基于ASPNET的二手商品交易平台_计算机专业毕业论文 精品
本文是基于现代二手交易的流程,结合现代的信息技术,通过对系统的结构设计、后台设计、前端开发,构建了一个基于B/S结构的,以ASP为开发平台和SQL server 2000为数据库的二手交易系统。
关键字:B/S结构;数据库;二手交易The Design and Implementation of Secondary TradingSystemAbstractWith the rapid development of the Internet, people depend more and more on Internet-based applications. And people pay more attention to the reuse of the second-hand goods gradually. Online secondary trading system thus comes into people’s sight. With the help of the internet, it changes the shopping ways of people.This paper is based on the flow of secondary trading, and combined with the modern information technology; moreover, following the process of development, structure design, background design, and foreground design. It tries to establish a secondary trading system based on B/S, ASP and SQL Server 2000. This system implements the general functions of secondary trading information’s publication, management and so on.Key words: Database;B/S;Online Secondary Trading目录论文总页数:18页1 引言 02 理论基础及开发工具介绍 0ASP介绍 0SQL Server 2000 数据库的介绍 (1)B/S结构 (1)开发工具介绍 (2)3 系统需求分析 (2)普通用户 (2)管理员 (3)系统功能模块分析 (3)4 系统设计与实现 (4)数据库设计 (4)数据库关系模型设计 (4)数据库表结构设计 (6)数据库表的实现 (7)系统功能实现 (7)信息发布-浏览信息 (7)信息发布-添加信息 (8)信息发布-搜索信息 (9)信息管理-管理员身份验证 (11)信息管理-交易信息管理 (11)信息管理-项目管理 (12)信息管理-公告管理 (12)信息管理-链接管理 (13)5 系统测试 (13)测试环境 (13)测试结果 (14)系统安全性测试 (14)结论 (14)参考文献 (15)致谢 (16)声明 (17)1引言近年来,信息技术在迅速地改变着社会的同时,也极大地改变着人们的生活方式,网络也在慢慢改变着人们的交易方式。
XXXXX毕业论文(设计)校园二手交易网站The Campus Second—hand Transaction Website姓名: XXX学号:XXXXX院别: 计算机学院专业: XXXXXX年级: XXXX指导教师: XXXXXXXXXX 年 1 月 2 日摘要在如今的社会中,人们的生活与网络技术紧密结合,人们越来越注重效率和正确率。
第二,确定使用C#技术和SQL Server数据库来完成本次网站编程设计。
关键词:因特网;C#;SQL Server;校园二手交易网站AbstractIn today’s society,people's life closely integrated with network technology, people more and more attention to the efficiency and accuracy。
Network technology makes the life of people more and more,also because of the change of life makes the network technology constantly。
This website design is the campus secondary trading site,will develop a variety of functions, not only can improve the efficiency of management of the second-hand deal,will also meet the needs of students to sell secondhand goods.Before the website development,first of all, current condition of the existing campus second-hand transaction website do some simple research, found that the current used specifically for campus secondary trading websites rarely,so strengthened my determination to construction of the campus second-hand transaction website. Second, determine the using c # and SQL Server databaseto complete the website programming design。
基于ASP NET的校园二手书网上交易 系统的开发与实现
关键词:电子商务;二手书网上书店;网络数据库AbstractGraduates will be discarded or giving away a large number of books each year, these items are often not a good deal, and the lower grades students tend to find cheap and fine materials, second-hand book website is to provide such a platform for online shopping to solve the asymmetry between supply and demand situation, students not only can take the books which are not used on the Internet, but also can find the books you need on the Internet."School used books online trading system" consists of two parts, foreground user interface and background administrator interface composition, web front module includes member registration login, browse and buy books, view comment, shopping cart management, publishing books and information functions. Background administrator module includes membership information management, category management books, library information management, order management, review management and other functions.This paper describes the implementation of a dynamic online bookstore with an overview of technology development, technical characteristics, application of principles and methods to fully highlight the superiority of technology. Briefly discusses the advantage of e-commerce, the impact on the society and the establishment of e-commerce sites should pay attention to the problem, and introduces the procedures of the entire site, the database structure and website pages. Focuses on the shopping cart and buy books management subsystem, the key technologies to implement the specific function of the use of integrated applications and with other methods. This system is versatile. After simple modification this system can be applied to a wider range of online shopping system, has a certain popularization value.Key Words:Electronic commerce, Second-hand books online bookstore, Network database目录1 引言 (1)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2目的和意义 (1)1.3系统设计目标 (2)2 系统技术及运行环境 (3)介绍 (3)2.2C#语言 (3)2.3SQL Server2008简介 (4)2.4Microsoft Visual Studio2008介绍 (5)2.5本章小结 (5)3 系统分析 (6)3.1系统目标 (6)3.2可行性研究 (6)3.3需求分析 (7)3.3.1 功能需求 (8)3.3.2 性能需求 (10)3.4管理业务调查 (11)3.4.1 管理业务流程图 (11)3.4.2 数据流图 (13)3.4.3 数据字典 (15)3.5本章小结 (16)4 系统设计 (17)4.1功能结构图设计 (17)4.2代码设计 (19)4.3系统物理配置方案设计 (20)4.4数据库设计 (20)4.4.1 概念结构设计 (20)4.4.2 逻辑结构设计 (24)4.4.3 物理结构设计 (25)4.5本章小结 (27)5 系统实现 (28)5.1实现用户注册模块 (28)5.2实现用户登录模块 (28)5.3实现图书信息模块 (28)5.3.1 图书展示模块 (28)5.3.2 图书查询模块 (29)5.4实现购买图书模块 (29)5.5实现用户留言模块 (30)5.6实现后台管理员模块 (31)5.6.1 图书管理模块 (31)5.6.2 会员管理模块 (32)5.6.3 图书分类模块 (33)5.7关键技术实现 (33)5.8系统维护 (35)5.9本章小结 (35)6 总结与展望 (36)6.1论文总结 (36)6.2系统展望 (36)参考文献 (37)致谢 (38)1 引言1.1 课题背景高校的二手书交易市场是一个大市场,大学生从大一到大四毕业,每个人的书籍都积攒了几十本,然而由于不便携带和储藏很多同学都会在学期开始和结束时,将自己的旧书处理掉。
T e De in a d Re z f n o e On i e S c n - a d Go d a i g P a f r Ba e n AS . h sg n  ̄i a o ft ln e o d h n o sTr d n l to m s d o P NET i h
YEJ g H o g n , E Qin i
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C m ue K o l g n e h o g o p t n we ea dT c n l y电脑 知 识 与技术 r d o
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基 于 A PNE S . T的 网上 二手 交易 平 台的设 计
a O n. nd S o
Ke o d y w r s:E—c m m e c ;o i e o —h n g od r dngplto ;AS N ET ; o r e  ̄ nes c nd a d o sta i af r m P. AD O . ET N
1问 题 的 提 出
提 供一 个 非 常 快捷 方便 的交 易 渠 道 。想 要 在 网 上买 卖 二 手 商 品的 人 , 只要 在 网上 二 手 交 易 平 台上 注册 , 到 或 发 布 交易 的商 品 . 找 留 下 相应 的信 息 。 方 联 系 购买 即可 。 双
关键词:网上购物;asp;购物车;数据库目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1网上购物系统概述 (1)1.2系统开发的目的和意义 (1)第二章开发技术概述 (3)2.1开发环境介绍 (3)2.1.1硬件环境和软件环境 (3)2.2技术概述 (3)2.2.1ASP技术 (3)2.2.2用ASP实现用户登陆WEB数据库 (4)2.2.4IIS简介 (5)2.2.5IIS与ASP的结合 (5)2.2.8利用ADO访问数据库 (6)2.2.9数据库Microsoft Access概述 (7)2.3Dreamweaver软件概述 (7)第三章:需求分析 (8)3.1需求分析 (8)3.2选择网上购物的原因 (10)3.3用户选择商品配送的方式 (10)3.4网上交易存在的问题 (11)第四章系统总体设计 (12)4.1网上购物系统功能描述 (12)4.2系统功能说明 (12)4.2.1前台销售部分 (12)4.2.2后台管理部分 (13)4.3系统版块划分 (13)4.3.1前台 (13)4.3.2后台 (13)4.4系统结构 (14)4.4.1网上购物销售系统页面结构 (14)4.4.2商品搜索流程图 (14)4.4.3注册功能流程图 (15)4.4.4用户登陆流程图 (15).4.5系统E-R图 (16)4.5数据库设计 (16)4.6创建虚拟目录来组织Web应用程序 (16)第五章系统详细设计 (19)5.1数据源 (19)5.1.1创建数据库链接(Connection) (22)5.1.2创建数据对象(Record Set) (23)5.1.3操作数据库 (23)5.1.4关闭数据对象和链接对象 (24)5.2目录结构与通用模块 (24)5.2.1目录结构 (24)5.2.2通用模块 (24)第六章系统后台管理与界面设计 (26)6.1后台管理模块分析 (26)6.2商品信息管理模块 (27)6.3交易信息管理模块 (30)6.4用户管理模块 (31)6.5系统主界面 (33)6.6商品查询(search.asp) (34)6.7用户界面设计 (35)6.7.1用户信息注册 (35)6.7.2用户信息登陆 (37)第7章ASP+Access的安全隐患 (40)结束语 (41)致谢 (43)参考文献 (44)第一章绪论1.1网上购物系统概述随着因特网的不断普及和信息高速公路的逐步延伸,人类社会现今已昂首步入信息社会时代,而商品交易模式在不断地发生着变化。
基于.NET的校园二手交易系统Base on campus second-hand goods trading system院系:专业:班级:姓名学号指导教师日期河北北方学院2015届本科生毕业论文摘要随着社会的高速发展、技术的快速更新以及产品的不断更新换代,人们对于物质的要求越来越高,随之而来的问题便是越来越多的二手货物堆积下来却无法得到更好的利用。
运用开发工具Visual Studio 2010和SQL Server 2005,实现了用户注册、用户登录、查询浏览、商品搜索匹配、用户收藏、用户购买等用户功能模块。
关键词:Visual Studio 2010;数据库;二手物品交易;SQL Server 2005基于.NET的校园二手物品交易系统ABSTRACTUpdate with the high-speed development of society, technology and constantly updated products, people more and more high to the requirement of material, the resulting problem is more and more secondhand goods accumulation down but can't get better use.In order to better solve this kind of situation, the campus second-hand goods trading website is to provide the information interaction of such a product, thus, makes more valuable second-hand items can be recycled. This article mainly introduced the project demonstration of this platform, overall design, such as the implementation process, in detail elaborated the design idea, database design and function module design. Use of development tools in Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2005, realize the user registration, user login, query, browse search matching, user collection, users to buy goods, such as user function module. Background management function modules: the administrator login, the administrator of commodity information to add, delete, change, check, administrators can view the users information and order information, and to handle orders accordingly. In addition, the administrator can modify the way used to charge customers goods pickup, etc. The design process of the whole system, give full consideration to the database security, consistency, stability and reliability, etc. And has a friendly interface, the operation is very simple.Key Words: Visual Studio 2010; Database; Second-hand goods trading platform; SQL Server 2005河北北方学院2015届本科生毕业论文目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 开发背景 (1)1.2 开发的目的及意义 (2)2 系统开发环境简介 ......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
基于ASPNET的二手商品交易平台_计算机专业毕业论文 精品
所以,建立一个校园二手市场交易网站是必要的,利用网络和数据库技术,结合目前硬件价格普遍下跌与宽带网大力建设的有利优势,基于B/S模式研究开发了基于Web 的二手商品交易平台这一ASP. NET应用程序。
关键词:电子商务;;B/SABSTRACTWith the development of society, the constant development of technology and the continuous upgrading of products make people to the substance of the increasingly high demand, the problem is more and more used goods packing down but cannot get better use.Especially in the campus students, first of all, they do not have the time or energy to operate a second-hand goods store, and they don't have enough secondhand goods to support the shop, general campus students second-hand goods are scattered, and can not be a good two times using.Secondly, a main reason is that the students are not a stable source of funds. Therefore, to establish a campus secondary market trading site is necessary, the use of network and database technology, combining with the current hardware prices falling and the broadband network to the advantage of building, based on B / S mode research and development based on Web second-hand goods trading platform for the ASP . NET application. It is convenient to use, simple operation, high efficiency in recent years, along with the international Internet with amazing speed sweeps across the whole world, our country multimedia network coverage is expanding. Because of this, using Internet this medium to establish a good, beautiful interface campus secondary market trading site, to create campus secondary market trading platform for second-hand goods, students can better utilize again and build a good trading platform. This can make students second-hand goods could be put to better use, but also can help the students to save their own living expenses.Key words:Electronic commerce;;B/S目录第一章引言 (1)1.1课题背 (1)1.2课题意义 (1)1.3设计思想 (1)第二章系统分析 (2)2.1需求分析 (2)2.2可行性分析 (2)2.2.1技术可行性 (2)2.2.2经济可行性 (3)2.2.3操作可行性 (3)第三章用到的主要技术介绍 (4)3.1开发工具介绍 (4)3.2数据库介绍 (6)介绍 (7)第四章总体设计 (8)4.1系统功能结构图 (9)4.2项目规划 (10)第五章系统设计 (11)5.1设计目标 (11)5.2开发及运行环境 (12)5.3逻辑结构设计 (13)第六章主要功能模块设计 (14)6.1主页 (14)6.2用户注册及用户登录模块 (15)6.3用户信息管理模块 (16)6.4购物车记录模块...........。
智城实践NO.11 20236智能城市 INTELLIGENT CITY基于的大学生跳蚤市场服务平台设计李冬(云南机电职业技术学院信息工程学院,云南 昆明 650000)摘要:随着人们生活水平的日渐提高,在校大学生拥有的学习或考试资料、电子产品、体育用品等闲置物品也不断增多。
关键词:;SQL Server;跳蚤市场中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-1936(2023)11-0006-03DOI :10.19301/ki.zncs.2023.11.002Design of flea market service platform for college students based on LI DongAbstract : With the improvement of people's living standards, the idle items such as study or examination materials, electronic products and sporting goods owned by college students are also increasing. With the rapid development of information technology, the traditional stall-type second-hand trading market can no longer meet the needs of contemporary college students to deal with second-hand resources. This paper designs a flea market service platform for college students which is suitable for all colleges and universities. According to different rights of users, users are divided into three levels: super administrator, school administrator and ordinary member. Super administrators can assign the authority of school-level administrators to any university, and manage the second-hand commodity information and purchase demand information released by ordinary members registered by the university.Key words : ; SQL Server; flea market 1 设计背景安全可靠的交易平台不仅可以优化资源,还可以使大学生减少铺张浪费,使每一个物品都能发挥出自身价值,构建了一个和谐、阳光、节约环保型校园[1]。
关键词:网络购物;ASP. NET技术;Access数据库1 绪论1.1 问题的提出随着信息产业的迅猛发展,互联网以及各项相关技术日渐成熟,这些都推动了电子商务的发展,使人们对这个新兴产业有了一定的了解,也使电子商务在各个领域有了不同程度的应用,给世界各国带来了许多新的发展机会【1】。
(4)实现24 h不间断营业,有利于提高营业额。
1.2 网站的设计思想通过讲述网上购物系统的设计与实现,对本站的功能进行全面的讲解,展示网上购物的便利、优点与特色。
个性化已逐渐成为当今Wed 应用的潮流。
关键词:网上购物系统动态网站asp access数据库AbstractAlong with the development of the computer science in20centuries,the database technique is more and more extensive in the application in the Internet,providing the more thoughtful and humanized service for the large network customer.Characteristic have already become gradually the current as the application of Wed nowadays.This text studied a kind of project which composed of characteristic page and dynamic state of technical customer according to the data connection rule,compared with some projects that adopt already on present nets,this project have the advantage of making customers use more simple and reflect them more obviously meticulous and so on..The main work in this text is as followed:(1)Introduced the background of the characteristic page and the general theory of IISs+ the system of ASP;(2)Elaborate the whole system structure and the work principle of the whole characteristic pages borning system;Analyzing the special、difficulty、and the key point in the realization of the system.(3)Design to carry out the customer registration/register,search,purchase;The system management to the website by administrator;The characteristic page dynamic state is born-return to show to the procedure mold piece;Carry out the page of ASP and HTMLs.(4)Analyze and resolve some technique problem in the realization;(5)Establish the whole experiment website,carry on the test and to analysis the result. The whole text is totally divided into five parts,the first part mainly is the website system analysis;The second part is mainly the function design of the website;The third part is mainly the website database design;The four part mainly is a website application and interface design;The fifth part is to get a further conclusion to put forward the opinions and suggestions that has the realistic meaning.Keyword:On-line shopping system dynamic state website asp access database目录序言1第一章网站系统分析3 1.1网站的设计目标3 1.2网站的可行性分析3 1.3网站的深入调查4 1.4网站设计的特点5 1.5网站开发的设计思想5 1.6系统设计的总体规则5第二章网站的功能设计6 2.1网站功能分析6 2.2平台功能模块的设计6 2.3系统流程分析7第三章网站数据库设计11 3.1网站数据库需求分析11 3.2数据库逻辑结构设计11第四章网站应用与界面设计15第五章设计总结24参考文献25序言目前,网络正以一种前所未有的冲击力在影响着人类的活动,包括人类的生产和日常生活。
关键字:ASP;SQL;ACCESS;电子商务AbstractAlong with the information technology development, the network unceasing progress, on the net commodity exchange has been very common, the foundation environment maturely will impel the electronic commerce and the commercial website construction with the demand desire growth develops unceasingly, therefore, this article through by the design will establish a non- commercial use in the campus the public welfare transaction platform to discuss the electronic commerce application and the electronic commerce website construction has the important social significance and the reference value.The design duty lies in establishes mainly by to participate in the use in the school student two commodity exchanges website. Student's two materials, the daily necessities, graduate in namely the processing goods, all may issue the use in this transaction platform, this design goal lies in designs for the commodity exchange network which uses in the school student.We hoped to through this topic research,that can know elementary knowledge which designs to the usual software. The website design flow, the ASP dynamic page design, the contact surface art designing beautify the skill to have a comprehensive understanding and the understanding. Further is familiar with own studies the knowledge.The union practice in order to in the later work will be able the as soon as possible adaption website development work.Key words : ASP; SQL; ACCESS; Electronic commerce目录第一章引言 (8)1.1 课题背景 (8)1.2 开发现状分析 (8)1.3 课题开发意义 (8)第二章需求分析及系统设计 (11)2.1校园交易网站的特点 (11)2.2 校园交易需求分析 (12)2.2.1 校园市场整体现状分析 (12)2.2.2 项目术语描述 (12)2.3 可行性分析 (13)2.3.1 技术可行性 (14)2.3.2 校园商品支付可行性 (15)2.4 市场定位分析 (16)第三章系统总体设计 (17)3.1 设计思路 (17)3.2 系统功能结构 (17)3.2.1 用户注册 (17)3.2.2 发布信息 (17)3.2.3 用户面板 (18)3.2.4 信息发送 (18)3.2.5 信息查询 (18)3.2.6 用户留言 (18)3.3 系统开发设计原则 (19)3.3.1 完整性原则 (17)3.3.2 相关性原则 (17)3.3.3 适应性原则 (17)3.3.4 可靠性原则 (17)3.3.5 经济型原则 (17)3.4 数据库设计 (17)3.4.1 数据库设计的原则 (17)3.4.2 数据库设计的步骤 (18)3.4.3 数据库需求分析 (19)第四章网站模块详细设计 (20)4.1 用户注册模块 (20)4.2 用户登录模块 (21)4.3 搜索模块 (21)4.4 在线留言模块 (22)4.5 用户信息修改、查询等 (23)4.6 数据库表单 (25)4.6.1 用户注册表单 (25)4.6.2 管理员表单 (25)4.6.3 留言表单 (25)4.6.4 商品表单 (25)4.6.5 网站信息设置表单 (26)4.6.6 评论表单 (26)4.6.7 会员管理表单 (27)4.6.8 其他表单 (27)第五章网站测试与维护 (28)5.1系统集成测试案例 (28)5.2系统维护 (28)第六章总结 (29)6.1 所作工作的总结 (29)6.2 不足之处 (29)6.3 展望 (29)6.4 需要进一步的研究工作 (30)参考资料 (33)致谢 (35)第一章引言1.1 课题背景随着计算机及网络技术的飞速发展,Internet/Intranet应用在全球范围内日益普及,在众多的网络服务中,Web给人耳目一新的感觉,而在这其中,网上购物已经日渐普及,很多人都通过网络来购物。
Computer Knowledge and Technology 电脑知识与技术本栏目责任编辑:谢媛媛软件设计开发第6卷第5期(2010年2月)基于 的网上二手交易平台的设计叶茎,何琼(武汉软件工程职业学院电子系,湖北武汉430205)摘要:该文以网上二手交易平台设计为主线,讨论了电子商务和网上二手交易平台的基本概念、国内外的发展状况,在 相关技术和框架上,设计了网上二手交易平台的体系结构,功能模块等。
关键词:电子商务;网上二手交易平台; ;中图分类号:TP393文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2010)05-1144-02The Design and Realization of the Online Second-hand Goods Trading Platform Based on YE Jing,HE Qiong(Department of Electronic Engineering,Wuhan Vocational College of Software and Engineering,Wuhan 430205,China)Abstract:This paper consider the design of the online second-hand goods trading platform as the main line ,discuss the basic concept of E-commerce and the online second-hand goods trading platform,its development status around the world.Based on the technology and the frame of ,this paper devises the system structure of the second-hand goods trading platform ,and the major functional module and so on.Key words:E-commerce;online second-hand goods trading platform;;1问题的提出随着网络技术和电子商务的迅猛发展,把二手货市场从网下搬到网上,构建一个网上交易平台,将给二手货交易带来方便。
三 、网站用户主要功能的实现
( 一 ) 注 册 和 登 录 必 须建 立一 个 便捷 的注 册 和登 录方 式 , 当新 的用 户注册后 ,能够把 用户 提供 的信息 返 回 ,建 立一 个 数据 库 , 并把这 些信息写入数 据库 。用户 注册要 添用 户名 、性 别 、联 系方式 等 信息 。 ( 二 ) 商 品 查 询 这个查询功能处理两种情 况的查 询,一种是按商品分类显示 商品列 表 ,也就是模糊查询 ;另 一种情 况是 在指定 分类 中查 询满 足条件 的商 品 ,需要输入关键字。本网站查询后的商品有分 页显示 的功能 ,因为 当 商品过多时 ,只能在一个页面显示 几个有 限的商 品,是通过生 成的查询 条件设置 S E L E C T语句 ,并读取 满足条 件的商品到记 录集 中 ,然后设置 分页条件 ,以分页显示 商品。
基于 A S P . N E T的 贵安大学城 二手物 品交 易 网站的设计与实现
申 浩
摘 要 :基于 AS P .N E T的贵安 大学城二手 物品 交易网络 平台的存在 ,对 于进一步提倡 节约资 源,营造 环保 绿 色健康 的校 园生活 ,满 足高校师生 闲置物品重新利用的愿望提供 了有力保 障。该设 计基 于便捷 的 B / S模式 ,利用 了V i s u a l S t u d i o 2 0 1 0和 S Q L S e r v e r 2 0 0 8开发工具 , 首 先 对 网站 开发 技 术及 工具 进 行 了介 绍 , 然后 进 行 网站 搭 建 的 可行 性 分 析 和 平 台 总体 功 能 的 设 计 ,最 后 重 点 介 绍 了用 户 主要 的功 能 的 实现 。 关 键 词 :二 手 物 品 ; 交 易平 台 ;A S P .N E T;功 能设 计 随着 电子商务 的飞速发展 ,网络购物成为广大在校师生 的最便捷渠 道 ,影响 了他们 的 日 常生活方式 ,贵安新区大学城是集信息 化最强的场 所之一 ,为 了使每一位师生手 中的二手物品得到二次再利用 ,实现效用 最大化 ,建立二手物品交易网络平台 已经成为了发展趋势。
摘要校园二手交易平台,是建立在B/S结构上,在Windows .NET Framework 4.0环境下,利用和数据库SQL server 2005开发的系统。
关键词:校园二手交易交易平台;SQL Server 2005; 4.0AbstractThe S tudent’s Second-hand Market System with B/S structure developed by and SQL SERVER 2005 in the Framework of the 4.0 environment.This paper analyzes the developing process about student’s second-hand market system with software engineering. The process includes requirement analysis, preliminary design, database design, and detailed design. In the requirement analysis, it mainly analyzes function, capability and the requirement of system running. The preliminary design describes the structure of the system, functional module and the credit system. In the database design, the flow chart of the data, the database table, the table field and the E-R graphics of between entities are presented. Detailed design mainly in allusion to each functional module uses the massive flow charts to carry on the description. Let the reader understand the design concept of each module. Keywords:S tudent’s Secondhand Mark system; SQL Server 2005; 4.0目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章绪论 (1)1.1研究背景与国内外现状 (1)1.1.1研究背景 (1)1.1.2 国内外研究现状 (1)1.2开发工具与关键技术 (2)1.2.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012简介 (2)1.2.2数据库技术 (2)1.2.3 简介 (3)第二章需求分析 (4)2.1系统目标 (4)2.2可行性分析 (4)2.3功能性需求 (4)2.4数据流分析 (6)第三章概要设计 (8)3.1数据库设计 (8)3.1.1逻辑结构设计 (8)3.3.2物理结构设计 (10)3.2数据库表关系图 (13)第四章详细设计及实现 (14)4.1 平台公共部分设计 (14)4.2 功能模块设计 (15)4.2.1用户注册模块 (15)4.2.2用户登录模块 (16)4.2.3商品信息搜索功能模块 (17)4.2.4新商品信息发布模块 (18)4.2.5留言发表模块 (19)4.2.6投诉管理模块 (20)4.2.6会员信息管理模块 (21)4.2.7商品信息管理模块 (22)第五章测试 (23)5.1单元测试 (23)5.2集成测试 (23)总结与展望 (25)致谢 (26)参考文献 (27)第一章绪论1.1研究背景与国内外现状1.1.1研究背景随着科学技术的日新月异,商品出现多样化,更新换代的速度也日益加快。
基于ASP NET的校园二手书网上交易系统的开发与实现
关键词:电子商务;二手书网上书店;网络数据库AbstractGraduates will be discarded or giving away a large number of books each year, these items are often not a good deal, and the lower grades students tend to find cheap and fine materials, second-hand book website is to provide such a platform for online shopping to solve the asymmetry between supply and demand situation, students not only can take the books which are not used on the Internet, but also can find the books you need on the Internet."School used books online trading system" consists of two parts, foreground user interface and background administrator interface composition, web front module includes member registration login, browse and buy books, view comment, shopping cart management, publishing books and information functions. Background administrator module includes membership information management, category management books, library information management, order management, review management and other functions.This paper describes the implementation of a dynamic online bookstore with an overview of technology development, technical characteristics, application of principles and methods to fully highlight the superiority of technology. Briefly discusses the advantage of e-commerce, the impact on the society and the establishment of e-commerce sites should pay attention to the problem, and introduces the procedures of the entire site, the database structure and website pages. Focuses on the shopping cart and buy books management subsystem, the key technologies to implement the specific function of the use of integrated applications and with other methods. This system is versatile. After simple modification this system can be applied to a wider range of online shopping system, has a certain popularization value.Key Words:Electronic commerce, Second-hand books online bookstore, Network database目录1 引言 (1)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2目的和意义 (1)1.3系统设计目标 (2)2 系统技术及运行环境 (3)介绍 (3)2.2C#语言 (3)2.3SQL Server2008简介 (4)2.4Microsoft Visual Studio2008介绍 (5)2.5本章小结 (5)3 系统分析 (6)3.1系统目标 (6)3.2可行性研究 (6)3.3需求分析 (7)3.3.1 功能需求 (8)3.3.2 性能需求 (10)3.4管理业务调查 (11)3.4.1 管理业务流程图 (11)3.4.2 数据流图 (13)3.4.3 数据字典 (15)3.5本章小结 (16)4 系统设计 (17)4.1功能结构图设计 (17)4.2代码设计 (19)4.3系统物理配置方案设计 (20)4.4数据库设计 (20)4.4.1 概念结构设计 (20)4.4.2 逻辑结构设计 (24)4.4.3 物理结构设计 (25)4.5本章小结 (27)5 系统实现 (28)5.1实现用户注册模块 (28)5.2实现用户登录模块 (28)5.3实现图书信息模块 (28)5.3.1 图书展示模块 (28)5.3.2 图书查询模块 (29)5.4实现购买图书模块 (29)5.5实现用户留言模块 (30)5.6实现后台管理员模块 (31)5.6.1 图书管理模块 (31)5.6.2 会员管理模块 (32)5.6.3 图书分类模块 (33)5.7关键技术实现 (33)5.8系统维护 (35)5.9本章小结 (35)6 总结与展望 (36)6.1论文总结 (36)6.2系统展望 (36)参考文献 (37)致谢 (38)1 引言1.1 课题背景高校的二手书交易市场是一个大市场,大学生从大一到大四毕业,每个人的书籍都积攒了几十本,然而由于不便携带和储藏很多同学都会在学期开始和结束时,将自己的旧书处理掉。
关键词:二手商品;交易管理;用户管理;商品管理;用户权限The Design and Implementation of Second-hand Commodity Exchange Management System OnlineAbstractIn reality, more and more people have desires to sale goods what they have been used. But there is a limitation of sale for traditional methods. We can use internet which is of large resource to construct a cheap and convenient platform to exchange and find wide customers group to get the aim of selling. With the rapidly development of electronic commerce, the management system of secondhand commerce exchange on net comes into being.The management system of secondhand commerce exchange mainly divide powers of users to make different users own different operate factions. Realizing the input of the information of secondhand goods and finding out the goods can make sellers immediately issue the good is that they have sold, and make things convenient for user to buy secondhand goods with selectivity. The management system of secondhand commerce exchange on net realize the management to user and goods, it makes it possible to tackle goods what is of fault information with user. So that, there is a safeguard to exchange normally.This thesis divided into five main modules, respectively is: First, introduction selected topic background and significance and system development present situation; Second, introduction data bank technology, and the plan of B/S structure WEB programming technique; Third, carries on the demand to the current enterprise to analyze and to propose the solution; Fourth, carries on the design according to the solution to the system; Fifth, carries onto the work plan statistical analysis system tests and obtains the test result.Key words:secondhand commodity; transaction management; user management; commodity management; user privilege目录论文页数:25页1 引言 (1)课题背景 (1)开发现状分析 (1)课题开发意义 (1)2 理论基础 (2)数据库技术 (2)B/S架构的WEB程序设计技术 (3)B/S模式 (3)ASP简介 (4)IIS简介 (4)3 需求分析 (5)现行业务系统描述 (5)现行系统存在的主要问题的分析 (5)提出解决方案 (5)4 系统总体设计 (6)设计思路 (6)系统功能结构 (6)E-R图 (8)数据库设计 (8)5 系统功能设计与实现 (10)注册 (10)登录 (12)修改密码 (13)查询 (14)添加、删除商品 (15)用户管理 (16)6 系统测试 (17)测试方法 (17)测试环境 (17)测试过程 (17)测试结果 (22)结论 (23)参考资料 (23)致谢 (24)声明 (25)1引言1.1课题背景随着时代的发展,网络以其巨大的功能影响着人类的活动,包括人类的生产和日常生活。
关键词:二手交易网站,,系统集成,C#Design of second-hand goods trading system online based onASPAbstract:Today in many commodities , consumers urgent psychological needs for high quality low-priced goods to increase the growing consumer "rational consumption" and the market " people management" philosophy of the market 's growing prosperity ! While online shopping is an industry leading product upgrading , a method of purifying the consumer environment. United States - online shopping mall is on the Internet , based on the use of B2C architecture model. And modeled on the U.S. group , such as online shopping is now more popular web site designed to develop online shopping sites. It can affect not only the size and influence of the business market , and can simplify business operations and improve business efficiency and employee turnover .Firstly, a brief introduction to the existing online shopping site status and development of technology, then this article using techniques described in detail, finally, the system also for beauty news online shopping mall necessary tolerant check and record the current error so subsequent modifications.The system includes registration, login, browse product categories , product selection and user data modification and improvement of ordinary users . The system also includes management features , administrators mainly contains user information maintenance , product information, maintenance, and add product information and other functions. In the specific implementation phase , the system is mainly used to design dynamic page , the background language using C #, database using SqlServer database.Keywords: Integrated secondary trading site, , system, C#目录前言 (1)第1章绪论 (2)1.1 项目背景 (2)1.2 系统目标 (3)1.3 开发意义 (3)1.4 设计原则 (4)1.5 可行性研究 (4)1.6 基于B/S的体系结构 (5)第2章系统分析 (6)2.1 总体需求 (6)2.2 总体设计思想分析 (7)2.3 数据流程图 (7)2.4 业务流程图 (8)2.5 系统功能分析 (9)2.5.1 功能模块划分 (10)2.5.2 功能模块描述 (10)第3章系统设计 (12)3.1 系统总体体系结构 (12)3.2 系统工作流程 (12)3.2.1 前台购物流程 (14)3.2.2 注册功能流程 (14)3.2.3 商品搜索流程 (15)3.2.4 订单管理流程 (15)第4章数据库设计 (17)第5章系统实现 (22)5.1 系统开发环境 (22)5.2 程序设计语言 (22)5.3 网站主界面设计 (22)5.4 网站前台功能设计 (23)5.4.1 会员注册功能 (24)5.4.2 物品添加功能 (25)5.4.3 物品管理功能 (27)5.4.4 求购信息管理功能 (29)5.4.5 物品信息浏览功能 (31)5.4.6 购物车功能 (32)5.5 网站后台功能设计 (34)5.5.1 修改管理员信息功能 (34)5.5.2 修改会员信息功能 (36)5.5.3 商品管理功能 (37)5.5.4 商品分类功能 (38)第6章系统测试与维护 (40)6.1 运行环境 (40)6.2 测试原则 (40)6.3 测试方法 (40)6.4 模块测试 (41)6.5 模块整合测试 (41)6.6 系统整体测试 (41)6.7 系统测试过程 (42)6.7.1 测试方案 (42)6.7.2 登录界面测试 (42)6.7.3 测试结果 (43)6.8 系统的健壮性和安全性 (43)6.9 系统维护 (44)结束语 (45)参考文献 (46)致谢 (48)前言随着社会经济的发展,人们节约意识的提高,二手货,已不再是以往废品、次品的代名词,人们已经逐渐接受了二手货买卖的概念。
关键词:二手信息,PHP,MySQL,APACHE,MD5Design and development of the secondary trading siteAbstractSecond-hand information website provides a second-hand goods transactions online platform. Now, with the continuous development of e-commerce perfect, University campus also needs an able to provide our students with the second-hand goods transactions dedicated web site, in order to disseminate information of various commodities.E-commerce’s general function can find in this design.Functions include user registration, information inquiry, disseminate information and retrieve passwords in the system. The system has a major characteristic of PHP applications which is a simple dynamic scripting language that is open source, faster implementation characteristics. And it supports a wide range of database connections, with a lot of extensions, security is also very high performance, easy to learn and use.This paper introduces the feasibility of the system and application tools, described the needs of the system and the advantages of PHP, then the systems analysis, design and MY SQL-based database system used in the data table structure, Then the function of the system modules and the detailed design and code is a major achievement. Description and testing of the system encountered a character coding using the database errors; by setting MYSQL and linking coding solve this error. Finally, summarize the system of encryption and code optimization for the shortage. Key words:Second-Hand Information, PHP, MySQL,APACHE,MD5目录1 引言 (1)1.1 系统研究背景与意义 (1)1.2 可行性分析 (1)1.2.1 技术可行性 (1)1.2.2 经济可行性 (1)1.2.3 运行可行性 (2)1.2.4 法律可行性 (2)1.3 开发及运行环境 (2)2 网站开发相关技术的介绍 (3)2.1 信息网的简介 (3)2.2 系统开发工具介绍 (3)2.2.1 PHP简介 (3)2.2.2 MySQL 简介 (4)2.2.3 Apache简介 (5)2.3 二手信息网站的介绍 (5)3 需求分析 (7)3.1 网站功能需求分析 (7)3.2 网站实现的目标 (7)3.3 系统功能模块设计 (7)3.4 总体设计目标 (8)4 详细设计 (9)4.1 数据库设计 (9)4.1.1 数据库E-R图设计 (9)4.1.2 二手信息网的系统E-R图 (12)4.1.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 (12)4.1.4 数据表结构的详细设计 (13)4.2 程序流程图 (18)5 编码实现及测试 (22)5.1 注册界面设计 (22)5.2 系统主界面设计 (24)5.2.1 搜索信息 (25)5.2.2 发布信息 (26)5.2.3 创建界面 (28)5.3 系统测试 (30)5.3.1 本地服务器测试 (30)5.3.2 编码的测试 (31)结论 (32)参考文献 (33)致谢 (34)1引言1.1系统研究背景与意义在中国,现在是互联网上各种电子商务网站迅速的增长的时刻。
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所以,建立一个校园二手市场交易网站是必要的,利用网络和数据库技术,结合目前硬件价格普遍下跌与宽带网大力建设的有利优势,基于B/S模式研究开发了基于Web 的二手商品交易平台这一ASP. NET应用程序。
关键词:电子商务;;B/SABSTRACTWith the development of society, the constant development of technology and the continuous upgrading of products make people to the substance of the increasingly high demand, the problem is more and more used goods packing down but cannot get better use.Especially in the campus students, first of all, they do not have the time or energy to operate a second-hand goods store, and they don't have enough secondhand goods to support the shop, general campus students second-hand goods are scattered, and can not be a good two times using.Secondly, a main reason is that the students are not a stable source of funds. Therefore, to establish a campus secondary market trading site is necessary, the use of network and database technology, combining with the current hardware prices falling and the broadband network to the advantage of building, based on B / S mode research and development based on Web second-hand goods trading platform for the ASP . NET application. It is convenient to use, simple operation, high efficiency in recent years, along with the international Internet with amazing speed sweeps across the whole world, our country multimedia network coverage is expanding. Because of this, using Internet this medium to establish a good, beautiful interface campus secondary market trading site, to create campus secondary market trading platform for second-hand goods, students can better utilize again and build a good trading platform. This can make students second-hand goods could be put to better use, but also can help the students to save their own living expenses.Key words:Electronic commerce;;B/S目录第一章引言 (1)1.1课题背 (1)1.2课题意义 (1)1.3设计思想 (1)第二章系统分析 (2)2.1需求分析 (2)2.2可行性分析 (2)2.2.1技术可行性 (2)2.2.2经济可行性 (3)2.2.3操作可行性 (3)第三章用到的主要技术介绍 (4)3.1开发工具介绍 (4)3.2数据库介绍 (6)介绍 (7)第四章总体设计 (8)4.1系统功能结构图 (9)4.2项目规划 (10)第五章系统设计 (11)5.1设计目标 (11)5.2开发及运行环境 (12)5.3逻辑结构设计 (13)第六章主要功能模块设计 (14)6.1主页 (14)6.2用户注册及用户登录模块 (15)6.3用户信息管理模块 (16)6.4购物车记录模块...........。
.. (17)6.5基础信息管理模块 (18)6.6 分类页面 (19)结束语 (20)致谢 (21)参考文献 (22)第一章引言近两年来,随着国际互联网以惊人的速度席卷全球之际,我国多媒体网络覆盖面也在不断扩大。