management only if they want to manage beyond their vSphereenvironment.a vCenter Server gathers raw data from the vSphere hosts. vSphere with Operations Managementthen analyzes this data and provides a trend-based view with three super metrics - health, risk, and efficiency.The customer can save money with vSphere with Operations Management because they will no longer need vCenter Server.vSphere with Operations Management gathers raw data from the vSphere hosts and thenstreamlines the delivery of infrastructure and application services using blueprints.Q:If your customer is looking for ‘consistent management and automation’, which servervirtualization product should you recommend?A:vSphere StandardvSphere Enterprise Plusa vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise PlusQ:According to the qualification criteria for vSphere with Operations Management, whoshould you target?A:a vSphere customers with 3 or more hostsx Customers with one full-time employee in their IT organizationx Customers who want to automate the provisioning of infrastructure and applications Large enterprise organizations onlyQ:What is a feature of vSphere with Operations Management that gives customers Intelligent Operations with Consistent Management?A:a Integrated Health, Performance and Capacity Management with vRealize OperationsAutomated deployment and lifecycle management of infrastructure, applications, and other ITservicesSoftware-based deduplication and compressionPolicy-based disaster recovery and testing for all virtualized applicationsQ:Why might the VP of Infrastructure select ‘predictive analytics and Smart alerts’ as valuable capabilities in vSphere with Operations Management?A:x The VP wants any type of workload—new or existing—to reside anywhere, both on-premises or off-premises, with the ability to migrate them back and forth.A The VP wants IT to identify and fix performance issues before their end users are impacted.IT needs a smart way to create application blueprints that make it easy to plan and deploy complex apps.Predictive analytics help IT to spend less time managing and deploying desktop workloads.Q:Why would you offer a vSphere Optimization Assessment (VOA) to your customer insteadof a Proof of Concept?A:There is no such thing as a VOA. A proof of concept is always the best practice for closing a deal.This is incorrect. You will close a deal much faster with a proof of concept than with a VOA.The VOA is superior to a proof of concept because it generalizes how the product works in most environments.aThe VOA lets the customer see the product at work in their own environment within 30 days, and provides an Assessment Report that covers Configuration, Health, and Capacity Optimization.Q:How does visibility into existing capacity help IT to be a better business partner?A:It allows them to set up capacity costs through a unified IT service catalog.a They are better able to get the most out of current capacity, as well as forecast future capacityrequirements and report on it, and thus able to support the business much better.They can safeguard and protect their virtual machines to keep apps up and running continuously.It allows them to centralize non-disruptive testing, which lowers capacity costs dramatically.Q:What is one thing IT teams need in order to spend time where they can add the most value to the way business operates?A:a They need to safely automate a wide and diverse range of manual tasks at an effective scale.x IT teams need to put more focus on initiatives that are important to IT instead of customer needs. x The business should increase the headcount of IT so they can add more value to the business.x IT needs to be more willing to change where they spend their time whenever the business asks them to make a change.Q:What is a prevalent business initiative that vSphere with Operations Management helps IT achieve?A:Self-service in a hybrid cloudx Full automation of the actual execution of testing, recovery and migration workflowx Attaching applications to users, groups or devices, even when users are logged onto their desktop a Providing applications and services at the speed of businessQ:Where does vSphere with Operations Management fit into the journey toward SDDC/Hybrid Cloud?A:It is the final step in achieving the software-defined data center.x Since it automates the delivery of virtual desktops, it is essential part of the IT architecture.It is the first step, the foundation of the software-defined data center.x It is essential for the customers who need to manage their heterogeneous environment.。





1. 虚拟机管理,vCenter允许管理员在一个集中的界面中管理


2. 资源调度和负载均衡,vCenter可以帮助管理员对虚拟化环

3. 自动化管理,vCenter提供了丰富的自动化管理功能,例如

4. 安全性管理,vCenter提供了安全审计、访问控制和权限管

5. 性能监控和报告,vCenter可以实时监控虚拟化环境的性能指标,并生成各种报告,帮助管理员及时发现和解决性能问题,优化虚拟化环境的性能。




vcenter使用手册vCenter 基础使用手册欢迎使用 vCenter,下面是一份简明的 vCenter 基础使用手册,以帮助您快速上手并了解如何最大限度地利用 vCenter 提供的功能。

1. 简介vCenter 是 VMware 公司开发的虚拟化管理平台,能够集中管理和监控虚拟环境。

它提供了一套丰富的工具和功能,以便于 IT 管理员更好地管理虚拟化基础架构,并提高整体效率。

2. 系统要求在开始使用 vCenter 之前,请确保您的系统符合以下最低要求:- 服务器操作系统:Windows Server 2012 或更新版本- 处理器:1.5 GHz 或更高- 内存:4 GB 或更高- 存储空间:60 GB 或更高- 网络连接:100 Mbps 或更高- Web 浏览器:建议使用最新版本的 Chrome 或 Firefox3. 安装和配置要安装 vCenter,请按照以下步骤操作:- 下载 vCenter 安装程序,并运行它。

- 在安装向导中,选择安装类型(典型或自定义)并按照提示完成安装过程。

- 设置 vCenter 服务器的名称和 IP 地址。

- 选择数据库类型(内置或外部)并提供相应的数据库信息。

- 配置 vCenter 之后,您可以登录到 vCenter 客户端进行后续操作。

4. 虚拟机管理vCenter 提供了强大的虚拟机管理功能,包括创建、移动、克隆和删除虚拟机等。

以下是一些常用的虚拟机管理操作:- 创建虚拟机:通过点击“创建虚拟机”按钮并按照向导指示完成创建过程。


- 移动虚拟机:选择要移动的虚拟机并点击“移动虚拟机”按钮。


- 克隆虚拟机:选择要克隆的虚拟机并点击“克隆虚拟机”按钮。


- 删除虚拟机:选中要删除的虚拟机并点击“删除虚拟机”按钮。


vRealize Operations Manager 8.3 参考架构说明书

vRealize Operations Manager 8.3 参考架构说明书

參考架構2021 年 5 月 12 日vRealize Operations 8.3您可以在 VMware 網站上找到最新的技術文件,網址如下:https:///tw/VMware, Inc.3401 Hillview Ave.Palo Alto, CA 94304Copyright ©2021 VMware, Inc. 保留所有權利。


參考架構目錄1參考資料結構概觀42部署 vRealize Operations Manager 的最佳做法53部署 vRealize Operations Manager 的初期考量事項8 4擴充性考量事項115高可用性的考量事項136連續可用性的考量事項147連續可用性的常見問答168介面卡與管理套件考量事項209分析節點、見證節點與遠端收集器的硬體需求2310vRealize Operations Manager 的連接埠需求2411vRealize Operations Manager 的小型部署設定檔25 12vRealize Operations Manager 的中型部署設定檔27 13vRealize Operations Manager 的大型部署設定檔29 14vRealize Operations Manager 的超大型部署設定檔32參考資料結構概觀1vRealize Operations Manager 參考架構指南提供 VMware vRealize Operations Manager 的部署拓撲、硬體需求、互通性與延展性相關建議。

如需軟體需求、安裝和受支援平台的相關資訊,請參閱vRealize Operations Manager 說明文件。

部署 vRealize Operations Manager的最佳做法2您可以在部署 vRealize Operations Manager 的生產執行個體時,實作所有最佳做法。

VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite_What's New Sales Training Presentation_CN

VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite_What's New Sales Training Presentation_CN

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IT 運營管理市場分析

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計算最佳利用率並確定浪費環節 在容量狀況發生變化時發出警報
單獨解決方案 — 提供集成的性能、
vCenter Chargeback Manager 2.0
現包含在部分 vCenter Operations 版本中

端到端監視基礎架構 包含 PCoIP 性能監視 桌面、池和用戶環境
自動警報 修複指導
快速確定根源;減少 MTTI 主動響應以減少支持呼叫 快速準確修復問題
識別過度調配的硬體並跟蹤瓶頸, 從而提高資源利用率
戶級合規性 自動發現敏感性資料,並調整安全與合規 性狀況,以滿足眾多法規標準 新的合規性內容: PCI 2.0 vSphere 4.x 強化 安全最佳實踐更新
技術預覽:“面向 View 的 vCenter Operations”
集成成本測量與容量分析 報告已提交/可回收容量的財務價值




以下是一般情况下vCenter的基本使用手册概要,具体操作可能因版本而异,建议查阅特定版本的官方文档以获取详细信息:1. 登录vCenter打开Web浏览器,输入vCenter服务器的URL,然后使用管理员凭据登录到vCenter管理界面。

2. 仪表板vCenter的仪表板提供有关整个虚拟化环境的实时信息,包括主机状态、虚拟机运行状况、资源利用率等。

3. 虚拟机管理-创建虚拟机:在vCenter中创建新的虚拟机,选择操作系统、分配资源等。



4. 主机管理-添加主机:将物理主机添加到vCenter中进行管理。


5. 存储管理-数据存储管理:添加、扩展或删除数据存储,配置存储策略。


6. 网络管理-虚拟网络配置:配置虚拟网络、端口组和交换机。


7. 资源分配和性能监控-资源池:创建和配置资源池,以便更有效地分配资源。


8. 用户和权限-用户管理:创建和管理vCenter用户账户。


9. 高级功能- vMotion和DRS:使用vMotion迁移虚拟机,使用DRS实现资源自动负载均衡。

- vSAN:配置和管理虚拟SAN(存储区域网络)。

10. 日志和警报-日志查看:查看vCenter和ESXi主机的日志以进行故障排除。


11. 定期备份和维护-备份vCenter:定期备份vCenter服务器,以防止数据丢失。

VMware vCenter Operations 系统负载过高诊断(英文)

VMware vCenter Operations 系统负载过高诊断(英文)

To diagnose a virtual machine with high CPU workload1In the Key Metrics area at the top center of the Details page, click CPU.2Review the graphs in the Key Metrics area. These graphs show recent performance for CPU-related metrics. The metrics appear in this order: KPI which is violating its threshold, non-KPI which is violating its threshold, other KPI, and other metrics.3(Optional) Review the CPU usage graph in the middle of the page to see the total CPU entitlement, usage, and demand for the virtual machine.4(Optional) Review the VM Resources pane to see the current allocations for this virtual machine. Depending on the information shown, you might need to reconfigure this virtual machine to eliminate the high CPU workload. Possible actions include increasing the CPU allocated to the virtual machine or reducing the number of processes that run on it.Diagnose a Virtual Machine with High Memory WorkloadWhen the Details page shows excessive memory workload, you can diagnose the likely cause of the problem by looking at other information on the page.You must review the Details page for the virtual machine and verify that the memory of the virtual machine experiences high workload.To diagnose a virtual machine with high memory workload1In the Key Metrics area at the top center of the Details page, click Mem.2Review the graphs in the Key Metrics area. These graphs show recent performance for memory-related metrics. The metrics appear in this order: KPI which is violating its threshold, non-KPI which is violating its threshold, other KPI, and other metrics.3Review the Memory usage graphs in the middle of the page. Compare memory use for the virtual machine to memory use for its parent ESX host. The VM memory graph showsmemory entitlement and use by the guest operating system on the virtual machine, while the ESX Memory graph shows demand and actual physical memory use on the host by thevmkernel. Memory pressure and page sharing on the ESX host may cause the two graphs to show different usage by the virtual machine.4If there is available memory on the ESX host, you might be able to increase the memory allocated to this virtual machine. If the ESX host lacks memory, you might need to reduce the number of processes that run on the virtual machine.Diagnose a Virtual Machine with High Network IO WorkloadWhen the Details page shows excessive network IO workload, you can diagnose the likely cause of the problem by looking at other information on the page.You must review the Details page for the virtual machine and verify that the network resources of the virtual machine experience high workload.To diagnose a virtual machine with high network IO workload1In the Key Metrics area at the top center of the page, click Net.2Review the graphs in the Key Metrics area. These graphs show recent performance for network-related metrics. The metrics appear in this order: KPI which is violating its threshold, non-KPI which is violating its threshold, other KPI, and other metrics.3Expand the Storage and Network Resources pane. In the VM used network interfaces panel,Diagnose a Virtual Machine with High CPU Workload.。





一、安装和配置vCenter1. 下载安装包首先,从VMware官方网站下载vCenter的安装包。


2. 安装vCenter运行下载的安装包,按照提示完成vCenter的安装过程。


3. 配置vCenter安装完成后,打开vCenter控制台,在第一次运行时进行必要的配置。


二、登录和资源管理1. 启动vCenter双击桌面上的vCenter快捷方式,启动软件。


2. 添加虚拟机主机在vCenter中,需要首先添加虚拟机主机,以便管理虚拟机资源。


3. 创建数据存储为虚拟机分配存储空间是管理虚拟环境的重要任务之一。


4. 虚拟机管理通过vCenter可以方便地管理虚拟机,包括创建、克隆、编辑、删除等操作。


三、资源调度和监控1. 资源调度vCenter允许对虚拟环境中的资源进行调度,以实现最佳的资源利用效率。


2. 性能与容量监控vCenter提供了丰富的性能与容量监控功能,可以实时查看虚拟机和主机的性能数据,帮助用户了解资源利用情况,并做出相应的调整。

3. 告警和事件管理vCenter会通过告警和事件功能及时通知用户关键问题和潜在风险。




vCenter Operations Management Sales Objection Handling1.Q: Which of the following is NOT a part of the Microsoft’s 2012 System Product Suite? A:Operations ManagerConfiguration ManagerData Protection ManagerCloud ManagerApp Controller2.Q: Which of the following statements is FALSE in regard to vCenter Operations Manager? A:It offers and integrated approach to performance, capacity, and configuration management.It is an automated operations solution that is purpose built for dynamic, highly virtualized, and cloud infrastructures.It provides a comprehensive dashboard that rolls up vCenter collected metrics into three simple “super metrics.”It packages applications into single executables that run completely isolated from each other and the operating system for conflict-free execution on end-point devices.3.Q: Niche vendors who compete with vCenter Operations Manager are narrowly focusedand they are typically start up ventures. True or False?A:TrueFalse4.Q: What are the three super metrics that vCenter Operations Manager calculates anddisplays on the Unified Dashboard?A:Anomalies, Health, WorkloadCapacity, Health, RiskAnomalies, Capacity, RiskHealth, Risk, Efficiency5.Q: Microsoft is the most prominent threat to VMware in the cloud solution market. Trueor False?A:TrueFalse6. Q: Which of the following statements is a VMware competitive advantage of over thecompetition? (Select all that apply).A: (不全)Datacenter consolidationProactive versus Reactive ManagementCapacity planningCost optimization7.Q: Which of the following statements is NOT a functional deficiency in the Operationslandscape?A:Lengthy implementation cycles.Loosely integrated solutions.Bound by legacy code.Requires fewer personnel to run due to automation.Not adapted to the requirements of virtualization and cloud.8.Q: Which of the following statements about the capabilities of vCenter OperationsManager is FALSE?A:It provides metrics for Capacity planning.It provides Smart Alerts to identify system issues.It contains a comprehensive dashboard to view system health.It provides metrics about system health that are available only in paper-based reports.How to Sell vCenter Operations Management Suite [V5.x]1.Q: What is the recommended environment size of vCenter Operations Management SuiteAdvanced Edition? (Select one)A:SmallMediumLarge virtualLarge virtual and physical2.Q: What is the target customer profile for the vCenter Operations Manager Enterpriseedition?A:Vice President of Sales and MarketingVice President of FinanceVirtual infrastructure Adminnfrastructure Teams (Vice President/Director of Infrastructure)3.Q: vCenter Configuration Manager (Full Edition) is included in which vCenter OperationsManagement Suite edition? (Select one)A:AdvancedEnterpriseEnterprise PlusPremier4.Q: vCenter Chargeback Manager is included in which editions of the vCenter OperationsManagement Suite? (Select one)A:Standard and EnterpriseAdvanced and EnterpriseEnterprise and Enterprise PlusAdvanced and Enterprise Plus5.Q: The vFabric Application Management Suite provides: (Select one)A:New solutions for application provisioning and monitoring.New solutions for more tightly integrated performance, capacity, and configuration management capabilities for virtual and cloud computing environments.New solutions for IT financial management, service level management, and vendor governance.New solutions for mapping application dependencies.6.Q: Fill in the blank: VMware’s management solutions are designed to support____________ level of automation.A:The maximumThe lowestA mediumA base7.Q: What-if scenarios are not included in which vCenter Operations Management Suiteedition? (Select one)A:AdvancedStandardEnterpriseEnterprise Plus8.Q: What does vCenter Operations Manager not deliver? (Select one)A:Proactive management for day-to-day operatingManagement dashboards and smart alertsInformation for capacity and efficiency optimizationsService catalog and workflow engine9.Q: vCenter Infrastructure Navigator is included in which editions of the vCenter OperationsManagement Suite? (Select one)A:Standard and AdvancedEnterprise Plus and AdvancedEnterprise and AdvancedEnterprise and Enterprise Plus10.Q: vCenter Operations Manager provides patented analytics that self learn “normal”behavior in a dynamic environment.A:TrueFalseAutomating Operations Management [V5.X]1.Q: Fill in the blank: vCenter Operations Manager offers proactive management by usingsmart alerts, __________________________________________________________ and by offering cost-based capacity optimizations with vCenter Chargeback Manager. (Select one) A:Automatically discovery of application servicesVisualization of relationships and map dependenciesProviding risk assessment of upcoming performance and capacity issuesUpdated view of application dependencies2.Q: Which component of vCenter Operations Management Suite supports hardening thecompute environment? (Select one)A:vCenter Chargeback ManagervCenter Configuration ManagervCenter Operations ManagervCenter Infrastructure Navigator3.Q: What is a benefit of the comprehensive dashboard? (Select one)A:Alerts on changing capacity conditions.Proactive incident avoidance.Calculates optimal utilization and identifies waste.Advance notification of abnormal behavior.4.Q: What is a benefit of intelligent automation? (Select one)A:Fully integrated capacity management.End-to-end visibility into cloud infrastructure health.Immediately focus on the root cause rather than symptoms or false alerts.Optimize for efficiency and cost.5.Q: Fill in the blank: Customer pain and requirements in virtual environment reveal theneed for a more integrated approach to ______________ management. (Select one)A:ServiceFinanceOperationsSecurity6.Q: Fill in the blank: The three major scores of vCenter Operations Manager are risk,efficiency, and ________? (Select one)A:Time RemainingHealthDensityFaults7.Q: What is not a reactive task of a virtual infrastructure administrator? (Select one)A:AutomateMonitorIsolateRemediate8.Q: What is a benefit of proactive management? (Select one)A:Advance notification of abnormal behavior help avoid incidents.End-to-end visibility into cloud infrastructure health.Application-aware operations management that eliminates the risk of human error.Cost visibility with vCenter Chargeback Manager.9.Q: Fill in the blank: Two major impacts on Operations Management are changing in thecloud era, these are convergence and _________? (Select one)A:AutomationMore dataScaleNew architecture10.Q: Which of the following is not a part of the reactive problem solving process? (Selectone)A:MonitorPlanIsolateRemediateManaging the Virtualization of Business Critical ApplicationsQ: Fill in the blank: You should focus on selling _____________, _______________ that have already been virtualized? (Select one)A:High volume, unknown applicationsLow volume, unknown applicationsLow volume, well-known applicationsHigh volume, well-known applicationsQ: Which vCenter Operations Management Suite Edition includes cost metering and reporting? (Select one)A:Standard EditionEnterprise Plus EditionAdvanced EditionPlatinum EditionQ: Which vCenter Operations Management Suite Edition should you propose for your customer’s day-to-day operating support in a small vSphere environment only? (Select one)A:Standard EditionAdvanced EditionEnterprise EditionEnterprise Plus EditionQ: Why is it important to show the customer appropriate VMware products around vCenter Operations Management Suite like Site Recovery Manager or vShield Family? (Select one)A:Show the customer your knowledge.It is an important opportunity to upsell products that may have not been introduced to your customers before.Confuse the customer with a whole bunch of VMware products.Q: Which vCenter Operations Management Suite Edition includes application mapping? (Select one)A:Standard EditionEnterprise EditionAdvanced EditionPlatinum EditionQ: Which vCenter Operations Management Suite Edition includes compliance monitoring? (Select one)A:Standard EditionEnterprise Plus EditionAdvanced EditionPlatinum EditionQ: When is not a good time to talk to a customer about virtualization of business critical application? (Select one)A:Exchange 2010 in-place upgrade from Exchange 2003Hardware and software refreshSecurity and compliance issuesMergers or rapid business transformationQ: At what stage do you start talking with your customer about the virtualization of business critical applications? (Select one)A:Infrastructure focus, IT ProductionBusiness focus, IT as a ServiceApplication focus, Business ProductionQ: Which business critical application is most often virtualized? (Select one)A:SAPMS SharePointOracle DBOracle MiddlewareQ: Fill in the blank: Virtualizing business critical applications gets the customer to a virtualization level of ___ . (Select one)A:30%60%90%50%Managing Infrastructure as a Service [V5.X]1.Q: Which vCenter Operations Management Suite component offers holistic, real-timeanalytics? (Select one)A:vCenter Chargeback ManagervCenter Infrastructure NavigatorvCenter Configuration ManagervCenter Operations Manager2.Q: What is the new approach for problem responsibility in cloud-aware management?(Select one)A:Simple lifecycle processDynamic security configuration for advanced cloud computingBehavioral pattern-based monitoring and analyticsRules based root cause analysis3.Q: Which vCenter Operations Management Suite component offers a simple lifecycleprocess and policy-based automation across all IT layers? (Select one)A:vCenter Chargeback ManagervCenter Infrastructure NavigatorvCenter Configuration ManagervCenter Operations Manager4.Q: Which vCenter Operations Management Suite component offers a metered use andvariable cost model? (Select one)A:vCenter Chargeback ManagervCenter Infrastructure NavigatorvCenter Configuration ManagervCenter Operations Manager5.Q: VMware´s management suites addresses 4 out 5 CIO top strategies. What is #5?(Selectone)A:Reducing the cost of ITDelivering business solutionsImproving IT management and governanceImplementing mobility solutions6.Q: Which vCenter Operations Management Suite component offers behavioralpattern-based monitoring and analytics? (Select one)A:vCenter Chargeback ManagervCenter Infrastructure NavigatorvCenter Configuration ManagervCenter Operations Manager7.Q: What is the #2 priority for CIOs? (Select one)A:Modernizing of our legacy applicationsMaking due with smaller budgetsDeveloping a private/public cloud strategyVirtualization8.Q: Which impact on security has evolving the datacenter to a private cloud with VMwareproducts? (Select one)A:Move from static, physical security to dynamic, embedded securityIncrease automation thru built-in policy-driven managementTransform physical silos into elastic, virtual capacity9.Q: VMware´s management suites addresses 4 out 5 CIO top strategies. What is #2?(Selectone)A:Reducing the cost of ITDelivering business solutionsImplementing business process improvementsImplementing mobility solutions10.Q: What is the new approach for security in cloud-aware management? (Select one)A:Simple lifecycle processDynamic security configuration for advanced cloud computingStatic security configuration for traditional IT architectureRules based root cause analysis11.Q: VMware´s management suites addresses 4 out 5 CIO top strategies. What is#1?(Select one)A:Reducing the cost of ITDelivering business solutionsImplementing business process improvementsImplementing mobility solutions。



















以下哪项是虚拟化vCenter的优势? vCenter只能在使用本地存储时进行虚拟化vCenter可以进行虚拟化,但必须在32位服务器上部署vCenter可以轻松实现虚拟化,HA可在需要时用于重新启动虚拟机vCenter与管理员密切相关,因而不能进行虚拟化002您拥有一个VMware}环境,同时发现数据存储的存储容量变化很大。


以下哪顶是可行的解决方案?Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler(SDRS)VAAI价存储I/O控制VASA003您是一名顾问,有客户联系您帮助规划新的1f h}war}环境。


您可以提供以下哪顶来消除他们的担心?Site Recovery Manger004您是一名顾问,刚刚有一家客户表示他们很重视性能和容量信息、的可见性问题,因为这些信息、可以更有效地帮助他们管理新的llh}vuare环境。

以下哪顶可使他们的监控具有前瞻性?vC OPS005您正在与同事讨论虚拟网络。







}rsph}re 在这种配置中支持以下哪种类型的共享存储?请选择两项:CIFS以太网光纤通道光纤通道NFSiSCSI008以下哪项功能是VMware环境中共享存储的优势?允许部署HA集群能够更有效地查看磁盘资能够更有效地备份数据允许通过一家供应商部署存储009用于}s}I}}r}的存储大致分为两类,即基于块和基于文件。



一、vSphere Client的安装与登录1.1 vSphere Client 硬件要求确保vSphere Client 硬件符合要求。

n CPU - 1 CPUn 处理器- 266 MHz 或更快的Intel 或AMD 处理器(建议500 MHz)。

n 内存- 200 MB RAMn 磁盘存储- 完整安装需要1 GB 可用磁盘空间,此安装包括以下组件:n Microsoft .NET 2.0n Microsoft .NET 3.0 SP1n Microsoft Visual J#n vSphere Client 4.0n vSphere Host Update Utility 4.0%temp% 目录所在的驱动器上还必须有400 MB 的可用空间。

如果已经安装上述所有必选组件,则%temp% 目录所在的驱动器上必须有300 MB 的可用空间,而vSphereClient 4.0 必须有450 MB 的可用空间。

n 网络- 建议使用千兆位连接。

1.2 vSphere Client 软件要求Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows 7操作系统支持vSphere Client。

vSphere Client 要求安装Microsoft .NET 3.0 SP1 Framework。

1.3 安装vSphere ClientvSphere Client 使您能够连接到ESX/ESXi 主机和vCenter Server 系统。

vSphere Client 必须安装在Windows 计算机上,且该计算机必须能够通过网络访问ESX 主机且可访问Internet。

步骤1 运行vSphere Client 安装程序。

n 在vCenter Server 安装程序中,在C:\<vc-installer location>\ 双击autorun.exe 文件,然后单击VMware vSphere Client。

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Q:How does VMware recommend you co-compete in accounts with traditional IT vendors? A:dCompete head-on: Go after every piece of management business in an account.Only sell to the virtual administrators.Compete only for service desk business.Focus on where VMware fits in the customer’s cloud strategy and up level with management. Q:What is a downside of using Microsoft System Center?A:cIf a customer needs a lot of management functionalities, they will have to buy many tools to build an entire cloud management suite.Microsoft’s approach is narrow in scope –it’s designed to solve only a handful of problems.System Center was originally built for the physical infrastructure. It is heavily agent driven, veryintrusive into the OS and the underlying physical infrastructure.Q:What is the niche vendor’s approach to management?A:ax dxThey provide broad management across all aspects of virtualization and cloud.They sell fewer, but more expensive licenses.They recognize and attack a single problem that plagues administrators.They demonstrate value through complex and lengthy proof of concepts.Q:What is a WEAKNESS of the traditional IT management vendor?A:aThey are still selling the same solutions which are not designed to scale or align with the needs of a highly dynamic cloud environment.They are small vendors with questionable futures, with tools designed to solve only a few problems.They are only interested in Mainframe software.Q:What is a STRENGTH of niche management vendors?A:dThey have high exposure in the organization, selling to the “C” suite decision makers.They have technologies deeply rooted into Enterprise IT Operations & Application LifecycleManagement.They are closely aligned with the platform vendor’s development teams.They have a well-trained and focused sales force. Because they are trained on the use case, they are laser focused on who to position and how to position their product.Q:According to the competitive checklist for evaluating management options, what are THREE things a customer should look for regarding INTEGRATION?A:acdSingle vApp deploymentSold only per VM licensevSphere health modelPerformance capacity, configuration and chargeback management all integrated into the same suite Q:How does management fit in VMware’s software-defined datacenter vision?A:bManagement needs to keep applications and infrastructure tightly coupled into vertical stacks.Once the datacenter infrastructure is defined as a software service you can then control, automate and manage the entire data center fabric through software.When administrators manually set alerts, it makes the datacenter run better.Q:What are THREE weaknesses of niche management vendors?A:abdx bcdxabcMany of their performance management tools are built on static rules-based foundations.Many of the capacity management tools aren’t designed for the dynamic style of a virtualizeddatacenter.If a customer needs a lot of management functionalities, they will only get a piece of it with each niche product.Their implementations are lengthy and complex.Q:What are THREE weaknesses of the platform management vendor, such as Microsoft?A:acdThey lack a strategic vision in comparison to VMware’s software-defined data center vision.Their tools are expensive to purchase and own.They tend to be fragmented, lacking true integration.Their implementations are highly scripted and complex.Q:What is the competitive “Platform Vendor’s” approach to management?A:dx ax cThey attack specific use-case problems and remediate them.They use organic development of tightly integrated tools.They leverage their established channels for go to market.They leverage the physical infrastructure footprint to keep customers from virtualization/cloud.Q:What are TWO strengths of the traditional IT management vendor?A:abx adxAll their technology is built with virtualization and cloud in mind.They have a long track record in many established accounts.Their tools are tightly integrated and easy to use.They manage both virtual and physical assets.Q:Which two companies did VMware acquire in order to bolster their management offering?A:adIntegrienVKernelCloupiaDynamicOpsQ:According to the competitive checklist for evaluating management options, what are THREE things a customer should look for regarding ANALYTICS?A:acdx bcdManual setup and administrationAdaptive, learning based analyticsDynamic thresholdingSmart alertsQ:What is a STRENGTH of the platform management vendors?A:aThey are strong in their pricing and bundling and their marketing capabilities against VMware.The product is easy to deploy with a “download and go” evaluation.They have frequently scheduled releases which provide new features very rapidly.。
