第四章 中美史克采购策略优化研究
表 4-4 供应商等级分类表
YY Condea Schierholz Ueno CP Kelco Cognis North Yuhua MFC
Deutsche Nipa
次,或严重度轻的 次,或严重度中的 多于 1 次,或严重
问题 2 次
问题 2 次,或严重 度中的问题多于
度轻的多于 3 次
非 常 好 的 质 量 发 现 一 些 轻 度 问 发现严重问题,已 发现一些严重问
管控系统,非常 题,已经得以改正 经 得 以 改 正 或 愿 题,可能影响到产
表 4-1 中美史克的物料分类表
重点性物料 产品药用主料
一般性物料 药用辅料、包装材料
次要性物料 共用包装材料
针对于不同的种类,给予不同的管理策略,如表 4-2 所示。因此除了 A 类物 料,我们都可以实施本地化,以达到节约成本的目的。第一步,部署一个采购团 队,2~3 人组成,对供应市场和采购货源进行分析,以优化整个供应源;第二步, 由于 C 类物料属于低风险,简单而且低价值,供应商货源众多,在天津市周边就 有大量的生产厂,我们首先对其实施本地化策略;第三步,由于 B 类物料属于低 风险高价值或高风险低价值的物料,我们将按照循序渐进的原则推行本地化战 略。
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[摘要] 近几年来, 随着供应链管理的不断发展, 采购供应管理已经成为企业实现柔 性化经营, 有效应对市场的重要手段。本文全面分析了供应链管理环境下, 采购供应管理 的特点、 趋势, 并且提出现代战略采购管理只有打破单一界面、 站在企业整体最优和供应 链最优基础上, 实现供应细分管理, 才能真正为企业取得生存和发展的空间。 [关键词] 战略采购; 供应细分管理 [中图分类号] (!""#) =!<# [文献标识码] > [文章编号] %""$ ? @&"A "$ ? ""&@ ? "<
一、 基于价值增值的采购管理
随着现代企业经营的不断发展, 特别是供应链管理的发展, 使得原来不属于增值活动的采购具备 了增值的能力, 并且在企业的产销物三位一体的管理中发挥着举足轻重的作用, 究其原委, 我们认为, 这种变化与发展源于供应链管理体制下或者说一体化物流条件下, 生产经营方式的变革而致。 !" 按库生产方式下的采购管理 第一个阶段是按库生产阶段 ( B+C9 ? 05 ? D054C) , 从 !" 世纪二三十年代一直延续到六七十年 代, 标志着大规模工业化生产阶段的形成, 适于福特所发明的库森斯流水线, 自从工业化流水线生 产方式的确立, 商品生产得以大批量进行, 并且规模经济的作用日益凸现, 现代工业的产生凭借强 大的生产能力和低成本, 为广大的消费者带来经济上的收益并实现了大规模市场的需要, 从而迅速 提高了整个社会的消费水平, 这时社会经济从短缺化的时代逐步向温饱乃至买方市场转化。这时 从商品经营的角度看, 消费者处于产品获取满足的阶段, 市场的主导权基本上属于制造商, 而就商 品本身而言, 标准化的程度很高, 生产上属于大规模批量化生产, 在这一阶段衡量企业竞争力的标 准, 一是企业能否发挥较大的规模生产能力, 有效地降低成本, 满足社会的普遍需要; 二是能否及时 交货。出于这两个目的, 这时的采购宗旨主要为了保障标准化产品生产的顺利进行和充分供应, 使 得规模生产不断延续。所以, 采购行为大多是成批、 标准化采购。这种采购行为严格意义上讲, 的 确没有增值活动, 只是主要基本活动的支持和辅助因素。 #" 按单生产方式下的采购管理 自 !" 世纪六七十年代以后, 随着竞争加剧、 商品供给开始极大丰富, 消费者已经不再满足标准 产品的消费, 这时消费者需求越来越向高层次化、 多样化方向发展。制造商的生产方式也开始变
SCM 采购 和供应 观 功 能 分 解 企业 观念 业 务 成就 供 应 链 管 理
流程、功能和组织 集成 SCM 的运 输和物 流观
企 业 观念
业 务 成就
(一)工业采购者的采购与供应观 (二)商业采购者的运输与物流观 (三)供应链管理的集成策略 1.供应链管理的集成策略含义 2.集成化供应链管理策略的目标
前 言
供应链是现代市场兴起的一种重要的市 场主体,供应链管理更是给多家企业带来 的成本更低,服务更高的良好效益。在世 界范围内,许多分散的企业逐渐意识到, 要在竞争激烈的市场中生存下来,必须与 其他企业建立一种战略上的伙伴关系,实 行优势互补,发挥各企业的核心能力,并 且在一种跨企业的集成管理模式下,使各 个企业能够统一协调起来,这样才能够适 应新的环境变化。
(二)制造商方面 (1)要求加强信息共享。 (2)要求认识相互的利益。 (3)要求加强过程的控制执行。 (4)要求成立共同的特别工作组。 (5)要求各方承诺/资源共享。 二、供应链的竞争优势 (1)反应回报 (2)关系回报 (3)重组回报
三、供应链管理对企业的驱动力 1.企业发现依靠内部的产能增强,来 改善投资收益越来越困难,供应链管 理提供了时机。 2.经济全球化,世界范围内的国际贸 易和投资的政策性壁垒的减少,国际 运输和通讯成本的持续降低,使得世 界各地的市场变得更加容易进入。
二、供应链的网络结构 (1)物流。实物型态,单向流通。物 料从供方开始,沿着各个环节向需方移 动。物流是供应链上显而易见的物资 流动。 (2)信息流。信息流分为需求信息和 供应信息,这是两个不同流向的信息 流。 (3)资金流。货币型态,单向流通, 物料是有价值的,物料的流动引发资金 的流动。
SAP SCM(供应链管理)
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供应商要求手册第九版铁姆肯公司标准 29.1目录前言/简介 (1)标准要求–质量 (2)1.0 供应商最低要求 (4)1.1 简介 (4)1.2 供应商质量系统要求 (4)1.3 产品检验 (4)1.4 不合格(偏离)产品 (5)1.5 设计和过程变更的管理 (6)1.6 采购产品的提交和批准过程 (7)1.7 测量系统分析 (7)1.8 样品提交要求 (7)1.9 文件、证书和数据要求 (8)1.10 有害材料 - 化学品安全说明书 (8)1.11 发运和包装要求 (8)1.12 供应链要求 (8)1.13 供应商材料的追溯性 (9)1.14 材料质保书数据库 (9)1.15 控制项目 ( ) 部件和特殊项目或过程..... .. (9)1.16 记录 (10)1.17 供应商评估和过程 (10)1.18 供应商升级过程 (11)1.19 供应商控制发运 (11)1.20 供应商安全投产 (11)2.0 供应商发展和推荐的最佳实践 (11)2.1 前期产品质量策划和预防 (12)2.2 目标设定和问题解决 (12)2.3 成本削减方针 (13)2.4 费用索赔过程 (13)2.5 防错 (13)2.6 统计技术 (13)2.7 持续改善过程 (14)2.8 环境、健康和安全 (14)3.0 供应商质量保证航空规定 (15)3.1 抽样计划要求 (15)3.2 接受权威媒体 (15)3.3 检验和测试报告 (15)3.4 出货产品合格证 (15)3.5 首件检验 (15)3.6 可追溯性 (15)3.7 文件保留 (16)3.8 变更批准 (16)3.9 材料批准委员会授权 (16)3.10 政府财产 (16)3.11 访问权限 (16)3.12 符合 DFARS 美国国防联邦采购条例增补条例(252.225-7014 优先采购美国国产特种金属)要求的一致性Alternate I (16)3.13 DFARS 252.225-7016对钢球和滚子的限制 (18)3.14 NADCAP 对特殊过程的要求 (19)3.15 外物损坏 (19)术语[黑体字] (19)前言/简介供应商应对其产品及服务的质量负责。
采购参考文档 -罗兰贝格
• • •
供应商的评估数据 经过排名的供应商名单 合格的供应商候选名单
建立一个原始数据库包含供应市场的三类主 要供应商 • • • 现有供应商 现有的传统供应商 市场的新加入供应商(非传统供 应商)
核心竞争力 • • • • 需求管理 低成本国家采购 生产基地整合 供应链整合
在这个转变过程中, 采购人员的角色和职能也发生了巨大的变化
日常交易 – 订单 – 出货 – 付款
评估供应基础 – 寻找并确认供应商
• • •
– 建立供应商数据库
– 选择性地访问并评 估供应商 •
评估市场首先需要确认采购需求 – 我们要买的是什么
各采购类别之间存在什么关系 定义类别族群 在什么层次对采购类别进行归类 或合并
限制 • 自身限制 – 需要自兄弟单位 采 – 有较为偏好的供 应商名单 – 质量、安全 • 政府/法规 – 政府核准的供应 – 国际贸易税/关税 • 客戶需求 – 客戶厂商名单 – 本地內容限制
IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书
end products 最终产品
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Business units
Core products
80年代末,美国食品杂货产业出现新的零售业态:批发俱乐部(Wholesale Club) 和仓储式商店(Mass Merchants)。特点:每日低价;绝对净价进货;快速商品周转 结果: 1987年超市销售的食品杂货的76%,1992为56%,即减少27亿美元收入。 改进:传统超市和新型零售业态的调整和强化,零售产业应在最短的时间内对 顾客的需求作出响应,实现快速、差异化的服务,借助单品管理,提高作业效率。
(2)ECR(Efficient Consumer Response) 有效客户反应
背景: • 零售业态间竞争激化
QR是一个零售商和生产商建立战略联盟伙伴关系,利用EDI 等信息技术进行销售时点的信息交换以及订货补充等其他经营信 息的交换,用多频度小数量配送方式连续补充商品,以实现缩短 交货周期,减少库存,提高顾客服务水平和企业竞争力为目的的 SCM。
发展阶段: 与其他企业成立VICS委员会(Voluntary Inter-Industry Communications Standards Committee),确定EDI标准和商品识别标准(UPG)商品识别码。 ASN(Advanced Shipping Notice) 预先发货清单 OCR(Optical Mark Reader) 光学式记号续取 SCM(Shipping Carton Marking)物流条形码 EFT(Electronic Funds Transfer)电子支付系统 POS
AGREEMENT ON SUBSIDIES AND COUNTERVAILING MEASURES("SCM Agreement")PART I: GENERAL PROVISIONS (3)Article 1: Definition of a Subsidy (3)Article 2: Specificity (3)PART II: PROHIBITED SUBSIDIES (4)Article 3: Prohibition (4)Article 4: Remedies (5)PART III: ACTIONABLE SUBSIDIES (6)Article 5: Adverse Effects (6)Article 6: Serious Prejudice (6)Article 7: Remedies (8)PART IV: NON-ACTIONABLE SUBSIDIES (9)Article 8: Identification of Non-Actionable Subsidies (9)Article 9: Consultations and Authorized Remedies (12)PART V: COUNTERVAILING MEASURES (13)Article 10: Application of Article VI of GATT 1994 (13)Article 11: Initiation and Subsequent Investigation (13)Article 12: Evidence (15)Article 13: Consultations (17)Article 14: Calculation of the Amount of a Subsidy in Terms of the Benefit to the Recipient (17)Article 15: Determination of Injury (18)Article 16: Definition of Domestic Industry (19)Article 17: Provisional Measures (20)Article 18: Undertakings (21)Article 19: Imposition and Collection of Countervailing Duties (22)Article 20: Retroactivity (22)Article 21: Duration and Review of Countervailing Duties and Undertakings (23)Article 22: Public Notice and Explanation of Determinations (24)Article 23: Judicial Review (25)PART VI: INSTITUTIONS (25)Article 24: Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and Subsidiary Bodies (25)PART VII: NOTIFICATION AND SURVEILLANCE (26)Article 25: Notifications (26)Article 26: Surveillance (27)PART VIII: DEVELOPING COUNTRY MEMBERS (27)Article 27: Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Country Members (27)PART IX: TRANSITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS (29)Article 28: Existing Programmes (29)Article 29: Transformation into a Market Economy (29)PART X: DISPUTE SETTLEMENT (30)Article 30 (30)PART XI: FINAL PROVISIONS (30)Article 31: Provisional Application (30)Article 32: Other Final Provisions (30)ANNEX I: ILLUSTRATIVE LIST OF EXPORT SUBSIDIES (32)ANNEX II: GUIDELINES ON CONSUMPTION OF INPUTS IN THE PRODUCTION PROCESS (34)ANNEX III: GUIDELINES IN THE DETERMINATION OF SUBSTITUTION DRAWBACK SYSTEMS AS EXPORT SUBSIDIES (36)ANNEX IV: CALCULATION OF THE TOTAL AD VALOREM SUBSIDIZATION(PARAGRAPH 1(A) OF ARTICLE 6) (37)ANNEX V: PROCEDURES FOR DEVELOPING INFORMATION CONCERNING SERIOUS PREJUDICE (38)ANNEX VI: PROCEDURES FOR ON-THE-SPOT INVESTIGATIONS PURSUANT TOPARAGRAPH 6 OF ARTICLE 12 (40)ANNEX VII: DEVELOPING COUNTRY MEMBERS REFERRED TO IN PARAGRAPH 2(A) OF ARTICLE 27 (41)Members hereby agree as follows:PART I: GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 1: Definition of a Subsidy1.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, a subsidy shall be deemed to exist if:(a)(1) there is a financial contribution by a government or any public body within the territoryof a Member (referred to in this Agreement as "government"), i.e. where:(i) a government practice involves a direct transfer of funds (e.g. grants, loans,and equity infusion), potential direct transfers of funds or liabilities (e.g. loanguarantees);(ii) government revenue that is otherwise due is foregone or not collected (e.g.fiscal incentives such as tax credits)1;(iii) a government provides goods or services other than general infrastructure, or purchases goods;(iv) a government makes payments to a funding mechanism, or entrusts or directs a private body to carry out one or more of the type of functions illustrated in (i) to(iii) above which would normally be vested in the government and the practice,in no real sense, differs from practices normally followed by governments;or(a)(2) there is any form of income or price support in the sense of Article XVI of GATT 1994; and(b) a benefit is thereby conferred.1.2 A subsidy as defined in paragraph 1 shall be subject to the provisions of Part II or shall be subject to the provisions of Part III or V only if such a subsidy is specific in accordance with the provisions of Article2.Article 2: Specificity2.1 In order to determine whether a subsidy, as defined in paragraph 1 of Article 1, is specific to an enterprise or industry or group of enterprises or industries (referred to in this Agreement as "certain enterprises") within the jurisdiction of the granting authority, the following principles shall apply:(a) Where the granting authority, or the legislation pursuant to which the granting authorityoperates, explicitly limits access to a subsidy to certain enterprises, such subsidy shallbe specific.1In accordance with the provisions of Article XVI of GATT 1994 (Note to Article XVI) and the provisions of Annexes I through III of this Agreement, the exemption of an exported product from duties or taxes borne by the like product when destined for domestic consumption, or the remission of such duties or taxes in amounts not in excess of those which have accrued, shall not be deemed to be a subsidy.(b) Where the granting authority, or the legislation pursuant to which the granting authorityoperates, establishes objective criteria or conditions2 governing the eligibility for, andthe amount of, a subsidy, specificity shall not exist, provided that the eligibility isautomatic and that such criteria and conditions are strictly adhered to. The criteria orconditions must be clearly spelled out in law, regulation, or other official document, soas to be capable of verification.(c) If, notwithstanding any appearance of non-specificity resulting from the application ofthe principles laid down in subparagraphs (a) and (b), there are reasons to believe thatthe subsidy may in fact be specific, other factors may be considered. Such factors are:use of a subsidy programme by a limited number of certain enterprises, predominant useby certain enterprises, the granting of disproportionately large amounts of subsidy tocertain enterprises, and the manner in which discretion has been exercised by thegranting authority in the decision to grant a subsidy.3 In applying this subparagraph,account shall be taken of the extent of diversification of economic activities within thejurisdiction of the granting authority, as well as of the length of time during which thesubsidy programme has been in operation.2.2 A subsidy which is limited to certain enterprises located within a designated geographical region within the jurisdiction of the granting authority shall be specific. It is understood that the setting or change of generally applicable tax rates by all levels of government entitled to do so shall not be deemed to be a specific subsidy for the purposes of this Agreement.2.3 Any subsidy falling under the provisions of Article 3 shall be deemed to be specific.2.4 Any determination of specificity under the provisions of this Article shall be clearly substantiated on the basis of positive evidence.PART II: PROHIBITED SUBSIDIESArticle 3: Prohibition3.1 Except as provided in the Agreement on Agriculture, the following subsidies, within the meaning of Article 1, shall be prohibited:(a) subsidies contingent, in law or in fact4, whether solely or as one of several otherconditions, upon export performance, including those illustrated in Annex I5;(b) subsidies contingent, whether solely or as one of several other conditions, upon the useof domestic over imported goods.3.2 A Member shall neither grant nor maintain subsidies referred to in paragraph 1.2Objective criteria or conditions, as used herein, mean criteria or conditions which are neutral, which do not favour certain enterprises over others, and which are economic in nature and horizontal in application, such as number of employees or size of enterprise.3In this regard, in particular, information on the frequency with which applications for a subsidy are refused or approved and the reasons for such decisions shall be considered.4This standard is met when the facts demonstrate that the granting of a subsidy, without having been made legally contingent upon export performance, is in fact tied to actual or anticipated exportation or export earnings. The mere fact that a subsidy is granted to enterprises which export shall not for that reason alone be considered to be an export subsidy within the meaning of this provision.5Measures referred to in Annex I as not constituting export subsidies shall not be prohibited under this or any other provision of this Agreement.Article 4: Remedies4.1 Whenever a Member has reason to believe that a prohibited subsidy is being granted or maintained by another Member, such Member may request consultations with such other Member.4.2 A request for consultations under paragraph 1 shall include a statement of available evidence with regard to the existence and nature of the subsidy in question.4.3 Upon request for consultations under paragraph 1, the Member believed to be granting or maintaining the subsidy in question shall enter into such consultations as quickly as possible. The purpose of the consultations shall be to clarify the facts of the situation and to arrive at a mutually agreed solution.4.4 If no mutually agreed solution has been reached within 30 days6 of the request for consultations, any Member party to such consultations may refer the matter to the Dispute Settlement Body ("DSB") for the immediate establishment of a panel, unless the DSB decides by consensus not to establish a panel.4.5 Upon its establishment, the panel may request the assistance of the Permanent Group of Experts7 (referred to in this Agreement as the "PGE") with regard to whether the measure in question is a prohibited subsidy. If so requested, the PGE shall immediately review the evidence with regard to the existence and nature of the measure in question and shall provide an opportunity for the Member applying or maintaining the measure to demonstrate that the measure in question is not a prohibited subsidy. The PGE shall report its conclusions to the panel within a time-limit determined by the panel. The PGE's conclusions on the issue of whether or not the measure in question is a prohibited subsidy shall be accepted by the panel without modification.4.6 The panel shall submit its final report to the parties to the dispute. The report shall be circulated to all Members within 90 days of the date of the composition and the establishment of the panel's terms of reference.4.7 If the measure in question is found to be a prohibited subsidy, the panel shall recommend that the subsidizing Member withdraw the subsidy without delay. In this regard, the panel shall specify in its recommendation the time-period within which the measure must be withdrawn.4.8 Within 30 days of the issuance of the panel's report to all Members, the report shall be adopted by the DSB unless one of the parties to the dispute formally notifies the DSB of its decision to appeal or the DSB decides by consensus not to adopt the report.4.9 Where a panel report is appealed, the Appellate Body shall issue its decision within 30 days from the date when the party to the dispute formally notifies its intention to appeal. When the Appellate Body considers that it cannot provide its report within 30 days, it shall inform the DSB in writing of the reasons for the delay together with an estimate of the period within which it will submit its report. In no case shall the proceedings exceed 60 days. The appellate report shall be adopted by the DSB and unconditionally accepted by the parties to the dispute unless the DSB decides by consensus not to adopt the appellate report within 20 days following its issuance to the Members.84.10 In the event the recommendation of the DSB is not followed within the time-period specified by the panel, which shall commence from the date of adoption of the panel’s report or the Appellate Body’s report, the DSB shall grant authorization to the complaining Member to take appropriate9 6Any time-periods mentioned in this Article may be extended by mutual agreement.7As established in Article 24.8If a meeting of the DSB is not scheduled during this period, such a meeting shall be held for this purpose.9This expression is not meant to allow countermeasures that are disproportionate in light of the fact that the subsidies dealt with under these provisions are prohibited.countermeasures, unless the DSB decides by consensus to reject the request.4.11 In the event a party to the dispute requests arbitration under paragraph 6 of Article 22 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding ("DSU"), the arbitrator shall determine whether the countermeasures are appropriate.104.12 For purposes of disputes conducted pursuant to this Article, except for time-periods specifically prescribed in this Article, time-periods applicable under the DSU for the conduct of such disputes shall be half the time prescribed therein.PART III: ACTIONABLE SUBSIDIESArticle 5: Adverse EffectsNo Member should cause, through the use of any subsidy referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 1, adverse effects to the interests of other Members, i.e.:(a) injury to the domestic industry of another Member11;(b) nullification or impairment of benefits accruing directly or indirectly to other Membersunder GATT 1994 in particular the benefits of concessions bound under Article II ofGATT 199412;(c) serious prejudice to the interests of another Member.13This Article does not apply to subsidies maintained on agricultural products as provided in Article 13 of the Agreement on Agriculture.Article 6: Serious Prejudice6.1 Serious prejudice in the sense of paragraph (c) of Article 5 shall be deemed to exist in the case of:(a) the total ad valorem subsidization14 of a product exceeding 5 per cent15;(b) subsidies to cover operating losses sustained by an industry;(c) subsidies to cover operating losses sustained by an enterprise, other than one-timemeasures which are non-recurrent and cannot be repeated for that enterprise and whichare given merely to provide time for the development of long-term solutions and toavoid acute social problems;(d) direct forgiveness of debt, i.e. forgiveness of government-held debt, and grants to coverdebt repayment.1610This expression is not meant to allow countermeasures that are disproportionate in light of the fact that the subsidies dealt with under these provisions are prohibited.11The term "injury to the domestic industry" is used here in the same sense as it is used in Part V.12The term "nullification or impairment" is used in this Agreement in the same sense as it is used in the relevant provisions of GATT 1994, and the existence of such nullification or impairment shall be established in accordance with the practice of application of these provisions.13The term "serious prejudice to the interests of another Member" is used in this Agreement in the same sense as it is used in paragraph 1 of Article XVI of GATT 1994, and includes threat of serious prejudice.14The total ad valorem subsidization shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Annex IV.15Since it is anticipated that civil aircraft will be subject to specific multilateral rules, the threshold in this subparagraph does not apply to civil aircraft.16Members recognize that where royalty-based financing for a civil aircraft programme is not being fully repaid due to the level of actual6.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, serious prejudice shall not be found if the subsidizing Member demonstrates that the subsidy in question has not resulted in any of the effects enumerated in paragraph 3.6.3 Serious prejudice in the sense of paragraph (c) of Article 5 may arise in any case where one or several of the following apply:(a) the effect of the subsidy is to displace or impede the imports of a like product of anotherMember into the market of the subsidizing Member;(b) the effect of the subsidy is to displace or impede the exports of a like product of anotherMember from a third country market;(c) the effect of the subsidy is a significant price undercutting by the subsidized product ascompared with the price of a like product of another Member in the same market orsignificant price suppression, price depression or lost sales in the same market;(d) the effect of the subsidy is an increase in the world market share of the subsidizingMember in a particular subsidized primary product or commodity17 as compared to theaverage share it had during the previous period of three years and this increase follows aconsistent trend over a period when subsidies have been granted.6.4 For the purpose of paragraph 3(b), the displacement or impeding of exports shall include any case in which, subject to the provisions of paragraph 7, it has been demonstrated that there has been a change in relative shares of the market to the disadvantage of the non-subsidized like product (over an appropriately representative period sufficient to demonstrate clear trends in the development of the market for the product concerned, which, in normal circumstances, shall be at least one year). "Change in relative shares of the market" shall include any of the following situations: (a) there is an increase in the market share of the subsidized product; (b)the market share of the subsidized product remains constant in circumstances in which, in the absence of the subsidy, it would have declined; (c) the market share of the subsidized product declines, but at a slower rate than would have been the case in the absence of the subsidy.6.5 For the purpose of paragraph 3(c), price undercutting shall include any case in which such price undercutting has been demonstrated through a comparison of prices of the subsidized product with prices of a non-subsidized like product supplied to the same market. The comparison shall be made at the same level of trade and at comparable times, due account being taken of any other factor affecting price comparability. However, if such a direct comparison is not possible, the existence of price undercutting may be demonstrated on the basis of export unit values.6.6 Each Member in the market of which serious prejudice is alleged to have arisen shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Annex V, make available to the parties to a dispute arising under Article 7, and to the panel established pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 7, all relevant information that can be obtained as to the changes in market shares of the parties to the dispute as well as concerning prices of the products involved.sales falling below the level of forecast sales, this does not in itself constitute serious prejudice for the purposes of this subparagraph.17Unless other multilaterally agreed specific rules apply to the trade in the product or commodity in question.6.7 Displacement or impediment resulting in serious prejudice shall not arise under paragraph 3 where any of the following circumstances exist18 during the relevant period:(a) prohibition or restriction on exports of the like product from the complaining Memberor on imports from the complaining Member into the third country market concerned;(b) decision by an importing government operating a monopoly of trade or state trading inthe product concerned to shift, for non-commercial reasons, imports from thecomplaining Member to another country or countries;(c) natural disasters, strikes, transport disruptions or other force majeure substantiallyaffecting production, qualities, quantities or prices of the product available for exportfrom the complaining Member;(d) existence of arrangements limiting exports from the complaining Member;(e) voluntary decrease in the availability for export of the product concerned from thecomplaining Member (including, inter alia, a situation where firms in the complainingMember have been autonomously reallocating exports of this product to new markets);(f) failure to conform to standards and other regulatory requirements in the importingcountry.6.8 In the absence of circumstances referred to in paragraph 7, the existence of serious prejudice should be determined on the basis of the information submitted to or obtained by the panel, including information submitted in accordance with the provisions of Annex V.6.9 This Article does not apply to subsidies maintained on agricultural products as provided in Article 13 of the Agreement on Agriculture.Article 7: Remedies7.1 Except as provided in Article 13 of the Agreement on Agriculture, whenever a Member has reason to believe that any subsidy referred to in Article 1, granted or maintained by another Member, results in injury to its domestic industry, nullification or impairment or serious prejudice, such Member may request consultations with such other Member.7.2 A request for consultations under paragraph 1 shall include a statement of available evidence with regard to (a) the existence and nature of the subsidy in question, and (b) the injury caused to the domestic industry, or the nullification or impairment, or serious prejudice19 caused to the interests of the Member requesting consultations.7.3 Upon request for consultations under paragraph 1, the Member believed to be granting or maintaining the subsidy practice in question shall enter into such consultations as quickly as possible. The purpose of the consultations shall be to clarify the facts of the situation and to arrive at a mutually agreed solution.18The fact that certain circumstances are referred to in this paragraph does not, in itself, confer upon them any legal status in terms of either GATT 1994 or this Agreement. These circumstances must not be isolated, sporadic or otherwise insignificant.19In the event that the request relates to a subsidy deemed to result in serious prejudice in terms of paragraph 1 of Article 6, the available evidence of serious prejudice may be limited to the available evidence as to whether the conditions of paragraph 1 of Article 6 have been met or not.7.4 If consultations do not result in a mutually agreed solution within 60 days20, any Member party to such consultations may refer the matter to the DSB for the establishment of a panel, unless the DSB decides by consensus not to establish a panel. The composition of the panel and its terms of reference shall be established within 15 days from the date when it is established.7.5 The panel shall review the matter and shall submit its final report to the parties to the dispute. The report shall be circulated to all Members within 120 days of the date of the composition and establishment of the panel’s terms of reference.7.6 Within 30 days of the issuance of the panel’s report to all Members, the report shall be adopted by the DSB21 unless one of the parties to the dispute formally notifies the DSB of its decision to appeal or the DSB decides by consensus not to adopt the report.7.7 Where a panel report is appealed, the Appellate Body shall issue its decision within 60 days from the date when the party to the dispute formally notifies its intention to appeal. When the Appellate Body considers that it cannot provide its report within 60 days, it shall inform the DSB in writing of the reasons for the delay together with an estimate of the period within which it will submit its report. In no case shall the proceedings exceed 90 days. The appellate report shall be adopted by the DSB and unconditionally accepted by the parties to the dispute unless the DSB decides by consensus not to adopt the appellate report within 20 days following its issuance to the Members.227.8 Where a panel report or an Appellate Body report is adopted in which it is determined that any subsidy has resulted in adverse effects to the interests of another Member within the meaning of Article 5, the Member granting or maintaining such subsidy shall take appropriate steps to remove the adverse effects or shall withdraw the subsidy.7.9 In the event the Member has not taken appropriate steps to remove the adverse effects of the subsidy or withdraw the subsidy within six months from the date when the DSB adopts the panel report or the Appellate Body report, and in the absence of agreement on compensation, the DSB shall grant authorization to the complaining Member to take countermeasures, commensurate with the degree and nature of the adverse effects determined to exist, unless the DSB decides by consensus to reject the request.7.10 In the event that a party to the dispute requests arbitration under paragraph 6 of Article 22 of the DSU, the arbitrator shall determine whether the countermeasures are commensurate with the degree and nature of the adverse effects determined to exist.PART IV: NON-ACTIONABLE SUBSIDIESArticle 8: Identification of Non-Actionable Subsidies8.1 The following subsidies shall be considered as non-actionable23:(a) subsidies which are not specific within the meaning of Article 2;(b) subsidies which are specific within the meaning of Article 2 but which meet all of theconditions provided for in paragraphs 2(a), 2(b) or 2(c) below.20Any time-periods mentioned in this Article may be extended by mutual agreement.21If a meeting of the DSB is not scheduled during this period, such a meeting shall be held for this purpose.22If a meeting of the DSB is not scheduled during this period, such a meeting shall be held for this purpose.23It is recognized that government assistance for various purposes is widely provided by Members and that the mere fact that such assistance may not qualify for non-actionable treatment under the provisions of this Article does not in itself restrict the ability of Members to provide such assistance.8.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Parts III and V, the following subsidies shall be non-actionable:(a) assistance for research activities conducted by firms or by higher education or researchestablishments on a contract basis with firms if:24,25,26covers27 not more than 75 per cent of the costs of industrial research28 or assistancethe50 per cent of the costs of pre-competitive development activity29, 30;and provided that such assistance is limited exclusively to:(i) costs of personnel (researchers, technicians and other supporting staff employedexclusively in the research activity);(ii) costs of instruments, equipment, land and buildings used exclusively and permanently (except when disposed of on a commercial basis) for the researchactivity;(iii) costs of consultancy and equivalent services used exclusively for the researchactivity, including bought-in research, technical knowledge, patents, etc.;(iv) additional overhead costs incurred directly as a result of the research activity;(v) other running costs (such as those of materials, supplies and the like), incurreddirectly as a result of the research activity.(b) assistance to disadvantaged regions within the territory of a Member given pursuant to ageneral framework of regional development31 and non-specific (within the meaning ofArticle 2) within eligible regions provided that:(i) each disadvantaged region must be a clearly designated contiguousgeographical area with a definable economic and administrative identity;24Since it is anticipated that civil aircraft will be subject to specific multilateral rules, the provisions of this subparagraph do not apply to that product.25Not later than 18 months after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures provided for in Article 24 (referred to in this Agreement as "the Committee") shall review the operation of the provisions of subparagraph 2(a) with a view to making all necessary modifications to improve the operation of these provisions. In its consideration of possible modifications, the Committee shall carefully review the definitions of the categories set forth in this subparagraph in the light of the experience of Members in the operation of research programmes and the work in other relevant international institutions.26The provisions of this Agreement do not apply to fundamental research activities independently conducted by higher education or research establishments. The term "fundamental research" means an enlargement of general scientific and technical knowledge not linked to industrial or commercial objectives.27The allowable levels of non-actionable assistance referred to in this subparagraph shall be established by reference to the total eligible costs incurred over the duration of an individual project.28The term "industrial research" means planned search or critical investigation aimed at discovery of new knowledge, with the objective that such knowledge may be useful in developing new products, processes or services, or in bringing about a significant improvement to existing products, processes or services.29The term "pre-competitive development activity" means the translation of industrial research findings into a plan, blueprint or design for new, modified or improved products, processes or services whether intended for sale or use, including the creation of a first prototype which would not be capable of commercial use. It may further include the conceptual formulation and design of products, processes or services alternatives and initial demonstration or pilot projects, provided that these same projects cannot be converted or used for industrial application or commercial exploitation. It does not include routine or periodic alterations to existing products, production lines, manufacturing processes, services, and other on-going operations even though those alterations may represent improvements.30In the case of programmes which span industrial research and pre-competitive development activity, the allowable level of non-actionable assistance shall not exceed the simple average of the allowable levels of non-actionable assistance applicable to the above two categories, calculated on the basis of all eligible costs as set forth in items (i) to (v) of this subparagraph.31A "general framework of regional development" means that regional subsidy programmes are part of an internally consistent and generally applicable regional development policy and that regional development subsidies are not granted in isolated geographical points having no, or virtually no, influence on the development of a region.。
展会介绍作者:暂无来源:《中国储运》 2014年第4期欢迎参加2014中国(南京)国际物料配送、搬运及物流信息化展览会全球顶级物流行业盛会LogiMAT已登陆中国!不出国门,就能通过本次展览会了解到全球最新的物流技术和解决方案,为您的物流装备采购提供全新的思路和创新思路!2014LogiMATChina“中国(南京)国际物料配送、搬运及物流信息化展览会”将于4月10日~12日在南京国际博览中心闪亮开幕。
除了众多耳熟能详的知名品牌,如:胜斐迩(SSISchafer)、英特诺(INTERROLL)、科纳普(KNAPP)、林德(LINDE)、科朗(CROWN)、欧麟、比亚迪、艾吉威、六维、音飞、华德、东坚、宁波如意、东风、依维柯等之外,更多海外品牌第一次随LogiMAT亮相中国市场,并带来了最新的产品及解决方案,如:Eisenmann,Linde,Miebach, Westernacher,Interroll,Knapp,DS-Automation,AKAPP,RDER-VOGEL,NERAK,Ambaflex等,其中德国艾森曼Eisenmann公司,将携带其最新的EMS (ElectronicMonorailSystem)产品亮相本次展览会,而该产品2014年2月在德国刚结束的LogiMAT展览会上荣获年度最佳产品,可谓是革命性的新产品。
关键词:半导体激光器;老化;寿命测试中图分类号:TN248.4文献标识码:A文章编号#1000-0682(2021)01-0051-04A semiconductor laser aging and testing systemYANG Dim,CHEN Tac,QUE LNywci(Accelink Technolofy Co.,Lit.,Hubei Wuhan430205,China#Abstract:This papeeinteoduoesan automatioayinysystem toesemioonduotoeaasees.Thehaedwaee and sottwaeeotthesystem aeestudied and desiyned.Based on this,an automatioayinysystem otsemi-oonduotoeaaseeisdeeeaoped the system d eaws the ayiny ou eee o tsemi oondu oto eaase eby oo a e otiny the intoemation otmonitoeou e ntohanyinywith time,theouyh p ea oti oa aapp ai oation,itoan meettheeequiee-mentsotaaseediodeayinyand testenyineeeiny.Keywordt:semiconductor laser;aging;life test0引言系统方案设计半导体激光器老化及测试系统主要用于半导体激光器的可靠性研究领域[1-3],主要用于模拟半导体激光器处于使用状态下的电应力环境,并随时间推移按时记录半导体激光器的测试参数,供后期进行数据整理分析,对半导体激光器的可靠性水平进行评价⑷。
原方案 方案1 方案 2
6000Hz 8000Hz 随机频率
8000Hz 9500Hz 随机频率
《汽车电器》2021年第6期 49
3 技术交流
Technical Communication
图5电驱动总成声压级对比 5 S
优化控制器引起的开关频率噪芦主要通过提高开关频率 和随机PWM调制开关策略两种方法咱9暂。
开关频率提高,控制过程的周期变小,电流的变化幅度 减小,因此开关频率及其倍频附近的谐波电流减小,从而降 低开关频率噪芦。但是受限于控制器的物理特性,开关频率 不能随意提高,提高开关频率会引起控制器功率损耗增加、 寿命降低。因此控制器开关频率的选择需要综合考虑可靠 性、成本、功率损耗、噪芦等因素,而且它们之间一般是相 互矛盾的血。
(CATARC Automotive Test Center (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300399, China) Abstract: The switching frequency of the controller has a great influence on the noise of electric powertrain. Firstly, the generation mechanism, frequency characteristics and optimization methods of switching frequency noise are analyzed. The noise frequency of switch is high, which annoys people. In this paper, A -weighting sound pressure level and tone to noise ratio are usedto evaluate the switching frequency noise which has the characteristics of high frequency and irritability. The experimental results show that increasing the switching frequency and random PWM control strategy can reduce the noise and improve the sound quality of the electric powertrain. Key words: electric powertrain 曰 switching frequency 曰 A-weighting sound pressure level 曰 tone to noise ratio
浅谈供应链环境下的企业物资采购管理模式Discussion on the Material Purchasing Management Mode of EnterprisesUnder the Supply Chain Environment张甜(中国电子科技集团公司第二十研究所,西安710068)ZHANG Tian(The20thResearch Institute ofChinaElectronics TechnologyGroupCorporation,Xi'an710068,China)【摘要】在供应链环境的发展中,企业应该注重物资采购的供应商管理工作,加强与供应商之间的联系,并将其看作供应链中的重要组成部分,从而有效提高产品在供应链中的流动速度,还能够降低存货成本,满足社会发展的实际需求。
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1.考虑供应链入侵的渠道选择与Stackelberg博弈分析 [J], 王先甲;周亚平
2.供应链中基于Stackelberg博弈的信息共享协调问题研究 [J], 张玉林;陈剑
3.随机需求多渠道供应链Stackelberg协调博弈分析 [J], 李春发;冯立攀
4.基于Stackelberg博弈的供应链信息共享策略研究 [J], 朱炫东
5.双源渠道模式下供应链协调的斯塔克伯格博弈分析 [J], 金常飞;赖明勇
企业SCOR 供应链运营参考模型培训马晓峰
企业SCOR 供应链运营参考模型1、SCOR 供应链运营参考模型的建立(1)把集成供应商引入到我们的链条里面来,如何引入(2)有效实施集成供应商的关键(3)供应商的技术层次与买方的信息递进的沟通(4)协作的产品和供应链设计(5)案例:HP喷墨打印机的供应链运作,平行工艺的供应链,一切以利润为主2、库存模型(1)需求不确定的影响(2)前置时间到变动(3)分清独立需求与非独立需求----VMI、CI、VMCI(4)建立良好的库存体系,定量订货模型和定期订货模型(5)专用模型,管理并转化为网络库存(6)牛鞭效应----襄樊康明斯的连锁克连锁的解决之道(7)案例:仁宝电脑(昆山)的多次订货的库存控制模型3、生产计划的调整(1)有效预测(2)协调的系统信息,特别是销售部门(3)缩短提前期(4)设计计划的数据目标----准确的率,并为之考核(5)流程与作业排序(优先调度原则在计划中的运用)(6)供应链决策支持系统(7)案例:HONEYWELL的变化与计划4、技术使用与参照(1)仿真的方法在SCOR 供应链运营参考模型的运用(2)电子表格仿真宁波北仑敏实的仿真模型(3)系统要定期或不定期的更新和修正(4)约束的真正含义(5)BPR业务流程再造(6)耦合分布的正向使用与供应链管理同步(7)案例:德尔福德优质配套技术之路讲师介绍:马晓峰美国采购管理协会会员,欧洲供应链管理协会委员曾任中国第三方物流有限公司首席技术官,上海司达物流信息系统管理有限公司总经理,某500强公司大中华区供应链事业部总监,HONEYWELL(USA)公司亚洲区供应链高级主管,三菱(日本本部)轻工采购经理(JAP),中国物资储运总公司数码仓储实施技术总监,上海张江高科控股公司MRP系统实施主管。
著作:1、光盘《采购内幕》 --北京电视艺术中心出版社2、书籍《避开采购黑洞》 --中国社会科学出版社Project:SCM 、SRM、PM、BPR、BSC、KPI、CRM、SQE、ERP、MRP、JIT、5“S”、Customers:可口可乐、东风、金光纸业、上海小厶、伊顿/美的、嘉实多、上海电气、立邦、康明斯、长安福特马自达、三星、联邦快递、华宇物流、安盛药业、眼力健(杭州)制药、BASF、惠氏——百宫制药、巴斯夫维生素、青岛海尔集团、广东美的集团、汉高化工、ICI卜内门油漆、福州实达电脑集团、西门子芜湖VDO 电子、天津通用半导体、广州摩恩(Moen)水龙头、英维斯(青岛)控制器、珠海菲利浦电子、深圳大亚湾电站、瑞士迅达电梯上海物流中心、国际香料中国(广州)有限公司、APL上海公司、K-LINE中国有限公司、史克、高乐高、佳通轮胎、苏泊尔厨房用品有限公司、NYK等。
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企业的纵向边界 供应链战略的5原则 脉动速度
最终顾客 清洁济
• 有效的集成供应商、制造商、分销商等供应链条上所有的环节使得商品能够在需要 时间,按需求的数量生产,并配送到需要的地点,在满足客户需要的同时使得成本 最小化。
称 契约信息
信 息
如果一方知道 另一方不知道 的信息,前者可 能歪曲或误传 信息
当事人无法 推测或列举 可能出现的 所有意外事
难以衡量 的
既然经济理论强调了竞争性 市场机制的效率,那为什么
格体系之外呢 (Coase)
通过市场进行外购生产的某 些成本能够通过使用企业消
• 契约谈判更加困难 • 为改善事后讨价还价的地位进行投资 • 潜在的要挟问题导致双方不信任 • 减少专用性投资
潜在要挟导致交易双方彼此不信任, 从而增加交易成本
• 不信任契约需要更多条款增加交易费用 • 不信任影响信息共享
只要有潜在要挟的可能, 专用性资产就会被缩减
潜在的要挟使得企业在防 范措施上面进行投资
当活动在公司外部进行时,各方通常会签署契约 契约的内容包括
• 契约一方期望另一方履行的责任和义务 • 当一方不履行责任时的补救措施
• 契约的“完备性”
• 现有的契约法
完备的契约规定了当事人的责任和权利,以及所有在交易中可预见 到的意外情况
水泥厂选址常临近石灰岩沉积地 罐头盒制造车间临近加工食品的罐装车间 玻璃容器生产中所使用的模具设计是为专门的用户定制的
本的节约,使生产更有效率 物质资产常常是为某项特定 的交易设定的
镁的冶炼设备是为特定等级的矾土矿石设计的 专门为满足某一特定客户需
要而进行的工程和设备的投 资
随着营销、会计,咨询和法律等领域的专业服务企业的不断发展壮大,企业有必 要考虑规模不经济的另外一种来源——冲突淘汰。 • 当一个潜在客户要和一个专业服务公司从事一项新业务时,它可能会关心该企 业是否和它的某个或者多个竞争对手有业务往来; • 潜在客户可能会担心专业服务公司内部出现利益冲突; • 敏感的竞争信息被泄露; 专业服务公司可能不会完全考虑到潜在客户的利益。出于种种担忧,该客户很可 能会转向其他服务公司。这家专业服务公司就因冲突被淘汰了。
• 流动的发电厂
为防止被要挟,企业会有 更多的生产方式
存在能实 现内部单 位所无法 实现的规 模经济的 是 供应商吗? 他们拥有 内部单位 所没有的 执行能力 吗? 否 “中间” 道路 (联 盟、紧密 的供货安 排)管用 吗?
• 当业务是在组织内部进行时,还会产生另一类“影响成本” • “内部资本市场”将稀缺资源在组织内部各部门之间进行分配 • 影响成本指影响组织内部资本市场的活动所产生的成本
• 纵向链条中各环节的不协调所造成的成本 • 贸易伙伴不愿意收集和分享有价值的信息所造成的成本 • 交易费用 • 每一个问题都可归结为制定和执行契约所导致的成本
• 远期与期货合约也可以平抑价格波动 • 纵向一体化中投入的资金也可能应对短期风险波动 • 在风险活动中实行纵向一体化会增加企业的整体风险
市场企业也许会掌握一些专有信息或专利,使得它们能以较 低的成本进行生产
• Rm = (CR -2)(6 - p)
零售商的收入: • RR = (p - CR)(6 - p) 分别求零售商和制造商的利润最大化 • RR = -6 CR +(6+ CR) p- p2 求导: • (6+ CR) -2p=0 p=3+ CR/2 Rm = (CR -2)(3 - CR/2)=-6+4CR-C2R/2 • 求导:4-CR=0 CR=4 p=5
注意: 供应链有谁? 成本和服务水平 集成
制造商生产成本: Cm = $2
市场需求:D = 6 - p
制造商批发给零售商的批发价: CR
制造商的收入:Rm = CR D - Cm D = (CR -2)(6 - p)
零售商的收入:RR = p D - CR D = (p - CR)(6 - p)
• 大企业中工人的工资很少与他们对企业利润
• 在监督和与工人沟通方面也会遇到更多困难。
• 制定工作条例虽然可能使工人很好地完成某 些具体任务,但是也束缚了工人的创造性。
• 如果一个专业人员成功的关
时间,当他想把时间分散到 几项活动中去时,绩效水平
一、劳动力成本与企业规模 企业越大,通常要支付的工资就越高。 原因有:
• 大企业比小企业更可能成立工会,在从事相同工作的情况下,加入工会组织 的工人的工资通常更高; • 大企业利用补偿性工资差别从小企业吸引工人; • 大企业可能从距离远的地方招聘工人,用补偿性工资差别弥补员工的交通成 本。
专用性 专项资产
地点 专用性 物质资产 的专用性 专项资产
• UPS – 物流 • Toyota – 人力资源管理 • Nike – 市场营销
• 市场企业可以实现规模经济 • 市场规则约束的价值 • 损害纵向链条中生产流程的协调性 • 可能产生与独立市场企业的交易费用
Make-or-Buy 与竞争优势:如果某种资源是一家企
• 若企业认为这种资源是其竞争优势的来源之一,然而这种资源很
• 不论某一项活动是自制或外购,都不会消除这些相关行为的费用。 关键论点在于:自制或外购决策可能会影响开展相关活动的效率。
( transactions costs)
• 关系专用性资产 • 准租 • 要挟问题
• 一个产品分摊到每位消费者身上的广告成本可以 用下式表达:
• (发送信息的成本/接收信息的潜在顾客数)/
(信息传播带来的实际顾客数/接收信息的潜在顾 客数) • 大企业向每个潜在顾客发送广告的成本通常较低。
3. 研发中的规模经济与范围经济
• 工程设计和科学研究的性质意味着一个研发项 目和研发部门必须具备一定的最小可行规模。 • 研发也具有范围经济。从一项研究中获得的灵 感可能有助于其他项目的研究,研发的这种外
1. 概念 • 学习曲线(也叫经验曲线)指积累的经验和技能所带来的优势。 2. 增加产量获得成本优势 • 有些企业追求学习曲线战略,尽管在长期会繁荣发展,但是在短期内可能会产生负的会计利润。 3. 学习与组织 • 通过鼓励信息共享、建立包容新思想的工作规则和减少人员流动,企业可以为新思想的吸收和利用提 供便利条件。 4. 学习曲线与规模经济 • 学习经济与规模经济不同。规模经济指在某一个特定的时点上,如果经济活动的规模比较大,那么就 能以较低的单位成本完成这个经济活动。而学习经济指由于经验随着时间不断积累所导致的单位成本 的下降。 • 即便学习经济很小,规模经济也可能很大,如简单的资本密集型生产。 • 同样,规模经济很小时,学习经济也可能很大,如复杂的劳动密集型生产。
中间产品的预处理商: 木材碾磨厂、金属制造厂、制革厂 运输和仓储 组装厂:家具“生产商” 运输和仓储 零售商:家具店 支持服务
会计 财务 人力资源管理 法律服务 市场营销 战略规划 其他支持性服务
有一些非纵向一体化企业:它们仅亲自完成纵向链条 中的少数任务,将大多数职能外包给独立的承包商: Nike, Benetton, Chrysler
CR=4 p=5
• Rm = (CR -2)(6 - p)=2
• RR = (p - CR)(6 - p)=1
供应链总收入 = Rm + RR = 3
掩盖了低效率之处—— 代理成本 与 影响成本