
2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题与答案S ection I Use of EnglishDnecclious:Read the following text.Choose the bcsl word(s> for each numbcred blank.and mark[A],[B],[C]or[D]on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points>In 1924 American' National Research Council sent to engineer to supervise a series of experiments at a telephone-parts factory called the Hawhtore Plant nearChicago It hoped they would learn how stop-floor Egnting __1__ workors productivity Instead,the studies ended__2__ giving their name to the“Hawhthomeeffect”the extremely inflentlcel ldea the veey__3__to bemg expenmented upon changed subjects’behaviorThe idea arose because of the__4__behavior of the women in the plato.Accordmg to __5__of the cxpetmems.their.houriy output rose when hghtmg was increased.but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6__what was done in the expenment. __7__sometmg was changed.produchnty rose A(n> __8__ that theywere bemg experimented upon seemed to be __9__t0 alterworkers' bchamor __10__ uselfAfter several decades,the salile data were __11__to econometric the analysis Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store j2一the descnpuons on record,nosystematic __13__was foundthat lcvcls of produchxnty wererelated to changes in lightingIt turns out that peculiar way of conducting the c~enments may be have let to __14__interpretation of what happed.__15__,tighring was always changed ona Sunday When work started again on Monday, output __16__ rose compared with the previous Saturday and __17__ to rise for the next couple of days __18__ , a comparison with data for weeks whenthere was no expenmentation showed that output always went up On Monday, workers __19__to be duigent for the first fewdays of the week in any case,before __21__a plateau and then slackening off This suggests that the alle ged” Hawthorne effect“is hard to ptn down1.[A] affected[B]achieved [C]exlracted [D]restored2[A]at [B]up [C]with [D]Off3[A]Wuth [B]sight [C]act [D]proof4.[A]convoversial [B]perplexing [c]mischieous [D]ambiguous5.[A]reqtttrents [B]cxplanalions [C]accounts [D]assements6[A]conclude [B]matter [C]indicate [D]work7[A]as faras [B]for fearthat [C]in casethat [D]so long as8.[A]awarerress [B]expectation [C]sentiment [D]illusion9.[A]suitale [B]excessive [C]enough [D]abundant10.[A]about [B]for [C]on [D]by11[A]compared [B]shown [C]subjected [D]conveyed12.[A]contrary to [B]consistent with [C]parallel with [D]pealliar to13.[A]evidence [B]guidance [C]implication [D]source14.[A]disputable [B]enlightening [C]retiable [D]wasleadmg15.[A]In contast [B]For example [C]In consequence [D]As usual16.[A]duly [B]accidentally [C]unpredictably [D]suddenly17.[A]failed [B]ceased [C]started [D]continued20.[A]breaking [B]chrnbing [C]surpassmg [D]hitingSection Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing[A],[B],[C]or[D].Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points>Text 2Over the past decade,thousands of patents have seen granled for what are called business methods.Amazon com received one for its“one-click”online paymentsystern Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy.One invenlor patented a tochnique for lying a box Now the nation’s top patent court appears completely ready to scale hack on business-method patents, which have been controversial e,ver since they were firstauthorized 10 years ago In a movethat has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz the U.S court of Appeals for the federal ctrcuit sald it would usea particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents. Inre Bijskl, as the case is known, is“a very big deal”, says Dermis'D Crouch of the University of MissounSchool of law.It “has the potential to elinate an entire class of patmts”Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face because it was the federalcircuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decision in the so-called state Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companies trying to stake out exclusive pinhts to specific types of online transactions. Later, move established companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivals that might bent them to the punch. In 2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 business-method patents despite tha fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street investment films armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice.The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market. The Federal circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court’s judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and that one issue it wants to evaluste is wether it should “reconsider” its state street Bank ruling.The Federal Circuit’s action comes in the w ake of a series of recent decisions by the supreme. Count that has nurrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for example the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for “inventions” that are obvious. The judges on the Federal circuit are “reaction to the anti_patent trend at the supreme court” says Harole C wegner, a partend attorney and professor at aeorge Washington University Law School.26. Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because of[A] their limited value to business[B] their connection with asset allocation[C] the possible restriction on their granting[D] the controversy over authorization27. Which of the following is true of the Bilski case?[A] Its rulling complies with the court decisions[B] It involves a very big business transaction[C] It has been dismissed by the Federal Circuit[D] It may change the legal practices in the U.S.28. The word “about-face”(Line 1, Paro 3>most probably means[A] loss of good will[B]increase of hostility[C]change of attitude[D] change of auiuled29.We learn from the last two pamgraphs that business-meihod Pateats[A] are immune to legal challenges[B] are of ten unnecessarily issued[C] lower the esteem for pateat holders[D] increase the incidence of risks30.Which of the following would bethe subject ofthe text?[A]A looming threat to bvamess-melhcd patents[B]Protection for business-method patent holders[C]A legal case regarding business-methodpatents[D] A prevailing tread against business-method patentsText 3In his book The Tipping Poinl Malcohn aladuell aloues that social epidemics are dliven in largepart by the acting of a tiny minority of specialindividuals,often calledin flu entials who are unusuall informed, persuasive, or we connect The idea is intuit ively compelling but it doesn't explain howideas actually spread.The supposed importance of inftuentials derives from a plansible sounding but largely untested theory untested thelry called the "tow-step flow of communication" Informationllows from the mediato the inftuentials and from then to ereryone else. Marke ters have embraced the two-step flow became it suggests that if they can just find andinfluence the in fluent ials, those select people will do most of the ork for them Thetheory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of people waswearing promoting or developing whaterver it is before anyoneelse paid attention Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain specialpeople call drivetrendsIn their recent work howeyer some researchers have come up with the finding that in fluentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is genetally supposed Infact they don’t seem to be required of allThe researchers' argument stems from a simple obserrating about social influence with theexception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey-whose outsize presence is primanrilly a function of media not interpersonal influence-enen the most influential members of a population simply don't interact with that many others Yet it is precisely these non-celebring influentials who according to the two-step-flow theoryare supposed to drive social enidemics by influcenciny their friends and colleagues directly .For a social epidemic to occur however each person so sffected must then influcence his or her own acquaintances,who must in turn influence theirs and so on and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential.If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant for example from the initial influential prove resistant, for example the casecade of change won't propagate very far or affect many people.Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence the researchers studied the dynamics of populations manipulating a number of variables relating of populations manipulating a number of variables relating to people’s abilify to influence others and their t endence to be31. By citing the book The Tipping Point the author intends to[A] analyze the consequences of social epid emics[B] discuss influentials’ funcition in spreading ideas[C] exemplify people’s intuitive response to social epidemics[D] describe the essential characteristics of influentials32. The author suggests that the “two-step-flow theory”[A] serves as a solution to marketing problems[B] has helped explain certain prevalent trends[C] has won support from influentials[D] requires solid evidence for its validity33. what the researchers have observed recenty shows that[A] the power of influence goes with social interactions[B] interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media[C] influentials have more channels to reach the public{D}most celebritiea enjoy wide media attention34.the underlined phrase “these people”in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who{A}stay outside the network of social influence{B}have little contact with the source of influence{C}are influenced and then influence others{D} are influenced by the initial influential34.what is the essential slement in the dynamics of social influence?{A}The eageiness to be accepted{B}The impulse to influence others{C}The resdiness to be influenced{D}The inclination to rely on othersText 4Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public .Behind eht scenes,they have been taking aim at someone else the accounting standard-setters.Their rules,moan the banks,have forced t hem to report enormous losses,and it’s just not fair.These rules say they must value some assets at the price atheird party would pay,not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch.Unfortunately,banks’lobbying now seems to be working.The details may be unknowable,but the independence of standard-setters,essential to the proper functioning of capital marksts,is being compromised.And,unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers,reviving the banking system will be difficult.After a bruising encounter with Xongress.America;s Financial Accounting Standards Board(FASB>rushed through rule changse.These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long0term assets in their income statement.Bob Herz,the FASB’s chairman,cried out against ehose who ”question our motives.”Yet bank shares rose and the changes enhance what one lobby group politely calls”the use of judgment by management.”European ministers instantly demanded that the International Accounting Standards Board(IASB>do likewise.The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning,but the pressure to fold when it comletes it reconstruction of rules later this year is strong Charlie McCreevy,a European commissioner,warned the IASB that is did”not live in a political vacuum”but”in the real word” and the Europe could yet develop different rules.It was banks that were on the wrong planet,with accouts htat wastly overvalued assets.today they argue htat market prices overstate loeees,because hteyLargerly reflect the temporary illiquldity of markets,not the likely entent of bad debts.The truth will not be known for years.But bank’s shares trade below their book value,suggeting that investors are akeptical.And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets for fear of booking losses,yet are relucaant to buy all those supposed bargains.To get the sysytem working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with.America’s new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive. Successful markets require independent and even combative standard-setters. The FASB and IASB have been exactly that,cleaning up rules on stock options ang pensions,for example,against hostility interests. But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.36. Bankers complained that they were forced to[A]follow anfavorable asset evaluation rules[B]collect payments from third parties[C]cooperate with the price managers[D]reevaluate some of their assets37.According to the author,the rule changes of the FASB may result in[A]the dimingishing role of management[B] the revival of the banking syestem[C]t he bank’s long-term asset lossers[D]the weakening og its indepentdence38. According to Paragarph 4,McCreevy objects to the IASB’s attempt to[A] keep away from political influences[B] evade the pressure from their peers[C] act on their own in ruli-setting[D]take gradual measures in reform39、The author thinks the banks were“on the wrong planet”in that they[A]mis interpreted market price indicators[B]exaggerated the real value of their assets[C]neglected the likely existence of bad debts[D]denied booking losses in their sale of assets40、The author’s attitude towards standard-setters is one of[A]satisfaction[B]skepticism[C]objectiveness[D]sympathyPart BDirections:For Questions 41-45,choose the most suitable paragraphs from the first A-G and fill them into the numbered boxes to from a coherent text Paragraph E has been correctly placed. There is one paragraph which dose not fit in with the text. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(10 points>[A]The first and mor e important is the consumer’s growing preference for eating out; the consumption of food and drink in places other than homes has risen from about 32 percent of total consumption in 1995 to 35 percent in 2000 and is expected to approach 38 percent by 2005. This development is boosting wholesale demand from the food service segment by 4 to 5 percent a year Europe compared with growth in retail demand of 1 to 2 percent. Meanwhile as the recession is looming large, people are getting anxious. They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realistic alternative.[B]Retail sales of food and drink in Europe’s largest markets are at a standstill,lesving European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow.Most leading retailers have alteady tried e-commerce,with limit success,and expansion abroad.But almost all have ignored the big.profitable opportunity in their own backyard the wholesale food and drink trade,whoch appears to be just the kind of market retailers need.[C]Will such variations bring about a change in the overall structure of the food and drinkmarket?Definitely not.The functioning of the market is basrd on flexibleTrends dominated by potential buyers.In other words it is up to the buyer tather than the seller to decide what to buy.At any rate this change will ultimately be acclaimed by an ever-growing number of both domestic and international consumers regardless of how long the current consumer pattem will take hold.[D] All in all,this clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers that master theintricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits there by.At least,that is how it looks as a whole.Closer inspection reveals import differences among the biggest national markets,especially in their customer segments and wholesale structures,as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food and drink categories.Big retailers must understand these differences before they can identify the segments of European wholesaling in which particular abilities might unseat smaller but enerenched competitors.New skills and unfamiliar business models are needed too.[E] Despite variations in detail,wholesale markets in the countries that have been closely examined—France,Germany,Italy,and Spain—are made out of same building blocks.Demand comes mainly from two sources:independent morn-and-pop grocery stores which,unlike large retail chains,are two small to buy straight from producers,and food service operators range from snack machines to large institutional catering ventures,but most of these businesses are known in the trade as “horeca”:hotels,restaurants,and cafes.Overall, Europe’s retail wholesale market, but the figures,when added together,mask two opposing trends.[F] For example, wholesale food and drink sales come to $268 billion in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom in 2000-more than 40 percent of retail sales. Moreover, average overall margins are higher in wholesale than in retail; wholesale demand from the food service sector is growing quickly as more Europeans eat out more often;and changes in the competitive dynamics of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to considerate.[G] However, none of these requirements should deter large retails and even some large good producers and existing wholesalers from trying their hand,for those that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe stand to reap considerable gains.41 → 42 → 43 → 44 → E → 45Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written carfully on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10Points>One basic weakness in a comservation system based wholly one economic motives is thatmost members of the land community have no economic value Yet these ereatures are members of the biotic community and ,if its stability depends on its inteynity,they are entitled to continuance When one of these noneconomic categories is threatened and if we happen to love it.We incert excuses to give it economic importance At the beginning pf century songbiras were supppsed to be disappearing.(46>Scinentists jumped to the resure with some distimctly shaky evidence to the effect the insecets would est us up of brids failed to control them the ecideuce had to be conbmic in order to be walid.It is pamful to read these round about accounts today.We have no land ehtic yet.(47>but we have at least drawn near the point pf admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinisic right reardless of the presence pf absence of economic adcantage to us.A panallel situation exists in respect of predatory mamals and fish-eating birds(48>Time was when biologosts somewhat over worded evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak or that they prey only on “worthless species”.Some species pf tree have been read out of the party by economici –minded fpresters they grow too slowty or have a sale vate to pay as imeber crops (49>In europe,where forestry is ecologically more advanced ,the ncommercial tree species are recognized ad members of native forest community,to be preserved as such,within reason.To sum up;a system of conservation based solely on econominc self-interest is hopelesstly lopsided(50>It tends to ignore,and thus eventually to eliminate,many elements in the land community that lack commercial value,but that are essential to its healthy functioning.Without the uneconomic pats.Section III WritingPart A51.Directions:You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an intemational conference on globalization,you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative.You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end ofthe e"postgraduate association" instead.52.Directions:Write an essay of 160200 words based on the following deawing.In your essay,you should1> describe the drawing briefly,2> ecplain its intended meaning,and then3> give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET2.(20 points>2010年考研英语完整版详解Section I Use of English1.A解读:A项affect 意思是“影响,感动”; B项achieve意思是“达成,完成”; C项extract意思是“提取,榨出”;D项restore是“恢复,重建”. 这句话地意思是:他们想通过实验探究车间照明是如何影响工人地生产率地,所以答案是A.2.B解读:本题考查了固定短语end up 地用法,end up 意思是“最终成为……”,end 和其它三个介词地搭配都无此意,故选B.3.C解读:本句地大意为:研究最终总结为一个极具影响力地概念—“霍桑效应”,也正是实验所研究地行为改变了工人们地表现.所以这里应选择C.4.B解读:作者这里表达地意思是这个问题之所以引起大家地注意是因为工厂女工地行为令人费解.四个选项中perplexing意为“令人费解地”,所以正确答案为B.5.C解读:本句地含义是:根据研究描述,当照明灯变亮或变暗时,工人地时产量就会提高.四个选项中有描述含义地是C项 accounts.6.B解读:这句话地意思是:实验中做什么并不重要. Do not matter 固定表达,故选B.7.D解读:考查so long as 短语,意思是“只有”,句子意思是:只要有改变,生产率就会上升.解读:A项awareness 意思是“意识”,B项expectation意为“期望”,C项sentiment 意为“”观点,意见,D项illusion 为“幻觉”,本句地大意是说:工人知到自己本身是被研究对象-这一意识就足以改变他们地行为.所以选A.9.C解读:见第8题解读.10.D解读:见第8题解读.11.C解读:be subjected to表示“服从于,与……一致’,为固定短语.12.A解读:contrary to表示“与…相反“.根据语境提示,空白处需要填写一个能表示转折意味地链接词.13.A解读:只有evidence一词可与found呼应,表示“发现或找到证据”.14.Dmisleading“欺骗性,误导性地”,意思上来看,符合语境所表达地意思.15.B解读:for example与上句呼应,举例说明问题.16.A解读:duly表示“准时地,在同一个时间地”,填入句中后意思表达更精确.17.D解读:与前句duly rose呼应,递进说明问题,故应选continue.18.C解读:此句意思与上句相反,说明另一种情况,故应使用转折词but.19.B解读:tend to do“倾向于做某事”,说明一种常规地事实.20.D解读:hit 能与a plateau搭配,意为“到达高地,触及顶点”,句意才符合语境. Section II Reading ComprehensionText 121. B22. A23. C24. A25.BText 226.C解读:细节题.题干问及商业专利方法在最近引起关注地原因是是什么,解答本题应定位二段首句并结合一段地主旨要义.二段首句指出“国家最高专利法庭准备对商业方法专利进行缩减,这引起了了争议.”一段主要提及在过去10年商业方法授予了成千上万地专利.由此可见,选项C是对原文地同义置换故为正确答案.27.B解读:推理判断题.文章在二段提及Bilski case,在四段提及对Bilski case地结论性说明,在四段中针对Bilski case,联邦机构发表了不同寻常地法令,而四段末句提到该法令引起对“state street Bank ruling”地是否重新考虑,由此可知B为正确答案.28.C解读:词汇短语题.含有该词地句子起到承前启后作用,解答本题应结合二段主旨及三段because后地句意来解题,二段提及“国家最高专利法庭准备对商业方法专利进行缩减”,而三段提及introduced such patents…, approving a patent…,由此可知,宣称对商业方法地控制将会有巨大地态度转变,故C正确.29.B解读:推论题.结合倒数二段二句及末段首句可知B符合文意.此题用排除法最为便利.文章地最后两段未提到ACD地内容.而B项地内容符合“that too many patents were being upheld”,同时B 选项地内容符合文章地中心.30.D解读:主旨题.文章首段提到“过去10年”,而二段首句转到“Now”,文章地此脉络结构可知“A prevailing tread”可统领文意,此外文章二至四段,主要谈及联邦巡讲对“business-method patents”地立场变化,故D为正确答案.31.B解读:细节题.文章提到Tipping Point真本书描述社会流行风潮是由一小部分名人引起地,然而,笔锋一转在首段末又说“it doesn’t explain how ideas actually spread”.进而引出作者对名人传播想法功能地讨论.由此B选项正确.而A、C、D 均不是作者要讨论地问题.32.D解读:细节题.文章第二段首句“the supposed…plausible sounding but largely untested theory..”以及末句“…only certain special people can drive trends”充分说明这种理论证据不够充足.而D选项正确地反应了文中地内容.33.A解读:根据题干,线索大致定位到第三段,但是第三段并没有清晰地找到题解,而接下来地第四段清晰地反应出了社会互动所产生地巨大影响这一内容.A选项充分地表明了这一点.34.C解读:根据题干,线索定位到第四段.同过分析这个短语所在地句子,“For a social epidemic…;just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with…”此句主要表明人们是如何被别人影响进而又去影响别人地.而C选项恰是对这一点地正确表述.35.C解读:细节题.根据题干,线索定位到最后一段,从“…relating of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people’s ability to influence others and their tendency to be…”这句话中能够得知社会影响动力因素包括人们影响别人地能力包括被别人影响地倾向性.而C选项充分地体现了这一点.Text 436.A解读:细节题.答案意为“遵循不利地资产评估准则”.由题干中地“Bankers complained”和“force”定位于第一段第三行“Their rules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it’s just not fair. These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch.”该句核心词为rules,四个答案中只有A选项包含.37.A解读:推理引申题.答案意为“管理地作用地逐渐消失”.根据题干中地专有名词FASB 定位于第三段.第一句提到FASB经过努力使国会通过了一些变革,这些变革赋予了银行更多地权利,也就是说对银行地管理更为松散,所以答案为“管理地作用地逐渐消失”.38.C解读:细节题.答案意为“独立自主地制定法规”.根据题干中地“McCreevy objects to”定位到第五段.第五段提到立即根据美国地变化做出一样地反应,欧洲地各界人士对此地反对十分强烈,引用McCreevy地话是为了说明这一点:欧洲要对这个问题有自己独立地法律法规.39.C解读:句意题.答案意为“忽视了坏账存在地极大可能性”.根据题干地信息定位到第六段Today they argue that market prices overstate losses, because they largely reflect the temporary illiquidity of markets, not the likely extent of bad debts.批判银行一味地夸大“that market prices overstate losses”,而忽视了“the likely extent of bad debts”.40.D解读:情感态度题.文章讨论了银行针对“standard-setters”地敌意行为,特别是文章最后一段更是明确地表明了作者对“standard-setters”地同情.Part B41.B解读:本题需要找出文章地首段,可用排除法做.首先A 选项中提到“the first and more important…”中地“more”应该在前文中提到,故排除.B选项首句就提出了欧洲食品零售所面临地问题,根据文章结构法:提出问题—分析问题—解决问题,此段符合首段要求,即提出了文章地中心问题,而且本选项中也没有明显地需要和上文衔接地关系词,而其它选项都有明显地与上文衔接地信息词,不能在首段出现,故B为正确答案.42.F解读:首段一旦确定,本段内容便可根据上文顺藤摸瓜,第一段最后一句话“but”后指出了虽然食品零售商面临着“at a standstill (几乎停止发展>”地问题,他们却忽略了一个潜在地市场即他们身边地“wholesale food and trade(食品批发市场>”.而F 选项首句便举例说明法国、德国、意大利等国家地食品批发产业地市场规模比食品零售产业要大40%.而且在“moreover”后又进一步说明批发地利润大零售很多.因此可以判断此选项是对第一段地例证说明.其中“for example”是明显地信息提示词.43.D解读:上段介绍了食品批发商地优势,而D选项第一句“All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which…”则对上文地内容进行总结,其中all in all 是较明显地信息提示词,即上文中提到地食品批发地优势推出这是明显对于“big retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling”是一个“market”.因此D项为正确答案.44.G解读:上段最后一句提出地“particular abilities”以及“new skills and unfamiliar business models are needed.” , 即零售商需要新地技能及不熟悉地商业模式.而G选项第一句提到地“these requirements(这些要求>”正是指上文所提到地技能.45.A解读:此题可以用排除法做,所剩下地选项只有A和C,需要注意地是本题并没有明显地信息词,所以需要阅读选项地内容进而找出正确答案.此题前文地已知段落E选项中最后一句“two opposing trends”在A选项中得到了体现,即一方面由于人们选择在外就餐而扩大了食品批发地需求,而另一方面人们又开始感到“anxious(焦虑>”.而C选项第一句提到地“such variations”在上文中并没有得到体现,因此可以断定A为正确答案.Part C46. Scinentists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them.解读:句子地主干是“scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence”,后接that 引导地同位语从句.If引导地条件状语从句修饰that从句.to the effect that大意是,意思是; fail to 未能; jump to立即,赶快 the rescue营救,援救,解救.参考译文:科学家们立即拿出某些明显站不住脚地证据前来救驾,大致说地是如果鸟儿不能控制害虫地话,害虫就会把我们吃掉.47. but we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue survival as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us.解读:句子主干we have drawn near the point.介词短语of admitting that...作定语修饰point.其中嵌套了that从句作admit地宾语从句.regardless of...作让步状语.a matter of .....地问题,大约;draw near 接近,靠近;intrinsic right天生地权利,固有地权利;economic advantage 经济利益,经济优势.参考译文:但是我们至少已经几乎承认了这样一种观点:不管鸟类对我们是否有经济利益,生存都是它们地固有权利.48. Time was when biologists somewhat over worded the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak,or that they prey only on “worthless species.解读:主干time was when....when引导了表语从句.Time was when可看作固定短语,译为“从前,曾经”.注意两个并列同位语从句地翻译.参考译文:曾几何时,生物学家总是重述以下地这条证据:这些生物通过捕食弱小地动物去维持生物链地正常运行,或它们只是去捕食“没有价值地物种”.49. In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason.解读:句子地主体是“the noncommercial tree species are recognized as members of the native forest community”,包含被动语态.句子开头是一个where引导地定语从句,to be preserved是修饰noncommercial tree species地成分.Within reason合情合理地,理智地.注意被动语态地处理.参考译文:欧洲地林业从生态上讲较为先进,它把没有成为商业化对象地树种视为原始森林群落地成员而适当地加以保护.50. It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning.解读:句子主干“It tends to ignore many elements”;两个that从句意思上转折,句法上为并列地定语从句,修饰the land community.注意插入语、定语从句以及代词指代地处理.参考译文:这一体系容易忽视并最终消灭很多缺乏商业价值地物种,然而这些物种对于整个生物群落地健康运行是至关重要地.Section III Writing51.小作文以研究生会地名义写一封通知,通知地内容是为全球一体化地国际会议招募志愿者,这个通知必须包aa括申请者地基本职位要求及你认为相关地其他信息.写100个字左右,不要在通知末尾写你自己地名字,用“Postgraduates’Association”代替.审题谋篇:本次小作文考察“通知”这一事务公文,“通知”地目地在于督促对方参加活动,具。

2010-2020年北京大学艺术硕士MFA考研真题及考研参考书笔记育明教育506 大印老师整理【温馨提示】艺术硕士是比较适合跨专业考生报考的艺术类专业学位,除了北大、北影之外(北大需要提前面试,跨专业的难度很难通过面试这一关),全国大部分艺术硕士院校还是比较容易的,复试线一般在320-345之间,这两年可能分数有攀升的趋势,主要是报考的人数多了。

琼州学院10级艺术设计专业艺术概论试卷2010—2011学年度第一学期期末考试(A )卷答案一、选择题(每题2分,共28分)1.D2.B3.C4.A5.A6.B7.B8.C9.B 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.B二、填空题(每空 1分,共22分)1、顾恺之陆探微张僧繇2、.国立音乐学院3、诗乐舞4、昆曲200 四大徽班5、实用与审美物质与精神技能与创造6、艺术体验艺术构思艺术传达7、艺术派别8、共鸣净化领悟9、审美塑造艺术形象三、简答题(本题共3小题,每题 10分,共 30分)1、简述三种以上关于艺术起源的重要学说。
四、论述(本题共2小题,每题 10分,共 20分)1、请结合某一门具体艺术,谈谈你对郑板桥“眼中之竹”、“胸中之竹”和“手中之竹”创作过程的理解。

2010-2020年清华大学艺术硕士MFA考研真题及考研参考书笔记育明教育506 大印老师整理【温馨提示】艺术硕士是比较适合跨专业考生报考的艺术类专业学位,除了北大、北影之外(北大需要提前面试,跨专业的难度很难通过面试这一关),全国大部分艺术硕士院校还是比较容易的,复试线一般在320-345之间,这两年可能分数有攀升的趋势,主要是报考的人数多了。

提问部 分 About part of the passage
According to the passage, who (what. when, where, why) ___? In the passage, how Many (how much, how long) ____? It is stated that____. It is indicated that____. Which is (not) true? According to the passage, which of the following statements concerning___is nearly accurate?
53. All artists are common in that( ) � A. they use shapes and colors instead of words � B. they are trying to teach the public � C. what they want to teach is difficult to explain � D. they want to learn from the public � 54. A painter chooses certain shapes and colors out of the countless billions possible because he believes they( ) � A. are beautiful B. can bring delight to him � C. are worth showing to the public � D. are particular
Structure 句子基本结构
� 主干

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发酵工程原理与技术A 2010.12.15
一名词解释 (10×3=30分)。
1 发酵工程1
3 淀粉水解糖3
4冷冻干燥 14
9 BOD 17
10清洁生产18 二、简答题(6×5=30分)
3 简述影响氧传递速率的主要因素.5
7 5 请列出发酵放大的方法.8
1 说明丙酮-丁醇发酵、己酸发酵和甲烷发酵的机理及应用。
2 发酵动力学如何分类?各自优缺点?7
3尾气分析包括哪些内容?9 4 动植物细胞培养方法与微生物培养方法有何异同。
考研精品文档 2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题附答案详解(试题一)

2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题附答案详解(试题一)20__a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged” Hawthor ne effect “ is hard topin down.1. [A] affected [B] achieved [C] extracted [D] restored2. [A] at [B]up [C] with [D] off3. [A]truth [B]sight [C] act [D] proof4. [A] controversial [B] perplexing [C]mischievous [D] ambiguous5. [A]requirements [B]explanations [C] accounts [D] assessments6. [A] conclude [B] matter [C] indicate [D] work7. [A] as far as [B] for fear that [C] in case that [D] so long as8. [A] awareness [B] expectation [C] sentiment [D] illusion9. [A] suitable [B] excessive [C] enough [D] abundant10. [A] about [B] for [C] on [D] by11. [A] compared [B]shown [C] subjected [D] conveyed12. [A] contrary to [B] consistent with [C] parallel with [D] pealliar to13. [A] evidence [B]guidance [C]implication [D]source14. [A] disputable [B]enlightening [C]reliable [D]misleading15. [A] In contrast [B] For example [C] In consequence [D] As usual16. [A] duly [B]accidentally [C] unpredictably [D] suddenly17. [A]failed [B]ceased [C]started [D]continued20. [A]breaking [B]climbing [C]surpassing [D]hitingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosi ng [A], [B], [C]or [D]. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text 1Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers duri ng the pastquarter-century, perhaps the m ost far-reaching has been the ine xorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the a ge of forty toimagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found i n most big-city newspapers. Yeta considerable number of the most significa nt c ollections of criticism published in the 20thcentury consisted in large part of new spaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact thattheir learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.We are even farther rem oved from the unfocused newspaper review spublis hed in Englandbetween the turn of t he 20th century and the eve of World War Ⅱ, at a time when newsprintwas dirt-c heap and stylish arts crit icism was consi dered an ornament to the publicat ions inwhich it appe ared. In those far-off days, it was taken for granted tha t the cri tics of majorpapers woul dwri te in detail and at length about the even ts they covered. Theirs was a seriousbusiness, and even those reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bern ard Shawand Ernest Newman, co uld be trus ted to know what they were a bout. These men believed injournal ism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press.“So few authors havebrains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism, ”Newman wrote,“that I am tempted to define…journalism' as …a term of cont empt appl ied by writers who are notread to writers who are'. ”Unfortunately, these critics are virtually forgotten. Neville Cardus, who wrote for the ManchesterGuardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer ofessays ont he game of cricket. During his l i fetime, though, he was also one of England'sforemost classical-music critics, and a stylist so widely admired that hisAutobiography(1947)became a best-seller. He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic tobe so ho nored. Yet on ly one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writi ngs onmusic is unknown save to specialists.Is there any chance that Cardus's criticism will enjoy a revi val? The prospect seems remote.Jour nalistic tastes had changed long before his death, and po stmodern reader shave little usefor the ric hly upholstered Vicwardian pros e in which he specialized. Moreover, the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat.21. It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that[A] arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers.[B] English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews.[C] high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers.[D] young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies.22. Newspaper reviews in England before world warⅡwere characterized by[A] free themes.[B] casual style.[C] elaborate layout.[D] radical viewpoints.23. which of the following would Shaw and Newman most probably agree on ?[A] It is writers' duty to fulfill journalistic goals.[B] It is contemptible for writers to be journalists.[C] Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism.[D] Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.24. What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs?[A] His music criticism may not appeal to readers today.[B] His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute.[C]His style caters largely to modern specialists.[D]His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition.25. What would be the best title for the text?[A] Newspapers of the Good Old Days.[B] The lost Horizon in Newspapers.[C] Mournful Decline of Journalism.[D] Prominent Critics in Memory.Text 2Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called businessmethods. received one for its “one-click” online p ayment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation str ategy. One inventor patented a technique for liftinga box.Now the nation's top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business-methodpatents, which have been controversial ever since they we re first authorized 10 years ago. Ina move that has intellectual-property la wyers abuzz the U.S. court of Appeals for the federalcircuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-methodpatents. In r e Bilski , as the case is known , is “a very big deal”, says Dennis'D. Crouch of theUniversity of Missouri School of law. It “has the potential to eliminate an entire class ofpatents.”Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because i t was the federalcircuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decisi on in the so-called state StreetBank case, approving a patent on a way of po oling mutual-fund assets. That ruling producedan explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companiestrying to stake out exclusive pinhts to specific types of online transactions. Later, move es tablished companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defe nsive moveagainst rivals that might beat them to the punch. In 2005, IBM n oted in a court filing that ithad been issued more than 300 business-method patents despite the fact that it questionedthe legal basis for granting them. S imilarly, some Wall Street investment films armedthemselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the pr actice.The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market.The Federal circuit issued an unusual order stating that the c ase would be heard by all 12 ofthe court's judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and that one issue it wants to evaluate is whether it should”recon sider” its state street Bank ruling.The Federal Circuit's action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the supreme Count that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for examplethe justices signaled that too many patents w ere being upheld for “inventions” that are obvious. The judges on the Federal circuit are “reacting to the anti_ patent trend at the supreme court” ,says H arole C.wegner, a partend attorney and professor at aeorgeWashington Univ ersity Law School.26. Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because of[A] their limited value to business[B] their connection with asset allocation[C] the possible restriction on their granting[D] the controversy over authorization27. Which of the following is true of the Bilski case?[A] Its ruling complies with the court decisions[B] It involves a very big business transaction[C] It has been dismissed by the Federal Circuit[D] It may change the legal practices in the U.S.28. The word “about-face” (Line 1, Paro 3) most probably means[A] loss of good will[B] increase of hostility[C] change of attitude[D] enhancement of dignity29. We learn from the last two paragraphs that business-method patents[A] are immune to legal challenges[B] are often unnecessarily issued[C] lower the esteem for patent holders[D] increase the incidence of risks30. Which of the following would be the subject of the text?[A] A looming threat to business-method patents[B] Protection for business-method patent holders[C] A legal case regarding business-method patents[D] A prevailing trend against business-method patentsText 3In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Aladuell argues that social epidemics are driven in largepart by the acting of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who areunusually informed, persuasive, or well-co nnected. The idea is intuitively compelling, but itdoesn't explain how ideas actually spread.The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible sounding b ut largely untested theory called the “two step flow of communication”: Inf ormation flows from themedia to the influentials and from them to everyone e lse. Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if th ey can just find and influence the influentials, thoseselected people will do mo st of the work for them. The theory also seems to explain the suddenand une xpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods. In many su ch cases,a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people w as wearing, promoting, ordeveloping whatever it is before anyone else paid at tention. Anecdotal evidence of this kind fitsnicely with the idea that only cert ain special people can drive trendsIn their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the findi ng that influentialshave far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. In fact, they don't seemto be required of all.The researchers' argument stems from a simple observing about social influe nce, with the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey-whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence-even t he most influential members of a population simply don't interact with that many others. Yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who, accordin g to the two-step-flow theory, are supposed to drive social epidemicsby influencing their friends and colleagues directly. For a social epidemic to occur, however,each person so affected, must then influence his or her own acquai ntances, who must in turninfluence theirs, and so on; and just how many oth ers pay attention to each of these peoplehas little to do with the initial influe ntial. If people in the network just two degrees removedfrom the initial infl uential prove resistant, for example from the initial influential prove resis tant, for example the cascade of change won't propagate very far or affect many people.Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers stud ied the dynamicsof populations manipulating a number of variables relating of populations, manipulating anumber of variables relating to people's ability to influence others and their tendency to beinfluenced. Our work shows that th e principal requirement for what we call “global cascades”-the widespread propagation of influence through networks - is the presence not of a fewinfl uentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people, each of w hom adopts, say,a look or a brand after being exposed to a single adopting neighbor. Regardless of how influential an individual is locally, he or she can exert global influence only if this critical mass is available to propagate a chain reaction.31.By citing the book The Tipping Point, the author intends to[A]analyze the consequences of social epidemics[B]discuss influentials' function in spreading ideas[C]exemplify people's intuitive response to social epidemics[D]describe the essential characteristics of influentials.32.The author suggests that the “two-step-flow theory”[A]serves as a solution to marketing problems[B]has helped explain certain prevalent trends[C]has won support from influentials[D]requires solid evidence for its validity33.what the researchers have observed recently shows that[A] the power of influence goes with social interactions[B] interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media[C] influentials have more channels to reach the public[D] most celebrities enjoy wide media attention34.The underlined phrase“these people” in paragraph 4 refers to the ones w ho[A] stay outside the network of social influence[B] have little contact with the source of influence[C] are influenced and then influence others[D] are influenced by the initial influential35.what is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence?[A]The eagerness to be accepted[B]The impulse to influence others[C]The readiness to be influenced[D]The inclination to rely on othersText 4Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public. Behind th e scenes, theyhave been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standar d-setters. Their rules, moan thebanks, have forced them to report enormou s losses, and it's just not fair. These rules saythey must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers andregulators woul d like them to fetch.Unfortunately, banks' lobbying now seems to be working. The details may be unknowable, butthe independence of standard-setters, essential to the pro per functioning of capital markets,is being compromised. And, unless banks c arry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers,reviving the banking system wil l be difficult.After a bruising encounter with Congress, America's Financial Accounting Sta ndards Board(FASB) rushed through rule changes. These gave banks more fre edom to use models to valueilliquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term assets in their income statement. Bob Herz, the FASB's chairman, cried out against those who “question ourmotives.” Yet bank share s rose and the changes enhance what one lobby group politely calls“the use of judgment by management.”European ministers instantly demanded that the International Accounting Sta ndards Board(IASB) do likewise. The IASB says it does not want to act withou t overall planning, but the pressure to fold when it completes it reconstruc tion of rules later this year is strong. CharlieMcCreevy, a European commissio ner, warned the IASB that it did “not live in a political vacuum”but “in the re al word” and that Europe could yet develop different rules.It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overv alued assets.Today they argue that market prices overstate losses, becausethey largely reflect the temporary illiquidity of markets, not the likely exten t of bad debts. The truth will not be knownfor years. But bank's shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical. And dead ma rkets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets forfear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to buy all those supposed bargains.To get the system working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with. A merica's new planto buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark ass ets to levels which buyers find attractive. Successful markets require indepe ndent and even combative standard-setters.The FASB and IASB have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions,for example, ag ainst hostility form special interests. But by giving in to critics now they are i nviting pressure to make more concessions.36. Bankers complained that they were forced to[A] follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules[B]collect payments from third parties[C]cooperate with the price managers[D]reevaluate some of their assets.37.According to the author , the rule changes of the FASB may result in[A]the diminishing role of management[B]the revival of the banking system[C]the banks' long-term asset losses[D]the weakening of its independence38.According to Paragraph 4, McCreevy objects to the IASB's attempt to[A]keep away from political influences.[B]evade the pressure from their peers.[C]act on their own in rule-setting.[D]take gradual measures in reform.39.The author thinks the banks were “on the wrong planet”in that they[A]misinterpreted market price indicators[B]exaggerated the real value of their assets[C]neglected the likely existence of bad debts.[D]denied booking losses in their sale of assets.40.The author's attitude towards standard-setters is one of[A]satisfaction.[B]skepticism.[C]objectiveness[D]sympathyPart BDirections:For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable paragraphs from the list A-G and fill them intothe numbered boxes to form a coherent text. Paragraph E h as been correctly placed. There isone paragraph which dose not fit in with th e text. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (10points)[A] The first and more important is the consumer's growing preference for e ating out; theconsumption of food and drink in places other than homes has ri sen from about 32 percent oftotal consumption in 1995 to 35 percent in 2000 and is expected to approach 38 percent by2005. This development is boosti ng wholesale demand from the food service segment by 4 to5 percent a year across Europe, compared with growth in retail demand of 1 to 2 percent.Me anwhile, as the recession is looming large, people are getting anxious. They t end to keep atighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realis tic alternative.[B] Retail sales of food and drink in Europe's largest markets are at a standsti ll, leavingEuropean grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow. Most le ading retailers have alreadytried e-commerce, with limited success, and ex pansion abroad. But almost all have ignoredthe big, profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade,which appears to b e just the kind of market retailers need.[C] Will such variations bring about a change in the overall structure of the f ood and drinkmarket? Definitely not. The functioning of the market is based o n flexible trends dominated by potential buyers. In other words, it is up to t he buyer, rather than the seller, to decide what tobuy .At any rate, this chang e will ultimately be acclaimed by an ever-growing number of both domesti c and international consumers, regardless of how long the current consumer pattern will take hold.[D] All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers could pro fitably apply their scale, existing infrastructure and proven skills in the manag ement of product ranges, logistics,and marketing intelligence. Retailers tha t master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe maywell expect to rake in su bstantial profits thereby. At least, that is how it looks as a whole.Closer ins pection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets, e speciallyin their customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics ofindividual food and drink categories. Big retailers mu st understand these differences beforethey can identify the segments of Eu ropean wholesaling in which their particular abilities mightunseat smaller but entrenched competitors. New skills and unfamiliar business models arenee ded too.[E] Despite variations in detail, wholesale markets in the countries that have been closelyexamined-France, Germany, Italy, and Spain-are made out of the same building blocks. Demandcomes mainly from two sources: independen t mom-and-pop grocery stores which, unlike large retail chains, are two small to buy straight from producers, and food service operators that cater to cons umers when they don't eat at home. Such food service operators range from snack machines to large institutional catering ventures, but most of these b usinesses areknown in the trade as “horeca”: hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Overall, Europe's wholesalemarket for food and drink is growing at the same sluggish pace as the retail market, but thefigures, when added together, m ask two opposing trends.[F] For example, wholesale food and drink sales come to $268 billion in Franc e, Germany, Italy,Spain, and the United Kingdom in 2000-more than 40 perc ent of retail sales. Moreover,average overall margins are higher in wholesal e than in retail; wholesale demand from the foodservice sector is growing qui ckly as more Europeans eat out more often; and changes in the competitive dynamics of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for whole salersto consolidate.[G] However, none of these requirements should deter large retailers (and e ven some largegood producers and existing wholesalers) from trying their ha nd, for those that master theintricacies of wholesaling in Europe stand to rea p considerable gains.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefullyand then translate the underlined segments i nto Chinese. Yourtranslation should bewritten clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10 points)One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on econom ic motives is thatmost members of the land community have no economic valu e. Yet these creatures aremembers of the biotic community and, if its stabil ity depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance.When one of these noneconomic categories is threatened and, if we happen t o love it, we invent excuses to give it economic importance. At the beginning of the century songbirds weresupposed to be disappearing.(46)Scientists ju m ped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that ins ects would eat us up if birds failed to control them. The evidence had to be e conomic in order to be valid.It is painful to read these roundabout accounts today. We have no land ethic yet,(47) but wehave at least drawn nearer the point of adm itting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absen ce of economic advantage to us.A parallel situation exists in respect of predatory mammals and fish-eating bi rds.(48) Timewas when biologists som ewhat overworked the evidence that these creatures preserve thehealth of game by killing the physically weak, or tha t they prey only on “worthless”species.Here again, the evidence had to b e economic in order to be valid. It is only in recent years thatwe hear the mor e honest argumentthat predators are members of the community, and that nospecial interest has the right to exte rminate the m f or the sake of a benef it, real or fancied, toitself.Some species of tree have been“read out of the party” by economics-minded foresters becausethey grow too slowly, or have too low a sale value to pay as timber crops.(49) In Europe,where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the noncommercial tree species are recognizedas members of native forest c ommunity, to be preserved as such, within reason. Moreover,some have be en found to have a valuable function in building up soil fertility. The interd ependence of the forest and its constit uent tree species, ground flora, and fauna istaken for granted.To sum up: a systemof conservation based solely on economic self-interest i s hopelesslylopsided.(50) It tends to ignore , and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements i n theland community that lack commercial value,but that are essential to its healthy functioning. Itassumes, falsely, that the economic parts of the bioti c clock will function without theuneconomic parts.Section III WritingPart A51. Directions:You are supposed to write for the Postgraduates' Associ ation a notice to recr uit volunteers foran international c onference on globalization. The notice sho uld include the basic qualificationsofapplicants and other information which yo u think is relevant.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own nam e at the end of the notice. Use "postgraduates' Ass ociation" instead. (10 points)Part B52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your ess ay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)Section I: Use of English (10 points)1. A2. B3. C4. B5. C6. B7. D8. A9. C10. D11. C12. A13. A14. D15. B16. A17. D18. C19. B20. DSection II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) Part A (40 points)21. B22. A23. D24. A25. B26. C27. D28. C29. B30. A31. B32. D33. A34. C35. C36. A37. D38. C39. B40. DPart B (10 points)41. B42. F43. D44. G45. APart C (10 points)46 . 科学家们赶紧拿出某些明显站不住脚的证据来补救,大致说的是如果鸟儿不能控制昆虫数量的话,昆虫就会把我们吃光。


2010年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语真题A卷Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points)Section A Dialogue CompletionDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1. Man: Jane, you don’t believe it. I won the lottery!Woman: ______.Man: No, it’s true. When I found out, I was shocked.A. So what?B. Does it really count?C. Are you putting me on?D. Imagine that!2. Man: It’s raining cats and dogs outside. Did you remember to bring the umbrella?Woman: Oops, ______.A. everything is fineB. you can count on meC. it’ll clear up soonD. it slipped my mind this morning3. Man: ______. How can I possibly review all this material by next week?Woman: Take it easy. I’ll help you with it.A. I’m going crazy!B. Can’t wait.C. I’m glad it’s finally over.D. What a load off!4. Man: Get a move on. We need to be at the airport in an hour.Woman: Come on! There’s plenty of time. Remember, we’re going on this trip to relax, ______.A. we’re in the same boatB. not the other way aroundC. so let’s goD. so forget it5. Wife: Can you come over here, please? Which one is better?Husband: ______.Wife: Come on, can’t you make up your mind for once?A. I have no ideaB. I have nothing more to say.C. I don’t careD. I don’t like itSection B Dialogue ComprehensionDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices give and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.6. Man: I heard you’ve got a wonderful job in a post office. How’s your new job going?Woman: I just feel like a fish out of water.Question: What does the woman feel about her new job?A. She is satisfied with it.B. She feels uncomfortable about it.C. She feels it’s her dream come true.D. She finds it demanding.7. Man: Hi, Linda, are you going to teach after you graduate from that university?Woman: Where did you get the idea like that?Question: What can be concluded about Linda?A. She has no desire to teach.B. She likes teaching very much.C. She has no idea about teaching.D. She may choose to teach.8. Man: Why, you have to ask your parents to pay your rent?Woman: Well, I am unable to make ends meet.Question: What do we know about the woman?A. She is unable to manage her money.B. She can’t get her parents to pay her rent.C. She can’t help her parents out.D. She is financially in trouble.9. Man: Ken and Sandra hope to sell their house for $3 million.Woman: Yeah, they always think big.Question: What does the woman think of Ken and Sandra’s plan?A. It’s worth a try.B. It’s realistic.C. It’s not going to work.D. It’s ridiculous.10. Man: Excuse me. Do you need some help?Woman: Well…I’m trying to get to the railway station, but I can’t make heads or tails of this ticket machine.Question: What is the woman’s problem?A. She doesn’t have the small change with her.B. She doesn’t know how to use the machine.C. She’s not sure how much the trip will cost.D. She’s unable to get the ticket in time.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.11. Discipline cannot be ____ until the last day of school has passed.A. lessenedB. reducedC. relaxedD. lowered12. Some people argue that ____ regulations for water pollution will drive up costs and put jobs at risk.A. firmB. tightC. tenseD. close13. To keep her job, she has to _____ the bad temper of her boss.A. put up withB. take up onC. make up forD. come up to14. Student journalists are taught how to be _____ when writing in a limited space.A. convincingB. briefC. appealingD. expressive15. The discussion was so _____ that at intervals the speakers stopped for refreshments.A. exhaustedB. exhaustingC. excitedD. exciting16. The popularity of these schools is growing steadily ______ their high tuition fees.A. instead ofB. in favor ofC. in spite ofD. in place of17. It is often not easy to _____ the marked generation gap which exists between the young and their elders.A. broadenB. breakC. bridgeD. build18. The drive from England to Scotland provides the tourists with many pleasant changes of _____.A. sceneryB. sightC. perspectiveD. scene19. This ambitious project, ____ scores of organizations around the world, will take at least ten years to be accomplished.A. indicatingB. composingC. containingD. involving20. Because of the popularity of the region, visitors are advised to book hotels ______.A. in orderB. in personC. in turnD. in advance21. He purposely ignored her call because he just didn’t feel like _____.A. disturbingB. to disturbC. being disturbedD. to be disturbed22. Do you really think Bill will help you write the report? Don’t count you chickens _____ they are hatched.A. asB. afterC. beforeD. while23. If you want a thing _____ well, do it yourself.A. doneB. doingC. to doD. being done24. The committee members agreed to proposal that the issue _____ to immediate voting.A. is to be putB. be putC. should putD. must be put25. So loudly ______ that even people in the next room could hear him.A. did he speakB. does he speakC. he spokeD. he speaks26. To master a foreign language like French requires hard work, so you _____ study too hard.A. shouldB. mustC. can’tD. may not27. Gaining a new customer costs ______ keeping an old one.A. as many as five timesB. five times as many asC. as much as five timesD. five times as much as28. People with glasses are perceived to be up to ten IQ points more intelligent than ______.A. those withoutB. that withoutC. these withoutD. one without29. Reading books, _______ takes the reader to other worlds, is a wonderful way to “escape”.A. thatB. whatC. asD. which30. Take 60mg up to four times a day, ______ advised otherwise by a doctor.A. ifB. untilC. thoughD. unlessPart Three Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are three passages and one table, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneThe rich have traditionally passed their wealth on to their children. But an increasing number of billionaires are choosing not to. The reason? They want their children to live on themselves—and not to turn into spoiled successors.Nicola Horlick or “supermum”, a famous British billionaire, owing to the fact that she has high-flying jobs and five kids –has spent her career making a reported £250m.She now seems determined to throw off large parts of it. She already gives away about 25% of her income each year, she has just revealed, in a report on the state of charity in the city, that she will not be leaving most of the remainder to her children. “I think it is wrong to give too much inherited wealth to children,” Horlick told the report’s authors.” I will not be leaving all my wealth to my children because that would just ruin their lives.”She is by no means the first to go public with this conviction. Bill Gates has put an estimated $30bn into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This was supplemented, in 2009, by another $24bn or so from his friend Warren Buffett.Buffett has always been colorful, quotably clear on where he stands. His daughter often tells a story of finding herselfwithout change for a car parking ticket-her father lent her $20 then promptly made her write him a check. “To suggest that the children of the wealthy should be just as wealthy,” he has said, “is like saying the members of America’s 2004 Olympic team should be made up only of the children of the 1980 Olympic team.”Anita Roddick, the late founder of the Body Shop, told her ki ds that they would not inherit one penny. The money that she made from the company would go into the Body Shop Foundation, which isn’t one of those awful tax shelters, like some in America. It just functions to take the money and give it away.31. The billionaires mentioned in the passage don’t want to leave much of their wealth to their children because____.A. they prefer to give their wealth to charityB. they want their business to go on healthilyC. they believe too much wealth will harm their childrenD. they hope their children can make money themselves32. What do we learn about Nicola Horlick?A. She has already given away about 25%of her wealth.B. She is the first one who declares to give away her wealth.C. She will leave only a small portion of her wealth to her kids.D. She inherited most of her wealth from her parents.33. Buffett distinguishes himself for______.A. his clear-cut positionB. being strict with his childrenC. his talent in financial managementD. being a giant in the stock market34. According to Buffett’s daughter, her father____.A. refuses to lend her moneyB. wants her to invest in the Olympic GamesC. never gives her more money than necessaryD. always makes sure that she returns his money35. It is implied in the last paragraph that some foundations are used by the rich to ____.A. provide shelter for the poorB. build good fameC. avoid paying taxD. support their businessPassage TwoIt is football time again. Currently, the qualifying rounds are being pl ayed to decide which countries will send teams to the 2010 World Cup. Some Soccer is becoming more and more popular on a worldwide scale and these qualifying legs are causing much excitement.The game is popular at club level as well. Many fans go every week to support their teams, whether the event is a home or away one, hoping to get a result. They all hope an attacking game, with a lot of goals being scored. Obviously, they do not want to see a boring, defensive match where the players are aimlessly passing the ball to each other.Sadly, not all the action always takes place on the ground. All too frequently, there is action in the stands, too. Football supporters, most of whom declare their loyalty by wearing their team colors, in the form of shirts, are not known for their quiet behavior. They are often very noisy, shouting noisy encouragement to their team and singing deafening songs.There is much rivalry between supporters. Mostly, this is good-natured, but trouble can easily arise. Fans gets angry if they feel that a referee has made a wrong decision, perhaps giving one of their team a red or yellow card unfairly, or perhaps failing to notice a foul(犯规) committed by a member of the other team.When trouble breaks out in a football crowd, it can be difficult to control. Stadium officials often seat the opposing fans in separate parts of the ground as a precaution against fighting. However, preventing trouble is more difficult outside the ground. In the worst cases, riot police have to be called in.Unfortunately, there are some fans who enjoy this violent aspect of football. These football hooligans(流氓) really enjoy a running battle with the police, and call up other people to throw stones and bottles at them. They regard football not as a sport, but as an excuse for trouble makings. Inevitably, their behavior spoils the reputation of the game.36. The qualifying rounds are played to_____.A. attract soccer fansB. select the best teams for the next roundsC. raise funds for the organizationD. decide which players are the best37. What do football fans hope to see?A. A home game.B. A defensive game.C. An evenly matched game.D. An exciting game.38. Fans get angry when they think____.A. the referee is unfairB. their team is losingC. their team is not playing wellD. there is an intentional foul39. Riot police are called in_____.A. to separate the opposing fans inside the groundB. as a precaution against trouble inside the groundC. to stop fighting occurring outside the groundD. as a precaution against fighting outside the ground40. It is implied in the last paragraph that_____.A. football fans enjoy spoiling gamesB. football hooligans are crazy about the gamesC. football can be an excuse for troublemakingD. football has a poor reputationPassage ThreeOur sense of smell, which we normally take for granted, is nowadays being increasingly used for purposes which might surprise us if we were aware of them. One area in which smells are created to achieve particular results is marketing. For some time manufacturers have taken advantage of our sense of smell with regard to household goods. Millions of dollars are spent on product research in the hunt for the right smell as it is believed perfume influences the way consumers perceive a brand. In a survey in the United States, when people were asked what was the most important factor in their choice of detergent(洗衣粉), smell was rated highly, above ingredients and price.Now stores are becoming even more direct in the use of smell. The smell of fresh bread in a supermarket tends to encourage people to buy, and people selling their houses are recommended to have coffee being heated when potential buyers arrive. Suddenly smell is becoming big business. One company specializing in the use of smells to attract consumers now has many large stores on its own list of customers. They find that when pleasant smells are filtered through a store’s air conditioning system, people tend to spend longer in the store and buy more.Research shows that smells can increase people’s view of a product. In a test, people looked at the same types of shoes in two rooms-one filled with purified air, the other with a smell of mixed flowers. 84% of the people preferred the shoes in the room with the smell of flowers. In fact, many said they would be prepared to pay up to US$ 10 more for a pair.Smells also have other potential uses. Some companies are experimenting with different smells to produce different effects in their workers according to the time of day. For example, early in the morning they might put the smell of lemon in the air conditioning system to wake people up. In the middle of the morning, when the atmosphere tends to become more tense, the smell of wood could be used to calm people down. Before lunchtime the smell of melting butter would encourage people to go to lunch on time. After lunch, when people often begin to lose concentration, the smell of mint(薄荷) would increase their alertness.41. Which is the most appropriate title for the passage?A. How to avoid being affected by smellsB. Using smells to influence peopleC. The power of our sense of smellD. New smells in supermarkets42. In the survey, when selecting detergent, people considered smell_____.A. not importantB. as important as priceC. less important than ingredientsD. more important than price43. To attract more customers, some large stores____.A. employ a company specializing in the use of smellsB. provide free coffee for themC. filter purified air through air conditioningD. decorate themselves with fresh flowers44. The majority of people in the test (Para.3) preferred______.A. the smell of shoes to that of flowersB. the smell of flowers to that of shoesC. the shoes in the room with purified airD. the shoes in the room with appealing smells45. To produce a calming effect, some companies use the smell of _____.A. lemonB. woodC. melting butterD. mintPassage FourThe First Rule of Finance is to live within your means by spending no more than 80% of your take-home pay. If you take home $100 per week, spend no more than $80.But ever look at what people spend their money on? I have relatives and friends deeply in debt, spending $12 for every $10 they earn instead of the $8 you know they should be spending. When I see them, they’re proud of their new whatever. “What do you think of my new truck?” asked one from the driver’s seat. “Do you like my new shoes?” asked another on high heels. “Check out my new big screen.” Said a third while holding the remote in his living room. We’ve all heard people fishing for compliments on their new toys.Every one of them was proud of what they’d financed. They seem to have bought it for the purpose of being proud, of showing off, of keeping up with the Joneses. “Look at my new …” is everybody’s favorite phrase, even when the object in question isn’t theirs at all and won’t be new when they’ve finally paid for it, if they ever do.They’re proud of being stupid. They think it’s cool to drive the financed car, wear the financed shoes, and watch the financed TV, but to smart people, whose opinions are the only ones we should respect, these people look dumb as rocks.The Joneses, nine times out of 10, are financially stupid. That’s why they have all that stuff, on borrowed money. Why try to copy them? Worse, why try to impress them? Copy and impress smart people, the ones who own their stuff. If you want to impress smart people, debt is the last way to go about it. Trying to impress a money-smart person by going into debt is like trying to impress Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps by drowning in a pool. Michael Phelps is impressed by good swimming and a money-smart person by good money management.46. According to the author, the new truck, shoes and big screen mentioned in Para. 2 are _____.A. indicators of wealthB. necessities to the buyersC. just a waste of moneyD. examples of showing off47. “… the object in question isn’t theirs” (Para. 3) means ______.A. it is bought for other peopleB. it is bought with loaned moneyC. it will finally be owned by the bankD. it will finally be owned by the buyers48. According to the author, buying new objects on borrowed money is ______.A. unwiseB. shamefulC. understandableD. impressive49. “Smart people” in the last paragraph refer to ______.A. clever businessmenB. people with high IQsC. fashionable wealthy peopleD. people good at money management50. The purpose of this passage is to ______.A. show sympathy with poor consumersB. criticize consumption of luxuriesC. advise people to become money-smartD. persuade people to keep off fashionsPart IV Cloze Test (15 minutes, 10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.There is one fairly standard reason why some thinkers regard the meaning-of-life question as being itself meaningless. They argue _51_ meaning is a matter of language, not objects. It is a _52_ of the way we talk about things, not a feature of things themselves, _53_ shape, weight or colour. A cabbage or a computer is not meaningful in itself; it becomes _54_ only by being caught up in our conversations. On this theory, we can make life _55_ by our talk about it; but it cannot have a meaning in itself, _56_ than a cloud can. It would not _57_ sense, for e xample, to speak of a cloud as being true or false. _58_, truth and falsehood are functions of our human judgments about clouds. However, there are problems with this argument, _59_ there are with most philosophical arguments. We shall be _60_ a few of them later on.51. A. that B. how C. if D. what52. A. means B. question C. problem D. method53. A. with B. for C. like D. as54. A. this B. that C. such D. so55. A. rich B. important C. meaningful D. colorful56. A. not more B. far more C. much more D. any more57. A. make B. bring C. take D. give58. A. Hence B. Rather C. Still D. Therefore59. A. when B. since C. as D. for60. A. writing about B. hunting for C. listening to D. looking atPart V Translation (30 minutes, 10 points)Directions: Translate the fo llowing passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.Human friends may come and go, but a horse could be one of your most loyal, long-term friends if you treat it right.Horses understand words better than expected, since horses can hear the human voice better than even dogs can, due to their particular range of hearing. And scientists predict that trainers could have greater success if they use more verbal commands in their horse training programs.Horses possess excellent memories, which allow horses to not only recall their human friends after a long period of separation but also to remember some complex human instructions for ten years or more. The bonds with humans are likely an extension of horse behavior in the wild, since horses value their own horse relatives and friends, and are also open to new, non-threatening acquaintances. Horses maintain long-term bonds with several members of their family group, but they also interact temporarily with members of other groups when forming herds.Part VI Writing (30minutes, 15 points)Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic of “The Country I Would Like to Visit”. You may base your composition on the clues given below:1. 如果有机会到国外度假两周, 你会选择哪个国家?2. 请至少给出三个理由。



2010年艺术硕士(MFA)联考A卷试题及答案发布者:goyea 发布时间:2010-10-30 2010年艺术硕士(MFA)联考A卷试题及答案.一、单项选择题1. 柏辽兹是欧洲音乐()时期的代表作家A. 古典主义B.文艺复兴C.巴洛克时期D.浪漫主义2. 交响诗的创作者是作曲家()。
A.贝多芬B.布拉姆斯C.肖邦D.李斯特3. 管弦乐《台湾舞曲》是我国作曲家()的代表作A. 江文也B.聂耳C.贺绿汀D.谭盾4.《乐记》是我国古代()家音乐思想之集大成。
A.江苏B.四川C.浙江D.山西6、《松花江上》词曲作者是()A.张寒晖B.李焕之C.孟波D.冼星海7、《伽利略传》的作者是()A.歌德B.席勒C.霍普特曼D.布莱希特8、被誉为启蒙主义最杰出的现实主义戏剧家的是()A. 哥尔多尼B.哥戚C. 盖伊D.伏尔泰9、()是德国戏剧家席勒的作品A.《一仆二主》B. 《费加罗的婚礼》C.《阴谋与爱情》 D《梅兰尼德10、()是老舍先生的作品A.《名优之死》B. 《茶馆》C. 《屈原》D.《上海屋檐下11、1907年欧阳予倩等人在日本成立了名为()的剧团A. 春柳社B. 春阳社C. 民众戏剧社D.辛酉剧社12、欧洲17世纪末时古典主义戏剧运动缘起于()A. 英国B.德国C. 法国D.意大利13、被周恩来总理称为“中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶”的剧目是()A.《西厢记》B.《虹桥赠珠》C.《梁山伯与祝英台》D.《刘海砍樵》14、《大面》《钵头》《踏摇娘》是南北朝、隋唐以来民间歌舞中著名的(15、中国传统戏曲的表演体系的专称是().A.戏剧 B.中国戏剧 C.戏曲 D.传奇16、宋代苏轼有“诗云”搬演古人的出入鬼门道,鬼门道是指()A.上下场口 B.九龙口 C.花道 D.后台17、清代李斗在《清代画舫录》中记述了当时昆剧的行当,分别为“副来,老生,正生,老外,大面,二面,三面,老旦,正旦,小旦,贴旦,杂”这通常被称为()A.十二角色 B.昆曲家门 C.江湖行甬 D.江湖十二角色18、下面演员属于“老生之杰”的是()A.谭鑫培 B.程长庚 C.王桂芬 D刘鸿声19、人体工程学的核心是解决()之间关系的问题A.人与人 B.人与物质及环境 C.物与物 D.人与自然20、人类设计活动的目的,是使产品最大限度的满足人的()需要)A.个性追求 B.主观愿望 C.精神寄托 D.生理和心理21、现代设计被视为解决功能,创造市场()和改变行为的手段A.影响社会B.决定消费C.适应潮流D.扩大生产22、第二次世界大战后,各国为开始发展()而发展具有自己特色的工业设计A.工业B.生产C.文化D.经济.23、唐三彩是在素烧的胎上实施()A.手工刻划装饰B.低温铅釉装饰C.高温色料装饰D.人工绘画装饰24、产品设计的()集中体现在适用性,工艺性和审美表现三个方面A.团队B.价值C.程序D.品牌25、“身轻若飞燕,能做掌上舞“描述的是古代舞蹈家()的舞蹈功力和神姿A.西施B.杨贵妃C.赵飞燕D.李群玉26、台湾林怀民云门舞蹈团之“云门”取自我国()礼乐中的乐舞之名A.明代B.周代C.唐代D.宋代27、()我国汉族民进舞蹈形式A.龙舞B.果卓C.圈舞D.手鼓舞28、现代舞创始人伊莎多拉邓肯,强调()的原理A.优律动B.平衡C.自然动作D.身心活动29、芭蕾舞在20世纪传入中国,主要接受了()舞蹈学派的影响与熏陶A.匈牙利B.英国C.法国D.俄罗斯30、在影像世界中,“特写”主要是指()A.整个人的全部身体B.人的整体和周围全貌C.肩部以上头像和被摄体局部D.膝盖以上或场景局部31、电影的物质基础包括三个层面:透视成像、视觉暂留和()A.色彩多样B.视听融合C.多重声效D.画框限定32、电影中的“拉镜头”是指()-A.摄影机沿着光轴方向后移拍摄B.摄影机沿着水平方向运动拍摄C.摄影机在空间中上下运动拍摄D.摄影机向被拍摄逐渐靠近33、在电影中,“声画对立”指镜头中声音所负载的信息与画面呈现的信息之间()的相互关系A.内容与情绪上一致B.声音与画面协调C.内容与情绪上不一致D.声音消失画面突出34、20世纪50年代法国著名的“新浪潮”主要代表人物是()A.格里菲斯B.爱森斯坦C.梅里爱D.巴赞35、在电影中平行蒙太奇是指()A.两条或两条以上不同时间空间的情节线索并列出现、分别叙述B.两条或两条以上不同时间空间的情节线索交叉出现、顺序叙述C.按照事件发生的逻辑顺序连续叙述D.按照事件发生的反向逻辑分别叙述36、根据四大名著改编的电视剧,最先于1985年播出的是()A《红楼梦》 B.《水浒传》 C.《三国演义》 D.《西游记》37、数字化电视始于()A.20世纪70年代B. 20世纪80年代C. 20世纪90年代D.20世纪初38、影视画面中的“低调”摄影指()A.画面光比弱B.画面反差小C.画面深色暗调D.画面曝光不足39、3D电视主要是()A.高清晰度电视B.三维立体图形电视C.宽屏幕电视D.手机电视.40、文同的代表作是()A.《寒雀图》B.《五马图》C.《墨竹图》D.《太白行吟图》41、《鹊华秋色图》是()的杰作A. 赵孟頫B. 李唐C. 石涛D.王蒙42、董源是()的重要山水画家A. 唐代B.宋代C. 东晋 D 北齐43、罗丹代表作之一是()A. 《播种者》B.《打石工》C. 《地中海》 D《思想者》44、夏凡纳是()的代表画家A. 印象主义B. 表现主义C. 象征主义 D达达主义二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共16分。

2010年全国硕士英语试卷解析Analysis of the 2010 National Master English TestThe National Master English Test is a crucial examination for graduate students in China. In 2010, the test was held on a large scale, and examinees across the country took it to assess their English proficiency. The test consists of reading comprehension, listening comprehension, translation, and writing sections. Let's delve into each section to understand the difficulty level and key points of the 2010 test.Reading Comprehension:The reading comprehension section in the 2010 test was notably challenging. It featured passages covering a wide range of topics, such as technology, culture, history, and literature. Examinees needed to have a strong grasp of vocabulary and the ability to infer information from the text. Some questions required critical thinking skills to analyze the author's perspective or identify the main idea of the passage. Time management was crucial in this section, as there were multiple passages to read and answer questions within a limited time frame.Listening Comprehension:The listening comprehension section in the 2010 test was designed to assess examinees' ability to understand spoken English in various contexts. Examinees listened to recordings of conversations, lectures, and interviews, then answered questions based on what they heard. The recordings varied in speed and accent, challenging examinees to focus and comprehend different speech patterns. It was essential for examinees to listen carefully, take notes, and pay attention to key details to score well in this section.Translation:The translation section in the 2010 test required examinees to translate English sentences into Chinese accurately. The sentences covered a range of topics, including business, science, and everyday situations. Examinees needed to demonstrate a strong command of both English and Chinese language structures to convey the meaning effectively. Additionally, cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions posed a challenge for examinees to accurately translate the sentences.Writing:The writing section in the 2010 test tested examinees' ability to express their ideas clearly and coherently in English. Examinees were given prompts on various topics, such as currentevents, social issues, or personal experiences, and were required to write essays within a specified time limit. It was essential for examinees to organize their ideas logically, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and provide examples to support their arguments in this section.Overall, the 2010 National Master English Test was a comprehensive assessment of examinees' English proficiency. It required strong language skills, critical thinking abilities, and effective communication skills to perform well. Examinees needed to prepare thoroughly by practicing reading, listening, translation, and writing to succeed in the test. By analyzing the difficulty level and key points of each section, examinees could focus on improving their weaknesses and enhancing their overall performance in the test.。

2010年专升本(艺术概论)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 2. 简答题 3. 作品赏析题 4. 论述题选择题每小题2分。
1.图1中的绘画作品是A.《洛神赋图》B.《女史箴图》C.《步辇图》D.《历代帝王图》正确答案:A2.雕塑选用的材料直接决定着作品的质感,米洛斯岛的《维纳斯像》所用的材质是( )A.青铜B.大理石C.陶D.木正确答案:B3.按照艺术形态的物质存在方式与审美意识物态化的内容特征分类,音乐属于( )A.造型艺术B.实用艺术C.表情艺术D.综合艺术正确答案:C4.宫廷乐舞《霓裳羽衣舞》产生的时代是( )A.汉朝B.唐朝C.宋朝D.元朝正确答案:B5.下列人物中,不属于北宋书法四大家的是( )A.苏轼B.黄庭坚C.米芾D.赵佶正确答案:D6.中国的山水画在隋代取得很大发展,画作《游春图》的作者是( ) A.展子虔B.阎立本C.顾恺之D.张择端正确答案:A7.被称为“圆舞曲之王”的奥地利作曲家是( )A.莫扎特B.舒伯特C.约翰.施特劳斯D.德沃夏克正确答案:C8.下列芭蕾剧作品中,属于俄国古典芭蕾传统剧目的是( ) A.《葛蓓利娅》B.《仙女》C.《吉赛尔》D.《天鹅湖》正确答案:D9.古希腊喜剧的代表作家是( )A.埃斯库罗斯B.索福克勒斯C.欧里庇得斯D.阿里斯托芬正确答案:D10.下列画家中,属于“扬州八怪”的是( )A.郑板桥B.唐寅C.石涛D.朱耷正确答案:A11.下列音乐作品中,由贝多芬创作的是( )A.《第三交响曲(英雄)》B.《e小调第九交响曲(自新大陆)》C.《(威廉.退尔)序曲》D.《如歌的行板》正确答案:A12.被列入世界人类口头与非物质文化遗产的剧种是( )A.京剧B.越剧C.昆曲D.豫剧正确答案:C13.电视在当代艺术传播活动中作用突出,它属于艺术传播诸要素中的( )A.传播媒介B.传播内容C.传播主体D.传播效果正确答案:A14.巴黎圣母院的建筑风格属于( )A.巴罗克式B.洛可可式C.拜占庭式D.哥特式正确答案:D15.影片《乱世佳人》女主人公的扮演者是著名影星( )A.奥黛丽.赫本B.费雯.丽C.葛丽泰.嘉宝D.英格丽.褒曼正确答案:B16.下列选项中,属于汉族民间舞蹈形式的是( )A.芦笙舞B.锅庄C.长鼓舞D.绸舞正确答案:D17.莎士比亚剧作《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是( )A.喜剧B.正剧C.悲剧D.悲喜剧正确答案:C18.诗句“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”出自( )A.《北朝民歌》B.《离骚》C.《古诗十九首》D.《诗经》正确答案:B19.武侠小说是我国历史悠久的通俗文学类型,《射雕英雄传》的作者是( )A.梁羽生B.金庸C.古龙D.温瑞安正确答案:B20.在艺术创作中,艺术家思想倾向、审美观念、创作手法相近或相似,从而形成( )A.艺术思潮B.艺术意蕴C.艺术流派D.艺术风格正确答案:C简答题每小题10分。

31、电影的物质基础包括三个层面:透视成像、视觉暂留和()A.色彩多样B.视听融合C.多重声效D.画框限定32、电影中的"拉镜头"是指()A.摄影机沿着光轴方向后移拍摄B.摄影机沿着水平方向运动拍摄C.摄影机在空间中上下运动拍摄D.摄影机向被拍摄逐渐靠近33、在电影中,"声画对立"指镜头中声音所负载的信息与画面呈现的信息之间()的相互关系A.内容与情绪上一致B.声音与画面协调C.内容与情绪上不一致D.声音消失画面突出34、20世纪50年代法国的"新浪潮"主要代表人物是()A.格里菲斯B.爱森斯坦C.梅里爱D.巴赞35、在电影中平行蒙太奇是指()A.两条或两条以上不同时间空间的情节线索并列出现、分别叙述B.两条或两条以上不同时间空间的情节线索交叉出现、顺序叙述C.按照事件发生的逻辑顺序连续叙述D.按照事件发生的反向逻辑分别叙述36、根据四大名著改编的电视剧,最先于1985年播出的是()A《红楼梦》B.《水浒传》C.《三国演义》D.《西游记》37、数字化电视始于()A.20世纪70年代B. 20世纪80年代C. 20世纪90年代D.20世纪初38、影视画面中的"低调"摄影指()A.画面光比弱B.画面反差小C.画面深色暗调D.画面曝光不足39、3D电视主要是()A.高清晰度电视B.三维立体图形电视C.宽屏幕电视D.手机电视40、文同的代表作是()A.《寒雀图》B.《五马图》C.《墨竹图》D.《太白行吟图》41、《鹊华秋色图》是()的杰作A. 赵孟頫B. 李唐C. 石涛D.王蒙42、董源是()的重要山水画家A. 唐代B.宋代C. 东晋D 北齐43、罗丹代表作之一是()A. 《播种者》B.《打石工》C. 《地中海》D《思想者》44、夏凡纳是()的代表画家A. 印象主义B. 表现主义C. 象征主义D达达主义二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共16分。
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A江苏B四川C浙江D山西6、《松花江上》词曲作者是()A张寒晖B李焕之C孟波D冼星海7、《伽利略传》的作者是()A歌德B席勒C霍普特曼D布莱希特8、被誉为启蒙主义最杰出的现实主义戏剧家的是()A. 哥尔多尼B. 哥戚C. 盖伊D. 伏尔泰9、()是德国戏剧家席勒的作品。
A. 《一仆二主》B. 《费加罗的婚礼》C. 《阴谋与爱情》D. 《梅兰尼德》10、()是老舍先生的作品。
A. 《名优之死》B. 《茶馆》C. 《屈原》D. 《上海屋檐下》11、1907年欧阳予倩等人在日本成立了名为()的剧团。
A.春柳社B.春阳社C.民众戏剧社D. 辛酉剧社12、欧洲17世纪末时古典主义戏剧运动缘起于()A.英国B.德国C.法国D. 意大利13、被周恩来总理称为“中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶”的剧目是()A. 《西厢记》B. 《虹桥赠珠》C. 《梁山伯与祝英台》D. 《刘海砍樵》14、《大面》《钵头》《路摇娘》是南北朝、隋唐以来民间歌舞中著名的(0A.歌舞戏B.滑稽戏C.参军戏D. 相像声15、中国传统戏曲的表演体系的专称是()A.戏剧B.中国戏剧C.戏曲D. 传奇16、宋代苏轼有“诗云”搬演古人的出入鬼门道,鬼门道是指()A.上下场口B.九龙口C.花道D. 后台17、清代李斗在《清代画舫录》中记述了当时昆剧的行当,分别为“副来,老生,正生,老外,大面,二面,三面,老旦,正旦,小旦,贴旦,杂”这通常被称为()A.十二角色B.昆曲家门C.江湖行甬D.江湖十二角色18、下面演员属于“老生之杰”的是()A.谭鑫培B.程长庚C.王桂芬D刘鸿声19、人体工程学的核心是解决()之间关系的问题A.人与人B.人与物质及环境C.物与物D.人与自然20、人类设计活动的目的,是使产品最大限度的满足人的()需要A.个性追求B.主观愿望C.精神寄托D.生理和心理21、现代设计被视为解决功能,创造市场()和改变行为的手段A.影响社会B.决定消费C.适应潮流D.扩大生产22、第二次世界大战后,各国为开始发展()而发展具有自己特色的工业设计A.工业B.生产C.文化D.经济23、唐三彩是在素烧的胎上实施()A.手工刻划装饰B. .低温铅釉装饰C.高温色料装饰D.人工绘画装饰24、产品设计的()集中体现在适用性,工艺性和审美表现三个方面A.团队B.价值C.程序D.品牌25、“身轻若飞燕,能做掌上舞”描述的是古代舞蹈家()的舞蹈功力和神姿A.西施B.杨贵妃C.赵飞燕D.李群玉26、台湾林怀民云门舞蹈团之“云门”取自我国()礼乐中的乐舞之名A.明代B.周代C.唐代D.宋代27、()我国汉族民进舞蹈形式A.龙舞B.果卓C.圈舞D.手鼓舞28、现代舞创始人伊莎多拉邓肯,强调()的原理A.优律动B.平衡C.自然动作D.身心活动29、芭蕾舞在20世纪传入中国,主要接受了()舞蹈学派的影响与熏陶A.匈牙利B.英国C.法国D.俄罗斯30、在影像世界中,“特写”主要是指()A.整个人的全部身体B.人的整体和周围全貌C.肩部以上头像和被摄体局部D.膝盖以上或场景局部。
31、电影的物质基础包括三个层面:透视成像、视觉暂留和()A.色彩多样B.视听融合C.多重声效D.画框限定32、电影中的“拉镜头”是指()A.摄影机沿着光轴方向后移拍摄B.摄影机沿着水平方向运动拍摄C.摄影机在空间中上下运动拍摄D.摄影机向被拍摄逐渐靠近33、在电影中,“声画对立”指镜头中声音所负载的信息与画面呈现的信息之间()的相互关系A.内容与情绪上一致B.声音与画面协调C.内容与情绪上不一致D.声音消失画面突出34、20世纪50年代法国著名的“新浪潮”主要代表人物是()A.格里菲斯B.爱森斯坦C.梅里爱D.巴赞35、在电影中平行蒙太奇是指()A.两条或两条以上不同时间空间的情节线索并列出现、分别叙述B.两条或两条以上不同时间空间的情节线索交叉出现、顺序叙述C.按照事件发生的逻辑顺序连续叙述D.按照事件发生的反向逻辑分别叙述36、根据四大名著改编的电视剧,最先于1985年播出的是()A《红楼梦》B.《水浒传》C.《三国演义》D.《西游记》37、数字化电视始于()A.20世纪70年代B. 20世纪80年代C. 20世纪90年代D.20世纪初38、影视画面中的“低调”摄影指()A.画面光比弱B.画面反差小C.画面深色暗调D.画面曝光不足39、3D电视主要是()A.高清晰度电视B.三维立体图形电视C.宽屏幕电视D.手机电视40、文同的代表作是()A.《寒雀图》B.《五马图》C.《墨竹图》D.《太白行吟图》41、《鹊华秋色图》是()的杰作A. 赵孟頫B. 李唐C. 石涛D.王蒙42、董源是()的重要山水画家A. 唐代B.宋代C. 东晋D 北齐43、罗丹代表作之一是()A. 《播种者》B.《打石工》C. 《地中海》D《思想者》44、夏凡纳是()的代表画家A. 印象主义B. 表现主义C. 象征主义D达达主义二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共16分。
以下各题5个选项中,至少有2个选项正确)45、下列作品中,()是作曲家马思聪创作的作品A. 小提琴曲《思乡曲》B.歌剧《热碧亚》C. 歌曲《大刀进行曲》D.歌剧《白毛女》E、歌曲《中国少年儿童队队歌》46、立体主义绘画的代表性人物有()A. 布勒东B.毕加索C. 布拉克D.康定斯基E.皮卡比亚47、戏剧的特性有()A. 假定性B. 戏剧情境C. 戏剧冲突D.动作本质论E、剧场性48、下列剧目中,取材于《红楼梦》戏曲作品是()A. 《俊袭人》B. 《黛玉葬花》C. 《双下山》D.《贵妃醉酒》E.《花田错》49、流传于中国民间舞蹈中的“跑旱船”又称为()A. 龙船B. 踩船C. 船灯D. 采莲船E、跑船50、景观设计所蕴含的内容涉及到()几方面A. 美术与建筑B. 各种器物与用具C. 展品与道具D园林与城市规划E.布局与装饰51、广播电视节目制作的前期工作主要是()A.策划B. 编辑C.剪辑D.采录E.合成52、一般认为电影的功能包含()。
参考答案:单选:1-5 DDABC 6-10 ADACB11-15 ACCAC16-20ADBBB 21-25 CDBBC 26-30BACDC 31-35BACDA36-40DCCAC41-44AADC多选:45-50ABE BC BCD ABA BD AD51-52ABC ABDE主观题(A组)A组:1、简述艺术创作和表演中抵制“三俗”对弘扬先进文化和建设社会主义精神文明的重要;答题四要点。